#probably night vale but I haven't listened to it yet
slyandthefamilybook · 21 days
every podcast have:
pathetic little meow meow
man who's off his rocker
the two most badass lesbians you've ever seen
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annimoose · 6 months
Me Podcast Listy List:
A list of podcast I'm looking into and adding my thoughts on.
Got any recommendations, feel free to comment or reblog with em. Im wanting to find more. 👍
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Wow, huh, I just completely forgot to update this.
Malevolent- ✅️
Red Valley- while you were hypersleeping 3: part 2
Deviser- ✅️
So,, humanity really is a bitch huh? I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight, in fact i will be having an existential crisis.
Thanks Harlan. 👍
Wolf 359- ✅️
Yep, I definitely just lost a piece of myself. I will not recover from this. 10/10 would cry again 👍
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Archive 81- starting ep. 23
Proving my point that men CAN be made breedable
The Magnus Archives- starting ep.13
Ep.6 edit: What sex does to a mf.. 🙄
Old Gods Of Appalachia- starting ep. 3
Finally, a podcast narrator who's an old sounding southern guy, funny too.
Hello From The Hallowoods- on episode 7 /
to be continued
(I'm really enjoying this one, Diggory and Percy my beloved 💖)
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In Queue:
(Going from shortest to longest excluding Nine To Midnight)
The White Vault- 10 episodes
I Am In Eskew- 30 episodes
SCP: Find Us Alive- 52 episodes
(this was the first fiction podcast I ran into and had interests in and yet I still haven't listened to it aaaaaaah hahahah....)
Hello From The Hallowoods- 146 episodes
WOE.BEGONE- 152 episodes
The Magnus Archives- 200 episodes
Welcome To Night Vale- 245 episodes
Nine To Midnight- saving pod as Halloween treats :)
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I plan on going down this line but ey, it might change depending on how well I'm liking podcast or if I simply just want to switch it up a bit.
Idk guess I'll see when I start going through the queue.
Thanks for reading this poorly put together list if you are indeed looking at it. Don't ask me to fix the formatting or anything that might be misspelled or if episode numbers are wrong. I will probably come back and edit this whenever I finish a podcast.
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androgynousblackbox · 7 months
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. 3 [Appleradio, Radioapple]
"Good morning to all our dear listeners. Alastor is here to give you the warmest welcome to your favorite radio station. I know you all have great fun around here, I do too! It's nothing but laughter and joy on these parts.
But as part of this valuable medium that we all appreciate even today, on this age of fasting moving and gaudy technology, we must also remember to stay informed! The right kind of informed, where we seek to the truth of the matter without any biases or red tinted sunglasses.
In order to honor that, I bring you a bunch of exciting news. One of them is so important that I have it all on a little envelope with the words "Here. Happy now?" scribbled on top with… just about one of the most hideous handwriting I have ever seen.
I haven't looked at it's interior yet, but it's sitting right at my desk as we speak and I plan to share with all of you. That is the power of journalism in action, dear listener.
Before any of that, though, I would be remiss if I didn't relay to you something that our dear resident Rosie just told me when we were having our weekly breakfast together.
You all remember Rosie, don't you? The lovely, charismatic and oh so charming owner of the chocolate boutique not that far away from our station. It's a beautiful place, but it has always been dragged down by one small issue, one irritating factor that unfortunately ruined the perfect picture.
Unrelated to that, tonight the co-owner of the Chocolate Boutique has passed away. If you ever paid attention to the name on top of the establishment, then you will know who I am talking about. I never did so I don't. I think Rosie call them Claire, I want to say? That is probably close enough.
It was so gruesome too, isn't that funny? Whatever raccoon must have slipped inside of her house at night was truly having a creative mood because they spared no section to decorate it with the insides of Clara. Just not lungs anywhere. I guess that one must have been too tempting to let it go to waste. I can't say that I blame them, good lungs are hard to come by, especially for women that age.
Such a tragedy, listener. Clarissa for years has been the business partner of Rosie. They started it out ten whole years ago, after Rosie was coming out from a particularly bad divorc that later turned out in a rather joyful funeral. Rosie was so focused in trying to get her things sorted out properly that she didn't realize that the term of their contract was giving Clarinette a portion of their earnings that was far bigger she would have liked. But there was nothing to do about it because Clady was the one with the connections, the one who knew the right people and the right numbers to supply for their wonderful treats.
Oh, if only Rosie had found the notebook that she had hiding under her pillow before. It could have save her so many headaches and frustrating nights! Oh, she will insist that they were the best of friends, but you don't do business with friends. You get screwed by them and they expect you to tolerate it with a smiling face. Which Rosie had to do, as the lady that she is, until that raccoon slipped in through the open window in library of the second floor.
Not that me or her would know anything about that though!
In any case, don't bother picking up all the pieces you find. There is no point for her. Claennis already made her bed, so it's only time for her to lay on it. A devastated Rosie informed me that she will be having a party service this afternoon in order to celebrate the life of her death friend, Clarine, and of course everyone is invited to come in. It will also be a sort of re-opening with a new sign outside that contains just her name.
Come enjoy a discount of the 5% on their macaroons, they are absolutely to die for. I recommend the strawberry ones, those are my favorites.
Oh, well. Farewell, Clarisse. We will manage to find the will to keep going with your absense, I am sure of it. Rosie is already taking care of everything you left behind.
She told me that last night when we were having dinner at my house. That was at 20:30, for anyone who cares, around the same time that ravenous raccoon was satisfying it's hunger. Sinking it's teeth on those meaty lungs. Rosie was just telling me how much she loved and respected her friend. Isn't that a espectacular lady, dear listener?
You all know I am not much for parties. I prefer a nice evening with a book and some jazz at my side if I get to choose. But I might make an exception for this one ocassion in order to support a friend. It could be fun! So if any of my dear listener goes, we might shake hands there.
Rosie, dear, if you are hearing, the best of lucks as always.
Meanwhile, I did promised you more than one news today. Here it is. Just let me get that enveloped. I am going to be honest, it's lighter than what I expected, but I am sure that doesn't mean that is any less interesting.
This source of mine is shy, he doesn't like the attention, so he has kindly ask me to keep his name away from crediting for these foundings. He also told me there is nothing too interesting here, but let us be the judges of that.
As many of you would know, on our last transmission I had very valid and justified concerns regarding the identity of our newest resident. In my humble opinion, anyone with two braincells capable of rubbing together would have them too. A rich inventor of toys coming to a small humble little town? Having a daughter? With that stupid perfect hair and that pretentious name? To revive an old and abandoned toy store nobody cared about?
All very suspicious behavior, indeed. I could almost have shivers running down my spine just thinking about it. What could be behind that white smile of his? Drugs? Trafficking? Dog fights?
Maybe trafficked drugged dogs? Oh, listener, I just couldn't dream of letting such a potential dangerous criminal running around in our precious little town. Causing power outages and unwanted static. Not on my watch, no, sir!
So I had someone do a little research. Just to be safe, of course, I would never use it for anything else. That is for the police to care about it. Although why they haven't take care of it now is a valid point of criticism that we aren't indulging in right now. Waste of tax money if I ever saw one.
Wait, shoot, I forgot my glasses. Oh, yes, they there are. Alrighty, let's see.
Name… still the same. Still that joke of a awful name. I guess that makes sense, considering people can just change it. Fine, I will allow it, but what else?
He is a inventor that made a pool able to detect if a kid is drowning and from there is that his fortune started.
Well! There you have it, first strike! What a spoilsport! If parents are not paying attention to their children while they are on the pool, maybe they don't deserve an alarm at all! And with such obviously neglectful parent, those poor children are clearly only going to suffer more in the future! This is doing nothing but prolongue the inevitable. How evil is that?
But wait! He used to have his own toy store back where he comes from. HA! THERE IT IS, I KNEW IT! What happened there, mmm? Did it mysteriously go up in flammes? Did the ensurance company was immediately called, one hand on the phone and the other on the gasoline tank? Was the business not going that hot so you had to turn it up?
It says here that he closed it himself after his wife died. Mmm? Did you now? What happened there, dear old pal? A mysterious disease no doctor could verify? A stabbing on a cold case no one could solve? Did you do it yourself or you paid someone to do it?
Of… pancreatic cancer.
Curious. The same thing that took my mother.
God bless her heart, that was 12 years ago. Has it really been that long already? Yes, 12 years.
I still remember how quickly the disease consumed her like it happened just yesterday.
Well, that… is tragic. It says here that after his wife died, he locked himself up on his mansion… did you had to write mansion, couldn't you just say house, who puts mansion in a report… for five months. According to friends of the family, Lucifer just wanted to get out of there as fast as he could before he could do something that he would regret. Maybe getting back to making the toys they both loved would help, he would say to people.
So he picked this town because when pointing at it with eyes closed in a map. It was a complete coincidence that there was a toy store waiting for him at all.
His daughter is named Charlie, is 3 years old and she likes duckies. There is clipping of a picture in which she posed with her dad for an article about some invention of his. I haven't seen her myself yet, but I can see the resemblance. At least we know that we won't ever need a DNA test to prove their relationship.
She has the same big blue eyes. Poor thing.
There is nothing more about her here. I would hope so, with just 3 years on this earth. Not even I would have made a thick report at that age.
There is a picture of the man in front of his new house during moving day. There are surrounded by a bunch of workers moving furniture and boxes. He doesn't look so tiny holding his daughter and smiling to her.
His hair is still so stupid. It's a little messy, some strands are out of place, but still looks… stupidly, ridiculously perfect. I don't trust a man with a hair that can do that.
Not that damn static again. What even is that? Fine, fine! I will put it down now, okay? It's back on the envelope, along with all the completely useless bunch of information. Is it fine now?
Is it?
But wait, that can't be really it, does it? Just some guy with a tragic backstory? That is it?
Not even a speeding ticket? Some accidental manslaughter? I could even take stealing candy from a baby!
Well, that is no fun! That is just so boring! And here I thought, dear listener, that I was about to make a break through that would be the talk for months to come. But this is so mundane and pathetically sad that now I just feel gross. It's weird, it makes me wish I haven't opened it up at all.
I am so terribly sorry for making you waste your time like this, dear listener. Some gossip has never harmed a fly, but this was maybe a little bit much. I just don't understand why I feel like I want to vomit when seeing this guy. Is my gut wrong? That would be a first.
I guess that goes to show, dear listener: do not trust the media with everything and don't believe everything you hear. Stuff can be a lot more complicated than what they seem at a first glance. Like windows that are opened up at night during pleasant dinners with friends in another house. Or impossibly disgusting shiny hair that doesn't want to keep on place.
My source was the Chief Officer Husk, by the way.
Now, the weather…"
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optical-vagueness · 4 months
that was... weird? unexpected for sure, in the sense that I expected some things that were different from this. those things weren't better and this wasn't worse.
I would love this to be the end for Kevin's development, because as they put it, it's a kind of loop. We know how it will develop later for younger Kevin. We know it will end with him adopting himself and restarting the cycle. It's a nice way of wrapping it up. There's a post someone else made with this point.
I would have liked to have Charles in this episode, if not something from Carlos. I hoped we could see more of his struggle, because seeing Night Vale being affected yet again by his research on the DOW surely brought back Trauma from It Devours!. But we didn't. And, as Charles is a theologist, this would have been the perfect moment for him to get development. But he didn't.
The thing that impressed me the most was the sound design for Cecil's distraction. That was crazy and actually made me wake up. Because I was lying on my bed with my pillow nearby in case I needed to hug it. I yelled "WHAT" at the revelation of Kevin as his own father. I was happy that Carlos stopped his research yet again. I hoped I would hug my pillow and feel nervous and wake up and start pacing my room.
But, well, I guess I need to relisten to the episode some other day, with good sleep (because I haven't slept for two days. Making a paper on Carlos is hard af) and then I will maybe get some stuff I probably didn't in this first listen.
But, please, I don't think it was necessarily bad. I would advise against making your conclusions this quickly. Many people disliked the UOWII arc and ending, but if you see it from another perspective, it's actually good (I did hug my pillow and pace the room and stim with my hands in a crazy way while listening to it. And I still do in each relisten). But idk, you do what you want I guess.
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capsgirl19 · 11 months
I'm listening to Night Vale again. The first episode.
I haven't watched the last few episodes of ofmd, yet. I'm out of the country, and I tend to watch stuff with specific people, so I'm waiting until I get back, but I already know I will not be happy. Got a spoiler looking through some unrelated tags and it was... Probably about the only thing that could've made me lose interest in the show completely. I know I shouldn't have hoped. I know that no matter how telegraphed it seems, you never get a poly ending whether due to the writers failing to see what you do or to studio mandates. But with everything in the first season, all the non-normative relationship structure, the "we don't own each other," the fact that Taika Waititi himself seems to be involved in some kind of poly arrangement... I did hope. I hoped maybe I'd get a somewhat ambiguous ending, Ted Lasso kind of deal. Just something that would let me imagine the thing I wanted in post-canon. In my wildest, most unicorn-note-fueled dreams, I thought maybe they'd use the Riverdale ending to strongarm HBO for a poly resolution next season. But at the very least, with all Jenkins' talk this season about how much he loves Izzy, about his possibility as a romantic lead, I thought they wouldn't just kill him off for being in the way of the main couple's One True Monogamous Love. And I was wrong about that. And I'm really really fucking disappointed.
I thought it was a better show than it was. I thought it was... more invested in queerness than it is, I think, and now I'm in this limbo of waiting to watch episodes I know I will hate so I can formally cut ties, and I am listening to the first piece of queer media that didn't disappoint me.
I remember that so strongly. How at sixteen I just sat there dumbstruck as I listened, because I couldn't believe we could have something real. Something that wasn't just a truce, a nod to the shippers before moving on with business as usual, but that we were right. That it wasn't bait.
Our Flag used to feel that way to me.
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lamphous · 1 year
for the ask game: 4, 38, and 48 <3
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
48. do you reread your own stories?
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
for a real long time it was this one night vale missing scene thing, but I did finally develop my writing skills enough to do that justice a couple years ago. now I guess it's probably.... either the always sunny script where dee does roller derby I wrote like 4 lines for in fall 2018 and haven't gotten around to finishing yet ever lmao
closely followed by the inexplicable fucking barry fic where the car he gets in at the end of ronny/lily is that of ronny as well as lily, and they drive through the desert and he has an existential crisis and also "adia" by sarah mclachlan. this fic also has an entire 4 sentences written of outline and mostly consists of the memory of the time I laid on my floor listening to that song on a loop for half and hour
the former doesn't have any philosophical reason for not existing yet, as it was mostly that I just fell out of active interest in sunny before I could get too far into it. the latter I just haven't gotten around to lol, and also I'm still considering the ethical ramifications and logistics of reformation for that character.
but I don't find it an existential thing tbh. I've come to the understanding that if an idea isn't happening the way I want it to, it's because I'm just not ready for it yet. sometimes a plot bunny precedes my own ability to write it. and that's okay!
38. how many stories do you work on at one time?
like 4 or 5 minimum lmao... #ADDgang I have to have other shit to bounce around to when I get something stuck on smth lmao
48. do you reread your own stories?
all. the. time. I reread them as bedtime stories. hell, I read my own wips as bedtime stories, snuggle up under the covers with my google docs and mentally filling in wherever I haven't finished it lol
send me a number!
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andromerot · 2 years
what fiction podcasts would you recommend? ^_^
man. being dragged into the cringezone. its ok... so from ages fifteen to seventeen i listened to a LOT of audiodramas and honestly a lot of them are not very good. but some are! and some are fun :) im making a list
mabel podcast: if you've followed me for over two hours you've probably heard of it is one of my favorite things in the whole world...i cant even begin to describe the plot but i recommend it to all of you because a lot of people on tumblr are like, into haunted houses, or into fairy folklore, or into fucked up codependent lesbians, or all of the above. so it truly has something for everyone. but its beautiful, it really is. will ruin all romance for you though. honestly its not even a podcast to me its more like a girl best friend. i can talk about it forever so if you have more specific questions about it feel very welcome to send them
i am in eskew: another favorite! this one is about very terrible city that loves a man very much and will not let him go #relatable. this one is a proper horror podcast though so i do not recommend it to anyone squeamish - but i really like it.
the silt verses: done by the same people as eskew, horror as well. i haven't finished it yet but its amazing. it's about gods. gods that are Weird.
welcome to night vale: this one is a classic (arguably, The Classic) and i think is a fundamental part of what is now considered cringe 2014 tumblr culture but honestly it is very funny and silly. its been going steady for like ten years, has over 200 episodes, which means it has some very bad seasons and some pretty good ones. i think its best era was like 2014-2016 or so but yeah it's very long and has some gems. it dares ask the question "what if a town was very fucked up?" which was then asked by four hundred other podcasts, all done badly. but wtnv is fun
wolf 359: yet another classic. fucked me up bad. its about a spaceship with some guys inside it. it predicted among us. the best character is hera the artificial intelligence with severe mental problems
the far meridian: this one is very sweet and tiny but i think its underrated. soft and surreal. a girl who lives in a lighthouse that moves every night searches for her missing brother and Encounters Situations
ars paradoxica: one of the few time travel stories i like in this whole world. i remember almost nothing about the plot itself but i remember it broke my heart a lot. a scientist accidentally timetravels to the middle of wwii and shes hired to do some war shit, which sucks for her but she has nothing better to do. that sounds boring but i swear its not. maybe it was i dont remember.
neighbourly: anthology based on a long street of fucked up houses or fucked up people living in houses. it has some pretty good episodes and some banger episodes. im friends in law with the guy who makes it. its cool
alice isnt dead: theres a woman called alice and she is dead. but, spoilers, she isn't dead. her wife starts working as a trucker trying to find her and goes all around the us trying to find her and things happen to her.
within the wires: its an anthology but each season is a story. the first one is really really good, the others are a mixed bag. its an alternate history thing but the genre changes
the penumbra podcast: this one has been added to the list with a huge sigh because like i cant lie it has been extremely influential to my life but also i hate it. it was very important to me. its bad. don't listen to it. unless you're a mentally ill teenager or you like old women a lot maybe try it out then. the old women are not the main characters
anyway yeah like getting into indie podcasting like this really altered the way i saw media from a young age and even if some of these are not as good as i remember them being i do recommend the experience. the only ones i really listen to now are the first three and every once in a while i catch up with the last but im angry about that one. hope at least one of these is to your liking. listen to mabel
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exhausted-pigeon · 2 years
Was taged by @forcesofnatureunleashed (thank you 💜) so there is the meme!
Three ships:
... only three? 🥺
Fuck this is difficult I ship pretty much everything, I have a veritable fleat of ship by this point, even just counting DC. And like I have favourites but tbh it depends on the moment and want I'm craving for a story, or even what fic I'm reading.
But if we go with ships I have more ideas I want to explore I can whittle it down to:
BruJay, JaySteph, HoodHunter (aka Bao/Jason)
I'm in rare pair hell, if only because for the first two there are very few authors that write them the way I interpret them
With the honourable mention of HoodStroke (aka SladeJay), JayTalia, JayTera, and any and all combination of them (plus occasionally Bruce) in a polycule
Also let's not forget the Gotham polycule of Jay/Steph/Roy/Lonnie/Bao/Duke/Harper that appears in many of my ideas, usually not the full hand, but I love to squish this kids together (btw the Roy there is a mesh of Young Justice, RHatO, and post-crisis, and usually a clone of the original Roy, you know, because I like to make my life more complicated)
Also Joyfire because it's hot as fuck
Now I'm done
First ship:
Ehhh probably L/Light? My memories of when I started consuming fannish content are very vague but I think my fist true obsession was Death Note and by just chronology that would probably be the first ship I latched on
Last song:
Forever Ray "If Had a Heart" I still love this song even more of a decade later that I discovered it in a playlist dedicated to Death Gods (if I remember the title was "For Gods of Blood and Bones" I think?)
Last movie:
Oh Gods, I haven't watched anything in so long, ehhh maybe The Old Guard? It's surely the last one that I remember seeking out.
Like there are many others that I wanted to watch but I just haven't done the "job" of finding them.
Currently reading:
... nevermind this is the hardest question.
What cont has "currently"? Because I have a pile of books that I have started and have yet to finish that it's absolutely embarrassing.
Look my ADHD has been even more of a bitch lately so this question will be on hold until my brain decides to collaborate again.
Currently watching:
Very long YouTube videos while I draw/crochet, on what it depends on the mood of the day, but a good probably that it's something about history and historical fashion, media analysis, or leftist stuff
Currently consuming:
Idk what this means but I will go with the podcast I'm listening: Malevolent, Horror Podcast N.9 (amazing if I just want something in the background or I just don't have the braincells to actually follow something more complicated), BS free witchcraft, Hex Positive
And I'm trying to get caught up on Welcome to Night Vale and the Juno Steel storyline from The penumbra podcast
Currently craving:
If it's food: savory mochi
If it's in general: a girlfriend or ADHD meds (I'm still struggling to get my prescription for that 🙃)
No pressure tags for anyone who wants to!
(ugh Forces you pretty much tagged all of my mutuals! Ok not all of them but surely a good half of them :P)
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Introduction Post!!!
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hi!! lovely to see you - won't you stay awhile?
the basics:
name: Joy, short for Jonathan
age: 17, going on 18! (wish me a happy birthday on 14 october :3)
pronouns: he/she/they
orientation: omnisexual, polyamory
gender identity: genderfluid and pangender!!
timezone: CET (GMT +1)
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my tops:
musicians: Twenty One Pilots, Måneskin, Hozier, George Michael, Wham!, Bastille, P!ATD, Tally Hall, My Chemical Romance, The Oh Hellos, The Amazing Devil, Lemon Demon, Kwiat Jabłoni
songs: Lavish, Bourgeoisieses, This is Love, ANARCONNASSE, Too Sweet, Sunlight, Midwest Indigo, Routines in the Night, l'altra dimensione, tous les memes
fandoms: marauders era, the lunar chronicles, the good place, grishaverse (haven't read king of scars yet tho), the cruel prince, some musicals (mainly Hamilton), DDLC, FNAF (I haven't played the games but I do really like the lore and songs), WTNV, AGGGTM, TØP lore
books: the cruel prince trilogy, red white and royal blue, they both die at the end, aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, the midnight library, six of crows duology, 1984, animal farm
shows/films: the good place, loki, moon knight, the umbrella academy, heartstopper, hazbin hotel, legally blonde, tick, tick, boom!, hamilton, howl's moving castle
Hobbies: writing, reading, cello, painting, writing my own songs, D&D
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I'm a band kid, I write songs and plays and stories and books ^^
I finished writing a book recently!! You can read it on AO3 here. Let me know if you want a pdf or epub version, I'd be happy to share!!
hogwarts house: hufflepuff
grisha order: durast
godly parent: Apollo
divergent faction: amity (born candor)
hunger games district: probably eleven
I'm obsessed with Welcome to Night Vale (mountains are fake y'all, they were made up by the government)(although I haven't listened to a lot of it...)(Still love it tho ^^)
I'm absolutely a yapper, and love meeting new people, so feel absolutely free to dm me if you wanna chat!! <3
please consider using tone tags, I dumb as all heck
I have two younger siblings!! A brother and a sister :>
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my people:
@andytheoverthinker - husband, partner, beloved boyfriend <3
@evee-refuses-to-die - squirrel extraordinaire, sweetest lil' insomniac
@lyionly - genuinely the most talented artist I know, best bio partner
@bjcf23 - favourite cousin ever <33
@astroocti - my drummer friend :D
mutuals: @erraticprocrastinator-alt @jess-of-all-trades @finnslay @moonysfavoritetoast @cazzythefrogking @chatter-crow @def-not-kaz-brekker @chaosgremlinlivinginyourwalls @waitingonadeathgodtocallmeback @saivamp @lemon-cosmoscollection @gay-for-zoya @agenaroace-a-fucking-disgrace @finleyforevermore @kaithe-enby404 @currently-becoming-potatoes @catinasink @vintagetee13 @clodoveah @ghost-of-a-poet @viago-vamps @ddlcbrainrot @pan-anarcho @gremleyn @discoveredreality @blue-bell-icecream @xrinnihil @artemisiamezzanotte @drifter-gaming @stqrgirl3 @my-castles-crumbling @winters-rose-daughterofcain @elliots1stshadow @daydream-of-a-wallflower @razz-is-queer @blood-slushy @starcrossedmoony @celestialserenity24 @justafanbutcurious @37x3
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final section!! my bullshit:
#jonny writes stuff - my writing
#joy has thoughts - I say stuff
#joy on fandoms - anything fandom related
#joy on volleyball - I rant about volleyball I guess?
#joy has a strange mum - about my mother (sometimes I rant, idk what to tell ya--)
#joy on music - anything music related
#joy has friends - about my irls <3
#joy is gay for andy - about my beloved bf
#joy gets asks - I respond to asks!! May take me a while tho-
#the witchy saga - I post about witchcraft apparently
@joywritesbutitsactuallymystories - sideblog where I repost my writing
@prongsiedadeerest - my James Potter rp sideblog
my poems
my novel
my carrd for further contact info!!:
ok lovelies, that's it!! thank you for being here <3
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You've probably already heard about these but have you listened to The Silt Verses or Mabel? Both are horror and feature main female characters (and also a transman iirc in TSV's case, tho idr if that was stated in canon or just as word of god by the creators). Other than that maybe Alice Ins't Dead (same creators as welcome to night Vale), tho i don't remember if this one was full horror or just 'weird things happen'. Wish I had better recs but I'm not very into podcasts and these are the only ones I've personally listened to (at least for a while)
Thanks anon! I really do already know about these! The silt verses was really good, though i haven't listened to the second season yet, but i almost completely forgot about mabel. I've only heard good things about it so i should probably check this one out👀 same goes for alice isn't dead
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podcastenthusiast · 7 years
Me: Where's all the LGBTQ representation??
Me: *listens to podcasts*
Me: Oh hey there it is.
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your-mom-friend · 2 years
I've been listening to WTNV and just finished Triptych
Holy shit
No seriously. Holy shit
Okay so this probably isn't going far beyond my blog, so to my followers who do see this and know nothing of Welcome To Night Vale, let me give you some context.
Obviously, spoilers if you plan to listen to WTNV, or haven't reached this episode yet (Year 4, Episode 73)
Night Vale in and of itself is a friendly desert community, where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and myseterious lights pass overhead while we all pretend to sleep
It's a strange place
The podcast is in the format of the community Radio Show, where you're a citizen listening to the news as narrated by Cecil Palmer
Bear in mind, that WTNV, for all the wholesomeness and absurdity that exists in it, is also partly a horror podcast, and you'll occassionally get descriptions of gore and violence that are graphically detailed.
Early on in the series, you're introduced to Desert Bluffs. Night Vale's sister town that is sort of implied to be populated by doubles/dopplegangers of the Night Vale Residents.
Desert Bluffs has also been taken over by StrexCorp. A corporation that is basically Amazon if Amazon was allowed to publicly violate the Geneva Conventions and brainwash their employees. And have it be part of their publicity.
Desert Bluffs has their own Community Radio Station, with host, Kevin. To give you a sample of what Kevin sounds like, he says “Wow. What a perfectly wonderful, wonderfully perfect super day! I could not be more thrilled. The Smiling God blessed me with Its presence once again." In the most cheerful voice you can imagine. No, more cheerful. Bordering on forced-through-torture-by-Joker-venom cheer.
Cecil hates him with a passion. He is the opposite of everything Cecil is and stands for
In later episodes, StrexCorp takes over Night Vale and Kevin becomes the Radio Host with co-host Lauren Mallard. Here we see him being super passive aggressive towards her
Lauren: Sure Kev! Can I call you Kev? Kevin: hahaha, no, Lauren, by no means. (she deserved it though)
Anyway this hints he isn't super happy with Strex actually but is still on their side
Fast forward, Strex was defeated in Night Vale, things go back to Normal, Kevin takes up residence in the Desert Otherworld blah blah blah
Which brings us to Triptych. roughly a year after Strex is defeated.
Cecil hosts his show when suddenly a radio signal connects him to Kevin. Kevin from the past.
Not just any past, but Pre-Strex past.
This Kevin is...unsettlingly like Cecil. They like the same things and have almsot identical views. Most jarringly, this Kevin hates Strex. He assures Cecil that he and the rest of the Bluffs are making sure they stay a small local company. He sounds like a regular cheerful person instead of...whatever he'd become alter
It reconnects to a recent-past Kevin. This Kevin was from when Strex had recently taken over Night Vale. He reveals, rather cheerfully "Can you believe it? I actually tried to stop them from buying it [DB Radio Station]. I tired, very hard. I put my own body, this fragile thing, in between the Strex Representatives and the entrance to the building. But they forced their way past me using ethically brutal methods that left me forever physically changed!"
Again it reconnects, but to a future Kevin, who is old and withered and lives in a desolate area, who is (i think) now freed from Strex's control. He's tired, alone, and regrets that Cecil never got to meet the Pre-Strex him. They'd have gotten along splendidly.
Cecil then tries to reconnect to the first Kevin, and succeeds. Kevin asks him about the future. "Do we succeed? Does everthing go as right as right can be?" And Cecil...lies. He says that their revolutions against Strex will be successful, that he is happy and lives his life.
The signal is lost.
Guys this episode left me sad in ways I didn't even know I could feel. Because everything else you hear of Kevin makes you kind of loathe him. The way he talks and the things he says (think toxic positivity on steroids and trying to kiss corporate ass) makes your skin crawl and you WANT to hate him but
He's brainwashed. He was bright and young and passionate and hopeful and fearless and Strex did unspeakably horrible things to him and just...broke him. There's barely anything left of the guy he used to be. He smiles and cheerfully talks but there's nothing behind it. It sounds like it's been beaten into him till it's all he knew how to do. He doesn't know or say or do anything that Strex doesn't want him to and it's just so profoundly heartbreaking. He was once willing to give up his life to protect the sanctity of a free radio show where he could report and Strex turned him into a puppet for their own needs.
I just want things to get better for Kevin
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lindleland · 3 years
it's weird how often i forget that Welcome to Night Vale is like, probably one of the 5 media franchises that have most tangibly changed the overall course of my life. like it probably has had around the same effect as Homestuck on my life but unlike Homestuck I don't really feel any shame about that and don't get an uncomfortable reminder of how much it shaped my early 20s every other week.
Like, directly or indirectly, it's been responsible for me having most of my current friends, understanding my gender identity, a good chunk of how I express myself in both my art and my fashion, and yet I haven't listened to it since like 2018.
Even weirder still since at any given moment I am probably wearing at least one piece of Night Vale merch.
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gender-snatched · 3 years
in no particular order whatsoever, I present you some good queer media: ((very minor spoilers for some things))
- black sails! it's a series, 4 seasons, 30 something episodes total, I haven't watched it yet but someone just recommend it to me and it sounds amazing. they're pirates, it's got a lot of queer characters, characters of color, and it deals (really fucking well, from what I heard) with topics of racism, misogyny, cissexism, poverty and how all of these relate and how systems oppress marginalized people and a bunch of other stuff. there's also at least two different poly relationships (a triad and a V). also it's got legit really fucking good writing, like legit legit good.
- the penumbra podcast!! I have listened to this one and it's a fucking masterpiece. it's got two main storylines; the first one (Junoverse) is a noir detective type but it's in Mars in the future (with a non-binary he/him bisexual lady as a main character and it deals (really well) with a lot of mental health issues, mainly depression) and it turns into space pirates in the third season and I think there's only one canon cis/straight person in the whole thing everyone else is queer and the other main storyline (Second Citadel) is more classic fantasy knights and monsters with a lot of questions of morality and "what's really a monster" and a poly relationship (and scaley monsterfuckers) and honestly a lot of queer characters
- Welcome To Night Vale!! I feel like this would be right up your street, honestly. it's a podcast, it follows a radio show from this town, Night Vale, where a lot of really weird supernatural shit happens, and the radio host, Cecil telling us (the town) about what's up. it's really fun and weird, it's not scary at all if that's a concern, it's very explicitly queer (in the very first episode Cecil falls in love with a man and tells the whole town about it) and it depicts a very healthy gay couple and great character development and it's honestly really fun, you get to know a lot of the townfolk and their stories and it's great
- The Adventure Zone! it's an actual play podcast, the McElroy brothers (you may know them?) and their dad play d&d. they just finished their third campaign and are starting the 4th one this week I think. the first campaign is by far my favourite. it starts kinda rough, they're playing dnd for the first time and the story and characters are pretty weak, but by the third or fourth arc you can tell how much they've learnt in the process. the fourth arc is where the story starts picking up and by the end (there's 69 (ha) episodes divided into 8 or 9 arcs) you'll be sobbing your eyes out for the last ten episodes. it's classic dnd fantasy stuff with at least three explicitly queer relationships (one of the main characters is gay and in a relationship) and w at least one explicitly trans character. it was their first time, they tried and did fairly well tbh. the second campaign is shorter, settled in modern real life Kepler, West Virginia where basically cryptids are real and the main three kill monsters in a monster of the week type of thing. (one of the main three is bi and in a queer relationship, there's one nb they/them character). and the third campaign just finished, it's real fun too, three college students of a heroes and villains school, in a (fantasy) world where heroes and villains are like A Thing and The System sucks and the message is basically to overthrow capitalism lmao
I swear I consume more media than just podcast but rn I just can't think of any...
also not exactly queer media but:
- Phineas and Ferb, it's a classic, you probably watched it on TV as a kid (I did) but it merits a rewatch
- Gravity Falls, same thing, I'm still not over how fucking good this show is
- Steve Universe, I know things got heated up in the fandom at some point but I ignored the fuck out of everyone and enjoyed it anyways because it's good
- how to train your dragon, they're all good okay, they are, watch them again
- Big Mouth. you're like 15 right? you can watch big mouth, I highly recommend it, it's really good. it's for some queer characters but they're even the main focus of some episodes/storylines, but it doesn't even matter, the whole series is just really good.
- Megamind, it's probably better than you remember
- also, you're into star trek right? have you watched discovery? I haven't watched s3 yet but it's good
I went completely off the rails halfway through this but still, hope you check out some new thing!! (and if you do post about it, I wanna know) (also can you guess who I am? I feel like it's kinda obvious sjsksk)
- j
Thank you!!! I really like WTNV, and I've been meaning to watch/listen to those other ones! And I never actually watched Phineas and Ferb, but I've heard it's good. Gravity Falls and Steven Universe are both on my list! And I hella hyperfixated on HTTYD in sixth grade. Megamind is amazing!!!!! And I sadly can't watch Disco cuz I don't have Paramount+, but I wish I could!
And surprisingly I can't guess who you are but that's probably due to me being a dumbass who can't really tell typing styles apart
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