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In this video, we'll dive deep into the world of income, exploring the two main sources: primary income and side hustles. We'll break down what each means and explore the different options available to you. Whether you're looking to land that dream job or create an extra income stream, this video will equip you with the knowledge you need to navigate the exciting world of making money.
Click on the link to watch the full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ge1E-OIcSfg
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I love your posts! How do you study and what do you read to know so much?
Yay! I get to recommend my favourite sources!
So for primary sources (first-hand accounts, letters written by people who were involved or connected to a certain event or person) I recommend:
https://founders.archives.gov/ - has lots of transcripts of letters written by or to the founding fathers.
https://www.loc.gov/ - has a wide range of revolutionary war related material like manuscripts, transcripts, maps, books and more made or written by the soldiers of the time.
https://www.masshist.org/ - has online exhibitions featuring maps, accounts of events, letters, artifacts and drawings relating to 18th century Massachusetts, the colony most important when studying the early years of the revolutionary war. I really like their Bunker hill exhibit and their one on the early days of the revolutionary war
https://clements.umich.edu/exhibit/spy-letters-of-the-american-revolution/ - an online exhibition on the Culper Spy Ring and military intelligence from both sides of the war featuring letters that directly affected the war's battles and the outcomes of said battles. It's also got mini biographies, a timeline and lots of anecdotes.
https://avalon.law.yale.edu/subject_menus/amerrev.asp - Just a lot of documents in chronological order starting from a year before the Stamp Act was passed by parliament to the surrender at Yorktown. Just try to ignore the misspelling of the word 'Britain'.
https://www.archives.gov/exhibits - admittedly not a site I'm very well acquainted with however I used it as a source in my really long post about standard Continental army soldier uniforms and it was very pleasant.
https://guides.bpl.org/primarysources/revolutionarywar - I love this one, they have so many resources and if you click on the link and scroll down it'll give you a nice list of places to find information on the five most popular founding fathers and just underneath that you can find lists of information on important political events.
All 6 American Archive volumes by Peter Force - I dream of one day having these books, they're the holy grail for anyone wanting to learn about the revolutionary war. They're filled with correspondence, state papers and debates from the war and I want them BADLY
I will make a separate post for tumblr users that I use as sources sometimes because there's too many of you people and frankly I want to get all of you in without having this post be absurdly long
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Images from the front in WW1, trout fishing in the Laurentians, and Lord Chief Justice's opinion on beer! #PrimarySource Newspapers are great for revealing life in the past to students: https://ift.tt/nkx2N3a Posted by @paulrombough.bsky.social - Paul Rombough @ LEARN https://ift.tt/Uk06roh
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*#antman #resurrectionweek* http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Resurrection Skeptics say: 'You cannot quote the Bible for proof of the resurrection.' But the Bible is not a single book. It's actually a set of books/letters authored by multiple individuals. Paul's 50 AD letter to Corinthians, a *#primarysource,* refers to more than five hundred people seeing the risen Jesus. 1Cor 15:6. His point: 'Most of those are alive. Just ask them.' *#heisrisen*
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writing a kick ass lesson plan rn. #primarysources #lectureanddiscussion #introwelcomingactivity #exitticket
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*#ஸ்டார்வார்ஸ் #ஹலோ #எழுந்தார் #உயிர்த்தெழுதல்வாரம்* http://ta.ChristianityOriginal.com/Resurrection நாத்திகவாதிகள் நீங்கள் உயிர்த்தெழுதலை நிரூபிக்க பைபிள் மேற்கோள் சொல்லமுடியாது என்பர். ஆனால் பைபிள் என்பது வெவ்வேறு ஆசிரியர்களால் எழுதப்பட்ட புத்தகங்கள்/கடிதங்கள் ஆகியவற்றின் ஒரு தொகுப்பு ஆகும். பவுல் கொரிந்தியர்க்கு (50 கிபியில்) எழுதின கடிதம், ஒரு *#முதற்கண்ஆதாரம் #primarysource* ஆகும். அதில் அவர் 500க்கும் மேற்பட்ட மக்கள் உயிர்த்தெழுந்த இயேசுவைக் கண்டதை நினைவூட்டுகிறார் (1கொரி15:6). அவர்களில் பெரும்பாலோர் கடிதம் எழுதின தருணம் உயிருடன் இருப்பதையும் குறிப்பிடுகிறார். உயிர்தெழுதலில் சந்தேகமா? "நேரில் தரிசித்த ஆட்களிடமே போய் கேள்!" என அர்த்தப்படும்படி எழுதுகிறார்! *#இயேசுஉயிர்த்தெழுந்தார்* https://www.facebook.com/ChristianityOriginalTamil/photos/a.2028838140708019/3589705834621234/?type=3
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*#ஸ்டார்வார்ஸ் #ஹலோ #எழுந்தார் #உயிர்த்தெழுதல்வாரம்* http://ta.ChristianityOriginal.com/Resurrection நாத்திகவாதிகள் நீங்கள் உயிர்த்தெழுதலை நிரூபிக்க பைபிள் மேற்கோள் சொல்லமுடியாது என்பர். ஆனால் பைபிள் என்பது வெவ்வேறு ஆசிரியர்களால் எழுதப்பட்ட புத்தகங்கள்/கடிதங்கள் ஆகியவற்றின் ஒரு தொகுப்பு ஆகும். பவுல் கொரிந்தியர்க்கு (50 கிபியில்) எழுதின கடிதம், ஒரு *#முதற்கண்ஆதாரம் #primarysource* ஆகும். அதில் அவர் 500க்கும் மேற்பட்ட மக்கள் உயிர்த்தெழுந்த இயேசுவைக் கண்டதை நினைவூட்டுகிறார் (1கொரி15:6). அவர்களில் பெரும்பாலோர் கடிதம் எழுதின தருணம் உயிருடன் இருப்பதையும் குறிப்பிடுகிறார். உயிர்தெழுதலில் சந்தேகமா? "நேரில் தரிசித்த ஆட்களிடமே போய் கேள்!" என அர்த்தப்படும்படி எழுதுகிறார்! *#இயேசுஉயிர்த்தெழுந்தார்* https://www.facebook.com/ChristianityOriginalTamil/photos/a.2028838140708019/3589705834621234/?type=3
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In His Voice: The Narrative of an 19th Century Dumfries Apprentice
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
“I was born in Prince William County, Virginia, in the year 1795, in a little town known by the name of Dumfries.” John Malvin wrote and published his autobiography in 1879 noting that he wrote this, “…in behalf of the American Slave, and the equal rights of all men before the law without reference to race or color…” While Alexander Henderson enslaved his father, his mother was free at the time of his birth, meaning he was also free. Apprenticed to Alexander Henderson, his narrative detailed his experiences working for Henderson’s clerk John Griffith along with the release of apprenticeship upon Henderson’s death.
Henderson assigned Malvin to assist Griffith and work in the fields before Henderson directed Griffith and Malvin to his property in then Wood County, Virginia in 1807. He noted he had similar responsibilities as before and, “Though I was an apprentice, I was treated little better than a slave myself. For my clothing, I was supplied every year with one pair of shoes, two pairs of tow linen pantaloons, one pair of negro cotton pantaloons, and a negro cotton round jacket. My food consisted of one peck of corn meal a week. Sometimes I received a supply of salt, but they were very sparing of that luxury, and I was compelled most of the time to go without it. I was obliged to resort to other means to obtain food.”
Apprenticeships, indentured servants, and enslaved were all forms of voluntary, involuntary, and forced labor in Virginia. Malvin specifically noted he was “bound out to this Henderson as an apprentice”. While in 1662 the Virginia General Assembly determined that “Negros womens children to serve according to the condition of the mother” keeping Malvin free, the Assembly included in a 1672 premable “And that the Respective County Courts shall and hereby are authorized and impowered to place out all Children whose Parents are not able to bring them up, apprentices to Trades: The males till one and twenty years of Age, and the Females to other necessary imployments until eighteen years of Age and no longer.” Parish churchwardens reported any children they felt were inadequately cared for and parents could also request courts to apprentice their children. There were differences between apprentices and indentured servants as apprentices received education in their assigned trade and served a purpose to further a particular trade or craft in that field. Indentured servants in Virginia met specific labor demands in exchange for transportation, food, clothing, and maybe land (depending upon the year & availability of land in the colony at that time). In 1642-1643, the General Assembly ruled how to indenture children immigrants and later adjusted these ages in the 1657-1658 session. Clearly, children were put to work.
As noted by Malvin and countless others, experience greatly determined upon the person arranging the contract, your status in the community, and color. While Henderson placed Malvin under the guidance of Griffith as a clerk, Malvin noted he worked in the fields, blacked Griffith’s boots, took care of his horse, and attended to him personally. As Malvin grew older on Henderson’s farms, Malvin described his “adventurous spirit” emphasizing how him and his cabin-mate procured hogs and sheep without alerting anyone. When Malvin informed Griffith of accidental property damage, such as boiling his shirt into ashes, “he gave me a severe flogging, and through the whole winter I was obliged to go without a shirt on my back and no covering but my jacket.” Malvin described worse floggings but “I never got an opportunity to be revenged upon him, as in 1813 Mr. Henderson died, and I was at liberty again…”* Malvin then returned to his parents presumably near Dumfries. He learned carpentry from his father and writing from “…an old slave who was past labor, and who lived in a cabin three miles from where I did, and who by some means had learned to read. He could read the Bible quite readily, and he consented to teach me to read and spell. We obtained light to read by means of pine knots, which I would go out and find in the dark by feeling with my feet. I would carry them to the old man’s cabin and put them in the fire-place. We did not dare to talk loud, lest we should be overheard, and had to confine ourselves to whispers.” After learning how to read, he attended a local Baptist church where officials denied his application to preach due to his color. Lee Lansing and other historians attempted to identify the enslaved person and church, but could not name a definite location or structure.
(Burr, David H, and John Arrowsmith. The American atlas, exhibiting the post offices, post roads, rail roads, canals, and the physical & political divisions of the United States of North America. [London?: John Arrowsmith, 1839] Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <www.loc.gov/item/2009582191/>)
“I affectionately took leave of my parents, with nothing but my clothes that were on my back, and an extra shirt, and started a foot on my journey, by way of what was called the Winchester Road. The first village I came to after crossing Cedar Run, was Brentsville; the second was Hay Market…” This was only the beginning of Malvin’s incredible journey and life as he later advocated for education, lead the black community in Cleveland, Ohio, and received the license to preach denied him in Virginia.
*Alexander Henderson died in 1815.
Note: As we look forward to the first of the summer holidays this weekend, we are also planning for a great Juneteenth jubilee! You can find those programs, as well as a special free virtual book club opportunity sponsored by Leaf & Petal, on our website here! Scroll down to access The Weems-Botts tour schedule along with all seasonal program links.
(Sources: Malvin, John. Autobiography of John Malvin. A Narrative. Cleveland: Leader Printing Company, 1879; Price, Lynn. “Poore Billy”: Apprenticeships in Late 18th Century Virginia. The Washington Papers Blog, https://washingtonpapers.org/poore-billy-apprenticeships-in-late-18th-century-virginia/; Mason, May Ann, From Father’s Property to Children’s Rights: A History of Child Custody Preview, Book Preview via Berkeley Law, Columbia University Press, 1994, https://www.law.berkeley.edu/our-faculty/faculty-sites/mary-ann-mason/books/from-fathers-property-to-childrens-rights-a-history-of-child-custody-preview/; Wolfe, Brendan. "Indentured Servants in Colonial Virginia" Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Humanities, (10 Nov. 2021). Web. 24 May. 2022; Case Western Reserve University: Encyclopedia of Cleveland History: Malvin, John, https://case.edu/ech/articles/m/malvin-john)
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In WW1, the German military allegedly processed the fat from the bodies of their fallen soldiers in special “corpse-utilization factories.” British propagandists received this information and purposely mistranslated the German term of animal carcass into “human corpse.”
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#MothersMilk #breastmilk #lifesource #breastmilkcoffeecreamer #breastmilkcoffeebar #mammarymilk #creamer #primarysource #proteinvitaminsandminerals #newbornfood #willvaultzphotography #fillyourframe https://www.instagram.com/p/CMNUm5dBChy/?igshid=1fndkrrhg9ig5
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Bought a primary source on WW1 era fashion- a page from the March 1916 issue of McCalls Magazine. Using this as inspiration for my submission @foundationsrevealed ‘s Once Upon a Time contest! #historicalcostuming #foundationsrevealedcontest2021 #primarysource #costumedesign #dresshistory https://www.instagram.com/p/CGtBiukHg8S/?igshid=qsmmls1rvrzn
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Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 💯% Whey Protein Isolate • Primary Source 5 Lbs (2.27 kgs) Available Now Msg Me For Discount Rate #protein #on #onwhey #onwheyprotein #onwheygoldstandard #optimum #optimumnutrition #goldstandard #primarysource #isolate #isolated #isolates #whey #wheyproteinshake #wheyisolate #wheyproteinisolate #wheybolic #wheygoldstandard #wheygold #wheyprotien #bestwhey #wheyisolado #bestprotein #mywhey #nitrotechwheygold #hydrowhey #whey_protein (at Vasai) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_ShO0fg4oA/?igshid=vgshmjlgasja
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Great to know that museums use Google Arts and Culture to publish extensive collections of paintings. #primarysource For Medieval Age in Secondary 1/2, check out https://ift.tt/Z7w5JDz Posted by @paulrombough.bsky.social - Paul Rombough @ LEARN https://ift.tt/K8vzW5c
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*#starwars #hellothere #generalkenobi #obiwankenobi* http://ChristianityOriginal.com/Resurrection Skeptics say: 'You cannot quote the Bible for proof of the resurrection.' But the Bible is not a single book. It's actually a set of books/letters authored by multiple individuals. Paul's 50 AD letter to Corinthians, a *#primarysource,* refers to more than five hundred people seeing the risen Jesus. 1Cor 15:6. His point back then to his readers: 'Most of those witnesses are alive. Just ask them.' *#heisrisen* https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=609580537867065&set=a.549191003906019&type=3
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Today's post highlights the work of one of our former interns, Maria Adamson, who interned with us virtually this past fall as a part of the Cultural Fieldwork Initiative (CFI), a partnership with the Temple University College of Education Social Studies faculty and more than 30 regional cultural institutions. We have two new teaching activities that focus on identification papers of several Chinese people who were “on exhibit” in an ethnographic display in Philadelphia in 1899. You can use The Chinese Village Exhibit at the 1899 Export Exposition for high school, or Contextualizing a Photograph: On Exhibit at the “Chinese Village” for middle school, while teaching about immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Act, imperialism, or while teaching the history of anthropology, “otherness,” and living ethnological displays. Check out Maria's blog post, along with links to her activities, here.
#Chinese Exclusion Act#ChineseExclusion#ChineseExclusionAct#Chinese Exclusion#History#Archives#Primary Sources#PrimarySources#Research#Teachers#HistoryTeachers#History Teachers#Lesson Plan#LessonPlans
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Primary Source
After thinking about my big topic question about animal testing, it got me thinking: who could I actually talk to, in regards to if animal testing is ethical or not? I did some further research looking for labs around my area that may be able to help me answer this question. I reached out to MB Research Laboratories to see if I would be able to speak with someone who is familiar with the topic.
I was able to get in touch with one of the employees that work in the labs. But before I conducted my interview, I did some more background research on this company. Throughout each website I visited, they all mention the phrases “in vitro,” meaning tests completed in a test tube, and also “in vivo,” which means a test performed on a living organism. I thought it was interesting that online, it does not clearly mention if this lab uses animals for their research (in vivo). This is something that I really wanted to find out from the person I talked to.
Emailing back and forth was the way I was able to get in contact with this person. No name is supposed to be disclosed for privacy reasonings for the company. The person I got in contact with also did not give me a direct answer about whether or not their company uses animals for testing new products. I found this very interesting because the person I talked to kind of went around my question.
I figured that I was not going to get an answer to that question, so I asked if anything new was happening to the lab. In fact, as of March 7, 2019, MB Research Labs and SenzaGen signed a contract together. SenzaGen practices an animal-free testing environment in their labs. As this was being explained to me, I was understanding this as that the company may have used some sort of animal testing, and now they are trying to move away from that and follow SenzaGen.
Completing this interview opened up my eyes a bit more. Some of the these labs really do keep secrets about what happens behind their doors. I will keep searching to see if I can find a company that will actually show what they do in the labs.
This photo is from the MB Research Lab website
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