iyumon · 1 year
Found shiny Tails and Shadow!
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feluka · 1 month
hey heads-up: prismatic-bell made a post just today threating to sic the FBI on people thru their direct tipline. the post is from 7:57 CST, August 19th, 2024
I think we need to start a mass-blocking campaign before someone fucking gets killed
jesus fucking christ
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cerealxperimentslain · 2 months
if anyone wonders what prismatic-bell is up to
under the cut because it’s horrific
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update 20/8:
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ID: @changeling-droneco asked:
“we can report for terrorism?! damn, that's a lot more useful then spam”
@prismatic-bell said:
“We sure can. I've started using the hate speech and terrorism options as appropriate.
These fuckheads want to be Hamas so bad, I'll treat them like Hamas. We'll see how quickly they cry when the FBI shows up at their door.”
@sidleyparkhermit said:
“In fact, you can cut out the middleman and directly report them to the FBI (assuming that the author of the posts appears to be somewhere in the FBl's jurisdiction).”
(link to electronic tip form on fbi’s website)
@prismatic-bell said:
Well, that's good to know.”
End ID
We should all know the danger it could put marginalised people in if the FBI or other authorities were to actually show up at their doorstep. This is way over the line and could actually get someone hurt or killed. Please report prismatic-bell before xe puts people in real actual danger (i’ll pin a post detailing how on my blog)
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euniexenoblade · 1 month
Prismatic-bell is fucking wild like, threatening to report people to the FBI, threatens to dox people, posts outright horrible racism, doesn't get banned cuz xe gave Tumblr money. The fucker was literally asking how aboriginals are the same species as us, xir basically a Nazi that gets to terrorize poc and LGBT people. Fucking cop callers.
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webdiggerxxx · 1 year
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aetherprism · 9 months
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high noon
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silvers-starrway · 2 months
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What do you mean this form only shows up once for a small fight scene and then disappears forever?
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endivinity · 2 months
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what an irresistible character!!! AF attack for DoughBoy! (owned character, please do not use for any purposes)
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appleandaria · 9 months
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So someone posted this on Reddit. I'm sure y'all will love this.
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prismartist · 11 months
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glad to know he still has a breakdown upon the slightest mention of fred 👍
also need people to know that tubbo responded to cellbit's fred mention the literal second after he sent it in chat like it really is still that bad huh buddy
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orionwatt · 1 year
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Prismatic Sonic Redesign!
Fully appreciate something like this would be way too hard to animate in the show, this isn't criticism of the show in anyway, just for fun!
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tungledotedu · 2 months
prismatic bell is shamelessly doing genocide denial again (archive org version), with some points such as:
'the keffiyeh is a symbol of arab colonialism'
'Every civilian killed is a travesty to be laid on Sinwar’s bloody hands. But…it’s actually also REALLY GOOD for urban warfare'.
no amount of 'it's tragic, i know it sucks, it's heatbreaking' will make up for the fact that xe LITERALLY SAID THERE IS A 'GOOD' AND 'PROPORTIONATE' NUMBER OF DEAD CIVILIANS. including children and babies. and this is right after xe called them colonisers.
xe's still desperately trying to deny the death toll. 'the numbers as given have been proven false. Someone was literally able to show they’re generated with a math formula. (I have articles backing this up, but again, will have to add when I’m off mobile, sorry.)'
also known as 'i can't add more sources right now, but i DEFINITELY have them!' (uses memri tv as a source)
'actually it's completely legal for israel to target hospitals because they fabricate evidence of weapons in those hospitals.' who's going to tell xir about how the iof mistook an arabic calendar for a list of names. also, legality=/=morality.
'DELIBERATE TARGETING OF HOSPITALS: yes, Israel has bombed or raided several hospitals because they were being used as weapons depots or missile launch sites. This is completely legal—what would be illegal would be raids on hospitals not being used as military sites.'
'hamas is the one that's committing genocide! if israel was really trying to eradicate all of gaza it would be done already!'
62% of homes and 84% of healthcare facilities have been damaged or destroyed. as well as more than 80% of schools.
'what is happening in ukraine IS genocide! but not palestine!'
since this person seems so fixated on 'proportionate' death tolls...
ukraine has a population of 34 million, and the 2022 russian invasion has resulted in around 34,000 civilian casuallties as of june 2024. that's a lower ratio of civilian casualties to total population (1:1000). mariupol and the rest of donetsk oblast (population: 4 million) have sustained the highest number of casualties, with over 25,000 dead. this means the ratio is 1:160. according to this user, this is enough to warrant the label of genocide.
(edit: the number of dead ukrainian civilians may be higher at 100,000, making it 1:340).
but the gaza strip had a population of 2.4 million in 2022 (see the quote below), and the estimate of around 40,000 deaths has been outdated for some time now due to israel's destruction of gazan healthcare infrastructure and staff. even without a more accurate death toll, the ratio is higher (1:60). but for some reason (racism), it's not enough to be called a genocide.
the death toll in gaza is estimated to be much higher. according to the lancet,
Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2 375 259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip.
and this is a conservative estimate.
also, according to this user's 'logic', with a lower ratio of casualties, russia is actually 'doing urban warfare' better than israel. so much for being pro-ukraine.
all of this disgusting vitriol is tacked on a post with artwork of jesus christ, because one of the sketches depicted him with a keffiyeh. i don't think prismatic bell has anything of worth to say about christianity.
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(edIted on 20 july)
changed pronoun to xir. explanation here.
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i've added a link to a source for 100,000 killed civilians in ukraine.
but still, given the choice between an academic article and an internet user, i'm going to trust the academic article to have actual research with sources and not 'fake numbers' for gaza.
i wrote a bit about how the alleged 1:1.5 civilian death ratio is incorrect under the read more, but then i realised, does it actually matter? should this be the metric by which we measure proportionality in the first place? should we forget how more palestinians have been killed by israel since its founding than the other way around?
if we only focus on this, we overlook the bigger picture, the alarming number of people who have been killed or left sickened and disabled. we have to keep the total population in mind, and the fact that israel also mass murders palestinians 'indirectly'. through starvation, cutting off electricity and water, blockading medical supplies as well as other resources, denying life-saving healthcare, and other means. what prismatic-bell said about russia targeting aid workers applies to israel too.
what about how israeli militants rape and sexually torture palestinian hostages? how they don't distinguish between combatants and civilians, and their 'definition' of terrorist includes elderly men and kids they've captured and stripped to their underwear? or how they've maimed people as part of rabin's 'break the bones' policy since the first intifada? or when the iof lied about letting an ambulance rescue hind rajab, only to kill the paramedics and shoot 335 bullets at the car where she was hiding? or how they haven't stopped bombing and sniping people despite orders from the icj and credible evidence of them committing genocide?
and 'fake numbers'? sounds like projection to me. here's what prismatic-bell said:
'And finally, let’s look at the civilian-to-combatant death toll. [...] With that said, the best data we have at this moment suggests one civilian killed for every 1.5 Hamas militants.'
no source given, but i'm guessing it came from wikipedia (where the sentence is unsourced as well).
here's an actual analysis by yagil levy on ha'aretz. it's outdated, but it argues that even early on in the genocide, the israeli army failed to show restraint in targeting civilians. none of that 'it's actually also REALLY GOOD for urban warfare' or 'entirely proportionate', or however you want to cruelly dismiss human life.
It follows that with a high proportion of noncombatants among the total number of those killed, we can conclude that the principle of discrimination was not adhered to, and an unusually high rate will reflect either a departure from the principle of proportionality or a highly flexible interpretation of it. [...] Thus, rather than this being a case of "collateral damage," it was the reverse: Because most of those harmed are civilians, what was produced is "collateral benefit," in the form of a low number of Gazan combatants killed.
This calculation shows that out of the total of 6,747, at least 4,594 individuals of both sexes who can be categorized as noncombatants were killed – 68 percent of the total. 
this is a different way of calculating the ratio. it takes civilian deaths and divides it by the total number of people killed, not by combatant deaths (as the 1:1.5 ratio does). with 2,153 combatants killed, the ratio is actually around 2:1, meaning it is biased towards civilians killed. this is an outdated estimate and is probably higher in reality.
or take the iof's more recent but probably inflated estimate of 16,000 dead hamas fighters, meaning 24,000 civilians out of the 40,000 killed. the ratio would be 1.5:1. or 170,000 civilians if we go by the lancet.. that's 10.5 civilians dead for 1 militant. (if anyone has better sources let me know.)
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tacticalgrandma · 2 months
Random concepts I really liked in The Final Shape:
The Traveler doesn’t interfere because it believes that deciding peoples’ purposes for them is tyrannical and cruel. I think that’s a really interesting way to think about divinity.
Cayde wishing he hadn’t come back from the dead not just because he was at peace, but because the people he loved had gotten closure grieving him and now he’s fucking them up all over again.
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otapxl · 2 years
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links and commissions
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nairanorica · 3 months
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I love these little guys and their weird chicken legs, even though they can be annoying at times
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winters-guile · 3 months
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i could not finish this in time for pride i am so sorry
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