#private label kids clothing
athenawillams · 1 year
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3 Types Of Outerwear To Include In Your Private Label Kids Clothing Collection
Explore this guide to find out which trendy styles in kids clothing you should include in your retail stock of children's apparel!
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kapoor91 · 1 year
Why Buying Wholesale Gym Clothes, Beachwear, and Girls Dresses is a Wise Investment
Get wholesale clothes from the premier American-based wholesale clothing manufacturer. Offering a wide range of quality flannel, denim jackets, sportswear and children’s clothes in bulk, USA Clothing Manufacturer is your go-to source for all your bulk clothing needs!
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clothingflannel · 1 year
Shop online at Flannel Clothing and get the best deals on wholesale flannel shirts, pajama pants, and other clothing items. Get quality apparel at the most competitive prices in the market today!
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sharonallen246 · 2 years
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Are There Benefits Of Going Private Label In The Kids Clothing Industry?
Do you want to know some of the best benefits of private labels in the kids’ clothing industry? Go through the list given below:
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brandylouis021 · 2 years
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angel-of-the-moons · 10 months
When you get the chance do you think you could write a Miguel x chubbyF!reader ?
(It's my first time requesting and I wanted to try and give like an idea of it)
Miguel saw the reader in the library and she caught his eye and he went on about what he was doing until he grabbed the same book as her and it just happened to be both of their favorite books and they ended up talking about it and maybe going to a coffee shop after?
The Very Grumpy Spider
Miguel x Chubby/Curvy!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None
Taglist: @tojishugetiddies
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Miguel was hiding away from the world in the most unlikely of places. It wasn't his home, or his darkened office at HQ, or the labs at Alchemax.
No, it was the library. It hardly had any foot traffic, and the libraries of the world were quickly becoming obsolete with their actual paper books in favor of all the digital files you could simply download online these days.
Which is why it was perfect for him to hide in.
It was quiet, almost no people, and his favorite reading nook had the comfiest chairs. Hell, sometimes he'd sit in the bean bag chairs and nod off a bit.
Today he was browsing the shelves labeled "Classics -- Science Fiction".
His large fingers drummed on the spines of each book as he weighed the decision of which one to read, his glasses perched low on his nose. It seemed silly, that someone who has superpowers would like something as simple as science fiction, but these books were a big escape from the abuse he and his little brother were witness (and in many cases victim) to.
It was also the library he'd run off to back then, too.
It was a sanctuary, a sweet, private Sanctuary.
Miguel was so warped in his thoughts that he didn't notice somebody was now standing right next to him.
Not until a small hand reached out and they both touched the spine of the same book.
An omnibus of sorts containing all the stories of a series called "Dinotopia" by an author named James Gurney, a little over a hundred or so years ago. Miguel as a child had silly fantasies of finding such a place and now the stories were a source of great comfort when the stress of his life became a bit too hard.
"Oh! Sorry!" You say, awkwardly snatching your hand back. "I... Er. Didn't know that anybody else liked... uh, nevermind."
You were... cute. Not obnoxiously made-up like many of the women he's met; you were very minimal makeup and he could even see a few blemishes here and there.
Your body was not rail thin--again, like most women he's known--you were soft, your clothes hugged your body in a way that showed that you had little rolls that spilled over the top of your jeans, your legs and arms a bit on the thicker side, and your round little face definitely set you apart.
And Miguel found himself quickly liking the sight.
He lowered his hand and shook his head with a soft chuckle, "Ah, no, it's alright. I'm surprised anybody even knows these books exist."
You smiled sheepishly up at him, dimples in your soft cheeks as you did. "Yeah... My grandpa used to read these to me when I was little. It's hard to find them nowadays and the copies I had got ruined when my apartment flooded..."
"I used to read them as a kid, myself." Miguel smiled at you as he plucked the book off the shelf, looking at the illustrated cover; protected by a dust jacket but the cover was faded with time, the pages slightly yellowed.
"They were a nice escape."
"Oh! Yeah... They--they are." You say as you watched him turn the book over in his massive hands. Hell, they were so goddamn big that the thick volume looked like a tiny booklet. And oh, did you try to ignore how strong they looked.
Miguel sighed and held the book out to you, "Here. Far be it from me to keep someone from reading a favorite, huh?"
You held your hands up, waving then a bit. "Oh! No, no, um... It's okay. You can read it."
You both stood there, blinking at each other in an awkward silence.
Until you both broke out into soft laughter and Miguel lowered his hand that still clutched the book.
"...We're just going to go back and forth about this, aren't we?" He asked.
"... Probably." You giggled, rubbing the back of your neck.
There was another pause, until you decided to break it.
"Um... well. We can... Talk about it?"
When he tilted his head at you with raised eyes you felt yourself flush. "I--! Well, I just mean that, um... Er. It's unusual to find anybody that knows about that series because it's so old, so, I mean..."
He laughed again, and god, did it sound wonderful as it tumbled out of his lips. He fixed his dark eyes on you and smiled. "Sure. I don't have anywhere to be for the rest of the day."
You swore you could see that his eyes glimmered a different color as he spoke, and your heart slipped a beat.
You and Miguel chatted for what must have been close to three hours. You'd even gotten so close as to read the book together; or, well, a few of the stories in it here and there.
You guys had sat so close you could smell his cologne and aftershave.
Meanwhile Miguel could smell your sweet, cherry-like perfume. Hell, he could even smell your lip balm (it had notes of honey) thanks to his super senses.
He loved watching you move, he would often take his eyes from the pages to scan your form, looking at how soft and plush you were. He had the most intrusive thoughts about laying his head in your lap and just letting you run your fingers through his hair as you read the book aloud to him.
Oh, your thighs looked like perfect napping pillows...
He was gorgeous, and he found you absolutely beautiful. You were cute, funny, and quirky, whereas you found him intelligent, witty and kind when he spoke to you.
Something beeped on Miguel's watch and when he looked at it, he grunted. Lyla was asking him when he was going to just ask you out, because apparently she'd been eavesdropping covertly through his watch.
Yeah, it had been hours.
"Is that, um... A call you need to take?" You ask hesitantly.
"No, it's just my assistant checking on me." He turned it off and lowered his wrist, smiling again at you, and he felt something gnaw in his stomach when he saw your hopeful expression.
Fuck it.
"Hey... Would you like to get a coffee?" He finally asked you directly.
And oh, the little error-code face you made was just precious.
"Oh!" You shake your head softly, and smile up at him again. "Sure! I--I mean that is I'm okay with with that, and... uh."
Miguel stood, the book once again in his palm and he extended his hand to you politely to help you out of your seat.
Witty and chivalrous. It made you positively weak in the knees!
"But, um... are you sure?" You ask, following him to the check out counter.
He smiled at you over his shoulder, waving the book.
"Of course. After all, how else are we supposed to finish reading this together?"
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dangerdazee · 2 months
descendants: rise of red james hook x morgie le fay one-shot, in which hook stays back to keep watch with morgie
i ship them so so so bad. also while ur here go check out the edit i did for them bc i couldn't help myself
"Morgie, honey, you keep look-out, okay? If you see Merlin coming, give a signal." Uliana says.
"Should I do a wolf howl? Or like a dog howl?? I can do different dogs!" Morgie shows great enthusiasm, but it comes off annoying and childlike and far too perky to Uliana.
James Hook, knowing this, leans over to whisper to Uliana.
"Do you think it's the best idea to leave him out here by himself?"
"Good point. You stay with him. Maleficent, Hades, with me. Let's move." Uli, Maleficent, and Hades trudge through the wet, slightly muddy grass towards the school.
Morgie turns around and starts climbing the tree that Hook was in a minute ago, and even though he just got down, Hook climbs up after him. The two boys sit side-by-side on a thick branch that seems sturdy enough to hold them both.
The drizzling rain adds to the ambiance of the night. There's something peaceful about it.
Even though their friends are currently sneaking into Merlin's office to steal a forbidden cookbook... out here in the tree, on a rainy night, with the soft lights of the school exterior barely illuminating their surroundings, it's nice. And they both definitely enjoy the company here as well.
"Did you really think I shouldn't be left out here on my own?"
"Yes, but not for the reason I let Uli think. It's dark and we aren't supposed to be here. I didn't want you to be left alone in case anything happened. Not to mention, it's rare that we can find time alone."
Morgie smiles.
Morgie knows he's viewed as the weakest link of the group. Evil still, yes, but he's not as dark and brooding and serious as the rest of them. The others, especially Uliana, tend to look down on him for it. They end up treating him like a kid sometimes.
Hook never does, though. Hook's always treated Morgie as an equal, no matter how non-villainous he acts sometimes. That was one of the first things that really drew Morgie to Hook. (After his hair.)
Hook is also a bit protective over Morgie, hence the hesitation to leaving him outside the school alone during this whole mission.
Even under the tree, the drizzling rain still gets them. Their hair grows damp and dark spots of water scatter their clothes.
The two move their hands towards the other's, like a magnet is pulling them. Morgie's hand ends up more on top of Hook's, but their fingers naturally weave together in an uncoordinated but perfectly comfortable manner.
Morgie is heavily focused on his job. Uliana told him to keep watch, and that he is. Hook looks over at the boy, his strong focus and the rainwater dripping slowly from his hair. A small smile grows on Hook's face as he watches the other, and Morgie looks over at him upon feeling the stare.
"Nothing. Do you see Merlin anywhere?"
"No, I-"
Hook shifts his weight to the hand between them and leans on it, being careful not to fall as he brings his face to Morgie's. Ever since Hook and Morgie started... whatever this relationship they have is, they've realized how little private time alone they can find. Much less, opportunity to kiss. So when the opportunity is there, at least one of them is usually quick to jump at it, and this evening it was Hook.
Their relationship is complicated. They haven't labeled it; they've hardly talked about it. It simply is. To the average on-looker, they mostly just seem like good friends. Really good friends.
Maleficent and Hades have figured out that something is going on (then Hook fully spilled all about it to Maleficent, as friends might do.) Uliana hasn't. She kind of couldn't care less either way, though.
Morgie wants a label. He wants something more solid and serious, but he knows that just isn't the kind of person Hook is.
Morgie's willing to take what he can get. He'll compromise for Hook. Secret kisses, affectionate moments, a closeness slightly more than qualifies as friendship. It's hard sometimes, but Morgie says he'll do it for Hook. He just assumes that's what Hook wants, even if that's not what Morgie wants.
Hook doesn't love it, though, but he doesn't really know how else to navigate it. He's talked with Maleficent about it before, but even with the advice of his in-a-committed-relationship friend, Hook still feels clueless. Morgie hasn't said anything, so he just assumes it's up to him to make it real.
He only hopes his cluelessness won't drive Morgie away before he can figure things out.
Maybe more communication would do them some good, but villains aren't exactly known for their emotional maturity and communication skills. They're both starting to get a little tired of it, though. Morgie especially.
Rustling leaves interrupt the kiss, causing both boys to jump a bit and look around. Neither of them see anything.
"Must have been the rain or something." Morgie says.
The two look at each other and slowly smile, laughing lightly with that bit of embarrassment that comes from such an occurrence.
"I hope Merlin didn't get by just now. Uliana might kill us." Morgie says.
"No, no, something worse. Like a chocolate pie."
They laugh at the jab at Uliana's plan with this forbidden recipe. Morgie nods, agreeing.
As the laughter dies down, Morgie debates in his mind if he should ask what he wants to ask. It could go wonderfully, or it could go horribly, and he's really scared of that second possibility. But, they're alone and he has an opportunity. He figures, much like a kiss, this chance shouldn't be passed up.
"Let me take you out."
Hook's heart just about stops and he quickly turns to face Morgie.
He's been so nervous about not knowing how to do this. He never fully considered that maybe it didn't have to be him who progressed things. He could be the askee, not the asker. Funny enough, that only makes it slightly easier.
"Let me take you out. Like, on a date."
"You want to go out together?"
Morgie nods with hopeful eyes. Every second of silence from Hook makes Morgie's anxiety over the situation grow stronger. He feels his hope diminishing.
"I mean, maybe not. Or, no- I want to! But if you don't want to, then just forget it. I mean, I do want to, but it's not a big deal. Unless you also want to, then it's a big deal. But if you don't, don't worry-"
"Okay? Okay to what?"
"Okay to the, uh... the date. Yeah. We can go out. I think that'd be nice."
"You do? Really?"
"Morgie, you're acting as if you don't already know that I like you. I just kissed you. I'm pretty sure that ship has sailed!"
"Yeah! Yeah, I know. I'm just... happy."
"Yeah. So am I."
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"I was barely a dyke then, let alone butch, but it was the lure of female masculinity that drew me out and into the queer world. When I was coming out, butch was no longer new. There was both popular knowledge and an underground cultural understanding of what it meant to be butch -- and there were books written from both perspectives. I may not have known it intimately, as a late-blooming queer who grew up in an extremely straight southern-US town, but I knew enough to feel self-conscious about claiming butchness.
You see, I was never a tomboy. There, I said it. I was never a goddamn tomboy; I never resisted the dresses my mom wanted me to wear, never hid in my dad's closet trying on his clothes. I did gender conformity without any real fight, and when I came out to my mom, she used it against me-- "But you were always so feminine!"
Maybe I didn't have the fight in me, maybe I wanted to fit in more than I wanted to know myself, but until I was well past twenty, I wore my hair long, with earrings dangling, and makeup on my face. I wore spaghetti-strap tank tops and flowing skirts. I flaunted my cleavage.
The butch narrative I had absorbed, the one I began to furtively read about as I came out, wasn't mine. I wasn't a rough-and-tumblr butch kid, all scabby knees and hardness, fighting against mom over Sunday dresses. I wasn't good at sports, didn't have trouble being friends with girls, didn't feel more "boy" than "girl." So when I slowly started easing towards the masculine side of the spectrum, I was self-conscious as hell. I felt like an imposter. I felt like a phony. I had similar feelings when I came out as a lesbian, but my fantasies about women quickly assuaged my fears of being a queer fraud.
With my gender presentation, I couldn't get over the feeling that I was trying too hard. Even as I slowly shed the layers of femininity in my presentation, the self-consciousness still affected what labels I used. I knew what butch was, and I still felt it couldn't be me. I had dated me. I wore a pink dress to prom. I was short and chubby and more giggly than tough.
It was a fierce femme who bossy-bottomed me into the role of butch top. It was easy to be the butch to C's femme, and she delighted in my enjoyment of her high hells, pretty dresses, and makeup. In those moments, when my insecurity was stronger than my sense of self, the contrast between my budding masculinity and her strong, well-articulated femininity were just what I needed to feel whole, strong, even butch. C didn't change me, exactly, but our gender-play heavy sex gave me room to figure out what my gender could look like in those private spaces we shared."
“Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme: Coming Back Around to Butch” by Miriam Zoila Perez, On Butch and Femme: Compiled Readings, (edited by I.M. Epstein) (2017)
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vivalski · 2 years
People wondering about Drunk Steve and honestly I think Steve’s such a Mom™️ and, also;
“A cosmopolitan? Really dingus?”
Steve, sips his cosmo, dressed to the nines because when he goes out drinking and actually wants to drink he’s got to gussy up because that’s what happens when you are, as the Reba theme song goes; 🎵 A single mom who works too hard, who loves her kids and never stops 🎶 so any occasion to go out that doesn’t involve snacks and token money must not be taken for granted.
“You guys laugh it up and drink your swill.”
“Man, you look like a waspy mom or like a Sex and The City mom, you know, trying to figure out which character you are. Cosmos are for old ladies.”
“Yeah man you’re a Charlotte. Charlotte’s not even the cool one!” Robin says, surprisingly.
Nancy tilts her head.
“It’s weird that you can accurately categorize Steve as Charlotte. Didn’t know you were a fan.”
“Oh is that the tight assed yuppie one? Cuz it fits!” Eddie and Robin stare at Steve and laugh.
Nancy giggles.
“One,” Steve puts down his fancy glass and glares at the three. “I am proudly a Charlotte. She’s a solid somewhat neurotic character who knows what she wants and goes for it despite the romantic foibles. She got Harry. We should all be so lucky to have Harry. And two,” he points at them, listing their drinking faults on by one.
“You,” Points to Robin with a sneer. “Drink shit vodka out of the plastic bottle, two chugs and your so drunk you scream profanities in the night and keep trying to get us to dare you to kiss Nancy.”
Robin blushes, puts down her glass of clear vodka.
“Yeah,” Nancy looks at Robin confusedly. “Whats up with that?”
“You!” Points to Nancy, she jumps. “Actually like Goldschlager and commit crimes like a feral mongoose and lord forbid you stop at that felony because, no, you’re constant mooning and flashing people of authority. Hopper still can’t look you in the eye after the sheriff’s station incident.”
Nancy blushes, glares and pushes her tall glass to the side. It glimmers in the light.
Eddie giggles, actually giggles at her.
“I still can’t believe you photocopied your ass and left a stack in a folder on his desk.”
“She labeled them important.” Robin grins. “And stole all the illicit evidence.”
“So. Much. Weed.” Eddie grins.
“And handcuffs!”
Steve takes another sip, and then pokes Eddie hard in the chest.
“And. You.”
“And…me?” Eddie points to himself.
“You hit on me constantly, Eddie.”
“I really do.” Agrees, unashamed.
“You try to take off your clothes.”
“I get hot when I’m drunk.” Shrugs.
“You ordered $500 worth of pizza and wings to be delivered to Carver‘s house. With his parents credit card information which you somehow have.”
“Totally guilty.” Nods.
“And that’s not counting the time before that, when you got drunk and you paid two lesbian hookers to show up at his house to perform on each other in front of his mother’s dinner party. And they were paid to also say that Jason was the one who paid them and scheduled this private showing!”
“You know he’s in an all boys Catholic school because of me, right?” Says proudly.
“And the worst part about all of this, because I could excuse it all if you were drinking some sort of crazy hard obscure liquor but it’s not even that. You get White Claw drunk like some white sorority girl on spring break. What the hell is that?”
Nancy and Robin sip there drinks at the awkward silence.
“I’m not apologizing.”
Turns out Steve is a judgmental drunk. Or buzzed.
Just a bunch of silly goofballs, I adore them.
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Thank you so much for this, you made my day ;o;
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aphrostarot · 7 months
Leo Woman:
Title: “The Knockout”
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For simplicity's sake, I will use the pronouns “he/him” for the male versions of the signs and “she/her” for the female versions of the signs. This is not to say that the people who identify with the male or female versions of each sign identify with those pronouns. This post is focusing on the different sexes (male vs female) not gender. Gender is fluid and I am in no way labeling people with these posts. Also, these posts are focusing solely on the Sun signs of each zodiac, other birth chart placements may cause someone to not fit into everything I have described.
Mind (how they think):
The Sun rules the sign of Leo, which is represented by the authoritative Father Principle. Male Leos express this characteristic by having huge amounts of energy, an innate sense of ease, and a sense of entitlement. Female Leos express this as a revolt against the patriarchy, a call to leave the universally accepted patriarchal society that is dominated by men.
Typically, she is raised as a latchkey kid, with her parents mostly absent during the day.
She becomes a strong supporter of self-reliance because of this, honing her survivalist skills in the process of creating a stable home environment for herself.
There is oftentimes a dramatic reason for the absence of one or both of her parents. It is most times the mother who is absent in her life, due to divorce, death, or more often just emotionally absent in parenting the Leo female.
The Leo woman's father is most often strict and strong-willed, though has a more sporadic presence at home. In the extreme, he is a tough disciplinarian, dogmatic politically, religiously, or both, against whose dictatorial nature the little Lion girl privately begins to rebel.
Despite pretending to comply with her parents' rules, she disobeys them nonchalantly, secretly following her own path. Her path is rarely what you would expect.
Although she suffered from the strict temperament of her father, she often credits him with giving her the courage to stand up for what she believes in.
She focuses most of her time on her passions, usually those that involve stepping into some sort of spotlight.
It is easy for her to gain the respect of teachers and other grown-ups, due to her self-reliant nature.
It isn’t until she realizes that survival depends on cooperation with others, particularly with other females that she cultivates a pack of women who share the same ideals as her.
As the only fixed-fire female in the zodiac, she excels at pursuits that require sustained action and creativity.
If she sees a creative plan or concept that isn’t being done justice she will step in and develop it into something that fits her image of what it should look like.
It is her birthright as one born under the sign of wholeness and completion, to envision how a half-baked concept could be sufficiently fleshed out and then accomplished.
She isn’t always conscious of her tendency to usurp other people's territory. Regardless, she may easily gain a reputation for being commandeering.
The biggest lesson she will have to face psychologically throughout her whole life is learning when enough is enough. Megalomania is often her undoing.
Body + Soul (what they look like inside and out):
She is infused with so much physical and emotional energy that she often seems larger than life.
She is haughty, cunning like a cat, somewhat savage in her movements, athletic, often exhibiting a defined musculature.
Her brand of beauty is often distinctly fiery, made all the more vivid by her style choices, as she often kits herself out in boldly revealing clothes, brightening her hair to a golden red or flaxen blonde.
Unlike the male Leo who guards his autonomy at all costs, the female Leo eagerly invites a circle of admirers who’ll unfailingly honor her inherent self-styled VIP status.
She is not generally loving, she saves her fervent devotion for just one or two lucky, and hopefully hardy, individuals.
More than most fully matured females, Leo remains devoted to one long-standing best friend from childhood, someone whose life should revolve around her, though rarely vice versa.
She doesn’t so much enter a room as storm it. Her vivacious body language is as eye-catching as her colorfully coordinated appearance.
Her voice stands out, a gravely honeyed growl that regularly crescendos into explosions of full-bodied laughter.
She is naturally fit, blessed with a low percentage of fat and a muscled physique.
There are moments in her life where she could put on some weight. However, that is usually a manifestation of a “blocked” emotional life; and often she’ll lose that weight just as quickly as she put it on when she deals with that blockage.
If she does, however, happen to be bigger than the average Leo woman that does not mean she will hide herself in baggy clothes. She will still be very confident and flaunt herself the way any other Leo woman will.
The Leo woman is generally beautiful, however, there is often a hardness to Leo's face that saves her from being considered ‘pretty’ by others.
No matter her race, her skin is often pale, with freckles, or uneven in tone.
Her skin is usually on the dryer side.
She usually has a heart-shaped head with an infamous mane that frames her face.
Her hair is surprisingly straight, sparse, and dry, she goes to great lengths to make it look more voluminous, often overhandling it.
Her jaw, like the rest of her, is strong and well-defined, her neck sinewy, her shoulders athletically square, as is her upper torso. She has very little curve, even at the waist.
Her boobs are perfectly formed and almost always symmetrical, and she knows this.
Nothing about her body language suggests that she is insecure. She moves deliberately, with a natural grace that is slinky like a cat’s rather than delicate as a swan’s.
Her legs tend to be lean and mighty with the calf and thigh muscles visibly ripped.
Her hands and feet tend to be rough and dry. No amount of cream or other cures can counteract that.
She can’t help but exude naturally raw sexuality, no matter the fashionable clothes she wears, the careful grooming she does, or the constant cosmetic makeovers she gives herself.
Her body temperature tends to hover just above normal. When she is looking for a lover she prefers someone who also runs just as hot as she does.
The Leo woman does not do phony. Mainly because they simply can't pretend to be something they are not. They are terrible liars, tending to overdo it, and giving themselves away along the way.
She finds success by being a bit of a copycat, running with others’ only half-baked ideas. She completes what others stumble upon or pioneer, doing up all she takes on.
She can be loud and pushy. In time she should adopt a sense of calm in the candid expression of her opinions.
A poorly aspected Leo personality will be characterized by brutal curtness and bullying directed primarily at those she maniacally curses for being “better” than herself, unwitting objects of her signature insane jealousy.
Leo will have you know she never caters to anyone by herself. However, she expects others to do any and all the grunt work, while she remains a calm, cool command central.
Only people with a visible passion akin to her own will catch her attention. Those she deems lacking this particular trait, deserve to play the part of handmaiden or fool for her emotional edification.
Sex + Sexuality (what they are like in bed and what they look for in a mate):
Leo Woman Interested in Men:
Leo woman interested in men is drawn to a man with ardent natures, who appear to wear their hearts on their sleeves.
Leo women are notorious for falling head over heels in love with a dark and dashing man. Blonde men usually are not someone whom a Leo woman thinks twice about.
She will typically lighten her own look up, however, to appeal to the men she likes. She goes for a look that most resembles the sun, golden hair, tanned skin, warm warm-toned colors in her wardrobe.
Men ruled by their hearts are those she seeks to capture.
She tends to be blatantly obvious in her feelings. She doesn’t want the man she likes to have to guess whether she likes him or not.
This is to say, she is the one who does the pursuing. She doesn’t typically like a man who pursues her.
She is a master of flirtation, once she’s convinced of a man’s interest in her, she’ll play cat and mouse, toying and teasing him unabashedly.
She tends to think that her naturally tough, ambitious self may frighten men, so, she will instinctively act comically feeble-witted, like the school brainiac who swears she’ll fail tests, only to ever scare A-pluses.
If she is ever pursuing a man, it is because there is intense passion present. If there isn’t she will not waste her time.
She is not quick to fall in love at first sight.
She is an outrageous flirt with an insatiable appetite for sex. But, sex to the Leo woman is a vividly demonstrative means of making an emotional attachment.
She guards her emotions fervently. Though, through sex, exercise, and ambition she shows them.
She is a true romantic. She believes that men with visible passion will love her more fully than she perceives other, more stoic males to do.
It is the promise of sex, not sex itself, that she uses to get men.
She likes to give her partner the impression that they are running the show, and to do this she allows him to act more selfishly in bed. At least, at first.
She will typically take a more passive role, pretending to play the role of a woman who will make no demands in the relationship, with the hopes of not scaring him off.
In truth, however, she is one of the most commanding women in the zodiac.
She wants nothing more in life than to love, and this is something she is wildly capable of doing.
She expects her partner to love her just as much as she loves them.
There is nobody more devoted than the Leo woman in love.
Because she is a fixed fire sign, she will attach her full, feverish energy to whatever creative or loving pursuit has her attention.
To be loved by her is like being offered a challenge, one that demands a man expressing his feelings to the fullest capacity.
She may put her partner through the emotional ringer, constantly demanding more proof of their interest in her.
She will do this until she learns a life lesson that almost every Leo woman will need to learn in their love life; to back off.
Far too often in her life, she will bark up the wrong tree, especially when it comes to romantic interests.
Early on in her life, she will far too often end up in relationships with himbos because of her overbearing nature when pursuing someone.
Once she comes to this revelation, she will learn that she needs to ease up, both in her pursuit of someone to be in a relationship with and in her pursuit of constant validation once she’s in a relationship.
She usually learns the hard way that love chased is often the one hardest to keep.
The man who is lucky enough to get the Leo woman in bed will have to overwhelm her. Only by doing this, will they actually prove themselves worthy of her love.
She wants a man who can keep up with her, some healthy competition is what she really craves.
She enjoys besting and being bested in bed.
She thrives on high-powered men, those who generate growth in the world - makers, shakers, movers, and manufacturers- self-made men and kings of industry, leaders worthy of her company.
It takes a special kind of man to be with Leo, one who gives way to her fiercest dramas, remaining unruffled, but who will nonetheless refuse to be whipped by her.
She will at some point in her life learn that for her, of all women, Mr.Rights are few and far between.
This is when she learns self-love is exactly what she needs to feel fulfilled in life.
She will fuel her love of herself with the admiration of others.
She tends to find the love that she seeks when she least expects it - while she is focused on her personal ambitions.
She demands a great challenge from men, demanding whether they can break her self-protective barrier and love her as much as she loves herself.
Until a man is successful in breaking down her barriers, an emotionally evolved Leo is living proof that if you love yourself, the whole world loves you back.
If the Leo woman has been burned enough times trying to engineer and force relationships, she may one day find herself willing to let a man take the reins in driving their relationship.
Leo women can be so self-consumed that they can’t help but attract men who are secure enough in their masculinity to not feel threatened by her.
She craves someone who will stand up to the rigorous rough and tumble lifestyle and sex life she enjoys without fear of crushing his ego.
She likes to battle her lover for dominance in the bedroom. This is not to say that she is usually a dom. Rather, she is more of a switch and prefers her partner to be one too.
She is an enthusiastic lover and a fast learner.
For her, sex needs to feel like play.
She expects her partner to successfully, and willingly, put her through her sexual paces.
This explains why she typically goes for younger guys.
She appreciates a younger man's innocence and wide-eyed enthusiasm when it comes to sex, and she will eagerly take on the role of their teacher.
She’s not usually one to hesitate jumping into bed with a man too early in the relationship. She needs to check out the merchandise before she fully commits to someone and this is the only way she knows how to do that properly.
She can have a wandering eye when she is in a relationship with a man who doesn’t satisfy her.
Size does matter to her, especially girth.
She is not one to like slow and steady sex, she wants it rough and fast. Not fast as in a quickie more like fast-paced. Marathon sex is exactly what she craves.
She’s not necessarily verbal, more like noisy, and a screamer.
She has no interest in role-play and is turned off by men who seem to be too in their heads in bed.
She wants a man who agrees that sex is about getting off as furiously as possible.
Sex needs to be equal give and take for her to be satisfied.
She hates oral and is not one to ever do it and when she does it tends to be quite toothy.
She prefers to reach her climax vaginally, clitorally is too acute for her to feel fully satisfied.
Since she is rarely in touch with her femininity, she does not like a man who is in touch with his own.
She requires a fiercely masculine lover who will be able to handle her ferocious, aggressive self and make her look like a delicate flower in tandem.
She is so often the leader in all aspects of her life that when she finds the right man she will be willing to let him take the lead in their relationship.
Leo Woman Interested in Women:
Leo women no matter their sexuality have a very intense relationship with other women.
The Leo woman interested in women is especially provocative around women. She will always be pushing buttons - pointing out weaknesses, challenging opinions, questioning motives, and especially poking fun - behavior that is intended to test other women’s mettle and elicit emotions.
She likes to turn up the heat on other women, whose placid natures she blames on society's crushing domination of her gender.
This is why she pokes and prods at women so much, so she can see if they have passion in them. For when they explode even in anger she will smile at them with a look that says “I knew you had it in you “.
Most of her relationships with women start with her poking fun at them, gauging whether she has the requisite impassioned responses she’ll later hope to encounter in the bedroom.
Her type of woman is typically the straight-passing girl who will give her the thrill of feeling like she showed them the ropes of sex with another woman.
She also enjoys stealing a woman from their boyfriend.
Unlike the straight Leo woman, she is okay with being in touch with her masculine side
She is relationship orientated in the extreme, usually going for a plain Jane woman who she says has “potential”.
Sex without love is particularly empty for her, what she longs for is rarely found in one-night stands.
Sex for her means the absolute sharing of emotion, and if she’s not feeling the love, she’ll have nothing to give to them.
When she does find someone she loves, she will fall hard, and the subsequent outpouring of her emotions can make any woman feel overwhelmed.
She is profoundly loyal and demands the same in return.
She guards her private life and her lover as fiercely as a lion would her cubs.
Since she is more dominant and prefers to be, she demands that her lover be the femme in bed, often wearing frilly lingerie, performing seductive stripteases, and otherwise indulging in stereotypically female trappings.
She will verbally taunt her love while simultaneously working them over with toys, driving them to orgasm to orgasm.
She is a hopeless romantic, forever surprising her lover with tokens of her affection, or spontaneously whisking her off for a candlelit dinner or surprise weekend away.
As long as she and her lover can be alone together, all is right in the world.
Since Leo is ruled by the 5th house which is associated with procreation and children, all Leos dream of having kids.
Sperm is sometimes all the gay Leo woman thinks a man is good for.
While adoption is an option, she may prefer to produce her child. However, this child can not be made out of wedlock so, before she has a baby with her lover they need to get married.
Leo women can fall out of love without warning. They are rarely promiscuous, rather she will leave her lover and jump into a relationship rather quickly, often getting married many times in her life.
She wants her lover to be successful, so she can flaunt her and her lover to any person she meets.
She is comfortable when surrounded by only men, oftentimes she tends to act more masculine than the most masculine of men.
She will protect her lover passionately.
She doesn't have laissez-faire relationships; she fiercely bonds and extravagantly luxuriates in the lush environment of a fertile, thriving, infinitely hot, and heavy relationship.
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sharonallen246 · 2 years
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How to Pick The Perfect Wholesale Kids Clothing Suppliers?
However, in today's world, getting a reputed and genuine one has become quite troublesome, since anyone can claim to be the best.
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splinnters · 1 year
For the Ninjago pride month headcanon requests, maybe trans masc Cole please?
YEAAAAH MORE COLE!! I am not kidding you I had to retype this whole thing THREE TIMES FROM MEMORY. THREE TIMES. worth it though
transmasc cole pride month headcanons!
he’s twice the men because he’s transmasc AND gay ;)
his dad was never very supportive when he was younger, but he also didn’t pay enough attention to realize Cole was socially transitioning. by the time Wu found him, Cole had started testosterone, legally changed his name and gender, and had a small gofundme going for his top surgery
he never officially told the other ninja he was trans, it just eventually cropped up in conversation. Kai and Lloyd were talking about pronouns and Cole joined by saying, “well, as a trans person-” and he recommended tampons to Nya, who was very confused until he said, “or you could start testosterone like me, that’ll get rid of it forever”
he had to slowly and carefully explain to Jay that he wasn’t a girl because Jay was under the impression he was born male and thought Cole was trying to say he was a trans woman
he’s very sure about his identity. he knows he passes well and will mention he’s trans in a conversation extremely casually. if anyone has a problem with it they have to answer to a ripped guy trained in the martial arts who can throw a car with ease
he eventually changed his gofundme account to “Master of Earth Official” and BOOM done his top surgery was scheduled. the other ninja wanted to video tape him while he was loopy after for the laughs but he passed out right away and slept for 16 hours
Lloyd comes to him for advice on gender. he asks about everything, labels, pronouns, hormones, EVERYTHING. Cole admittedly has to ask Zane to look things up once and awhile, but he loves being Lloyd’s mentor in all of this and calls him “my student” in a very bad Master Wh impression every time they talk
one day Lloyd and Cole went out for coffee, Lloyd was wearing some pronoun pins, and some jerk made a passing insult. Cole socked him so hard in the stomach he collapsed and the two had to bolt out of there before the police were called. Lloyd thought it was hilarious
Cole never became a trans icon for the rest of Ninjago. he prefers to keep his assigned sex at birth private, thank you very much (he does love a good pride parade, though)
unfortunately he was not blessed with height to go along with his muscles. he’s 5’9, not bad of course… but Jay is two inches taller than him and refuses to shut up about it EVER
before his top surgery, he stayed far away from long hair and more feminine clothes, but he gets more and more comfortable every day. Kai once even manages to convince him to wear a crop top, and Cole can’t say he didn’t like it at least a little
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boinin · 2 months
4,7,20 and 22 for ryuusae :) especially curious about the family one for reasons (sae and rin)
a ship I adore but don't write much for! I read Ryusae fics pretty often, so it's fun to do some of my own thinking about them. Thanks anon!
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
Shopping! These two have unique senses of style, and while Sae would probably prefer to get all his clothes online, he'll indulge Shidou and join him at a shopping centre for a date. Shidou enjoys modelling new outfits for his boyfriend's approval, and is more than happy testing out new skincare products with Sae. No comment on what they get up to in the changing rooms
I think they'd also enjoy self-care hang-outs—getting manicures or going to the spa together.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
For Shidou, literally nothing. There isn't a thought in his head that he doesn't vocalise. He tells Sae immediately.
If Sae falls first, similar to Rin he has a crisis about whatever's happening to him: what the hell is the lukewarm feeling in his chest whenever he sees Shidou? Blech! It wouldn't influence his interactions with Shidou that much, but the eye rolling and protests against Shidou's antics became half-hearted.
When they get together, Sae would hesitate to put any kind of label on their relationship, but would privately admit to Shidou that he makes him happy.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
The answer to this greatly depends on when Sae and Shidou get together. If it's right after the U20 match, then Sae's relationship with Rin will tank even further. Like, Shidou only just kicked Rin in the face... and Rin still resents Sae for picking Shidou over Rin to play alongside Sae against the Blue Lock 11. If they're older when Sae and Shidou become an item, Rin still won't be overjoyed—but he's less likely to actively daydream about shanking the pair of them.
Sae's parents have no clue what to make of Shidou, but they do their best to be supportive. If Sae's happy, then they'll try to accept Shidou. Although, his mom might privately complain to her husband about Sae dating the one guy that kicked the shit out of Rin 🫠
We know nothing about Shidou's family, but my sense is that nothing surprises them any more. They might appreciate Sae since he demonstrates a calming effect on Shidou... if they still have a good relationship with Shidou themselves.
No one from Blue Lock is surprised that Shidou has the hots for Sae, but the news that Sae reciprocates his feelings is a bombshell. It's hot gossip, but no one's brave enough to admit to Sae or Shidou's face that their relationship is a surprise.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
I love domestic AU fics where Shidou can cook well and makes nutritious food for Sae 🩷 For that reason alone, I want to say Shidou for this. I don't think he's a exceptional chef or anything, but he puts more effort into learning techniques than the average adolescent. He's also really thrifty with ingredients and tries to minimise food waste.
Sae's a combini-fuelled kid like Rin IMO. He probably gets meals prepared for him at Réal, so he's only really capable of cup ramen levels of cookery. So the fact Shidou cooks is a big point in his favour when he and Sae get together.
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symphonic-scream · 3 months
📺 Persona 4.
I've got one
It's NaoRise, and set a few years after canon
Naoto would be living in Tokyo, he'd have gotten his surgeries, chief investigator for this taskforce, so he's used to rushing to answer his phone or the door.
But, instead of a coworker, one cold night, he opens the door to a sniffling Rise, who darts forward and sobs into his chest. They haven't spoken in months. Naoto is filled with concern, and tries to soothe her enough to understand her wobbly words
He's in a housecoat and boxers. She's in soaked street clothes. And, Rise is pregnant
She's. Her agent suggested she start dating around to keep herself relevant. This was her second "boyfriend", and he cheated, rather publicly too, and she found out about the baby today, and-
Naoto would drop anything he was up to for her. He's not crushing on her pathetically anymore, it's settled into a thrumming love he can feel in his ribs. So, he suggests pretending he's the father
They arrange a quick wedding, and let word slip about the pregnancy at the ceremony. Rise retires once and for all, and plans to be a private music teacher while they raise the baby. Naoto takes a big demotion and transfers back out to Inaba, with remote work for the taskforce for extra pay
Rise can't believe her luck. She was so scared, so worried she'd have to do this on her own, or be labeled something nasty. And here's her Naokun, offering to take part of the heat, to support her
They start kissing to sell the act. Four months in and neither believes that excuse anymore. Things become set in stone not long after
Naoto cries at every appointment. It's a huge relief and a big confidence booster that everyone easily believes he's the father. When he sees the first ultrasound, when he hears the little heart beat, when they find out the sex; tears tumble down his face, and he peppers an emotional Rise with kisses
And. Yeah. Back in Inaba, the kid is born, and they have a happy little family. Maybe, they'd even want another kid after a few years. Get a few cats
Rise is forever glad she found her way to Naoto's door that night.
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mioyeo · 2 years
8 makes 1 Team
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No matter how different, without one of us there is no 8 makes 1 Team
Synopsis : In which 8 boys build a friendship despise of their differences with the help of a psychiatrist
Pairing : psychiatrist! Reader x Ateez (for now )
Warnings : this chapter includes mentions of , ignorant staff , crying , sweet guard hours , grooming , influential parents, no consent , threatening , taking minors private parts in their mouths , sexual assault , arguing , please tell me if I forget something , and I’m not romanticizing disorders in anyway and this is pure fiction meaning this doesn’t represent Ateez in any type of way
For every new chapter I’ll place this (🟢) beside it in the masterlist so you guys know that the chapter is new and was posted recently
Tag list : @veneziamadness , @hcyaa , @sadcoffeecritic , @aapplepii , @lavishloving , @dogsongy , @acciocriativity , @k33vad3la , @seonghwifey , @hanjihyun23 , @yunhoswrld123 , @cqndiedcherries , @miriamxsworld , @belle643 , @pandyandy71-blog , @mothworked
I apologize for taking so long , I had a huge writer’s block so I couldn’t really continue writing for some days
Also if you want to be added to the tagging list for the next chapter comment so I can add you
Word count: 1,6k
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It was a very quiet night that day as every guard was currently changing shifts  , others just coming in and others going home so they could return to their morning shift
Y/n just had dinner with both groups at separate times and now walked into the break room
" You've been called to the office "
One of her colleagues that was currently in charge of ordering new things such as medical equipment and further more looked up to her informing Y/n about her being expected somewhere
" I guess he must have heard my complaints "
" Your wasting his time with things we can fix ourselves , we get it there was a minor issue last time with a patient bu- "
Y/n bursted out laughing starling the other staff that sat silently doing their work
" A minor issue? Do you call a patient wanting to end themselves a minor issue ? "
She wiped her eyes and collected herself
" You must not know what your duties are if your labeling such a live threatening situation a minor issue , and the fact that you where also at the scene but didn't do anything makes me uncomfortable looking at you "
" I'm not in charge of him but you"
" Ok if I ever see you having any complications I'll just stare at you and leave how about th-"
Everyone stared in shook as silent murmuring where heard
" Both of you stop being loud there are people trying to work here "
" Well I'll excuse myself  ,  sorry for disturbing everyone else "
She bowed and went out sighing in annoyance before bumping into someone
" I-I'm sorry I didn't see you "
The male apologized quickly checking if she was alright
" It's alright , it's my fault I didn't see you "
" No no I should've looked where I was going "
He bowed again apologizing
" Aren't you the new guard in charge of Hongjoong? "
" Y-Yeah I am , I just changed shifts with a fellow friend that also works here "
" Are you going home now? "
" Yeah what about you? "
She smiled and straighten her work clothes
" I was about to meet my boss "
He hummed in knowledge scratching the back of his head
" I could walk you there since the exit is near "
" Sure I wouldn't mind company "
" How long have you been working here ? "
Both walked down the hall in silence only their footsteps being heard
" It's been over a month already "
" A so your still a fresh worker "
She nodded and looked ahead
" I feel like I've been longer here actually I don't know why but I bonded quickly with some of my patients "
" I know how you feel , I used to listen to my brother tell me stories of when he used to work here and these stories made me like his patients without even knowing them "
" These kids have something special in them they just need to be treated with care and be understood "
"I agree ,and it's exactly what my brother said "
She smiled softly looking at him
" You seem like someone they can trust based on your personality right now "
"I want to protect them just like my brown did"
" Your brother seems like your biggest role model "
" He is , we grew up alone and he was both parental roles that's why I really look up to him and want to follow his footsteps "
The elder looked at her before coming to an stop in front of the office "
" I guess this is your stop "
" Yeah it is , wait what is your name ? "
" I'm Seok-woo and I already know your name because of Hongjoong he can't stop talking about you and the activities you do with them "
He chuckled making her smile
" Well it was nice talking to you Seok-woo "
She waved before knocking on the door hearing a soft call for her to come in
" Ah Miss Y/n I've been waiting for you "
The man in his late sixties looked up from his paperwork gesturing for her to sit
" I must assume you heard of my complaints? "
" What complaints are we talking about ? "
She cleared her throat and adjusted herself on her seat
" I must inform you that the staff you've hired has been out off line and crossing several boundaries multiple times regarding not only my patients but other children here "
He hummed and leaned back on his arm chair
" When I started working here I came across the complaint that one of my patient has been sexually assaulted multiple times and forced to do multiple things out of his knowledge by one of the guards here and also physically assaulted for not acting they want them too "
" And who is that patient and guard? "
" It's my patient Park Seonghwa that was assaulted by Guard Lee "
She studied the man's face that seemed to stay calm despite being told this information
" Well I'll see what I can do about it "
He looked back at his paperwork
"He should be fired and sued for sexual assault it hasn't been one but many children in here "
The elder pressed on a button and spoke while looking at her
“ Please accompany Park Seonghwa to my office now , yes wake him up "
" Sir you need to do something about it "
" We'll discuss this with Seonghwa "
She sighed and waited patiently for the boy to arrive , it was making her nervous and something told her that this was going in a totally different direction
The door opened revealing the short blonde boy rubbing his eyes as he was woken up from his sleep
" Y/n your here "
The boy smiled and waddled towards her hugging her
" Sorry for waking you Seonghwa but would you answer some questions for me ? "
She looked at him and ressured him that it was ok so he could sit
" Miss Y/n here told me something about Guard Lee assaulting you is that true? "
The elder stared at the boy who's face dropped in horror
" Has Guard Lee been touching you without your consent ? "
He nodded and fiddled with his fingers
" What did he exactly do "
" H-He told me to take my pants off so he could look at my down there "
Seonghwa's hands found Y/n's who squeezed them slightly for encouragement
" Did he just look ? "
" H-He started doing weird things and told me that it was going to feel good "
" What do you exactly mean with he was performing weird things on you ? "
She rubbed his palm and reassured him to stop if he didn't want to continue
" He put it into his mouth and than did this until something weird came out "
The boy stiffened as he copied the stroking movements the elder performed on him
" What else did he do ? "
" H-He promised me legos after I do the same to him because he said that I should repay for his kindness "
Y/n felt sick to her stomach as she listened
" Did you allow him to touch you "
Seonghwa nodded
"B-But I didn't like it and told him to stop but he said that if I tell someone what happened he would kill me and depose my body in the woods where no one would find me "
The younger teared up trembling in fear
" How old are you Seonghwa ? "
" Sir this is a totally irrelevant question "
She looked in disbelief
" Seonghwa how old are you ? "
" I'm sixteen "
He replied sniffing
" With your age I don't consider this sexual assault anymore because that’s the legal age you can do sexual activities here in Korea "
" Excuse me ?! This is sexual assault and he groomed him prior to this "
She scoffed in anger
" How is this considered assault if he gave his consent Miss Y/n ? "
" He may have given his consent but he told the guard to stop but he continued without his consent on other occasions which means from that moment on its considered sexual assault "
“ He still gave his consent ”
“Because he was groomed, guard Lee formed a relationship with so when he was about to do this Seonghwa would be comfortable to say yes ”
" Do you know who his parents are ? His parents are very powerful people and if this comes to light it could get ugly "
He said calmly crossing his hands
" So you prefer to protect a disgusting child abuser because his parents are influential? "
" That's not what I said Miss Y/n , I'd need proof that Guard Lee touched him inappropriately before proceeding with this "
" His words are enough proof and the legos because this means that he literally purchased sex from Seonghwa in return for goods other kids as well we'd just need them to open up-"
" Miss Y/n this is not a normal hospital, these children practically live here be it long term or until they finish their treatment this is nothing like your past job "
" It's either you fire that man or he'll continue abusing your patients "
The elder sighed
" I'll see what I can do, I will have a word with Guard Lee you may go now "
Seonghwa looked at her and wiped his face even though they kept falling
" It's ok I'll make sure that he's gone ”
She bowed and left the office with Seonghwa holding onto her hand
“ Will he r-really be gone? ”
“ I promise you sweetheart that you’ll never see him again after I figure out how to get rid of him ”
“ I’m afraid he’s gonna hurt me ”
He teared up and shivered in fear
“ You don’t need to be afraid as long as I’m here , I’ll make sure he disappears from our lives completely ”
The boy nodded and hugged her tightly
“ I t-trust you ”
She teared up slightly and rubbed his back
“ I won’t disappoint you sunshine ”
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
Ship request for my OC Kat, please: she is greek/irish american, 5'6, light skin & slim build. Long, messy dark brown hair & brown eyes. Follows goth fashion so thick eyeliner & dark clothes. Very reserved, dislikes feeling vulnerable. The type to lie, talk shit or say weird things to get people off her back, but can be blunt & straightforward when she's not feeling defensive. Deeply loyal & generous to those she is attached to. Overall very curious, high tolerance for bullshit, & difficult to get a reaction out of. Smoker. Enjoys being ''that weird girl'', all things death & occult, crafting and thrifting jewelry (often picks up random stuff off the ground because she thinks it'd be cool to make something with), & bands such as Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Blondie. I originally made her to ship with Patrick but I'm open to any ship or ideas that come to mind for you :) love your blog!
Thank you so much for the kind words! This was super fun to write.
I ship Kat with...
Patrick Hockstetter ☻
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GIF Source: @pennywise-fucker ★ (link)
Patrick is attracted to Kat at first glance. He loves goth, punk, and otherwise alternative looks — its inherent dissent from social norms intrigues him — so when he sees her dark eyeliner and clothes, he's set.
Patrick is not someone who cares for subtlety, at all, so he'll come onto Kat pretty quickly and aggressively. After making some demeaning catcalls to her in the hallways and private remarks to the gang, Patrick would either plop down at her lunch table or sit next to her in open-seating classrooms and firmly cement it as his seat (something Derry teachers wouldn't help with, because, "the quiet kid will help the rowdy kid behave, surely").
Would start off with a creepy pick-up line ("so, are you into what you look like you're into, sugar?") and eventually progress to random stuff that he gauges Kat's into, like post-punk music and dark subjects like true crime.
I think even for very dark-minded people, Patrick still isn't the most charming — flirting with a mouth full of cafeteria cheeseburger will never win you many ladies — so it would probably start pretty slowly and take some wearing down. With how guarded Kat is, Patrick would have to put effort into getting close to her, which would only make her more attractive to him. He'd start asking around about her and following her around town, specifically to the town record shop and thrift store.
After Patrick continued to make an effort and show genuine interest in Kat, conversations progressed into things more personal, like her interests and hobbies. He'd take her on surprisingly thoughtful dates for someone like Patrick, such as horror film showings and to smoke at the Barrens at night (though, proceed with caution, because... Patrick).
Patrick would never finalize or label the relationship — he's not that type of guy, sorry — but the Gang would definitely refer to her as his girlfriend, and it would be recognized by most as a relationship 2 – 3 months on.
He wouldn't have any qualms with immediately introducing Kat to the gang, at all. The boy does not care about any awkwardness and, anyway, would think it would be fun seeing how it goes. He likes to stir up drama, no joke.
Kat's first invitation to the gang is a smoking session at the Barrens, which goes... as expected, with Henry going nonverbal, Victor reacting how your typical stoner would, Patrick acting the same as normal (was he even smoking?), and Belch getting that glossy look in his eyes that precedes a sativa-induced panic attack.
They all like her, though!
Henry is a bit off-put by her appearance for the first month — sorry, but she's the girl he'd target for being different, considering he did at one point — but she'd grow on him, for sure. Surprisingly, if Kat called Henry out on bullshit, I feel like he'd have a lot more respect for her. Additionally, loyalty and honesty are some qualities that Henry likes in a person, even if he doesn't show it, so he'd warm up to Kat in his own Henry way...
Meaning he drunk-vents to her a lot. Like, a lot, a lot.
Belch would have a massive crush on Kat and has a hard time hiding it. He's very much into girls who are tough and can stand their own, and combined with Kat's looks, would feel very attracted to her after a couple conversations.
Victor would likely be one of her best friends in the group. Victor tends to really like forming friendships with walls-up, defensive types. He also has a similar music taste to Kat, being a big fan of Bauhaus and a budding fan of Siouxsie and the Banshees, and would trade records with you.
However, Victor doesn't like your relationship with Patrick at all. He likes Kat, and he hates Patrick, who continuously is a massive douche.
The guy loves to push people's buttons, and Kat's no exception. With how tough of an egg she was to crack, he knows she's got some baggage underneath, and routinely pushes her into stressful situations, whether it's making her entertain a crowd of people at a party, telling drama-hounds if she's talked shit about them, or putting you on the spot in front of the gang.
Unless Kat is willing to put up with that, there would definitely be some fighting in the relationship, though Patrick wouldn't take it that seriously as long as she was still entertaining him.
It's not all bad with him, though — their shared interests lead to a lot of good hangouts (and chemistry), and Kat can even hold theoretical and philosophical conversations about death and other topics with him, something a lot of people can't do with Patrick. He doesn't really take anyone's opinions on him seriously enough to share besides the random, offputting comment or "joke", so the fact he does it with Kat is impressive. While he doesn't exactly see her as a full-fledged person, he does recognize her as being interesting beyond being just someone he messes around with, and thinks her input on different topics is fascinating to hear.
Kat can expect a lot of... gifts... from Patrick, these including an old, banned mondo film from the '70s (?), a decently but not fully cleaned bird skull (??), and a necklace with a couple mismatching beads and a tooth of a mysterious origin (???).
For as much as Patrick gifts to her, though, he'd take. He'd end up stealing some of her custom-made jewelry and wearing it, TBH — he digs her style and finds it interesting how she makes things out of what otherwise would be deemed as trash.
Would overall not be the healthiest relationship, but still a pretty solid one, and not as disastrous as most relationships with Hockstetter.
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