#prince yazdan
eledarart · 5 months
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~ Miserlou ~
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hottakesdutp · 2 years
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Hot Takes Dutp: Yazdan The Sleepy Boy
A) Lazy Boi <3
B) Long Hair <3 +5
C) Sleepy Eyes ( Heavy lidded *_*)
D) Two Lip Club <3
E) Headscarf looking more like a Veil? (So pretty)
F) Cape! Sash? Either <3
G) Gold and Blue Palette with colorful accents <3
H) Oh HEY, look he’s Actually *Brown*
I) Not sure how to feel about these boots….
Additional Notes:
Love the “hardly bothered to dress myself today” vibe, dude same.
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princeyjem · 2 months
ugh Nothing Matters from The Last Dinner Party is so Vasili and Niko
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Do anyone here play Time Princess too? I need someone to appreciate Prince Yazdan with me
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loraculis · 2 years
yazdan prince of persia lol
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hsincerely · 2 years
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BOOKS READ IN 2022: the cottage by ariana nash
“What you call brilliance, others might call madness.”
“I don’t care what others think. I love your mind, even though I can’t keep up with it. I love your soul, wounded as it is. I love your laugh—fuck I love that laugh so much. And your smile—not the I’m-about-to-fuck-you-up smile, the other one, the soft one. I love that one, when you finally show it.”
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fibbunny · 3 years
A process video of a drawing for Ariana Nash’s Prince’s Assassin series. These books were a great queer fantasy experience! Here we see Nikolas and Vasili, the protagonists, finally getting to be soft at the end of their adventure.
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Unfortunately a lot of the queer fantasy books I can find have some pretty heavy dark themes, so proceed with caution if you decide to read it, but it’s genuinely one of my favorite love stories. It’s enemies to lovers, shows the couple dealing with past trauma that makes them dislike touch, and finding ways to reach each other and understand each other in some pretty fucked up situations. And also there’s magic, pirates, and there are no straight people.
If you like my art, consider supporting me on Instagram or Patreon?
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cluelessjellyfish · 2 years
I'm obsessed with the game time princess.
Anyway, here's a pic of my sleepy prince Yazdan and my nerdy psychotic secretary Reza
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emmaelix · 2 years
So yeah, I play Time Princess. Sue me. I'm writing fanfic for a video game. Won't be the first, certainly not the last. This is a re-write of chapter two stages 6-8 of The Sacred Beast. Most definitely on the Yazdan route, if you haven't read TSB or finished the second chapter I do not recommend this as it is spoilers. Enjoy!
Full Title: The Sacred Beast Chapter Two Re-write: Yazdan x Asha
Y/n: Your Name. Y/H/C: Your Hair Color. Y/E/C: Your Eye Color. Y/S/C: Your Skin Color
Flames surround me, and the heat feels like it's scalding my flesh. Someone rushes into the flames to carry me out. His clothes catch fire, but even as the flames engulf him he refuses to let go.
"Yazdan! Let go, or you'll die too..." I say as I feel Yazdan's arms wrap tighter around me. "Don't you recognize me anymore, Corey?"
"Asha! Asha, wake up!" Yasmin's brash tones interrupt my dream. Or possible nightmare.
I open my eyes and see a slightly blurry version of Yasmin. "Yasmin?"
"Finally! You were having a nightmare. You almost scared me half to death! Now, change your clothes. You're covered in sweat, you'll get sick."
I huff out a laugh and walk towards the small changing room near my bed. Changing into an armored outfit, I hum and try to shake off the dread from my nightmare.
After changing, I realize I'm in an unfamiliar room. I don't know what's happened. "Weren't we in the king's residence?"
Yasmin shakes her head scornfully. "That turncoat Reza wanted to murder us. We had to retreat for a while."
I have flashbacks to Yazdan shielding me from Corey's fire. I almost don't want to ask. "W-" My voice breaks, so I stop and try again. "Where's Yazdan? Is he okay?"
Yasmin smiles at me. "Prince Yazdan protected you when Reza ordered C-... the Manticore to attack." I notice she almost says Corey but changes it at the last moment. A small gesture, perhaps, but appreciated.
"He held it off so we could get out. Asha, I-"
"Yazdan is alone, but maybe not dead. Is he...?" I interrupt, not wanting to hear Yasmin's possible announcement.
"Prince Yazdan will use his gift to his advantage. He'll be one step ahead. Don't worry, Asha. He might not win, but I'm sure he'll escape and join us later."
Yasmin looks unusually uncomfortable. Maybe she doesn't like pep talks. I smile and heave a sigh of relief. "I'm glad he'll be okay."
Yasmin returns the smile. But it quickly turns to disgruntled disbelief. "The lazy prince... I never thought he would be this reliable."
"He always has been."
Yasmin sighs, and starts fiddling with the rope attached to her waist. "Still, I can't shake this feeling he's hiding something. Like he isn't telling the whole story, keeping just enough tucked away. Wouldn't he have foreseen Reza's ambush and true identity at some point?"
I don't want to believe it, but maybe Yasmin is right. Maybe he is hiding something. But what?
"It feels like he already knew what was going to happen, but deliberately let things run their course. Asha, it just feels wrong somehow."
"You don't mean you think he knew all along? If Yazdan knew Reza was a traitor, why not just stop him?"
Before either of us can say more, King Darius mumbles from behind me. "Where am I! You kidnapped the king! I'll have your heads on a pike for this!"
"Well, I didn't want to save you. Your son - for some reason - wanted to keep you alive. He's the only reason you aren't burning in hell right now," Yasmin snaps, pointing a small dagger at the king.
Darius' face has become increasingly red. "If not for you I would've had that beast's heart long before tonight! My foolish son is stupid, lazy, and good for nothing but perhaps a sacrifice to the Manticore."
I can't stand hearing Darius talk about Corey or Yazdan this way. "You're selfish, immature, and lazy! You aren't worthy of being a fly on Yazdan's wall, let alone his father! Yazdan risked his life to save you, but you only think of yourself! You don't deserve to be a father, but what shocks me the most is how you ever convinced a woman to lie next to you long enough to have three sons!"
The king's face is now as pink as his robes. "Why would I worry about him when he has his gift?"
If I wasn't shocked before, I certainly am now. "You aren't worried for him at all?"
The King laughs at my question. "For him to die would be a great benefit! That boy foretells the worst of the worst, and it always comes true. He saw his brother's deaths-"
"You don't understand anything!" Tears are pouring down my cheeks, and my finger is pointed accusingly at Darius. "Yazdan sees the future. He can't change it! Do you ever wonder how powerless that makes him feel? The stress he has quietly endured would probably topple you over within a day. Yet Yazdan doesn't give up trying to change the future!"
This time the King just rolls his eyes. "Aha, he's bribed you, hasn't he? He bribes everyone for everything, like a future usurper."
I'm so sick to my stomach at what Darius is saying I can't even talk to him anymore. I'm so angry words won't come out. But even if they could, they wouldn't express the pure, blinding rage I feel towards this powerless man standing within strangling reach.
Yasmin puts her hand on my shoulder. "Asha, stop. Don't waste your breath, he'll never under-"
The ground trembles as though elephants are running over the land. I hear crashes and screams. I quickly deduce it's an earthquake. And a powerful one, at that.
I look out the window and my breath catches in my throat. Saruwa Volcano is spewing black smoke in the distance, dying the sky an apocalyptic black.
"It's an eruption," Yasmin says, breaking the silence that had fallen over us.
"Well if it's an eruption get me out of here! Save me!" The king cries as I start to gather my things.
I roll my eyes. "Yazdan told us to get you out of the palace. He never said anything about keeping you safe after that. Bye-bye!"
I've gathered everything I think I'll need, and I grab Yasmin by the hand. "Come on, we've got to find Yazdan. And Corey."
By the time we've reached the courtyard night has fallen, giving the castle an eerie look. Yazdan walks up to us.
"Hello, ladies," He says, smiling at Yasmin and me. I can tell this isn't my Yazdan. I put my sword up to his abdomen.
"Don't move," I command, putting on a brave face despite the worry swirling in my brain.
This version of Yazdan simply laughs, before walking forward. The edge of my sword pierces through Yazdan's clothes, and blood begins to pool at his fresh injury. I jump back instinctively.
"I thought so. You can't kill your precious prince, can you?" This is definitely not my Yazdan.
Even though I'm terrified Yazdan will run himself through with my sword again, I - probably stupidly - put it up to his neck. "I don't want to hurt Yazdan. But you- you aren't my Yazdan. And my Yazdan would rather die for his people than watch them suffer, so if that's what it takes I'll do it for him."
This Yazdan smiles. "Loyal to the bitter end, he was. Wouldn't stop screaming you'd avenge him until I slit his throat and took over his body," He says, pulling down his collar slightly to show a large gash on his neck.
"Yasmin? Go deal with Reza. I'll stay here with the imposter."
"Ah, but you underestimate me," Yazdan says, and within a moment he has knocked out Yasmin and grabbed my wrists. "Don't you, princess? Now, come with me, to Lord Reza's ceremony."
Noxious gases from the heart of the volcano spread throughout, and it was hard to breathe with all the smoke around me. I look around to see Reza and Corey in a corner of the underground caves, with Reza laughing maniacally.
"Yazdan, please. Didn't you say your visions were getting hazy? Maybe that means we can change them!"
Yazdan scoffs. "Ha, I've decided to make peace with the fact that these visions depict reality. Now, get a move on."
As I look around me, I realize it's entirely possible I'll be dead by tonight. I meet Reza's eyes, and instead of the calm I'm used to I'm met with a roller coaster of emotions. Most strong of all of them? Revenge.
"Good. Welcome, Asha, to the revenge of our king."
I struggle against my bonds as I speak. "Reza, why are you doing this? What good is there in speaking to someone who's already dead?"
Yazdan's hands tighten on my wrists, and as I look at his blue sleeves I'm reminded of the mushroom I have in my pocket. If I could just move to-
"Ah, what did I say? You can't-" Yazdan began, seizing my wrist with one hand, but consequentially letting go of the other hand. I take advantage, pulling him in for a kiss as I shove the blue mushroom into his mouth, keeping the kiss long enough that the mushroom has to be at least partly dissolved.
"Asha? Oh... my head. Asha, what happened?"
Even though I felt like I could yell and scream with joy, I held back. There was a possibility this hadn't worked. "Reza was controlling you, making you do things you wouldn't have, normally."
Yazdan smirked. "Like this?" Then he spat out the unchewed piece of blue mushroom. My heart sank to my stomach.
Reza laughed and shook his head. He paused, as though enjoying his victory. "There is no poison for you to cure. I have given Yazdan my gift, and we shall rule the world."
Reza walked towards me, a knife outstretched towards my hand. He started to slice a small cut up my arm. Before Reza could finish, an ornately carved dagger was shoved into his back. Yazdan stood triumphantly behind him, grinning at his ex-advisor.
Yazdan smiled at Reza's shocked expression. "But- but how?" He spluttered, his eyes wide with fear.
"Some things override gifts. Love, for instance. Of course, you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Yazdan said, wrapping an arm around my waist.
I heard a rumbling ahead of us in the caves. "Caves are collapsing. We have to move, now!" Yazdan yelled.
I thought I heard yells from behind us. I ran in the direction of the sound, with Yazdan following close behind. "Asha, wait! Stop!"
Turning back to face Yazdan, I yell, "Get Corey and leave! I'll be fine, I think I hear people!"
Yazdan's face changes immediately. "I'll grab the big cat, then come back for you and whoever you can find."
I nodded, and begin searching the rubble. I hear yells again, and start running towards them. As I start to move the rocks, I see about five people underneath. "Hang on!" I yell as I hear Corey's roar once again.
Yazdan and Corey are behind me. "Thank you, kind people," The elderly man in the group says, nodding to Yazdan, Corey, and me as he is pulled out of the rubble.
He faces Yazdan, probably to thank him again. As the old man looks Yazdan in the eyes, his demeanor changes almost instantly. "You're Prince Yazdan!" He exclaims, and the rest of his companions perk up.
"Bastard! Your father trapped us here!" A young woman yelled as she began throwing medium-sized rocks at Yazdan. His face is bleeding as they continue to throw rocks at him. Corey is alternating between whimpering and growling behind me.
"Stop! He might be the prince, but he's trying to help you!"
Yazdan looks graciously at me, but what he says doesn't match the look he sends me. "Please, let me get you out. Then you can punish me, stone me all you like."
I'm waiting for him to laugh and say something stupid, like "Surprise! I have a pain kink!" But he doesn't. He just looks them all in the eyes.
They nod, seeming to understand that Yazdan is their only chance of survival.
We had managed to get out of the cave alive, but Corey had run towards the volcano to stop it. Yazdan placed his arms around me, hugging me in front of all these people. "Asha, I'm so sorry," He said into my hair.
Tears fell from my eyes, falling into Yazdan's clothes. The group of people muttered to each other at our closeness. Yazdan and I jumped back, suddenly aware of the other people.
The youngest girl, about seventeen, approached me. "Miss? I'm sorry for how my family has been treating you and the prince. You don't deserve that."
I smiled at her. "Thank you. Yazdan is a special person."
Alright, so this is my little re-write. I like it, and I'll probably do part two, as well.
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ella-wynne · 3 years
Relationship ended with Puzo, new obsession with Prince Yazdan will commence
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clamorybus · 3 years
fan theory: prince yazdan is actually the assassin who tried to kill us. my only evidence is that both he and the assassination were blue and gold clothes with a scarf.
but yazdan is always sleepy during the day...is it because he's up all night murdering!?!
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kanraandchrome · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
I'm forever grateful to my lil bro for tagging me here (go check out his texts they are as amazing as he is) and I'll probably tag @licuadora-nasir and @tetrakys if you're up to it !
The game is to put aaaaaaaaall the WIPs you have still waiting to be written so I'll put everything under the lil separate stuff, be prepared it's gonna be long but bear with it OvO ! Also if you want more info or a small extract of the fic or anything, you can ask me stuff I don't bite !
The Marble of Life : My world project I've been working on since I'm 6 yo (oh Gods it's been 21 years). I posted the first text here, but I still have to write :
The God of Summer's Unyelding Optimism
The Goddess of Spring's Unwavering Benevolence
The God of Autumn's Unrelenting Trials
The Prince Under the Sand
The Emperor Above the Snow
They Who Walk and Witness
Orys' Heart
Amour Sucré
Alternative Life : Dakota (Dake centric)
Mascara(de) (Dan/Lynn)
Tuning under the Apple Trees (Lysandre & Castiel)
Reformed Villains (Overhaul centric)
The Swearing Ace & the Cursing Fairy (Bakugou centric)
Deserved (Lance/Betrayer!Erika/Valkyon)
Stars Can't Tattle (Eldarya, Leiftan centric)
Tavern (Eldarya, Erika centric)
Tears Raining like Diamonds (Tenjin centric)
Hypnosis Microphone
Chasing Thrill (Dice centric)
Media Frenzy (Jyushi centric)
The Jacket (Hifumi centric)
Moonlight Lovers
Complicité 2 & 3 (Moonlight Lovers, Vladimir & Raphaël, Aaron & Ivan)
Discord Prompts (Moonlight Lovers)
Fermeture (Moonlight Lovers, Ivan/Ethan)
(In)différence (Moonlight Lovers, Ethan/Ivan)
Is the BF of my GF also my BF ? (Moonlight Lovers, Ethan/Eloise/Ivan)
Sanglots (Moonlight Lovers, Ethan centric)
Violets Aren't Blue (Neil Centric)
Tavern (Eldarya, Erika centric)
Time Princess
Sloth (Yazdan centric)
The Silver Lighter (Vittorio centric)
Twenty Centuries (Vincent centric)
(Un)favorite (Aldous centric)
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An Iranian volume with studies of Westen scholars on the ancient Persian Empire based on the Persepolis “Fortification Tablets”
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“According to the National Museum of Iran, the book ” King and élite in the Achaemenid empire Selected studies based on the Persepolis Fortification Archive” has been published in Tehran. Jebrael Nokandeh, director of the National Museum, said: ” As the first volume of the series Treasuries of Ancient Iran: Sources and Studies on Early Iranian History and Culture, this volume is a translation of ten articles published in English on various occasions. He added what brings all these articles together is their common theme of the King’s network of relations with the dominant ethno-class, a group of individuals who formed the main body of power structure during the Achaemenid period. He emphasized it is also noteworthy that the focus of all these articles is on the analysis of information that the Persepolis Fortification Archive, one of the most important sources of Achaemenid history, provides. According to Ms. Ghafouri, head of the publishing department, the publication of this book is an attempt to transfer the results of international studies to Persian speakers, given the return of a significant portion of Persepolis tablets from Chicago to the National Museum of Iran. The book consists of 10 chapters in 4 thematic sections and is published in full color in 512 pages and 500 copies. The editor of the volume is Wouter F.M. Henkelman with contributions by Annalisa Azzoni, Mark B. Garrison, Wouter F.M. Henkelman, and Matthew W. Stolper. The chapters were translated by Yazdan Safaee and Hamidreza Nikravesh
The chapters are as follows: The King and the royal court Garrison, M.B. 1996, “A Persepolis Fortification Seal on the Tablet MDP 11 308 (Louvre Sb 13078)”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 55, 15–۳۵٫ Henkelman, W.F.M. 2010, “Consumed before the King.” The Table of Darius, that of Irdabama and Irtaštuna, and that of his Satrap, Karkiš”, in: B. Jacobs & R. Rollinger (eds.), Der Achämenidenhof (Classica et Orientalia 2), Wiesbaden: 667-775. Azzoni, A., 2017, “The empire as visible in the Aramaic documents from Persepolis”, in: B. Jacobs, W.F.M. Henkelman & M.W. Stolper (eds.), Verwaltung im Perserreich – Imperiale Muster und Strukturen / Administration in the Achaemenid Empire – Tracing the Imperial Signature, Wiesbaden: 455- 468. Religion and royal ideology Henkelman, W.F.M. 2011, Parnakka’s Feast: šip in Pārsa and Elam, in: J. Álvarez-Mon & M.B. Garrison (eds.), Elam and Persia, Winona Lake: 89-166. Glimpses of the Achaemenid élite Garrison, M.B. 1991, Seals and the Elite at Persepolis: Some Observations on Early Achaemenid Persian Art, Ars Orientalis 21, p. 1–۲۹٫ Henkelman, W.F.M. 2011, Of Tapyroi and tablets, states and tribes: the historical geography of pastoralism in the Achaemenid heartland in Greek and Elamite sources, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 54.2: 1-16. Garrison, M.B. 2011, Notes on a Boar Hunt, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 54; 17–۲۰٫ Garrison M.B & W.F.M. Henkelman. 2020., The seal of prince Aršāma: From Persepolis to Oxford, in: C. Tuplin and J.Ma, eds., Aršāma and his world: vol. 2: bullae and seals, Oxford: 46–۱۶۶٫ The King is dead Henkelman, W.F.M. 2003, An Elamite Memorial: the šumar of Cambyses and Hystaspes, in: W. Henkelman & A. Kuhrt (eds.), A Persian Perspective: Essays in Memory of Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg (Achaemenid History 13), Leiden: 101-172. Stolper, M.W. From the Persepolis Fortification Archive Project, 4: ‘His Own Death’ in Bisotun and Persepolis, ARTA 2015.002 [28 pp.].”
Source: https://irannationalmuseum.ir/en/a-new-book-on-persepolis-fortress-archive/
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princeyjem · 4 years
yo so I’ve discovered Ariana Nash and I am POWERING through the Prince’s Assassin series to the point that idk how I will be able to wait until March for the 3rd installment and if this doesn’t get a fandom ASAP, I will cry.
I need people to talk about this with. All I have drawn in me + Damien’s daily journal for like a solid week is Vasili.
Like,,,art from me? Definitely incoming...but only when it is more than just pen sketches in a journal where my bf and I are yelling at each other abt our days.
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goldeagleprice · 6 years
Coinage of Tonk Princely State
A Princely State was an entity of British India that was not directly governed by British, but rather by an Indian ruler under a form of indirect rule. British had their own monetary system but at least 125 states produced their own coinage, mainly in the period from 1800 to 1900, though the number of them continued to issue coins until 1947. Today, we will discuss and explore the history of the coinage of Tonk Princely State.
  Tonk Princely state is located at the present-day border of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. It was the only state in Rajasthan which was ruled by Muslim rulers in the nineteen century. In 1817, this state signed a subsidiary alliance treaty and became a protectorate of the British. Tonk accessed to Union of India on 7th April 1949.
Nawab Muhammad Amir Khan
A long time ago in 1798, there was an adventurer and military leader of Pashtun descent from Afghanistan called ‘Amir Khan’. He rose to the position of military commander in the service of Yashwantrao Holkar of the Maratha Empire. Amir Khan received the state of Tonks from Holkar’s and later on, after the Third Anglo-Maratha war Amir accepted the British suzerainty in the year 1817 and received the title of Nawab.
  During the reign, Amir Khan issued silver and copper coins in the denomination of Rupee and Paisa. These coins were issued from Sironj and Tonk mints. Represented here is Amir Khan’s silver Rupee which issued in the name of Muhammad Akbar II in 1232 AH. The Persian legend ‘Sikka Mubarak Sahib-e-Qiran Sani Muhammad Akbar Shah Badshah’ bore on the obverse face of the coin. The reverse depicts the mint name, Sanah, and Julus formula.
  Muhammad Wazir Khan
Muhammad Wazir Khan was the second ruler of the princely state of Tonk. He was the eldest son of Muhammad Amir Khan whom he succeeded. During the Indian Rebellion of 1857 he allied himself with the British and repulsed rebels.
  He also welcomed refugees such as artists, musicians, and writers who fled from Delhi after the Revolt of 1857 and were not able to enjoy the patronage of the Mughal rule. In this manner, the court of Tonk emerged as an important cultural and artistic centre where Mughals remnants were preserved in the best possible way.
  The earliest coins of Wazir Muhammad were issued in Mughal style bearing the name of Muhammad Akbar. After 1858, coins featured the name of Queen Victoria, a reign of her majesty and Queen of the kingdom on the obverse and on the reverse bearing Nawab’s name, title and Hijri date were found.
Wazir Muhammad issued silver and copper coins during the reign. These coins were issued from Sironj and Tonk mint and represent Leaf mint mark. He died in 1864 and the throne was ascended by his eldest son Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan.
  Nawab Muhammad Ali Khan
Muhammad Ali Khan became a third Nawab to rule the Tonk Princely State from 1864 to 1867 AD. He soon fell in the enemy’s trap and so British deposed and banished him from Tonk. He went to Benaras where he died in 1895. Thereafter, British government proclaimed minor son of Ali Khan, Nawab Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Khan under regnant of his uncle.
  Muhammad Ali’s coinage followed the same pattern as their predecessor. He issued silver and copper coins from Sironj mint. These coins are found in the denomination of Paisa and Rupee. Its features Kings name and title with AH date, Leaf and Flower on its obverse face of a coin while the reverse depicts name of Victoria Empress in Persian legend.
Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Khan
Muhammad Ibrahim Ali Khan was the fourth Nawab of Tonk Princely State who ruled from 1868 to 1930 AD. During Ibrahim Ali’s reign, the mint was transferred from Sironj to the capital.
  He issued coins in gold, silver, and copper in different denominations and fractions from Sironj and Tonk mint. These coins were issued in the name of Queen Victoria and represent the Feather/Turban ornament as the mint mark.
  The coin bears a Persian couplet in the name of Ibrahim Ali Khan on obverse which is partially visible – ‘Sikka Mubarak zad za Fazal-i- Yazdan / Ra’ees-i- Tonk Ibrahim ‘Ali Khan’ (“Struck auspicious coin by the grace of God, Ibrahim Ali Khan, the Elite (king) of Tonk”). The reverse has legend ‘Ahdi malikah muazzam sultanat inglistan wa qaiser hindustan dar al-zarb Tonk’.
  Muhammad Sa’adat Ali Khan
Muhammad Sa’adat Ali Khan was the Nawab of Princely state of Tonk who rule the state from 1930 to 1949 AD. He continued the reforms legacy of his father, Ibrahim Ali Khan.
Sa’adat Khan issued silver 1/8 Rupee in the name of George V. These silver Rupee usually has Persian legend ‘George V’ with AH date and leaf mint mark on its obverse and reverse bears legend ‘Muhammd Sa’adat Ali khan’ with the mint name. His copper coins are known as Pice (Paisa).
The copper Pice shown in the image was issued during his reign. The obverse of the coin depicts star within the crescent moon, crossed swords, shield with date “Sanah 1350 Hijri”   below inside circle. Legend outside circle read as- “His Highness Nawab Muhammad Sa’adat Ali Khan Sahib Bahadur, Wali Riasat Tonk” (His Highness Nawab Muhammad Sa’adat Ali Khan Sahib Bahadur, Sovereign of the State, Tonk). The reverse of the coin contains legend ‘Ek Paisa’ with leaf mintmark and date ‘Sanah Iswy 1932’ within the circle. Legend outside the circle – “Bi’ahdi Mulk Muazam Qaiser-i-Hind – George Pancham” (In the time of the Honoured ruler Emperor of India – George V).
  This blog covers some of the beautiful aspects of the coinage of Tonk Princely State. Visit our Coin section for more detailed information. Coinage of Tonk Princely State remained as some of the most brilliant examples of Indian coinage. Coin collectors from all over the world are fond of collecting some of these rare gems!
More blogs on the Coinage of other Princely States coming up very soon. Till then Stay tuned.
The post Coinage of Tonk Princely State appeared first on Blog | Mintage World.
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hsincerely · 3 years
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BOOKS READ IN 2022: reign of darkness by ariana nash
“Did you say you care to keep me here?”
“I said it because it’s true,” came his muffled reply.
Niko splayed his fingers and stared at the grain in the wood. “How long?”
The quiet dragged on, but he was still out there. “Some time between the kiss at the farmhouse and you saving me from the fire, but mostly in the woods, after you built us a life. It… surprised me.” His voice had deepened, like he’d stepped closer to the door. “It’s probably a phase,” he said haughtily. “You’re really not my type.”
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