#producers club theater
neworkimprov · 2 months
Butts in Seats: The Producer's Guide to Filling Your Comedy or Theater Showcase
As producers, we often obsess over the creative side: crafting the perfect script, assembling a stellar cast, and rehearsing until the performance shines. But after 20+ years in the industry, I’ve learned a harsh truth: all of that is easy compared to getting people to actually show up. Let’s be honest, filling a theater is like a real estate transaction – you’re essentially subletting one seat…
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ohisms · 9 months
↪     𝑺𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 , updated .     (  a  collection  of  various  settings  meant  to  inspire  drabbles  or  be  used  as  prompts .   )
001.   the seaside ,  as the sun is setting .
002.   a cabin in the middle of the woods .
003.   a picket-fenced home in the suburbs .
004.   a dark bus stop lit only by street lights .
005.   a private jet miles high in the sky .
006.   a funhouse’s room of mirrors .
007.   an office building ,  bustling and busy .
008.   the back row of an empty movie theater .
009.   a run - down motel room .
010.   a loud house party on a suburban street .
011.   a university lecture hall during a class .
012.   the rooftop of a very tall building .
013.   a great ballroom during an elegant party .
014.   the back of a wailing ambulance .
015.   the wine cellar of a large mansion .
016.   behind the school’s gymnasium .
017.   a boisterous bonfire at the lakeside .
018.   an otherwise empty parking lot .
019.   the shady bar of a noisy , dark club .
020.  the grounds of an empty summer camp .
021.   a large hedge maze ,  easy to get lost in .
022.   a neglected or derelict treehouse .
023.   a spacious ,  light-filled meadow .
024.   an underground illegal fighting club .
025.   an abandoned scrapyard .
026.   a large penthouse overlooking the city .
027.    an apple orchard in the middle of spring .
028.   an empty playground with squeaky swings .
029.   an extravagant greenhouse .
030.   the base of a large waterfall .
031.    a spacious walk - in closet full of lovely clothes .
032.   a solemnly quiet hospital room .
033.   the dark depths of an abandoned mine .
034.   the deck of a fishing boat at night .
035.   the thick crowd of an audience at a show .
036.   a long ,  winding road .
037.   the scene of a violent crime .
038.   a fork in a hiking trail deep in the wilderness .
039.   a cramped dressing room .
040.   a dusty antiques shop full of relics .
041.   the street of an unfamiliar city at night .
042.   between the tall shelves of a thrifted book shop .
043.   a building abandoned during construction .
044.   a house without power or running water .
045.   a mysterious trail found in the woods .
046.   the back of a taxi stuck in traffic .
047.    the inside of an elevator that won’t move .
048.   fairgrounds during a large event  (or after hours) .
049.   a garden bountiful with flowers or produce .
050.   a childhood home or bedroom .
+   30  more  setting  prompts :    1 / 3 / 2024
051. the site of a horrible accident .
052. a closed pool , after everyone has left .
053. a home holding horrific memories .
054. by the side of a dangerously quick river .
055. a private hotel room .
056. a police station in the middle of the night .
057. a ferris wheel carriage under a sky of fireworks .
058. a lavish , invite - only party .
059. a public transit stop as rain is pouring down .
060. the back of a taxi going in the wrong direction .
061. the underworld .
062. a dusty , forgotten attic .
063. on the set of a television show or movie .
064. a lighthouse overlooking the raging sea .
065. in a post - apocalyptic bunker .
066. on a ship hundreds of miles from the nearest coast .
067. on the rooftop of a perilously tall building .
068. a tent pitched in the middle of the woods .
069. a crowded stadium during a football game .
070. the morgue during an identification .
071. an otherwise empty library during a late study session .
072. a place that feels familiar , yet you've never been here before .
073. a long hallway that seems to stretch on forever .
074. a signpost at the start of a hiking trail .
075. a bar or tavern bustling with life .
076. the dance floor of a masquerade ball .
077. inside of a car parked in a secluded area .
078. at the edge of a cliff overlooking a large lake .
079. inside a very old house with very old haunts .
080. the antiseptic interior of a space station .
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beatrixstonehill2 · 8 months
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"Look at how big my titties are getting.... so full of milk! I look like a regular breeding cow already. It's so wonderful seeing my pretty little boobs start to get so heavy and swollen. Pregnancy is amazingly fun! I was a bit worried when my doctor said he signed me up for this! I mean, I've been living as a girl for a little while now and my transition has been going super well. But as soon as I turned 18 he was like, "Emily, now that you're old enough I think you're ready to start carrying a few kids, don't you?" I was like "Uhhhh, sure?" And he had me sign all these wavers, despite me not 100% knowing what I was getting myself into!
Soooo, apparently I was entered into a trial to be continually impregnated on high doses of fertility drugs for a decade. My paperwork says that 'the patient's uterus is expected to produce a minimum of 100 kids in that time.' The minimum!? Ummmm...... wow. But I'm not too surprised. I'm only like six months along and I look huge. It's definitely making playing field hockey a lot more challenging, but as expected we are college girls now so over half of us are pregnant anyway. So I guess it's not a huge deal but when the other girls check me or tackle me I feel like my belly's gonna pop like a balloon, which would be fun to see, I suppose.... Hasn't happened yet though!
So, not only was I forcibly entered into this clinical breeding trial or whatever but I realized the procedure was pretty quick.... I asked my surgeon and I'm not going on Rocket, so I'm not giving birth urethrally, and they didn't hook my birth canal up anywhere, so I won't be giving birth anally like a lot of trans girls..... I decided to ask if they intended to do a new surgery and they said no. So I asked how am I giving birth? The people running the trial said a small device is hooked to my womb, when my babies are ready it'll emit a signal, telling them where I am.....
Guys, get this: I won't know when it's going off. They said they only perform the retrieval between 9-5 Mon-Fri. So I'll be at school or out, going about my day and they'll come by. Allegedly they'll have me take off my clothes wherever I am, they'll smear my belly with numbing cream, and..... perform a C-Section no matter where I am. College? A crowded mall? A movie theater? I'll have no choice, they'll just rip off my clothes, prep me, and open my belly like it's a casual, minor test they're performing, like drawing blood or weighing me or something. Then they'll take my babies to the usual government-owned civilian living centers all these babies are raised at by all these government-appointed breeders who manage to make it to thirty. I might end up being a full-time mom like that one day, if I'm lucky and I don't pop! So.... I have public C-Sections to look forward to! Wonder if it happens even if some random guy is fucking me as I try to go about my day? Wouldn't surprise me one bit.....
Guess I'm still glad I transitioned, even if being forced to have a uterus and pump out babies like a factory was not how I envisioned my twenties. No big deal, I guess. I love having this huge belly, and guys and girls go crazy about it! They go even crazier when they see I have a nice, thick cock between my legs, too.... I feel like it's getting even bigger lately, maybe it's just getting swollen because I jerk off so often? And every other person I run into gives it a few healthy tugs when they reach up my skirt or dresses..... Mmmmm, speaking of which I think I'm gonna put on a cute tiny dress and go out clubbing tonight. My poor pregnant body is just begging to be pounded by twenty or thirty cocks..... I'm sure my professors will understand if I'm late to class tomorrow!"
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
AGS are such nerds
Sephiroth, info-dumping about how cool a big mako spring is, somehow knowing about Nibelheim harvest festival lore, going on about how cool Professor Gast was, shutting himself up in the data room for hours, reading a library, info-dumping about the multiverse to Cloud, having math equations in his Supernova limit break, etc..
Genesis inventing a unique apple juice, fixating on Loveless, trying to reenact the entire play, being a theater kid, quoting his hyperfixation all day, having study group clubs dedicated to his theories, etc..
Angeal being a nature lover, reading botanical magazines, hyper-fixating on dreams and honor, giving corny pep talks to everyone, being super careful with his favorite fancy sword, etc
Lol you can tell they are all the children of scientists and academics
They're such nerds lmao. I don't doubt this was the basis of their friendship pre-crisis. Everyone thinks they're all cool and untouchable, when in reality:
Angeal: Did you guys know some plants can move rapidly in response to touches? Their leaves fold as a reflex, a defense mechanism that deters herbivores.
Sephiroth: Interesting. I've heard of a similar defense mechanism where plants produce chemicals to attract predators of the insects that feed on them.
Genesis: Hm. The plant must secrete digestive enzymes to break down the insect and absorb nutrients better.
*Meanwhile, Kunsel and Zack watch them from afar*
Zack: They're talking about money and getting bitches.
Kunsel: Absolutely.
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ironladle · 6 months
Tarot Card Legacy Challenge
Generation 1: The Fool
Pack Focus: High School Years, For Rent
Active, Outgoing, Adventurous
Master the Fitness skill to Level 10  by participating in school sports 
Complete the "Outdoor Enthusiast" or “Body Builder” aspiration, going on outdoor adventures with friends and exploring hidden spots in the neighborhood.
Collect all types of fish and insects in the neighborhood as a beginner angler and bug collector.
Achieve 10 charisma skill by making friends and socializing at school events and parties.
Gather collectibles like feathers and crystals by exploring secret areas around the neighborhood and completing after-school activities.
Romance: The Fool finds romance during high school, developing a crush on their lab partner or a fellow athlete. They navigate their first love through shy glances, secret notes, and stolen moments in between classes.
Generation 2: The Empress
Pack Focus: Dream Home Decorator, Growing Together
Green Fiend, Family-oriented, Nature Lover
Master the Gardening skill to Level 10 by tending to the school garden and helping out,and personal garden
Complete the "Freelance Botanist" or “Super Parent” aspiration, selling home-grown produce and flowers 
Achieve Level 10 in the Parenting skill by babysitting younger siblings or volunteering
Collect all types of flowers and produce to create beautiful floral arrangements and healthy meals for the family.
Participate in neighborhood gardening competitions, showcasing the family's garden and winning prizes for their beautiful blooms.
Romance: The Empress meets their significant other at a community gardening event or through mutual friends. Their romance blossoms over shared interests in nature and sustainability, with romantic picnics in the park and stargazing under the moonlight.
Generation 3: The Emperor
Pack Focus: For Rent, Home Chef Hustle Stuff
Handy, Ambitious,Outdoorsy
Master the Handiness skill to Level 10 by fixing up the family's rented home and helping neighbors with household repairs.
Complete the "Outdoor Enthusiast" or” Master Chef” aspiration, going on camping trips with friends and mastering the art of outdoor cooking.
Achieve Level 10 in the Logic skill 
Collect all types of fossils and crystals during outdoor adventures and neighborhood exploration.
Establish a successful food business, selling handcrafted meals made with locally sourced ingredients.
Romance: The Emperor finds love at a neighborhood block party or while volunteering at the local soup kitchen. Their relationship flourishes over shared meals and cozy nights in, with romantic dinners cooked together in their food truck.
Generation 4: The High Priestess
Pack Focus: Crystal Creations Stuff, Realm of Magic
Bookworm, Paranoid, Creative
Master the Spellcasting skill and unlock all spells by studying ancient tomes and practicing magic rituals.
Complete the "Spellcraft & Sorcery" or “ Archaeology Scholar” aspiration, delving deeper into the mysteries of magic and mastering potion-making.
Achieve Level 10 in the Logic skill by experimenting with magical elements and researching arcane phenomena.
Collect all magical artifacts and tomes by exploring hidden caves and participating in magical duels.
Explore all hidden areas in Glimmerbrook and Forgotten Hollow to uncover ancient secrets and mystical creatures.
Romance: The High Priestess meets their soulmate at a magical gathering or during a séance. Their bond deepens through shared experiences in the magical realm, with romantic moonlit rituals and enchanted picnics in enchanted forests.
Generation 5: The Lovers
Pack Focus: My Wedding Stories, Get Together
Romantic, Outgoing, Charismatic
Master the Acting skill to Level 10 by participating in school theater productions and joining drama clubs.
Complete the "World-Famous Celebrity" or “ Soulmate” aspiration, climbing the ranks of fame and hosting extravagant parties.
Achieve Level 10 in the Charisma skill by networking at social events and building a large circle of friends.
Collect all celebrity memorabilia and awards by attending exclusive parties 
Host extravagant parties and events in luxury penthouses, showcasing the glamorous lifestyle of the rich and famous.
Romance: The Lovers meet at a high-profile gala or VIP event, instantly drawn to each other's charisma and charm. Their love story unfolds amidst the glittering lights of the city, with romantic rooftop dinners and spontaneous adventures in the nightlife scene.
Generation 6: The Chariot
Pack Focus: Horse Ranch, Werewolves
Animal Lover, Adventurous, Independent
Master the Robotics skill and build advanced robots to assist with farm chores and household tasks.
Complete the "Renaissance Sim" or “Championship Rider”  aspiration, excelling in multiple fields of study and expertise, including horse riding and animal training.
Achieve Level 10 in the Handiness skill by repairing farm equipment and maintaining the family's homestead.
Collect all elements and crystals to craft potent potions and futuristic inventions for the family ranch.
Travel to all vacation worlds and explore cultural landmarks and local traditions, incorporating new techniques into the family's farming practices.
Romance: The Chariot finds love in the countryside, meeting their partner at a local rodeo or equestrian event. Their romance flourishes over horseback rides through scenic trails and cozy nights by the fireplace.
Generation 7: Strength
Pack Focus: Cats & Dogs, Seasons
Animal Lover, Family-oriented, Athletic
Master the Veterinary skill to Level 10 by opening a veterinary clinic and caring for pets and wildlife in the community.
Complete the "Animal Enthusiast" or “Friend of the Animals” aspiration, fostering strong bonds with animals and participating in pet competitions.
Achieve Level 10 in the Wellness skill by practicing yoga and promoting physical and emotional well-being for Sims and animals alike.
Collect all types of feathers and notes in a bottle, to create unique crafts and decorations for the family's pet-friendly home.
Participate in seasonal festivals and competitions
Romance: Strength meets their partner at a local animal shelter or while walking their pets in the park. Their love grows through shared adventures with their furry companions, with romantic picnics and sunset walks along the beach.
Generation 8: The Hermit
Pack Focus: For Rent, StrangerVille
Paranoid, Bookworm, Loner
Master the Herbalism skill to Level 10 by foraging for rare plants and brewing potent potions to unravel the mysteries of StrangerVille.
Complete the "Paranormal Investigator" or “Strangerville Mystery”  aspiration, investigating strange occurrences and uncovering hidden truths in the mysterious town.
Achieve Level 10 in the Logic skill by analyzing evidence and conducting experiments to solve the town's supernatural mysteries.
Collect all types of artifacts and relics by exploring secret labs and hidden caves, documenting strange occurrences and encounters.
Investigate secret conspiracies and alien encounters, uncovering the truth behind the town's strange phenomena.
Romance: The Hermit finds love amidst the mysteries of StrangerVille, meeting their partner while investigating paranormal activity or sharing theories at the local diner. Their romance deepens as they work together to uncover the town's secrets, with late-night stakeouts and passionate debates over conspiracy theories.
Generation 9: The Wheel of Fortune
Pack Focus: My Wedding Stories, For Rent
Party Animal, Outgoing, Ambitious
Master the DJ Mixing skill and become a renowned DJ by hosting epic parties and events in the community.
Complete the "Party Animal" or “Fabulously Wealthy” aspiration, mastering the art of socializing and bringing people together through music and entertainment.
Achieve Level 10 in the Cooking skill by experimenting with new recipes and hosting seasonal feasts and gatherings.
Collect all types of rare and exotic fruits and vegetables to create signature dishes and cocktails for their events.
Participate in seasonal festivals and competitions, winning prizes and earning recognition for their contributions to community spirit and celebration.
Romance: The Wheel of Fortune finds love on the dance floor, meeting their partner at a lively nightclub or music festival. Their romance ignites through shared passion for music and nightlife, with spontaneous dance-offs and intimate moments under the stars.
Generation 10: The Star
Pack Focus: Get Famous, Dream Home Decorator
Charismatic,Ambitious, High- Maintenance 
Rise to stardom as a celebrity in the entertainment industry, pursuing careers in acting, music, or comedy, and gaining fame and recognition.
Develop culinary skills to create stunning dishes and desserts, showcasing talents through cooking shows or hosting celebrity dinner parties.
Utilize interior design expertise to decorate lavish homes and venues for celebrity clients, earning acclaim for their exquisite taste.
Master the photography skill to capture glamorous moments on red carpets, at exclusive events, and during intimate gatherings.
Utilize gaming expertise to engage with fans through live streams and gaming events, building a dedicated online following fascinated by their celebrity lifestyle.
Romance: The Star finds love amidst the glitz and glamour of celebrity life, meeting their partner at industry events, through mutual connections, or even on the set of a blockbuster film. Their romance plays out in the public eye, with paparazzi capturing their every move and fans speculating about their relationship. Despite the challenges of fame, their love remains strong, and they ultimately tie the knot in a star-studded ceremony, attended by fellow celebrities and broadcasted to millions of viewers worldwide.
Complete World-Famous Celebrity or Master Actor/Master Actress aspiration
-Slay, I will be fixing this challenge little by little.
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read-marx-and-lenin · 2 months
In the Soviet factories and collective firms much of the leisure time of the people — and this leisure time is ample since the working day averages less than seven hours throughout Soviet industry — is spent on amateur activities such as dramatics, literature, sport, photography, art, and so on. But these amateur activities are not, as is usual in other countries, left to the care of the local enthusiasts, without professional assistance. For, in all Soviet amateur activities, the professional people in that particular sphere render organized assistance, so that the general level of the amateurs is raised so as rapidly to approach a professional standard. A typical example of this is theatrical work. Practically every industrial enterprise in the U.S.S.R. has its workers’ dramatics circle. Agreements are made through the trade unions with professional theaters, and these promise to give assistance to such circles in the form of voluntary or paid help by trained actors and producers. The result is that the amateur group has the benefit of professional assistance, and can raise its standard of excellence considerably above that which in this country we term “amateur,” meaning inferior to “professional.” Such an “amateur” dramatics group in the U.S.S.R. may at any time, having reached a certain standard, be offered by the authorities the opportunity of taking over a professional theatre as a full-time job. I have been present at a competition of village theaters in Moscow and seen a performance by a young theatrical group which was certainly up to the best British repertory standard. The whole company consisted of young working men and women who had previously been members of the dramatics club of the automobile plant in Gorky. They had received professional guidance from the Vachtangov Theatre in Moscow, and, at a certain stage, had been offered facilities by the Commissariat of Education to become a full-time theatrical company. They now had their own theatre in a Russian village. In this way workers in the factory had become professional actors and actresses, through their amateur theatricals. Just as in the sphere of the theatre there is an opportunity for the ordinary amateur to become a professional, so, too, in painting and writing, in sport and in science.
Pat Sloan, Soviet Democracy, 1937
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rwrbmovie · 1 year
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BTS of #RWRBMovie: cakegate
From Collider:
ML: "It was hundreds of extras, it was cake, it was a vision, it was choreography through space, and it was a lot of dialogue. That was three days of me, just gritting my teeth. I can’t tell you that I had fun on those three days. I knew that I had to get it right, in so many different ways. But I had a great team, and I had Nick and Taylor, and we got through those days. When people see the movie, you don’t see all the real effort that went into that filming that scene."
From AV Club:
The entire wedding reception scene took three days to shoot on location at the Royal Naval College in London (which served as the setting for the receiving line) and Goldsmiths’ Hall in the city’s financial district (where the reception takes place). But López began preparing for it long before he got to the set. Together with production designer Miren Marañón, he tested the physics of bringing down the cake using models and filming smaller cakes in motion to see how they would fall. “We were really scientific about it,” he says. “Would it slide? Would it tumble? Is it sort of like a tree coming down or does it break apart? What we decided was that actually what happens is not necessarily Alex knocks over the cake, Alex breaks the table, which then sends it over. We realized that it was a question of a cascading series of events leading to the cake falling on them.” Taylor Zakhar Perez, who plays Alex, and Nicholas Galitzine, who plays Henry, were both game for anything when it came to the physicality of the scene. To help block the sequence for maximum comedic effect, López brought on theater director Cal McCrystal, who had previously worked as a physical comedy consultant on the Paddington films. The actors rehearsed with McCrystal to get each beat of the scene right before Alex is knocked into the table, which was rigged with hydraulics to make it collapse on cue. The crew spent a day and a half filming the reception before it came time to tackle the cake scene. There were two cakes created for the scene, a fake one made of foam and latex that could not only hold up under the lights for long periods of time but safely be dropped on the actors without injuring them, and a real one made of sponge and buttercream frosting to dump on them once they hit the ground. “We shot the scene many times with the fake one coming down, just this big cake coming down on top of them,” López says. “We shot it from all different angles. Then we reached the point of no return and we had to drop actual cake on them.”
That’s where the fun part came in. The crew brought in several white industrial “buckets of buttercream” frosting and chunks of real cake to throw on top of the actors. “We set up three cameras, and my production designer and I carefully lined up the shot. And I counted to three and we tossed the cake into their faces.” The cast and crew had planned to film the scene multiple times, and there was time built into the shooting schedule for the actors to shower and change into clean costumes in between takes, a process that could potentially take up to an hour. But, according to López, in the end it wasn’t necessary. “That first take we hit the bullseye. And I went back to look at it with my director of photography and my producers, and I’m looking at it and I’m like, we have it. Let’s move on. Let’s not waste our time. One take of hitting their faces, and then we just got the rest of it.” López describes the mood on set that day as “very, very focused” but there was still a sense that they were creating something special. It turned out to be one of his favorite days on set. Even the background players, many of whom were themselves in the cake splash zone, erupted in applause once it was finished. “The boys were in a very good mood, which helped. But I think, for an actor, it’s like the ultimate fantasy, right? As a kid, you want to be in an enormous food fight. And then here they are getting paid to be covered in cake. So yeah, it was the most technical bit of filmmaking we had to do on this movie. That said, everybody, for as focused as they were, everybody was in a very good mood that day. And it must be said that we had a lot of fun.”
From EW:
In the film's opening sequence, Galitzine's Henry and Taylor Zakhar Perez's Alex, the First Son of the United States, create an international incident after a spat leads them to crash into and destroy a royal wedding cake. In the process, they both become utterly covered in cake and frosting. But Galitzine didn't find it so bad. "You would get quite peckish throughout the day," he tells EW in an interview conducted prior to the SAG-AFTRA strike. "The fact that you could just have a snack peeling off your body, you can have a little nibble there, was super convenient." Things got even messier when the crew tried to turn the sequence into a food fight. "A lot of the crew were very keen to get involved and throw cake at us in the second half when the cake's already hit us," says Galitzine. "But it was a really fun experience getting to work within that physical comedy space, very slapstick with icing on the suit, then the whiskey being used to dab the suit, and the cake coming down on top of us." Galitzine could, at least, clean up relatively quickly once they wrapped — the English estate where they were filming had a shower upstairs that the cast could access. "Afterwards, I went and stood in the shower for a good half an hour," he says, with a laugh. But he still couldn't escape the cake. "Even that evening and the next morning, I'd find something in my ear or behind my ears, and be like, 'What is that?'" he explains. "And it was bits of icing. I didn't eat those."
From CineMagna:
NG: The cake dropping scene was probably one of the most fun scenes to film. It was just such a couple days. First of all, I just love being with the rest of the cast. It’s just mostly been Taylor and me throughout the entire process, but when you get to really spend time with the other actors, it’s just so much fun, the group of us together. There was so much pomp within this room. We had about 200 extras dressed to the nines, and just the act of this cake falling on top of us is just a very bizarre day at work that most people don’t get to experience.
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cartermagazine · 11 months
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Today We Honor Gregory Hines
Gregory Hines began dancing as a child and went on to launch a successful Broadway, television and film career.
His notable movies include The Cotton Club, White Nights, Running Scared and his appearance in Waiting To Exhale.
He studied dance with master tap dancer Henry Le Tang and spent much of his early career dancing at the Apollo Theater, gleaning knowledge from such fellow performers as the Nicholas Brothers and Sandman Sims.
Hines was an avid improviser of tap steps, tap sounds, and tap rhythms alike. His improvisation was like that of a drummer, doing a solo and coming up with rhythms. He also improvised the phrasing of a number of tap steps, mainly based on sound produced.
“He purposely obliterated the tempos,” wrote tap historian Sally Sommer, “throwing down a cascade of taps like pebbles tossed across the floor. In that moment, he aligned tap with the latest free form experiments in jazz and new music and postmodern dance.”
CARTER™️ Magazine
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sakyhana13 · 5 months
I have a Hazbin Hotel fanfiction where Vaggie is a Carmine and here I have a compilation of memes of the Carmine girls and their dynamics in this dubious fanfiction that hasn't come out yet.
The relationship between the three of them is basically that typical sibling thing: "Mommy found you in the trash, but if someone said that to you, I'll want names."
They will pick on each other, but in the end, they will be sleeping cuddled up in a pillow fort with Clara moving restlessly around the bed, Odette with all the sheets to herself and Vaggie curled up in a ball like a cat.
Clara and Odette are somewhat protective of Vaggie, because she is their youngest sister and even though she vehemently denies being treated like the baby of the house, claiming that she is an adult with the body count and PTSD of a retired war soldier, no one cares. , she is the baby of the house and nothing will change that. Let Charlie say it, after a short conversation with the older Carmine sisters, she came out pale and shaking (she thinks she would faint when her future mother-in-law talked to her).
Odette is the oldest sister, Clara is the middle child and Vaggie as previously mentioned is stuck as the youngest child.
Clara is chaotic, extroverted and clearly has ADHD. She is the artist daughter, theater and cinema are her passions, even in hell she still writes some scripts and records short shorts during her days off, when she is not doing odd jobs as a DJ in the clubs in the lust ring (Carmilla obviously doesn't know from that). She is usually the one who gives the bad ideas, the one who drags her other two sisters into adventures or misadventures. She is a talker, a person who knows how to deal with the public, a stellar negotiator and salesperson. And well, she will do everything, everything, to make her sisters happy.
Odette is obviously the child whose mind never stops thinking of new ideas and theories. She is the inventor of the weapons produced by the Carmines industries, but she has her personal projects that don't involve military weapons, like gadgets to make her life easier, like her little robotic assistant ASSIs and her hellish computer because she's not using the fucking technology manipulated by the Vees. She's basically an Entrapta, autistic technological genius inventor. And it all started because she saw a plane take off and she wanted to do something similar. Carmilla had to prevent her daughter from meeting Jesus a few times (all 3 of them in fact, being little devils who got into trouble whether they wanted to or not). She just seems to be controlled and less chaotic than Clara, but anyone is less chaotic than the middle Carmine, but don't be fooled, just like the entrapta she's a bit of a mad scientist, but she and Vaggie usually reverse each other in controlling chaos. , normally she will agree with Clara's ideas at first and then bitterly regret having gone. Despite this, she feels responsible for her little sisters, so that they stay safe and well, she would do heinous things to care for and support the two idiots that her mother did the favor of tying her to forever.
And then we have Vaggie, you know how she is. But before the fall, even before her time as an exorcist, she was a quiet and shy but extremely curious child. She wasn't an artist like Clara or an inventor like Odette, in fact she was an explorer. Your eyes seeking to learn about the world around you, especially the little animals among the leaves. Loving every second he could spend outdoors watching the little ants do their work or exploring the forest or beach near his childhood home. Vaggie strangely has a chaotic streak, but is it completely by accident or because she went along with her sisters, usually she will be the voice of reason, but when is she not? Well, maybe hell's heaven will turn yellow and hot pink. Vaggie is autistic and I don't have much else to say other than: I love this headcanon and you can pry it from my cold, dead hands. Plus Vaggie would definitely lose her other eye to protect her sisters if she had to, but she'll never admit it, because she'll never hear the end of it if those two scoundrels hear it.
Yes, Carmilla has chaotic and neurodivergent daughters who would knock God off the throne if it were for their sisters, their mother is very proud.
(Sorry for the bad English, it's not my language, and the crazy text, but I've had this in my head for a while and I wanted to get it out, because I don't know when I'm going to write a fic with it.)
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 | 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 3,8K
Series summary: Elvis has worked hard to become the successful adult movie director that he is today and all that hard work is paying off by how well the public reacts to his work and how much money is coming into his bank account, despite the fact that porn is still very much illegal. Working in the adult industry is not something you saw yourself doing despite coming from a place where it always has been out in the open, but you soon find yourself swept up and away by a certain American director and right into the heart of the porn industry. The only question that remains is... will you sink, or will you swim?
Chapter summary: Working on his newest and what he believes his biggest project yet, Elvis flies to Amsterdam to shoot most of it. Everything is going well until he's forced to fire his leading actress on the spot and there's a stop being put to his work. But as he wanders into a cafe for a much needed drink in the bustling city, faith seems to be on his side.
Warnings: porn director!Elvis, European!reader, set in the year 1970 (so some details may be a little off?), obvious mentions of sex/porn etc, mentions of prostitution, Elvis giving reader a lowkey foot rub in public (honestly, he's going to be into feet in this series bc i'm feral), mentions of soft drugs, alcohol consumption.
A/N: hi! this idea was born from an ai but mostly from The Deuce (definitely watch it!), where i took most inspiration from. i'm super excited about this series, and honestly it's giving me a lot of inspiration to write in general again! this is going to be a short series- i'm thinking around 5 parts, but we shall see, hm? no smut in this part, but obvi there will be in future parts, as well as some darker topics. hope y'all enjoy! ❤
masterlist | want to be added to the taglist? just ask!
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Who ever said Hollywood was a jungle has obviously never set foot in New York City.
They’ve obviously never experienced what a real concrete jungle is like and they definitely don’t know that the Golden Age of Hollywood has seen its best days. Directors were feeling pressures from the outside – from the public that wanted something different, something more than those cringy movie kisses. The smaller movie theaters were starting to ID their customers because their movies weren’t so family friendly anymore. Establishments that specialized in peep shows were popping out of the ground like weeds. Burlesque clubs were turning into proper stripclubs and people would rather spend their money on naked girls dancing in their faces than on overpriced cocktails at supper clubs.
They didn’t know that the world was changing.
They didn’t know that even though adult entertainment was far from legal, it was one of the most produced and exported and imported products in the country.
They didn’t know. But Elvis Presley did.
Having made his start as a director ten years ago when he was in his early twenties and was nothing but a naive Southern boy from Memphis, he crawled and clawed his way through shitty jobs in New York. From parking cars, to serving drinks in sketchy bars to being a bodyguard at a massage parlor and driving around hookers to their appointments… He’s seen it all, and he’s done it all.
He worked hard to get where he currently was – being one of the most famous porn directors in New York. Everyone knew who he was and everyone respected him. Times Square was home to countless of peep shows, stripclubs and whatnot and you’ll bump into a prostitute every five steps. Elvis never used their services but he was friendly with them, greeting them as if he had known them forever. Which in some girls’ cases, was true.
Most of those girls were looking for a way out, wanting to get off the streets and into the safety of a movie studio, but Elvis has learned from a previous mistake where he hired a girl who had a pimp and the leech tried to get him to pay them more than the other actors. Since then, Elvis stuck to actors and actors only.
The director was doing good for himself, owning his own studio and brand under the name of “Presley Productions”, and living in a spacious apartment in the city, yet he still wanted more.
He wanted to make a movie so good, it would get international attention. He wanted it to be so good that theaters wouldn’t stop showing it and he wanted it to be so damn good that it would get him a shiny, gold award on his shelf.
And whenever Elvis had his mind set on something, he made sure to accomplish whatever it was that he wanted to accomplish.
It would only be a matter of time before Hollywood would get whiff of his work, and who he was, and for him to open up a second studio there. Elvis didn’t believe in “Hollywood first, the world later” though – he was going to knock everyone off their feet, from the housewives in California to the business men in Hong Kong, all at the same time.
The script he had written for his newest movie had been done for months now and all there was left to do was the casting. The process went fairly simple and easy – his main actress was Annette Haven and she was a gorgeous brown eyed brunette, but for some reason he couldn’t get used to her.
Granted, he wasn’t the one playing in the movie and her co-star seemed to have no issues with her, so perhaps he figured he was just being too picky because he was so passionate about this project. Annette was friendly during the first few weeks of filming but as they got to Amsterdam, the sex capital of the world, to shoot most of the movie, her behavior started to change.
She was cranky on set, pranced around like she was the Queen and was late for filming almost every single day. To put it mildly, she was getting on Elvis’s nerves and when she showed up high as a kite one afternoon, the director was done with this girl.
He never was a tiran on set and always made sure everyone was doing okay, but right now it was like a bomb exploded and everyone watched and were awkwardly rooted to their places as Elvis had a go at the main actress and fired her on the spot.
“Take the rest of the day off. We’ll figure things out tomorrow,” he announced to the other actors and the crew. He gave them a bitter smile before he turned around and walked out of the studio they rented, angry and annoyed at the fact he lost a full day of filming, his leading actress and money.
He needed a goddamn drink.
Amsterdam was a crowded, bustling city and in some ways, it was much like New York but it was different in so many ways too. People were a little more laid back here (and he figured the many coffee shops where one definitely was not drinking coffee but getting high at instead had something to do with that) and instead of running into a lady of the night on a street corner, they were placed behind windows in certain areas. The Red Light District, for example. It was crowded with tourists and while there was a long canal outstretched in the middle of the district, there were shops, bars, coffee shops and sexual tinted business lined up on the sides, drawing people’s attention left and right. The infamous windows were located in the alley ways, the red lights that were on indicating a girl was working at the time. While he was definitely no stranger to sex workers and what the normal citizen would call “wildness of it all”, it was like he had stepped into a different world, yet it felt a little bit like home too.
Spotting a typical Dutch brown cafe on a corner, he stepped inside and was welcomed by the loud rumbles of laughter of men shooting pool and sitting at the tables and the bar and the smell of cigarette smoke and beer. Nobody aside from the waitress even spared him a glance as he sat at a table near the window and the second he looked at the girl that came up to him to take his order, a smirk spread across his face. In the middle of August, it was only natural for the girl to be wearing a pair of shorts and he was glad this place didn’t set any strict dress codes for their employees, because Good Lord, those legs looked like they went on for days. He noticed the red heeled sandals she wore on her feet and her fresh pedicure on her toes, drawing him in even more. The way that black little apron was tied around her waist did things to him and as his eyes shamelessly moved further up and noticed the size of her breasts that were filling up the tight top she was wearing, he could only think two things – first, he needed to get his hands on those things. And second, she would be perfect for the movie he was shooting out here.
Annette Haven who?
“Hallo?!” You spoke again, waving your hand in front of the dark haired man that just sat down by the window when he didn’t respond to you the first time. Instead, he was shamelessly checking you out from head to toe and working in a bar in the Red Light District, you were used to it but it still got you a little annoyed at times. At least some men tried to hide it and most men actually spoke, with actual words. As he excused himself in English and scanned the crowd for a second, you realised he wasn’t Dutch and decided to cut him some slack.
Perhaps he really was a creep, but your boss wouldn’t be too happy if a customer walked out without being served.
Happened before, because while other waitresses accepted the bold and creepy men that came to drink almost every single day, your mother had always taught you to stand up for yourself and to not take any shit from anyone.
Besides, this was 1970. What did men expect? For you to drape yourself over their laps and beg them to take you? Absolutely not.
“A beer’s just fine, honey,”
You bit your tongue to ignore the pet name and flashed the American a smile, looking him in the eye. “Anything else? Something to eat maybe?”
Elvis grinned and shook his head, watching you walk away to get his drink. You were a very pretty girl with a very pretty body and he realised he was going to amp up his charm if he wanted to see what was underneath.
And he definitely wanted to see what was underneath.
“There you go,” you said as you came back over to his table and put his beer down in front of him. Before you could make your escape once more, Elvis spoke up.
“You know, your English is pretty good,”
At this, you almost scoffed as you stood up straight and looked at him with a hand on your hip. These Americans were always so full of themselves.
“Thanks. It’s only a language spoken in countries all over the world,” you smiled sarcastically and Elvis grinned in amusement as he leaned his arms on the edge of the table, quirking an eyebrow.
Feisty. He was intrigued.
“I been to Germany back in the day and believe me, they definitely didn’t sound as pretty as you,”
You raised your eyebrows a little at the odd compliment. Didn’t sound as pretty? That was the first time you ever heard something like that. This guy looked exactly what you imagined a pimp to look like – gold rings adorning his fingers, dressed up nicely in a velvet crushed jacket despite the heat outside – yet he used the word “pretty”, instead of something vulgar like most customers did when they’d try to flirt with you.
You knew you had probably judged him too quickly and although you were intrigued by him the same way he was by you, you weren’t going to make it easy on him.
“Let me tell you a secret,” you whispered as you leaned down and closer to him a little, looking straight into his eyes, which you noticed were very blue and very pretty. “You’re not in Germany anymore, sir,”
Elvis let out a laugh as you gave his shoulder a playful pat and raised his glass, a sly smirk settling on his features.
“You got that right, honey,”
As you walked away, he didn’t fail to notice the playful smile you threw his way as you looked over your shoulder.
Elvis wasn’t planning on spending half the day in this particular cafe, but for some reason, he was already on his third beer and he just couldn’t leave.
He could say it was because he needed to clear his mind and think of a solution to fix the problem about not having a lead actress anymore, but the little voice in his head told him he was looking right at that exact solution.
He knew it would be risky – you were just a waitress and you probably had never set foot on a movie set in your entire life, let alone an adult movie set, but he couldn’t stop imagining you in front of the camera, in all kinds of positions.
As he watched you move around the place, serving customers, it was almost like he was watching a movie right now. The way you moved so effortlessly on those little heels, the way you avoided customers that were a little too handsy and the way you were laughing with local customers who you’d probably served many times before.
The sound of your laugh was like music to his ears and he wondered how you’d sound while you were being fucked with those gorgeous long legs dangling in the air. Just imagining you moaning in pleasure had a shiver run down his spine.
And while you had pretended you didn’t like Elvis at all and he was just another annoying American tourist, you couldn’t help yourself from glancing into his direction every so often and making your way to his table to ask if he needed anything else.
When you did just that after talking to some locals at the bar, he looked at you and smiled.
“Sit down,” he told you as he nodded to the empty seat across from him as he leaned back in his seat. “Doesn’t the old man give you a break?”
You chuckled softly as he nodded to an older looking, grumpy man in the corner behind the bar. Your boss. He barely did any of the work and just sipped on his beer, watching his waitresses work their asses off.
For a shitty pay, too.
“Hardly,” you admitted honestly with a soft chuckle, noticing that your boss wasn’t paying any attention to you so you sat down opposite the dark haired man that had his eye on you the entire time. “So, what brought you to Amsterdam?”
Elvis was pleasantly surprised as you asked him that. Not only would it give him the chance to keep you at his table longer, but now was also the moment where he would have to tell you what he did. And find out your reaction to it.
So, he just came clean right away. In one way, it was a good test to see how open-minded the Europeans really were.
And if you were a full blown, crazed feminist.
God… please don’t be a fullblown crazed feminist, he prayed mentally.
“I’m here to make a porno.”
A silence lingered between you two, but it only lasted for about three seconds. You nodded your head and chuckled in an amused but friendly manner.
“Are you an actor?”
Thank God.
“No,” he laughed, shaking his head a little as he took a sip of his beer, licking his lips. “I’m the director of the movie,”
You leaned your arms on the table and sat on the edge of your seat, crossing your legs under the table as you swung your foot back and forth a little. Elvis looked at the way your breasts were pressed against your arms for a second before looking back at your face, an excited twinkle in his eyes.
“And why are you not directing your movie right now?” You wondered aloud, tilting your head a little.
“Well,” he let out a laugh as he tapped one of his rings against his glass for a second, looking at you. “My leading actress wasn’t as fit for the role as I thought.”
“Or maybe you aren’t as good as a director as you think you are,” you teased with a grin on your face.
At that, Elvis just looked at you with a raised eyebrow. He could tell you were pulling his tail, but perhaps far in the back of his mind… he wondered if that could be the truth. He decided not to let his insecurities get to him though, not right now, and when he felt your swaying foot hit his leg under the table, he reached a hand down and grabbed your ankle. You widened your eyes a little and stared at him as he gave you a cocky grin and removed your shoe, dropping the red heel to the floor before he put your foot in his lap.
You looked around nervously to see if your boss caught onto you slacking yet, but he was still busy with the locals at the bar. Elvis ran his hand down from your ankle to your foot and pressed his thumb against your sole, making you turn back to him and bite your tongue to hold back a small gasp.
While you certainly never let customers touch you, right now you weren’t trying to get away. Nor could you muster up a smart remark to throw at his head. You’d been on your feet all day, wearing those heels, and the little massage he suddenly decided to give you wasn’t entirely unwelcomed.
“I am a great director, sweetheart, trust me..” he grinned as he looked you in the eye, a kind but mischievous gleam in his blue orbs. This man definitely was bold and for the first time in your waitressing “career”, you were enjoying the attention of a customer. And a tourist, at that. “Some people just can’t resist the many coffee shops in the city,”
You chuckled, nodding your head as you tried to focus on the conversation and not his large hand rubbing your foot under the table.
“Ha! Bet she was A-American,” you mentally slapped yourself for the stutter (and the lame reply) but if he noticed it, he didn’t mention it. Instead he just grinned and caressed his short nails across the arch of your foot a little.
“Who said she was American?”
“Well, if she was Dutch, she could’ve.. resisted the tempting clouds of weed,” you countered back with a small, playful grin on your face.
He laughed as he cocked his eyebrow, his eyes staring intently into yours as he found your pressure point and pushed his thumb into it, making you nearly moan out loud right there in the middle of your work place.
You managed to save yourself with a small groan.
“Think you can do better?”
At this point, your face was flushed and he realised he was slowly breaking through that sarcastic façade of yours. Then again, he wasn’t exactly playing fair with the way he was shamelessly giving you a foot rub and while you had genuinely peaked his interest, he was a little desperate too.
He wanted to finish his movie and make sure it was good. It had to be perfect. And he didn’t want to get a professional actress now that he had laid eyes on you.
Porn wasn’t a strange concept to you despite never having been in a porno yourself. You lived in a city where sex was out in the open for everyone to see and consume and while porn was illegal here as much as it was in the States, it was tolerated. Perhaps it wasn’t such a strange idea for you to dip your toes into the world of adult entertainment.
“I know I can do better,” you said confidently, looking over at your boss who looked your way and you quickly pulled your foot out of Elvis’ grip, slipping it back into your heel. “Just tell me when and where,”
Elvis let out a hearty laugh as he widened his eyes at you a little. This had been easier than he expected – you were offering yourself for the job and while that was certainly surprising, he wasn’t complaining at all. You were perfect for this movie and the fact that you were inexperienced in the industry might even be better for the storyline.
After all, the lead girl was supposed to be a little naive and a whole lot of innocent.
You quickly urged him for a phone number and address when you noticed the sour face of your boss staring at you from behind the bar and Elvis quickly scribbled his contact information down on the back of a paper coaster as he realised he didn’t have any business cards on him at the moment. You grasped it from the table and shoved it in your pocket, getting up from your seat.
“Hold up,” he said after he paid for his drinks and you were about to walk off to the bar to get back to work. You felt him grabbing your wrist and you turned around, looking at him as your heartbeat sped up a little. “I didn’t get your name..”
“It’s Y/N,” You told him, gently pulling your arm out of his grip. You wouldn’t mind holding onto him a little longer but you felt your boss’ eyes burning in the back of your head.
“I’m Elvis. Elvis Presley.”
You nodded and flashed him a smile, tapping the back pocket of your shorts where you had put the coaster in. He grinned and nodded, slowly leaving the cafe, hoping you’d call him and go through with this.
A pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to work in a shitty place like this.
You watched him go and the entire time your boss was giving you an earful about work ethics as you stood behind the bar, you barely heard the words coming out of his mouth. Quite frankly, you just weren’t paid enough to deal with this. You liked your co-workers but that’s all they were – co-workers. They didn’t pay your bills and neither did your shitty monthly pay that your boss gave you.
You wanted a change. No, you needed a change.
And maybe it was a naive and stupid thing to do, but for some reason, you had trusted that stupid American tourist.
Maybe he wasn’t even a director at all, but the longer your boss went on and on about your behavior, you decided it was worth the risk.
“You know what,” you interrupted him loudly, pulling your apron off and throwing it at his face. “I quit!”
Your boss threw a string of profanities to your head as you opened the cash register and grasped the amount of money he still owed you. He was too slow, and too fat, to stop you and before he could get to you, you were already halfway out the door. Though ofcourse, you didn’t leave without theatrically flipping him off.
You ran down the street, squirming your way through the crowd, and into a phone booth. Closing the door behind you, you fished the coaster out of your pocket and rang the number. You were connected to Elvis’ hotel and then put through to his room after several minutes. As soon as you heard his voice on the other side of the line, you inhaled a sharp breath of air and clenched the phone against your ear.
How bad could the porn industry really be?
The fact that you were a virgin didn’t strike you as a problem. Nobody had to know, did they? You were sure you’d be able to mask it.
Even from the director.
You stared at the people walking by the phone booth and leaned against the glass wall, your next words rolling off your tongue determinedly.
“When do I start?”
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taglist: @powerofelvis @breadsquash @generoustreemystic @ab4eva @marriedtopresley @steph-speaks @notstefaniepresley @ellie-24 @dollksj @webbedwebs @re3kin @wivette @eliseinmemphis @18lkpeters @rosepresley @ccab @whatstruthgottodowithit @dkayfixates
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winterlogysblog · 6 months
Liones University
Founder - Bartra Liones President - Meliodas Vice President - Gilthunder Prefect of Disipline - Dreyfus School Doctor - Hendrickson Middle School Principal - Guila Highschool Principal - Howzer Drama Teacher - Gowther PE and Science Teacher - Derieri PE Teacher - Griamore
Known Groups (Past):
The Seven Deadly Sins - Delinquent Gang led by Meliodas (yes, the president of the school) Members: Meliodas - Former Leader of The Ten Commandments; President of Liones University Ban - Owner of Fox's Sin (Bar & Resto) Escanor - Veteran Soldier Harlequin - Alias: King; Fashion and Costume Designer; Owner of Chastiefol (Fashion Clothing Brand) Diane - Former Ballerina; Model for Chastiefol Gowther - Drama Teacher of Liones University; Producer and Owner of Nadja Theater Merlin - Former Vice President of Camelot Academy
The Ten Commandments - Delinquent Gang led by Zeldris Members: Zeldris - Owner of Underworld Corp. Mael - Former Member of The Four Archangels Derieri - PE and Science Teacher of Liones Academy Monspeet - In the US Gloxinia - In France Drole - Also in France Melascula - Professor at Camelot University Galland - Professor at Camelot University Grayroad - <No information found> Fraudrin - <No information found>
The Four Archangels - Student Council Group Members: Ludociel - President Mael - Former Vice President turned member of the Ten Commandments Sariel - Secretary Tarmiel - Comittee Chairman
Known Groups (Present):
The Four Knights of the Apocalypse - just a gaggle of individuals Members: Lancelot - Captain of the Basketball Team; Models for Chastiefol in his free time (either he gets paid or he gets free stuff); Straight A Student (he doesn't even try); Subject of expertise - Math Percival - The most innocent bean known around Campus; Subject of Expertise - Foreign Language (doesn't know why he's good at it) Gawain - Former Camelot University Student; Captain of the Women's Volleyball team; Straight A Student; Self proclaimed chick magnet; Subject of Expertise - Science Tristan - Student Council President; Straight A Student (you're doing great sweetie); Subject of Expertise - Science and History
Percival Platoon - 4kota sub-group led by Percival Members: Anne - President of Fencing Club; Straight A Student; Subject of Expertise - English Donny - Varsity Basketball Player; Subject of Expertise - PE Nasiens - Hendrickson's assistant; Models for Chastiefol in his free time (automatic free stuff); has an obvious crush on Percy; Straight A Student; Subject of Expertise - Science and Geography
Tristan Platoon - 4kota sub-group led by Tristan Members: Isolde - Cheer Captain; has an obvious crush on Tristan; Subject of Expertise - Art and Design Chion - Campus A-hole; Does not care about anybody except for Tristan (Isolde and Jade too but mainly Tristan); Subject of Expertise - Science and History Jade - The tolerable one; has an obvious crush on Isolde; Subject of Expertise - Geography
Lancelot Platoon - 4kota sub-group led by Lancelot Members: Sixtus - Foreign Exchange Student (currently in France staying with Uncle Glox and Drole); Subject of Expertise - History (really good at memorizing specific dates) Tioreh - Member of the Gymnastics Club; Subject of Expertise - Arts and Design
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whitenoface · 1 year
Barbie vs Oppenheimer: Twisted Wonderland Edition
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Who would watch Barbie or Oppenheimer (or Barbenheimer 🤭)? My thoughts on the Barbenheimer showdown in Twisted Wonderland:
Riddle: So he says Oppenheimer and adamantly watches only Oppenheimer because "only children would watch Barbie" but he can't help but listen in on everyone's conversation about Barbie and doing fervent research on Barbie. He'll end up asking Cater about the entire movie later.
Trey: Barbenheimer. He's not particularly interested in either movie but he wants to know what the hype is about, so he'd go to see both movies for Science. Ends up liking both a lot for different reasons.
Cater: BARBIE GIRLY. 100%. Goes with Light Music Club. Decked out in all pink Barbie gear and you know he's tweeting think pieces on Barbie after. Cries during the movie because it hits hard about family and being human and he's depressed.
Deuce: Barbenheimer. Epel would convince him to watch Oppenheimer together for the cool effects and explosions, but he would later watch Barbie after hearing Cater rave about it for the 1000th time. He cries at the mom scene.
Ace: Oppenheimer publicly, but catches a midnight showing of Barbie secretly. Honestly he enjoyed Barbie more but he can't have the upperclassmen finding out.
Leona: Oppenheimer. Not that he really cares either way, but the anti-nuclear message and environmental impacts would pique his interest. Probably falls asleep somewhere in the 3 hour movie though.
Ruggie: Oh he's a Barbie girly, but he'd also movie hop and take advantage of the whole Barbenheimer trend and go watch Oppenheimer (for free) after just because. Brings his own snacks for both.
Jack: Probably would see Oppenheimer, but he would also easily get peer pressured and dragged to go see Barbie too. And secretly like Barbie way more than he thought he would.
Azul: Oppenheimer, absolutely. Would go into tangents after about the philosophies of the movie. The only reason he would watch Barbie is for capitalist purposes: make merch and know his target audience 😌
Floyd: 100% a Barbie girly. Would go to the theater decked out in Barbie gear and quote Barbie for the next two weeks until Azul threatens to kick him out of the dorm.
Jade: BARBENHEIMER. He would spend the entire day at the theater to watch the double feature. Probably in the order of Oppenheimer and ending the day with Barbie for the vibes. Would enjoy both thoroughly.
Kalim: IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION. BARBIE. Goes with Light Music Club, and then drags Jamil to see it again. Cries at practically every single scene. He makes Barbie Day a thing at his dorm.
Jamil: Oppenheimer. He only wants to see Oppenheimer but he gets dragged to Barbie and is inevitably sucked into the Barbie world by Kalim. Against his will he knows more about Barbie than Oppenheimer.
Vil: Barbenheimer. As a film producer and actor, he can't not watch Oppenheimer and appreciate all of the film's effects and the heart that went into it. But he grew up a Barbie girly and he's not passing up the opportunity to be best Barbie dressed at the movie theater. He’s take a day to watch the double feature with Rook.
Rook: Like Vil, Barbenheimer. He would watch Barbie first in all Barbie gear and then switch to a more somber outfit to match the mood of Oppenheimer. He finds both movies equally as beautiful and dramatically cries at both.
Epel: Oppenheimer, but like Jamil, dragged against his will by Vil to see Barbie too. He begrudgingly likes Barbie more than he thought but would never admit it to Vil. Still likes Oppenheimer more though.
Idia: Oppenheimer. Something something only normies see only Barbie, something something movie effects and technology. He gets unbearable at a certain point talking about Oppenheimer. But, he strangely knows everything about Barbie and won't be caught lacking in Barbie knowldge...
Ortho: Barbenheimer! He'll go to Oppenheimer with his brother but absolutely goes with the first years to see Barbie. He changes his gear to pink just for Barbie.
Malleus: He's perpetually confused by the hype and does not understand what Barbenheimer is. Nevertheless, a Barbenheimer girly he is. He goes to see Barbie after Lilia comes back recommending it but would accidentally wander into the wrong theater and watch Oppenheimer instead. He'd eventually see Barbie after. Surprisingly enjoys both and even preorders with Lilia the "I'm Kenough" sweater but watching either did not ease his confusion.
Lilia: DEFINITION OF A BARBIE GIRLY. He's seen (and been in) enough war in his lifetime, so he doesn't feel the need to watch Oppenheimer. He goes hard for Barbie. He goes in Barbie gear, buys the Barbie popcorn cup, and preorders the "I'm Kenough" sweater. Light Music Club becomes Barbie Music Club for a few weeks after. He thinks Barbie is the epitome of the modern century.
Silver: Doesn't really understand the whole Barbie vs Oppenheimer thing, but he gets invited by the first years to watch Oppenheimer and then by his father to watch Barbie. He falls asleep during Oppenheimer and takes Barbie very seriously. He questions the meaning of humanity and the implications for peace after Barbie and tries to discuss it with Lilia. Lilia replies with, "It's not that serious, Silver." Silver becomes a Barbie girly.
Sebek: He hears that Malleus liked both movies (and is very distraught Malleus went alone without him) so he's determined to watch both in one day. Takes copious notes during both movies so that he can discuss the movies with Malleus after. The verdict: he didn't think he would like Barbie but was found crying outside the Barbie theater.
Bonus: the entire Diasomnia definitely went to see Barbie together in matching Barbie outfits.
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trofysisters · 5 months
Университет. Ч.1
Семестр не успел начаться, а Ада, написав курсовую, уже готова была сдавать итоговые экзамены. Ну и чем ей теперь заниматься? (The semester had not yet begun, and Ada, having written her coursework, was already ready to take the final exams. So what should she do now?)
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В Театральной академии Ада решила притвориться девушкой с тонкой душевной организацией, погрузиться в мир искусства, попробовать себя в балете, побывать на концерте, (At the Theater Academy, Ada decided to pretend to be a girl with a subtle mental organization, immerse herself in the world of art, try herself in ballet, attend a concert,)
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пока по-настоящему нежная и хрупкая Карина развивала технические навыки в мастерской. (while the truly tender and fragile Karina developed her technical skills in the workshop)
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А если меньше спать, то можно больше изучить. Вообще, сон для слабаков, а Ада физически сильная. Ее даже в баскетбольную команду пригласили вместо балета. (And if you sleep less, you can study more. In general, sleep is for weaklings, and Ada is physically strong. She was even invited to the basketball team instead of ballet)
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Задира-Коров был в восхищении от Ады, даже попытался ей признаться в любви, но девушка не оценила. (Bully-Cow was delighted with Ada, he even tried to confess his love to her, but the girl did not appreciate it)
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Карина завидовала подруге, вынужденная сидеть на скучных лекциях вместо занятий техникой. (Karina was jealous of her friend, forced to sit through boring lectures instead of mechanics classes)
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Экзамены обе девушки сдали на отлично, но Карина с ужасом осознала, что ей снова придется учиться, учиться и еще раз учиться. Ада была расслаблена, т.к. собиралась быстро сделать курсовую, чтобы оставшееся время посвятить себе. (Both girls passed the exams with flying colors, but Karina realized with horror that she would have to study, study, and study again. Ada was relaxed because she was going to quickly do her coursework so that she could devote the remaining time to herself)
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На занятиях по программированию она даже позволяла себе играть в компьютерные игры, не боясь гнева профессора. А что ей сделают - лучшей ученице в университете? (During programming classes, she even allowed herself to play computer games without fear of the professor’s wrath. And what will they do to her, the best student at the university?)
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На этих же занятиях она закончила писать курсовую работу и теперь была свободна от посещений уроков. Вечером Ада потащила Карину в молодежный центр, где девушки потратили стипендию на новенькие мобильные телефоны и приняли участие в конкурсе танцоров, чтобы хоть частично возместить их стоимость. (During the same classes, she finished writing her course work and was now free from attending classes. In the evening, Ada dragged Karina to the youth center, where the girls spent their stipend on brand new mobile phones and took part in a dancing competition to at least partially reimburse their cost)
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Карина победила, чем привлекла к себе внимание ребят из элитного клуба. (Karina won, which attracted the attention of the guys from the elite club)
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Ада встретила парня, в которого была влюблена, но имя которого не запомнила. Если бы она не валилась с ног от усталости, то обязательно узнала бы его получше, но, видимо, не судьба. (Ada met a guy with whom she was in love, but whose name she did not remember. If she had not collapsed from fatigue, she would definitely have gotten to know him better, but, apparently, this was not fate)
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Хотя старая цыганка пыталась убедить девушек, что судьба к ним благосклонна, и подарила старую масляную лампу. Похоже, в городе открылся завод по производству этих ламп, уж больно много их стало в последнее время. (Although the old gypsy tried to convince the girls that fate was favorable to them, and gave them an old oil lamp. It looks like a factory has opened in the city to produce these lamps; there have been too many of them lately)
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Ада даже не задумывалась, что отвлекает Карину от занятий, приглашая то сыграть в бильярд, то пообедать в кафе. Карина не возражала и просто плыла по течению, не зная уже, чего вообще хочет от этой жизни. (Ada didn’t even think about what was distracting Karina from her studies, inviting her to play billiards or have lunch in a cafe. Karina didn’t mind and just went with the flow, no longer knowing what she wanted from this life)
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- Ты можешь стать инженером или механиком, - воодушевленно вещала Ада, - тебе же нравиться техника! (- You can become an engineer or a mechanic,” Ada said enthusiastically, - you like mechanics!)
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Обсудить эту тему, как и пообедать, девушкам не удалось, поскольку в кафе началась драка. По крайней мере, Карину это взбодрило. (The girls were unable to discuss this topic or have lunch because a fight broke out in the cafe. At least Karina was cheered up by this)
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В поисках себя Карина даже попыталась заняться спортом. (In search of herself, Karina even tried to play sports)
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Но в деканате всё решили за нее и определили Карину на кафедру философии. К сожалению, ее оценки в этом семестре ощутимо снизились, зато настроение повысилось, поскольку ей больше не нужно самой ничего решать. Ну а Ада как всегда была в списке лучших студентов. (But the dean’s office decided everything for her and assigned Karina to the philosophy department. Unfortunately, her grades have dropped significantly this semester, but her mood has improved because she no longer has to decide anything on her own. Well, Ada, as always, was on the list of the best students)
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magical-regical · 6 months
*grabs you by the shoulders* Listen to me.
University AU where MC and Rafayel are in the theater club and the club decides to put on a musical for some school event.
They chose Hamilton because why not.
MC gets cast as Eliza and Rafayel as Hamilton. (even though there are some who think he's better off playing King George)
Everything is kept the same except they decide to switch out the song 'Burn' for 'First Burn' because the producer (Thomas) thinks it carries a bit more oomph.
Everything was fine and dandy until the day of the dress rehearsal when MC put a bit too much into 'First Burn' and the rehearsal had to be paused for a while because Rafayel started crying. It took a hot minute for MC to calm him down and assure him that yes that was an act, no she's not mad at him,yes she'll still love him if he was a worm, etc etc.
On the day of the play Rafayel seemed to kick his acting (which was already amazing by default) up to 100.
The performance was a great success. Many people left talking about how great the two main actors were,
"Eliza was so cute during 'Helpless' and so fierce during 'First Burn', I could feel all her emotions in each song."
" 'Farmer Refuted' was hilarious. They really picked the right guy to play Hamilton."
"That rendition of 'It's Quiet Uptown' was absolutely heart wrenching. I was bawling my eyes out, it really felt like the two of them had lost something irreplaceable."
And so on and so forth, but the one scene that everyone would mention without fail when asked about the highlights of the show, was the tender look in 'Hamilton's' eyes when he grabbed 'Eliza's' hand and sang the line,
'Hey, best of wives and best of women.'
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jennyboom21 · 1 year
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It might seem strange, especially for those who only know Marshawn Lynch for his football career, to see the Super Bowl champ in a comedy about queer high school girls launching a fight club.
Bottoms (in theaters now) features the 37-year-old former NFL star in a scene-stealing role as Mr. G, a clueless teacher overseeing the feminist after-school club launched by Rachel Sennott’s PJ and Ayo Edebiri’s Josie. Even the film’s director and co-writer, Emma Seligman, admits she initially thought landing Lynch was a long shot.
“It was such a random movie for him to be in that I was so shocked that he even was considering it,” the Shiva Baby filmmaker (who goes by she/they pronouns) tells PEOPLE.
But the real reason for this unlikely casting is altogether more personal: Marshawn Lynch’s queer sister, Marreesha Sapp-Lynch, says he asked her whether to add Bottoms to a growing acting résumé that includes Westworld and Murderville.
“From the beginning when he read the script, he said that I came to mind,” recalls Sapp-Lynch, 34. “I was like, ‘Most definitely you should do it.’ I just told him, ‘It'll get you to understand, get more knowledge about the lesbian community.”
Like the characters of PJ and Josie, Sapp-Lynch has identified as a lesbian since high school. It felt easy coming out to her mother Delisa, she remembers — “She'll tell me to this day, 'I always knew you liked girls!'” — but brothers David, Marshawn and Davonte had a less straightforward reaction.
“They were understanding, but they didn't understand,” Sapp-Lynch tells PEOPLE. “Marshawn had a lot of questions and was thinking it was his fault: ‘What did I do?’ Because growing up he would always say I couldn't have a boyfriend, ‘You can't talk to boys.’ We’d go to a party and he'd be asking everybody, ‘Did you dance with my sister?’ But I wasn't attracted to boys, so I didn't dance with them!”
Her brother has accepted and celebrated her sexual orientation since those teenage years, Sapp-Lynch says. Case in point: Marshawn helped plan her 2021 wedding and walked her down the aisle.
“I asked him to walk me down the aisle because our dad passed away,” says Sapp-Lynch with a smile. “He cried the whole time,” she adds.
“He doesn’t cry — or I don't see him cry. The fact that he did cry and shed some tears, it meant a lot to me.” (Marshawn was so invested in his sister’s wedding, in fact, he urged the pair to reschedule it from 2023 to 2021. “He was very much involved in the whole planning... He called us at 5:00 a.m. talking about the cake designs and party favors.”)
But with Bottoms, a comedy produced by Amazon’s Orion Pictures and Elizabeth Banks’ Brownstone Productions, Marshawn had a bigger opportunity to honor his sister. Discussing the role of Mr. G with the footballer, Seligman, 28, remembers thinking there must have been “more of a connection here beyond him wanting to be in a funny movie or something.”
“In his words, he said he wasn't amazing about it when Marreesha came out in high school and that he felt like this was the universe giving him a chance to right his wrongs,” she adds. “He made it seem like that was really what was interesting him the most about it.”
Throughout the film’s shoot in New Orleans, Seligman says, “he kept on bringing up Marreesha.” Especially when Sapp-Lynch and her wife visited the set, she recalls, “He kept on being like, ‘That's my sister.’ In a way where it was like a proud parent [of queer kids] — a proud brother.”
And when Orion Pictures president Alana Mayo suggested Marshawn for Mr. G, Seligman says, she realized it might expand the moviegoing audience of Bottoms. “Him believing in these girls and getting to know them and getting to understand them means a lot in the grand scheme of things within the crazy conservative town that they're in.”
Plus, the story’s homophobic characters are obsessed with the high school football team, Seligman points out. “To have a legendary football player like him playing this character that's getting to know this subsection of this town, and see them as real people with valid desires and hormones and feelings — that's pretty cool that Marshawn is representing that kind of straight, male character.”
Sapp-Lynch agrees, and says seeing a movie full of gay characters like Bottoms while coming out in high school “would've helped me make me feel easier, make me feel better about me being who I am.”
“I didn't understand my sexuality in high school, so I actually think it might've freaked me out,” admits Seligman. “It would've excited me. Maybe it would've jumpstarted some things!”
Of co-writing the film with Sennott, she says, “I really just wanted to see my high school self in a stupid comedy.” She recalls a quote from Edebiri: “Being stupid is a political act.”
“Just having queer characters in something so silly and that's not serious feels subversive,” Seligman continues. “I don't think we're trying to prove anything political or have some sort of deeper message or meaning out of the movie. Other than ‘Gay people can be funny, sexy and horny, and that's normal.’ Sometimes just normalizing something is enough.”
“Marshawn in the movie,” she adds, “beyond him being a wonderful actor and improviser and a lovely human being, it is wild that it might be seen by so many more people who wouldn't have otherwise seen it.”
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flimflamfandom · 7 months
Flimflamuniverse Character Breakdown!
Have you ever been reading one of my fics and asked something like-
"Whaddya MEAN Freckle has an accent?"
"Why do they end up in Hollywood?"
"Who's Rocky dating, anyway!?"
Well WONDER NO MORE! This post is the comprehensive list for all yer Flimflamfandom character quirk questions!
Essentially all of the changes are character based, but we will be talking about slight setting differences as well.
Let's dive in!
Most of the setting is exactly the same - late 20s St. Louis!
During later period stuff (anything from 1929 onward) several of the characters have taken up roots and gone to Hollywood! This has to do with various career moves that take place over the duration of the AU
Significant parts of Calvin's story now take place in Cork, Ireland - this will be explained more in depth later.
IT SHOULD BE NOTED that by the time my AU takes place, the Daisy has picked up significantly in business.
It's important to note that NONE OF THE CHARACTERS' CRIMINAL ATTRIBUTES WERE REVEALED UNTIL AROUND THE MID 70S, and by then, the shock and horror of this sort of thing were replaced with fascination.
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Calvin's childhood is the same, up until the nebulous "incident" that gets Rocky kicked out of home. Because of this, Nina gets a bit spooked, and sends Calvin to finish his basic schooling in County Cork, Ireland. He completes his schooling, and comes back home just in time for the "event" at the police academy.
During his time at the Daisy, Calvin becomes very interested in writing, and begins writing for the Times Dispatch about baseball games. He eventually begins writing screenplays when he moves with Ivy to California. He writes 3 novels, 2 short story collections, and 3 books of poems, on top of 4 screenplays. He's a busy guy!
Unfortunately, sometime around 1936, he develops a form of tail cancer. He dies in 1939, just 10 days shy of his 30th birthday.
QUIRKS: -Calvin has an accent! He's a cork boy. He sounds like a Cork boy. -By the time of his death, Calvin has a son, named Finn.
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Ivy's childhood and such don't change much at all. 'Cept a secret that has to do with Mitzi, but shh! It's a secret!
Ivy is majoring in mathematics at college, and she's MAJORING majoring in it. her specialty seems to be advanced algebra - ring theory, nonlinear algebra, stuff like that. She slowly starts to see herself doing less and less in the field, but she always keeps an interest in it, attends conferences, etc.
The thing that REALLY interests Ivy, though, is her theater course. She takes one as an arts credit and LOVES it! She turns out to be kind of a prodigy on stage! She does some more acting here and there, and happens to meet a producer of films in 1929, after she's changed names to Ivy McMurray. She drags Calvin out to Hollywood with her, and stars in at least a dozen films, winning awards for quite a few of them!
By her retirement from acting in the 1960s, (her last picture netted her an award, by the way) she began to help get all of her old things from the Daisy together, and turn them into a museum, called the Daisy Club Museum. She helped run and fund the museum until her death in 1999, just 2 weeks into the age of 90.
QUIRKS: -Won 5 Oscars - 3 best supporting, 2 best actress. -Contributed her skills and research to at least 3 Algebra textbooks, -Never remarried after Calvin - she was quoted as saying "He'll love me when I get where he is, too."
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Rocky's time at the Daisy is marred by his failed romances. He swears he must be the most unlovable person on earth! In the AU, I used to have an OC set aside for him, but nowadays I keep it vague and just say he has a wife and kids. ANYHOW, after the Daisy, Rocky manages to recover a tad from his head wound, and, get this - became a comedian. He even had a circuit of all the speakeasies.
Rocky did need a job after all of that though, and ended up, eventually, in broadcasting, which turned into being a comedian, which turned into his own radio show, which turned into a television show in the early days of TV. Rocky moved out to Hollywood and accidentally bought the house right next to Ivy and Calvin's.
A man with a good reputation, even AFTER it came out that he was a serious gangster, Rickaby died peacefully in 1989, at the age of 85.
QUIRKS: -Rocky was a staunch civil rights, woman's rights, and gay rights activist up until the very end. This would often get him in trouble with networks and producers. -Really liked the Beatles when they crossed over to the US -There is a very persistent rumor that he was in the OSS during World War 2 - in fact, he was not, but he did do work for the Signal Corps making mildly funny training films.
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Little is known of her childhood, or her adolescence before the Daisy.
Plenty is known AFTER it though!
Mitzi, unlike the others, was not headed for entertainment afterwards. She, instead, lived with Sedgewick Sable, and indeed remarried, but never took his last name. As the pressure from the depression started to ease, she managed to turn all that Daisy property (and all of the hidden away stash money) into a hotel! Mitzi became an incredibly successful hotelier, owning and helping to operate no less than 5 luxury hotels by 1956.
By 1970, she had gotten in touch with Ivy Pepper again, and asked about the Daisy Club Museum - she was instrumental in getting it started, as she still sorta owned the caves down there. She had the diea of making it a living history museum, and she also had the idea of making it like a sort of themed resort.
She died in her sleep in 1980. No one was precisely sure of her age.
QUIRKS: -No one really knows her age -She has a secret about Ivy that she's never told a soul, and it went with her to her grave -Mitzi had one known child by Sedgewick Sable - Minerva, born in 1934. Minerva became a costumer.
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After the depression hit, Sable was distraught and destitu-JUST KIDDING, that paranoid buffoon hid cash in the walls. The WALLS, I tell you! It wasn't a ton, though, and they coasted by until the New Deal came around.
Work projects need work materials, and Wick was able to help provide them. With a new purpose, new drive, and tons of resources, Wick managed to get the company going again, renaming it to Sable Construction Materials, later just SCM. He even had to buy 3 Lake Freighters - the company still operates lake freighters today!
At the age of 90, Wick passed away in his sleep.
QUIRKS: -While Wick and Calvin were never close, both were HUGE baseball fans - Wick was obsessed with the Red Sox. -Wick was a surprisingly involved boss - most employees knew him personally.
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At some point, Mordecai returned to the Daisy, to work with Calvin McMurray as a 'fix it' man. Mordecai admired the work, and stayed put until the place stopped being illegal.
After bouncing from job to job, thinking he would end up back in organized crime, Mordecai settled down in New York after finding out the man who wanted him dead had been killed in a car accident. Mordecai became an accountant and theater manager on Broadway - not a STAGE manager, mind you, just the guy who runs the theater. He really quite liked the work!
Mordecai Heller died in 1983 at the age of 84, of lung cancer.
QUIRKS: -Mordecai was a homosexual, and was well known as such. -Mordecai, a seemingly ice hearted man, actually kinda liked musicals...well. Good ones, anyway. -His least favorite show up there was Seesaw. His favorite was Pacific Overtures
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After the Daisy became a legal operation, Viktor just...kept working there. You still need someone to lift boxes and tend a bar when it's legal, too! Viktor was actually a loyal employee of Mitzi until 1943, when he left to run a construction firm in St. Louis. He did that, and had a fairly uneventful life, dying in 1978 at the age of 92.
QUIRKS: -Viktor never remarried - but he did reconnect with his wife and daughter sometime in 1935. -Viktor's daughter went on to become a famous operatic soprano, and even served at the Met for a time. -Viktor never outed any of his former associates, even when talks of the Daisy Museum were beginning. He refused, worrying that he'd sully people's reputations.
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After the depression, it became harder for clubs to keep full time musicians. Zib was still at the Daisy until about 1932. Fortunately for him, in 1933, his old...work acquaintance? Rocky was running a radio show out of Los Angeles and was asked to help find a band leader.
After a brief stint on this show, Zib began to lead bands at the cutting edge of Jazz music - he considered becomeing an academic, but he never found the time to think too hard about the option.
A lifetime of smoking and drinking caught up to him fiercely, and he died of Lung Cancer in 1954.
QUIRKS: -He's still made outta triangles! -Zib learned to play every saxophone, and every reed instrument he could get his hands on. -Zib's final record was a live recording at the Pershing Lounge in Chicago, Illinois, 4 years before Ahmad Jamal made it famous.
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Nico: 1900-1978 Serafine: 1902-1983
Little is known of the Savoys after their return to Louisiana in 1931. Some say Nico got back into boxing, or that Serafine was responsible for a rash of killings.
The two died peacefully in their homes, and lived to perfectly normal old ages...and yet, it seemed so suspicious when Nico died. He was just...on his back porch. With a note that was written in code...
QUIRKS: -Nico did, in fact, go back into boxing, but left for professional wrestling - the fictional kind. Serafine was, for a time, a voodoo practitioner for hire, who was well regarded in her community -Neither married, but both had several relationships
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Abelard: 1886-1987 Bobby: 1898-1975 Elsa: 1900-1975
The Arbogasts lead a quiet, mostly obscure life, save for Abelard, who becomes quite the lit up theologian. He starts a cult in the woods of Missouri, and is found dead after his 101st birthday. The cult, as many do after a leader dies, fell into disarray and eventually splintered.
Bobby and Elsa dropped the funeral routine and moved closer to the city - Bobby became a school teacher and Elsa became a nurse. The two died months apart in 1975.
QUIRKS: -Elsa and Bobby were just about as in love with each other as Calvin and Ivy. -Bobby had severe PTSD from the war, and would often have episodes. Elsa hated seeing him that way, but helped him. -Abelard's Cult, "the new Thinkers", was bizarrely peaceful as cults are concerned. They never ate Fish, though...
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Lacy was a loyal employee of Sedgewick Sable for the first year after the depression. Eventually, though, she married Arthur Keane (an OC you can read about here), a guitarist, and moved with him to his hometown of Virginia Beach. There, she lived with him as an assistant to many prominent locals.
Eventually, the two moved again, back to Peoria, to take care of Lacy's ailing mother. This was around 1934. After Lacy's mother passed in 35, she was distraught. So, she decided to find a new hobby - writing and illustrating children's books. She got onto the idea after a phone call with Ivy, who handed over Calvin's agent's information.
When she retired, Lacy moved back to Virginia Beach with Arthur, who died a year before she did. QUIRKS -Lacy won a Caldecott Medal, and displayed it in her home office until her death -Until after her death, it was kept a secret by the McMurray family that Lacy, who was close with them, had been writing Finn (Calvin's son) notes as Mrs. Claus, as well as little stories, which eventually became her 'Rudy Sees the World' books.
Again, pretty much all the changes are to the characters - the setting is, for the most part, untouched! I will be writing more about the AU when I get the chance, though!
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