#prismo headcanons
Prismo the WishMaster as your boyfriend
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First off, just a fact, chillest dude in all of Ooo
Like, if you guys broke up (not that you would, but-) he would be the kinda guy you would actually be friends with
Because he is confined to the time room, dates are limited
A lot of indoor dates; home-cooked food, board game nights and, of course, watching movies (or alternate realities on his TV)
The man always has your favourite snacks at hand (and most other things for that matter)
Honestly, your presence brightens up his day
Like, he could be having the most boring/hardest day at work, but you sending a quick check-in text really makes his day
Once you two start getting more serious, I can see him using his powers to spoil you (which probably is a violation of the rules, but oh well-)
Oh, you saw a dress you wanted that was out of your budget? Magically in your closet
You wish you could style your hair a certain way? Bam, new doo by the morning
There's a book you're dying to read that hasn't been released yet? it's now on your bedside table
on that note, with your consent, I think he would like to use his powers to play dress up with you, as long as you're both having fun, and it's not just you treating him like your personal tailor
And as nice as it is to have a cosmic sugar daddy, please reassure him that you like him for him, and not his powers.
Like, this man deals with crippling loneliness, you gotta let him know that you're there for him too
Maybe you can't give things to him like he gives you, but you can be there to listen to him vent or just say sweet things to him (COMPLIMENT THIS PINK STRING BEAN)
This man loves your praise
he barely gets enough recognition for his job, so please tell him you love him and that he's a sweet boyfriend
you automatically get an invite to all of his parties (but understands if you don't want to go)
if you make him anything home-made, dude is going to treasure it
like, he would make a whole ass room just to put the things you give him in it
Has defiantly used the pick-up like: "if everything around me is a dream, then you're the most beautiful thing I've ever dreamed of"
Guy can be suave in his own dorky kind of way
He also likes cooking for you
he does it with zero powers, he just wants to make something for you
his cooking isn't always the greatest, but he does get better over time, you just gotta stomach it for a while til his trial-and-error phase ends (spoiler alert: it never does)
And, this goes without saying, but he makes you pickles
one time he made a special batch for you, with a note that said 'for my sweet pickle'
He's also tried to write you a song on his banjo
he's got spirit and it's the thought that counts anyway
I also see him having the love language of quality time (He's in a time box, I don't think he has much of a choice)
If you stick around long enough, he will give you a guest room
He will occasionally ask you for feedback about his stories
oh, and it's totally obvious when he's written characters that remind you of you two a little *too* much
If you are a writer or an artist, he would love to know all about your stories/OCs
or if you're a creative at all, would love to know more about your work
Super supportive (again, will use his powers to get you the most expensive materials)
If you guys are serious, he will introduce you to jake, assuming you didn't meet jake earlier at his parties or just because Jake just dropped in to say hi
Has defiantly told Jake about you at some point
So when you introduce yourself to him, Jake defiantly embarrasses Prismo about it
"Oh, so this is the girl you've been telling me all about?"
you guys have a dinner planner. It avoids having the same talk about what to have for dinner every night
After some time, he does decorate his time room a bit more
It's still minimal, but now there's a plant and a bookshelf or something
Is the kinda guy that's shy about dancing and singing, until a few drinks, and then he's doing karaoke like it's no one's business
Not the kind of guy to raise his voice
like, even if he was mad at you, would never do that. i see him responding in short sentences if that's the case
He's a god, you're a mortal, y'all definitely have existential conversations
But he's also so chill that they never feel depressing
Even though the relationship may be a bit strange to navigate because of the whole God/Mortal thing, you wouldn't have it any other way
He may be a God, but you are his Heaven
This is my first time posting headcanons like this, hope you all enjoyed it. If you want more or have a specific scenario you want me to write about, don't hesitate to ask (I'm always looking to sharpen my writing skills)
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8-0mph · 10 months
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Ice loser party
and drawovers.
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punkrock-confetti · 7 months
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If prohibitedwish has 1 fan im that fan, if prohibitedwish has 0 fans im dead
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waokevale · 11 months
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Guess what. I'm joining the rest of y'all in the angst train. And the ship itself. I like it. I guess I have a preference in dynamics. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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katanosabedibujar · 1 year
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HEADCANON: Scarab used to help Prismo correct spelling mistakes in his fanfics.
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gumycandyyy · 1 year
୨♡ "At Your Beck And Call" ♡୧
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Trying out a oneshot! Or something like that idk.
Winter King x reader
GN reader
RQ: nah fam, I accept requests though!
Word count: 1390
No use of y/n
Summary: You're adventuring through this interesting little world, and find yourself in a snowstorm. Next thing you know, you're in some kind of ice palace. What happened?
Walking through the snow, you look up into the sky. Cloudy. Best be quick.
A chilly breeze sneaks through the fabric of your shirt and deep into your bones. It would've been better if you'd brought a jacket. Though you didn't think your wish prepared you for that.
"I wish..."
"You better think about this hard, dude. You only get one."
"Okay, okay. I wish... Hm..."
"Want a pickle?"
You agreed to Prismo's offer, gladly taking the snack. You crunched while you thought. Man, these were good pickles.
"Okay man, I'll admit I got nowhere to be, but you were kinda interrupting me. I was watching TV."
You tell Prismo that he can watch while you think, as you hadn't thought you would make it this far. He shrugged, and pressed a button on his remote.
You saw him flipping through channels rapidly, looking for one in particular.
"Hey, Prismo."
"Are those just.. Shows? Or-"
"Oh, they're universes. Y'know, the multiverse theory right? I just get to watch everything. Perks of being an omnipresent god-type thing."
You think about your wish for another few moments. You snapped your fingers, and Prismo paused the TV.
"You know what you want?"
You nodded, rubbing your hands together.
"I wish that I-" "Be descriptive. Just in case, Y'know?"
You sighed with an exasperated smile. Taking a deep breath, you asked your question.
"I wish that I had the ability to travel freely and safely through the multiverse at will."
Prismo coughed loudly, as if choking on something. He took a deep breath, sighing.
"Okay, okay. So- I actually don't know if I'm allowed to do that."
"Did- did you just say 'sigh'?"
Prismo shook his question off, and sighed himself. He explained to you what he was and wasn't allowed to do, and how you were in a gray area of the rules. He finally shrugged.
"What could go wrong?"
He snapped his fingers, and suddenly you weren't in the time-cube-thingy anymore. You were in a grassy field. You felt something in the back of your pocket, and bringing it out, you saw a small pocket watch.
There was a note folded up and taped to the back of it. The handwriting was almost too small to see.
Yo, this thing is weird, right? Just wind the clock when you wanna change universes.
Don't break it.
I'm serious, this thing is expensive.
So armed with nothing but your wit and a pocketwatch, you traversed throughout the multiverse.
You wished that you would've added 'immortality' to Prismo's wish.
The wind was picking up, whipping your hair around. You looked into the sky, seeing the clouds grow dark, and snow beginning to sprinkle. It was almost astounding how quickly the weather could change.
A few stray snowflakes blew straight into your mouth as you breathed in, causing you to cough. The wind whipped through you, and the snow fell into your eyes. The sky was as dark as ever, and the snow clumping to your feet made it hard to walk.
You wish you thought of bringing a jacket.
You really wish you thought of bringing a jacket.
It didn't even occur to you to leave this universe, you were too cold to think. Stumbling around in this white wasteland, you wondered if there were any towns nearby.
Just as you thought of that, you saw a light in the distance. Struggling to climb up an embarrassingly small hill, you saw a glowing little town next to a palace probably around a quarter mile away. It looked to be made of ice, but that might just be you blurred vision.
You staggered through the snow, just trying to make it to the town.
You stop in place when you realize you can't feel a single thing in your body. Breathing in deep through your nose and cringing at the chilled air, you decided to use up the last of your energy to get to that little town as quickly as possible.
Bringing your arms up and crossing them, you tried to keep as much warmth to your chest as possible. After getting within about 100 paces to the town, you were ready to collapse. You heard light and seasonal music playing from the town, and hummed along deliriously.
People were ice skating on a small lake near you, and you tried to call for help.
But you couldn't get out more than a whisper.
Collapsing into the snow, your vision blurred and darkened. Just as you were about to lose consciousness, you heard a voice.
"Ice scouts! Come help this-"
Then you were out.
The next thing you knew, you were inside some glittering blue room. Was this place made of ice? Impossible, you were warm. Looking down, you saw that you were covered in blankets. Fluffy, Warm, blankets... You almost wanted to fall back asleep...
You sat up quickly, realizing you didn't know where you were. You then heard a soft voice from your bedside.
"Oh, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
You looked to your side, seeing a man sitting in a chair, reading some book. You couldn't see its title. The man had light blue skin, white hair, a long nose, and sparkling eyes.
You noticed he was dressed quite elegantly, and a crown sat atop his head.
"Who are you?"
He blinked for a moment, and laughed softly while slapping his forehead. He stood up, brushing himself off.
"Forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is the Winter King. You'd passed out in the snow when my ice scouts and I were not but twenty feet away from you!"
You introduced yourself,and tried to remember what exactly happened, but couldn't. You just had to take the Winter King's word for it.
Winter King.
You quickly apologized for being so nonchalant with royalty, but Winter King stopped you.
"Oh, no need for such formalities. You are a guest. It's my duty to serve you. If it would make you feel better, you may just call me Winter."
He sat down again, looking at you. Not in a creepy way, just... curious.
You nodded, taking a deep breath. The air was cold, but not nearly as dreadful as the blizzard outside. You then realized something strange. You asked Winter why it hadn't been pouring snow in the town. He laughs softly, smiling gently at your question.
Man, he was pretty.
"Oh, my dear, I have control over this domain. From every ice sculpture to every snowflake. While sometimes I cannot control the weather, I can however, keep it from affecting my town."
From your basic understanding of magic logic, this seemed plausible enough. You went to stand up, but suddenly felt very fatigued, your legs wavering. Winter stood up from his seat, ready to catch you if need be.
You cleared your throat, sitting down. Only then did you realize how much your throat hurt. You coughed for a moment, trying to get this scratchy feeling out. Winter noticed what you were doing, then gently clapped his hands. A person- looking to be made out of ice- skated into the room, holding a tray with a glass of water on it.
You thanked the little ice servant, and thanked Winter.
Winter seemed a little perplexed that you thanked the servant, but carried on, as it wasn't anything to fuss about.
"I see you're sick. Sometimes I can forget that people aren't immune to the effects of my wondrous realm."
He seemed to be really proud of his little winter wonderland. You looked out a massive window to see the town below.
The town.
You were in the castle.
"However, I am more than willing to aid you throughout your journey to regain your health!"
This man cannot be real. He's so incredibly kind! You've never really met any royalty, but you guessed that Winter was pretty much the nicest king in history.
You sneezed into your elbow, then cleared your throat once again.
"Rest for now, my dear. Though, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask. I am at your beck and call."
Winter bowed, then gracefully slid out of the room. You forgot the floor was made of ice. Snuggling into the plush pillows and multiple blankets, you closed your eyes,
and drifted off.
︵‿︵‿T B C‿︵‿︵
My first Winter King oneshot! This was so fun to make. Tell me if you'd like a part two!
reblog for a beginner writer?
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Your complimentary WK fanart ^^
Please send asks! I love writing prompts!
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realmofthefirebird · 10 months
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Gotta love that bug
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tickletails · 1 year
Ok so I wanna believe that Prismo has TRIED to tickle the Scarab before when he’s stopped by for a check up. He was being a stick in the ass as per ushe & Prismo was like “lighten up dude” & poked his side. Of course he got bitched out & the Scarab stabbed his hand with his cane for even trying. But now they’re trapped together in an empty box & Prismo is the silliest boy of all & easily gets bored. Luckily he’s just as easy to entertain!
Scarab tries to spend all his time cleaning to ignore Prismo but he’s just happy to finally have a friend who isn’t allowed to leave lmao. But when he just wants to hang out & the Scarab would literally rather scrub the floors, that’s insulting! & besides, he deserves a break even if he doesn’t want one. So he pokes him to get his attention, intending on asking if he wants to watch tv but the Scarab freaks out & hisses. Prismo realizes what happened & is so giddy because “he’s always wondered what his laugh sounds like!” & Scrabby is threatening him through giggles & he has no way to fight back against it. But afterward Prismo is so smug & teasy like “there, don’t you feel better now? I sure do! I think maybe all you needed was a good laugh!” Scarab is soooo angy & embarrassed it’s the best!
YOU. Oh this is so fucking TRUE i love the idea of prismo having such a mischevious side when it comes down to it and would 100% take advantage of finding out scarab is ticklish.. ALSO honestly i never thought about lee scarab before but this ask has opened my eyes thank you. i just know being tickled would make him so mad :3c
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pyraffin-drgo · 10 months
it's.... it's thems...
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This idea came to me in a vision of momentary possession and I HAD To make it before I made anything else ever so.
here. have my first simi-real drawing in like two years. not too bad for the first time really drawing ponies or at all in a while..
there WILL be more- maybe more finished too
thanks @realmofthefirebird for the brainworms
(uncolored WIP under the cut)
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inkyycapp · 11 months
how i think characters would react
if you got (very) hurt: adventure time edition.
tw/cw : angst, fluff, blood, violence, gore?, terrible story building, implied romance, fionna and cake spoilers, a lot of cringe, self-indulgence, character hcs, etc...
[a/n: this is very sloppy and rush as i made this between classes so it's half edited half not and not at all proof read. forgive me. thank you for the love on my last posts!! i wasn't expecting my adventure time hcs to get the attention it did, thank you so much!! i have finished fionna and cake(twice) so, my hcs might slightly shift a bit. at the moment. thinking of cross posting on ao3. reader is usually always gender neutral in all my posts unless stated otherwise. that's all! i'm open to requests and my dms/pms are open. thank you! new additions as well!! this is all i have, i'm sorry. a few more are in the drafts. please tell me if i missed anything tag and cw/tw wise! thank you.]
[holy shit, fionna and cake's finn. honka honka. i don't deserve a platform.]
|| it all happened so fast. you could barely recall what happened. one moment you're up-right, after the next you're trying to pick yourself off the ground. your breathing grew more labored at every attempt, and the smell of iron hung heavy in the air. the warm liquid on your hands was a stark contrast to cold that began to wrack your body. it wasn't long 'til your vision faded to black, leaving only questions behind into your last fleeting thoughts. ||
(the favorite. my favorite.)
-the both of you were exploring an old cave. deep, dark, and damp. it was said to hold treasure far back into the cave, and out of curiosity you both went to explore. what you didn't know was that many people sought out that treasure. many dangerous people.
-going deeper into the cave, you and finn found the treasure, though nothing cool to take back except for a few cool rings. turning on your way out, with your back to the entrance, a sharp pain was felt through your body. looking down you saw the bloodied blade of a sword. you had no time to react as you were shoved off the blade and onto the ground. from there, it was a blur.
-finn would (violently) remove anyone involved. while brutal, he makes sure to end it quick--he doesn't have time for them when you're bleeding out on the ground.
-finn never stopped talking to you, even if you're asleep. it's always optimistic-- he talks about; new things he's found, friends he talked to recently, any new news, old and new stories, the next date he'll take you on, etc... he rambled hours on end in a one-sided conversation. it's how he copes.
-finn's trying to be uplifting. but, by himself he's a mess. he rarely stays at the treehouse because he's too restless. he feels weak, and unable to do anything. when finn's not at your side he's fighting through his feelings. finn had learned it wasn't healthy to use violence as his only outlet, but it makes him feel something that isn't the heavy stone in his chest when he sees you.
-he's a patient man, he knows you'll wake up soon. he just had to be patient. but after around a few days he doesn't want to be "patient" anymore. he wants you to wake up now. finn knows he can't make that happen, but it was a selfish want to keep himself going.
-when you did wake up, he was all over you. there wasn't a time when he wasn't with you, or at least in the same vicinity as you.
-good luck trying to pry yourself away from his arms. this man has fought monsters thrice his size for fun. even your prettiest please wasn't going to work, not this time. you almost died. you could've died and he couldn't do anything about it. those memories never left his brain basket, even when your recovery was going smoothly.
-very anxious about letting you tag along, but knows you'll probably go off on your own if he refuses to take you along. he feels it's safer to allow you to come along, rather than go off on your own. with him, he knows that at least this time he could do better. he won't ever have a repeat of last time.
-finn keeps you close during each adventure, even losing sleep watching the surroundings to be sure no one sneaks up on you. he will refuse to sleep, so you'd have to force him. please give this man all the reassurance, he really needs it. it won't stop his anxiety, or his fear of it happening again, but it puts him at ease. even if it's just a little bit, it helps, nonetheless.
-the green knight has plenty of enemies. of course, fern could protect himself, and you could do the same. however, even if you could protect yourself, there wasn't any chance to protect yourself getting jumped, and a dirty stab to the back. the most dishonorable way to lose to a foe. the amount of ever growing disrespect.
-he loses his shit. sure, he gets mad quickly, but if you were awake to see him like this: holy shit. he grows plentiful thorns, and poison flowers all over himself subconsciously. (he's actually very pretty like this.)
-he's livid, and you're not conscious to do anything about it. and that's just it, you're unconscious, bleeding out on the ground. fern couldn't quite process it just yet. normally you'd stop him from going too far, but you can't right now. that's supposed to never happen. he's confused and angry, and you're not waking up. you're not moving. so, he cuts down anyone involved in a quick motion. he doesn't care how brutal, as long as it's quick. fern wastes no time in picking you up (after managing the thorns and flowers) and taking you to doctor princess.
-fern can't stand seeing you like this. laying weakly on that hospital bed.
-if you think finn's not good at coping, fern is much worse. he doesn't even cope. he's just...there.
-he's so confused, and just shuts down a bit. like he's still there, he's still the green knight-- fern. but, he's just distant. not quite himself-- off.
-fern is unable to wrap his head around what happened to you, but he goes about his 'normal' life. he tries to just go about his casual life without you there, and he's just confused. it doesn't take long before he grows upset, allowing the rage to boil.
-'they used to do that.' 'this was their favorite color.' 'they were supposed to fix that.' 'they like bird houses.' everything reminds him of you. it's impossible to go a single day without a reminder that you're still unconscious.
-i think it gets more apparent when he's out and about as the green knight. he's more violent. but, he doesn't mean to be. it just...happens.
-he's likely not there when you first wake, but when he gets there fern's complaining about everything under his breath. but when he sees you up, that bed isn't just for you anymore.
-he's holding you close, with a firm hold and refusing to let go. he's scolding you for not waking up sooner, and complaining about how life without you was too different. he tried to be casual, but he missed you a bit too much.
-there is also no prying fern off of you-- a common thing between all of them. once you're up, there is no separating you both for a few hours at the least.
-fern is also hesitant about letting you rejoin him on the adventures, but as long as you stay close, and keep weapon on you at all times, he'll agree. but, all of your wounds-- every. single. one.-- had to be medically evaluated as ok, and no threat to your health before anything.
(post crown -- pre fionna and cake.)
-he's in shock, not moving for a few moments. he knew why he'd be hated, or hunted down, killed even, but why you? why did they have to drag you into this?
-someone in the many gangs around the parts found you somewhere in the clearing waiting for finn. you both had previously planned a picnic out in a nice clearing in the woods. he was running late. but, once he found you bleeding out and onto grass, he's thrown way off guard.
-finn is quickly trying to pick you off the grass, trying to get you out of there, and dragging you back to his cabin. finn manages to tend to each of your wounds. though, the moment he's done, and you're in a stable condition-- he's leaving the cabin for a few hours.
-he finds whoever did this to you, and doing what he couldn't earlier. finn is driving in the same injuries they gave to you over and over again. he doesn't let up until he's in tears. finn knows that this changes nothing. he knows this won't make him feel better, but he needed to do something. anything. even if it's for his own sadistic pleasure to see the regret on their faces-- to see them like this. pathetically clawing at the dirt in an attempt to ground themselves through the pain-- trying to crawl away from his bloodied hands.
-(robot hand included.)
-finn leaves them with their lives(barely), and a warning before disappearing into the woods.
-he is struggling to cope. finn hold your hand in his abnormally cold one running his thumb over your knuckles. he's constantly checking in on you, and rarely leaving your side. sleeping, and eating could wait. after all that's happened with the crown, you're all he has left. he can't lose you too.
-he stays by your side as much as he can. finn knows he should probably take his mind off of...your condition and stay productive but it's difficult. the only reason the cabin is warm is because if it got too cold you'd start to shake. he makes food only because if you wake up you might be hungry.
-he doesn't know what to do for the most part, just waiting and hoping that you'll be better in no time. a fear lingers deep inside him that you'll worsen the moment he closes his eyes. so, finn stays up. there are times when he has passed out around the house, and when he wakes up he's absolutely terrified; running to check on you, checking to make sure your wounds haven't reopened, making sure you're alive.
-a deep seeded fear the you'll wilt away in his arms. it keeps him up at night-- it eats at him day by day.
-you're finally awake, but even then the fear doesn't fade. he's at you're every call so much that it begins to worry you.
-you'll have to force him, and i mean force him to sleep. you're ok, he's ok-- everything is ok. he can finally rest.
-he's just happy you're still there with him.
-you? hurt? nope. not on his time watch. prismo has you out of the situation in seconds, without a scratch. he refuses to ever see you in any pain.
-though, hypothetically, if there's ever a time where you do get hurt, and your wounds cannot be fixed with his wish master magic, and he's "too late", he's not so well.
-you're on a comfy little bed in the wishing room, laying on top of him. your wounds are bandaged up, and cleaned, with your breathing finally stable.
-he never leaves you side once. (sensing a pattern in everyone.) it's either him, or a copy of him. when he's granting wishes to whoever manages to make it to his wishing room, he keeps you in the cube with a copy of himself to watch over you.
-tries to make small talk with your unconscious self...it doesn't go well. the owl visits more often only to lay it's eyes upon the slum prismo is in.
-the cosmic owl tries to ease the depression, though fails miserably. if jake is still alive; his visits, brings gifts, barber sessions, the whole mile for his other best bud. it does kinda help, even if it was just a bit-- but, he's greatful nonetheless.
-while he could be doing better, prismo is doing the best out of everyone to be honest(if jake is around). jake's visits have been more than helpful to this guy, and honestly without jake, he'd be worse than just a mess.
-when you wake up he doesn't believe it at first but he's ecstatic. there is never a time where he's not with you, talking your ear off on how horrible it was without you. and while prismo wants to contuine talking you to your grave, he can't deny hearing your voice after so long does wonders to him.
-bonus if jake's around and prismo's like "and i like...really miss her. y'know? like she's right there but she's not..." "no, dude, i get it..." "i'd kill just to hear her voice just once..." "...prismo..." "ah, shit now i'm hallucinating!!" "no prismo, behind you." "jake, don't play into my delusions!" "god dammit prismo." "YOU'RE AWAKE!? FINALLY."
-this man is already insane. he already needs therapy. the anger issues on this psychotic man are insane.
-he loses all sense of morality(that he had left) but surprisingly holds off and tends to you first. by sending you back to headquarters for someone to tend to your injuries while scarab spends the next few hours tearing their molecules apart.
-honestly the worst out everyone. like, if he has a chance to off someone, they're going to die but in the most unconventional, painful, most gruesome way possible. he's....coping?
-at this point it's hard to tell with him, one moment he's rambling under his breath about annoyances, the next....he's offically lost it!!
-sadly he can't be at you're side at all times even if he really wants to, but with his job and all that. when given any chance he's right there next to you. he excuses this behavior as protecting you against anyone who might try anything, but in reality: it's just hard to stay away when you're like this. he wants to stay close even if he can't sometimes.
-scarab has difficulties with intimacy, so he finds it difficult to express his concern the "right" way. others see him as uneffected, and taking it too easy, but he is genuinely scared. he's scared that he loses the one person who can see him for what he is. an emotionally fucked up person who can't stand rule breakers.(joking).
-he finds holding your hand a way to ease the tension.
-when you wake up, he just sitting there, holding your hand.
-he's never letting you go anywhere without a weapon three times your size. of course he teaches you how to use it, but just because he wants you to protect yourself when he cannot. scarab views your injuries as him failing as a partner in more ways than one. he should've made sure you could protect yourself even when he couldn't.
-later on after your wounds have healed you're allowed with him on his missions. he denies being scared. reassure him anyways, he really needs it.
e/n: sorry prismo's and scarab's are short! first time writing them :')
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itsthesinbin · 1 year
Can you do prismo x reader ro headcannons (where he has a human body for the first time and gets to hang out with the reader for a whole day)
give that man an ass
Prismo (Adventure Time)
Okay let's say Prismo got a LITTLE selfish and made himself a little avatar to plonk into your world. He says he can't be there for a long time, but long enough to spend some proper time together.
So, you take him to do things you've always wanted to do with him.
You take him to a club and dance with him. He hated all the people and choked on a drink but he liked being close to you.
You took him out to eat. You all ordered way too much food and ended up taking it home to eat on later because he got too excited.
You took him on a walk. He was mesmerized by the birds and the plants and the sky and the clouds. He never let go of your hand the whole time, saying he felt like he would fall up into the sky at any moment. He wasn't used to being in such an open space.
You cuddled with him that night, holding him tight. He held you just as tight, hands under your shirt to feel your skin and your body heat. To be as close to you as possible.
You wake up alone the next day, but you don't wake up lonely. You'll awaken to immediately feel like something was watching you- watching over you. The spot on the bed where he was still warm and still held the pjs he had borrowed from you. You smiled, scooted over into the warm spot, and drifted back to sleep holding the shirt like a lifeline.
You wake up in the time room, a familiar blue eye staring into you with delight.
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bozzowl · 6 months
can i please get some Prismo NSFW headcanons? (and maybe some SFW ones if you're feeling up to it, please). I read your scarab one and I just love your sense of humour
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Since he can interact with things like buttons on his remote, he can definitely slide onto you and "push your buttons"
Can wrap himself around you, both on and under your clothes
Can clone himself to add to the experience
You won't see his dick unless he makes it appear
Since he can change sizes and can stretch himself, he could definitely make it bigger or smaller depending on your preference.
I'm not sure if blowing him would be like slurping a fruit-rollup, but that's what comes to mine since he's 2D. Unless, you're in the 4th dimension with him in his 3d form where you can suck him off properly
Could easily dom and put whatever outfit he wants on you; however, since he's laid back he could also have you do all the work
Unless you can get to the 4th Dimension where you can find him in 3D, it would be hard to dom him unless he lets you.
Likes to watch
Given how he can see whatever he wants on his TV wall, he can easily watch you shower.
Will send you flirty notes, especially when you bend over to pick something up. Like, "you look nice from this angle" " 10/10 would smash" "Only do that for me, ok? ;)"
would pull up a cube and have you bend over while he slides over your back. holding onto the cube so he could get you from behind
will hold your legs apart and pull you against the wall during "fun time"
Will slide onto a body pillow so you can wrap your arms around him
Since he can eat (since he has mention eating and given the trash in fionna and cake)I assume he teleports his food into the 4th dimension. Therefore, imagine he can teleport you there with him so he can "eat you".
It's entirely optional: Can slide over a dildo so he can be inside you, or a flesh-light so you can be inside him. Unless you're in the 4th dimension with him so you don't have to
Chances are he probably watches porn on the TV wall
Since he can prepare rooms like the golb room in Fionna and Cake, he could easily prepare a sex dungeon if he wants
writes cute/smut fanfics about you and him together.
If you sit on his crotch, he gets flustered
As mentioned previously, he could slide onto the body pillow, this can also be fore cuddling each other while watching TV
Likes to hold your hand
will let you sit on him, and hold you close to him
will summon your favorite snacks because he likes seeing you happy
will help you out and give you advice when necessary
gets flustered and that cute awkward laugh when you flirt with him at first, but will feel more confident after getting to know you.
When you're leaning on the wall, will playfully boop you on your side
tickle fights
lots of cuddles and kisses, affection galore
Loves to listen to you about your hype-fixations
will show you how he makes worlds and characters on his laptop
Has a room dedicated to keeping pictures of you and y'alls moments together
sends you pickles, and makes a special batch for you on valentines day
He calls you his "sweet pickle" and "babe"
Given how the Nightmos can move around without a surface to cling on like in that one episode where Finn and Jake get the old man, I like to believe that Prismo can do that too but choses not to.
Here's some things I want to point out:
He can turn his head! this is canon! He does it a few times, and so far its either this or he flips it like turning a coin. I noticed it when re-watching some episodes (Prismo specifically) so I took screenshots
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As for the "3D in the 4th dimension" as mentioned before, this is possible according to the Comic book Adventure Time: The Beginning of the End. There's one panel when Jake is inside the 4th dimension where it shows him encountering a 3D Prismo. Not everyone considers comics canon, but its canon enough for me. Especially since I've read a lot of fanfics where Prismo becomes 3D for YN, I figured this would be an interesting detail to include based on the comics.
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I wanted to include these because it will affect how I write fanfics regarding Prismo, especially the headcanons. Plus, I figured you guys would like to see these anyways.
Also if y'all want to read it yourselves, its easier to just get the full comic book instead of ordering each comic separately, as I made the mistake of ordering few copies of the same one since they have different art on the covers.
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8-0mph · 11 months
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luckyshinyhunter · 2 months
Adventure Time Headcanons
Jake, Lady and Prismo are in a polycue relationship.
Finn, Marceline, Bubblegum, Betty and Simon are autistic.
After the events of Princess Day, Lsp and Marcy have a girl's day off, and invite their friends if they're not busy.
Finn and Jake still do movie club, but also invited new members like Ice King and Gunter, Jermaine, Flame Princess, Banana Man and many more.
Abracadaniel has a secret crush on Ice King, but Ice King is too oblivious obviously.
Marceline and Ice King do jam session sometimes, bonding and making new songs like they used to in the post mushroom war era.
Neptr go their own adventures when the boys are gone.
Finn and Jake visit Jermaine often and helped him with his paintings.
Simon used to be in a band, he would be the backup singer, use the synth and will be the drummer.
Ice King visits Island lady and they often catch up on life and stuff.
Death and Peppermint Butler used to date.
Simon often slips in when Ice King sees or hears something that triggers flashbacks to his past life.
Jake and the puppies have a family day.
Peppermint Butler has a secret criminal record.
The wizards of Wizard city still go on road trips.
Jake, Marceline, Simon, Flame Princess are Bisexual.
Finn, Bubblegum, Prismo, Lady Rainicorn, Peppermint Butler, Huntress Wizard are Pansexual.
Jermaine, Abracadaniel, Mr. Fox are Gay.
BMO, Shelby, Banana Man and Cinnamon bun is Aroace.
Simon, Betty, Lemongrab, Life giving Magi and Tiffany are Trans.
Neptr is Non-binary and Susan Strong is a Lesbian.
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pwishyaoi · 2 months
Ahh so sleepy,, all i could muster to draaw.,,, sleepyyy,,,,,
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Was looking at my orbo human ref and realized i forgot to give him a nose.. embarrassed,,
ALSO technically my human designs aren’t human.. humanoid.. i still treat them like god fellas
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punkrock-confetti · 10 months
To people who think prismo is straight:
Why????? Are you stupid??? Hes so fruity i literally cannot see him NOT kissing boys???
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