#princess red of hearts
bigmilk-13 · 1 month
*Red banging her head against a table in the common room*
Bridget: What's wrong with her?
Ella: Chloe complimented her hair today
Bridget: ...So?
Ella: Tell her what you said, Red.
Red, fighting back tears at her own stupidity: Awesome-sauce
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hi! could you write a chloe x red x fem!reader (ben's younger sister) imagine where the reader is sick and they take care of her?
Sick Days | Chloe Charming & Red
Pairing: Chloe Charming x Red x fem!reader (Ben's!younger!sister!reader)
Summary: Being sick certainly isn't fun. Luckily, girls are always ready to take care of you.
Warning/s: fluff, short fic, like really short fic, sickness, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
Author's note: My Wi-Fi sucked the whole day yesterday AND today, so I'm only posting this now even though I wanted to yesterday. Anyways, here you go. Hope you enjoy it!
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The Isle of the Lost was a place where shadows clung to every cracked cobblestone, and love was a rarity. But you, Ben's younger sister, had always been drawn to the unexpected—the way Chloe's laughter echoed through the narrow alleys, and the way Red's eyes softened when she thought no one was watching.
Your secret relationship with both Chloe and Red was a delicate dance.
Chloe, the daughter of Cinderella, was fierce, but a true softly and she was never afraid to show it. Her blue hair fell in curls, and her eyes held secrets she'd never share.
Red, on the other hand, was all brooding intensity—the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, tuff nature with eyes filled with determination, but with a big golden heart.
One chilly evening, you stumbled upon their dorms. The fire crackled in the fireplace, casting flickering shadows on the walls.
Chloe's eyes widened when she saw you, shivering and pale.
"You're burning up," she said, her voice gentle like always. "Red, we need to take care of her."
Red grunted, but there was concern in her eyes. She pulled you closer, wrapping you in a blue and yellow blanket.
Chloe brewed a cup of herbal tea, her fingers deft as she stirred in honey and whispered incantations for healing.
"You're lucky we found you," Chloe said, her fingers brushing against your forehead. "We're not exactly known for our nurturing skills."
Red scoffed, but she stoked the fire, making sure you were warm. She pulled out an old book—a relic from Auradon—and began reading aloud. Her voice was deep, resonant, weaving tales of magic and redemption. You leaned against her, feeling the fever slowly go away.
Chloe sat on the other side, humming a soothing melody. Her touch was tender as she traced patterns on your arm.
"You're going to be okay," she whispered. "We won't let anything happen to you."
And in that moment, surrounded by two unlikely protectors, you believed her. The Isle might be harsh, but love had a way of healing even the deepest wounds. Chloe and Red took turns caring for you—Chloe with her potions and Red with her stories. They stayed by your side, their hearts entwined with yours.
Days blurred into nights, and you drifted in and out of fever dreams. Chloe braided your hair, and Red traced intricate patterns on your hair. They argued about the best way to break the curse that plagued the Isle, their voices rising and falling like a symphony.
When you finally opened your eyes, weak but alive, Chloe pressed a kiss to your forehead. Red grunted, but her hand found yours, rough and steady.
"You're stuck with us," she muttered.
And you realized that maybe, just maybe, the Isle wasn't so dark after all. One of them almost came from it. Love had found you in the unlikeliest of places—in the arms of a villain's daughter and a scarred hero.
As you recovered, you vowed to protect this fragile connection, to let it bloom like a forgotten flower pushing through the cracks.
And so, hidden in their dorms, surrounded by whispers of magic and the warmth of two hearts, you healed.
Chloe and Red became your anchors, and you, their shared secret—the missing piece that completed their fractured souls.
@xoxo-h3arts @i-am-fork @a-homosexual-homosapien @snixx2088 @cyb3r-st4r @heartsfromcoco @angeliangelo @judgment-days-kid
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magic-is-beauty · 2 months
Descendants rise of red characters as things I find on pinterest (part 1)
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hurts2think · 2 months
hii! Can i req a red x f reader ?I dont rlly have any good plots in mind but maybe like a enemies to lovers trope where red & reader met at auradon prep for the first time and the reader totally caught red’s eye but red denies it and is mean, then gets jealous and confesses in the end
Something like that!
♥️Red Hearts x Fem!Reader♥️
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Red Hearts x Fem!Reader
Plot: Very low-key rivals to lovers. Reader is a Knight in training who's a rule follower while Red is rebellious and doesn't live by the rules. Red joins R.O.A.R, the fencing inspired game from Descendants 2.
Word Count: 2.6k
Extra: This is the first fanfic I've wrote in a VERY long time and also my first ever x reader fic. So I hope it's good <3 thank you for reading.
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Auradon Prep was always your favorite place to be. It felt like a place you could finally fit into. Before you, your parents were knights and protected their kingdom, and they expected the same from you. So naturally you signed up for R.O.A.R aka Royal Order of Auradon Regiment.
R.O.A.R was what you looked forward to the most for your junior year at AP. You heard the horror stories of it being a boys-only sport until the famous Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, once became captain and changed the rules for good. Now R.O.A.R actually became a female dominated sport at AP. Which you didn't really mind either way who was in the team, as long as they were easy to get along with.
Unfortunately, there was a new person on the team this year. You heard of her, everyone has, but you never had any real contact with her. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little annoyed with her constant sour attitude and the need to break rules. This girl was of course, Princess Red from Wonderland. Her bright red hair and her punk-esque style made her stand out from the rest. You thought she'd be... Mad. Like how everyone supposedly is in Wonderland. But she seemed to just be any other girl with a bad attitude.
"This costume is stupid." The red girl declared, "And is the mask really necessary too?" She complained as she was getting ready for practice in the locker room.
Most people ignored her. Many students were pretty intimidated by her, which made you feel bad to some degree. Even if she wasn't the most well behaved, it was still a pity she didn't seem to make friends easily. So after a moment of silence from the rest of the team, you finally spoke up,
"It's a uniform, not a costume. And it is required. The mask is to keep us safe too." You explained, unintentionally coming off as a little harsh. But that was what most people expected from you. Always by the book, a little cold, and stubborn. Not that you meant to come off that way. But being surrounded by knights your whole life, you kind of picked up that attitude. But really once people got to know you, you were sweet and a lot more easy going.
"Right. Whatever." She shrugged, leaving the locker room once she was dressed and ready.
You sighed and finished getting ready before following everyone else out to the strip where practice would finally begin.
"Okay team, as you know, we have a new member with us so let's make sure she feels welcome and a part of the team." The Captian, Nilly, declared to everyone. And though your eyes stayed fixed on the Captian, you couldn't help but have your gaze dash to Red for a quick moment. She didn't seem too enthused by the 'warm welcome'.
"Now, let's not waste any more time and get started." Nilly said, pairing up everyone to fight each other before her gaze fixed on you as she thought for a moment, "Why don't you go with Red? Show her the ropes?" Really it seemed like Nilly was worried that Red would break some rules or not play fairly. Since you were next to be Captian, it was only fair for you to be the one with her.
You didn't sigh or groan, you just gave a firm nod at the command as Red came over to stand across from you.
Your eyes locked together, her attitude had been nothing but lazy and rude, but now you could see the determination in her face. She definitely wouldn't go down without a fight.
"...lower the point, mask down," you suddenly snapped back from your thoughts to the sound of Nilly's voice. Then the game had started.
Swords clashed, people jumped around, it was overall a pretty chaotic sport like most of the sport in Auradon. But it wasn't a sport you've ever gone defeated in, and maybe that's why it was unexpected that Red seemed to be a total natural. Maybe you let your guard down a little bit and she got the upperhand at first before you really had to focus and lock in.
After a couple minutes of swords clashing and people getting out of the game, it was suddenly just you and Red left. It was pretty shocking to everyone that the new girl made it to the end. You kind of hoped people would assume you were going easy on her since she was new, but really, she was putting up a good fight.
Of course, practice and determination beats beginners luck so in the end you won against her.
You take your mask off and offer her a hand, "Good game, you fight well." You said, as you said pretty much after any match. But you really did mean it. She fought very well, maybe they had something similar in Wonderland so she already had practice because she was very good.
She looked at your hand but didn't take it, "Yeah, you too." She said, walking past you without any other word. Her tone sounded far from sincere which made your brows furrow and a frown appear on your face.
At the end of practice, Nilly announced that she wasn't going to be at school for the next week and that you would be taking spot as temporary captian. You had to hold back your smile, but really you were excited! You would've actually already been Captian this year if it wasn't for all of your honors classes and after school activities that kept you busy last year. But this was a great opportunity to prepare for next year and college!
And as the new temporary Captian, you felt obligated to take full responsibility for every member. Especially the new one. So after dinner, you took it into your own hands to show up at Red's dorm and discuss the expectations and rules of R.O.A.R.
But before you could knock, you heard a noise from inside. A... Spraying noise? You noticed the door was slightly cracked open, peaking inside your eyes widened.
Suddenly Red turned around to see your astonished face. Then her eyes narrowed, "what're you doing?" She asked, standing in front of her completely vandalized and spray painted walls.
"What are you doing?! Do you know how much trouble you'll get into??" You asked, accidentally raising your voice before talking in a hushed tone so no one around would get nosey and get her into trouble.
"So? It looks better this way. I couldn't stand the boring yellow walls. Yellow is not my color." She said, looking back at her work with a satisfied smile.
"But— It's—" you struggled to find the words, "If a teacher finds out you'll be in so much trouble." You finally said, giving her a judgemental look.
Red huffed and plopped down on her bed, "Then a teacher won't find out. Don't you ever have any fun in your life? Or are you one of those princesses who only live by the book?"
You couldn't believe this girl's attitude, "First of all, I'm not a princess... I'm a knight." You corrected confidently, to which she rolled her eyes, "And second, people follow the book for a reason! You can have fun without being... Uhm..." You try to find the right word.
"Exactly!" You exclaim, "Just..." You see that she was giving you a mocking expression, "Okay. Nevermind. I'm not here to talk about this." You sigh.
"Great. So can you leave?" She asked, but it seemed to be more of a demand than a question.
You simply ignored her and pulled out a small booklet from your coat pocket, sitting on a chair in her room. "As the temporary Captian, I wanted to discuss some things with you. You're an excellent fighter but you broke a couple rules... But it's okay, I'm here to go over all of the rules with you." You smiled for probably the first time at her.
"A rulebook? Seriously? You're cute n' all, princess, but did you miss the entire conversation where I just said rules were boring and that you're boring for following them?" She sat up, looking you straight in the eye, unamused by this topic.
"Well you'll be kicked off the team if you can't follow some basic rules." You replied, sensing this was going to be harder than you imagined.
To Red's demise, you sat there for the next hour, reading every single rule and explaining them to her. She kept her eyes locked on you the whole time, though you felt she might not actually be listening. More like she was studying you as if you were a weird looking bird at a zoo.
She observed the way you sat so properly and the way you spoke and moved was filled with confidence and almost demanded respect. Then she observed your features, your eyes, hair, face, style of clothing. It was all kind of attractive. Though you had a strict attitude, she was sure she could pull you to be more level headed and laid back. But once you finally finished and closed the book, it snapped her back to reality and before her thoughts really ran wild.
"Any questions?" You asked.
She just stared at you for a moment in silence before standing up, "Nope. You explained it so well. This was a very... Informational meeting. I think I learned a lot."
Red was most definitely being sarcastic, but you weren't necessarily the first person to pick up on sarcasm so your face lit up a little when she said that, "Oh! Really? We can go over all of the stances too and—" you suddenly cut yourself off and frowned, "Oh. Sarcasm?"
She nodded, giving a passive aggressively smile, "You can leave now."
You sighed and stood up to leave but not before saying, "You know, Red. I think you really have the opportunity to do great things. Your a great fighter and.." you look at the vandalized walls, ",a great artist too. If you could just do it the right way and—"
"Okay I don't need to be lectured by you." She said, putting a hand on your back to guide you out of her room.
You eventually left and mentally cursed yourself for wasting your time with her. She probably didn't even listen to a single thing you said.
But now Red was left alone in her room with her own thoughts. She couldn't understand how someone could be so by-the-book and proper. It was like that girl really was a knight who did school part time.
But something about her really stuck out to Red. Maybe it was the determination or the way her entire person demanded a respect that most people of real authority didn't have.
At the end of the week there was a school dance. Red didn't know why schools seemed to presistent on having a dance every 3 months, but she wasn't really complaining. It's not like she had anyone to go with. She was still relatively new and didn't have any friends. Well, kind of.
After her little meeting with you, she found the knight-in-training barging into her room more and more often this whole week. Offering to help her practice, help with school work, it's like you made it your goal to 'fix' Red or something. But Red secretly found it endearing. Your conversations became more playful and flirtatious, well, on Red's side at least.
She found your reactions entertaining. The way you'd look away from her and your confident attitude suddenly goes weak. A simple arm around the shoulder and wink was enough to make you melt.
Though you never actually considered the fact Red was actually romantically interested, no matter how many times she said "Well, aren't you cute?" To tease you. There was no way she actually felt anything. Right?
This year you were put in charge of doorkeeping so you had to make a guest list of everyone that was attending the dance. And now as the day was ending and people were preparing for tomorrow night, you were making the rounds to all of the people who hadn't signed up to see if they were going.
You found Red at the dining hall and approached her, "Red. You haven't signed up for the dance." You said, getting straight to the point as she was sitting at a table, drawing while eating a bowl of chocolates.
"I'm not going." She said, not even bothering to look up at you.
"What? Why? It's your first dance, and no offense, but you don't have many friends. It could be a good opportunity to make friends." You advised, taking a seat next to her.
"Sounds awful, I'll pass."
You sigh. Before you could say anything else, a girl you recognized took a seat in front of the two of you, "Hey, (y/n)." She greeted with a smile. Her name was Tina and she was a cute girl who talked to you plenty of times but you wouldn't consider yourself friends.
"Hello, Tina." You responded, taking your eyes off Red to look at the girl.
"So... Are you going to the dance?" She asked you, which had Red look up from her drawing for the first time.
"Yes. I'm the doorkeeper this year, but after that I'll be with the rest of you guys." You explained.
"Sweet. I can't wait to see you there. You're not going with anyone, are you?" She asked, leaning towards you and her body language becoming much more flirtatious.
"No. I mostly will just be making the rounds to my friends and hanging out with them." You didn't seem to catch onto the flirting, but Red definitely did. And, man, if looks could kill. Tina would drop dead.
"Well, I can't wait." She smiled before getting up and waving then leaving.
"Dude..." Red said, looking at you.
"That girl was definitely trying to ask you to the dance." Red said, though it wasn't in a teasing way. If anything, she didn't look too happy about it.
"Huh? What? Tina? No no. She's just a friend and was probably curious." You said, there was no was Tina of all people wanted to go to the dance with you.
Red just shook her head and sighed, "You're lucky you're so cute. It doesn't matter you're totally oblivious."
Though she said it as an insult, you couldn't help but feel your face heat up at the comment.
"Well... It doesn't matter either way. I'm not interested in her like that." You said, suddenly feeling the need to separate yourself from Tina. You didn't want Red to think you liked Tina at all. But you didn't exactly know why you were suddenly so defensive about it... Obviously Red didn't care... Or maybe she did. You found it very hard to read Red. Which was one of the reasons you liked her so much
Red looked like she suddenly got an idea, "You know what. I think I will go to the dance."
"Yep. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone else was dancing with my Knight-in-shining-armor at the dance?" She smirked, putting an arm around your shoulder.
"Red... Are you asking me to—"
"Don't. Don't say it. I might throw up." She frowned but you smiled.
You took her arm off of you and instead held her hand, leaning against her slightly, "I'd love to go to the dance with you."
Red put her face in her hand, "Gross. Don't make it cheesy." She said, but it was obvious she was trying to hide her flustered face.
"Shut up, it's adorable." You laughed, nudging her arm and she finally smiled at you. An actual genuine smile.
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alexismcknight25 · 2 months
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Sorcerers Cookbook - Chloe and Red
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callmekenya · 1 month
Descendants Masterlist
Maleficent “Mal” Bertha
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Redemption and Forgiveness
Dating Mal would include..
What you enjoy doing together
Evelyn “Evie” Grimhilde
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True love
Shattered Memories, Shattered Hearts
What you enjoy doing together
Benjamin “Ben” Florian
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What you enjoy doing together
Audrey Rose
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What you enjoy doing together
Harry Hook
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What you enjoy doing together
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Bonded to chaos
What you enjoy doing together
Carlos De'vil
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What you enjoy doing together
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What you enjoy doing together
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72crowe89 · 2 months
The Rise of Red missed a cool opportunity
Given that they would be around the same age, wouldn't this foursome have be amazing?
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(Unless the actresses were busy, of course)
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friquest · 16 days
i wonder if red would've been a daddy's girl if the of king of hearts from alice in wonderland movie was her father
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cotton-candy-vodka · 26 days
Red playlist is here! I may add or get rid of songs, but this is it for now. Next up is Chloe’s so stay tuned <3
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uhhhh-em-draws-stuff · 2 months
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Fight of our lives if Disney weren’t cowards
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Descendants Masterlist
✭ - smut
♡ - fluff
➳ - angst
۵ - hurt/comfort
☆ - headcanons
Red/Princess Red of Hearts
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"I don't want my life ruled by some queen."
Sick Days - Being sick certainly isn't fun. Luckily, girls are always ready to take care of you. [♡]
James Hook/Hook
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"Look for a hand, find a golden hook, Captain of the seas, I got em all shook."
Secret - Once Uliana figures out your secret, everything comes crushing down. [♡➳]
Happy Little Accidents - Hook and you always run into each other and he hates it. [♡]
Chloe Charming
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"You gotta get your hands dirty."
Sick Days - Being sick certainly isn't fun. Luckily, girls are always ready to take care of you. [♡]
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"Hades here from the fiery depths."
Unspoken Love - Hades has been in love with you for a while now, but doesn't truly know how to express it. [♡]
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c-rose2081 · 1 month
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Bridget, Queen of Hearts
It really annoyed me that they didn’t make Rita’s outfit look more like Bridget did in her youth once she turned good so I took a stab at it.
I think ruling Wonderland is really taxing, So Bridget’s definitely going gray and has much darker hair then when she was a teen (but it’s not quite red). And despite her sweetness, the design still has a certain edge to it as her rule requires a firm hand in order to succeed. Bridget’s not a push over when it comes to her Empire.
She’s firm but fair, the first Queen of Hearts in centuries who’s never beheaded someone yet is still one of the most respected rulers to ever come out of Wonderland.
(Thanks for your help @descendantofthesparrow as usual! You’re a life saver, bestie 🫶🏻)
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jewishjesper · 2 months
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I actually really liked Rise of Red
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alexismcknight25 · 28 days
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Bridgella and Charminghearts
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magic-is-beauty · 2 months
Rise of red characters as things I find on pinterest (part 2)
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strugglingsapphic · 2 months
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Reds relationship status in her instagram bio is "Consider me charmed💙🗡️✨"
And chloe's is "All i see is red ❤️♦️⏱️"
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