#product manger interview
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merchantservices444 · 11 months ago
Decoding High-Risk Products and Services in the Payment Industry
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robertjames122022 · 2 years ago
What are useful interview questions for product managers?
Fermi’s problems + Prod Mgmt Estimation questions
If you’re a Product management aspirant or took Product management interviews, it’s quite common for you to come across questions such as:
Estimate the number of flights that land in San Francisco per hour
Estimate the number of restaurants in London, UK
How many search queries per second in Google
I was reading (rather listening, on Audible) this book called Range. I came across something called Fermi’s problems.
Who’s Fermi?
Fermi is a Physicist, who’s known for his research on the “atomic bomb”. While testing the Atom bomb before World War II in 1945, he wanted to estimate the power of the atom bomb.
How do you estimate the power (yield) of the Atom bomb?
Continue The Reading of What are useful interview questions for product managers
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unproduciblesmackdown · 1 year ago
[Re: Who would your SQUIP be in real life?]
Will: I wrote, uh… My post-it in the lobby says "Jerry Orbach," um, but I also in the past said that Kermit the Frog would be my SQUIP, (Jason: Oh, yeah, that's a good one.) um, just—just yesterday, I—uh…my girlfriend reminded me that, uh, I have said in the past that, uh, Ruby Manger would be my SQUIP, (Jason: Who's that?) who is a character played by Julia Mattison, uh, in her, uh, her solo show. As Ruby Manger. (Jason: Oh, cool!) Who is this sort of, like, [Ruby Manger voice] this grande dame of the theatre, (Jason, Jose, Diep: [laughing]) who is an amalgam of many different ladies. Um, and she's like, (Jason: Ha!) she's got a lot of quotables that I use, daily. (Jason: That actually makes a lot of sense now, yeah. Okay.) [laughs]
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discluded · 1 year ago
Please feel free to ignore this if you can't answer and I hope it doesn't come of as rude. However I would appreciate your opinion on Pond heavily integrating himself in majority, if not all of MileApo's events. I understand as a manger he needs to be present but sometimes it seems he can not differentiate between his role as manager and acts like an artist like I've seen him in Pictures and interviews where his presence doe not feel necessary, and while I appreciate the Lives once gain he makes himself very seen. I just don't see this behavior from other Thai managers, they let the Artist be the Artist and do their jobs while watching at the sidelines. Any Opinions or theories ? Just curious
No, in my opinion, it's very attention hog-y *sighs* Here's the thing. Pond isn't their manager, that's Gift. Understandably, BOC is a smaller company so for stuff like this which is very high profile, him being there isn't necessarily the worst thing, but at the Mumbai show, he was inserting himself in the middle of every photo other people wanted to take with MileApo💀
and yes, it's incredibly annoying that he does that, especially in the lives where it's advertised as a MileApo live (the Srichand one in India where he was pretty much pushing Apo off of the screen)
but also I recognize that Mile and Apo are his friends, and maybe they have talked to him in the past to tone it down because BELIEVE IT OR NOT this time he hasn't been as annoying as he was in the past.
Ultimately, as a fan, I also recognize we can't do anything to make him stop it and MA aren't exactly aching to go start their own production company, so just like. It's best to make peace with it. Just like, get really good at Pretending to Not See him and stop thinking about him.
My evergreen Pond meme
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artcalledtattoo · 7 months ago
New Pain Endeavors My Painful Endeavors Bethlehem steel works Single entity Sharpened for precision of piercing Surgical stainless Porcelain vase’s The vice’s upheaval -ed Evil to new pain endeavors Externalize For profits Excrement piss and sweat Lowest level of pyramid Lower vials All pain for endurance At cheapest of cost Garment worker paid .33 Garment sells for 89.50 Thief skills steals car for exchange of $100 To purchase said garment The profits still pyramidal focused Thee gridlocked society We need more human spraying of DDT Add the lead again Who’s the focused on water Minuscule parts of millions Our global industry Climate endangered endeavors We’ll still questionable Tornado alley turned to other paved streets Specifically East side Flooding also & in West North glacier’s melting Southies move upwards New laborers Jobs not wanted by settled in Americans The human inclinations Hold strong New pain endeavors Are Bath salts still sold locally? I feel face biting being a necessity! I’m a nagging product A CEO was interviewed Yearly wages expressed just in smile But bonus was given in dollars signs $$$,$$$ “The Capitalism is the greatest known Universe for any man. You can ask my friends and family! Wants & needs created is money paying. Those mangers make everything happen below, my managers are everything! “Sit on top of a pyramid, the foundation to hold you up is / are the managers for support on every step. ^>%@“ Given in symbols Upper right percentage at The profits are momentousness Bonus so important from top to the below A Leader should be bonus-less Not a trick in skateboarding What yearly for taking Not enough? Leaders need a bonus!? So medieval In 2024 Pay my prestige self Will Trump be on air ? Longer than OJ? Everyday now! Go to Tumblr For that out of air Atmosphere Meet required blogs A plus for healing that new piercing Can we let spin a corporation I’m the fan selfing Energy coolant lubrication all needed Takes tension of the belts Engine giving In all blogs conveyor-ing Conglomerates Tattoo barcodes on newly arriving Tattoo barcodes on newly arrived Tattoo barcodes on new array Trust in barcodes Trust in barcodes Trust in lines All profit Lock heeds & column combines Capital coronation Of such a young country New physical exercise New P E Let’s extend out before spinning Line up for USA dancing DLC bonus Defenders offended Offenders defended In Capitol States Are you an ally, or in alley? You could just be tentative? In sympathy New pain endeavors
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ouyander · 2 years ago
Le système immunitaire (parfois appelé système lymphatique) d'un organisme est un système biologique constitué d'un ensemble coordonné d'éléments de reconnaissance et de défense qui discrimine le soi du non-soi. Il est hérité à la naissance, mais autonome, adaptatif et doué d'une grande plasticité, il évolue ensuite au gré des contacts qu'il a avec des microbes ou substances environnementales étrangères au corps. La rédaction vous propose 6 habitudes et aliments qui boostent vos défenses ... Manger équilibré renforce l’immunité 1/6 Manger équilibré renforce l’immunité Les aliments bons pour la flore intestinale Adopter une alimentation équilibrée permet d’éviter les carences, qui pourraient nuire à la bonne santé de notre organisme. En outre, certains aliments sont des alliés de notre flore intestinale, parce qu’ils contiennent des prébiotiques ou des probiotiques. Or, le microbiote joue un rôle primordial dans l’efficacité de nos défenses immunitaires.  Les probiotiques sont les bonnes bactéries qui composent notre flore intestinale. Le yaourt, le lait fermenté, la choucroute, le miso ou encore le tempeh en contiennent. Les prébiotiques, quant à eux, sont la nourriture de ces bactéries. Vous pouvez faire le plein en consommant certains légumes comme l’ail, les asperges, les oignons ou les poireaux, mais aussi de l’orge, de l’avoine ou des fruits tels que les agrumes ou le kiwi. Les graines de lin et de chia sont également riches en prébiotiques.  Les aliments qui boostent vos défenses Par ailleurs, certaines vitamines et minéraux agissent directement sur le système immunitaire. Là encore, on les retrouve dans certains aliments. L’huile de foie de morue, le jaune d'œuf et les produits lait sont riches en vitamine A, qui favorise la production de globules blancs et d’anticorps. Les poivrons, le chou frisé mais aussi les agrumes et certains fruits rouges fournissent de la vitamine C, qui lutte contre l’oxydation cellulaire. Enfin, les huîtres, la viande rouge et le sésame vous apportent du zinc, dont le déficit pour dérégler le système immunitaire.  Opter pour un régime méditerranéen peut aider, dans la mesure où ce dernier est riche en fruits et légumes, qui apportent une grande variété de phytonutriments et antioxydants, et faible en sucres rapides. “Mangez vos fruits et légumes entiers, de préférence avec la peau, car elle contient des fibres essentielles qui nourrissent les bactéries de votre tube digestif, cruciales pour combattre les infections”, recommande le Dr Claire Bailey, médecin généraliste, dans une interview à The Telegraph. Dans ce cas, lavez-les bien ou, mieux, optez pour des produits bios, pour ne pas avaler de pesticides.  Bien s’hydrater est capital pour de nombreuses fonctions métaboliques 2/6 Bien s’hydrater est capital pour de nombreuses fonctions métaboliques “L’hydratation est d’une importance capitale, mais largement négligée”, explique l’immunologiste Ross Walton à nos confrères de CEO Magazine. “Tellement de fonctions métaboliques en dépendent”.  En effet, l’eau est le principal composé du sang, qui fournit aux cellules l’oxygène et les nutriments dont elles ont besoin, et transporte les déchets hors du corps. Elle régule également la température de l’organisme, grâce à la production de sueur, et contribue à lubrifier les articulations. Certains aliments, riches en eau, contribuent à une bonne hydratation : pastèque, courgette, concombre, pamplemousse…  Dormir suffisamment contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire 3/6 Dormir suffisamment contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire Une étude épidémiologique menée par l’Inserm et le CNRS auprès de 9 294 sujets, a montré qu’un mauvais sommeil augmente la vulnérabilité aux infections. “Ces résultats confortent l'hypothèse selon laquelle le sommeil aiderait le système immunitaire à fonctionner et à se reconstituer”, peut-on lire sur l
e site de l’Inserm.  Pour Sylvaine Areno, auteure principale de l’étude, “cette mise au repos permet sans doute de consacrer son énergie à d’autres fonctions”, telles que l’apprentissage, la mémorisation… mais aussi le renforcement de l’immunité.  Pratiquer une activité physique régulière améliore les défenses 4/6 Pratiquer une activité physique régulière améliore les défenses Plusieurs études ont montré que la pratique d’une activité physique régulière participe au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire. C’est notamment le cas d’une étude anglaise publiée en mars 2018 dans la revue Aging Cell.  Cette dernière a montré que les personnes les plus sportives ont un nombre plus élevé de lymphocytes T, un type de globules blancs essentiels pour défendre l’organisme contre les agressions. Elles possédaient également plus d’IL-7, une molécule qui protège le thymus - la glande où sont produits ces globules - et moins d’IL-6, qui contribue à son atrophie.  Consommer des produits de la ruche pour booster son organisme 5/6 Consommer des produits de la ruche pour booster son organisme Les produits de la ruche (miel, pollen, propolis, gelée royale…) sont considérés comme des superaliments, qui ont un effet bénéfique sur le système immunitaire. “La consommation quotidienne de miel et de vitamine C aide à booster son immunité en période d'épidémie virale”, précise le Dr Della Valle.  En effet, le miel est considéré comme un antiseptique naturel, qui contient des flavonoïdes et des caroténoïdes, riches en polyphénols. En hiver, on en consomme une cuillerée à soupe par jour pour profiter de ses bienfaits. Attention toutefois à ne pas en abuser, car il est riche en sucre. De même, il est déconseillé aux jeunes enfants, car il présente un risque de botulisme.  Le pollen, de son côté, contribue au bon équilibre de la flore intestinale. On peut en consommer une cuillère à soupe par jour, dans un yaourt par exemple. Quant à la gelée royale, elle stimule l’organisme par sa richesse en vitamines B et C. On en prend une cuillère à café quotidiennement, en cure de deux à trois semaines en période d’épidémie.  Miser sur l’homéopathie peut aider 6/6 Miser sur l’homéopathie peut aider “Certains remèdes homéopathiques peuvent également aider à renforcer son immunité, comme Oscilococcinum”, explique le Dr Della Valle. “Mais leur efficacité n'est évidemment pas prouvée pour la lutte contre le coronavirus”, précise-t-elle. Pour ce qui est de la posologie, il est recommandé de prendre une dose, trois fois par jour, dès l’apparition des premiers symptômes de l’état grippal, pendant un à trois jours. Si les symptômes persistent, il faut consulter son médecin traitant. Notez toutefois que si vous avez été en contact avec une personne contaminée à Covid-19 ou que vous avez voyagé dans une zone à risque, et que vous présentez des symptômes grippaux, il est recommandé d’appeler le Centre-15 sans tarder. 
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naantokhi · 2 years ago
Le système immunitaire (parfois appelé système lymphatique) d'un organisme est un système biologique constitué d'un ensemble coordonné d'éléments de reconnaissance et de défense qui discrimine le soi du non-soi. Il est hérité à la naissance, mais autonome, adaptatif et doué d'une grande plasticité, il évolue ensuite au gré des contacts qu'il a avec des microbes ou substances environnementales étrangères au corps. La rédaction vous propose 6 habitudes et aliments qui boostent vos défenses ... Manger équilibré renforce l’immunité 1/6 Manger équilibré renforce l’immunité Les aliments bons pour la flore intestinale Adopter une alimentation équilibrée permet d’éviter les carences, qui pourraient nuire à la bonne santé de notre organisme. En outre, certains aliments sont des alliés de notre flore intestinale, parce qu’ils contiennent des prébiotiques ou des probiotiques. Or, le microbiote joue un rôle primordial dans l’efficacité de nos défenses immunitaires.  Les probiotiques sont les bonnes bactéries qui composent notre flore intestinale. Le yaourt, le lait fermenté, la choucroute, le miso ou encore le tempeh en contiennent. Les prébiotiques, quant à eux, sont la nourriture de ces bactéries. Vous pouvez faire le plein en consommant certains légumes comme l’ail, les asperges, les oignons ou les poireaux, mais aussi de l’orge, de l’avoine ou des fruits tels que les agrumes ou le kiwi. Les graines de lin et de chia sont également riches en prébiotiques.  Les aliments qui boostent vos défenses Par ailleurs, certaines vitamines et minéraux agissent directement sur le système immunitaire. Là encore, on les retrouve dans certains aliments. L’huile de foie de morue, le jaune d'œuf et les produits lait sont riches en vitamine A, qui favorise la production de globules blancs et d’anticorps. Les poivrons, le chou frisé mais aussi les agrumes et certains fruits rouges fournissent de la vitamine C, qui lutte contre l’oxydation cellulaire. Enfin, les huîtres, la viande rouge et le sésame vous apportent du zinc, dont le déficit pour dérégler le système immunitaire.  Opter pour un régime méditerranéen peut aider, dans la mesure où ce dernier est riche en fruits et légumes, qui apportent une grande variété de phytonutriments et antioxydants, et faible en sucres rapides. “Mangez vos fruits et légumes entiers, de préférence avec la peau, car elle contient des fibres essentielles qui nourrissent les bactéries de votre tube digestif, cruciales pour combattre les infections”, recommande le Dr Claire Bailey, médecin généraliste, dans une interview à The Telegraph. Dans ce cas, lavez-les bien ou, mieux, optez pour des produits bios, pour ne pas avaler de pesticides.  Bien s’hydrater est capital pour de nombreuses fonctions métaboliques 2/6 Bien s’hydrater est capital pour de nombreuses fonctions métaboliques “L’hydratation est d’une importance capitale, mais largement négligée”, explique l’immunologiste Ross Walton à nos confrères de CEO Magazine. “Tellement de fonctions métaboliques en dépendent”.  En effet, l’eau est le principal composé du sang, qui fournit aux cellules l’oxygène et les nutriments dont elles ont besoin, et transporte les déchets hors du corps. Elle régule également la température de l’organisme, grâce à la production de sueur, et contribue à lubrifier les articulations. Certains aliments, riches en eau, contribuent à une bonne hydratation : pastèque, courgette, concombre, pamplemousse…  Dormir suffisamment contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire 3/6 Dormir suffisamment contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire Une étude épidémiologique menée par l’Inserm et le CNRS auprès de 9 294 sujets, a montré qu’un mauvais sommeil augmente la vulnérabilité aux infections. “Ces résultats confortent l'hypothèse selon laquelle le sommeil aiderait le système immunitaire à fonctionner et à se reconstituer”, peut-on lire sur l
e site de l’Inserm.  Pour Sylvaine Areno, auteure principale de l’étude, “cette mise au repos permet sans doute de consacrer son énergie à d’autres fonctions”, telles que l’apprentissage, la mémorisation… mais aussi le renforcement de l’immunité.  Pratiquer une activité physique régulière améliore les défenses 4/6 Pratiquer une activité physique régulière améliore les défenses Plusieurs études ont montré que la pratique d’une activité physique régulière participe au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire. C’est notamment le cas d’une étude anglaise publiée en mars 2018 dans la revue Aging Cell.  Cette dernière a montré que les personnes les plus sportives ont un nombre plus élevé de lymphocytes T, un type de globules blancs essentiels pour défendre l’organisme contre les agressions. Elles possédaient également plus d’IL-7, une molécule qui protège le thymus - la glande où sont produits ces globules - et moins d’IL-6, qui contribue à son atrophie.  Consommer des produits de la ruche pour booster son organisme 5/6 Consommer des produits de la ruche pour booster son organisme Les produits de la ruche (miel, pollen, propolis, gelée royale…) sont considérés comme des superaliments, qui ont un effet bénéfique sur le système immunitaire. “La consommation quotidienne de miel et de vitamine C aide à booster son immunité en période d'épidémie virale”, précise le Dr Della Valle.  En effet, le miel est considéré comme un antiseptique naturel, qui contient des flavonoïdes et des caroténoïdes, riches en polyphénols. En hiver, on en consomme une cuillerée à soupe par jour pour profiter de ses bienfaits. Attention toutefois à ne pas en abuser, car il est riche en sucre. De même, il est déconseillé aux jeunes enfants, car il présente un risque de botulisme.  Le pollen, de son côté, contribue au bon équilibre de la flore intestinale. On peut en consommer une cuillère à soupe par jour, dans un yaourt par exemple. Quant à la gelée royale, elle stimule l’organisme par sa richesse en vitamines B et C. On en prend une cuillère à café quotidiennement, en cure de deux à trois semaines en période d’épidémie.  Miser sur l’homéopathie peut aider 6/6 Miser sur l’homéopathie peut aider “Certains remèdes homéopathiques peuvent également aider à renforcer son immunité, comme Oscilococcinum”, explique le Dr Della Valle. “Mais leur efficacité n'est évidemment pas prouvée pour la lutte contre le coronavirus”, précise-t-elle. Pour ce qui est de la posologie, il est recommandé de prendre une dose, trois fois par jour, dès l’apparition des premiers symptômes de l’état grippal, pendant un à trois jours. Si les symptômes persistent, il faut consulter son médecin traitant. Notez toutefois que si vous avez été en contact avec une personne contaminée à Covid-19 ou que vous avez voyagé dans une zone à risque, et que vous présentez des symptômes grippaux, il est recommandé d’appeler le Centre-15 sans tarder. 
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katakaal · 2 years ago
Le système immunitaire (parfois appelé système lymphatique) d'un organisme est un système biologique constitué d'un ensemble coordonné d'éléments de reconnaissance et de défense qui discrimine le soi du non-soi. Il est hérité à la naissance, mais autonome, adaptatif et doué d'une grande plasticité, il évolue ensuite au gré des contacts qu'il a avec des microbes ou substances environnementales étrangères au corps. La rédaction vous propose 6 habitudes et aliments qui boostent vos défenses ... Manger équilibré renforce l’immunité 1/6 Manger équilibré renforce l’immunité Les aliments bons pour la flore intestinale Adopter une alimentation équilibrée permet d’éviter les carences, qui pourraient nuire à la bonne santé de notre organisme. En outre, certains aliments sont des alliés de notre flore intestinale, parce qu’ils contiennent des prébiotiques ou des probiotiques. Or, le microbiote joue un rôle primordial dans l’efficacité de nos défenses immunitaires.  Les probiotiques sont les bonnes bactéries qui composent notre flore intestinale. Le yaourt, le lait fermenté, la choucroute, le miso ou encore le tempeh en contiennent. Les prébiotiques, quant à eux, sont la nourriture de ces bactéries. Vous pouvez faire le plein en consommant certains légumes comme l’ail, les asperges, les oignons ou les poireaux, mais aussi de l’orge, de l’avoine ou des fruits tels que les agrumes ou le kiwi. Les graines de lin et de chia sont également riches en prébiotiques.  Les aliments qui boostent vos défenses Par ailleurs, certaines vitamines et minéraux agissent directement sur le système immunitaire. Là encore, on les retrouve dans certains aliments. L’huile de foie de morue, le jaune d'œuf et les produits lait sont riches en vitamine A, qui favorise la production de globules blancs et d’anticorps. Les poivrons, le chou frisé mais aussi les agrumes et certains fruits rouges fournissent de la vitamine C, qui lutte contre l’oxydation cellulaire. Enfin, les huîtres, la viande rouge et le sésame vous apportent du zinc, dont le déficit pour dérégler le système immunitaire.  Opter pour un régime méditerranéen peut aider, dans la mesure où ce dernier est riche en fruits et légumes, qui apportent une grande variété de phytonutriments et antioxydants, et faible en sucres rapides. “Mangez vos fruits et légumes entiers, de préférence avec la peau, car elle contient des fibres essentielles qui nourrissent les bactéries de votre tube digestif, cruciales pour combattre les infections”, recommande le Dr Claire Bailey, médecin généraliste, dans une interview à The Telegraph. Dans ce cas, lavez-les bien ou, mieux, optez pour des produits bios, pour ne pas avaler de pesticides.  Bien s’hydrater est capital pour de nombreuses fonctions métaboliques 2/6 Bien s’hydrater est capital pour de nombreuses fonctions métaboliques “L’hydratation est d’une importance capitale, mais largement négligée”, explique l’immunologiste Ross Walton à nos confrères de CEO Magazine. “Tellement de fonctions métaboliques en dépendent”.  En effet, l’eau est le principal composé du sang, qui fournit aux cellules l’oxygène et les nutriments dont elles ont besoin, et transporte les déchets hors du corps. Elle régule également la température de l’organisme, grâce à la production de sueur, et contribue à lubrifier les articulations. Certains aliments, riches en eau, contribuent à une bonne hydratation : pastèque, courgette, concombre, pamplemousse…  Dormir suffisamment contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire 3/6 Dormir suffisamment contribue au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire Une étude épidémiologique menée par l’Inserm et le CNRS auprès de 9 294 sujets, a montré qu’un mauvais sommeil augmente la vulnérabilité aux infections. “Ces résultats confortent l'hypothèse selon laquelle le sommeil aiderait le système immunitaire à fonctionner et à se reconstituer”, peut-on lire sur l
e site de l’Inserm.  Pour Sylvaine Areno, auteure principale de l’étude, “cette mise au repos permet sans doute de consacrer son énergie à d’autres fonctions”, telles que l’apprentissage, la mémorisation… mais aussi le renforcement de l’immunité.  Pratiquer une activité physique régulière améliore les défenses 4/6 Pratiquer une activité physique régulière améliore les défenses Plusieurs études ont montré que la pratique d’une activité physique régulière participe au bon fonctionnement du système immunitaire. C’est notamment le cas d’une étude anglaise publiée en mars 2018 dans la revue Aging Cell.  Cette dernière a montré que les personnes les plus sportives ont un nombre plus élevé de lymphocytes T, un type de globules blancs essentiels pour défendre l’organisme contre les agressions. Elles possédaient également plus d’IL-7, une molécule qui protège le thymus - la glande où sont produits ces globules - et moins d’IL-6, qui contribue à son atrophie.  Consommer des produits de la ruche pour booster son organisme 5/6 Consommer des produits de la ruche pour booster son organisme Les produits de la ruche (miel, pollen, propolis, gelée royale…) sont considérés comme des superaliments, qui ont un effet bénéfique sur le système immunitaire. “La consommation quotidienne de miel et de vitamine C aide à booster son immunité en période d'épidémie virale”, précise le Dr Della Valle.  En effet, le miel est considéré comme un antiseptique naturel, qui contient des flavonoïdes et des caroténoïdes, riches en polyphénols. En hiver, on en consomme une cuillerée à soupe par jour pour profiter de ses bienfaits. Attention toutefois à ne pas en abuser, car il est riche en sucre. De même, il est déconseillé aux jeunes enfants, car il présente un risque de botulisme.  Le pollen, de son côté, contribue au bon équilibre de la flore intestinale. On peut en consommer une cuillère à soupe par jour, dans un yaourt par exemple. Quant à la gelée royale, elle stimule l’organisme par sa richesse en vitamines B et C. On en prend une cuillère à café quotidiennement, en cure de deux à trois semaines en période d’épidémie.  Miser sur l’homéopathie peut aider 6/6 Miser sur l’homéopathie peut aider “Certains remèdes homéopathiques peuvent également aider à renforcer son immunité, comme Oscilococcinum”, explique le Dr Della Valle. “Mais leur efficacité n'est évidemment pas prouvée pour la lutte contre le coronavirus”, précise-t-elle. Pour ce qui est de la posologie, il est recommandé de prendre une dose, trois fois par jour, dès l’apparition des premiers symptômes de l’état grippal, pendant un à trois jours. Si les symptômes persistent, il faut consulter son médecin traitant. Notez toutefois que si vous avez été en contact avec une personne contaminée à Covid-19 ou que vous avez voyagé dans une zone à risque, et que vous présentez des symptômes grippaux, il est recommandé d’appeler le Centre-15 sans tarder. 
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anthonysstupiddailyblog · 2 years ago
Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (282): Fri 23rd Dec 2022
Back to stow today. I was hoping to be moved to pack permanently as it’s so much more straight forward and easy than stow but sadly I think beg only get people to do pack when it’s especially hectic. The rust from being in a different line of work for a month showed as I made a big mistake close to the end of my shift that I was really embarrassed about. Luckily this is the first time I have done it since I started so as long as I’m careful I should be fine going forward. Later on in the day I got called down to the warehouse which was a relief because stow was doing my head in today as all the stick they were giving us was shit. I spent the rest of the day putting labels on incoming stock which was boring but at least there’s no one talking shit to you about your rates or productivity. Come to think of it since I started doing warehouse and pack work I don’t think any manager has said anything to me about rates. I’m guessing it’s because they can’t really compare my rates to the others showers rates since I split my time between stow and other processes that it wouldn’t be fair to class my rates as low since I’m only there part of the time now. Man I really lucked out with this job. I don’t have to talk to people, the work is super easy and I don’t have mangers breathing down my neck all the time. If only we were allowed to listen to our own music and there were some decent looking women here this would be my ultimate dream job. 
I started reading the next book in the Edgar award winner challenge: The Sculptress by Minette Walters and I can already tell this is going to be a fucking good one. It’s the story of a woman who as a teenager butchered her mother and sister to death and then made a weird sculpture out of their dismembered corpses. A journalist gets an interview with her to write a book as she’s under pressure from her publisher to write a best seller and as she gets to know the killer she begins to have doubt that she may have committed the murders (I’m guessing this means that she didn’t commit the murders because that would be quite a boring twist if throughout the book she’s saying that she didn’t kill her family and then in the last page after sifting through every available bit of evidence says “Hmm, I guess she did do it” and that was the end). 
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yelenasdiary · 2 years ago
Pairing: Florence Pugh x Actress! Reader 
Summary: A documentary is being filmed to show a life that was taken in an accident. Florence who is accompanied by three other co-casts, share their memories and thoughts on the actress, friend and fiancé. 
| Heavy Angst with Light Fluff? | 4.3K | Death & Greif |She/her pronouns |
Requests are closed.
Notes: I have used different coloured font for those who speak just to make it less confusing. 
AC: This was inspired by a song I was recently shown called ‘snowflake’ by Powfu ft. Jaden Smith & Sarcastic Sounds – I’m not exactly sure why I went with this idea but I felt it was something a little different and I was bored. I hope you enjoy & my apologies for the heavy angst (I’m not really sorry). 
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Florence opened the front door of her home with a tissue clenched in her right hand and greeted the camera crew and director that welcomed her with soft and sympathetic smiles. No smiles in the world were able to ease the paining stabbing hurt she felt in her heart but still, she let them in to her home with a soft smile and a few handshakes.
“I thought we could film in the backyard, if that’s okay” Florence suggested once closing the front door. “Yeah, that sounds great, we can just move inside once the sun starts to set” the director who is also the interviewer suggested earning a nod from Florence before she led them out to the back patio. The documentary took interviews with other friends, family, and co-stars over the course of two months. Now, it these interviews were the last to film before the documentary went to final editing. The documentary was a Disney+ exclusive given that you had worked closely with Disney and having a major role in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe. 
Florence had the decking table set with plenty of refreshments along with a cheese board that she’d made herself and a few of your favourite snacks. She’d applied so little make up that she shook her head in the mirror with disappointment on the waste of products used, knowing today would end with soaked cheeks and puffy eyes and a promise she would wake up with a runny nose and stinging eyes. With her sat three close friends and co-stars that you worked with, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen, and Hailee Steinfeld. The three arrived easy in the morning, the four of them having tea and coffee before sharing their thoughts on what to expect from the interviewer. 
The cameramen and crew set up their equipment as Florence, Elizabeth, Hailee, and Scarlett had made themselves comfortable at the table. A warm mug of tea gave Florence a sense of warmth that she so tenderly needed to get through the next couple of hours. When the documentary was first pitched to her by your manger and publicist, she said no and that if anybody were to tell your story it should be those closest to you and not a bunch of media outlets and information on past headlines and interviews. A couple of months later, your manger and publisher came back to Florence with the idea that she’d have full control over the documentary and the final cut was her call but again she said no and suggested that the only way they’d get her to agree to have the documentary moving forward would be for it to be a sit down with your closest friends and family while they share their favourite memories and wishes for you. It wasn’t a lie that Florence was rightfully pissed off that not even a year after your death that she was being asked for things like merchandise and interviews, photoshoots and other little things that didn’t sit right with her, she was grieving you and the last thing she wanted was to be placed in the spotlight. 
“We’re ready to start whenever you guys are” the director smiled softly once more. Florence was never going to be truly ready to do this, but she knew deep down you would’ve wanted her to do this for the fans. Those who made your career take off, the ones who showed up to events just to catch a glimpse of you, the ones who would send in their questions for interviews, the ones who made fan-pages and showed support for you in their own little way, the ones who made Florence smile softly at night as tears rolled down her cheek watching the fan cams people tagged her in, the ones who sent her messages with love, she was doing this for them. So, they could find closure and find comfort that even though you’re not longer here, you would live on through them and those closest to you. 
“I’m ready” Florence said in an almost whisper, her heart racing already. Scarlett placing a comforting hand on Florence’s knee giving her a light squeeze to say she’s here and it’ll be okay. But it wasn’t okay, nothing was the same since you left the world for another. Nothing was okay at night when Florence found the energy to cook dinner for 1 when it used to be for 2, or in the mornings when she expected to see a posted note on her phone from you telling her you’d see her after work and that you were thinking of her, nothing was okay, not a single thing. 
“We’d like to start with getting a couple of shots of the beautiful photos you have around the house, if that’s okay of course” Leon, the director spoke. Florence nodded slowly then led one of the cameramen inside. They took shots of the few photos that Florence had hanging on the walls of the two of you, some goofy ones from on set, ones with her family and yours and lastly, a couple from events that the two of really loved. The slightest smile tugged on her lips as she watched the cameramen get the shots before they returned to the table on the patio. There was a silence between everybody as the director got comfortable and grabbed their notes, the cameramen made sure to get the ‘perfect’ shots while Florence, Hailee, Scarlett, and Elizabeth sent each other soft smiles as they waited.
“I would like to start with some easy questions, some light ones to start. If at any point any of you need to take a break just say the word and we will” Leon spoke with a warm smile, the table giving him a soft nod in agreement. 
“I want to start with Scarlett, now, you met Y/n on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier in 2013, tell us what you remember the most” 
Scarlett nodded as Leon spoke, a smile tugging softly at her lips as she remembered the memory. “I’d heard about Y/n from mutual friends of course, she’d just finished filming her small role in Iron Man 3 before we started filming Winter Soldier the following April. I remember being her age and how stressful filming things so close together could be but that didn’t seem to bother her, she was so excited and eager to learn. I remember she’d just turned 15 a few weeks into filming, her mother was on set every day and made sure she was eating between takes and doing her homework which was didn’t like at all” Scarlett chuckled at the memory of the roll of the eyes and slight groan you sent to your mother after a scene. “Everybody loved her, we all made sure to watch over her, especially at her age and working as much as she was. What stood out to me was just how beautiful and full of life she was, she was always pulling some kind of prank or joke on the cast and crew which made work more fun than what it already was, she made everybody excited to come back the next day” She adds with a wide smile. 
“In the movie, Y/n’s character becomes almost tied to your character, Natasha Romanoff, did the two of you practice lines together?” 
“Oh, all the time! Winter Soldier was her big major role. In Iron Man 3 she was introduced to Tony Stark who at firsts pushes her away but by the end takes her under his wing then in Winter Soldier her character gets a bit too comfortable with her status as Tony’s little helper and tries to adventure out and find her own feet which led to Natasha Romanoff finding her in a wrong time, wrong place situation. Y/n was so excited to work, she loved everything about filming sometimes when she wasn’t doing her homework you would find her behind the cameras with the crew watching scenes being taken and asking a million questions between shots. So, working with her as much as I did at the time and how close our characters became, Y/n quickly became like a little sister to me” 
Florence watched as Scarlett answered and couldn’t help but nod in agreement with her comment of how you’d ask a million questions, or you’d be seen with the camera crew between takes. 
“From there we move onto the first Avengers movie, Age of Ultron which is when you met her, Elizabeth?” 
“Yes, I did” Lizzie smiled, “She as a delight to work with and I remember telling Kevin just before we finished filming Age of Ultron that he can’t get rid of her character no matter what and he laughed a little and told me there was no plans on doing any of that. She had raw talent that not a lot of young people at her age know how to show or channel but she did, she was always on time, she remembered her lines better than any of us, she was respectful and like Scarlett said, a goof ball. We all had so many laughs together, I still have a video on my phone from a prank she pulled on Sebastian” She added with a chuckle before taking a small mouthful of water. 
“Do either of you remember when Y/n started doing her own stunt work?”
“She mentioned to me that she wanted to be an actress who did it all, she wanted to try going all genre of movies and do her own stunts but her parents weren’t a fan of the idea so but she somehow convinced them before we started filming Civil War so here she was at 16 years old learning to do her own stunt work then from there all her stunt work was her own and she loved it. She’d get so excited whenever she was able to do her own stunts” 
“Florence, you met Y/n at a movie premiere before working with her on Black Widow. Which premiere was that and do you remember it?”
“I first met Y/n in passing at a gala in 2017 and met her properly in 2019 at the Fighting with My Family premiere and then again at the Little Women premiere. She said she’d seen Midsommar and was blown away with the movie which then led to a million and one questions, she wanted to know everything about doing a film like that and mention how much she’d love to do something similar. That night we exchanged numbers and became friends after that. 
When I got the role for Yelena Belova, I remember telling her about it and she gave me the run down on everybody she’d worked with while doing Marvel and how much she loved everybody. She didn’t tell me that she’d also be in the movie so that surprised me a lot when I got to set the first day.”
“Scarlett, you mentioned in an interview that you saw something between Florence and Y/n while on set, did you push them together a little or just let things take their course?” 
“I knew Y/n had a crush on Florence shortly into filming Black Widow, she came to me and asked if I thought getting flowers sent to her while on set would be inappropriate. That was the first time I’d ever seen her nervous before, her cheeks were so red I don’t think any layer make up would’ve hid that” Scarlett laughed causing chuckles from the others. “I was there when the delivery guy came up to Florence with this massive bouquet of flowers, the little smile on Florence’s face told me she also felt something” 
“I know I never mentioned what was written on the card” Florence spoke while looking to Scarlett, “but that was her way of asking me out to dinner. The card said, ‘I hope this is okay and if it is, could I please take you to dinner when we’re not filming and if it is then enjoy the flowers and forget dinner’ and she drew a little smile face at the bottom. I don’t why I thought it kind of funny just way she worded it, but I did go to dinner with her two days later” she adds. 
“It was two? See now I didn’t know that”
“That’s because she ordered pizza, and we ate it in my trailer at like 11pm” Florence chuckled as the memory played in her mind. 
“So, from there on was it official with the two of you?”
“Not straight away, we took some time to get to know each other on that level. We’d been texting and catch up over drinks a few times before filming so we weren’t strangers, but I could she was nervous about a relationship due to personal things she’d told me, so we took it slow. Working with each other every day helped with that”
“If you remember, would you like to share the first kiss story?”
Florence’s cheeks went slightly red, and her heart sunk as her smile slightly dropped, it hit her she’d never feel your touch again. 
“I-it was cut from the movie because it was off script” Florence started, Scarlett kindly placing a hand on Flo’s back and rubbed gently. “We had a scene where Yelena was being harsh on Y/n character, it was sudden. I finished my line and next thing I knew she was leaning in for a kiss, I went for it. She didn’t even think about it or who was around us and I liked that oddly enough. I still feel her smile against my lips as she whispered a sorry when the director called cut. I have that clip on disc somewhere” 
Flo blinked back her tears as she told the story, her eyes fell to her hands in her lap as she slowly shook her head when her tears started to flow. “We’ll take a minute” Leon said before he gestured for the crew to give her a minute. They walked into the kitchen and waited until Florence was ready again. 
“If this is too much, too soon, don’t do this Flo” Hailee reached for Florence’s hand for comfort. “It’s fine, I can do this” she replied, “I just miss her so much”
“We all do honey, it’s okay” Elizabeth smiled softly at the broken blonde. 
After a few more silent moments, Florence said she was ready to continue, wiping the tears from her eyes not caring to retouch her light make up. Leon and the crew got comfortable in their seats once again before looking over his notes he mentioned that he wanted to talk more about the relationship if Florence was up for it. She nodded and mentioned she’d love to share her favourite moments. 
“What was things like for the two of you after filming Black Widow?”
“We wrapped up filming in October 2019 so that was a few months before Covid took over, we still spent time together, we went for lunch and tea because she saw how much of a tea drinker I am” Florence chuckled once more, “then when Covid started to creep in she got a little worried and would call me just to say she missed me. We made the decision for her to move in when they were starting to shut down things and ask people to stay home. I think that worried her because she’d been filming non-stop for a few years that she didn’t really have a home to go to, she was staying in hotels and trailers, or she’d fly home to be with her parents and she mentioned she didn’t exactly want to leave LA so I just told her she could stay with me while the pandemic was happening” 
“So, you both spent the two years together after only dating a few months?”
“Yeah. But it never felt like that, Y/n and I clicked. She always made me laugh to the point my insides would hurt, she was sweet, loving and she cared so much. I never felt like we were moving too fast or anything like that. That’s not to say we didn’t have arguments, we did here and there but we always came back and spoke about it like adults. With her the pandemic didn’t feel like a drag. Every day was exciting even though we couldn’t do much, she found something for us to do. I taught her how to make home-made ice cream after I learnt it myself, she would sit and watch me do my ‘Cooking with Flo’ videos and poke fun at the fact I don’t like doing Instagram live. Y/n found joy in anything and everything, I didn’t matter at all what we did, she was just happy to be doing something, you couldn’t get her to sit still for too long”
“Was that hard at any point with the pandemic?” 
“Uh, sometimes. I mean, like everybody, you discover things about yourself that you didn’t know, and I found that I suffer from anxiety more than I thought I did and for Y/n she struggled with something’s, and we went through a couple of dark patches, but she was working on it once the pandemic allowed us to leave our homes again” 
“I’m going to ask a tough question now, Y/n’s accident. Where were you or what were you doing when you heard the news? Can we start with Hailee?” 
Hailee nodded before looking to Florence whose jaw clenched and her eyes filled with tears once more. Hailee was fighting back her own as she took a deep breathe in before exhaling. 
“Y/n was insane to work with, I just want to say that. I loved working with her for the second season of Hawkeye, her character, and the way she brought them alive has always been inspiring for me when I was casted for Kate Bishop. 
That day should not have happened. We were getting ready to do a scene and she was to jump off a ‘building’, she was harnessed and hooked up to the safety wires, everything was normal about it. I watched as they took her to the jump mark and she had this big smile on her face, our photographer took a picture of her just as she gave the cameramen the thumbs up. Director called action and that was basically the end of it” Hailee paused as tears started to stream down her face, dabbing them softly with a tissue she continues, “She jumped like she’d been practicing for 10 minutes beforehand and next minute everybody just rushed to her. Emergency services were called, our Onsight paramedic asked everybody to step back. I remember seeing her lying there on the landing mat, I wanted to be by her side, but security wasn’t letting anybody near her, we all just assumed she’d broken a bone or something” 
Leon could see it was getting a bit much for Hailee and moved on to Lizzie, asking her the same question. 
“I was home with my husband, Robbie, we were just making lunch when Scarlett called me. She was crying so I said ‘what’s wrong? Is everything okay?’ and just said you need to come to New York, and I looked at Robbie and something just didn’t seem right, so I asked again, ‘Scar what’s going on?’ and that’s when she told me. 
At first, I didn’t believe her, how does something like that happen? There are so many safety steps for a reason, you know. I couldn’t stop crying that day, I just kept thinking it wasn’t true and that this was her playing a prank, a sick one at that but when I saw the headlines as I tried to book a flight to New York that��s when I sort of hit me that it was true, she was gone.” 
Lizzie grabbed a tissue from Hailee sending her a soft smile. Leon nodded a thank you and looked to Scarlett, again asking her the same question.
“Florence called me asking if I had heard the news, I said no as I was at my office doing some promotional work. Florence just bursted into tears and told me there was an accident and Y/n was hurt. I knew by Florence’s reaction that hurt wasn’t the word she meant and my heart broke. I was already in New York, so I called Lizzie like she mentioned and then I went to be with Florence.” 
“Florence, do you want to share?”
It wasn’t an easy nod, but she managed to do so as she grabbed a backup tissue. 
“I was with her in New York while she was filming, we were staying at a hotel, so she didn’t have to live in a trailer, and I was able to cook and what not. At the time I was getting the vegetables prepared for dinner and my phone just wouldn’t stopped buzzing. I had all these text messages and miss calls from friends and family. I opened a text from Raffie, my sister who said ‘please tell me it’s not true. Answer your phone, we’re worried’. I thought ‘god has somebody told them something stupid’ so I called her back and she said, ‘is Y/n okay?’ and I was more confused, I said, ‘yeah she’s filming why?’ and then she sent me the link to a headline. 
‘Actress, Y/n Y/L/N, pronounced dead at 25 after stunt fail’ in big bold letters made me sick. There was no way I just found out via the media, but I had serval missed calls from Hailee and Y/n’s manager. I stared at the headline in disbelief, Raffie says I hung up on her, but I don’t remember that. 
Hailee came to the hotel in tears as she told me. They needed me to confirm her identity which was stupid because we all knew it was her, but I went to the morgue they told me she landed wrong and that she wouldn’t have felt a thing. They let me be with her for a while longer after I confirmed her identity. She just looked like she was sleeping but she was cold and there wasn’t anything I could do to warm her” Florence broke into tears, “I just wanted to hold her, tell her I love her, that she is the love of my life, but she was just cold, and her chest wasn’t rising and down like it should’ve. My entire world just fell apart, my heart was broken. I stayed with her as they pulled the sheet over her beautiful face, I’ll never forget it.” Florence added with more tears, chocking on her words. Hailee stood up and walked to hug her tightly. Leon stopped the cameras to give the women a moment. 
“I can’t do this” Florence stood up, “I’m sorry, I hope you understand” she added before walking to her room. Her tears not stopped even after the Leon and the crew left, leaving the four women in a time of grief once more. 
Two months passed by, and the documentary was set to release in a matter of hours as Florence had your closet friends and family over to watch it together. She made sure to cook your favourite meal, your favourite snacks on offer, anything you loved she made sure that was on offer. Today was about you and the life you lived, short but strongly loved and adored.
The documentary was hard to watch but brought tears, smiles, laughs and more tears as your loved ones watched it as one. Florence finding a bit of comfort and closure by the time it was over. She knew the fans were waiting for a post of anything from her, so she did just that, pulling together 10 of her favourite photos and videos of you, 5 of each just to keep it even. 
“florencepugh: it’s here, it’s out and it’s beautiful. 
If you have the chance to sit down and watch this documentary, please do. Y/n was a gift to this world and this documentary shows it. From her goofy side to her loving side and back to her goofy side, she’s inspired each and every single one of us who knew her, and I hope you find the same inspiration in her like we have. 
Y/n loved you all to the ends of the earth, she saw the comments, the messages, the fan pages, the video edits, and she loved them. You guys are her family, she always said that, and I hope this documentary can help you deal with this sadness we are all feeling. 
I know some of you are mad about this situation and best believe I was mad as well. How could something like this happen? we don’t know. We know that everything was done by the book to keep Y/n safe that day but sometimes we can’t have answers and we’ll never truly understand what happened. We want somebody to blame, I understand but please, don’t blame anybody but the way life works. 
Y/n, my beautiful, beautiful angel, I love you and not a day goes by where I’m not thinking about you or looking back on our favourite memories together. I’m broken that we didn’t get the chance to go ahead with the plans we made but I will always call you my wife, my love, my darling, my snowflake, my all. I miss your smile and your contagious laugh, I miss the posted notes and the shared glasses of wine, I miss the warmth of you touch and the sparkle in your eyes, I miss you dearly, but I know wherever you are, you are with me, with all of us. I love you so much my angel, forever and I can’t wait to meet you again in another life. 
For now, I’ll see you later for tea and cake, my love x” 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145  | @sophie-xox | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | 
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kekeplsloveme · 3 years ago
New experiences
Pairing: pornstar Eren Yeager x fem!reader
Warnings : oh boy... NSFW, MINORS DNI! Modern!AU, pornstar!Eren rough sex, degradation, dirty talking, Eren being a hard dom, face slapping, spitting (just once)
A/N: I wrote this in a day, saw so many fics with Eren being a porn star and just needed to put my own twist to it too. I feel kinda embarrassed to post it cuz i dont think it's that good but oh well. Forgive any grammar mistakes pls it's unedited.
     You couldn't recall how you got to this point. Just last week you were a broke college student looking for a way to make some extra money and today you signed a contract with Eldian Movies, a famous production that made adult content. They ranged from vanilla to the filthiest movies you've her seen, that's why they were so popular amongst those who worked in the industry.
     You could still remember the first time you heard about them, you had a friend who had a friend that worked in the industry and told them all about how easy it is, how fun it is to get paid to perform such a basic human being thing and especially about how much money they made doing it. This really caught your attention, mostly because you needed some extra money yourself, plus the way this friend described the job being so easy and fun really peeked you interest.
     So you took all your dignity, threw it in the trash and sent them an e-mail telling them how interested you are about joining their team. It only took a few days to schedule a meeting with one of their mangers to talk about the opportunities they had for you.
     That's where you harned that being new in this industry with no previous experience or online presence didn't get you very far in the interview. Being a young girl and available for shooting wasn't exactly what they were looking for considering the fact they already had plenty of reliable actresses they could count on, but that's when the manager found a way to please both parties.
      "We might have something for you, though," he said after a brief pause he took in which he was looking on his computer through the schedule he had. " Although, it's not something very easy." You waited patiently for him to continue. "These days is really difficult to find girls that are okay or even comfortable with more ... Extreme scenarios. They don't tend to go down that route anymore, so I will be willing to hire you for one of those movies. The pay is higher than the one for regular movies, but it's also a lot more work." You nodded in response to what he was telling you, but also contemplating his offer. " Of course, if you're not comfortable in such scenarios is understandable, but incase you decide to accept the offer, the actor you'd be filming with is called Eren Yeager, I'll let you do your own research on him."
     And with that, the meeting ended. You got up from your chair, thanking the manager for his time and leaving the meeting in a rush. You were a bit disappointed by the answer you got from him, mostly because what you expected was to be offered a role and all you had to do was a blowjob and a few positions and call it a day, but with this outcome, things got a lot more complicated. Plus, what did he even mean by extreme? You really hoped he didn't mean that you'd have to be dressed in a latest suit and dominate him, because then you'd understand why nobody wanted to do it.
     Later that night right before you went to sleep, you thought there was no harm in seeing what kind of movies this Eren made, but what you saw was definitely something you didn't expect. He looked profesional, almost every video he made he was dressed in a black suit, he really did have an intimidating aura to him. As you skipped through the videos, you saw a theme in them: the girl was powerless and helpless, while he was in control. He was rough, every move he made seemed to be done with the purpose of hurting the girl, leaving handprints on her hips and ass, as well as hickeys on her neck, breasts, thighs.
     He didn't speak much to the girl, but when he did, she was expected to answer with a shy and weak 'yes sir' or 'Yes master', but never by his name. Another theme you saw was the lack of pleasure the girl received and how everything was about him. He hurt her as punishments but also because he enjoyed it, getting rougher with the harder she cried, calling her derogatory names and condescending comments everywhere.
     A part of you was conflicted over accepting the offer, while a part of you was screaming to not go anywhere near him if you knew what was good for you. It did intrigue you, that much you had to admit, you've never been with a man like him before and you kind of wanted to know what that was like, especially from someone as experienced as he was. So without overthinkinging it further, you sent the e-mail to the manager and agreed.
     The way you saw it wasjust as a new experience that you probably wouldn't be able to experience, at least not with someone who knows excatly what they're doing. There were so many girls out there with their bodies on the internet, plus the job you had didn't get you anywhere other than rent and food, being on your own was a lot harder than you first anticipated. Your thought process was that a lot of famous actresses were in the adult industry before they landed a role in a normal movie, so really, what was the harm in it? You were going to get paid for your time and effort and a lot of men would get to watch and enjoy what you worked on, so in your eyes there were more good sides to it than bad sides. But you already agreed to it, so now there was notburning back.
     It didn't take them long to find a good date to schedule the shooting, just nearly a week later than the day you signed the contract. It wasn't a long-term contract or anything, it was one just for this movie wmed you had given written consent of everything that was going to happen in the movie, that you were aware there might be light phisical bruises and that the production was transparent with the contents of both the contract and the action from the movie. Signing it made you feel so professional and important, but at the same time, it made everything seem so much more real.
     You were excited to finally get it over with and cross that of the list of experiences you wanted to go through. Being kinky plus making a movie, two birds with one stone, but once you stepped foot in the building, everything seem to finally sink in, a ware of excitement mixed with being nervous washed over you, making the next step you took be very awkward due to your knee buckling, nearly losing all your balance. You were glad there wasn't anyone else at the entrance, otherwise you would have made a fool out of yourself.
    You were instructed that the shooting will take place on the second floor of the building where a part of the sets were. Although at first sight it might seem like being in this industry is full of weird perverted people who like watching others have sex, everyone who worked, for this company at least, took their jobs very seriously, maybe because they were one of the biggest ones in the industry, but really you had nothing to compare it to.
     As soon as you stepped foot on the set, the director of the movie recognised you and rushed to your side, mumbling about how happy it makes him when the actors are on time, all while pushing you towards the makeup chair to prep you for the movie. The artist was friendly enough to make conversation with you, telling you why they chose the look, why they used a mascara that would get ruined with the least ammount of moisture, complimenting you on how pretty you look with red lipstick on and how you can't go wrong with it.
      As soon as you were ready for the cameras, you were instructed to just go on the set and get comfortable until everything was ready to start, so, with the script you were given,  you made your way towards the office that you were going to film in instead of a bedroom, it was a bit strange, but you didn't question it. The clothes you were wearing were a very slutty school uniform, the idea of the movie was for you to seduce your professor for better grades. You sat in the chair of the professor and opened the first page of the script, all while you rested your head on your hand.
     " So you're the doll they found for me," you heard a man's voice behind you, followed by him running his fingers through your hair, gesture which took you by surprise. "They told me this was your first time shooting, is it true? " His voice was deep and calm, but his presence so close to you made you feel intimidated.
     You nodded your head in response to his question," Yes, I've never done this before, so I'm a bit nervous..." your voice came across as weak, almost shaky, which made things even more embarrassing than they already were. He sighed and let go of your hair, spinning the chair around with you in it. He looked at you closely, but didn't say anything, just studied your face, moving his eyes shamelessly to your cleavage. Your skin felt like it was burning when he studied you that way, no shame or anything. This way, you got to take a closer look at him : his eyes were a  gorgeous green, nearly glistening due to the lighting in the room, his hair was neatly put in a bun to keep it out of the way, beautifully complimenting his pale skin. You really understood why everyone called him the best looking male porn star out there. "I believe you're sitting on my chair, doll ," he pointed out after a few moments of silence. You got up from the chair and gave him a shy smile, he couldn't wait to ruin you later. Eren was the type to really like the innocent inexperienced girls, the way they reacted to his actions, their cries, their moans, all those things were genuine, mostly due to how new all those sensations were for them, he just knew he'd get them addicted to this way of  having sex to the point where he'd be the only one who could satisfy their needs. His confidence was really something else.
     "You're failing this semester, miss," Eren said while you were stood by his so called desk, "I'm not sure what we can do to fix it. "
   You got closer to him and touched his shoulder with your index finger, slowly moving it lower and lower down his chest. " I'm sure we can figure out something together, isn't that right, sir?" you responded to him in the most innocent voice you could muster and waited for him to continue.
     "We can, but there is a price for it, doll," he pulled you in his lap and wrapped his arm around your waist, pushing you even closer to his chest. His lips found your meck and kissed it gently, all while he was waiting for your consent, hen though he didn't need to hear it. The moment you agreed to the price of your grades, he immediately grabbed the shirt you were wearing and ripped it open, huttons flying over the room. He grabbed your throat, squeezing it quite hard, to the point where your vision got blurry around the edges, but not hard enough so you'd pass out; just the perfect pressure so you'd be in pain and uncomfortable. Pushing you to your knees, you followed his silent command and got on the ground in front of him, the sadistic look on his face made you proud of pleasing him, but this was only the beginning. He let go of your throat, allowing you to breath properly, while his hand moved to your face. He cupped your jaw with this large hand, running his thumb over your bottom lip, gesturing for you to open your mouth, which you obidiently did. He got closer to your face and with a smirk on his face ,he spit right on your tongue, immediately closing your mouth, forcing you to swallow it. This took you by surprise, not because you were disgusted, but because you weren't expecting such a filthy thing so early in. Moments after that, you felt his hand sharply hit your left cheek, sending a sharp wave of pain all through your face, making your eyes water at the sensation. "Where are your manners, slut?", his tone was still calm, but you knew if you didn't act fast he would do it again, which he didn't hesitate to do again after you didn't answer to him.
     You gasped lightly, already feeling your face humming in pain. "T-Thank You, sir," you answered him as fast as you could, not wanting him to hit you again. His expression wasn't pleased anymore, but one of boredome. He gestured with his eyes towards his belt, hint which you immediately picked up, but when your shaky fingers failed to open it, his fingers sharply grabbed your hair, forcing you to stop your movements and look at him instead.
     "Such a stupid slut," he spat out while he took off his belt with one hand, "I don't think you're made for this," his words were harsh and cruel, did he mean for him or making porn? He freed his dick in a matter of seconds, grabbing the base and slapping the head on your lips. " Make yourself useful and open that pretty mouth of yours."
     You listened to his command and parted your lips, letting him push the head inside your mouth while he was holding the back of your head in place, forcing his dick deeper, with every inch getting harder, your throat becomming more resistant to the unfamiliar thing forcing its way in. You gagged around him when he was nearly half way in, earning a breathy moan from the man. "F-Fuck, slut ," he said with a little laugh, throwing his head back the moment he pushed your head his entire length. Tears immidiately formed into your eyes, your throat hurting from the struggle of adjusting to Eren's dick, the mascara you were wearing coating your cheeks from the first tear that rolled down your face. He held you in the same spot for a few seconds, his head thrown back in the pleasure of your throat contracting around him, trying to push him out, out the only thing that happened was to just thrust his hips forward, your nose touching the base of his dick. He let you go in a fast motion, pushing you away from him with a force in which you almost fell backwards, the only thing stopping you was his grip on your hair. "Shit, doll," he moaned as he grabbed the base again, this time smearing the salina you left on it on your lips and cheeks where the mascara painted it. "You almost made me cum with that throat of yours ," he gestured for you to get up and, with your thoughts clouded by lust and desire, you listened.
     The moment your back touched the desk, Eren get rid of your panties and shoved a finger inside you. "Wow, look at you ," he said with a sadistic smile on his face, adding a second finger in. "I knew you were a masochist, you whore, getting so wet over me using you, abusing you ," his words were harsh and cutting, but his fingers were pushing so deep, rubbing just the right spots, making your stomach feel so tight filled with pleasure. His dirty talk made everything so much better, you know if you only listened to him call you such depraved names, it would be enough to make you cum harder than any guy you've been with ever made you cum. His eyes were glued on you: the way you moaned out for him, the way your face melted in pleasure over his fingers working their magic inside of you and he could tell by the way your moans became more desperate and by how you were clenching around his fingers that you were close, oh, so close...
     " Oh god! Please, right there! " you screamed in pleasure and pain , his fingers pounding you with such a speed that it hurt, but you didn't care, you were lost in the pleasure so far to the point of no return.
     Eren smirked at your outburst, "That's right, whore, I am your God, don't forget that," with those words he took out the fingers from inside of you, robbing you of the orgasm you so desperately wanted. " Clean your mess, " he said as he pushed his fingers inside your mouth, letting you swirl your tongue around them before pushing them deep enough to make you gag.
     He positioned himself between your legs, slapping your ditk a few times, earning a pathetic whimper from you before he grabbed your throat, squeezing it just like the first time. "Bug for my cock, doll," he instructed you, but your hesitation earned you another slap on your face from him.
     "Thank you, sir," you said before he could slap your face again.
     "Good girl, now beg me to fuck you." His tone was stern enough to make it clear he won't repeat himself again and if he had to do it again, you'll regret it.
     With a weak and shaky breath, you looked him in the eyes as you spoke. " Sir, please... I want you to fuck me." Slap. He didn't like that. " Fuck!" you cried out again, a few tears rolling down the side of your face from the pain of him hitting your face so many times. " Sir, please, I need you inside of me so bad, I need you to make me yours, please! "
     Eren leaned down to your faced and kissed the cheek he's been hitting this entire time. Before you could realise what was going on, he pushed his dick inside of you in one swift motion, biting down on your neck at the same time. The pain from both him slamming himself inside of you and his teeth biting down on your skin formed a beautiful symphony of pleasure misted with sadism, sending wave after wave of pleasure down to your core.
     His movements were fast and unforgiving, pushing his dick inside of you with no mercy for your sake, simply using you as a doll for his own pleasure and after everything he's done to you, that's all you could focus on as well, his pleasure and his pleasure only. You were squeezing your walls around him every time he pulled out, or at least you tried with the speed he was going at. Your legs were wrapped around his waist, while your nails were digging in his shoulders, trying to keep yourself at his face so you can hear those moans, Oh, his delicious moans. You could cum just by listening to him get lost in pleasure, the pleasure you were giving him by letting him use you like you were made for him.
     "Next time you're with a guy, you better think of me when you cum," he learned down and whispered in your ear, low enough so the microphone won't pick it up, an intimate, dirty command just for you. "keep squeezing me like this and you're gonna make me cum," he said as his movements got sloppier, moans more desperate, his fingers were digging into your hips as he was holding you still while pounding into you without mercy. You know your pleasure didn't matter to him, but now it didn't matter to you either. All you wanted to do was feel him hold you tight as he lets loose and cums inside of you, marking you as his, which is the only thing you wanted to be right now, just his. His doll, his slut, his whore, everything only to just be his, then if it wasjust for a moment.
     You knew  he was about to cum the moment he slammed into You one last time and stilled his movements. You could feel his cum shooting inside of you, filling you up, only because you made him feel this good. It made you feel proud, really. Moments after he was done getting down from his high, he took a moment to take in your beauty: face covered in tears and runny mascara, your left cheek being red from how he kept hitting it as a punishment for not being good enough for him. He really thought you were beautiful now that he moulded you by his own standards, strripped you of your dignity and shame, making you submit to him, that's why he knew that every time you'll touch another guy, you'd be thinking of him, wishing it was his dick inside of you, plus knowing that no man will ever make you feel the way he did really helped boost his confidence even further.
      The moment he pulled out from inside of you, the director yelled 'Cut!' and the cameras got pulled away from the two of you. "Yeager, we've been over how much I hate it when you don't stick to scripts!" he yelled at Eren, but all he got in response was a grin and a tired 'I don't care'. Now that you thought of it, not been half the things you did were in the script, a sudden wave of embarrassment and fear of not being paid clouding your mind.
     "Don't worry about it, doll," Eren said as he handed you a white towel. "He'll make money with anything we give him, especially if it's authentic." You accepted the towel and gave him a weak smile. He placed his hand on your shoulder to catch your attention. " I think it's only fair I buy you lunch after what I just did to you."
      You laughed with him at his comment, wrapping the towel around your body. " Lunch sounds amazing right now.
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morpheusindia · 4 years ago
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We are looking for Product Manager  Housing Finance Industry in Mumbai.The Ideal Qualification  Post Graduate in any discipline. Interested candidate can upload their Cv www.mhc.co.in/jobs or share their resume on [email protected]
Kindlyfind below the Job Responsibilities: •Excellent communication skills. •Should have a strong personality. •Should have worked on Powerpoint presentations.
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simpfiles · 3 years ago
Any headcanons about Jinx in the SharkTank! Au? Maybe her relationship with silco and what she gets up to in this Au?
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[shark tank au]      this au is meant to be a reader au and yet all of my replies are canon character centered lmao. if you want some jinx + reader for this au let me know. but here’s a ton of powder living her best life ✌
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powder appears on shark tank to pitch the sharks an entertainment business. she has a ton of original recreational game ideas that would be played with inventions of own design. there was only one slightttt problem
none of them were patented bc her inventions didn’t worked. 
so silco ripped into her real hard.
“why would you come on to national tv and be so canned about your ideas that aren’t even patented because they don’t work? what’s stopping someone smarter than you from stealing them? that was a horrible decision on your part. incredibly stupid. i’m out.”
obviously, the powder is devastated and the other sharks mortify. mel calls him out, the two exchanging words that would have to be cut from the family friendly edition airing next season.
still, despite the rest of the sharks trying to soften and boost powder’s ego, all of them went out.
vi will never forgive silco for the heartbreak he put her sister through
powder channels that rage into ambition. she wanted to prove silco wrong. 
she had to.
her plan is simple: perfect her inventions, sneak into silco’s home, impress him with her ingenious mind, hook a shark.
idk what’s crazier. powder’s line of thinking or the fact that silco is unhinged enough to say “yeah, this so determination and she’s from zaun. a chip off the old block.”
with silco’s help, powder launches an entertainment brand by the name of JINX.
he never officially adopts her. she still remains under vi’s guardianship as a minor, but she does spend an awful lot amount of time with silco and developing a familial bond. 
he refers to her as his daughter in interviews, causing one of his most popular google questions being “who is silco’s daughter?” followed by “is silco married?” and ofc the top question “why is silco a massive dick?”
vi really fucking hates him. she’s happy for her sister and it’s not like they’re relationship is that fucked up compare to canon but the man is a creep and she doesn’t want his vibes influencing powder as much as it does. vander’s chill tho. she likes him.
vi and vander + silco and powder for team tennis on the weekends
silco would force powder to go to board meetings with him and other incredibly boring events for the experience and exposure of the business world.
powder would take notes using gel pens. there’s 100′s of them lying around in any given room of silco’s home and office. she’s never out grown them, even as a young adult. she keeps a dark royal blue with sparkles on her at all times for legal documents.
she’s kept busy inventing new games that push the boundaries of safety. she still makes time to be the unofficial manger of all of silco’s social media accounts bc heaven knows he’s not creating his own content.
she has her own apartment and access to some of the best hotels but she likes to crash at other people’s places. she doesn’t do well alone and will couch hop depending on her schedule. she stays over all silco’s place a lot since he’s home more than others. 
kind of a dick to her employees. she takes a very flippant approach to business, wanting to be an inventor more than an enrapture. so when deadlines start closing in, her poor assistances and staff have to make up the slack.
OH YOOo! let’s talk knock offs !! powder is silco’s number one go to girl when it comes to product knock offs. the famous hextetch that is revolutionizing the silicon valley of runeterra? jinx inc is producing a similar product for a fraction of the cost.
it’s all about accessibly to the masses.
powder and ekko are good friends but they have a fun little business rivalry, seeing how ekko has his own side business going. they like to compare numbers and spreadsheets. sometimes things will get heated but will always end with them laughing at how stuffy the other sounds. 
ekko, laughing “you sound like silco”
jinx, blowing a raspberry “shoot me before that happens!”
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thelonesomequeen · 4 years ago
I think chris is a really good actor and I think he has range, but maybe he hasn't done movies that are ground breaking enough to be recognised. I remember in an interview he did for before we go wherr he said something like he has get emotional about the script or something like that for him to say yes, which drives his manger crazy. I also believe that getting nominated for awards is only good for publicity, because I have seen actors get nominated for half decent performances. There people the definitely deserved their wins but some nominations are just honestly wtf for me. I stopped taking awards seriously a long time ago especially after (and please don't hang me for this) la la land, I mean I didn't even get through 5 minutes and it annoys me that it got so many awards.
You do know that La La Land didn’t win the Oscar for best picture, right? That best picture announcement is one of the biggest award show gaffes in history... 😬 I personally didn’t care for La La Land either, but I can’t say it didn’t deserve a good chunk of the awards it won like original score, production design, or cinematography. Some of the scenes were beautiful to look at 🦎
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josephflipside · 4 years ago
Studio ghibli, environments and aeroplanes
Studio Ghibli is an animated studio best known for its original works, and this will be an examination of its themes as well as the artwork within.
Studio ghibli has over the years depicted a vast variety of environments in with a level of fidelity and detail rarely seen in animation, one of the most common is the natural environment wether this be...
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Sacred forests of Princess Mononke’s ancient Japan, where the forests are huge, dense wild seas of growth, the trees holding up the sky itself, and every fuzzy inch of moss shaded and given highlights, every meadow’s blade of grass shaded and coloured in the detail it deserves
Or if ancient forests aren’t your forté,
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Maybe the Adriatic Sea as depicted in Porco Russo is more attractive, particular note to how the animators decide not to just use a blue backdrop, they give the sea bright glimmering beads of light that oscillate and break with the movement of waves, the sea is speckled by golden shores surrounding dense verdant forests, the world seems so mulch more interesting and beautiful, I particularly like porco’s cliff hideout, if only because of the bright shade that permeates this space, as well as the rarity of spaces like this in media.
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The less common environment is the urban/city environments, which like their natural environments are beautifully detailed, these images coming from Howl’s Moving Castle, where the town is in celebration as solders leave for war, masses of people flock to the streets, waving their arms, walking talking, expressing emotions all of which had to be animated, I can only imagine how borderline maddening that must’ve felt, though these shots are quite short, so their mangers where somewhat merciful.
Ghibli’s depiction of natural environments and spaces are imbued with both a sense of awe and beauty that I has yet to be realised in other animated series, perhaps this is due to the excruciating effort needed to realise these environments fully, while I couldn’t find a time needed for backgrounds, I did find that in an interview with hayao Miyazaki it takes three years on average to make a movie, and in that same interview, Toshio Suzuki the producer and general manager added: “we’ve been working on this film for three years, so that means we have 36 minutes completed so far.” (The film in question is the yet to be released How Do You Live).
The link below to the source.
Aeroplanes are next to the natural world in their prominence within Ghibli films, these flying machines are often used as metaphor for human technological development.
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Here we see two examples of planes, both of them civilian craft (or in the red plane’s case a formerly peaceful vessel) and you might notice how nice they look, the elegance of their design, the smoothness and shine of themselves places them as a design of beauty and class, to put simply: the fact that they are pretty means that they are good.
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megamikethomson · 5 years ago
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Before I did a sohba Digital Marketing agency event, I was so overwhelmed. I knew what I wanted, but the strategy and how to get there held me back. I kept getting stuck. I had so much information in my head that I didn’t know where to start. Max and Mike are great. What I love about these guys is that they are so real. I’ve been to many coaching events and what I mean by ‘real’ is that they really care. Max is so patient and Mike is amazing. They really care and they want really you to succeed.
Why You Need Other Women Around You (And Your Marketing)
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Ever have days when you feel like you’re alone in business? Like you’re tapping away at your computer, trying to work on new angles for your marketing, testing out new offers, attempting to make sense of your social media stats and wishing you had some other people who ‘get it and you’ to bounce everything off?
Marketing, in particular marketing yourself online, can feel overwhelmingly hard. It can be danger to put yourself out there. It can be confusing to know exactly what technology to use or what exactly you should do with all your online marketing funnels.
We totally get it. We know exactly what it’s like to be working on your business and feeling disconnected. Feeling disconnected is such a common ailment – weird, when you think we live in a world that is more connected than ever before.
Women need community. They really do… check out this article on why women need friendship!
Sohba Digital marketing services has a mission to support and positively impact 10,000 women globally in the next 5 years. And it all starts with community. That’s why we really wanted to focus on creating a great community; a community where women feel like they can celebrate their successes, share their frustrations, ask questions and really feel like they are growing as part of the group.
We know how important it is to feel like you’re surrounded by other like-minded women; women who get what it’s like to be in business for yourself.
If you are currently a woman in business who is interested in doing more with their online marketing,then Sohba Digital Marketing Company team are with you to grow your business.
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Lately we have been seeing a common trend in small businesses when it comes to solving the problem of having a consistent presence on social media. The option? To hire in-house.
Whilst on face value there is nothing wrong with wanting to grow your team and expand, the real problems start when the business owner attempts to cut corners with the new hire. To help you avoid these mistakes we have put together a short list of key concepts to take into consideration when exploring the in-house marketing hire.
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Hire based on ‘genius – too many times we see job advertisements requesting: Receptionist/Social Media Manger Required. A quality social media manager is just that. Their genius and expertise is in the development of a social media strategy that will provide direct ROI. Skilled individuals like this are very unlikely to also be looking to answer your phone. Need a receptionist? Try a virtual one – we recommend: Office HQ. Ensure your new hire has ‘the goods’ – when interviewing or selecting the new candidate make sure that they can quantify past results with hard data. Get clear – we see too many business owners make the hire or take on an agency to help with online marketing, only to ‘pass the buck’ as fast as possible. Yes, we get it, you are spending money to have someone take care of this but just a small amount of your time invested to discuss your required outcomes and agreement to strategy increases the likelihood that you will be happy with your investment in the future.
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Check in – like any employee on your team, make sure to schedule regular check-ins with your new marketing hire. This way the lines of communication can remain open and you can actively manage their output. Not sure where to start? At sohba digital marketing agency Social we love helping businesses just like you grow online. We provide personalised strategy and can also deliver high level training for your team. Call us on:+92 300 232 4830 to arrange a no obligation chat about your business and how you can shine ever so elegantly online.
There is no escaping it. If you are wanting to have great presence online and be at the forefront of your customers mind when they make a buying decision – you need to be present online. One of the best ways to do that is to publish great content and make sure you are sharing across the relevant social media platforms.
We often get asked by time poor business owners how to best streamline creating content. Our answer: Create Content Pillars. So we thought we’d share the steps in doing this so you can start doing this too.
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If you were to think about your business and all the content you could share/create with your audience top level, you could probably split this niche into smaller sub-niches or sub-headings. For example if you were a beauty spa you might create the pillars: Face | Make Up | Body | New Treatments. Or if you own a restaurant you might create the pillars: Dish Of The Day/Week | What’s In Season | Wines Once you have settled on your pillars create 4-5 posts within each pillar. If you are struggling to think of things to write about, we find have a style of post helps. Style of posts can be: How To Posts, Checklist Posts, Top Tips Posts. So if you were that beauty spa working on the ‘Face’ Pillar you might create: How To Wash Your Face In Under 30 Seconds, Our Secret Products For Glowing Skin Checklist, Salon x Top Tips For Luminous Skin….. Batch your content. Never try to post something off the fly. We find this approach usually leads to inconsistent content being produced, or worse still, no content! top digital marketing agency Schedule a time every few weeks to sit down and write 4-5 posts so you always have content ready to share.
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