#professor Binns
storkteller · 3 months
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Draco Malfoy x y/n (Slytherin Reader) one shot
SUMMARY: Draco relentlessly flirts with y/n even if it annoys her.
WARNING: none other than the fact that this is not proof read.
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It was late afternoon after lunch break and Y/n was noting down points on a piece of parchment while professor Prof.Binns went on droning about the 'Medieval Assembly of European Wizards'. Most students find History of Magic to be exasperating but it's mostly because of Prof.Binn's teaching techniques.
Regardless of how boring it may seem, y/n makes it a point to give her 100% in class. She was concentrating so sincerely that she failed to notice a certain platinum haired boy glancing her way every few minutes. As the class went on, Prof. Binns decided to halt the lecture to let the students read and review the material before proceeding further . As she continued to read through her textbook, a charmed paper swan flew over her head and landed right on the page she was reading. She looked up and around to see who levitated it towards her and saw the group of infamous Slytherins laughing- Malfoy, Zabini, Parkinson , Nott, Crabbe and Goyle. She immediately knew it was their doing. Draco was waiting for her to look in his direction and now that she did he winked at her and shouted across the class " go on darling, read it" ; only for his friends to howl and make funny noises. Y/n got irritated so she rolled her eyes at him and grabbed the paper swan to crush it into a paper ball and chuck it at him. Soon the class ended but only after Prof.Binns had given them an essay as homework.
Y/n slung her bag on her shoulder and carried her extra books with her arms & exited the classroom to head to the courtyard since it was her last lecture of the day. Draco immediately followed her out of the class to catch up and annoy her. "Uff, that looks heavy; lemme carry them for you sweetheart" he tries to snatch the books in her arms. Y/n gets irritated " Don't you have somebody else to bother Malfoy?". "Actually, I do but you're far more interesting and also pretty cute to look at" he replies with a grin and tries to snatch her books again. This time y/n stops in her tracks and pulls Draco down by his tie to look into his eyes "Back off Draco". This makes him grin wider and he lets out a whistle while looking her up and down " ooh... feisty". Y/n blushes at the action and immediately releases his tie and walks away while Draco just stands there grinning like a fool in satisfaction.
Later that night y/n entered back in the Slytherin common room after having finished with her dinner and decided to sit on one of the couches near the fireplace. She was reading a magazine that she found on one of the coffee tables when she felt the couch sink beside her and an arm around the back of the sofa where she sat. She immediately recognised who it was just by the smell of expensive cologne. " What do you want now Malfoy?" she said without looking up from the page. "What? Can I not just spend some time trying to make acquaintances with fellow house mates?" he mockingly replied. Y/n decided to ignore him altogether and Draco got the hint but he wasn't satisfied with the interaction just yet, so he started to play with her hair. This made y/n's blood boil and she swatted his hand away and he let out a chortle. "You have nice hair" he said. "Oh why thank you Mr.Malfoy. It's an honour to get complimented by the ferret boy with slimey hair" she replied with a sarcastic smile. Draco pulled a face at this but laughed it off. Y/n shut the magazine and stood up and walked towards the stairs leading to the girl's dormitories when she heard "Goodnight darling!". She turned the corner as she secretly smiled at his antics and yelled back "Goodnight ferret boy!"
Thanks for reading! 🤍
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, this is not proof read 😅
Do like, share and comment your thoughts down below 🤔💭
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fuokir · 1 year
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Favorite class of Aena and Ominis :'DD
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hoarding-niffler · 2 years
If I remember correctly, you can find a letter from Black addressed to the teachers. They asked for the option to have a little get-together. I don’t want to go into detail about how restrictive Black’s reply was but instead, talk about how the teachers get along and--just like students--have little gatherings; probably on the upper floors of The Three Broomsticks if Black isn’t permitting happenings within Hogwarts (which seems impossible, he cannot possibly have his eyes on them all the time, he naps every hour). 
And let me tell you, I bet it gets *wild*. 
Professor Fig can hold his drink. He, Professor Ronen and Madam Kogawa will engage in little drinking games (Ronen will fall asleep after his second butterbeer). It’s like their own personal teacher-bingo. Will Professor Onai worry about Natsai again and leave early? Will she talk about dark things to come? Bottoms up!
Professor Shah and Howin will talk about the particular importance of the night sky not only for humans but for beasts as well (especially mooncalves and their magical dances), and forget everything around them. 
Professor Binns rambles on and on about how every beam in the room has a particular history and nobody listens to him. He doesn’t seem to mind. 
Professor Hecat, Garlick and Sharp are the gossip trio. Hecat hears all kinds of things about their students and she will absolutely ‘share with the class’. Sharp will try to predict the profession students might end up in while Garlick and Hecat take bets on their student’s love life. It’s only after at least half a bottle of firewhisky that Sharp will join in with frighteningly accurate guesses.
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charmedimsure · 1 year
fuck it, hogwarts legacy as vines part 3
part 1 || part 2
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blackcatenergy247 · 3 months
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I did some HC’s For Hogwart’s Legacy Characters! Since I became obsessed with this game. ❤️
Tbh most of the professors just give off AroAce vibes.
Sebastian Sallow is Bisexual
Anne Sallow is Omnisexual & Asexual
Ominis Gaunt is Pansexual
Garrett Weasley is Pansexual
Poppy Sweeting is Pansexual
Imelda Reyes is Lesbian
Leander Prewett is Trans & Straight Ally
Everett Clopton is Gay
Amit Thakkar is Gay
Sirona Ryan is Trans & Lesbian
Victor Rookwood is Straight Ally
Theophilus Harlow is unfortunately Hetero..
Phineas Black is Straight Ally
Abraham Ronen is Gay
Aeshop Sharp is Bisexual
Bai Howin is omnisexual & Asexual
Binns is AroAce
Charles Rookwood is Straight Ally & AroAce
Chiyo Kogawa is Lesbian
Dinah Hecat is Bisexual
Eleazar Fig is AroAce
Matilda Weasley is Bisexual
Mudiwa Onai is Omnisexual & Asexual
Mirabel Garlick is Lesbian
Satyavati Shah is AroAce
Gladwin Moon is Gay
Percival Rackham is AroAce & Straight Ally
San Bakar is AroAce
Niamh Fitzgerald is Lesbian
Isidora Morganach is Lesbian
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deathlysallows · 1 year
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Ominis startled awake by Professor Binns 🤭
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seedsinmygarden · 4 months
MC's Wedding Day
for: @rosy05
this was a fun request!! i randomized every (former!) student and used that as my basis. while there were certainly some I could have done easily (like MC and Amit inviting Shah or MC and Imelda inviting Kogawa), I wanted the challenge. enjoy!
Word Count: 2,017 words
Tags/Warnings: Set in a time where Fig didn’t die in the Final Repository Battle; takes place seven years after the Battle Below Hogwarts— thus, all student characters aged-up to their early 20s! Fluff, some found family.
“HEADMASTER BLACK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Phillip Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          What in Merlin’s bloody beard is this? He scoffs, preparing to owl back, but then his wife, Ursula Black, spots the letter over his shoulder. “Is that a wedding invitation? Darling, we should go!” “Absolutely not. To be quite frank, I don’t even know why I was invited!” “Perhaps it’s only a formality?”
          After some persuasion from his wife, Headmaster Black attended the event. He started off still grumbling, but eased up only a tad as the ceremony turned out to be rather lovely (and both Eleanor Gryffindor and the Minister of Magic were in attendance as well, seeing as Phillip, MC’s now-husband, was a renowned Auror). Besides, it was free food and he supposes there was some good conversation to be had among the other… witches and wizards, in attendance. He exchanged brief conversation with Phillip and MC when they visited his table (shared with a few other professors and their spouses) during dinner, only just congratulating them after a firm nudge from Ursula on his right.
“PROFESSOR MATILDA WEASLEY and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Thomas Dharby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Weasley was shocked to say the least, but not too shocked. She had remained in touch with many of her former students, but she had never been invited to one of their weddings before! Since it was only just outside of Hogsmeade, it wouldn’t take much of her time to attend and so she did. It was a beautiful wedding, especially when Tommy loudly proclaimed his vows as if he wanted the whole world to hear them because, well, who could blame him.
          Upon the first opportunity she saw during the reception, she had made her way to the lovely couple and thanked them for inviting her to join them on their day, to which MC had smiled and invited her to an embrace. “Oh, how you’ve grown into the wonderful adults you are. May your lives together be full of fortune, love, and happiness.” 
          Well, Professor Fig didn’t quite need an invite as he was the person walking MC down the aisle. When MC had asked him to walk them down the aisle alongside their father, Professor Fig could not have been more honored to do as much. He won’t admit, but he cried after MC had left. He got to watch them grow up into the wondrous person they are now and he was ecstatic to be there as they take their next step in life— quite literally.
          He watches as MC wedded Peter Green, the quiet Ravenclaw that was seemingly Madame Scribner’s favorite student in all her years as librarian of Hogwarts (and he was sure she would have been invited had she not passed away so soon). The dinner and reception were both lovely as ever, and he could see the love in both their eyes as they had their first dance, not far from the love he held for Miriam when they first wedded. MC was in perfectly good hands.
“PROFESSOR DINAH HECAT and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Lucan Brattleby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          When the former Unspeakable first received the invitation, she was a bit surprised. It certainly wasn’t everyday that former professors would be invited to the wedding, though perhaps she had more of an effect than she thought back when they were students. 
          She later learned that with both MC and Lucan long out of school and working in the same department as Aurora, of course they were going to reunite and, as it seemed, a relationship kindled from there. When she arrived and witnessed the couple tell their vows, she knew the love they held was true and wished that it would live forever for them— one of a kind, she told them when she got the chance to speak to the couple. 
“PROFESSOR ABRAHAM RONEN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Annabelle Sallow and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          To say he was giddy was certainly an understatement. He cheered so loud, one could have heard it clear across the castle. He knewwww, he kNEW, from the moment Anne and MC sat together in 6th year Charms (how she was cured, Ronen will never know, but he always had an inkling that MC was involved) that they would come to spend the rest of their lives together. Now to get an invitation to their wedding? Merlin, he was pleased!
          The venue and reception were beautiful, and he could see the hint of charmwork weaved into the space, including Avis, the very first charm he had taught them in their 6th year. To know they had valued him so much in their lives that they would invite him to witness their marriage brought him to tears alone, and he was ready— more than ready— to sing their praises (and maybe brag a bit about some of the present charms as he had taught them so long ago). When he finally came face to face with the newly married couple bearing MC’s surname, he gave them both a great big hug and wished them all the best on their new lives together.
“PROFESSOR ASEOP SHARP and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Everett Clopton and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Well, this was certainly a surprise. An unexpected one. Yet, it was also rather welcome. He found himself itching to go, but at the same time, he wasn't exactly a party person, he had always been much more introverted... but then again, MC was one of his best students (and possibly the most powerful ever) and they were a joy to have in his classroom, though he would never admit that out loud. 
          In the end, he decided to attend the ceremony and since he had a plus-one, he took along Professor Ronen to keep him company. He knew the man's giddiness would rub off at least a bit and allow him to enjoy the wedding— and enjoy the wedding he did! He didn't quite dance, but he got to sit in on the scenery and atmosphere, and found himself grateful that he had decided to attend. (Even Professor Ronen managed to drag him out to the dance floor for one dance and of course, bragged about it later.)
“PROFESSOR MIRABEL GARLICK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Amoria Dovah-Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Garlick gasps happily at the sight of the wedding invitation, and to see that it was located in MC's own conservatory, a beautiful location on its own... Merlin save her. Though it had been a while since the two were out of school, Garlick was rather close with MC and Poppy as they started a combined herbology/beasts in the Gilded Perch corridor, a dream they shared since they had found it all those years ago (as MC had enthusiastically shared with Garlick shortly before graduation). 
          When she arrived, she could feel all the love that was put into the new conservatory, and the love that the now-married couple had for each other. Amoria always had a fascination with beasts, particularly dragons, so of course there was a couple baby dragons about without their mothers (whether it be abandoned or the mother was dead :( ). She congratulated the couple when she was finally face-to-face with them, happily wishing them all the best on their new lives together like a pair of beautiful budding roses. 
“PROFESSOR CHIYO KOGAWA and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Poppy Sweeting and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Like Professor Sharp, Kogawa was rather surprised to have received this invitation— unexpected, yet welcome. She found herself sighing with a smile as she looked at the beautiful artwork on the invitation itself— a phoenix and a badger, no doubt reminiscent of the couple whose wedding she was invited to. She decides then and there to attend— MC was a wonderful person and to be marrying Poppy Sweeting… Kogawa knew they had found true love with the sweet yet stern Hufflepuff girl. 
          The wedding ceremony was beautiful, of course, as was the reception. MC had expressed their excitement upon Kogawa’s arrival and chatted with her a bit while Poppy danced with her few bridesmaids— some mutual friends of her and MC’s— and Kogawa, of course, wished them well. 
          Professor Onai couldn't have been happier to walk her daughter down the aisle to MC. The two have been inseparable since they first met in Charms class in their 5th year and even through all the hardships they had experienced, well… they experienced them together and it only brought them closer. 
          Handing her daughter off was truly a gift in itself. She had heard MC’s muttered compliment and Natty’s giggle in response and smiles. The ceremony itself was beautiful and went off without a hitch, and when the reception came with dinner and dancing involved, Professor Onai sat and watched the lovely couple. She remembered the excitement Natty brought with her after her first date with MC, and she certainly didn’t need to be a Seer to know that her daughter was in good hands.
“PROFESSOR SATYAVATI SHAH and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Scarlet Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Shah scoffs. A former student inviting her to their wedding? Please, this must be a joke. However, after a brief conversation with Professor Garlick, who was also invited, Professor Shah decided it was worth her time and went only as long as Professor Garlick joined her. Of course, Garlick was excited, and even shared the color of her gown with Shah so they could match if Shah so wanted to.
          The venue itself was beautiful, but the reception area was extravagant. So much more than Shah was expecting. It was in the Highlands, and it was a clear sky, and they were so lucky to have picked a date where there would be a few constellations and even planets spotted in the sky. MC visited with Professor Shah, thanking her for coming and the two shared in spotting some constellations. Shah wouldn’t say it aloud, but she was proud of her students and the wonderful people they grew up to become. 
“PROFESSOR BAI HOWIN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Leon Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Certainly a pleasant surprise when Professor Howin received the owls. She knew that MC had been traveling the world with Leon as he played Quidditch, and they studied, rescued, and rehabilitated various beasts that they found around the globe, often owling Howin with their finds and anything else interesting they see along the way.
          She attends the wedding, marking it the first time she saw them in years and MC was excited that Howin was there. She doesn’t converse much as she wasn’t a party person, but she still wishes the couple all her best and only the best lives together going forward. 
“PROFESSOR CUTHBERT BINNS and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Florence Watts and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Unfortunately, he cannot even leave Hogwarts as he's confined to its walls. (It's a ghost thing.) He sends an owl with regrets, but adds a letter wishing them all the best and a few books as a wedding gift. Hopefully they understand. 
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oh-my-wolfstar · 1 year
Wolfstar kiss head cannon
As we all know, history of Magic is the most boring class at Hogwarts so Sirius never pays any attention (except on full moons so he can take notes for Remus)
He usually spends his time in class styling his hair; like french braiding, etc. When he's finished whatever style he has done he will turn to Remus and ask him how it looks
In the beginning Remus tries to ignore Sirius but soon he's giving Sirius whispered compliments and feedback.
Pretty soon he's even giving Sirius directions when Sirius is doing his hair because he doesn't have a mirror
After a while Sirius starts to wonder why Remus puts up with his constant interruptions to class when he's normally so serious about his studies
But what Sirius doesn't know is that Remus finds Sirius playing with his hair is extremely attractive (although he finds everything Sirius does extremely attractive) though he would never say that to Sirius and risk ruining their friendship
What Remus doesn't know is that Sirius' hairstyling might not be entirely boredom, its also a bit of a ploy for Remus' attention because Sirius is also super into Remus
And so one day Sirius has done his hair up in this beautiful braided look and turns to show Remus except Remus is already staring at him and both boys start blushing
Then Remus notices that a strand of Sirius' hair has come loose so he reaches out and tucks it behind his ear without thinking
Now both boys are blushing hard and Remus is still holding Sirius' face in his hand
And neither boy is sure who makes the first move but suddenly they're full on making out in the middle of history of magic
They're only broken apart by James whistling and grinning like a lunatic which finally gets professor Binns' attention.
Sirius and Remus get detention for a week for disturbing the class but it's totally worth it.
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
In-universe, how is it that no one knows of Credence/Aurelius? Surely he would have come up at some point in Magical History? Obscurials are rare, yet alone one that survived to adulthood. The incident in New York alone should have put him in Wizarding history forever, let alone his role in the war with Grindelwald and the events of Bhutan. Not to mention he turns out to be Dumbledore’s nephew - Dumbledore becomes famous after defeating Grindelwald, Credence should have been mentioned at some point at least in passing.
Consider, though, that he is well-known, and people have heard of him.
Only they’ve only heard the name of Credence Barebone, and nobody’s heard of Aurelius Dumbledore.
Or vice versa - people have heard of Aurelius Dumbledore; his identity as Credence Barebone is unknown.
Or maybe people have heard of Aurelius Dumbledore (an illegitimate son of Aberforth Dumbledore who died young. Aberforth doesn’t like to talk about him. Aberforth doesn’t like to talk about most things, really.) and also Credence Barebone (the American Obscurial who joined Grindelwald but defected) but they haven’t connected the two. They don’t know that they’re one and the same.
Or maybe Credence did come up in Magical History but Binns’ class is mind-numbingly boring so nobody remembered him.
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indigobackfire · 2 years
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Memes for the professors
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fog-and-rust · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy as stuff I heard real people say (or Incorrect Quotes Part 6)
Somehow it turned out to be mostly teachers' edition.
Professor Fig [if we roleplay as evil]: MC, of course, I wanted you to socialize, but not so fast and not using this obscene language.
About Sebastian's questline: Where there is amor (love), there is also sangre (blood) and muerte (death).
Professor Hecat [to Sebastian and Leander]: The percentage of how much you both show off doesn't interest me like at all
[About the fact that there's no romance in the game]
Some people are like Aurora Borealis: beautiful and unattainable
My Hufflepuff!MC *trying to break into Ravenclaw common room*: This quest is certainly NOT for Dora the Explorer
Any of our classmates [at any moment]: Today my inner demons are especially unsinkable.
[When Professor Fig distracted the Hedmaster so that we could impersonate him]
And so they went to have a drink and lie face down in one and the same bowl of salad...
Keepers' portraits, if they visit their smaller portraits: My astral body doesn’t fit in here
Ominis: Where is my wand? I don’t know, where the people who irritate me are, so I can’t direct my hate accurately enough
[A few moments later]
Ominis [about Duncan Hobhouse]: Finally, the object of hatred is located
Keepers' advice to MC before the trials: Die, but don't surrender.
Professor Binns: And from now on all mistakes will be part of your own biography
My Hufflepuff!MC [about the House-Elf Recipe Book near Common room entrance]: I have a food encyclopaedia which I reread whenever I'm feeling down.
MC, after completing Merlin Trials: After you complete each of them, you'll master Zen and understand, what it all was about
[About lack of curfew and the fact that teachers' assignments require us to do very morally questionable things]
They were very children-oriented but if a child went to the Forbidden forest it was NOT a problem
Professor Fig [whenever Headmaster Black gives him another task]: Would you mind if we cancel the lesson?
Students: We mourn and run away.
MC, about some of the puzzles: It's like teaching Chomping Cabbages to play gobstones on a snake-like instrument
MC, sprinting past prefects: I'm not running, I'm being late
Ominis: Have you finished your homework?
Sebastian [after training Confringo]: Not yet. Magma is flowing in my veins. Wait a bit.
MC, to Sebastian and Ominis [after their questline]: I wish us to be friends till the end of death.
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itstopplingdomino · 7 months
tolerance | react drabble pt. 2
pairing: hermione granger x gn!reader (Can be read as platonic and/or romantic sense) summary: how would certain Harry Potter characters react when they find out you are injured but doesn't seem so from the outside...
tags: mentions/details of injuries (blood, cuts, etc..), implied physical abuse, generally fluffs, no use of y/n (usage of you/nicknames instead), gender-neutral reader, no-war alternate universe.
other parts : part 1 (harry potter x reader), ron weasley x reader, draco malfoy x reader, fred weasley x reader, george weasley x reader.
⟢ Hermione Granger ⟢
To say you are academic rivals with Granger is an overstatement. Sure, the two of you are often toe-to-toe for the highest grade in all the classes you shared together but the two of you aren't exactly competing with each other. No, you are not studying together either.
Merlin, the extent of your exchange with her are within the vicinity of a classroom. In other words, you are not friends with her; simply a classmate.
However, it seems that everyone else sees it differently - to them, you two are friends.
And that's affecting the current status of your relationship with her.
Instead of the usual nod, Granger started to actually greet you whenever she passes by you in the hallways. Other times she'd even wave with a big smile.
It's weird, this sudden change though you accept it nonetheless.
So when she choose to sit next to you in History of Magic one random afternoon, you didn't mind it.
Despite teaching the subject for hundreds of years, Professor Binns has no desire to make the class interesting. Students are failing to stay focused, a few just straight up sleeping or have a full on conversation, and you... well, you are distracted for an entirely different reason.
Your wrist hurts.
A single glance, you are sure it's actually swelling. A second glance, you could see it's turning purple.
An unfortunate accident involving hyperactive third years who were throwing jinxes at each other in which a stray leg-locking jinx hit you had occurred just an hour ago.
The jinx didn't cause the swelling. You suspect the impact from falling on the hard ground where your hand twisted in the way it shouldn't is the primary reason for the swelling now. It didn't hurt as much at first, just a little sore paired with an off feeling when you bend it. Nothing that warrants immediate care, at least for you it isn't urgent-
"My goodness, are you alright?" Hermione spoke, cutting your train of thoughts.
You offer her a stiff nod and a vague explanation of what happened.
She looks around at first, focusing a few moments more on Binns as he float through the student at the back. She turns back to you, a wand ready at hand and whisper a quick spell with a flick of foreign movements. Clearly a spell above your year.
The strange feeling starts to decrease considerably, you look at your wrist and see that the swell reduced to a simple - almost unnoticeable - bump, and the colour returns to your normal skin tone.
"I'm sorry it's not perfect yet." She says. "I'm still practicing it but one only could practice so much when injury does not come by often."
When you suggest helping out in the Hospital Wing to her, she shrugs saying that healer career isn't what she aims at the moment - only increasing her spells arsenal.
Interesting, you think. But before you could follow up, Professor Binns returns to the front, still droning about the International Confederation of Wizards.
Well, to say you are academic rivals with Granger is an overstatement... but maybe, just maybe, becoming a friend is the first step.
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zelyna-w · 11 months
✨🎃Hogtober Day 18: Ghosts🎃✨
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stabbyapologist · 10 months
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“That is believed to be some sort of monster, which the Heir of Slytherin alone can control,” said Professor Binns in his dry, reedy voice. The class exchanged nervous looks. “I tell you, the thing does not exist,” said Professor Binns, shuffling his notes. “There is no Chamber and no monster.”
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in-the-undercroft · 2 years
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Some History of Magic with Ominis. Honestly, HoM was so much fun. Binns was PERFECT as someone who read the books as a kid, it was surreal. I really enjoyed the chance to run around the Bell Tower and have my classmates tell me little tibits about different things on display. It felt very fitting for my field guide. Even after I collected what Binns needed they didn't disperse and I don't want to leave cause we're all just hanging out as a class????
I enjoyed finding Ominis lounging on the steps. Later on, he kept taking out a pocket watch to look at???? I mean we all know they've assigned him npc reading behaving but bby you can't read the time. The game isn't smart.
And I love that Binns quote. I was like it's a shame goblins and wizards can't get along and he was like "But imagine how boring my lectures would be WITHOUT goblin rebellions." And IRL I'm like Binns you can't just say that. You can't just say you want war and oppression for history lectures. Geez. Typical old white man. Literal old literal white not literal man anymore because he's a literal ghost.
This is definitely top 3 side quests(Not counting relationship quests). And not just for Ominis.
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