#professional napper
millerflintstone · 2 years
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Some Gigabyte pictures from this past week
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twilit-creature · 1 year
Today was such a shit day and I just need to bury my face in Sil's chest, else I'll cry.
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fulminare-art · 8 months
guy falls asleep mid convo ten million dead thousands injured
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the-shy-wolf · 8 months
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Professional napper
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sleepimali · 8 months
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Library of the Forgotten
CW: death mention in lore, so I'm linking it instead this time 💛
It explores what one aspect of death care could look like in a fantasy world (more specifically in my comic universe)
These are also available as a print + sticker set on my Patreon (same link) until the end of the month in the Professional Napper and Big Sleepy tiers if you want to support me and my work 💛
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bunnyrafe · 1 month
♥︎ 𝓃otes: i didn’t do a full week because i firmly believe soft pogue!reader is a girlrotter / professional napper… she loves staying home and being sleepy. here’s just a few looks so you can see her aesthetic ‘n learn more about her xoxo
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ff bf!rafe ‘n soft pogue!reader love after dinner ice cream dates </3 sometimes she uses it as an excuse to dress up ‘n feel like the cutest girl in the world as both of them share bites of each other’s cones and watch the sunset…
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waiting for rafey to return from a business trip vibes… she takes a nice bath to settle her nerves ‘n gets out smelling like vanilla clouds and flowers. it makes rafe crazy the second he steps back into the house and even more ready to embrace his baby than he was before !!! especially when he sees her standing there in her cute pajama set and some comfy socks.
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ff bf!rafe loves his boat days, and now he has a cute lil thing to sit with him. he makes it worth soft pogue!reader’s while ‘n makes a trip out of it. the pair stop at another island for a gorgeous dinner, although she feels a bit out of place at such a nice restaurant. let alone wearing the expensive accessories rafe was more than happy to buy her for being so good.
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soft pogue!reader’s outfit for the camping drabble. that is one of rafe’s old sweatshirts ‘n she’s in heaven wearing it. she’s also wearing cute panties under her shorts because she was 100% plotting on riling rafe up, as we know. of course she has cozy pjs packed and a cute dress for the next day. <3
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cringecorekitty · 1 year
i'm a professional cat napper. sometimes i can cat nap for eight to ten hours
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Sleepy boy Hob Gadling. Professional napper Hob Gadling. Sleep health expert Hob Gadling. "I was just resting my eyes" Hob Gadling. Weekend lie-ins Hob Gadling. In bed by 8pm Hob Gadling. Honk honk snoo Hob Gadling.
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threestripeslider · 2 years
TMNT03: Dark Turtles Headcanon Time
no you do not get a choice, now listen to me. a lot of it is probably inspired by @amevello-blue Dark Turtle fics on AO3, especially the names bc i for one would’ve never come up with that lmao so credits to them and also Read their Fics no i am not Asking.
anyway. im mad we didnt get a 2nd season of Fast Forward that potentially included a Dark Turtles Redemption and all i can think about is them getting taken in by Cody when the turtles travel back to their time and if you know me, im all about the Found Family Shenanigans. so after some grumbling and growling and hissing the boys settle in and finally get to be more than just weapons of destruction.
DaVinci [Dark!Leo]
nicknamed Vin or Vinny
"i don’t give a shit.” actually gives a LOT of shits
grows to be overprotective but in a really unconventional and grumpy way, ESPECIALLY about Cody and Simoni – when he doesn’t like where they’re at, he will literally scruff them and lift them up to another place, usually behind him
Bad Communication
So bad, oh my god, sir, please just TALK–
while he generally keeps to himself, most of his arguments are caused by him being very uncommunicative or just having no idea how to express what exactly is bothering him
that puts him often at odds with Bardi who will question him the most. one time they nearly duked it out in the middle of the kitchen bc Bardi was handling a sharp knife with his tail and Vin got lowkey worried that he’ll hurt himself or others if he’s not careful but instead of relaying that, he said something along the lines of “you’re shit at handling a blade” and it went downhill from there
he grows a substantial bonsai collection, but the one he got from Splinter is obviously the most well taken care of (he secretly named them all)
only Cody knows bc he was passing by and heard Vin talking to someone named Eliza and when Cody took a peek it was obvious that Vin meant the bonsai he was grooming at that time
PLEASE do not mess with his plants – not only will he severely maim you, he’ll also be very upsetti >:’(
Simoni once gifted him a turtle-shaped watering can as a joke but Vin uses it religiously
the lense over his left eye is actually removable but will leave him half-blind since his left eye is pretty much an empty socket with a prosthetic replacement in it – once he’s more comfortable, he begins removing the lense when he goes to sleep so he can actually close both of his lids
works out a lot, mostly bc the routine calms him (and he likes being the one who can hold back his brothers with just one hand)
once, Cody took them to the less populated countryside to show them the world beyond the city and went stargazing at night, ever since then Vin would sometimes sneak into the simulation room just to relive that moment over and over again bc it’s been the calmest he’s ever felt
Sanzio [Dark!Raph]
nicknamed Sunny
this guy LOVES to lie in the sun – ever since they existed, they’ve mostly been confined underground so the first time he actually got the opportunity to lie down on the roof of Cody’s home and feel the sun, he’d been hooked
Professional Napper™
yknow how cats loaf a lot? yeah he does that – in general, his and Simoni’s legs are the most flexible
you’d think he’s a heavy sleeper, but he’s scared Cody shitless countless of times when the kid tried to spend time with him as quietly as possible only to pass a glance and see those glum yellow eyes already staring back at him
while he can’t retract into his shell, he’s the only one who can achieve the closest thing to it by tucking himself as tightly as possible beneath his carapace
has the worst time during shedding season since his shell is the widest, so Cody and Starlee usually help him peel off his scutes – while he doesn’t feel it, he does not like the sound of it and wears noise-cancelling headphones
despite his initial aggression, Sunny is actually the calmest of his brothers, mostly bc he doesn’t have a lot to say since everyone else seems to run on higher energy than he does, so he can appear a little slow
if you annoy him, he will literally move away from you wordlessly
like, fuck getting into a verbal altercation, if someone just up and moved away from me mid-conversation and then settle down somewhere way off, that would emotionally damage me more than anything else
a fruit fiend, Serling has begun to buy the triple amount of fruits than he usually gets just bc Sunny keeps eating them – he doesnt even peel them
his favorites are cantaloupes and he eats them like apples
dont tell anyone, but Starlee is secretly his favorite bc she treats him like a huge cat
probably the laziest of all of them, yet physically he remains the strongest
likes watching movies – he doesnt particularly favor any genre, but he does noticeably watch a lot of documentaries. Cody thinks the narration soothes him
Bardi [Dark!Donnie]
nicknamed simply B
ngl he’s a bit of a Bitch
high-strung and high-maintenance, it drives Vin and Simoni up the fucking walls
he’s the moodiest, most standoffish of all his brothers and prone to constant sarcasm – however despite complaining about it, he never stops explaining the things he’s doing when asked
bit of an Instigator, it’s better to keep him busy so he won’t get bored and get ideas on how to entertain himself – naturally, he’s a fan of soap operas, the more dramatic the better
Bardi: this is a fun show Vin: the main character’s mother just died on screen Bardi: exactly, it’s hilarious
he was the hardest nut to crack, but Starlee eventually got to him by purposefully coding a system incorrectly while he was in the lab with her and he got so fed up he took over some of the work – it’s only later that he realized he got tricked into helping
oddly enough, that warmed him up to Starlee
he appears a lot more agreeable within a lab setting, but outside of it he will freely mock Cody for not knowing how to fry an egg (he doesn’t know either, he’s a hypocrite)
clearly uncomfortable with anything that involves emotions bc he sees them as a weakness and liability since Darius used to punish them for being anything but battle-hungry monsters – it takes him quite a while to come to terms that he is allowed to feel and let others feel in turn
he’s still super bad at comforting crying people tho, he’s not good with tears and usually just kind of. taps ppl with his tail like “there, there” while looking incredibly uncomfortable
despite his waspish know-it-all attitude he does warm up to everyone in the house and becomes a little possessive – these people belong in HIS bale and his tail has gained this reflex where it would start to wrap around the person he feels is being threatened to be taken from him
he used to squint a lot, like this angry, suspicious squint until Cody figured out he needed glasses
Cody: dont you get tired from all the squinting? Bardi: thats how i look Cody: do you. i think you need glasses Bardi: i need what now
Bardi is still kind of miffed that this didnt occur to him first
he files his claws regularly to keep them sharp “just in case” but wears special tips so he wont accidentally nick anyone, not since he did so with Simoni who immediately went to snitch to Vin
Simoni [Dark!Mikey]
gets called Moni, Mon or Monmon a lot
silly guy!! little guy!! dont let him bite you
the easiest to get along with – while he is a total wildcard and mischievous, he’s super curious about the world that was withheld from them and just. dives right in
absolutely does not understand video games at first despite having vague memories of them thanks to Mikey’s genes, but one all-nighter spent with Cody trying out the newest game on the market, he’s all for it
loves mangas more thann comic books – Cody just KNOWS Mikey would scream “BLASPHEMY!”
actually really loves reading bc he can learn so much and begins to have this huge assortment of random trivia in his head that he’ll just randomly blab out when it becomes relevant – or even when it’s not
the armor on his right leg isnt actual armor but a legit prosthetic after Cody scanned them for initial health checks
he can actually roll his tongue up into his mouth but bc of its current size, he cant keep it inside – him and Cody are still looking into corrective surgeries since there is the danger of his tongue being in the way of his breathing
while he likes a good brawl with his brothers, he hightails it out when Vin and Bardi start fighting since that energy always feels like wanting to cause genuine hurt. so he usually hides away for a few hours until he thinks the coast is clear or Cody/Starlee/Sanzio manage to coax him out
the Champion of Hide n’ Seek – he hides in the most unlikely places and nobody has any idea how he even manages to fit into some of these spots
he’s the most flexible, making him very nimble and acrobatic – he absolutely loves to climb stuff and especially likes to hang from the ceiling to scare the others
do Not touch his food. it’s not even a fun thing – he’s very protective of his food since Darius saw him as the runt of the litter for being smaller and naive and thus used to feed him the least, if at all
he will freely share his food however, but it has to come from his own will
Starlee once brought a pack of little fruit jelly cups and he’s been obsessed with them ever since
while he’s way more expressive than his brothers, he still gets incredibly nervous when involved in an emotional conversation – it takes him a while to realize nobody will punish him for feeling down and expressing it
the kind of guy who will randomly throw out theoretical or philosophical questions that make you have an existential crisis for a good few hours
Simoni: is fish wet when underwater Bardi: what the fuck, obviously, you moron Simoni: yeah but it lives there, water isnt wet to them Bardi: that’s– what? Sanzio: ...im going to bed.
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beyourownanchor6 · 9 months
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thanks for the tag love @wikiangela 🩵
—more from duck buck ✨christmas edition✨ this wips getting out of hand and i’m loving is so much 😅
“So, what brings you by today Mr. Buckley?”
It felt all too formal, Buck wrinkling his nose for it. Eddie was trying to remain professional, ok?
It’d been about a week since the incident, Eddie finding himself looking Buck over, the stitches covered with some gauze, Eddie finding that a little odd. They should’ve healed by now.
“So did you find—”
“Are you taking care of your wound?” Eddie asked, cutting Buck off with a look toward his forehead.
Buck tilted his head sideways as he thought it over, finally arriving on the same page as Eddie. He placed a hand up to it, running his fingers over the dressing. “Oh yea, it’s fine. I accidentally re-opened them, but doc said it’s all good.”
“You re-op—”
Buck waved him off. “It’s fine. Happens all the time.”
That admission did not comfort Eddie in the slightest.
“Anyway,” Buck continued, bypassing all of Eddie’s worries. “So, did you catch the duck-nappers?”
Eddie let out a heavy sigh, taking another sip of his coffee. It was definitely way too early for Evan Buckley and his duck issues.
“No Buck, we have not.”
Buck frowned. “Any leads?”
Eddie didn’t’ want to be a dick, especially for the sincere look on Buck’s face, but there was quite literally no news. Nothing worth mentioning anyway.
Even so, Eddie decided to appease him, clicking through some things on his computer and shuffling through a few files on his desk. Buck awaited his answer eagerly, leg shaking a mile a minute as Eddie went.
Eddie cleared his throat as he scrolled, wishing he had more to tell Buck.
“Well unfortunately we haven’t been able to find the…duck-nappers yet. We sent off the DNA under your fingernails for testing, but nothing’s come from it yet.”
Buck pushed his lower lip out, Eddie finding it oddly adorable.
tagging: @loserdiaz @redlightsandicedtea @monsterrae1 @honestlydarkprincess @onward--upward @spotsandsocks @buddierights @barbiediaz @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @wh0re-behavi0r @santadiazz @disasterbuckdiaz @hippolotamus @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @wildlife4life @giddyupbuck
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dephellseed · 1 year
I could share my works in progress and all the the things i'm working on related to those things or I can throw out cute headcannons and I think I have a preference so here are all the cute sleepy headcannons I've got
Heralds Sleepy Headcannons
John gets whiney when he's sleepy. Borderline nonsensical in speech as he gets more tired, his voice goes up a little bit and his old southern accent starts to slip out. Once actually convinced to go to bed, he isn't exactly a peaceful sleeper. He tosses and turns a little bit unless he's holding something (or someone) and he mumbles in his sleep. He can and will get mad at you about something you did in his dream.
How Jacob sleeps is entirely dependent on whether or not someone reads to him or helps soothe him to sleep. He refuses to admit he's tired if he's in the middle of doing something, but it takes a while to catch the little warning signs of his for when he's gone too long between siestas. He talks less, stares off into space, kind of agitated. Generally though, unlike John, he doesn't need to be convinced to go to bed. He's actually an adult about his sleep schedule, mainly because he's learned to value every second of sleep he gets. When soothed, he sleeps like a log, unmoving and peaceful. He snores, but its not very loud. Its more like a low rumbling you can't really hear unless you lay your head on his chest. Left to his own sleep care, he thrashes in his sleep. He mumbles borderline incoherent statements about whatever nightmare is plaguing him, and his prone to sleep walking. He's been a sleep walker since he was little, but it got better as he got older, only to return full force once his time in the service was over. Their mother use to say he was a "walker and a screamer," so at least he doesn't scream anymore. It is very rare that during a nightmare he ever gets physically violent or acts out the actions in his dreams, but it has happened before. As such, he's very hesitant to let people around him when he's tired or near him when he's sleeping.
Joseph sleeps flat on his back with his arms crossed over his chest. Always has. Everyone thinks its weird, but he doesn't get it. He also sleeps fully clothed, which he also doesn't understand why people say is weird. His visions often plague him in his sleep, so he does actively sleep talk. It is rather common for people who sleep in the same room as him to be able to have complete conversations with him while he's asleep, only for him to not remember them when he wakes up. When sleeping in a bed with someone else, he prefers to be the little spoon.
Faith is a very light sleeper, something she attributes to her "sinful past." Every small noise from the creak of a floorboard to someone she breathing differently than normal wakes her. Once woken up, she has a very difficult time going back to sleep. Fortunately for her, Bliss tends to make people very sleepy. She's a professional napper at this point. Sleeping through the night might not be easy but there's plenty of quiet, secluded places to get an hour or two throughout the day. Generally a rather fidgety person, the only time she's ever truly still is when she's asleep.
Assorted Guns For Hire and Side Character Sleepy Headcannons
Sharky snores like a freight train. Saws logs like nobody's business. Very avid cuddler, but if he's holding you when he falls asleep? Good luck getting out of that death grip, babe.
Pastor Jerome sleep preaches. He mumbles whatever sermon he was planning before bed in his sleep. He thinks people are joking when they tell him about it. They really aren't.
Kim swears up and down that Nick snores loud enough to send her to the couch most nights. He claims this is blasphemy. She laughs about it.
If you thought Adelaide was loud when she's awake, you should try sleeping in a house with her. While her snoring is sporadic, it is very loud. Xander will try to convince you it's cute.
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0-0kappacino0-0 · 6 months
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Dnd Art: Sleep Pile 💤
A sketch of the party at current all coming together for a nap cause life is tiring and sleepy cuddle times can help one cope with that struggle (I would know I'm a ✨️professional ✨️ napper 😌👌)
(New Characters:-
Harengon - Luuki 🐇
Aasimar - Lia 👼)
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wintfleur · 6 months
I just know Stella is a professional napper
Oh she definitely is !!! All the Hughes siblings are. And with her anemia she’s just extra tired, she’s just a sleepy girl ! Being able to sleep almost anywhere as long as it’s not too loud.
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thatsoup · 26 days
Professional napper
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sleepimali · 11 months
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Available as a print and sticker set this month only (November 2023) on my Patreon for Professional Napper patrons and above :)<3
As a warning, this month’s lore deals pretty heavily with death and trauma, and has mentions of war (in the past).
Shadowlings and No Magic Zones lore:
If you find yourself in a place where traces of humans are slowly being reclaimed by nature, marked by a glaringly red and yellow coloured sign that says “NO MAGIC” on it, odds are you’re standing at the site of an old battleground from the Long War.
No matter where you go, if there are humans around, you can likely find a no magic zone there too. And the reason magic is disallowed in such places is because they are the dwellings of the Shadowlings, who are said to be soldiers that fell to a curse in the war, and hence harbour very negative emotions towards those who use it. Fear, anger, grief… And all explosive feelings at that. They aren’t exactly capable of rational thinking anymore, so it’s best not to upset them, especially since they tragically harbour a lot of the Wild Magic they resent so much, and can be incredibly dangerous while emotional.
Because of their experiences that live on inside them, it doesn't matter that magic has now become a good and necessary force in human society, or that magic folks and humans have both done equal amounts of good and bad.
Using magic in their presence truly can only be done at the risk of your life for most people, and the exceptions to that rule can be counted on the fingers of just one hand.
However if you do not provoke them, they are completely harmless and very gentle - loving even.
Being a Shadowling is leading an existence that hovers between life and death, unable to participate in life, but also unable to move on from it. And yet a Shadowling is not quite a ghost either.
As newly turned, most Shadowlings retain an almost human shape, but they slowly begin lose their shape and memories with the passage of time, except for a few exceptions who hold onto them as much as possible for the sake of their loved ones.
Still, they know instinctively that they were once humans and therefore tend to seek them and their warmth out as much as possible. In the absence of humans though, they feel the safest around human-made objects that have been left behind in the zone, and with each other. Shadowling are rarely alone, instead they tend to huddle together in big groups where they do their best to comfort each other and help each other hold onto their memories, and dream of the day they’ll be able to return to humanity.
For quite some time after the end of the war, those who lived on would take care of the Shadowlings and the areas in which magic was forbidden. After all, no matter how unrecognisable they had become, they were still people’s beloved family members, lovers, and friends. And if you look into their eyes, regardless of how much they have lost, you can still see and know who they were in life.
But time is ruthless to us all, and the last living generation who survived the horrors of the war has grown old and started to disappear. For some time, their descendants would take care of the no magic zones instead, but the vast majority of these places would slowly become completely abandoned with the introduction of magic in human society.
And so, the Shadowlings kept getting more and more shapeless and wispy, clinging to the traces of humanity they can find in items that were left behind and the occasional visitor.
Few people visit these days. And even fewer still are visitors who still do not have traces of magic on them or aren’t afraid of the Shadowlings.
But maybe one day, as long as there is hope, maybe one day their curse can be lifted.
And until then, the Shadowlings will find ways to keep existing and experience joy and love even with all that they have lost.
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the-ghost-king · 9 months
I know scrubs are basically just glorified adult pajamas with bonus pockets but I still think I should just be allowed to wear actual pajamas to work... anyone know of somewhere hiring for professional nappers?
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