#pro hero chisaki
electricbathsalt · 2 months
(from kainagant) psst what are your extensive headcanons/thoughts on hero!overhaul au? i'd love to hear what you think he'd be like as a hero.
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED!! Idk why I didn’t talk about this sooner—it’s like I have to be prompted on a topic before I remember “oh yeah, I actually have thoughts on this matter, that I can speak out loud!!” 💀 also, I apologize in advance for how long this is. I’m basically summarizing the entirety of this AU in my mind, and it’s like. The longest-standing AU for Chisaki I have.
Anyway, first things first—he got taken away from the Hassaikai when he was young (like, maybe eleven or twelve?) and gets plopped in a Youth Recovery & Rehabilitation Center, which he was extremely pissed about at first, but his eyes kinda opened over the years as he learned more and more about how families and such are actually supposed to function, and how abnormal his entire life actually was up to that point.
Basically; he gets a stable, safe environment and therapy!! Yay!
By the time he reaches fifteen-sixteen, him going into hero school kinda just. Happened. He initially just wanted to shadow Recovery Girl, but they ended up making him take the entrance exam, and well… he passed with flying colors and all of a sudden he was a 1-A student. Luckily, that means instead of simply shadowing Recovery Girl, he gets to work as her official assistant! Cool, right.
And oh boy, does he learn a lot under her tutelage. Namely bedside manner. I imagine Chisaki who got away from the yakuza and had therapy wouldn’t be as blatant an asshole (obviously), but he would still be a bit lost on social norms and also honest/blunt to a fault. He doesn’t understand “putting things gently”, or “softening the blow”, and so Recovery Girl works to teach him when, where, and how he can be “nicer” to people/which situations require delicacy. She grows unexpectedly fond of him and actually finds his unwavering honesty refreshing because she knows he isn’t malicious and is simply stating exactly what he thinks. You just have to get used to his straightforwardness and he becomes rather endearing.
Recovery Girl also discovers that he’s actually capable of extreme kindness. Turns out when you coax him into telling you what’s on his mind, sometimes he’ll really surprise you with how much he cares, even if he himself doesn’t realize it, either (Without Pops and with therapy, Chisaki slowly grew back into caring about others. It took a lot of work, but without anyone weaponizing kindness against him, he felt he could allow himself to slowly feel it again (this is because doesn’t canon slightly imply Chisaki used to be kind like Eri with how he’s sort of like her if she never got saved? What if the way he escaped AFO’s facility was because he finally threw away caring about others and that was the difference between her and him? The fact Eri never got pushed to that point because she was rescued?))
Now, about his hero training. With his quirk-training, there’s not a lot to say/do. I’d say his quirk-training would involve a lot of “make this into this, as quickly as possible”. Basically, training him to be as precise and fast with his quirk usage as they can get him. I’d like to imagine that with training, they push him into being able to manipulate matter in all sorts of different ways, on the fly. He’s trained a lot in using environment to his advantage and whatnot. And maybe also one day, he ends up gaining the ability to use his quirk in areas other than his hands. Dunno.
For physical-training, I think they would heavily concentrate on making him extremely agile. Because hear me out—imagine Toga’s quirk awakening fight scene where she turns into Uraraka and sprints through all those people and takes them out. Imagine if Chisaki was able to move like that. He’d be fucking terrifying. They’d probably also want him to be extremely agile just on the front of being able to hit his hands against surfaces from as many positions as possible.
He absolutely would carry around things like painkillers and anesthesia like you said. Also hear me out, he’d carry around small bags of scraps that he’d then Overhaul to seal people’s wounds, since if the wound is big enough, he’d need some sort of substitute material to close it without sacrificing other parts of the person’s body.
He’d also sometimes work with the support course. He knows a lot about the human body and how quirks function, not to mention his quirk itself would be very useful in creating support items.
He’d get dragged into a lot of search-and-rescue missions because he’s literally perfect for those.
Pops eventually manages to get back into contact with Chisaki—to ask him to take a look at the girl he’s recently in possession of since her quirk is a dangerous mutation, and he’s such a fancy-pants doctor/support hero and quirk expert nowadays. Chisaki goes (he’s panicking internally from the moment he hears Pops’ voice over the phone to the moment he’s standing in front of the girl herself). He asks to take Eri for a couple days to run some tests. He never brings her back. He obtained full-custody of her via spilling every damn thing he’d ever learned and been through under the Shie Hassaikai.
(Seeing her sitting so lifelessly at that table, waiting to be prodded at like some sort of science experiment, reminded him of himself so much that it had been physically painful. The decision to ask to take her for only a while and then go back on his word was a rash one. It’s also one he doesn’t regret even slightly)
Huge advocate for quirkless people, and brings lots of awareness to quirk experimentation, since he’d been a victim of it himself.
And yes, becomes one of UA’s now multiple official on-site medical professionals. (They switch out as necessary)
So basically, he’s an extremely busy guy who never gets a moment’s rest thanks to the many… energetic people in his life (all the UA students give him migraines galore. Don’t even get him started on his coworkers), he’s slightly (very) terrifying, and SURPRISE! It’s good parent!chisaki AU as well, because I’m not leaving Eri to rot in Pops’ care.
I also play around with the idea of him never getting separated from his bio parents and becoming a hero from there, which mostly impacts his personality versus the actual stream of events that happen.
If there’s any further questions or if you wanted to know about anything specific, ask me and I’ll be happy to answer!! (Goes for anyone who may or may not be reading this)
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abodeofhunter · 4 months
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"Ah.. It looks like someone is not very good at playing hide and seek."
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kainagant · 2 months
thinking about my pro-hero/u.a. school nurse! overhaul au again. he's giving "yuck, children" "if you hate children then why do you work at a school?" [dead eyed stare in response].
- he has a passive aggressive rivalry with aizawa. chisaki's workaholic 'i'll sleep when i'm dead, everything needs to be perfect or i swear i'll have a mental breakdown right in front of your salad' control freak tendencies vs. aizawa's hands off aproach 'i'll sleep on the clock, the students can figure stuff out themselves with minimal input from me and i'm coming to work looking like a bedraggled dishrag come hell or high water' scruffy nature.
- chisaki starts deep cleaning aizawa's desk in the staff room because he cannot stand how messy it is. in retaliation, aizawa makes sure to file all of his papers in the most indecipherable, haphazard order just to drive chisaki crazy.
- he mentors momo on a casual basis. he made a offhand remark one time about the molecular composition of the plasma membrane one time. from then on, momo makes a point of dropping by the nurses office to talk chemistry with chisaki. his main expertise is in organic materials, so it's only tangentially useful to momo, but overall she gets a lot of good advice about using her quirk.
- he covers shifts with recovery girl. he's mostly taken over for her, but since both their quirks are in high demand at hospitals around the country, it makes the most sense for them to take turns working as u.a.'s school nurse and traveling around.
- his hero costume is just the mask and a white doctor's coat, plus the typical dress shirt, necktie and pants. he keeps fast acting anesthesia on his person as part of his support gear, so that he can use his quirk on people without the extreme pain. he's stingy about using it with students, especially in cases like midoriya breaking his bones on purpose. he believes that over relying on quirks is a bad habit. besides, if midoriya is willing to use his quirk in such a painful, self-destructive manner, surely, he must be prepared for the consequences, right?
- he has a bunch of "wash your hands" "cover your cough" type posters in his office.
- due to him being more of a medical-type hero, his ranking is pretty low. he doesn't do many patrols since his time is usually spent assisting in hospitals and surgical emergencies, and he rarely gets called in to apprehend villains for the same reason. still, if a villain crosses his path, his quirk is literally perfect for apprehending them without causing any collateral damage or causing even minor injuries in the process. so his record and reputation as a hero is literally squeaky clean, pun fully intended.
- pro-hero overhaul will shake hands with children and fans who spot him out in public, but only after they sanitize their hands properly. he carries wet wipes and travel-sized bottles of hand sanitizer on his person for this reason. his reputation for being a clean freak luckily works in his favor- he's seen as a positive influence on young children as an advocate for good hygiene and proper healthcare.
- he's working at u.a. because nezu invited him with a sales pitch that was hard to argue with. "if you have such strong opinions in regards to the current state of hero society, why not contribute to teaching the next generation of heroes at u.a. high school? i'm sure that your skills and unique experiences will prove valuable to the students."
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solarwindswriting · 2 years
LAST UPDATED 11/30/2022
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Enji Todoroki (Endeavor)
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Unholy - Enji Todoroki (Endeavor) x PopStar!Reader
Warnings: Playful hitting, alcohol consumption, marriage affair Summary: Inspired by Unholy By Sam Smith and Kim Petras. As promotion for their newest album, Y/n revealed a mysterious hint at one of the songs true meanings. Enji Todoroki starts to quietly panic at this vague reveal by the young singer. Hawks is all too ready to fan the flames of Pro Hero Endeavor’s insecurities.
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
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Yakuza Royalty - Kai Chisaki x GenderNeutral!Reader
Part 1 / Part 2
Summary: Y/n is the only child and now head of the Y/l/n clan, the only other family still under the Shie Hassakai. Kai Chisaki and Y/n grew up together. Y/n watched as Kai constantly caused trouble ‘in the name of the Yakuza,’ and Kai watched as Y/n got praised for every little thing they did. Now, Y/n reports directly to Kai, but their familiarity causes Y/n to undermine and questions his authority, something Overhaul seems to overlook.
~OC’s ~ 
Layla Tran
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Layla’s Masterlist - Layla Tran x Dabi, x Shigaraki
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Part 3 - Chapter 45 - No Man Is An Island
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Heyo! A little later than usual but having work does that. :P Just had to wrap up last minute editing and now we're here! The Kamino fight is officially over. All Might won and All For One is down. Now for the aftermath.
There is a, um, particular development this chapter that I am a little worried about readers' reactions. Just remember that I have reasons for everything that will be revealed in time. Take it with a grain of salt if you will. And remember this is all in good fun. :)
Let's go!
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
PLEASE DON'T HATE IZUKU FOR SAYING YES!!! Like I said above and say again and again, I have reasons for him doing so. And while he did say yes, I still consider this a quirkless au and you'll see why eventually. So please, please, please be kind in the comments. We're just adding more spice into the mix. ;)
I did my best with trying to describe what All Might was feeling with OFA, but I am absolutely no expert. Relying on google here so if it's wrong so sorry.
Got a little moment with Edgeshot! Someone commented about Edge being close to Edgeshot and wondered how the hero would react. I don’t remember who exactly and there are way too many comments for me to find it, but here ya go! :D
Oh look! A wild Overhaul appeared. Yup, he's still out there in the background. What a creeper though with, to Chisaki, good intentions. Dear oh dear. The villains aren't done with you yet, green bean.
Alrighty, I'll let y'all stew over this newest development. Coming up we're back to the rescue kiddos and their regrets. More angst to come! Later gators!
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bicheetopuff · 5 months
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Hi @nemovanilla ! This is in reference to one of the tags on this post.
Sorry for taking a while to elaborate. I was gonna just explain in a reply but realized the way I explain things is always longer than it needs to be so I figured I respond in its own post. So anyways…
I: Nighteye’s unwillingness to admit when he’s wrong
II: Deku’s unwillingness to just accept fate
III: The power of willpower and conviction
IV: Changing fate
V: Conclusion
I: Nighteye’s unwillingness to admit when he’s wrong
So if you’ve followed me for a while, you already know I don’t like Nighteye that much. However, I’ll admit that overtime I realized that I really wasn’t supposed to like him.
He’s overly cynical and critical of Deku despite the fact that he’s just a teenager. A major part of his character is that once he had something in mind, he’d run with it. His word is law to him and it annoyed the shit out of me. But you can’t really blame him because that’s the nature of his quirk. As All Might said, his foresight has never been wrong.
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Once he had set in his mind that All Might was going to die, and needed a successor to pass OFA to (despite it not being his decision) he found Mirio and just clung to him. He even admits to himself on his death bed that he only initially took in Mirio for the sake of convincing All Might to make him his successor.
Because of that, he refused to have faith in Deku as All Mights successor and it took him all the up to the day he died to see what All Mights saw in Deku. It was the first time someone had ever proven him wrong.
II: Deku’s unwillingness to just accept fate
Since chapter one, Deku has proved time and time again that he refuses to accept circumstances that he deems unfair no matter how unrealistic his success would be. For example:
-Saving Katsuki from the sludge villain. He had no way of defending himself yet he still ran to save him when no one else would, influencing All Mights actions. If Izuku hadn’t done anything, everyone probably just would’ve stood by idly while watching a middle schooler die.
-Saving Uraraka from the one pointers at the entrance exam. While Uraraka most likely wouldn’t have died cuz she had the means to save herself, Deku still forced himself to do something about it, regardless of being too scared to move just a moment before.
-Convincing Todoroki to take control of his own fate at the sports festival by using both his left and right side.
-Hunting down Iida before he could kill Stain and somehow beating him despite most pros failing to do so.
Saving Kota from Muscular, Katsuki from AFO, Eri from Chisaki, the list goes on. But all of that to say that despite odds being against him in all of these circumstances, he persevered out of pure stubbornness and his unwavering conviction to save as many people as he can.
So, when All Might explained to Deku that he was destined to die, the first thing Deku did was try to figure out how he can change that. Initially it sounds like grief ridden denial but it later takes on a new meaning.
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(I find this entire conversation almost ironic. All Might accepts that his fate has already been decided and Deku rebuttals by saying that he’ll be by his side to change said fate. But, throughout the entire final arc, Deku hasn’t even spoken to All Might. He was by someone else’s side (figuratively) changing All Mights fate.)
III: The power of willpower and conviction
So, in the Hassaikai raid:
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This is when we start to realize the true meaning of Nighteyes character. The entire point of his character is to be proven wrong (in my opinion).
He represents the expectation of typical shonen tropes and he actively tries to enforce those stereotypes ever since he’s introduced in the story with beliefs similar to “the strongest heroes successor should already slightly stronger than the average person with light hair and light eyes,” hence why he clung to Mirio so much. Mirio fits the “my power is a curse but I’m admirable because I worked really hard to control it” trope and while one can argue that Deku fits this trope too, I don’t think he does. Deku has never viewed OFA as cursed. He’s always considered it a blessing. Controlling OFA took less than a hundred chapters and he was never looked down upon for it.
Oh and don’t forget “the mentors untimely death to further character development for the mc.” If anything, Katsuki took over that one. (Can katsuki be considered a mentor, technically? Since Deku always looked up to him so much and learned from him more than he learned from anyone else? This is a genuine question, pls help)
Those are major ingredients for the shonen formula and, according to Nighteye, that’s fate. Things that are destined to happen in a shonen manga because that’s what always happens in a shonen manga.
By his and most shonen readers standards, Mirio, Katsuki, or Todoroki should’ve been the mc to declare your run of the mill shonen comic book. But they’re not. Fate was changed and stereotypes were pushed already by Deku’s mere existence. He’s fought his whole life against people who didn’t believe in him and Nighteye was no different.
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He had to continue proving his haters wrong and being told that he can’t do something furthers his willpower to help people no matter the cost (not that that’s entirely healthy but, you know.)
People that know Deku have seen time and time again that he reaches his goals no matter how steep the hill might be. He never ceases to surprise people (I think Uraraka said something similar at some point but I can’t remember when) so the people around him that know him on the surface, have faith in him.
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And according to Nighteye, that’s all they needed.
IV: Changing Fate
Nighteyes foresight changed because Deku and co. refused to lay down and accept fate so, they fought it instead. And won. Deku proved to Nighteye that All Mights fate could be changed.
Skipping ahead to the final war arc, All Might is fighting that villain that was destined to follow through on All Mights unspeakably gruesome death. He starts looking back on his life as he waits for it to happen. People watching the broadcast just accepted that he was about to die.
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Remember what was said about faith? Yeah Izuku holds a lot of that in Katsuki. As for a character, other than Izuku (and Dabi but this ain’t about him), with enough will and conviction to change his own fate in order to change his mentors? I can’t think of anyone else but Katsuki.
(The panel of Eraserhead at the press conference after Katsuki was kidnapped was supposed to go here but I ran out of space so I’ll just give the quote: “Any lapse in his behavior is my failing. Still… he behaved that way at the sports festival because he has such strong convictions and ideals… more than anyone, he pursues the title of top hero with everything he’s got. If the villains have mistaken that for a weakness… then their thought process is indeed superficial.”)
Thus, Nighteye’s foresight was changed.
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Izuku proved that All Mights fate could be changed, and Katsuki was the one who changed it.
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V: Conclusion
This post probably could’ve been a lot shorter and summed up in only a few paragraphs but, where’s the fun in that? I honestly really wanted to talk about it in depth because I find this part of the narrative so poetic and beautiful.
In the Hassaikai arc, everyone had to believe in Deku. In this arc, all Katsuki needed was for Deku to believe in him. Making Deku’s faith in Katsuki just as strong as everyone’s faith in him.
It just kinda reminds me how bnha is really just a parody of shonen manga, calling out really dumb tropes time and time again by referencing western superhero media that’s been pushing away these same tropes for decades now.
Anyways, I hope this is a good enough elaboration lmao. If I keep typing, this post will end up being too long.
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Friend or Foe ?
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Overhaul, the powerful leader of the Shie Hassaikai, kidnaps Pro Hero Deku's girlfriend. Now his prisoner, you have no choice but to get to know him. But . . . is Overhaul so bad after all ?
Read on AO3 here
TW for kidnapping ; CW for SMUT so 18+ only please !!
Dating a pro hero had its perks.
You had a guaranteed protector from any type of harm, someone who had a good income, and you had a front row seat to many exclusive events. Dating the number one hero, Izuku Midoriya aka “Deku,” meant that your perks were bumped up tenfold. The spotlight was always on him, and if you were spotted on his arm, it meant it was aimed at you too. Although the attention could be constraining at times, you secretly relished in it and felt immense pride towards your boyfriend.
However, dating such a public figure had its drawbacks.
Like the current moment you found yourself in.
One moment you had been in your bed, exhausted from another day of work, and the next you found yourself groggy in an unfamiliar room. The floor was cold underneath your thin pajamas, and as you came to, you realized the lighting was dim. When your eyes finally came into focus, fear immediately struck you as you recognized the looming figure sitting in front of you.
Kai Chisaki, aka Overhaul, the young head of the Shie Hassaikai.
You had recalled when Izuku had told you about his battle with him, how he had been successful in saving Eri but that Overhaul had disappeared without a trace. There had been rumors that he was still working as a yakuza, and a few heroes had reportedly run into him. Despite that, no one had made an effort to capture him, and he remained working as a villain behind the scenes.
Now, here you were, lying at his feet in what you could only assume was his hideout.
He was resting a gloved hand against his cheek, golden eyes seemingly bored as he glanced down at you.
“Well, look who came to. Welcome.”
His deep voice had an unamused lilt to it, although the plague mask he wore muffled it slightly. You glared at him, trying to sit up but feeling the room spin around you.
“You might want to be careful. I personally mixed the sedative we gave you to bring you here. You’ll be unsteady on your feet for a while.”
Glaring at him again, you ignored his warnings and rose to your feet unsteadily.
“Izuku is going to find you, and he will kill you this time.”
A chuckle rumbled from behind his mask, golden eyes squinting as he seemingly laughed. Shaking his head, he waved at someone behind you, instructing them to take you to your new room. A pair of strong arms grabbed onto your shoulders, pushing you towards a door and into a dim hallway. After a few turns down different corridors, you were shown your room. It was a simple one, with a queen sized four poster bed on the right and a large bookshelf directly across from it. A vanity sat beside the bookshelf, with a door beside it leading to what you assumed was the bathroom. You were surprised to see there was a window with sheer white curtains pulled shut, letting in some moonlight from outside. The lackey pushed you in, pointing at the bed.
“You are to stay here at all times. Meals will be brought to you. You will be supervised during baths, no arguments.”
Your stomach sank at that.
“Boss suggests you get some sleep. Like he said, the sedative he gave you is pretty strong.”
It seemed as if he could read your mind, as your body began to feel exhausted at that moment. You nodded, waiting until he shut and locked the door behind you before stumbling over to the bed. Collapsing onto it, you shut your eyes and dreamed of your boyfriend coming to rescue you.
The silver lining to being a kidnapping victim was the strict routine you kept.
You were awoken at eight AM sharp every morning, with a different member of the Shie Hassaikai coming to rouse you from sleep. The door next to your vanity turned out to not be the bathroom, but instead a closet. The bathroom was down the hall, and you were led there every morning to shower for the day. As mentioned they waited in the bathroom for you, timing your showers to ten minutes. They would watch as you stripped and stepped into the shower before turning around to give you some privacy.
When you returned to your room, a tray was always waiting for you. The first day, the tray had been placed on the vanity, and you had frowned and turned to the member responsible for you that day.
“I don’t even have the decency to have a dining table or something?”
The next day, when you returned from your shower, a small table had been added, with a comfortable armchair placed next to it. You ate in silence before handing the tray to the minion who always took it hastily and shuffled out. The remainder of the day was spent either reading, sleeping, or pacing the room. Lunch was delivered at noon sharp, and dinner at six o'clock promptly.
Overhaul never made an effort to come visit you. The rotating door of subordinates never mentioned him either, and you were beginning to question why he had kidnapped you in the first place.
After the first week, you knew that finding something to pass the time faster was needed, so you decided to look at the bookshelf. Each shelf was stuffed with books, and you were surprised to see a lot of titles that you had already read. You decided to start at the top shelf, pulling the very first book and working your way to the bottom. The first book was, ironically, Pride and Prejudice, a guilty pleasure that you often reread. You spent the day reading it, paying no heed to whoever was in charge that day as they delivered lunch and dinner.
The days bled together as you went through each book. You were a bit disappointed that there was nothing new for you to read, but the reading helped pass the time. One of the lackeys had pointed out your reading habit while walking you to the bathroom, and while you showered he struck up a conversation with you about what you were currently reading.
“Tess of the D’urbervilles,” you called out over the running water. “I’ve read it, like, ten times. It’s a favorite of mine, but pretty much everything in the bookshelf is.”
“Wait, you’ve read all those books?”
You turned your head and was relieved to see his back was to you as you showered.
“Yeah, reading is a big hobby of mine. I’m thankful for the books, but something new would be appreciated.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, letting you know you had three minutes left in the shower. The walk back to your room was silent, and he stated he would see you later to bring you your remaining meals. You picked up Tess of the D’urbervilles, picking right up where you left off.
When lunch arrived, you were kind of looking forward to whoever had been in charge of you that morning. He was the only one who made an effort to talk to you, and you felt lonely pretty much all the time. Right as noon struck, you heard the door unlocking and looked up, a fleeting feeling of happiness rising in your throat.
It turned to dread as Overhaul walked in.
The subordinate from earlier rushed in behind him, placing the tray of food on the table. You noticed he had a book tucked under his arm, and he placed it on the armchair before scuttling off. Overhaul stood by the door, gloved hands clasped behind his back as he studied you silently.
“Are you finding your living arrangement adequate?”
You crossed your arms, frowning at him.
“You mean do I like being trapped in a room and having my showers timed? Yes, of course, it’s so peachy.”
He chuckled, shaking his head as he slowly walked towards you. You scooted backwards on the mattress, trying to put as much distance as possible between you two.
“Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. The opposite, actually.”
He stopped at the foot of your bed.
“I heard that you’ve read all of the books that I provided for you in the bookshelf. I must say, I’m rather impressed. You are a very well-read woman.”
“Er, thank you.”
Overhaul gestured to the book that had been left on your armchair.
“A gift, I suppose. I hope this isn’t a novel you have read already.”
You studied him before carefully sliding off the bed and walking over to grab it.
“Things Fall Apart?”
He nodded, cocking his head as he spoke to you.
“It’s a fantastic narrative about the effects of colonialism in Igboland. It really shows you how humans have the great talent of ruining many things.”
“You’re one to speak,” you muttered without thinking.
You froze, turning to slowly face him. He seemed unbothered, his golden eyes crinkling a bit as you realized he was smiling.
“Let me know what you think. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
He left then, leaving you alone. You ate first, savoring the food before grabbing Things Fall Apart and climbing into bed. Overhaul was right - it was a fantastic book and it was hard to put down. You ordered the dinner tray to be brought to you in bed so you could continue reading comfortably, and you stayed up late to try and finish it.
For the first time in a while, you were tired when you were awoken at eight. The henchman of the day noticed it and was particularly gruff with you as he led you to the bathroom. He sneered at you as you undressed, barking out the minutes left and ogling your naked body, much to your chagrin.
Overhaul returned at lunch, standing by the door again and waiting for his employee to leave. He looked at you with what appeared to be expectancy before speaking.
“So? What did you think?”
“You were right,” you admitted, although you didn't want to. “It was an amazing book. I stayed up late to finish it.”
You walked over to hand him the book. As you got closer, you were surprised to see that he towered over you. Angling your head up to peer at him, you took note of how his green jacket stretched slightly to fit his broad shoulders. He smelled . . . clean.
“Thank you. It wasn’t necessary, but I appreciate it.”
“Well, I asked if your living arrangement was adequate. It’s only fair that you keep your mind sharp.”
He took the book from you, his gloved hand brushing yours. Another book was produced from his jacket.
"This title is a bit older, but a great narrative as well.”
Middlemarch by George Eliot.
“The author of this is actually a woman. It was a series, but this is the whole collection.”
You thanked him, turning away shyly to look towards the tray.
“I shall leave you. Until tomorrow.”
He returned the next day with the same expectant look.
“It was a little boring,” you had admitted, hoping he wouldn’t be upset.
Instead he had laughed, shaking his head as he held his hand out to take the book from you.
“Well, how about North and South? It’s a bit Jane Austen, but with the issue of class heavily focused on.”
A new routine was established, one that included Overhaul. He began delivering your meals alone, bringing a new book every morning with breakfast. If he was busy or pulled into meetings a note was sent with his subordinates, apologizing for his absence and offering a new book for you to read. While you ate, the two of you talked. He asked if you had ever wanted to be a pro-hero, and you told him you had no desire to, especially since you had a fairly uninteresting Quirk. He told you about Pops, the man who had raised him and who he greatly admired. You told him about your favorite things, and he told you about his. After a while, you found yourself finding him as a friend and not a villain.
It was also hard not to notice that he was attractive. He had grown comfortable enough with you to remove his mask, and you had been stunned silent at seeing his face. His eyes were ingrained in your mind, but seeing it combined with all of his features sent heat rushing to your cheeks. He had a sharp jawline with stubble never growing, a sharp nose, and slightly pouty lips. Whenever he took off his jacket, you admired his tall, lean form but took note there was evident muscle. The henchman who you had grown close to, who you came to learn was named Rappa, told you that he had fought Overhaul in an underground brawl, and he had been surprised by how fit the man was.
You were conflicted at the attraction that was beginning to develop. The friendship that was developing also led to an internal conflict, and you kept convincing yourself that the only reason you were getting along with him was to avoid being killed. Whenever you caught yourself thinking about him throughout the day, you told yourself you were developing Stockholm Syndrome. A tiny voice in your head reminded you that the theory had been debunked, but you kept convincing yourself that that’s what it was.
Time bled together, and it felt as if you had been kidnapped for a year. Overhaul continued to visit you, and eventually you were allowed to wander the hideout with a guard. Rappa often accompanied you, especially when you sat in the courtyard. Your window had a view to the small area, a small fountain surrounded by flower bushes that often got abundant sunshine. Sometimes you just sat there, shutting your eyes as you turned your head to the sun. Other times you brought a book, curling up by the fountain as you flipped through pages hastily. Rappa would engage you in conversation, and the two of you often exchanged laughs.
Overhaul must have developed a strong sense of trust in you, as one day while delivering lunch he asked if you would accompany him to an event. You cocked your head to the side, putting your utensils down to fully listen to him.
“It’s a social event. My presence has been requested, and I have an image to preserve.”
He hesitated before clearing his throat and resuming.
“Word has gotten around that you are in my clutches, and it is expected that you will come along with me.”
The room fell silent. You couldn’t look at him, eyes focused on the food.
“There will be guards with us at all times. No one will lay a finger on you.”
You didn’t respond. Overhaul got closer, pausing right before the table.
"I will not make you do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
You slowly looked up. He had removed his mask, tucking it under his arm. His expression was sincere, features tinged with slight worry as he waited for you to say something, anything.
He raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”
“I’ll go with you.”
The days leading up to the event were filled with preparations. A tailor was sent to collect your measurements, promising to bring the gown in the next few days for you to try on. Rappa went over security measures with you, teaching you codewords for various situations that could arise. Overhaul popped in when he could, checking on you to make sure you were still comfortable with going before departing for the day.
You were given details about the event. It was a private event, invite only for the most sought after villains. When you asked what type of event it was, Overhaul paused and said it was an auction.
“There may be some . . . things that might disturb you. You will be safe as long as you do what I say.”
The day of the auction you were allowed to sleep in. Breakfast was left for you, a note beside it stating you would be summoned to get ready later that day. You ate slowly, thumbing through the most recent novel that Overhaul had left you. Rappa came to collect your tray, waiting for you to finish and sparking light conversation. Once you were done he gently took the tray, studying your face for a moment before speaking.
“Overhaul will come and collect you in the afternoon. He will oversee you as you get ready for tonight.”
You felt nervous for the first time. Rappa smiled, taking note and gently placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be there to protect you.”
He laughed, turning to walk out of your room.
“Besides, Overhaul will kill me if anything happens to you. You’re too precious to him now.”
The door shut, leaving you sitting there with your mouth agape.
While reading, you fell asleep. You woke up to someone softly shaking your shoulders.
“Are you alright?”
Dazed you sat up, the figure in front of you coming into focus. Overhaul was inches away from your face, mask on as his golden eyes peered down at you with concern in them. The close proximity had you blushing, and you pulled away slightly.
“Er, yeah. I’m okay, sorry for falling asleep.”
He pulled away, a slight frown on his face.
“No need to apologize. Come, we must get you ready.”
You were surprised that he offered out his hand. He always wore gloves, and right now was no exception. Hesitating, you took it, letting him pull you out of bed and leading you out the door. You were used to the walk to your bathroom, taking a sharp turn to the right but he kept walking forward.
“Um, where are we going?” you asked.
“My personal quarters.”
Heat flared throughout you. Was this . . . appropriate? Couldn’t he have sent someone to your room instead? A flurry of questions flooded your mind, keeping you distracted as he led you the rest of the way. Two men stood guard outside his door, greeting him with nods as they let you both pass. His room was neat, with white walls and plush, white carpet. A large king-sized bed was to the right, covered in a fluffy, white comforter and various comfy looking pillows. Two matching nightstands were on either side, adorned with lamps. Two large windows were on the opposite wall, letting in abundant sunshine. A desk sat in front of the windows, with documents and office supplies placed neatly on its surface. To the left, a dresser and bookshelf sat on either side of a door, which was where Overhaul was leading you.
The door opened to a luxurious bathroom. There was both a clawfoot tub and a large shower with a rain showerhead. You felt your chest tighten as he closed the door, locking it before clearing his throat.
“Since we will be in close proximity all night, I will directly oversee your hygiene. Please strip and get into the tub.”
He busied himself then with turning on the tub water, opening a cabinet and rummaging for bath soap. You watched his back, biting your lip as you realized you had two choices: strip, or be killed. With shaking hands, you pulled your shirt off before sliding off your sweats. Overhaul turned around, mouth open to ask you a question but snapping it shut upon seeing you in your undergarments. He swallowed slowly, trying to keep his eyes on yours but failing.
“Go on. The water won’t be hot for long.”
You took note of the slight quiver in his voice. Sucking in a breath to steady yourself, you unclipped your bra and slid your panties down your legs. You slowly approached the tub, waiting until you saw the bubbles forming and looking at Overhaul for approval. He merely nodded, and you gently stepped in.
The water was hot. You stifled a painful groan, slowly sitting down and trying to keep your body relaxed. Overhaul pulled a stool, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it neatly on a towel rack. He pulled his gloves off, draping them over the jacket before settling next to you.
“I’ll be gentle.”
You didn’t respond, keeping your eyes low. His hands threaded through your hair, gently loosening some knots before pulling it into a neat bun. Your breath got caught in your throat at the gesture. His hand dipped into the water, swirling the bubbles around. A bath sponge was produced out of the water, and he gathered bubbles on it before placing it on your shoulder. He inhaled a shaky breath, letting it glide across your collarbone before brushing against your chest. The material tickled you, and you bit your lip to hide any sounds. The sponge dipped towards your navel before rising again and passing your chest again. You were aroused, and you were ashamed of the fact. He gently pushed you forward, washing your back before dipping the sponge back in the water.
“Lower into the water.”
You slowly slid down, letting the bubbles get washed off. He washed the area again, lingering on your chest before resuming the same path as before. After rinsing, he instructed you to stand. You stood on shaky legs, flitting your eyes over to him quickly before looking straight ahead.
The sponge started at your navel, brushing across your hips before circling around to your lower back. You shuddered, biting harder on your lip as he returned to the front. He paused. You were about to turn your head to peer at him but he kept on, rubbing the sponge on your core.
“You . . . you need to be clean. Everywhere.”
You nodded frantically, trying hard not to press your thighs together. He kept on for a few more seconds before moving down your legs, circling around and washing your ass.
His voice was a whisper now. You sat back down, sinking a little lower to be safe.
“Up, angel.”
Your head was spinning, and you blamed the hot water. He lingered on your hips, his free hand gently squeezing one before retracting. He brushed against your core, his wrist pressing against it before moving down your legs. You sank into the water when he asked, lifting your feet up so he could wash them quickly before asking you to stand. He handed you a towel, asking you to dry off while he cleaned the tub.
You waited by the door, trembling slightly as you watched him scrub furiously. The back of his neck was red, and you convinced yourself it was the heat.
Yeah. Just the heat.
The image in the mirror kept surprising you.
The hairdresser had left you with your natural hair, blow drying it to give volume at the top. The makeup was smoky, paired with an innocent pink lipstick. The dress that had been chosen was . . . sultry. It was a spaghetti strap, cut with a V to accentuate your cleavage. Expensive lingerie had been picked out, with a lace pushup making your boobs the center of attention. It cinched at the waist, a high slit ending at the top of your thighs. Black garters finished the look, peeking out through the slit.
Overhaul’s eyes went wide upon seeing you. Rappa grinned, showering you with compliments as he took his position beside you. The both of them were dressed in tuxedos, their hair neatly styled. Rappa had tamed his long hair, and it hung neatly to his shoulders. Overhaul’s hair, despite being short, had been slicked back slightly.
“You look fantastic,” he murmured.
The three of you rode in a private car with heavily tinted windows. Overhaul sat in the front while Rappa rode in the back with you. The ride was quiet; the only sound was the music playing softly in the background. Through the dark tint, you noticed you were driving away from the city and towards the warehouse district. You watched as the roads began to disappear, the car pulling off into what had once been some sort of shipping dock. The driver kept on before coming to a stop at a lone warehouse in the back.
“Rappa, you know the drill.”
He nodded, sliding out of the backseat and jogging around to open your door. He extended a hand out, grinning as he helped you out. Overhaul was waiting in front of his car, offering his arm politely to you. Rappa took his place behind the both of you, silent as he followed you inside.
The warehouse seemed inconspicuous at first, but as you entered you could faintly hear noise in the distance. The sound of your heels clacking echoed in the large expanse, your breaths coming out louder than usual. At the far end, a large stack of shipping containers were stacked around a door, where two men stood. Upon seeing Overhaul approach they nodded, opening the door and bowing.
The inside was far from what you expected black market events to be.
The hallway was lined with lanterns, glowing with a soft, orange light. The floor beneath you had lavish carpet, a deep violet color and soft under your feet. The three of you continued on towards a set of brick stairs, descending down towards jazz music. At the bottom of the stairs, a large room opened up, covered in round tables with dark tablecloths and jars filled with candles. People hung about, a few wearing masquerade masks to conceal their identity. Your heart dropped as you realized a few Pro Heroes, openly chatting with what you could only assume were villains.
Overhaul nudged you forward towards the bar. The bartender grinned, leaning against the counter as he took in your appearance.
“Well, well,” he beamed. “I never thought I would see the day you had a lovely woman on your arm, Overhaul.”
“Do you not recognize her?”
The bartender leaned in, studying your face before his eyes widened a fraction.
“No shit. That’s Deku’s little girlfriend!”
He leaned back, whistling.
“How did you bag her?”
“I kidnapped her.”
You bristled at the reminder. Right. You were here against your will.
“We have wares to view. We shall chat later.”
Just like before, Overhaul nudged you towards another set of stairs in the back. This hallway was lined with open doors, each one showcasing a wide variety of “goods”. You saw rooms upon rooms of weapons, drugs, and, to your absolute horror, people. Overhaul noticed your distress and grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers before giving it a quick squeeze.
“Eyes forward,” he murmured.
The three of you went on towards the final set of doors, where Overhaul stopped in front of the only closed one. He knocked three times before entering. The League of Villains was waiting inside, heads snapping up and grinning upon seeing who was there.
“Well, well, well,” Shigaraki grinned. “We have business to discuss.”
Rappa had steered you away as Overhaul stayed behind to discuss business. You went back downstairs, sitting at a table while he hovered, eyes sweeping around you. Thankfully, after seeing who you had arrived with, no one dared to approach you. After about twenty minutes you were nervous, eyes flickering back to the staircase looking for Overhaul.
“Were you abandoned, little one?”
Rappa narrowed his eyes as a man came up to you. He was unfamiliar to you, but you could smell the alcohol on his breath. Swaying unsteadily on his feet he leaned in, leering at you as he licked his lips.
“You’re very pretty. I can show you a fun time, much more than that bird beak guy.”
You opened your mouth to argue with him but he grabbed your hand. Rappa stepped in, trying to pull the guy off of you but failing. You wailed, the guy’s skin melding to yours as you realized he had some sort of attachment Quirk.
“Well, would ya look at that?” he slurred. “I guess you’re mine now.”
“You guessed wrong.”
The man was grabbed, Overhaul’s eyes alight with anger as he used his Quirk to disintegrate the drunkard. Your eyes went wide as his arm began to disappear, getting close to where you were connected before suddenly stopping. The pain in your hand dissipated, and you realized he was using his Quirk to reverse the pain.
“Are you alright?”
He gently pulled you to him, cupping your face as he gently brought your hand up. You were shaking slightly, nodding as he examined your skin.
“Thankfully he didn’t do any severe damage. Come, let us go. I’ve done what I needed to already.”
Overhaul let go of your face, and you realized suddenly that his hands were still bare from using his Quirk. He slid one hand down, settling on the small of your back. Heat flashed through you at the intimate gesture, and you found yourself leaning into him. The walk back to the car was, thankfully, without issue, and you were headed back in no time.
“Shall I escort her back to her room?”
Rappa had opened your door, raising an eyebrow at Overhaul who shook his head.
“No, I want to check on her hand again. You’re dismissed for the night. Thank you, Rappa.”
His hand resettled on the small of your back. When he opened the door to your room, you turned to look up at him.
“Thank you for helping me,” you said softly.
He shook his head. “I was just trying to protect you.”
It was silent for a moment while his eyes flickered down your figure.
“That dress looks, ah, complicated. Shall I help you out of it?”
Before you could think it through, you nodded. He stepped in, quietly closing the door behind him and locking it. You took note of that, arousal coursing through you as you walked over to your bed, sitting on the edge of it so you could remove your heels. Sighing, you rubbed your feet. Overhaul came to kneel in front of you, gently taking your feet and massaging them. You sighed in content this time, tipping your head back as you relished in the feeling.
Even though you had simply been by his side all night, there had been tension between the both of you. You blamed the bath with him earlier, but you had caught him glancing at you throughout the night. Even now, as he rubbed your feet, he was sneakily staring at your chest, eyeing the way your chest rose and fell.
“Let me unzip your dress.”
He sat beside you, gently sweeping your hair aside and grasping the zipper. It slowly slid down, his fingers lingering on your skin. You shivered, closing your eyes as you felt arousal forming deep within you. The dress fell from your shoulders, slowly falling before pooling in your lap. You heard Overhaul inhale at the sight of the lingerie underneath.
“Overhaul,” you whimpered.
His lips were quickly on your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss before sliding across your shoulder blades.
“Kai,” he whispered. “Call me Kai.”
You turned around, studying his face before kissing him. One hand cupped your face, the other grabbing your hair and gently tugging on it. You raised your hands to hold him but hesitated, knowing about his aversion to touch. Kai sensed your hesitation and pulled back, grabbing onto one of your hands and placing it on his crotch.
“Touch me,” he commanded.
You squeezed his bulge, releasing a low groan from him. Your hands moved up, pulling at this shirt to untuck it before unbuttoning it quickly and throwing it onto the floor. His eyes never left yours as you worked on his belt before slowly pulling his zipper down. There was a pause as you stared at each other, a silent way of asking for consent before continuing.
Kai stood to remove his pants, leaving him in his underwear. His erection was straining against it, causing more arousal to pulse within you. He gently pushed you back onto the mattress, and you crawled further back to settle on your pillows. The mattress dipped as he knelt on the edge, slowly making his way towards you. You felt fire burning your skin where his eyes landed, memorizing every dip and curve of your body and committing it to memory.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you,” he murmured.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in another searing kiss. His hands grabbed yours, placing them beside your head as he interlaced your fingers. His bulge kept rubbing against you, creating delicious friction that just wasn’t enough. Your hips jerked up, seeking more but Kai simply chuckled, shaking his head as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
“So impatient, hm?”
One of his hands let go to reach into his waistband and slowly pull his underwear down. His cock sprang out, thick with a neat trim at its base. Kai reached down to pump himself, and your stomach clenched when you saw he could barely wrap his own hand around it.
“Are you ready, angel?”
You nodded furiously, looking deep into his eyes as you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him down to kiss him. You felt his cock head pushing against you, and you lifted your hips to help him slip inside. The initial stretch burned a little, and you tried to relax to help him ease inside.
“Relax,” he breathed, pressing a wet kiss to your temple.
You sucked in a breath, eyes fluttering shut as you slowly felt your body relax. Kai groaned as he pushed further inside until he bottomed out and was pressed flush against you. He froze, panting above you as he allowed you to adjust to his thickness. When you were ready, you jerked your hips up.
Kai started off slow, pulling his hips back until just his tip was in before slamming into you. You gasped, squeezing his hands at the feeling as he repeated the motion. Goosebumps rose on your skin, with a shiver running down your spine at the feel of him stretching you out slowly. After a few thrusts, he began to pick up speed. His thrusts began to get rougher, and you felt your bottom beginning to get sore from the sheer impact of his hips.
But you didn’t care. Your mind was spinning at how good he was fucking you, and you wondered where he had been your whole life. You wrapped your legs around him, trying to put your feet up as high as you could. The changed angle had him hitting you even deeper, and you couldn’t help the loud moan that you let out.
“Kai,” you panted. “Don’t stop.”
Your words spurred him up, and his thrusts were so fast your body couldn’t keep up. You felt your insides clench as your orgasm began to form, and Kai sensed it because he fucked you even faster.
“You’re mine,” he growled. “I’m going to fill you up and no one else will be able to do so. Understand?”
You nodded frantically, words failing you as the knot in you snapped and you came hard with a yell of his name. Kai kept on, riding you through your orgasm until you felt him spasming inside of you, followed by a surge of warmth. He shivered, nuzzling against your neck as he tried to relax his breathing. When he pulled back, his eyes were full of affection as he stared at your blissed out face.
“Tell me you’re mine,” he whispered.
“I’m all yours, Kai.”
The silence of the base was broken by the sound of a loud crash. A flurry of underlings ran towards the sound, Rappa among them to report back to Overhaul. He was quickly notified that the sound of the crash was the Pro Hero Deku, who had come to retrieve his long-missing girlfriend. The Shie Hassaikai leader was calm, dictating orders to his men and waiting patiently in his meeting room.
It didn’t take long before the young man had fought through the throngs of men, stepping into the room with a menacing glint in his eyes. Overhaul sat on the couch, arms spread lazily along the back of it. One leg was crossed, ankle neatly pressed against his knee.
“Well, it took you long enough.”
The resolve in Deku quickly crumbled upon noticing you. A slow grin tugged at Overhaul behind his mask, his hand coming up to rest gently on your head. You were sat on your knees at his feet, leaning into his touch and angling your head to smile up at him.
“But it took you too long. She’s all mine now.”
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Okay...but have we ever considered how powerful Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) would be as a hero????? I don't wanna put my personal opinion in there, but if he was raised right, went to UA, and became a hero, I think he'd be very high on the ranks. Maybe be #3 Pro Hero. I like to think about it sometimes.
He'd be so sweet with such a good outlook on life. He's definitely still a germaphobe, though, lol. I also like to think that Kai expands more on his quirk, which is what ranks him so high. He can heal himself and others faster, make it painless, move fire, move water, and maybe air too. Maybe he could best Endeavor, but I don't wanna go into that without more research and knowledge of Kai's quirk, lol.
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number1villainstan · 2 months
i'm not sure if u saw that "why do ppl have sympathy for overhaul" reddit post but man. just the question itself made me feel like. a crying, broken man appears before u, & if u can feel nothing but hate for him even though hes so obviously suffering, maybe ur the "evil" one, yknow? like sure i get if ppl hate him but. the whole "he deserved to suffer & be treated w nothing but contempt forever" just makes me kinda sad. what do u think wld have been a better ending for him? (from kainagant)
(hi kainagant! nearly thought you were a random anon lmao, glad to see it's you)
No, I haven't seen that Reddit post--I don't have a Reddit account (anymore) and even when I do visit it's not the fandom side of Reddit. But from what you're saying (and what I've seen from other Chisaki fans' reactions) it's probably a good thing that I haven't seen it, because it sounds like the sort of thing that would make me incredibly pissed off for far too long. Anger issues kinda suck sometimes, especially when you can't find a good outlet.
a crying, broken man appears before u, & if u can feel nothing but hate for him even though hes so obviously suffering, maybe ur the "evil" one, yknow?
Real. Some people are so fucking quick to thirst over torturing and dehumanizing people when they've done something to "deserve" it. Like--I really shouldn't use this to judge what their stance is on things like prison abolition IRL, but the way they react to this--the way they judge this--does not give me any hope for them. Folks, we are not making it out of the punitive-justice prison-industrial complex or ableism with this.
what do u think wld have been a better ending for him?
That's hard, especially since I haven't read the manga or watched the anime past like halfway through Gentle Criminal's arc, but I think probably a better ending--that would have fit better with BnHA's professed theme of "saving everyone"--would have been to show him clean-shaven, somewhat more mentally stable, with a sympathetic doctor or parole officer or pro hero there with him to talk about options for the next step in his life. Maybe mention something about how Pops is doing well, but Chisaki doesn't want to see him anymore now that he's awake. Something that shows Chisaki not as just the narrative's punching bag or as a tragedy but as someone who, yes, hit rock bottom, but is now committed to the long path of healing. Especially if we see him smile in the end.
What about you? What ending for Chisaki would you have preferred?
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love-fictional-ppl · 6 months
MHA Masterlist
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*=smut, !=angst, #=fluff, (16+)= not exactly smut but not appropriate for under 16
Class 1-A
[Izuku Midoriya||Deku]
[Katsuki Bakugou||Lord Explosion Murder||Ground Zero||Dynamight]
!#Birds of a feather
#Pro-hero!Bakugou who needs you as his house wife(16+) X
#Stoner!bakusquad ft. Denki, Kirishima, Sero & Mina(16+) X
[Shoto Todoroki]
[Eijiro Kirishima||Red Riot]
#Stoner!Bakusquad ft. Bakugou, Denki, Sero & Mina(16+) X
[Denki Kaminari||Chargebolt]
#Stoner!Bakusquad ft. Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero & Mina(16+) X
[Tenya Iida||Ingenium]
[Hanta Sero||Cellophane]
#Stoner!Bakusquad ft. Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki & Mina(16+) X
[Hitoshi Shinso||Mindjack]
#Stoner!Bakusquad Pt. 2 ft. Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Sero, & Mina(16+)
[Ochako Uraraka||Uravity]
[Momo yaoyorozu||Creati]
[Mina Ashido||Alien Queen||Pinky]
#Stoner!Bakusquad ft. Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki & Sero(16+) X
[Kyoka Jiro||Earphone Jack]
[Tsuyu Asui||Froppy]
The Big Three
[Mirio Togata||Lemillion]
[Tamaki Amajiki||Suneater]
[Nejire Hado||Nejire Chan]
Pro Heroes
[Yagi Toshinori||All Might]
[Enji Todoroki||Endeavor]
[Takami Keigo||Hawks]
[Shouta Aizawa||Eraserhead]
[Yamada Hizashi||Present Mic]
[Kan Sekijiro||Vlad King]
[Taishiro Toyomitsu||Fat Gum]
[Nemuri Kayama||Midnight]
[Rumi Usagiyama||Mirko]
[Ryuko Tatsuma||Ryukyu]
[Yu Takeyama||Mt. Lady]
[Tomura Shigaraki||Tenko Shimura||Tenko]
[Touya Todoroki||Dabi]
#Random Dabi blurb
[Jin Bubaigawara||Twice]
[Atsuhiro Sako||Mr. Compress]
[Kai Chisaki||Overhaul]
[Himiko Toga]
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electricbathsalt · 6 months
Imagine if Chisaki had been a pro hero instead.
All Might: taking down all for one severely permanently wounded me—
Chisaki: did it now
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abodeofhunter · 6 months
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Chisaki gets another little hero treat. #治崎廻 #overhaul #bnha #mha #Chisaki #ChisakiKai #bokunoheroacademia #Myheroacademia #art #Snipe #giant #sizetwitter #サイズフェチ #microphilia #macrophilia #sizedifference #sizefetish
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deusvervewrites · 5 months
Saiyan AU
Well it appears that Overhaul will be doing pretty good for himself. First All For One gets splattered by Inko who’s, let’s be honest, is a female Broly with a good parent figure in her life instead of Paragus. Then a few years later, the MLA is brought down by the heroes leaving another vacuum in the Japanese underworld to fill. And by this point he has Eri and the quirk destroying bullets. Yep, everythings coming up Chisaki!!!
Which of course beg the question: How does he screw it up?
Well, he doesn't actually have the Quirk-destroyer yet because that wasn't finalized until the events of that arc, and he's broke (he wanted to recruit the League in canon as a means of acquiring more capital) so he's not quite the shoe-in for filling the power vacuum that he thinks he is.
Not to mention the increasing number of Pro Heroes with access to non-Quirk abilities.
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kinopio-writes · 7 months
Characters I Write For:
A/N: Fandoms with no colors mean that I’m not confident in my characterization of the characters. It also means they were just added to the list.
(fandoms are in alphabetical order)
Ace Attorney
(I haven’t finished watching “Justice for All” yet. Still on the first case)
Phoenix Wright
Miles Edgeworth
(The only season I haven’t watched yet is season 6. Yes, I already watched season 7. Or at least most of it. I didn’t watch the earlier episodes yet, but I’m caught up on the latest ones. Don’t ask why the order is fucked up)
Shinsō Hitoshi
Monoma Neito
Tōgata Mirio
Yoarashi Inasa
Aizawa Shōta/Eraserhead
Yamada Hizashi/Present Mic
Yagi Toshinori/All Might
Chisaki Kai/Overhaul
Kurono Hari/Chronostasis
Nemoto Shin
Mera Yokumiru
(I can write for other characters as well. The ones I listed above are just who I’m most confident in writing…I say, as I proceed to list Kurono, Nemoto, and Mera. I can’t write for anyone in the Meta Liberation Army, though. Most Pro Heroes are also out of the question)
EPIC: The Musical
Hazbin Hotel
Charlie Morningstar
Angel Dust
Sir Pentious
Lucifer Morningstar
(I’ll probably write for other characters as well. The ones I’ve listed are just who I want to be writing for mostly. You can ask if you don’t see a character you like on here)
Minecraft: Story Mode
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Music Freaks
(I’m sort of embarrassed to list this, lmao)
Jacob “Jake” Sterling
Millicent “Milly” Brooks
Sean Everett
Elliot Thornton
Bradley Buckley
(I can probably do the other characters as well, but I’m just really not confident in my characterization of them, lol. Even the ones listed above)
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battydora · 2 years
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─❝𝖎 𝖇𝖊𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖛𝖊 𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖔𝖗, 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖓𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖙! 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖞 𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊! 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖆𝖓 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖎 𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖔 𝖋𝖆𝖗 𝖇𝖚𝖙 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝖎𝖙! 𝖎𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖎𝖘 𝖒𝖞 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖉 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖐 𝖆𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖆𝖑𝖑, 𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖌𝖑𝖆𝖉𝖑𝖞 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖎𝖙 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍! 𝖙𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖆 𝖘𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖊, 𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖊 [ +1 𝔪𝔥𝔞 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔡 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔞𝔠𝔨𝔭𝔞𝔠𝔨 ]❞
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wips: 0 | requests in progress: 0 | total: 0
❀: fluff | ღ: comfort | ♖: angst/hurt | ☄: suggestive/nsfw
pinned post | rules
kinktober 2023 (unfinished)
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— 𝐤𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐲𝐚𝐢𝐛𝐚 | 𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗈𝗇 𝗌𝗅𝖺𝗒𝖾𝗋
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[☄] –“a hidden passion in the swordsmith village" (hotaru haganezuka x afab f. reader)”
[♖/❀] –“rengoku kyojuro and his gn!s/o adopting rengoku senjuro” (gn. reader)
[❀] –“how would sanemi and giyuu react to a surprise kiss?” (gn. reader)
[❀] –“how would kyojuro and sanemi react to a f!s/o that gets hiccups when she laughs?” (f. reader)
[❀] –rengoku's birthday collab fic (college au, gn. reader)
[☄] –“disobey” (hantengu clones, afab gn. reader)
[☄] –they lose a bet and they have to take a shot from your breasts (hantengu clones, afab f. reader)
[☄] –“something dirty” (rengoku kyojuro, gn. reader)
[☄] –haganezuka hotaru sexcanons (gn. reader)
[☄] –“slut?” (sekido, afab gn. reader)
[☄] –hashiras when they want to have sex with you but you are on your period (minus Muichiro & Iguro)(afab gn. reader)
[☄] –urogi nsfw scenario and headcanons (gn. reader)
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— 𝐛𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚 | 𝗆𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗈 𝖺𝖼𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗆𝗂𝖺
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[☄/❀] –“spreading and condoms for you” (tsunagu hakamada x f!reader)
[☄] –my personal take on my hero academia men (pro heroes) and their preferences in bed. alphabetically
[☄] –NEEDY (kai chisaki x gn reader)
[☄] –pro heroes on a night out (imagine)
[☄] –kai chisaki / overhaul 's nsfw alphabet
[❀] –poly headcanons with tsunagu & shinya (edgeshot x best jeanist x gn. reader)
[☄] –proheroes' reaction when you slap their asses (gn. reader)
[☄/❀] –ass grabbing (tsunagu hakamada x gn. reader)
[☄] –my hero academia men (pro heroes) trying their hand at pegging (f. reader)
[♖/❀/☄] –kissing his insecurities away (toshinori yagi x gn. reader)
[☄] –you sit on their crotch in the middle of the night (edgeshot, overhaul, hawks, shigaraki, afab reader)
[☄] –how my hero academia characters eat 😼 [adults] (gn. afab reader)
[☄] –"pushing buttons only takes you so far" (best jeanist x shimori kizatachi (oc))
[☄] –pros reacting to you pulling them towards you by their belt (edgeshot, best jeanist, eraserhead, snipe, midnight, gn. reader)
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— 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐩𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐧 | ワンパンマン
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[¿ ❀ ?] –saitama and genos domestic headcanons
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— 𝐲𝐮-𝐠𝐢-𝐨𝐡! | 遊☆戯☆王
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[❀] –asking them out (yugi, atem, seto, ryou, jonouchi, honda, anzu x f!reader) [ 10% . . . ]
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— 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮!! | ハイキュー!!
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[❀/ღ] –denying haikyuu boys cuddles (gn reader)
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— 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 | 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋
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[❀/ღ] –“late night thoughts on...” (f/o imagines - i)
[❀/ღ] –“late night thoughts on...” (f/o imagines - ii)
[❀/ღ] –“late night thoughts on...” (f/o imagines - iii)
[☄] –“late night thoughts on...” (f/o imagines - iv)
[other] –my s/i (kny)
[other] –mha oc
176 notes · View notes
bibibbon · 9 months
Where MHA fails : stakes and tension
I know a lot of people have made similar posts about this topic but I wanted to give my two cents on this so here it is.
MHA's early arcs definitely had a lot of tension and stakes like just look at the usj arc or the shopping incident heck even the overhaul arc had some good tension and stakes when it came to the idea of izuku would actually survive his fight against overhaul with eri full on having a whole Quirk breakdown on his back. However, after the overhaul arc that tension and stakes all faded away into nothingness which is now the final war arc. In my opinion, there are a few reasons as to why this happend but the most prominent reason is:
Hori refuses to kill characters for the plot
Yeah, that's pretty much it. The lack of character deaths really doesn't help the tensions in the show and the characters that ACTUALLY DO DIE OR GET INJURED don't really affect the audience in any major way.
Midnight- horikoshi had to kill someone close to the hero kids so tensions could rise and students could actually truly realise how dangerous it is and really up the stakes that the villains are back and stronger then ever. However, we don't see midnight really bond or interact with the students so the whole having momo ,mina and Kiri crying over her doesn't hit big.
Twice - I get it the guy had to die and yeah if we are talking about it his death or him living created a bunch of tension and stakes for the hero's because his quirk is really deadly to be honest. However, I don't think his death was done well to be honest like it was probably one of the best deaths hori gave us but I can't help but think there could of been more when it came to him
Nighteye- honestly this is the same as twice like I know his death was there to serve a turning point in the story and show the darker side of heroics which worked but he was honestly an asshole so I was happy he was gone. I only felt bad cos of mirio crying so maybe try and make him a nicer person and then kill him off?
Magne- never really bothered with her death. Like sure it definitely amplified the tension between chisaki and the LOV but we could of probably seen more from her then he could of killed her off but the same with twice and nighteye her death did raise the stakes and tensions by a lot.
Shirakumo - his death was just there to make us sympathetic towards aizawa and him being revealed as kurogiri just ruined his character because even though it had potential you can definitely tell hori didn't think it through or expand with that plot point
Then there is the other deaths I don't remember or just don't care about like crust, whatever number of other pros who died during the war, native, the villains
And there are the villains who hori just done dirty in killing them like SPINNER ,TOGA AND DABI
Something like this can be easily fixed in MHA which is literally killing more characters that SHOULD of died in MHA like:
Gran Torino - how is that guy still alive?
Aizawa shota ( Iam 50/50 on this)
Bakugo Katsuki - the guy had a full complete character arc his character went full circle so he was just there also his revival made no sense you could of revived him differently
Someone from 1A or 1B (raise the tension)
Enji todoroki - his death would of made more sense then him living for multiple reasons
Miriko - idk how she is alive
Lady nagant - same as miriko
Horikoshi's 2nd biggest problems when it comes to stakes and tensions is THE LACK OF CONSEQUENCES!!!!!
The hero's and villains should of had more consequences overall to raise the stakes in the show. Hawks and tokoyami losing their QUIRKS IS A GOOD Consequence BUT THEM GETTING IT BACK DIFFUSES THE TENSION. This is the same for what happend to mirio. Unpopular opinion, but AFO should of had his own consequences with taking a living powerful sentient soul taking or absorbing quirk like dark shadow.
There are so many consequences that hori could of gave as a result to WHAT ALREADY HAPPEND BUT HE CHOOSES TO IGNORE IT AND GIVE CONSEQUENCES THAT CONTRADICT HIS WHOLE PLOT.
What I mean by that is the whole izuku somehow losing danger sense. That stuff makes ZERO SENSE how and why would that happen? Isn't danger sense and the other QUIRKS all merged within OFA because that's exactly why AFO couldn't take OFA from a OFA user because yochi's quirk is merged withing OFA and so are the other QUIRKS so how is it that danger sense is stolen by shigaraki?!?! Does this mean that izuku is someone that somehow has the capacity to carry 8 DIFFERENT POWERFUL AND DANGEROUS QUIRKS. That makes no sense because if it isn't that he is somehow related to AFO then how isn't he a nomu with the amount of quirks he has.
In conclusion, the problem of stakes and tension is literally caused by two major factors:
Horikoshi's inability to kill off some characters
Horikoshi's lack of consequences and if consequences are given they tend to CONTRADICT the plot
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