#printed lever belt
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griffingears · 2 years ago
Custom Lever Belt
Griffin Gears offers the ultimate solution for lifters seeking a truly personalized experience with their custom lever belts. With their high-quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, Griffin Gears allows you to create a custom lever belt that perfectly matches your style and preferences. Choose from a range of customizable options, including material, color, width, and design, to bring your vision to life. Elevate your lifting experience and stand out from the crowd with a custom lever belt from Griffin Gears.
Visit us - https://www.griffingears.com/product/printed-lever-belt/
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writers-potion · 10 months ago
Let's Talk About Pacing Our Fight Scenes.
For Fast-Paced Parts:
Short words with single syllables. Immediately > at once/ endeavour > try/ indicate > point at/ investigate > check out.
Short sentences, the shorter the better.
Partial sentences to blaze through multiple senses and actions within a few lines.
Short paragraphs
Lots of verbs.
Few adjectives and adverbs.
Cut down on -ing form of verbs, as it can make words longer
Use simple past tense
Avoid conjunctions and link words.
Avoid internal thought - your characters are irrational, ruthless and in the flow of pure action.
For Slow-Paced Parts:
Use medium/long sentences
the paragraphs are longer: three lines minimum
Include longer words with more syllables
Use adjectives and maybe a couple of adverbs.
Insert the thoughts of the PoV character.
Words for Action Scenes
act, alter, attack, avert, back, block, bang, bash, battle, beat, beg, belt, bend, best, bite, blacken, bleed, blind, blister, blow, blunt, boil, bolt, boot, bore, bow, box, brace, brag, brash, brawl, break, breathe, brush, buck, bulgde, burn, burst, cackle, call, can, carry, cart, carve, catch, check, chop, chuck, clack, clank, clap, clash, claw, clear, cleave, click, cliff, cling, clip, close, club, cock, coil, cold, collar, come, con, connect, corner, cost, count, counter, cover, cower, crack, crackle, cram, crash, crawl, creep, crinkle, cross, crouch, rush, cry, cuff, cull, cup, curl, curse, curve, cusp, cut, dart, dash, deepen, dig, deep, dip, ditch, drive, drop, duck, dump, ede, effect, erect, escape, exert, expect, feint, fight, fire fist, fit, flag, flare, flash, flick, fling, flip, flock, force, gash, gasp, get, gore, grab, grasp, grip, grope, group, hack, harden, heat, help, hit, hop, hurl, hurry, impale, jab, jar, jerk, join, jolt, jump, keep, kick, kill, knee, knock, knot, knuckle, leak, leap, let, lever, lick, lift, lock, loop, lop, plunge, mask, nick, nip, open, oppose, pace, pack, pain, pair, pale, palm, pan, pant, parry, part, pass, paste, pat, peak, peck, pelt, pick, pierce, pile, ping, piss, pit, pivot, plot, pluck, plug, plunge, ply, point, pool, pop, pose, pot, pound, pour, powder, pray, preen, prepare, prey, prick, prickle, print, probe, pry, pull, pulp, pulse, pump, punch, pursue, push, quarry, quarter, quest, race, raise, rake, ram, rap, rasp, rear, retreat, rip, riposte, rivert, roar, rock, roll, rope, round, rouse, run, rush, sap, scale, scalp, scan, score,scream, seek, seep, shake, shape, sharpen, shock, shoot, shop, slap, slap, slash, slice, slick, slip, slit, smash, snap, snare, snatch, snipe, sock, space, spar, spark, speed, spike, spill, spin, spit, splash, spoil, spring, spur, spurt, spy, squirm, stand, steert, step, stick, strap, strike, stuff, suck, support, swat, sweat, sweep, swingm tack, tag, take, target, taste, team, tear, tent, test, thrash, throw, thrust, thud, tick, tide, tilt, time, tire, top, toss, tower, toy, trap, trick, trigger, trip, triumph, trouble, trump, try, tuck, tug, twril, twitch, weaken, wet, whip, whirl, whirr, whoop, whoosh, whop, work, zap, zip.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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lashysdomain · 1 year ago
>> The inside of your car is rather plain even in the front seat. There's a wolfs paw print sticker on the dashboard that matches the tattoo on your shoulder, but that's the only real thing of note that might not be normal for a car.
>> You remind him to buckle up before doing your own seat belt and putting your keys in to start the vehicle up. To your credit, she starts like a dream even in the colder weather between you and your sister maintaining her. Letting the engine idle to warm up before you head off your arm rests on the door, face in hand to look over at Okahni.
"Lil lever on the side should let you recline if you want to. Not one of the digital ones, though, so it might try to fold you into a pretzel first. Just a little."
>> You chuckle at your own joke, reaching to the middle console to pick a water bottle up. As it's about to touch your lips you realize that he might need such a thing himself right? Do you need water after loosing blood?
>> There's a moment of hesitation, but you do reach out to offer him the bottle.
"... Not sure if water is good for blood loss, but it's good to drink water anyhow with how warm you are yeah?"
>> You can only imagine being so warm water might evaporate from him quicker than one would normally. Maybe. You have no idea, really.
>> You seem very briefly baffled by her reply. You could find her hive rather easily if you wanted to. All you'd have to do is tell Siima to follow her. Sure, she probably wouldn't appreciate it, but what can you say? It's part of your skillset.
>> You do take that to mean she's fine with bringing you out into the woods though, and climb out after her.
"Sure, I suppose."
>> It would be easier to talk to her, and also see what she's doing in the front seat if you're in the seat next to her. Both so you can see how she operates the vehicle, and so you can make sure she doesn't pull any funny business- Not that you think she will, but your position necessitates a certain level of caution.
>> Once she starts moving to climb in front of the steering wheel you'd hop into the passenger seat, once again taking just a brief moment to get a better look at the console and controls.
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tricktster · 2 years ago
i mean sure, i’ve spent hours and hours learning how to make my cheap base model 3d printer into something that:
will not catch on fire;
can be controlled using something approximating modern technology, and;
actually performs the function of a 3D printer at a reasonably high level of accuracy and with minimal catastrophic failures
it’s taken some work. like kind of a lot of work. like going from a totally blank slate re: electronics to semi-competently understanding basic circuitry and computer programming to the extent where I am no longer afraid to unscrew the damn thing and fuck around with the control board and wiring. I own a bag of fork terminals and crimping pliars now. I know what a MOSFET is and own at least three. Raspberry pis? I’ve got three now, and one of them is what I use to control the printer now.
Like I took this analog antiquity that had to be manually operated by using a single dial to navigate a bewildering maze of menus and submenus, something that was not only incapable of internet access but could only print from a SD reader so outdated that it could not communicate with 95% of the SD cards on the market… and now I can operate it entirely from my phone, including wirelessly uploading files, AND I can monitor it from an arducam stream the whole time while AI simultaneously monitors it for failures or issues.
And that’s not getting into the hardware upgrades. This thing is the ship of Theseus by this point. I’ve modded and upgraded just about every part, from the frame to the Y-carriage plate, to the heated bed, the z stop, the cooling block, the hotend and nozzle(s); the cooling fan, the extruder plate and lever, thermistor, x and y timing belts and tensioners, bed leveling wheels, bed leveling springs/columns, I popped some hardcore z braces on there, introduced a much more powerful cooling fan in the control boz, I swapped the spool holder out for a heated filament chamber, oh and of course, I built an enclosure out of plexiglass and IKEA Lack side tables with independently controlled fume venting and an IoT thermo/hygrometer sensor inside.
by this point some (perhaps most?) of you are thinking “jesus christ, why TST?? this all sounds like a massive pain in the ass???” and you���re not wrong but look listen. listen. All of that effort, all of that time and effort and all the mistakes and frustration along the way, they were all worth because now I own a machine that can just manifest stuff into existence at my command.
Like it occurred to me last night that it might be nice to own a little glow-in-the-dark model of a low poly panther, you know, just for fun.
an hour later i was holding this:
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razzbarry · 3 years ago
💖Draculaura haunt couture review 💖
She FINALLY arrived today so I’m gonna compare her to the Adult Collector Draculaura from 2015.
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The collector Drac retails for 50 usd while the haunt couture retails for 75. I can see where the extra money goes into with these dolls, however, I have a lot of problems with the haunt couture Drac.
There were several threads that I had to trim off to make her more presentable, but it’s an easy fix, so it’s not really a problem.
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Now, when she first arrived, I noticed immediately that her eyelashes were uneven, which is a problem I’ve seen in all three dolls so far. They were way worse when I unboxed her, one strand was curly and bent in the wrong direction and I had to clip it off completely. Meanwhile she has several problems with her face paint. There are several flecks all over her face that I can’t wipe off, the worst of which is an error that makes it look like she has a dark circle under her eye????
The worst part however, I noticed she had a fiber stuck to her right eye and when I picked it up, it took the eye paint with it. They printed the eye on while there was a fiber on her face.
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Now let’s look at collector Draculaura.
I got her all the way back in 2015 for her original price and she’s held up very well. She has absolutely no paint errors and as far as I remember, no problematic threads. Any mistakes in the sewing, I must have clipped off. Her eyelashes have been perfect since day one, I don’t remember ever having to trim them and they’re LEAGUES better than the haunt couture’s lashes.
She also has a feature that only exists on this doll and sadly has never been recreated ever again, moulded fangs. I have no idea why Mattel only did this for her because there’s no instance where it wouldn’t improve a doll.
Hc Drac has the same bat heels/soles as collector Drac, which is fine to me cuz the actual shoes are different. (The heels on hc are smaller too, which means it’s not even from the same mould, it’s just the same design.) However, I prefer the collector’s shoes because they have more painted details.
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(I upped the contrast so you can see the details.)
I also just prefer collector Drac’s stand because look at it.
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The pole has difficulty sticking to the plate but look at it it’s so cool look. Hc Drac’s stand is just the standard mh stand but metallic pink. Also, collector Drac’s box is way cooler.
The detachable accessories (i.e. the little hearts on her belt) are a downgrade in my opinion. It just makes it easier for them to get lost.
Overall, I really do love hc Drac, but she’s incredibly disappointing. I could forgive all these mistakes if she wasn’t sold for 75 dollars. I spent almost 90 just to get her and that’s with the normal shipping.
Also, the earrings on my hc Frankie’s ears bled onto the vinyl and now her earlobes are permanently green, plus the lever-heels on her shoes pop off with no struggle, which makes them easy to lose. Clawdeen, surprisingly, has none of these problems (at least none that I’ve noticed.) Her eyelashes are still pretty wonky tho.
For 75 dollars + shipping, they should not have these problems. This is disappointing. I can only recommend her for hard core collectors.
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scotianostra · 2 years ago
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A Leith aeroplane.
The Edinburgh man who was flying his aeroplanes before the Wright Brothers. John Gibson was creating 'flying machines' from a workshop on Leith Walk while the fathers of modern flight were still wrangling with bureaucracy thousands of miles across the Atlantic.
It’s really quiet today and have no further anniversary posts, while scouring for more I came across these interesting couple of photos. 
Henri Farman built the first practical flying machine and tested it at Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris, between November 1907 and January 1908. In America the Wright brothers managed to satisfy the U.S. Government that they had a practical flying machine during tests from July 27th to 30th 1909, but by then John Gibson had already tested numerous prototypes on Leith Links. On 9th October 1909 the Leith Observer reported on Gibson's 19th model as follows: 'Mr John Gibson, Caledonian Cycle Works, Leith Walk, has made a model aeroplane of one-fourth of the real size. It is on view in his motor garage in Manderston Street. The aeroplane stands on three wheels. The flying man sits in the centre of the plane, the great "wings" terminating in square "ailerons" on his right and left. At his feet is the 6-cylinder engine; at his right and at his left hand a lever. Attached to the frame of the plane, and only a few feet from his opened-out arms, are two propellers. Belts or ropes from the one engine shaft (one belt being a crossbelt) cause the two propellers to revolve, as desired, at the rate of 1000 revolutions per minute. The aviator with his foot raises or depresses the elevator, the slightly bent horizontal bit of sail in front of him, over which is the broad, pear-shaped keel. Behind him is the framework of a few feet, ending in the double rudder, by which the course is changed. The whole machine looks like a huge cross, of which the "upright" is short and the transverse beams (the wings) long, in front the elevator and keel, behind, the rudders, both of which work in unison. A petrol tank is fixed a few feet above the head of the aviator. The present is Mr Gibson's nineteenth flying machine, and he confesses to having had his disappointments with some of his earlier efforts. The machine is well worthy of inspection.' John Gibson finally opted for the Farman biplane, which a few months later he was advertising for sale.
Manufactured from Gibson’s own drawings, or built to customer specifications, the models did not come cheap, with prices starting at £450 - around £50,000 in today’s money.
Another newspaper report told how, during an "experimental flight" in Cramond, a biplane "of Leith construction" suffered a fault, causing the aircraft to "accidentally turn in a complete somersault".
After four years of being the talk of the Walk, the entrepreneur had ceased production of his aircraft shortly before the start of world war one, returning to the ‘day job’ of cycle manufacturing.
The workshop departed Leith in 1916, setting up in Dalry. The last mention of the Caledonian Cycle Works to appear in print was a notice of a ‘clearance sale’ shortly before the move, though it is unclear whether any plane parts remained.
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stargaze-issei · 4 years ago
— 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐮𝐩 !
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𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭; matsukawa takes you on a date, filled with surprises until the very end.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬; cursing bc i can't see mattsun not cursing
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; fluff, like, FLUFF
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 2266 (it's a pretty number)
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; 1. this came in a dream 2. can y'all tell how obsessed am i with the idea of stargazing with mattsun??
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i’m here, hurry or i’ll leave u <3
the effect issei had on you never changed, a giggle emerged from your throat and escaped your mouth. you could picture your impatient boyfriend, tapping with his fingers on the wheel at the rhythm of the music, looking at the entry of your building every two seconds, his moody expression being as adorable as usual. on purpose, you walked lazily outside your place, hoping to get on his nerves. issei never was one who worried a lot, but he lost his cool rather quickly against waits, no matter how short they were. however, his annoyed mock changed the moment he saw your figure appear from behind the door, looking gorgeous as always. a smitten grin took place in his face, watching you getting nearer and nearer. if hanamaki would’ve been there, he most definitely would’ve teased him. 
“hey, since you won’t tell me what we’re doing i thought i—” matsukawa’s hand cup your face, pulling you softly for a kiss. his lips were a little dry at first, but nothing you weren’t used to. a taste of his usual monster drink was noticeable in his mouth, making you smile in the middle of the kiss. such an eboy, you thought, choosing to keep it to yourself instead of ruining the moment.
“you’re pretty, want to be my girlfriend?” he asked, playfully smirking at you, his hands still held your face close enough to feel his breath mixing with yours.
“sorry but i’m a little out of your league, don’t you think?” his mouth opened in an O at your answer before leaning in to kiss you again. you responded, after so many kisses, in perfect synch while your hands placed on top of his. 
despite the first feeling of disconcert, you chose to follow your boyfriend’s game. issei was more reserved than one would think, usually not the one who initiated physical affection beyond hand holding or a peck on the lips, but sometimes he had his moments of clinginess where he couldn’t keep his hands to himself and kisses were spread all over you. he took distance from you, breaking the kiss to stare at your face and caress your cheek with his fingers, making you rub it against his hand as a cat would do. his smile widened before he united your noses in a skimal kiss, and then finally letting you go off his gentle grab. matsukawa sat back in the driver seat, accommodating himself while you put on the belt. 
“sorry” he whispered before starting the car, you knew he had a hard time after realizing he had been a little more intense than usual, no matter how many times you reaffirmed you absolutely loved being the object of his affection. his mouth said sorry, but his hand wandered to yours, once he caught it, he led you to take the gear lever and place his hand on top of yours. 
a sudden heat attacked your cheeks at the act, thinking about the way issei had done that out of complete habit.
“i’ve missed you” you said, hoping to make him a little more comfortable with the shown affection.  
another smile, just like the one from when he saw you, appeared on his face. at least now he didn’t try to hide it, unlike when you first started dating. his response to your confession was a squeeze on your trapped hand and an entertained glance from him. the rest of the car ride both stayed silent, to feel the other’s presence was enough to be content. matsukawa drove with such confidence, you couldn’t help but wonder where he was taking you. a curious look to the back seat gained you a groan from your boyfriend, warning you to stay in your place so his surprise wasn’t ruined. the sun was already setting when you finally got to your destiny, although issei’s hand never abandoned your skin. whenever you took away your hand to scratch your face or accommodate your hair, his travelled to your nearer thigh, and as soon as he saw your hand free again, he would catch it.
“close your eyes.” said mattsun before opening his door, you looked at him in confusion, a little scared of what he had planned. “oh come on, trust me a little” hesitantly, you shut your eyes, squeezing his hand in yours. 
“isse do—” but it was too late, a blindfold was already covering your eyes, preventing any spoiler of the so awaited surprise “you kinky bastard” you joked, trying to ease the increasing anxiety you were beginning to feel.
“don’t be so surprised about it” he chuckled, planting a kiss on your cheek and laughing at your scared reaction, “wait for me here, don’t take it off” 
if you said you weren’t scared you’d be lying, not because you thought he could hurt you… on purpose, at least, but matsukawa had a fame for not thinking things through completely, usually leading to a mess. right now, he parked in the middle of a forest, you thought, and seemed to be looking for something in the back of the car. a shovel, said your most dumb self, only to laugh at yourself for even think something like that.
“what are you laughing at?” he questioned, you could hear the smile in his voice, which only made you giggle more.
“nothing. you aren’t looking for a shovel, are you?” it was his turn to laugh before he closed the door that allowed you to hear him. you waited for him to help you outside the car at that moment, but minutes passed and no sign of your boyfriend was to be heard.
“issei?” you said, a little louder than regular. when you got no answer, your hand went to the fold on your eyes. “if this is a joke it’s not fucking funny” a partial laugh went along your voice, how many times have you and issei laughed at that exact same phrase while you watched an horror movie?. the time he had been gone could easily be ten minutes, even more, and your worry was starting to overcome your initial anxiety “i’m taking this off and you better be alive when i do it” you warned, hoping that it stayed as a joke. 
the sight in front of you hadn’t changed at all from when you arrived, something your mind took as a good sign. you opened the door, taking your head out first to check for anyone hiding outside your line of view, and once the coast was clear, you finally stepped outside. the first thing you saw behind the car, the last spot you’ve heard matsukawa, was one of his shoes. you had no idea if he was wearing that pair, but why would another pair of shoes be in the middle of nowhere?
“mattsun i swear to god, if you’re fucking with me i’ll break up with you right now” your voice was loud enough to be heard around yourself and the car, but nobody answered. 
your eyes tracked the way the shoe must’ve come from to find its twin, and a long line of the rest of issei’s clothing. you damned yourself for not remembering if he was wearing them earlier. against all your better judgement, you decided to follow the obvious path the clothes were pointing, praying for it to be just one of your boyfriends stupid pranks.
please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead.
a small light made its way to your eyes, behind a heavy curtain of trees and bushes, as you got closer, you realized it wasn’t just one light, but candles spread all over the place. a blanket, with drinks and food carefully displayed, was in the middle, and on top of everything, an almost naked mattsun waited for you with a stuffed animal between his hands. he had the most wholesome smile printed on his face, his eyes glowing with happiness at seeing you. the only thing he had on was a jacket, his underwear and his socks, the rest of his clothes rested in your hands.
“hi” he whispered, you looked at him up and down, in shock, catching a subtle shiver in his legs. it was freezing, yet there he was, naked in the middle of a forest at night. “i forgot to bring something to mark your way here, so i had to improvise” 
“you’re such a… dork” you said, trying to get over your surprise, fear and blossoming warmth growing in your chest.
“dork? that's all i get? i’m standing in the middle of night, naked, in a forest for you, at least you could give my clothes back” he laughed it off, walking towards you. his arms wrapped you in a firm grip, bringing you closer to him. despite the cold surroundings, you could feel his hot skin through the fabric. 
“i love you, know that?” you confessed, staring at his dark eyes.
“i thought you were out of my league,” joked issei, before uniting once again with your lips in a slow kiss.  you pulled away before the kiss deepened, suddenly remembering he was half naked in front of you.
“get dressed. now.” 
“but there’s so much more we can do like this—”
“we’re not having sex in a forest, what if a bug crawls up your pee pee?” you whispered the last part closer to his ear, earning a disgusted mock in his face replacing his smitten expression.
“we agreed you wouldn’t call it pee pee anymore, it makes it seem like it’s small” issei whined, getting offended by the second seeing you weren’t denying what he said. 
mumbling how, sometimes, you were even meaner than him and makki together, that he was going to get back at you someday and you weren’t going to like it, he took the clothes from you and finally put them on. you sat on the blanket, absorbing your surrounding and the small details mattsun had set up. it was impossible he prepared everything in just ten minutes, meaning, he came before and advanced some of the arrangements, like the candled, carefully set in safe positions to avoid initiating a fire, or how the ground beneath the blanket was without a single rock or stick, as if someone had cleaned it before. the basket only carried two more blankets for later, when cuddles weren’t enough to keep the warmth in your bodies, and the food and drinks were displayed in front of it, a collection of both yours and his favorites. too focused you were on issei’s masterpiece that only when he laid by your side, you noticed the only light remaining came from the sky.
“what happened with the candles?” you complained, cuddling to his side and burying your head on his chest, closing your eyes to enjoy the closeness.
“open your eyes, you’re going to miss it�� before you could even think of how he knew your eyes were closed, a shooting star crossed the sky above you in a gleam. your head shook to look at your boyfriend in amazement. “you’re going to miss it” he cooed, your eyes opened wide at his comment. wasn’t it already over?
your question was answered seconds after, it wasn’t one, two, nor three stars falling, tons of them plowed the sky, bathing your sight in a completely new scenery. the dark colors of the night danced with the coming and going flashes of the meteor shower in front of your eyes, it seemed like an endless fantasy happening just for the two of you. it felt like issei was behind all of it, as impossible as it sounded, your heart fluttered at the mere thought of his love being strong enough to make stars fall from the sky. you had time to laugh at your idiotic thoughts later. 
matsukawa’s arm brought you closer to him, his eyes fixed on your astonished expression. the stars made it seem like your eyes were actually glowing, they might as well have, he thought. as much as he wanted to look away and enjoy the astronomical event happening, his eyes and head weren’t answering to his commands. it felt almost sacrilegious to look away from you, more beautiful than ever, with wonder printed on every single pore of your skin, shining under the unique glow of the night. issei swore, he could’ve stayed there, admiring you, for the rest of his life. for a moment, time stopped. there was nothing behind those trees circling you, you and him were the only ones in the world and your love was never coming to an end. he wouldn’t even notice when the shower ended if it weren’t for your slightly bumped expression. 
your head turned to him again, a few inches from his face, your mouth opened but no sound came out of it, then it closed, and opened again. you couldn’t find any right thing to say.
“did you like it?” he asked, with a little smile flourishing on his lips.
“i can’t even describe it, issei” you said softly, looking straight into his eyes. you had no doubt, you were in love with that man and that wasn’t going to change any time soon.
“are you still out of my league, then?” he teased, his thumb finding its way to your bottom lip.
“right now, you could ask me to marry you and i’d say yes” his silly smile widened, leaning into you to seal the moment with a kiss.
“i’ll do it, someday”
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𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭; matsukawa heard about the meteor shower because oikawa wouldn't shut up about it for the past three weeks. he was actually the one who pointed out how good of a date it would be.
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 4 years ago
Trinkets, 41: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A rustic lute carved of driftwood engraved with images of ships and clouds.
An oval-shaped stone the size of a human eye, made from the darkest obsidian. The color is the purest black, and the glossy surface shines like a mirror. The reflections are strangely distorted, as it seems to reflect shadows rather than light. It is rumored in some occult circles that in the same way that a person can fall sick from a dark plague, so too can a ray of light become infected by shadow.
A parrot-sized urn of ashes with the name “Petey”.
A one gallon keg curiously labelled “Rations Foie Gras” along its length. The keg contains a solution of goose liver that has been fermented in lye creating a nutritious slurry that doesn’t spoil. The drinkable solution is thick enough to eat as a stew (Although it doesn’t technically require chewing) and its flavor is best left undescribed. The keg contains enough of the mixture to serve as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large padded envelope containing a single silvered crossbow bolt and a note that reads; "You know what must be done. Make the right choice."
An odd receipt of a business transaction where a dragonborn adventurer wearing a full suit of ebony armor sold the shopkeeper salvaged bones collected from a half dozen slain dragons and bought 638 wheels of cheese in return.
A ceramic chamber pot shaped like an otyugh with brass accents.
A coin sized token made of etched, blackened brass which begets a connection to the spirit realm. When held, one can hear the whispers of the dead begging for retribution. Is it not righteous to answer their call?
A map of the stars that shows the mystical lines connecting the constellations.
An iron coin with an evil sigil on one side and the face of a demon on the other, flipping it causes the holder to hear a deep malevolent laugh.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A rustic lute carved of driftwood engraved with images of ships and clouds.
An oval-shaped stone the size of a human eye, made from the darkest obsidian. The color is the purest black, and the glossy surface shines like a mirror. The reflections are strangely distorted, as it seems to reflect shadows rather than light. It is rumored in some occult circles that in the same way that a person can fall sick from a dark plague, so too can a ray of light become infected by shadow.
A parrot-sized urn of ashes with the name “Petey”.
A one gallon keg curiously labelled “Rations Foie Gras” along its length. The keg contains a solution of goose liver that has been fermented in lye creating a nutritious slurry that doesn’t spoil. The drinkable solution is thick enough to eat as a stew (Although it doesn’t technically require chewing) and its flavor is best left undescribed. The keg contains enough of the mixture to serve as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large padded envelope containing a single silvered crossbow bolt and a note that reads; "You know what must be done. Make the right choice."
An odd receipt of a business transaction where a dragonborn adventurer wearing a full suit of ebony armor sold the shopkeeper salvaged bones collected from a half dozen slain dragons and bought 638 wheels of cheese in return.
A ceramic chamber pot shaped like an otyugh with brass accents.
A coin sized token made of etched, blackened brass which begets a connection to the spirit realm. When held, one can hear the whispers of the dead begging for retribution. Is it not righteous to answer their call?
A map of the stars that shows the mystical lines connecting the constellations.
An iron coin with an evil sigil on one side and the face of a demon on the other, flipping it causes the holder to hear a deep malevolent laugh.
A small looking glass which plays tricks on the eyes. Glancing through it provides normal magnification, but one might see a spire of gold in the shape of a sunlit mountain, or a musical box and floating notes in a cloud, or a laughing rabbit in the shapes of the stars.
A mask crafted from thin cast iron covers the entirety of the head. The face itself is made of brass and shaped into the face of a hideous snarling creature.
A rabbit felt wide brimmed, high crown fedora with a band around it. It looks dusty with age.
A one gallon cask filled with inky black whisky. Thicker than most scotch whiskeys, it has a black tone that glows golden when the light hits it. The whisky has a penetrating woody taste, and does not light a fire in the belly; it goes down smooth and cold.
A small black metal box that fits under the arm. It has 20 colored pieces of glass arranged in a spiral pattern on one side. With the switch of a lever and the twist of a few knobs on the back , the glass pulse with glowing light at different rates, immediately drawing the eye to their pattern. An noncombatant viewer can lulled into a slight state of relaxation and well-being, being momentarily distracted by the pattern. A bearer can use this as a relaxation tool or as a hypnosis aid.
A piece of crimson coral carved into the shape of a shark.
A pair of earrings, made of wrought silver and ivory. The design appears to be two sinuous female forms, touching at the hands, which are extended above their heads (This is where the clasp is) and the feet.
A conch pearl the size of the thumb's first joint, of a deep and brilliant blood-scarlet hue.
A silk robe, dyed blood red with extremely long sleeves that hang past the hands, down to the knees. The outside is plain, but the inside reveals a subtle motif woven with orange threads: a nightingale swallowing a fox.  Small, jingly bells hang from the hem.
A brass chalice with chilling imagery of demons and tormented humans.
A fleshy ball the size of a large man’s fist. Dozens of tiny mouths appear, disappear and reappear at strange intervals, each one constantly groaning and muttering unintelligible words.
A large, brightly colored, decorative tin containing a well preserved fruitcake. The sweet bread is studded with dried fruits, nuts and strongly flavored with brandy which adds both to taste and shelf life. The loaf is so dense and nutritious that a single slice can be substituted as a full meal. The sealed tin can be used as 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations.
A large conch shell that, when put to the ear, makes the wielder hear the sounds of the ocean. If the bearer closes his eyes while doing so, he will see visions of infinite horizons and calming ocean waves.
A raw, unprocessed chunk of tourmaline that catches the and reflects different colors as it moves. It protrudes out of a base of stone and is flecked with dust and dirt.
A whistle made from deer antler with a silver mouthpiece. Its single mid-range tone is strong and audible at a long distance.
A bizarre, intricately painted miniature sculpture, made of a lightweight material; neither wood nor stone. The figurine bears an uncanny resemblance to a member of the party.
A translucent pearl with a coral blue shimmer.
A set of glass playing cards in a brass case. Each card has a set of symbols and numerals unknown to scholars and the learned.
A flask with an unknown liquid. It cannot be poured out unless it is standing upright (In which case nothing happens since gravity). The flask is very sturdy and in inscription reads; “Those that drink smart and slow will drink this drink made long ago.’’
An envelope stuffed with cheap woodcut prints of men in various states of undress.
A tattered, oft-folded letter on which are written a mother’s pleas for her daughter to stop her dangerous adventuring and come home while they both still live.
A turquoise courtier’s uniform adorned with the stylized symbol of a dagger poised above a cup just above the bearer’s heart. Crow’s feathers dangle from the epaulettes.
A dented tin bucket filed with human teeth. Hundreds of them. Teeth of all shapes and sizes, from white, through all the shades of yellow, to brown. Teeth with bloody roots and with shreds of flesh attached.
A delicate silver bracelet, fashioned into the appearance of a spider, it's legs hugging the arm.
A silver charm bracelet with small kitsunes holding up different types of gemstones as if presenting a gift.
A sequined squid skin belt pouch.
An ivory scroll case with silk bands and silver plated caps.
A gold coin of strange design, one one side of the coin are two crossed-swords and on the other a bulbous eye that appears to blink occasionally.
A marble bust of a vainglorious adventurer.
An oddly detailed drawing of a pack of wolves chasing a small cloaked child. The numbers six, one, and two are arranged in a equilateral triangle pattern with the six being on the point above the wolves. Strange symbols are on the corners of the page.
A petrified pixie that would make a cute paperweight.
A lizardfolk statuette made from petrified wood and snakebone in the shape of a scaly hand emerging from water holding an axe.
An ancient scrimshaw with a well carved boat labelled, “The Mourning Hag.”
A finely tanned, soft leather pouch filled with thirty-six small, polished hematite tiles about 2 cm across, inscribed with non-magical glyphs on both sides. Some of the tiles have different glyphs on opposing sides. The pouch has a leather drawstring.
A small sapphire hairpin carved into the shape of an ocean wave.
A large oil painting of some otherworldly sea where creatures who are octopoid from the neck down but with human heads float in bliss.
A bar of lavender colored soap that when used, makes things dirtier instead of cleaner.
A mundane looking flat rock has been washed smooth by eons of swift rapids flowing over it. It still drips as if recently removed from the river that created it.
A copper pot with dragon head handle.
A large wooden box of dozens small painted lead figurines depicting knights, wizards, beasts, and dragons.
A simple silver ewer etched with a floral pattern.
A pouch of dried kelp filled with razor-sharp mollusk shells broken into pieces and tied together to act as an area denial weapon. The shells functions as caltrops in every respect.
A quartz statuette of a pegasus taking flight.
An old, straw-filled ragdoll with a patch above its heart. It is always comfortably warm to the touch.  
A glossy black hunting horn, chased with runes and knotwork of silver.
A well-loved teddy bear missing one of its button eyes. An observer who looks at feels a strong urge to comfort the bear, wanting to repair it. Yet for some reason they wish to repair it with an actual fresh humanoid eye.
A squat hematite idol with blue quartz eyes.
Pocket Watch of The Far Realm: A blued steel pocket watch with a silver chain that always tells the accurate time of the entire plane of the far realm. The far realm is a place beyond space and time. The pocket watches hands move fast and sporadically, sometimes even gaining a third and fourth hand. It is completely useless at telling the time on the material plane.
A dark soapstone sculpture of a large crouching cat.
A barely legible prayer written on leather, dotted with stains. It reads “May vengeance steady your hand with righteous anger. In this den of thieves, murderers, and monsters, there is but one answer, one god, and her name is written in blood.”
A large silk flag for a fallen kingdom.
A knotted gland consisting of a cancerous mass of gnarled tissues. The tissue thumps with an irregular cadence, as if two  hearts are intertwined in this tangled clump. The longer it's held, the more clear if becomes that a multitude is contained within one's own flesh.
A bronze brooch of an maple leaf.
A featureless steel cube with one open side. Light does not penetrate the open side and an overwhelming sense of power emanates from within.
A crystal that projects starry patterns when placed before a light.
A gold plated compass with cracked crystal in a small teak box carved with waves.
An obsidian tablet the width and height of a human hand upon which when viewed under the night sky tiny green and blue dots appear to move.
A large glass jug, stoppered tightly. Inside appears to be a diorama of a small forested island with a port town. If left undisturbed for a time, observers may notice that the water surrounding the island seems to move, and the trees wave. At night, tiny flickering lights can be seen in the town.
A perfectly fresh pineapple that has somehow resisted the ravages of time.
A sturdy cloth backpack made of high quality cotton, adorned with exotic feathers and pretty cross stitches.
A wand made from a rare elm with grains of sand sprinkled across its handle.
A bronze ashtray of a sleeping dragon.
A gold rimmed monocle with light rope of gold and clip. The glass of the monocle is smudged and cloudy but resists all attempts at cleaning.
A tear stained map of the local cemetery with an “X” marking a specific grave.
A hairpin with head shaped like a spider and set with red agate.
A crystalline hand-sized scorpion figurine that is so full of cracks and occlusions that it looks as if it could fall apart at any minute.
A portrait of an unsmiling woman painted on a poplar panel.
A human skull goblet with silver base.
A one gallon cask of Eye of Medusa, a paralyzing mix of grain alcohol, lime juice, simple syrup, and poppy flowers. This drink numbs the tongue before leaving you feeling like solid stone.
A slate tablet on which is carved a prophecy by a famed oracle.
A small knife forged from a unique metal alloy created by a fallen star.
The mostly straight bones of a humanoid bound with rough twine to make a macabre sort of ladder, rolled into a bundle.
A boar tusk scroll case encircled with silver bands.
A gilded puzzle box decorated with a asymmetrical geometric pattern.
A flat, round gray stone ring the size of a coin worn smooth by water and time with an attached tag reading "Shieldmeet 1120 DR, is this the key?"
A clay tablet with the answers to the favorite riddles of a certain guardian sphinx.
A tall brass rod is etched with an abstract circular design that seems to be devoid of any pattern.
A small glass sphere the size of a fist is astoundingly heavy, and appears to be mostly full of a thick golden liquid. It weighs ten pounds and has no visible opening or markings on it.
An odd contraption comprised of a small crystal orb set within a thick metal semi-sphere, covering most of the orb, and is about six inches across.
A pouch made of rough toad skin.
A small bottle of eyes-burning-from-the-smell-alone wretchedly spicy but delicious hot sauce (Which will cause vomiting and incapacitate the non-spice tolerant).
A well made bracelet of silver chain with small silver heart charms hanging off each link. A single one of these charms is carved from a rose zircon, which gives off a small amount of heat.
A wand made of a line of conjoined tiny rodent skulls with emerald eyes that makes it a grisly site to behold.
A wooden flute made of red wood with etchings of leaves around part of its base
An oddly shaped curved wand with elven writing carved within. When held at nighttime it helps its owner sleep peacefully to the sounds of nature.
A bone case containing black votive candles that burn with a green flame and can only be quenched by blood, not water.
An ode to Genial Jack, the Godwhale, who swims the Sixty Seas with the city of Jackburg on His back and in His belly. Scribbled on the back is a mysterious phrase: “The tongues of the dead wag at midnight.”
A pink stone sculpture of an ear which grows warm when it hears false flattery.
A beautifully carved wooden prosthetic arm fitted for a small humanoid, etched with tiny runes in ancient High Goblin, a language now all but forgotten along with the proud culture that produced it, who some say were forerunners of goblins and gnomes alike.
A small pouch containing a handful of moss crusted with what looks like dried blood. The blood was in fact taken from a patricide, the moss from a hangman’s tree; the combination makes this quite a valuable reagent to the right buyers.
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griffingears · 2 years ago
Unleash Your Style: Exploring Custom Printed Lever Belts for Powerlifting
A custom lever belt gives you the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind piece of gear that reflects your personality, passions, or even your favorite designs. Whether you want to showcase your favorite sports team, display your own logo or artwork, or simply add a touch of vibrancy to your lifting attire, a custom printed lever belt from Griffin Gears is the perfect choice.
Visit us - https://issuu.com/griffingears/docs/unleash_your_style_exploring_custom_printed_lever_
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cyclesprefectpress · 4 years ago
huh! this camera angle makes this machine look much less likely to tear your arm off if you move wrong while using it.
which is a thing I've been meaning to ask about for a while; how careful do you have to be? and is there anything you have to do to make it close each time around, or does it just do that every time (so if you fumble it goes ahead anyway)?
oh boy do i need a disclaimer about this topic? maybe. it seems wise. i am not presuming to remotely teach anons on the internet how to use a dangerous piece of equipment here, i'm just describing my own safety standards for my own person and fingers etc., and with that out of the way, anon, i tell you what, i love to talk about shop safety—
the main answer is, very careful!! the C&P will absolutely just crush my bones if my hands are still in there when it closes. For the most part it would be difficult to get hands into any other moving parts, the gears and things are enclosed or behind the flywheels. but there's one slyly available part��it's underneath the board where i place the printed sheets—that pinches closed every rotation and did, hmm, remove the last third of somebody's finger that I personally know of.
All of our clamshell presses were originally built to run on treadle power, like i peddle it with my foot, which gives pretty good control over slowing down the speed in the middle of a rotation if i need extra time with it open! and there's a foot brake on em that kills the momentum surprisingly quickly. except, with this big one, the treadle got taken off and the flywheel was connected with a belt to a variable speed motor, so, now i kickstart it at the flywheel and once the motor is on the brake does nothing. (i am told these presses also had available some kind of optional Safety Guard bar across the top that like. i don't know. smacked the back of your hands if you left them in there too long?? i've never seen one, my mother threw it in the garbage decades ago because all it really did was reduce the time you had to place the sheets, and occasionally startled her in the middle of a feed. not all that safe actually!! aside—i have not injured myself on any of my own presses, but i did break a finger on somebody else's #4 Vandercook, the flatbed kind where the cylinder rolls across the horizontal bed, which are supposed to be the safer ones, and it's really nearly the same as my Vandercook SP15, but it had this safety bar i wasn't expecting across the front of the cylinder and i jammed my finger right under there!! you're supposed to just safely let the whole back end of the sheet flop around the cylinder uncontrolled?? hmm. the joint still complains in cold weather harrumph harrumph, anyway, i guess the lesson here is, not only is this not safety instructional material, it's not even necessarily informative regarding anybody else's equipment, or even anybody else's practices on the same equipment.)
so like, i have to be careful, yes, but on the other hand, the Safety Rules for me on the clamshell presses are pretty basic, just ironclad, you know? the machine is going to do the exact same thing every time, especially on the motor. as long as i also do the same thing every time, i will be fine. and no fluttering, oof, and no tentative tapping sheets into the pins. scariest thing in the world to me is watching a feed where people's hands do anything other than direct, steady, a to b motions.
and when i do fumble a sheet, step one is drop it, let it just fall into the press. step two is to throw off the impression lever if i have time, so it still closes but doesn't quite hit the sheet, and maybe that saves the paper and i can just retake it. but my hands are more valuable than a sheet of paper, even the really fancy stuff from Italy.
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oblivious-embodied · 4 years ago
Sneak Peak to Chapter 2 of my ML ReWrite AU (unfinished)
“Claws Out?” Adrienne watches as Plagg spaghettifies as the tiny cat gets sucked toward the ring on her finger, and when Plagg makes contact, there is a blinding, green flash of light. 
When she regains her bearings, she looks down at her hand and holds back a gasp. 
Not only is her hand covered in a black substance, but her entire body is too! And the ring, the Black Cat Miraculous as it’s called, it’s all black, with a neon green paw print on the face. 
Looking at the rest of her body, she notes that she’s got bulbous things (possibly guards or safety features?) on her wrists. Tthere seems to be some padding that has been riveted to her forearm, as well as on her shoulders. 
There’s some black tubing running diagonally inward toward her heart from the middle of her deltoid to just above her peck, back down under her arm, up to her shoulderblade and back to her deltoid. 
She’s got a zipper up the front of her chest, with a bell hanging off the zipper lever. She’s got some pockets too! 
A black belt is wrapped around her waist that wraps around itself on the back to become tail-like, and it swings in lazy curls. Like a cat’s tail would. It seems almost curious in the way it curls in on itself, hesitating to touch Adrienne’s body. 
She’s got some sort of steel-toed boots, but they’re skin tight and the steel toes are incredibly large and resemble cat paws. 
Adrienne pokes the substance covering her skin curiously and bites back a yelp when a claw shoots from her finger, bouncing off the body suit before retracting. “Plaaaaaaaaaagg?” Adrienne calls out cautiously, unable to take her eyes of the suit that is laying on her body. 
When she hears no response from the genie-kwami-cat, Adrienne takes a look into the mirror and her eyes blow wide as she tilts her head in curiousity. 
Her hair has become longer by a good 2 inches, at least, and has become the literal embodiment of “bed-head” hair. It also seems to have a slight green hue to it. If her father ever saw her hair like this, he would ground her for a week and send her through a week and a half long powerpoint lecture of model hair care. 
Then, when the initial shock of the new look wears off, she notices something that makes her heart warm. The new hairstyle frames her face incredibly well, it makes her almost want to look at her face. Makes her want to be happy looking at her face. 
She’s… never really liked looking at her face. It never looked right. It was never what she thought, what she felt her face should look like. Even when she was a kid, something was off. 
She’s still in the same body, the same wrong, male body, but it feels so much better than before. And she has absolutely no idea why. 
What makes her smile even wider are the cat ears sitting atop her head. They’re small and cute and absolutely adorable and the way they smoosh the hair underneath them makes them look all that much cuter. 
Then, she makes eye contact with herself and is instantly mezmerized by the neon green cat eyes sitting where her human eyes should be, framed by a black domino mask. 
She tilts her head to the right, to the left, she spins around and around and around and the eyes in the reflection still follow her. 
Then she realizes that those eyes in the reflection are hers. 
Taking a shaky breath, Adrienne takes a moment to calm down. Plagg said that he-- it??-- can grant her the power of... destruction was it? She can’t remember. 
But Plagg also said that she’ll have a partner, “the wielder of Creation”, whatever that means. She should go find her partner. 
Shaking her head, Adrienne takes a closer look at this new suit-clothing-thing covering her body, (it reminds her of that american superhero comic villian, she believes the name to be Venom? She’ll have to read up on it again) and determines it to be some sort of leather based off the way the material has subtle spiderweb cracks in it. And the way it smells. 
It’s a weird smell. She’s smelled leather before, the musty, almost new car like smell, but this is different. It almost burns her nose to smell. And… cheese? 
Shaking her head again, she takes a step back and straightens up, (when had she been hunched over? Father would kill her for having such horrible posture!) and lets out a low moan as her entire body *Cracks* and somehow she feels incredibly energetic. Like she could run the whole of the Périphérique twice over in an hour and not be out of breath! 
Taking a moment, she quickly calculates that running the Peripherique twice over in less than an hour would mean she could steadily run at 72 kilometers per hour, which means she could run even faster! 
And if she thinks she can do this *easily* that means that she can go even *faster!*
Watch out Paris, there’s a new thing coming to town, and she is *fast.* 
...And strangely cat themed.
Adrienne rolls her shoulders and finds that her entire body flows with it, like she’s dancing to a rhythm her brain has yet to register. 
As she bounces up and down a little bit, she notices that the soreness she feels in her shoulders, heck her entire body, that is usully there due to her job as a model for Agreste Fashions, is no longer there. 
Usually that only happens after a long nice massage. 
This is so strange. 
She rolls her head and works her jaw, which makes a popping sound in her ears and-
“*Ow!* That *hurt*” she cries out, slapping her hands over her ears in an attempt to keep the pain away, falling to her knees as she does so. 
Then all the noises flood her ears. 
She curls inward on herself, clutching her ears with tears in her tightly shut eyes as she can *hear* the electricity from the tv, the computers, the security system, the arcade games, her phone, from Everything in her goddamn *house*. 
She can hear the clicking of Nathalie’s keyboard, the breaths she takes, the footsteps of the kitchen staff. She can hear the electronic ringing of the lightbulbs, the honking from cars that comes from every concievable direction. She can hear the slamming of doors, shattering glass, the shrieking of metal, crumbling of concrete, cracking of bones and-
She screams, curling even tighter in on herself, which only makes her ears hurt more, but it’s something to keep her mind off of the Noise of Everything Else. She takes deep breaths, trying desperately to calm her rapidly beating heart (which she can *hear*) and her muddled thoughts. 
After a few seconds, she somehow manages to pick out the rapidly approaching footsteps from the utter cacophony of sounds drowinging her senses, and panics. She screamed bloody murder in her own house, of course people would come look for her. 
She looks her door. If they open that door, Nathalie will rush in. Nathalie wont recognize her, they’ll attack and she’d be the worst hero to ever exist.
She’d also get attacked by at least 6 grown adults, and possibly charged with something, and grounded and all that. 
She scrambles upward on wobbly limbs, trying to block out everything she can hear, and frantically looks around her room for something to do. 
Then her eyes lock on the window. 
And Adrienne does the only sensible thing. 
She jumps through the window, sailing through the tempered glass (tempered. Frickin. glass.) and onto another rooftop across the street where she stumbles behind a chimney. 
She didn’t even get cut. There is not a single cut on her body. What the hell *is* this thing? 
After a minute, when she’s finally calm enough to not be in a state of utter shock, she registers something hitting her leg and looks to see what it is. 
What she finds is a silver cylinder about 26 centimeters long, with a green paw on it, like her ring. 
With a curious tilt of her head, she unclips the cylinder from her belt with one hand, keeping her other hand to her ear to try to block out the noises wreaking havok on her ears. She finds that the neon green paw print on the cylinder is flickering like a lightbulb about to blow. 
She squints at the paw print, her eyesight slightly blurry from overwhelming noises, and with a half baked theory in mind, she puts the paw on her ring to the paw on the silver cylinder. 
….Nothing happens. 
Disappointed, she grabs the cylinder in both hands and glares at it. 
“What do I do with you…?” she grumbles as she squints even harder at it. 
…That big pad in the middle looks like a button. Buttons are meant to be pushed. 
It looks like a very pushable button. She should push it. 
Her right thumb twitches, but she doesnt make any moves to push the pad. 
It’s a simple display, it wont do anything if she pushes it. She shouldnt touch it. It wont satisfy anything. 
But she wants to. 
With the way the light catches on it, its like it’s daring her to push it. 
Which makes her want to 1) not push it out of spite, and 2) push it to mess with it. 
She takes a moment to pause and reflect on her thoughts. Is she going insane? Is she so overwhelmed that she’s literally fighting herself on touching a simple paw print display? 
...yes, yes she is. 
And without any futher diliberation, she touches her thumb to the paw pad. 
And promptly *shrieks* as the cylinder, which was previously only about 26 centimeters long, is suddenly *a meter and a half long*, making her jump back, slamming her head into the bricks (which does *not* help her headache) behind her and throw the cylinder thing, which, admittedly, is now more like a pole, onto a rooftop across the street. 
After another minute of deep breaths, she looks behind herself (she’s certain she slammed her head into the bricks, why isnt her head hurting? Well, aside from the intense headache) to the chimney and balks at sight of *shattered brick* in the shape of her head. Her hands shoot to the back of her head and 1) finds it doesn’t hurt to touch and 2) there is no blood whatsoever. 
She isn’t even wearing a helmet, or a hood or anything, how is she not bleeding? 
If she hit that chimney with enough force to *shatter brick*, she should have a major concussion, and be knocked out cold, but *apparently* the little cat-genie names Plagg forgot to mention a few things. 
If she can survive shattering bricks with her head and soaring through tempered glass, that means that her suit likely has some sort of kinetic energy absorbing properties. But it still doesn’t explain why the back of her head, which is completely unprotected, is unscathed. 
It also doesn’t explain how she was able to slam her head into a brick chimney and shatter brick. 
She needs to talk to Plagg about a lot of things once this is over. 
...What is she supposed to do again? Go find her partner? 
That seems like the best option. 
Adrienne turns around to look for the silver cylinder/pole, but slaps a hand to hert forehead when she remembers that it’s on a rooftop across the street. 
…Maybe she can jump the gap? 
How’d she get into this mess?
Once Marinette can see again, she’s left dumbstruck, staring at her eyes and hair. 
She... her eyes are blue now, a vibrant, light blue. A very, very captivating light blue. As blue as a clear summer sky. And the red and black polka dotted domino mask framing her eyes only serves to make her eyes stand out that much more. 
She doesn’t like it. She wants her normal eyes back. 
And her hair... it’s blue. Her black hair has been replaced with navy blue hair, as black at the midnight sky, as though someone had dyed it in the split second she closed her eyes. She finds that it’s been tied up in her regular pig tails, but the hair ties are long red ribbons. They don’t seem like the most effective way of holding her hair up, anyone could grab hold and yank them out. 
She tentatively looks down at the rest of her body and is horrified to find that she’s wearing a ladybug styled *onesie*. 
...Maybe she was knocked out and it’s now the future where girls wear skintight, ladybug patterned onesies and have blue hair and wear domino masks and everyone has been genetically modified to have blue eyes and-
Gods she needs to calm down. 
Taking frantic breaths, she starts to rub her thumb in circles along her palm, focusing on the feeling of her thumb on her palm, imagining the tingling sensation that usually is the result of the action. She’s okay, she’s safe, she isn’t hurt, she isn’t in pain, she just looks different. It’s all okay. 
The world isn’t collapsing into utter chaos, nothing is wrong, she’s in control, she’s still Marinette, she’s okay. 
After a few moments of repeating this mantra, Marinette calms down enough to register the screaming outside and has to bite down the bile threatening to rise up her throat. 
There is a rampaging stone monster outside that is destroying buildings and property and monuments and is very likely- very likely hurting thousands of people. Not to mention, this means that she really *had* just been talking to a floating creature of an unknown race, unknown origins, made up of some sort of biomass that no one knows about, and this alien being can talk and can grant powers and all sorts of weird fairytale stuff, and is somehow able to conjure a suit made of magic that looks like a toddler wanted to dress like a ladybug for when they want to sleep and dream of flying. 
…Wow, that- that sounds even crazier than waking up in a dystopian future where girls have been genetically modified to have blue hair and eyes. 
She pinches at the suit, hoping to pinch herself, but doesn’t find any hold on it, her fingers sliding and slipping every which way, which irritates her beyond belief. *How in the world do you take this ^off?!^*
“Tikki?! Tikki, I want my clothes back!” She calls out to the alien-- kwami, the kwami, turning in place to look for the being she she getsno response. Marinette’s pinching becoming even more frantic as her heart rate starts to increase at the thought of not being able to take off the foreign suit. 
When she spins around to look in the mirror once more, something catches her attention, stopping her in her tracks. 
Around her waist rests a yo-yo. 
A… yo-yo… 
What in the world can anyone do with a *yo-yo*?
Why the hell does she have a yo-yo?
“Tikki, I’m not going anywhere like this-“
She cuts herself off as Nadja Chamack’s voice sounds from the news again, a hint of fear in her usually professional tone. 
“After wrecking the Shcüttler Tower, the monster is heading toward the Montparnasse Tower. No matter what the police do, the monster is unstoppable.” As she says this last part, the camera zooms in on this rock monster, and some crazy person on a bike chasing after it- wait is that?
“Alya?!” Marinette leans in toward the screen in shock. “What’s she doing out there?!” 
Marinette stares at the screen, dumbstruck as she tries to figure out how her new friend is so crazy, then she remembers what Alya had said just an hour before: *“Where there’s a super villain, there is always a superhero”*, her phone and in her hand. 
Just as Marinette’s hand is flying to her forehead to leave a red mark in the shape of her palm, Marinette’s maman calls out, freezing her hand milimeters from her forehead. “Marinette! Did you get home okay?” 
This sends Marinette into a state of panic, her arms and legs flailing around like a human amalgamation of medieval nunchucks, a strangles squeak escaping her throat. 
When she is no longer doing her interpretation of a squid in a net, Marinette calls back to her maman, turning around frantically to find a place to avoid her maman, her voice cracking. “*Oh!* Yeah mom, just super!” She can’t help but wince as her voice quavers nervously as she her eyes lock onto her skylight and bolting towards it, her heart beating a thousand kilometers a minute.
Not half a second after she wriggles halfway through the skylight and onto her roof, the trap door to her room opens slightly and her Maman’s voice float’s through the room “Marinette, you in here?” Concern clear as day in her tone. 
Marinette lays flat on the roof, holding her breath and pressing against the side of the wall to make sure her maman doesn’t see her in this ridiculous get up, solely so she doesn’t die of sheer embarrassment. 
After a few seconds, her Maman calls down to her Papa, the trapdoor to Marinette’s room clicking softly “Tom! She isn’t here, you *do* remember seeing her come through, right?” 
Marinette releases a sigh, her shoulders slumping as she turns to look up at the sky. It’s filled with dust clouds. 
This is... the weirdest day to ever happen. Hopefully, oh *gods* she hopes that this is all a dream and she’ll wake up on the first day of school again. 
How would anyone believe her if she were to tell them that someone got their hands on a piece of jewelry connected to a magical being, and now has the ability to sense and manipulate people’s *emotions* so that they can do their dirty work. That someone who was experiencing *normal human emotions* was turned into a literal rock monster that is unstoppable. How is she supposed to tell anyone that she, in her ladybug onesie, yo-yo, and apparent powers to create *anything* and a partner, who apparently has the powers of *destruction* are supposed to get this piece of jewelry back. 
Oh wait, of course, how could she forget, she *can’t* tell anyone. And even if she wanted to, they’d just think she was crazy and throw her into a mental institution. 
Granted, Marinette is pretty sure she has gone crazy. 
All Marinette wants to do is lay down and sleep. Why can’t she just do that? Just lay down on this rooftop and close her eyes and let the world around her melt away. 
Wake up tomorrow on the first day of school and only worry about Chloe being a bully, and not about all this ancient magic and manipulation and the fact that she’s one of the two people who have to take care of it. 
Suddenly, Marinette sits upright, eyes blown wide. She’s 13 years old! She just started her first year in college! She’s got a family! She can’t be dealing with magic and ancient rituals and evil guys who are likely looking to kill everyone and are in their 40’s and likely living in their mom’s basement because they prefer shouting at kids over the computer and what if her partner is an adult! Will they just laugh at her and pick her up and set her aside and treat her like a little kid who can’t do anything and possibly take whatever it is that’s in her ears? 
How is she supposed to fight a fricking rock monster that’s 12 meters tall??
Especially with a fucking *yo-yo!* 
She flops back down onto her back and lets out a noise that’s a rough cross of a frustrated, overwhelmed, depressed sob/sigh. Of course, of course this is her life. She gets stuck with Chloe for 4 years straight and the gods decide that that’s not good enough, so they stick her with this. 
Maybe Chloe knocked her out and she’s in a coma and this is all just going to melt away and she can press charges against the bully and be done with her and move on in life?
But, she can hear the screaming of the people below, she knows that people are being hurt, really badly. No matter how badly she doesn’t want to, she has to go. If she was given this, if she was trusted with this, no matter how absolutely crazy that is, she needs to do this. 
“Okay... okay, so I have… I have super powers, and I have to fight a super powered monster.” She sighs again. She was just supposed to have the first day of school, not some... some super power mash up battle! 
She pulls the yo-yo from her waist and glares at it. This little thing is supposed to be her weapon. This little yo-yo that is only just barely large enough that she can’t fit her hand around it. This is going to keep her safe. Because that’s not unrealistic. 
Experimentally she lets it fall down and back to her hand a few times. She was never really good with yo-yos before, so she isn’t really all that hopeful about her fighting skills with it, but it feels really smooth and light, she can barely feel the weight.  
So far, it seems to be really easy to use. Maybe, maybe she could try that trick... around the world, was it? 
She lets it fall to the ground once more, the zip of the line oddly satisfying, and moves her arm back and forth, getting a feel for how it feels while in motion. Then, she tries to swing it up, but instead of flying into her hand, it’is sent flying out to the horizon, a metallic zip resounding from the yo-yo, getting quieter and quieter. 
For a second, Marinette just stares at it, then she hangs her head. Great, now how is she supposed to get it ba-
The string suddenly goes taught, as if the yo-yo has itself anchored around something. 
She just stands there, staring at the now taught string in awe, her jaw open. 
She reaches her other hand out to touch the string, and finds that it feels like a steel cable, strong and sturdy.
She has to try to get her yo-yo back, no point in wasting any more time. 
She hesitantly takes a step back and takes a deep breath before gently pulling on the strin- She’s pulled off her feet, her arm burning at the shoulder, wind whipping past her ears, her eyes closed, and a yelp being ripped from her throat before it’s lost to the wind
Silently, Marinette thinks back through everything she’s ever done wrong and vows to make it all better. After a moment of praying to all the gods she can think of, she opens her eyes and… finds all the buildings rushing by to be soothing. It’s all beautiful in its own right. Like watching the countryside fly by while on a plane. 
Marinette glances upwards again and whimpers as she realizes that she’s hurtling toward a stone pillar at speeds comparable to that of highway traffic. Panic rising through her entire being once more, Marinette attempts to twist herself out of the way, but soon realizes that that is completely useless as she is flung past the spot the yo-yo anchored itself to. But, by some strange miracle that is the universe’s sense of humor, the yo-yo unravels from the pillar, making it so that there is not a Marinette shaped pancake on the side of the pillar. A scream follows her as she flies through the air at speeds no teenager should ever be going without some way to be saved, the yo-yo trails behind like an overeager puppy. 
As she is flying through the air, the ground growing ever closer, her screaming never ceasing, she sees a small, moving black figure. In the blink of an eye, though to her it feels like it is all in slow motion, she’s colliding with this figure, toppling them both to the ground. 
They get halfway to the ground when something thin and strong wraps around them both and they’re snapped back upward, swinging side to side. Marinette finds herself looking into bright green eyes with cat-like pupils that have been blown as wide as a euro cent.
“Well, hey there! Nice of you to drop in!” 
Immediately, Marinette finds every aspect of this person annoying. The voice, the tone, the eyes, the hair, the cat ears, the *puns*. She rolls her eyes and moans. 
Wait, cat ears…
Of course, *of course* her partner ran with the whole animal theme. She just hopes that he isn’t a weirdo. 
But the puns make it hard to think he’s sane in any sort of way. 
She pulls her head back and looks over her partner, who looks to be a boy. 
From the looks of things, he seems to have a better sense of style than Tikki does. His suit is all black, judging from the subtle cracks it seems to be leather. There are boulbous guard like… *things* on his wrists and ankles, but she honestly thinks they serve more as attachable weights than anything else. And, on point with the animal theme, he’s got a belt that seems to be some sort of tail.
But… he’s got a bell on his chest, a large one at that. Who would, who would choose to wear that? Especially with the style of his suit! It clashes so badly.  
Shaking her head, she pushes her feelings aside. He’s her partner, she can’t be holding grudges. Especially ones based solely off of fashion. “I’m sorry, I didn’t do this on purpose.” 
She looks into her partner's eyes and is astounded to see that he… looks lost and confused and slightly uncomfortable with her looking him over, despite how he sounded a second before. But that look is gone in a flash, replaced with the smugness of knowing one is attractive. Her cheeks heat up. 
Not that he is attractive. Especially in that black leather and toned body. Not at all. Her cheeks are red because she’s embarrassed that he thinks she was doing *that*. 
Their swinging is slowing down, and this boy, who based off of what Tikki has told her, is most likely the Black Cat wielder. He raises- lowers?-- quirks an eyebrow. Er, well, his mask moves in a way that suggests he is quirking an eyebrow. It’s hard to tell when you’re nose to nose with someone and swinging and upside down, and their face is covered by a black mask. “While I’m flattered at you checking me out,-”
“I- I wasn’t- that’s not-”
“I’m afraid I have to ask you to rein in your rope please?”
Marinette’s face is as hot as the sun, and she’s sure that she could power her house with the heat, her hands splaying out at her sides as she frantically tries to stop her arms from flailing around. “It’s not- this- i wasn’t-” she cuts herself off as his other eyebrow is quirked. She sighs, defeated. She isn’t going to be going anywhere with this conversation.
Looking away from his all-too-piercing eyes, she maneuvers her hand around to try to grab at the yo-yo string. But in her flustered state, it takes her a few tries to get her fingers around the thin string. Once she has a firm grip, she tugs on it and promptly realizes that she didn’t think this all the way through and both her and her partner find themselves falling toward the ground. 
Marinette lands on her back, staring up at the sky, wondering what she did to the universe to deserve this treatment, all the while, the Black Cat wielder lands on all fours and stands up, dusting off his leather suit like he’s at some sort of high-end bachelor party. “I bet you’re the wielder of Creation that my kwami told me about! You know, my partner?” 
“Oh, ah, yeah. Yeah, I guess I am. Who- what’s your name?” she stutters out, silently cursing the way her mouth absolutely refuses to cooperate with her tongue, still laying on her back, staring at the yo-yo silently swinging like a pendulum. Counting down the seconds until she dies from embarrassment. Absently wondering how the yo-yo managed to wrap around the… silver pole, that wasn’t there before! It must be her partner’s doing. 
“Huh, oh, uhh.” He turns from her, a hand moving to his chin as he thinks with a near silent hum. This in turn gives her time to stand up and look more closely at him, absentmindedly trying to get her yo-yo back.  
He’s standing with perfect posture, as though he has a stiff back, and his hair is sticking up all over the place. His suit looks like leather, but it has a subtle hexagonal pattern to it, so it’s clearly not leather. He looks to have some sort of padding riveted to his forearms. 
He’s got some combat boots that are apparently as skin tight as the rest of his suit, and protruding from the boots are silver bulbs that resemble cat paws. 
The belt she had seen before is wrapped around his waist, and is swinging behind his feet in little circles, like it’s excited and curious but doesn’t want to show it and it’s having a hard time concealing it. In her opinion, the tail is entirely too long, if it were completely flat, the last few decimeters would be laying flat on the ground. 
His eyes are pure green, except for black, and his pupils have shrunk and look like cats pupils. A black domino mask frames his eyes, hiding his identity. Unlike hers, which only really covers her eyes and some of her forehead, his covers most of his forehead (or what you can see of his forehead) as well as the entirety of his nose aside from his nostrils.It only serves to make his eyes pop out more, makes them more unnerving. No human should have cat eyes. 
Did his alien-kwami being thing change his eyes or is it the mask or is this just some weird fettish?
The black cat ears on his head look to be made of the same material as his suit, and they twitch agitatedly every now and then, his eyes twitching subtly-
“Chat!” He says, almost shouts, cutting off her thoughts as he whips around to face her, earning a squeak of surprise from Marinette. He’s bouncing ever so slightly in his place, hands balled into fists, like a little kid. “Chat Noir. My name is Chat Noir” He puffs his chest out, putting his hands on his hips, a smug grin on his lips. 
He looks so proud of himself that she decides not to burst his bubble by commenting on how his name literally means “Black Cat”. All she can do is nod her head, and try to hold back her laughter while trying to untie her yo-yo from the metal pole she believes she toppled Chat from. 
What is she going to do with her life… 
“What’s yours?” He asks, leaning in towards her, teasing curiosity in his tone, his eyebrows wiggling. 
“Oh, uh... I’m Ma-” she gives the line another tug and it springs from the bar, unwinding with unnatural speed. She watches in muted horror as it hits him on the head cutting her off as he lets out a yelp of pain. His cat ears go flat as his hands fly to his head. 
“...Madly clumsy... I’m so clumsy...” she finishes as he furiously rubs the spot the yo-yo hit his head, crouched down low to the ground. 
“Are you okay?” Marinette asks, reaching a hand out hesitantly. 
“Yeah, I’m-“ He’s cut off from saying anything as an enraged roar rips through the air, accompanied by a building in the distance crumbling to the ground. Effectively startling them both, Chat Noir jumps a meter into the air, while Marinette’s arms flail as she jumps back. Soon after screams can be heard. 
Marinette turns to her cat-like partner again, and is concerned to see him covering his ears with tears in his eyes. 
“...Chat,” she starts cautiously, taking a step toward her partner. “Are-”
“S-seems we have momentarily forgotten the monster we are supposed to be fighting, no?” He cuts her off, his voice wavering while he struggles to stand upright. It looks like he’s in pain. 
She reaches out to put a hand on his shoulder but jerks her hand back when he flinches. Shit, she hurt him with the yo-yo and now she’s touched him when he’s in pain, she should have known he doesn’t want to be touched, she usually doesn’t like to be touched when she’s in pain oh gods he hates her and he doesn't want to be her partner anymore- She knew this was a bad idea, she should have given the earrings to Alya, she would know what to do, she wouldn’t hurt her new partner.
Chat shakes his head and smiles at her, though it feels forced. He takes a moment to steady himself before he jumps up to grab onto the bar above them. After a second, the bar disappears and he falls to the ground again, a small, 26 centimeter cylinder in his hand.
He looks at her and nods toward where the screams are coming from. “C’mon, lets go save the day.”  He looks better, but she can still see his eyes slightly shining, his ears are flat to his head and his tail is agitated. 
He points the cylinder to the ground and moves his thumb and then Chat is over the rooftops, a 2 meter long pole where the silver cylinder used to be.  
Leaving Marinette angry and confused, staring at her yo-yo. Why does he get a cool tool?  
A second later, his head pops back up over the rooftop, his head tilted to the side, ears flopping with his head. “You coming, Clumsy Girl?”
“Y-Yeah, just give me a second.” 
He nods and turns around. 
Marinette furrows her brow. His attitude gives her pause, he’s coming off as... as cocky and flippant and just... he rubs her the wrong way. But he’s hiding something, something is off about his actions, and by the gods she will find out what it is. 
Marinette brings her yo-yo up to look at. Such a small thing, not any feasible way to fight with it, except for like… flinging it at people and hoping she hits them? But she has crap aim. 
Such a stupid weapon, and yet it carries with it such large responsibility and challenges. “Trust yourself...” she mutters to herself. “Just trust yourself.” 
Reluctantly, she drops the yo-to to the ground, swinging it around to build momentum. As she’s staring at it, the red/pink blur it creates mesmerizes her... until another deafening roar meets her eardrums.
She shakes her head, and throws her arm out, slinging the yo-yo up and over the rooftops. “Just gotta trust yourself, Marinette.” She mutters once again before tugging on the string and is pulled through the air with another yelp.
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garagedoorinstallationil · 4 years ago
Self-Help Guide: Just How to Repair Your Garage Doors
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Though typically lots of people open and close their garage doors three to 5 times a day, they have a tendency to take them for granted till something fails. Garage doors allow and also cumbersome, averaging 100 to 180lbs in weight, with plenty of mechanical parts to break down, and also at some point, they will. Nonetheless, with a little TLC, a garage door will have a life-span of in between 15 and also three decades.
Right Here at A1 Garage Door Service, we've seen as well as fixed practically everything that can go wrong with a garage door. While some jobs are entrusted to the specialists, there are many repairs that an owner with some functional DIY abilities can fix without having to call out an expert.
In this overview, we will check out some typical garage door repair service problems and also troubleshoot them. We have actually likewise supplied you with a handy infographic poster that you can print off and also await your garage.
Just how Does a Garage Door Work? The very best area to start is with just how a garage door works and to recognize the different parts that maintain it relocating. Essentially garage doors work by using a counterbalance system that contains either types of springtime.
The most usual of both counterbalance systems uses torsion springtimes. Torsion springtimes are horizontally affixed to a turning shaft that sits over the garage door opening. When the garage door is shutting, the springs wind up producing kept power, and when opened up, the springtimes unwind, enabling the saved energy to raise the door. Torsion springtimes are commonly more expensive than the 2nd alternative of extension springs. However, they are a lot more sturdy, much safer, and also longer-lasting, so they are taken into consideration the most effective option.
Expansion springtimes are attached to the garage door's base with a lift wire that runs a pulley system. When the garage door is shut, the springtimes stretch and also, when opened, pull back. Extension springs are much weaker and more susceptible to damage; they are also thought about much more harmful.
Another important component of your garage door system is the garage door opener. While the springs do all the heavy grunt work, the opener allows you to open as well as close your garage door at the push of a button. You have five alternatives to pick from chain drive, direct drive, belt drive, jackshaft, and also screw drive. They vary in rate, intricacy, and also tranquility, with the chain drive being the less costly however noisiest.
Added elements include; tracks on both sides of the door to keep it abreast when closing and opening up, Rollers to aid the garage door in moving along the track, and wires affixed to the springtimes to help raise the door.
Why Does My Garage Door Open by itself? If your garage door starts opening on its own, after that you could assume it's time to call Ghostbusters! Supernatural goings-on or more rational factors to consider, you'll wish to find the factor fast, leaving it open for prospective burglars or the components might place you in jeopardy of theft or damage.
One of the most common factors is likely to be a blunder made by you or the last member of the family to use the garage, specifically when they remain in a rush. If you press the remote button while driving away, can you make certain it enclosed the starting point? Possibly the first thing to inspect.
The following point to inspect is the safety sensing units designed to ensure the door reverses when closing if something is obstructing its way. Check for debris or even an accumulation of snow or ice. It is additionally feasible for one of the sensors to become misaligned or break down. If so, they will need to be replaced.
One more common factor is that the buttons on the wall opener or the remote have actually come to be stuck down; tidy the controls, and also check the wiring and also connections inside the housing.
A final check you can make is the control wiring; a wire ranges from the opener's motor system in the center of the ceiling tracks to the control switch placed on the wall surface. A short circuit or a bare area can well be the root cause of your garage door opening up on its own.
Why Won't my Garage Doors Close? Just like a garage door that keeps opening by itself accord, a garage door that will not shut might position a danger to the safety of your garage and leave it exposed to the elements.
We have actually currently reviewed the safety sensing units and also how they are designed to open if they detect an object in the garage door course. If either of the photosensors has dirt on them or one is not in accordance with the various other, they can avoid the garage door from closing. Additionally, a cord can have ended up being inapplicable or severed, so inspect the links. Provide the sensors a clean with a cells, and also ensure they are straightened as well as inspect the electrical wiring.
Busted torsion springs are important garage components that permit your garage door to open as well as shut. You'll likely understand the reason for your garage door not closing as the springtime splitting will certainly sound like a gunshot. Luckily, torsion springtimes tend constantly to damage when the door is closed. It's the same for snapped wires; you'll see these quickly; frequently, they will snap when a torsion springtime breaks. These are jobs for somebody with the right devices and also knowledge to embark on.
If the tracks are obstructed or damaged, it can prevent the garage door from closing. In the best-case situation, it will certainly be a clog that can be conveniently eliminated. If the tracks are curved or deformed, you will likely need a replacement track.
When a garage door opener is mounted, limit setups are established as default. These settings can conform time. The garage door will typically quit prior to it gets to the ground or hit the ground, and also believe it has hit an item, it will instantly go into reverse. You'll need to change the limit settings, inspect the garage door opener manual, and change them per the instructions.
Why Doesn't My Garage Door Open? The word annoying doesn't do justice to the feelings you have if you can't get your automobile out of the garage since the door won't open. Normally, all sorts of expletives will certainly surround 'irritating' possibly ideal not explored in this overview! Most of the concerns with a garage door closed additionally apply to it not closing, such as obstructed, distorted, or curved tracks.
If your torsion springtime breaks when the door is shut, you'll need to switch off your opener and manually lift the garage door to get it open. Garage doors can be troublesome, so you may need help to do this. Use a lever to somewhat raise the door and also slide a piece of timber underneath to save any damages to your fingers. Then depending upon your door's weight, you may be able to lift it yourself or need aid to do so. When raised, secure the door with vice holds to guarantee it does not fall back down and also injure someone. Fixing a damaged torsion springtime can be an unsafe job for the uninitiated, so unless you have a lot of Do It Yourself experience and understand the technicians of your door garage, this is a work ideal left for the specialists.
Garage door openers include a cord to draw to disconnect the electric opener so that you can open the door by hand. For instance, you may require to open the garage door throughout a power interruption. Check that the garage door motor hasn't been detached; this is an easy as well as common solution.
Another simple check is to guarantee that it's not an issue with your remote control; it could be that you locked the remote by mishap or the batteries require changing. It could additionally be the antenna; examine it to see if it is damaged or blocked somehow. Ultimately, attempt resetting the remote control.
Finally, tak a take a look at the source of power. Is the opener getting power? Has it come to be unplugged? Otherwise, inspect that the breaker hasn't tripped as well as needs resetting or that a fuse hasn't blown and also requires changing.
Exactly How Can I Make My Garage Door Less Loud? Even if you can live with a loud garage door, it will be most likely that relative or perhaps next-door neighbors can not. Usually, a loud garage door is an easy problem to settle.
The most uncomplicated area to start is with a little lubrication, nine times out of ten, a little oil will certainly be all that is required for quieter garage doors. Making use of silicone or lithium spray lubricant especially created for garage doors, lube all the metal parts such as the springs, tracks, hinges, as well as rollers. When used, use a fabric to remove any kind of extra.
If you have a chain drive opener, the chain should be lubricated a couple of times a year as well. You'll also locate that a chain drive garage door opener is the noisiest of the different kinds you can buy. When it pertains to time to change it, maybe worth buying a belt drive system, which is a great deal quieter.
Examine the garage door, and track supports for loosened or absent screws as well as screws. Replace as well as tighten them with an adjustable or socket wrench, but do not overtighten as this could make issues worse.
After lubricating the steel components and changing or tightening up loose nuts and screws, you still have a noisy garage door; you'll require to inspect the different components for wear. If the roller is grinding or otherwise spinning openly on the shaft after lubricating, it could need replacing; we would certainly recommend selecting nylon rollers over steel.
If the garage springs seem the cause of the sound, be very careful and also don't attempt to adjust or repair them. They will certainly require replacing by preferably a specialist or else a person with a great practical knowledge of garage door mechanics. Without trying to seem melodramatic, the job can lead to death or arm or leg if not executed correctly.
You need to additionally evaluate the joints for wear, search for a much more oblong-shaped opening than round and dirt or steel filings around the pin.
Can Garage Doors Job Without Electricity? Getting locked in or out of your garage, especially the former, can be a troubling experience. Yet there is no requirement to panic, also without power; for instance, in case of a power outage, there is a way to open your garage door manually.
Standard garage door openers have an emergency situation guidebook release cable. You'll see the cable with its red manage positioned on the trolley track in addition to the garage door. When you draw the take care of, you will listen to a click. You can now by hand raise the door by ordering it at the base and raising it all the means up. For security reasons, do not leave the door open and neglected, as there is little in the means of precaution to keep the mechanism in position; even in the result of a strong gust of wind, the door could fall with the possibility of harming someone, specifically if you have pets or children.
Once you have electrical power once again and want to reconnect the electric opener, totally close the door by hand and after that draw the hands-on release cable; once it clicks, the button is re-engaged. Reconnect the garage door with the cart track by elevating it one to two feet It must snap right into location. After that examine the automatic opener to see if it functions properly by opening as well as closing the garage door.
Exactly How are Garage Doors Installed? For an expert garage door specialist, a garage door installment usually can take in between 5 and seven hrs. An expert garage door solution will certainly give you with distribution and setup and also eliminating your old door. The necessary steps are to connect the hinges, mount vertical tracking, attach the panels to the hinges, mount straight tracks, set up the torsion springtime system, and evaluate the door to make certain that it runs properly. In addition, you are likely to call for an automated garage door opener that is straightforward to suitable for your average Do It Yourself fanatic.
Is it Possible to Mount a Garage Door by yourself? If you want to comprehend far better how a garage door's mechanisms work for future maintenance and repair as well as minimize expenses, a Do It Yourself garage door installment could be a superb project for the appropriate person. For most garage door mounts, 2 individuals will be needed as they are hefty and unwieldy, as well as having a person around to pass devices to you when you get on a step ladder, as an example, can cut pause the work. What ought to be understood is that garage door setup can be hazardous; you require to be confident in your ability, educated in Do It Yourself, and also extremely safety and security conscious to take on the job. Thousands of people are harmed installing garage doors each year, so it's not a task to take on lightly.
Last Ideas We hope our guide has provided some valuable ideas for repairing garage door problems. If you maintain your garage doors in good order with normal maintenance and routinely inspecting the elements for indications of wear, they need to last you years. If you are experiencing a concern with your doors, keep calm, and be systematic in your approach. The issue will often be as easy as altering some batteries or eliminating some particles from a sensing unit or track. If you have actually attempted everything you can and also the solution still hasn't occurred, after that it's time to reach out to the professionals at A1 Garage Door Service, that will make certain to have your garage door up and running in no time at all.
Read our blog about  Just how to Install a Garage Door
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writingpaperghost · 4 years ago
There is a Me Who Can Become Strong (Chapter 4)
Chapter 4: An Operation Called Dash!
The newest Rider appears. He's a bit of a character, but aren't they all?
Yeah, so after some thinking, I never decided to change Kiriya. Also, Kiriya is very fun to write.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32857183/chapters/82153645
Emu looked through the file for his next patient. He still couldn’t believe that he’d lost his Gashat to Nico the day before. When he’d agreed to that wager with her… It wasn’t that he didn’t know she was skilled, even before remembering who she was, he just knew that she had to be. No, he’d just thought that he’d be able to win, having at least a few more days of experience as a Rider… She’d saved his life, but she’d also taken his Gashat. How was he supposed to fight Bugsters and help their patients now?
Emu tried to read the file again. Kiriya Kujo, it read, age six. Okay, sure, that was easy, he should be here any minute now. He was just going to go over some of the details again really quick before he gets here…
“Hey.” A voice that is definitely not that of a child’s says, prompting Emu to spin around and face the doorway. Standing there was a man in a red jacket, wearing an ugly red and yellow poppy printed shirt underneath. There’s a nervous man following behind him. The first man plops down on the examination bed.
“Sir, I have a patient soon,” Emu blinks, responding in a bewildered tone. It wasn’t like it was normal for someone to just walk in here.
The man responds perhaps a bit to gleefully, “Yeah, me,” He leans forward, throwing his arm around Emu’s shoulders, causing Emu to stiffen none to subtly. “Name’s Kiriya Kujo.”
There were several things spiraling around Emu’s brain at that moment. Most prominently, this man, Kiriya, was touching him. Just like touching him. And not stopping. Emu did not like that, but also didn’t exactly have a lot of room to move around. Second, and the one that Emu voiced was… “You’re not six.”
“Nope!” Kiriya nods cheerfully, “Listen, my friend here, he’s really sick and I think it’s right up your ally. You see, he’s got this little thing called Game Disease, you know what that is. I figure you can help.”
Finally, he pulled away, allowing Emu’s brain to work properly. He stares at Kiriya for a moment, wondering how to respond. “Well… I don’t exactly have my Gashat right now,” He said, “And shouldn’t you just take this to the CR as a whole?”
Kiriya claps him on the back of the shoulder, causing Emu to flinch, “Not to worry, Ace!” He declared, “I’ll get that Gashat back for you! You just worry about your new patient.”
Masamune Dan walks into the CR with the casual manner of someone who owned the place. He didn’t, but he contributed greatly to it and the technology used against Game Disease and Bugsters. He’s greeted by Haima and Poppy, both of whom seems to be somewhat startled to see him.
“What brings you here?” The director asks, “You hadn’t mentioned a visit…”
“There are simply a few things I wish to speak to you about, Director Kagami,” Masamune responded, “With the knowledge that Zero Day was caused by a glitch in ten Gemn Corp game prototypes, placed there by my son. Kuroto used a demonstration that day to spread the disease.”
Poppy pipes in, “He disappeared after and lots of people were infected,” She recalls, “And those games represent the ten strains of Game Disease.”
Masamune nods, “Yes, we’ve spent the past six years refining those prototypes, until they were more usable, resulting in the Gashats currently in the possession of the four Riders.” Haima and Poppy’s brows furrow at the mention of there being four Riders. They’d only had Para-DX, Brave, and Snipe… but there must have been someone they were forgetting. “I thought it would be pertinent to inform you that we’ve begun to refine four more, to be used with the four currently completed.”
Director Kagami nods, “Yes, thank you for informing us,” He looks at Masamune, “That will certainly be very helpful in fighting the Bugsters and clearing all the strains of Game Disease.”
Then, Poppy gets a call. Masamune watches and listens, at an unfamiliar voice on the other end. “Poppy,” The voice said, “I’ve found a patient, get Saki.”
“Emu, really?” Poppy asked, “How?”
“It’s a bit of a story, just get here.” Masamune noted that this “Emu” was the one that Saki had talked about before. He kept that information for later, he’d need to look into him.
Emu sat across from their newest patient, Yoshitaka Nishiwaka. “I really don’t care what happens to me,” He said, nervous but apathetic at the same time.
“Don’t worry,” Emu smiled, ignoring the nagging feeling that something was wrong, “Saki’s great at this. She’ll cure you in no time.”
Before any response could be given, Asuna’s voice cut in, “You,” Emu turned, seeing Asuna glaring at Kiriya, with Saki standing beside her, her face a neutral expression.
Hesitantly, Emu asks, “You know him?”
“Three years ago,” Asuna began, “Kiriya Kujo found out about Zero Day and bargained his silence for a Gamer Driver and a Gashat. We haven’t seen much of him since, until now.”
Looking over at Kiriya, who didn’t seem terribly bothered by Asuna’s words and their harshness, Emu wondered aloud, “Then why did you need our help? Why not cure Mr. Nishiwaka’s Game Disease on your own?”
No answer was provided. Instead, the loud voice of Nico yelling was heard, “Hey, weird dude! What did you even want me here for?” She stamps over to Kiriya and glares at him, “If this is some joke then you better get running because I’m not nice to jokesters.”
Kiriya responds by moving his hands in what Emu suspects is supposed to be a placating motion, standing up and walking away a bit. “I had a friend who died on Zero Day,” He said.
Before he could elaborate, Nishiwaka, still sitting at the table, cries out and a Bugster appeared, taking the appearance of a wheel. Emu sighs, knowing that even with his Gashat he wouldn’t be much help.
“Hey, gamer girl!” Kiriya called out, catching Nico’s attention.
“That’s Genius Gamer N!”
“Whatever, how about a game?” Kiriya shrugged, pulling a Gashat and Gamer Driver out, “Whoever beats that Bugster gets Ace’s Gashat.”
Bakusou Bikes!
Nico runs up, “Oh, you’re on!”
Bang Bang Shooting!
Let’s game! Metcha game! Mucha game! What’s your name? I’m a Kamen Rider!
When the character selection screen appeared around Kiriya, he kicked his selection. Around him, his Level 1 armor began to form. Notably, he had handlebars on the sides of his head and tires connected to his arms.
“How extra,” Emu muttered, watching the transformation.
The two quickly began to fight the wheel Bugster, Nico choosing to utilize her gun to shoot from afar, and Kiriya using the wheels on his arm to hit the Bugster. After a bit, Kiriya gets a power up from the things that spawned for him, some kind of trophy, and manages to beat the Bugster, causing it to change forms. Now the Bugster looked like the final racing opponent from Bakusou Bikes, Motors. He quickly summons a motorcycle that’s also a Bugster and begins to speed off.
Level Up! Ba-Ba-Bang! Bang-Ba-Bang! (Yow!) Bang Bang Shooting!
Nico quickly transforms to Level 2 and is about follow when Saki appears having already transformed into Brave, also about to follow.
“Hey!” Nico calls, elbowing Saki, “This game’s between me and bike man!”
Behind her, Kiriya sneaks up and grabs the Mighty Action X Gashat from the holster on her belt. He throws it at Emu, “Catch, Ace!” Emu catches it as Nico spins around and seemingly glares at Kiriya, who seems unphased. “Now come on, we have a Bugster to catch…”
Kiriya watched as Emu ran over to Nishiwaka, “Mr. Nishiwaka, are you okay?”
Shaking his head, Kiriya turns in the direction that Motors took off in. “Guess I’m doing this myself,” He flips the lever on his Gamer Driver.
Level Up! Bakusou dokusou gekisou bousou! Bakusou Bike!
Unlike Saki or Nico, when Kiriya switched to his Level 2, he did not become anything resembling a normal person. Nope. He turned into a motorbike. He then quickly sped off after Motors.
Emu calls over to Saki and Nico, “I’m get Mr. Nishiwaka to the CR, you guys follow Kiriya and the Bugster.”
Nico huffed, “Why should I do what you say, M?” He was already getting Nishiwaka to the CR. Nico shakes her head, “Whatever,”
Looking over at Saki, she sees that she’s turned her back to Nico. Then Nico sees why. Stalking towards them was a Rider who looked like Para-DX, but black and purple. He held some kind of hammer in his hand. In his other hand, he holds what seems to be a Gashat.
Shakariki Sports!
Placing the Gashat into the Driver, the armor of a colorful bicycle forms around his shoulders and chest.
Shakariki! Shakariki! Bad Bad! Shaka to Riki to Shakariki Sports!
“What?” Nico can’t believe her eyes, “Using two Gashat’s at once? How the hell? Can you even do that?”
Falling into a fighting stance beside her, raising her sword, Saki responds, “Seems so.”
Raising her gun, Nico growls, “Well I’m not letting this guy interrupt the game!” While Saki ran forward, slashing at the Rider only to have it blocked by him, Nico fired several shots at him. They continued something of this kind, only for the Rider to continually shrug it off.
Finally, the black Para-DX inserts his second Gashat into his hammer, raising it to attack at the pair.
Shakariki Critical Strike!
Once the attack landed on the pair, knocking away their armor, the black Para-DX disappeared.
Nico rolls over and looks at where he once was, “Yeah, hi, what the hell?”
Sounding equally annoyed, Saki comments, “Just who is that?”
“Why didn’t you go and help Kujo?” Nishiwaka wondered, now lying in the bed of the CR’s patient room. Emu sits beside him.
“Because, it’s more important that I learn what will stress you,” Emu answers, “That will tell me where the Bugster will appear.”
Still, Nishiwaka seemed hesitant. “I’m not really…”
Instead of pushing that angle, Emu tried a different one, hoping that it might provide some answers or at least something to go off of. “Do you know how you got infected?”
After a moment, Nishiwaka finally answered, “Well this… monster appeared. I think he infected me.” He paused, then startling Emu, added, “He kidnapped my sister, Riko!”
“Your sister…” Emu breathed, “That would cause you stress…” He shakes his head, “Well then, we’ll just have to save your sister, too!”
Nishiwaka didn’t seem entirely convinced, but Emu had gotten what he needed, so he left him be. Now he just needed to figure out where Riko was and that would probably lead him to the Bugster too…
Then an arm was in his way. Kiriya stood, leaning against the wall, supported with his arm. Startled by Kiriya’s sudden appearance, Emu stumbled and fell to the ground. “Wow Ace, I must be a very pleasant surprise.”
Emu blinked, “How did you get in here?”
Kiriya shrugged, “Wasn’t too hard,” He didn’t elaborate, “Now listen, Ace, I need you to ride me.”
That was probably the weirdest sounding thing that Kiriya could have said and definitely not what Emu was expecting. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting, but definitely not that. “Wha-what?”
“If we’re going to clear Motors’ game, Bakusou Bike, we’re going to need to use my Gashat to beat him,” Kiriya explained, “I can’t reach my top speed without a rider, though.”
In response, Emu blinked again, “Okay,” He says slowly, “I guess that makes sense.”
“Cool, the, glad we’re clear there, Ace,” Kiriya watches Emu as he stands up, “So ready to ride me?”
Eye twitching slightly, Emu begged, “Please don’t keep saying that,” He then shakes his head, “Besides, you haven’t even seen me transform. Why are you so insistent that it’s me who… helps you beat Motors?”
Kiriya gestured at him, “Well you’re Genius Gamer M, right?” He asked, though he didn’t wait for an answer, “So obviously you should be the one to ride me.” Internally, Emu really wished he stop phrasing it that way. It was accurate, yes, but it sounded weird! Not that Emu could place exactly why.
“Fine, fine,” Emu finally concedes, “I’ll… ride you,” It almost physically hurt him to say that. Like, he’s hoping that Kiriya isn’t watching him too closely, or else he might catch a glimpse of something Emu doesn’t want anyone seeing.
“Great!” Kiriya grinned, once more throwing an arm around Emu – to his dismay and amazement given how much taller than Kiriya he was – and leading him out of the hospital, “We’ll just have to find them, now. Should be easy enough.”
“Yeah…” Emu weakly agrees, “Could you, uh, not do that?”
Glancing at him, Kiriya asks, “Do what?”
Emu reaches a hand up and grabs at Kiriya’s arm, moving it off… Not really Emu’s shoulders, given his height compared to Kiriya, but more around Emu’s midsection. “That,” He repeated, “Touching me.”
Seeming startled at the statement, Kiriya drew his arm back the rest of the way, “Sorry,” he said and he sounded genuine, “Guess I didn’t expect the pediatrician to be the one to have lots of personal space.”
Looking away from Kiriya, Emu responded, “Well, you’renot a kid, and we’ve just met,” He rubbed at where Kiriya’s hand had been before, “And like, it’s weird to just touch people you’ve just met. Kids are different but adults…”
Once more raising his hands in a placating manner, Kiriya says, “No, no, it’s fine, thanks for telling me,” He gives Emu a grin, “I’ll try not to do it again.”
Regarding him for a moment, Emu finally answers with a polite, “Thank you,” and the two continue their way.
After a while, Emu realizes that Kiriya’s been leading him somewhere, not just walking aimlessly. When they arrive at their apparent destination, they’re greeted with both a woman, tied up, and Motors.
“Time for the race, Ace,” Kiriya, says, pulling out his Gamer Driver and using the stage select feature to take them to a racetrack. Riko was now at the end, tied up above the finish line. Kiriya quickly transformed.
Level Up! Bakusou dokusou gekisou bousou! Bakusou Bike!
The face part of the motorcycle that was now Kiriya turned towards Emu expectantly, “Come on, Ace, we don’t have time to waste.”
“Right,” Emu nods, pulling out the Mighty Action X Gashat.
Level Up! Mighty Jump! Mighty Kick! Mighty-Mighty Action X!
As Emu gets on Kiriya, a sentence that Emu never wants to hear or think again, Motors drives up to them, also on his Bugster bike. The racers take off, but it seems even with Emu, Motors is still out racing Kiriya.
Then Emu remembers Bakusou Bikes, a game that has little rules to its name. It was probably no coincidence that items were spawning on the racetrack. Motors begins to toss bombs back at them, forcing Kiriya to try to steer out of the way.
Taking out his weapon and switching it to gun mode, Emu aims at Motors. He shoots at the Bugster, sending him into the air. They were all too close to the finish line not to take things seriously. He also shoots at a few of the items lying around, hoping one might give them a useful power-up.
“Hey, Ace,” Kiriya calls, “Time for a critical strike, wouldn’t you say?” As Kiriya steered towards one of the power-ups, Emu began to prepare Kiriya’s final attack. They launch into the air and land their finisher on Motors.
Bakusou Critical Strike!
The pair of Kiriya and Emu cross the finish line, Motors now on the ground behind them.
Game Clear!
They grab Riko and Emu gets off Kiriya, setting Riko down. He wanted to see if she was hurt or anything. Kiriya, though, returns to his Level 1 and runs towards Motors.
“By the way,” He calls out, “I lied about having a friend who died on Zero Day. I just want this Bugster.”
Emu’s first reactions is a startled, “What?” Then it was to think of his words following. I just want this Bugster. Why did Kiriya want the Motors? Why want a Bugster at all?
Kiriya continued, reaching and about to grab Motors’ arm, “I want to study it. See how it works and all.” Something about that statement unnerves Emu and he starts to wonder if his initial read of “pretty okay guy, all things considered,” on Kiriya was actually totally off base.
Beginning to walk over to Kiriya, Emu asks, “Do you really think you’ll find much out…”
Except then he freezes. Stalking over to the two, with some kind of strange, colorful bicycle armor added on, was the black Para-DX. He inserted his second Gashat into his weapon and takes aim.
Shakariki Critical Strike!
The attack hits Motors, destroying him entirely, and then Kiriya and Emu, lowering the health gauge on their chests down to their last bar. With that last attack, he turns to leave.
A man with short, dark hair stumbles into a room, clutching his chest. He’s wearing some odd mix of formal and casual, a dark gradient shirt, with a black blazer and slacks. He’s leaning against the doorway, then stumbles towards a desk.
Looking up from a sofa, seated across from the desk, the man in the Mighty hoodie looks up. His hood is down, now, his bangs parted and clipped on each side so that both his eyes are uncovered. Today he’s wearing a Bakusou Bikes shirt, with the sounds of revving engines coming from the Gemnboy in his hands.
The hoodie man looks concerned, “Kuroto,” He says and sets the game down, standing up from the couch, “Are you okay?” He quickly rushes over and helps the other man, Kuroto, to his seat at his desk.
Kuroto takes a deep breath, “Yes, yes, I’m… I’ll be alright, I just need a bit.”
“Are you sure?” The other responds, sounding unconvinced, “You seem like you’re in pain…”
Taking out a Gamer Driver, a black Mighty Action X Gashat, and the lime green Shakariki Sports Gashat, Kuroto sets them on his desk. He regards the black Mighty Action X Gashat for a moment, before saying, “Prototype Gashats, like this Mighty Action X, are… hard on the body. They have negative side effects.”
The hoodie man was startled at the statement, “What? Kuroto why are you using that?” He seems very worried, “If it’s so hard then what if it killed you?”
“…I have no other choice. Shakariki Sports is not designed to be used in such a way, and the other finished Gashats must stay accounted for and in the hands of those that father has given them to.” Kuroto responds, picking up the Prototype Mighty Action X Gashat, “I’m working on a solution, but it will take a while.”
“So in the meantime you’ll just be hurting yourself,” The other frowned, crossing his arms. “Kuroto…”
Kuroto sighed, “I know, Mu. I know.”
They stood in silence for a few minutes, before the man in the hoodie, Mu, leaned down and wrapped his arms around Kuroto in a hug, “You keep doing so much to complete the game,” He said, “You should let me help more.”
Eyes widening in realization about what Mu meant, Kuroto’s eyes widened, “No, it’ll be too dangerous?”
“More dangerous than the game when it’s completed?”
“Well… no…” Kuroto admitted, “But… Mu, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
Mu took the Proto Mighty Action X Gashat from Kuroto’s hands, “If this is anything like the game, and if I’m going to beat the game, I need some practice,” He said, spinning the Gashat on his finger and watching it. He then returned his attention to Kuroto, “Besides, I don’t want my big bro pushing himself too hard. Let me help a bit, at least.”
Though clearly still hesitant, Kuroto sighed, “Fine,”
“You won’t regret this,” Mu cheered, “Besides, you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m a genius gamer, after all, and this is sorta like a game, right?”
“When you’re next going out to get the Rider’s attention,” Kuroto began sternly, “Graphite’s going with you. We’re going to set up a little plan that will shock Brave.”
With a happy smile, Mu responded, “I’ll make all three of you proud!”
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jemch · 4 years ago
How It’s Made Index(S21~S30)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S21E01 Rubber Gloves; Soap Carvings; Aircraft Cabinets; Motorcycle Brake Locks 橡胶手套,肥皂雕刻,飞机木柜,摩托车制动锁
S21E02 Powder Horns; Handcrafted Molds; Perogies; Inner Tubes 粉角,手工模具,饺子,内胎
S21E03 Lace; Antique Frame Replicas; Orchids; Unicycle Wheel Hubs 蕾丝,古董架复制品,兰花,独轮车轮毂
S21E04 External Hard Drives; Frozen Shrimp; Thai Rice Boxes; Paper Towel 外置硬盘,冷冻虾,泰国米箱,纸巾
S21E05 Tea; Roof Finials; Artificial Flowers; Alloy Wheels 茶,屋顶饰物,人造花,合金轮毂
S21E06 Gel Caps; Playground Spring Riders; Frozen Pancakes; Natural Rubber 胶囊,摇摇玩具,冷冻煎饼,天然橡胶
S21E07 Paper Umbrellas; Coal; Aircraft Seats; Urns 纸伞,煤,飞机座椅,瓮
S21E08 Aluminum Canoes;Wood Bowls;Wheelchair Accessible Vans;Marimbas 铝独木舟,木碗,残疾人改装车,木琴
S21E09 Indy Car Seats; Paper Flowers; Stand-by Generators; 赛车座椅,纸花,备用发电机
S21E10 Knee Replacements; Leaf Springs; Lavender; Rivets and Rivet Tools 膝关节置换,钢板弹簧,薰衣草,铆钉和铆钉的工具
S21E11 Cast Iron Stoves; Ultralight Aircraft; Snow Groomers; Rubber Bands 铸铁炉具,超轻型飞机,推雪车,橡皮筋
S21E12 Barber Chairs; Sewage Pumps; Bimini Boat Tops; Diesel Filters 理发椅,污水泵,比米尼游乐船,柴油过滤器
S21E13 Car Tires; Silk; Art Conservation; Scuba Tanks 汽车轮胎,丝绸,艺术保护,潜水氧气瓶
S22E01 Electric Stand-Up Vehicles; Frozen Fruit; Beer Coasters; Forged Door Handles 电动站立车,冰冻水果,啤酒杯垫,锻造门把手
S22E02 Rock Crushers;Fabric Lampshades;Cake Sprinkles;Steam Irons 岩石破碎机,织物灯罩,蛋糕彩条,蒸汽熨斗
S22E03 Indy Steering Wheels;Mixed Salad;Wind Turbines 印地赛车方向盘,什锦沙拉,风力涡轮机
S22E04 Blast Doors; Lipstick; Artificial Palm Trees; Brass Plaques 防爆门,口红,人造棕榈树,黄铜牌匾
S22E05 Carbon Fiber; Antique Frame Restoration; Railcar Movers; Hood Ornaments 碳纤维,古董保存架,有轨机车,车头装饰品
S22E06 Sawhorses and Toolboxes;Sorbet Pops;School Buses 史丹利工具箱,便携汁冰糕,校车
S22E07 Sanders;Solid Terrain Models;Stucco;High-Speed Roll-up Doors 抛光机,固体地形模型,水泥,高速卷门
S22E08 Pressed Glass;Pickup Truck Caps;Alpaca Yarn;Utility Knives 压制玻璃,敞蓬小型载货卡车,羊驼纱线,工具刀
S22E09 Body Casting; Downdraft Stoves; Compression Garments; Electric Motorcycles 身体模型,气流炉灶,长袜,电动摩托车
S22E10 Sidecars;Frozen French Toast;Refrigerator Compressors;Superchargers 摩托侧箱,冷冻法式土司,冰箱压缩机,增压器
S22E11 Custom Knee Braces;Air Conditioners;Window Films;Motorcycle Exhaust 定制膝盖支撑,空调,窗户贴膜,摩托车排气管
S22E12 Solid State Drives;Eye Shadow;Limousines;Dead Blow Hammers 固态硬盘,眼影,豪华加长轿车,香槟锤
S22E13 Dragster Tires; Icing; Floating Docks; Spiral Pipes 赛车轮胎,冰淇淋,飘浮船坞,螺旋管
S23E01 Motion Sensors; Belt Loaders; Pheasant Breeding; Diving Helmets 运动传感器,带式装载机,野鸡养殖,潜水头盔
S23E02 Rawhide Lampshades; Chocolate Chip Cookies; MRI Scanners 皮灯罩,巧克力饼干,核磁共振成像扫描仪
S23E03 Noise Barrier Walls; Front-Load Washers; Bourbon; Flexible Circuit 声音屏障墙,滚筒洗衣机,威士忌,柔性电路板(FPC)
S23E04 Railway Bridge Ties; Membrane Filters; Hydraulic Post Drivers; Bi-Planes 铁路桥梁枕木,膜过滤器,桩机,四翼飞机
S23E05 Hospital Laundry; Brass Instrument Restoration; Horse Replicas; Excavation 医院洗衣,铜管乐器修复,马复制品,挖掘机挖斗
本集看点: 用玻璃纤维制作空心复制品;巨厚钢板的激光切割,折弯与焊接;
S23E06 Ceramic Fireplaces; Synthetic Corks; Parking Garage Floor Slabs 陶瓷壁炉,合成软木塞,车库楼板
本集看点: 多种塑胶粒子组合的连续注塑;
S23E07 Oil Pressure Sensors; Printing; Equipment Simulators; Head & Neck Restraints 油压传感器,大型印刷,设备模拟器,护颈
本集看点: 打金线制程;
S23E08 Mobile Concert Stages; Mascara; Continuous Miners; Wood Gift Boxes 移动音乐会舞台,睫毛膏,挖煤机,木制礼品盒
S23E09 NASCAR Car Bodies; Hurley Sticks; Tube Amplifiers; Thermal Coffee Pots 纳斯卡跑车车身,赫尔利球球棒,声音放大器,热咖啡壶
S23E10 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; Grappa; Lunar Rover Replicas 电动汽车充电站; 格拉巴酒; 月球车复制品
S23E11 Slate Tiles; Hot Dog Carts; Garage Door Openers; Bicycle Seats 板岩瓷砖;热狗车; 车库门开启器; 自行车座椅
S23E12 Racing Leathers; Evaporative Cooling Towers; Rocking Chairs; Wire Wheels 赛车皮革;蒸发冷却塔; 摇椅; 钢丝轮
本集看点: 滚丝螺纹工艺;
S23E13 Mountain Bikes; Rice; Lever Action Rifles 山地自行车;大米;杠杆动作步枪
S23E14 Shark Week Edition: Surfboards; Diving Regulators; SCUBA Tanks; Water Skis 回收冲浪板; 潜水调节器; 潜水氧气瓶; 滑水板
S23E15 300th Episode - Shark Week Edition: Sails; Reef Aquariums; Oceanographic Buoys; Folding Kayaks 风帆; 珊瑚礁水族馆; 海洋浮标; 折叠皮划艇
S24E01 Saunas; Wheelchair Lifts; Dioramas 桑拿; 轮椅升降机; 立体模型
S24E02 Oil Lamps; Chocolate Mints; Underfloor Heating; Pillows 油灯; 巧克力薄荷糖; 地板采暖; 枕头
S24E03 Upright Pianos; Flags; Wet/Dry Vacuums; Medieval Axes 立式钢琴; 旗帜; 湿式/干式吸尘器; 中世纪斧头
S24E04 Skeletal Replicas; Ice Buckets; Dining Chairs; Inground Pools 骨骼复制品; 冰桶; 餐椅; 地下游泳池
S24E05 Automatic Sliding Doors; Gin; Firearms Restoration 自动推拉门; 杜松子酒; 枪械修复
S24E06 Scuba Lights; Sandals; Race Car Simulators; Fibreglass Doors 潜水灯;凉鞋;赛车模拟器; 玻璃钢门
S24E07 Wood Windows; Cashmere Fabric; Plastic Recycling; Architectural Glass 木窗; 羊绒面料; 塑料回收; 建筑玻璃
S24E08 Gas Barbecues; Mattress Pads; Ear Prostheses 燃气烧烤炉; 床垫; 耳假体
S24E09 Recycled Skateboards; Braided Pastry; Construction Trailers; Vises 回收滑板; 编织糕点; 施工拖车; 虎钳
S24E10 Plasma Gems; Special Effects Snow; Piano Restoration 等离子宝石; 特效雪; 钢琴修复
S24E11 3-Wheel Electric Bikes; Skin Cream; Patio Heaters; Wood Wheels 三轮电动自行车; 润肤霜; 天井取暖器; 木轮
S24E12 Old West Holsters; Underwater Video Housings; Soy Beverages; Pet Nail Trimmers 老西部皮套; 水下视频外壳; 大豆饮料; 宠物指甲修剪器
S24E13 Wood Garage Doors; Sand and Salt Spreaders; Animatronic Dinosaurs 木车库门; 沙子和盐撒布机; 电子动画恐龙
S25E01 Grammy Awards; Bicycle Lights; Above-Ground Pools; Foldable Solar Panels 格莱美奖; 自行车灯; 地上游泳池; 可折叠太阳能电池板
S25E02 Led Stage Lights; Apple Cider; Chemical Tank Trailers; Ornate Stone Floor LED舞台灯; 苹果酒; 化学品罐拖车; 华丽的石地板
S25E03 Fishing Line; Industrial Mixers; Natural Baking Soda; and Tow Trucks 钓鱼线; 工业搅拌机; 天然小苏打; 拖车
S25E04 Storage Sheds; Industrial Fans; Parchment Paper; and Climbing Walls 储藏棚; 工业风扇;羊皮纸;攀岩墙
S25E05 Precast Concrete Walls; 3D Printers; Telescopic Cranes; Kerosene Lamp Burners 预制混凝土墙; 3D 打印机; 伸缩式起重机; 煤油灯燃烧器
S25E06 Car Headlamps; Directional Drills; Pet Combs; and Stained Glass Restoration 汽车大灯; 定向钻; 宠物梳子; 彩色玻璃修复
S25E07 Handcrafted Skis; Septic Tanks; Hydroformed Chassis Parts; Aquarium Windows 手工制作的滑雪板; 化粪池; 液压成型底盘零件; 水族馆窗户
S25E08 Zip Line Brakes; Silk Fiber Lamps; Round Balers; Comfort Shoes 拉链线制动器; 丝纤维灯; 圆形打包机; 舒适鞋
S25E09 Armored Vehicles; Tension Fabric Buildings; Rowers; Sculpture Enlargements 装甲车; 张力织物建筑; 划船者; 雕塑放大
S25E10 Mountain Bike Suspensions; Surgical Sutures; Grain Dryers; and Frying Pans 山地自行车悬架; 手术缝合; 谷物烘干机; 煎锅
S25E11 Downhill Ski Bindings; Immersion Washers; Mining Ventilation; Pencil Sharpeners 速降滑雪绑定; 浸入式垫圈; 矿用通风; 卷笔刀
S25E12 Gingerbread Houses; Livestock Trailers; Hangar Doors; and Toy Figurines 姜饼屋; 牲畜拖车; 机库门; 玩具公仔
S25E13 Traffic Signal Poles; Coffee Filters; and Chainsaw Mining Machines; 交通信号杆; 咖啡过滤器; 链锯采矿机;
S26E01 Time-Delay Locks; Brownies; Pallet Dispensers; and Crystal Chandeliers 延时锁; 布朗尼; 托盘分配器; 水晶吊灯
S26E02 Bead Wire; Mini Pepperoni; Irrigation Sprinklers; and Leather Gloves 珠线; 迷你意大利辣香肠; 灌溉喷头; 皮手套
S26E03 Mouth-Blown Window Glass; Water Pumps; Sake; Tweezers 口吹窗玻璃; 水泵; 清酒; 镊子
S26E04 Statue Restoration; Tripods; Polish Sausages; Welding Guns 雕像修复; 三脚架; 波兰香肠; 焊枪
S26E05 Champagne; ATMs; Marine Turbochargers; 香槟酒; 自动���款机; 船用涡轮增压器;
S26E06 Sharpening Steels; Bladder Pumps; Ironing Boards; and Kayak Paddles 磨刀钢; 膀胱泵; 烫衣板; 皮划艇桨
S26E07 Champagne Hoods; Pneumatic Systems; Espresso Machines; Pizza Ovens 香槟罩; 气动系统; 浓缩咖啡机; 比萨烤箱
S26E08 Stile & Rail Doors, Steam Cleaners, Hand-Held Pizzas, and Power Brushes 轨道门;蒸汽清洁器;手持比萨饼;电动刷
S26E09 Industrial Casters; Wedding Cakes; THz Spectrometers; Racing Catamarans 工业脚轮; 婚礼蛋糕; 太赫兹光谱仪; 竞速双体船
S26E10 Ceramic Grills, Pneumatic Punchers, Water Jet Fountains, Wooden Surfboards 陶瓷烤架、气动打孔机、喷水喷泉、木制冲浪板
S26E11 Vibrating Mining Screens; Whoopie Pies; Utility Poles; Roller Conveyors 振动采矿筛; 百日咳派; 电线杆; 滚筒输送机
S26E12 Exercise Bikes; Cornish Pasties; Pasta Makers; Slate Products 健身车; 康沃尔馅饼; 面食制造商; 板岩产品
S26E13 Channel Signs, Wetsuits, and Aluminum Aircraft 航道标志;潜水服;铝制飞机
S27E01 CNC Assembly Machines; Lemon Tarts; Miniature War Figures 数控组装机; 柠檬馅饼; 微型战争人物
S27E02 Chemical Tank Pressure Vents; Candy Wafers; Food Trucks; Traditional Ropes 化学品罐压力通风口; 糖果晶圆; 食品卡车; 传统绳索
S27E03 Graphene; Worlds Smallest Car; Force Testers; Composite Cans 石墨烯; 世界上最小的汽车; 力测试仪; 复合罐
S27E04 LED tubes; chocolate peanut butter bars; robotic medication dispensers. LED灯管;巧克力花生酱棒;机器人配药器
S27E05 Commercial drones; aquarium fish; runway cleaners. 商用无人机; 观赏鱼; 跑道清洁工
S27E06 Wooden Matches, Tillage Machines, Telescopic Gangways 木火柴、耕地机、伸缩式舷梯
S27E07 Mosquito Coils, Solar-Assist Tricycles, Palm Oil, Fiberglass Chopper Guns 蚊香、太阳能辅助三轮车、棕榈油、玻璃纤维斩波枪
S27E08 Wood Toys, Retro Toasters, Laboratory Furnaces, Aerogel 木制玩具、复古烤面包机、实验室炉、气凝胶
S27E09 Combination Squares, Farmed Shrimp, Ball Valves and String Trimmers 组合方形、养殖虾、球阀和切线器
S27E10 Chinese-style Furniture, Electrical Switches, Thai Fish Sauce, Cappers 中式家具、电器开关、泰式鱼露、压盖机
S27E11 Mortars and pestles; bowling lane conditioners; crematories 研钵和研杵; 保龄球道调节器; 火葬场
S27E12 Race Car Oil Tanks; Plaster Mouldings; Lemongrass Oil 赛车油箱; 石膏线条; 柠檬草油
S27E13 Coconut Charcoal; Dial Indicators; Wet Downdraft Tables; Bassoon Reeds 椰子炭; 表盘指示器; 湿式下吸台; 巴松管簧片
S28E01 Classic Car Gauges; Chocolate Marble Cake; Ghillie Kettles 经典汽车仪表; ��克力大理石蛋糕; 吉利水壶
S28E02 Pasta Dies; Blueberries; Composting Toilets; Surge Arresters 面食模具; 蓝莓; 堆肥厕所; 避雷器
S28E03 Angle Grinders; Berry Baskets; Omnidirectional Speakers 角磨机; 浆果篮; 全向扬声器
S28E04 Cartridge Blades; Chocolate Banana Loaves; Vending 墨盒刀片; 巧克力香蕉面包; 自动售货机
S28E05 Ultra-Thin Glass; Pallet Dismantlers; Cupcakes; Stainless Steel 超薄玻璃; 托盘拆卸器; 纸杯蛋糕; 不锈钢
本集看点: 溢流熔融法制作的柔性超薄玻璃(应该是康宁);
S28E06 Potash; Leather Bracelets; Wild Rice; Hex Key L Wrenches 钾肥; 皮革手链; 野米; 六角扳手 L
S28E07 Nail Files; Birch Canoes; Boat Hardtops; High Voltage Circuit 指甲锉; 桦木独木舟; 船硬顶; 高压电路
S28E08 Macarons; Pine Needle Baskets; Micrometers 马卡龙; 松针篮; 千分尺
S28E09 Endoscopes; Megaphones; Uranium 内窥镜; 扩音器; 铀
S28E10 Hollow Disk Pumps; Palm Sugar; Yachts 空心圆盘泵; 棕榈糖; 游艇
S28E11 Abalone Collagen; Digital-to-Analog Converters; Embosssed 鲍鱼胶原蛋白; 数模转换器; 压花
S28E12 Thai Barbecues; Diving Masks & Fins; Bassoons 泰式烧烤; 潜水面罩和脚蹼; 巴松管
S28E13 Wooden Utensils; Transport Refrigeration Units; Moccasins 木制餐具; 运输制冷装置; 莫卡辛鞋
S29E01 Skateboard Wheels; Baklava & Galaktoboureko; CO2 滑板轮;千层酥皮奶冻玉米糕 ;二氧化碳
S29E02 Nuno Felt; Drum Crushers; Kimchi; Parquet Floors 努诺毡;鼓式破碎机;泡菜;镶木地板
S29E03 Wood Watches; Steel Bicycles; Raw Pet Food; Replica Police 木表; 钢制自行车; 生宠物食品; 复制警察
S29E04 Thermoplastic Fire Helmets; Basketry Sculptures; Coffee 热塑性消防头盔; 篮子雕塑; 咖啡
S29E05 Office Chairs; Vinobrew; Reconditioned Sander Drums 办公椅; 酒酿; 翻新砂光鼓
S29E06 Fireplace Bellows; Calissons; Diving Watercraft 壁炉波纹管; 卡利松; 潜水艇
S29E07 Artist Brushes; DEF Tank Heaters; Game Tables; Art Glass 艺术家画笔; DEF 储罐加热器; 游戏桌; 艺术玻璃
S29E08 Flying Water Bikes; Throttle Position Sensors; Cinnamon 飞行水上自行车; 油门位置传感器; 肉桂
S29E09 Foosball Tables; Marseille Soap; Laguiole Pocket Knives 桌上足球桌; 马赛皂; 拉吉奥小折刀
S29E10 Berets; Pastis; Stationary Bikes 贝雷帽; 意大利面食; 固定自行车
S29E11 Bistro Sets; Letterpress Printing; Bamboo Lights; Asphalt 小酒馆套餐; 凸版印刷; 竹灯; 沥青压车
S29E12 Technological Corks; Zinc Gutters; Traditional Ham; Chisteras 技术软木塞; 锌天沟; 传统火腿; 奇斯特拉斯游戏手臂
S29E13 Pentanque Ball; Biologic Medicines; Asphalt Pavers; Basques 滚球; 生物药物; 沥青摊铺机; 巴斯克鞋
第三十季推出时间为 2017-09-11至2017-12-18
S30E01 Leather Basketballs; Flood Gates; Wood Panel Canvases; Shoelaces 皮革篮球; 防洪闸; 木板画布; 鞋带
S30E02 Power Steering Pumps; Asian Bowl Meals; Walking Canes 动力转向泵; 亚洲碗餐; 手杖
S30E03 Plant Oil Extractors; Custom Chandeliers; Power Trainers; Coffee Pods 植物油提取器; 定制吊灯; 力量训练器; 咖啡包
S30E04 Witness Samples; Pressure Washers; Bee Hives; Cast Iron Cookers 见证样品; 压力垫圈; 蜂箱; 铸铁炊具
S30E05 Leather Sculptures; Travel Hot Plates; Ochre; Hurdy Gurdies 皮革雕塑; 旅行热板; 赭石;赫迪·古尔迪斯
S30E06 Spiral Stairs; Pita Bread; Exhaust Headers; Molded Limestone Artwork 螺旋楼梯; 皮塔饼; 排气集管; 模压石灰石艺术品
S30E07 Recycled Skateboard Guitars; Solar Street Lights; Dolls 回收的滑板吉他; 太阳能路灯; 娃娃
S30E08 Glass Sculptures; Racing Pulley Systems; Inductors; Medicine Balls 玻璃雕塑; 赛车滑轮系统; 电感器; 药丸
S30E09 Fish Rubbings; Clay Shooting Machines; Almonds; High-End Motorcycles 鱼拓片; 粘土射击机; 杏仁; 高端摩托车
S30E10 Throttle Bodies; Limestone Fireplace Mantels; Candied Fruit & Fruit Jellies; Linen Ukulele 节气门体; 石灰石壁炉架; 蜜饯和果冻; 亚麻尤克里里
S30E11 Rubber Balls; Motion Chairs; Montreal Smoked Meat; Motorized Scooters 橡胶球; 运动椅; 蒙特利尔熏肉; 电动滑板车
S30E12 Aerospace Fasteners; Cactus Pear Puree; Lab Reactors 航空紧固件; 仙人掌梨泥; 实验室反应器
S30E13 Wall Beds; Sundae Cups; Digital Paintings; Badminton Rackets 壁床; 圣代杯; 数字绘画; 羽毛球拍
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starfirelove · 5 years ago
The Tunnel Of Love
“You dragged me all the way out here…to get on this?”
Remus stared at Sirius incredulously.
“Yep,” Sirius nodded.
Remus groaned and took another look at the ride. It was a massive boat ride that dipped into a large tunnel. The whole thing was adorned in hearts and roses and the words Tunnel Of Love were printed on an archway at the front in swooping cursive letters. The whole thing was oddly intimidating and mildly sickening.
Remus shook his head. “No. No way. I’m not getting on that thing.”
Sirius flashed him a wide smile, his grey eyes brimming with joy. Slipping an arm around Remus’ waist he said, “The way I see it there’s no real downside to you getting on it.”
Remus raised an eyebrow and peered down at his boyfriend. “Oh? And how do you figure that one?”
Sirius shrugged. “Well we’re already here and you wouldn’t want to waste a trip.”
Remus scoffed. He could think of plenty of times when Sirius had opted out of an activity once they’d gotten to the venue.
“You can’t be serious. I can think of plenty of times when you’ve done just that.”
Sirius laughed, he knew Remus was right. Still, not one to admit defeat he said, “I’m always Sirius.”
Remus narrowed his eyes at him. That joke had gotten old the first time they’d used it.
“Ha ha. You’re not clever.”
“I think I am. Besides, Lily and James are getting on it and I refuse to let them “out-couple” us on Valentines Day.”
The ride looks even worse up close, Remus thought. The shades of pink and red that the ride was decorated in were brighter and clashed even more horribly. Remus was honestly quite surprised that Sirius had talked him into this. Normally he’d have run away from this type of ride as fast as possible. He’d been on something like this before, and well, let’s just say that singing plastic animals would haunt his subconscious forever.
Lily seemed even more surprised that he was here than Remus did himself. She had raised her eyebrows so high Remus had begun to wonder if they’d just float away. Twisting away from James to get a better look at her friends who were making their way towards them. Sirius, not even remotely bothered by the death glares they received as he elbowed and shoved people out of their way. Leaving Remus to quickly apologize before being tugged forward.
“Remus?” Lily had asked. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m not quite sure myself, actually.”
“He’s here to experience the wonders of love!” James exclaimed wrapping an arm around Remus’ shoulder. Remus frowned at him and quickly extracted himself.
Lily rolled her eyes at him. “I would’ve thought this wasn’t your cup of tea, for lack of better phrasing.”
“It isn’t,” Remus assured her. “Unfortunately this idiot over here managed to convince me.” He flicked his head towards Sirius.
“In the end, love always wins,” Sirius chirped.
Remus snorted. “Oh please. He lured me here under the promise of buying me chocolate once we got off this hell ride.”
Lily laughed at the wounded look on Sirius’ face. “Sounds about right.”
They shuffled forward a bit as the line progressed. Remus could now see the small two person boats disappear around the bend of the makeshift lake and into the tunnel. They looked rather small. He wasn’t sure how he was going to fit himself into one of those boats. He also knew that there was no backing out of this now and he’d have to make it work somehow. Remus let out a long suffering sigh.
“Cheer up, Remus!” James said. “It’s Valentine's Day! Be happy and experience the joys of young love.”
“I think you mean it’s Single People Appreciation Day,” Remus corrected, ducking to avoid a rather awkwardly placed wooden beam.
“But you’re not single,” Sirius pointed out.
“No,” Remus agreed. He cast the ride another venomous look. “But sometimes I wish I was.”
Sirius pouted. “Ouch, Remus. Just ouch.”
They’d finally reached the front of the line, watching as Lily and James drifted away in their own boat. The operator pulled on a lever and Remus watched as another boat pulled up to the side of the ride. The man motioned for someone to come forward and it took Remus a solid second to realize that he meant them.
Lucky for Remus (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) Sirius was there to pull Remus down the stairs and keep him from looking like an idiot. Sirius stepped into the boat first, water sloshing over the sides and into the bottom. He looked expectantly up at Remus who after a moment climbed into the boat.
Remus has been right, it was cramped. And with his and Sirius’ combined weight he’d been afraid the little boat might capsize. It had titled precariously to one side and dripped water into Remus’ jeans. He already hated this thing.
A boy who couldn’t have been much older than they were slumped over to their boat. He was holding a smoothie in one hand while he rested his other on the stair railing.
“Welcome to The Tunnel of Love,” he said dispassionately. He continued on in his monotonous tone, each word sounding more dead than the last.
“Where Love is born and happiness thrives. May our soothing waters relax your souls and let you fall in sync with the rhythm of love.”
Remus blinked. Rhythm of Love?? He was pretty sure he’d heard that in a song somewhere. Judging from the look on the guys face, this place looked more like where happiness came to die.
“Enjoy your ride,” the boy said boredly. He signaled to a guy in a booth, near the opposite side of the ride. Remus was jolted forward as the ride was carried away on the converybelt. His legs bent at an awkward angle. He was willing to bet that at least one of his legs would fall asleep by the end of this ride.
Sirius latched onto his arm and smiled happily at him. His eyes bubbling like champagne.
“This is going to be great!”
“Yeah,” Remus said, uncertain “Great.”
The ride was most decidedly not great. As a matter of fact it had been just as awful as Remus had expected and somehow, amazingly, even worse.
Lily giggled when she saw the two of them exit the ride. Remus was soaking wet, dripping water from where he’d taken a dip in the water. The look he was giving Sirius could’ve killed. On the contrary, Sirius was exuberant. He all but skipped over to Lily and James.
“That. Was. Fantastic!!” Sirius said, drawing out each syllable.
“Agree to disagree,” Remus said bitterly.
“What on earth happened?” Lily asked, not even trying to hide her laughter.
“Remus took a dip in the river of love,” Sirius said cheerfully. “It was rather funny.”
Lily laughed while Remus scowled at his boyfriend. Remus was wearing wet jeans and a sweater that felt more like a sponge at this point. He couldn’t see any humor in this situation.
James just shrugged. “I guess he just wasn’t feeling the rhythm of love.”
“Oh I was definitely feeling the rhythm of something,” Remus said casting another evil glance at the so-called river. “But it definitely wasn’t love.”
James snorted and allowed himself to be tugged along to a gift shop by Lily.
“Come on, let's get the prints!”
“Yes,” Sirius said. “Let’s definitely do that.”
Remus groaned. He’d forgotten about the cameras. He most certainly didn’t want this moment immortalized in the form of a crappy photograph. There wasn’t much he could do, though. So he followed the others towards the shop.
He’d just finished wringing out most of the water from his sweater, when Lily, James, and Sirius finally emerged from the shop.
James and Lily started off in another direction — Lily pointing around something in the distance — while Sirius walked over to Remus.
“Y’know, I think these are some great pictures,” Sirius said, looking fondly at the pictures in his hand.
The cameras had managed to capture the exact moment Remus had fallen out of the boat and the exact moment he’d come back up from the water, looking like an extremely disgruntled and out of place fish. While Sirius, as usual, looked flawless. Dark hair curled in a halo around his face, head tilted upwards frozen in silent laughter. It had even captured the singing Cupid in the background, belting out some horrible robotic version of Stevie Wonder’s “Isn’t She Lovely.”
“I don’t know if I’d call them ‘great’, Padfoot.”
Sirius laughed, that loud, happy, sound that made fireworks go off inside Remus. Warming him to his core despite being sopping wet.
Sirius smiled down at the photos again. “Well, you definitely look lovely, and wonderful.” He looked up at Remus, his smile widening. “And night I add, very pretty too.”
Remus made an inarticulate sound of despair. “That song has been permanently ruined for me,” he grumbled.
Sirius grabbed Remus’ elbow and dragged Remus closer to him.
“Nah, I think it’s infinitely better now.”
“You would,” Remus said, allowing himself to be pulled closer to Sirius. His arms resting on his hips.
Sirius reached his arms around his neck. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Moony.”
Remus smiled softly at him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Then Sirius pressed their lips together, wrapping his arms around his back and tugging him closer. When they broke apart Remus was slightly breathless, and Sirius was beaming.
“Now,” Remus said. “Let’s go get my chocolate.”
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hillbillied · 5 years ago
Hii. I'm soo loving your writing for Hillbilly/Andy. Please can I request no 48? X
Send me a prompt with a character/pairing. “If you want to get me naked, you’ll have to convince me it’ll be worth my time.”
thanks very much!! love me some andy/eddie writing frankly
(NSFW under the cut, 18+ only)
Andy’s reading the paper.
Got to keep informed on the happenings of the world. He’s old fashioned like that, in a lot of ways. The harmless kind of traditional; he likes to get the daily print, he wears shirts with collars, he owns a record player. The radio’s tuned to the country channel because they both like it. (Andy’s got Stockholm syndrome for the twang of a soft guitar thanks to his boyfriend’s prowess with the instrument.)
He’s enjoying the sports section when Eddie disturbs him. Which normally means one of two things, Andy thinks; something important is needed or the man's horny. Glancing up from the local football results, they both know it’s the latter.
Arms folded across his chest like he’s got some justice to serve, Hillbilly cracks his neck and asks; “Y’ gon’ read that thing front t’back?” It’s an accusation Andy doesn’t rise to.
“Maybe.” He says and it’s teasing. He licks his finger (purposely) and turns the page. “Why, is there something you need?” The formality is his Captain Voice, through and through, the tone reserved for sitting behind a marine office desk about ready to tear his hair out from boredom.
“Well, I jus’ pulled these out the closet.” The table shakes as Eddie lifts his leg, planting his boot firmly on the wooden surface. (They agreed on buying a strong, sturdy kitchen table. The kind that could take the weight of, say, two grown men. Or a big meal or something, whatever.) This particular pair are cowboy boots, not originally owned by Eddie. Who, he reminded Andy at the time, is Appalachian. Cowboys are a vaguely South-western, cow ranching, rattlesnake wrangling, Bible thumping, biscuits-and-gravy kind of thing. Not where Hillbilly’s from.
Andy didn’t care then and he certainly doesn’t care now. 
Those boots make the heat flare in across his skin, a sudden need to draw breath taking him. He plays it cool.
He pretends he doesn’t have the saddest, most embarrassing kink in the universe - and just turns back to his paper. He plays it cool. “Oh?” He muses, “I’d forgot about those.” (He had absolutely not forgot about those.) Eddie glances away in exasperation, stopping short of rolling his eyes. Still, he persists; boot on the table, arms crossed, piercing stare trained back on his boyfriend.
Andy lets out a sigh, still ignoring the heated silence. “If you want to get me naked, Eddie, you’ll have to convince me it’ll be worth my time.” He says.
Immediately, he receives a look of awe-inspired shock. Eddie’s lips are parted, eyebrows raised at the insolence on display before him. The absolute audacity and honest-to-God disrespect. The surprise fades as Hillbilly’s leg is pulled from the table. (Briefly, Andy believes he’s overplayed his hand and will be going to bed giggling but sad, with no hope of getting any. It would not be worth the bit.)
“Well, I couldn’ possibly know” The taller man begins, “how t’make it ‘worth y’time’…” Andy is relieved Eddie’s still here but focusing on the newspaper has become a new challenge, those boots snapping against the floorboards. Circling the table, Eddie’s finger remains on its surface. Dragging, slowly, over the polished wood. The fine print blurs as Ack Ack desperately squints its way.
“It’s warm out,” Eddie’s talking softly as the newspaper brushes his chest. He leans over, reaching across the table. Back arched and ass raised away from Andy, more’s the pity. His lips brush Ack Ack’s ear as he says “maybe I could slip off this ol’ thing.” His free hand toys with his t-shirt for a moment. Fingers catching on the fabric, he drags it up over his hips, drawing the hem carefully across his ribs. With the newspaper slipping further and further downwards as Andy’s grip slackens, he gets a close-up of Eddie’s muscles, the curves of his stomach, the heavy belt he wears that conceals all but the top of his happy trail. 
“Or,” Hillbilly mumbles quietly, and his hand changes course, letting his t-shirt fall back into place. (Ack Ack’s cheek twitches as he is robbed of seeing his boyfriend’s pecks, that handsome display of skin torn cruelly from him.) “I could place m’self-” One hand still on the table, the other grips the back of Andy’s chair, “right here.” The man jolts as he’s tugged closer, having to bite his lip as his strong boyfriend prepositions his boots, one at a painful time, on either side of Ack Ack’s knees.
With the chair and table as leverage, Eddie can lower himself down agonisingly careful, concentrating on carefully straddling his boyfriend’s lap like it’s a complex routine. (Every muscle in Andy’s body has to fight the urge to grab Hillbilly’s hips and pull.) When that pressure finally lands and their groins are pressed together, Ack Ack can’t help but shut his eyes. Momentarily, of course. Eddie can’t hold back his menacing grin. The newspaper’s been abandoned to the floor, Andy’s hands instead curled into fists, one on the table and the other by his side.
Hillbilly arches his back, pretending to stretch. It grinds their cocks together through far too many layers of denim, their stomachs brushing in the movement. They can feel the heat of each other’s skin through their thin shirts. Andy can’t resist and grunts, his hands moving to squeeze the muscles of his boyfriend’s thighs. His hands are dutifully removed as Eddie tuts, relocating Ack Ack’s grip to the chair he sits on. (He obediently grips the seat instead, nails digging into the wood in frustration.)
“I can also, if y’remember,” Hillbilly says, his breath carrying his words that short inch to Andy’s ear, “Pull these off-” As he speaks, one hand moves back to the hem of shirt, lifting it in order to hook a thumb into the waistband of his jeans. He pulls with that thumb, levering both his pants and underwear away from his skin. (Ack Ack tilts his head instinctively to get a better look downward, the cruel lighting between them only revealing the shadowed outline of his boyfriend’s cock.) “without-” Eddie mutters and the pause is punctuated by the snap of his waistband springing back into place, “taking the boots off.” 
With his thumb tugged free, his hand slides up to his mouth as he pulls back from Andy’s ear to face him. That single digit is inserted between his lips, sucking on it briefly like he’d tasted something sweet. The soft pop when Hillbilly’s pulls his finger free has Ack Ack’s nostrils flaring.
“Do y’think that might be-” Eddie whispers, his lips ghosting against his boyfriend’s, “worth your while?”
Unable to cope, Andy releases the grip on the chair. He’s too slow; Eddie rolls his hip one final time, grinding their cocks together before he pulls away, gracefully bringing his legs free and straightening up again. He hums along with whatever radio tune has been fulfilling the role of white noise to Ack Ack’s growing erection.
Tipping his head back, Andy releases an aggressive groan. Eddie laughs at him, already sidling his way towards the bedroom. A grip on his wrist means he doesn’t make his destination. The couch is apparently closure.
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