#minor spelling/grammar infraction
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starfirelove · 5 years ago
The Tunnel Of Love
“You dragged me all the way out here…to get on this?”
Remus stared at Sirius incredulously.
“Yep,” Sirius nodded.
Remus groaned and took another look at the ride. It was a massive boat ride that dipped into a large tunnel. The whole thing was adorned in hearts and roses and the words Tunnel Of Love were printed on an archway at the front in swooping cursive letters. The whole thing was oddly intimidating and mildly sickening.
Remus shook his head. “No. No way. I’m not getting on that thing.”
Sirius flashed him a wide smile, his grey eyes brimming with joy. Slipping an arm around Remus’ waist he said, “The way I see it there’s no real downside to you getting on it.”
Remus raised an eyebrow and peered down at his boyfriend. “Oh? And how do you figure that one?”
Sirius shrugged. “Well we’re already here and you wouldn’t want to waste a trip.”
Remus scoffed. He could think of plenty of times when Sirius had opted out of an activity once they’d gotten to the venue.
“You can’t be serious. I can think of plenty of times when you’ve done just that.”
Sirius laughed, he knew Remus was right. Still, not one to admit defeat he said, “I’m always Sirius.”
Remus narrowed his eyes at him. That joke had gotten old the first time they’d used it.
“Ha ha. You’re not clever.”
“I think I am. Besides, Lily and James are getting on it and I refuse to let them “out-couple” us on Valentines Day.”
The ride looks even worse up close, Remus thought. The shades of pink and red that the ride was decorated in were brighter and clashed even more horribly. Remus was honestly quite surprised that Sirius had talked him into this. Normally he’d have run away from this type of ride as fast as possible. He’d been on something like this before, and well, let’s just say that singing plastic animals would haunt his subconscious forever.
Lily seemed even more surprised that he was here than Remus did himself. She had raised her eyebrows so high Remus had begun to wonder if they’d just float away. Twisting away from James to get a better look at her friends who were making their way towards them. Sirius, not even remotely bothered by the death glares they received as he elbowed and shoved people out of their way. Leaving Remus to quickly apologize before being tugged forward.
“Remus?” Lily had asked. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m not quite sure myself, actually.”
“He’s here to experience the wonders of love!” James exclaimed wrapping an arm around Remus’ shoulder. Remus frowned at him and quickly extracted himself.
Lily rolled her eyes at him. “I would’ve thought this wasn’t your cup of tea, for lack of better phrasing.”
“It isn’t,” Remus assured her. “Unfortunately this idiot over here managed to convince me.” He flicked his head towards Sirius.
“In the end, love always wins,” Sirius chirped.
Remus snorted. “Oh please. He lured me here under the promise of buying me chocolate once we got off this hell ride.”
Lily laughed at the wounded look on Sirius’ face. “Sounds about right.”
They shuffled forward a bit as the line progressed. Remus could now see the small two person boats disappear around the bend of the makeshift lake and into the tunnel. They looked rather small. He wasn’t sure how he was going to fit himself into one of those boats. He also knew that there was no backing out of this now and he’d have to make it work somehow. Remus let out a long suffering sigh.
“Cheer up, Remus!” James said. “It’s Valentine's Day! Be happy and experience the joys of young love.”
“I think you mean it’s Single People Appreciation Day,” Remus corrected, ducking to avoid a rather awkwardly placed wooden beam.
“But you’re not single,” Sirius pointed out.
“No,” Remus agreed. He cast the ride another venomous look. “But sometimes I wish I was.”
Sirius pouted. “Ouch, Remus. Just ouch.”
They’d finally reached the front of the line, watching as Lily and James drifted away in their own boat. The operator pulled on a lever and Remus watched as another boat pulled up to the side of the ride. The man motioned for someone to come forward and it took Remus a solid second to realize that he meant them.
Lucky for Remus (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) Sirius was there to pull Remus down the stairs and keep him from looking like an idiot. Sirius stepped into the boat first, water sloshing over the sides and into the bottom. He looked expectantly up at Remus who after a moment climbed into the boat.
Remus has been right, it was cramped. And with his and Sirius’ combined weight he’d been afraid the little boat might capsize. It had titled precariously to one side and dripped water into Remus’ jeans. He already hated this thing.
A boy who couldn’t have been much older than they were slumped over to their boat. He was holding a smoothie in one hand while he rested his other on the stair railing.
“Welcome to The Tunnel of Love,” he said dispassionately. He continued on in his monotonous tone, each word sounding more dead than the last.
“Where Love is born and happiness thrives. May our soothing waters relax your souls and let you fall in sync with the rhythm of love.”
Remus blinked. Rhythm of Love?? He was pretty sure he’d heard that in a song somewhere. Judging from the look on the guys face, this place looked more like where happiness came to die.
“Enjoy your ride,” the boy said boredly. He signaled to a guy in a booth, near the opposite side of the ride. Remus was jolted forward as the ride was carried away on the converybelt. His legs bent at an awkward angle. He was willing to bet that at least one of his legs would fall asleep by the end of this ride.
Sirius latched onto his arm and smiled happily at him. His eyes bubbling like champagne.
“This is going to be great!”
“Yeah,” Remus said, uncertain “Great.”
The ride was most decidedly not great. As a matter of fact it had been just as awful as Remus had expected and somehow, amazingly, even worse.
Lily giggled when she saw the two of them exit the ride. Remus was soaking wet, dripping water from where he’d taken a dip in the water. The look he was giving Sirius could’ve killed. On the contrary, Sirius was exuberant. He all but skipped over to Lily and James.
“That. Was. Fantastic!!” Sirius said, drawing out each syllable.
“Agree to disagree,” Remus said bitterly.
“What on earth happened?” Lily asked, not even trying to hide her laughter.
“Remus took a dip in the river of love,” Sirius said cheerfully. “It was rather funny.”
Lily laughed while Remus scowled at his boyfriend. Remus was wearing wet jeans and a sweater that felt more like a sponge at this point. He couldn’t see any humor in this situation.
James just shrugged. “I guess he just wasn’t feeling the rhythm of love.”
“Oh I was definitely feeling the rhythm of something,” Remus said casting another evil glance at the so-called river. “But it definitely wasn’t love.”
James snorted and allowed himself to be tugged along to a gift shop by Lily.
“Come on, let's get the prints!”
“Yes,” Sirius said. “Let’s definitely do that.”
Remus groaned. He’d forgotten about the cameras. He most certainly didn’t want this moment immortalized in the form of a crappy photograph. There wasn’t much he could do, though. So he followed the others towards the shop.
He’d just finished wringing out most of the water from his sweater, when Lily, James, and Sirius finally emerged from the shop.
James and Lily started off in another direction — Lily pointing around something in the distance — while Sirius walked over to Remus.
“Y’know, I think these are some great pictures,” Sirius said, looking fondly at the pictures in his hand.
The cameras had managed to capture the exact moment Remus had fallen out of the boat and the exact moment he’d come back up from the water, looking like an extremely disgruntled and out of place fish. While Sirius, as usual, looked flawless. Dark hair curled in a halo around his face, head tilted upwards frozen in silent laughter. It had even captured the singing Cupid in the background, belting out some horrible robotic version of Stevie Wonder’s “Isn’t She Lovely.”
“I don’t know if I’d call them ‘great’, Padfoot.”
Sirius laughed, that loud, happy, sound that made fireworks go off inside Remus. Warming him to his core despite being sopping wet.
Sirius smiled down at the photos again. “Well, you definitely look lovely, and wonderful.” He looked up at Remus, his smile widening. “And night I add, very pretty too.”
Remus made an inarticulate sound of despair. “That song has been permanently ruined for me,” he grumbled.
Sirius grabbed Remus’ elbow and dragged Remus closer to him.
“Nah, I think it’s infinitely better now.”
“You would,” Remus said, allowing himself to be pulled closer to Sirius. His arms resting on his hips.
Sirius reached his arms around his neck. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Moony.”
Remus smiled softly at him. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Then Sirius pressed their lips together, wrapping his arms around his back and tugging him closer. When they broke apart Remus was slightly breathless, and Sirius was beaming.
“Now,” Remus said. “Let’s go get my chocolate.”
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strangerthingsrpdiscord · 3 years ago
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Hello and welcome to the tumblr blog for the Stranger Things Roleplay Discord Server! What a mouthful.
This blog is essentially for managing entry and applications for the discord server I'm going to make for the RP community here to join. As a lot of you know, it's very easy to hit post limit as a RP blog on tumblr, and that's something we won't have to worry about on Discord. Tumblr also doesn't have a group chat feature and Discord is a solution for that as well.
Now, here's a rundown of how this server will be:
18+ ONLY. No minors will be allowed into this server. Full stop. Please do not lie about your age. If you do and mods find out, you will immediately be kicked with NO opportunity for reentry. Ever.
Literate roleplay only. This means writing your thread replies in full, third person paragraphs with proper grammar and spelling. There will be a "group chat" channel where characters can essentially "text" each other in first person. However, for proper threads, no first person or asterisk roleplay.
Each person can have a maximum of one canon character. There are a lot of people who want to be in this server and play canon characters, so letting anyone play more than one really wouldn't be fair.
Dead characters are still playable. We're essentially functioning in an AU where these characters either died and came back (through ooky-spooky Upside Down magic) or had a near-death experience rather than actually dying. You're at liberty to decide how/why your character is alive. Making them undead, a vampire, a ghost, etc. is totally okay.
OCs are welcome. That being said, do not assume a relationship with any other characters without discussing with the writer of that character! That means no sibling/lovers/exes/parents/etc. unless you've cleared it with the person who plays that character. If you play a canon character, you are not obligated to say yes.
If you'd like to change your character a little bit from the canon, that's okay, just make it clear with the mods first. Small changes are fine.
This server will include NSFW. Threads that include smut, gore, death, drug use, or any other potentially triggering topics will be allowed. All I ask is that you discuss these topics with your RP partner before starting a thread. Do not throw these topics into a thread without making sure your RP partner is okay with it!!
There will be both SFW and NSFW channels, so if you aren't comfortable with NSFW, there will still be spaces for you.
If you'd like to play one canon character and one OC, that is okay. Just ask the mods before adding any character(s).
As time goes on, canon characters that haven't been taken will become available to server members. Meaning if we're three months in and no one has picked Lucas, for example, someone in the server who already plays a different canon character would be able to apply to write for Lucas as well.
Underage characters can be written for, just stay out of NSFW channels as those characters. If you write 18+ content as these characters, you will be kicked from the server.
For the love of god, please don't start drama. We're all adults. I don't want to have to manage everyone like you're children, so just... no judgment please.
We'll have activity checks about once a month. If you go inactive without informing a mod that you'll be gone, you'll be kicked to free up that character for someone else.
There will be a strike system for minor infractions; starting fights, posting in the wrong channels continuously, interrupting threads, etc.
Now, as you can probably tell, I've decided that it just makes the most sense if we only have one of each character. I know that's unfortunate and probably disappointing, but I just couldn't really see a way to make it viable to have multiple of one person.
So, if you'd like to apply to be in the server, feel free to fill out the application below and DM it to this blog! Don't be afraid to ask questions, either!
I will make a post to keep track of which characters are taken as we accept people <3 Also, I'm looking for mods! Anyone I interact with often and know I can trust, DM me if you are interested!
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Writer Name:
Writer Age (18+):
Writer Pronouns:
Discord (Numbers included!):
Character(s) Wanted:
Writing Example (2+ Paragraph preferred):
What are you most interested in writing?:
Do you promise not to judge/bully?:
A fun fact about you:
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coolsaid19 · 6 years ago
Academic Proofreading And Editing Services Are Ideal For Working College Students
By Kevin Lewis
When life happens, there is no going back into time. However, few situations are without resolve and there is always a chance to make life improvements, given an individual is willing to put in the work. There is a solid career choice for everyone and sometimes the road to career satisfaction calls for advanced education. The process can be lengthy but accessing the right resources can make the transition smoother, like an academic proofreading and editing specialist that knows what higher learning institutions are looking for. Professional writers often go through the same thing, especially when it comes to topics that require extensive research. They may have taken the best notes and created an outline that touches all subject points. However, it is common for them to have a new idea in the middle of the night or in the middle of another job. Whether a student or freelance writer, sometimes these moments come at the least convenient moments. It may also help to take a library research course. Many of these can be taken for college credit and are ideal for students who take online courses. These also assist with formatting citations and writing paragraphs that are succinct yet transition easily to the next pointer. When it comes to writing the college paper and timing, some people like to allow a certain number of hours every week. Usually setting milestones works better than writing content based on personal experiences and random references. Sometimes people who enjoy writing or write for a living may have the discipline to handle the latter approach but it is not recommended for the novice wordsmith. No matter how brilliant a person is in a certain subject, not everyone can write a simple essay, let alone a thesis. While minor infractions like grammar or spelling may not cause much damage, it helps to present a product that is impeccable. Having a set of fresh eyes can help with small details that make a difference. Transitions, conclusion, even details that bring more clarity to each section are just some things most graduate and undergraduate students struggle with when balancing work with studies. Although the internet makes academic writing a lot easier, free services should not be a primary source of help. Another mistake people make is waiting until the last minute to use free or limited use fact checkers that are not proven to give fully accurate results. As it can take time to find the right one, the best measure is to go with samples, testimonials, and perhaps having an honest question and answer session. While some services may do the work themselves, they should also disclose when projects are being submitted to an outside party. Freelancers may be too proud, or short on personal funds, to turn down a new client but this is why it helps to choose an operation that has been around for a while. While there are many operations that offer features like fast turnaround or a discount through social media is applied, it helps to choose a company that has knowledge about specific subjects or an industry. Having a short discussion before the project helps, as well as creating a reasonable timeline. Most reputable services require this prior to starting but if this is not the case, the client should feel confident about giving reasonable directives. Taking a passive role in educational pursuits can be a waste of time and money.
About the Author:
You can get valuable tips on how to pick a proofreader and more information about a professional who offers academic proofreading and editing services at https://ift.tt/2MuHSeT now.
Academic Proofreading And Editing Services Are Ideal For Working College Students via Technical Writing Examples https://ift.tt/2DljGdc
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writer59january13 · 7 years ago
Papa Prizes Prurient Pubescent Pussy Riot Glacis
Preface: Adjust wanna zang up ply yen mull lil yang see king wang to wa er re:ca jung thang worm eye woody slang thing would ricochet
    like a boomer rang
arg unfair cell a lube     bus see induces penile pang
else phallus further atrophies     and doth hang like a limp biscuit – dang thus aye wanna bang.
(alternately titled: a pudendum posse petty filed trophy - 
by hy phen made declarative).
Appearance of the New Courier
(with namesake "Georgia Ives")
flew into the courtroom
faster than Bold face WingDings.
After the judge opened
waxed sealed envelope stamped
with official legal imprimatur
sound of silence filled courtroom.
Once particulars perused
highlighing prickly principle details,
a noticeable con jug gay shun
didst Impact countenance of attired judge.
Recess announced at authority decree
(spelled out with quotation marks high lighting dotted i's and crossed t's) figuratively a nouns sing moratorium for those accused of run on sentences, split infinitives, then versus than... incorrect usage of ellipses, et cetera.
The justice of supreme court critically espied quotation marks (underscoring reductio ad absurdum Times New Roman regulation) against stiff penile penalty asper those who commit rhetorical perturbations.
This lenient fiat occurred immediate by innocent omission of a colon, which subsequently, naturally, and immediately affected every future jury presiding over a defendant applying incorrect punctuation.
A favorite comma cull anecdote often repeated by my late english grammar (a palliative to me psyche despite the multi-generational difference in age) happened, when she celebrated twenty and counting punctual marks, whence time in utero came to an end period.
Many question marks still abound as per the specific circumstances of this generally uneventful birth, only she seemed to dash from womb (of her mother
mine great grandmother christened Latina Greco) with a pointed exclamation declaration of independence while bodily constitution adorned with supposedly shimmering invisible golden braces and full set of teeth.
Somewhat averse to authoritarianism and mores of assuming sir name
of the groom, she maintained nom
de plume affixed on her birth certificate.
If born that way today, and ready
to pledge marital vow, would
probably follow common custom
and hyphenate name of beau similar
to newlyweds of this day and very moment.
Back in those days though,
town’s folk exclaimed with
pointed superstition that a baby born
after being bracketed nine months
within womb (which seemed
like an eternal sentence), and equipped
with means to esse chew would
most likely experience little colon difficulty.
As a dignified divine dowager,
she willingly shared her cradle
to graveside tidbits (populated
with many wisecracks and
marked quotations from a life that spanned more than a century21.
Whip pet smart, and sharp as a pin
(the latter term somewhat out of vogue),
this independent woman
(who married into nobility
from humble roots) frequently evinced
el shaped lips when un
suspecting recipient ensnared
of her harmless ingenious pranks.
Aside from what many considered
childlike antics (which characteristic
salient trait appealed to this grandson),
she excelled at verbal adroitness
and could spin a jesting lightly
mocking pun, which seemed
to quiver with an invisible
apostrophe shaped blackened barb.
Though privileged parochial parents,
her inherited diadems, empirical peers,    the people of proletariat class felt
figuratively parenthetically
included as persons of concern
to this genteel dame.
She exemplified and wore that moniker
noblesse oblige with utmost
august excellence, and whenever
the need or wont arose to address
the madding crowd, (this
crowned empress) resorted
to non-verbal communication ala semaphore.
Her lily-white hands (most often
remained sheathed in Palmolive clad ding silken gloves - exuded
a faint patrician touch) partitioned
the air with arabesques accentuated
with sign language for those
among teeming masses
unable to hear or in fact tone deaf.
Regular adherence to being grammatically
(yet not necessarily politically) correct
witnessed the air being sliced with even
less familiar punctuation symbols
such as the emdash, en-dash.
Even doctorates of English and
strict task masters (whose
frowning scowls strongly resembled
semicolons when even minor indiscretions,
infractions, transgressions, et cetera
with english language observed)
never found fault with this
former bohemian, whose rhapsodic,
melodic, linguistic voice ameliorated
dark memories from dereliction dis
played by former queen.
She also received treatment of
a champion lyricist, whereby every lyre
(got set on fire) from utterance akin
to a choir of hells angels, yet this
chanteuse voice rang thru
azure vault causing small hairs
of spine to experience a pleasant
electric shock therapy.
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