#prodi writes
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theprodigypenguin · 1 year ago
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Rereading an old fic of mine for newer fic plot purposes and I am just.... so obsessed with the idea of Sabo visiting Ace and the WB pirates being like "hey can you tell us anything about the revolutionary army" cuz no one knows ANYTHING about them really, and Sabo just :)
because nah he really can't, he's not technically allowed to, and also he's a little bitch and knowing he's driving the WBP crazy by not telling them anything gives him such joy. Plus he thinks it's a blast that the pirates think he's all mysterious and shit cuz he's a revolutionary.
Of course the minute he's alone with Ace he'd probably just "GUUUURL YOU WOULD NOT BELIIIEVE THE DECADE I HAVE HAD!"
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mikariin · 1 year ago
Once again I love this so much and let’s try these!!! :D
Here’s some good and easy comment ideas for those who feel shy or don’t know what to say but would like to leave something:
1. A classic: keyboard smash such as
Nrbdbsbbkigq or fhbdboejwbakwjev
2. THEM <3
(Fill in pronouns as needed or refer to a pairing)
3. Screaming, crying, throwing up, ect
Or it’s cousin:
4. Kicking my feet, giggling
5. [Block of copy-pasted text] I like/love this bit in particular; I like how you phrased this
6. I keep rotating [character/section of text] in my head
7. I read this while [insert what you were doing; ie: procrastinating a test, waiting for the bus, ect]
8. Extra Kudos!
9. Encore! Bravo! Magnificent!
10. [character name] my beloved
11. I relate to this so hard
Optional, include [line of text] or situation you relate to
12. Thank you for sharing!
13. 💖💖💖
14. I love how you’ve written [x character trait]
15. I love this kind of AU so much!!
16. I’m so excited to see what happens next! I hope [random story prediction here]
17. I will commit atrocities for this character!
18. This is some hella good soup!
19. This is my favorite [trope, paring, au]!
20. AAAAAA They are so [soft/traumatized/attractive]!!!
Feel free to mix and match these for an extra special comment!
Additionally, if you have some favorite go-to comments, feel free to share!
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putrikodokhijau · 1 year ago
“What Happen in The Future?”
sebenernya hari ini aku capek banget dan ngantuk banget tapi otakku gak mau nurutin mataku yang udah lelah ini. bawaannya pengin nulis padahal udah ngantuk berat, apalagi besok aku harus bangun pagi banget. daripada gak bisa tidur perkara gak nulis jadi aku nurutin kemauan otakku aja ya!
tema hari ini itu 'write letter to your future self' yang sedikit berbobot, dikit. aku mungkin agak serius, dikit. mungkin aku bakal ngerangkum poin apa aja yang ingin aku sampaikan ke my future self.
1. lakukan apapun yang kamu suka. aku sebagai masa lalumu di 2023 cuma mau bilang, lakukan apapun yang kamu suka atau hobi yang pernah tertunda atau hobi yang gak pernah kamu eksplor. kamu udah ngelakuin apapun yang orangtuamu inginkan, sekarang gantian kamu ngelakuin yang pengin kamu lakuin. sekarang waktunya buat dirimu sendiri. jangan sampai nyesel, masa muda gak lewat dua kali.
2. prioritaskan dirimu sendiri. aku tau, kita adalah tipikal people pleaser dari kecil, yang takut banget kalau salah satu orang ninggalin kamu dan suka minta maaf duluan padahal itu bukan salahmu. mungkin, kedepannya kamu mendahulukan kepentingan dirimu dulu baru orang lain. bantu? boleh tapi kalau kamu gak sanggup bilang aja gak sanggup, jangan ngeiyain permintaan orang lain padahal ragamu udah gak sanggup bergerak. kamu mungkin udah gak terlalu people pleaser dari tahun ke tahun, tapi untuk yang satu ini kamu gak pernah ngilangin kebiasaan itu. lain kali, jangan gitu lagi ya! janji?
3. menerima semua perasaan dari dirimu. gak tau ya, dari dulu kita gak pernah bisa memvalidasi perasaan kita sendiri. kita sebenernya lagi kesel pas direndahin orang lain tapi malah dilempar dengan senyum ciri khas orang bego dan menganggap itu masalah atau bencana kalau kita mengungkapkan rasa ketidaksukaan dengan sikap orang lain. sebenernya, rasa seperti itu yang bikin orang ngeblaming diri mereka sendiri karena kesulitan atau ada rasa ketakutan kepada orang lain tentang diri kita sendiri. gapapa, omongin aja. daripada kamu sakit sendiri, biar mau dibilang toxic lah, baperan lah, gak peduli. pokoknya ngomongnya baik-baik ya! aku tau kamu orangnya suka ngegas kalau udah emosi, kamu tinggal hirup dan redam amarahmu bentar terus ngomong pelan-pelan dengan emosi stabil ya! aku tau itu gak gampang but i know you can do it!🩷
4. raih apa yang kamu impikan. aku di sini mau nyampein apa yang udah aku alami. mungkin kamu lupa pas kamu ada di titik terendahmu, ini bisa jadi pengingatmu ya! aku sebagai dirimu di tahun 2023 yang berhasil mewujudkan impian dari diriku yang ada di tahun 2009 - 2010. aku di tahun 2009 punya impian pengin jadi penulis di masa yang akan datang dan Allah pun mengabulkan impiannya. kita masuk prodi sasindo yang emang wadah awal bisa jadi penulis andal. aku sempet menyesali apa yang udah jadi takdirku dan di situ aku coba membayangkan betapa senangnya diriku di tahun 2009 kalau dia tau aku masuk jurusan impiannya, dia mungkin senengnya bukan main dan dari situ aku mutusin buat bertahan sampai hari ini. butuh 10 tahun buat wujudkan satu mimpi. lama bukan? tapi buktinya kita bisa mewujudkannya meskipun rintangannya berliku-liku. terus, dulu selama kamu SD gak pernah kan masuk peringkat? inget kan? masuk 10 aja gak pernah, apalagi jadi peringkat 1, ya kan? bahkan kakak dan adik laki-lakimu bisa mendapatkan hal itu dan membuat orangtua kita bangga sedangkan kamu yang bikin mereka geleng-geleng. tapi tahun ini kamu mendapatkan apa yang mereka inginkan, kamu jadi peringkat 1 di prodimu. meskipun itu cuma keberuntungan semata tapi usahamu dari SMP sampai sekarang udah membuktikan kalau kamu pantes mendapatkan itu semua. kamu udah bekerja keras dan aku bangga sama kamu! sekarang kejar impianmu yang baru, aku tau kita bakalan berhasil dan itu pasti. kamu mau kan kuliah di luar negeri? kamu mulai sekarang semangat yaa! aku tau impianmu bakalan terwujud pada suatu saat nanti. sama kayak impianmu sebelum-sebelumnya yang tercapai satu per satu walau tidak cepat tapi berhasil kamu gapai.
5. cintai dirimu dan luangkan waktu untuk dirimu sendiri. aku tau kamu doyan main sama temen-temenmu, apalagi temen yang baru kamu kenal. tapi tolong yaa kasih waktu untuk dirimu sendiri. aku tau duniamu besok gak bakalan sama kayak duniaku saat ini yang masih bisa rebahan seharian. aku tau duniamu yang sekarang bakalan berat, aku mohon kamu sisihin waktu buat rebahan seharian kalau gak, kamu manjain dirimu dengan nonton drama atau film, atau hal-hal yang kamu sukain. jangan kebanyakan main di luar pokoknya! badanmu itu teriak-teriak tapi kamunya aja bebal, entar ujung-ujungnya nyesel gak bisa rebahan. ih, awas habit kayak gitu masih dipertahanin.
6. you're on your own, kid. inget kata mbak taylor, kamu sendirian nak! jadi mau ada pasangan atau enggak, dibikin enjoy aja. selama ada aku, kamu gak bakalan sendirian. dirimu sendiri yang akan nemenin kamu sampai kapanpun. temen bisa hilang, orang tua bisa meninggal, saudara bisa sibuk dengan keluarga kecilnya. kalau kamu? ya punya dirimu sendiri. Alhamdulillah kalau kamu punya pasangan, kalau gak punya? kan ada aku. jangan sedih! kesepian? pasti, tapi bikin duniamu lebih berwarna sampai kamu lupa kalau kamu itu sendirian. orang yang mencintai kamu cuma dirimu sendiri sama Allah. jadi, jangan takut kesepian ya! love you🩵🧚🪄
jadi, itu sedikit pesannya untuk tahun ini. bakalan ada tambahan waktu akhir tahun, jadi sampai sini poin yang pengin aku sampein. pas satu jam aku nulis ini dan it's time to sleep. aku persiapan mau bobo dulu, udah ngantuk banget. bye-bye!🐈‍⬛💨🤍
P.S. untuk aku yang ada di masa depan, bales surat ini kalau udah ada salah satu impianmu yang tercapai yaa! aku pengin tau ceritamu! big love, cindy (2023).💖🪄🧚
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nina76trema · 2 years ago
After Surgery Diary #2
This is day number 3. The first morning after my surgery I woke up to my new inflated face and a period starting 8 days earlier than expected.
"Thanks!" I said to that little bitch that is my uterus.
"Oh, don't even mention it! - she replied with fake concern - It is really important to not be pregnant right now."
I know well that she just likes to kick me when I'm on the floor. But Fairy M was with me and I took it rather sportly. Fairy M is the liquid treasure British nurses give you generously when you have a serious boo-boo. The first time I received a syringe with no needle from a nurse during my previous stay in an NHS hospital my Italian Catholic mind exploded.
"I complain about the pain and you actually give me something and it's the Good Stuff?"
Where are the eye-to-the-ceiling-plus-long-sigh-plus-I'll-see-what-the-doctor-says? Where is the good old Catholic "we are born to suffer", aka "suck it!"?
Where am I that I suffer and you relieve from my pain? Ah, the Pope won't have it! Ah, you heretics! "is there something wrong?" Said the nurse. I sucked my liquid morphine and I said thanks with a smile (that time I could do it). The nurse told me that I could have more if needed it. I took notice.
So, I said Thursday morning fairy M was still with me and I took my early period with grace. I just asked a nurse for pads and she gave me what I needed it. I walked wobbly back to my bed and I was fine, the world was fine. The night before I had woken up more than once feeling my face on fire but I was fine. I felt sick but everything was fine.
Around 11.00 am on Thursday fairy M was gone, I had not eaten yet, they wanted to discharge me without giving me the sick note I requested, nor the new brace elastic in place of the one broken, and my husband texted me that he could not find parking at the hospital. I was ready to make a scene. I totally get the fascination of M addiction. For half a day the fairy gave me the psyche of a Zen monk. It would take me 30 years of meditation to go back to such a state of easy detachment.
I attached myself to the memory of the easiness I felt between Wednesday afternoon and early that morning and I made it through Thursday with no scenes. I was also able to get all the things I needed to start my convalescence: medication, my 3 weeks sick note, and extra brace rubber bands from the consultant... once settled at home I was even able to sit at the desk and write a post.
Thursday was still OK.
Friday I gorged down a purple protein smoothie of my own concoction. Purple is a healing colour. So they say.
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Friday had the decency to be over in 24 hours.
Today I found that dreadful colours are slowly trickling down my neck, under my skin. My husband says some of my traits are starting to come back. When I look at myself in the mirror I still feel that on a feminine beauty scale that goes from 0 to 10, I am Romano Prodi.
Today, though, I was able yet again to sit at my desk and put together a post. I feel more present. The period is slowing down and with all the painkillers I'm taking for my jaw I hardly notice it's there. (Take this, uterus!) Also, I'm gorging down the Earthsea novels like they were a protein shake. My bottom lip is alive with busy bees making honey. No sense of touch from lip to chin, only some stinging from time to time and this bzzz bzzzz bzzzzzzz sensation. Oh, they are doing so much honey!
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hellopersimmonpie · 2 years ago
Seperempat Akhir, 2022
Cerita ini bakal panjang banget ~_~
Sejak Ibu wafat, gue udah nggak punya keinginan pribadi lagi. Entah keinginan gue pergi karena Ibu udah nggak ada. Atau setelah hidup tanpa Ibu, gue jadi merenungi bahwa kita pergi kelak tuh nggak membawa apa-apa. Mau seserakah apapun ya tetep kalo mati toh ditinggal.
Tapi belakangan, gue menampilkan sisi yang terlihat ambisius dan terpaksa tegas pada banyak hal. Dari awal tahun, ada temen gue yang kerjanya nggak bener dan ngerugiin orang banget. Gue ngotot banget berjuang biar dia dihukum dan kelakuan jahatnya berhenti. Bukan karena gue benci secara personal. Melainkan lebih ke apa yang dia lakuin tuh jahat, membebani orang. Harapan gue ya cuma biar kerusakan yang dia lakuin bisa diminimalkan.
Sifat kayak gini tuh bukan nature gue sebenernya. Gue tuh kalo nggak ada masalah ya bakal jadi mbak-mbak introvert yang males ketemu keramaian, males disorot, dan lebih suka tenang di depan komputer.
Pekan ini, gue ngajar mahasiswa baru. Gue ngerasain ada manner yang kurang. Gue tuh bukan tipe dosen yang keras dan galak. Bukan orang yang ditakuti lah. Sementara orang tuh macem-macem. Ada yang harus di-drive rasa takut dulu baru bekerja dengan sungguh-sungguh. Jadi kalo dosen nggak nakutin ya santai aja. Main game pas kuliah. Gue mau call out tuh udah exhausted banget. Jadi gue biarin.
Kebetulan di lab tempat gue ngajar, ada mahasiswa magang yang bantuin gue riset. Dia complain ke gue tentang mahasiswa baru yang kurang sopan. Gue cuma bilang:
"Saya terlalu capek buat marah"
Gue tuh baru nyadar ya kalo misalnya gue nggak kenal, gue tuh males banget negur. Gue nggak punya kepedulian buat itu. Tapi kalo misal kenal, orang kayak gitu ya bakal gue omelin.
Tapi karena gue tuh pendidik, gue merasa perlu bertindak juga ke anak didik gue.....
Endingnya, pas pertemuan selanjutnya, gue tuh ngajak ngomong mahasiswa yang gue ajar. Gue bilang kalo gue males call out kesalahan orang satu per satu. Manusia tuh perlu bisa menghargai diri sendiri. Mengerjakan tugas meski nggak diawasi. Berusaha memperhatikan meski distraksi itu menggoda. Manusia harus punya disiplin semacam itu untuk tumbuh. Kalo menghormati orang cuma karena lebih tua, lebih galak, atau lebih kuat...... ya berarti nalarmu memang cuma sebatas itu. Nggak akan bisa tumbuh mandiri.
Setelah ngomong seperti itu, gue melanjutkan kuliah lagi. Hopefully mahasiswa gue minggu depan tahu manner.
Ada banyak perkembangan dalam diri gue yang terjadi karena dipaksa keadaan wkwk. Nggak buruk juga sih sebenernya. Tapi pada prosesnya, ini exhausted sekali.
Tahun ini, gue sebenernya udah ngelakuin lompatan. Gue udah mulai bisa figuring out tentang cabang-cabang riset di Game itu bagian mana aja. Sejauh ini, gue tuh memandang game sebagai perangkat lunak yang interaksinya rumit. Tapi setelah itu sudut pandang gue shifting...... perangkat lunak itu cuma media. Sementara game tuh bisa aja dibikin tanpa perangkat lunak. Perubahan perspektif ini ngebuat pandangan gue lebih luas. Gue pelan-pelan membreakdown topik mulai dari design document, UI/UX, Metodologi Storywriting, projek manajemen dalam story writing, dan seterusnya. Gara-gara itu, gue jadi sering banget pulang malem. Bukan karena ambisius sih. Gue suka aja belajar. Belajar itu semacam aktifitas yang ngabisin waktu dan ngebuat gue ngerasa lebih hidup.
Tengah tahun ini tuh juga ada kabar duka. Di prodi gue tuh doktornya cuma satu. Gue tuh biasa belajar riset bareng beliau. Tengah tahun ini beliau wafat mendadak banget. Gue tuh sebenernya nggak deket secara personal dengan beliau. Tapi beliau orang yang selalu menyemangati gue buat ngambil langkah.
Saat ketua research group isinya masih doktor, beliau nyuruh gue mendirikan research group. Waktu itu, gue bilang:
"Tapi saya masih S2 pak"
"Nggak apa-apa Bu, sesekali bikin terobosan"
Akhirnya gue daftar. Meskipun research group gue nggak produktif, tapi gue banyak belajar dari dosen-dosen yang sudah senior. Sewaktu beliau pergi, gue jadi nggak punya "guru" di kampus.
Mau nggak mau, biar riset tetep jalan, gue tuh meraba-raba banget. Harus kayak gimana dan kemana.
Tadi sore, gue dikabarin temen soal proses serdos gue. Ini tuh tahun kesekian gue jadi dosen. Serdos gue baru diurus. Karir gue emang agak lambat karena sejak akhir 2017, gue tuh double job karena waktu itu gue harus struggle beresin hutang. Akhirnya gue kerja jadi dosen tuh ngajar sama jalanin kewajiban dasar doang. Nggak serius neliti.
Nah, awal 2022, gue tuh resign dari job gue yang satunya. Baru deh setelah itu gue menata karir lagi. Berasa surreal aja karena riset pelan-pelan proper, gue pelan-pelan nyiapin S3, dan sekarang sudah proses serdos. Awal tahun depan mungkin nyiapin 3c. Biarkan ngalir aja.
Oh ya, semester depan, gue juga buka studi independen di lab untuk topik Competitive Programming. Gue tuh pas akhir-akhir kuliah mulai suka random main online judge. Tapi gue udah lama ninggalin ini karena sibuk banget. Belakangan karena gue ada waktu buat nengok soal lagi, akhirnya gue belajar lagi deh.
Yang gue rasain itu beneran surreal sih. Gue ngerasa apa yang gue suka tuh balik lagi berada di sekeliling gue setelah lama gue lepasin. Kayak dulu tuh gue give up dengan keinginan gue jadi wartawan karena nasib ngebawa gue ke dunia akademik. Eh ternyata di game tuh ada story writing. Gue ninggalin topik riset perangkat lunak karena nyari aman soalnya dosen gue di software engineering tuh perfeksionis dan susah lulus, sekarang malah ngajar design pattern. Gue ninggalin Competitive Programming, sekarang jadi punya waktu untuk itu.
Sayangnya, penghasilan gue berkurang lumayan signifikan sejak gue nggak double job wkwk. Kalo kalian baca-baca tentang kritik sistem kerja dosen, kalian mungkin bakal tahu bahwa tingkat kesibukan dosen tuh nggak berbanding lurus dengan penghasilan. Gue kalo ngomong sama dosen senior, sering banget mengangkat topik ini. Since PNS tuh kinerjanya kadang disepelein dan dianggep beban kerjanya nggak sepadan dengan swasta. Makanya pola penggajian yang demikian dinilai wajar. Padahal kalo kita kerja di lingkungan yang sehat dan tupoksi sepadan dengan gaji, dengan kerjaan yang sekarang, gaji yang didapat tuh harusnya gedhe. Soalnya banyak lemburnya. Dan lembur tuh bukan karena manajemen individu buruk. Tapi lebih ke amanah tuh lebih banyak dibanding waktu yang dipunya. Sementara penghitungan honornya masih nggak disesuaikan dengan pekerjaan.
Gue tuh punya sekelompok temen di kampus. Kalau kami ngumpul bareng, mereka nggak sambat. Tapi begitu ngomong berdua-berdua, mereka semua sambat hal yang sama. Pemasukan mepet padahal gaya hidup juga biasa aja:")
Ini yang bikin gue pengen membangun ekosistem bisnis yang proper di lab. Gue berharap ini juga bisa menghasilkan uang yang banyak. Buat tambahan pemasukan dosen dan syukur-syukur kalo bisa bantu UKT mahasiswa yang membutuhkan. Ini masih jauh banget sih. Gue sebenernya nggak yakin bakal bisa beneran ato enggak. Soalnya gue juga berharap bisa S3.
Gue inget di awal-awal ibu didiagnosa sakit kanker, gue tuh mikir buat S3 di Surabaya aja. Soalnya gue trauma jauh dari keluarga. Belakangan, gue embrace kalo gue emang harus S3 yang kalo bisa tuh di LN.
Jadinya ya gue ngusahain banget bikin pondasi yang proper di lab. Berharap ada yang ngelanjutin kalo gue pergi. Begitulah.
Random nulis ini karena pengen sharing aja. Nggak semua yang di luar kelihatan ambis tuh emang ambis beneran. Kadang ya cuma terpaksa aja wkwk. Plus nggak semua orang yang nggak punya tujuan hidup tuh kerjanya males-malesan.
Yang gue lakuin sejauh ini ya sebatas reaksi gue atas keadaan di sekeliling gue. Gue tuh sekarang nggak punya visi wkwk. Apa-apa yang gue persiapin hari ini ya sekedar karena gue pengen punya lingkungan yang nyaman aja. Plus berharap orang di sekitar gue juga nyaman dengan lingkungan tersebut.
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justasillyoldfox · 3 years ago
This could be a more organized One Piece Masterlist if I wanted it to be
♡I'm currently at Dressrosa
♡I went and looked at all the One Piece Arcs I know of to get these characters (mainly the ones I would write for), took me nearly 3 days TwT
♡Romance Dawn Arc
♡Axe-Hand Morgan
♡Orange Town Arc
♡Syrup Village Arc
♡Baratie Arc
♡Don Krieg
♡Arlong Park Arc
♡Loguetown Arc
♡Warship Island Arc
♡Reverse Mountain Arc
♡Mr. 9
♡Whiskey Peak Arc
♡Mr. 8 (Igarappoi) (Igaram)
♡Mr. 5 (Gem)
♡Koby & Helmeppo Arc
♡Little Garden Arc
♡Mr, 5 (Gem)
♡Mr. 3 (Galdino)
♡Drum Island Arc
♡Dr. Hiriluk
♡Arabasta Arc
♡Mr. 2 (Bon Clay)
♡Miss All Sunday (Robin)
♡Mr. 4 (Babe)
♡Mr. 1 (Daz)
♡Mr. 7
♡Ruluka Island Arc
♡Jaya Arc
♡Doc Q
♡Skypiea Arc
♡Gan Fall
♡G-8 Arc
♡Lieutenant Drake
♡Long Ring Long Land Arc
♡Ocean's Dream Arc
♡Water 7 Arc
♡Enies Lobby Arc
♡Ice-Hunter Arc
♡Thriller Bark Arc
♡Dr. Hogback
♡Spa Island Arc
♡Sabaody Archipelago Arc
♡X Drake
♡Impel Down Arc
♡Marineford Arc
♡Post-War Arc
♡Fishman Island Arc
♡Fisher Tiger
♡Vander Decken IX
♡Sir Pekoms
♡Big Mom
♡Z's Ambition Arc
♡Punk Hazard Arc
♡Caeser Clown
♡Dressrosa Arc
♡Blue Gilly
♡Silver Mine Arc
♡Zou Arc
♡Marine Rookie Arc
♡Whole Cake Island Arc
♡Noble Croc
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dinisuciyanti · 4 years ago
Find a good boss before 30 (part 1)
Materi kali ini diisi oleh Pak Hernanto, seorang yang sangat mau belajar hal baru (mengikuti perkembangan jaman) dan membantu anak buahnya untuk berkembang. Salah satu slidenya memperlihatkan video Jack Ma:
For those young people who are under 30, find a good boss, it’s not about the company, at least you have a good boss. If you get both, it’s even better. 
Kemudian aku merefleksikan diri. Perjalanan 10 tahun belajar dan bekerja, ternyata aku bertemu dan punya kesempatan di-coaching oleh orang-orang hebat yang menjadikan aku seperti sekarang ini.
Dosen pembimbing akademik, PKM, dan skripsi
Alm. bu leily, yang aku teror tiap weekend untuk me-review skripsiku, a lil bit kurang ajar, untung beliau sabar. Beliau perfeksionis, KBBI sekali, entah berapa puluh kali draft skripsi ku direvisi, sampai akhirnya draft jurnal (bagian dari syarat sidang) menjadi acuan anak-anak lain yang mau submit skripsi. “Tuh contoh punya Dini���, kata mbak admin jurnal. Aku merasa bangga. 
Dosen pembimbing tesis, bos, dan mentor
Meski harus merasakan dipanggil pembimbing akademik, ketua prodi, sampai ketua departemen, agar aku bisa pindah pembimbing tesis, aku merasa itu semua terbayar. Bu umi, dosen yang sangat enak pas ngajar, tapi 180 derajat berbeda kalau penelitian, begitu tegas, gak bisa ditawar. Beliau seneng banget ngasih wejangan, dari mulai how to be a good student, until to be responsible if you’re a researcher. Beliau gak pernah ngasih “makanan”, mahasiswa harus explore sendiri mau ngapain, ujungnya revisi lagi, lagi, dan lagi wkwk. Kalau udah marah, biasanya beliau pakai bahasa inggris haha. Gini-gini aku pernah bonceng beliau pas di Malang, rasanya? dag-dig-dug takut nabrak :(
Ekspektasi beliau ke aku tuh tinggi banget, “aku di tanah, beliau expect aku di langit”. Ga bisa pakai tangga, harus terbang. Sampai hari terakhir mau submit tesis, draft ku masih dicoret-coret karna writing ku jelek banget, iya tesisnya bahasa inggris #nangis segitu juga untung dibantuin buat sidang H-seminggu yudisium biar ga bayar SPP lagi. 
Kalimat paling ngena pas ngerjain tesis adalah:
It’s not only a thesis, even a project, it’s a kindness.
Beliau mengingatkan untuk mengerjakan penelitian bukan hanya karna tesis ku buat lulus, tapi karna ini kebaikan buat orang-orang yang menerima program intervensi. 
Sejak saat itu, setiap aku handle project penelitian, aku selalu mengingat kalimat itu, “ini untuk kebaikan, Din”. 
4 Juli 2021
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the-gory-gardner · 4 years ago
Hi I'm Honey! Part One: Baby Soulmate
(A/N: Different Meeting/Soulmate AU- Soulmates Drawings On Skin Will Appear On Their Soulmate's Skin
Character(s): Honey Reynolds, Age: 5, Jesse Cromeans, Age: 20 )
Honey Reynolds & Jesse Cromeans (Platonic Soulmates) 
Young Jesse Cromeans groaned as he woke up with an excruciating headache. God as much as he loved getting drunk the hangovers sucked. At least he had a place to himself to get though it; being in a frat house would probably make it ten times worse. 
It was also a good thing he didn't have any classes today, he didn't think he could handle his professor's droning on right now. Jesse was very much planning to stay in his bed until his stomach growled loudly. He sighed getting up to find his phone and call some take-out. Could you have Chinese for breakfast? 
Once Jesse found his phone he went to grab only to stop at the writing on his wrist. It couldn't be. 
Hi Im Honey
It was a soulmark he had heard of them everyone had since nearly everyone had one. There were different types of finding soulmate. The possibilities varied among people, some couldn't see color until they met there's, they had a red string that would lead to them, some many things. 
From the mark and it's childish handwriting it was either a soulmark of the first thing his would say to him, or their drawings on skin would appear on each other. Well there was only way to know for sure. He pulled a pen from one of his drawers writing right under the original mark. 
J- Hello?  
After a couple minutes of waiting another mark appear. 
H- Hi Im Honey whats your name?
J- Jesse Cromeans. 
H- Jesse? Are you a boy or a girl?
Jesse squinted his eyes thinking of the childish writing and how 'Honey wrote. 
J- I'm a boy how old are you Honey?
H- Five and a half 
Jesse hit the wall-lightly- with his head, his soulmate was a fucking baby. Maybe they were platonic soulmates. They had to be. After some thought he wrote a reply. 
J- Well Honey I'm twenty 
H- Woah your a big kid Jessie 
The mute boy decided not to make a comment about the nickname. 
H- Do you have a job my mommy says big kids and grown-up have jobs
J- No I don't have a job but I do go to big kid school. 
Jesse could not believe be just wrote that. 
H- Is it fun I just start kindergarten it's okay we color a lot and we learned about soulmates today. 
J- Yes it's pretty fun, and is that why you chose to write on your arm? 
H- Yeah we talked about all the different soulmates. So I got a book from the reading corner in class about them. 
His little soulmate spent the rest of the day writing and doodling on his arm him replying as simply as be could. Whatever 'friends' he had at his college were not informed about his discovery. The last thing he needed were people cracking jokes about him having a little kid as a soulmate. 
Several weeks later he got a message from her quite late, at least to him he didn't know whay her timezones were. He had just walked out of a frat party he was a attending to get some air when he saw the message appear. 
H- Hello Jessie are you up? 
J- Yeah kiddo I'm up it's night here is it night there? 
H- Yeah it's past my bedtime 
J- Then what are you doing up. 
H- I had a nightmare. 
Well Jesse wasn't sure how to reply to that. He'd never helped anyone though a nightmare let alone a little kid. 
J- Do you want to tell me about it? 
H- There were a bunch of spiders and a big red box and I could hear people yelling they sounded scared. 
Jesse raised an eyebrow that didn't sound like a normal nightmare. He'd heard of some soulmates sharing dreams and since it wasn't his dream maybe she had another soulmate, an actual romantic one. 
J- That does sound scary but it's okay because it's just a dream and dreams can't hurt you okay kiddo. 
H- Really? 
J- I promise
H- Okay
H- Jessie you said it was late where you are so why are you up did you have a bad dream too? 
He smiled a bit it felt like he could almost hear her concern such a sweet little thing. 
J- No I'm just studying. 
H- What's studying? 
J- It's when you read and look up things so you can get smarter. 
H- Oh maybe I should do that so I can get really smart then maybe mommy and daddy won't say I'm stupid. 
Jesse suddenly felt like ice water had been dumped on his head. 
J- Your parents said you were stupid? 
Jesse had to write the message very slowly otherwise he thinks he might of written something a five year shouldn't read. 
H- Yeah but thats just cause A.J's really smart mommy and daddy said he's a pro-prodi- a really smart kid. 
J- Whose A.J? 
H- He's my big brother he doesn't play with me says he doesn't want to play with dumb little kids. 
Jesse had to take a moment to calm down before writing again. If she was telling the complete truth and not just exaggerating like some little kids did. Well let's just say he hadn't been this angry since he'd finally left home. 
J- Honey if there's one thing I've learned about you in the last couple of weeks it's that you are one of the smartest kids I've ever met. 
Jesus Christ she was making him sappy. 
H- You really think so Jessie? 
Why could he hear the quiver in her voice? 
J- Yeah I do kid. 
He got worried when Honey didn't immediately respond. Before he could get really concerned she wrote him back. 
H- I wish we were family. 
Jesse wasn't sure how to respond to that so instead he wrote the first thing thay came to mind. 
J- Maybe were not family but were soulmates do you know what that means? 
H- What? 
J- It means that were always going to be there for each other I'm always going to be here for you. 
Again he had to wait for a reply. 
H- I really like you Jessie 
J- I really like you too kiddo now get back to sleep it's a school night. 
H- Okay Night Night Jessie. 
J- Night Kiddo. 
After that there were no more messages for the night but he was much too exhausted to go back to the party. He really hoped his little soulmate would be okay he didn't know what he would do if she wasn't. 
To Be Continued...
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berawaldarijogja · 4 years ago
Berawal dari Jogja
Sungguh ketika Allah berkehendak, manusia hanya mampu mengikutinya. Jogja menjadi awal bagiku dimana ku merasa dunia itu begitu luas. Tak hanya sebatas kuliah yang dibatasi tembok tinggi, bak penjara yang terkunci namun ada hal lain yang menjadi awal mimpiku mulai terwujud. Mengapa aku bilang begini? Ya, di kuliah ku yang pertama, di kota Semarang, di sebuah kampus yang aku hanya berpikiran sebagai mahasiswa yang kuliah, pulang, organisasi, dan tentunya main dengan teman. Namun ternyata ketika diizinkan Allah untuk menuntut ilmu lagi di Jogja, pemahaman itu berubah.
Aku merasa bahwa dunia di luar sana begitu luas, kemana aja aku selama ini? Contoh saja, sewaktu aku kerja sebelum kuliah lanjut, aku baru menemukan komunitas online yang terdiri dari berbagai macam golongan. Komunitas tersebut berkecimpung di dunia tulis - menulis. Selama di S1 tak pernah aku menemukannya, bahkan sekedar terpantik untuk mencarinya. Jadi kupikir saat itu aku mungkin masih pakai kacamata kuda.
Lanjut kuliah di Jogja, ada hal lain lagi yang membuka tabir pikiranku. Yakni, mahasiswa ya kerjaannya riset, nulis, dan publish lalu ikut conference dan tentunya jalan - jalan gratis. Menyenangkan bukan? hehe... Sungguh, dulu gak pernah kebayang kalau ternyata jadi mahasiswa bisa seperti itu. Sebenarnya bukan poin jalan - jalan gratisnya ya, itu hanya bonus. Tapi inti dari hal ini adalah bagaimana menjadi mahasiwa yang produktif terutama di ranah akademik. Bisa menghasilkan jurnal yang publish di kancah internasional itu adalah suatu prestasi nyata, ada bukti yang bisa dijadikan “hujjah” bahwa aku telah berkarya. 
Dulu, aku hanya berpikiran kalau kuliah ya hanya untuk masuk kelas, ikut himpunan atau organisasi di kampus, dan ikut lomba - lomba yang berasal dari event organisasi. Mikirnya dulu itu, yang suka bikin paper hanya untuk mahasiswa berprestasi aja. Yang suka presentasi karya ilmiah hanya untuk jurnal kampus aja. Eh... ternyata semua itu hanyalah asumsi pikiranku semata. Diriku tersempitkan oleh cara pandang waktu itu.
Lalu semua terbuka di kala bergabung dengan tim riset di bidang fisika material. Semua dijelaskan step by step oleh seorang sensei yang membuka cara pandangku sebagai mahasiswa. Yang akhirnya aku bisa bepergian dengan biaya dari beasiswa dan dari lembaga riset di Thailand. Sungguh tak menyangka bahwa aku bisa sampai di titik itu.
Flash back....
Sebelum aku bekerja sebagai pengajar mapel fisika di SMK, aku berniat kuliah di Bandung, Berbekal surat rekomendasi dosen dan mencoba peruntungan beasiswa DIKTI. Ternyata aku termasuk nama - nama yang ditunda pengumumannya, karena mereka (pihak kampus) lebih menyetujui untuk masuk prodi pengajaran fisika, bukan fisika. Jelas, aku mundur. Karena DIKTI tidak menyediakan beasiswa di jurusan pengajaran fisika saat itu. Pun Ibuku lebih setuju supaya aku bekerja terlebih dahulu. Dari hal tersebut aku pun sebagai anak ya manut. Karena kurasa nasehat ibu adalah yang terbaik.
Lambat laun, setelah mengajar aku pun mencoba beasiswa lainnya, LPDP yang menjadi pilihanku. Ternyata saat itu gagal di bagian wawancara. Ketika aku pulang, ternyata memang ketika kutanya ibuku, beliau masih belum terlalu ridla anaknya kuliah lagi. Baiklah...
Hari berlanjut, sudah resign mengajar, beasiswa gagal, aku pun fokus ngelesin dan hanya bekerja dari rumah. Ya menulis, hasil dari bergabung dengan komunitas menulis. Lalu ibuku sakit selama 3 bulan dan akhirnya meninggal. Alhamdulillah, saat itu aku benar - benar fokus untuk di rumah merawat ibu. Jadi gak menyesal untuk menunda kuliah. Pesan terakhir padaku adalah supaya aku kuliah lanjut.
Dengan tekad bulat, aku mendaftar beasiswa LPDP lagi. Ini yang kedua kalinya, jika gagal maka aku tidak akan pernah bisa mendaftar lagi. Begitulah menurut peraturan saat itu. Saat itu pun aku sudah tidak “ngoyo” lagi untuk mendapatkannya, tapi tetap mempersiapkan yang terbaik. Bahkan lebih memasrahkan diri. 
Alhamdulillah, saat pengumuman aku dinyatakan di terima untuk kuliah di Jogja.
MasyaAllah, saat itu aku nangis sendirian di kamar malam - malam, pengin banget ngasih tahu Ibuku. Mungkin inilah sebagai hadiah dari Allah buatku karena aku mencoba mengikuti apa kata ibu dan juga mungkin inilah doa ibu yang akhirnya terwujud. Ternyata ibu ingin ditemani sampai akhir hidupnya, sehingga aku tidak dibolehkan untuk kuliah terlebih dahulu. Allah Maha Besar. 
Alhamdulillah tsumma alhamdulillah. Berawal dari Jogja pikiranku semakin terbuka. Bagaimana menjadi seorang mahasiswa, bagaimana menjadi seorang anak. Dimana aku lebih fokus di dunia akademik, lebih menyayangi bapak sepeninggalan ibu. Jujur ada juga rasa sedih, karena ga bisa menemani bapak di rumah. Tapi tekad ini sudah bulat untuk lanjut kuliah saat itu, jadi hanya bisa menelpon bapak ketika kuliah.
Berawal dari Jogja pun aku bertemu dengan jodohku sekarang ini. Bukan, bukan karena jodohku orang jogja. Justru karena perantara ta’arufku adalah orang yang kukenal baik saat SMA di Purwokerto dan perihal taaruf tercetus ketika kami bertemu di Jogja.
Begitulah... Berawal dari Jogja bagiku ^^ Thankyou sudah membaca
Maaf yaa... ceritanya jadi macem - macem. hehe
writing with love
sna B-)  <3
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mukhammadaliaridi · 5 years ago
Membuat Algoritma Pascal Looping For
Tugas matkul Algoritma & Pemograman
Prodi: Sistem Informasi 
Universitas Narotama Surabaya
program looping_for_bintangsegitiga;
uses crt;
     Write('masukkan jumlah bintang =   ');readln(n);
     for baris:=1 to n do
            bintang :=' ';
            for kolom:=1 to baris do
                   bintang:= bintang+'*';
 Hasil Output Program
Apabila n (jumah bintang) = 5
Tumblr media
Penulisan program pada Aplikasi Pascal Android Pascal N-IDE sbb:
Tumblr media
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eatingtherich · 6 years ago
A Colossal Wreck
I’ve been reading through Alexander Cockburn’s A Colossal Wreck. As far as pleasure and style go, it is a great book. A concise and humorous perspective on exactly what the book presents itself to be, the American political landscape from the mid 90′s up to Cockburn’s death in 2012. The book is actually just a collection of dated journal, and very on topic; though most are his personal observations of current events, he sometimes veers into other topics such as Thanksgiving turkey recipes or the etymology of the word “troglodytes.” A staunch leftist and populist, much of the book directs its ire at the complacency of liberals in America behind the Clintons and their imperialistic goals and corporate persuasion, and the entire fault of any left movement in the U.S. There a number of places where I greatly agree with Cockburn, but then some moments where his perspectives are befuddling to say the least, and some that seen from today in Trump-America, are very odd to hear coming from such a vocal leftist. In the coming days I’ll share some passages that have most stood out to me. 
First I am going to post Cockburn’s passages on Bernie Sanders, for whom Alexander Cockburn was particularly skeptical of, as self-proclaimed Independent Socialist Democrat, but from Cockburn’s perspective was woefully complacent with Clinton’s agenda. I will say, I like Sanders, and he is still currently my preferred Presidential Candidate for the 2020 election, but critiques Cockburn raises are valid and worth looking into. Just as well, I disagree with Cockburn on some issues he raises in his book, but by and large, enjoy his writing and can’t let his faults eclipse his successes. Most of his criticisms levied against Bernie are his condoning of the wars in Serbia and Kosovo.  All quotes below come from A Colossal Wreck, by Bruce Cockburn, 2014, Verso.
August 7, 1996
A Democratic President has just destroyed a big chunk of the New Deal and not one major Democratic figure has defected because this President destroyed the tiny protections for those down on their luck, for children, for single mothers, for immigrants between jobs who have been paying taxes for maybe ten or twenty years. Donna Shalala didn't quit. Robert Reich didn't quit. Peter Edelman of HHS did [sic] quit. Marion Wright Edelman canceled a demonstration before Clinton's decision "because I didn't want want to be Sister Souljah," then issued a bitter statement, but she didn't say she was shifting her support to Ralph Nader. Ron Dellums's office was saying that he understood Clinton's need to "hold the center." Barney Frank said that Clinton had done more for the poor than Ralph Nader. (There may be a personal edge there since Nader once said publically it was disgusting of Frank to run a homosexual prostitution ring out of his congressional office.) Here, for the third time in thirty years, we have a historic opportunity for the rallying of left forces beyond the Democratic Party. It happened in 1968 with Eugene McCarthy; and in 1984 and 1988 with Jesse Jackson. Now we have another chance. And who steps forward as our public champions? Bernie Sanders, the "independent" hot-air factory from Vermont, requests everyone to vote for Bill Clinton. The Labor Party, born in Cleveland a month ago, insisted that no labor candidates be fielded for the foreseeable future, and further stipulates that no labor-affiliate field independent candidates. Prominent Labor Party folk are simultaneously on the Democratic National Committee. Unions active in promoting the Labor Party have made a deal with the Democrats that the Labor Party will do nothing impertinent or subversive, such as actually run candidates against Democrats. From day one, with all that nonsense about doing nothing till 100,000 advocates are signed up, the entire Labor Party effort has been an exercise in demobilization, achieving the miracle of a Third Party that is the wholly owned subsidiary of the party it is challenging. This leaves us with Ralph Nader, who has the public status, the knowledge and the right political instincts.
October 16, 1998
...As for B. Sanders, whose fund-raising letters this election time have once again been touting Congress’s only “independent progressive socialist,” his latest achievement has been to give the cold shoulder to delegations traveling all the way from Texas to Vermont to challenge the Conscience Complex in one of its most self-satisfied redoubts.
Sanders has been prominent among those in the North East congressional delegation on trying to export the region’s nuclear waste to a poor, largely Hispanic community in Texas, Sierra Blanca. The only merit in dumping the waste there as opposed to, say, Burlington, is that the people in Burlington are richer and have more clout. When the Sierra Blancans turned up in Vermont, Sanders put out the word that he would quit any platform graced by any of their members. If you truly like “independents” in Congress, better by far to send your money to Ron Paul, who acts upon his proclaimed beliefs, unlike Sanders.
March 31, 1999
It’s bracing to see the Germans taking part in NATO’s bombing. It lends moral tone to an operation to have the grandsons of the Third Reich willing, able and eager to drop high explosive again, in this instance on the Serbs. To add symmetry to the affair, the last time Serbs in Belgrade had high explosive dropped on them was in 1941 by the sons of the Third Reich. To bring even deeper symmetry, the German political party whose leader, Schroeder, ordered German participation in the bombing is that of the Social Democrats, whose great grandfathers enthusiastically voted credits to wage war in 1914, to the enormous disgust of Lenin, who never felt quite the same way about social democrats ever after. Whether in Germany or England or France, all social democratic parties in 1914 tossed aside previous pledges against war, thus helping produce the first great bloodletting of our century.
Today, with social democrats leading governments across Europe-Schroeder, Blair, Jospin, Prodi-all fall in behind Clinton. This is, largely, a war most earnestly supported by liberals and many so-called leftists. Bernie Sanders has voted Aye, and in London Vanessa Redgrave cheers on the NATO bombers. There’s been some patronizing talk here about the Serbs’ deep sense of “grievance” at the way history has treated them, with the implication that the Serbs are irrational in this regard. But it’s scarcely irrational to remember that Nazi Germany bombed Belgrade in World War II, or that Germany’s prime ally in the region, Croatia, ran a concentration camp a Jasenovac where tens of thousands of Serbs-along with Jews and gypsies-were liquidated. Nor is it irrational to recall that Germany in more recent years has been an unrelenting assailant of the former Yugoslav federation, encouraging Slovenia to secede and lending determined support to Croatia, in gratitude for which Croatia adopted, on independence in 1991, the German hymn, “Danke Deutschland.”
April 14, 2000
[The mention of Sanders comes late in the passage. On this date, Cockburn relates a story of how he was invited to speak at a conference held by Antiwar.com, a libertarian organization. The event coordinator, Justin Raimondo, extended his invitation to Cockburn on the grounds that this was an event in which the left and right could reach across the political divide to come together against war. Those listed in attendance: “Patrick J. Buchanan, Tom Fleming, Justin Raimondo, Kathy Kelly, Alan Bock, Rep. Ron Paul, and representatives of the Serbian Unity Congress.”]
...Their amiable hilarity at my sallies reminded me of Goldsmith’s lines in “The Deserted Village” about the pupils of the country schoolmaster: “Full well they laughed with counterfeited glee/ At all his jokes, and many a joke had he.” (How many people have read the whole of that wonderful poem, one of the most savage denunciations of free trade ever written?)
“Can we unite,” I asked the crowd, “on the anti-war platform? We have already, in the case of Kosovo for example. But where would you as libertarians want to get off the leftist bus? A leftist says ‘Capitalism leads to war. Capitalism needs war.’ But you libertarians are pro-capitalism, so you presumably have a view of capitalism as a system not inevitably producing or needing war. Lefties have always said capitalism has to maximize its profits and the only way you can maximize profits in the end is by imperial war, which was the old Lenin thesis...
“I think the old categories are gone. I see no virtue to them. I see Bernie Sanders listed as an Independent Socialist in the US Congress. I see what Bernie Sanders has supported, starting with the war in Kosovo. And then I see Ron Paul, on the other hand, writing stuff against war which could have been written by Tom Hayden in 1967.”
Driving back to Berkeley with $300 in cash in my pocket, I mentally toasted antiwar.com. Alas, not many leftists will ever want to have much to do with them.
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theprodigypenguin · 1 year ago
Rated G | 6398 Words | Sabo & OC | Found Family | Original Female Character | Pokémon AU | Sibling Dynamic
It was certainly a terrifying noise, but rather than fear, Aurora could feel something stone heavy settle in her heart. More than fear, she felt sympathy, because the jarring sound stinging her ears was filled with a familiar sort of pain and misery — of loneliness.
Alright, by popular vote, I have finished and posted my One Piece OC Pokémon Alternate Universe Fanfic! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Here's some more fun facts about this AU regarding Aurora's Mimikyu for some additional entertainment:
While Mimikyu gets along well with Umbreon, he actually has a somewhat tense relationship with Sabo.
Whether because Mimikyu genuinely doesn't like Sabo or is just messing with him, he has absolutely no idea.
Mimikyu will often simply stare at Sabo for an uncomfortable amount of time. Sabo doesn't appreciate it.
Mimikyu is a huge fan of food, and as Aurora will normally sit beside Sabo at meals, Mimikyu will happily steal from the Chief's plate when he's not looking.
He ONLY does this to Sabo.
The others think Mimikyu is jealous that Aurora likes Sabo so much and wants all her attention so is trying to intimidate Sabo.
It's kinda working but Sabo isn't going anywhere, obviously.
Mimikyu would never harm Sabo in actuality. Umbreon would be very upset if he did.
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lesfeldickbiblestudy · 2 years ago
  Through the Bible with Les Feldick LESSON 2 * PART 1 * BOOK 58 LOVE AND TRUTH II & III JOHN Oh how we appreciate when you write and tell us that you’re praying for us every single day! And again we thank you for your comments. Over and over we hear "don’t change a thing" and, "I feel like I’m sitting there on the back row". And then I guess the third most obvious thing that they write is "I have never understood the Bible before, and now it’s opening up." So we appreciate those comments. We appreciate those letters. All right, now we’re going right into II John this afternoon and probably go through both of these little epistles of II and III John but since we have been picking up so many new listeners these last several weeks, I’m going to go back and just give a little quick review of these Jewish epistles for the sake of those who haven’t heard us explain, because I might as well just tell you right up front, there have always been two views concerning these Jewish epistles of James and Peter and John. One was that they were indeed written to Jewish congregations or synagogues in that period of time at which the point was written and preparing them for the Tribulation to come. The most traditional view I would say is that these are written to Jewish congregations who will reappear at the beginning of the Tribulation and so it is written to them as future mode. Well, I’m not going to be anti-traditional just to be anti-traditional. I’m not going to refute either one of those but I’m going to take both of them. I think they were originally written to a group of Jewish synagogue congregations, contemporary with the time it was written, preparing them for the horrors of the Tribulation and the testings that are right out in front of them. But if they could survive that, Christ would be returning and bringing in the Kingdom. So these letters were written to Jewish believers who were looking for the King and the Kingdom, in short order. Now, the King didn’t come. And the whole Jewish program was interrupted by the Church Age, these past 1900 years. But here we are, as I pointed out when we started several months ago, in the book of James, that these scenarios have once again surfaced and today, we’re almost right back to where they were when they were written. And that is that we now have a reappearance of the Babylonian Empire. We just dealt with them in Iraq. Iran is the next prophecy told of in Daniel chapter 9 and 2 and so forth, and that was the Mede and Persian Empire. That’s Iran. They’re in the news every day lately. And the third one of course was the Greek Empire, but the part of the Greek Empire that controlled Jerusalem and defiled the Temple were the Syrian element. And so we’ve got Syria in the news everyday. Then the fourth kingdom that ruled and reigned while Christ of course had His earthly ministry, was the Roman. And so now we also see all the beginnings of the Roman Empire arising in Europe, with the European Union. In fact, I just read an interesting little anecdote the other day and I have to always believe what people write with a fair heart, and that is here a few weeks ago President Bush was entertaining the then President of the European Union. Now you remember they rotate that position, or have so far, but the gentleman who was President of the European Union at that was also the Premier of Italy and his name was Romano Prodi, if I’m not mistaken. Well anyway, they were having lunch in the White House and Romano was bragging about how the European Union was expanding. It wouldn’t be long they’d be 24-25 nations, and their eastern border would be going clear out to the Caucasian Mountains and President Bush smiled and he says "Romano, sounds to me like it’s the Roman Empire!" The president was exactly right. And so this is what’s happening, this whole European Union in its expansion geographically, is coming right back to the old borders of the Ancient Roman Empire. And so all these empires now suddenly are in our every day news, the Babylonian, which is Baghdad.
The Medes and Persians, which is Iran. The Greek Empire which was predominately the part of Syria that controlled Jerusalem and then of course the Roman Empire as we see it reviving in Western Europe. So when I say that all these little Jewish epistles, James and Peter and John and Jude and also the book of Revelation at that time to Jewish believers; they were called synagogues, at least in James little epistle, in view of the coming pressures of the Tribulation, but oh if they could just go through that the King would be returning and setting up the one thousand year Kingdom Age, which is still going to happen we feel in the not too distant future. Now when that was set aside, it didn’t throw everything out the window, it was all just postponed and like I said a moment ago here we are now 1900 and some years later and the whole scenario is once again appropriate that these little Jewish epistles are written to Jewish believers who are now being prepared for the oncoming Tribulation. All right, now then guess we can start the little epistle of II John, remembering now that these are written to Jewish believers. Now that doesn’t mean we here in the Church Age can’t take some good things out of it. Of course, we can. It’s just like the four Gospels were written primarily to Israel, but we can certainly take things out of the four Gospels that are appropriate for us. Now granted these Jewish epistles are not the place where we build our doctrine for salvation because our Gospel of salvation is not in there. And as I’ve been pointing out this last several programs, you cannot find our Gospel of salvation in these Jewish epistles. There’s nothing in here that says that we’re saved by faith and faith alone in the fact that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose from the dead. It’s not in here! And I just reminded someone a little bit ago before the program started, I remember several years ago a gentleman came up and he said, "Les, you’re always telling us to be just as aware of what is not in the Scripture as what is." Absolutely! Because we’ve been programmed by tradition to just think that a lot of this stuff is in here, and it’s not. And that’s where the Lord gives us discretion to determine, "is it in the Book?" Or is it just something that man has dreamed up? A good way to check it out is for us today in the Church Age, the epistles of Paul should be used for our Church Age doctrines, including our beautiful salvation doctrine. All right so now in the second epistle of John, written by the Apostle John, who wrote the gospel account of John, and who was one of the Twelve, who also writes the book of Revelation. This little epistle is just a little short personal letter written evidently to a rather well-to-do lady who was very instrumental in helping John in his ministry. Now when he speaks of himself there in verse one ‘the elder.’ Well naturally because of his past experience, the three years with Christ, he and the Twelve have been ministering to the Jews in these intervening years and I’m going to say that these little epistles were probably written someplace in the ‘50’s’ - 50 to 58 AD. Somewhere in there. And so now he calls himself "The elder". Appropriately so. II John 1:1a "The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth;…" Now I have said over the years and I can still repeat it that almost, and you’ve got to use some common sense, but almost without exception, you can substitute the word "truth" with the name of Jesus Christ and never, and never change the meaning of the verse, because Jesus Christ is Truth. And Truth is Jesus Christ. And so it just fits so beautifully. Even here. II John 1:1a "The elder (speaking of himself) unto the elect lady (a believing Jewish lady, who no doubt was quite well to do) and her children, whom I love in truth (or Jesus Christ;)…" See how that doesn’t affect the meaning one bit? Because if you’re in Truth, you’re in Christ. And Paul will say the same thing. All these things are resting upon our position in Christ as believers. Now reading on.
II John 1:1b-2 "…and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; (or all who have known Jesus Christ. That’s what sets us apart) 2. For the truth’s sake (for the Lord’s sake, for Jesus’ sake) which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us forever." Now you see how that does not conflict with Scripture in any way shape or form. We have always been taught throughout the New Testament that when we’re ‘in Christ’ we are also in Truth and visa versa and it’s setting us up for eternity. Not just for the few years here, but we have eternal life! II John 1:3 "Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, (and again) in truth and in love." All right now I’m going to be dealing with this word love in just a couple of verses, so we’ll move on down to it. Verse 4. II John 1:4 "I rejoice greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, (they were verily in Jesus Himself) as we have received a commandment from the Father." Now here it comes. II John 1:5a "And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee,…" Nothing is all that different so far as John is concerned. He’s come out of Christ’s earthly ministry having walked with Him and served with Him for those three years. He has now been no doubt, working hand in glove with Peter and the others since Pentecost. And so now at this point in time, like I say, probably in the A. D. 50’s somewhere, nothing has changed. Not so far as these Jewish believers are concerned. Now for us today, maybe this is a good place to stop. Now for us today, look how Paul puts it. This is what I like to do, I like to just compare, compare, compare. Come back with me to Philippians chapter 1. Now this is Paul writing to Gentiles. And no doubt there were always a few Jews in these Gentile congregations, I won’t take that away at all. But now look what Paul writes to the Philippian church. We’ll look at verses 8, 9 but the word we’re looking for is in verse 10. Philippians 1:8-10a "For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels (or very innermost parts) of Jesus Christ. 9. And this I pray, that you love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment; (or discernment. Now here’s the verse. All of this to bring us to the place) 10. That ye may approve things that are (now the King James has the word) excellent (which is unfortunate. The better translation is different. And look what that does) that you may approve things that are different." Well what’s so different? Well now to the Gentile world salvation is offered by faith and faith alone, with no connection to Temple worship. No connection to the heavy hand of the Law; it’s all of Grace. And so it was totally different. That’s Paul. Read it again, Philippians 1:10a "That ye may approve (and accept and rest on things) that are different;…" Not the same mundane doctrines and teachings that Israel has enjoyed for now 3000 years, but things that are totally different. Philippians 1:10b "…that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;" Which of course, is when He will come to take the Body of Christ unto Himself. All right, so there’s a difference in terminology again between John writing to these Jewish believers, who are just an extension of Christ’s earthly ministry, an extension of Pentecost in these intervening years. They have been trusting that Jesus was the Messiah and that He’s still going to return and give them the King and the Kingdom. So nothing has really changed. And Paul never teaches that. Now back to II John. II John 1:5 "And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, (nothing has really changed) but that which we had from the beginning, (from the very onset of John the Baptist and then the introduction of Christ and His earthly ministry) that we love one another." Now you have to realize that John is really the apostle who is constantly hammering home the love of God.
Now let me put it this way. God is Love. The reverse of that doesn’t make sense. Love is not God. See the big difference? God is Love. Love is not necessarily God. And so here’s where we have to even watch our wording that God is Love. He is Love supreme. And I always like to remind folks and as well as myself, when did this outpouring of the love of God toward the human race begin? Well, when He created Adam. He had the angelic hosts. Millions of them. But did they ever return love? No. They’re not that kind of a being. And so the whole purpose of creating the human race was to have a creature that He could extend that love and then give them the prerogative to what? Return it. That’s the whole purpose of the human race, is that He could have a created being that He could show His love; He could extend His love and then have every right to expect love returned. But not forced. It’s not a forced love. We love Him because He first loved us. And so John is probably the strongest writer of Scripture to prove the point that God is Love. Now it isn’t that Paul misses it. Now come back with me to Romans. Again we’ll compare Scripture. Paul also speaks of the love of Christ. And I think the first one with a real impact is Romans 5:8. Romans 5:8 "But God (Not man. Not angels, but) God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, (God loves the sinful human race) Christ died for us." Why did He die? Because He loved us. Why did He create us? Because He wanted a creature He could love. And that creature rebelled and so He moves heaven and earth, you might say, to set the stage that fallen man can still respond to God’s extended love. And this is the whole purpose of God and man, that He loved us and He expects love in return. All right, let me take you to another one over in II Corinthians chapter 5. Here we another beautiful portion, and let’s just jump in at verse 14. II Corinthians 5:14 "For the love of Christ (see how Paul is pointing that out?) constraineth us; (it drives us) because we thus judge, if one died for all, (that is for the whole human race) then were all dead." The whole human race. And then you get to Romans 3. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" But, whom did God love? Fallen man. Whom did God love? The sinner. Now He hates the sin. But He loves the sinner. All right, and so it’s constant throughout Scripture how that the love of God is the expression of His very person as the Creator of everything. All right, in the couple of minutes we have left, let’s drop back into II John once again, verse 6, now you want to compare how close and beautifully this is to John’s Gospel. This is John’s Gospel, this isn’t Paul, this is the same as the Gospel of John. II John 1:6a "And this is love, (so far as the Jew’s relationship with God was concerned) that we walk after his commandment…." Now I’m not going to be so narrow as to say, all he’s talking about here are the Ten. But you see, on the Ten Commandments were based, well actually Judaism had how many? Six hundred and thirteen. I’ve been going through them lately. And they’re all based on little statements back in Leviticus and so forth, but the whole system of commandments was not just the Ten but everything that rested on the Ten amounted to really 613 commandments. All right, and this is what John is encouraging these Jewish believers to still hang on to. They were still going by the Law and the commandments as God had given them to the Nation. And so it’s totally separated from Paul’s relationship with Christ. II John 1:6b "…This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, you should walk in it." And so, all the way through Christ’s earthly ministry, why did he perform miracle after miracle after miracle? Well preeminently of course to prove who He was. But, what was the immediate result of all of His miracles? Oh, it was His compassion poured out on those poor benighted souls, whether they were hungry
physically, or whether they were sick, or whether they were blind and in love He would solve the problem. And love was epitomized constantly see? And then He put the crowning effect of love is, "Love your neighbor as yourself." Well you see if the world could do that we wouldn’t have all these problems. But the world out there knows nothing of the love of God. All the world knows is "me." But love says, "you." In fact I was thinking sometime, while I was preparing all this, it’s been a long time since I have spoken this on the program. But several years ago, I think I used it a few times in a row. What is the best definition of love? Remember? "Seeking the other man’s highest good." That’s true love. And isn’t that exactly what God does? God is constantly concerned about what’s best for us. He’s not sitting up there – I think some people have got the whole wrong idea. They think God is sitting up there just waiting until somebody messes up and then He can swat them like a fly. No! That’s not God. He’s love and He’s just waiting to seek their highest good. But why is lost mankind not experiencing God’s love? Let’s go back for a moment to Romans chapter 8. I just had to point this out to someone on the phone last night. And this is the Word of God. This is what we have to trust. Romans 8, let’s just start at verse 5. I don’t like to use just one verse if I can help it. Romans 8:5 "For they that are after the flesh (in other words, they’ve never experienced salvation, they are still under the nature of Old Adam) they do mind the things of the flesh; (we’re speaking of materialism. The lusts of the flesh, lust of the eyes, the pride of life.) but they that are after the Spirit (they mind) the things of the Spirit." Here we have two totally different concepts. The things of the flesh. And the things of the Spirit. Now verse 6. Romans 8:6a "For to be carnally (or fleshly) minded is death;…" (spiritual death.) Many times their horrendous lifestyle will even precipitate physically death, but we’re talking primarily here about the spiritual death, they’re going to be separated from God for all eternity. Romans 8:6 "For to be carnally (or fleshly) minded is death; (spiritual death) but to be spiritually minded (to now have experienced salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit) is life (not just physically life but eternal life) and peace." Now you go back to Romans chapter 5. Don’t look it up. But Romans 5 verse 1 says what? Romans 5:1 "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:" We have that peace that comes by faith! All right, so here it is, now verse 7, this is the verse I wanted you to see. Romans 8:7a "Because the carnal (the fleshly, the lost person, his) mind is (what?) enmity against God,…" Enmity! How much do you normally do for an enemy? Well, nothing. All he’s out to do is to destroy you. To defeat you. He’s your enemy! And that’s what the unsaved person is so far as God is concerned, but He loves him anyway. But that unsaved, unregenerated person is an enemy of God. Consequently, Romans 8:7b "…for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be." Why? Because they’re enemies. Now back in the times when Russia was our mortal political enemy, how many Americans would have bent over backwards to help the Russian government? Well, not a one, if we have any patriotism at all because they were our mortal enemy. They wanted us wiped off the face of the earth. All right, now that’s mankind’s attitude toward God. They don’t want anything to do with Him, but yet His love is always being "commended toward us even yet while we were sinners" and consequently, out of love, "Christ died for us." All right, let’s come back again to II John. I don’t want to go into verse 7 because that’s a whole new line of thought so we’ll just come back to verse 6 again. II John 1:6 "And this is love, (this is what God is manifesting toward even these Jewish believers) that we walk after His commandments, (which
at that time were still resting on the Ten but all the other 613 were part and parcel of it) This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it." In other words, the true Jewish believer under the system of Law was constantly aware of the demands of the Law and to that is what he was obedient.
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rmceliteindia · 3 years ago
Universita di Bologna
The Universita di Bologna is the most established college in continuous operation. It was founded in 1088 in Bologna, Italy.
In 1158 the college received admission from Frederick I Barbarossa. In the nineteenth century, an ancient group continued to establish the university in 1088, which would become the most experienced permanent college on the planet. It is much sooner than the University of Oxford, which has evidence of teaching in 1096.
The term Bologna University was first applied to the institution of downstream students and employers that make up the college.
In the Middle Ages, the University of Bologna was well known throughout Europe for its humanities and law schools.
Artists Tonde and Petrarca studied at this college. The college, formally known as Alma Matter Studios, is a government-sponsored foundation for both sexes. It offers courses in expressions, law, pharmaceuticals, pharmacy, science, design, agriculture, veterinary medicine and teaching methods. Italian chemist and author holds a chair in Semiotics at Umberto Eco College. Former Prime Minister of Italy Romano Prodi was a teacher in the field of economics.
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inihaphap · 4 years ago
30 Days Writing Challenge
Write About Happiness
Di otak aku langsung terlintas,
Happiness atau kebahagiaan. Hmm.. baiklah. Kita coba.
Jadi, kebahagiaan setiap orang itu beda. Ada yang merasa bahagia ketika dia libur, ada yang merasa bahagia ketika bisa tidur, ada yang bahagia ketika bisa ngebubur. Bebas aja. Tidak perlu mendebatnya. Termasuk mendebat kalo kebawahnya ternyata rimanya ga sama. Wkwk..
Aku termasuk anak yang selalu bahagia. Kata orang sih. Tapi kayaknya bukan karena ga pernah sedih deh, tapi ya karena selalu berusaha bikin diri bahagia aja. Kayak misal, kalo ada kegiatan aku bahagia karena ga akan gabut meskipun mungkin bakal cape. Atau aku bahagia kalo misal berhasil mencapai suatu target tertentu. Atau kalo misal tiba-tiba disuruh skip kelas buat jadi panitia kegiatan ya aku akan bahagia-bahagia aja. Simpel.
Hal paling bahagia dalam hidup ini, ya banyak sih. Mau yang kaitannya sama pribadi, keluarga, temen, dosen, prodi, ya banyak lah pokoknya. Cuma mungkin yang terbaru tuh ketika bisa bantuin Prodi dan dosen-dosen dalam suatu kegiatan tertentu. Kalo kata salah satu dosen kenalan aku sih, "Kalo memang datangnya dari hati mah mau seriweuh dan serusuh apapun pasti bakal ngerasa bahagia bisa ikut kontribusi," and I agree with that :')
Berbicara tentang kebahagiaan, sepertinya memang tidak bisa disamaratakan. Standar kebahagiaan setiap orang pasti akan berbeda. Apakah itu masalah? Tentu tidak. Anda siapa mau mempermasalahkan itu? Hah? Skip.
Di tengah pandemi ini, bahagia rasanya menjadi sangat penting. Mereka mempengaruhi mood, mempengaruhi diri sebegitu hebatnya. Sehingga perlu diperhatikan agar selalu bahagia, supaya tetap bisa 'waras' meskipun dunia lagi becanda.
Mungkin itu aja. Oh dan terakhir, jangan lupa bahagia! :)
-Hap, 2020
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girlfriendgroups · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
requested by anonymous and @epic-liar
wow what a lez
aren’t we blessed
rena’s an a+ wingman and her gaydar is intact but...
she’s a dork when she has a crush on you
it’s so obvious
she hadn’t even told any of the members anything along the lines that she liked you until like 2 months later when she was thinkin about asking you out
she went to young prodi(gay)!xiyeon and was like “um SO i like y/n-”
“like we didn’t already know 🙄”
“.....i just wanted to ask how you think i should ask her out, all right?”
she does a lot of cute things without meaning to be cute
like she doesn’t mean to be cute when she calls you up at the same time almost every night
it just naturally comes across that way
or imagine she’s really tired and you’re standing cooking or something
and she just kinda wallows behind you and then wraps one arm around you and rests her head on your shoulder from behind
see, that wasn’t meant to be cute
she was just tired
but writing this honestly i’m in tears thinkin about it
spending a lot of free time together whenever you can
most dates you spend in
she might sometimes show you a dance for a song pristin’s working on and she’ll continue to practice it in front of you
and sometimes she’ll ask you like “y/n did i get it right?”
and you’re like “🤷 i dunno yebin i’ve just been watching you dance”
“but did i do it like-” *demonstrates single move* “this, like i was supposed to?”
“🤷🤷🤷 sorry babe”
being kissed on the cheek when you’re not expecting it
not in a sana way
just kinda.. yeah
in conclusion rena is 1) gay 2) cute 3) dateable thank you for the requests everyone
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