#prince eric x ariel
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bohemian-nights · 2 years ago
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Prince Eric x Ariel -The Little Mermaid (2023) 🧜🏽‍♀️
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mvltisstuff · 2 years ago
bring me to life - p.e
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summary: when ursula possesses y/n to make her try and trap ariel, eric knows somethings off.
prince eric x reader
a/n: this is so humbling but he’s actually the finest man i’ve ever seen
the day ariel sacrificed her voice for legs, it was bound to go to hell. the only thing she wanted in life was to be with the humans, sick of being confined to the ocean. the deal she made with ursula is that she needed approval from the royals in three days. she begged to understand their world, and after she met y/n and eric, she fell in love with the above world.
they were the most gracious and accepting people on the island. they strolled around with her, y/n helping her get dressed and ready, and eric showing her his collections. she never knew that the love from land was so strong until she spent the days with them.
eric glowed around y/n, ariel noticing the bright beam on his face when she came around. he talked about her like an angel, or someone from another perfect universe. ariel knew the look in his eyes, the one of full of mesmerize. ariel quickly found out that it was very mutual, y/n being so fond of eric. her love for him was stronger than the waves, and ariel knew it.
toward the end of the second day, y/n was running around the castle with eric, fooling around with ariel before being scolded by grimsby. most nights, y/n and eric go to bed together, falling asleep as he holds her. tonight was different. the air was stiff, making y/n’s anxiety peak. she decided to take a walk down to the beach to hear the waves and see the water, hopefully calming her down. the ocean was calm from the night winds, but as she sat on the rocks, it started getting harsher. the wind was blowing her hair around, as well as causing the waves to crash around her.
ursula knew the exact weak point in eric and in ariel. meeting y/n and taking her as a friend made her a perfect target to destroy ariel’s life. for eric, y/n’s the most loved. every part of her and her mind is completely admired by eric. ursula knows they’ll listen to y/n, doubting themselves too much. so, if she could convince y/n that ariel isn’t good enough, maybe she had a shot.
“oh, child,” the eerie voice rolls through the water, making y/n move her head around trying to spot it. “a sleepless night?”
“w-who are you?” she questions, stepping away from the rock, leaving only her feet in the wet sand. she’s fully alarmed by the sight in front of her. she’s never seen something like this, leaving cold chills down her spine.
“you’ve never heard of the sea witch?” y/n nervously shakes her head naively. “it means you should listen to me, sweetheart.”
y/n’s hands remain at her side, playing with the seams of her dress. her breathing deepens, coming out more sharp in panic of the creature in front of her.
“that little ariel,” ursula begins. “is no good for this world. and i need your help to bring her back to me.”
“i can’t,” y/n whispers as she walks back further. “i can’t help you.”
“i know you can,” ursula puts her hand out and y/n cringes at the noises of her tentacles on the sand.
the sounds of y/n’s quick breaths and the swishing of ursula’s many arms has become the only thing on the beach. “n-no, no,” y/n demands. “i won’t do this.”
“fine, then!” ursula sighs. as y/n attempts to run away, hurrying out of ursula’s sight, her tentacles grip onto her sides, pulling her closer. y/n tries to yank them off, but they stick to her dress and her skin like hot glue. the air gets tighter around her, using every ounce of energy to escape the grasp of the sea witch. “i’ll just have to make you.”
the words makes y/n’s mind freeze, placing horror into her mind. she thinks about eric, wishing he were here to save her. it was too late, he was out cold in their bed, where they should be together. she knew no one was coming to save her. before she knew it, ursula cracked open a bottle, the smokey substance inside fading into y/n as she breathed it in. her irises flicked between hues of purple from ursula’s spell before returning back to the normal color. ursula knew she must leave, so y/n was left on the sand, marks on her dress as she lay on the cold ground of the beach, unconscious.
eric wakes in the morning early, prepared to explore more with y/n and collect more treasures. he rolls over to place his hand on her, but it only sinks down and he is confronted with the empty bed sheets. he immediately gets up, putting on the normal clothes as he heads downstairs to look for his love.
“grimsby!” he shouts. “have you seen y/n?”
“no, i haven’t. was she not in bed?”
“maybe she went out to the villages with ariel?”
“ariel’s upstairs, sire,” grimsby informs. eric starts to get more fearful, anything could have happened to her. his life dream used to be to explore the ocean, but now it’s just to keep y/n safe. as long as she’s with him, he’s happy. if anyone ever attempted to hurt her, there would be a new version of himself.
he walked the streets and halls of the castle with no sight of y/n. he stormed through the rooms, requesting help from guards and anyone who was free to search. every single time that anyone came back to say she wasn’t found, his heart broke off a piece.
he decided to roam down to the beaches, just in case she had made her way down here and forgotten to say something. when he spotted a bundle of soft hair, the same color as y/n’s, he sprinted over and fell on his knees in the sand.
“y/n?” he asks, placing his hands on her cheeks to straighten her head. “hey, y/n!”
her eyes flutter open, and eric immediately catches on. she doesn’t seem disoriented, she doesn’t seem alarmed. she’s different. her eyes are darkened and her expression seems uncanny. eric shivers at the look of her, he knows somethings wrong than just a fall on the beach. “are you alright, darling?”
“i’m fine,” she replies. “where’s red?”
y/n walks through the castle, leaving chaos and destruction in her path. she’s messed up the organization, and touching everything she sees. she does it with a smirk on her face as well, knowing exactly the plan.
in her head, only ursula stands, controlling her words and thoughts as y/n feels barricaded. she feels like she’s in a prison of her own mind, not being able to escape and work for herself. it’s like she’s become a puppet of the sea, saying and doing what the monsters please.
there was a party in honor of eric tonight, the queen just being thrilled that he’s home safe. it was also a way to welcome ariel to their customs, and help her get settled into the community. she hadn’t gotten her answer if she was fully accepted yet, but that wasn’t enough for ursula. if ariel wasn’t hers at the end of this, she might just have to take y/n. it’s hard work to make a bad impression of someone so genuine like ariel.
y/n walks into the party, dressed in a slim corset and purple dress as she walks onto the outdoor floor. she looks at ariel, with a toothy smirk on her face. eric spots her, making note of y/n’s watery eyes and red cheeks. somethings terribly wrong with y/n, and he doesn’t know how to save her from it.
“your majesty,” y/n says to the queen. “i need to have a word with you.”
“of course, y/n,” she places a hand on her shoulder, walking over to a corner as eric follows behind them.
“i believe that girl is not safe for this island. all the destruction and disrespect in this castle is a result of her,” eric walks in, overhearing y/n’s words and being confused. she adored ariel, and there was no way she was saying this alone.
“mother-” eric speaks, his mother putting up her hand to him. even the queen can notice something wrong with y/n’s demeanor. her features are sharper, leaving a more intimidating look to her. normally, she looks sweet and welcoming, but now she’s started to look mischievous.
“y/n, im sure it is a misunderstanding what’s happened, but- y/n, miss?”
y/n’s eyes are glued on the orange skies, looking at the sun sinking closer to the horizon. her face glows a golden tint from the light and she moves to look at the ocean. eric grabs her hand, but she swipes it away and walks past everyone. ariel has a frightened look on her face, thinking of how to save herself from scrutiny. unfortunately, as the sun dips below the line between the ocean and the sky, ariel stumbles to the floor as eric scurries to help her up.
“you’re too late!” y/n cries, smiling but also with tears. she runs over to ariel, grabbing onto her arms and yanking her off the ground. they struggle over to the balcony before ursula pops up, grabbing the two girls and diving into the water.
eric watches as his friend and his sweet girlfriend fall into the water. he’s taken aback by the tail revealed, but he needs y/n to be safe first. he got in his boat and rowed out to sea, impacting with the sharp waves and abruptness. he spotted ursula with ariel and triton under the surface, but no y/n. he panics, turning into fight mode as he tries to impale ursula with a sword. he just grazes her, just angering the creature as she sends her eels up to him. even as he’s actually attacked, he just wants to find y/n before anything else.
the battle with ursula felt like a scene from a movie. it was like it lasted days, painful, exhausting days of torment from the witch. even after he swam up to shore, y/n was nowhere to be found.
“get a boat!” eric pants. “we need to find y/n, i need to find her.”
“eric,” the queen says.
“mother, i need her-“
“relax, first, eric. we will find her. we have people out already looking for her,” she tries to comfort her son who’s in the water, discombobulated from all he’s been through today. he stared at the water, remaining on shore but still lost at sea. y/n could be anywhere and it’s out of his control.
with every last morsel of strength y/n had left, she managed to force herself to swim to shore. she lay on the hot sand, absorbing the cold water from her hair and her dress. her eyes felt like she was looking through a dirty eyeglass, the ache in her head blurring her vision. her head had one too many impacts, leaving her with a thumping pain. once she landed there, rolling onto her back to let the sun beat on her face, she couldn’t make herself stand. her muscles were overworked and weary. the warmth of the sun encapsulated her body, leaving her to dry from the soak of the sea.
eric stormed through the beaches, despite the complaints from the queen. he wasn’t going to let her escape him again and be taken. she was just an innocent person, someone who didn’t deserve the wrath of ursula.
ariel herself felt scared. she never was able to experience the same emotions as humans, until she connected with y/n. she knew ursula too well to miss her tricks. y/n would have never done that to her under any circumstance. she admired y/n on the island. ariel had discovered the disappearance of y/n, and took matters into her own hands. she explored the oceans anywhere that she could’ve fallen to, but she eventually washed up to a small island, too far from the shore of eric’s island.
she could see the floating of y/n’s dress in the high tide. she saw the swishes of hair on the ground, covered in grains of sand. she rapidly flipped her fins, pushing herself onto the sand to grab onto y/n. she swam with the unconscious body quickly to the shore of the main island, leaving her on the dry land as she returned back to the waves.
even as time passed, eric was still searching frantically, looking like a lunatic on the beaches. he didn’t stop until he was forced to by his mother, succumbing to her orders to get back in the castle. he was observed and checked out in the medical wing to make sure he wasn’t hurt too severely.
he heard shuffling in the halls, the passing of guards and orders. “alert the prince,” one says, making eric’s head perk up. it wasn’t until grimsby whipped the door open, walking in to greet eric.
“sire,” he pants. “we’ve found y/n.”
eric stands up, his face falling straight as he swiftly moved down the hallways. his footsteps ricochet through the tall passages, skipping up the stairs and seeing y/n in a small bed. her hair was tied back with a white bandage wrapped around her head.
he pauses, taking in the sight of his one and only, vulnerable and hurt on the bed. his chest rises and sinks in long breaths. he doesn’t know if he can handle looking at her sleeping body, she looks too peaceful for him to be comfortable.
as the servants cleared out of the room, eric sat beside her on the bed. he grabbed her hand as she fluttered awake, stretching her body out with a grimace on her face. “eric?”
“yes,” he whispers. “i’m here, it’s alright.”
“i don’t understand what happened, it was all so fast and then ariel-“
“shh, you’re going to be ok now,” he reassures her, running a hand on her cheek.
“but where is ariel? she dropped me off on the shoreline and i didn’t see her again,” y/n questions, fearing for her friend. when she looks behind eric, she hears a soft, gracious knock on the doors as ariel steps in in her blue dress. she has a dim smile on her lips as y/n tells her. “come in, please, ariel.”
she steps into the room, looking around at the mysterious objects in this part of the castle. the couple smiles at the curious girl until she makes her way over to y/n on the bed. “i found you on an island on the outland. it was further from the shipwreck than we were.”
“thank you,” y/n smiles, grabbing ariel’s hand and placing her other one on top of them. she looks around, her expression changing to confusion. “i guess i’ll address the problem in the room. your legs have returned.”
“my father gave me the gift of staying here with you. i’m meant to be on land, and i’ve finally been heard. i couldn’t have done any of this without you. you showed me kindness and never once treated me like i was unordinary, even though i am.”
“you don’t need to ask for respect around here,” y/n says. ariel thanks her one last time, before moving out of the room.
“you have no idea how happy i am that you’re alright,” eric remarks, shuffling closer to y/n’s body. “i was so scared i lost you.”
“i know,” y/n replies. “but you’ll never lose me, eric.” he leans forward, placing a sweet kiss on her lips as a token of gratitude.
“we’re meant to be together until the sky falls, my love.”
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lobinilo · 2 years ago
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I’ve been thinking a lot about this scene and why it had such an impact on me (and apparently everybody else lol). I think it’s because this gesture has so many layers in its meaning. From what I’ve seen, most people interpret this as a sign of protection against Vanessa/Ursula. But I only partly agree with that. See, this all happens BEFORE Vanessa turns back into Ursula, so Eric doesn’t know that she’s a witch yet (even though he probably suspects already that Vanessa is dangerous). So the immediate threat he sees is not Vanessa. It’s the other humans. Everyone backs away from Ariel, looking frightened, screaming, Erics own mother is horrified by what just happened. All they’ve known their whole lives are tales about blood thirsty mermaids tricking sailors with their voices just to drown them for the sheer fun of it (so to see Ariels voice materialized must be even more terrifying). They are scared of her. So Eric not backing away and holding Ariel even tighter sends a clear message: I am not afraid of her. And neither should you be. So yes, this gesture is, among other things, a sign of protection. Protection from his own kind. He stands by her AGAINST his peers. He stands by her side, alone, against every single person he’s known his whole life. Don’t you dare touch her. But it’s also alliance. Understanding. Acceptance. I am not afraid of you. I accept you. I’m with you. And that’s why this scene is so much more impactful than it is in the original.
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thehorizonlinex · 2 years ago
Sea Legs
Eric teaches Ariel about his world.
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Note: Posted this on AO3 a few days ago but forgot to here. A little scene I made up in my head, the first night of Ariel and Eric’s first voyage. Can’t get these two out of my head and am considering starting a short multi-chapter AU fic of them, let me know if you’d be interested!
Still new at this writing stuff so would love any feedback and comments!
The sky exploded with light as the ship’s crew continued to set off fireworks, booming and dazzling against the darkness. The festivities had been going on for nearly an hour, fiddles providing joyous melodies while sailors danced the night away.
Ariel snuggled closer to Eric on the steps, her gaze still focused on the brilliant colors illuminating the sky. They’d danced for almost the whole hour, her new husband teaching her the steps of the many jigs and dances.
“Have you ever seen fireworks before?” Eric shrugged his jacket off his shoulders, placing it delicately around hers.
“Once,” a smile crept onto Ariel’s face at the memory. “When we first met.”
Ariel giggled. “The night of the shipwreck.”
Eric took a moment to think. “Oh, right before, you mean. My twenty-first birthday.”
He paused again. “Wait…how did you…”
Ariel felt the blush rising in her cheeks, looking down nervously at her lap and picking at a loose thread on her dress.
“I heard you talking to Grimsby,” she explained, her voice barely above a whisper. “I saw the fireworks, and I followed the ship. And I heard you talking. I saw the crew dancing, it was the first time I’d ever seen anything like that.”
She felt his finger touch the underside of her chin, lifting it gently so their eyes met.
“And that’s how you were there to save me.”
“I had no idea.”
Ariel shrugged, turning her head once again to look out at the dancing crew. It was a miracle they hadn’t all worn out their feet by now.
“You seemed so happy, singing and dancing with all of them. I saw it tonight, too. You’re happiest when you’re on the ship.”
Eric chuckled, his eyes following hers. The crew had gotten ahold of Grimsby, the old man somehow convinced to sway along to the music with Max by his side.
“I hope you like it here,” he said. “I know ship life isn’t for everyone, but whatever’s out there - I want to find it with you.”
“I do like it here,” Ariel said. She turned back to meet his gaze, eyes twinkling in the light. “Though, there is something you could help me with.”
“What’s a starboard?”
Eric raised a brow. “Come again?”
“The crew, they keep saying starboard. Starboard side, starboard sails…”
“Oh,” Eric laughed, brushing a hand through his dark curls. “It’s right. Port and starboard, that’s what sailors call left and right.”
“Why not just call it left and right?”
Eric paused. “You know…I’m actually not sure. But sailors have lots of words for things no one else calls them by.”
“Like what?”
“Hmm…” Eric took a moment to think, his eyes scanning the ship.
He pointed to the very front of the ship. “The front there, that’s called the bow. And the very back is called the stern.”
“Bow and stern,” Ariel repeated.
“Yeah. Sometimes the stern is called aft, too.”
Ariel nodded.
“The wheel,” Eric pointed out.
“The one I used to kill Ursula.”
“Yes. That’s called the helm.”
Ariel nodded again. “Can I ask one more question?”
Eric drew her closer to him. “You can ask as many questions as you’d like.”
“Why do they call the ship a woman?”
“Oh,” he laughed. “That…it comes from an old sea story. You’d think it’s silly.”
She nudged him. “Tell me.”
“Sailors believe…” he shook his head. “They believe that the king of the seas would be more favorable to girls. So referring to a ship as a ‘she’…well, it’s to appease him.”
Ariel stared at him with wide eyes, before bursting into laughter.
“My father wouldn’t care whether or not the ship was a girl, Eric.”
“Well, yes, I can understand that now.”
“Humans are silly,” Ariel remarked. “But you’re not entirely wrong.”
“I do have six sisters. No brothers. So you could say my father does favor girls.”
She straightened up a bit. “Can I practice using the terms?”
Eric tried his best not to smile too hard, at the risk of his new wife potentially mistaking his grin as laughing at her expense. “Of course.”
Ariel pointed to the front of the ship. “The bow.”
She gestured to the back. “Stern. Or aft.”
She pointed left, then right. “Port and starboard.”
The wheel was last. “The helm.”
She took a breath, her brows knitted in deep focus. “I used the helm to turn the ship port side so the bow of the ship drove into Ursula.”
She looked up at him again. “Was that right?”
Eric couldn’t help the beaming grin on his face as he reached in for a soft kiss.
“Perfect. You’re a natural-born sailor.”
He didn’t miss her giggle before the corners of his lips lifted into a slight smirk.
“You were wrong about something though.”
She looked into his eyes, warm brown meeting ocean blue.
“What was it?”
“I’m the happiest when I’m with you.”
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lunipalette · 9 months ago
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And they lived happily ever after...
Happy (late) anniversary to The Little Mermaid!
prints commissions twitter
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years ago
can I get a poly Ariel and Eric x Hybrid! Reader with a like 4 year old Melody teaching her how to swim
I can just see melody clinging to reader the entire time
A/N: Fun fact for someone who loves the beach and grew up by the beach I don't know how to swim lol
My Sweet Melody: Poly Eric & Ariel x Hybrid!Reader
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Melody was now 4 years old and you and Ariel wanted to start teaching her how to swim since she loved the ocean so much and was constantly pestering you two to teach her, the only roadblock was Eric was nervous about her being out in the ocean. After talking about it some more with him and assuring him that you two would be her at all times, he finally agreed to let her learn how to swim. 
You were currently in the water with Ariel waiting for Eric to come back with your water when you moved your tail and accidentally splashed Ariel which made you laugh. She just shook it off with a laugh as you two saw Eric approaching with your daughter Melody in his arms. 
"Mama!" She said trying to wiggle out of Eric's arms. 
"Easy sweetheart, you will get to be with your mama in a minute." He said setting her down on the beach and letting her crawl towards the shoreline where Ariel was. 
"What's going on Mama?" She asked you two as Ariel held her in her arms. 
"Me and your mama are gonna teach you how to swim, would you like that?" Ariel asked as she nodded her head happily. 
You watched as Ariel gently set her down between the two of you, and as soon as she saw you, she paddled her way over to you before wrapping her arms around you making you smile. 
"Look at you my sweet melody! You already know some of the basics of swimming." You said as pressed a kiss to her cheek. 
"I wanna swim with you, mama!" She said. 
"Hunny I don't think that you are ready to be swimming with mommy." Eric and Ariel said as Melody hugged you tighter. 
"Alright if you wanna swim with me, then you must keep a tight hold on me at all times." You said to her as he nodded her head. 
Once she was securely held on, you started to swim along making sure to go a little slower than you normally did since you had her and Ariel with you. After swimming for a few minutes, you guys went up to the surface level where you saw Ariel behind you, and Eric on the beach. 
"Can you swim to mama, and show her your skills?" You asked her as she nodded her head before turning and swimming towards Ariel.
"Did you see Mama? I can swim almost as well as you and mama!" She said with a smile making you and Ariel smile. 
You guys spent a few more hours out there teaching her how to swim before you two let her swim back to shore to Eric who smiled seeing her swimming on her own. 
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apinchofm · 2 years ago
What would Eric and Ariel do in their honeymoon voyage? Where would they visit?
Ooh, I can see them visiting all over - small islands and large countries. Ariel is always so fascinated by every new discovery she makes and Eric finds it adorable.
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arcanejude · 2 years ago
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inject it
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dearest-alexander · 2 years ago
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#I love my two hoarders.
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bohemian-nights · 2 years ago
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Kiss The Girl😘
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gashofleastresistance · 2 years ago
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what a beautiful shot!
source: link
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your-villainous-neighbour · 2 years ago
Eric found one (1) person who was willing to listen to him rant abt his hyperfixation and decided that's his soulmate. same
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thehorizonlinex · 2 years ago
Close to the Wind
A series of snippets of Eric’s life, as seen by Grimsby
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Author’s Note: My first-ever Tumblr fic (ah! please be nice!) so open to suggestions, requests, and feedback. I watched The Little Mermaid (2023) and fell in love with Jonah Hauer-King’s portrayal of Prince Eric, the layers of backstory added to his character, and of course, his stunning chemistry with Halle Bailey as Ariel!
This is my take on what Eric’s life might have been like - before and after he met Ariel. I loved Grimsby as a character, especially his relationship with Eric, so there are some ideas of what it might have been like for the two of them together during Eric’s childhood. I’ve only seen the movie once in theaters, so some of the quotes are loosely based on my memory and might not be 100% in accordance with the script. Thanks for reading, and if you like it, please feel free to comment or reblog :)
Warnings: Mentions of parental death, fluff, young Eric being a little shit
Tags: @ohkarasm​ @nimerdo​ @namufication​ @chey-cheygl​ @snk25blr​ @snk25blr​
Twenty-One Years Prior
Grimsby tried his best to make his way through the crowd, pushing past the careening necks and excited whispers.
A baby!
One of the ships found him next to a whole lot of debris.
Bundled up in a chest, just floatin’ on the water, I heard. 
Could it be an omen?
How’d he get there in the first place?
What about that shipwreck the other night?
He finally squeezed past the first row, members of the royal court who’d arrived at the palace to see the infant child creating a buzz throughout the islands. The guards had been able to create a wide space between the royals and the court, allowing Grimsby to finally catch his breath as he approached the thrones at the front of the room.
“Sir Grimsby! There you are.”
“Your Highness,” Grimsby bowed to the king, both his sovereign and his employer - and an old friend. He turned to the regal woman on his right, dressed in a pale blue gown and seated in an intricate golden throne. “My Queen.”
Both nodded in response. The king gestured to the infant rocking in the queen’s arms, cooing lightly as he stared up at her.
“The baby,” the king said, his voice resolute. “Will stay here.”
He was afraid that this might happen.
The child had been found a few nights prior, swaddled in a chest that floated nearly right up to one of their merchant ships. At first, the sailors onboard had assumed he was dead - his eyes were closed and there was no way a baby could have survived the storms that had wrecked the oceans for nearly a week.
And yet, he had survived, immediately rushed to the royal palace and brought to the infirmary, where he was given round-the-clock care.
It’s a miracle he survived, the doctors had said, just as alarmed as everyone else who’d gotten wind of the curious baby from the sea. Survived without a scratch.
“Are you sure you want to decide so soon, your majesty? Perhaps the baby belongs to some of the neighboring islands, or from the coast.”
The royal couple had struggled with having children - one had been lost in the womb early on, and there hadn’t been much luck since. But he couldn’t imagine this child - this washed-up orphan of a child - becoming the heir to the throne. 
Would the people even accept him?
“We’ve looked, and we’ve asked the other lands. No one seems to know where the child is from.”
The king quieted for a second.
“And the ship that wrecked the other day - there were no survivors. We’ve sent crews to search high and low, and nothing.”
“A tragedy for certain,” the queen murmured, lightly stroking the top of the baby’s head, fingers playing with his dark curls. “But we can help turn his life into something meaningful.”
Grimsby nodded again with a sigh. He knew exactly how much both of them yearned for a child, a son, and perhaps chance was finally on their side.
He just didn’t care for children, personally.
“Have you picked out a name?”
The queen smiled widely at the infant, causing the child to giggle, his eyes twinkling in the palace light, as blue as the waves that had saved his life.
Twelve Years Later - Eric, Age 12
“Prince Eric!”
Grimsby leaned to his side, his hand pressing against his ribcage as he slowed his breathing. 
He was growing too old for this, the continuous chasing around the palace, running after a twelve-year-old boy who seemed to be getting taller and faster and more of a nuisance each day.
Grimsby couldn’t imagine himself behaving this way at that age - even when he was younger than ten, he’d known to not cause such a ruckus. And he hadn’t been into royalty, didn’t have the expectations of a future king on his shoulders.
Eric, on the other hand, never seemed to get the memo.
“Are you alright, Sir Grimsby?”
Grimsby looked down at the boy as he skipped over to him. Eric’s height rose to his chest now, mischievous eyes peeking past a messy mop of brown curls.
“There isn’t supposed to be running in the palace, Eric.”
“Who said anything about running? We’re chasing!”
Grimsby huffed, the ache in his side still lingering. “You’re old enough to know they’re the same. I know you have access to a thesaurus.”
“Well, we wouldn’t be running if you just stopped chasing me.”
Eric squinted as he watched his majordomo leaning over to his side in pain. “And, if that side hurts, you should bend the other way so it stretches.”
Grimsby huffed again as he followed Eric’s instructions, immediately feeling relief in his side. Once the ache subsided, he straightened back up, his hands crossing over his chest.
“I was chasing you because you’ve left your study a mess, Eric.”
The boy lifted a hand to scratch his head, crooking it to one side.
“A mess?”
“A mess. Things everywhere! Books all over the place, seashells from the beach strewn all over your shelves. And that globe - did you steal that from your father’s study?”
The prince snickered.
“I didn’t steal it Grimsby. Mother said I could have the globe to help with my studies. And all of father’s old charts.”
He flashed his dimples once, causing Grimsby to mentally groan. The boy had grown into a cheeky young thing, as charming as he was reckless, his charisma as abundant as his energy.
“What studies could you possibly need them for?”
“I’m teaching myself,” Eric said confidently. “I’m teaching myself how to sail. Even if mother won’t let me yet. So by the time I do go on the water, I can navigate just using the stars.”
He placed his hands on his hips in a defiant stance.
“And I’m collecting the seashells. I’ve been reading about them in some of the old books from the royal library. Some of them aren’t native to here, you know. The ocean carries them to us for us to find.”
“I’m glad you’re finding your artifacts so educational, Eric,” Grimsby sighed. “But if you leave your study a mess, Lashanna won’t allow it. You know better than to keep them around like that.”
The prince’s eyes, normally a crystal blue, began to darken.
“I’m not throwing them away!”
“You don’t have to throw them away. But you do need to keep them organized.”
Eric rolled his eyes again. 
“Says who?”
“Says me. And until you grow old enough to be king, you’ll listen to me.”
Eric let out a huff of frustration. 
“When I’m king, Grimsby, I’ll see to it that you get fired.”
The man laughed aloud. “I’ve been with your family for decades, my young prince. You won’t be getting rid of me that fast.”
“I can do whatever I want! Eric means eternal ruler, you told me yourself, Grimsby.”
Grimsby shook his head, turning on his heels to head back towards the palace. Better to stop the conversation now before Eric’s temperament got the better of him, he hoped.
He turned once more to look at the boy, the childish expression on his face contrasting his ever-growing stature. Sometimes, he couldn’t help but wonder if the king and queen had made the right decision, bringing this boy into the fold, setting him to be the future ruler of their islands. 
Eric was intelligent, compassionate, curious - but reckless, uncontrollable at times, with a mind of his own.
And Grimsby couldn’t help but pray that eventually, he’d grow up.
Six Years Later -  Eric, Age 18
“Well, doesn’t the prince look dashing!”
Grimsby turned to face Lashanna, who’d crept up behind him to watch as Eric stood deathly still at the other end of the room. The prince grimaced as the royal tailors fussed over his new jacket, using him as a human pin cushion of sorts.
“Looks just like his parents,” Grimsby joked, causing the woman to swat at his shoulder.
“Big night for the prince, eh?”
“You wouldn’t think so, talking to him.”
Grimsby sighed, placing his hand on the pillar next to him. 
“All he can talk about is going out to sea, tomorrow morning. You wouldn’t even know it was his eighteenth birthday today, if the queen hadn’t made a rule forbidding him from sailing until then.”
“What about the party?”
“What about the party?”
Lashanna frowned. “Don’t tell me I have the staff running around for Eric to not show up to his own birthday party tonight.”
“He’ll show up. The queen will make sure of it. He just won’t be happy with all the fuss, you know he never is.”
Lashanna remained quiet briefly, watching as Eric’s gaze focused out the large glass window to his right, looking over the ocean waves.
“Do you think she regrets it at all?”
It’d been a question Grimsby had wondered himself, many times, and even more so after the king’s sudden passing the year prior. The baby in the chest had become a source of joy for the queen and for the people of the islands. He’d grown into a strong, bright young man, grounded by his values and the desire to lead his people.
And yet, it seemed as if Eric never saw his role the same as his mother, rigidly determined to do things differently. He’d grown even more passionate about voyaging and opening the country to faraway neighbors since his father died, frustrated at the lack of support his ideas received from his mother and the court. He’d vented at Grimsby more than a handful of times, but usually locked himself in his study, surrounded by shelves upon shelves of treasures and tokens other sailors brought back for him.
It’d been manageable, for a while. But now he was eighteen, allowed to voyage the seas himself for the first time, and taking matters into his own hands.
“She loves him,” Grimsby replied. “And that’s what matters.”
He straightened as the tailors finished up with Eric, taking his jacket to have the final touches added before the night’s festivities. 
“Well, aren’t you going to be a sight tonight,” Lashanna smiled at the prince, reaching out to brush a stray curl from his forehead.
“Do you know what time we leave tomorrow, Grimsby?”
“Nine o’clock, Sire.”
“Any chance we could leave earlier? I’d love to see the sunrise on the water.”
Lashanna chuckled. “You’ll see plenty of sunrises over the next few weeks, young prince. And you’ll want to get some rest after your big party tonight.”
“There will be girls there, Eric,” Grimsby reminded him.
“You’ll be expected to make conversation with them, dance with them.”
Eric scoffed.
“To find a wife, you mean?”
“Well, if all-“
“Wouldn’t my father say I’m too young to be finding a bride?”
Grimsby let out a deep sigh. “Your father wouldn’t want you to be reckless. But you are his heir, and you’re eighteen now. In a few years you will be old enough to assume the throne per our kingdom’s laws.”
“I’m not interested in finding a wife, Grimsby. Not when there’s so much out there to see. Did you know, one of the other islands just opened a large port? Large enough to completely change their economy. We’re being left behind here, and the rest of the world is moving on.”
“And besides, don’t you think it wouldn’t be fair to my future wife if I was out on the seas all the time? A shoddy husband I’d make, I figure.”
As if he’d be allowed to voyage as the king. 
“Just dance with a few, Eric. They might surprise you, there’s plenty of ladies from different kingdoms coming. Consider that your bridging between cultures and lands.”
The idea seemed to please the young man somewhat, though his face showed no hint of a smile.
“If you dance with five of the young ladies tonight, I’m sure Grimsby could convince the queen to allow you to sail before sunrise,” Lashanna offered, causing Grimsby to shoot her an annoyed glance.
“Really?” Eric’s eyes lit up again.
Grimsby shook his head. It might be the only way.
“Alright, Eric. I’ll talk to your mother.”
The bounce in the prince’s step returned as he hurried towards the passageway. 
“I’ll get to packing now. Thank you, Grimsby!”
Grimsby turned to Lashanna once Eric was out of sight.
“You needed a compromise, no?” she smiled. “And besides, you’ll need to start getting ready yourself.”
“I’ve still got a few hours before the party.”
Lashanna’ grin grew wider. 
“I meant for your voyage tomorrow. Enjoy the sunrise, Mister Grimsby.”
Three Years Later - Eric, 21 Years Old 
“Eric! Eric!”
Grimsby ignored the ache in his legs as he ran through the palace halls, headed directly to the wing containing the prince’s bedroom.
The news had arrived while he was helping the queen’s secretary draft a letter to the neighboring kingdoms, desperate for any news or sign of her beloved son. 
Found him washed up ashore! 
Barely breathing!
But he’s alive! 
Grimsby could hardly believe it himself; that Eric’s life would have once again been spared by the sea, fortunate enough to arrive right on their doorstep. He could have sworn, watching the flames engulf the ship that night and Eric falling backwards as it listed in the water, that the prince was lost to the waves. 
It’d been the first time Grimsby had nearly cried, the presence of the rest of the crew in the rowboats the only thing stopping his tears.
Their last interaction had been an argument, another fight about Eric’s role as a leader, his incessant need to voyage and travel and explore for the sake of the islands. Their conversation had rung in Grimsby’s ears all night, the man unable to get any sleep once they safely reached shore.
“Eric!” He burst open the door to the prince’s bedroom, causing Max, seated at the foot of the bed, to bark loudly.
“Shhh, Max,” Eric muttered with a groan, his eyes looking at Grimsby tiredly. “It’s just Grims.”
“Thank the heavens,” Grimsby rushed over to his side, clutching one of Eric’s hands in his own. “I thought you were lost-”
“A girl saved me.”
Grimsby raised a brow, his eyes moving to the bandaged wound on Eric’s head.
“A girl, Grimsby,” Eric repeated slowly, his voice betraying his body’s exhaustion. His eyes fluttered open and close. “She saved me.”
“You’ve had a long day,” Grimsby said. “You should get some sleep.”
Surely the doctors would have informed him if Eric had sustained any major head injuries, not just a scratch?
“She sang to me, Grimsby. The most beautiful melody I’ve ever heard.”
“I’m sure she did, Sire.”
Eric’s eyes opened suddenly, the piercing blue gaze making direct contact with Grimsby’s own. 
“Find her for me, Grimsby.”
“Please. She saved my life. I owe her my life.”
Eric closed his eyes once more, his tiredness quickly lulling him back to sleep.
A mystery girl who’d saved the prince from certain death in the ocean? How hard could it be?
He closed the bedroom door behind him as he walked towards in the direction of the infirmary. 
The doctors had some explaining to do.
“We could take a carriage tomorrow, if you’d like.”
Grimsby stopped as he heard the familiar voice coming out of the prince’s study, warm lantern light peeking out of a door left just ajar.
He was surprised to see the two of them in the light, diligently peering over maps and charts across Eric’s belongings. He’d hardly expected Eric to even get to know the new arrival at the palace, the girl who’d been found in the waves just as he had.
Perhaps that connected them, in a way.
But he’d distinctly recognized the disappointment in Eric’s face once the prince realized she wasn’t the mystery girl, the one who’d saved her and sang to him on the beach. How could she be, when she had no voice of her own?
Grimsby coughed quietly, causing the two of them to look up at him. Eric’s face was beaming, a look he hadn’t seen in the young prince since the night of the shipwreck, dancing with the crew.
“Oh, Grimsby! We’ll need a carriage for tomorrow.”
Grimsby nodded politely, hoping not to cause any distress to the red-haired girl staring wide-eyed at him.
“Of course, Sire. If I might have a quiet word?””
Eric looked back at the girl with a smile, nodding slowly as if in a daze. “Yes, of course.”
When they were out in the hall and out of earshot, Grimsby decided to broach the subject. Part of him wanted to not bring it up at all - the fantasy girl they were spending all of their resources chasing, and yet, Eric had been insistent. He still remembered the desperation in the prince’s eyes, begging him to find her.
“Sire, all of the carriages are being used tomorrow to look for the girl.”
A wave of realization seemed to pass through the prince, as if he’d been woken from a dream. “Oh, yes! The girl. Yes, we need to find her.”
“And may I remind you,” Grimsby continued. “That the queen insists that you stay inside at the palace until you’re feeling better.”
“I feel fine, Grimsby!” Eric grinned, his familiar dimples flashes. “I’ve never felt better.”
Grimsby looked at the prince carefully. In the study, he could have sworn the young man’s face had been glowing in the light, the golden hues reflecting off his skin. And yet, he was still beaming in the hall, a joyous grin he couldn’t hide even if he wanted to. 
Perhaps the silent girl was the distraction he needed, someone to make him happy for at least a little while.
“Yes, yes, I can see that,” Grimsby acknowledged, scanning Eric’s blue eyes once again. They were as blue as the waves.
“Well, I’m sure we could spare just one carriage. But you do need to go to sleep, Eric. The doctors said you still need plenty of rest.”
“I know. I got distracted all day in there.” He smiled. “She likes looking at my collections.”
“The girl,” Eric gestured back towards the study. “I’ll tell her she can stay in and keep looking, if she wants.”
“Ah, yes. Well, if you trust her with it all.”
Eric quickly slipped back to say goodnight to the red-haired girl, and as he’d assumed, she decided to stay back. He climbed up the stairs in the direction of his bedroom with Grimsby, the man’s arms clasped behind his back. 
“I trust her,” the prince said, a sheepish grin on his face. “It’s funny, really. You know that fossilized sea stone that’s been on my shelves since I was eighteen? From my first voyage?”
“Ah, yes.” Grimsby distinctly remembered Eric’s accomplished expression on that first voyage, as he traded some of their island cane for a few treasured items at the market.
“She threw it onto the ground,” Eric explained, chuckling to himself. “And it shattered all over the floor, but there was a beautiful gemstone inside, this vibrant rock that had been hidden for years. I’d never known it even existed.”
“I wonder where she must have learned to do that,” Grimsby commented.
“Me too. It’s not in any of my books. She’s strange, isn’t she? But in the best way.”
Grimsby kept watching the prince as they walked through the passageways, the young man seemingly lost in thought.
They stopped outside his bedroom door, Eric ruffling through his locks with his fingers. 
“Goodnight, Grimsby.”
“Goodnight, Eric. I promise we’ll continue to search for the girl in the morning.”
Eric frowned slightly as he made sense of the words.
“Right. The girl. Yes, thank you, Grimsby. Let me know what you find.”
“Of course, Sire.”
In any other time, Grimsby likely would have made a fuss over the mess that Eric had made in the main passageways of the palace, lake water dripping from his clothes onto the floor.
The queen had nearly slipped in a small puddle, and again, in any other time, Grimsby would have said something.
But he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corners of his lips as he saw the two pairs of soaking-wet feet hiding behind a wall, so by the time he finally approached Eric and the silent girl, any thought of scolding the prince had long vanished.
“We went out onto the lake, and well, we ended up in it,” Eric chuckled sheepishly at him, as if that somehow served as an excuse.
“Well, it seems you two had fun,” Grimsby remarked, the gleam in Eric’s eyes not going unnoticed. “I imagine you’re tired, and we should let you get some sleep.”
The red-haired girl smiled gratefully at both of them, a dazzling grin on her face that Eric seemed to melt into.
“Yes, goodnight,” the prince said, as the girl smiled again before ascending the stairs.
Suddenly, she turned, taking the hat off her head - where had they even gotten such an item? - and placing it gently atop Eric’s. She flashed another grin at the prince again before walking up.
She turned again once more, her smile reflected in her warm brown eyes. Grimsby watched as Eric’s gaze followed her up the staircase until she disappeared from sight.
“Sire,” Grimsby said, finally breaking the silence. “About the carriages…unfortunately, they weren’t able to find the girl.”
Eric stayed silent for a moment, though Grimsby could see his shoulders tense slightly. “Oh.”
“Should we resume the search?”
Eric turned to face Grimsby, a mix of emotions on his face. The man had known the prince since he was a baby - he knew exactly what Eric was feeling, even if the young man couldn’t verbalize it.
“Grimsby…I feel...a little…”
“If I may, Sire, from one old man. Don’t let what should be get in the way of what is.”
Eric nodded. 
“Goodnight, Sire.”
“Goodnight, Grimsby.”
He turned towards the passageway, hoping to find Lashanna to help take care of the mess in the halls before the queen woke up in the morning.
“Wait, Grimsby!”
“Yes, Sire?”
“Her name…her name is Ariel.”
Grimsby nodded. He’d gathered as such, though he couldn’t imagine how young Eric had figured that particular one out.
“And how did you come across that, Sire?”
Eric laughed to himself, his hand touching the top of his hat as if it contained a cherished memory.
“It’s a long story. I’ll have to tell you tomorrow.”
“Goodnight, Eric.”
“Goodnight, Grimsby. And thank you.”
“Grimsby! Grimsby!”
Eric rushed over, a frantic look in his eyes inconsistent with the celebratory atmosphere they were surrounded by.
Grimsby glanced over at Vanessa, the mystery girl, the woman in purple who’d arrived at the palace on Eric’s arm early that morning. She was busy entertaining members of the court, waxing poetic about what it was like to save the prince from drowning, a story that seemed more like fantasy with each passing minute, or so he believed.
“Grimsby, have you seen Ariel?”
He furrowed his brow, looking back at the prince. It was like Eric had completely reversed overnight, the feelings he felt for Ariel replaced by an enchanting trance for the newly-found mystery girl. 
It didn’t sit right with Grimsby. Something had felt off all day, even if the queen and the rest of the court thought nothing of it.
Of course, Eric had desperately wanted to find the girl for days, pleading with Grimsby to find her - and yet, he had assumed, perhaps foolishly, to think the mystery girl was no more than a passing thought, now. He had sensed something in the air between Eric and Ariel the night before, something stronger than the mystery girl, now gone like the tide.
And as far as he was concerned, there didn’t seem to be a true connection between Eric and Vanessa. 
He couldn’t explain it.
“According to the servants, she left this morning.”
“Can you blame her, Eric?” Grimsby finally said, exasperated. “I don’t understand, this isn’t like you.”
“I…I know,” Eric muttered. “I’m not sure I understand myself.”
“I don’t think it would be fair for Ariel to stay, wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yes,” Eric said, his voice sounding deflated. Grimsby noticed a glassy haze in his eyes, as if sleepwalking or under a spell. “Yes, that wouldn’t be fair.”
“You’re old enough to make your own decisions, Eric. And to learn to accept the consequences.”
“Yes. Yes, yes, you’re right, Grimsby.”
The two of them turned to see the queen gesturing towards her son.
“Go,” Grimsby said, his heart sinking slightly in his chest. He knew what the queen would be giving him - he’d had one of the palace servants polish it earlier that day at her request.
But it was Eric’s decision now.
“Go, Eric.”
The walk back to the palace was eerily silent, the crashing waves the only sounds filling the air.
Grimsby glanced over at the prince, dripping from head-to-toe, his clothing torn to shreds and clinging to his wet skin. The queen and the rest of the staff were several feet ahead of them, the two men bringing up the rear back to land.
Back to safety.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Grimsby.”
“She was real, Eric.”
The prince stayed silent for a few seconds before stopping mid-step. He lowered himself to the ground, balancing himself against a large rock as Grimsby took a seat next to him.
Eric’s gaze stayed focused on the horizon, watching the colors of the sunset reflect off the ocean intently, as if Ariel might reappear if he looked hard enough.
“I’ve been a fool, Grimsby.”
“No, no. What you felt for her was very real, your mother was right about that. You would be a fool to deny the connection you felt between you two.”
Eric sighed, taking a small pebble from next to him and throwing it into the ocean.
“She really saw me, Grimsby. Like no one ever has. Not to mention that she’d been the one to save my life in the first place.”
“I understand.”
His heart ached for the prince - just as the oceans had spared his life, they’d also torn Ariel away from him, their two homes at odds with each other forever. Eric had always been stubborn - but now, he seemed completely deflated.
“I loved her, Grimsby,” Eric murmured under his breath. “I do love her.”
He stared out into the ocean one more time, before standing back up, reaching a hand out to help Grimsby onto his feet.
Grimsby noticed the tears welling in the corners of his eyes, threatening to fall.
“And now she’s gone.”
“Eric! Eric!”
Grimsby clutched his side, a cramp near his ribcage causing him to wince.
Certainly, he was getting too old for this.
“Grimsby!” He heard Eric’s familiar laugh as the prince opened his bedroom door, allowing him to enter.
Eric was already dressed for the big day, his curls neat and clothes pressed. “You’re going to kill yourself one day, old man, chasing after me.”
“I’ve done it for twenty-one years already, Sire, I’m sure I’ll last at least a few more.”
“Did you need something? The wedding’s supposed to begin in less than an hour.”
Grimsby nodded, reaching into the hidden pocket of his jacket as he took out a compass, slightly worn from age, though the mother-of-pearl and gold fixtures still shone brilliantly in the light.
He straightened up as he placed the compass in Eric’s hands, the prince’s blue eyes looking curiously at him.
“This,” he said. “This was your father’s. Many years ago. I thought it would serve useful on your voyage with Ariel.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t find anything larger, but I imagined you two have already been showered enough by the court.”
“Grimsby, it’s perfect,” Eric’s eyes shone brilliantly. “Than-”
“Oh, no need to thank me,” he replied quickly, hoping to clear his throat of anything too sentimental. “It was your father’s, after all-”
His breath was knocked out of him as Eric pulled him into a tight hug.
“Thank you, Grimsby.”
“Sire-” the corners of his eyes began to prick.
“For leading me to Ariel.” 
“And for believing in me.”
Grimsby patted the prince’s back as the tears in his eyes finally spilled over.
The boy - the child on the waves - had finally grown up, into a man that Grimsby couldn’t have even pictured. He imagined he had Ariel to thank for that, the silent red-headed girl who’d shone a brilliant light into the prince’s life, helped secure his destiny, allowed him to find his place in the world.
“Always, Eric.”
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nessa007 · 11 months ago
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#they were just instantly down bad for each other THE LITTLE MERMAID (2023) Dir. Rob Marshall
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years ago
First of all, this is most of what I can remember with the request
Poly Ariel x Eric x Hybrid reader where reader is part of a gang that somewhat makes trouble and the Royal try to stop them
Reader has a crush on the both of them so one night they sneak into the castle by climbing into the bedroom balcony but only Ariel was there.
Reader kinda has this intimidating aura about her that makes anyone feel small so Ariel is kinda intimated by reader so reader sits on the bed and tells Ariel to sit on her lap
Reader starts kissing her and Ariel just melts into it because of how soft she was. Eric walks in and is somehow enchanted by this and reader notices him and gives Ariel's @$$ a squeeze making her whimper
Reader thinks it's time to head out now but Eric pulls her into a kiss and asks her to stay tonight
And the second one is
Reader is basically human Groot and can control plants and talks to animals. Like a angry tiger can be a sweet kitten in your arms.
One day in the market a bear starts rampaging all around scaring people destroying stalls and all. Reader runs up to him and manages to calm him down
She asks him what's wrong and he says between his teeth hurts. reader tells him to open his mouth, showing his massive teeth a thorn was stuck between himself gums.
Reader pulls it out and the bear roars scaring the villagers nearby but he hugs reader and licks her like a dog would ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
Meanwhike, Ariel is on ground trying to keep her soul in her body and Eric is leaning on the stall counter nearby trying to wonder if their lover is trying to give them a heart attack
psychokinesis: Poly Eric & Ariel x Hybrid!Reader
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A gentle touch is all it took for most animals and plants even the vicious ones for them to become all soft and sweet in your arms. So one day while browsing the markets with your two lovers a bear starts rampaging and scaring all the people in the market and destroying things, you instantly knew something was wrong making you run over towards him.
"Y/n what are you doing?" Eric and Ariel called out to you. 
"I got this!" You simply said as you continued approaching the bear. 
You spoke gently to the bear letting him know that you just wanted to help him and he softly told you that his teeth hurt.
"Can you open your mouth for me?" You asked him. 
He opened his mouth for you and that's when you saw a thorn from a rose was stuck between his gums making you frown. You gently told him that you pull it out for him if he would like to which he said yes. 
Your lovers were having a heart attack as they watched very confused as you reached your hand in the bear's mouth. Ariel was on the ground trying to ground her soul into her body not believing what she was seeing while Eric is leaning on a stall fighting for his life wondering why you insisted on giving them a heart attack. 
"There you go, little buddy." You said to him as he let out a loud roar. 
"She's definitely trying to kill us." Eric said leaning over the stall as he felt his heart beating out of his chest. 
They watched as the bear hugged you and gave you a kiss making you smile before running off. After he left you made your way over to your mates, who were on the brink of a heart attack after watching what just happened. 
"What was that?" They asked. 
"Oh I can talk to animals and plants, he was in pain so I helped him." You said shrugging your shoulders.
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kate-bridgerton · 9 months ago
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My darling, this belonged to my mother. And I'd like you to have it. Your happiness means everything to me.
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