#private landlords
Okay, so the RW have whipped up this moral panic about Transwomen in women's bathrooms, but what about the potential risk of having to share a multi let with several strangers?  How come nobody seems to be talking about the potential risks in that?
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eaglesnick · 2 years
101 Things You Should Know About the UK Tory Government
Thing 37
The Conservatives promised to abolish Section 21 evictions: the ability of private landlords to evict tenants without the landlord having to give a reason for the eviction.
We will bring in a Better Deal for Renters, including abolishing ‘no fault evictions’."  (Conservative Manifesto 2019)
On the steps of Number 10 Downing Street, unelected Sunak made this promise:
“…the mandate my party earned in 2019 is not the sole property of any one individual, it is a mandate that belongs to and unites all of us. And the heart of that mandate is our manifesto. I will deliver on its promise.”
We already know the Tory manifesto promise concerning social care reform wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on, and now the Tory commitment to abolishing  “no fault” evictions is meeting the same fate.
Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and Minister for Intergovernmental Relations since 2021 had this to say on the BBC Today programme
“We are clear we have a manifesto commitment to ensure that we protect people in the private rented sector more effectively.” (Gove 24/12/22)
So what is Michael Gove actually doing to abolish Section 21? Nothing. Proposed legislation has been postponed until some time in 2023. 
So much for Sunak’s Downing Street promise.
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chicago-geniza · 5 months
Every day I think, this is it. I have approached as closely as possible the maximal asymptote of Hating UChicago. And yet. Every day. My hatred of UChicago increases Exponentially
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freenorthnow · 29 days
Direct investment in social housing pays for itself through social rents, reduced costs of temporary accommodation, and higher social wellbeing.
There is simply no justification or need for this cost to fall on current social housing tenants by raising their rents.
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anarchistin · 11 months
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The landlord performs no function in the economy of industry or of food production. He is a rent receiver; that, and nothing more.
Were the landlord to be abolished, the soil and the people who till it would still remain, and the disappearance of the landowner would pass almost unnoticed.
So too with the capitalist.
— Keir Hardie, co-founder of the Labour Party and its first leader
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trans-cuchulainn · 6 months
i just booked to view two flats (to buy) (i'm probably not going to buy them) (i would only be co-buying them even if i did bc i can't afford a mortgage) (they're in a good location though it would be way nearer to useful things even if there's still no bus) and they asked me no questions beyond contact details when i called them about a viewing. is that normal. shouldn't they have tried to check i'm serious. i had all my answers prepared re: the finances and they didn't care
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poebrey · 12 days
taylor swift has another scandal where she’s linked to conservatives. water is wet.
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butchfriend · 6 months
the good news: best friend got the job she wanted & we're planning to get an apartment and live together starting in june!
the bad news: finding any year-round housing that is remotely affordable in a 50 mile radius that will also let me have my cat is going to be a massive fucking headache
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nando161mando · 10 months
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moonscape · 1 month
gary i need to move homes as soon as possible
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orphyd · 1 year
My mom rents a 3br 2ba for about $3200 which is around the standard here, she got a letter from her leasing office a few days ago that the rent is going up to $4500 on the new lease……landlords are the first ones in the guillotine y’all (also don’t live in a state where there’s no rent control)
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feline-evil · 3 months
Because of the ceaseless need to destroy the countryside with shitty beige identical houses that claim to be 'affordable housing'- and yet will be inaccessible to the vast majority of those who need homes- the soundscape of where i live, a small town which used to be surrounded just by silent fields, is constantly filled with the ceaseless banging of infernal machines; because not only do they have to do construction what feels like 24/7 to make more and more of these faceless, featureless tiny shitfucks, but they also have to deal with the fact there are
So the banging continues for even more than it would if you lived on a constant construction site; which is essentially unavoidable no matter where you live now because not an inch of countryside is safe, hurrah, hooray, one of these fields used to be home to so much life that i would see birds of prey and pheasant hanging out in it! Now it's featureless houses that make the entire county look the same! Featureless houses i and anyone else like me will never afford! Featureless houses that aren't even good, they're constructed fast and small and will not stand the test of time!! I love it!!! It's great and i'm NOT mad about it!!! And i didn't get woken up on less than five hours sleep by the constant banging!!!
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celebrate-lesbianism · 6 months
My wife and I have to find a new place soon and I am not looking forward to the housing discrimination that will come with looking for a 1-bedroom apartment together.
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kingblau · 4 months
housing market is killing me lol. I need to get out of this house. renting is like pissing on money then lighting it on fire and overpriced to boot. property is priced way above actual value and I don't want to buy 2.5x the debt something is actually worth. like I have the money anyway.....
I just want to have something of my own some day. I've worked really hard! I haven't spent any of my money! and I still don't have half of what I'd need!!!
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exdivine · 6 months
i put in an application for a really cheap but cute studio apartment :)
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newsbites · 1 year
Private equity has been rapidly growing its share of the housing market, taking advantage of a housing crisis and in some cases exacerbating it. But as large corporate landlords grow in power, tenants are increasingly rallying together and finding creative ways to hit them in their pockets.
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