#primaris dreadnought
alphamecha-mkii · 6 months
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Primaris Dreadnought by Catherine O'Connor
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The problem with [primaris] dreadnoughts
Since I've been seein it around a lot, I will note that whats arguably the actual problem with the old firstborn dreadnought being 'squated' in favour of the shiny new primaris dreadnought model is that the new primaris dreadnought looks to much like the old one but messes enough with the design to make it unpleasant/unpalatable to look at.
namely the legs having an extra joint, its most obvious on the ballistus dready but that extra joint [at the knee] throws the whole design off balance by giving it legs that are ironically too long for its bodies design and shape to not be uncanny. the castaferrum is a squat lil dwarfy boy for dreadnoughts, but the primaris dreadies have the contemptor legs essentially which are designed for tall narrower/rounded bois with more human proportions. so you get the uncanny valley of a dwarf with long human legs.
and i can already point ya to a pair of legs that would have worked better for the primaris dreadies, and thats the leviathan.
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the leviathan is not a dwarf dreadnought its a big honker, but it shares a general silhouette with the castraferrum in the sense of being wide and boxy, with what is essentially a squat posture. and its legs are designed to lean into that visual aesthetic being effectively more compact so more of the designs outline rests on the upper portion giving it a more solid appearance of weight. compare that to the contemptor
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who has legs that are not only obviously thinner but obviously much taller in proportion to its body. and finally compare that to the primaris redemptor
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whos legs are thin and tall [and even look more like the contemptors legs then the leviathans legs]. and to drive the point in compare to the ballistus as well which better highlights the problem
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and for the sake of comparison heres a mortis castraferrum to further contrast things
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wh40kartwork · 3 months
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183 notes · View notes
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Primaris Dreadnought by Catherine O'Connor
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swan2swan · 3 months
People: "But--but he can't be that old, his age was revealed to only be sixty-five in Donald Starr's 2008 novel Crash Point, and reaffirmed in the 2012 Guide to the Jedi Order and Chronology of the Clone Wars guidebooks!"
Me: *pointing to medal on my SW Fan uniform* "Do you see this? This was awarded to me for surviving the Spaarti Clone Cylinder Retcon of 2002. Rushed clone production without yslamari was canonized, Kamino became the planet, and Boba Fett is now a clone. Note the Jaster Mereel pip. They awarded these back when retcons were truly upsetting. To children."
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Lamenters with support unit!
Write to [email protected] to get a quote!
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voices-of-favor · 1 year
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"Even in death, I still serve."
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titanomancy · 2 years
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Why'd they paint this Furioso Dreadnought blue?
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zagpi · 2 years
Day 194: Heavy pew pew robo boy
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Theoretically, could a Primarch be put into a Dreadnought? Or does their anatomy differ so drastically from an Astartes that it wouldn't work?
So, there isn’t anything that explicitly prevents a non-astartes from being wired into a dreadnought. Custodes, who are very biologically different to Space Marines, have dreadnoughts of their own, and some amongst the forces of chaos are perfectly happy to chuck someone that really fucks them off into an available dreadnought sarcophagus.
The two primary reasons you don’t see anyone less than an astartes in a dreadnought are pretty simple; availability and strain. Dreadnoughts are rather rare and expensive to maintain and repair. Furthermore, interment into a dreadnought is both extremely painful and psychologically taxing, even for a space marine. Simply being wired into a dreadnought sarcophagus can drive a marine insane, or force them to need to sleep off the experience for many years. After that you have to factor in the constant pain the occupant will experience (because the pain lessens, but doesn’t go away) and the mental effects of being alive like that for so long. That’s why chapters have their dreadnoughts sleep as much as possible; so as to spare them the effects of existing like that and (ideally) keep them from losing their minds for as long as they can.
When you factor these things together (again, availability and strain), it’s pretty obvious why the Imperium, which is very weird and ritualistic about technology at the best of times, wouldn’t be keen on sticking just anyone inside such a vehicle.
Chaos, though? Much more willing to put naughty people inside the forever boxes. But anyway.
You could definitely put a Primarch inside a dreadnought. In fact, their superior physical and mental resilience would likely make them more reliable candidates for the process. You could even stick them in the fancier ones that slowly kill the occupants and they’d last longer!
Great question!
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x-eli-copter-x · 1 month
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THE SWORD OF THE KING, the primary weapon of The King's Gaze Imperial dreadnought.
Rebel Moon Director's Cut Chapter One: Chalice of Blood.
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libraryofbronze · 6 months
Uncharted Worlds: A Tale of Collars and Domination (Scifi, Commission, Erotica, Humiliation, Noncon, Slave-training)
Space heaved and broiled. Reality twisted, frenzied tendrils of ravening space-time lashed like living things. Coruscating waves of raw, searing energy danced across the void in a show of primal power that had not been seen in this place for a million years.
The great ship tore its way through unreality. Her gleaming purple hull alight with the fires of creation. Tendrils danced across her sides, caressing her like the gentle touch of a lover.
If such a touch was able to melt steel like butter. 
Her name was the Immaculance, and she was an elegant ship. The very picture of beauty. Her frame was sweeping and soft. Every rough edge or sharp angle had been sanded away. She was a majestic mistress of the stars, a lonesome noble wandering the void. A symbol of the Xelluloid empire, just as every ship of her class was. 
She was long and angled, her main body flanked by two close-set wings which swept outwards from her front. The wedge-like shape this created presented a shield of solid metal which covered the glittering array of engines that pushed her forward. Her tone was a deep purple, and even as she recovered from the stress of arrival, new lights began to wink into existence across her slender body. 
She was massive; a dreadnought class ship, she was almost three miles long. Her sides glittered with weapons, twisting turrets were already aligning to their newest target. The faintest sheen of a crackling shield traced empty space around her. Primary lance batteries hummed with the promise of destructive power sufficient to scorch the surface of worlds. 
A beautiful thing, she was. A symbol, an image of immaculate elegance to live up to her name.
But this image had teeth. 
A small, blue-green world lay directly in her path. It was not, in the grand scheme of things, an important world. It was not highly developed. It possessed a basic orbital net, some satellites, and a small dockyard. The planet itself played host to only a few cities, all clustered together on the eastern continent. As cities went, they were small. Hardly even worth such a grandiose descriptor.
It was a colony world and usually, such a thing as this would warrant no attention at all and certainly not from the Xelluloid empire. 
But as they say, sometimes you roll the dice and sometimes you get unlucky. 
On the bridge of the Immaculance, her commander - Ashara - gazed at the scene via a holographic display. Her command throne took up the majority of the sunken pit into which the bridge was placed. Around her, a dozen officers worked their own consoles. The holographic images floated eerily, dominating the space above the pit.
There was a single raised path which led away from the bridge, flanked by soldiers who stood to rapt attention. 
Ashara paid them no mind. She was used to them. Used to the normal bustle of the bridge too. Her singular focus was on the crystal-clear image of the world below. The smallest hint of a smile touched her face. 
“Found them. Took a while. The last reports from the scouts were garbled.”
“Commander!” The sensor officer turned. He was a massive, bulky being. Four armed and an insectile frame with the head of a beetle and a set of nasty jaws. 
“Sensors active! Detecting a vessel moving towards us!”
“Power readings?”
“Fusion. Based on readings, I’d say it’s cruiser class, mid-tier.”
“Mid-tier?” She raised a finger and stroked her chin, gazing thoughtfully at the planet. “Impressive, but it’s not going to be enough. Give me the image.”
“Yes, commander.”
The hologram split smoothly. One half showed the image of the world while the other zoomed in on a distant speck. It quickly resolved itself into the form of a ship. It was blunt, snub-nosed. A crude reflection of the Immaculance’s elegant design. It looked like a mountain that had learned to fly, with slabs of armour crudely stitched across its superstructure. Patches of burnt metal indicated previous weapon strikes. 
“The work of the scouts, I presume,” Ashara muttered to herself. 
She gazed at the ship, then the planet below. There was no doubt about it. This new species was bothersome. To the Xelluloid Empire, fusion technology was old hat. This species hadn’t even fully mastered it. Their control was clearly crude. 
And yet with the damage they had done…
A new species represented a new thorn in the side of the empire just when it needed it least. There were far more important things to deal with. Rivals were rising, old enemies resurgent. The Xelluloid didn’t need the annoyance of an upstart new race that didn’t know the rules. 
Ashara was an Areh’a. It was said that all of the full member species of the Empire were equals, but if that was the case, the Areh’a were more equal than others. They were intelligent, ruthless, empire-builders by nature. And in the social pyramid that was imperial life, Ashara and her kind were at the top. 
She’d been told to deal with this situation. In any way she cared to. 
“I’m receiving a communication request from the alien vessel. Shall I patch it through?”
“Is there a point? Lock target, Prime weapons. As soon as we’re in range, open fire.”
The Immaculance fired first. Fifty turrets spun, crude, proto-AI targeting systems locked and spat a hellstorm of blistering fire across the void of space. The tiny bolts lanced into the enemy vessel, but they were pinpricks. The aliens easily endured it.
Ashara had expected nothing less. 
“No shield, but heavy armour. I have confirmed fusion power. Bringing us closer now.”
“Good,” Ashara said. “But be cautious. If they don’t have shields, all of that power is going to the weapons. Don’t assume their return fire will fall within the standard range. It’ll be stronger.”
“Yes, commander.”
“Bolster shields, continue fire with the turrets. They won’t do much, but it’ll keep them on their toes. Charge lance batteries.”
The enemy ship fired. A massive dorsal cannon spat something hard and fast, which sleeted through space like a spear! Ashara’s eyes widened fractionally, a moment later, a dozen alarms began to scream. The weapon hit them. Hard. Their shield held for a moment before bursting inwards in an explosion of light. The weapon ploughed into their starboard side, ripping a jagged wound into the Immaculance. 
Then it detonated. The secondary explosion swept through them and for a moment, the ship seemed to convulse in agony.
“Report!” She snapped. 
“Heavy damage to starboard side! Engines five and six offline. Power generators are fluctuating wildly in that area and damage control teams are dealing with the fire. Reporting raised radiation in that section. Crew loss unknown, but presumed high.”
“What in the nine worlds was that?”
“Analysis coming in now… it was a mass driver round.”
“A mass driver? You must be joking! Our shields should have taken that and laughed.”
“Mass Driver with unusual ammunition,” the officer said firmly. “On-board fusion plant, I think. It destabilised our shields and went straight through. After it hit us, it detonated.”
He looked up, examining the holographic display.
“I suppose that’s how they dealt with the scouts.”
Usually, Ashara didn’t allow free talk like that on her bridge. She preferred things to be professional, efficient. But in this case, she was willing to permit it. 
“Enemy vessel approaching! More mass drivers are being primed! We have four, five, six more rounds incoming!” 
Ashara tilted her head, a savage joy sprang up inside of her at the thought of a fight. 
“Shield status?”
“Adapted. They won’t punch through again.”
“Coming into lance range within seconds, commander.”
“Good. They got a cheap shot, and I can see how they dealt with the scouts now. But if they think that’s enough to put a dreadnought down, they’re in for a very nasty surprise. Charge lance batteries, but hold fire until after their next round.”
“Aye, commander.”
If there was any confusion about her orders, they kept it to themselves. There was no logical reason they had to endure the enemy’s fire before striking back. In fact, doing so was a tactical mistake. It exposed them to the possibility of further damage if their shield adaptations were less than successful. 
But Ashara knew better. Sometimes the important thing was to make a point. 
Six more fusion-driven mass drivers screamed through the void. It was meant to be a kill shot, calibrated with lethal accuracy. But this time, the Immaculance was ready. Her shields flared against the impact. A hissing, snarling wall of swirling energy locked into place, barring their way. The ammunition - thick, heavy spheres of metal - glowed red hot, shedding trails of molten magma like blood. 
Then the first one detonated. The second, the third. All of them went, a rippling chain of explosions which battered the Immaculance like a storm.
But this time, she held and as her sleek, elegant form swept past the new debris field, she returned fire with her own primary weapon. 
The lance was the go-to weapon of any civilised society. A beam of condensed energy swept forward like a scalpel. Powered by the full capacity of a dreadnought class Xeluloid ship of war, there was very little that could stand in its way and live. 
The first lance flickered into existence, catching the alien vessel across the stern. Its armour churned and melted, waves of red-hot liquid cascading from the wound only to flash-freeze in the cold of space. The lance punched through, running from one side of the ship to the other, impaling it on a blade of searing light.
But lances were fired in batteries. Not even had the first deadly blow landed than its fellows joined in. The enemy ship was bisected and impaled in a dozen places. Run through again and again. Her superstructure collapsed and her fusion plants began to go off one after the other. Rippling chains of fire raced across her sides as she was torn apart from within. 
“And that,” Ashara said, “is why you can’t trade shields for armour and expect to win a fight.”
The enemy ship was gone. Reduced to a twisted, broken hull and a rapidly expanding field of scrap metal. The Immaculance ploughed through, moving towards the now helpless planet below.
Ashara considered. She could destroy it. Order bombardment and wipe it out. It was only a colony, not the main world. If she killed it, her superiors would probably consider her job done. It would be a harsh, painful lesson for the new species but from such things was wisdom gained. 
She certainly could do that.
But it would be a waste of such a wonderfully inventive species. 
“Commander?” her first officer asked, “orders?”
“Prepare landers,” she said. “I want the planet brought into compliance.”
“You mean we’re invading?”
“Oh yes,” she gave a small, subtle smile. Behind the great and elegant shape of the ancient spacecraft, a dozen more small rifts appeared as her attendant fleet began to emerge. Eager to join the invasion.  
Maya’s world had become an endless haze of pleasure, chasing and circling in an infinite pattern. Throbbing waves of heat swept across her naked skin. Tendrils of sensation twisted about her, filling her every moment, her every motion, her every thought.  
It was a kind of agonised ecstasy; a kind of generalised pleasure where individual parts of her body had long since blurred together. Her pussy, her clit, Her breasts. They’d all merged into one solid wall of feeling. Become an ocean of stimulation into which she was sinking deeper and deeper.
Bound, she could only jerk. The surging waves broke against her like a tide, like a current in the great ocean which tossed her like a helpless vessel caught in a storm. Her frantic gasps filled the dark room; bouncing off the strange metal walls in the tight prison cell. 
She was captive, collared. Kneeling on the cold bulkhead. The mag-locks on her cuffs kept her arms twisted behind her back. The pad on which she knelt locked her legs in place the same way. A thin, metal limb raised up, pressing between her legs until it was inches from her clit. 
It was sparking with electricity. Screaming, saw-toothed lightning played across her most sensitive area, battering her and leaving her gasping and wailing. 
Her mind - when she could manage to think at all - was awhirl with confusion. Dread, lust and shame. How could this be happening to her? Why wasn’t it stopping? She’d cum so many times! The machine didn’t just stimulate her clit, but also her breasts and her pussy. Sometimes, it was soft and gentle, giving her a deep and pleasurable buzz. Sometimes, it was sharp and urgent, blasting her until she was a mewling, soaking mess. 
But it never stopped, and she never stopped cumming. Her mind reeled. She should have hit her limit by now. Why was it that she couldn’t stop? Why was it that it kept going?
How could one woman feel this good? 
The tingling waves danced across her clit, cruel and slow. The alien toy that had been inserted into her pussy buzzed, vibrating madly between her lower lips. Her eyes rolled back and she whimpered. 
“I-I’m a soldier of the Terran defence force! I’m a soldier-I-I’m a soldier of-”
Her voice cut off, choking into mangled gasps. A rictus of ecstasy pounded through her. She was so hot and tight, she was going to cum again!
How did it feel to cum like this? Her body was tight, her muscles coiled like iron serpents. Under her skin, her tendons were steel wires. Her pale skin was slicked with sweat, and her light brown-blonde hair was tangled and wild. 
Pumping, throbbing waves invaded her body. Heat and wetness surged through her in alternate intervals. Her chest rose and fell, and as her eyes caught sight of her nipples, she felt another surge of shame. 
They had been pierced.
The aliens had pierced her! 
A metal barbell ran through each one, still sore from the insertion. They had used some kind of cream to augment her healing, but it still hurt. Worse, they’d done something else to her too. She was more sensitive. Not just her nipples, but also her clit which-
Maya thrashed. A crackling bolt of electricity earthed itself in her most delicate place. It carved through her like a blade, sharp and cold with evil pleasure. It impaled her, straddling the line between ecstasy and torture.
She wriggled.The sounds of her heaving breaths filled the darkness. She’d been a captive only for a few days but already could feel herself breaking down. 
“I have to fight…”
Her voice was soft, low and weak.. But hearing anything at all steadied her nerves, It reminded her of who she was. 
But fight for what? It was over. She’d been captured. The whole unit had been captured. She remembered the rippling explosions; the throaty bark of the alien weapons as they tore through hardened positions like they were clay. She remembered James shouting to her, tossing her a clip as the door came crashing down. 
Then, she was here. Naked, alone. Bound to this machine by magnetic locks. Trapped in orgasmic torment. 
Her clit had been pierced.
Her fucking clit!
Fat tongues of blue crackled across her pussy. The orgasm tore through her, but this time, the stimulation didn’t shut off. It kept going, the charge building and building. She tried to twist away but her restraints held her fast. Her cries were low at first, but growing louder and louder, desperation mounting upon itself, the static earthed in the piercings which adorned her clitoris and her nipples.
It was agony. 
It was ecstasy. 
It was complete and utter submission to know that this cold machine could play her body like an instrument. Maya jerked and convulsed, shaking violently as she approached her limit.
It was going to stop now, wasn’t it? It had to stop now! She couldn’t take much more! 
But it was still going. Still building. Static tongues licked and caressed her, driving into her most sensitive areas until her explosive orgasm was followed by a second, then a third, then a fourth. 
Why wouldn’t it stop?!
Suddenly, just when she felt sure that she was doomed to exist like this forever, the power cut. Not just the electricity, but also the force which bound her collar and cuffs. Maya collapsed forward. The floor was hard and cold; the machine which had been tormenting her pulled back, folding itself into the wall with a whirring of gears and moving parts. Even the toy which had been inside of her was removed and stowed.
Maya couldn’t think. Her pussy throbbed, her clit tingled, the increased sensitivity made even the gentle caress of the wind a torture she could barely endure. 
There came a swishing sound. The smooth, graceful opening of a metal door. A shaft of light touched her for the first time in days. Maya groaned, blinking as a figure entered the room. One of the aliens. 
It was a female. Slender, with blue skin and purple hair. A pair of horns crowned her head. She was clad in barely anything. Her legs and arms were kept free, a length of trailing fabric obscured her lower self and her upper body was covered by a shirt with a plunging neckline so low, that it nearly counted as two shirts. 
Maya tried to speak. To gasp out a question, even just to beg for some time to collect herself. But the alien didn’t allow it. With one high-heeled boot, she pressed a foot into Maya’s side, flipping her over with an absurd ease. 
Maya had seen a few aliens like this before. Not many. They were the commanders, the leaders. They never seemed to have a rank any less than squad captain.
But this one was more than that. She was domineering, her presence filled up the room. Her body was lithe and graceful, true, but it was in the way of a predator. Like the sleek fur of a wolf, or the graceful motion of a shark. She was obviously someone who was more than used to getting her own way. 
“Slave,” she said - and Maya’s eyes widened - “is this any way to greet your owner?”
“I can understand you!”
“Of course,” the alien said. “We ensured that you would be able to. It was part of your modifications. What would be the point of a slave who could not comprehend orders? Utterly worthless!”
“I’m not a slave,” Maya managed to push herself to her knees again. She felt like a newborn. Her muscles were still spasming. There was no strength to her at all.
The other woman gave a low, throaty chuckle. 
“You think so? You will soon learn otherwise. Both you and your partner.”
“My partner?”
It only took a moment for the coin to drop.
“James! Where is he? What have you done to him? If you’ve hurt him, I’ll-”
The woman moved fast, her hand lashed out, delivering a stinging blow to Maya’s face! Usually, that wouldn’t have been enough to floor her, but she was still weak. Still shaking. She crashed to the ground, tumbling back against the hard metal. 
“Do you think that you have any power to ask questions here, girl?”
The alien hovered her foot over her body, the pointed edge of her heel pressed down against the throbbing mass of her clit. She couldn’t believe what was happening, but even the slightest pressure made her wriggle. She whimpered pathetically, her hands bunched, there were tears in her eyes. 
The alien pressed down. Her clit blazed with sensation. Wet droplets of arousal stained her pussy, and her hands weakly moved, clawing at the boot with no real strength. 
“Are you so sure you’re not a slave?” The alien asked in a teasing, mocking tone. “I’ve not heard such good whimpers in a long time. Usually desperation has to be taught. But to you, it comes naturally. You call yourself Terrans, don’t you? It seems you take to bondage well.”
The woman ground her heel against Maya’s clit, pressing downwards with just enough force to make her whimpers louder and more desperate. 
“I am Ashara,” spoke the alien. “I command this ship, I am the one who brought your colony to its knees. The one who will also lead the attack against your home and bring your people into the empire.”
She removed her heel and Maya loosed a sigh of relief. Her body pounded, her pulse beat in her head. Distantly, she realised that Ashara was holding a leash of some kind. It was made of a synthetic fabric she didn’t recognise, and it ended in a magnetic clip. She thought it was going to go to the collar around her neck.
But the alien woman had a far more insidious plan for it. She dangled it between Maya’s sprawled legs, and the magnet in the clip snapped into place against the piercing in her clit. Maya bucked, the sudden impact sent ripples through her but not as much as the tug that followed. Her mouth opened in a yelping cry, the thing was holding on tight! 
“On your feet, slave. It’s time to introduce you to your new home.”
The woman pulled, - tight - and Maya was forced to her feet. She stumbled, her legs were numb. The tightness of the leash connected to her clit made her stagger. It pulled, incessantly and with no mercy. 
This had to be a nightmare, surely? She wasn’t really about to be led by the clit through an alien spaceship? 
The doorway opened up into a long hall. Entrances to other interrogation rooms marked the walls at regular intervals. Aliens moved back and forth, and the instant that she stepped beyond the doorway, Maya was hit by the sound of it all. 
Moaning, gasping, shrieking. The sobs of defeat and submission and the high-pitched sounds of pleasure. The noise of humiliation drifted through the air, carried to her ears from many of the rooms. With a cold, sinking feeling, Maya realised that her own cries had been part of this chorus not ten minutes ago. 
And not only that. 
The walls of the corridor were lined with machines. Interlocking pipes and wires of metal fastened with cuffs. Maya blanched, recognising many of the men and women who had been put in them. They were rocking, shaking, moaning in ecstasy. The aliens played with them like toys, forcing them to cum. Teasing their bodies with fingers or even with vibrators.Watching as the men orgasmed, or teasing the women in the midst of their climaxes. 
For a single, horrified moment, Maya could not even comprehend what she was seeing. 
“Do you like it, slave? This is the future of your people. We of the Xelluloid are not cruel, you understand. We merely do what is needed. This period is necessary for readjustment. Once you can accept your place here, your species will be given the chance to rise in our regard, But first, you must be taught. You will be slaves and toys and pets. For a time.”
In this state, Maya was led through the ship. Thanks to the modifications done to her body, the language of the aliens - formerly utterly incomprehensible - was now totally known to her. It allowed her to understand the orders, the insults, the degradations and humiliations that were being heaped on the people she had sworn to defend. 
Wherever she went, she saw humans. Humans in bondage. Humans in humiliating positions. Humans being fucked and used, their echoing cries bounced through her mind until she was sure she couldn’t take it anymore. 
But even as she thought this, there was a dark and evil wetness between her legs. Her clit - still so sensitive - pulsed with wanton desire. Any thought of escape was stilled by the harsh tugs of her leash, each one a firm reminder of her place. 
Before long, she was moaning, stumbling, her pussy soaked and dripping. She was paraded like this before the very people she had served. 
Eventually, the humans began to get rarer. The ship became more business-like, with uniform-clad men and women moving back and forth with steady purpose. She guessed she was in the working sections now. They didn’t have time for games when the important role of keeping the ship running lay in their hands. 
Humans had become rarer, but she was still far from the only slave. There were others, a few species who were often collared and in bondage. One or two of them even threw her sympathetic looks. 
What was that you said? We have to earn our way up? I’m guessing we’re not the only ones doing that.
She didn’t say anything. The mere act of walking was taking up nearly all of her focus. A constant buzzing pleasure played between her legs. She was struggling, gasping for air through the crazed haziness of her body. The feverish heat rose about her in invisible tongues. 
At last, they came to a room. From the outside, it seemed like any other. Just one more metal door in this vast, unknown ship. But as soon as Ashara led her through the open portal, a new sound assailed her ears.
It was a soft, grunting moan. A repeating, gasping exhalation. A wordless note of lust and desperation which sent shivers racing through her bones, Stumbling, reluctant, Maya was led forward. She already knew what she would see there.
James. Her partner and friend. He was bent over; an inverted metal triangle rose from the floor of the deck. Each corner bore a cuff which had been mag-locked around his wrists, forcing him into a bent forward position with his arms spread. 
She tried to look away but Ashara gave her a firm swat to the tits. 
James was naked. Grunting. His body had been shaved bare below the hairline, exposing his powerful form. He wasn’t big, not overly muscular, but he was trim and in shape. 
His eyes were pressed closed, trembles dancing across the surface of his skin. James and she had been like siblings. They’d gone through basic together, been assigned to the same unit. She’d never even thought of seeing him in this context! It felt wrong! Like it was her own brother!
And yet she couldn’t look away…
His cock was hard. Not just hard, but utterly rigid. It was stiff and standing to attention, drops of pre-cum streamed his tip, dangling in glittering strands. As she watched, another spasm passed through his body. His cock throbbed, visibly swelling with desperation.
There were two more aliens in the room. Both female. Both naked and collared. One had pink skin of a shade that Maya had never seen on a living being. The other was not much less strange,for she bore a shade of purple. Together. they were attending to James. Tormenting him really. One held a buzzing vibrator in the form of a finger-length bead. She was drawing it back and forth along his shaft. The stuttering motions of its frantic beating made him twitch.
The other alien was rubbing her fingers gently across the head of his cock. The pink skin of his tip flushed with heat and want. Her motions were deliberate, as if she was determined to extract each and every ounce of pleasure that he was capable of feeling.
“F-fuck,” he muttered. His voice was hoarse. How long had they been doing this to him? “Fuck!”
Ashara smiled. 
“Are you going to cum again, little boy? Are you going to cum for your mistress? You’ve been so, so good already and you’re still going. We did have to modify you a little bit. Increase semen production and lower your refractory period. But very few species take to it as well as you.”
James moaned; the sound was twisted, gasping, almost whining. It made Maya’s heart pound. Already so close to the edge herself, she felt the dripping arousal staining her thighs. She was dragged forward, too weak to resist the pull of the leash. 
“Look little boy,” Ashara purred. “I brought your friend to see what a good toy you’ve  become. Is she your mate? Or your sister? A cousin perhaps? I suppose it doesn’t matter now.”
His eyes snapped open, and a wordless cry echoed from his throat. His hips thrust forward, the purple alien pressed the vibrator into his shaft.
“M-Maya! Please don’t look! I can’t hold it!”
“Don’t look?” Ashara scoffed. “As if you have any right to ask that. She’s going to look. She’s going to watch you cum for me again. Now cum for me. Cum for your owner.”
As if that was the sign, the alien flipped the vibrator to a higher setting. James’ reaction was instant, his breathing became faster and faster and faster. His hands balled into fists, and his cock throbbed, spasming desperately. His hips ground helplessly against the toy, his own pre-cum staining it and pooling on the floor beneath him.
Maya was walked forward. There was another triangle of metal in the centre of the room and she was made to bend over. Her breasts hung in the air, the cuffs clicked into place, forcing her arms to spread wide. There was a whine of machinery and the thing locked about her collar too.
Bent over like this, she was completely exposed. Her legs wide, her pussy dripping. Her pierced clit throbbed, and a horrible fascination tore through her mind. 
What was happening? Why couldn’t she look away? She didn’t want to see this! 
James, a man as close to her as a brother, was grinding mindlessly against the toy. His eyes were screwed shut tightly, his mouth opened silently, frozen in a rictus of pleasure. 
He was trying so hard not to cum, but what chance did he have against all of this? He gave a final, defeated gasp and his cock began to spasm. His grinding became frantic, and then with a final burst of motion, the climax overtook him.
How was he cumming that much? How did he have that much in him? It seemed as if he would never stop, the sticky liquid spurted, falling into a canister which had been set there for this reason. 
By how full it was, they’d forced him to cum multiple times already. 
And then it was over. James gasped, his body trembling. His legs like jelly, and his cock softened, hanging spent and limp.
But not for long. The alien with the vibrator began to tease him with it again. She changed it to the low setting, gently massaging his skin until he began to harden once more. 
Was this going to be her next? Was this going to be both of them? She had to find some way out of here! She had to find some way to escape!  
Ashara strode between them. Looking first to James and then to Maya.
“Good pets,” she said. “A matching pair. I had my pick of the whole lot, you understand. Anyone on that pathetic little world you call a colony could have ended up as my slave. But I chose both of you. Do you know why?”
James couldn’t answer. He was gasping. Heaving. Beads of sweat stained his face. 
Maya didn’t feel much better. Her skin tingled, a current of static licked at her from head to toe. She was soaked, her clit felt hot and tight in a way it rarely had before. 
She glared at Ashara, trying to find words to spit. Some pithy one-liner that would show the strength of the human spirit, but nothing came to mind. 
“That’s why,” Ashara whispered, her voice low and edged like a knife. “The look in your eyes, little slut. You’re beaten. You know you’re beaten but you’re not admitting it to yourself.”
She took a step forward. Then another. Locked in her bondage, Maya could do nothing but brace herself. Ashara’s hand moved between her legs. The pressure of her fingers against her soaking slit made Maya’s head spin. 
Ashara’s fingers were stained wet with arousal as she drew them back, bringing them up to her mouth and licking them with a long, dexterous tongue. 
“You taste nice. Most species taste different, you see. I’m a little bit of an addict, though, I suppose it’s not as obvious to either of you. You don’t have the context.”
She turned, regarding both of them together. James’ cock was already stiff again. New rivulets of precum rolled along the tightness of his shaft. The only part of him truly eager. 
Maya wondered how many times they’d forced him to cum already. How many times he’d been pushed to the edge, how many times his body had been wracked with orgasmic shivers.
The image filled her with fire. James trembling, moaning, his cock shuddering as cum spilt across the floor. The fact that she’d just seen this happen made it even more intense! Fury danced inside her, licking at her mind with tongues of flame. She glared at Ashara, mustering her fury. She was trapped for now, but at some point she’d get out!
There would be a reckoning. 
Ignorant of her thoughts, Ashara traced a pattern across James’ face. Her fingers were gentle but insistent, peeling back the veil of his hair and running down across the side of his cheeks. 
“Little boy, I can see the defiance in your eye. You think you stand a chance. You actually think you can make a difference. Let me tell you bluntly, Fighting is pointless. Surrender. Accept your place and I promise I can make you feel so, so good. Being my slave doesn’t have to be a chore. In fact, it can be pleasant. Isn’t that right, girls?”
“Yes, mistress,” the two aliens replied, though not both in the same tone. The purple one was eager, enjoying her role in things. The pink one on the other hand seemed reluctant. She threw a look to Maya and the soldier noted a hint of empathy.
But empathy or no, Ashara ruled here and the most that Maya would get was a sorry glance.  
Ashara’s other hand fell lower, brushing with the softest touch against his cock. He jerked. The motion must have felt heavenly to him, the modifications upping his sensitivity. He squirmed, breathing hard and fast. 
“Just give up. Surrender to your fate. It’s not forever. One day, you might just be free. All you have to do is impress me.”
“Leave him alone!” 
The words thundered from her throat before Maya even knew she’d said them. Both of the other slaves - the alien girls - started, spinning to look at her as though she’d called down the wrath of the heavens. 
Ashara only narrowed her eyes. 
“You have no right to do this! You have no right to do any of this! Let us both go right now or-”
“Or what?”
Ashara’s voice was cold. Deep like the ocean and about as welcoming. In an instant, James was forgotten. She pulled away from him, not even sparing a backward glance.
All her focus was on Maya. The soldier glared back, trying to match her blow for blow. But it was hard. Ashara’s face was a mask of silent fury. Not wild, but controlled and directed. Like a blade of ice poised above her heart. 
“Do you have any idea what you’ve just done, slave?”
Maya said nothing but refused to break the glare. The two locked together, a silent battle of will sweeping through the small room. The unbound slaves shared a troubled look. Tension coiled like a living thing.
“You think you can just break me down?” Maya whispered. “You think because you have me trapped here, you can make me into some simpering little slut? Fuck that and fuck you. I’m not afraid of you, and I’m not going to let you make me into your toy. Not me and not James.”
Ashara’s response was blunt.
“You think you’re special, do you? I have news for you, girl. I’ve heard this speech before. Hundreds of times. Do you think anything you have just said - anything at all - is even remotely new?”
Her hand lashed out, a stinging blow crashed against Maya’s face. James gave a shout of anger, but Maya didn’t flinch. She’d expected that. She refused to look away, her eyes matching Ashara’s cold glare. 
“You are defeated,” Ashara said. “You are bound. Your life as you knew it before is over. This is all that’s left for you. You think you have it bad now? Believe me, my dear, you don’t understand how much further you could have fallen. I am a considerate owner. Oh, I’ll use you. Have fun with you. Torment you. But maybe you can earn your way to something more. You are a pathetic, low-level slave now. But with time and training, you can aspire to more. That is not a chance you would have with my peers.”
The hand flashed around again. Another burst of pain. Another stinging slap. 
Another refusal to submit. 
“I’ve seen defiance a hundred times. On a hundred different faces, from a dozen different species. I’ve heard these same words from a hundred different throats. ‘’You won’t break me.’’‘’I’ll never submit,’’ ‘’you’ll never make me admit it.’’”
Maya jerked, Ashara’s hand closing around her collar. Her fingers curled and pressed against her bare throat. Her nails were sharp and cold against the naked skin. 
“You want to know a secret, slut? Each and every one of them broke in the end. So let me ask you that question again. What makes you think you’re so special that you can do what they couldn’t?”
Before Maya could even think of an answer, Ashara forced her hand down between her legs! She wriggled, her sweaty skin at the pressure of Ashara’s fingers at her lower lips. 
They pressed forward, penetrating her cruelly. Maya’s back arched, the cold metal of her restraints held her at bay.
A sea of broiling humiliation swept across the skin of Maya’s face. She bucked, fighting  against the invasion. Her inner walls clenched, but that only made it feel better. 
“P-please, look away!” 
They were the only words she could speak, her body throbbed, pounded with heat and tightness. The world around her was a blur, the frantic, pumping motions of Ashara’s fingers set off waves of pleasure that cascaded like flickering tongues of static through every nerve in her body. She was fighting as hard as she could, but it was a fight she was going to lose.
She didn’t want James to see her like this. 
“Don’t you dare look away, boy,” Ashara didn’t even glance back. “I want you to see this. To watch every moment of torment. I want you to see your partner break.”
She bent over, her lips now inches from Maya’s ears. Her fingers pressed deeper, the rhythm beat through her body like the wild tempo of a drum. 
“Does this feel good, slave?” The words coiled about her mind.“Deep inside, this is what you were made for. You’re a little slut who can’t help but bring punishment down on herself. And look, your partner is watching all of it.”
“Yes. And you made it happen. Stupid little slut who couldn’t keep her mouth shut. How does it feel? Do you want to cum yet?”
She did! Her legs were shaking! Her body shuddered, convulsing in the grip of the alternating waves of pleasure that assailed her. Ashara’s fingers fucked her relentlessly, more insistent than any toy. Her back contorted and her clit burned with a searing heat.
“Tell me,” Ashara whispered. “Tell me you want to cum!”
Ashara put on a new burst of speed. Maya wailed, the very power of speech stolen from her by the rush of stimulation that left her legs weak and shaking. All she could do was look to James and silently beg.
Look away! I don’t want you to see me like this! I don’t want you to watch her make me cum!
But he couldn’t look away. The same kind of horrified fascination which had earlier bound her now seemed to have caught him. His eyes were wide, his cock was hard. Hard because of her. Hard because of the sight of her naked body. 
Maya squealed, one by one, her defences faltered. The pleasure eroded the last sparks of her willpower and the tension peaked. Ecstasy cascaded, crashing and wheeling through her mind. Her body twitched, her walls coiled about Ashara’s fingers. 
And then, just when she was on the cusp. Just when she was about to cum, the alien pulled away! Her pussy clenched about nothingness and an empty coldness pervaded her body. An aching denial that rocked her more than any blow. 
“You don’t get to cum,” Ashara laughed. “Only good slaves get to cum and you are certainly not that.” 
Maya wanted to scream. She wanted to shout. She wanted to curse herself for being so weak.
All she could manage was a low, defeated moan. Ashara raised her hand to her face, her tongue flicked out, dancing across her fingers to taste Maya’s wetness. 
“That’s much better,” she said. “Now you’re starting to know your place.”
The other slaves scattered as she turned back to James.  Ashara leaned down, her fingers glided over his glans, the tip of his cock. The alien mistress glanced towards Maya, drinking in the mutual humiliation of the two soldiers. 
Maya couldn’t tear her eyes from her partner’s face· He moaned, snorted and tried to hold himself back. 
But it was no use. Ashara’s motions were deliberate, running across the sensitive tip of his shaft. Her teasing caress was slow at first but grew faster with every passing moment. James bucked, fighting against the metal restraints.  His chest heaved, his cock visibly hardening and becoming stiffer. It twitched in anticipation of the climax that she promised. 
“Cum for me, little boy,” she whispered to him. “Cum for me in front of your friend. Be a good little stud and cum for your owner.”
His body grew taut. His nerves screamed, lighting up one by one. He craned his neck, closing his eyes as if he could shut out the world.
But he couldn’t shut out the feeling of Ashara’s fingers. They teased and traced, caressed and stroked. His legs began to tremble, a hot, red tightness pulsed through Maya’s pussy as if in sympathy. 
Suddenly, Ashara gestured towards her, nodding to one of the slaves.
“Prepare her for her punishment.”
The slave - the pink-skinned one - came forward silently. She reached the vessel which sat on the floor. A hollow metal cone which was now full of James’ cum. She raised it, holding it as carefully as a newborn. 
A selection screen flashed into existence. Her hand moved fast, darting and wheeling through the holographic projection. Maya had no hope of following what she was doing.  
The cone began to shift, changing before her eyes. The metal coiled and curled like a living thing. The sharp edges softened and the tip became softer, more circular. It held its general shape but narrowed, going from a triangular outline to one that Maya knew very well.
A soft cry of denial escaped her lips.
“Keep that thing away from me!”
It was a dildo. A sex toy which had gone from a rough cone to a smooth, sleek shape. She thrashed wildly, fighting the bondage for all she was worth. 
But there was no escape. The metal held. The alien carried the cruel instrument toward her. She whined, bucking and wriggling. Her heart leapt at the soft touch of fingers against her pussy. Gentle and yet invasive, spreading her lips aside for the punishment that was to come. 
“No,” she murmured again. “No, no, no, no! Not like this! Please don’t! I-I’m sorry!”
“So apologetic. Well, I am afraid it’s too late, my dear. Consider this a lesson on your place.”
With those words, Ashara gestured. The alien slave pushed the cold toy into her. Her body strained and it sank into her wet folds. The icy touch of the metal impaled her dripping warmth. 
The device was still changing, shifting itself to match her pussy, filling her up and pushing her limits. She grunted, shaking her head like she could make it go away. 
But she couldn’t.
Did these aliens know how humans worked? If they shot her full of what was inside it, she’d get pregnant! She opened her mouth, not sure if she was going to plead or beg. 
But the look on Ashara’s face silenced her before she could decide. The woman knew. As Maya twisted and wailed, she turned, finding a toy for herself. A strap-on phallus which she was even now donning. The object was deep purple, and lubrication ran from the tip. Her fingers trailed across James’ cock, a tantalising hint of what was to come.
“You’re such a good boy,” she said to him. “Such a good stud. Now, it’s time for me to show both of you that I always get what I want. And what I want right now is to fuck you in the ass.”
He started at that, trying to turn around, but the restraints held him just as they held her. Before they knew it, Ashara had positioned herself behind him. The phallus of her strap-on resting lightly against his anus. She thrust forward teasingly and he gave a low groan. 
As soon as the toy entered his body, Maya realised the full extent of this twisted game. The dildo in her pussy throbbed, responding to the sensation that was being transmitted by the strap-on. weakly at first, but the buzzing grew stronger in response to the clenching of James’ ass. 
It was as if she was being fucked from afar by her own friend. Ashara gave a cruel laugh. 
“Do you understand now, slut? Do you see what’s happening? This is how we treat disobedient slaves. You get to watch as I fuck your partner, and at the end you get a special surprise of your own.”
The lubrication filled James’ ass,paving the way for longer, deeper pumps. His body jerked, a look of shame danced across his face. Ashara gave him no rest. She thrust rhythmically, filling him with her length and her girth. 
Maya’s body was overcome with vibrations, her moans filled the tiny room. They mixed with James’ own, the two becoming a symphony of pleasure and shame. 
“According to our records,” Ashara said, “human males can derive pleasure from prostate stimulation. That’s rare. Most species can’t. You’re very special.”
She gave a sardonic laugh. 
“I wonder if I can make you cum just from this?”
“You bitch!” 
The dildo blazed to life before Maye could say more. She convulsed; chains of fire whipped through her. It was relentless, constant boiling waves of motion which cascaded through her, assailing her mind and body at once. Her nerves screamed, and an ocean of throbbing pleasure battered her thoughts like the cannon of a dreadnought. 
“Oh god, oh fuck, oh shit, oh, oh oh-”
She couldn’t think. The toy felt so good, her pussy was so wet. Her clit was so hot. She could smell her own arousal, the scent of James’ cum. The knowledge of what was about to happen and that she couldn’t stop it. 
“Look at each other. I want you both to comprehend where you are and what you are.”
Ahsara’s voice was unhurried, confident. The tone of command brooked no argument. Maya’s body convulsed, and the toy twisted inside her. Her toes were curling! Her mouth was half open, panting like an animal in heat. Her eyes were wide, staring sightlessly forward. 
She had to fight! She had to hold on! She had to-
She had to-
She twisted in the restraints, her body reduced to jelly. Her mind to a babbling mess. The throbbing, boiling heat of a climax cracked through her like an explosion.
She came.
She came right in front of James. Her body shaking with orgasmic trembling and she slumped forward as far as the bondage would allow. 
Meanwhile, Ashara continued to have her way with James. Her hips bucked and thrust, the toy burying itself in his ass. His eyes were squeezed tightly closed, his body rocking forward and back. His cock was so hard, strings of sticky pre-cum glimmered in the half-light of the cell. 
Maya couldn’t bear to watch, but she also couldn’t tear her eyes away. This man she had considered her brother was being fucked in front of her! Even worse, the toy was keyed to his pleasure.
It was as if they were getting off together.
The idea made her feel so dirty. So filthy. 
And yet, the waves wouldn’t stop. The pounding heat, the crashing peaks of ecstasy which stabbed through her like blades. 
“Please,” she gasped. “Please, please, please, please!”
But Ashara didn’t answer. She was consumed with her new toy, fucking James as hard as she could. His moans and her wanton little cries filled Maya’s head, tormenting her even more than the forced pleasure. 
Another climax hit her. Tears spilled from her eyes, splashing against the cold metal floor. The vibrating instrument throbbed faster and faster, a frantic tempo which she knew could only end with a blast of sticky wetness between her legs. 
It was going to fill her up.
It was going to fill her up and there was nothing she could do.
Maya whimpered, to her surprise, the pink alien placed a hand gently on her side, the touch soft and warm.
“It’s okay,” she whispered softly.”It’ll be over soon.”
The words were quiet but Ashara was having too much fun to notice. James’ whole body was shaking. His knees had buckled, only the restraints kept him standing. The sex toy buried between her lower lips was jumping and jiggling and grinding so much, she could barely form a thought.
Maya’s world had become a churning mass of frantic emotions. She was bombarded, filled from head to toe. She groaned, twitched, gasped and moaned but no words could come forth from her trembling lips. The toy had become her whole existence. 
James was doing his best. Fighting a heroic stand against his own body. But this was a game that Ashara had played time and time again. She always won. Her thrusts were long and deep. Her hands curled around his ass, her rhythmic motions were sure and steady. Pounding him, filling him up, fucking him like a toy. 
James didn’t stand a chance. His body shook with a violent tremor and his cock spasmed, staining the ground below him with a spray of semen. 
The toy inside her reacted. It reached a whole new level of speed, the waves of vibration blending into one solid wall of sensation. Maya cried, the dildo fucked her until she couldn’t even piece together a single thought.
And then it filled her. 
The seed - James' seed - spilled forth, propelled by the frenzied motion. There was so much of it! Maya was pumped full of more cum than any man had ever put inside of her. The dancing motion of the toy drove the semen deep into her body. The hot wetness infiltrated and penetrated her. Filling her up to the very brim. 
She gave a sob. Utterly defeated. The pink alien finally pulled the toy from her pussy, sticky ropes of cum followed it, splashed to the deck beneath her.
But it was no use. There had been so much. How could she have taken that and not gotten pregnant? Defeat filled her. Utterly and completely beaten, she could only watch with hollow eyes as Ashara pulled out of James with a grunt of satisfaction. 
“What’s the matter?” She caught sight of Maya’s dejected face. “Did you not enjoy your special surprise?”
She chuckled, striding over towards her. The strap-on fell to the floor, already forgotten. 
“You look so beaten. Where’s the fiery temper you had before? Have you learned your lesson, you little brat?”
“You…you filled me up…” 
“Well, technically your partner did, but yes.” She paused, savouring the drama of the moment. “Oh, I see. You’re worried about pregnancy, aren’t you? I suppose it did quite slip my mind…”
“Oh, part of your modifications was to your reproductive cycle. I’m afraid it’s quite impossible for you to get pregnant now without my authority.”
A game!
It had been another game!
Just another way for Ashara to show how much power she had over both of them!
The alien reached forward, running one hand through Maya’s sweaty hair. 
“Which means, my dear, you can be filled up and fucked as much as I like. I hope you enjoyed today’s little session. It was the first of many.”
And just like that, Maya’s new life as a slave had begun.
_______________________________________________________ This story was commissioned by DeviantHunter over at HentaiFoundry! They were amazing to work with, and I am truly honoured to get a chance to bring their vision to life.
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barrycoganart · 10 months
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One Last Tome to fill.
A two-fold image combining my wants to an image of a Space Marine from the Tome Keepers chapter, while making a little homage to the old Dreadnought model design. Specially since games workshop has retired the iconic model in favour of the new bigger primaris version. So here is a revered brother of the Tome Keepers marching into battle to meet whatever end waits for him and his story. Enjoy!
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wh40kartwork · 2 years
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Bastion Strike Force Cover Art
by Jaime Martinez
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baharrothbluu · 6 months
Since you asked, favourite mechs/mech types from any series/brand?
Okay this is hard because I love so so many mechs, but I'll try and keep it to one example per franchise. For the purposes of this mech I'm calling a mech as a large walking vehicle that fully encases its pilot, of which there are no more than 1 (Sorry Ironstriders and Megazords, you're in different size classes)
I'm gonna start with a kinda ambiguous example (because you can't get out) which is Dreadnoughts from 40k. For non-40k people, dreadnoughts are essentially what happens if you took grandpa's life support and added tank-grade weaponry. Very funny (in the sense that grandpa's hitting clips on life support) and also very horrifying (in the sense that not even death can free you from the grasp of the Imperium). I'm partial to the Castraferrum pattern, because the newer Primaris dreadnoughts put too much emphasis on the armored part of "armored coffin" and basically no emphasis on the coffin.
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Let's talk Metal Gear. This one is tough because pretty much every metal gear is great. Ultimately, though, I'm gonna have to give the W to REX here.
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It has a nuke railgun. It has swag. It has a hidden melee combat mode and weaknesses because Otacon, one of its creators, was a mecha fan. It took so much to disable its controls, and after Otacon sidesteps the controls problems with Metal Gear Mk. 3, it still works after years of neglect well enough to take out its successor. Peak.
Does Alfredo Linguini from Ratatouille count?
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Sadly have not gotten around to EVA, but unit 01 looks really cool.
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Of course, with Titanfall, there's only one real option. We gotta go with BT-72-
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I love this thing. I love its War Crimes Blaster. I love its fire shield. I love its voice. I love its capability for destruction. I love Titanfall's mech designs as a whole, but Scorch and Scorch Prime are my favorites. I am biased, and that does not stop me. Scorch is as badass as the day I first saw it, if not moreso. Scorch. Fuck yeah.
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