#prince hadie of the underworld
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Badun Detective Agency Protégés/The Pocketwatch Characters Picrews (Part 1);
Picrew link.
Name: Princess Róisín 'Red' Hearts of Wonderland.
Descendants 3 Age: 10 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 18 years old.
Name: Princess Chloe Charming of Cinderellasburg.
Descendants 3 Age: 10 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 18 years old.
Name: Prince Hayden 'Hadie' Olympain of the Underworld.
Descendants 3 Age: 10 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 18 years old.
Name: Daniel 'Danny' Darling of Darling Coast.
Descendants 3 Age: 11 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 19 years old.
Name: Shan Deja of the Isle.
Descendants 3 Age: 11 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 19 years old.
Name: Prince Glauco White of Charmington.
Descendants 3 Age: 11 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 19 years old.
Name: Maddox Hatter of Wonderland.
Descendants 3 Age: 12 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 20 years old.
Name: Edith 'Edie' Olympian of the Isle.
Descendants 3 Age: 12 years old.
Pocketwatch Age: 20 years old.
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#the pocketwatch au#the pocketwatch#disney descendants au#descendants au#shan deja#danny darling#prince hadie of the underworld#edith olympian#princess chloe charming#red hearts daughter of the queen of hearts#maddox hatter son of the mad hatter#glauco white#disney descendants oc#descendants ocs#disney descendants original characters#disney descendants ocs#descendants oc#disney descendants alternate universe#descendants alternate universe#descendants picrew#disney descendants picrew#peter pan: return to neverland#rise of red au#rise of red
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(Third film. After “goodbye”. 23 years ago. The afternoon after the isle was set up. Olympus. Zeus is milling about the throne room excessively drinking in celebration. The marble floor cracks. From them vines fly out and form a Venus fly trap. The mouth opens and out steps a figure in a dark verdant hooded cloak. They send vines in Zeus’s direction which wrap around neck)
Zeus: WHO ARE YOU!!!!
Persephone (removing the cloak): who the fuck do you think it is your “majesty”
Zeus: eurghooh uh. Lady Persephone. To what do I owe the pleasure
Persephone: oh stuff it you old sot. You know what you did!!!!
Zeus: I assure you. I have no idea whatsoever as to what you mean
Persephone: my husband and my two week son where missing when I woke up this morning.
Zeus (feigning concern): really? That’s horrible
Persephone: he did it didn’t he? Adam. He set that, that horrible god awful prison up
Zeus (dropping all pretences): I’m happy to say he did. Now all of those, ahem, people, for want of a better word, are where they belong and can no longer harm us. Oh don’t look at me like that my girl. This is a good thing. Now you’re no longer bound by that pissy little contract he forced you into. You can rejoin your mother here on Olympus and all is as it was a should be before my idiot little destroyed your life
Persephone: if he destroyed my life I wouldn’t be here defending him you stupid slut. Nobody gets it. Nobody has ever seemed to have gotten it. I went through that fissure. I approached the skull throne. I threw myself at him. Being up here was a fucking snooze fest of banality. So I took the first out I could find. And I could not have been happier of what my life has become. The only reason the contract exists is because my mother threatened humanity’s livelihood should I stay there. If it were up to me I would’ve never have come back. I had to sign that to save the mortals
Zeus: how can you possibly be happy in the worlds basement
Persephone: hades is a good husband and provider. He respects my boundaries. He’s never strayed without my consent. And unlike you. He’s never purposefully killed anyone.
Zeus: and what of what he did to my son?
Persephone: ok. I shan’t defend him for that. Because he doesn’t defend himself for it either. He knows he did something disreputable. But he’s more then made up for it. Among other things he paid for and officiated the boys wedding
Zeus: where the Helios was I in all this?
Persephone: you were wine drunk, literally swanning about and harassing anyone and all naiads that stayed still long enough for you to approach them
Zeus (fondly): ah yes, good times, good times. Wait. Where are you going
Persephone: I’m going back home. Pain and Panic are good babysitters. But when Persey cries she tends to burn their limbs
Zeus: who cares. They’re the help
Persephone: they’re family.
(She leaves the way she arrived. On the isle. It’s dark, cold and barren. Hades (John Barrowman) is unconscious. There’s a large green and yellow bruise on his left temple. He’s woken up by the sound of crying)
Hades: hey kiddo. It’s alright. We’ll be ok. I tbini. We just have to get to shelter
(A very large very angry dragon jumps out of the fog. End of flashback. Underworld. Present day. Persephone is at her desk on her laptop)
Persey: see ya ma! I’m going out
Persephone: goodbye dear. Wait. Where are you going?
Persey: Auradon. Don’t tell me you haven’t heard? Chad Charming’s gone postal, stole Verna’s wand. Ben’s missing and Lonnie just sent out the batsignal.
Persephone: oh my goodness. Wow. Do you need me to help?
Persey: just look after our home.
(They disappear a wisp of steel grey fire. Outskirts of Auradon. Elsa’s unconscious on the ground. The girls have found her)
Lonnie: oh my god
Jane: your majesty
Dizzy: we’re off to a great start
Jane: your majesty wake up. Please wake up
Dizzy: the bazooka use the bazooka
Jane: right yes of course
(She squirts ends with the bazooka which instantly wakes her up)
Elsa: ouch. Use that sparingly dear. We may need it more than you think. Could somebody help me up please. Thank you Lonnie
Lonnie: what happened?
Elsa: I teleported here and then I hit something
Jane: it’s a barrier. She put up a barrier around Auradon
Dizzy: ohhhh she’s good. I mean she’s an evil psychopathic bitch. But she’s clever
Lonnie: how do we get inside?
Elsa: Jane?
(Jane makes confused questioning noises)
Elsa: if you would be so kind as to assist me in getting past the barrier?
Jane: ohhhh. Yeah sure let’s do it
(The ice queen and light fairy use magic to create a hole in the barrier. As they do so a flaming comet zooms down and crash a few feet away from them)
Elsa: what the hell
Barrowman!Hades: Name's Hades, Lord of the dead. Hi, how ya doin'?
Jane: fuck
(Elsewhere in Auradon on the school grounds Mal and the others have just touched ground. Mal’s a human again doubled over in pain)
Mal (groaning painfully): urgh. FuckDAMMIT!!!! Jesus I’m not made for this
Hadie (worriedly): are you alright
Mal: I will be. A minivan I am not.
Hadie: was this the first time you’ve carried this many people?
Mal: yeah. Normally it’s just Ben. And even then it’s only if he asks.
Hadie: really.
Jay: let’s just say he wouldn’t watch GOT for the political intrigue
Carlos: or HYTTD for the animation
Evie: or merlin for the story line
Hadie (knowledgeably): ahhh, he’s a scaly
Core four: yep
Harry: can you let me go now?
Jay: uhhhh. Nah
Harry: why?
Mal: because we may yet need a human sacrifice. And you’re the only schmo who fits the bill.
Harry: huh?
Carlos: Gil and I are loved by everyone. I’m the kings adoptive son. He’s the kings brother. You’re the ground people use to scrape gum off their shoes
Evie: that’s an insult to shoes gum and ground. And scraping
Carlos: my apologies. To shoes gum ground and scraping
Harry: I hate you all.
Jay: don’t expect us to lose sleep over it
Harry: besides. I’m the last person who should be a sacrifice
Evie: that specific criteria has been discontinued
Harry: huh
Jay: people like you can be scarified now
Harry: shit
Mal: oh no. Oh no no no no no. This is not good
Evie: they’re all asleep. DOUG
Mal: BEN
Evie: please pickup please please please pickup.
Mal: nonononononono. Gah. I miss you
Gil: please be safe
Jay: Jane isn’t answering either.
Mal: ok ok ok. So. The king. His major-domo/regent. And both their regents are missing. All the remaining students are asleep. It’s only half past two in the afternoon but I already want to take a brandy bath. Because Auradon has no leader. So we’re all screwed to fuckery
Jay: well that’s not entirely true is it. Hadie could you summon the three little bitches. Cause I really really want them to see this
(Hadie makes Uma, Harriet and Cj appear via grey smoke)
Uma: what the hell’a going on?
Harriet (very confused): we were still on the bridge and what’s all that funny coloureds stuf on the ground?
Jay: you three are gonna hate this. You, Uma, especially are gonna hate it. (In his announcer voice) NOW PRESENTING. MALEFICENT BERTHA. THE ACTING QUEEN OF AURADON
(He bows to Mal, closely floored by Carlos Celia Gil and Hadie. Evie is pulled to her knees by Carlos. Mal looks like she was just clipped by a car)
Uma: what?
Jay: well after the wedding she’ll be queen legally. But for now she’s just the regent. It’s wonderful don’t ya think?
Hadie: it’s marvellous. Now bow heathens
Harriet: fat fucking chance.
Jay: oh but Harry’s bowing to the one true queen
Harry: Celia bent my spine
Celia: it was my pleasure
Uma: I am not bowing to that.
Jay: oh you act as if you have a choice
(He uses magic to make the three pirates kowtow to the dark fairy)
Jay: there ya go. Isn’t that better?
(Mal takes a swig of her hipflask and disappears into purple smoke. Everyone stands up again)
Gil: where did mal go?
Jay: I think I know
Evie: then tell us ohhhh. Yeah. Sounds about right
Hadie: where is she. I’ll go to her. Me Evie and Harry
Harry: I don’t fucking think so
Hadie: she’s family. We have to help her
Harry: I’ll bring the coughing
Evie: if that’s going with you then mal will probably commit a sin on sacred ground
Hadie: where is it that she’s gone to?
Jay: you’ll see
(He moves his lower arm around creating a cloud of gold smoke that surrounds Evie and Hadie. When it clears they’ve disappeared. The smoke deposits them on stone steps. Hadie’s clutching Harry’s arm)
Harry: I hate you. I honest to mmmmother hate you
Evie: feelings mutual. Come on let’s go
Hadie: where are we Evie
Evie: where the king was crowned a year and a half ago
(They enter the cathedral . Only Mal is now where to be seen)
Harry: well she’s not here let’s go
Evie: up bup bup. There is one way to lure her out of hiding. Hadie the dagger please
Harry (having flashbacks to when he was 14): no Nono don’t you dare dont you fucking think about it. FUUUUUUCK! She did it
(Evie uses the dagger to slash Harry’s shin. He falls down in pain. Mal pops up from behind the pulpit)
Mal: I heard Scottish screaming (realises she was played) aw crap I shoulda known. I hate it when you do that
Evie: it’s a tested tried and true method. Plus it’s fun to maim him
Mal: yeah...(she heaves a sigh and sits down heavily on the stage) I’m queen. “Yay” I want Ben. Is that pathetic? It sounds pathetic
Evie (sitting down next to her): no. I want Doug. Does that make me ok pathetic?
Mal: no. It’s a change though. Did you ever think two years ago we’d be wanting our boyfriends here protecting us?
Evie: two years ago I wanted to sink my claws into a prince. Now I have the perfect man
Mal: no, the perfect man bypassed you and asked me out. But Doug’s a close second though
Evie (cackling): bitch
Mal: sister. Older by a day
Hadie: May I scoot in if we’re sharing things?
Mal (making a space for him between her and Evie): sure. What do you want to talk about?
Hadie: I never knew my mother. And before you say “don’t rub it in”. I wasn’t born on the island. I’m an Olympian by birth. But when Adam set the isl...you know what, let’s just call it what it is. When Adam created the prison he convinced our beloved uncle Zeus to put our dad there first. Theory was that if Satan could be subdued by a human. Then other “undesirables” would be easier to round up. So when I was two weeks old, Zeus and Hypnos used their combined magic to put him and I there. I have never known anything else. And the next year Hook uh “hooked up” with a street walker, Harriet. And uh
Evie: not a lot stuff to do over there
Mal: well you know except
Evie: don’t. Please. Don’t. It’s bad enough I’m related to that thing on the floor. But having to imagine THAT happening. Gah...it crosses a line
Mal: thanks for the nightmares
Evie: you started it.
Hadie: I’m a hedonist. A disciple of Dionysus to be precise
(Evie looks at him with her mouth agape)
Evie: well that took a turn
Mal: what is a “disciple of Dionysus”?
Evie: it’s basically some sort of cult. Mostly guys. Girls are there as well. I had the unfortunate honour of delivering a flyer to one of their clubhouses last month
Hadie: sorry about that. I told them to be a little bit more discreet after that
Mal (overjoyed): no
Evie (slightly sick): it can’t be
Hadie: I was eighteen and bored. What else was there to do but set up a club
Evie: try to find us.
Hadie: whenever I wasn’t with my friends or our dad I checked up on you. One time you were trying to puncture the barrier with magic. And another you were crying in an alleyway Mal. I even tried to make a wig for you when you were in the market place with a buzzcut Evie.
Mal: that’s actually quite sweet.
Hadie: I just want to tell my mother “don’t worry. My life wasn’t completely terrible. I’m happy”.
Mal: when this is over I wanna tell Maleficent “fuck you, you giant living accessory, fuck you”
Evie: I want to tell Grimhilde. “You were wrong. Princes are not for me, Doug is perfect for me and I eat what I want when I want”
Hadie (wistfully) and Mal and Evie (vengefully): I cant wait to see the look on her face
(This is when “hey look ma, I made it happens. At the school Gil has a peace offering)
Uma: what the hell are these?
Gil: berries. They’re amazing. Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, fun fact, never get in a strawberry eating contest with Mal. You will lose. And need your stomach pumped
Uma: this is this supposed to make up for what you did? You betrayed me. Abandoned me for this. No amount of whatever this shit is is gonna erase that
Gil: I didn’t leave because I wanted to hurt you Uma. I left because it was best for me. You know as well as anyone that the island is an awful place for people like us. So, yeah, I left. But that’s what you wanted. I did what you wanted. Just not how you wanted it to happen. The fact of the matter is Uma, you scare me. I still love you. But you scare me. All I could think of at the dance when you were attacking the ship was “this is what I get for trying to be happy”. I still have nightmares about it. If you care so much about getting kids off the island why were you so mad that I left. Irrespective of who I left with. Shouldn’t you be happy I got away at all?
Uma (standing up to her full height which just barely reaches Gil’s chin): you left me. To go galavanting off with them. You may not think it. But a lot of sins are never forgiven. So no. I’m not “happy that you got away” because you betrayed my loyalty to do so
Jay: Gil, buddy, leave her to stew. She’s not worth it.
(Gil leaves heartbroken and joins Carlos and Celia near some of the sleeping students)
Uma: lemme guess. You’re his bit on the side? Or is he your chippy?
Jay (chuckling sarcastically): oh Uma. He’s with Lonnie. I’m with Carlos. He and I are not together. But he’s done so well here. He’s great at chess and tourney and R.O.A.R. He’s set up a book club. Every month he goes to the isle and hands out flyers and food and blankets and weathers the hate he for it. He’s a good guy. And him “disrespecting you” wasn’t malicious. Because here’s the thing. You seem to be belabouring under the impression that this is your story. It’s not. It’s ours. It’s always been our story. Mal and me and Carlos and Evie. You don’t even get a look in until way way after this whole thing started. It is not about you. It has never been about you. I’m just sorry you still think that after all these years.
Uma: you don’t deserve to have people celebrate you after what you did.
Jay: what about what you did. You set Harry on Carlos five years ago. You kidnapped Ben and tried to murder him to get under Mal’s skin. Face it “Captain”, you say that what you do is for the island but it’s not. It never has been. What you did was for you. To make yourself feel less worthless than you are
Uma: so what now? You gonna kill me?
Jay: no. Not today. Not while Mal still feels guilty about the shrimpy incident. But I want you to know something. I would’ve done it you know. I would have murdered you if you murdered Mal and Ben. And neither Evie Doug Carlos or Dizzy could have stopped me. Because that is what you get when you mess with my family. And I would’ve made that thing that follows you around like a fixed mutt clean up your remains. Just bear that in mind next time you try to wrest control from my queen
(At the cathedral Harry’s trying to bandage his leg. Hadie sits down next to him and heals him with magic)
Hadie: there you go. All better
Harry: I guess I should say thank you.
Hadie: nah. Don’t expect you to. But I do wanna show you something.
Harry: what?
(Hadie flicks his wrist and there in a darkened bedroom. A baby’s bedroom. It’s filled with roughshod burlap sack stuffed toys hand stitched and fraying. A makeshift mobile of various coloured glass hangs above a safe looking but old crib)
Harry: where are we.
Hadie: where you should’ve been for the past nineteen years if I hadn’t panicked and took you to the Jolly Roger.
Harry: this is my room? At the wherever it’s was you lived.
Hadie: our room. At the lair.
Harry: holy shit. You two. You two wanted to
Hadie: yeah. Dad wanted to keep you. But I was four. You got stuck on the way out. I thought I broke you.
Harry: yeah well, a lot of people would say that there is as nuffink you coulda done
Hadie: I could d waited for dad to wake up. I could’ve asked her what to do.
Harry: like you said you four. When I was four I went down to the docks to try and get rid of ol leftie here. Thought it’d get dad to like me
Hadie: I know. I heard the story. Tick-Tock wouldn’t go for it.
Harry: why settle for the after mint when you can have the rotting steak? You can still see the scar. Look.
Hadie: is that why you carry the...
Harry: the hook? Yeah. That and added protection. For some reason people don’t really like me. Might be the skull face. I dunno
(Hadie laughs. Evie enters the illusion)
Evie (drolly): how sentimental
Hadie (brightly): hey sis
Evie: I mean I haven’t been this choked up since got a chunk of moussaka caught in my throat
Mal (also crashing the conversation): Doug made her laugh at a state dinner eight months ago.
Harry: well I’ve seen him. He doesn’t have to do much.
Evie: have you ever had a telekinetic wedgie?
Harry: no
Evie: oh. Then we’ll be in for a treat then
(Her eyes glow briefly, the illusion breaks and Harry’s lifted ten feet in the the air by the back of his underwear yelling in pain all the while)
Evie: you know, I’ve been thinking. The ember is defunct because calamari thee it in the bay. So we need to reignite it. And correct me of I’m wrong but hades has a massive temper problem?
Hadie: not for years but yes.
Evie: and Hook is the angriest person I know. So. If he by some twisted non miracle gets his hair set on fire while he’s holding the ember then it can work again.
Hadie: don’t appreciate the word phrasing. But I understand the general idea
Harry (bored): so how’re you gonna do it. Beat me up. Conjure up my worst fears.
Evie: talk to you. I’m just gonna talk to you. Believe me. It’s gonna hurt me a lot more then it hurts you. At least not physically
Harry: like I give a shit. Just get on with it so it can be over. Who’s got the pebble
(It conks him on the side of his head)
Mal (sarcastically): oops
Harry: ok first off. I hate you and your carcass needs to be burned with you still breathing.
Mal: immune to fire.
Harry: I meant iron.
(Mal lunges are him it Hadie holds her back)
Evie: now where was I? Oh yes. Breaking your spirit. You realise of course everyone hates you. Your father, us, Jay, Carlos, Ben. Hell. Even Gil only hung around with you out of pity. And Uma. The first chance she got she dumped you like yesterday’s trash. Because that’s what you are Hook. Trash. Useless rotting disgusting trash. Nobody loves. Nobody cares about you. Nobody wants you around.
Harry (nervously): Uma
Evie: threw you away and branded you traitor the minute you questioned her judgement. She never wanted a first mate or a, whatever it was you were to her, she wanted an easily malleable, easily swayed, lapdog. That’s all you were to her “Icarus”.
Harry (voice brittle): Harriet
Evie: lied to you for nineteen years. To save her own skin.
Harry (weakly): stop. Please. Stop
Evie: sorry for what I’m about to say Mal but it’s necessary. (Turning back to Harry). Did you stop when Carlos begged you to stop chasing him in the market that day. Did you stop when dizzy asked you taking all the money from the till? No? Then why the hell should I stop now? Face it Icarus. Nobody wants you. Nobody likes you. Nobody loves you! You mean nothing to anyone. You were born useless. You will die useless. So stop wasting everybody’s time and just do it. Die like the dog you are!
(Harry roars and lunges at her. She evades him easily and he crashes into the stage. He stands up. The verbal beat down worked. His eyes are glowing blood red. His hair on fire in the same colour. The ember has reactivated)
Harry: now it’s your turn
(He shoves his palm out and Evie’s thrown into the wall. Brass candle stands wrap around her neck and starts to dig into her skin. Evie screams hits and kicks at the air. Mal calmly walks up to Harry, uses the sceptre to stab him in the back and pulls out his heart)
Mal: put her down gently. Good. Now lie down like the bitch you are. (She notices Hadie looking at her in horror) what? Did you really expect me to touch him with my bare hands? Here you go (she swings the aorta over to him). You can put it back. You alright E?
Evie: yeah I’m ok. I’m just going to stomp on his face with SPIKED CLEATS!
Hadie: that horrible experience worked. Now we gotta try to make it work for all of us
Mal: how. And don’t say what I think you’re gonna say because I am not working with him
Hadie (sane time as her): we need to work together as a family
Evie: fuck
Mal: how’d you propose we do this then.
Hadie: friction. I think. When I got us out of the isle I rubbed the ember
Harry: and covered it in your own blood
Hadie: yes. So if we replicate that. Then maybe. Just maybe. We’ll all be able to use it.
Evie: good plan. But again. How do we all do it. Cause in case you haven’t noticed. There’s three of us. And one ember.
Hadie: Harry’s here as well
Evie: I know. I intentionally left him out. To me he doesn’t count.
Hadie: well dear you’re going to have to get into his headspace.
Mal: my Scottish accent is legally classed as offensive
Evie: it’s true. Absolutely fucking horrendous
Hadie: heh?
Mal: one time in class we had to put ourselves in the shoes of evil we hate most.
Evie: all four of us chose Harry.
Harry: now ya see what I gotta put up with?
Hadie: indeed I do.
Mal: gargh! Fine. We’ll do what you think is right. But only because I need to stop Maleficent. Ok.
Hadie (smoking giddily): ok
Evie: urgh fine.
Harry: whatever it takes for me to get away from these two twigs
(This is when “friction” happens)
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below is a list of my currently updated thread tracker since the website hasn’t working lately.... but here’s the link anyway. the threads are listed in abc order (as best as i could) by partner url !!
now that i have updated my tracker, i am willing to take on more threads (will probably post some starter calls for muses without any threads since they need love too) .... with exception!!!! as well as bust out my currently old memes in my ask box :P
and figure out relationships & verses & bios & which muses to keep / get rid of since my last update and clearing out my followers / following lists !!! pretty much everythiiing!!
i will probably from now on, as replies come in for me, i will most likely reply & add them to queue as i do them so they don’t build up and i can also work on other things in between however some might get posted right away depending on how much muse and how much interest i have towards that specific thread at the moment.
if I’m missing ANYTHING please let me know.
I OWE: already replied and added to queue. if you want to drop or move any of the following threads, feel free to let me know. i will delete it from my tracker & my queue if it hasn’t already been replied to !!
plain text = done, queued, & added to tracker
italics and indented = queued, needs added to tracker after posting
indented = in the drafts, needs icon, queued, & added to tracker.
bold = needs replies, then queued, then added to tracker
Family Reunion // Sebastian & Lizzie
Romantic Dice // Lizzie & Peter
Playlist // Lauren & Peter
Resident Evil AU // Ray & Kayla
Early Lunch // Kara & Lena
Amnesia // Dabi & Yume
A Christmas Witch // Seraphina & Sharon
Almost Uncertain Death // Laurel & Sara
Arranged Marriage // Leonard & Sara
Bloodlust // Leonard & Sara
Dragon and Assassin // Eleanor & Sara
Familiar Faces // Steve & Diana
Gotham's Queens // Sofia & Sara
Sara & Enzo
Saved By The Flash // Leonard & Sara
Second Chances // Ray & Nora
Treasure Hunter // Chase & Jean
Welcome to Hell // Caden & Sara
Friend In Need // Charlie & Dean
New Friends // Charlie & Claire
Drunk Beck // Beck & Derek
A Helping Hand // Beck & Derek
Escape // Marceline & Noctis
Long Live The Queen // Historia & Noctis
Investigating // Winry & Noctis
Blood Kink // Himiko & Shdwkyz
Bad Influence // Toni & Amber
Dangerous // Steve & Seb
Hot Tubbin' // Lea & Lana
I'm a Delacour // Adaline & Camille
Live To Party // Farah & MIchael
Snap with Sierra // Sierra & Camden
Stepcest // Kara & Gray
Reincarnated Lovers // Dean & Dorothy
New Visitor // Sonia & Yozora
Tomato Fight // Sonia & Yozora
Soft Lips // Bakugo & Deku
Comfort // Bakugo & Deku
Nightmare // Bakugo & Deku
Birthday Boy // Dominic & Jagger
Caden & Rory
Christian & Jagger
Hugh & Jagger
Klaus & Rory
Rory & Elijah
A ghost and a vampire // Hal & Sally
Who Sent You? // Hal & Sally
Infamous // Tara & Alu
Kill to Survive // Natalia & Alu
Loners // Stefan & Alu
Truth or Dare // Nick & Alu
A New Meta // Barry & Maddie
A Powerful Mutant // John & Victoria
After Cotillion // Ben & Mal
Another Kryptonian // Kara & Maddie
Another Mermaid // Cleo & Evie
Anything She Wants // Lea & Kara
Corrupted Ben // Ben & Mal
Done Talking // Avery & Kara
Easter Dinner // Evie & Mal
Fake Girlfriend // Michael & Clara
Famous in Love // Josh & Maddie
Fancy Meeting You Here // Wes & Liv
Forgive Me // Erik & Ondina
Holden and Superhero!Liv
House of El // Kara & Clark
Hurt // Gar & Gwen
Hurt & Angry // Mon-El & Kara
Into the Spiderverse // Brainy & Gwen
Livewire's Apprentice // Livewire & Liv
Mermaid Reunion // Cleo & Emma
New Earth // Miles & Gwen
New York Minute // Holden & Liv
Old Friends // Sebastian & Lilly
Pain in the Ass // Tandy & Ruby
Peter & Mal
Poisoned Mal // Ben & Mal
Quiet Time // Hades & Mal
Return of Lilly // Lilly & Freya
Revisiting Themiscyra // Diana & Maddie
Romantic Evening // Ben & Mal
Seeing Double // Lilly & Harry
Stefan & Elena
Superhero!Maddie and Josh
Surprise Return // Mason & Alex
Survival // Lorna & Victoria
Thank God You're Breathing // Mason & Alex
The World of Music // Barry & Kara
True Love // Harvey & Sabrina
Vampire Powers Activated // Hope & Lilly
What Do You Think You're Doing? // Ben & Mal
Winter Spirits // Noelle & Evelyn
Shower // Levi & Prompto
You Can Be Useful // Levi & Prompto
Drag // Harley & The Professor
Scoot Over // Clara & The Professor
Sit On My Face // Harley & The Professor
New Playmate // Harley & The Professor
Morning Sex // Harley & The Professor
Crisis Averted // Oliver & Lea
A Whole New World // Staz & Kise
Attractive Meme // Kageyama & Tsukishima
Gilthunder and Gowther
Impatient // Kageyama & Tsukishima
Puppy Love // Gilthunder & Gowther
Cisco & Hestia
Cisco & Aria
Cisco & Aqua
Cisco & Tara
Accidental Mistletoe // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Lucien & Cami
Carnival Date // Kol & Davina
Comfort After A Nightmare // Elijah & Hayley
Karamel Angst // Kara & Mon-El
Mating Season // Klaus & Camille
Nude Pictures // Klaus & Camille
Oh Bite Me // Kol & Davina
Pinned // Klaus & Camille
Small Closet // Klaus & Camille
Smell of Blood // Klaus & Camille
Snowstorm // Klaus & Camille
Take Off Your Pants // Christian & Hayley
Trapped in a Closet // Hayley & Dean
Hizzie // Hope & Lizzie
Hosie // Hope & Josie
Old Faces // Hades & Mal
Seduction // Harry & Mal
Bucky & Harley
Drunk & Missing You // Mon-El & Kara
Kai & Katherine
Mommy’s Little Monster // Lucy & Harley
Selina & Harley
Bloodbath // Christian & Alice
Damon Royalty AU // Damon & Alice
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice
Familiar // Christian & Alice
From Playful To Possessive // Damon & Alice
Greece Vacation // Christian & Alice
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice
Late Night Phone Call // Christian & Alice
Mating Season // Damon & Alice
Need You Now // Christian & Alice
Negative Soulmates // Christian & Alice
Pray For The Wicked // Christian & Alice
Prince Christian // Christian & Alice
Sex Under the Stars // Christian & Alice
Surprise Me // Christian & Alice
Vampire Lover // Christian & Alice
Brotherly Reunion // Kol & Henrik
Distracted // Persephone & Poseidon
Do You Knock? // Rebekah & Henrik
Fated Meeting // Hope & Raven
Forgot To Knock // Freya & Kol
New Students // Jackson & Sebastian
Opposing Sides // Natasha & Jake
Persephone's Garden // Hercules & Persephone
Please Remember // Hope & Kol
Singles Night // Riley & Kyle
The Modern World // Hades & Ares
We're Family // Hope & Henrik
Who The Hell Are You? // Hope & Jackson
Young Gods // Persephone & Blake
A Pirate's Life For Me // Harry & Harriet
Children of Hades // Mal & Hadie
Children of the Sea // Uma & Uriella
Like Mother, Like Daughter // Jasmine & Jasura
Mermaid Teachings // Ariel & Aria
Riddle Me This // Chesney & Alice
Sisters At Heart // Ruby & Ginny
Stretch Your Wings // Maeve & Fleur
The Aftermath // Audrey & Preston
The List // Erica & Malia
The Sheriff and Archer // Roland & Skye
Underworld's Royalty // Hades & Persephone
Voodoo Queen // Freddie & Mal
Childhood Crush // Gou & Sosuke
Future Fish // Rin & Sosuke
Heaven and Hell // Maxxie & Cas
How Badly Do You Want Me // Maxxie & Cas
Oral Sex // Dean & Cas
Pin My Muse // Dean & Cas
The End // Dean & Cas
High School Sweethearts // Hugh & Addie
Not Alone // Iris & Emma
A Princess and a Pirate // Killian & Emma
Super Friends // Kara & Emma
Lucy Quinzel, Nice To Meet Ya // Rick & Lucy
Enzo and Bex
Brothers Salvatore // Stefan & Damonm
Ain't No Crying in the Club // Harley & Kelsey
Breaking and Entering // Harley & Kelsey
Hold Still // Kelsey & Asya
Heartbroken // Luciana & Dahlia
Stargazing // Benny & Ben
Almost Killed Me // Lizzie & Oliver
It's Safe Here // Josie & Oliver
Lost Stray // Harley & Oliver
Make Me Feel // Lizzie & Oliver
New Roommate // Oliver & Harley
Oliver and Chloe
You're Staring // Josie & Oliver
YOU OWE: let me know if you want to drop any of the following !! i am also willing to move some to discord to make things easier. these threads will automatically be dropped if i don’t get a reply within a month except for those with a ** who have been on hiatus.
School Work // Penelope & Peter ( x )
Upside Down // Josie & Peter ( x )
Tour Guide // Lizzie & Peter ( x )
Alice & The Mad Hatter // Alice & Jervis ( x )
Kennedy Cochran, P.I. // Kennedy & Sara ( x )
Master & Servant // Lucy & Kyon ( x ) ** will be archived temporarily due to hiatus.
Cheryl and Alu ( x )
Don't Let Them See // Hazel & Alu ( x )
Oldest Friends // Jayden & Alu ( x )
Slow Dance // Dick & Alu ( x )
Terrifying // Valerie & Alu ( x )
Sorry I Ran Into You // Remi & Maddie ( x )
Travel Back in Time // Kara & Annabelle ( x )
Birthday Girl // Vera & Luciana ( x )
Practice Makes Perfect // Snow & Hope ( x )
Thief In The Night // Mal & Roland ( x )
Found Dog // Neal & Snow ( x )
Aren’t You Afraid // Diana & Chaos? ( x )
Chaotic Good // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Hot When Angry // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Too Much To Drink // Lux & Chase ( x )
@loserbled / @hcrlequins
Mommy's Little Monster // Harley & Lucy ( x )
Handosie Threesome // Hope, Landon, & Josie ( x )
Landon & Ava ( x )
Landon & Jo ( x )
Stolen Sweatshirt // Tsukki & Kageyama ( x )
Can’t Wait // Dean & Tsukki ( x )
Personal Chef // Tsukki & Shinomiya ( x )
Attention // Tobio & Tsukki ( x )
Summer Vacation // Gou & Momo ( x )
Christmas Celebrations // Nick & Sabrina ( x )
Broken, Beaten, & Bruised // Steve & Nancy ( x )
One Scratch, Two Scratch // Nick, Nate, & Sabrina ( x )
Nick, Harvey, & Sabrina ( x )
Sweet, But Psycho ( x )
Sibling Bonding // Mia & William ( x )
I Own You // E2!Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Taking Care of Laurel // Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Apocalypse Now // Emily & Felicity ( x )
Cold Weather - Penguin // Uma & Mal ( x )
Cold Weather - Santa Hat // Ben & Mal ( x )
Fake Girlfriends // Evie & Mal ( x )
New Villain at Auradon // Harry & Mal ( x )
Listen... // Ben & Mal ( x )
Happy Anniversary // Ben & Mal ( x )
Alone // Toni & Cheryl ( x )
Harley & Wade // sms ( x )
Roommates // Ivy & Cooper ( x )
I’m Gonna Show You Crazy // Kai & Alice ( x )
Bad Things // Damon & Alice ( x )
Dance, Dance // Christian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Newly Turned Vampire // Cristian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Teacher’s Pet // Christian & Alice ( x )
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice ( x )
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice ( x )
Fifty Shades of Grey AU // Christian & Alice ( x )
Christmas Party // Aurora & Henrik ( x )
Into the Unknown // Regan & Wyatt ( x )
Anti-Christmas // Kai & Henrik ( x )
Masquerade // Lucien & Ellis ( x )
Earth & Fire // Tara & Ember ( x )
Old Friends // Nagisa & Rin ( x )
Shielded From The Rain // Ruby & Dorian ( x )
Should've Been You (fcxsinned)
Protect Ban (fcxsinned)
Not Morning (fcxsinned)
Why Him? (fcxsinned)
Butterfingers (licnspride)
Drunken!Sins (licnspride)
Massages (licnspride)
Remarkable (licnspride)
Fairy Children (windscint)
Spanking (windscint)
Extra Special Service (pollutedxdesires)
I'm Fine (fragmntedx)
Home For the Holidays (monsterineveryone)
Gotham City Siren (sarcasmpersonified181)
I’m Your Mother (killersmoakism)
Snow Fairy (killersmoakism)
Brothers (memorystxrs)
Are You Cold? (pinafcl)
On Your Knees (multidivision)
The Hunter & His Wolf (multidivision)
Cook Off (multidivision)
Not Drunk Enough (multidivision)
Pinned (multidivision)
The Boar Hat (multidivision)
Oikawa & Shoyo sms thread (multidivision)
all threads with @chooseyourmuse & @ocylum
Elizabeth & Howzer ( x )
Workout Routine // Izuku & Bakugo ( x )
Freaking Me Out // Meliodas & Elizabeth ( x )
New Friends // Gou & Kamina ( x )
Take Me With You // Xi & Colin ( x )
Is That Blood? // Cassandra & Matthew ( x )
Guzma & Alice ( x )
Blushing // Ochaco & Bakugo ( x )
Romantic Dice // Ban & Jericho ( x )
some threads with @multidivision already moved over; not linking bc too much work and they’re already linked in discord.
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Pirates Don’t Wallow (Amongst Other Things)
So this is not really a oneshot. This is just a random half written scene from “We’ll Light the Fuse” that may or may not ever be edited for another scene in the actual story but I just really liked it because we got to see a bit of the Anti-Hero club and see how despite them not being villains like they’re parents, they are not above giving our poor First Mate a hard time (all in good fun though). This was originally supposed to happen right before Uma and Harry made up in Chapter 13. Anyway, even though I probably wont use it, I really liked writing this part so hope you enjoy!
“More than a compass or even his ship, a good pirate must always trust his gut,” a memory of his rarely sober father whispered in his ear. Harry frowned, rubbing the thumb of his left hand against the curved cool metal of his hook. His gut twisted in foreboding.
“You’re spacing out on us again, Hook.”
Harry snorted, stabbing halfheartedly at the food in front of him. It was still slightly jarring to see his plate filled with so many colors instead of the usual gray and ‘fuck, you-may-or-may-not-die-from-this-but-what-else-is-there-to-eat?’ gray. “Not spacing out,” he stabbed a piece of sausage before shoving it in his mouth, mind so distracted he didn’t even notice the rich savory taste.
“He’s right,” Gil said around a mouthful of food. “He’s not spacing out.” He took another bite of his sandwich before shoving some waffles into his mouth with his other hand. “He’s wallowing.”
“Oh that’s so much better,” Yzla muttered under her breath as she fiddled with what looked like an engine part. No one bothered to ask what poor unlucky bastard would find their vehicle missing an engine and Yzla didn’t bother to tell.
“I’m not wallowing!” Harry growled.
“Simmering then?” Eddie Balthazar proposed dealing out cards between himself, the Badun cousins, Diego, and Sammy Smee.
“Pouting?” Hermie Bing suggested quietly, her tiny frame practically hanging over Big Murph’s shoulder, watching as he carved a small figurine from a scrap piece of wood from his Wood Cutting class.
“Bumbling?” Hadie croaked, tensing but merely tugging his hoodie further up over his head when Claudine Frollo reached over to try some pomegranate off his plate once she had confirmed that these weren’t from the underworld.
“Are all of ye deaf?” Harry slammed his hook down on the table. “I ain’t doin’ any of that! I’m strategizing! If all of ye haven’t noticed, these cookie cutter princes and princesses want us out!”
“We’re off the Isle, Hook,” Diego grinned, placing a card down to the dissatisfaction of the other players. “You can say you miss Queenie. You could also, you know, still shave instead of wallowing,” he pointed out to the patchy spots of skin on Harry’s chin.
“I’M NOT WALLOWING! And of course I miss her!” Harry snapped loudly, some heads from nearby tables turning to stare at them. He glared back at them until they all quickly turned away. Focusing his attention back on Diego, Harry kept his voice low. “She’s me captain! And is no one else worried that she may be rotting in a dungeon somewhere? We haven’t seen her in days!”
“Probably for the best,” Claudine commented offhandedly pulling out one of the school provided phones that they had been given the other day. “I mean, if you look at that school poll that genie girl put up,” she slid the device over to the pirate, “a lot of people are worried that the son of Hercules was too aggressive with her. That’s actually good here. We want them to have sympathy for her.”
Eddie snorted. “Too bad, the same can’t be said for you, mate,” he directed at Harry, not deterred one bit when the pirate’s glare fell on him. “The genie poll voters are on Mal’s side in terms of what happened with the King.”
Rolling his eyes, Harry scoffed. “Like I give a damn what that snotty lot thinks.”
“You should,” Hadie narrowed his one good eye at the pirate. (Oh did Harry want to pluck that eye out and shove it down the lads throat.) “If you’re really Uma’s First Mate, especially here in this place, you need to adapt. What do you plan to do? Solve all of your problems here swinging around a hook that can’t harm anyone?”
Harry stood up suddenly. He really hated the nonchalant expression on the younger boy’s face. “Believe me,” he growled, “I don’t need me hook to do harm to ye.”
Hadie’s retort was cut off by the bell ringing, signalling the end of lunch and the return to their different classes.
“Damn, I was hoping to start a bet,” Jace groaned to his cousin Harold as they grabbed their bags.
“I’ll put down four of those chocolate bars that you like that Hook starts a fight with someone before this day is over,” Yzla murmured as they walked away, leaving only Gil at the table to deal with Harry.
#disney descendants#we'll light the fuse#harry hook#anti-hero club#gil descendants#hadie descendants#diego de vil#claudine frollo#yzla descendants#jace and harry badun#eddie balthazar#big murph descendants#hermie bing#missing scene#i need more anti-hero kids scenes#there's just so many of them#uma descendants#descendants fanfiction#edream93 fanfiction#edream93 fanfic
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Badun Detective Agency Mugshots;

First row: Jace Badun, Harry Badun, and Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia.
Second row: Princess Elle Athanasiou of Tirulia, Eddie Balthazar, and Reza Vizer of Agrabah.
Third row:
Hermie Bing, Prince Hadie Athanasiou of the Underworld, and Mystery Noir the nun chuck wielding turtle.
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#the badun detective agency#the badun detective agency au#badun detective agency au#badun detective agency#disney descendants au#descendants au#disney descendants alternate universe#descendants alternate universe#princess elle of tirulia#eddie balathazar#harry badun#jace badun#yzla daughter of yzma#descendants yzla#yzla descendants#hermie bing#prince hadie of the underworld#mystery noir the nunchuch wieldong turtle#descendants reza#reza descendants#descendants edits#descendants elle#my aus#etc
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Badun Detective Agency Detention Slips (Part 1);









#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney#prince hadie of the underworld#descendants hadie#hadie son of hades#hadie descendants#eddie balathazar#hermie descendants#hermie bing#jason badun#harry badun#the badun cousins#descendants yzla#yzla daughter of yzma#yzla sorcerer#yzla descendants#descendants reza#reza descendants#reza son of the former royal adviser of agrabah#elle daughter of eric and ariel#elle adopted daughter of eric and ariel#elle descendants#descendants elle#princess elle#elle olympian of tirulia#descendants detention slips#etcetera
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I was a kid but I wasn't clueless:

Summary: Instead of taking the children of Cruella de Vil, Maleficent, Jafar, and The Evil Queen off of the isle, soon to be King Ben takes the advice of the girl from his dreams and instead invites a group known as 'the Badun Detective Agency' to Auradon in their steed.
This agency consists of:
8 year old, Prince Hayden 'Hadie' Prometheus Olympian of the Underworld. Son of Hades and Persphone.
12 year old, Hermione 'Hermie ' Leona Bing. Daughter of the Ringmaster and Miss Atlantis.
13 year old, Edmund 'Eddie' Sereiah Balthazar. Son of Sarah Brown and Edgar Balthazar.
13 year old, Reza Vizer of Agrabah. Adoptive son of Sadira of Agrabah and Mozenrath. Biological son of the former Royal Astronomer of Agrabah.
15 year old, Jason 'Jace' Nelson Badun. Son of Katrina Stronghold the strong woman and Jasper Badun.
16 year old, Harold 'Harry' Everett Badun. Son of Horace Badun and Helga Sinclair.
15 year old, Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia. Daughter of Yzma of Groove and Cedric the Sorcerer of Enchancia.
And a turtle with nunchucks.
All of which are going to be fostered by people from their parents' stories. What could possibly go wrong? And what could possibly go right?
Here is a link to the story.
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney descendants au#descendants au#descendants alternate universe#disney descendants alternate universe#disney#the badun detective agency#the badun detective agency au#the badun cousins#harry badun#jace badun#descendants yzla#descendants reza#hermie bing#mystery noir the nunchuch wieldong turtle#eddie balathazar#prince hadie of the underworld#descendants hadie#disney descendants headcanons#descendants headcanons#descendants canon divergence#etc
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Badun Detective Agency and Co Personality Charts (Part 2);

(Personality Chart 1).

(Personality Chart 2).

(Personality Chart 3).

(Personality Chart 4).

(Personality Chart 5).

(Personality Chart 6).

(Personality Chart 7).

(Personality Chart 8).

(Personality Chart 9).

(Personality Chart 10).
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney descendants au#descendants au#disney descendants alternate universe#descendants alternate universe#the badun detective agency#badun detective agency au#badun detective agency#the badun cousins#hermie bing#descendants yzla#yzla descendants#hermie descendants#descendants hadie#prince hadie of the underworld#eddie balathazar#elle descendants#descendants elle#princess elle of tirulia#elle daughter of eric and ariel#elle adopted daughter of eric and ariel#descendants reza#reza descendants#harry badun#jace badun#mystery noir the nunchuch wieldong turtle#disney descendants oc#personality chart
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Badun Detective Agency Detective Profile (Hadie Olympian):

Name: Hayden ‘Hadie’ Prometheus Olympian of the Underworld.
DOB: March 20th, 8 years after Mal.
Status: Living.
Last Known Address: Hades’ cave.
Previous Address: N/A.
Country of Origin: Isle of the Lost.
Race: Caucasian.
Gender: Male.
Dental:? (Profiler does not know what dental is and thus cannot answer the question).
Height: 3’6 (106.68000000000002 cm).
Weight: 50.5 lb. (22.9 kg).
Hair color: Electric Blue.
Eye color: Sky blue.
Languages: Greek, Latin, and English.
Title: Prince of the Underworld, Prince of the Underground, Protégé,and Junior Detective.
Identifiable markings: Freckles and a dog bite scar on the left ankle.
Family: Unknown (Mother)(Unknown),
Hades Olympian (Father)(Living),
Mal Fae (Sister)(Living),
Cerberus Olmpian (Pet dog)(Living),
And Mystery Noir (Pet turtle)(Living).
Education: Elementary School (Ongoing).
Employment: None.
Badun Detective Agency Employment: Junior Detective and Protégé.
Skills/abilities: Sensitivity to Death, phobikinesis, mediumship, breaking and entering, stealth, limited pyrokinesis, etc.
Hadie Olympian of the Underworld.
—Agent is ONLY a junior detective and protégé, and is thus not permitted access to active crime scenes and investigations.
—Agent is permitted to share information given to him by the deceased if any however.
—Agent is reckless and disobedient but his heart is in the right place.
#descendants au#disney descendants au#melissa de la cruz#descendants alternate universe#disney descendants alternate universe#decendants#disney descendants#disney movies#hadie son of hades#prince hayden of the underworld#prince hadie of the underworld#descendants hadie#hadie descendants#badun detective agency#the badun detective agency#b.d.a au#badun detective agency files#badun detective agency au#etc
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The Badun Detective Agency's weapons of choice;

Avalon: Gladius.
Chloe Charming: Glass sword.
Danny Darling: Slingshot and a falchion sword.
Eddie Balthazar: Pitchfork and other gardening tools.
Edith Athanasiou: A halberd.
Ellie of Tirulia: Trident.
Everlee D'Aquire: Scalpel.
Glauco White: Bow and Arrow.
Hadie Athanasiou: Axe guitar.
Harry Badun: Gun and various different types of shanks.
Hermie Bing: Whip and various clown props.
Jace Badun: Gun and toothbrush shank.
Khalil: Bow and Arrow.
Lada Hag: Magic and Club.
Lazarus Stromboli: Knife.
Maddox Hatter: Gardening Shears and Trick Umbrellas.
Miriam Monroe: Magic and a wooden stake.
Mystery Noir: His teeth and nun chucks.
Panos Imp: Throwing Daggers.
Paro Imp: Javelin.
Red Hearts: Flamingo croquet mallet and playing card throwing stars.
Reza Vizer: Constellation sword and throwing stars.
Shan Deja: Her dad's old sword (a serrated, jagged Jian, to be exact).
Yzla Sorcerer: Dagger.
Zuri Crocuta : Spear.
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney#descendants au#disney descendants au#disney descendants alternate universe#descendants alternate universe#the badun detective agency#the badun cousins#the pocketwatch au#the pocketwatch oc#the pocketwatch alternative universe#the pocketwatch#rise of red ocs#rise of red au#rise of red#prince hadie of the underworld#hadie descendants#chloe charming#danny darling#red hearts#hermie bing#descendants yzla#reza descendants#eddie balathazar
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Ships in the Badun Detective Agency;
Heddie= Hermie Bing x Eddie Balthazar.
Jelle= Jace Badun x Elle of Tirulia.
Rela= Yzla Sorcerer x Reza Vizer.
Hanny= Danny Darling x Hadie Olympian of the Underworld.
Dauco= Glauco White x Shan Deja.
Lazlee= Lazarus Stromboli x Everlee D'Aquire.
Pantha= Panos Imp of the Isle x Samantha Cover ( @casinotrio1965 's oc).
Parzuri= Paro Imp of the Isle x Zuri Crocuta of the Isle.
Ladon= Lada the Hag of the Isle x Lady Avalon of the Isle.
Miralil= Miriam Monroe of the Isle x Khalil of the Isle.
Maddox, Red, Edith, Harry, and Chloe are single as of right now. Might change for Maddox, Chloe, and Red but won't for Edith or Harry.
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#rise of red#the pocketwatch#disney descendants au#descendants au#disney descendants alternate universe#descendants alternate universe#the pocketwatch au#the pocketwatch alternative universe#rise of red au#rise of red alternate universe#red hearts daughter of the queen of hearts#chloe charming#maddox hatter son of the mad hatter#harry badun#jace badun#prince hadie of the underworld#eddie balathazar#hermie bing#yzla daughter of yzma#reza descendants#ships#etc
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Oops. I messed up on the math.
Hadie, Red, and Chloe would actually be 18.
Glauco, Danny, and Deja would be 19.
And Maddox and Edith would be 20.
My bad.
The Pocket Watch;

My rise of red au where Chloe Charming, Hadie Olympian, Danny Darling, Maddox Hatter, Edie Olympian, Glauco White, Shan Deja, and Red Hearts try to:
1. Find Chloe's missing brother.
2. Stop an impending coup in Auradon.
3. Save the royal baby.
4. Not kill eachother in the process.
Meet the characters:

Prince Hayden "Hadie" Prometheus Olympian of the Underworld. Age 16.

Princess Róisín "Red" Hearts of Wonderland. Age 16.

Daniel "Danny" Cooper Stuart-Darling. Age 17.

Princess Chloe Charming of Cinderellasburg. Age 16.

Maddox Hatter of Wonderland. Age 18.

Shan Deja of the Isle. Age 17.

Glauco White of Charmington. Age 17.

Edith "Edie" Olympian of the Isle. Age 18.
#Hadie#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#rise of red au#the pocketwatch#maddox hatter#disney#chloe charming#princess charming#princess chloe charming#prince red hearts#red hearts#Róisín Hearts of Wonderland#Princess Chloe Charming of Cinderellasburg#Prince Hayden Prometheus Olympian of the Underworld#Daniel Darling of Darling Coast#Maddox Hatter of Wonderland#danny darling#Daniel Darling#descendants hadie#hadie descendants#hadie olympian#descendants au#disney descendants alternate universe#descendants alternate universe#shan deja#Glauco White#edie olympian#etc.
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Time Travel Is A Headache;

Summary: In which Hannah Hook gets a visit from some time travelers in need. Trigger warnings: swearing (I am not kidding. Hannah usually swears a lot but she doubles it here), stress, underage smoking, etc. This is not canon compliant.
–Maddox Hatter, son of the Mad Hatter (Age 18).
–Max Hatter, son of the Mad Hatter (Age 15).
–Red Hearts, daughter of the King and Queen of Hearts (Age 16).
–Pink Hearts, daughter of the King and Queen of Hearts (Age 13).
–Hadie Athanasiou of the Underworld, son of Persephone and Hades (Age 16).
–Chloe Charming, daughter of Cinderella and Prince Christopher Charming (Age 16).
–Hazel Hook, daughter of Captain Hook (Age 14).
–Hannah Hook, daughter of Captain Hook (Age 20).
–Luis Madrigal, son of Ryder Nattura and Luisa Madrigal (Age 15).
–Shan Deja, daughter of Shan Yu (Age 17).
–Glauco White, son of Snow White and Prince Florian (Age 17).
–Danny Darling, daughter of Wendy Darling and Edward Stuart (Age 17).
–Zaahir Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamed of Agrabah, son of Jasmine and Aladdin (Age 16).
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out.
That was currently the mantra running through one Hannah Hook’s head as she sat down on a barrel on her ship—which was currently docked in Wonderland—and pinched the bridge of her nose. Trying her damnedest to process the information that had just been presented to her.
Her arch enemy, Olga Hearts' younger sister, Red, had time traveled with her friend Chad Charming’s younger sister, Chloe. Along with their friends. Who all had ties to her crew via being related to one or more of them.
Because of course, the Badun Detective Agency’s Protegees couldn’t stay the fuck out of trouble.
Seven of their protegees had time traveled. To the time where her dad, his friends, and the Queen of Hearts had been in school. Then to the time where Cinderella had been in school. And they had intervened.
Now Chloe Charming (along with her brother) and Hadie and Edith, along with Red’s brother (Hart) didn’t fucking exist any more and the rest of their lives were worse. But that wasn’t all. Because of course that couldn’t be all of it! No! Of course not. Nothing was ever that simple where the Badun Detective Agency or Hannah Hook were concerned.
The seven’s meddling with time had not only taken life away and twisted some of their lives into something completely unrecognizable but had also brought life into the world. Namely Max Hatter, Pink Hearts, Luis Madrigal, and Hannah’s very own little sister—Hazel.
Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out—
Damn it. Damn it all! Fuck.
Why the hell had they had to come to her for help?!
Sure, she’d traveled through dimensions and could see into other worlds and had magic but what the hell could she do about this situation? Time travel was a headache. A headache and a total pain in the ass that was to be avoided for more than one reason—something Chloe especially should have known given her mother had experience with this entire mess!
Reckless, impulsive, no sense having, motherfucking kids!
Hannah was twenty! She wasn’t supposed to have this many grey hairs already—especially not from kids who weren’t supposed to be her responsibility! Grey did not look good with brown, teal, or white hair—let alone all fucking three. Dear Hesita, how the bloody hell was she going to fix this mess?
And more importantly, how was she going to live with fixing this mess if she remembered— which she most definitely would, given the fact she already remembered the original timeline, even if it was all vague and dream-like in her mind. How could Captain Hannah Artemis Hook, who prided herself on being a protector of children, live with erasing her own sister and three other poor kids (and who knows how many others) from existence? Sure, she wasn’t much older than them but that didn’t negate the fact that all of them (save for Maddox, who the pirate captain was about to strangle for creating this whole bloody mess with that stupid pocket watch) were kids legally, mentally, chronologically, and emotionally. Especially emotionally. Why did they all have to look at her with those stupid hopeful and trusting eyes?
It wasn’t fair.
Did they even realize the full extent of what they were asking of her?
Red would be the youngest child again once the timeline was fixed. She’d never hear Pink’s laugh again or have a sibling close enough in age to back her up without hesitation.
Luis would never play another sport again. His family—his siblings, cousins, grandparents, and father—would forget him. His mother would be alive again with no idea that she’d lost a son she never got to raise in the first place in this timeline.
Maddox would be an only child again. Red would lose the close friend she’d made in Max.
The Victor would never be moved from the doc it had been left at after the death of its former captain. Hazel would never annoy Cj again or do her homework in Uma’s office after school while waiting for Harry and the others to show up so they could go to dinner together or use her puppy dog eyes on Harriet to get what she wanted—something none of the other Hook siblings, Hannah included, had ever succeeded at.
Hazel Hook, Luis Madrigal, Pink Hearts, and Max Hatter would be forgotten. Their names, faces, dreams, and personalities—everything that made them people—would no longer exist and no one would ever know that they were gone. No one but the ones who had time traveled and Hannah.
Hannah didn’t remember standing up so fast that the barrel spun around and skidded across the deck before crashing in the wall.
Didn’t remember ignoring the worried calls of ‘Ms. Hook?’, ‘Hannah?’, ‘Hook?’, and ‘Sissy?’ as she paced.
Hannah didn’t see the pinched expression on her own face or register the way her shoulders straightened out into a stiff but commanding position as she squeezed her eyes shut and inhaled once more.
The brunette raised her hand up in a ‘stop’ motion and stared down her younger sister and the others, daring any of them to even try to speak before she wanted them to.
Wisely, they all obliged her silent demand. Even if it made them squirm as the silence continued to linger on. Luckily for them, Hannah didn’t plan to keep them waiting for long.
“I’m not proud of what I’m about to say,” The pirate captain paused briefly, letting the words sink in before continuing. “But someone give me a cigarette. NOW.”
Her group of odd visitors all shot each other nervous looks before Hadie bravely (and unwisely) decided to speak up. “But Han, we don’t smoke…”
If looks could kill, the glare Hannah shot him would have annihilated him thirteen times over and burnt him into nothing but ashes. “Cut the bullshit, Hayden! I am a writer and as a writer, I know a ton of useless ass and useful ass information—including that statistics say that 1 in 5 teenagers smoke. And there are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6—”she started pointing as she counted. “–7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12! TWELVE! Teenagers in this room. Four of which are fucking isle kids. And don’t you Aks look at me like that, I know you rugrats aren’t as innocent as your parents like to think!”
That shut any further protests up.
Hannah put her hands on her hips. “Now, I’m gonna close my eyes and when I open them there better be a cigarette in between these two fingers–” Gesturing with her hand, she closed her eyes. “Or I will lose my ever loving shit over just how reckless you lot have been. Time travel? SERIOUSLY!”
After a few minutes of shuffling and scrambling from the other occupants of the room there was indeed a cigarette in between her fingers. But it was an unlit one, much to the young pirate’s frustration. She shut her eyes again and barked. “Light!”
If Hannah’s eyes had been open at that moment, she would have been horrified at the fact that at least half of the room were scrambling to pull out lighters. But they weren’t and frankly even if her eyes had been open, she couldn't have given less of a damn at the moment: not when she had much more pressing matters to worry about.
Brizo give her strength—give all of them strength. They were going to need it.
#the pocket watch#rise of red#rise of red au#pocketwatch au#descendants au#descendants#disney descendants#disney descendants au#disney#wicked world#melissa de la cruz#the marvelous misadventures of hannah hook and co#the marvelous misadventures of hannah hook#descendants original characters#descendants ocs#etc
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I Was a Kid but I Wasn’t Clueless (Part 1);

Overall Summary: Instead of taking the children of Cruella de Vil, Maleficent, Jafar, and The Evil Queen off of the isle, soon to be King Ben takes the advice of the girl from his dreams and instead invites a group known as 'the Badun Detective Agency' to Auradon in their steed. This agency consists of: 8 year old, Prince Hayden 'Hadie' Prometheus Athanasiou of the Underworld. Son of Hades and Persephone. 12 year old, Hermione 'Hermie ' Leona Bing. Daughter of the Ringmaster and Miss Atlantis. 13 year old, Edmund 'Eddie' Sereiah Balthazar. Son of Sarah Brown and Edgar Balthazar. 13 year old, Reza Vizer of Agrabah. Adoptive son of Sadira of Agrabah and Mozenrath. Biological son of the former Royal Astronomer of Agrabah. 15 year old, Jason 'Jace' Nelson Badun. Son of Katrina Stronghold the strong woman and Jasper Badun. 16 year old, Harold 'Harry' Everett Badun. Son of Horace Badun and Helga Sinclair. 15 year old, Yzla Sorcerer of Enchancia. Daughter of Yzma of Groove and Cedric the Sorcerer of Enchancia. And a turtle with nun chucks. All of which are going to be fostered by people from their parents' stories. What could possibly go wrong? And what could possibly go right?
Chapter 1: The Dream That Changed Everything.
Chapter 1 Summary: Ben's proclamation gets some tweaking. Trigger warnings: implied inhumane conditions, implied child abuse/endangerment/neglect, implied abuse of power (on Ben's parents' part), trust issues, etc.
She was beautiful in the same way a forest fire was.
Beautiful but destructive.
Yet Ben just couldn’t stay away from her—the girl with purple hair who visited him in his dreams and refused to give her name.
The two of them had been dreaming of each other for months now and their conversations stretched longer and longer each time they met—causing his crush on her to expand into something more. Something he couldn’t afford while he was still with Audrey.
He couldn’t hurt his childhood friend like that. Even if they weren’t going to be together for much longer.
She meant far too much to him for him to pursue the feelings he currently had while they were still together. But at the same time Ben couldn’t just abandon the mysterious girl with purple hair who actually saw him and asked what he wanted instead of just reminding him of his duties (that he had never asked for).
The thought of just turning his back on her completely like the rest of Auradon had didn’t sit right with him.
So Ben crafted his proclamation, deciding that he wanted her (and the other isle kids) happy even if he could never be with her.
He just needed to run the idea by her—which is what brought him here. On a rooftop of an unremarkable building on a dirty little island in his dream, with the purple haired girl next to him. Her feet and his both dangled over the edge.
She was in tattered purple pajamas that had blue and green little flames on them, Her skin was unnaturally pale, and her eyes… her eyes were cold, dead, and glowing green.
He tried not to think too hard about who her parents could be and cut to the chase.
“Would you ever like to come to Auradon? If you could , I mean?”
He wasn’t going to make any promises he wasn’t sure he could keep.
The girl stared off, kicking her legs back and forth absentmindedly. Thinking. Biting her lip so hard that blood started to trickle down her chin. Not that she noticed.
Ben winced and fought back the urge to reach out and wipe it away, knowing that he’d be crossing several lines with several different people if he did so.
Finally, dream girl spoke.
“Well, it depends…”
Ben perked up, giving her his full attention—trying his best not to make it too obvious while doing so. “On what?
The girl sighed. Sounding so, so tired.
“Well, for one, I would not leave without my squad. I’m their leader and it’s my job to protect them, so if I were to leave they’d have to come with me. You know?”
He nodded because it made sense. He wouldn’t want to go to a foreign place by himself either—especially not if it meant leaving his own friends behind.
The purplette tilted her head at him, staring at him again. As if she was staring right into his very soul.
Ben wondered if she could, in fact , do that. But he didn’t ask nor did he flinch. He just stared right back, awkwardly. Waiting to see if she had more to say.
She did.
“And before I even considered going, my little brother would have to be there—”
Little brother?
She had never mentioned a little brother before.
‘That’s because she didn’t trust you, before’ a small voice in the back of his head that sounded strangely like a mix of Lonnie, Audrey, Jane, Mrs. Potts, and his mother.
He knew that the voice was right but still couldn’t help but feel ever so slightly hurt. Even if he decided not to show it.
“—Because it’s not safe here, Dreamer.” Her voice cracked ever so slightly as she used her special nickname for him, since she refused to allow him to tell her his name either .
“What?” Ben asked—startled, confused, and the tiniest bit horrified because his parents had built the isle.Had come up with the idea for the isle. Had left the children there. If it wasn’t safe—
“It’s not safe here!” the girl snapped, almost… growling… with frustration. “It’s… the isle of the lost is not a good place. Horrible things happen here. Horrible things that a little boy has no business seeing. Which is why I can never leave here if my brother wasn’t out of here first.”
She ran a hand through her hair, breathing heavily. Looking pained.
It broke his heart.
“I’m not sure if it would be Auradon I’d go to if I had the chance of getting out of here with my friends, but I would willingly leave here if and only if Hadie wasn’t here—”
Hadie must have been her little brother.
Ben did his best to memorize the name, knowing that the girl wouldn’t repeat it if he asked.
Because she had let it slip without meaning too after months of sharing the barest info with him in their little meetings.
Because she had been hurt and let down too many times to trust him with even her name and so had her brother who she referred to as a ‘little’ boy, most likely.
Just what had his parents done?
“—But that doesn’t matter because it’s not like anyone over there in Auradon would even consider letting any of us out of here.”
The world around them started to fade out of view like it always did as Ben’s resolve to see his proclamation through strengthened.
He’d get the isle kids off the isle and into Auradon even if it killed him—starting with Hadie and his friends.
#the badun detective agency#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney#wicked world#descendants au#disney descendants au#harry badun#eddie balthazar#jace badun#hermie bing#yzla descendants#reza descendants#hadie descendants#ben descendants#yen sid#fanfiction#etc
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The Badun Detective Agency Song;
Thanks @casinotrio1965 for the help writing this.
Call me a stalker,
Call me a creep.
Really, I'm just a smooth talker,
And the one that you seek.
I'm the strong one,
Not afraid to fight.
I'm seen people come undone,
So don't try to tell me what's wrong or right!
My whole life,
I've been wishing on a star.
Fightin' with a knife,
While they party from afar.
I've faced nothing but strife,
Is it any wonder that I'm so bizarre?
I'm a diamond in the rough,
So forgettable.
But always fast with a rebuff,
Mind so incredible.
Just wait till I show my stuff,
One day I'll prove that I'm enough!
They think I'm a snitch,
A rat in the gutter.
They want me in a ditch,
So I'm left to scutter.
Soon I'll flip the switch,
And then they'll all stutter.
Life is a circus,
The world's my stage.
I'm too full of purpose,
To be stuck in this cage.
The prince of the Underworld,
I'm making it hot.
Time for me to be unfurled,
don’t try to stop me or you’ll rot!
Life is a mystery,
So full of history.
We live in misery,
But one day we will know victory!
We got resolve!
We've got resolve!!
Life is a mystery,
So full of history.
We live in misery,
But one day we will know victory!
They'll know us all!
And they will bawl!
They dropped the ball,
And we answered the call!
We've got resolve!
We'll make them squall!
And the isle will fall!
They'll remember them all!
No time to stall!
#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#descendants au#wicked world#disney#disney descendants alternate universe#disney descendants au#descendants alternate universe#harry badun#jace badun#hermie bing#descendants reza#descendants yzla#descendants hadie#eddie balthazar#song writing#etc
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Badun Detective Agency Picrew Masterlist;
Badun Detective Agency Protégés/The Pocketwatch Characters Picrews (Part 1);
Badun Detective Agency Protégés/The Pocketwatch Characters Picrews (Part 2);
Pantha Picrews;
Badun Detective Agency Picrews;
Harry Badun Picrews;
1920s Badun Detective Agency Picrews;
The Badun Detective Agency Applications;
Badun Detective Agency next gen picrews;
Helena Sinclair and her siblings;
The Badun Detective Agency's First Laugh Fairies;
Reza of Agrabah Picrew;
Badun Detective Agency Protégés/The Pocketwatch Characters Picrews (Part 3)/'Beyond the Isle of the Lost' New Character Picrews (Plus New Maddox, Chloe, and Red Ones);
Fancast links:
Link (to be added).
Link (to be added).
Link (to be added).
#the badun detective agency#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#descendants au#wicked world#disney#disney descendants au#picrews
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