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renewhealthcenters · 3 months ago
Prioritizing Mental Health: A Step Toward Better Living
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It makes people forget that people need to care about their mental condition just as they do about their physical condition. At Renew Health Center, the firm seeks to give treatment and care for the physical, mental, social, and spiritual health of a person.
Family and mental health boarded and double certified, Victor Labrado heads the center which avails a professional touch. When it comes to mental health, Renew Health Center offers testing, diagnosing, and treatment with help of the team of mental health professionals.
It is very important to dedicate time for personal care for improved wellbeing, better interpersonal interactions, and increased efficiency at the workplace. This means that regardless of the age or state you are in it is never too early to begin the process of transformation.
Read more: Prioritizing Mental Health
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empathyhqorg · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine's Day from EmpathyHQ! Today, we celebrate love in all its forms. 🌹 Celebrate today by embracing self-acceptance, prioritizing self-care, or practicing mindfulness. Whether it's self-love, care for others, or community support, remember to show up for yourself and others every day. We believe in inclusion and acceptance of all individuals, because everyone deserves love and support. Let's spread kindness and compassion today and every day! 💕
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boytoycasual · 1 year ago
Achieving Harmony: Navigating the Challenges and Reveling in the Benefits of a Well-Balanced Life
In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, finding a balance between work, family, and personal well-being can feel like attempting to juggle a trio of delicate glass orbs. Yet, the pursuit of equilibrium in these areas is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful life. In this article, we’ll explore the challenges and benefits of cultivating a well-balanced life that encompasses the realms of…
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daffodilrays · 2 years ago
Unplugged and Recharged: The Importance of Switching Off at the End of the Day
Our lives are constantly intertwined with technology in a way that the constant need to be connected has infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Even after the end of the work day, our minds are constantly busy and tied up between scrolling and swiping! We find ourselves tethered to our mobile devices, tablets and laptops anxiously awaiting notifications, messages, and updates. The Social media…
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livelifeintentionally · 2 years ago
A shout out to everyone embracing self-care as a form of self-love.👏🌿💖🙌🌸😌💆‍♀️🧘‍♂️🌻🌞✨
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jehovahsaintscom · 1 year ago
"Path to Global Peace: A Biblical Perspective" - Evangelism - Bible Stud...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessness #shelter #poverty #assistance #support #outreach #community #resources #housing #vulnerable #religion #education #faith-based #curriculum #freedom #belief #spirituality #values #controversy #separationofchurchandstate #abortion  #unborn #pregnancy #advocacy #fetal #humanrights #antiabortion #choice #ethics #prisonoutreach #rehabilitation #inmates #faithbased #support #reentry #criminaljustice #redemption #healing #transformation #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #beautiful #happy #art #cute #picoftheday #smile #faithoverfear  #hopeinadversity  #godsplan  #loveendures  #strengthinstruggle  #nycstreetlife  #BlessingsFromStrangers #FaithfulPrayer #GodsLovePrevails #inspirationalstory  #CityLifeChallenges #dailystruggles  #findinghope  #godsgrace #copingwithadversity  #spiritualstrength  #godsprovision   #neverlosehope  #kindnessmatters  #miracleshappen  #communitysupport  #helpeachother  #NYCCares #actsofkindness  #SpreadLove #godsguidance  #believeinbetterdays #faithoverfear  #strengthinunity  #resilienceinhardship  #miracleseverywhere  #hoperestored  #powerofperspective  #togetherwecan  #lookforthegood  #brighterdaysahead  #loveconquersall  #staypositive  #bekind #inspireothers  #createchange  #lovewins  #unityindiversity  #faithinhumanityrestored  #bethelight  #believeinmiracles  #keepgoing  #dreambig  #nevergiveup  #embracechallenges  #seekadventure  #pushyourlimits  #livefearlessly  #cherishmoments  #celebratelife  #makeadifference  #practicegratitude  #stayhumble  #ForgiveOften #learnfrommistakes  #choosehappiness  #staycurious  #ValueFriendship #prioritizeselfcare  #trustthejourney  #inspirepositivity  #spreadkindness  #beresilient  #investinyourself  #connectwithnature  #challengeyourmindset  #stayauthentic  #becompassionate  #nurturecreativity  #supportothers  #FosterUnity #thinkbig  #takerisks  #embracechange  #livepassionately  #bebold  #neversettle  #EmbodyEmpathy #radiatepositivity  #leadbyexample  #FindJoyInLittleThings #striveforexcellence  #believeinyourself  #embraceimperfections  #seekunderstanding  #expandyourhorizon  #liveintentionally  #expressgratitude  #achievegreatness  #practicemindfulness  #staypositive  #bepatient  #celebratesuccess  #learnfromfailure  #stayfocused  #facechallenges  #stayoptimistic  #stayflexible  #takeaction  #makeadifference  #contributetosociety  #bekindtoyourself  #HonorDiversity #showrespect  #createopportunities  #staygrounded  #empowerothers  #takeresponsibility  #RecognizeOpportunities #beadaptable  #stayorganized  #beopenminded  #staymotivated  #offerhelp  #prioritizeselfcare  #staycurious  #embracevulnerability  #staycommitted  #showempathy  #stayinformed  #promoteinclusivity  #learnfrommistakes  #encourageothers  #stayinspired  #abuse · #biblicalworldview  · #biblestudy  · #christian persecution · #church · #coronavirus  · #deconstruction · #end times #evangelism . Living Waters #apologetics  #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic
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therealgutdoctor · 1 year ago
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🌟 7 Reasons Why Your Health Is Your Most Valuable Asset - Cherish It! 🌟 Hello, dear friends! 👋 Let's dive into the 7 compelling reasons why your health is your most precious asset, and why you should protect it. 💖 1.Life's True Wealth: Your health is like a priceless gem, something no amount of money can buy. It's the real treasure in your life's journey. 💎 2. Freedom to Pursue Dreams: Good health grants you the freedom to chase your dreams, conquer goals, and live life to the fullest. 🌟 3.Happiness and Fulfillment: When you're healthy, you're happier. Health allows you to enjoy life's simple pleasures and find fulfillment in everyday moments. 😄 4. A Strong Foundation: Your health is the bedrock upon which you build your life. Without a solid foundation, everything else becomes a struggle. 🏗️ 5. Quality Relationships: Being healthy enables you to nurture relationships, fostering connections with loved ones, and creating meaningful memories together. ❤️ 6. Resilience in Challenges: Good health equips you with the strength to face life's challenges head-on, bounce back from setbacks, and emerge stronger. 💪 7. Longevity and Legacy: By cherishing your health, you're investing in a longer, more vibrant life. It's a gift to yourself and those who love you, creating a lasting legacy. 🌿 Remember, your health is a treasure beyond measure. Nurture it, protect it, and celebrate it. 🎉 Embrace our nationwide Telehealth Services and get your wellness essentials delivered to your door step. 🌿🚪📦 hashtag#HealthyGutMadeEasy hashtag#HealthIsWealth hashtag#CherishYourHealth hashtag#WellnessMatters hashtag#PrioritizeSelfCare hashtag#LiveLifeHealthy hashtag#TheRealGutDoctor Let's embark on this journey to celebrate and prioritize your health together! 🌈💪
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julierysava · 2 years ago
🌟 The Power of Kindness: Transcending Meanness for a Better World 🌟
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Hey Tumblr fam! 💕 Today, let's delve into the incredible transformative power of kindness and how it can create a more compassionate and harmonious world. In a society often tainted by meanness, it's time to break free from the cycle and embrace the extraordinary impact of kindness! 🌍✨
Kindness is not just a mere gesture; it's a force with the potential to change lives and shape our world. In this article, we celebrate acts of compassion and explore practical ways to cultivate kindness in our everyday lives. Together, we can transcend meanness and pave the way for a better and more harmonious future! 💫💖
#PowerOfKindness #CompassionInAction #ChooseKindness #SpreadLove #HarmonyAndKindness #BeTheChange #KindnessMatters #InspireGoodness #CreateABetterWorld #KindnessRevolution
It all starts with recognizing the profound impact of our actions. A simple act of kindness, whether it's a smile, a helping hand, or a word of encouragement, has the power to brighten someone's day and restore faith in humanity. By cultivating kindness, we can create a ripple effect that spreads positivity and compassion throughout our communities. 🌟🌈
#SmallActsBigImpact #KindnessRippleEffect #SpreadPositivity #BeTheLight #MakeADifference #KindnessChangesEverything #BrightenSomeoneDay #PositivityInMotion #KindnessInspires #PositiveVibesOnly
To foster a kinder world, let's practice empathy and strive to understand the experiences and perspectives of others. Empathy allows us to connect deeply, to listen with an open heart, and to respond with compassion. Understanding others helps us to understand ourselves better, we can break down barriers, bridge divides, and cultivate a sense of unity. 🤝💞
#EmpathyFirst #ConnectWithCompassion #UnderstandingHearts #BridgingDivides #UnityInDiversity #EmpathyInAction #CompassionateListening #WalkInTheirShoes #BuildBridges #EmpathyIsKey
In our fast-paced lives, let's not forget to prioritize acts of kindness towards ourselves. Self-care, self-compassion, and self-love are essential components of a kinder world. By nurturing our own well-being, we can show up as our best selves and extend kindness and understanding to others. Remember, you deserve kindness too! 💕✨
#KindnessToSelf #SelfLoveMatters #NurtureYourWellBeing #SelfCompassion #PrioritizeSelfCare #LoveYourselfFirst #BeKindToYou #InnerKindness #EmbraceYourWorth #SelfKindnessJourney
So, dear Tumblr fam, let's embrace the power of kindness and transcend meanness in our world. Through our words, actions, and choices, we can make a difference. Together, let's create a ripple of kindness spreading far and wide, leaving a lasting impact on individuals, communities, and our beautiful planet. 🌍💖
#KindnessInAction #ChooseLove #KindnessChangesLives #EmbraceCompassion #SpreadKindnessEverywhere #BeKindAlways #KindnessIsContagious #MakeKindnessTheNorm #EmbraceTheKind #OneActOfKindnessAtATime
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hongchicken · 2 years ago
How to Make the Most of Working From Home
Benefits of Working From Home
The world has changed drastically in the last few months and many of us have had to adapt to working from home. Although it's not ideal, there are many benefits to working remotely, and it can actually be a great opportunity to increase productivity, save time and money, and improve work/life balance. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the ways you can make the most of working from home.
Create a Dedicated Workspace
The most important part of working from home is to create a dedicated workspace. This could be a spare room, corner of your bedroom, or even just a desk in the living room. It's important to make sure you have a comfortable and organized workspace that is free from distractions.
Having a dedicated workspace means that you can focus on work, and it also helps to keep your work and home life separate. Furthermore, if you have children, it's a good idea to make sure that your workspace is away from any noisy areas.
Utilize Technology
Nowadays, there are many tools and technologies that can help you to maximize your productivity when working from home. For instance, you can use video conferencing to have virtual meetings, file sharing tools to collaborate with colleagues, and task management systems to keep track of tasks and deadlines.
Additionally, many companies offer remote working software such as virtual desktops, which allow you to access your work computer from anywhere. This can be a huge help when working from home, as it means you can access all your work documents and programs without having to worry about transferring files or logging in to different systems.
Establish a Routine
It can be tempting to just lounge around in your pajamas all day when you're working from home, but in order to be productive and successful, it's important to create a routine. This means getting up at the same time each morning, taking regular breaks, and having a set time when you end your workday.
It's also important to take regular breaks throughout the day. This will help you to stay focused and productive, and it will also give you time to relax and recharge.
Find Ways to Stay Connected
When working from home, it can be easy to feel isolated and disconnected from colleagues. It's important to find ways to stay connected, whether it's through video conferencing, messaging platforms, or just regular phone calls. This will help to keep you motivated and engaged, and it will also help to maintain good working relationships.
Prioritize Self-Care
Finally, it's important to prioritize self-care when working from home. This could mean taking regular breaks from the computer, going for a walk or exercising during your lunch break, or just taking time out to relax and unwind.
Self-care is key to staying productive and successful when working remotely, so make sure you take the time to look after yourself.
Working from home can be a great opportunity to increase productivity, save time and money, and improve work/life balance. By following these tips, you can make the most of this unique situation and make the most of working from home. Good luck!
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sunnymegatron · 6 years ago
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This year I'm committed to living more intentionally, setting boundaries around work vs. leisure, listening to my body and giving it what it needs, working on my anxiety and mental health, and learning to work smarter not harder. ° ° Every day I want to remember that I am enough, that I don't have to apologize for taking up space, that asking for help is an act of strength, that there's no shame in feeling my feelings, that it's not selfish to demand my worth, that I need to learn to say yes to saying no, that shouldn't feel guilty for experiencing pleasure or taking a break, that I should trust myself more, listen to other people's bullshit less, and give no fucks. My mere existence is an act of resistance and better I take care of my own shit, the better I can be of service to others. ° ° I'm going into 2019 ready to kick some ass 😉💪🏼🏋🏼‍♀️ ° ° What are you committed to this year? ° ° #resolutions #newyearintention #intentions #mindfulliving #intentionalliving #introspection #2019goals #2019goalsetting #takenoshit #givezerofucks #takeupspace #noapologies #fuckyoupayme #prioritizeselfcare #keepimproving ° ° Also, big thanks to my friend Christine who made this awesome picture of me 😘🥰 https://www.instagram.com/p/BsHHYKGhW8b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w9cxske1703p
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timetosavetheuniverse · 3 years ago
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I haven’t drawn or painted start to finish in a year or so so this is rough but it felt really good to hang up these herbs I grew myself to dry in the sun so I thought I’d give the memory a doodle! #artstagram #healing #prioritizeselfcare #cottagecore https://www.instagram.com/p/CTaZukvLWjX8pXVeey0jS0qoUzgnfZsDSj6lVM0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mctyndall-blog · 4 years ago
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#selfcare #prioritizeselfcare #practice #healthylifestyle #healthmagazine #selflove #mctyndall #mentalhealth #physicalhealth (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKj78hJlBER/?igshid=14i2lzuhgyjoh
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alsana2 · 4 years ago
Raise your hand if you can relate and #TGIF! If you've been struggling with focus during COVID, you are not alone. What...
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Raise your hand if you can relate and #TGIF! If you've been struggling with focus during COVID, you are not alone. What strategies have you found to help you stay on track with your goals and intentions? #cookies #dimes #whatarewetalkingabout #prioritizeselfcare
from https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYxovWFYcx
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alsanallc · 4 years ago
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Raise your hand if you can relate and #TGIF! If you've been struggling with focus during COVID, you are not alone. What strategies have you found to help you stay on track with your goals and intentions? #cookies #dimes #whatarewetalkingabout #prioritizeselfcare
via Alsana News and Videos
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seananforbes · 6 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @mindful.nyc Mental Health needs to be a health priority like brushing your teeth and getting a routine physical. Unlike many conditions, mental illness actually has empirically supported treatments in the form of psychotherapy and lifestyle behavioral changes that demonstrate efficacy and recovery. #prioritizeselfcare #selfcaredaily #happythursday #mindful #psychotherapy #mentalhealthawareness — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2Lr4KzJ
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jehovahsaintscom · 1 year ago
"Emily's Crusade: The Return of Bible Classes" - Evangelism, Bible Study...
"Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change" https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
Become part of our volunteer team by sharing our website with your friends. In a world where an estimated 150 million people are homeless, Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints, felt called to make a difference. Believing in the power of compassion and the strength of collective efforts, Michael had a vision that if everyone in the world donated just one dollar, it would amount to a staggering amount. This generous sum could effectively meet the needs of those struggling with homelessness and poverty around the globe.
With unwavering faith and determination, Michael reached out to the community, urging them to show empathy and solidarity towards their less fortunate brothers and sisters. He knew that every act of kindness, no matter how small, had the potential to bring immense relief and hope to those who were without a home or a sense of security.
Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures, Michael reflected on the teachings of compassion and generosity. In Matthew 25:35-40, it is said, "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Michael knew that by extending a helping hand to those in need, the love and kindness shown would be reciprocated tenfold.
With a heartfelt plea, Michael asked the world to come together and donate just a dollar. He knew that this seemingly small contribution could make a profound impact, providing food, shelter, and care to those who needed it most. Michael believed that when we show compassion and give selflessly, we not only uplift others but also receive the blessings of unity, empathy, and love in return.
With a heartfelt plea, I ask the world to come together and donate just a dollar. God Bless. 1-573-891-1933 USA https://www.jehovahsaint.com/
#homelessness #shelter #poverty #assistance #support #outreach #community #resources #housing #vulnerable #religion #education #faith-based #curriculum #freedom #belief #spirituality #values #controversy #separationofchurchandstate #abortion  #unborn #pregnancy #advocacy #fetal #humanrights #antiabortion #choice #ethics #prisonoutreach #rehabilitation #inmates #faithbased #support #reentry #criminaljustice #redemption #healing #transformation #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #beautiful #happy #art #cute #picoftheday #smile #faithoverfear  #hopeinadversity  #godsplan  #loveendures  #strengthinstruggle  #nycstreetlife  #BlessingsFromStrangers #FaithfulPrayer #GodsLovePrevails #inspirationalstory  #CityLifeChallenges #dailystruggles  #findinghope  #godsgrace #copingwithadversity  #spiritualstrength  #godsprovision   #neverlosehope  #kindnessmatters  #miracleshappen  #communitysupport  #helpeachother  #NYCCares #actsofkindness  #SpreadLove #godsguidance  #believeinbetterdays #faithoverfear  #strengthinunity  #resilienceinhardship  #miracleseverywhere  #hoperestored  #powerofperspective  #togetherwecan  #lookforthegood  #brighterdaysahead  #loveconquersall  #staypositive  #bekind #inspireothers  #createchange  #lovewins  #unityindiversity  #faithinhumanityrestored  #bethelight  #believeinmiracles  #keepgoing  #dreambig  #nevergiveup  #embracechallenges  #seekadventure  #pushyourlimits  #livefearlessly  #cherishmoments  #celebratelife  #makeadifference  #practicegratitude  #stayhumble  #ForgiveOften #learnfrommistakes  #choosehappiness  #staycurious  #ValueFriendship #prioritizeselfcare  #trustthejourney  #inspirepositivity  #spreadkindness  #beresilient  #investinyourself  #connectwithnature  #challengeyourmindset  #stayauthentic  #becompassionate  #nurturecreativity  #supportothers  #FosterUnity #thinkbig  #takerisks  #embracechange  #livepassionately  #bebold  #neversettle  #EmbodyEmpathy #radiatepositivity  #leadbyexample  #FindJoyInLittleThings #striveforexcellence  #believeinyourself  #embraceimperfections  #seekunderstanding  #expandyourhorizon  #liveintentionally  #expressgratitude  #achievegreatness  #practicemindfulness  #staypositive  #bepatient  #celebratesuccess  #learnfromfailure  #stayfocused  #facechallenges  #stayoptimistic  #stayflexible  #takeaction  #makeadifference  #contributetosociety  #bekindtoyourself  #HonorDiversity #showrespect  #createopportunities  #staygrounded  #empowerothers  #takeresponsibility  #RecognizeOpportunities #beadaptable  #stayorganized  #beopenminded  #staymotivated  #offerhelp  #prioritizeselfcare  #staycurious  #embracevulnerability  #staycommitted  #showempathy  #stayinformed  #promoteinclusivity  #learnfrommistakes  #encourageothers  #stayinspired  #abuse · #biblicalworldview  · #biblestudy  · #christian persecution · #church · #coronavirus  · #deconstruction · #end times #evangelism . Living Waters #apologetics  #gotquestions #makeadifference #staypositive #logic
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