#priori poster
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cloudbattrolls · 8 months ago
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Judgment meme time! Reblog with 1-2 characters to be judged.
Priori is very even-tempered, fairly old, and won’t blink twice at almost anyone, be they mutant or alien, nor does she really care about caste. But she does Know Things she shouldn’t, thanks to her psiionics.
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lizormianillustration · 2 years ago
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I will meet you on the sand of Perchling. And we will find our somewhere.
Ead and Sabran, from The Priory of the Orange Tree
ID by the lovely @maileesque
[ID: two digital portraits of eadaz uq-nāra and sabran berethnet from the priory of the orange tree. they both have their hair down.
the first is of ead. the image is heavily tinted red, and she’s facing right with a neutral expression. a big golden sun-shaped earring dangles from her ear, and a simple golden diadem consisting of a thin frame interspersed with stars wraps around her head/hair. in a solid red lighter than the background, a branch of flowers frames her head in a circular shape. text reads, “my heart knows your song, as you know mine,”
the second image is of sabran. she’s facing left, also with a neutral expression. like ead, she’s wearing golden jewellery. it consists of a large crescent moon shaped hairpin, a plethora of small star-shaped hairpins, a double star dangle earring, and a choker with circular moon and star designs. like ead, flower branches encircle her head on the background. text reads, “and I will always come back to you.”
the third image is the two illustrations next to each other, making it seem like ead and sabran are looking at each other. together, the text reads, “my heart knows your song, as you know mine, and I will always come back to you.” /end ID]
prints of these available on my shop :)
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la-chonga · 9 days ago
"petit tips pour les anonymes, si vous assumez pas suffisamment vos propos pour les poster avec votre compte, c’est probablement que vous devriez les garder pour vous." Non c'est juste que tes potes et toi avez fait une profession du fait de tourner en ridicule et d'aggro les gens qui leur parlent ouvertement, confonds pas tout. C'pas psq les gens veulent pas que vous veniez vous acharner sur eux leurs fo et leurs potes pendant 5 ans qu'ils sont pas en accord avec leur opinion. C'pas psq des gens qui vous connaissent pas veulent pas deal avec vous que c'est eux le problème.
Et si on veut parler en anonyme tu vas faire quoi ? J'viens avec un post anon rien que pour te mettre ça dans la tronche : me semble que des meufs t'ont dit de pas parler sur leur projet et que t'as répondu grosso modo que tu fais ce que tu veux. Donc les anon font ce qu'ils veulent ? :)
Ah et pour ton "ouin ouin violence bouh regardez vous avez deux poids deux mesures" : j'peux pas t'aider comme le tone policing est interdit ! Mince alors. Mais t'es drôle quand tu insistes sur le fait que personne n'a à te dicter comment parler puis que tu sors une quote de comment t'estimes que X aurait dû te répondre avant de reblog Y pour te plaindre de son parler de banlieusarde. C'est pas comme si ça fait 4 ans que 90% des gens qui vous lisent vous disent que vous filez de l'anxiété à tout le monde et que vous êtes agressifs et que vous rendez impersonnelle et malveillante une cause juste, et que vous en aviez rien à taper.
Comme t'as dit t'es une bad bitch qui emmerde tout le monde donc vas-y relève-toi mdrrrrrr t'as soudain oublié ta street cred dans le marécage où tes potes ont laissé leurs neurones quand ils ont ficha qu'un post débat poli était trop long et trop complexe pour eux.
Bon étant donné que tout semble tourner autour du « vous » et du « nous » je vais donc en faire de même. Et vu que vous avez tous pris le temps de lire 5k d’une autre personne, vous prendrez certainement le temps de lire les miens n’est-ce pas?
Vous êtes super rapides à brandir la croix et la bannière pour défendre les gens sur des multitudes de sujets tels que la santé mentale, l’accessibilité, le plagiat et autres, mais quand c’est des personnes racisées qui expriment leur lassitude face à une discrimination qu’ils subissent (et donc un mal-être qu’ils ressentent, parce que c’est bien de ça dont on parle, c’est pas un débat ou l’un a tort et l’autre raison c’est un constat fait par des gens qui partagent leurs plaintes et vous votre réponse à ça c’est de les fustiger encore plus) là y’a plus aucune tentative de compréhension parce que vous êtes visiblement tellement étranglés par votre propre conscience que vous le prenez personnellement. 
Vu que vous n'avez à priori pas dotés de suffisamment d'empathie pour parvenir à saisir les nuances d’une situation quand elle ne s’applique pas à votre propre personne : s’offusquer qu’on fasse des généralités (statistiquement correctes, j’insiste encore) sur les membres d’une communauté c’est du même niveau que les hommes qui s’offusquent quand des femmes témoignent de l’oppression qu’elles subissent et dégainent leur #notallmen. Là c’est pareil. On a pas dit qu’absolument toutes les personnes qui jouaient des fcs blancs sur ce forum ou d’autres étaient des racistes, mais si vous n’aviez absolument rien à vous reprocher ça vous serait passé au dessus de la tête et vous auriez pas été violentés au point de faire des amalgames comme si on avait sous entendu que vous étiez des nazis. La preuve étant qu’on a même pas qualifié quiconque de raciste, ce raccourci vous l’avez fait vous même comme des grands ce qui ne fait que prouver davantage que vous êtes au courant de la problématique que cette constatation de sur-représentation blanche représente. Vous êtes en train de vous empaler tout seuls sur votre épée mais vous préférez blâmer le forgeron.
En fait vous êtes tellement aveuglés par votre désir de diabolisation de nos personnages que tous vos arguments se focalisent sur notre façon de parler et/ou de ne pas parler plutôt que sur le message qu’on porte. Vous avez des œillères tellement phénoménales que vous préférez par exemple ignorer que si, on a répondu au long message qui ne comportait que des affabulations et de la réthorique fantasmagorique qui reposait sur de la spéculation totale. Tout ce qu’on dit vous trouvez un moyen de l’interpréter et de le tordre pour concorder au moule de votre vision étriquée de la situation et vu que vous avez l’air d’avoir des soucis d’ordre interpersonnels avec nous vous préférez ne pas chercher à comprendre ce qu’on dit mais plutôt trouver un moyen de nous le renvoyer à la gueule. 
La vérité elle est très simple, on est face à une situation où on a constaté un manque de représentation dans les fcs des forums, et la réponse qu’on a reçu c’est « traitez nous pas de nazis vilains harceleurs haineux ». Un grand écart tellement prodigieux qu’il en ferait faire pâlir les plus grands gymnastes de ce monde.
On est tous d’accord je l’espère sur le postulat que le racisme c’est pas bien, donc pourquoi est-ce que vous cherchez à nuancer le propos uniquement quand la responsabilité de son existence vous incombe aussi? Au lieu de saisir l’occasion de vous remettre en question et d’œuvrer positivement pour faire de cette communauté un espace davantage bienveillant comme vous semblez tant le désirer vous préférez sacrifier ça au prix de votre défense. Quel égoïsme et autocentrisme tragique. 
En tout cas ne te fais pas de soucis pour nous, on se porte tous très bien mentalement, on notera tout du moins la rapidité avec laquelle tu es venue te réjouir et fanfaronner d’un potentiel mal-être de notre part. L’attention portée au mental des gens c’est à sens unique comme toujours mais heureusement on est solides à ce niveau là parce qu’on est profondément convaincus de la noblesse de nos propos et de ce qu’on défend. Les difficultés de l’un ne l’emportent pas sur celle des autres, vous ne savez à priori pas grand chose non plus de ce qu’on vit ni qui on est, mais étant donné qu’on ne pollue pas nos paroles avec des informations d'ordre de l'intime on n’y prête pas attention. Si vous êtes fragiles mentalement et souffrez d’anxiété, j'en suis désolée pour vous mais ça n'a pas sa place dans la discussion et avant tout ça ne vous dispense pas d’être tenus responsables de vos propos et actions lorsque ceux-ci sont de nature discutable. Si vous proférez des propos virulents et invalidants, on vous répondra avec la même énergie parce que jusqu’à preuve du contraire le droit de se défendre ne vous est pas exclusivement réservé, et soudainement vous vous plaignez en disant que ça vous agresse? J’suis au regret de vous annoncer qu’il fallait pas laisser votre bouche écrire un chèque que votre cul est pas apte à encaisser. 
Maintenant que ça c’est fait, je te réponds aux critiques envers moi et moi seule. Par rapport au sujet de ma critique vis à vis de l’anonymat, oui vous faites ce vous voulez, et moi j’ai pareillement le droit d’exprimer mon avis sur la question. C’est ce que j’arrête pas de dire depuis le début mais vu qu’encore une fois vous préférez comprendre ce que vous voulez je vais continuer à radoter.
Mon message avait pas pour but de « chouiner », il avait pour but de retourner le principal argument qui est employé depuis le début de cette histoire pour dévaloriser nos paroles et décrédibiliser l’importance de notre revendication étant : vous êtes violents, et même si on est d’accords on cautionne pas. Le fait étant que là y’a de la violence réelle et tangible qui a été proférée mais j’vois personne en aller de son petit texte et rebloguer en masse pour exprimer oh combien ça le remue de voir de l’agressivité. Étrange phénomène. Ça prouve bien que le problème de notre soit-disant violence il est épidermique et que le cœur de vos reproches envers nous est lui bien viscéral. 
La vérité c’est qu’à la fin de la journée c’est chacun avec sa propre conscience et vu la virulence avec laquelle vous défendez et justifiez votre caractère j’ai l’impression que la vôtre est bien bien lourde. J’ai jamais dit que j’étais une bad bitch, jamais mentionné la moindre street cred mais merci pour le compliment, et tu sais quoi pour te remercier c’est ton jour de chance j’emmerde pas tout le monde mais j’vais mettre un point d’honneur à t’emmerder toi tout particulièrement, des bisous.
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from-derry · 9 months ago
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eleemosynecdoche · 10 months ago
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These two things don't go together. If Lilith is an entity with independent existence such that you can describe her as having a primary goal of mudering Jewish children, then cultural appropriation doesn't apply to interacting with her, and if she's purely a cultural phenomenon without independent existence who can be appropriated, then feminist and neopagan veneration of an entity called Lilith cannot be treated as veneration of a specifically antisemitic child-killing malevolent entity a priori. The context of what that veneration involves and who they define Lilith to be is necessary to make that determination, and, indeed, if they were simply incorporating Lilith wholesale from the folkloric figure, they would not be engaging in cultural appropriation.
Now, the claim being made that Lilith only targets Jewish children is not one I'm familiar with- that's not how the incantation bowls where the demonic and predatory aspect of Lilith is first articulated depict her. That's not how she appears in the 17th-century amulet tradition or in the Krasmesser ritual. The Alphabet of Ben Sira, if we take that as an authentic source on folkloric belief, does not indicate this either, but gives Lilith universal dominion. Most other Jewish sources are mystical and demonological ones that are less inclined to treat the killing of infants as a literal phenomenon. Indeed, if you were inclined to take Lilith literally, it would be simplest to assume that she preys upon children in the early period after birth generally and it is only Jewish folklore that can defend against her, rather than that she only affects Jewish newborns.
So the Lilith that is being described here is not the folkloric Lilith, but is instead a transformation of the folklore figure to make a point. What is that point? Taking it at face value, the point would seem to be that any positive reinterpretation of negative figures from Jewish folklore is symbolic worship of violence against Jews, and allowing a degree of charity, perhaps Jewish people are allowed to engage in such reinterpretation, but not Gentiles.
If that is so- (and I suspect I'm putting much more thought into this than the original poster) I think that the implications of this idea are vast beyond the capacity of words to convey. If we reserve this solely for Judaism and broader Judaica like folklore, that's one thing, but if we take it as broader, as something which applies more generally to marginalized people, we run into some very big problems, in that any description of said folklore or any cultural phenomenon necessarily reinterprets it through the lenses the describer is using, and so we end up in a world where only a handful of cultures can ever be critically examined or investigated beyond simply repeating "traditional" understandings, if that.
In addition, it would be necessary to forbid any and all transmission of critical examinations of culture beyond national borders, because Japanese culture is somewhat marginalized in the US for Japanese-Americans but clearly isn't in Japan, meaning that Japanese people could critically examine their own culture but those examinations would be unacceptable in the United States.
This is an absurd outcome. It is clearly not what was intended. But here in the real world, the operations of scholarship will take figures like Lilith and allow Gentiles to use them in critical feminist interpretations of folklore that offer sympathy for the night demons as products of cultural anxieties. That is itself not very far from what neopagans do with her. Banning the latter without the former, (apart from directly oppressing neopagans by mandating the contents of their religions absent direct beliefs about human beings, which is morally unacceptable) is hardly trivial, and banning the former tears down the entire structure of scholarship, both modern and older forms as well.
In general, the way in which cultural appropriation as a negative term has drifted away from the imposition of the reappropriated cultural phenomenon onto the originating culture (eg the use of buckskin/brain-tanned leather with fringe by the counterculture of the 60s and 70s to define "Indian" away from being an American indigenous person to being a free spirit) and towards any reappropriation of a cultural phenomenon regardless of whether the reappropriated form is intentionally universal or potentially could supplant the originating form is bad. Its actual material effects are, increasingly, to enable entirely separate nationalistic claims and attempts to enclose areas of broader cultural tradition to be treated as respectable rather than contemptible- see, for example, the discourse point in YA and speculative fiction more generally that only modern Greeks and maybe their attendant diaspora can write about Hellenic mythology or reinterpret it. A hideous effort to cut off a massive proportion of European cultural heritage from any person of color ever touching it, and it has actual currency because it wraps itself up in the cloak of concerns about cultural appropriation.
On this level, then, it is worth carefully considering whether neopagans using the name "Lilith" for their reinterpretation of mostly-Christian occultist appropriation of midrashic and mystic interpretations of a folkloric demon who may have hitched a ride from Babylon two thousand years ago or so really blots out the folkloric figure, or could ever block out the Lilith of folklore on their own. And the same for feminist uses of that name for their own figure, more often drawn directly from the midrashic Lilith specifically, and which cannot be understood without knowledge of the original referents.
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gingerteaonthetardis · 1 year ago
tag 9 people you want to get to know better. i was tagged by the immaculate poster @thatfragilecapricorn30 <3 thank you!!
currently reading: the priory of the orange tree by samantha shannon! slowly, i must admit, but i'm enjoying it a lot!
last song: star by mitski!!!! i am predictable, yes
currently watching: the x-files, because my brain only has two channels and this plays full time on one of them. just a few minutes into s9e9 provenance... give me strength
current fic: reading? this her fever by aloysia_virgata. (like i said, two channels!!! msr channel plays constantly.)
writing? fuck all, at the moment. smatterings of one million things. hoping once i come back from my trip i can focus and shift into autumn writing mode. i have a chapter of my dw fic first christmas that has been basically done for two weeks and just needs to be edited and posted. so, i'll also be doing that when i get back!
next on my watchlist: back to classic who! sarah jane just hopped aboard the tardis and i'm really looking forward to her era... once i finish the rest of the x-files. and the movie. and the revival. oh god
current obsession: astarion baldur's gate!!!!!! he's on channel two right now. i Need Him and his baggage (which, the way i play, is mostly knives)
tagging: (i'm gonna pick some people i've spotted in my notes lately purely based off the vibes of your usernames <3 feel free to ignore me if you a) followed me by accident, b) followed me in a hater capacity, or c) don't want to do this for any reason) @zipstick, @roseoswiins, @arawen898, @markwatneyandenesemble, @pigeonneaux, @moonlitramblings, @hotchocolatedictator, @dumbnerd13-42, aaaaand @annilovesbexx
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vermutandherring · 2 years ago
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Atomic Heart
Tumor of the gaming industry
If something annoys you, don't associate yourself with it, just ignore it. In this case, I cannot do so. Criticism should extend to all works and be objective. Therefore, here is my objective criticism of a game that I have not played and do not intend to play, but about which I have seen, heard and read enough to give an evaluative judgment. I allow myself this also because I have lived next to a terrorist country all my life, I have a direct idea of its population and its manipulation of historical facts. And that's why I have something to say about this game.
I will not talk about the fact that art is not outside of politics. Whoever wanted it realized it. Whoever wants to remain blind will remain so forever. Let's talk about a spherical artwork in a vacuum. Each work is created with a purpose: to entertain you, to let you live some experience or emotions, or maybe the author shares their own experience, illuminates their own experiences and even traumas. It follows that each work has a certain meaning. I'm not talking exclusively about games, but about the field of art in general. Games can be a bit more complicated, because in addition to AAA with deep plot/content/lore, we also have simpler games designed to have a good time. But this does not mean that there are no "high matters" in them.
Most of the reviews and feedback on the game that I come across focus on the gameplay and its mechanics, how pleasant or fun it is to play the game. I know that people play for different reasons and that everyone has a preference for what is most important to them in the game. But if for you the whole essence, the whole meaning of the work is lost because you are only interested in running and shooting, then you are no different from people who do not understand games and even hate them, considering them to be children's toys and a waste of time. Because this is exactly what you are doing - playing and wasting your time without trying to evaluate the game from other sides. This is most of the reviews on Atomic Heart:
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"The game looks fun, I'm buying". In my diploma, I did not claim that games are art. I was just trying to prove on the basis of what a video game can be considered an art form. However, the closing paragraph of my paper suggests that it will be a long time before people realize this. One of the reasons for this is a prejudiced attitude towards games as something a priori frivolous. And such individuals contribute to this without their own knowledge. In the Atomic Heart promo videos, there are no significant hints about the plot or its essence, the story or the issues are not revealed in any way. Game promos are dynamic videos that dazzle with their brightness and absurdity and, of course, captivate the depraved Western player with the totalitarian aesthetics of the soviet union. Such components of the visual part make it close to a propaganda poster: a screaming slogan, clear and understandable symbolism, a carefully hidden propaganda direction, a call to action (in this case, murder). The purpose of the game is not to give you an experience, not to evoke certain emotions or to reflect the trauma of an entire generation of people destroyed by the cannibalistic regime of the soviet union. The goal of the game is to capture your imagination, as a shiny speck captures the mind of a child, to play on your emotions and idea of what the soviet union is.
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Do you want to know what the Soviet Union is? Please, I will do it for you for free, not for 40 bucks, which the game costs:
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Victims of hunger on the streets of Kharkiv - the capital of the USSR, 1933. Photo author - Alexander Vinerberger
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On April 17, 1938, the most prominent representatives of the Crimean Tatar nation —writers, historians, public figures, artists, teachers—were shot. By order from Moscow, on May 18, 1944, NKVD soldiers herded almost the entire Crimean Tatar population into railway cars and sent them to Uzbekistan. Sourse
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Crimean Tatars during repeated eviction from Crimea in the 1960s
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One of the first pictures of the destroyed reactor of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. Photo by V. Repik from the archive of the Ukrinform website
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russian attack on the Dnipro on 14.01, 2023. That's how you do it, right?
What, doesn't sound like a rosy future? Ask the Uyghurs in China if they have a bright future. Ask the people of North Korea if they feel happy in their utopia. Ask the national minorities of russia what it's like to be a raw appendage of the empire.
In the game, you play as a KGB agent. Do you know what the State Security Committee of the USSR is, as a representative of which you play? This is a state body whose task was to destroy the "enemies" of the regime, that is, all citizens who fell under the definition of a state traitor. In order to become a traitor of the USSR, you need to do a little. For example, all you have to do is write a poem in your own language, in which you would express your love for your own land. Or organize a literary evening (undercover, of course) dedicated to the artists of your country. It sounds like something far away. But try to imagine how your favorite singer is stuffed into a black car, driven to an unknown destination, and then beaten to the point of kidney failure, while the YouTuber whose video you watched 5 minutes ago is shot dead in a nearby cell. It sounds like I'm exaggerating. But in Ukraine, we have a separate concept of Shooted Revival or Red Renaissance (Executed Renaissance). It was a whole generation of young artists, destroyed by the Soviet authorities for their pro-Ukrainian position. Actually, they did not resist the authorities and did not express any protests. They only created in the vein of national art, which the USSR considered a threat to its security and regime. KGB agents were executioners whose job was to destroy these people morally and physically. If the USSR appears as such an utopia in the game, why does such a state body as the KGB still exist in it?
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The Krushelnytskys are a family of Ukrainian intellectuals, whose representatives have gained recognition in the fields of literature, medicine, painting, economics, music, social and political activities, etc. In 1934-37, most of the family members in the photo were repressed and executed.
I recently started playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I can't imagine that instead of a Polish-Jewish character resisting the Third Reich, I would play as an SS Oberführer. Let's just imagine such a game: Nazi Germany won the Second World War, red flags with swastikas are growing everywhere instead of national flags, and on the horizon you can see the chimneys of furnaces where traitors who disagree with the regime are burning. You have to play as a concentration camp warden, and investigate a strange case of malfunctions in one of the gas chambers in the research center. On your way, you encounter humanoid robots and all kinds of monsters, designed by the best engineers of the Reich. Everyone loves the aesthetics of Nazi Germany with its black uniforms and neo-Roman architecture. But I'm not sure that I would even have the morale to watch the trailer of such a game. The given example seems so banal and idiotic even to me. But Atomic Heart is a 1 in 1 story, which does not cause any dissonance for a huge number of people. And for some people even on the contrary, it seems fun, exciting and aesthetically appealing.
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What is the point of this game? It only once again highlights how well Soviet propaganda worked, because people in the post-soviet space (especially in russia) still feel longing for the Age of Terror, scarcity, hunger and total control. I understand why young people my age and younger see nothing wrong with such a game and its narratives. Because they do not know what a totalitarian regime is. There are no stories in their families about grandparents who ate their children to survive. There are no memories of tortured relatives for a poem. They don't know what it's like to stand in line for an hour for a piece of bread, when the streets are littered with bloated bodies, or shot for stealing three ears of corn for their own children. They have healthy family members who have never suffered from radiation sickness. They have no relatives, deported to the most distant, coldest corners of the world, doomed to a slave existence for generations.
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Atomic Heart's raison d'être is a mockery of human dignity, memory and common sense. This game is a cancer of the gaming industry, which proves that all gamers are unscrupulous moral bastards, willing to give their money to terrorists for a nice shiny wrapper. And if you play this game, I'm not saying you're stupid. I'm not telling you what games you should play. Your moral choice is just your moral choice. And if you are comfortable with being brainwashed and having flowing blood of my compatriots on your hands, that is your right. But don't be sorry when russia comes to you with a nuclear bomb that you sponsored.
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Yeah, buddy. Keep it up
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behind-theveil · 1 year ago
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Bonjour à tous ! Nous avons décidé aujourd'hui de vous révéler le réglement pour une raison simple : que vous soyez fixez rapidement quant à ce qui sera attendu sur le forum, et que vous sachiez dès lors si vous souhaitez continuer à suivre le projet ou non. :)
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princessesaphi · 1 year ago
E a propos de déluge et L :D
E: If you wrote a sequel to Déluge, what would it be about?
[Si tu devais écrire une suite à Déluge, qu'est ce que ça raconterait ?]
Je penses que dans Déluge, tout a été dit. Je crois pas que l'histoire de Boid et Vanessa appelle encore une suite. J'ai longtemps pensé à écrire une fic annexe en mettant d'autres personnages face à la mort de Kuck (genre Franck ou Panis) mais c'est plutôt derrière moi maintenant que j'ai écris d'autres choses...
Concernant Oublie-moi, qui du coup est un sequel de Déluge, j'avoue que je l'ai surtout placé dans la continuité de Déluge pour ne pas avoir à réintroduire le lore de Traoul et Kiddy... (Comme c'est vraiment pas dans le même ton, je le considère pas vraiment comme une suite...)
Par contre, j'avoue que si je devais étendre l'univers d'une de mes fics, ça serait plutôt CFFA... D'ailleurs je l'ai déjà fait. J'ai un peu de mal à me détacher de cet AU en particulier...
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
[Combien de fois tu relis et corrige une fic/un chapitre avant de le poster habituellement ?]
Ça dépend de quelques paramètres, régulièrement, j'écris mon premier jet sur papier donc il y a une première correction au moment de tout taper au propre. En général après, je fais une grosse relecture avec pas mal de changement une fois le texte entièrement tapé puis si je suis toujours pas satisfaite une autre.
En général c'est après ça que j'envoie a des amis pour avoir un genre de beta reading et je refais quelques modifications après en fonction des retours. Après je fais une dernière relecture pour voir si je trouve des fautes et je fais quelques modifications de mise en forme (genre remettre les guillemets français et vérifier que les majuscules sont accentués et que les C majuscules ont une cédille.)
Et après je cherche un-e volontaire pour vérifier l'orthographe. Et c'est après cette correction que je poste en général...
Donc entre 4 et 6 à priori suivant la fic.
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grindpromotionrecords · 2 years ago
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Worm’s second album, the early 2020 release ‘Gloomlord’, was a precursor to the massive impact that would make the world tremble on 2021’s ‘Foreverglade’. Itself a large stylistic leap forward from Worm’s debut album, ‘Gloomlord’ brought the band to wider attention and the Floridian Funeral Doom contained within has since amassed a cult-like following of its own. Until now ‘Gloomlord’ has been a somewhat difficult score in the States and often unavailable. As such, with the band now firmly at home on 20 Buck Spin and looking to make its first live appearances in 2023 it was time to sate the increasing demand and make ‘Gloomlord’ easily available to the masses. As an added bonus the album has been completely re-mastered by Greg Chandler of the funereal legends Esoteric at Priory Recording Studios in the UK. And like the ‘Foreverglade’ and ‘Bluenothing’ vinyl releases, the reissued ‘Gloomlord’ now comes with a huge poster insert. With those added aspects lead progenitor Phantom Slaughter considers this the definitive version of ‘Gloomlord’. #worm #gloomlord#20buckspin #metal #doom #doommetal #black #blackmetal #vinyl #vinyladdict #vinylcommunity #vinyldecals #vinylfan #vinylme #vinylstore #vinylpost #vinyloftheday #vinyljunkie #vinylgeek #vinylshop #grindpromotionrecords (presso Grindpromotion Records Hq) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqnEW6lIFNJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cloudbattrolls · 9 months ago
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I'm really sleepy, but she's almost presentable now.
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lunar--oracle · 1 year ago
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lostboys-fangposting · 1 year ago
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moodboard for julia's guest room at the volturi's castle, appearing first in chapter 16 of tuebor
photo 1: the left wall
the wardrobe, vanity chair, and vanity (i imagine it designed like the one on the left but painted like the one on the right)
photo 2: center wall, opposite of the entry
nightstand + nightstand detail, headboard detail, four poster bed with curtains, and bedding
photo 3: center wall, from which you would enter and the living area is in front of
fireplace detail – the marble's coloring, the fireplace, the fireplace mantle, the three armchairs, and the coffee table
photo 4: the en suite bathroom
clockwise: sink, sink faucet, entry, bathtub, bathtub faucet
photo 5: misc details
left hand side (clockwise): the rosewood floors, rug, sandstone brick walls, and chandelier
center: the color palette of the room
right hand side (clockwise): interior window detail – what i imagine the design of the iron and glass to look like, exterior window detail – what i imagine the windows to look like from outside the castle, curtains on the windows, detail – curtain tieback
also to be noted: there are actually two windows in the guest room, both on the same wall. as i mentioned in chapter 16, the first of which is above the desk (left hand side as you walk in), but there is another one located in the bathroom (so the far right hand side)
(for notes on the volturi's castle itself, check under 'read more')
also to note, i know smeyer has it canon that the volturi live in palazzo dei priori, but that doesn't make any sense to me. it's a 3 floor, "communal" building, established in the 13th century CE. i'm retconning her failure to research – instead, that is still where edweird threw his tantrum, but the actual volturi hideout is located in the same place as the nearby palazzo incontri viti, just a short vamp walk away through the sewers... they still own the clock tower and palazzo, but the italian government secretly rents it from them in my fics, so the volturi do not occupy it. in my mind the building is bigger, so the shops on the sides of it don't exist. like the irl palazzo viti, it is still also a museum, which is run by heidi, aro, and caius, which is on the ground level (this is not the same thing as the private gallery felix takes julia on a tour of). part of the ground level, of course, is only accessible through heidi's special guided tours, if you're human and not the secretary. this is because the fake throne room/feeding room, real throne room, reception area, elevator, access to the underground floors, museum and museum bathrooms, the astronomy/observatory tower, queens' tower, watchtower, gardens, great hall/ballroom, the garage, and what i like to refer to as the "sun room" are all accessible on that floor. my palazzo viti, of course, to make up for it being bigger, is going to look different, which is why i described it in much more detail this chapter than i normally describe things. i'm hoping to have an actual floor plan made, too.
also, not all the volturi live there. most members are assigned to various strongholds across the globe, which i will elaborate on eventually. 
additionally, i'm locking into archeological sites in volterra, trying to find where i want to put the original volturi fortress that the kings would've established in the 6th century BCE when they established volterra. palazzo viti is just their current residence. i'll update y'all when i've got it figured out.
i hope you guys enjoy all the work i put into this. i did a lot of research of the natural flora and fauna of tuscany, the rock that is found there and therefore likely to be used for buildings, research in what volterra is actually like, etc. 
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gett-merkedd · 1 year ago
I. As I write these lines, election season is in full swing. The walls are plastered with posters of every color where people claim to be of every flag, every “color” of opinion. Who doesn’t have his party, his program, his profession of faith? Who is not either a socialist, a radical, a progressive, a liberal, or a “proportionalist” — the newest fad? This abnegation of the self is the great malady of the century. One belongs to an association, a union, a party; one shares the opinions, the convictions, the rule of conduct of another. One is led, a follower, a disciple, a slave, never oneself.
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It’s true that this is less taxing. To belong to a party, adopting someone else’s program, adjusting to a collective line of conduct, is to avoid thinking, reflecting, creating one’s own ideas. It is to dispense with acting by oneself. It is the triumph of the famous theory of the “least effort,” for the love of which so many stupid things have been said and done.
Some call this living. It’s true: the mollusk lives, the invertebrate lives; the plagiarist, the copycat, the babbler all live; the lemming, the traitor, the slanderer and the gossip all live. Let us leave them and dream not only of living, but something more: “to feel alive.”
II. To feel alive is not only to be aware that we are regularly performing the functions that maintain the individual (and, if you like, the species). Nor is feeling alive to perform the acts of one’s life within a narrow design, in line with some wise book written by some author who knows nothing of life but its hallucinations, crucibles, and equations. To feel alive is certainly not to keep to neatly graveled paths in a public garden when the capricious trails of wild undergrowth are calling out to you. To feel alive is to vibrate, thrill, shudder with the perfume of flowers, the songs of birds, the crashing of the waves, the howling of the wind, the silence of solitude, the feverish voice of crowds. To feel alive is to be as sensible to the plaintive chant of the shepherd as to the harmonies of great operas, to the radiant influence of a poem as to the pleasures of love.
To feel alive is to render exciting those details of one’s life that are worth the trouble: to make of the latter a fleeting experiment, and of the first an experiment that succeeds. All of this with no constraints, with no program imposed in advance; according to one’s temperament, then, to one’s state of being in the moment, one’s conception of life.
III. One can think oneself an anarchist and vegetate. One can mirror the anarchism of one’s newspaper, one’s favorite writer, one’s group. One can call oneself original and deep down be nothing more than a second- or third-degree add-on or outsider.
Being bound by the yoke of a so-called “anarchist” morality is to be always tied down. All a priori moralities are the same: theocratic, bourgeois, collectivist or anarchist. Doubled over under a rule of conduct contrary to your judgment, reason, and experience, to what you feel and desire, on the pretext that it is the rule chosen by all the members of your group, is the act of a monk, not of an anarchist. It is not the act of a negator of authority to fear a loss of esteem or incurring the disapproval of your circle. All that your comrade can ask of you is not to encroach on the practice of his life; he cannot go farther.
IV. An essential condition for “feeling alive” is to know how to appreciate one’s life. Morals, sensations, rules of behavior, emotions, knowledges, faculties, opinions, passions, meaning, the brain, etc. — so many means that can allow us to approach our life. So many servants at the command of the “self” for it to develop and expand. Mastering them all, the conscious “negator of authority” does not allow himself to be mastered by any of them. When he succumbs, it is from lack of education of the will. This is not irreparable. The studied “one-beyond-domination” is not fearful; he enjoys everything, bites into everything, within the limits of individual appreciation. He tastes everything and nothing is repugnant to him, so long as he maintains his moral equilibrium.
Only the anarchist can feel himself living, for he is the unique one among men, the only one whose appreciation of life has its source in himself, without the impure intermixing of an authority imposed from without.
— Émile Armand, To Feel Alive
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trashbaget · 1 year ago
aint it wild how you can just remember the randomest little things about people who aren’t in your life anymore. like jeff’s favorite band in middle school was 3 doors down, sofia’s middle name started with A, tyler wrote in jordin sparks for every possible answer on a music survey i did in elementary, mr adams got married in the spring, tyler (different) told me if you watch someone’s hairline instead of their eyes it’ll make them uncomfortable, ellie read a new book every day but priory took her at least 4, ethan cried in chemistry, damien wore the same shirt for most of a year, mrs volkman had a life size poster of usher on the back of her door
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tiredlittleoldme · 2 years ago
2023 (fr-en)
Mes plans de 2022:
Je voulais écrire des petites histoires et les publier chaque mois et je l'ai fait !
Malheureusement, il y a beaucoup de choses que je n'ai pas faites. Je devais éditer le premier jet (voire même jet 0) de mon histoire Le Mangeur de Péchés, mais ça me prend bien plus de temps que je ne pensais que ça me prendrait (pour être honnête, ça n'a pas été l'année idéale pour se concentrer...)
Si je me souviens bien, je voulais aussi faire des présentations de mes personnages mais j'ai été complètement paralysée par le "Mais est-ce qu'ils vont aimer mes amis??", donc, pas idéal.
En conclusion:
Ben, ça a été une année longue et bizarre. J'ai fait quelques trucs, je n'en ai pas fait d'autres. J'ai voulu discuter ou rencontré d'autres auteurs pour promouvoir un peu leurs travaux, mais je ne sais pas vraiment si j'ai réussi.
EN 2023:
Je ne m'étais pas mis la pression l'année dernière, je crois que je vais encore moins me la mettre cette année !
Je n'ai pas de plans précis, je crois que ma seule règle va être la suivante:
Les jours pairs, je travaille sur mes plus longs projets, que ce soit Le mangeur de péchés, Si Notre Vie Devait Se Terminer ou d'autres projets sans noms...
Et les jours impairs, je travaille sur mes projets les plus courts, comme mes petites histoires...
Qu'à priori je continuerai à poster une fois par mois, histoire au moins d'être un peu présente ici !
Et toi, c'est quoi, tes plans?
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My plans for 2022:
I wanted to write prompts and publish them each month, which I did !
Sadly, there's a lot I didn't do ! I was supposed to edit the first (very rough) draft of my story The Sin Eater, but it's taking way longer than I thought it would be... (although, to be fair, things were not ideal this year for focus...)
I remember that I also wanted to make character introductions, but I've been paralyzed by "but will they like my friends??" so again, not ideal.
In conclusion:
Well, that was a long and weird year. Did some stuff, didn't do others. Wanted to reach out to other writers and promote more of their works but I don't really know if I've succeeded.
IN 2023:
I didn't stress about it last year, I'll even stress less about it this next year !
I don't have a particular plan, I think my only rule will be as follow :
On even days, I'll work on my longer projects, like The Sin Eater or If This Life Of Ours Has To End or some other nameless projects...
And on odd days, I'll work on my shorter projects, like my prompts...
That I'll continue to post once a month, in order to be at least a bit on here !
And you, what are you going to do?
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