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dtpnews · 20 days ago
Samsung Galaxy A36 5G vs Galaxy A35 5G: differenze principali
Intro Samsung ha appena annunciato un nuovo telefono di fascia mediaIL Galaxy A36che prenderà il relè dalla più antica Galaxy A35 e porterà lo sforzo di fascia media fino al 2025. In che modo Samsung ha migliorato la formula vincente? Galaxy A36 vs Galaxy A35 Differenze: Galaxy A36 5G Galaxy A35 5G Telefono molto più sottile in generale (7,4 mm) Design di galassia standard con corpo spesso 8,2…
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artifacts-and-arthropods · 1 year ago
The Princely Tiger Moth: these strikingly colorful moths can be found in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras
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The princely tiger moth (Chrysocale principalis) has a unique, almost rainbow-like appearance, with iridescent/metallic scales that produce a broad range of colors across the wings, thorax, and abdomen. These colors can include shades of pink, gold, green, blue, and purple.
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This species is particularly colorful, but aposomatic coloration in general is a trait that occurs in many different species of tiger moth; the moths often store toxic and/or unpalatable compounds within their own bodies as a way to discourage predators from eating them, and their brightly-colored markings then warn the predators to stay away.
Moths are often viewed as the boring, more plainly-colored version of butterflies, but they are much more diverse, more interesting, and more colorful than people generally realize -- as the princely tiger moth (and many other species) clearly demonstrates.
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Chrysocale regalis: this species belongs to the same genus, and has a similarly colorful appearance
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Chrysocale ignita: also known as the ignita wasp moth
Sources & More Info:
The Lives of Moths: Page 73
Texas Entomology: The Princely Tiger Moth
The Macrolepidoptera of the World: Chrysocale principalis
iNaturalist: photos of C. principalis, C. regalis, and C. ignita
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Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers
Engraved drawing of the Ivory-billed woodpeckers (Campephilus principalis), from the book 'Nature neighbors' by Nathaniel Moore Banta, Albert Schneider, William Kerr Higley, and Gerard Alan Abbott, 1914. Courtesy Internet Archive.
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extinctcreaturesdaily · 1 month ago
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today's daily is: the ivory-billed woodpecker! (c. principalis)
( requested by anon :] )
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moth-friends · 8 months ago
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Chrysocale principalis
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mikimeiko · 3 months ago
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Odio il Natale | Season 1 (2022), Davide Mardegan and Clemente De Muro
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sara-smind · 6 months ago
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grlbts · 2 months ago
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mutsukiss · 2 years ago
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in the delta sun, down in arkansas
ok so funny thing, the previous piece and this were initially the same but i had no idea why tf would the IBWO and the... dragon snake thingie together so i ended up making two illustrations out of one
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proton-wobbler · 2 years ago
Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis)
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"I am submitting this while shaking, I have no idea if I'm gonna be the one who screws up whether they can be included or not and that terrifies me. Begging that they live in enough obscurity that no one else thought to submit then even with the more recent surge in interest with that maybe-footage 🙏🏼 ANYWAYS! This thing is like Schrodenger's Cat but a woodpecker, have you SEEN its description on wikipedia?? Possibly extinct, maybe still alive, people jeep thinking they have evidence + footage of it still being around but we can't ID it for sure, the government wants to try delighting it from the Endangered Species list as an extinct species but enthusiasts and conservationists are trying to stop that since their listing protects a lot of forests they would need to live in if they're still around etc etc etc. This woodpecker is like a cryptid, but like we know they existed recently and it's completely possible they're still out there just chilling. also when I look at photos of them they look like a Looney Tunes character. if they're still around, they're THE largest species of woodpecker in the US and one of the largest in the world, with a wingspan of ~30 inches and a length of ~21 in. Their range has been severely reduced by hunting and deforestation (has was done to many of our old-growth forests in the swamps/bottomlands for the logging industry 😭😭), but there are those who believe a population could still be out there, deep within the bottomland forests that still remain in the southeastern wetlands. there are entire memes with the X-files guy and that I Want To Belive poster. I'll share when either voting starts if they make it into the polls, or to your inbox directly if by some horrible twist they get more than one entry and fall out entirely 🥲 #IWantToBelieve"
I really can't think to add anything else, as this submitter really got their info down. My only addition is my personal statement that as much as I do want to believe there's a population hanging on, I don't think I can. The birds weren't very shy when they were still hanging on, and many of the birders who got the final photos and videos of them remember that they were easy birds to follow, if you were familiar with the area.
That aside, delisting a species that is helping to protect endangered habitat is always tricky, so even if they are truly extinct, we should still do what we can to keep that habitat protected. If keeping an extinct bird on the books is what we need to do so, I'm all for it.
Image Source: eBird (Arthur A. Allen);
The source of the birders saying it was easy to follow comes from the National Geographic "Birds of Eastern America" identification guide's section on Ivory-billed Woodpecker.
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omarfor-orchestra · 2 years ago
Cnxksks Andrea
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Ivory Billed Woodpecker, (1987)
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pinksheets · 2 months ago
Cercando un uomo che possa essere presente nella mia vita e possa dimostrarmi il suo amore non solo in privato
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pier-carlo-universe · 3 months ago
"Bambino, il viaggio nella fantasia e nel cuore": La poesia di Alda Merini. Recensione di Alessandria today
Un invito poetico a scoprire l’innocenza e il potere del sentimento attraverso i versi di una grande poetessa.
Un invito poetico a scoprire l’innocenza e il potere del sentimento attraverso i versi di una grande poetessa. La poesia: “Bambino” di Alda Merini. “Bambino, se trovi l’aquilone della tua fantasialegalo con l’intelligenza del cuore.Vedrai sorgere giardini incantatie tua madre diventerà una piantache ti coprirà con le sue foglie.Fa delle tue mani due bianche colombeche portino la pace ovunquee…
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stilouniverse · 7 months ago
L'antica via "Faventina" e la "Flaminia minor"
Le tre direttrici principali fra Firenze e Bologna Antichi percorsi tra Bologna, Firenze e Arezzo a cura della Redazione  Fin dall’epoca etrusca esisteva la necessità di mettere in comunicazione il Valdarno e la Val Padana fino all’importante porto di Spina sull’Adriatico. Con la conquista romana la necessità di rapide comunicazioni transappenniniche divenne essenziale e fin da allora possiamo…
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marcogiovenale · 7 months ago
va bene, sì, però ci stiamo perdendo. ci dici quali sono i tuoi spazi fondamentali?
principalmente 8, questi, al momento (agosto 2024): sito principale, slowforward: https://slowforward.net spazio principale, su tumblr: https://differx.tumblr.com differx, gemello eterozigote di slowforward:…
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