#princess rosella of daventry
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artsyebonyrose · 1 year ago
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nervous habits around the castle, post kq3
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citrus-cactus · 2 months ago
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Go right young lady, that's what they all say...
I worked way too hard on this: an isolated version of Rosella's walk cycle from King's Quest VII. For some reason I can’t find any sprite sheets of her, so I made these my own janky, time-consuming way just so I could study the animation. It's a 10-frame cycle, BTW!
Playing KQVII as a kid, this game was my first time really noticing that animated characters could have their own unique walks. Rosella’s toe-heel step always struck me as very refined and princess-like. And I've always loved the way her hair swishes!!
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allhailkingsquest · 6 months ago
After four years of dedication, Akril has released It Takes Two to Tangle, a King's Quest fan game featuring Cassima and Edgar:
The story of the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Daventry is one fraught with adventure, magic, and mystery. However, when the latest chapter of the lives of Graham, Valanice, Alexander and Rosella ended, there were still a number of mysteries that still remained unanswered. When one of these mysteries begins to make itself known in an extremely unsettling way, two people suddenly find themselves caught up in a long, perplexing journey which will ultimately decide the fate of both themselves and their loved ones...and these two people are Queen Cassima, wife of King Alexander, and Prince Edgar, lover of Princess Rosella.
Download it here!
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ayatai · 3 months ago
Comfy-vember Day 21 Prompt: Enthusiastic Greeting
“What do I do?”
“Take my arm, close your eyes, and focus on where you want to go. The more detail, the better. I’ll do the rest.”
Alexander clasped arms with Shamir and closed his eyes. He thought of his room in Daventry; it was unlikely to be occupied, and he knew it well.
“I have it, here we go…” Shamir said.
His stomach twisted as the teleportation spell took effect; the feeling was eerily similar to when the wizard had teleported him, and the memory of his old room, tiny and bare, crowded uninvited into his mind’s eye.
Not there!
He slammed the image of his real room back in place. The one with the soft bed, warm rug on the floor, his desk, and the bookshelves crowded with books.
The feeling faded, and Alexander cautiously opened his eyes, almost nervous to see where he had brought them.
To his relief, Daventrien sunshine was pouring through the unbarred window to fall on the thick rug under their feet.
If Shamir had noticed anything unusual, he didn’t mention as he said, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll let you be about your business; let me know when you’d like to return.”
“Thanks, Shamir.”
The genie nodded and vanished in a puff of smoke that trailed down to the lamp hanging on Alexander’s belt. He still found it disconcerting to be the owner of the genie bottle, and he hadn't yet had the time to discuss the matter with Cassima and Shamir himself. For the moment, though, he was grateful for the genie’s help; he knew his family had to be worried about him.
Alexander glanced around his room; it looked untouched since he’d packed for the voyage to the Land of the Green Isles. Now, where would his parents and sister most likely be at this day and time?
The adrenaline from his adventures and upcoming nuptials had yet to wear off; he was feeling daring and full of nervous energy. A thought occurred to him, and he opened his wardrobe.
The primary reason for his visit was to talk to his family, but while he was here, he planned to pack the rest of his belongings to take back with him. For now, though, he pulled out an old cloak. Since his luggage had been lost in the shipwreck, he was currently wearing a borrowed change of clothes. Combined with the cloak, he thought himself decently unrecognizable with the hood drawn.
By taking nearly forgotten passages and little-used stairwells, he made it to the throne room before being confronted. He rather shocked the two guards standing in front of the massive doors when he lowered his hood, but they agreed to help when they heard his plan.
They let him slip into the back of the throne room, where he watched as Rosella addressed the last of the citizens asking for help. He nodded along as he listened to her rulings; she had taken very well to the job. Their parents sat a little behind her, but they made no comment other than to agree when Rosella looked back to confirm her decisions with them.
As they finished, a guard who had agreed to help walked up to the dais and spoke to Rosella quietly; her eyes flashed in Alexander’s direction. She nodded, and as the last of supplicants and onlookers filtered out of the room, she waved him forward.
He thought he saw a flash of recognition in his mother’s face; she raised her hand to her mouth in surprise but said nothing. Graham was peering at him, watchful caution in his eyes.
“My guard tells me you requested a private audience; he was quite insistent that I grant it. Would you be able to lower your hood, good sir, that we may discuss whatever brings you here today?”
“O beloved Princess, I have a request of the most importance,” Alexander started as he bowed, lowering his voice to keep it unrecognizable, and keeping his hood in place. He could hear the guards behind him trying to stifle their laughter and failing.
Graham started to stand and speak out, but Valanice put her arm on his and he sat back down.
“And what may that be?” Rosella asked.
“That we play a game of chess, and in doing so, break our tie, Princess.”
He got no response at first; he wished his hood wasn’t obscuring her face so he could see her reaction.
The game was up; he lifted his hood, laughing, as Rosella rushed down from the dais.
“You… disguised… how did you get here?” she sputtered, giving him a fierce hug. “And what are you wearing? Did you find Cassima? We’ve been so worried about you!”
He’d expected the onslaught of questions. “It’s a long story, but yes, I found Cassima and she’s doing well. Now, anyway.”
He hugged his mother and father, who had followed Rosella. “It was the cloak, wasn’t it, Mother, that gave me away?”
“Yes, I recognized it immediately. Oh, thank the stars you’re all right!”
“And back home safe and sound.” Graham added.
“Not for long,” Alexander said, and then he dropped the big news. “I’m to be married in less than a week, and I hope you’ll all come to the wedding.”
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starstruckpurpledragon · 2 years ago
share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
1.) Cisco Ramon - the Flash
The bestest, kindest, funniest, and smartest person on the show. He was the heart of Team Flash and it's not the same without him. He's loyal and loves his friends dearly. And, well, he's just so much fun and easy to relate to and gnc and I adore this guy. He'd be sooo much fun to be best friends with.
2.) Zelos Wilder - Tales of Symphonia
He flirts like breathing but it's a cover for his insecurities and the ptsd that comes with growing up as the Chosen One who might have to die for the world one day and also his parents hated him. Once he finally joins up with the party, that's the first time he's had real friends and it's a bit heart breaking really. He's also super queer coded and will flirt with the main character (Lloyd Irving).
3.) Estellise "Estelle" Sidos Heurassein - Tales of Vesperia
Fiesty, pink haired princess who is so awesome I named my dog after her. Will break a vase over a guy's head if feels threatened. But will also pick up a sword and kick ass with it too.
4.) Velvet Crowe - Tales of Berseria
The berserker for whom the game is named and also the main character, Velvet Crowe is on a roaring rampage of revenge against her brother-in-law and there will be murder when she's through. Soft spots include the small child she accidentally kidnaps, a certain cry-baby exorcist, an annoying witch and her familiar, an earth-spirit pirate who can't swim, and a war deamon who learns the hard way yak breath is gross.
5.) Leonard Snart - The Flash & Legends of Tomorrow
Master Thief who enjoys being a supervillain a little too much. Has a soft spot he does not want to admit exists for Barry Allen and a soft spot he's reluctantly okay admitting to for his sister. Actually hesitates to kill Barry when his sister's life is on the line. Goes with the Legends to figure out who he is after killing his own dad and winds up sacrificing himself not for the crew, but for Mick. A distinction the rest of the Legends inconveniently and immediately ignore.
6.) Yuri Lowell - Tales of Vesperia
A former knight who quit after three months when he realized the organization was too corrupt and a bad fit for him. Kills bad guys to the consternation of his best friend (Sir Flynn Scifo) who is a genuine good knight in a sea of shitty ones. Accidentally winds up in a position to stop two wars and also save the planet from an eldritch abomination of their ancestors accidental creation. Mostly because he's now also best friends with Estelle - together their trouble magnetism is legendary. (Flynn would like them to stop that now. Why can't his friends just stay safe for ten minutes?)
7.) Keladry of Mindelan - Protector of the Small
The second lady knight of modern Tortall, Keladry quickly learns as a page that she is held to higher standards than her peers by people who want her to fail solely for being a girl. So she digs in her heels and surpasses those standards anyway.
8.) Rosella of Daventry - King's Quest
A princess who has had much adventure in her life and enjoys it. Helps people where ever she goes and this time it's the princess rescuing the prince from danger. Twice. She also stops a volcano from erupting, turns an evil fairy into a baby, and saves her own father from death.
9.) Hiccup - How to Train Your Dragon
Disabled badass with a dragon who is also a disabled badass. Together they bridge the gap between dragons and vikings and make Berk a safe home for both to live. Hiccup dares to be himself when no one wants him to be and it turns out that him being himself is exactly what everyone needed most.
10.) Milla Maxwell - Tales of Xillia
Lord of Spirits who might drool a bit when she's hungry and there is something tasty smelling nearby. She's a total badass, a bit naive, and cares very much about making a better world for human and spirits alike.
I'm gonna skip sending this to ask boxes and instead invite anyone to participate who wants to.
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clarislam · 2 years ago
Book Review: "King's Quest: See No Weevil" by Kenyon Morr
What happens when Princess Rosella tries running a festival - only for things to take a deadly turn when weevils threaten to destroy Daventry? Find out in "King's Quest: See No Weevil" by Kenyon Morr! #KingsQuest #SeeNoWeevil #bookreview #KenyonMorr #reading
Cover of “See No Weevil” by Kenyon Morr I’m back with another book review, and this time I’m reviewing “See No Weevil” by Kenyon Morr! This is the third of three books associated with the King’s Quest game franchise. I was lucky to get a physical copy of the first book to read and review, but I obtained files of the last two books through a post on the King’s Quest fan-run Reddit, where a…
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fannyrosie · 4 years ago
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A Land Beyond Dreams Rosella of Daventry inspired outfit I could write a lot about one of my childhood hero, princess Rosella of Daventry, and my favourite retro game franchise, the King's Quest franchise, but social media are not really practical for that. Even though King's Quest VI is my favourite game (in which you play with Alexander, Rosella's brother), King's Quest VII is the one I played the longest, mainly because I played the previous ones with my dad, but I played the VII with my youngest siblings, and those who have played the series know King's Quest puzzles aren't the most easy, especially not for a 9 year old child with no internet. But being able to play with a female character (you play with Rosella in KQ IV and VII) was really important for child Fanny, as most playable characters were male back then (and still today). I remember wanting to be like Rosella and go on dangerous adventures. Thanks Roberta Williams for creating her Dress and earrings: Vintage Bustier: old Victorian Maiden Blouse: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Shoes: Queen Bee Chocker: Baroque
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theadventurerslog · 2 years ago
King's Quest III: To Heir is Human | Part 3
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The Adventurer's Log
King's Quest III: The Heir is Human Part 3
Third and final part! Actually played same day as Part 2 because I couldn't help myself and jumped back in later in the day. This was sure... a time. This second part of the game has some not great stuff. Here we go.
It was pirate ship time in which I learned that main character Gwydion may be, but defier of gravity not so much.
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I didn't mean to fall. The ladder just seemed to come to an abrupt end when I thought it'd lead into the crow's nest.
Anyhoo, with this pirate ship you have to avoid the crew members and the captain. If you're caught you'll be thrown back in the hold and have your inventory taken again. If you're caught again, you'll be made to walk the plank and die. Naturally I did so.
As an adventure game you would think there would be puzzles to solve. Things to do. Ways to help yourself. Nope. The grand solution is to wait for the ship to reach land which can take several minutes.
After a little wandering around and looking at things I finally just went back down to the hold so I wouldn't get caught. And waited. And looked at my magic map which does have a neat little detail of moving the ship to a different tile along its course as time moves on.
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When I first looked the ship was in the second, I think, tile from the left along that red line.
I also went back to the mice and listened to them chatter about wondering what would happen to Gwydion. They figured the pirates would make him a cabin boy. The last one got fed to sharks for sport. They also gossiped about treasure that could be found on the land we're heading to so I made note of that. I attempted to talk to them but "The little mice totally ignore your attempted conversation."
Finally I heard the call of "land ho!" For points, I cast the sleeping spell which also helps in avoiding capture. If you do it before seeing land there's no one to control the ship and you die.
With the crew asleep I checked out a room that kept getting blocked off by a crew member before and got me a shovel. Then I jumped off the ship and swam to shore, nearly being eaten by a shark on the way.
I found the treasure the mice gossiped about for points. It was a chest of gold ingots and gems and stuff.
Then I found myself more windy mountain paths.
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I reckon this sums up my feelings on that.
More walking along narrow paths and I did some teleporting with the spell. Ultimately I ended up at the top of a snowy peak with a cave.
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Hmmmm indeed.
What could be in there? What could be around?
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Ah. But of course the abominable snowman. And a rather brutal death...
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After reloading I explored around and got grabbed again a time or two. There's a spot around the peak where you can leave, but the abominable snowman shows up constantly. I'm not sure if that's always the case or if it was bad RNG. Either way I had to deal with him. I used the teleport stone and it confused him. He wandered off I was luckily teleported to the exact same spot. Maybe that's always the case in that particular situation or I just got lucky. Not sure. Anyway, from there there's a path down to a rock face.
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First step was to get to that platform below but I fell a few times. I tried the other side and it went even worse.
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The deaths started getting snarkier in this half of the game and I have to say I appreciate it. At least make my deaths entertaining.
I did manage to make my way down and out to Daventry! Where I promptly fell down another cliff.
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I continued on after that added death to my ever growing count and found a gnome sitting out in front of his home.
He welcomes Gwydion home and we learn Gwydion's real name is actually Alexander. He tells him Daventry has been suffering for years now since that despicable dragon came. We learn again that Princess Rosella is the next sacrifice. The King and Queen are suffering such grief they've locked themselves in the castle.
From there we can go to the castle and see it in poor shape with tattered banners and crumbling statue work. The moat is drained; what happened to the moat gators? The doors are bolted and unmovable and no one answers when shouting.
There's nowhere else to go so it's back to where we came out. There's a cave entrance that takes us to long stairs going up. They're the same stairs from the first game that you use to get down from dealing with the giant. Or use to get up if you don't get the magic beanstalk.
At the top is another screen and then dragon time!
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I walked right on in there and you can probably imagine how that went. One roasted Gwydion, sorry, Prince Alexander, coming up.
I tried entering again, this time after using the invisibility spell. All is well until I tried untying Rosella.
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Two royals, crispy fried.
So the real solution is to go invisible and put our final unused spell to use. It's brewing a storm time! Lightning bolts strike the dragon and it dies.
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Boom crispy fried dragon.
Untie Rosella and he proudly tells her he's her long-lost brother, Prince Alexander to which she is understandably doubtful. Alexander says he'll explain everything later but for now "Let's go meet the folks!" which is a line that cracks me up for how out of place it feels.
If you look at her much awkwardness ensues...
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Moving on!
To more awkwardness when coming right after that. I tried talking to her again.
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I ended up talking to her more and it turns out she has a lot to say which I didn't know so I'm glad I did so.
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I'm keeping the above screenshot for Reasons I can't get into until King's Quest V.
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More pleasantries are exchanged and Alexander finds her to be 'not only beautiful, but very strong-willed and brave.' 'Admires that in a woman.'
Everything going well, except not. Because I got literally stuck. There's a transition part way down the stairs to the next flight of stairs. After transitioning to the next flight it would stick Rosella aright in front of me and because the stairs are so narrow I couldn't get past her. You can see it in the above screencap. I left and came back, I reloaded, tried using the mouse, I reloaded an earlier save and fought the dragon all over again. Nothing. After some searching around I found a bug submitted to ScummVM about and that the only way to get down was to use the numpad to go diagonally. I didn't know you could do that, but that worked. It would've been nice to have known that before for other spots too. So, it worked out, but I was getting immensely frustrated and worried I wouldn't be able to quite finish the game when the end was right there. Some kind of ScummVM issue anyway it seems and not really the game's fault.
Anyway, with that last trial done it was time to go home. We met back up with the gnome who excitedly ran ahead to inform everyone of the good news. We got to the castle and were able to enter now and find King Graham and Queen Valanice in the throne room.
Much joy and hugs were exchanged.
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Graham explains that the magic mirror has been clouded since Alexander disappeared. Now as they stand there, the mirror clears! And the future looks bright for all.
Graham decides that his old adventurer's cap needs a new companion and throws it to his children. Rosella and Alexander both reach up for it and The End.
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And so ends King's Quest III with a family reunited and the kingdom of Daventry saved once again.
Final Points: 202/210 I know at least one spot I missed points. Not sure about the rest
Deaths: 63 New record. I died a lot on that mountain...
Time: 3:41
Final Thoughts:
This game has got its ups and downs for sure. I quite enjoyed the first part up to the pirate ship (aside from the key on the closet). I was a little overly nervous of the time limit, so I wish I'd taken my time a little more at points--mainly the time before Manannan left. I didn't really end up having much happen with him.
That aside it's fun gathering all the ingredients and casting the spells. The understanding animals spell in particular is an extra bit of delight ripe for all the exploration.
Then you get to the pirate ship and things slide. Having to just wait for upwards of like ten minutes--the amount of time seems to vary?--is realistic but not fun. It's an adventure game. You do things. You solve things. Waiting that long is not only boring, it goes against its own patterns. And the ship just isn't that big. There's not a lot to do to spend that time and if you're not careful you could get killed and then have to wait part of that time all over again depending on your last save.
After that there aren't many puzzles left. Basically there's optional treasure to find, the abominable snowman to avoid, and the dragon to beat and that's it. You spend a lot more time with walking narrow paths and climbing things and trying not to fall. Sierra "platforming" and the game's not exactly good or elegant at it.
And the whole Graham and Valanice letting Daventry fall just feels kind of contrived knowing past actions and the general heroism! feel of the games
It's a mixed bag. I really like some stuff. Not so much other things. The game has more complexity, at least in the first half. The graphics are slowly improving. It's setting the stage for future games. It is a step ahead in a lot ways, but it trips in the final chunk.
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thedesignatedheroes · 2 years ago
PSA: New Muse and Several Muses On Hiatus or Low-Activity
OOC: After realizing that I’ve esssentially neglected this blog (as well as other blogs), I figured that it was about time for a major muse change. 
I’ve put several muses on hiatus and/or low-activity mode, and will be introducing a new muse: Rosella of Daventry from the King’s Quest series! I think she’ll be a fun addition to the roster. I’m still currently playing throuhg the games and/or watching playthroughs of the specific games where she’s a protagonist, so I’m completely up to date on her info, but I’ve already added her bio to the muse list if you want to learn a bit about her and will update it as I go!
Active (main muses):
Rosella (King’s Quest)
Leon (Pokemon Sword & Shield)
Iono (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
On Low-Activity (meaning I will rarely RP them) are the following:
Larry (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Kirby (Kirby)
Ameri Azazel (Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-kun)
Clara Valac (Welcome To Demon School, Iruma-kun)
On Hiatus (meaning that I won’t be RPing them for the time being):
Laura (Tropical Rouge Precure)
Estelle Bright (Trails In The Sky)
Elodie (Long Live The Queen)
Marin Kitagawa (My Dress-Up Darling)
Princess Syalis (Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle)
Lily Shirogane (Aikatsu Stars!)
Mao/Hana (Aikatsu Planet)
Thank you to everyone for your patience! I really do appreciate it a lot. Hopefully the new muse and the muse arrangement I have here now will spur me to be a little more active on this blog from hereon. XD
And yes, I’ll be putting up a new blog promo/pinned post in a bit. Stay tuned for that as well!
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gerbiloftriumph · 4 years ago
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Of all the things Graham expected would befall Daventry following the loss of his son, he did not anticipate a Dragon Cult uprising, in which enemies saw the weakness of the kingdom and decided to blame it on Graham’s inability to protect Daventry, choosing to believe that sacrificing his other child to the dragon would rebalance and restore all that they had lost.
Or, I have a hard time accepting what happens at the end of the original King’s Quest 3 game for a number of reasons, as does the guy who writes the walkthrough novelizations. I have crafted a whole headcanon about Valanice protecting her family from a terrible cloaked dragon cult based on one line from the official guidebook:
"The queen may be warm hearted and full of kindness toward all, but when Rosella was to be sacrificed to the fire dragon, Valanice guarded her daughter’s door with naked sword as her protectress.”
See more about this headcanon, with quotes, below the cut:
When Gwydion-Alexander returns to Daventry at the end of KQIII, he’s faced with his twin sister’s near demise at the hands of a dragon. Specifically, she’s going to be sacrificed to it. Alexander frees her and they return home, and Graham is so startled and overcome at seeing both his children alive and well that he has a heart attack.
How did Rosella end up tied to a stake? Was she ordered to go by her father? Did she offer to go herself? Or, wacky and wild headcanon, was she kidnapped by a dragon cultist group that Graham and Valanice knew fully about and were helpless to stop?
It’s not like Rosella tied herself to that pole.
I’m basing all this off the walkthrough books by Peter Spear, using my copies of The King’s Quest Companion 3rd Edition (pub 1993) and the Authorized Player’s Guide to King’s Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (pub 1994). At least the companion has been stamped with approval by Sierra, with a quote indicating enjoyment by Roberta Williams, and the Authorized Player’s Guide has the same implicit approval. Thus, I’m going to consider these as canon. Feel free to try and curbstomp me later for ignoring the sacred original texts, but the sacred original texts’ limited vocabulary bank don’t know how to Cherish Goat or Yell at Birds, and what’s the point if you can’t do that?
First, let’s look at Alexander’s perspective. He’s an outsider right now, with no idea of what’s been happening in Daventry, and he’s speaking to a citizen who tells him what’s currently happening:
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“The three-headed beast had demanded the sacrifice of a maiden, and my own twin sister, Rosella, had been offered as the kingdom’s ransom. Even as we spoke, she was in the clutches of the fire-breathing monster, and her time was running out. She would be cinders by sunset.” Alexander is listening to the tale being retold by someone who might not know what’s going on in the castle, but can see that Rosella is being offered nevertheless. The king and queen won’t let anyone in the castle, apparently because of the “responsibilities for their actions”--but how exactly does this random Daventry fellow know that’s what they’re feeling? But it’s a fair assumption: to think that they’re feeling guilty and refusing to let anyone in because of it.
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Spear, in a brief summary of the games, goes further still, saying that Rosella had been “sent there by her--their!--father, King Graham.” Okay, fine, that’s very clear. Graham ordered Rosella to face the dragon.
But did he really?
Valanice’s direct account, as seen from inside the castle, says something entirely different:
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Rather than Graham ordering Rosella to go to the dragon, the dragon has “demanded her sacrifice against the total destruction of all Daventry and its people, [and Rosella] returned that love by willingly going to meet that flaming doom.” Graham and Valanice are “devastated with loss” which would naturally have them shut the gates, as the outsider perspective saw.
So, who actually sent Rosella to the dragon?
Facts are thus: The dragon demanded a maiden. The Princess Rosella was that maiden, and Alexander had to untie her from a pole to rescue her.
Questions are thus: Did the dragon in his own wisdom and agency demand something, or is the dragon a dumb animal and people are speaking for it? Did Graham or Rosella decide this was the best thing they could do for Daventry? Who tied Rosella to the pole? Was it a Daventry guard, or was it a third party, one very loyal to the dragon, one who might be making demands for it, one who might have threatened the royal family before?
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"When Rosella was to be sacrificed to the fire dragon, Valanice guarded her daughter’s door with naked sword as her protectress.”
Why would Valanice do this? If it was Rosella’s idea, or Graham’s idea, why would Valanice feel the need to stand before her door and keep her safe? Was she defending her daughter from Graham? Or was she defending her daughter from a party of evil foes determined to steal the princess and force her to stand before the dragon, as though her blood spilled on Daventry soil would lift the dragon’s ire and restore the kingdom which, in Graham’s grief over losing his son, was crumbling.
And how long has this possible dragon cult been haunting Daventry’s alleys?
Have they tried this before and were only successful when Rosella was turning 18?
or am i just silly and like the idea of dragon cultists singing hornswoggle’s praise
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captmickey · 8 years ago
Buuuuuuuut much like the Founder Threepwood AU, this also splits into two branches. And if you’re familiar with aforementioned AU... you know EXACTLY what the two branches are.
Also, allow me to apologize in advance by saying; my bad.
It was one of the first things Graham did when he summoned the best knights in Daventry to search the land far and wide for Alexander when he couldn’t that fateful night. He had faith in them and that his son was alive... but that lingering thought that perhaps Alexander wasn’t even IN Daventry because Manny-- no, Mananan, might’ve vanished to a different land sat on Graham’s conscious like a ton of bricks. 
With no hesitation, he picked up a quill and began writing two letters.
Graham sat at the steps of his throne, his hair a mess and the red swollen eyes standing out against the heavy bags underneath. He couldn’t sleep these past few weeks. Not now. Not when everything had turned into an absolute… what was the term Guybrush would use to describe the situation? Oh… right.
An absolute shitstorm.
The doors bursted open, catching the King’s attention when Link and Guybrush came running in with a look of concern as they rushed over. 
“Thanks for coming.” Graham said somberly. “I um… I’m sorry for the change of ah…” His smile dropped and he lowered his head, he couldn’t bring himself to even throw a quip. “I’m sorry...” There was a small squeeze on his shoulder, causing him to look up and noticing the two near him, Link kneeling to be at eye level and Guybrush standing besides Graham. They were suppose to come to congratulate Daventry’s new prince and princess... but instead were offering their condolences.
“Of course we’d come.” Guybrush reassured. “Came as fast as we could.”
Digging into his pouch, Link pulled out the letter with frantic writing and tear drops asking for help. “What happened?” Link asked.
Guybrush promised he’d keep an eye out at sea or in towns for any signs of the young prince as Link who not only agreed to search as he did for Guybrush, but also passed the word to Zelda who swore that the Kingdom of Hyrule would be more than willing to help their neighboring kingdom in anyway possible. 
And while Graham and Valanice were thankful, the wait was unbearable. There wasn’t anything Graham could do except to keep Daventry protected, searching the land whenever he possibly could, and wait to hear back from Link or Guybrush.
Weeks turned to months as Graham continued to search for Alexander but falling at a dead end every time. Link would drop by every now and again to give the King and Queen an update on his travels and his luck, as well as news from Hyrule and their results. Even offering them a shoulder to lean on or watch over Rosella if needed be to which Graham was thankful for.
Both Link and Graham figured Guybrush just took a bit longer due to living out at sea, but that didn’t explain why his letters were so few and far in-between.
Within the following months, Guybrush’s letters soon started to dwindle. His usual essay-length diatribes and insight to any clues he thought he might have had on Alexander became short paragraphs and practically vague with details. Graham figured the blond pirate might’ve been followed and had to keep some secrecy as he must’ve been close to Alexander. He showed the letter to the elf who looked over skeptically.
Something was off about it.
Link wrote to Guybrush. He wrote how Guybrush needed to return to Daventry or Hyrule if he couldn’t write what has been happening and needed to say it in person. That the ambiguity of the letters he sent Graham has caused not only him, but Link as well to worry. When Guybrush finally did reply, he declined the offer and explained that he was caught up with something.
"I’m sorry. But these last few months have been going by so fast... and unfortunately I'm not at liberty to say as to why.”
Link wrote in the next letter.
“Did you at least find any clues regarding Alexander?” 
The letters stopped after that.
“Are you sure?” Graham asked. The months turned to years and the letters from Guybrush became non-existent. Link stood next to Graham with his arms crossed, prepared for the journey ahead.
“Yeah. If he’s on to something... or if he found Alexander, he’ll probably need help.” Link explained. “Heh... wouldn’t be a first for me to go after him, right?”
“True. But I can’t join you on this adventure, though.” Graham gave a weak smile. It had been ages since their first adventure and time has shown on their greying hair and gradual wrinkles. Link returned the smile and placed a hand on the brunet’s shoulder.
“I’ll be back before you know it.” Link promised, feeling himself being pulled into a hug by the King. Graham was thankful.
It had been long since Graham heard back from either of Link or Guybrush. He began wondering if things were alright but he understood that these travels take time... he’s BEEN on one with the two way back when, if anything he should know first hand. Still, it didn’t make those long moments of silence any easier and silently was glad that the various addendum were able to keep the idea of time at bay.
The door opened and Kyle stood there. “Excuse me, your highness?” Kyle spoke, catching Graham’s attention. His heart went out to that knight, that same unfortunate night as Alexander’s kidnapping, Kyle also lost someone dear to him... and he couldn’t get him back even if he tried.
“Yes, Kyle. What is it?” Graham asked.
“Sir, we have some visitors wishing to speak with you.”
“Let them in.” Graham permitted, seeing Kyle nod and stepped aside for the two visitors. One of them was a portly man with a grey mustache whose dark skin couldn’t hide the heavy bags under his eyes but had a reserved look on his face and the other figure that walked in had her shoulders stiff as her hand idly playing with her left ring finger and her expression solemn and reserved, but even with her long hair tied up and the few strands of white and grey, Graham could recognize that red hair anywhere.
Graham sat quietly in a small room with Elaine, the only sound was the red head’s raspy breathing and the cackling of the fire place. She requested to see the brunet and only him which initially baffled Graham... but slowly he came to understand.
“He... he could come back, right? That’s what he does... h-h-he comes back.” Graham said, his voice sounding strained. “I-- he might be looking for a boat and is on his--”
“No... he’s not. Guybrush... he’s--” Elaine shook her head, covering her face as a fresh wave of tears spilled and she let out a sob. Graham quickly stood up and rushed over to Elaine, pulling her into a tight embrace as she cried her heart out and he felt the hole in his heart growing.
Guybrush was dead.
News spread to the Kingdom of Hyrule where Zelda came rushing to Daventry to consolidate the widow, both her and Graham offering their homes for Elaine and Winslow to stay. Elaine tried to politely decline but found herself feeling too numb to answer. Winslow accepted the offer that they’ll stay for a bit but it might be best if Elaine didn’t stay in one place for the time being. The two rulers understood and kept their doors open for them.
When Graham asked where Link was, Zelda explained that he left Hyrule... she wasn’t sure where or why or for how long.
Graham frowned.
It was Link that heard the news of the poisoning and it was Link that had to unfortunately break the news to Elaine. And more then that, he was unable to get the body back for Elaine to bury. He could’ve saved him... he could’ve saved him! 
If only he went after the pirate as soon as the first vague letter appeared in Graham’s hands, maybe he would have had a chance to save his friend from that terrible fate. If he arrived sooner, maybe he could have saved Guybrush from drinking that lethal drink... but all these maybes meant nothing now that he was gone... 
He couldn’t save Guybrush. 
He couldn’t find Alexander.
He failed and he couldn’t bear to face Elaine or Graham again after that.
Elaine and Winslow left one morning, thanking the brunet for letting her stay. He reminded her that this was her home too and she’s always welcomed back to which she gave a small smile before leaving. 
He hadn’t heard back from her since.
Graham kept trying to write to Link but heard nothing from his friend. His heart sank at the notion that his friend was also-- no. No not him too. 
The King quickly wrote to Zelda herself and sighed in relief when she responded back. Link was back in Hyrule, alive... but he came back different. More reserved and opted to remain silent. She couldn’t say why but he figured she was trying to prevent another burden on Graham.
And he couldn’t blame her.
After all, he had a kingdom to run and a son to find.
"What?” Graham asked, a brow raised.
“I didn’t know where else to go but we need stay away from the Caribbean for now and I--” Elaine rambled before covering her face, feeling her composure slowly begin to crumble. She didn’t need to say more as Graham placed a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s alright... easy breaths.” Graham began reassuring, “What happened... where’s Guybrush?”
Graham’s heart sank as he stared at Guybrush. 
The pirate laid in bed having looked to have aged a good ten years from all the wrinkles and heavy bags under his eyes. The wounds from the gash along his side and that deeply embedded bullet wound that were inflicted on the pirate were too painful to look at.
And word from the doctors indicated that Guybrush wasn’t going to be walking again... at least, not without some form of assistance.
Elaine explained to him about Libertalia. It wasn’t so much that Guybrush abandoned his search for Alexander (although... it kind of felt like that) but he was trying to help establish a place for pirates such as himself. And knowing the blond pirate, he was probably asking new colonists and those... Founders, for any clues about his son at different occasions.
Graham opened his home to Guybrush, Elaine, and Winslow, saying that no matter what that this castle was their home too. Elaine initially declined, saying she couldn’t impose and that none of them wasn’t of any royal lineage but Graham shot down her argument, saying that she and Guybrush were like family. And to leave them without a home, even if they had the Screaming Narwhal, was out of the question.
Elaine quietly sighed and gave a nod, she was too tired to continue declining.
Between the physical therapy sessions that were excruciating as Guybrush kept falling over and cursing out a storm and barely sleeping due to the waking nightmares, Graham noticed that Guybrush was having a hard time adjusting. Graham understood that while the blond pirate was in fact alive and walking (with a cane)... it wasn’t really Guybrush and that it’ll take a long time until he would show some semblance of getting better..
Graham did try talking with Guybrush but the blond only gave short answers or if he did manage talk, it didn’t feel genuine.
He was both there and not there.
Months have passed since Guybrush and crew started living in Daventry as Guybrush hobbled around the town square. He remembered when he first walked around the town during Graham’s coronation, the then soon-to-be-king dragged him and Link all over and greeting them to the locals who did nothing but welcome the two with open arms. 
But that felt like a lifetime ago.
Guybrush’s throat tightened and he quickly left the town square, unable to stand himself.
It broke. His cane broke.
Guybrush sat on a log holding the broken cane in both his hands and felt a cacophony of emotions and thoughts practically strangle him. He let out a sniff and continued to stare at the broken stick, part of him wanting to toss the damn thing into the river... and maybe... maybe he--
“Guybrush?” A voice spoke up, causing Guybrush to jump and quickly rub his face into the crook of his elbow.
“Ah...G-Graham! I um--”
"Stop.” Graham said as he walked over to the log, taking a seat next to the pirate and noticing the broken stick when he stuck his hand out for the cane to which the blond handed. “How did it happen?” He asked.
“I um... I didn’t see a hole and got it stuck.” Guybrush answered as he looked away, wrapping his arms around himself. “Didn’t expect it to break like that.”
Graham took a good long look at Guybrush, only now realizing just how unkind the years were to his friend. That look in his eyes wasn’t that of a confident and proud pirate he first saw back in that Magicians’ Festival all those years ago... instead he was looking at the shell of that pirate. A broken old man who was tired and drowning in self loathing.
The brunet nodded and placed the cane into his cape before sticking his hand out for Guybrush. “I know someone who can fix this.” 
“Daddy!! Uncle Guybrush!! Did you see that?!” Rosella grinned, rushing over to Graham and the blond pirate who were both sitting on a chair. “I did it! I used that thing you taught me, uncle Guybrush!”
“You did?” Guybrush playfully gasped as the small princess jumped eagerly in front of him.
It was well over a year since the fall of Libertalia and no one within the the castle walls or town square made mention of that ill-fated utopia. Guybrush sat on in the courtyard watching Elaine teaching Rosella how to properly swing a fencing sword. The small princess initially pestered Guybrush to show her some sword-fighting until Graham, Valanice, and Elaine had to explain that it was rude and that he was just tired before Elaine took up the offer.
That still didn’t stop the blond from teaching Rosella proper stances as well as a few insults to toss... to Valanice’s disapproval.
“Oh, he taught you something?” Graham asked.
“Yeah! Watch this, watch this!!” She laughed before rushing off to the red head, who merely glared at Guybrush and shook her head before taking her stance.
He continued watching, feeling his chest tightened watching the two engage. He used to be one of the best sword-fighters there was and now-- Guybrush clenched his cane tightly, putting up a smile for Rosella. 
Graham wrote to Zelda, wondering if Link had returned to Hyrule and that if he did, that the two should come to Daventry as they were able to find Guybrush. It was a couple of weeks later when he finally heard a response back  and another couple of weeks until they arrived at his doorsteps. Zelda looked composed and regal but Link... he looked distant. 
As Zelda went to greet Valanice, Graham stood in front of Link, holding back a gasp when he noticed the scar over the elf’s left eye. No. He needed to focus. Graham had his arms crossed.
“You didn’t write.” Graham pointed out.
Link nodded.
“You said you would keep me up to date.” Graham continued.
Link nodded once more. Graham’s brow furrowed as he took a step closer, silently thankful that Guybrush was out in town at the moment.
“Link. Answer me. What happened?”
“I messed up.” Link finally answered, his voice being raspy. 
“If... if it’s about Guybrush then--”
“It’s not just about him.”
The silence that lingered between the two was excruciating. Graham broke the tension and placed a hand on Link’s shoulder before dragging the elf out of the castle.
Guybrush sat on a cliff that faced Graham’s castle, his cane that Amaya gifted him with placed to the side feeling the breeze against him. He missed the sea. He so desperately missed the sea... but he felt he would be ungrateful if he ever made mention of it and kept to himself. The sound of a twig snapping cause the pirate to turn his head at the source, reaching out to grab the cane and hold it like he would a club when Graham and Link showed up.
He dropped the stick at the sight of the elf as Link let out a gasp. Neither of them realized just how long it has been since they last saw each other.
“Guybrush? I-I thought... I thought you were dead.” Link muttered, staring at Guybrush like a ghost.
The pirate let out a dry laugh. “I might as well be.” Guybrush remarked as he picked up his cane, wincing a bit as the pain radiated in his leg. “Fucking leg...” He cursed under his breath. “What about you? What happened to your face?”
Link touched his scar and looked away, unable to answer and remained quiet.
The tension came back with a vengeance, but with his hand still on Link’s shoulder, Graham reached out and grabbed Guybrush’s collar and yanked the pirate to him, causing the blond to stumble before being held firmly by one of Graham’s arms as he began to squeeze them into a tight hug. 
“Graham... Graham, you’re chokin-- kch!” Guybrush began choking 
“Can’t breathe... can’t breathe!!” Link gasped as he struggled to get out of the King’s embrace. 
The brunet didn’t budge before dropping his facade as well as a his grip and letting out a laugh as tears began to spill, still holding the two in a hug. The two blonds looked at Graham confused.
“You two... are assholes...” Graham said between sniffs, “You can’t just disappear like that and not... not tell me. You just can’t. I... I can’t have more people I care about leave me.”
Guybrush and Link looked at each other, Link sighing and Guybrush giving a sympathetic smile before the two returned the gesture resulting in a group hug. Not everything was perfect, and they all knew it might never go back to the way things were.
But in that moment... in that tight embrace... 
God knows they needed this.
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yannosh51-blog-blog · 6 years ago
LIVE Let's Play PC DOS - king's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (jeu d'aventure en Point And Click)
LIVE Let’s Play PC DOS – king’s Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (jeu d’aventure en Point And Click)
Rosella de Daventry est une jeune princesse, et comme toutes les jeunes princesses, elle rêve de jolies fleurs, de petits (more…)
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ayatai · 2 years ago
 Sleep Deprivation
“King Graham?”
They all turned their head to the doorway where Ren stood staring, astonished.
“How, uh, are you feeling?” Ren continued.
“Better than I have in years! Certainly well enough to get out of this bed, at any rate,” Graham answered.
Valanice interjected as Ren edged closer to the bed. “Well, let’s see what he says first, dear.”
Ren listened carefully to the King’s heart. “I don’t understand how it’s possible, but your heart seems to be doing fine. Better than fine, considering that an hour ago, I thought it would give out at any moment.”
Graham beamed at Rosella. “That would be thanks to my amazing daughter. She somehow - and I would very much like to hear how - found a fruit with magical healing properties.”
“Ah - well, that’s a story I would also very much be inclined to hear,” said Ren, glancing at the princess. “But for now, King Graham, I think it best if you rest for the next day or so.”
“But - “
“Graham -” Valanice started to say, a slightly sharp note in her voice.
“All right, all right,” Graham said. “Though I don’t know how you expect me to sleep when my daughter and son are finally both home. I have so many questions!” His eyes had settled on Alexander, who tried not to shift awkwardly under the attention.
Ren looked over at Valanice. “I’d advise the same for you, your majesty. It’s been a long couple of days for everyone.”
“I’ll say,” Rosella said, punctuating her point with a yawn. “I’m exhausted. The whole thing with the dragon, then I spent the night being chased by zombies, witches, sentient trees - well, not chased by trees, exactly, they were trees, after all - “ She stopped as she realized everyone in the room was staring at her.
“Zombies?” Valanice exclaimed, her voice higher than it had been a moment ago. “Do I even want to hear this story?”
“I’m fine, mother, I promise. Not a scratch on me. Well, maybe a few scratches; I did cut my knee up a bit when I fell being hunted by that ogre- “ She stopped short again as Valanice started shaking her head. “Well. Time enough to tell all that later, I suppose.” She leaned over her father’s bed to hug him.
“I look forward to it. Get some rest, pipkin,” the King said. His eyes were starting to lower, despite his earlier statements to the contrary.
“Love you, sweetheart,” Valanice said as she hugged her daughter as well.
“You too, Mama,” Rosella replied as she turned to Alexander. “I wish I weren’t so tired. We have so much to catch up on and so much of Daventry to show you!”
She started to hug him. He should have been expecting it, but in his weariness, it took the young Prince by surprise, and he recoiled.
“Oh, um, sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. Good night,” said Rosella. Then, with a grin, she added, “Brother.”
Recovered from the slight shock of her sudden movement toward him, Alexander felt a ghost of a smile on his own face. “Good night, sister.”
“Rosella, wash out that cut on your knee before you go to bed, please.”
“Sure, Mama.” Turning her head so that only Alexander could see, Rosella jokingly rolled her eyes as she left.
Valanice shook her head. “That girl. It’s no wonder my hair’s turning grey.” There was no denying the weariness in her voice now.
“A beautiful grey it is, though,” Graham teased, and Valanice poked him, albeit more gently than she usually would have. “Ow!”
Ren spoke up. “If that’s all, your majesties, I’ll take my leave now so you both can get some rest.” 
“I’ll rest soon, I promise, Ren. I just want to update Lord Bryant and make sure Alexander is settled first.”
“With all due respect, Queen Valanice, you can barely sit straight in your chair. I can update Lord Bryant on the King’s condition. And between Matilda and I, I’m sure we can get the… the Prince-“ He paused, his professional manner breaking for a moment on the word. “Anything he needs.”
Valanice started to protest, but this time it was Graham with the admonishment. “I know you don’t want him to leave your sight - because I don’t either - but you need rest, and I’m not about to let anything happen to him.” 
A deeper, darker emotion seeped through the King’s jovial mood, and Alexander tensed at the sudden change as the King continued, “Ren, send for Captain Tamart on your way out, please. And then we will sleep, I promise.”
Ren nodded in understanding and looked at Alexander expectantly, who stood.
“Good night, Alexander,” Valanice said, with tears in her eyes again. “If you need anything at all, we’ll be here.”
“Well, really, it should be good day,” Graham joked as he indicated the light streaming through the window. “Is it even noon?”
“Honestly, I don’t even know anymore,” Valanice replied, yawning herself.
“Well, close enough at any rate. Good night, my son.”
Alexander followed Ren out, who paused to speak briefly with one of the guards, asking him to fetch Captain Tamart for the King.
Ren glanced at the remaining guard before asking, “Have you a room yet?”
Alexander waved briefly toward the direction of the room he’d eaten and bathed in earlier, and Ren started in that direction. Alexander followed, then took the lead.
Once out of earshot of the guard, Ren said, “I imagine you’ll soon grow tired of hearing this, but for what’s worth - welcome home.” He shook his head slightly and more to himself than to Alexander, said, “Dragon gone, you’ve returned, the King’s better - because of a fruit?… What a day.” He rubbed his face with one hand as they walked.
Alexander thought he looked in as much need of sleep as any of them. He stopped as they reached the door to his room.
Ren stopped as well, focusing once again on Alexander. “If there’s nothing you need from me, Prince Alexander, I’d better be off to find Lord Bryant.”
Alexander shook his head. “I’m fine.” All he wanted to do right now was find the nearest bed and collapse into it.
“I expect your father will have guards assigned to your room shortly. If anything comes up, just let them know.”
Alexander nodded and entered his room. Guards? Was he to be confined to his room then? He shook his head as he tugged off his boots. He’d worry about it later; for now, he was too tired. He laid down on the unfamiliar bed, still dressed in the strange clothes he’d been given. His head had scarcely touched the pillow before he was asleep.
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ayatai · 2 years ago
An Old Acquaintance
Rosella reluctantly set down the pen she'd been using and rose from her desk. As much as she'd like to finish the letter to her brother, it would have to wait. Her tutor didn't appreciate her being late to lessons.
She passed by her brother's door as she walked down the hall, and her heart squeezed with a brief sense of loss. Alexander had been King of the Green Isles for nearly two months now. She was happy for him, of course, but still. She missed him; they had become quite close by the time he had set sail for the distant land. What was supposed to have been a visit had unexpectedly turned into a change of home for him.
As she neared the throne room, she approached two men she didn't recognize. But, judging by the resemblance, a father and son.
"Ah, Princess Rosella," stated the older man as both bowed slightly. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance again."
She must not have been able to keep the startled look off her face as she tried to remember the man because he continued with, "You were only eight, I think, the last we met, so no offense taken if you don't remember. King Antoine." 
His voice was warm and reminded her of honey, and his broad smile suddenly jogged her memory as she curtsied.
"Yes! I do remember now," she said, glancing over at the young man who had not yet said anything. "Prince Leon, isn't it? Wasn't it you who released that snake in the middle of my birthday party?"
Leon had started to bow again as she said his name but stiffened at the mention of the snake. "Oh, well… yes. To be honest, I had rather hoped you'd forgotten that. I apologize for my ten-year-old self, and I can promise: no snakes in my pockets today!"
"Forgotten? That was one of my favorite parties. The guards had to check my pockets for weeks because I tried the same a time or two with a frog to get out of lessons."
Speaking of getting out of lessons…
"Well, snakes or no, welcome back to Daventry. To what do we owe the honor?" She asked lightly. 
"Leon and I are on our way to Lycathia. Your mother graciously offered us beds for the night on our journey."
Rosella glanced over to Leon. A prince near her own age? Her mother would have leaped at the opportunity. And King Antoine could have taken a slightly more direct route to Lycathia.
Well, she could take advantage of the opportunity as well, in her own way.
"I would love to show you around the grounds if you'd like. It's changed a fair bit from the last time you were here." Mainly because they'd had to rebuild half of it after the dragon, but she didn't mention that part.
"Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid my old bones aren't quite up to a long walk at the moment. Leon?"
"I would love to, Princess, but if Father isn't up to chaperoning…"
"That's no problem." She glanced around for the nearest guard and spotted Captain Tamart walking toward them. Not her first choice as far as partners-in-crime went, but he would do. "Captain Tamart here can chaperone, I'm sure."
"I'll see you at dinner, then. Have fun!" King Antoine said as he continued down the hall.
Rosella turned to Tamart as he neared. "Captain! How would you like to take a walk out to the lake? Prince Leon would love to see it."
They engaged in small talk as they exited the castle. Once Tamart had dropped back far enough to be out of earshot, Rosella turned to the Prince.
"I'm afraid I have to admit that, while I do love an afternoon spent on the grounds with good company, my intentions for the invitation were also… a little selfish. I, uh, was in need of a rescue from my tutor. To be completely honest, I have no intention of courting. With anyone, I mean, not just you," she added quickly, before he had a chance to get too offended.
"Ah. Well, I'm happy to be of help. I'm sure an afternoon spent in your company is worthwhile nevertheless." He paused, then added, "Your tutor must get as cross as mine used to if you've found yourself in such a predicament."
"I'd rather face the dragon again! I normally don't mind his teachings, but this past week has been horribly tedious."
"We heard about the dragon; I'm sorry you had to go through that. But - if I remember our last meeting correctly - while the other girls were running around screaming their heads off, you weren't phased in the least. I told my father that if you were still as fierce now as you were as a child, it was no wonder it ended up dead!"
"Well, that was mostly due to my brother, but thank you. You know, that snake turned out to be good practice; I faced off with another one in Tamir, except this one was venomous… But I should start at the beginning."
Rosella wasn't even halfway through the story when they arrived. The lake was mostly surrounded by trees, but one side butted up against a tall cliffside.
Rosella spotted a purple flower on a ledge partway up the cliff. "Ooh! Mother would love that." She waded in.
Prince Leon looked sideways at their chaperone in surprise. 
Tamart just sighed and made a halfhearted attempt at reigning in his charge. "Princess, please be careful…"
"Don't worry; I've climbed almost to the top before!" She glanced back at Tamart as she reached the cliff and started upward. "Uh, you didn't hear that."
"She does seem to know what she's doing," Prince Leon remarked.
Dryly, Tamart replied, "I suppose it's better than a whale tongue."
Leon glanced at him, startled at the statement, but before he could ask for clarification, he was distracted by a splash and a sharp cry.
Rosella had almost reached the ledge when she slipped and fell back into the water below. She swore a few choice curses as she struggled to get her feet back under her. Pain radiated from her shoulder; she must have hit something hidden under the water's surface.
Both men were at her side in seconds.
"Princess! Where-?" Tamart asked.
"My shoulder."
Tamart tried to help her to the shore as gently as he could, but any movement of her shoulder caused her more pain. Once on solid ground, he had her sit while he looked at it.
"I think it's dislocated. Prince Leon, could you sit on her other side, please?"
Dripping wet, Leon did so. Then, knowing what was coming, he offered her his hand and let her squeeze it as tight as she needed. 
Trying to distract her, he said, "Well, I suppose you'll have an excuse not to worry about that assignment for a while."
Rosella had just started to reply when Tamart pulled on her shoulder. The pain worsened.
Then it eased off, at least enough that she felt like she could catch her breath. "Tha- thanks. To both of you."
"Ren should still take a look at it,” Tamart cautioned.
Rosella nodded and stood to head back to the castle, Tamart holding her steady by her good arm.
They were almost halfway back when she realized Leon had vanished. As she looked around for him, he reappeared around a bend in the trail, even wetter than before. In his hand was the purple flower.
She laughed.
"Prince Leon, I have to say, I truly did enjoy your visit," Rosella said as they stood by Leon's carriage, which was set to depart any moment.
"Even though you ended up with a dislocated shoulder?"
She glanced down at her arm, still held close to her body by a sling. "Even so."
"I hope you can visit us sometime. I never did get to hear the rest of your story."
"I'd like that," she said, mostly out of politeness. Although - as far as suitors went, he wasn’t half-bad. “But after you hear the rest you’re not going to believe that this was how I ended up injured.”
"I look forward to it. Until next time, Princess."
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ayatai · 2 years ago
A Sudden Storm
No. 1 A LITTLE OUT OF THE ORDINARY Unconventional Restraints
Rosella tugged hard at her boot. The weather was perfect outside; if she hurried, she’d have time for a quick ride before her lessons. Her boot finally slipped on; she stood, heading for the door. 
She had only just opened it when the floor beneath her shook, knocking her off balance. Lighting flashed through her bedroom window. Thunder crashed, muffling all other sounds as it reverberated through her head. 
How could it be storming when not one minute ago, there hadn’t been a cloud in the sky? She tried to stand, but an intense pressure kept her flattened to the violently shaking floor.
The room descended into darkness as the light from her window vanished. 
Screams echoing down the hall replaced the fading thunder. Then, finally, the ground stilled, and she could pick herself up off the floor. It was too dark to see, but she could hear the clanking of armor as a guard ran into her room.
“Princess Rosella?”
“I’m fine, but what’s going on?”
“I don’t - “
He stopped as another guard and Alexander rushed in, a lit lamp in the Prince’s hand. Even in the dim, yellowed light from the lamp, she could see how white and drawn Alexander’s face had become. Worry shot through her. Surely this couldn’t be - 
“Are you alright?” Alexander asked.
“Yes, yes, but do you know what- “
“No,” he answered, his voice blunt as he darted to the window. Rosella and the guards followed.
At first, all was black, for not even the stars shone. Then a globe of flickering yellow appeared. It was far too weak to be the sun, but the light it did emit surrounded them haphazardly, shining brightly in some areas and yet nearly nonexistent in others. 
A second light flared, allowing Rosella to make out blurry blotches of grey. What on earth was going on?
A massive shadow appeared in front of them, one that almost appeared human. Except - the figure was far larger than even the giants that had once inhabited Daventry.
Stranger still, the horizon started to change, began to rise upward. As it lifted, the shapes beyond sharpened to reveal not the countryside that had been there mere minutes ago but a cavernous room she’d never seen.
Looking up, she finally understood the strange light reflections, at least. A glass dome that had enclosed the entire castle was being lifted and set to one side. The figure holding it was indeed human but so immense it blocked most of their view.
“Shining stars…” muttered one of the guards behind them.
Her mind reeled. Someone had shrunken them down so that they could take their entire castle. The magic that would require…
And magic required a wizard. So was this…?
She glanced at her brother. He seemed to have gone even whiter than before, but relief showed clearly on his face. No, not Manannan, then.
For a moment, she was relieved as well. But they were still kidnapped, miniaturized, and trapped under a glass dome.
Now what?
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gerbiloftriumph · 4 years ago
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Rosella called out to the goblin, tempting it, by whispering, “Once upon a time, there was a very brave little goblin.”
The little fellow had jammed its helmet back on and followed the story like a trail of bread crumbs, until it found itself surrounded by Daventry Royal Guards and its princess a good distance up the tunnel from its companions. It shrieked, and it would have turned and fled, but Kyle and Larry had jumped it and held it, and Rosella said, “Don’t you want to be a brave goblin like the one in the story?”
And that had made it pause, just for a second, just long enough for Rosella to tell another story about a little goblin who was sick of doing everyone else’s chores, and who got all his friends together, and when they were together, they were very strong indeed, and could throw off their tormenters and make the terrible people do all the chores instead. Which the goblin liked very much, it being both rather violent and promising that it wouldn’t have to do any more chores.
Based on The Silence Between Snowflakes fic, in which the goblins cause extra excellent mayhem in Icebella’s castle.
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