#pro choicers welcome
spectralpaws89-19m · 1 year
Hello. I’ll be brief: I’m 19, male, straight, cisgender and autistic.
I’m also pro-choice and a firm atheist who supports Ukraine, Palestine, women and girls’ reproductive rights, the LGBTQ+ community.
I also like classic 2D games and pixel art. My favorite companies are Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Namco and (classic) Konami.
I love puppies and ponies, too. I may post when I’m proud enough of a work I’ve made.
Overall, I’m just here for the fun!
DNI if you’re/you're a:
LGBTQ+ phobic
a religious person who uses Jesus to be hateful
forced birther
sexist / victim-blamer
a creep (MAPS, Z00philes, etc. are not valid)
an overall jerk
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cheerfullycatholic · 3 months
hi! I’m the “pro-choice christian” anon from a while back! I want to thank you and the fellow christ-blrs for helping me understand the pro-life movement!
I think a lot of the “pro-choice” people aren’t *really* pro-abortion, I think they’re more “pro-women receiving adequate and safe medical care” and would change their stance to pro-life if they educated themselves more on the dangers and trauma that abortion causes. A lot of “pro-choice” people are “pro-choice” because they don’t know there’s alternative options to abortion. I didn’t know that life-affirming treatments even existed!
I also think that some pro-choicers aren’t willing to open their mind about pro-life because of the social consequences that come with a 2024 Wrong Think™️. I find it silly, but I know I would lose some friends if they knew I was pro-life 😅
Education and compassion are necessary on both sides! Bless you, sister!
You're welcome, and I absolutely agree! That's one of the reasons why I love posting about the topic because there's so much that even pro life people don't know and I just think more info can never be harmful with this issue. I've had so many wonderful conversations with people who support abortion because they believe it's the only way to help women and it's so great that they want to help! But it's important to understand that there's so many ways to help that don't involve abortion and even if they don't change their minds they're always glad to learn about the options. I think people on both sides of the debate would have better conversations if we'd listen to each other instead of just arguing, though I know that's easier said than done
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confetticrittercore · 9 months
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Call me Pat (placeholder name)! As for orientations+pronouns: I dunno lol. I just work here. I do know I'm 27 though.
sillyfunny music playlist for browsing on desktop
coming soon (or not):
🍭linked tag list
🎁some semblance of customization on desktop (if I ever get around to learning how to code)
Here's some rules/stuff to keep in mind for this blog:
🎂my main blog is confetti-critter
🎉Terfs, anti-choicers, "pro-shippers", racists, ddlg freaks and pedos, and other nasties are not welcome here! (If you are pro-ana you are also unwelcome but I hope you recover)
🌈if you are a minor I don't care if you reblog/like my stuff here
🎈you can ask me to delete a post I reblogged from you, or tag something, or whatever. I don't bite, unless you're a FOOD or perhaps my NIGHT GUARD
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Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog, and I have to say, it's amazing to see someone who shares my beliefs (christian, right-wing, conservative, etc) and be so outspoken about it. I love it.
I have a question. How do you do it? Aren't you worried about people attacking you and receiving hate or even losing some friends?
Welcome to the Christian side of Tumblr, my friend! (If you keep an eye on the people from whom I reblog most, they are ALL Christian conservatives 👀).
For one, it helps that I am pretty anonymous on Tumblr. I was less anonymous once upon a time until I got doxxed by some pro-choicers, so I tightened up security.
For another, resilience is a muscle group that must be strengthened by experience. Getting attacked and hated on is the easiest muscle to strengthen; I’d say I get hate (both anonymous and direct) at least 10 times a month. I roll my eyes and crack a smile before deleting it or blocking them or deciding to have a little fun teasing them publicly.
But I remember vividly the very first time I was dogpiled on Tumblr 10 years ago, because I had NOT trained that muscle. I voiced an objection to the TV show Elementary trans-ing Mrs. Hudson, and the fallout was not pretty. I was stuck in an oppressive fog of both deep shame and helpless indignance for perhaps 2 days before recovering.
Shame is their most powerful weapon, so you must become shameless to all but the voices who matter (those who speak the truth of Scripture). This includes becoming shameless before your friends.
That kind of resilience is a much harder muscle to strengthen. I have lost a good number of friends, some of them people I thought would be bridesmaids on my wedding day. But as long as you conduct yourself in a manner that leaves your conscience clean, that too will get easier (though never painless).
The people who are willing to drop you as a friend over a difference in belief would not be reliable friends down the line if they’d stayed.
And if I must choose between telling lies and losing unreliable friends, I am morally obligated to lose friends.
The good news is, there are plenty of people out there who share the fundamentals with you, can disagree with you on the small things in love, and will step up to bat for you and share the arrows that come flying at you.
And failing that, the Lord is for you; who can prevail against you?
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Just a quick PSA
Please let me know if I ever reblog skin lightening soap so I can delete the post! We don't condone that kind of evil here. We only condone suplexing non-hand washers into the nearest hard+flat surface 😊
Also because this needs to be said:
Terfs, anti-choicers, "pro-shippers", racists, ddlg freaks and pedos, and other nasties are not welcome here! (If you are pro-ana you are also unwelcome but I hope you recover)
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mysterious-foxes · 4 years
Girl how can you write paragraphs in response to pro life posts and never provide any links to evidence/proof it’s kinda embarrassing to watch
I mean, I am more than happy to provide links to evidence and proof if asked. But most anti choicers don't take the time to actually read up on facts, so why waste my time putting a link in that the other person isn't even going to look at. If you're embarrassed for me, you're more than welcome to add links yourself or hit the unfollow button 🤷🏻‍♀️
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luminous-lovecore · 4 years
DNI IF: P*dophiles/MAPs, racists in general, cop defenders, Trump supporters, fascists/alt-righters/n*zis, homophobes, anti choicers, TERFs/TEHMs, truscum/transmeds, and REGs/(ace/aro/pan/bi) exclusionists, or  pro-shipper.
Hello lovelies! I'm your host, Adrien, and welcome to the lovecore cafe, dearies! It's here I'll be running a multifandom x reader blog~! (Yes, pun on butler/maid cafes. May use that as a theme...or a cafe theme in general.) But! Tis here I will be writing more than JUST homestuck!!! Some of my fandoms I will write for include...
1.) Homestuck
2.) Mystic Messenger
3.) Danganronpa
4.) Kimi Ga Shine/Your Turn To Die
5.) Doki Doki Literature Club
6.) Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer
7.) Sally Face
8.) Boku no Hero/ My Hero Academia
9.) Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon
10.) Takenoichigo/Orange
11.) Heroes of Olympus
12.) Persona 5
13.) Minecraft Diaries (Aphmau)
14.) Splatoon Series
15.) The Outsiders
16.) The Arcana
A wide variety, and I may even think of more as we go! Next, my dears, we have rules...
ONE: Starting off with the basics: please do not request a ton of characters, thank you. 
TWO: Two! Do not request anything poly that will be inc//st or anything of the sorts. Requests will be ignored and deleted! :]
THREE: Three! Please do not request anything where your character will be harmed by the character. Usually, i’m not in the mindset to do these things.
FOUR: Four! Nothing to do with s//lfh//rm or s//cide. I personally will not be able to write that due to my own mental health, thanks!
FIVE: NO nsfw requests! I’m a minor, so just don’t. Thanks!
SIX: While I will do family headcanon requests, I prefer to not do pregnancy requests?? It’s odd, I know, I just prefer to avoid it.
That should be all, dearies! Ask box is open~~
MASTERLIST: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vezY8NtdOZQVc5WlEJDZu2IlqNMn_haBzTq3obqXTqo/edit?usp=sharing
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ohifonlyx33 · 3 years
man i wanted to be friends with you but youre an anti vaxx and pro life...
That's okay. You're still welcome to follow me. Or not. Do whatever you like.
See, I'm not really altogether anti-vax. I really don't care one way or another what my friends and family do. I have close friends who have taken it and some who haven't. Either way, you'll probably be fine. But see, unlike pro-choicers who claim to be for "bodily autonomy", I don't think the government has the right to mass-mandate that people get a medical treatment for something--especially when other people have personal reasons (from valid health concerns like Guillain-Barre Syndrome or valid questions about the safety especially regarding fertility/reproductive health to valid religious exemptions about the ethics of how it was made and what is in it).
More than anything, I am ACTUALLY actually pro-personal responsibility and pro-informed consent--especially in matters of personal health and bodily autonomy... like whether or not to be forced to take a highly politicized drug that is SO COMPLETELY SAFE that NO ONE ALLOWED TO QUESTION IT. That's DEFINTITLY NOT sketchy.
I am proud to say that a person's freedom to choose definitively ends when that choice directly involves the termination of an innocent human life. Pretty simple.
Anyway, we could have disagreed and been friends. But given that you went out of your way to be rude when you could have just gone about your life... Well, sadly, you seem like someone who isn't very nice, so maybe we wouldn't get along. Truly a shame.
Have a nice day.
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zane-sommers · 3 years
My random thoughts:
I meant to post this a week or so ago. My bad.
Since there seems to be a lot of debate/discussion about who is the oldest twin on Superman and Lois. I took this screenshot from Alex Garfin's Twitter.( It's not verified but his followers have the cast of the show and Jordan Elsass has tagged this account a few times in Tweets. Just to clarify that this IS Alex's Twitter. Twitter has put a hold on verifying accounts.)
Back to the Tweet below: As you can see it mentions Tom Welling and his wife welcoming their SECOND son, then Alex asking if they named it Jordan.
After discussing with a few friends as their take on who is the oldest twin, we talked about a few other things and all came to the same conclusion. Jonathan was born first.
First: I stated this before as have others, the actors who play the twins have said Jonathan is the oldest. As well as throughout the show Jordan is referred to as the younger brother.
Second: I mentioned this on another person's post. Why would Clark & Lois name their first born son after a man that Clark didn't know and only met the AI version of? I think they would give the honor of naming their first born son after the man who raised Clark and loved him as his own, Jonathan Kent.
Third: I normally don't talk about this subject, so this will be the only time and short as possible. I apologize in advance if this subject offends anyone, not my intention. There is a lot of arguments on when 'life' begins. Pro-Lifers say it begins at conception. Most Pro-choicers say the fetus isn't a baby, until it's born. So the doctor saying 'one more push and baby Jonathan can meet Jordan.' (Not sure of exact wording). I take it as Jonathan is already born.
Fourth: Someone else mentioned this in another post. Jonathan displays more traits of an older sibling. Me being the baby/youngest of my family, I see this to be accurate.
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spectralpaws89-19m · 1 year
Hello. My first post on here.
I am a pro-choice, Pro-Palestine autistic atheist (18M) who is a straight ally to the LGBTQ+ community, and avid lover of pixel art and anthro canine ladies. Just here for the fun, so let’s keep things positive, please!
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kitsukinnies · 3 years
Welcome to the kin-zone!
below the cut i will be introducing myself and what i do, loves!!!
DNI: P*dophiles/MAPs, racists in general, cop defenders, Trump supporters, fascists/alt-righters/n*zis, homophobes, anti choicers, TERFs/TEHMs, truscum/transmeds, and REGs/(ace/aro/pan/bi) exclusionists, fact-kin, or  pro-shippers!
now that that's out the way...
hi! i'm mod Nico, here to help run this blog. as you can see, though, this blog is VERY multifandom!!! meaning that i have decided to throw in all the things i do and combine it into things i LIKE to consume as well!!!! some general fandoms i'm into,
Dream Smp (I will not to factkins of the streamers!!)
Persona 5
Genshin Impact
Mystic Messenger/The Arcana
Demon Slayer
Minecraft Diaries
Liar Liar
That being said, I'm into many other things, and very open to learning about new fandoms to do things for!!! And with that out the way, let me move onto some of the things I will do!!!
ramble about things!!! talk about unpopular opinions you have so long as they aren't problematic!
request a character/ship and aesthetic to get icons made!!!!
music things to describe your kins! very neat and very fun!!!
i'll make playlists based off characters you request!!!!
and of course, one final thing... rules!!! very important things to note,
we will not be posting anything graphic or harmful, no matter the request.
pride icon requests are welcome!
if a request is denied, do not ask for it again!
please do not vent in the inbox, seek someone you know and trust to help you!
this account is run by a minor!!! no nsfw.
if something needs to be tagged, ask!
and with that being said... requests are OPEN!!! <3
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humanimalgam · 5 years
why are so many anti-choicers like, yes i am pro-life, yes i think people capable of conception should be punished for their promiscuity, welcome to my hardcore porn blog :)
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To clarify, I was very interested in certain information I would like to learn from. Trying to finding to make sense of it all-if it started on the wrong path, that was not my intention. I am a student that is still learning about politics and history which deeply interests me.
Explanations are always welcome-if it is contained with direct seriousness and fact checked. If a threat, it would not be perceived seriously in Tumblr.
However that aside, don’t mistake me as naive.
Simply put, I put one certain information I would like to share about in which certain people has a certain mindset, which surprises me that it is reacted with hostility-I just want to share if there is an explanation to it.
I won’t be silent on right morality.
I question conformist mindsets that seemed to attack only one area.
“... in the time that is now, Republicans are the party of Donald Trump, Steve King, Stephen Miller, and so many other white supremacists.”
I wonder if you forgot David Duke, not only endorsing and later condemnation of President Trump (who in turn condemned David Duke and racism in particular), endorsing Tulsi Gabbard a Democrat (rejected the endorsement) and IIhan Omar (who tweeted anti Semitic comments).
Did you forget the long term racism with the Democratic Party that still remain in Civil Rights era? Figures like Orval Farbus, George Wallace, Nestor Maddox, and infamous Bull Connor? Any thoughts on information that it still remains today due to cities that are usually Democratic that contain high crime rates and negligence?
Republicans are still massive hypocrites for claiming to be “pro-life”...
What happened to Chuck Schumer a Democrat then? Made a threating comments at pro-choice rally?
There was a saying I heard about abortion, which had me thinking: “If the conservatives lied, we put a lot of stress on women. If the liberals lied, we murdered countless babies”.
Law and Order: Dignity episode furthered the thinking also.
In addition, Planned Parenthood is under weird historical scrutiny that one of their leading founders Margaret Sanger, spoke at white supremacists rallies.
“#i’m cooped up and angry and i will take your head right off”
Something that a school bully, cyber bully, any racial supremacist, and Antifa would say.
I strongly condemn terrorism and violence against pro choicers and abortion clinics. But what about videos of peaceful pro-lifers being harassed and assaulted?
I wonder if Democrats can also be honest for seconds also. Doesn’t their agendas do not anger you also? Afterall, is it not true that politicians, regardless of their affiliations, are fickle? Wouldn’t their hypocrisy not make you into a volcano?
Discuss. Questions?
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hlovescincy · 5 years
A woman's right to choose and to choose if she talks about it.
Putting this here, so I can screenshot it and send it to a "Judd Legum", who posted a couple tweets I saw a couple hours ago and can't stop thinking about. Apparently he has decided what many people decide when they can't fix an issue: to blame Taylor Swift. Here are screenshots of his tweets that he has not yet deleted and apologized for, in spite of being corrected dozens of times by others that his info is wrong.
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Dear Judd,
I appreciate everyone rightfully calling you out that those photos & contract was years ago, making your point void. But that's not even important - what you tweeted needs to be addressed further, regardless if you had even been right on that point. Because honestly, you need to check your male privilege RIGHT NOW.
First of all, you targeted Taylor Swift even though I don't see you targeting any of the male entertainers who've taken millions from sponsors who are outwardly anti-choice. But you chose to go after a woman, and for a measly 40 grand from years ago from a company on record for opposing heartbeat bills a few weeks ago! As if that paycheck would make a Times Up Person of the Year, compromise her values and go silent. You know money's not an issue for her. Why didn't you stop to think: "...maybe this isn't my place to ask?” “...maybe I should reach out to a woman who’s spoken on this to see if they have more to add?” Have you forgotten that quickly that when it comes to women's health choices AND our beliefs, it remains our business?
I am very pro-choice. I'm in public health and I’ll support Planned Parenthood to my dying day. I support a woman's right to get an abortion in cases of rape, incest, health or because she just woke up and feels like it. Women don't need a qualifier from men or other women on how to make their own family planning decisions. And as her fan, I'd love it if she came out publicly as pro-choice. But its a much bigger deal for someone with her influence to talk about, and she has never done anything like that without dropping research and action steps. She's already made it clear the politicians she believes in are pro-choice. So I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt that while traveling around the world and working - if she wants to say something, she will when the time is right for her. Men need to learn that abortion services are not kept discreet just to keep anti-choicers off a woman's trail. They are kept discreet because those choices, discussions and opinions belong to women. ONLY. We will always appreciate when men support women's rights - and that you know this support is the bare minimum you should do. But to borrow an expression from my mom, I think some of you guys have gotten a little too big for your britches. This is not the way to be an ally. As long as her opinions aren't imposing on others, a woman's thoughts on the issue of abortion are HERS. Why? Because you have no idea what it's like to be a woman in this situation. You have no idea the agony and pain that some women go through every time they talk or even hear about it - whether they've had one or not. You'll never experience a miscarriage, a pregnancy scare, endometriosis, being told there's something wrong with your body while trying to conceive, or even having to deal with monthly cramps! We go to women's marches, fight for laws and these health centers so everyone will respect our right to make personal, sometimes emotional and always private reproductive decisions. We don't do those things so men of all people, can come on twitter and question women on their beliefs like you did in your second tweet. And IT DOESN'T MATTER if she's a celebrity!! Her ability to write better than Shakespeare does not give you the right to treat her like a character in one of his plays.
Obviously, please feel free to question women who are politicians, health care providers or people who are activists in this space on how they feel - but even that should be done keeping the things I said in mind. I’d hate to see you start doing this to other women entertainers. And I also don't want other male writers thinking what you did today was remotely ok. Just because a few women have shared their stories, doesn't mean everyone has to. Just because some women talk about if they are pro-choice, doesn't mean everyone has to. If Ms. Swift decides to share her thoughts with her fans and the world, she's welcome to do so. But please get this through your head: regardless of your job, sexual preference or politics - YOU are unwelcome from asking her about it.
Someone who thinks you can do better. So try. 🖤
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argumate · 6 years
Shouldn't there be a limit on abortion? At 25 weeks, a fetus can feel. Some pro-choicers argued to me that the mother's right to bodily autonomy would always be the priority, so even if it was a 25 year old man relying on her body for just a few months, she would have a right to "abort" him. But surely that 25 year old man, and that 25 week old fetus, would both have a right to bodily autonomy too?
yes, if they can survive independently then they are welcome to do so, that’s what bodily autonomy means.
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If something bad happened and a teenage woman got pregnant against her will, would you say she should abort? Or what do pro-lifers say? (This is a genuine question, no hate. Also purely hypothetical so don't get too worried)
Hello, anon! Thanks for the ask!
First off, the percentage of abortions because of rape (as opposed to all other reasons for abortion) is less than 2%. Less than 2% of abortions are taken because of rape.
I’ve seen a lot of pro-choicers use the rape argument as if it’s common and happening everywhere, but it’s not. All that they’re doing is scaring people and jumping to extremes.
That being said, if a teenager did get raped, then I don’t believe she should abort her baby. After all, there’s two victims in this situation: the mother and the baby. Neither had any choice in the matter, and both are innocent. It’s wrong to punish one victim to make another victim feel better; what should happen is getting the rapist punished severely.
A lot of women experience unplanned pregnancies, and most pro-choicers are quick to suggest abortion as their only option. In truth, it’s not the only option, even if the mother is struggling.
Pregnancy Help Centers exist all over the world, offering free resources and support for pregnant women. I’ve been to one before, and it was one of the most comforting places I’ve ever visited.
These centers give away diapers, clothes, blankets, bottles, food, parent training courses, and much more, either for free or for extremely cheap. They also offer ultrasounds and pregnancy tests!
These centers are open to women of all backgrounds, and they stay open no matter what the mother decides to do with her baby. If anyone is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, I would HIGHLY suggest going to a center!
This is a very sensitive topic, and I welcome anyone to chime in with their thoughts—and if anyone has further questions, my ask box is always open!
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