#prodigal son icons
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icons of women i'm in love with but not in any particular order.
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ru-inn · 1 year
I love Michael Sheen so much that man is an acting genius and so talented. The things he does with micro-expressions are especially beautiful and he shines in every role I’ve ever seen him in. He is, in my opinion, the blueprint of an acting chameleon, he completely transform into roles and obviously cares so much for his characters. I wanna see more Michael appreciation please and thank you.
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i-remember-yyou · 21 days
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chalagoat · 1 year
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Every day I wonder why the gods hate me so much, as clearly my ideal job would be holding one of those umbrellas to protect this handsome man from the sun.🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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kat-rose-griffith · 8 months
Every time I see Michael Sheen I just think about how much I miss Prodigal Son
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medievalanchoress · 2 months
Hi, if you ever feel up to it, I'd love to see a books recs post from you! ✨️
without ruminating too much on it, off the top of my head, my top five authors are:
-Virginia Woolf (The Waves, Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Orlando). if you’re having trouble getting into her work, begin with A Room of One’s Own.
-Marcel Proust (Swann’s Way, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, The Guermantes Way). an absolute must-read at some point in one’s life and i hope to one day reread the first four volumes of La Recherche and make it to the seventh!
-Elena Ferrante (The Neapolitan Quartet, The Days of Abandonment). if you enjoyed My Brilliant Friend (or even the tv series), i’d highly recommend reading her collection of essays, Frantumaglia, too.
-Vladimir Nabokov (Pnin, Pale Fire, Lolita, Invitation to a Beheading; Speak, Memory).
-Marilynne Robinson (Housekeeping, Home, Lila, Gilead). an American author who writes in spare, beautiful prose with a theological underpinning; the first book here broke my heart while the last three books listed form a trio of sorts, an expanded rumination on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. 
beyond the above list, many of my favorite books from high school still feel fresh: Sula by Toni Morrison, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Hemmingway’s A Moveable Feast, as well as the iconic sad girl books that i think are damn well-written: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath & The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides. 
my favorite classics include Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, My Ántonia by Willa Cather, Kafka's selected short stories, Aeschylus' Oresteia, and, of course, Homer's Iliad + Odyssey (trans. by Fagles). i’m not super up to date on contemporary novelists but i like include John Banville (The Sea), Michale Ondaatje (The English Patient, Cat's Table), and Donna Tart (for her fashion sense, reclusive lifestyle, and The Goldfinch & The Secret History obviously). Rachel Cusk's work is also dryly witty and good. finally, i have a soft spot for well-written memoir; it's a genre that gets put down sometimes but Lit by Mary Karr, Firebird by Mark Doty, and Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? by Jeanette Winterson (btw i highly recommend her fiction too) saved my life in small but meaningful ways. 
well, this answer is itself fast approaching a novel, so i will end by saying, if anyone would like a book rec, tell me a few books you like or what you’re in the mood for and i’ll try to come up with a reply. 😌
xxx Ana 💫
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vshorttaxiway · 5 months
okay I'm pretty sure this isn't a new concept but this whole idea is the reason I've made this godforsaken tumblr, so I humbly present for your consideration...
top gun/marauders parallels
mav and sirius
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complicated family background
pretty boy turned dilf
little bit too up himself for his own good
motorbike/leather jackets
goose and james
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would die do anything for his wife and baby boy
adopts a mouthy short twink into his family at the drop of a hat
class clown
burns bright and dies young
"why is it always you two"
. . .
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I'm sorry
moving on!
rooster and harry
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the prodigal son
looks scarily like his father, down to the shared iconic glasses
shares his father's sense of humour, but is more reserved and angry because he only knows his father in memories (deeeeeep)
must reconcile with his godfather due to a misunderstanding (if you want to go really far here you can argue both of these misunderstandings stem from his now dead mother trying to protect him)
hangster and drarry
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a man and his arrogant blonde boyfriend rival
I have 100 more here including icemav/wolfstar and dagger squad/golden tro era characters but Tumblr has that stupid 10 image limit. if this gets one (1) note I'll make a part two
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the0verboss · 1 month
I saw this on @flamemittens blog and thought eh why not...
So this is installment 4 of my Durgetash fics, and installment 3 is fighting me tooth and nail on being written so we might never get to this part.
Gortash suspects where he is even before he hears the voice. Consciousness is coming back to him slowly, but the scent of fresh blood and old decay that permeates the air is a good first indicator. By turns, sickly sweet and sour rot, with none of the chemical preservatives found in his own carrion dens. There's a stone slab at his back and even trying to wiggle a finger is impossible. A low droning chant can be heard, the sound bouncing off the walls and filling the space with a persistent hum. The quality of the tone suggests not only that the room is massive, but between that and the air moving through it Gortash also guesses that it's subterranean. Subtle echoes, a deep dripping, though nothing like bats or birds or other such vermin. Strange for a cavern, though perhaps not strange for this cave.
And then he hears her.
“Open, open, little lordling. Your savior comes.”
There's the quick swipe of moving air and a sharp sting at his eyelids before they pop open involuntarily. Above him Orin the Red dangles her dagger directly above his left eye. Gortash can feel his Netherstone quiver at the perceived hurt, Orin testing the bonds of the pact that binds them and in turn the pact that binds the brain. At least she hasn't removed it.
Now that he can see his surroundings the Chosen of Bane is certain of his location. This is the temple of Bhaal.
“Look, look, would-be-king. How splendid your knight rides in.”
Orin’s touch has always made Gortash’s skin crawl. The shadowy whirls that undulate over her skin have a notable texture. Though not quite slimy they slither, the movement perceptible even through his garments. He can feel them all the more when her corpse cold hand presses against his bare cheek, forcing his head to turn and look toward the stone staircase that descends to them.
Achaia stands at the top, a resplendent fury, every inch Bhaal's prodigal son, come home.
Oh, and a vision of the past he is, like he’d stepped out of Gortash’s own memory. Achaia’s mattes have been lengthened, braided down to the floor and decorated with gold beads and Bhaalist icons. His skirts sway with every imperious step, gold rings on his bare toes, Stillmaker at his hip. The fine red shawl, sheer, is tucked into a belt and wrapped over one half of his chest, its long tail held in the opposite hand. Head held high, ruby eye burning and focused on Orin alone, he ignores her assassins entirely. The Amulet of Bhaal he’d received from the tribunal laid proudly on his bare chest for all to see.
Behind him Gortash can see Karlach, the wizard and Ravengard’s ignominious spawn. With a wave of his hand Achaia commands them to stay back as he makes his way down. Soon enough he steps into the circle of chanting Bhaalists, ready to face his tempestuous sister. He says nothing in greeting, merely crossing his arms over his chest, glancing over the altar before returning his attention to Orin.
“Oh, sweet sibling, I saw you slip sliding, all caught up in the tyrant’s lies. Just like last time. So I've made it easier for your mincemeat of a mind.”
Achaia snorts at her and shakes his head. “I have no intention of legitimizing your claim by sacrificing Bane’s Chosen at your demand. I have not come to duel you, little sister, I have come to take what is mine by rights. Heel, or die.”
“Rights, Rights! As though you did not sacrifice every right for this wretch!”
Achaia’s brow furrows, but he makes no denial of the charge Orin brings against him. The Bhaalists of the circle have gone quiet, their chanting paused as Bhaal's own offspring are speaking. Living totems of their chosen deity, every word must be near on sacred to these lesser devotees. If he was capable, Gortash thinks he might almost pity them, caught in a family feud of this magnitude,likely to be pulped regardless of the outcome.
The moment of silence stretches, Orin waiting for an acknowledgement Achaia either can't or won't give her.
“You still don't remember, do you blood-kin?” Orin taunts after a while, a manic kind of glee in her voice. She shifts her form effortlessly, and then there are two of Achaia, staring each other down. Both haughty, both sneering, unimpressed with the other. When Orin speaks next it's with Achaia’s own haunting lilt. “How you screamed as my knife split your skull? Your brain juices, sticky and sweet. A little hole, big enough for the worm, your body a blood sack to feed it. One parasite, exchanged for another. Blasphemous womb of Bhaal strung up by the sinews and plucked by my hands!”
From where he's laid out on the altar Gortash can see the confidence that had been on Achaia’s face melt away, replaced with uncertainty. A far away look the man sometimes gets when a memory is sitting just out of reach.
“What did you say?” He whispers.
Orin laughs, the pitch right but the cadence all wrong. Her blood red blade taps against the scar on her transformed abdomen. The one bisecting Achaia’s belly, horizontally, just beneath his navel. The one Gortash knows hadn't been there before Achaia went missing.
“Did you really think I'd allow you to carry on such heresy? To use Bhaal's own flesh to propagate with such filth? It fit in the palm of my hand, you know. A putrid morsel. Murdered before it could even truly be brought to life. Father was so proud!”
And finally the other shoe drops.
Gortash thinks back to the moldering throne room of Moonrise towers. To catching Achaia in private counsel with Ketheric before everything went wrong. He'd felt betrayed then, to find the man he thought of as his partner plotting behind his back. They'd shouted at one another, all three of them. But even when he'd stormed off, he had been none the wiser to what the other two Chosen had been discussing.
Now that he thinks on it, there had been another there. A cleric of Myrkul. A former midwife if he recalls it correctly; few Mykulites had been stationed in the tower proper. He’d disregarded the man before, but now in light of this new information Gortash can see the plot for what it had really been. Not a plot at all, and he thinks about the look that had been on Achaia's face when he burst in that closed door, shock and adoration. A single hand over his bare belly.
A secret yes, but not a betrayal. His Bhaalspawn had wanted that child. His child. Sin enough that it had cost Achaia, cost them both their easy ascension. The wicked misdeed that had forced Orin’s hand into action, in Bhaal’s name.
From the slack jawed look on Achaia’s face, even though his memory is gone, he too has put the pieces together. His single flaming red and black eye settles on Gortash’s face. The man is near vibrating and whether it is grief or rage remains to be seen.
“Did you know?” He breaths out, shoulders dropping, and Gortash wishes he were not stuck naked to this damn altar. Paralyzed so he can not even shake his head. Can only hope to convey with his eyes that- No, he didn’t.
Achaia must read him right because he looks away from him and makes no advance on him. Surely if he'd thought Gortash had known and kept it from him he'd cut his throat himself. Instead his eyes have traveled back to Orin, who has shed her disguise in a flurry of dust.
Achaia can feel the Urge rising in him, ravenous hunger fueled by his rage. His vision, already clouding with the blood haze. Sarevok had made mention of his shameful lack of progeny when he’d asked after Orin’s own parentage. To think there had been one, a legacy, a future, and she’d snuffed it out. Not enough to have stolen his triumph over Toril, his memories, his place in the cult.
“You took everything from me.”
“Not everything, not yet.” Orin says, backbending and tumbling out of reach. She's put the altar between herself and Achaia. “You were to slay the tyrant and then we’d duel, but you bent your knee to him once more. You don't deserve the Murder Lord’s blessing.”
Gortash has seen the urge rise and take control of Achaia on more than one occasion, but not like this. What had been subtle enough vibrations has become a full spasm, both of Achaia's eyes alight as his head jerks. His lips pulled back in a snarl, his hands curled into claws. Gone is the dignity he’d walked in with, hacking and gagging as he fights against it, trying to hold on for just one more second of sanity.
All in vain.
When the guttural roar from deep in Achaia's belly issues forth, Gortash knows the man has lost the fight with himself. A circle of blood drops lights around him, malice filling the air with a wicked aura. Oh, it's coming. Bhaal's bloody cleaver.
Achaia's skin bursts apart, split right down the middle as his blood floods out and reforms into the nightmarish shape of the Slayer.
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svu-bracket · 11 months
finals (round 11)
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episode descriptions under the cut
payback -> stabler and benson investigate the murder and castration of a new york cab driver. they discover that the victim had assumed the identity of another man because he himself was wanted by the police (imdb). pilot babey! moments of note (to me), "do you think this is healthy for you?"
fault -> a serial paedophile murders members of a family and kidnaps the two younger children (imdb). Girl. moments of note (to me), fin's reaction to liv post getting slashed in the throat is always funny. how does she make you do anything?"
rotps -> the squad rallies around det. stabler to find the suspect behind a threat to his family (imdb) aka elliot stabler come back episode! moments of note (to me), "where's the exit?" rest in peace kathy stabler. an icon. a hero.
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
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For anyone who keeps up with the tech world, ‘89 should sound like a familiar number. It was in 1989 that video game icon, and ENCOM CEO, Kevin Flynn disappeared at the height of his career. What did he leave behind? A son, young Sam Flynn.
The prodigal son is making waves today as he follows in his father’s footsteps and throws ENCOM into chaos. Just one day after leaking eOS-12 online, jumping off the top of ENCOM tower, and causing a traffic disruption downtown, Sam Flynn has returned to the ENCOM offices once more. Though this time, he’s used the front door.
His reason for visiting? To take control of the company.
“The Return of Flynn”
- The New York Times
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writethrough · 2 years
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Updated: April 1, 2024
I do not permit anyone to copy, repost, and/or share my work anywhere. However, please feel free to like, comment, and reblog!
Star icon found here curtesy of @hojicons.
All rights to the media and characters below belong to the original creators and writers.
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LUCIFER You Mean the World (Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader) ⊹ Lucifer gets a call that there was a murder at your workplace. He's never been more terrified.
SLEEP TOKEN Just Like Rain (Vessel x GN!Reader) ⊹ Your anxieties overtake you, and Vessel is there to guide you through them.
Vigilance (Vessel x GN!Reader) ⊹ Vessel contemplates what you mean to him while you're laying together.
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celticcrossanon · 7 months
Hi Celta! Thank you for the truly insightful, if upsetting, recent readings. Soooo many court machinations! IMHO KCIII made a significant impact as the longest-serving PoW…perhaps, even, the best PoW in British history. And yes, he’s had a decades-long vision of what his own glorious reign would be like when his turn finally came, but now it’s all crumbling to the ground. It was inevitable, though, given HLMQEII’s long reign and KCIII’s accession as the oldest monarch, that KCIII’s own reign would be seen as a short interregnum - a mere bridge between his mother QEII’s iconic reign and his son WV’s own eagerly anticipated reign. Then KCIII quickly got cancer on top of it all.
IMO KC wants to burnish his own legacy as best he can in the relatively short period allotted to him. As a father figure, this means bringing his prodigal son Harold back into the fold. How embarrassing and sullying it will be historically, if KCIII goes down as “the King who banished his son” or even worse, “the King who stripped his loser son of his titles.” A Bad Father King, who failed as a parent. It reflects very poorly on KCIII, particularly in comparison to Super Dad William. 
KCIII cares primarily about himself, and then about Camilla. In the end, playing “loving, happy family” with Harry is 100% about KCIII and his own historical legacy. Game of Thrones indeed! Thank God the Mother of Dragons (Emilia Clarke) is Team Wales lol!
Hi Nonny,
You are welcome for the readings.
I don’t know why King Charles would be worried about being in history as the father who banished his son, given the behaviour of said son. Look at how well history speaks of the banishment of the Duke of Windsor (married to Wallis Simpson). I think you could be right about the King’s motives, I just don’t see the sense in them, myself.
I wish the King would be content with his reputation as the longest serving Prince of Wales and what he has achieved in that time. He doesn’t have to be a spectacular king as well. He has said himself that he is a ‘caretaker’ king and that is not a bad thing to be - holding things together for the ones that come after is an honourable calling imo, especially if it is done well. 
I agree that King Charles’s first concern has always been and will always be for himself. I think he is very self centred like that.
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doe-earth-n · 2 months
Episodes recommended for Defenders Chronicles Highlander.
@james5-doe @novemberhope @a-shiva and others who are interested.
Season 1:
The Gathering (how it all begins)
Family Tree (a bit of Richie's backstory)
Free Fall (one of two episodes that set up my ongoing M rated story "Beginning of a New Life", Felicia Martins appears )
Band of Brothers (available on YouTube)
Lady and the Tiger (Amanda, Tori's teacher, debuts)
The Hunters (the debut of Horton, a fierce enemy of MacLeod)
Season 2:
The Watchers (introduction of Joe Dawson and the Watchers)
Turnabout (Charlie Desalvo debuts)
The Darkness (Game changer episode; Richie becomes immortal)
An Eye for an Eye (Richie gets training from Duncan)
Under Color of Authority (Richie's first Quickening)
Unholy Alliance (good episode)
Legacy (Amanda and the loss of her teacher Rebecca)
Prodigal Son (Richie and Duncan moments)
Counterfeit (Official end of Horton, Fake Tessa)
Season 3:
Line of Fire (reminder: Immortals can't have children; good flashback for Duncan)
The Lamb (Kenny, child immortal debuts)
The Cross of St. Antoine (Joe sings; Amanda and Duncan, too)
Obsession (the other episode that sets up "Beginning of a New Life", David Keogh appears, note: Earth N has this episode set before "Line of Fire" contrary to regular canon)
Shadows (a dark episode)
Song of the Executioner (Kalas debuts)
Star Crossed (Fitz dies thanks to Kalas)
Methos (available on Archive mainly; debut of an iconic character)
Take Back the Night
Finale (Kalas finally meets his end; part one is on YT, not Archive but you can catch part 2 on Archive)
Season 4 (you'll have to rely on Archive mostly from this point forward because the uploader on YouTube has the episodes of Season 4, onwards either incomplete or missing):
Brothers in Arms
The Innocent
Leader of the Pack (Tessa flashbacks ish)
Double Eagle
Reunion (a backstory with Amanda and the brat Kenny)
Reluctant Heroes (available on YT, not on Archive)
The Blitz
Something Wicked (Dark Quickening)
Mesthulea's Gift
The Immortal Cimoli
Season 5 (if you watch these on Archive, you'll have to see them under another name):
Prophecy (available on YT; file name - One Minute to Midnight)
End of Innocence (available on YT; file name - Prophecy)
Haunted (file name - Money No Object)
The Messenger (file name - Little Tin God)
Comes a Horsemen (file name The Valkyrie)
Revelation 6:8 (file name - Comes a Horsemen)
The Ransom of Richard Redstone (available on YT, file name - Revelation 6:8)
Season 6 (this is where things go downhill):
Sins of the Father (Alex Raven, audition episode #1)
Patient Number 7 (Kyra, audition episode #2)
Justice (Katya, audition episode #3)
Deadly Exposure (Reagan Cole, who's teacher is also Amanda, audition episode #4)
Two of Hearts (Katherine, audition episode #5, my favorite and she's played by Claudia Christian and she's going to be Kristina Graf's teacher in Earth N)
Indiscretions (Joe's daughter Amy, not to be confused with Amy O' Connor)
To Be (first of two part finale)
Not to Be (the second of the two part series finale, Available on YT, not Archive)
Now, it's your call if you want to watch Archangel (the episode that upset many Highlander fans, including myself, hence Clan Denial, albeit I'm borderline denial; file name is Forgive Us Our Trepass) as well as Avatar and Armageddon, brace yourself. You might as well since it might be Earth N canon, but not in regards to Richie's fate in the episodes.
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toshisims · 1 year
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EN Hello ! This is my first post for this blog and I hope you will love my makeovers and builds for this save of mine. I could only start with the iconic Goth family. I really want to providing you with complete families with defined relationships, skills and activities.
The Goth are a family of aristocrats whose fortunes have been handed down from generation to generation. Mortimer is a famous poet whose poems have thrilled and brought tears to the eyes of many. His inspiration, his muse, the woman of his life is none other than the mysterious Bella. A wild flower who, despite disappearing several times, always comes back to her lifelong love and her children. So what is her secret? Why does the pretty brunette go out at night? Will their child prodigies manage to grow up healthy and find their place in society, despite their unusual upbringing?
FR Salut ! C'est mon premier article sur ce blog et j'espère que vous allez aimer mes relookings et constructions qui peuplent ma nouvelle sauvegarde. Je ne pouvais que commencer par l'emblématique famille Gothik. J'ai à cœur de vous fournir des familles complètes avec des relations, des compétences et des activités bien définies.
Les Gothik sont une famille d'aristocrates dont la fortune se succède de génération en génération. Vladimir est un grand poète célèbre dont les textes ont fait vibrer et pleurer plus d'une personne. Son inspiration, sa muse, la femme de sa vie n'est d'autre que la mystérieuse Sonia. Fleur sauvage qui malgré ses diverses disparitions, revient toujours auprès de son amour depuis toujours et ses enfants. Quel est donc son secret ? Quelle est la raison des sorties nocturnes de la jolie brune ? Leurs enfants prodiges réussiront-ils à grandir sainement et trouver leur place dans la société malgré leur éducation peu commune ?
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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saizansha · 6 months
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do not reblog a meme from me unless you send it in. reblog the meme from the source. breaking this rule, since it’s literally the first, will result in an immediate hard block.
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i do not write smut / lemon / suggestive content without plotting / several interactions prior. i avoid following / interacting with blogs that write excessive suggestive content, especially when it’s not tagged.
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i am multiship, and each ship will always take place independently in it’s own verse unless stated otherwise with involved parties. this includes platonic and antagonistic relationships. i ship purely with chemistry and refuse to ship anything suggesting pedophilia / incest / etc. of any kind. i will not initiate a ship unless approached first about it.
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this blog is low activity / low maintenance, meaning i will simply get to what i get to as i want to. i have adhd, i’m autistic, and i have chronic fatigue, all while working a full-time job. i won’t always be here and i apologize for that. please be patient with me.
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i do not send in rule passwords / like rule posts / do any “confirmations if read” stipulations. it triggers my anxiety very badly. i will always re/read rules before: creating a starter, answering a starter, sending an ask / meme, IM’ing with questions / concerns - if i can find your rules to begin with. otherwise i normally IM to ask about rules if i can’t find them.
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i am NOT mutuals exclusive; i am fandom exclusive. i will limit my follows / interactions to fandoms that pertain to my muse’s relevant story. i will write / interact with anyone as long as you have: a rules page, an easy navigation system, and information regarding muse(s) portrayed. lack of these resources will bar me from following / interacting. blogs that are active consecutively that have not followed back after a few days will be unfollowed. please do not take this personally. i will not interact with: “irl” portrayals (youtubers, etc),
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rules may be adjusted as i see fit. general rp etiquette is expected. all icons and graphics are capped and edited by me and are not for sharing. do not steal or alter for your own claim. i will literally cry. no god modding, no killing w/out discussion, no drama, etc.. we should know how to behave on a public platform by now.
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hi! i’m jaqi, i’m 26, and i’m an aries! my special interests are: pacific rim, blood+, labyrinth, and prodigal son! i love love love making new friends so come and chat sometime! <33​
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pugzman3 · 2 years
Several things on this COP27 event. It is stuff like this, that helped me realize how evil these people are, and that when I say they "worship satan", I'm not just saying it as an extreme over the top way of condemning them. This is a straight middle finger to God. They are going to this Mt to declare their allegiance to Satan in a very very bold way. I made a post a while back about the ties to where Jesus was when he declared the gates of hell will not prevail. He was at Mt Hermon. To those who don't understand the significance of that just look up Mt Hermon fallen angels. When you understand what Jesus did, you understand these people are doing. Now, remember I've been telling you these people, the bloodlines, they trace their bloodlines back to gods, to ancient babylon, Egypt, and more. So they view themselves as gods with a right to rule us. So this action right here should be waking some of you the hell up. While so many of you are caught up with republican vs democrat bullshit, these guys are taking everyone on a direct path to the battle of Armageddon. They want this fight, and the ONLY reason it hasn't happened yet, is because God hasn't let it happen. The only reason we haven't entered into the Days of Noah yet is because Michael hasn't been told to stand down and drop the restrainer, but that is coming. These people tell us and show us their intentions but people just stay stuck in the very distractions they create.
Now, all this climate garbage is a cover (and most of you reading this would agree to that extent). But what they are covering is what the plan on doing with these agendas. Look at who is all going. It's not just politicians (remember I said to be checking out iconic podcasts videos because they talk about the ngo's and their power). Catholics?!?!?! You need to wake the hell up and come out of that church. Your pope is heavily in on this. And to call yourself a Believer in God, but then push this, you are saying God is not powerful enough to regulate what we do. It's saying we as humans have more power than him and we have the capability to destroy what he created, and that he doesn't have the power to stop it. And if you think for one second God will grant you grace just because you do not agree with the pope, do you think God granted grace to the children of Israel who turned a blind eye to the idolatry going on in Israel and Judah? No he did not. God brought judgment and they were butchered or enslaved along with everyone else. You will be NO exception.
So if you're reading this and you are a lost sheep, a prodigal son or daughter, realize God has given you another day to repent and come home. He has done it for me and so many others. He does not wish to lose anyone but he will not wait forever. This agenda? This open rebellion to God is only going to get more bold. Judgement is coming whether you are ready or not.
Repent. Turn, and come home.
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