#pro dany
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whitedragonwolf4961 · 7 months ago
The signs were there…
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The signs were there all along… that the fucking hacks were ruining this beautiful, amazing, complex character long before the shit season. I know those dumb as shit incompetent hacks and some of the cast of GoT (do they actually believe that shit or were they toeing the line?) in their condescending manner told us that the “signs” were there all along about Dany “going mad”. They are right but not for the reasons they think they are. The signs were there… that D&D were ruining Dany’s character long before that putrid shitshow that was Season 8. When you reread the books and remember or rewatch the show, you can see. As early as S1, they were giving many of Dany’s strong or intelligent or kind and merciful moments to the males around her. It was her who took Viserys’s horse away from him to show how she has grown stronger and is no longer as afraid of him as she once was. In the show they gave it to Rhakaro. In S2 they had Jorah tell Dany she must be her people’s strength and then Dany told Jorah “as you are mine”. Contrast that where in the books Dany told herself she must be her people’s strength, including Jorah. And they gave Dany’s meeting with Quaithe to freaking Jorah! There is the fact that the hacks couldn’t have women talking for two minutes without insulting each other (directly or subtly). And then they gave her intelligent strategies to her male advisers in S3 and 4. And of course had her rely on the incompetence dumbass Show Tyrion for strategy completely in S7, ignoring the advice of her allies (who were all females). And to make her look worse, they had Barristan tell her “it’s better to answer injustice with mercy” when she had those masters crucified for what they did to the children (and of course add “nice and innocent slavers”). No surprise to find out that they omitted that Dany specifically ordered them to give up their leaders aka the ones who obviously ordered it, in the books. And how Dany is told by her advisers to be more violent and ruthless, instead of them “tempering her worst impulses” (I fucking hate that sexist fucking line). Dany is the one who wants to be as merciful and nonviolent as possible. A little off topic, I think Dany needs to become more ruthless. I think GRRM was trying to show that while it shows Dany’s good heart that she tried to be compromising, you cannot compromise with slavers. If she wants to utterly destroy slavery she will need to be more ruthless and that is not a bad thing at all.
Anyway, besides giving most of Dany’s best moments to the males around her, the fucking hacks were changing things when they still followed the books (for a given definition of “follow”) as well as adding ridiculous crap. It’s most blatant in her S2 storyline. The Thirteen immediately invite Dany into Qarth because they sought her out. But the hacks had Dany be condescendingly talked to by the show only Spice King and refused entry. So they could have her shout “We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground”. I know a lot of dumb idiots will use that line as “proof” but it was a stupid addition by the two hacks so they could make Dany look bad. And then they had Dany’s Dothraki people slaughtered. They had Irri murdered. They took away Dany’s female companionship (until Missandei). And speaking of Irri, who killed her? Doreah! Yeah! They had Doreah out of literally nowhere with zero explanation or reason betray Dany and murder Irri (like I said, Dumb&Dumber can’t stand female friendships. They think women are only good for insulting and killing each other). Looks like the later seasons weren’t the start of them inventing stupid plot points out of nowhere. And I guess they wanted to make Dany look cruel for locking Doreah and Xaro in the vault. Know what she does to them in the books? Nothing. Well not exactly nothing. Doreah dies in the Red Waste and Dany holds her and gives her water from her own waterskin and refuses to move until Doreah has passed. And Xaro is still alive in the books. Because Xaro and Pree never stole her dragons in the books (another stupid show invention). And then later, as I previously mentioned, they invented “innocent slave masters” that Dany crucified like Hizdahr’s daddy. Nothing like that is brought up in the books. Oh, and they decided to kill off Ser Barristan in S5! Even though Barristan is alive and well and gladly serving Dany in the books and knowing she’s nothing like her father. Which the actor pointed out. And it only made those scumbags want to do it even more. And then after his (very stupid) death, Dany burns a slave master. And that stupid awful behind the scenes book after the shit season, Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon has that moron Cogman bring that up about how Dany didn’t care if he was innocent or not (they really had a thing about “innocent slave masters”). None of that crap ever happens in the books.
They also changed small but important parts. Never let Dany have a crown like I mentioned. They also had Dany sit on top of the stairs in Mereen, when she insists on sitting at the bottom on a simple bench because she wants to be on an equal level with her people. Heck an illustrator had to be corrected by GRRM when she was showing that (does anyone have a picture or article about that?). They also never really showed her bond with her other dragons. In the books she loves and pays attention to all of them, in particular Viserion who always wants to be petted by her. In the show, she only really pays attention to Drogon mostly. Rhaegal and Viserion were reduced to “the two smaller different colored dragons” (to be stupidly killed off later on in stupid asinine ways). And Dany’s relationship with Daario is changed. Daario is made to be the one in love and Dany “feels nothing” when she ends their relationship. In the books Dany has a huge crush on Daario but Daario only really wants her for her crown and title, not the girl she is. And Dany knows this. And Jorah is changed into this super nice guy who is always giving her wisdom instead of this creep who is trying to isolate her from other men so she’ll only rely on him.
And when they stopped following the books? Well they really weren’t bothering to hide it much anymore. In S6, they have that idiot Show Tyrion talk about how Dany was “wrong” for not building a new system (and Tyrion is portrayed as smart for not wanting to change the way of the world even though that’s what Dany wants to do). So Tyrion wants slavery to continue for seven years (which the idiot says is a “short time”). And most disgustingly, they had him tell Missandei and Gray Worm, who were slaves their whole lives, that he now “knows the horrors of it”. A white rich guy telling two people of color that he knows about slavery… (am I looking at it too much?) Anyway, when that predictably backfires (why the hell were they always having people talk about how smart Tyrion is and Dany needs to listen to him when all he’s ever done is fail?) and Dany returns to Mereen, they have Dany talk about “returning cities to the dirt” so Tyrion can give her a more merciful strategy. And then in S7… have her rely only on Tyrion and his stupid plans. And if she dared to want to just end it quickly, they told her she would be just like her father. They even had that dumb weak idiot Show Jon say that. Book Jon would bitch slap that idiot. Book Jon wants to bring destruction to House Lannister.
Speaking of which… that scene where she meets Jon. It was funny how Dany had all her many titles spoken by Missandei when all Davos said about Jon is “He’s King in the North”, right? Well… I think those hacks wanted Show Jon to be this humble “noble king” while Dany is this “arrogant Queen with all these titles”. And they also want Dany to come as arrogant and entitled so they have her talk about all the shit she went through (like getting raped and betrayed and sold to sexual slavery) and how faith in herself kept her going. Now to the sane layman, that is a strong woman giving herself credit for believing in herself and using her strength to forge something better for herself. But to Dumb&Dumber that is an arrogant and selfish woman not crediting her abusers for her strength. Gosh I loathe Show Sansa but NO ONE deserves to be raped and to have her credit her rapist for her strength is just… wrong. In every way possible.
Then there was that crap with the Tarlys. Those idiots wanted us to see Dany as doing something evil and wrong. Actually they wanted us to see that whole battle as “wrong”. Because they have that tragic music playing and Tyrion looking sadly. The same guy who watched thousands burn in wildfire that he himself laid out. Where was the sad music then? Anyway Dany does what literally not just every King and Queen does but what ever highborn period does after defeating the enemy. She offers them the choice to bend the knee and live and keep their lands. Or death. Same choice Robert Baratheon offered Balon Greyjoy. Same choice the old Stark kings offered their rivals. The two Tarlys choose death so Dany executed them despite multiple chances. And immediately Varys starts comparing her to her father. Except her father (and people like Ramsay Snow, Tywin Lannister, Gregor Clegane, and Euron Greyjoy) wouldn’t have given multiple chances. They would have given no offers. Just murdered them all (Ramsay, Gregor, and Euron simply for their sadistic pleasure). And then they had Jon look uncomfortable when Dany said she had fewer enemies. Which is stupid. Jon has fought battles before. He’s killed thousands to take Winterfell back as Dany herself reminds him.
And they even had it said that Aegon the Conqueror started “the wheel” and got along far with fear. Except… yes Aegon was ruthless when he had to be, but as King he unified a country that was divided and plagued by constant conflicts. He gave them peace and prosperity. And he and his wives were the first to get rid of some unsavory practices. The hacks were determined to have us think that all Targaryens were “mad tyrants”. Idiots would have us think the Starks were democratically chosen leaders instead of ruthless warlords who conquered the North. They never understood the story or the characters. And the signs were there all along that they were ruining and destroying one of the greatest female characters in fictional history.
Longest post I ever wrote! I didn’t cover S8 because nothing needs to be said about that putrid shitshow. But let me end with this. I fully believe that not only will GRRM finish the books… he will give Dany a great and satisfying ending. I hope she becomes Queen but I will perfectly settle for her being alive and well. I have every confidence that she will not get that disgusting show ending. That was a shitty sexist plot point done purely for shock value. But… I guess the signs were there that those hacks never understood or respected Dany. But there are signs that George has great things planned for our beloved Dany. And then that is how she will be remembered. I’m gonna keep believing and hoping. Someone has to, and I will happily be that person. PS: Can people please tell me what they think of all this? Any questions? I’ll happily answer! And reblogs are perfectly acceptable and encouraged! I’d love to hear your thoughts and you can add anything you want.
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silverflameataraxia · 1 year ago
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I will never understand how this scene is somehow proof of Dany turning into a Mad Queen. She was supposed to sympathize with Viserys, the man who spent years abusing her, who threatened to let all the Dothraki men and their horses r*pe her, who threatened to cut her unborn child out of her? Yeah, I don't think so. She's getting justice against her abuser. I'm not gonna fault her for that.
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daenerystargaryen06 · 9 months ago
"He told me the moon was an egg, Khaleesi," the Lysene girl said. "Once there were two moons in the sky, but one wandered too close to the sun and cracked from the heat. A thousand thousand dragons poured forth, and drank the fire of the sun. That is why dragons breathe flame. One day the other moon will kiss the sun too, and then it will crack and the dragons will return." -A Game of Thrones - Daenerys III
Here we have a passage of a story Doreah tells Daenerys, a tale of two moons in the sky. One wandered too close to the sun, and it cracked from the heat, resulting in dragons. And that one day, the second moon will 'kiss' the sun.
Notice G.R.R.M's play on words here. In this story, the first time one of the moons cracks, it "wandered" too close to the sun. And for the second, it is said that the second moon will "kiss" the sun. This is deliberate.
"You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall." Jon glanced over his shoulder. The shadow was there, just as she had said, etched in moonlight against the Wall." -A Dance with Dragons - Jon VI
Notice the same phrase of wording used here in Jon's passage. He has been "kissed" by the moon, etching his shadow along the Wall.
As I've stated in my post here, I believe that while Daenerys is the main focal point for her role as AA/TPTWP, she would be joined by others in this task. One of those people being Jon. He will be one of the three heads to join her side for the coming war against the Others. To unite the realm against the cold, and the dark.
"One day the other moon will kiss the sun too, and then it will crack and the dragons will return." -A Game of Thrones - Daenerys III
"You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall." -A Dance with Dragons - Jon VI
As for these two passages- let's believe they are to be taken literally. It happens for Dany and Drogo the first time around: Drogo is the sun, Dany the moon. Dany "wanders" too close to the sun, Drogo, in his funeral pyre, and thus her dragons hatch.
Now how could this relate to Jon?
I believe Jon being "kissed" by the moon, is in reference to Jon and Daenerys' eventual future romance and union together. We have evidence for this, provided from me here and here. More quotes providing into Jon being Daenerys' last romantic interest and husband:
". . . three heads has the dragon . . . the ghost chorus yammered inside her skull with never a lip moving, never a breath stirring the still blue air. . . . mother of dragons . . . child of storm . . . The whispers became a swirling song. . . . three fires must you light . . . one for life and one for death and one to love. . . Her own heart was beating in unison to the one that floated before her, blue and corrupt. . . three mounts must you ride . . . one to bed and one to dread and one to love. . . The voices were growing louder, she realized, and it seemed her heart was slowing, and even her breath. . . . three treasons will you know . . . once for blood and once for gold and once for love . . ." --A Clash of Kings - Daenerys IV
"I don't . . ." Her voice was no more than a whisper, almost as faint as theirs. What was happening to her? "I don't understand," she said, more loudly. Why was it so hard to talk here? "Help me. Show me." . . . help her . . . the whispers mocked. . . . show her . . . Then phantoms shivered through the murk, images in indigo. Viserys screamed as the molten gold ran down his cheeks and filled his mouth. A tall lord with copper skin and silver-gold hair stood beneath the banner of a fiery stallion, a burning city behind him. Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman's name. . . . mother of dragons, daughter of death . . . Glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow. A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd. From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire. . . . mother of dragons, slayer of lies . . . Her silver was trotting through the grass, to a darkling stream beneath a sea of stars. A corpse stood at the prow of a ship, eyes bright in his dead face, grey lips smiling sadly. A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness. . . . mother of dragons, bride of fire . . . mother of dragons, bride of fire . . ." -A Clash of Kings - Daenerys IV
Notice that each prophecy given to Dany in the HOTU was given to her in three, each one ending in love. When asked to be shown what it meant, Dany is given visions. Two connecting her to Jon, both ending in three, as her prophecies for love:
"Rubies flew like drops of blood from the chest of a dying prince, and he sank to his knees in the water and with his last breath murmured a woman's name" - this is clearly Rhaegar, Jon's father, dying upon the Trident. It is believed he is whispering Lyanna's name, Jon's mother.
"A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness" - Dany is seeing Jon at the Wall, through the metaphor of a blue flower (connecting him to Lyanna- blue winter roses). The air is full with sweetness- a metaphor to love, and sweetness- something Dany likes (also maybe this hints to Dany joining Jon at the Wall, giving him the three dragons he wishes for in another passage).
Dany will be the moon, who kisses Jon, her second sun. A reference to their love and union.
Now- how does this bring dragons into play? Who knows. The wording is a bit tricky here. The passage states that when the second moon kisses the sun, dragons will return. And yet dragons have already returned- Dany hatches her children the first time she "wanders" too close to the sun. So how do dragons come into play with her and Jon's union regarding this text?
Well, perhaps it may not be so literal. Maybe the return of dragons from Dany and Jon's union is that Jon will gain a dragon. Maybe Jon will discover ice dragons. Maybe they will find more dragon eggs at Winterfell or somewhere else. Maybe Dany's own dragons will breed and begin a second hatching of eggs, thus "returning" dragons once more with Dany and Jon's union. There are different possibilities for this.
Jon's resurrection can also lean more into him being the second sun to Dany, as he would be a wight of fire.
"Burning shafts hissed upward, trailing tongues of fire. Scarecrow brothers tumbled down, black cloaks ablaze. "Snow," an eagle cried, as foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders. Jon was armored in black ice, but his blade burned red in his fist. As the dead men reached the top of the Wall he sent them down to die again. He slew a greybeard and a beardless boy, a giant, a gaunt man with filed teeth, a girl with thick red hair. Too late he recognized Ygritte. She was gone as quick as she'd appeared." -A Dance with Dragons - Jon XII
"That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper's rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened." -A Storm of Swords - Daenerys III
"And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. "The last dragon," Ser Jorah's voice whispered faintly. "The last, the last." Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own." -A Game of Thrones - Daenerys IX
Both Jon and Dany experience dreams of fighting the Others.
-Both are wearing black armor and both are wielding fire; Dany with her dragons, Jon with a sword.
And while their dreams share similarities, they also bear differences:
-Jon is battling the Others upon the Wall, whereas Dany is battling them within the Trident.
-Jon sees Ygritte and realizes too late he's killed her (a person he views with grief and regret), Dany however believes herself to be Rhaegar (a person she sees as a fierce warrior and protector).
Both are also viewed by other people as the chosen ones, AA/TPTWP:
"On Braavos, it had seemed possible that Aemon might recover. Xhondo's talk of dragons had almost seemed to restore the old man to himself. That night he ate every bite Sam put before him. "No one ever looked for a girl," he said. "It was a prince that was promised, not a princess. Rhaegar, I thought . . . the smoke was from the fire that devoured Summerhall on the day of his birth, the salt from the tears shed for those who died. He shared my belief when he was young, but later he became persuaded that it was his own son who fulfilled the prophecy, for a comet had been seen above King's Landing on the night Aegon was conceived, and Rhaegar was certain the bleeding star had to be a comet. What fools we were, who thought ourselves so wise! The error crept in from the translation. Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame. The language misled us all for a thousand years. Daenerys is the one, born amidst salt and smoke. The dragons prove it." Just talking of her seemed to make him stronger. "I must go to her. I must. Would that I was even ten years younger." -A Feast for Crows - Samwell V
"Daenerys is the only hope," he concluded. "Aemon said the Citadel must send her a maester at once, to bring her home to Westeros before it is too late." -A Feast for Crows - Samwell V
"Skulls. A thousand skulls, and the bastard boy again. Jon Snow. Whenever she was asked what she saw within her fires, Melisandre would answer, "Much and more," but seeing was never as simple as those words suggested. It was an art, and like all arts it demanded mastery, discipline, study. Pain. That too. R'hllor spoke to his chosen ones through blessed fire, in a language of ash and cinder and twisting flame that only a god could truly grasp. Melisandre had practiced her art for years beyond count, and she had paid the price. There was no one, even in her order, who had her skill at seeing the secrets half-revealed and half-concealed within the sacred flames. Yet now she could not even seem to find her king. I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow. "Devan," she called, "a drink." Her throat was raw and parched." -A Dance with Dragons - Melisandre I
Jon and Daenerys both have arcs of leadership. In which both have to make hard decisions that they believe is best. Both have the qualities of strong leaders, military strategists, and unifiers. It might turn out that Jon will wind up helping Dany in the books gather the people to face against the Others and fight against the cold and the dark. Perhaps even coming into acceptance of his true parentage and relation to Dany as well.
Both Jon and Dany are also known to have cultivated into, lived with, loved, and learned the humanity of the Freefolk and the Dothraki- two factions many view as "savage" and "barbaric", and yet I believe that the Freefolk and the Dothraki will come into a big play for both Jon and Dany against the war of the Others. The culmination of their work and efforts into unifying people to work together against one common enemy.
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tisdae · 9 months ago
hope everyone who stans house targaryen has an awesome week!❤️‍🔥🐲
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house-of-daenerys · 3 months ago
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titaniasthings · 2 years ago
whether you like dany or not, the denial that she is a hero, if not THE hero of asoiaf must stem from a lack of reading comprehension. Even if you ignore the fact she’s one of the titular characters of the story and has already completed the azor ahai prophecy. Her character is intrinsically linked to magical and natural equilibrium. We see her undoing centuries of man-manned damage, created with the use of dragons, with dragons. Martin has set her up to be a reckoning for years of injustice. The idea that she has to be some villain because of the words and perceptions of man is asinine. If you believe Asoiaf is some nihilistic, pessimistic story because it subverts classic fantasy tropes, that means you’ve been reading the books with your eyes closed.
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aelor · 1 year ago
can anyone rec me some good dany-centric fanfics that aren't AU? they can be canon divergence or alternate canon, just not a completely different world like a Modern!AU or Space!AU. Thanks in advance!
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n-evermores · 2 years ago
A Dance of Fire & Ice - AU (Chapter 1/?)
Pairing: Sansa Stark & Daenerys Targaryen
A/N: This is an AU. It’s very much a fairytale story and isn’t supposed to be taken seriously. Daensa is a fav crackship of mine. In other words, I’m not going to debate with anyone whether it’s a good ship or not. This is just for fun.
Warnings: None
Premise: This is completely AU. It does not follow the same story/timeline/structure and some characters may have very different backgrounds/motivations. The Night King is something that’s happened and this takes place after the war.
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Queen Sansa Stark of Winterfell has been dreaming of marrying a king ever since she was a child, but now that she wears the crown, her advisor is pushing her to wed against her desires. Sansa only ever met Daenerys during the war, but even so, she looks forward to the fire queen's continuous letters. After attending the winter ball at Highgarden, Sansa is reunited with the beautiful Dragon Queen once again.
Queen Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen found the Northern Queen unmoored and reserved during her stay in Winterfell for the war. They formed a reluctant alliance; however, the ice queen was nothing but standoffish. But even so, Dany is delighted to see the red wolf standing in the midst of the ball room, looking more lovely than she remembered.
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ೃ⁀➷ i. Sansa Stark 
Sansa didn’t hate being Queen. She always dreamed of wearing a jeweled crown upon her head. The sapphires were dull in comparison to her hair painted by the flames from a dragon’s breath. 
At least that is how The Mother of Dragons described her hair. The words came as a surprise while reading Queen Daenerys’ most recent letter. She couldn’t deny the admission of those sweet words brought a flush to her cheeks. She could blame it on the frigid weather, but Sansa’s erratic heartbeat was proof enough that those words made her feel not only seen but admired. 
She swallowed at the thought. Sansa met a plethora of Lords, and none of them made her blush. She wondered why they couldn’t move her so. They would put on the charm, and attempt to woo her, but it was all a performance for her hand in marriage. 
They didn’t care.
Daenerys’ words felt so natural. She wasn’t trying to flatter Sansa. The letter was quite pragmatic, filled with political verbiage. The Dragon Queen was all business, yet still managed to bewitch Sansa with sheer poetry. Why couldn’t they speak to her in such a way? Perhaps then she would marry one of them. She surprised herself with such a thought. Since when did Daenerys Targaryen set a standard for what Sansa wanted in a husband? She laughed it off, before folding Daenerys’ letter and slipping it into the drawer of her vanity—just in time for the sudden rap against her door. She jumped in her chair, her eyelids fluttering in surprise before squinting in the direction of the door. 
“You may enter,” Sansa spoke calmly, checking to make sure the drawer was completely closed before relaxing her posture as if trying to appear natural. Not as if Sansa had anything to hide. Her letters were her business. 
“I’m sorry to intrude, Your Grace. But Lord Baelish wishes to speak with you.” 
Sansa exhaled a long-suffering sigh. Lord Baelish never called on her for social pleasantries. He most likely wanted to discuss her duties again. Sansa couldn’t help but wonder if Daenerys had to suffer such conversations with her advisors. The thought of The Dragon Queen marrying made her insides jolt and Sansa actively ignored the ache. She stood from the chair, the bottom scratching irritatingly against the lacquered wood floors.
 “Very well,” Sansa replied before following the captain of her queen's guard. Brienne of Tarth was one of the few people Sansa trusted in her council. So many died in the war against the dead, leaving Sansa with slim pickings when it came to those who would serve her. 
The red wolf entered the council room, her eyes falling on Petyr Baelish standing near the fireplace. His gray eyes remained focused on the fire, its orange hue reflecting against the white streaks along his temples. He was a peculiar man, oddly handsome despite his gaunt appearance. The mockingbird pin fastened on his dark wool cloak almost seemed to come alive against the dancing flames. He turned to look at her, a ghost of a smirk flitting across his face. It was fleeting and would be missed by those who did not know him well, but Sansa saw it every time. Lord Baelish was her late mother’s childhood friend. It was the only reason he stood where he did, yet her rising hackles were cautionary—and because of this, she kept him at arm's length. 
“Good evening, Your Grace.” He finally spoke. “How is Queen Daenerys?” 
Sansa wasn’t surprised that Lord Baelish knew about Daenerys’ letter to her. 
“She’s well.” Came Sansa’s quick reply, “Ser Brienne said you wanted to speak with me? Need I ask why or do you have more eligible Lords to throw my way? I won’t marry them.” 
She could see his chest rise and fall, an almost tired sigh escaping his lips. “Straight to the point. I expect nothing less from you.” 
“You sound proud. I thought you'd find my defiance unfit for a queen?”
“It's not exactly pleasant. But it's not a flaw. Especially for a queen.” He flashed her a smile before pushing away from the fireplace and walking over to the desk to retrieve a parchment. “Lord Ramsay of House Bolton has called on you. His father sent a raven just this afternoon. I've only just opened the letter.”
“Isn't he engaged to be married?” 
“Not anymore. His father gave little to no details as to why.”
“I do not wish to marry a man who has his father write my advisor inquiring about me. Couldn't Lord Bolton write to me himself?”
Lord Baelish smiled at this, followed by a breathy laugh in agreement. “I understand your disgust. However, Lord Bolton comes from a proud house. He’d make a fine Queen's consort.”
“Isn’t he the heir? Who will succeed his father?”
“Apparently, his father's young wife gave birth to a son. I suppose he’ll inherit.”
“I don’t want to marry Ramsay Bolton. I don’t want to marry anyone.”
“You wanted to marry Joffrey.” He countered, his gray eyes locking with hers in a match of the century. He wasn’t going to back down from this. 
“I was a child, Lord Baelish.” 
“A smart one”
Sansa’s lips pursed disapprovingly, squinting in his direction. “Are you implying I’m no longer smart?”
“I never said that. But the war has hardened you. You used to laugh so freely. “ He gave her a once over, “You only wear black now.” 
“I lost my entire family.” She reminded, her blue eyes sharp. 
“I have not forgotten.” He lamented softly. Sansa was surprised by his empathy. Lord Baelish was a clever man and often showered her with kind words and praises, but Sansa knew he always had a reason for everything he said and everything he did. He was a calculated man, but Sansa wasn’t a fool. Perhaps in her youth, she was naive and gullible, but not anymore. 
Now, she was a queen. 
“I’m not ready to marry.” She circled back, not wanting to discuss her family anymore. Arya was still around. Well, not really. Arya ran away from her grief, while Sansa stayed behind to pick up the pieces and rebuild Winterfell. Sansa didn’t blame Arya for leaving. She loved her sister and missed her with every fiber of her being, but Arya was free to do as she pleased. Sansa would have preferred for Arya to stay behind and join her council, but her baby sister had every right to find her place in the world. 
“When will you be ready?” Lord Baelish asked. He released Bolton’s letter, allowing it to fall onto the desk before sweeping over to Sansa. He reached out for her, his hand touching the curve of her jaw, “I don’t want to push. But you must marry. As Queen, you must produce an heir. If you don’t, your throne will fall to your closest male relative. Which is your cousin, Robin.” He gave a sour expression, “We don’t want that now do we?” He asked, as if he couldn't bear the thought of Lysa Arryn moving into Winterfell with her spoiled son.
Sansa swallowed, her breath thickening in her chest at his words. She didn’t despise her Aunt Lysa, but this was her home. The Vale belonged to Robin, and Sansa would rather walk into the fiery breath of Daenerys Targaryen’s dragon than see her family’s throne fall to Robin Arryn. 
“No.” Sansa finally answered, her tone bitter. “I don’t want that. There must be some other way.”
“There isn’t.” 
Sansa hated to admit that he was right. She already felt as if she had to prove her position every single day. “But not Ramsay. I don’t want to marry him.” She decided, her gaze meeting his gray eyes with urgency. 
Petyr Baelish released Sansa’s face from his touch and moved back to retrieve the letter. He tore it and tossed it into the fire as if it was already forgotten. “As you wish, Your Grace.” He said and Sansa was yet again surprised by him. Petyr was not a generous man, yet he ripped Lord Bolton’s letter as if it were just an afterthought. 
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ೃ⁀➷ ii. Daenerys Targaryen
Dany squinted as the wind tore through her flaxen hair. She couldn't help the grin on her face as Drogon swooped below the clouds, his claws grazing the water surrounding Dragonstone. Daenerys looked over her shoulder, making sure Rhaegal and Viserion weren't far behind. They were smaller than Drogon, but they never seemed to struggle when it came to keeping up with their brother.
Viserion dove down, submerging parts of his golden body into the water before rising with a large fish in his talons. Daenerys chuckled lightly as he tossed the fish into the air, catching it in his mouth before swallowing it whole. Her dragons seemed happier now that the war was over. She was afraid she'd lose one of them during the battle against the dead. Rhaegal was injured greatly, but her green-scaled boy was stronger than ever now.
As she neared Dragonstone she could see her advisor standing along the wall, his eyes following her dragons in awe. He didn't have to make a sound or wave for Dany to realize he wanted to speak with her. She held onto Drogon tighter, steering him down below. He lowered himself on the pathway, his body too large to fit, but low enough for Daenerys to slide off easily. Her boots softly hit the surface below, her hand sliding along Drogon's scales before he flew off without her.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, Your Grace. You did look like you were enjoying yourself up there." He said, his voice almost emotionless as he spoke, but that never bothered Daenerys.
"No need to apologize, Lord Varys." She said, her cheeks flushed pink from the wind beating against her face. "What is it?"
"I received a letter this morning. I thought you would want to read it yourself." He said, and Daenerys felt her brows crease, her lavender-colored eyes reflecting worry and curiosity all at once.
"Oh?" She followed Varys back into the castle to see Missandei holding a piece of parchment, her doe eyes reading through it before she looked up to see Dany approaching. She gave her a slither of a smile and Daenerys felt herself calm just a bit. Varys wasn't exactly the greatest comfort, but he was a good advisor. Missandei was more like a sister than she was an advisor, but Daenerys took great care in listening to her counsel.
"For you, Your Grace." She said before handing the letter off to Dany. Dany read over the words multiple times before looking up at Missandei. She was partly disappointed that the letter was from Lady Olenna and not Sansa Stark. She wrote Sansa weeks ago and has yet to hear a reply from the Northern Queen.
"A winter ball?" Daenerys wrinkled a nose momentarily. She knew balls were for when a man was in need of a wife, but then Daenerys knew she wasn't a very good candidate. She was a queen herself, and would never abandon her kingdom to marry some other ruler. Unless they had some outlandish idea of uniting their kingdoms as one. She cleared her throat some, "I'm assuming you think I should go?"
Missandei gave a small nod, "It wouldn't hurt to show face." She said, "The Tyrells were a great help during the war."
Daenerys knew she was right. If she didn't go she would look rude. Not that Dany cared if she looked rude, but the last thing she needed was to snub another kingdom. "Well, alright." She said before folding the letter, "I suppose I will go." She felt her face flush slightly, "I wonder if Sansa Stark received an invitation?" She queried as she followed Missandei and Varys through the castle. She noticed her advisors exchange a glance with one another, but Daenerys ignored it. Perhaps she did speak of the Stark Queen too much, and they both knew about the letters. Daenerys tried to keep her letters professional, but she had to admit she enjoyed the conversations with Sansa.
"Perhaps she has." Missandei answered softly, "I suppose you'll just have to go and find out."
Dany laughed, her eyes crinkling in amusement at Missandei's words. Of course, Missandei didn't mean to be funny, but it was almost as if Missandei was using the possibility of Sansa Stark's presence at the ball as a way to convince Dany to go and not back out. Daenerys couldn't help but feel a dull ache grip her chest at the thought of Sansa Stark's absence. Daenerys hasn't seen her since the war and wanted more than anything to speak with her in person.
Daenerys didn't know why she felt that way. Sansa Stark wasn't exactly amiable during the war. She was cold towards Daenerys and just the very thought irritated her. Dany did nothing to warrant such hostile behavior, but then again she had to remind herself that Sansa had a lot on her plate.
Even so, the Northern Queen allowed Daenerys to write to her and she even wrote back. They weren't enemies and Dany liked to think they were friends. She wanted to speak with her in person, she wanted to see Sansa's face, and read her expressions, and only then she would know how Sansa truly felt about her. Perhaps she was just entertaining Daenerys' letters, but Dany truly felt that Sansa wouldn't bother writing back if she didn't like her at least a little bit. She felt they could be great friends and allies if the red wolf just gave her a chance.
Daenerys felt her heart rate pick up and she grinned, her face tingling as butterflies danced inside her stomach. She tried not to worry too much about whether Sansa would be there or not. If Daenerys had received an invitation, she was sure Sansa did too.
"Perhaps while you're there, you can consider looking for--" But Varys' words died in his throat as Dany cut him off.
"I'm not ready to start looking for a husband just yet." She said as an impatient sigh escaped her lips, "We're only just recovering from the war. I need to focus on my people right now. They are my first priority, not finding someone to wed."
"Yes, you'll have plenty of time to seek out a husband." Missandei answered, throwing a side-glance at Varys.
Varys didn't argue. He relented before giving Dany a wary glance. Of course he didn't agree with either of them, but he knew better than to push Daenerys into something she wasn't ready for. She was fiercely independent, and he admired her for her strength and gentleness toward her people. But he knew the benefits a marriage could bring to their kingdom, and how much stronger they would be because of it.
Dany knew Varys was for the people above all else. But he trusted her judgement, and she liked to think he cared about her. Dany felt ill at the thought of marrying just yet. She knew she would have to. Every good queen or king had to do it. It was part of the game. But even so, she didn't feel she needed a political marriage in order to keep her kingdom safe. Daenerys had dragons, the dothraki and the unsullied.
She was powerful in her own right.
She wondered if Sansa was in search of a queen's consort. She frowned, her pale eyes falling to the cracks in the floor, watching as her feet continued to step over them, yet her body felt weightless, her legs becoming jelly at the thought of Sansa Stark marrying some random Lord.
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daenerysthefirst · 2 years ago
There are millions of reasons why I'll never forgive GoT for the last few seasons, but today, I will point out two:
We never got Dany in armor.
We never got Dany wearing the crown.
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whitedragonwolf4961 · 8 months ago
The Princess who was Promised
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No more doubt who the Prince or Princess that was Promised is. It is Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Born admit salt and smoke. Reborn in the fire to awaken dragons from stone eggs.
When I saw this vision I literally screamed with joy!!! Seeing my favorite female character ever again was a huge joy! And showing her with that red comet… no question now that she IS the one who was promised! Just as Maester Aemon told Sam. Now I know… this doesn’t erase the putrid ending from the hacks shit season. But… I believe this is an Easter egg for the books. For the real story. The Long Night is given so much attention and so much importance that I refuse to believe this isn’t a middle finger to how the hacks completely ruined it and made it a secondary anticlimactic freakshow. GRRM has always been clear that the fight with the Others is the ultimate threat. He’s not gonna make it what the hacks made it. So I believe this scene was a reminder that in the real story, the Others are the greatest threat. And the one who was promised is Daenerys Targaryen. She is a hero. She was never meant to have that putrid turn from the shit season. I don’t care what anyone tells me.
Even if HotD S3 and S4 suck or Knight of the Seven Kingdoms or Aegon’s Conquest… if they have more stuff like this… it’ll be worth it. I mean what I want more than anything are the books. The real ending. But if they continue throwing subtle jabs at the awful writing and ending from the two hacks… I am all for it!
From the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Rhaenyra the Rightful, comes the Princess that was Promised. And hers is the Song of Ice and Fire
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silverflameataraxia · 8 months ago
Sansa stans always want to use the "she's literally a child" argument to excuse Sansa's actions, while at the same time hating on Arya and other children in the books, some of which are younger than Sansa.
Or they want to shut down criticism of Sansa by saying it's sexist/misogynistic, while they actively hate on Arya and Dany and other female characters.
Hypocritical much?
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daenerystargaryen06 · 9 months ago
Reasons Why Daenerys Sacrificing Herself is Stupid
So, I have seen from the fandom points on that while people might not believe Daenerys will be killed, she will die sacrificing herself for the good of humanity against the Others in the books. Thus ending her arc in a 'better' manner. Yet this STILL includes harping on a female characters death, even if it is 'heroic', it's still just as bad as contemplating Dany dying by being killed by anything else. Some reasonings based on this theory vary:
-Some say Dany sacrificing herself will be a 'redemption' after she goes mad in the books and burns shit down (which is as ooc as it is and stems off of misogyny).
-Some say it is better for Dany to die sacrificing herself as a hero to rid/atone of the 'sins' of her ancestors (also misogynistic, and stupid.)
-Some say they'd rather see Dany die through self-sacrifice than any other way (but why see Dany die at all? Why not want for her to live happily instead, either as Queen or in a home of her own choosing?)
-Some say Dany will sacrifice herself to Jon as Nissa Nissa for the good of humanity (also misogynistic. Reduces Dany as a character. Dany is Azor Ahai, not Nissa Nissa).
The issue within Dany sacrificing herself overall, is it is an inherently misogynistic act within itself perturbed by those who want it to happen. Either way Dany sacrificing herself makes her a plot device, no matter how it happens. It strips away her character and what she represents.
-Dany sacrificing herself as Nissa Nissa is misogynistic in the way it strips Dany down from her character and simply makes her a tool. A vessel used for 'man pain' and only given a role for the man to be the hero. The woman dies so the man can continue on. She dies for the man and that is her only role in this portrayal. Even if Dany 'willingly' made herself Nissa Nissa and allowed it, overall it leaves a bad taste. It paints a narrative that her only use was for another man. A narrative that she was only useful for being a man's 'lover' and murdered in the end. A piece to be used and tossed away once done with.
Let's face the truth here, Dany is Azor Ahai. Her dragons Lightbringer. Dany does not need to be Nissa Nissa, because she already fulfilled the prophecy. Drogo was the sacrifice in this situation instead of Dany. The roles were reversed.
-Dany sacrificing herself (through battle or other means) also paints a misogynistic narrative. Her being a piece for sacrifice strips her of all her qualities; her intelligence, her ability and skill, her overall character arc and what she has done and achieved. It paints a picture that she is only of use to die. It makes everything she has ever achieved and accomplished and learned wasted on nothing. What is the point of her arc and all that she has learned and done if it's all just going to be wasted on her death in the end? Her apparently 'sacrificing' herself?
I do not see anyone discussed more of sacrificing themselves than Dany. And it's sad how people cannot enjoy a deeply written and amazing character without speculating on how they're going to die. It's sad people cannot enjoy Dany just for what she is without needing to make up theories just for how she will die. Why must she die? Why can't she live and have an accomplished and complete arc that results in her eventual happiness?
-The theory that Dany sacrificing herself for redemption after burning a city (like KL) is gross. Season 8 isn't canon, it isn't a part of G.R.R.M's ending. I highly doubt Dany is just gonna go crazy and start massacring people, when that has never been the point of her character and arc. G.R.R.M paints Dany as a HERO. Her narrative arc overall is that of a heroic one (but that doesn't have to include self-sacrifice done as a 'heroic' or 'redeemable act' either). G.R.R.M has also already denied a theory speculating Dany burning down the Water Gardens, why would he have her burn down KL instead? It makes no sense and would be a very ooc thing for Dany to do (no matter the circumstances). It is again, misogyny, to believe that Dany would just suddenly go crazy and burn shit, only to be able to 'redeem' her actions later by sacrificing herself and getting killed. If I needed that shit of an idea as an arc for Dany in the books, I might as well just ring up D&D and ask them to finish the books instead.
-Dany sacrificing herself to atone for the 'sins' of her ancestors/bloodline is also just as bad. What sins have her ancestors committed that she needs to atone for? I'd say most of her blood already atoned for their own sins given the tragedy that befell many Targs throughout the years. It does NOT fall on Dany to 'atone' for what her ancestors have done by sacrificing herself. There is the saying 'not to judge a person by the sins of their family'. Dany is not her family. She does not need to 'atone' for any sins. I'd say she's already doing a pretty good damn job of it already by upending the slavery economy, and being the person that she is- kind, compassionate, etc.
-As for theorizing she will sacrifice herself because there is no other vision for her death- again, I ask the question: why does she need to die at all?
Dany doesn't need to sacrifice herself. I doubt her arc will lead to that for her end. She is TPTWP, Azor Ahai. Her role against the Others will be one of triumph, not death. Dany is fire, she is life, she is Mother. There would be no point in her entire narrative arc, or even her written existence for that matter being raised up as such a large role, just for her to die in the end through 'self sacrifice'. I am sure many sacrifices will be needed during the Long Night, but Dany won't be one of them.
Let's not forget that Dany is the only person to
-First learn of the Song of Ice and Fire within the books
-Bring dragons back from extinction into the world
-Upend the slave trade/economy to help those enslaved
-Walk through fire to hatch dragons from stone
It is not her role to simply be used and traded off as some pawn for sacrifice. Her role is much bigger than just that. Dany is one of the main central characters within ASOIAF, she is the Fire in the title: A Song of Ice and Fire. Her role is not to sacrifice herself to the Others, but to end the coming darkness and bring Spring.
Dany is a hero, and she will continue to slay. Stay mad about it.
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Already gone through how Dany did work to replace the economy, how she turned down multiple chances to sail away and how she had literally everything stacked against her etc. and is above all not responsible for the actions of slavers who choose to unleash violence of their own accord etc.
But I am tickled by the logical paradox here. Dany, as a 14-year-old child, both does not understand the qualifications necessary to overthrow slavery, yet should also understand that she lacks those qualifications. She is a 14-year-old who doesn't know any better and yet should know better enough to know that she doesn't know any better enough.
For her lack of education, at least Dany is very good at math. 8600 Unsullied = 8600 dead babies. 2/3 of Unsullied do not survive training = 17,200 more dead children. 8600 + 17,200 = 25,800 dead children to make 8600 mutilated slave soldiers.
Add in the other children who have not completed their training yet. Kraznys tells her if she comes back in a year then they'll have another 2000 ready to sell to her. So they produce 2000 Unsullied a year. That's 2000 mutilations, plus 2000 dead babies plus 4000 children who don't survive training. 6000 dead children a year. So within the 14 years of Dany's life, that's 84,000 dead children to make 28,000 mutilated slave soldiers.
"Ask her if she wishes to view our fighting pits," Kraznys added. "Douquor's Pit has a fine folly scheduled for the evening. A bear and three small boys. One boy will be rolled in honey, one in blood, and one in rotting fish, and she may wager on which the bear will eat first."
Factor this shit then into your calculations. How frequently does Douquor's Pit schedule this particular folly? How many nights in a year are three children eaten alive for mass entertainment? Let's say once a week. 156 children a year. Let's say every night. 1095 children a year (1098 on a leap year). Let's throw in a matinee. 2190 children a year. Since Dany was born, 30,660.
All the maths adds up to burn that shit down. Tell me again that the situation before Dany was bearable. Tell me again that it's Dany's fault if the already wastefully viciously sadistically violent institution of zionism slavery continues to be wastefully viciously sadistically violent. Tell me again that you shouldn't fight back against a violent institution because then it's your fault when they retaliate with continued violence.
And with that said:
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ofbreathandflame-archive · 13 days ago
You were an Daenerys anti???? Why?
It was never about her as a character - it was more so about the critique of certain writing decisions (the cultural context of those writing decisions). I think asoiaf suffers from a lot of subtextual racism / fetishization. But in my opinion - I think I used to conflate those issues with issues regarding her actual character and I don’t think that’s fair.
I also think my jump was motivated by the climate of anti-Dany sentiments which I often find are quite misogynistic. I could never really find community in those debates. I am still pretty anti-targ (ish) but again, more so anti the pro targ community. I feel that way about Sansa antis too - it’s always just rooted in pure misogyny. I think Dany’s character is quite brilliant given the time she was written - and even how much she’s influence fantasy protags. I like how she’s written, and appreciate her complexity much more than when I was a teenager. I think the story does a good job of drawing on her skills - I even like the way her mistakes are written!
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house-of-daenerys · 2 years ago
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