#prince arthur one shot
maryleclerc · 21 days
pairing: prince!charles leclerc x noble!reader
warning: english is not my native language. based on bridgerton theme, haven’t watch bridgerton ss2-3 yet!, took place in 1920s era, use of y/n, arrange marriage. there is no taglist for this but if you wanted to be tag to this series, send me a message!
based on this series
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CHAPTER 1: The Diamond of the Season
CHAPTER 2: Prince Charming
CHAPTER 3: Whispers and Worries
CHAPTER 4: A Royal Wedding
CHAPTER 5: Happily Ever After?
written by maryleclerc. do not repost any of my work, translate without my permission! thank you!
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miryum · 1 year
Foundling Villa- Chapter 1
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: Swearing, arranged marriage, and a mention of misogyny
ao3 link   next chapter>>
“My lady, we’re crossing the border into Enza. We should be arriving in an hour.” You nodded at your maid, indicating that you had heard her. You didn’t look away from the window. 
“What do you think the prince will be like?” A younger maid gossiped quietly. The older maid shook her head at the inexperienced one, shushing her. “Sorry, ma’am,” the youngest maid whispered in your direction, head hung low. You think she’s named Elena. Your other maid who had been with you since you turned fourteen was a lovely woman named Sara. She knew not to interrupt your stupor. 
Elena’s words dug at you, though. What was he like? The prince and you had only communicated through one letter. Your family had urged you to write to him, and so you did. You received a short letter in reply. There hadn’t been any communication since.
Your mother had told you the carriage ride would be short. She was wrong. It was too quiet, giving you time to dig up anxieties you had attempted to repress.
You were starting to feel guilt about your last days in Williams- the kingdom that your mother and father ruled. You had avoided your family during the final nights of your stay. You weren’t sure if it was out of contempt or not wanting to see your brothers and sisters pitying faces. You had stayed huddled in your room, watching stoically as Sara and Elena tried to get your opinion on what to pack. 
At first, when your parents told you that for the prosperity of the kingdom, they were marrying you off to an obscure prince in Enza, you were angry. You had watched your older sisters get married off, one by one, each with varying results. One of your sisters gained a connection with their husband and fell in love. Another sister became sweet friends with their husband, and while there was no romantic love, there was a strong platonic relationship. Your last sister was married to a prick and rightly hated him. He was misogynist and had anger issues that bullied your sister into submission. 
If you got nothing else, you were satisfied with being friends with the prince. 
So your anger turned to sad acceptance. At least Enza was a beautiful place.
Your older brother had his choice of mistresses for his bride, in which all had been vetted to see if they were a proper fit to be Queen of Williams. Your youngest brother still had some years of freedom before your parents started pointing out the eligible ladies in court. 
But the prince of Enza had no choice. While his older brother needed a suitable queen and therefore had his pick, the younger prince was just another pawn in the game of hierarchical chess. The kingdoms of Enza and Williams both had something to gain from the other and you and the prince were simply the bond of that compromise. Enza, being the bigger and stronger empire, would protect Williams in times of need, while Williams, being a small mining community, promised to supply Enza with gold and iron. Neither kingdom could stab the other in the back with their heirs married.
“There’s a house,” you spoke for the first time during the trip. “A couple kilometres away from Enza’s palace. We’re going to pass it soon. It’s not far from the border.” You took a breath, shaking with the realisation of your future. “I’m going to buy it. The prince isn’t in line for the throne, so I’m not required to live at the palace. It has five bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms. The kitchen is a small thing, but manageable. There’s a sweet little fireplace in the sitting room, which, with a little bit of rearrangement, can double as a dining room. But my favourite part,” you paused and pointed out the window. “Look, there it is.” The two maids stared out the window with you, all three of you taking in a large farmhouse in the distance. Compared to William’s palace, it was small, but any peasant would think it was an empire. The house was three stories and coloured a light baby blue. The windows were painted a bright white that stood out in contrast. There was a wrap-around porch that a small swing hung from. “You can’t see it,” you said, “but the best part is in the back. There’s this large field that leads to a forest.” The house was long gone, but you still gazed out the window hopefully. Sara and Elena exchanged a glance. “I’m hoping to employ a small staff. I’ll have to get a cook, of course, and maybe a cleaner. And then a stable master.” 
“A stable master, my lady?” Sara wondered if she heard you right. 
“Yes. Wouldn’t it be lovely to finally buy a horse or two? You know that mother never wanted me to ride, so I’ve only ridden a couple times. I would love to choose a name and develop a connection with a horse.” 
“And what about the prince, ma’am?” Elena wondered. 
You shrugged. “He can choose whatever he wants. After the wedding night, I’m not required to stay. Neither is he. If he wants to stay at the palace, he can. If he wants to visit me, I’ll allow it. And if he would like to try and live with me… we’ll see how it goes.” After a moment of thought, you said, “I think I’ll name the house the Foundling Villa.” 
The countryside slowly changed to a small village and then a quaint market. You saw people milling about, carrying a carton of eggs, hauling water from the well, or dragging a cow through the street. Most people stopped and stared at seeing an aristocratic carriage prance through their streets. You pressed your body against the seat and stared straight ahead, knowing that it made it harder for people outside to see you. You didn’t want them to see you. You couldn't have them see you. 
Elena peeked out the window and a little girl waved excitedly at her. Elena waved back. The girl clapped happily and tugged at her mother’s arm. 
Slowly, the carriage turned to an inclined road and the palace came into view. Sara sucked in a breath and blinked owlishly at the sight before her. Elena muttered an, “Holy shit.” You frowned at it. It looked like it was overly compensating for something. It was a massive building built with large blocks of brick and stone that looked like it could house the entire population of Williams. The flag of Enza flew proudly from the spires. An impressive perron stood imposingly before you, laid with a red carpet. The King, Queen, and the three princes of Enza stood on the steps to welcome you. 
The reality of it all finally crashed down on you. You were supposed to marry a man who you had only heard of through one letter. You had only seen him in portraits. You were expected to move to another kingdom, which you had never set foot in, and never return home unless accompanied by your new husband. 
You shook your head widely and your hands clutched around the dress you’d chosen this early morning. “I can’t.” You stated, “Turn this around. I want to go home. Turn the carriage around.” 
“My lady, you must go,” Elena pleaded. “They’re waiting.” 
“No!” You cried, “I am not going to marry him! You can’t make me! I will not walk out there to my doom. Take me back to Williams.” You tried to sound stern, but emotion cracked through. Outside, you saw the youngest brother whisper something to your fiancé.
“Milady,” Sara tried her hand at calming you down. “Princess. Y/n!” You whipped around to look at her. “All you have to do,” Sara leaned forward and clasped your hands in hers. “Is go out there and bow to the King and Queen. That’s it. Then Elena and I will be with you the entire rest of the way. We’ll be by your side walking through the doors, finding your room, getting you prepared for dinner, and if you want, we could even take dinner in your room instead of with the family. But you must step out of the carriage.” 
Your jaw clenched and reluctantly nodded. Sara smiled softly and then knocked on the wall. The footman jumped down and opened the door for you. You exhaled, your heart pounding like you just lost a sprint, took the footman’s hand, and stepped out. 
And then you make eye contact with Charles Leclerc, Prince of Enza, and your future husband.
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sports-on-sundays · 1 year
prince not so charming / CL16 / PART 2
Warnings : Switch between second and third person
Summary : Prince!Charles x Princess!Reader - The prince chooses who he wants to marry and grows closer to the one he wants.
Author's Note : Link to Part 1. There will be a Part 3.
Requested? : No.
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You wake up to the sound of knocking. You slip out of the bed you've slept in for this night and pad across the floor to the door. The sun is shining in bright through the curtains. You open the door, still wearing just a nightgown. Standing in front of you is one of the other princesses, also still in a nightgown, with her hair in curlers. "Princess Y/n, I've been meaning to speak with you as soon as I soon you! Can I come in?"
You sigh, but shrug, opening the door to her. The two of you sit down on the bed, and you ask, "What could it possibly be?"
"You came yesterday dressed like a peasant! And what's more, you stayed with Prince Charles longer than any of the rest of us!"
"I did...?" you ask, eyebrows furrowing. "It didn't feel like that long."
"You must've been in there three times the amount that I was, and I was in there for one of the longest amounts of time! What did you do with him in there?"
You shrug again. Of course, your mind immediately goes to the hand holding, hugging, and the kiss of your hand, but you just say, "I don't know. We just talked."
"About what?"
"I am not obligated to tell you."
She rolls her eyes. "But isn't he just dreamy?"
"Well, he's never been in my dreams, so I would say not. Anyway, is there anything else you have to tell me?"
"Just that a servant came to tell me that a breakfast is being prepared for all of us, in which the prince's advisors, Prince Charles, his mother, and his brothers will attend.. They're going to tell us which one of us Prince Charles has chosen! I'm sure it will be me! We're very close in age, you know, and I think I put forth a good image. I'm sure I have more of a chance than you do, at least."
You nod and just say vaguely, your thoughts elsewhere, "Sure... I'm sure. Anyway, would you kindly mind leaving so that I can prepare myself? Tell the servants I don't need help getting ready."
She looks at you with a strange look, and mutters, "Alright, then. I'll tell them that. See you later, Princess Y/n."
"Yes, just be on with yourself now, please."
And at that, she gets up and walks out of the room, gently shutting the door behind her. You get up to turn the lock, and then go to the wardrobe. Last night, the servants told you that everything you'll need to get ready tomorrow would be in there.
There are many dresses in there to choose from, and you decide to get dressed in a beautiful but very modest dress, as it seems like Prince Charles' advisors are very traditional people. So you first put on a corset, not too tight, before putting on a white dress with a white top and flowing silky skirts. The longer sleeves also flow out, and the dress goes down to your ankles. You bathed last night, so you put oils in your clean hair, before tying it half up. You put on plain heels that aren't too high, and some nice sparkling jewelry, and then go to your makeup.
You suddenly hear Prince Charles' unique accented voice saying in your head, Cover up your beautiful face with all that makeup?
You sigh and whisper to yourself, "Yes, Prince Charles, I'm afraid I have to." You darken your eyelashes and put slightly darker than your skin sparkling eye shadow around your eyes, before finishing it with some brown winged eyeliner. "There, Charles. That's not so bad, is it?" You brush your eyebrows and cover your imperfections, before finishing up with rouge on your cheeks and lips.
Then you exit your room. There is a servant in the hall, who immediately offers to lead you to the dining room where breakfast is going to be eaten.
When you get there, you look around to realize in embarrassment that you're the last one to arrive. But then you shrug it off, deciding that's a stupid thing to be worried about, and sit down in the empty seat.
King Lorenzo welcomes us all to the table, before everyone starts eating. Apparently, once everyone finishes their food, the three princes, the queen, and Prince Charles' advisors will exit the room and discuss the decision one last time, before coming out and announcing it.
In the meantime, you eat, and the advisors and princes start conversing with you. You keep quiet, until the youngest of the three princes, Prince Arthur, addresses you quietly, as he is sitting very near to you, "Princess Y/n."
You look up, meeting his eyes. "Yes, sir?"
His face is lit up a little as he says, "If you were to marry him, what kind of wife would you be?"
You blink in surprise at this question, and say after some thought, "Well, I suppose I'd make sure to take care of my responsibilities. I'd care about him and help him, as it would be my duty, but of course also visit my country very often, which I always care about and want to help. And when it comes to having children..." You try not to sigh. "I'd prefer to take care of them myself rather than servants."
He looks a little surprised at this comment, but nods, saying, "Alright. Thank you."
"Prince, do you have any children?"
The younger man shakes his head, responding, "No, I do not. But if I did, I wouldn't want servants taking care of them, either. Our parents always took care of me, Charles, and Lorenzo."
You nod, and once it's clear he has no more to say, turn back to your food. You have to be very mindful to sit up straight, use your napkin, and eat very cleanly, in front of all these people.
The only other person, it seems, who does not speak much at all throughout the whole meal is Prince Charles himself, the one this whole breakfast is centred around.
Finally, though, the eating is finished, and everyone exits the room, leaving only the seven princesses and the servants.
You sit. And sit. And sit and sit and sit. It seems to take an eternity, and you can only wonder what they're talking about.
And there's a nervous anticipation within you, just wondering...
Will you be the one in the end? Or will it be one of the others?
All of the girls are fidgeting and whispering, but you sit completely still, back straight, staring ahead, as your thoughts fly through your head as fast as warhorses running into battle.
"So it's the quiet one in the white dress you want to marry?"
"Yes," Charles nods, responding to one of his advisors. "She's humble, willing, kind, and the kind of woman I want to marry."
Charles' advisors look unsure, but his older brother pipes in, saying, "If Charles has finally found someone he actually wants to marry, it would be foolish to say no."
"I agree," says the boys' mother. "I trust him if he says she's the right one."
"What do you think, Prince Arthur?" asks of the advisors. "Because what if Prince Charles really doesn't know what's best for himself? I still think Princess-"
"I will not marry the fifteen year old," Charles interrupts sternly.
Arthur says, "Advisors, who am I to have a say? For I am not my brother's keeper, am I? In fact, I am younger than him. But if you ask for my words, I say let my brother do as he pleases. For if he uses his own judgement and things go bad for him, who's fault would that be? His own. He is an able adult, just like the rest of us, who can decide for himself. I doubt this will be a terrible thing, but if it is, the only one who will have to deal with that is Charles himself."
Suddenly, Charles laughs, nudging his younger brother in his ribs, saying, "I believe that may have been the most intelligent thing you've ever spoken, brother."
But the younger just rolls his eyes at this, and everyone becomes serious again as the conversation over the matter continues.
Finally, the door opens, and the group of people enter the room again. Every sits down, except for Prince Charles, who remains standing. He's wearing a very handsome outfit, with a white and gold coat, a read sash, and fitting pants. "Ladies," he begins. "All seven of you were very kind, and I would consider marrying every one of you, but in the end, one had to be chosen. After a long time of thinking it over and considering, I've decided..." He trails off, studying each of our faces, it seems, as if he's trying to build of suspense. But really, it seems more like he's hesitating.
"I've decided that I would like to marry Princess Y/n."
The whole room suddenly bursts out in surprise. All the princesses and advisors stand and shout in confusion, but before anything else can happen, Prince Charles swiftly leaps onto the table, and off on the other side, next to you, before grabbing your hand and running out of the room with you. He slams the door shut, and keeps running, still holding your hand. You trip over your cursed high heels, but Prince Charles catches you, keeping you standing, and you stutter, "P- Prince, I need to... I can't run in these shoes!"
You expect him to stop and let you take them off, but instead, he suddenly picks you up, carrying you bridal style, and keeps running. "We'll go faster like this," he says to you.
"Prince, what is all this? Where are you bringing me? Can you please put me down-"
"No. I'll explain once we get there," he says firmly.
You sigh in annoyance, but decide perhaps the smartest thing to do now is to just trust him. He runs through the halls, until he reaches a door, opens it to the outdoors, and starts running down the stone stairs in front of us. "I can run myself," you say. "It's probably hard for you... I don't want us to fall, and these are steep stairs."
"It's okay," he replies, his grip on your mid back tightening. "We're almost there anyway, and I won't fall. I've got you."
"You're... pretty strong, huh?"
"Thank you," he nods, reaching the bottom of the stairs. He runs down a beaten down path, into a little woods, jumping over roots and catching himself on the uneven ground.
"Be careful... I don't want you to trip and fall. I can run if you want..."
"Don't worry. I won't loose my footing."
And, he doesn't. You honestly can't believe how athletic he is, with so much agility, to be able to do this so easily. Soon, he stops at a clearing. The prince seems barely winded, and actually has a good mood about him. It's a sunny day, and you start look around. "We can walk now," he says before you can get a good look, and gently puts you down back on your feet "If I were you, I'd take off my shoes now."
You nod and do so, but when your feet touch the rough rocky ground, you yelp in surprise. Right away, Prince Charles does something surprising. He slips off his two boots and says, holding them out to you, "Here. Put these on."
"They'll be way too big..." you say, unsure. "And what about you? Your feet will hurt, and you'll damage your socks."
Suddenly, he smiles.
And it's a smile brighter than the midday sun up above the two of you, shining on your skin.
"Don't worry about my socks," he says, taking them off. "And my feet can handle it. I walk barefoot often enough."
But you stare at him and his little smile, barely even hearing the words coming out of his mouth. In his eyes, you can see a certain happiness, and with the smile, two dimples appear on his cheeks.
You nod, snapping back slightly back to yourself as you slip on his boots. Then you turn to him and look him in the eyes, which shine bright green in this bright lighting, and say, "You have a beautiful smile."
He looks you back in the eyes, still smiling, and says, "I'm sure you do, too, though I've never seen it."
You nod and say simply, "Do me a favor?"
"Of course."
"Never stop smiling."
He looks at you, eyes twinkling, and says with a wink, "That's a hard task, but I appreci-"
"No, but you don't understand," you interrupt, taking a step closer to him. He also takes a step closer. "I believe your smile could fix the worst day, and light up the saddest soul."
This makes him smile even more, and he wraps you in a hug, laughing a surprisingly cute little laugh. "Now I'm allowed to hug you. We're officially courting. Anyway, the place I've wanted to bring you to is right up ahead here."
You nod, and the two of you start walking. This seems to be some sort of wide kind of trail, and the middle of it is growing with long, tall grass, about Prince Charles' height, with beautiful flowers of all colors growing in it. You walk along, enjoying the warm day, inhaling the sweet scents of nature, and listening to the birds sing without a care in the world.
Soon, you come along a little shed made of wood. In front of it sit three wooden chairs. "Let's go sit there," he says, pointing to them. So you go and sit down together. After a few minutes of just sitting together, ceasing the day, watching the tall grass dance in the light breeze, Prince Charles says, "Mama, Lorenzo, and Arthur all said I should court and marry you. My advisors disagreed, and they outnumbered the four of us. The only way to get out of there was to convince them that I had given in, and that I would choose one of the other princesses. So I made it seem like I was going to. But then when I walked out, I didn't. And I grabbed you and ran, to get away."
"Well... We'll have to go back there, no?"
"Yes of course we do. I just want to wait it out. Wait until things calm down there first before going back. But I am marrying you. My heart is set on it."
"So you want to marry me that much?"
This time he looks surprised. "Why, of course!"
"Oh..." you nod.
"I'm sorry... That isn't what you wanted...?"
"No, no, no... As long as... Well, I think you're starting to grow on me," you smile at him.
And he smiles back. "There's that lovely smile. I knew it'd be beautiful."
"So, tell me about this place. Surely you aren't the only person that knows about it?"
"No, no, I'm not. Arthur an Lorenzo knows about it, and a few other guys, too."
"This place feels like it has many stories for some reason, Prince. It feels like it has a story of its own."
"I suppose it kind of does. Lots of things happened here. I love this place because of the memories. But in a strange way as well, I hate it."
"Why could that be?"
"It's empty now. It's overgrown and quiet. This was... I loved this place. I still do. Back then, no adults knew about this place. Now I suppose only adults know about it. People grow. Places grow. Places also change. But most of all, people change."
You nod, gently placing your hand on his. "Do you dislike that?"
"Maybe a little bit."
"Do you wish you were still a boy?"
"Sometimes..." he pauses. "It was good times. Good... Good memories."
"What did you do here?"
"Well, we would mostly have competitions," he starts, another beautiful smile forming on his face. "We would be racing mostly. We had our ponies, and we'd race. We did other little things too though. We arm wrestled. We would bet on who we thought would win the chariot racing championship. Sometimes inside this shed here, do little things like play cards or draw pictures. It was fun. It was good fun."
"Do you still preserve the shed?"
"Yes. I... I do." He waits a few seconds, before saying, "Sometimes it's hard to let go."
"And sometimes there are things that you should never let go. Prince Charles, when i look at you, there's something beautiful within you. An innocence that makes you child-like. Being around you feels like being free. Completely free. You're a man who longs for the freedom and joy that children have implanted in their hearts. You have an adventurous streak, and you want danger, but you have such a kind, kind heart. A heart that wouldn't want to fight. A heart that just wants to run free. And I think that's beautiful."
"I guess so, but it's not convenient," he says with a soft, sad smile, looking down.
"Nothing good is convenient. Come on now. Why don't you show my the inside of this shed?"
He nods, standing up, and swings open the door, saying, "For years I've felt like a boy and a man at the same time. Everyone else was getting older as I stayed young. But now... Now I think maybe, with you, I can... I can finally grow up."
"And if you never do completely," you say, stepping into the shed, "I'm okay with that."
In the middle of the small room is a table. Sitting on it is a stack of playing cards and some dice. On a shelf in the corner is a little kid's helmet, and a stack of wood. Sun is shining in through a window that is covered by a thin, faded curtain. There are other little knick-knacks, like a top, a little carved toy horse, a little knife, and a pair of gloves used for gardening.
But your eyes are drawn to some names carved on the wall. There is a small list, but some parts of the list stand out to you more. The first name is written is Charles, but it's crossed out, and next to it is the name Max. Then under that are the names Arthur, Pierre, and Esteban. Then at the end of the row, written again, this time not crossed out, is Charles, and underneath his name are the names Lorenzo and Jules.
"Pierre and Esteban. Those are two princes of other countries, no?"
"Yes, they are. They also still race with me."
You nod. "You all used to be friends?"
"Yeah, some of us were friends. Some of us just competed against each other. Everyone who ever came here carved their name on this wall."
"Who's Max?"
"Another guy I still race with. We've always been competitive."
"And obviously there's Prince Arthur and King Lorenzo. Who's Jules? Does he still race?"
Prince Charles seems to stare for a few seconds at the name, before saying, "No. No, he doesn't." There are a few seconds of silence, and just as you're about to ask further about Jules, Prince Charles says, "Either way, you're here now. I say you ought to write your name up there," he says, handing you the little knife.
"But I never raced h-"
"But you're here. Go on. Write it."
And so underneath Jules' name, you write your own. "Good?"
"Perfect," he says with a little wink, taking the knife back from you and setting it down.
"So does that mean Lorenzo and Arthur know where this place is, then?" you ask, but suddenly you're answered when you both hear running footsteps from outside. You both immediately turn in that direction, and hear a voice call, "Charles? Charles? Are you there? It's Arthur!"
"Yes, we're inside!" Prince Charles calls back.
And soon, the wooden door swings open, and the younger, slimmer, but likely just as strong, prince walks into the little building. "Charles," he says, looking around. "Gosh, I haven't been in here since... years."
"I figured it'd be a good place to go."
Prince Arthur nods. "Fair enough."
"What's the condition of the advisors?"
"Annoyed, but they will have to get over themselves, no?"
"True enough."
"So we go back. Princess Y/n goes home. We send a letter to her father, and then she comes back in... I don't know. Probably a week. You come back in a week to court with Charles for a month, and at the end of that month, you marry."
You nod. "Alright..."
"So you should come back with me now." Prince Arthur looks down at the boots on your feet and the nothing on Charles' feet, and says simply, "And you can't be arriving like that. You might get killed."
Prince Charles chuckles. "We have her shoes. We'll switch shortly before we get there."
Prince Arthur nods, and the three of you set off, down the path, you in the middle of the two princes. As you walk, Prince Arthur talks to the two of you about racing, life, and so on. He seems to just be enjoying talking to his brother.
Soon enough, you get to the castle. You switch shoes, and Prince Charles looks down at you, saying, "Well, Princess, let's go."
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Merthur One Shot- It started with a touch
Merlin and Arthur’s friendship had always been…physical. It started small, with Arthur punching Merlin’s shoulder or Merlin throwing something at the prince. The longer they knew each other, the more touching was involved.
Everyone who watched them thought they were mad. How could Merlin be so complacent with Arthur’s shoulder pats or playful shoves? And how could Arthur get away with being so close to Merlin? Neither of them seemed to mind it and it wasn’t bothering the others so on it went.
Eventually the playful shoves and smacks deepened into arms around one of their shoulders and neck or a teasing remark turned into blows and wrestling on the ground (Arthur always won those, mind you, but Merlin didn’t seem to mind. He enjoyed seeing the prince happy).
The knights started tuning out the behaviors, instead making bets about how far it would go and knowing amongst themselves that it was just how Merlin and Arthur were; best friends, companions, two sides of the same coin. One day though, the knights watched the boys and even they couldn’t ignore what they saw.
Merlin had said something stupid (again) undoubtedly about the prince’s superior strength and skills. And Arthur being Arthur, who never let someone bruise his pride like that, not even Merlin, demanded an arm wrestling match.
So the knights all watched as the prince and his servant set about to having “arm wrestling matches”, each boy’s hand gripped tightly around the other. Arthur won every single round, of course, but Merlin was okay with that. Eventually, the matches went from being a competition to the two of them joking, talking, fighting with their hands still locked, never letting go, content to remain connected in that one small way.
Gwaine had rolled his eyes at the knights knowingly and Percival reluctantly handed over a gold piece, having lost the bet. Leon and Elyan and Lancelot all shook their heads too, each passing money to the other knights in the circle. For some of them had bet against Arthur and Merlin falling in love. And the others…well they knew it from the first touch.
Now every time Merlin and Arthur are in public, their “fights” always turn into lingering touches; an arm around a waist. A grip upon a shoulder.
A hand within a hand.
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justaz · 3 months
lol arthur realizes with the other knights after watching merlin flirt and being hit with a wave of deja vu: holy shit you asked me out
merlin and the rest of the knights around a campfire after leaving a village bc lancelot and leon somehow started a brawl in the tavern: ???
arthur points at merlin: after valiant! you asked me to buy you a drink! you were asking me out!
merlin is busy cooking dinner and confused out of his fucking mind: what???…..valiant….oh the knight with the snakes.
gwaine who was slightly tipsy now stone cold sober and sitting up straight against a tree: wait. explain. what do you mean merlin asked you out??
arthur snaps his fingers as he recalls the memory: i apologized for sacking you and you said that if i bought you a drink we’d be even.
merlin now remembering how he had stumbled into camelot, picked a fight with a pigheaded bully which quickly turned homoerotic and flirtatious, and continued their teasing-flirting for days before merlin shot his shot and asked the prince out only to be rejected: oh yeah, i forgot i did that…..wait, you mean you didnt realize what i was asking?
arthur: no?? we argued everyday, how was i supposed to realize you were asking me out??
merlin now abandoning the dinner and staring across the camp at arthur while the rest of the knights watch their back and forth like a game of tennis: to you we were arguing, to me that was very much flirting. i thought you were flirting back so i decided to ask you. then you rejected me
arthur, mentally beating his past self up for fucking up their chance: i didn’t reject you!!! i just didn’t realize what you were asking me. how was i meant to? we fought every chance we got
leon, nudging elyan, glee and excitement riling through him: its happening!!! its finally happening!!! seven long, grueling years is finally paying off!!!
merlin, realizing the misunderstanding and acknowledging the fact that he wasn’t rejected, his flirtations just weren’t noticed - realizing he still has a chance: oh…oh i see. arthur, my dear, our fights were extremely flirtatious. need i remind you of what you said? “do you know how to walk on your knees? would you like me to teach you?” or “i could take you apart with one blow”
arthur, mental capabilities at an all time low: m…my dear….?????????
merlin grinning devilishly as he realizes that his flirtatious persona he had hidden away after falling head over heels for arthur can make a come back: that is what i called you. should i call you something else? say…mine?
percival gags in elyan’s ear: cheesy
elyan hides a laugh: at least they’re finally getting somewhere. better than the hopeless pining
arthur, flushed from head to toe: ah uh no um im uh
merlin thoroughly enjoying himself: oh come now, your majesty. use your words.
#meanwhile leon is praying his thanks to every god and goddess above for their mercy#his pain and suffering is so over#merlin is going IN on arthur who is red as fuck#gwaine is enjoying himself immensely#lancelot pulls out popcorn to watch the two idiots finally get their acts together#flirty merlin x flustered arthur#i think yes#listen. merlin lived in ealdor. a small village of maybe thirty people - four or five being his own age#he was thrilled to be in camelot and have new faces and people to meet#he was definitely the village tease or flirt or whatever#he was gonna be a rake in camelot but unfortunately managed to fall hopelessly in love with the prince of camelot#he burned his dreams of being a rake in exchange for arthur#the issue? arthur rejected his advances. next issue? merlin’s feelings remained and grew#so merlin is a lovesick puppy for a prince who doesnt feel the same and he cant find it in himself to look at anyone else bar a few cases#he and lancelot def slept together at least once. him and gwaine tumbled into bed a few times together#but his heart always belonged to arthur he just never imagined hed get a chance to let his affection be known#now that he knows arthur never knew of his intentions in the first place and was quick to deny he rejected him#merlin is more than happy to let that part of his personality come back and terrorize arthur is a way he hadnt been able to before#hes living his best life rn#bbc merlin#merlin emrys#arthur pendragon#merthur#knights of the round table#fanfiction ideas#prompts#headcanon
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cynthia39100 · 8 months
Merlin rewatch -- S1E4: The Poisoned Chalice
Merlin & Arthur end scene
This scene is the reason I love this episode so much.
It started with Arthur casually dropping by the infirmary. I liked that small smile when he spotted Merlin not dying on the bed but sitting upright and eating. He then noticed Gaius and gave him a little nod. Good kid. (Also that short brown jacket suited him so well!)
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Another gorgeous shot with them looking into each other's eyes ~ A hint of teasing was still in Arthur's voice when he said " Still alive then." but his expression and his movement were very gentle. Then he just turned all honest and soft. When he reminded Merlin to work the next day there was none of the usual demanding tone even though he bulged his eyes and try to look threatening.
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I also liked that he played down his attribution in this save-Merlin mission, just like he didn't brag about his heroic deed to Morgana earlier. " A half-decent servant is hard to come by," he said. Just a roundabout way to praise Merlin's courage. He probably didn't think his achievement was nearly as brave as Merlin's. Merlin was an incompetent servant yet was willing to drink poison for him. Whereas Arthur had all the skills he needed for the quest and only survived because of an unknown sorcerer's help.
Merlin didn't think that, of course, so he called Arthur back and they had this gorgeous exchange.
The lines were so simple yet conveyed so much. It might be the first time they truly stood on equal ground. They were always casual with each other of course, but it felt like a new level. Before, it was "a brave, funny peasant" or " a prat but good-hearted prince". Now, they were two persons who were willing to risk their lives for one another, despite the restriction of their respective rank, and they recognised this shift in their relationship in this short exchange! Beautiful, beautiful scene.
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inalandofsadclowns · 7 months
Aight, who wants to talk about the theoretically most optimal occasion for Merlin to come out about his magic to Arthur?
I'll go first: 1x10, Ealdor.
In the prior episodes Merlin was basically still getting to know Arthur. For eight episodes he was the brave and noble prince that Merlin had grown to respect, because Arthur apparently did not value his own life any higher than that of a servant, but who was also the son of Uther Pendragon. Arthur would save Merlin at any price, he got to learn that multiple times. But would he save a sorcerer? He couldn't know. (This question remained even when Arthur had lifted Merlin's sorcery allegations.)
But in 1x08 Arthur knowingly broke the law saving Mordred, a druid; he was in fact more devoted to the cause than Merlin himself.
For Merlin to reveal his secret he needs three prerequisites to exist:
To trust Arthur
The opportunity
To be prepared to leave Arthur forever
The Moment of Truth might just be the only episode where all these exist?
Let's look through these points one by one.
1.Merlin had been wanting for Arthur to know since forever. There's nothing he wants more desperately than to know if they're really, truly friends. Once he says to Will, he does trust him.
Will: Friends don't lord it over one another.
Merlin: He isn't like that.
Will: Really? Well, let's wait until the fighting begins and see who he sends in to die first. I guarantee you, it won't be him.
Merlin: I trust Arthur with my life.
And this gem here. The first time Merlin doesn't promise Hunith to keep Arthur in the dark.
Hunith: You can't let Arthur know about your gift.
Merlin: Why not? Maybe it's meant to be this way. And if he doesn't accept me for who I really am, then he's not the friend I hoped he was.
2. Opportunity. They have these several times throughout the series: fights for survival, heated arguments, quiet moments of vulnerability. There are several brilliant opportunities in this very episode.
The armor scene:
Merlin: Whatever happens out there today, please don't think any differently of me.
Arthur: I won't. It's alright to be scared, Merlin.
Merlin: That's not what I meant.
Arthur: What is it? If you've got something to say, now's the time to say it.
Oh. He tried. My boy tried, he was so close...My heart bleeds for him here.
Then, obviously, right after the battle.
Arthur: Wind like that doesn't just appear from nowhere. I know magic when I see it. One of you made that happen.
Merlin: Arthur...
Merlin just so manages to exhale Arthur's name with a so-so painful look in his eyes. Arthur knows what Merlin was about to say. Just for a moment, because Will gets shot saving Arthur.
He even tries to stop Will from taking the responsibility on his deathbed, even though Arthur knew, that the windstorm was conjured by one of them; if it wasn't Will, than that leaves only Merlin.
Will: Yeah, it was me. I'm the one that used the magic.
Merlin: Will, don't.
[Arthur looks at Merlin.]
3. The most important part. The greatest issue for Merlin has always been the threat of having to leave Arthur. But in this episode there is a cause just as important to him as Arthur - his village and his mother.
The first Merlin and Arthur exchange of the episode is Merlin saying goodbye to Arthur.
Merlin: It's been an honour serving you.
Arthur: You'll be coming back.
Merlin: Well, she's my mother. I have got to look after her before anyone else. You understand?
Then he was prepared to come clean for Ealdor's sake several times that day. Merlin is going to fight for his village, he's well prepared to use magic if needed - in front of Arthur, if needed, knowing full well that might be the last time they ever speak or meet. Whether Arthur forbids Merlin from returning to Camelot for Camelot's sake or Merlin's own sake, the result would be the same.
At the very end, even with his magic still a secret, he was going to stay in Ealdor with Hunith, had she not sent him after the others, so he really was prepared to part from Arthur.
[Arthur walks over to Morgana and Gwen. Hunith walks over to Merlin.]
Hunith: You better be going.
Merlin: I don't have to go.
Hunith: Yes, you do.
Merlin: If anything were to happen to you...
Hunith: I know where to find you. You have to go, Merlin. You belong at Arthur's side. I've seen how much he needs you. How much you need him. You're like two sides of the same coin.
That whole episode was Merlin attempting and failing to come out to Arthur.
After this, though, Merlin was too close to Arthur to ever consider prerequisite 3., other than in the form of dying for Arthur.
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Congratulations on 5k
Could you do 6 and 16 for Orm if he's not allowed Steve.
Orm Marius x plus size reader
You get stuck babysitting the Ocean Master, you should’ve guessed that he would stir up some trouble
Warnings: sex pollen so little bit of dub-con, mention of tranquilisers and death, Batman not being helpful, swearing, no smut but nudity and implied smut
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
5k Follower Celebration
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You wondered what you did to warrant this terrible punishment. The lab was silent, your music having been forcefully turned off by your employer an hour before and you were pinned to your seat by the icy blue eyes of your charge. 
Babysitting, that’s what you had been reduced to. It’s not like your three PHDs could be put to better use than making sure Arthur’s brother didn’t wander off and get himself into trouble. You rationalised that you could deal with it fine as long as he kept his mouth shut and his hands to himself but evidently the ex King of Atlantis had a serious staring problem and it was so much more distracting than if he had been chatting your ear off.
Sighing heavily, your head dropped between your shoulders and you pulled your glasses off your nose. “Do you really have to stare at me the whole time like some kind of fucking vouyer?” Orm huffed, finally looking away and giving you a chance to observe the Atlantian.
There was no doubt that he was beautiful, with a chilled jaw, perfect skin, fluffy blond hair and a body that would rival Michelangelo’s David but as soon as he opened his mouth, all that beauty melted away. He was arrogant and entitled and for some damn reason he refused to let you work in peace.
“You should be honoured to be in my presence human.” Your eye twitched in annoyance. Breathe Y/N, breathe. You told yourself. You crossed your legs and shot Orm a look that would’ve had Batman shaking in his boots.
“Just- find something else to do and let me work, please.” He raised a dark brow at you but nodded anyway. His muscles rippled beneath the compression shirt he had been given upon his arrival to the tower. You forced yourself to look away and back to your work. “All I need is an hour and then we can find something productive for you to do.”
He hummed noncommittally, which you were perfectly fine with. 
The lab settled into a blissful silence and you were finally, thankfully, able to really plug into the data analysis that you had been putting off. Occasionally, you could see the disgraced prince out of the corner of your eye as he wandered around the lab, his hands clasped behind his back. He could follow directions well, you would give him that.
You didn’t mind the company, now that he was not staring at you like a fucking creep, in fact he was quite comforting considering you spent most days in complete isolation save for when Batman needed yet another project completed. 
Just as you were reaching the final compiling, Orm’s voice rang through the lab as if he were commanding his people. “What the fuck is sex pollen?” Your entire body seized with fear and as you turned your chair to face him, time slowed.
His large hand had turned one of the many labelled specimen jars in the open cabinet at the other end of the lab, the cabinet that you had forgotten to lock when Bruce had barged in earlier. Your eyes widened almost comically as the delicate jar tipped and the neon pink dust gathered to one side. Orm tried to grab the sealed beaker but the glass was already rolling off the shelf.
Your hand was already moving towards the contamination shut down as the container met the solid ground, shattering immediately. 
The pollen exploded outwards, coating everything within 2 metres of the impact point in a bright pink dust. Orm coughed and tried to wipe it from his skin, but the pollen was already soaking in, quickly making its way into his bloodstream. 
The lab doors slammed shut and the industrial strength locks clicked into place. You yanked a medical mask from your workstation and quickly tugged it on as you rushed towards Orm, whose face was now flushed. His chest was already heaving with laboured breaths and as you drew closer, you could see the sweat collecting on his brow.
“Hey, I need you to listen to me very carefully right now.” His gaze snapped to you and you held up your hands to show that you weren’t a threat. “We can fix this, we just have to work together. Understand?” He nodded his head and you sighed in relief.
“I need you to strip off your clothes, the longer you’re in them, the more pollen you’ll ingest. And then I’m putting you in the decontamination shower until I figure out how this is going to fuck with your fishy DNA.” You expected some fight out of the prince but he followed your directions to the letter, his eyes staring intently into your own. 
You were thankful for your mask concealing your face as he pulled off his shirt, exposing the toned muscles of his stomach. You swallowed thickly, heat defiantly pooling between your thighs as his thumbs hooked into the waistband of his sweatpants and yanked them down. Evidently, Atlantians didn’t wear underwear. He leaned closer to you, his nostrils flaring. 
Orm’s eyelids fluttered as he let out the most erotic groan you had ever heard. “Fuck, why do you smell so fucking good?” You hated to admit it, but your knees buckled at that. Swallowing down the whine that threatened to spill from your lips, you pulled yourself together.
“O-okay now, into the shower.” You nodded your head towards the stall in the corner of the lab but Orm remained still. His breathing was quickening and his pupils were blown, leaving only a sliver of blue around the black. You stepped in that direction but still, he refused to follow.
“Goddamnit.” You muttered and grabbed his muscular shoulder, forcefully yanking him to the stall and quickly shoving him inside before he had a chance to refuse. You locked the door, knowing that there was no possible way for him to drown himself, and started the auto decontamination.
As soon as he lost sight of you, Orm gave a shout of protest and slammed his fists against the door. “No! Come back!” The glass trembled with the force of his blows and if it weren’t for Bruce’s tendency to make everything strong enough to hold Clark back for a minute at least, you would have been scared of it shattering.
You carefully walked backwards to your desk, your eyes locked onto the shower which was now running but it was doing nothing to hinder the man inside. In fact, his efforts to get out doubled as the water hit his overheated skin. “You’re mine!” He screamed and a crack appeared in the glass.
You snatched up the phone that directly connected you to Bruce, pressing it to your ear as you continued to back up. As soon as you heard his gruff voice, you shouted at him. “Orm ingested that sex pollen shit from Ivy, what the fuck do I do?”
There was a pause and for a second you thought the line had dropped. Then he sighed heavily into the receiver. “Fuck. The antidote you developed won’t work on him since he doesn’t have any human DNA and his body won’t burn out the pollen fast enough before his system overheats.” Silence settled between you as the solution dawned on both of you at the same time. “So-“
“So I’ll have to help him through it or he dies.” You finished his thought for him.
“I’m sorry kid.” Then the call cut off. Orm threw his body at the door and another crack appeared. You had a choice here, there was a tranquiliser in the drawer of your desk that could put down Flash, you could wait for the door to shatter and use it against the raging prince. Or…
Your mask dropped to the floor, along with your shirt and pants. His shouts had now devolved into unintelligible growls that only served to make your inner thighs even wetter. By the time you reached the shower, the frosted glass now resembled a spider’s web and you were completely bare.
You hit the override switch to the side of the stall and the screaming stopped. The damaged tracks groaned as the door slowly opened, revealing you to Orm once more. “Take what you need, I only want to help.” 
The air was knocked from your lungs as strong arms grabbed you and pulled you into the shower with him. Cold water washed over your naked body though it did nothing to lessen the fire between you. A moan was forced from your lips as Orm ducked down and buried his nose in the crook of your throat, pressing his hard body to your soft one.
His chest rumbled happily as he inhaled. “I will not be gentle, I cannot. But once this curse has passed, I will treat you like a goddess, a queen.” His tongue licked up the column of your neck until he could rise to his full height once more. “You will experience pleasure like never before, my claim will be laid upon you.”
And you could only nod as his large warm hand gripped your knee tightly, bringing your plump leg up to wrap around his lean hips. “Prepare yourself for your king.”
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girlwholovesturtles · 3 months
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I found a new, more thorough list of injuries that Arthur has received, so I’ve revamped my scar map. Please ignore the fact that I just posted the last one yesterday…
Side note, Arthur really needs some injuries for his hips. The area’s really bare. Or at the very least stop attacking the stomach. I know it’s center mass but the space is getting real cluttered.
The new list I’ve found can be read here.
Colors explained under the cut.
Pale yellow - John's control
Darker yellow - The King in Yellow/Broke leg in three places. (Kayne described it as "popped them right back in there" which makes me believe they broke the skin.)
Blue - Officer Mitchell Caldwell/Shot twice in the stomach and once in the chest.
Green - Kellin/Stabbed in the stomach.
Brown - Tip of pinky bit off by Arthur/Offering to the forest. Replaced with dark, bonelike wood.
Lavender - Tadpole and amphibious creature/Tadpole attempted to burrow into Arthur's forearm and wound was cauterized. (The list says that it was the left forearm but Arthur was the one who reacted to the pain, so it must have been the right arm.) Amphibious creature bit his abdomen and drained blood from him.
Tan - Sandstorm/Damaged eye and face. Eye was later fixed.
Pink - Slash across the neck using Kayne's Dagger/Inflicted by Arthur.
Red - Uncle/Piece of ear torn off, stabbed in shoulder with piece of wood.
Maroon - Addison Mines Monster/Leg bitten, stabbed in the back of the neck, stabbed in the abdomen from behind, stabbed in the back of the neck. (Part 2 Electric Boogaloo)
Purple - Butcher/Shot in the shoulder with shotgun. Wrists bound by Butcher and then rubbed raw and bloody trying to escape. (Added because, in hindsight, that would probably leave lasting scars and at the very least they'd still be visible because it was less than a week ago for him.)
Pale green - The Prince/Bitten on the should and piece was torn off, left hand bitten.
Olive green - The Witch/Impaled on a rapier. (It wasn't said where but I assume it's in the chest or stomach area.) Stabbed multiple times in the chest. Belly sliced open to implant maggots.
Dark Brown - Hand punctured by piece of wood/Result of the ladder breaking on them.
Cyan - Boltworm/Electric burns on palms.
Grey - Wolves/Unspecified but possibly bitten or scratched.
Dark Grey - Rock dropped on shoulder/Dislocated shoulder, deep cut on bicep.
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pigfacedbitch · 1 year
It's A Trap!
summary : Prince Arthur uses reader to lure Merlin out whenever he is hiding from him.
word count : 0.5k
type : imagines
pairing/s involved : Merlin x Reader (?)
warning/s : none. just Merlin pining over reader and Arthur being an ass.
here is my masterlist!
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Note : I thought of this when I watched the clip where Arthur is looking for Merlin and he was hiding behind the door. 😂 It was a one shot before and I heavily edited it too.
There is no denying that Prince's Arthur's manservant is in love with (Y/N), a noble lady from one of the most prestigious houses in Camelot.
Everyone, even Arthur himself, knows it. And that's saying something. 🫢😂
From the way Merlin would stare at you with heart in his eyes, how he would follow you everywhere like a dog, or his ears pick up whenever he hears your name.
Gaius almost wants to take a leaf out of Van Gogh's book and tear off his own ears because Merlin wouldn't shut up about you. He also writes about you in his letters for Hunith.
Now, does Arthur take advantage of it? Of course, he does. Like,"Do you know Lady (Y/N) would be there?" or "If you fetch flowers for Gwen, you could also get some for your lady love."
The epitome of the statement, however, is making you his trap. Confused? I'll explain further later.
"Merlin?! Where are you?!"
It's very common for the palace staff to hear the prince of Camelot blaringly calling out to his manservant. Although some people catch Merlin scurrying away from him or has an idea of his whereabouts, no one bothers to tell Arthur anything.
After all, it's completely understandable and why many servants can empathize. As admirable and honorable the prince is, he can be a handful at times.
That's where you come in.
Whenever Arthur has given up searching for Merlin, he would search for you instead.
He often finds you in the gardens with the other noble ladies, helping some servants with menial tasks, or having tea with Morgana and Gwen. Uther enjoys your company too, making the usual stoic ruler laugh and gossip.
"May I excuse Lady (Y/N)? I need her assistance with something."
"Is it Merlin again?"
You would go to Gaius' chambers, the kitchens, servant's quarters, or anywhere Merlin could've gone to. Then, you would tell anyone that you're looking for him to speak about personal matters and you'll be waiting for him with a place of your choice.
Arthur would wait with you, but he's hiding where Merlin can't see him.
Why do you continue helping the royal prat? It's because you find it funny.
You're also curious, thinking how long will it take Merlin to stop seeking you out because most of the time it's just one of Arthur's traps.
The prince's knights bet on it. Gwaine and Leon are winning— saying how Merlin will never learn.
It's true, he doesn't. I guess love does make you an idiot.
Merlin always approaches you with a beaming grin on his face and blushed cheeks, acting like a lovesick school boy.
"My lady, you were looking for me?"
"Well you see..."
Arthur would wait for Merlin to get closer before grabbing the manservant in his clutches.
"Here you are, you idiot!"
Sometimes Merlin would free himself and run, sometimes he doesn't and Arthur would drag him away while warning him of possible punishments.
But he never misses the chance to look back and give you the most charming smile anyone has ever graced you with.
"Merlin really loves you, doesn't he?" You hear Gwen beside you, linking your arm with hers. Nervous and worried, you reply—
"Yes. I just hope that I get to tell Merlin that I share his affections. But Arthur is always with him."
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fahye · 10 months
book recs: oct/nov 2023
I read an obscene number of books during my weeks travelling in the USA, so here are some highlights!
A GENTLEMAN UNDONE by cecilia grant - I actually read all three in this excellent series, but this is the highlight. a tense, engrossing regency romance between a gentleman desperate to make money in gambling halls and the woman who teaches him to count cards, who unfortunately happens to be someone else's mistress. extremely horny and very smart.
SHADOW MAGIC by jaida jones & danielle bennett - after HAVEMERCY I desperately needed the rest of the series, and happily I had dinner with jaida and dani and was given them! this one is classic political fantasy: assassins, ambassadors, a devoted bodyguard and his beautiful prince, and a flamboyant little chaos magician who wonders why nobody else in his delegation is enjoying the beautiful local Fashion Robes. this book has never had a heterosexual thought in its entire life.
AMERICAN QUEEN by sierra simone - okay, this is a rec for the entire series (AMERICAN PRINCE & AMERICAN KING follow), a modern arthur-lancelot-guinevere retelling where they're american politicians and they're all in love and kinky and fucked up about it. mostly smut, lots of angst, occasional plot. maybe the hottest thing I've ever read in my life?? damn, sierra simone knows what she's doing.
THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS by robert a. heinlein - what if we were a moon colony and we decided to stage a revolutionary war and we asked a bored AI computer to run the logistics for us? I'm such a sucker for logistics, and heinlein delivers in spades. very funny, great worldbuilding, fun characters. has aged surprisingly well, I think.
10 THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED by alexis hall - a pure shot of gay grumpy/sunshine delivered via FAKE AMNESIA TROPE and a plot lovingly and lampshadily borrowed from the classic sandra bullock vehicle while you were sleeping. alexis hall's protagonists and glorious supporting casts always grab me, and this was no exception.
THE FALL THAT SAVED US by tamara jerée - do you like the good omens setup of bookshop angel vs. snarky demon, destined to be enemies but oh no we're in love, and you'd like to add some recovery from family trauma + sex scenes + also they're sapphic? yes. good. enjoy.
CHAIN-GANG ALL-STARS by nana kwame adjei-brenyah - holy shit!! finished this one yesterday and will be thinking about it for a long time. premise: criminals can choose to compete in deadly televised gladiator matches instead of remaining in prison. this is an absolutely brutal examination of the prison industrial complex and the violent commodification of bodies (especially bodies of colour) under our capitalist hellscape. lyrical, wonderful, cutting. very queer and very angry. I flew through it. what a fantastic book.
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miryum · 1 year
Foundling Villa- Chapter 2
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of war
ao3 link  next chapter>>
Charles didn’t want to leave the palace. Leaving the palace meant seeing Princess Y/n. Leaving the palace meant getting married. Leaving the palace meant throwing away his freedom. 
“Charles, let’s go,” Lorenzo beckoned his younger brother. “Don’t throw a tantrum like a child.”
“I thought I would be able to choose,” Charles insisted for the umpteenth time. 
Queen Pascale sighed. “We had always known it was a possibility. Williams is a fine kingdom and Princess Y/n is a wonderful girl.” 
“We don’t need Williams,” Charles protested. “And you’ve never met Princess Y/n.” 
“They have excellent resources,” Lorenzo explained. “It will be a much needed boost to the economy. With Redull suspiciously on our borders it would be beneficial to remain strong. Also, since when do you care about marriage? Other than a few flings here and there, you’ve shown no interest to anyone in court. What could you possibly be throwing away?” 
Charles grumbled, refusing to let Lorenzo’s excellent argument get to him. “It’s not about if I have a girl, it’s about my freedom.” 
Arthur snickered. “You think you won’t have any freedom? Whenever you want you can get out of here. Go on a trip to Aston or Alpine. Y/n can’t stop you.” 
“Y/n?” Charles scoffed at the informalities. “Are you best friends?!” 
“She’s my future sister-in-law,” Arthur pointed out. “I’m not going to call a family member by their title.” 
“She’s hardly family,” Charles frowned. He wanted to cross his arms like a child. 
Pascale hit him on the arm. “Charles Marc! Do not talk that way about your future bride!”
“You’re wrong.” Charles continued to rant, “everyone talks about how when you get married, you’re tied down. You have to run everything by your spouse. You can’t just wake up and decide to spend all day shooting ducks. You need to tell her about it and then she may refuse you to do it.” 
“Charles, I’m sure she’s feeling the same way.” Pascale tried to talk some sense into her middle child. “She probably has hobbies she enjoys and is worried you’ll forbid her from continuing them. If you allow her to continue her endeavours, she’ll probably let you do yours. I had the same anxiety when I married your father,” she placed a loving hand on King Hervé’s arm. “But then I realised that he was a loving and kind man. I got very lucky, and if you do not make Princess Y/n feel the same way, I swear, Charles, I will skin you.” Charles flinched backwards and Arthur laughed loudly.
“Have you done it yet?” Lorenzo asked abruptly. 
“Lorenzo!” Queen Pascale cried, “What is with you boys today?!” 
“We’ll talk later,” Lorenzo made sure Charles agreed. “You too,” he said to Arthur. “Both of you need to know what you’re doing.” 
Charles almost gagged. Arthur grimaced. 
“Your Majesties,” a knight announced. “Princess Y/n of Williams has entered the palace gates.”
“Oh my!” Queen Pascale exclaimed, “Everyone outside! Let’s go! Aren’t you excited? Look your best.” 
“Hey, Charles,” Arthur took him by the arm and held him back as the rest of the Leclercs walked outside. “Don’t screw this up.” 
“Inspiring words,” Charles rolled his eyes. 
“I mean it,” Arthur grabbed his brother’s arm. “Papa was conversing with Jules the other day. I overheard them talking about the prospect of war.” 
“War?” Charles stared at his brother. “Arthur, are you sure your mind isn’t playing tricks on you?” 
Before Arthur could answer, the knight stepped back inside. “Your Highnesses, Queen Pascale is demanding your presence.” Charles shot Arthur a glance, but walked out the door. Arthur shook his head and followed. 
The two younger Leclerc brothers barely made it to their places before your carriage pulled up. However, you didn’t get out. Blurry shapes in the carriage danced around and Arthur whispered to Charles, “looks like she’s nervous too.”
A footman soon jumped down and sprung open the door. You grasped the footman’s hand and stepped down, your gown swishing around your ankles as you steadied yourself. Charles blinked once, an eyebrow quickly lifting before steadying his expression. His mother was right; you were beautiful. That hardly meant anything, though. Many girls in the court were attractive but were vain and only looked at him and his brothers as pocketbooks. When he saw you, however, all past concerns went out the window. You looked much more demure than he thought; much more fearful than he wanted you to be. You didn’t seem like the type of person to take control of his life. In fact, Charles felt an odd need to protect you. Your anxiousness worried him and he didn’t want you to feel scared in your new home. 
Awkwardly, you slowly faced the royal family. Charles made quick eye contact with you. His muscles contracted, keeping him in the rightful place with shoulders back, chin tilted slightly upward, hands clasped firmly before him, and feet shoulder-width apart. 
“God, be a statue, why don’t you?” Arthur muttered. 
You, on the other hand, bowed your head in silent greeting, fingers fiddling with your dress. One of your maids said something into your ear and you nodded, glancing back at her, eyelashes brushing your cheeks. You murmured something back and the footman readily moved to the back of the carriage and began unloading. Charles noticed how you peeked up at the sky, seeming surprised at the sun high in the clouds. He remembered Williams had a much colder climate than Enza did and wondered if you were regretting your choice at a long-sleeve dress. Taking a deep breath, you paced forward to stand before the King and Queen. 
“Your Majesties of Enza,” you curtsied, keeping your voice low and clam. “Thank you for housing me. My mother and father, King and Queen of Williams, send their regards and best wishes. It’s an honour to be here.” 
“Princess Y/n,” King Hervé said. “It’s a pleasure to have you join us in Enza. We welcome you and any of your guests with a warm heart. We hope you’ll be happy and comfortable here.” 
“Thank you,” you gestured to your maids. “This is Elena and Sara, my handmaidens. I hope they can accompany me during my stay.” 
“Of course,” Queen Pascale spoke up. “Any friend of yours is a friend of ours. Will you be joining us for dinner?” 
You tried to conceal a grimace. “Unfortunately, I’m feeling awfully tired after my trip. I’m sorry to disappoint, but the ride was incredibly long. I hope you don’t mind if I lay down?” 
Queen Pascale looked worried. “Whatever you need, dear. We can send up some food, if you like?” 
“That would be wonderful, thank you.” 
“In the morning, Prince Charles could introduce you to the palace and show you around.” It didn’t sound like a request, though you knew Queen Pascale was just trying to instigate a relationship between you and Prince Charles. 
“I would love to accompany him.” Admittedly, you wanted to get to know Prince Charles. If you were to marry him, you thought you should at least know the bare minimum. It would look bad if you didn’t know your husband’s favourite food.
King Hervé said, “Prince Charles can show you to your room if you would like to get settled in.” 
“That would be excellent, thank you.” 
Prince Charles offered his arm to you. The rest of the Leclercs sneaked inside, leaving the two of you alone. Elena and Sara dropped back, offering some space. 
Charles noticed your sky blue dress as the colours of Williams. He felt bad that your wedding dress was to be light red. Although, his pocket square and tie were to be blue, the same colour of your dress you now wore. It was supposed to be symbolic of the joining of unions and the intertwining of kingdoms. However, it was clear that you weren’t ready to let go of your kingdom. 
You slowly accepted his arm. Charles felt a pain in his chest. He didn’t want you to be frightened of him, even though he was against the marriage as well.  
If you got nothing else, he was satisfied with being friends with you. 
“I know you may not ever love me,” he started talking, leading you inside and up a flight of stairs. “And I’m fine with that. This doesn’t need to be a romantic marriage. However, I would like to be on good terms with you. I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to.”
You were suspicious. “I would thank you for that,” you said cautiously. 
“I understand you’ll need some time to trust me.” Prince Charles seemed thoughtful, a quality you were grateful for. He didn’t seem like a controlling man. Maybe if you both agreed to stay out of the others’ way, this marriage wouldn’t turn out as bad as you thought. 
“I know neither of us want this,” you admitted. “But you’re right; we could be cordial to one another.”
“I would be accepting of that,” Prince Charles nodded. 
Prince Charles stopped in front of a large door.”This is you. If you want, your maids could be placed in a room close to you.”
“I would like that, thank you.”
“I’m supposed to tell you that a week from now, we’ll finalise plans for the wedding. The actual marriage is to take place in a month. Your parents are aware, but if you would like to invite anyone else, I would suggest writing to them now.” Charles monologued the script he was expected to tell you.
“Understandable,” you said. “I hope you sleep well tonight.”
It was simply formalities, but Charles replied kindly, “Thank you. You as well.”
You gave the prince a half-smile as you stepped into your new room. Your maids scurried in after you. Charles decided he liked your smile. He wanted to see it more often, as good friends would.
Being forced to marry you wasn’t the worst that could happen. After all, at least you didn’t hate him.
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nthspecialll · 3 months
Rockstar's realism slip
Red Dead Redemption is known for being extremely realistic and historically accurate in every aspect from characters, environment, speech and so on which is also why it is loved by so many, however there is one place where they have messed up quite massively and it is in one of the most well loved characters.
Sadie Adler.
Sadie Adler is loved for being a badass independent woman in a man's world doing her own thing after her life was ruined over and over, a trope loved by many and thus excused for being not so well executed and unrealistic.
While women could absolutely make a living as outlaws in the Wild West the Sadie kind was not seen often, instead, we often saw the badass woman leaning into femininity such as Karen or Black Belle.
Real life examples of women outlaws are Pearl Hart who robbed stagecoaches and stole worth 16.226,21 (modern) dollars from a single one and lefr each passenger with one (past) dollars so they could afford food. Belle Starr (inspiref Black Belle) who was known for helping outlaws by hiding them on her farm and later robbing horses, getting known for the quote "next to a fine gun, I love a fine horse." Etta Place who ran with Butch Cassidy, whom Dutch is based on, and is essentially the real life Bessie.
These women leaned into their feminity, even if it wasn't always, but the culture during that time did not allow for people like Sadie, even Arthur takes stabs at her while completely accepting Karen. Another major thing is the background, there is a massive difference between Sadie shooting warning shots at wolves on her farm with zero animals and jumping trains.
The idea of Sadie is great and implausible, even if possible, but the execution is poor, you don't suddenly gain those skills.
But now let's talk about 1907 where she could have had the time to gain these skills, we meet another problem, there were zero female bounty hunters, nish.
"But she could be the first!" Yeah, it isn't impossible, but it is implausible considering culture and a poor choice on Rockstars side considering that there were many badass women at the time living law abiding in ways Sadie could easily have been able to.
Stagecoach Mary was a stagecoach guard, an absolute badass killing or arresting anyone getting near the goods she protected.
Annie Oakley, a sharpshooter, known for shooting ciggerets out her husband's mouth and even the prince of France's mouth!
Calamity Jane, another sharpshooter and frontierwoman who ended up in show-biz because of her masculine attire, it simply wasn't seen that often. (That said she still sometimes wore dresses)
And the thing is, she does talk about working with transport, saying she is considering it, and that she would have been able to, just like Mary, so why Rockstar didn't do that in the beginning is weird to me.
And now to the big slip up that Rockstar made that cannot be defied. She talks about starting her own business, sorry love, you can't, because women couldn't make one before 1980 or so without a man's signature.
I love Sadie, she is great and the idea of her character is great too, but the execution is poor and that is generally why I prefer Karen over her and I wish she had been a bit different and drawn more off real life women.
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Belle Starr (Inspired Black Belle)
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Pearl Hart
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Annie Oatley
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Stagecoach Mary
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wordsinhaled · 2 years
hope y'all are ready for another unhinged merlin post, friends
okay, because we always talk about how much merlin does to help and save arthur, and how drawn he is to him. but can we talk about how from the very beginning arthur has been indignant and ready to put himself in harm's way at the thought of harm coming to merlin??? i am at the beginning of my rewatch so i'm focusing mostly on the early eps, so -
in the THIRD episode, when merlin tries to turn himself in as a sorcerer - arthur (visibly distressed) covers for him immediately - not just because he thinks merlin couldn't possibly have magic, but because he knows merlin will be killed in gwen's stead
in the FOURTH episode - he'd rather drink from the poisoned chalice himself than have merlin drink it - an unheard of level of risk for someone to take for their manservant in camelot's society
like??? can we talk about how arthur's first thought the moment merlin is poisoned is, "sounds like fun, i'll brave a journey that'll put me in mortal peril for someone i've only known for a few months, at the longest"? can we talk about how he disobeys uther directly and sets out on his own, knowing that it could end to his own death? can we talk about how he and merlin are fucking psychically connected?
can we talk about how their interwoven destiny is known and used against both of them from the very beginning???
i want to talk too about uther's complete lack of understanding of how important merlin is to arthur. he just doesn't understand why arthur is so distressed, why he's willing to risk his life, why he's willing to sacrifice himself to save merlin. and arthur says it's because that's not the kind of king he would want to be. he says it's because he wants to be the kind of ruler who wouldn't discount a "mere" servant's life. he says that merlin saved his life, so of course he'd want to do the same for him. and of course, this is true - arthur is noble, and good-hearted, and he does the right thing even when it contravenes what his father would do or wants him to do
but like... there's the part where he genuinely cares for merlin, specifically - not just for a life debt owed, not just on the principle that a servant's life is equal to a lord's or a king's. merlin, specifically. it can be seen in the way he immediately rushes to protect merlin or to deflect attention away from him whenever merlin makes a scene in public at court that puts him at risk. in his visible worry when merlin drinks from the poisoned chalice. in the way he rushes to merlin's side after he collapses, and frets over him while gaius checks him over
and most of all (in this particular episode), it can be seen during the scene at the end - the scene shot over merlin's shoulder, where you see arthur entering gaius' chambers from behind merlin - and the relief that fills his face when he sees that merlin is up and eating, that's not prince arthur, or obnoxious lordling arthur; that's just arthur at his most genuine, with no posturing, when no one is paying attention to him. the way he takes a second before he schools himself to start up his usual banter with merlin, playing the taskmaster prince again, minimizing the risk he took for merlin's sake. but the way that persona falls again, and he tells merlin that he came to see if he was alright. tells merlin to get some rest
it's about merlin, specifically, and what he has come to mean to arthur. not just the life of any manservant, but merlin's life, merlin's importance to him
i also have a broader tangent about the relationship between uther and arthur & uther + homophobia, and how arthur's dynamic with merlin plays into it. "he's just a boy," uther tells morgana in this episode, and she counters, "have you seen your son lately?" and i think the trouble is uther has seen arthur lately, and he's not comfortable with what he sees. he doesn't understand arthur's closeness and attachment to merlin, and i'd argue that he's noticing his son's queerness and trying to stamp it out of him/trying to denial his way out of dealing with it directly. uther fits the mold of the toxically masculine/authoritarian father who sees the queerness in his child and responds by becoming even more cruelly authoritarian
as for arthur - arthur's been told since birth that he's crown prince, that he'll need to rule camelot, and produce his own heir to continue the line of camelot, and i would argue that arthur's need to prove himself, his bravado, his deep-seated need for his father's approval comes from the pressure also of knowing in his core that he doesn't measure up to what his father wants for him - he's kinder, yes, and more just - but also softer at heart, and queer in ways that aren't permitted for his time or station or for what he knows are his responsibilities as a future monarch. it comes to the fore whenever his connection to merlin hangs in the balance, when we're able to see arthur in unguarded moments when he can be his unadulterated self
i think we talk often about how merlin is drawn to arthur, and also i think it's very clear to see how merlin's magic is allegorical for queerness/closetedness, but my favorite to explore is how arthur gravitates towards merlin, and arthur's queerness, and it's especially apparent in these early episodes
and tl;dr basically merthur is WILD and i will never be normal about them even in the year of our lord 2023
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justaz · 3 months
merlin who stands against the wall while uther reprimands arthur, who stands behind arthur at dinners where uther’s disapproval and disappointment is apparent, who has been there when arthur is quiet and despondent after private meetings with his father, who has watched for years the sting of uther’s words and sometimes hands against his own son, who has bit his tongue and followed arthur with gentle hands and softer words as he puts the pieces back together of the man he knows and loves.
merlin watching uther lose his temper over arthur going against him for their people and watching arthur crawl into himself and shove his feelings down to be the emotionless prince his father expects of him. once uther’s rage has quelled somewhat, he dismisses arthur without another look and arthur leaves, his back ramrod straight and his chin held high despite the glazed look in his eyes, his last shot at keeping his composure. and merlin breaks, he glares at uther and waits until the doors shut to speak, in case arthur was close enough to hear.
merlin rants and raves at uther, calls him out on his bs, and tells him to be there for his son. ofc uther isn’t having any of it and yells back at merlin but merlin isn’t deterred and keeps going on and on about how much of a disappointment uther is as a father and how much better arthur deserves. uther steps in close and raises his hand as if to backhand merlin but he doesn’t. the two stare at each other, heated glare meeting heated glare, and finally uther mutters that he should have merlin flogged for speaking like that to him. merlin doesn’t waver as he welcomes uther too but he couldn’t just stand by and watch uther tear arthur apart anymore.
uther slowly lowers his hand and turns his back on merlin but he hasn’t given in to merlin’s argument so he switches tactics. he asks how uther expects arthur to be the sure, determined, and just king he is meant to be if uther won’t let him grow into his power and autonomy, let him learn his lessons and apply them as king. uther finally lowers his shoulders at merlin’s argument which just irks him more as uther clearly cares more for arthur as a future king rather than a son but he doesn’t point that out.
uther turns to stare at merlin and asks if he really just disrespected the king so horribly just for arthur, merlin nods once without hesitation and echoes “for arthur”. uther’s lips twitch despite himself and he nods and says how he is glad arthur has someone like merlin looking out for him. merlin tests his luck once more and responds that arthur could have more than just him, he could have a dad, not just a father.
merlin watches as arthur reports back to his father the next week about an expedition they had gone on to protect one of camelot’s outlying villages from raiders and uther grins wide and pulls arthur into an awkward side hug that’s more a complicated pat on his shoulder but at least it’s something. uther says openly how he’s proud and that camelot should feel lucky to have a prince who is looking out for her.
arthur is stunned and manages a slight bow to his father as he leaves (merlin and uther exchanging a glance and nod as he passes). merlin watches arthur as the room empties and a wide, proud smile stretches across his face. merlin feels warm and fuzzy at the sight and chuckles as arthur spins and pulls merlin into a similar side hug while laughing loudly. the two of them have the most fun that day, spending the rest of the daylight goofing off and running around with no particular goal in mind other than enjoying the day. it’s the happiest merlin has seen arthur be for such a long period of time.
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whydon-twego · 1 year
Merlin's secret
Arthur knows about Merlin's magic. He knows it from when he saw him light a fire in the forest on wet wood, he knows it from when, in ambushes, branches accidentally fall on bandits about to attack them. Arthur has known about Merlin's magic for a long time, but he is waiting. He is waiting for Merlin to trust him enough to tell him, he is waiting to receive Merlin's trust, he is waiting to see if their friendship is worth anything to Merlin. Since finding out about Merlin, Arthur speaks more openly about magic, speaks more harshly to his father about people with magical powers and, when he can, defends them. He wants to prove to Merlin that he can be trusted, but he also realizes that he is the Prince of Camelot, and with his father having such a firm view of who holds magic, it cannot be easy. So Arthur waits. And waits. And when his father dies, despite the grief, despite the condolences, he thinks that the moment has finally arrived when Merlin will trust him. But Merlin does not. And Arthur began to resent this treatment because he thought he was a friend, he thought he must be worth something. But one day Merlin goes to work and Arthur sees that something is wrong. He sees it in the way Merlin walks with almost a limp, he sees it in the way he keeps gesturing without doing anything, but most of all he sees it in his silence. Arthur is restless that night and wanders the corridors of the castle thinking what the hell is going on with Merlin, until he sees the latter leave at night and Arthur does the only thing he can think of: he follows him. Arthur is aware of Merlin's magic. He knows that he lights fires when it would not be possible to do so, he knows that he pulls down tree branches when people are in danger. Arthur does not know that Merlin leaves the castle at night to go and defeat enemies he had no idea about, Arthur does not know that Merlin can do more than light fires in the forest and that he has apparently done this so often that killing a person seems almost routine to him. But Arthur sees it in Merlin's eyes that that routine has cost him far more than Arthur will ever be able to do for him. "You, utter idiot!" Merlin jumps on the spot and turns towards Arthur, who had evidently not seen him. Merlin turns towards Arthur, having just killed another sorcerer, and looks at him with terror in his eyes. As if Arthur could harm him. As if Arthur had the chance when Merlin would only need a single snap of his fingers, apparently. Merlin turns and makes a run for it. "Merlin, son of Hunith, stop immediately!" And although Merlin is running for his life, the voice of his King makes him stop. "I've been waiting years for you to tell me something, I've been waiting years for you to trust me enough to tell me that you use magic, I've been waiting years but -by the gods, Merlin!- I thought you were safe! I thought you did little magic tricks like washing dirty laundry and hiding traces of our passage, not that you went out at night, alone, to defeat terrible sorcerers! I thought we were friends!" I thought we could be so much more one day... Then Arthur approaches and makes sure that Merlin is OK, that nothing is broken, and that there are no shots fired that he knows nothing about. "Go to Gaius and get something to sleep, see you in the morning and Merlin, be on time." And with that, Arthur turns on his heels and walks away, leaving Merlin in the middle of the forest because he honestly doesn't know what else to say, he is disappointed and angry and knows this is not the time to talk. In bed Arthur tosses and turns and can't get to sleep, the first light of dawn is still a long way off but he knows he won't be able to sleep so maybe he might as well get up and… The doors to his room are suddenly opened and Merlin enters, then closes them behind him (the fact that Merlin is allowed to do this without the guards outside his room saying anything says a lot about their dynamics) and Merlin is angry.
"Years? You knew I had magic for years and you didn't say anything?" it's not a shout just because he doesn't want to be heard by the guards outside but the way it was said it might as well have been. "I was hoping you would say something to me, I was hoping we were friends enough-" "It's not about being friends, Arthur! Do you have any idea how many times I wanted to tell you? Do you have any idea how many times I wanted to come to you and tell you and finally be free to talk to you about it because you're my best friend? To have some advice? To have someone I could go to and talk about it because I'm incredibly lonely?" Merlin in saying all this walked over to the bed and Arthur shrugged off the covers, getting up to sit down.
"I didn't know you went around killing sorcerers, Merlin, I thought you used magic for household chores! If only I had known-" "You could have asked!" "And you could have told me!" Arthur didn't even notice that he was up on his knees and holding onto the bed canopy, towering over Merlin, and panting because they both ended up screaming. After an incredibly long time of looking at each other and nothing more, Arthur ends up looking away. "… I wanted you to trust me… I wanted to be worth enough…" And for the first time, he hears a sob and realizes with regret that it is not he who is crying but Merlin. "You are the most important person I have, Arthur. You're the person I wanted to tell every day, you're the person I wanted to talk to about it and get advice from but Arthur…" Merlin looks at him and his eyes are glazed "… what if you hated me?" Arthur grabs him by the back of the head and drags him to the bed, on top of him, and holds him so tightly that they will probably end up as one, but that's okay, maybe it would finally be okay. Merlin hugs him just as tightly, and Arthur feels his fingers digging into his flesh, but that's OK. Merlin cries and tells him what he can between sobs, Arthur strokes his hair as dawn is breaking. Merlin falls asleep exhausted in Arthur's arms and Arthur decides that Camelot can go on without him for today.
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