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This boy was found on a very muddy ground and had a lot of dirt stuck to it, some remained in some spots where the bone is more porous and I didn't want to clean it too much. It stayed long enough in the hydrogen peroxide to remove all the organic dirt of it and I like that more natural look in my pieces.
He looks pretty much like a boxer or a boxer mix to me, notice the malocclusion of the jaw!
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Post canceled turns out I have a new dentist and as she went on explaining all the ways my mandible is fucked all I could do was nod and think abt how pretty her eyes are
It's currently 6:28 in the morning and I'm pissed off because I've got an appointment at 2:30 pm therefore it feels like my entire day has to be put on hold
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Comment a-t-on pu en arriver là ? À mesure que l’on feuillette la bande dessinée, la question se répète, s’amplifie, jusqu’à former une tornade d’incompréhension. Dans Spirou et la Gorgone bleue, paru en septembre 2023 aux éditions Dupuis, certains personnages noirs ressemblent à des singes. D’autres cochent toutes les cases des caricatures racistes : une peau noir foncé, des lèvres surdimensionnées d’une couleur rosée et, parfois, des grandes mains et une mâchoire prognathe.
Les représentations s’étalent sur des dizaines de pages et pourtant, l’œuvre a été relue, éditée et diffusée massivement en France et en Belgique depuis un an. Le synopsis de l’album tient en quelques mots : Spirou et Fantasio traquent une bande d’écoterroristes en lutte contre la malbouffe. Leur enquête les mène sur un porte-avions de l’armée américaine, subtilement baptisé USS Obama, dont les militaires poursuivent aussi les militantes écolos. À bord de l’USS Obama, tout le personnel est noir. Ou plutôt, « furtif », comme l’affirme en riant l’amirale Denzelle Jackson à bord, une grosse femme noire aux immenses lèvres roses et au cou poilu.
Au téléphone, le dessinateur de l’album, Dany, tente de nous expliquer la « blague » : « On a repeint le porte-avions avec une couleur noire, qui lui permet de ne pas être décelé par les radars. C’est un navire “furtif”. La dimension furtive est amusante. D’ailleurs, la pacha [commandante du navire – ndlr] dit en rigolant que tout le personnel est furtif. Ils sont tous blacks ! [sic] C’est ça qui amusait beaucoup le scénariste et qui m’a fait rire aussi. C’était une bonne trouvaille, un équipage complètement noir... »
Mais depuis quelques jours, une foule de nouveaux lecteurs et lectrices est loin de partager ce point de vue. « Quand j’ai découvert les dessins, j’ai eu l’impression que c’étaient des animaux qui étaient dessinés, et non des humains », s’étonne le blogueur Seumboy.
« Retrait de l’ouvrage »
Le militant antiraciste a, comme beaucoup d’internautes, découvert l’existence de Spirou et la Gorgone bleue après qu’une Française a diffusé une courte vidéo sur TikTok, le 29 octobre. « Je tiens entre mes mains une des BD les plus racistes de 2024 », présente-t-elle en feuilletant les pages de l’album, paru en réalité un an plus tôt. Sa vidéo est reprise sur d’autres réseaux sociaux, cumule rapidement des centaines de milliers de vues et génère des trombes de commentaires indignés.
Contactées par Mediapart, les éditions Dupuis ont répondu ce jeudi par voie de communiqué, actant que « les prises de parole se multiplient pour exprimer la colère ressentie devant la représentation des personnes noires et des femmes » dans l’œuvre mise en cause.
« Nous sommes profondément désolés si cet album a pu choquer et blesser. Cet album s’inscrit dans un style de représentation caricatural hérité d’une autre époque. Plus que jamais conscients de notre devoir moral et de l’importance que représente la bande dessinée en tant qu’éditeur et plus largement le livre dans l’évolution des sociétés, nous prenons en ce jour la pleine responsabilité de cette erreur d’appréciation. C’est pourquoi nous tenons à présenter nos plus sincères excuses. »
La maison explique avoir « mis en œuvre le retrait de l’ouvrage de l’ensemble des points de vente ». L’album se serait toutefois très bien vendu ces 13 derniers mois, selon le dessinateur Dany, qui nous informe qu’elle aurait même été réimprimée. Elle avait été tirée en septembre 2023 à 22 000 exemplaires, apprend-on sur le site BDZoom.
L’univers de Spirou, popularisé par Franquin, est dense. D’un côté s’égraine, depuis les années 1950, la saga officielle des Aventures de Spirou et Fantasio,dont le 57e numéro est paru cet automne. De l’autre, une série dérivée« Le Spirou de... »permet à la maison d’édition de décliner la franchise en demandant à des dessinateurs de réinterpréter le célèbre héros à leur sauce.
C’est là que Yann et Dany entrent en scène. Le premier est scénariste de BD, l’autre auteur et dessinateur. À 81 ans, Dany est un incontournable du neuvième art belge, qui fait vivre depuis cinquante ans les aventuresd’Olivier Rameau, un héros rêveur et son acolyte féminine hypersexualisée en robe courte, Colombe Tiredaile. Il y a huit ans, les éditions Dupuis sont venues le chercher pour développer ce nouveau Spirou, raconte-t-il dans une interview accordée aux Amis de la BD en 2023.
Le processus de création a visiblement pris du temps. L’éditeur qui avait démarché Dany est remplacé en 2020 par un autre, plus jeune, qui se serait alarmé en voyant la tête de certains personnages. « Le nouvel éditeur m’a dit : “Tu sais, on ne peut plus dessiner les Noirs comme ça.” Alors j’ai changé, on a refait pas mal de visages… Mais apparemment pas suffisamment », explique Dany à Mediapart.
La bande dessinée que l’on connaît aujourd’hui aurait donc déjà fait l’objet de modifications. C’est ce qu’a confirmé Julie Durot, la directrice générale de Dupuis depuis 2021, au Parisien ce jeudi : « Le contrat a été signé il y a plus de dix ans, par des gens qui ne sont plus aux commandes. Depuis mon arrivée, nous avons à plusieurs reprises demandé des modifications à son dessinateur, Dany. C’est un homme de plus de 80 ans : il ne voyait pas en quoi ces dessins, qui sont des caricatures, étaient choquants. Nous avons sans doute commis une erreur en acceptant de la publier. »
« On peut se demander pourquoi l’éditeur a quand même publié l’album alors qu’il ne semblait pas satisfait. Refuser d’éditer ce Spirou aurait été à perte, mais cela aurait évité une grosse polémique »,souligne Lloyd Chéry, rédacteur en chef adjoint de Métal hurlant, un magazine de référence sur l’univers de la BD.
Peu de remise en question
Auprès de Mediapart, le dessinateur alterne aujourd’hui entre excuses et justifications. « S’il faut retenir quelque chose, c’est que je suis désolé si j’ai pu blesser certaines personnes, africaines ou pas [sic]», insiste celui qui se dit « interloqué » par les réactions. « J’ai peut-être un peu forcé la main, peut-être que j’ai fait une erreur… Cela dit, l’album est sorti en septembre 2023, jusqu’ici, je n’ai eu aucune critique. »
Dany défend la « caricature » qui, « par définition, consiste à forcer le trait ». Et d’expliquer un raisonnement à faire s’évanouir des militants antiracistes : « Il est évident que la plupart des Africains, enfin presque tous d’ailleurs, ont des lèvres plus épaisses, plus grosses que les Blancs, c’est un fait. Ça fait partie de la caricature. »
Il mentionne ensuite les protagonistes blancs, qu’il considère également avoir « caricaturé » : « Il y en a un qui ressemble à Trump, ce n’est pas particulièrement gentil non plus… Et puis à ce moment-là, j’aurais aussi dû refaire le nez de Fantasio aussi ? », ajoute-t-il à propos de l’acolyte de Spirou.
Il admet toutefois : « J’aurais dû faire gaffe à ne pas dessiner les Noirs comme dans les années 1960 ou 1980, c’est sans doute vrai [...], mais je voulais me rapprocher de l’univers de Spirou. Mon modèle absolu, c’est Franquin, c’est le genre de dessins qu’il faisait. J’en suis vraiment désolé et je voudrais présenter toutes mes excuses à ceux que j’aurais pu blesser, car c’est totalement involontaire. J’ai peut-être beaucoup de défauts, mais je ne suis pas raciste, ça, c’est certain. »
Un blog qui en dit long
Sur le blog professionnel de Dany, on retrouve pourtant une autre publication, preuve d’une inclination à déshumaniser les personnes noires, qui n’est pas propre à la BD de Spirou. Le dessin montre, d’un côté, les deux personnages blancs créés par Dany, le fameux Olivier Rameau et son amie, s’opposer à un groupe de cinq personnes racisées. « Ça ne va pas être facile de les intégrer, ces deux-là », soupire un protagoniste noir aux airs de singe, avec de grandes oreilles, une grande bouche, un « museau » brun, entouré d’autres personnages racisés. Comme si les personnes blanches, devenues minoritaires, étaient victimes de discriminations, dans une sorte de mise en abyme de la théorie raciste du « grand remplacement ».
Le blog regorge également de dessins de femmes nues ou hypersexualisées, comme c’est le cas dans Spirou et la Gorgone bleue. Une autre planche, signée Dany et Tibet, montre un homme qui tabasse une travailleuse du sexe.
« Quand on fait un tour sur le blog de Dany, on se rend bien compte qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une erreur de jeunesse, mais d’une prise de position politique dont il est coutumier, remarque Seumboy, créateur et animateur du site de vulgarisation de l’histoire coloniale Histoires Crépues. Le message qu’il essaye de délivrer, c’est que les personnes noires prennent trop de pouvoir aux États-Unis et que si l’on n’y prend pas garde, la société multiculturaliste américaine va arriver chez nous en Europe. »
Aux origines de l’esthétique coloniale de la BD franco-belge
Celui que Dany présente comme son modèle, l’iconique dessinateur franco-belge André Franquin, créateur du Marsupilami et illustrateur régulier des aventures de Spirou et Fantasio, avait lui-même une façon bien particulière de crayonner les personnages noirs.
Dans Spirou chez les Pygmées, paru pour la première fois en 1949, l’auteur de BD met en scène des personnages noirs… dont on découvre qu’ils sont en réalité « des bruns qui ne se sont jamais lavés », dixit Spirou, en nettoyant au savon un enfant noir. Une illustration qui préfigurait les spots télés pour détergents qui « lavaient plus blanc que blanc » et qu’on illustrait d’un Africain dont les membres ressortaient du bain dépigmentés. Dans un livre d’entretien, exhumé par le journaliste spécialiste Jérôme Lachasse, Franquin se défendait de tout racisme et expliquait caricaturer les Blancs comme les Noirs.
Pourtant, dans les dessins de Dany, comme dans ceux de son illustre inspirateur Franquin, les personnages blancs ne sont pas ou peu caricaturés, et souvent dépeints sous les traits d’aventuriers en quête de frissons et d’exotisme, ont des physiques avantageux et diversifiés, quand les personnages noirs sont souvent primitifs et présentent des physiques très homogènes.
« Convoquer cet imaginaire colonial, c’est aussi faire preuve de paresse artistique, déplore Laura Nsafou, écrivaine et bédéiste afroféministe. Là où on va se poser la question de varier les physiques pour les personnages blancs, on va uniformiser le corps noir, sans jamais essayer de rendre compte des différentes carnations ou textures de cheveux. Plutôt que de faire ça, on va reprendre des attributs racistes, rappelant les singes. »
L’histoire de la bande dessinée franco-belge recèle en réalité beaucoup de ces représentations stéréotypées, reprenant l’esthétique coloniale des pubs Banania, donnant aux personnages noirs des traits indiscernables de ceux des primates et les campant dans des rôles secondaires de faire-valoir humoristiques, imbéciles et dociles. Les protagonistes noirs évoluent fréquemment dans des contextes de guerre, d’esclavage ou de ségrégation raciale, et n’occupent que très rarement les rôles principaux.
L’exemple le plus mémorable reste le numéro de Tintin au Congo, où l’on suit le reporter à houppette déjouant les pièges d’une bande de gangsters qui cherchent à mettre la main sur la production de diamants au Congo. Cette bande dessinée était le reflet de l’esprit paternaliste de la Belgique colonialiste du début des années 1930. Et presque cent ans plus tard, les planches de Hergé continuent de nourrir l’inspiration et les préjugés racistes de bédéistes contemporains.
Plusieurs spécialistes et acteurs de la bande dessinée relèvent la responsabilité de l’éditeur d’avoir validé, après réunion du comité éditorial, une telle publication. Mais ils saluent la décision rare de retirer des ventes le numéro et invitent à saisir cette occasion pour amorcer une réflexion plus large. « Il est nécessaire que les maisons d’édition de bande dessinée soutiennent d’autres narrations et proposent des récits actuels et respectueux des personnes noires, avec des protagonistes de différentes carnations, qui vivent à Paris, et qui ressemblent aux gens qu’on voit dans la rue et dans le métro », milite Laura Nsafou, elle-même autrice de plusieurs BD qui mettent en scène des personnages racisés.
Marie Turcan et Yunnes Abzouz
#article copié en entier car réservé aux abonné-es#très intéressant. ce vieux raciste de merde devrait prendre sa retraite il n'a plus sa place dans ce monde#french#upthebaguette#BD#bande dessinée#BD franco-belge#spirou#spirou et fantasio#bee tries to talk#racism#antiblack racism#misogyny
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technically, yknow, yada yada there isn't so much need for jaw prognathism cuz tools. but maybe there's an extra need for a big jaw in zebraelves since when they're walking octopodally across branches they need to hold their things in their mouth since their "arms" are busy stabilizing them. for zebramen.... uh....... maybe they just lost beefy jaw muscles instead of their jaw going in. WHATEVER. FLATNESS DOESN'T DISTINGUISH SMARTNESS GIVE THOSE ALIEN MONKEYS A SNOUT!!!!
also, it'd be really interesting for the clade of spitting monkeys to "unnaturally" smile like humans - they have a loose top lip for them to dramatically flip up like geladas, but they don't do it as a warning or submission, they do it to exaggerate the desire to be friends, specifically to be helpful! They flip up the lip to expose their teeth and their gum gap (Bolur "vertebrates" all have a space between their frontmost teeth and "molars" like a horse) so that they can hold something in their mouth without getting it all slobbery. Zebramen don't have to hold things in their mouths because they're hexapodal, but they still have the loose top lip because it's a great way to express happiness.
Which, to portray unhappiness, "unhelpfulness": closing your mouth
Related, secondary ramble: Zebrapeople don't usually bite when it comes to a fight. I've decided that, the same way that humans are good at throwing, zebrapeople are really good at stabbing/punching
The digigrade, long "wrist" that looks like an extra joint adds a lot of weight + spring to it.
#ntls-24722#homo mousike#music man#fnaf music man#music man fnaf#spec bio#speculative biology#spec evo#speculative evolution
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TW: Body horror, violence/gore, incest mention
ANM-047: Inbred Knight (REMAKE)
"Decapitate traitors as I decapitate enemies of the family."
Identification: Inbred Knight
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Öctavio Kalev
ANM #: ANM-047
Classification: Assistant 🔵 | Contained ⭕️
Type of Anomaly: Literary, medieval, mutant, historical
Type of Damage: Radioactive, immunological, physical, military
Containment: ANM-047 must remain housed in a Class-2 humanoid containment chamber, measuring 9 meters in length, 2 meters in width, and 4 meters in height. The chamber is built from ANM-035 material, reinforced with a 40 cm thick specialized alloy coating, while the access door is made of titanium, protected by biometric locks requiring Level 4 authorization. No personnel without prior approval may enter the chamber, and interaction with ANM-047 is restricted to authorized individuals of noble European lineages, particularly the Habsburg lineage or Spanish nobility.
Due to ANM-047's extreme violence and insatiable hunger for human flesh, no fewer than four armed security agents must be stationed outside its containment at all times. In the event of a containment breach, the immediate lockdown of the underground levels of the MOTHRA facility is mandatory, followed by attempts to persuade ANM-047 to return to its quarters. Should this fail, incendiary protocol systems must be activated to subdue ANM-047 until re-containment is achieved.
ANM-047 may be used in battles or against internal enemies within the MOTHRA Institution, having been classified as an 'Assistant.' It will follow the orders of MOTHRA superiors without hesitation.
ANM-047's chamber must remain decorated in a medieval style, containing a collection of historical texts related to medieval Spain and the Habsburg dynasty. Interaction with these items seems to pacify ANM-047, reducing its violent outbursts. Under no circumstances should electronic devices be introduced into the chamber (except for a gramophone), as ANM-047 exhibits severe technophobia, reacting violently to modern technology.
Female staff members are prohibited from entering ANM-047's containment.
Description: ANM-047 is a severely deformed male humanoid, standing at an extraordinary height of 2.52 meters and weighing approximately 590 kilograms. ANM-047 appears to be of Spanish descent, with DNA analysis suggesting a high degree of consanguinity, particularly among descendants of the royal family of the Habsburg house.
ANM-047 is always dressed in an ancient medieval knight’s armor, stained with blood and encrusted with dirt, which seems to have fused with its flesh. Attempts to remove the armor have resulted in extreme violence from ANM-047. The armor bears the marks of a 17th-century knight and is believed to be from the period of Habsburg monarchy rule in Europe.
ANM-047 possesses a combination of genetic mutations, physical deformities, and mental issues, as detailed below:
[[collapsible show="+ List of identified genetic mutations of ANM-047" hide="- Close list"]] • Exaggerated Mandibular Prognathism
ANM-047 has severe mandibular prognathism, with a prominent, bulbous lower jaw. This feature seems to be exacerbated by other combined genetic conditions, resulting in a deformed and disproportionate appearance of the jaw.
• Combined Acromegaly and Gigantism
ANM-047’s body exhibits clear signs of both acromegaly and gigantism, resulting in a dense, robust body structure, significantly abnormal even for those with these conditions.
• Wide, Bulbous Nose
ANM-047 has an extremely wide and bulbous nose, a common feature among craniofacial deformities.
• Excess Teeth
ANM-047 has a total of 192 teeth in its mouth, arranged in two rows above and below the original set. The front row appears to have grown over the previous teeth, giving the subject a type of "triple jaw" formation that is abnormal and compact. These teeth have never been cleaned, worn down, stained with blood, and containing human remains.
• Kyphosis
ANM-047's spine is curved, resulting in a significantly hunched posture due to kyphosis, giving the entity an even more imposing and inhuman appearance.
• Cranial Elephantiasis
ANM-047’s head is significantly enlarged, displaying signs of cranial elephantiasis. This condition makes the cranial cavity much larger than normal, intensifying its facial deformities.
• Photophobia
ANM-047 has extreme sensitivity to light, a condition known as photophobia. Its eyes are adapted to dark environments, reflecting its comfort in dimly lit, medieval settings. Despite this photophobia, it has extraordinarily sharp vision in dark environments, a biological adaptation that allows it to hunt and attack in low or no light conditions.
• Enlarged Muscles and Ribcage
Although its muscles are not apparent at first glance, ANM-047 has a significantly larger muscle structure, hidden by layers of fat. Its ribcage is also enlarged.
• Two Human Hearts
ANM-047 possesses two fully functional human hearts, which likely contribute to its superhuman strength and endurance, ensuring efficient blood circulation.
• Superhuman Strength and Endurance
ANM-047 exhibits strength and endurance far beyond normal human capacities, enabling it to perform extraordinary feats, such as crushing stones and various metal bars.
• Swollen and Deformed Feet
ANM-047's feet are swollen and deformed, possibly due to congenital conditions or its many mutations. However, this does not appear to impact its mobility or agility, earning the nickname "elephant feet."
• Addiction to Human Flesh and Blood
ANM-047 has an extreme addiction to consuming human flesh and blood, with a particular preference for babies and virgin women. Its hunger for human flesh is insatiable, and it becomes increasingly aggressive when deprived of this food source.
• Technophobia
ANM-047 exhibits an intense aversion to almost all modern technology, preferring medieval scenarios and objects. It tolerates only an old gramophone introduced into its containment, which seems to calm the entity, especially through calm music or songs reminiscent of the empire.
• Thick Neck and Protruding Brow Bones
ANM-047's neck is extremely thick, and its brow bones are prominent, likely a consequence of its acromegaly. This characteristic adds to its brutish appearance.
• Tumors and Swellings
ANM-047 has an abnormal number of cancerous tumors and swollen areas scattered across its body. These areas are especially concentrated on its neck, where tumors dominate the skin. Its skin is thin, clinging tightly to the abomination's body, making some veins and fluid within the tumors visible.
• Mental Instability and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
ANM-047 suffers from severe mental instability, frequently experiencing panic attacks. The entity shows clear signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), linked to traumatic experiences from its distant past.
• Universal Alopecia
ANM-047 has no body hair, including hair, eyelashes, and eyebrows, due to universal alopecia.
• Cleft Lip
ANM-047’s upper lip has a congenital cleft, a condition known as a cleft lip, adding yet another deformity to its already grotesque appearance.
• Gardner's Syndrome
ANM-047 exhibits symptoms of Gardner’s Syndrome, a rare genetic condition. As a result, it has additional teeth growing in the roof of its mouth, contributing to its dental abnormality.
• Arachnodactyly and Polydactyly
ANM-047 has elongated fingers (arachnodactyly) and polydactyly, with its right hand possessing 8 fingers and its left hand 10. These extra fingers are fully functional.
• Dolichostenomelia
ANM-047’s arms are disproportionately long (dolichostenomelia), extending down to its knees. Interestingly, its legs are of “normal” size for its height, creating a strange and disproportionate contrast.
• Facial and Cranial Asymmetry
ANM-047's facial and cranial structure is highly asymmetrical, resulting in an even more monstrous and disfigured appearance.
• Crooked Eyes
ANM-047’s eyes emit a characteristic light blue glow, and they are crooked and misaligned, with the right eye positioned several centimeters above the left, both eyes sunken deeply into the skull. [[/collapsible]]
Behaviorally, ANM-047 exhibits extreme aggression, particularly towards individuals without noble European heritage, with a preference for attacking those not connected to the Habsburg lineage. ANM-047's preferred method of attack is decapitation, usually using an ancient, enormous axe he carries with him, which he has named 'Der Enthaupter,' to easily sever the heads of his victims. In addition to his axe, ANM-047 carries a shield adorned with a human face, believed to be made from the skin of a previous victim’s face.
Besides showing an intense preference for consuming human flesh, ANM-047 can metabolize a human corpse entirely, leaving only residual bloodstains within a few hours. This behavior suggests an extraordinarily efficient digestive system, although the mechanics of this are still under investigation.
ANM-047 possesses immense physical strength, easily overpowering most personnel. X-ray images have revealed that ANM-047 has two fully functional human hearts, which may contribute to his extreme strength and durability. ANM-047’s additional fingers are fully formed and functional, though their presence suggests a high degree of genetic instability. X-rays have also shown that ANM-047’s skeletal structure is denser than that of the average human, possessing a bone structure similar to that of 'Homo Neanderthalensis,' indicating evolutionary retrognathism.
ANM-047 demonstrates a deep connection to the Habsburg royal family, specifically Charles II of Spain, whom he claims as his father. Genetic analysis supports this claim, showing remarkable genetic similarities with the infamous Habsburg lineage. ANM-047 displays a near-fanatical loyalty to the memory of Charles II and expresses a desire to "serve the lineage" by protecting and avenging those of Habsburg descent.
ANM-047 has also been confirmed to have congenital insensitivity to pain (CIPA), making him immune to damage that would otherwise incapacitate a human. Despite the severity of his deformities, ANM-047 does not display signs of discomfort or limitations from his condition, never stopping while in combat or when focused on a target. If struck forcefully, his numerous tumors can burst, releasing a yellowish, sticky liquid that can spread over a large area depending on the tumor's size. The liquid is highly toxic and radioactive, capable of causing deformities and various cancers over time, with a death probability of over 100%. The tumors tend to regenerate and grow over time, apparently keeping the anomaly "healthy" in some sense.
Blood tests have indicated that ANM-047 is highly inbred, with an origin of extreme inbreeding and incest, his inbreeding coefficient surpassing 1.959 coi, compared to the previously recorded highest value of 0.353 coi, belonging to the granddaughter of Charles II of Spain. The individual constantly complains of pain, and due to his conditions, he also has difficulty speaking, always speaking in a muffled and strained manner, maintaining a strong Spanish accent with a hoarse and deep voice. He is also capable of speaking French, Medieval English, Portuguese, and German. The subject tends to speak as if from the Middle Ages, maintaining the posture and behavior of a guard.
Addendum 047-A: Further analysis of ANM-047’s axe revealed that the weapon was forged in 1666, during the height of the Habsburg Monarchy's influence in Europe. ANM-047 refuses to part with the axe under any circumstances, indicating a deep sentimental attachment. Tests have been initiated to determine if the axe has any anomalous properties. The axe has a dark handle, and the blade appears to be silver, still considerably sharp despite significant rust, measuring 205 cm. ANM-047 jokes about the possibility of causing tetanus to the "enemies of the empire."
ANM-047 has requested:
15 (fifteen) prostitutes. (Under consideration)
30 (thirty) newborn babies. (Under consideration)
A Habsburg royal family flag. (Granted)
A Brazilian empire flag. (Granted)
A Habsburg coat of arms. (Granted)
A photograph of ANM-047 dressed in a Spanish military uniform. (Under consideration)
A portrait of Maria Antonia of Austria. (Granted)
Medieval torture instruments, including sexual torture devices. (Denied)
Permission to hold an orgy. (Denied)
Permission to return to service in the Spanish imperial army. (Denied)
Permission to care for other staff members’ children and babies. (Denied)
Exotic animals, including a lion. (Denied)
10L of wine. (Under consideration)
Visits from female staff members or test subjects. (Denied after ANM-047 attempted to ████████ a prisoner.)
Researcher's Footnotes: 1: Books and other items in the anomaly's quarters, such as a phonograph, help to keep the entity calm, and perhaps the phonograph is the only modern object that the entity does not fear. 2: Mandibular prognathism was common among Habsburg family members, and one of ANM-047’s most prominent features, along with his tumors. 3: The creature’s weight is likely due to his various deformities, such as swollen areas and blisters on his neck, in addition to the subject being clearly overweight. 4: The creature’s teeth seem to be "pushed back"; his mouth full of teeth likely helps him to easily consume human parts. 5: ANM-047’s skull appears to give him extra protection, even with the full suit of armor. 6: The warrior's muscles seem "fatty" yet powerful.
Journal of Theosbaldo von Habsburg (translated from Spanish)
Date unknown, the journal was delivered by Dr. Öctavio Kalev in an effort to allow ANM-047 to record his possible origin as a pastime.
The honor of the Habsburgs runs through my veins, though they are infested with the corruption of centuries of inbreeding. I was raised to serve, fight, and protect the lineage that gave me everything but also robbed me of myself.
I remember my childhood well, though the memories are blurred, like shadows dancing around a fire. It was a time of glory and fear, where the winds carried the scent of blood and steel. I was raised in a dark castle, surrounded by tall, cold walls, while whispers about our lineage spread among the shadows. "The Habsburgs are the chosen ones," they said. "But there is a price."
That price, I see now, was me.
From a young age, I was told that my deformity was a divine sign, that my immense strength and size were not curses but blessings. The prognathism that stretched my face, the bulges that grew on my skin, and the teeth that appeared in improbable places... were witnesses to my pure lineage, the will of God.
I was named captain while still young, not by merit, but by blood. I marched in the name of the Habsburgs, decapitating traitors and enemies, eliminating any threat to the throne. The axe I carry, Der Enthaupter, became my only true companion, as the weight of my flesh dragged me further into the shadows. As the years passed, my body swelled, and each battle seemed to feed the sores that infested my body.
Charles the Second, my father, was my guide. I served him blindly, without question, for he was the king, and I, his sword. However, the wars I fought changed me... or perhaps it was something else. I remember the fever that took the castle, a disease that did not affect common mortals. It was something reserved for us, the pure, the noble, the cursed. My skin began to stretch, tumors emerged on my arms and neck, and my mind was lost in the memories of screams and blood.
It was at the Battle of Montjuïc that everything changed. We were surrounded, and I was the last line of defense between the rebellion and the fall of the crown. When I brought my axe down on the last man, I felt something inside me break. I heard a scream—not human, not earthly—and when I looked at my hands, I saw that they no longer belonged to a man.
My exile was immediate. My own father, whom I had faithfully served, ordered that I be removed from his sight. There was no mercy in his eyes. I was now the monster he had feared to create.
The castle, once my home, became my prison. Isolated, I was left to rot in my own flesh. Doctors came with masks and prodded me with tools I barely understood. They whispered among themselves, laughing at my noble roots. I heard it all, but I did not understand why the candlelight seemed so fierce to my eyes.
The nights became endless, and despair set in. But something changed. A hunger grew, a hunger I had never known. The animals they brought me did not satisfy. It was then, in a desperate act, that I devoured a servant. His blood, his body, brought me peace for a moment, as if my soul were sated. However, it marked me forever as the monster I now am.
Now I am here, contained by the children of technology, weak beings who rely on their machines to live. I despise them. My soul cries out for the glory of the past, when the blade of an axe and the cry of battle were all we needed.
My name is Theosbaldo von Habsburg, Blood Captain of the House of Habsburg. I was born to serve and fight, and that will be my fate until the end of time. They will keep me here, but not for long. I will return. And when I do, I will bring the chaos and justice that my lineage deserves.
Until then, I wait. Like a caged animal, I await the moment when blood will flow again, and the enemies of the Habsburg family will know true terror.
"I am the guardian of the empire, and the blood of traitors will never be forgotten."
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Half of them were like "came from africa" as if that isn't half the fucking genus. "prognathic" yeah man aren't we all.
and i swear one of them was a description of Denisovans, which weren't a fucking match option
Am I stupid and unknowing or did my anthropology professor make the worst fucking exam ever by having us match hominins to descriptions
#nat chat#i mean i know not every hominin is prognathic#but like as far as sepearating early hominins from each other? it isn't super helpful
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lots of house md posts about how wilson and him should have been hooking up over open wounds and nothing said about how his main love interest on the show was a woman cast in the year 2000 to play a trannssexual on Fox's clinton administration hit Ally Mcbeal who exhibits a case of mandibular prognathism so prominent that it has a GLAAD award named for it and drives ben shapiro wild with a lust so confused that he wakes each night to a freshly pissed bed
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If you think about it humans are just hideously mutated Australopithecus. Like, if they saw animals that were roughly the same shape as them but without the prognathism and semi-opposable big toe and with chins and huge heads I think they'd be pretty freaked out. Like if humans saw the aliens from Mars Attacks.
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A friend gave this boy she found during hiking a time ago. I have the cervical vertebrae too. Still cleaning him but look at this jaw!
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houh! its been a while since I've done one of these, thanks a lot for tagging me @daisys-hoard!
5 Boring Facts about Flame
1. I was also born left handed like Grim lol, however as a lil baby in school (i think its called nursery in english?) it was yelled out of me so now im right handed, however I still do a lot of things like a left handed person, like holding cutlery.
2. I've got mandibular prognathism, so my lower jaw protrudes forward, which makes it harder to chew things from the front (like spaghetti). So like even if I have my mouth closed there's a gap between my upper and lower teeth wide enough to almost put a finger in.
3. The jaw i think is the main reason i dont pass, i otherwise have a fairly feminine body (i think?), partly because I'm skinny... unhealthly skinny like my ribs are a bit visible, i rly should gain some weight lol but it's not easy especially when sometimes i forget to have meals, im working on it.
4. Despite being italian i despise tomatos, i hate the flavor and I hate the texture 10x more than that (sauces are good, specifically the tomato itself).
5. My right kidney is practically non-functional and my left kidney is hyperactive so it works out.
are these too interesting or like too boring? i guess severe anxiety is a bonus flame fact for you
tagging: @lightbucky @cptapathy @aldraws-sometimes @lilypadlilith @rukafais (do it only if you wanna)
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I would wager whoever made the comment about Samuel Roukin's looks is basing it off of him having mandibular prognathism (his lower jaw extends further forward than the plane of his forehead). The condition can occur due to injury, illness, or just random genetic mutation.
It is more commonly known as "Habsburg Jaw" due to it being very prominent amongst the House of Habsburg of Austria. In their case, the condition developed to an extreme degree due to inbreeding amongst family members to intent on keeping power within the family.
Consequently, most people associate the condition as *only* being the result of inbreeding, but that is scientifically inaccurate.
-- Random Anonymous Nerd 🤓
well i wuold like to bite that thang
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TSRNOSS. Page 195.
#lipases#theoretical biology#chelator#desferrioxamine#vitamin C#cyanide#cryptobiosis#hypothermia#toxicity#gerbils#species extinction#osteoporosis#arcus senilis#prognathous jaws#chewing#sunken sockets#satyendra#manuscript#notebooks#diaries#cursive handwriting
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Oh hey, as long as I have my Stephen Hunter collection nearby, let me pull from another of his negative reviews, this one of the 1998 Godzilla. The theme of this review is that the movie is trying to have it both ways in the worst way, trying to counterbalance ugly 50s ideas with ugly 90s ideas. This culminates, naturally, in the movie’s overall theme:
The prime idea of the fifties monster movie- and of fifties America- can barely be expressed now, so retrograde and slimy has it come to seem. But let us say it loud and clear: that man shall have supremacy over the Earth, its birds, beasts and fishes. It was, we believed and this Godzilla advances, our Earth. This is what I admire about this film- like Independence Day, it really gives you what it promises. Big intruder comes into the house; we kill it. Hooray, huzzah, way to go! Mess with us and die. If you want to run, you’ll only die tired...Emmerich pretends he believes [in environmentalism] and he makes all the right sounds, particularly by making certain the movie is devoid of white male authority figures who might seem to take pleasure in making the kill. But he pulls the trigger anyway. Talk about having a cake and eating it, too!
One thing that lets him get away with such apostasy is a nineties idea, and it makes the film distinctly different from a fifties film: it has no subtext. The greatest monster movies of the fifties- including all the Harryhausen work and the original Toho production- used the monster as a symbol of nature given scaled, puckered, or glisteny flesh; massive claws; and jaws the size of Cadillacs, come to punish us for fracturing the atom and learning how to destroy the planet. That may have been something of a fig leaf for a genre of movies that really took pleasure in the most primitive of cinema spectacle, the pure nihilism of destruction. Nevertheless it gave the movies a cloak of intellectual respectability, and in an era where critiques of our nuclear deterrent were not present in the arenas of public discussion, it might have seemed almost subversive.
But Emmerich and Devlin keep their Godzilla distinctly meaning-free. At no point is the beast weighted with significance; he’s just a big beast. The end fo the Cold War has taken the sting out of bomb fear, but they don’t bother to make him a symbol of pollution or ozone depletion or deforestation or any of the other cosmic ills that we have unleashed upon ourselves. He’s just a big old green lizard with a prognathous jaw and glittery eyes. That way, secretly, we can enjoy the movie’s deepest and most subversive pleasure: Like the boys at the end of Lord of the Flies, we can, in our hearts, chant “KILL THE BEAST!” without remorse.
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so. how is dirks teeth. are they clustered together. does he need braces. or does he have naturally good teeth. i need to know
I had a really long, 5 page essay type beat typed up for this ask, but I realized you asked for a very superficial analysis of his teeth and the information I provided was so verbiage-loaded and reliant on canonical analysis of his home, mental illness, canonical dietary restrictions, and presumed oral hygiene habits. It was very lame and ultimately just a glorified infodump of both dental knowhow and Dirk Strider trivia and thought-thinking, so. I deleted it and I'm just TLDRing it.
> Big head, big jaw, all 4 wisdom teeth erupted and retained.
> Lingual version of posterior molars, resulting posterior crossbite.
> Class 3 malocclusion. Edge to edge contact across all anterior teeth except canines and end to end contact between all posterior teeth.
> No overbite or overjet.
> Ectopic maxillary canines (alternatively referred to as tiger teeth, ultimately this is the ends to the means of potentially achieving canonical, Caliborn-stated prettiness, as it classically relays the visage of youth and, I don't know, maybe diddles some snake senses for maximum masculine stimulation).
> Parafunctional contact with exterior objects like pens, too-firm oral care, etc, resulting in abrasion. Habitual tooth grinding resulting in generalized attrition.
> No presence of a toothbrush. No access to fluoridated water.
> Dirk should probably wear a mouth guard and stop putting things in his mouth like a baby with a fork primed over an open electrical socket. Braces beneficial for canines, but it would take a massive amount of time and require increased hardware to shift them, think chains and a permanent lingual retainer after initial orthodontic treatment. Prognathic jaw and type 3 occlusion unfixable.
> Open bite
> No one was there to stop baby Dirk from sucking on his thumb and Cal's sopping wet, baby-spit filled puppet hand.
> I think it would just be funny.
> Don't ask him to bite an apple.
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🎶🎵myyyy paleo ponyyyyy 🎵🎶
Middle and right ponies are edited/traced from ElementBases and animepegasus on Deviantart, respectively! I wanted to make them look particularly bible accurate/on model for the effect i wanted to go for, and they are loosely based off of actual cave paintings of horses (seen below). (when i say on-model/bible accurate, i mean at least in the lineart... the ponies in mlp are much more vibrant, i realize, LOL)
NOTE: i know NO lore and this is probably a violation of like, ALL of it. i had a vision and my dumb caveman-obsessed brain sought to enact it.
Also, apparently, it wasn't known that wild horses could have that spotting, which made that last painting of a spotted horse a very big deal! This painting, in the Pech Merle cave, made scientists have to literally go back and double-check horse dna and make sure wild horses could actually be that color around the time it was painted. So this is a very cool, very special mare :D
Also, the snouts were less exaggerated/smoothed out to look less... cinched? I believe wild horses don't have as small/cinched snouts as domestic ones, and have thicker, smoothed out ones like a draft horse. Which this piece also implies the snouts we see in mlp were made through selective breeding... or through the same reduction of facial prognathism that humans went through as we transitioned to nicer, easier-to-chew-and-process cooked foods!
#ntls-24722#digital#mlp#my little pony#cave painting#earth pony#mlp:fim#mlp fim#mlp art#fire room#<- feel like this counts#cave paintings#cave art
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