#professor ginger
erma-zet · 28 days
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Ginger (I forgot his name but what I know it's just that)
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sylversterlingstarz · 4 months
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after a few weekz of motivation loss and art block, i finally finished the married couple of the tournament, with annie and the professor, i feel like the canon ending with them truly winning isnt mentioned much, and id admit, therez a little charm to the entries with them that makez me feel some way, whether itz happy, sad, heartfelt, tense, and yea, i like it, especially the final entry with them, good luck to them to clear their criminal recordz tho
also this took my 9 hours to complete wha- (idk who to draw next now)
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(both annie and the professor belong to blacklillian/terriblenerd)
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your-fav-is-divorced · 3 months
Annie and Professor Ginger from Law Of Talos are Divorced!
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“Are you think what I’m thinking?”
“I think so Brain, but balancing a family and a career? Ooh, it’s all too much for me.”
A stimboard of Professor Ginger and Annie ! (Not requested)
X - ❤️ - X
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Fandom: Phineas and Ferb
Sample Size: 1,927 stories
Source: AO3
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loveabledustbunny · 2 months
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daaawwwwggggg look at the married couple im finna go to jail‼️
forced to draw other stuff, born to draw magazine covers
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cherry-pop-elf · 5 months
Hoof Race
Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Can be read as platonic
I’m going through ALOT because of a dickwad of a piano teacher. So imma just project and vent here. I love piano, but I don’t love the piano teacher. My own personal Umbridge. Bleck. So it’s gonna be sloppily written, projective, just. I’m going through a lot right now. A lot a lot.
Summary: Your first detention with Umbridge. Needless to say, very traumatizing. At least you have a pair of red heads to comfort you. Along with formed an escape plan to get you out of there. With some help
Warnings: Umbridge, scars, blood, depression, anxiety, stress, crying, trauma, Umbridge being Umbridge. Physical Violence against Reader from Umbridge, Humanism(Racism against other species) Surprise Guest Appearance for the Book Lovers from one of our favorite Divination Teachers
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“Where is our little lab rat?” Fred huffed, as he was looking around for you. With George trailing behind. Looking in all the directions that Fred wasn’t looking. You had promised to meet them at Hagrid’s to test out a new product to help with calming animals. Something that was more so a Comission’s for Hagrid than anything else. Would be a nice little treat. Tea, fang, and laughter. Just one problem. Where are you?
“Should have never given Harry that map.” George would grumble, as he was getting worried now. Where were you? You aren’t one to break a promise. Especially to miss out on hanging with Hagrid. Who wants to purposely avoid a cozy evening with him? Especially since the twins had hoards of candy to share. If you missed a treat like that, it has to be beyond your control.
“Checked the dorm, checked Myrtle, checked the Requirement’s, checked the green house-“ The twins would finish each others sentences, as they walked. Trying so hard to think of where you could be. That’s when they stopped infront of the Defense Room Doors. They were open, but the office door was closed. They slowly looked to each other, before bolting inside.
“But Miss Umbridge, it hurts-!” They heard you shout, now that they were pressing their ears to the door. “It’s not suppose to feel good, darling. I should have expected such idiocy from someone who found it wise to speak out of turn-“ Umbridge would huff, as her heels could be heard pacing. A mixture of sharp clicks, and your hiccups.
“Mr. Firenze is not a THING-!” You snapped, only for a sharp smack to echo in the room. Made the twins wince, as you hiccuped again. “That beast is indeed that. Why defend that vile creature, when it even identifies itself as a beast-? Hm? Shouldn’t expect much from an idiotic child like yourself.” She lectured on.
“What do we do?” George whispered to Fred. What could they do? She was still a professor after all. Regardless, they had to do something. Anything. SOMETHING. They had to think fast, before you got even more hurt. Or worse. Expelled.
“Twins-?” A voice called itself, making the duo look over. The familiar blonde hair, and clips of hoof steps, made it clear who it was. Their newest teacher, given Umbridge very literally fired their old one. What a god send, as the twins were able to hatch a plan.
“Please please-“ They made praying hand gestures, as they pointed at her door. Making dramatic movements to try and convey they needed a distraction. Not wanting to get detention next. Never thought detention could be worse than anything Snape could offer.
The echo of another slap was what made the ever calm teacher connect the dots. Oh how he dispised such treatment. It was inhuman. That’s saying something from a man who used to live with trantulas the size of buildings. He would quickly motion for the red heads to quickly go hide under the stairs, before he cleared his throat.
“Mistress Umbridge? I need to speak with you about a matter at hand-!” He called, with a hoof stomp for added volume. The duo was quick to run under the stairs, and narrowly miss her gaze. An ever-plastered fake smile was on her lips, as she would walk down the stairs. A twitch to her eye was given, as she was now forced to speak to the centaur.
"Yes, Firenze? Whatever could you need at this late hour?" She asked, while the twins were quick to rush into the classroom. Left quite a sight. There you were, with bloody hands. To bloody to even make out what scars she had to make your write this time. Along with a firm bruise on your cheek, from her had no less. They were enraged, to put it lightly. This was the last time she would ever do this. That was their promise.
They were quick to your side, as you wrapped your arms around them. Your savior. "She just kept insulting him, and it wasn't right. He's a good teacher-" You would sniffle, as George would use his wand to try and clean your hands. He sneered at the words on your skin. Busy with tending to your immediate wounds, as Fred tried to calm you down and explain the plan.
"WAIT WAIT-I UH-I AM JUST A CENATUR! A WITCH LIKE YOURSELF KNOWS MORE THE I!" Firenze shouted, making the twins realize their time was running out. "Just be quiet, and follow our lead-" Fred just said, and you listened. Typical behavior, after all. They were always scheming, and you were happy to get into any mess they offered.
"Well....You are just a centaur. You aren't modern, or cultured, such as myself. I suppose i can remind you how we properly function here." Umbridge would smugly say, as Firenze tried so hard to not roll his eyes. Was worth it, as he was able to watch you be escorted back under the stairs. That firey red hair hidden away. Just in time, because even his calm soul can only take so much.
"Oh dear, Mar's is infront of Saturn. You know what that means, I better return to my classroom-!” She had no idea what that meant, no one did since it was a big lie. Least it sounded good enough to make her scoff. Feeling as though she wasted her time with him. Regardless, she gave a friendly smile. Now walking back towards her office.
The second her back was turned, the blonde stallion quickly motioned for the three of you to hurry to him. Fred and George basically carried you, as they did. Needing to work fast. Was just yanked around like a doll, but there was no choice. The moment Umbridge had gasped, noticing you were gone, you three were on his back.
“Where did-“ But it was faded, as you three were not having a horse ride of your life. Escaping her, this night. Quite the adrenaline rush. Riding the back of your teacher, as he tried to not trip down the stairs. Least you had Fred and George to comfort you. Holding on to the straps on their teachers body, for his supplies, and comforting you.
“Well clean you up, and make sure that this is the last time she ever hurts anyone.” Fred said, with a firm nod. You never thought the twins could look so angry before. Was scary, but also a morbid reassurance. Given Umbridge’s gaslighting was getting to you. Thinking you were a burden, failure, worthless, just horrible. Didn’t even noticed you were starting to cry. It was all too much. The boys would hold you close, and just hold.
“Dreadful woman. Dreadful dreadful just oh so dreadful-“ Firenze would keep on muttering, as he tried to not break an ankle on those ever moving stairs. Full of much spite as anyone else. Suppose that meant the twins had someone on their side, at least.
“You are gonna crash with us tonight.” Fred said to you, as Firenze took that as advice on where to go. Now heading to the Gryffindor common room. “Think of it as a big sleep over. Chilling in the common room’s living space.” George echoed. Childish, but there is joy in childhood. Had you smile in approval.
“Here, allow me to offer some assistance.” Firenze then spoke, as he rummaged in his bag. Still trotting along, as it was just a hallway roam now.
“This should help with your healing and recovery. Sometimes spells can not solve all problems.” And a small bag was offered to you three. Most likely a herbal of some kind. The kind textures were very reassuring. A reminder you weren’t crazy. That she was in the wrong. Not you. Still, made you tremble in fear.
“Gonna be ok. She’s not gonna hurt you anymore.” Fred reassured, with a kiss to your head. Followed by George hugging you tightly. Just helping ground you, as the centaur finally stopped at the painting. She didn’t even ask for the password. As if she wanted to delay much needed rest.
“Rest, if you can. When you join me for our class, tomorrow, you are permitted to not join. You may just relax, and star gaze. That often times relaxes myself.” Firenze offered, as he laid down at the open wall. Allowing you three to get off. He understood you were a victim, and offered sanctuary where he could.
“Thanks…” You sniffled, as to not be rude. He knows, he knows. He gave you a pat on your head, and a smile, before taking his escort away. Leaving you three with your thoughts. The twins mostly thought of how to make whatever happens to Umbridge look like an accident, while you were still shaking from the ordeal. Murder plots can be for another time. You were first.
Escorted to the common room couch, you were as pampered as you could be. Hands properly wrapped, the herbal deal brewed, helping clean up the blood stains, using their latest invention to help clean up your bruise. Just doing what they could, as you sniffled and hiccuped.
Once done, you were soon lying against Fred. With George semi on top of you. As if some kind of pressure therapy. A means to make sure no one could touch you, or sneak up on you. Was nice. What was nicer was the random fellow classmates who walked around. May it to get something to drink, unable to sleep, what have you.
They took notice of you, could quickly grasp it was Umbridge, and let you have your comfort. May it be making sure you three had a blanket, staying extra quiet to not disturb you, or asking if you needed anything. Just some humanity against the darkness.
The comfort of the twins, the easing calm of the tea, and the sound of the ever lit fireplace. It helped you come back to earth again. Just what you needed. Reassurance that you were the victim. Not the other way around. Just deep breaths of fire, cinnamon, and gun powder.
You’ll be ok. You’ll be ok, and the twins promised.
As if they ever would break a promise.
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pink-pone · 7 months
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"Don't worry Professor, I'll won't tell Mrs. Melody."
"Ah yes! Ahem...thank you dear. Diet or not, I simply cannot pass up your family's cookie recipe. But don't worry! I'll be good from here on out, swear on Celestia!!"
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outletcrash · 1 year
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𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳?
𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳?
𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶r 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘭, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳?
𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳…
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snowball-maltese · 2 months
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My Big Hero 6 experience
I love Callaghan and I’m not normal
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bighero6quotebot · 3 months
Honey Lemon, answering a crossword puzzle: What's the nine letter word for betrayal?
GoGo: "Treach-"
Hiro, crushing a styrofoam cup in his hand: "Robert Callaghan."
Wasabi: ...
Honey Lemon: Um... it doesn't fit.
Hiro, with more conviction: I don't care if it fits or not! The word is "Robert Callaghan"!
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naurimastaur · 1 year
A prank a day keeps Severus Snape away!
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Summary: in which Fred and George introduce y/n to her very first prank, and Snape into a life of eternal regret.
Pairing: slightly Fred x fem!reader
Note: the twins might be a little ooc as I haven’t read much of them in a while!
Warning: this probably needs heavily edited but I’m lazy so!
Y/n peacefully walked down the corridor before a twin appeared at each side, linking an arm with hers.
“ Do you know what day it is?” Fred questioned. She shook her head in confusion. It was astounding if Fred remembered what year they were living in never mind what day it was. This could only mean one thing; a weasley scheme.
“should I know, or is it just something you’ve made up to entertain yourself?” She mocked.
“ It’s only the most important day of your life,” George piped in, face moving uncomfortably closer to hers. A Cheshire cats smile overcoming his features.
“ If this is another product of yours you want to test on me, do you mind getting me a lawyer first?” She groaned. “Or a legal contract that promises if I turn into an actual test Guinea pig, that you’ll buy me a pink sparkly cage to rot in?” She said batting her eyelashes at them both.
“Of course not, you know if that happened we’d stuff you down Percy’s trousers.” Fred replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“What a twit,” George replied, unhelpful.
“Besides, today you are the grand master behind the prank rather than, well being the prank.” Fred replied, believing this to be a flattering position to bestow upon someone.
“Wow! Upgrades! How lucky am I?” She exclaimed.
George choosing to ignore this, immediately jumped into the plan. “We need you to tell moaning myrtle that Snape’s caught a fancy for her.”
“You want me to tell the ghost of a fourteen year old that a grown man is in love with her?”
“Precisely! See George, I told you she’d get on board in no time!” Fred beamed.
George continued, “And while you girly talk with mytrle we’ll cause a distraction forcing Snape into the bathroom and into his phantom lover’s hands.” He smiled accomplished.
“ If only you two put this much thought into school, imagine the outcome.”
“ To end up as greasy and alone as Snape?” Fred replied, grinning.
“ Letting your emo haircut from adolescence follow you twenty years into adulthood?” George added.
“ Having your only friends be your empty chemistry beakers?” Fred continued.
“ The last and only interaction with a woman being your own mother?” George added, for good measure.
Y/n shook her head in plain disappointment, knowing that the real shame was coming from her eagerness to agree with the plan. To join in on the fun for once.
“Oh wow I seemed to have dropped this strange unfolded note from Professor Snape’s diary.” Y/n called out, pacing the girl’s bathroom. “It would be really such a shame if anyone were to read it!”
“Professor Snape has a diary?” Myrtle said suspiciously, popping out of one of the near toilets. Is that still unhygienic even if she’s a ghost and technically doesn’t touch anything?
“Hey don’t judge we all have our own coping mechanisms.” Y/n replied with a hand on her heart and a solemn look on her face. “Look I’d really appreciate if you gave that note back before I get in trouble,” she said, adding a slight quiver to her lip.
Myrtle, forever the drama seeking ghost teen took it into her grip, ignoring y/n’s pleas and gleefully giggling at her misfortune. However, all her giddiness was ceased the moment she read the note.
“Professor Snape, likes… me?” She questioned, unsure of herself and even more unsure of the paper before her.
“Well,” y/n replied hesitantly, “ I really wasn’t supposed to say.” She mustered the most shame filled look she could imagine, it wasn’t difficult as it naturally seemed to appear whenever the twins were around. “But you didn’t hear it from me!”
She was cut off by the sound of heavy footsteps and panicked shouts from the corridor. “HIDE!”
“Sorry got to go!” She ran, following the familiar voice of Fred, leaving myrtle in a more petrified state than the basilisk attack fifty years ago.
“Into the closet quickly!” Fred urged shoving her in. Wasn’t chivalry just alive and thriving amongst young men today? Peeking out of the slight crack in the doors frame they saw Snape approach, his raggedy cloak cascading behind him, before his path was blocked by a semi- transparent creature.
“Why hello handsome.”
“How does Myrtle of All people have a better love life than me?” Y/n moaned, throwing her head back against Fred’s chest in despair, forced into his embrace due to the lack of space.
Fred smiled to himself looking down at her, letting out a lighthearted chuckle.
“Are you teasing me?” She questioned, humour laced in her tone paired with a scolding look in her eyes.
“Course not, wouldn’t imagine it love.” Fred held up his hands in mock surrender. “Besides,” he continued on, wrapping his arms around her frame, “I think you’re just looking at the wrong people is all.”
Y/n froze, catching the suggestion in his tone. Before she could fully process however, the door of their hidden sanctuary was thrown open, a steaming Snape stood in front of them.
Well shit.
A/n: Hello I’m unsure if this’ll get any attention but my first post did well so I’m back again! Lmk if I should stick to x fem!reader or nb!reader.
@thescrunkler just for you babes xx (if you hate it close your eyes).
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cantdanceflynn · 1 month
This is the best anniversary thing you're getting bc I was having feelings over. The sentient escape tower from escape from phineas tower again lol.
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eremorte · 7 months
Badwolf’s graduation day
So recently I’ve been thinking about the last episode of ever after high. Specifically the scene where Professor Badwolf warns his daughters about being too obvious about their heritage/relationship, and then follows up with
“Until graduation our family must remain secret.”
This makes no sense to me. What is he still worried about?
At this point in the series the Story Book of Legends is revealed to be a macguffin that is more symbolic than anything as if his family exsisting for roughly two decades wasn’t enough proof (I’m including his relationship with Red in this).
What, pray tell, changes for Ramona and Cerise between that argument and graduation? I’m sure the radical youth of ever after royalty will probably write a few new laws in place to be more just (or the commoners demand it) but ultimately it’s the same rule book pre/post graduation day.
Cerise has been at school the whole time and has befriended a lot of people (list below) despite her supposedly withdrawn persona. (Which I imagine is more a product of familial conditioning than what she would be like if she was allowed to breath) including literal royalty which should have an impact on how safe her family is if they were to every travel outside of the dark forest.
In no particular order Cerise has befriended🫂/cordial with 😊/knows her family secret 🐺 with the following:
Raven queen 👑🫂🐺
Cedar wood🫂
Madeline hatter 🫂🐺 (and her dad)
Lizzie hearts 👑😊 (spring unsprung)
Hunter huntsman 😊
The charming trio 👑😊🫂 (Darling and Daring both have a respect for Cerise and their own reasons to sympathize with her cause. Dexter would be fine regardless of how cannon the cerise and the beast book is)
Briar beauty 👑😊 (diaries)
Rosabella beauty 👑🫂 (doll box)
Ginger breadhouse 🫂 (doll box)
Jillian beanstalk 🫂 (Doll box)
Tiny 😊 (also the fee fi go fum deal has me believing that he knows Cerise’s secret but doesn’t say anything)
Kitty Cheshire 😊🐺 (I remember photos from epic winter which make them out to be friends, but like ehhh)
dishonorable mention: Blondie lockes 😊 (diaries and epic winter).
Idk how widely spread out everyone is due to the show not elaborating on what the kingdom borders are (if mentioned in the books I have since forgotten) but that shouldn’t matter much. And while Badwolf and Cerise might not get the chance to catch up all that much I’m pretty sure he’d be aware of at least Raven, Cedar Rosabella, and Ginger. Raven has a lot of power behind her and would be willing to go to bat for Cerise if for whatever reason some other royal Royalty has control over hood hollow and wanted to be petty and cruel about the hood/Badwolf union.
Why would they really need to care that much about all the other kingdoms knowing? Are they known to be this unhinged? This line also implies to me that the events of Unfairest of them (book) all haven’t happened in the show which is fine I don’t remember that many events from the series I am aware of discrepancies between cannon and IMO show wins out. But if they had they begrudgingly accept Cerise and Ramona.
The last obstacle I can think of is Milton. But that man fell into obsolescence that Spirng Unsprung if not Thronecoming he doesn’t appear to make anymore threats about destiny though I understand if his presence still holds weight.
I also refuse to believe that the events of way too wonderland SBOL being split up weren’t broadcast absolutely everywhere.
The only reason I can think of is selfish preparation on part of both red and badwolf. Like they can’t adjust their plans or badwolf is planning to quit his job and they all plan to move somewhere else. (In the event show cannon wouldn’t have lined up with book cannon regarding hood hollow acceptance) Or maybe it’s connected to why Ramona got sent to the reform school?
if there are any details I missed or someone has an answer I’d be glad to hear it.
Edit: 3/19
Reread Unfairest of Them All specifically the section(s) on Hood Hollow and I was partially right. The family is kinda just waiting for Badwolf to feel confident enough to show off his family.
"I could loose my job for going off script, but even worse your mother and I could be banished along with you."-Badwolf (Chapter 8)
EXCUSE ME? His fears are valid even after the basket run trial but the guilt trip? Wouldn't it be better if all three of you went instead of just Cerise? And Cerise is completely fine with it. Red says nothing does she agree with him? She was crying her eyes out at the idea of her daughter dying by mob a few sentences ago.
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lesbian-honey-lemon · 9 months
top ten smartest characters in BH6, my ranking:
1- Hiro Hamada. Of course he’s at the top, lol. Not only did he outsmart Obake, he also came up with everyone’s hero gear, coded Baymax’s other chips besides Tadashi’s, made a working energy amplifier (that didn’t immediately explode) in like two days with only Krei’s failed prototype to go off of, and HE IS IN SFIT AT 14. Of course he’s the smartest. Also he’s made other robots completely on his own like the microbots and Mini-Mac. He also comes up with most of the battle plans for BH6, and helped cure Liv Amara alongside Karmi.
2- Obake/ Bob Aken. First off, he was also in SFIT as a teen. My headcanon was that he started attending at 16, and Karmi’s like a week younger than him (so she’s technically still the 2nd youngest person to ever go to SFIT). Also!! He was the FIRST to make an energy amplifier, with absolutely nothing to go off of. His was the first, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Krei’s amplifier was based off of Obake’s amplifier. Yes the amplifier exploded immediately but he was still the first. And of course, as an adult, he made a shit ton of advanced tech. He made Trina, the most advanced AI in the whole BH6-verse (even better than Baymax because she’s basically indistinguishable from a human and can make her own decisions outside of her original purpose), he made an underwater base, a bunch of other robots, and was able to follow Shimamoto’s clues to rebuild the star machine. Also he managed to play Hiro and the rest of BH6 like a damn violin and would have succeeded if it wasn’t for Globby.
3- Honey Lemon. Honey Lemon is a goddamn genius and I will die on this hill. Her chem-purse has the INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS. So in battle, she has to legitimately think up and type in a chemical formula to make the compound to use. So she’s gotta have some MAJOR chemistry skill, an excellent memory, and wicked fast reaction time. She also found a way to cure Globby. Also let’s not forget that time she made a literal amnesia serum in like two minutes for Hiro to give to Karmi when she thought that Karmi was onto them. Also, she did uncover Lenore Shimamoto’s secret life as a scientist alongside Wasabi, and Lenore hid that shit really well.
4- Tadashi. Honestly, Tadashi and Honey Lemon are almost tied for third, but Honey Lemon’s a little smarter. He probably got into SFIT early too, cause he couldn’t have been that old. He was probably in at like 17 and died at 20. Also, he made Baymax, one of the most advanced AIs to ever exist, plus the actual robot is rlly advanced too. So just for building Baymax, he can have this spot, because of how advanced Baymax is. Although running into a burning building was kind of a dumb move.
5- Karmi. Karmi’s actually pretty gifted and you all are unnecessarily hating on this poor girl. She’s 16 and at SFIT, and while my headcanon is that she only got in a week younger than the third youngest student, she’s still the second youngest to ever go to SFIT. She also was able to observe BH6 close enough to write moves that could actually work with their gear, which allowed them to escape Momakase and save Karmi herself. Also, she’s made some epic tech. She made the patches to subdue Oreo Knox, which Di Amara later used for her own evil work. She also did that project with the electric currents in the roses, which probably has some pretty interesting uses. She also got chosen to be Di’s intern, and although she got manipulated big time, I can’t say I blame her or say she’s any less smart for literally being mutated and tortured by a woman she thought was her friend and mentor. Also, Hiro would have never gotten the nanobots to work and cure Liv Amara without Karmi’s help and insight. She also made that glove in Season 3 to beat Hardlight. In short, Karmi is way smarter than the fandom gives her credit for.
6- Gogo. Gogo’s actually quite smart and she’s come up with some interesting things. Her maglev tech is really advanced and gives her an extra edge in battle. She also was the first to catch onto the fact that Karmi had a point with her fanfic and was the first to start using Karmi’s ideas to drive up the wall to chase Momakase. She also came up with that train thing we saw her with the model of in CtC pt 1, which I assume is her midterm project. The world can always use more high-speed rail so she’s quite smart in my book for that. She also of course worked with Hiro to make that awesome bike she chased Mr Sparkles with in S2. Plus she’s in SFIT, which is a really challenging environment on its own so she’d have to be really smart to get in.
7- Wasabi. Wasabi and Gogo are like, exactly tied for 6th. They’re both on the same level of smart, but I like Gogo more so she gets 6ths (no hate to Wasabi fans, I like him too). Wasabi, of course, has his plasma blades, which are literally second to nothing but graphene. He can cut through nearly anything with his tech. He also worked with Hiro to build that space junk disposal device in S1, and helped Honey Lemon uncover the very well-guarded secrets of Lenore Shimamoto’s life as a scientist.
8- Wendy Wower. Wendy, although a minor character, has shown herself to be pretty damn smart. She wrote the thesis that Trevor Trengrove stole, which was the basis for Tadashi’s work. Without Wendy’s thesis, Tadashi would have never made Baymax. So, though she never gained the recognition she deserved for her intelligence, she’s still hella smart. Plus, she did manage to make a name for herself as a beloved educator and inspiration for kids to get into science, and that’s kind of hard to do if you’re not already really smart when it comes to science.
9- Lenore Shimamoto. Lenore Shimamoto is really smart, although her invention failed. She built the star machine, which caused the Great Catastrophe. But, she intended it to be an infinite energy device. So, like a very early interpretation of the energy amplifier. She also built a secret lab and hid all evidence of the star machine so well that it took over a hundred years to find. And honestly, if the only person who could crack your secret was literally the second smartest person in the whole show (Obake), you hid that secret pretty well. She also built and ran a whole art institute, it takes smarts to run such a big university.
10- Professor Granville. Honestly I was stuck on who to put here, but I think she deserves this spot. She’s an accomplished professor, knowledgeable about her subjects, and was obviously smart enough to mentor Hiro, Karmi, and Obake. If she wasn’t smart, they wouldn’t have latched onto her as much as they did. She also fixed Baymax that one time in S2 and went to rescue their asses all on her own, built the robot spider SFIT security system, and has some pretty good deduction skills in order to find out where Momakase was going to steal from next.
You can also put Professor Callaghan here at 10th for similar reasons, being an accomplished professor, writing many papers on robotics and inspiring Hiro’s microbots, and coming up with the plan to kill Krei. But, his plan got foiled by Hiro, and Hiro was an inexperienced superhero at this time, so it’s not like with Obake where Hiro was a seasoned superhero who had a fair shot at stopping his plans. Hiro and Obake were evenly matched. So if Inexperienced Hiro could beat Callaghan, that means Callaghan’s not quite as smart.
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bitchfendi · 10 months
hershel layton likes gingers
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