#prison spy
if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
"When individuals are treated as though they have certain characteristics, whether they actually have them or not, they are likely to develop such characteristics or have them magnified because of the the treatment. This phenomenon frequently occurs when prisoners are classified as recalcitrant and placed in lockup units. Many persons who were minor troublemakers, or who were mistakenly believed to be intensely or intimately involved in prohibited activities (such as gang activities), have been placed in the lockup units where they have actually fulfilled the prophecy—they have become serious troublemakers or gang members.
Several processes accomplish this transformation. In the first place, many prisoners are frustrated, angered, and imbued with a sense of injustice when they believe they have been unfairly placed in lockup. As previously mentioned, the process of classifying prisoners to lockup is often based on hearsay. Administrators have always felt a great need to cultivate and rely on information supplied by informers. They have regularly accepted anonymous information (“notes dropped”) and have often coerced prisoners into supplying information on other prisoners. For example, administrators usually require a prisoner who is seeking protection or is trying to drop out of a gang to name those who threatened him or were involved in prohibited activities, such as gang activities.
Administrators also have offered significant incentives, such as transfers, letters to the parole board, and placement in protective custody, to informants in exchange for information. Though some of the information supplied by informers is reliable, much is not. The new forms of disruption that prison administrations have been trying to control through the use of informants erupted simultaneously with the loss of cohesion among prisoners and a weakening of the convict code, which dictated, above all, not to snitch. A new ethic based on the principle of everyone for himself, or “dog eat dog,” has emerged. Informing for self-gain is consistent with this new ethic and has become much more commonplace. Prisoners even approve of falsely accusing others for self-gain.
Once in the lockup units, the prisoners experience the extraordinary deprivations inherent in lockup status and frequently witness or are subjected to additional abuse perpetrated by lockup guards who express their extreme racism and general hostility toward lockup prisoners. This harassment further enrages many prisoners..."
- John Irwin, The Warehouse Prison: Disposal of the New Dangerous Class. Afterword by Barbara Owen. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Company, 2005. p. 140-142.
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Arthouse Muppets
The Prisoner featuring Fozzie, Statler And Waldorf
Art by Bruce McCorkindale
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atomic-chronoscaph · 4 months
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Patrick McGoohan - The Prisoner (1967)
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triviallytrue · 2 years
One reason why star wars is a really good setting: hardware is cheap and scarily advanced, software (with the exception of the fully-sentient droids) is rudimentary. It's like an inverse of our world, where interplanetary travel is so cheap and easy that owning a space ship is basically equivalent to owning a car, but despite the fact that droids can understand speech, it's impossible to make a snooper program that listens to people talking and flags conversations that contain certain keywords
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dresden-syndrome · 7 months
Requested by @whumped-by-glitter
Whumping in EESU: Public humiliation
Newly designated pet whumpee being observed by owner and their colleagues, all gathered in a big office room.
Whumper listing their all of whumpee's political crimes, bragging about how dangerous they were and how great it is to have them caught.
State Security/Politburo/Party Committee whumper having a meeting, presenting their tied up and collared pet as an example of a state enemy and giving a passionate speech about ways of getting rid of them.
This goes without saying but whumpee used as a party entertainment - but not before being made to celebrate the achievements of EESU regime and cheer to the destruction of dissident movements. (Bonus point if whumpee was in one of them).
Whumpee with a singing skill forced to sing propaganda songs as their whumper and party guests clap and giggle at their attempts.
Whumpee forced to publicly declare their loyalty - whether stating that in front of their owner's department workers, giving a propaganda speech for the radio or taking part in a TV advert.
Whumpee forced to publicly beg for forgiveness and put on a regret display for their crimes. Especially if they were done deliberately by a spy or dissident whumpee, or whumpee hasn't actually done anything "wrong" at all.
Even after lots of humiliating sessions like that, they're still being treated as an enemy of the regime: poor class 4 whumpee may be secretly hoping to regain some of their rights yet under EESU laws they're still an enemy - forever.
Whumper taking a photo with their pet in a humiliating pose - with the whumpee on their knees or their boot stepping on whumpee's chest or head.
Whumper recording a film video of whumpee being tortured and handing it to State Security for watching how "spies and traitors" must be treated.
Whumper using their whumpee as the source of motivation for the department to fight political dissent and a sign of power they have over it.
An arrested spy being shown all the undisputable evidence of their work. Papers, equipment, ID cards from West countries' intelligence services, things they've used to sneak through the EESU border and mask their intentions - all on the table for the whumpee and detention personnel to see.
Newspapers and magazines announcing whumpee's arrest and declaring them a dangerous political criminal. (Bonus points if they're given to the whumpee to read).
A caught runaway class 2/3 whumpee paraded around their labor camp/commune as an example of what happens if one decides to attempt escape.
Whumpee had escaped from EESU and caught back; now they've been made to tell how horrible life in the West was an how much they regret running away from their dear homeland.
Whumpee being not allowed any privacy, having to undress, shower, sleep and do whatever they're told while always surrounded by the facility personnel. It can happen for different reasons - they're the beloved pet their owner can't leave alone, they're injured, aggressive or a high escape risk and need to be watched for their own good, or they're simply a class 4 subject which shouldn't need "human" things like privacy in general.
Medical checks in detention and the labs. Enough said.
Same goes for class 4 ear tags.
Public trials! of state enemies! forced to confess! all their imaginary crimes! for the audience to see and hear!
"Look at that, Whumpee. All your friends and family are ashamed of you. You were such a good worker, a Party member, you were your factory's pride - and then disappointed everyone you know with trying to destroy the government that gave us all work and bread in the first place! Where's your regret, Whumpee? Do you feel bad about that?"
[Masterpost link]
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kis-e · 1 year
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manga icons colored by me
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alpacacare-archive · 2 years
shitpost that turned into a tf2 comic art style practice thats a part of my 5 year long evil plan to secretly make the 7th comic while valve isn't looking
audio is from Trixie Mattel takes a lie detector test lol
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crownmemes · 5 months
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The Prisoner Sentences, Vol. 1
(Sentences from The Prisoner (1967). Adjust phrasing where needed)
"The information in your head is priceless. I don't think you realise what a valuable property you've become. A man like you is worth a great deal on the open market."
"A lot of people want to know the reason behind your resignation. You had a brilliant career. Your record is impeccable. They want to know why you suddenly left."
"Of course, you have been checked, but when a man knows as much as you do, a double-check does no harm."
"I don't know who you are or who you work for, but I don't care. I'm leaving."
"Have you not yet realised that there's no way out?"
"Sooner or later, you'll tell me. Sooner or later, you'll want to do it."
"Have you never wondered? Have you never tried to find out?"
"As far as you're concerned, I'm in charge."
"We're all pawns."
"He can make even the act of putting on his dressing gown appear as an act of defiance!"
"Was there ever a time when you were not cooperative?"
"There's no point in fighting battles you can't win."
"So obvious a weakness? In you?"
"Whatever way you look at it, we both want to conquer the world."
"You never could take a hint."
"I don't spend all my time spying."
"You are still the most intriguing spy I have ever met."
"Being killed is an occupational hazard."
"You used to be a very good dancer."
"I can't bear to be alone. That's why I like parties!"
"All the best parties end in tears."
"You were doing so well. Now you're being simply foolish."
"I cannot afford spare time."
"Your mind can lie but your body can't."
"Sometimes, in my dreams, I'm somebody else."
"We've all changed. The job changes us."
"Construction arises out of the ashes of destruction."
"Are you growing a beard? I've always had rather a soft spot for bearded men."
"I'm a very good cook. It's one of my hobbies."
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stargirlfeyre · 4 months
It starts to hit you how little Sjm cares for Tamlin once you realize he has no plot foreshadowing like other characters.
Like let’s break it down…
Feysand are foreshadowed to be High Queen and King
Elain is foreshadowed to be a spy or courtier with Lucien
Nesta is foreshadowed to lead the Valkyries as a general. Emerie and Gwyn joining her.
Azriel is foreshadowed to deal with the Illyrians and there’s also some suspicion with Koschei.
Cassian’s foreshadowing also ties into Nesta’s. Not leading the Valkyries but those two being generals together (also his work with Illyrian women is likely going to lead him to start recruiting them to join the Valkyries).
Lucien is foreshadowed to inherit the Day Court when Helion dies or officially become heir to the Day Court once his paternity is revealed.
Eris is foreshadowed to become High Lord of Autumn
Even Vassa has some believable theories about her situation with Koschei.
And Tamlin is foreshadowed…to die.
Even Feysand, who y’all say has a complete story, is still pushed into the center of the plot and given an arc as serious as a High Ruler one. Meanwhile Tamlin, who y’all say is still important, is only talked about when it’s time to criticize his current state?
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can you IMAGINE if marshal john turns out to be the traitor? i think id be more heart broken than if it was caspian
#my post#really just bcus ig im used to caspian traitor by now#its been like 5 months it was the conclusion we all immediately jumped to im numb to it now#but marshal john?? BIG J?????#the fact that he still goes by marshal. the fact that when asked he said he has no first name. hm.#but like can you IMAGINE. you are a spy for the navy and are awaiting the right moment to 'defect' and join a dangerous pirates crew#a crew of young inexperienced pirates shows up and attacks your base but one of them repeatedly and publicly declares that he knows you can#be more than this. now or never you guess.#so you 'defect'. and after a few weeks you run into those same pirates again- and they excitedly welcome you onto their ship with open arms#you sail with them a while. they consider you a friend. you remember your mission.#you leave them when you find your captain and dont expect to see them again. you are immediately captured by the navy- that you still work#for- and are unceremoniously dumped in the torture maze prison.#what do you think as youre freezing to death in the blizzard wastes? that you failed your mission? that you died believed to be a traitor?#that you pity the pirates if this was the punishment waiting for them?#you close your eyes.#you wake up.#its the three pirates again. they came for you. they came *here* for *you*.#they bring you on their ship- again- and they bring you to your captain- again.#you remember what the one pirate said about you being more. you remember what he says about destiny.#you remember your mission
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roseofcards90 · 10 months
I’m sorry but that one part in deep cover where Kotoko is referring to all the prisoners (not the end part where she’s dissing the innocent ones lol) and for Mahiru she’s just like “I still like you though, still like you, it’s difficult” lmao why do you sound like you’re in love or smth Kotoko all the others are like personal jabs but for Mahiru it’s so tame compared to the others 💀
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jamethinks · 3 months
I never understood the point of having a whole set of phone decorations to convince people you and your wife sleep in the same room. It’s inconvenient and hectic and doesn’t account for when someone randomly appears there.
Best course of action would be to just use Yor’s room. I was watching Kdrama where a couple had to fake a marriage so the wife took the bedroom and the husband slept in the office. Same plan could be used except obviously Loid has a bed. Just keep the door locked and say it’s his office and he’s normally in there late into the night.
Anyone rummages through the closets and drawers? Keep one draw with his pyjamas and then a few outfits in the closet. Say he has a chests of drawers in his office because Yor just had too much clothes.
Women tend to do most of the decorating anyways so no need to rearrange anything just add a few items that kinda hint that Loid is there. Not to mention he’s a doctor and she’s a civil servant, her schedule is more structured so he ended up just mainly using his office not to disturb her with work or coming home and stuff.
Loid just keeps his office locked 24/7 and if anyone questions it just say patient confidentiality and they have a small child and just don’t want her rummaging through his stuff.
I get that it was just a fun little gag but there was such a much simpler more effective option.
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adgp35 · 4 months
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Miss Scarlett, the Lady in Red
“You cannot treat us like this, my lady!” cried Paolo Missilini, the Fascist Italian diplomatic liaison officer to Paris. “What about your democratic principles? What about the League of Nations? What about the Geneva Convention??” The distraught Minister of Culture in the Vichy French government, M Pierre Pautain, joined in the Italian’s chorus. “Indeed, Madame!” he exclaimed. “Such treatment by a female English spy, humiliating the representative of the nation who shared trenches with your countrymen just twenty years ago, shames the United Kingdom!”
Miss Scarlett turned to look at her two raging male prisoners, bound to an upright in a cellar far below the Elysee Palace and smiled, her blue eyes twinkling behind her black mask. “Gentlemen, you must remain here until your mutual military aid treaty fails for want of your signatures.” she told them. “Call it your contribution to making the world safe for democracy!”
“Putanna! ….mmmmmmmph!”
“Chienne! …..mmmmmph!”
“Now, now gentlemen,” smirked the Lady in Red, surveying her newly gagged captives, “whatever happened to old-fashioned European courtesy?”
With thanks to Vikings2win for providing me with this wonderful image of wartime female espionage, generated by Ideogram.
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kairithemang0 · 7 months
Todays favorite SAF song, Spy Again. I woke up with "spy again it's who I am, doesn't even matter if I killed my best friend" stuck in my head, and so I decided that I was going to wake up and put the song on loop.
Today's a good day
Oh yeah and I've also got Prisoner of my Past stuck in my head, Tatiana my beloved
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After his incident with Melchior, Logan is transferred to a backwater ground detachment. Just when he's getting used to his new life, a rumor starts going around that there's a double agent at his post; a spy for the Riot Kings who's feeding the rebels Fleet secrets. Wanting to avoid a long, agonizing investigation, the rest of the det pin it on Logan, who's not all that popular anyway.
The statements of his co-workers, paired with the cause for his transferral (trying to kill Melchior, an ex-Riot King who's now trying to help the Fleet and who might have recognized "double-agent" Logan, prompting the murder attempt to try and protect his cover), is enough evidence for the Fleet to detain and interrogate him.
whump art tag:
@kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpsday , @regrets-realization-acceptance , @kixngiggles , @randomlifeunit
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