#prima is like
tobivos · 3 months
yknow i think ive found another untranslatable dutch word: prima
like the closest i can think of is "fine" but it just,,, doesnt match the exact vibe of prima,,,,,,,
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angelic-petty · 6 months
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animal crossing: new leaf | dog ornament furniture ♡ obtained from fortunes 53-56
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hauntingofthelamb · 3 months
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isolated merriment 🕸 2024
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witchofthesouls · 22 days
The look on Megatronus/Megatron's face if and when Orion/Optimus snaps and goes full wilder in front of him. Claws and fangs extend and he fucking mauls someone or something. Better yet if the big if occurs on cybertron feral mode Orion/Optimus ends up with the Fragging Escaped Mountian Lion from all those vorns ago headbutting Orion and purring up a storm while Megs watches slacked jawed as Oppy talks to it in fragging mountain lion.
I'm sad to say that Orion Pax doesn't have the features that allowed him to thrive in the Wastelands.
Alpha Trion had firmly coaxed the newly named Orion Pax to modify parts of his frame to 'fit in better' with the rest of them. The extra bulk was taken away, the sharpened denta filed down with added suppression codes to ensure nanites wouldn't try to reconfigure it, claws pulled to make sure he only had access to blunted digits, took away the extra audials, and applied more cosmetic biolights to give off a more rounded, softer appearance that belonged to a mecha that developed inside the walls of Iacon. Alpha Trion knew exactly what would happen and proceeded to take the steps to ensure the ascension of Optimus Prime would come to pass. Orion Pax can not be too associated with his Wasteland roots. The current Council wouldn't tolerate a new Prime with pride as a Wilder.
I have a lot of thoughts about Alpha Trion. He's exhausted, depressed, and is a very dutiful, loyal spark. He will enact what the Covenant had shown him because surely Primus and Vector wouldn't lead him astray? Orion Pax may have reminded him of simpler days before his siblings had scattered, but the mech has a massive role to play in the rebirth of their planet, and he refuses to jeopardize it.
Umbra Pumas are able to travel short distances with shadows and communicate via telepathically in pictures via direct eye contact. That one in particular was an old companion to a Ranger that almost taken him. Unfortunately, they were separated by a flash flood, but Orion knows that pattern on its hide. Rangers use specific concoctions to permanently mark their companions for affiliation. This Umbra Puma has subtle dark blue and crimson striations over its torso as well as patterned scars around its optics to match the ones on its Ranger. This one personally would carry him by the scruff and nuzzle him into submission. A sparkling's claws and fangs are no match to its dense hide.
Umbras are silent group hunters but can be very vocal with their close cohorts. Their screaming vocalizations are absolutely terrifying if you're not used to them.
Orion Pax was near the dugouts -space reserved for the next troupe of performers as well as their invited support for wishes or goodbyes- when it Tamers had to drag it back to its cage. The moment it came across him, it lurched forward and howled-
The gladiators and performers were ribbing (both good-natured and ill-tempered) that it could smell the uppercaste mech among them. Meanwhile, Orion is reeling from the mental assault because poachers managed to catch it in its desperate attempt to lead them away from its wounded Ranger and other young sparks.
Orion basically made quite a few deals to ensure that Umbra's escape.
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planetformer-central · 7 months
Random info about the Baby Primes Au:
Prima: He is absolutely malicious. He D E S P I S E S his siblings with every fiber of his being, but he puts up with them because he is also the BIGGEST daddy's boy to have ever existed. He knows his Sire loves his siblings, and thus he looks out for them, only enough to ensure they aren't killed or seriously injured though. He gladly laughs at the misery of his siblings, especially the dubbed "Modern Primes".
He has a personal vendetta against Bumblebee in particular. The only reason for his wrath is due to the fact that Bumblebee got Optimus's undivided attention throughout his sparklinghood.
Vector: He is one of the more composed of the sparklings and has a habit of pulling a Jack-Jack and vanishing into the space between stars off and on. No one is concerned since he always comes back in time for dinner. Although every now and then he will also vanish and come back with something Team Prime have long thought gone or unattainable.
The day he came back for dinner with Optimus's library card from when he was still Orion Pax was the day he was forbidden to wander. Not a spark wants to imagine that he travelled through time, but considering Optimus lost his library card inexplicably prior to his rise to Prime, Vector has been limited in his movements.
Alpha Trion: How it happened is unknown, but Alpha Trion budded with his quill built into his frame. His Covenant appeared soon after and not a spark is entirely sure how he got it. Arcee suspects Vector, but that is unconfirmed. Alpha Trion is by far one of the nicest of the sparklings. Despite being able to see the prophecies of the future in his Covenant, he is completely unconcerned. Being too young to understand, he just likes the pictures that turn up every now and then.
Occasionally he will say ominous things, but his disposition is as gentle as ever regardless.
Solus Prime: She has not changed at all since her first death. She may be younger and less wise, but she retains her personality right down to her reactions to various situations. It scares Megatronus Prime more than he would care to admit. Megatronus Prime personally tends to her whenever he can as a form of penance for killing Solus the first time. However he struggles greatly when it comes to being around her or the others. Often he will watch from afar or only step in to help Solus work with her hammer whenever she appears to be struggling.
Solus is blissfully unaware of her past, but she trusts Megatronus Prime. That worries Optimus.
Micronus Prime: Much like his eldest brother, Micronus is also a daddy's boy. He and Prima regularly fight for Optimus's attention, but never around him. Their fights often revolve around getting their siblings involved. It is the closest the little Primes have to politics as Micronus leads one faction of siblings and Prima controls the other. Both him and Prima are masters of stringing their siblings into their schemes, so much so that even Liege can be left in the dust at times.
Already Micronus has gotten Prima in trouble a few times. This offense has never been fully addressed and thus has festered quietly between the two.
Alchemist Prime: He is by far one of the calmest and kindest of the baby Primes. He gets along fantastically with Nexus and Quintus and regularly meets with Alpha Trion to discuss anything and everything. He doesn't have a worry in the world, but he has been banned from ever touching the blender again on account of his... interesting drinks. He does his best, but not even Liege, the master of charisma, is able to stomach it.
Alchemist may or may not have made true synthetic energon once, but he said it "tasted bad" and threw it out before Ratchet could look at it.
Nexus Prime: He is the most unpredictable of all the sparklings. Known to have some sort of mental differentiation, he is an unknown. There has never been a case of a combiner being forged while in one frame. Thus, Nexus tends to not be fully there all the time. His mind wanders and he too tends to change forms partially at all times. He is a sparkling who often plays pranks, but generally he likes to stay near to Optimus. He has not been actively noted breaking into his combiner components, but there have been various scuttling sounds at night, so that cannot be confirmed.
It is not common knowledge, but Nexus has long since seen through the holy and innocent cover Prima puts up. He is not fond of the eldest and tries his best to keep Solus away from Prima whenever he can. No one is entirely sure why, that is save for Onyx.
Onyx Prime: Having retained many of his less violent and serious memories, Onyx is well aware of the situation he and his siblings find themselves in. He doesn't mind it and in fact appreciate the chance to grow up normally. He acts like a mech Ratchet's age more often than not, but he allows himself to relax more around Solus and Micronus. He fears for Solus a great deal and tries to keep Micronus with him out of genuine concern. Onyx remembers his siblings turning against each other, and in his mind, it is not out of the question for Prima to make one siblings "vanish".
Onyx also tends to keep Amalgamous close as a failsafe of sorts. If everything else falls apart, Amalgamous has similarly retained just enough knowledge to be of use.
Amalgamous Prime: He is an odd one when it comes to his rebirth. All his siblings retained many of their old characteristics, but Amalgamous shifted entirely. No longer able to be a walking ball of energy, he ended up looking more like Whirl in design. He is suspected to have the ability to shapeshift, as evidenced by his complete lack of any voice.
Unlike any of his kin, Amalgamous speaks solely in mimicked voices. He has a voice of his own, he just never uses it. He's fond of impersonating Smokescreen and Ratchet.
Quintus Prime: He is an odd one even compared to Onyx. Quintus is perfectly fine as an individual and behaves a great deal like a sparkling should. However, none save for Optimus know if he has legs at all or not. He always glides everywhere he goes and even Prima is a tad scared to see whatever is behind his various cables. Quintus for his part is rather oblivious to everything except his current hyper fixation.
He will only respond if spoken to in ancient Cybertronian and he has expressed a severe fear and guilt ridden response when presented with anything Quintessons related. Ratchet can't determine if he remembers his prior death or not, but Optimus suspects he does.
Liege Maximo: Against all expectations, he doesn't cause all that much trouble. With abundant attention from the team and his Sire, Liege is perfectly content. He has an ego on him and will scream if not given sufficient attention, but all his manipulation is generally mild. He was made to use his words, and as such has already begun picking up many Cybertronian dialects from the team. This he uses to garner the attention of various siblings.
He knows who to go to in order to get what he wants. The modern primes absolute adore him since he ALWAYS knows how to get treats from wherever Optimus hid them.
Sentinel Prime: Orange cat behavior embodies him best. Sentinel wants things and he is not afraid to fight for them in his own unique way. He and the other modern Primes have grouped together and he is the leader purely due to the force of his personality. He and the other modern Primes are the most like actual sparklings out of all the baby Primes. Sentinel in particular is known for getting into places he really shouldn't be capable of and then refusing to emerge until bribed.
Nova Prime: He is highly docile and gentle. Also a daddy's boy, Nova is perfectly content to simply hang around Optimus whenever he can. He likes to sit on his shoulder or be held. He also has an all but debilitating sweet tooth. Normally very calm and composed, Nova will lose his marbles at the sight of any and all treats. He will give an arm and a leg for a decent sweet. As such, he is the one all the young Primes go to if they have bribing good and a task that needs wings.
Optimus has tried to stop it with wing clamps, but Nova doesn't need wings when he's on a MISSION.
Zeta Prime: History got a few things wrong when it came to Zeta. The team were FLABBERGASTED when instead of Sentinel Zeta Prime emerging, they got Sentinel AND Zeta Prime. Two separate mechs with very different missions in life. Zeta was lost to history for the most part due to his rather brutal reign, and thus now that he has been reborn as a sparkling, not many know how to handle him. He is a highly unstable sparkling and notoriously aggressive. He will attack anything and anyone that comes too close to his family.
He also seems to have a strange fascination with energon. Arcee has been doing her best to help Zeta to develop healthy coping mechanism for his very obvious love of combat.
Guardian Prime: Similarly all but lost to history, Guardian Prime has next to no records on him. He is a wild card, but has proven to be ridiculously sweet. He is a ride or die companion for the other modern Primes and often serves as the defacto messenger between the modern Primes and the old Primes. When the modern Prime sparklings try to get something from the elders, its Guardian who ends up going forward most often.
He admires the old Primes and does his very best to try and watch them work their "Magic"
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doctorcanon · 10 months
A little obsessed with the potential brotherly dynamic between The Captain and Mask. I know there are lots of other characters from the series in HW but hear me out okay?
Imagine being The Captain:
You take the strangest kid under your wing during the war. He's mostly unobtrusive. Mature for his age, quiet, but generally churlish. Can barely read (ill explain this HC one day) but fights like a demon and is clearly immensely troubled but doesn't know how to express himself.
You eventually connect over a shared burden and become rather attached to the kid. You're the only one he actually speaks to. Moreover, people have started calling you "the twins" even though he much younger than you. You teach him practical things like improving his reading, clothes mending and social graces. He teaches you about the natural world, herbalism and orienteering. You even give him a nickname "Mask" that he reluctantly answers to. But as the war wears on and the battles get harder, the boy has to rely on his masks more and more. Save for the one he calls Oni. He says its his failsafe and mentions nothing else.
Until one day, during the penultimate battle, you and your battalion are overwhelmed. Grievously injured, you call for Mask to get to safety. The next thing you remember is hearing "dont worry, captain, I'll protect you, i promise." Then flashes of a hulking demon laying waste to the battlefield with a helix shaped sword. You also remember a great and terrible silence and the sensation of being carried.
When you wake, Zelda informs you that the battle has been won but Mask along with several others, are missing. Even when the war is won and over, you search that battlefield, all surrounding areas and lists of the dead for any sign of Mask. You find nothing and eventually your duties as Captain must be seen to.
Three years later, you follow up on reports of an aberration found around the area Mask disappeared. The portal drops you unceremoniously into a Hyrule you don't recognize. You meet 8 others just like you, all named Link, each bearing the Mark of Destiny and honestly kinda sick of all this shit. The Oldest One - face heavily scarred and blind in one eye - holds your gaze for a little too long. When you ask him about it, he only apologizes awkwardly.
Needing some space during a particularly raucous night, you decide to check up on your party's resident Old Man who just so happens to be reorganizing his things. And you see it: Oni, the Fierce Deity; the War God that nearly won them the war but not the little boy who carried it.
"Where did you get this? Who gave it to you?" You ask. When he doesn't give you an answer, you insist. "That mask is one of a kind, and only one person I know had it, what happened to him."
The silence that follows is so thick, not even the Master Sword could cut it. The Old Man - Time, they call him - is taller than the rest of them, but his stature is bent by bone deep weariness. The scars on his face pull his features in different directions, the bridge of his nose is split, the remains of his empty eye socket droop painfully without his eye patch, the left corner of his mouth peel back to show more of his teeth - two of which are missing. But his remaining eye - bright, alert and unnervingly blue - pleads with him and the realization dawns on him before Time turns away, almost timid but mostly ashamed.
"He kept fighting, Captain. He kept fighting until he couldn't anymore and kept going. Until..."
You embrace him before you can stop yourself. He's just as surprised as you are. But he doesn't throw you off or scold you. Instead, he sinks into the hug with a long, shuddering sigh of relief. He's so tall now, he nearly bowls you over. Then quietly, through tears Captain can't see, he says
"I'm sorry...I thought you be disappointed." Your heart that was frantically picking up the piece just a moment ago breaks all over again. You can still hear that little boy buried in somewhere the gruff baritone you've grown accustomed to. Something bittersweet festers inside you, a melange of emotions you can't possibly unpack in this moment. But not one of them is disappointment. You pull away, taking him by the shoulders and giving him a little shake.
"You are so much more than I could've ever imagined. Whatever you've done, you survived and I couldn't be more proud."
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randomminty · 11 months
Of the three "big" designs for Lorelei: Anime, FRLG, and Let's Go!, which is your favorite?
POKESPE LORELEI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kari-go · 5 months
Your favorite character with your less favorite miraculous
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Look at me, I used to salt on her so much and now she's my fav,, character development :P
It was hard to pick my fav so I restricted myself to just the show's characters because I would not have been able to pick between my ocs (Blanche and Stephan to be specific lol)
The miraculous was a bit easier, now, it's not because I dislike the miraculous but it's because of just how much the kwami/suit was a pain in the ass to draw, and since I'm still struggling with Voltt (and Orikko doesn't exist LOL) it was really simple
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look at him, he's just not it
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diari0deglierrori · 8 months
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kuromi-hoemie · 6 months
thinking about older women
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#hey auntie 👉🏾👈🏾#some of them b dancing on that line and i am looking respectfully (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) ♡⁠#many such cases... giggling at how often w how many ppl aksjak family friends.. or it be ur own family 💀💕#someone's mom would joke about snatching me up like 😭😶‍🌫️ ma'am first of all .. would#and the touchy prima (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) ♡⁠ yes please put ur hands on me i am so comfortable with physical contact (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) let me hold ur hand ♡#🚶🏾‍♀️ being hot is nice sometimes#the forbidden fruit... hey tía (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) 👉🏾👈🏾💕#some of the exchanges I've had were so 😵‍💫😵‍💫 ma'am.. i got a lil crush on u.#← not my actual family. i do not have one. engaging in one from this perspective is a lil different yfm 🚶🏾‍♀️u don't have to get it#or maybe u do idk im zooted rn and feeling rly gay abt aunties and older women in general okay 😩💕#i need to go sweet talk someone's tía i know she's looking beautiful tonight 🚶🏾‍♀️ i see u girl. i love ur hair your nails are beautiful#i love your color coordination you have such good fashion sense (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) ♡⁠#ur earrings are so pretty i love your necklace i love your bracelets (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) lemme go help y'all cook or I'll make the drinks whateve#let's talk.. ♡⁠#Lupe... what are you up to these days 😩💕 my favorite. a family friend#i kinda see family friends as family too sorta bc my fam was p small when i did have one so a friend would be a basically auntie#but also not.. technically. so ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭ idk. they r tías 2 me though and i love them.#they r so nicey 2 me 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 ♡⁠#she wanted me to say her name n talk to her in Spanish a lil bit and she ate it up 😵‍💫 (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) ♡⁠ she loved the way i say her name#i had such a crush on her omfg. low-key but not but yeah but respectfully..
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sweater-equestrian · 1 year
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someone got a bath today and had Strong Opinions, including "being clean is worse than death" and "being forced to stay in one spot for 15 minutes is worse than any form of torture". Somehow he managed to survive regardless.
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miragecounseling · 2 months
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a collection of all of the art ive gotten for my norn characters ♥
[credit in order: joydrawsart, muzarry, where-is-caithe, fellis-world, vampiricsheep, muzarry]
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anosrepasi · 1 month
so.... would y'all be interested in 8000 words of Lingua Franca updates across the final chap of Prima Lingua and one self contained extra story from the 'verse? Cause I think I might just say fuck it and post both.
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
If I could write the 13 I would have Alchemist and Onyx hate each other. Since Alchemist represents civilization and its expansion and Onyx represents nature and instinct they had very different worldviews and butted heads a lot.
Oh yeah, I can see that. I have the headcanon that the Guiding Hand in TFP is the dominant triad of Prima, Alpha Trion, and Alchemist as they can represent the pillars of society: law, religion, and science. Plus, they were the ones that remained behind after the war that killed or scattered them.
Personally, I view Alchemist as one of the moderates of the Thirteen as he has a flawless mastery of chemistry since he's the original alchemist. He has a deep understanding of the world on a material and spiritual level. "As above, so below." The very metals and composites he worms with come from the world, so he would push for sustainability measures, which Onyx, Megatronus, and Solus will throw their considerable weight into it.
This Onyx would have howling matches with Prima's focus on just the bipedal mortals to the point of destroying the natural world they have created on their Father's, especially after Prima declared that civilization will lie ahead with city-states. Even after Onyx's death in Solus' grave to help power the Well, the conflict will continue as the Predacons and other Wilders will scorn the "Forceful Hand."
Without Megatronus, Onyx, Liege, and Solus and the eventual loss of Amalgamous, Micronus, Quintus, and Nexus to combat the immense influence held by Prima's court, it's no surprise that Cybertron lost so much of its natural state (exacerbated by the Quintesson occupation) as there was no powerful blockade to counter the Eldest's strict, unforgiving rulings.
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r0s3s-1n-th3-ra1n · 10 days
Andromeda, about capsaicin, menthol, alcohol, citric acid, etc: The humans keep consuming poison on purpose!
Johnny: I mean, yeah, but have you tried the poison? It's really good.
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wri0thesley · 11 months
i am thinking about prima nocta and the more powerful genshin men tonight tbh . . . such a good thought for yanderes . . . it’s a law, of course, but the lord (or duke, or iudex, or harbinger, or archon, or whoever) never really comes to collect on it—
until it’s you before them about to be married off to someone (a stranger or a beloved, it’s all the same when you are placed before the powerful man who wants you so terribly), and suddenly it seems time to call on that custom.
if he can’t have you forever . . . at least he can have you for this one night, and ensure you remember him.
(and if he keeps you beyond what he ought to, who is really going to argue?)
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