#pro-russia??? bc ukraine is racist
gayjaytodd · 9 months
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thegaysciences · 5 months
Since when does people get nervous about actors playing bad people on movies? That's such a weird concern to me 😩 Besides, Serebrennikov is nawt going to make a movie "Pro" Limonov, he's not a nazbol.
Idk what’s going on in people’s heads really. When Meryl Streep played M Thatcher I heard no one saying she was a racist homophobic and classist lol
And yes, Kirill Serebrennikov is basically a dissident in Russia who has always opposed Putin and firmly condemned his invasion of Ukraine. His movie about Tchaikovsky doesn’t do any propaganda, just tells the story of a woman and her homosexual composer husband, but someone still found excuses to call for its boycott. Just say you hate him bc he is Russian
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so, hello to blueberry political posting
because i can do whatever the fuck i want, this is my blog and my echo chamber.
so, i have slept 3 hours. because i am a political science student and there was a parliamentary election in my country (slovakia) yesterday
not gonna explain how that all works. if something is unclear, ask or google bc idk what y’all know
the elections were won by this pro russian party. it’s bad because they are 1) xenophobic 2) racist 3) queerphobic 4) pals with orban (if you don’t know who orban is, lucky you and pls google him, he is a hungarian wannabedictator) 5) at best ambiguous towards ukraine and wants to stop sending military aid 6) sceptic towards nato and eu
dont get me wrong i am also critical of nato and eu but the fact is that if we werent in nato it’d be much easier for russia to attack us (which they expressed the desire to do, as we used to be in ussr’s sphere of influence) so us being in nato is one of the ways to keep us safe from that
i am also a queer person in slovakia and a wannabe activist studying at a liberal arts college which isn’t something… likeable to them. my friends are immigrants and minorities (im not doing the “im not homophobic my friends are gay”, im just expressing my worry about our wellbeing)
this will suck. this will be difficult.
18% of votes went to a progressive party though
slovakia isn’t a lost cause
and… uh, yeah this might turn into my political and historical BS echochamber
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sotiriabellou · 1 year
last year after the first few days of the war in ukraine we were discussing it in class bc it was like being discussed everywhere and there was this dickhead in my class that brought two pictures of putin(a normal one and the one wheres hes riding a horse half naked.yeah) and hang up one of them on the class board for everyone to see then interrupted every lesson to ask the teacher their opinions about the war and make jokes about it to which everyone chuckled and like the none of teachers directly disagreed with him and just asked him his "opinions" about the war-to which he just parroted the same pro russia arguments that were all over the internet to make himself sound like he cared or was actually informed about the war but like he wasnt and you could tell bc he was like the class clown/devils advocate kinda guy who always said racist shit just to turn heads and have a laugh cus hes a fucking moron- and like!!!!!i was the only one who actually said anything and im not saying that to make myself look better but like genuinely i was so confused that everyone was just going along with him bc like the kids in my class werent idiots!!!!in class discussions we had about like human rights and the like most of them presented well thought out opinions and would generally seems very open minded and progressive but like noone was saying anything to this clown who was literally making jokes about war and how putin was going to march through ukraine and how we should join to fight with him and like no one said anything they just laughed!!!it was so sickening and when i started saying to him that he shouldn't joke about war bc russia is killing people and like invading their country he just parroted the same "they have to protect themselves from nato uwu" bs and then the teachers interrupted me and let him say his bullshit and didnt let me speak??!and chastised ME for tearing down putins image from our class board and throwing it in the trash like???????shit made me feel like the only sane person in the room and im truly not the kind of person to think myself above others but like i felt so insane because none of them were saying anything!!??!!!and the teacher was like a substitute and she said she was pro russia bc her husband was russian and then changed the subject immediately and didnt let me get a word in and i wasnt able to confront her about the fact that she let a student joke about killing ppl bc she never showed up to our school after that day.oh and the stupid shit hang up the second photo after i destroyed the first one so i waited it for class to end to take it down and flush into the school toilet and the idiot was whining about his picture being gone.im still not over that like it makes me so angry how hypocritical all of them were like to present themselves as progressive and then proceed not to stand up to the guy and even laugh at his stupid fucking genocide jokes.still makes me furius like a year later i hope that guy dies painfully.amen
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papirouge · 2 years
Just want you to know bc you obvi wouldn’t get it and it’s not like it was in the 1900s but “pure” Slavic and the Western Europeans are similarly very racist/orientalist generally against other of the many ethnicities against the former USSR to the point of comedy
.....are you trying to lecture my Black self about the racist of Eastern men... Girl....have a seat. 💀
And I'm totally aware of the other'ing of Slavic people following European History...I'm living in Europe, the motherland of Whiteness and their messy antics. Homedudes have been butchering each other all throughout the previous century yet feel like lecture the whole world about peace and reconciliation... Look, they couldn't spend a whole century before being back at war!! WILD.
But this 'frontier' is really fluctuating because actual White supremacist from Western countries do actually consider Slavic like their own (many of them a very pro Russia). The only people trying to antagonize and other'ize Russians right now are ironically Liberal/Leftists (medias) because they're team Ukraine🥴
Oh and I heard stories of Ukrainians refugees in France being rude to Black people which once again proved that I was right to NEVER root for them like that lmao (I just want that war to end because bruh, no one deserves to flee from their homeland bc of war, that's it). The audacity of White REFUGEES still having some superiority complex over non-White just shows the extent of the entitlement of Whiteness lmao Truly demonic.
Aaaaand I've been catcalled by some Eastern men too ; they're the kind of weirdos to flirt with you, and then call you a nigger when rejecting their advances…. SMH
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