#prime minister imran khan
bengali-vogue-ns · 2 months
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xtruss · 1 year
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Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan addresses supporters during a march in Gujranwala on November 1, 2022. (Photo: Arif Ali/AFP via Getty Images)
Secret Cable Reportedly Shows US Urged Pakistani Government to Oust Imran Khan
The Intercept reported that the leaked document shows the U.S. promised "warmer relations if Khan was removed, and isolation if he was not."
— Jake Johnson | August 10, 2023
A secret cable obtained by The Intercept suggests that a U.S. diplomat—with the approval of the Biden White House—urged the Pakistani government to remove Imran Khan, who was ousted as prime minister in a no-confidence vote last year and later imprisoned on corruption charges that he says are politically motivated.
According to the March 7, 2022 cable, which The Intercept published in full but acknowledged it could not authenticate, U.S. diplomat Donald Lu told the Pakistani ambassador to the U.S. that "people here and in Europe are quite concerned about why Pakistan is taking such an aggressively neutral position" on the Ukraine war.
The U.S. had publicly criticized Khan for going ahead with a previously planned trip to Moscow and meeting with President Vladimir Putin as Russian forces began invading Ukraine in February 2022. The cable says Lu reiterated the Biden administration's concerns but added, "I think if the no-confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds, all will be forgiven in Washington because the Russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the prime minister."
"Otherwise, I think it will be tough going ahead," Lu added.
The cable states that Lu "could not have conveyed such a strong demarche without the express approval of the White House, to which he referred repeatedly."
Strained relations between the U.S. and Pakistan during Khan's tenure were public knowledge, but The Intercept's Ryan Grim and Murtaza Hussain wrote Wednesday that the cable "reveals both the carrots and the sticks that the State Department deployed in its push against Khan, promising warmer relations if Khan was removed, and isolation if he was not."
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Pakistan's Former Prime Minister Imran Khan talks with reporters regarding the current political situation and the ongoing Fake Cases against him at his residence, in Lahore, Pakistan, August 3, 2023.
"One month after the meeting with U.S. officials documented in the leaked Pakistani government document, a no-confidence vote was held in Parliament, leading to Khan's removal from power," Grim and Hussain noted. "The vote is believed to have been organized with the backing of Pakistan's powerful military. Since that time, Khan and his supporters have been engaged in a struggle with the military and its civilian allies, whom Khan claims engineered his removal from power at the request of the U.S."
On Tuesday, an order from Pakistan's election commission barred Khan from public office for five years. Khan is expected to challenge the decision, and he is currently appealing his three-year prison sentence.
Pakistan dissolved its parliament on Wednesday, setting the stage for a new election in the wake of Khan's arrest.
"The U.S. has spent decades interfering in Pakistani democracy and perpetuating poverty and political dysfunction in the country as a result."
During a press briefing following The Intercept's report, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller denied that the U.S. had any "preference on who the leadership of Pakistan ought to be."
When urged to address Lu's specific comments, which appear to express a preference for Khan's ouster, Miller said he couldn't speak to the veracity of the cable but suggested that Lu's reported comments might have been "taken out of context."
Grim and Hussain reported Wednesday that the State Department "has previously and on repeated occasions denied that Lu urged the Pakistani government to oust the prime minister."
"On April 8, 2022, after Khan alleged there was a cable proving his claim of U.S. interference, State Department spokesperson Jalina Porter was asked about its veracity," the pair wrote. Porter replied, "Let me just say very bluntly there is absolutely no truth to these allegations."
Hussain wrote on social media that The Intercept obtained the secret cable from "a source within Pakistan's military establishment who said they had been disillusioned by the impact of the crisis on the institution and wished to alert the public and fellow servicemembers of the documented truth of the story."
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Imran Khan had Accused US of Orchestrating his Removal as PM by Collaborating with ‘Corrupt to their Cores Military Establishment’. Photo: Reuters
As Grim and Hussain reported:
While the drama over the cable has played out in public and in the press, the Pakistani military has launched an unprecedented assault on Pakistani civil society to silence whatever dissent and free expression had previously existed in the country.
In recent months, the military-led government cracked down not just on dissidents but also on suspected leakers inside its own institutions, passing a law last week that authorizes warrantless searches and lengthy jail terms for whistleblowers. Shaken by the public display of support for Khan—expressed in a series of mass protests and riots this May—the military has also enshrined authoritarian powers for itself that drastically reduce civil liberties, criminalize criticism of the military, expand the institution's already expansive role in the country’s economy, and give military leaders a permanent veto over political and civil affairs.
Sunjeev Bery, director of the advocacy group Freedom Forward, wrote in response to The Intercept story that "the U.S. has spent decades interfering in Pakistani democracy and perpetuating poverty and political dysfunction in the country as a result," citing past U.S. support for Pakistan's military dictatorships.
"It is deeply depressing to me that the Biden administration continues this path today," Bery added.
— Jake Johnson is a Staff Writer for Common Dreams (CommonDreams.Org)
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worldnewsspot · 2 years
Imran Khan Supporters Clash With Police
Pakistani security forces tear-gassed crowds surrounding the judicial complex in Islamabad as former Imran Khan Supporters Clash With Police arrived to face corruption charges. World News Spot
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brownpaperhag · 2 years
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imran-khans · 4 months
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news-wave · 8 months
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social-blogs95 · 8 months
Who will be elect of pakistani prime minister in 2024
آپ کے ووٹ کا صحیح حقدار ؟
Choose for Vote Pulling in pakistan
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globalknock · 8 months
Sons of former prime minister and founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan have also become active for the election process in Pakistan, shared a unique post to support PTI.
(24 نیوز )سابق وزیر اعظم اور بانی پاکستان تحریک انصاف  عمران خان کے بیٹے بھی پاکستان میں  انتخابی عمل کیلئے متحرک ہو گئے ہیں ، پی ٹی آئی کی حمایت کیلئے منفرد پوسٹ شیئر کر دی ۔  تفصیلات کے مطابق سابق چیئر مین پی ٹی آئی  عمران خان اس وقت متعدد کیسز  میں سزا کاٹ رہے ہیں اور ان کی جماعت کے تمام امیدوار آزاد حیثیت میں الیکشن لڑ رہے ہیں ،  تاہم ایسی صورتحال میں ان کے بیٹے  انتخابی مہم میں کود پڑے…
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ainews18 · 10 months
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xtruss · 5 months
All That’s Left For Them Now Is To Murder Me – But I’m Not Afraid To Die! The Former Pakistani Prime Minister Writes Exclusively For The Telegraph From His Prison Cell
— BY IMRAN KHAN | 2 May, 2024 | The Telegraph
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Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan is currently serving a prison sentence for controversial corruption charges. Credit: AP Photo/K.M. Chaudary
Today, Pakistan and its people stand in confrontation with each other. Almost two years ago, an engineered vote of no confidence was moved against my government and a government cobbled together by the military establishment came into being.
Since then, the Corrupt Military Establishment, under direct guidance of General Asim Munir, The Corrupt Chief of Army Staff, has tried every tactic to decimate my party’s presence from the political environment of Pakistan.
The oppression, torture and denial of our election symbol have been extensively documented, but nothing has worked for the military and the powerless civilian leadership acting as its puppets.
Pakistan’s general elections on Feb 8 2024, showed the utter failure of their design.
With no single electoral symbol in a country where the vast majority of voters are guided by a party symbol, the people came out and voted overwhelmingly for candidates supported by my party, the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), despite standing as “independents” with a host of diverse symbols.
This democratic revenge by the people of Pakistan against the agenda of the military establishment not only was a national defiance by the people but also a complete rejection of the official state narrative of May 9 2023, when PTI supporters were falsely accused – as a pretext for a crackdown – of attacking military installations.
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Pakistan's Corrupt to his Core Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir (left) shakes hand with Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi CREDIT: Inter Services Public Relations via AP
Unfortunately, instead of accepting the people’s mandate, the military establishment went into a fit of rage and electoral results were manipulated to bring into power the losers.
The same vote tampering was seen in the recent by-elections.
As a result, today Pakistan is at a dangerous crossroads. The people have shown in no uncertain terms their rejection of state electoral machinations and of the oppression, incarceration and torture of not just the PTI leadership but also of its workers.
The military leadership has been subjected to overt criticism at a level unseen before in our history. The government is a laughing stock.
More Oppression and Violence
The response of the state has been to unleash more oppression and violence not just on party workers but also on journalists and human rights defenders. Social media restrictions have been put in place with a complete ban on the X platform.
Perhaps the most ominous development has been the systematic attempt to destroy the independent functioning of the judiciary at all levels.
Judges have been subjected to all manner of pressures including blackmail and harassment of family members. As a result, our trials on false charges are conducted with no proper defence allowed and no concern for the law of the land and the constitution.
The Corrupt Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) and of the Islamabad High Court have been found short of delivering unbiased justice.
But members of the senior judiciary have risen against the attempted destruction of the independence of the judiciary. Six brave judges of the Islamabad High Court have written a letter to the CJP highlighting instances of harassment and blackmail including of their families by intelligence agencies. Specific instances are cited and details given.
This is unprecedented in our history – although, informally, many knew what was happening to the senior judiciary but for such a letter to have come from these judges shows the level of despair, anger and frustration.
The sorry state of judicial affairs is reflected in the hesitancy shown by the CJP, who eventually felt compelled to act but instead of calling for a full bench hearing of the supreme court and summoning those named by the six judges, he has sought to put the six judges effectively in the dock.
With an economy in crisis, spiralling prices and a people politically angry at having their electoral mandate stolen and being economically beleaguered, the state stands isolated.
Unwilling to mitigate its grave errors which have led Pakistan to this precarious juncture and unable to go beyond its mantra of oppression and violence against critics, the State is treading the same path it trod in 1971, when it lost East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.
Upsurge in Terrorism
At the same time, it is seeing an upsurge in terrorism and a growing alienation in Balochistan where the issue of enforced disappearances is growing in severity. On Pakistan’s borders, India has already admitted to undertaking assassinations inside of Pakistan and the international border with Afghanistan remains volatile.
The military establishment’s expectation of unquestioning support from the US, in return for the provision of access to airspace and related facilities to the US for military purposes, has been punctured after the publication of the latest US state department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices which highlights the many human rights violations in Pakistan.
Again, seeking salvation by relying on support from the International Monetary Fund when there is a confrontation with the people will not result in any stability for Pakistan. There is no other way out of the crisis but to restore the people’s mandate and release all political prisoners including those being held for trial under military courts. The constitutional functioning of state institutions must be restored.
“The Corrupt Military Establishment has done all they could against me. All that is left for them is to now ‘Murder Me’. I have stated publicly that if anything happens to me or my wife, Corrupt General Asim Munir will be responsible. But I am not afraid because my faith is strong. I would prefer death over slavery.”
— Imran Khan is the leader of the Pakistan-Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) party. He is serving a prison sentence for controversial corruption charges.
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brutimes · 1 year
Imran Khan - Formr Pakistan Prime Minister arrested and sentenced to 3 years in prison after being charged in the Toshakhana case
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banglakhobor · 1 year
গ্রেফতার ইমরান খান, প্রাক্তন পাক প্রধানমন্ত্রীর তিন বছরের জেল
ইসলামাবাদ: তোশাখানা মামলায় দোষী সাব্যস্ত হলেন পাকিস্তানের প্রাক্তন প্রধানমন্ত্রী ইমরান খান। শনিবার ইসলামাবাদের একটি আদালত ইমরানকে তিন বছর কারাদণ্ডের সাজা দিয়েছে। এই রায়ের ফলে আগামী পাঁচ বছর ভোটে দাঁড়াতে পারবেন না তিনি। এছাড়াও পাক রাজনীতি থেকে তাঁকে ৫ বছরের জন্য দূরে থাকতে হবে। অভিযোগ, দেশের প্রধানমন্ত্রী পদে থাকাকালীন পাকিস্তানের রাষ্ট্র হিসাবে পাওয়া উপহারগুলি অবৈধভাবে বিক্রি করে দিচ্ছিলেন…
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shahtajbhutto · 1 year
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shaktiknowledgeblog · 2 years
pakistan news | Pakistan | imran khan | imran khan news | imran khan pakistan | pakistan prime minister imran khan | pti
Pakistan: Imran Khan’s problems are not reducing, the court refuses to cancel the arrest warrant Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party on Monday challenged in the Islamabad High Court the arrest warrant issued against Khan for non-appearance in the Islamabad District and Sessions Court. Image Source: FILE Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan Islamabad: Former Pakistan prime…
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newscast1 · 2 years
Ex-Pak Army chief Bajwa favoured Imran Khan in Bani Gala house case, claims PM Sharif’s aide
Ex-Pak Army chief Bajwa favoured Imran Khan in Bani Gala house case, claims PM Sharif’s aide
Former Pakistan Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa influenced the then chief justice to favour ousted premier Imran Khan in his Bani Gala house case, a top aide to Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has claimed. Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan (L) and ex-Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa. (File photo)/PTI) By Press Trust of India: Former Pakistan Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa influenced…
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ainews18 · 1 year
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