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itsythebitsyspider · 15 days ago
Silco x fem reader
Took out the slowburn because as a wise person once said, I have no impulse control. Enjoy the smut.
Anyways, I'm also like, way to tired and impatient to edit this before posting, so: fuck it no beta we die like men.
Here's the main things that was asked of me to give you a basic summary of what's going on:
Silco x fem reader, you are a healer, smut.
Pretty sure there was supposed to be angst and hurt comfort, I guess it's there if you squint. I was also asked a 5,000 word minimum so... yeah. Pardon me for letting that slip my mind. Anyways, enjoy this little drabble. I'm going to bed.
Two  years ago you were a herbalist in Zaun. Your parents owned a flower shop of sorts that specializes in healing and harming plants. Growing up, you earned your green thumbs and were able to hold a stable life for you and your parents. That was, until the enforcers came around. They had been searching for four kids who had caused a massive explosion in some fancy rich guy’s lab. You had denied them entry of course, but they never really listened anyway. They pushed their way into your shop, and ultimately ended up setting half of it on fire. This left you and your family struggling for a while, forcing you to take drastic measures. Before, you had only provided people with the ingredients to make the poisons or the remedies. But now, people are paying you to create them. Some of them even paid you to deliver it personally to the target. It was tough at first, figuring out how to distribute the poison without getting caught. You weren’t a trained assassin. But, you weren’t just some nobody off the street either. 
Everything in Zaun would break down at one point, causing most people to have some knowledge of machinery. You had fixed up one too many humidifiers and dehumidifiers at this point to not be able to repurpose them into something new. Leading you to create a small canister that, when activated, would subtly fill the room with the poison. Once the victim had fallen under its effects, you could go in and retrieve the canister, and then make your exit to collect the pay. 
You had gotten so good at this in fact, that it had caught the eye of the smoke-breather of the underground himself. Silco. It had happened once or twice that he’d hire you. Usually to take out some target in some random location. You didn’t ask, you didn’t need to know. Eventually, he asked you to take out a large group of people, larger than you’d ever done before. You’d hesitated, but the moment you saw the money, suddenly all your worries were gone. You completed the job with barely any bumps, and returned to Silco. Instead of leaving with the money, you ended up leaving with the money and a new job. Silco’s new toxicant. 
Now, two years later, it seemed your job had become more peaceful. You found yourself healing more often than you were killing. Every other day you’d get one of Silco’s henchmen coming into your office for some wound or bruise that they’d gotten in a scuffle. It was Friday that was the most important day of your work week. Every Friday you would be in Silco’s office tending to his eye. The shimmer was doing its job of keeping his eye mutation at bay, but the pain would still linger. Your job was to make sure that the eye wasn’t getting any worse, and to dull the pain as much as possible. An additional part of that job was taking care of Jinx whenever you were at work. You didn’t sign up for babysitting. 
“I didn’t exactly sign up to be a babysitter, y’know that right?” You raised an eyebrow at Silco while you started setting up your mini workspace. 
“I do recall you being desperate for cash once.” 
“Yeah, once.” You retorted, carefully handling the glass vials you pulled out of the bag. “I’m well off now.” 
“Would you continue to be this way if I were to relinquish you from your position?” 
You paused for a minute. Would you be alright if you quit? He’d probably kill you. You were too good at your job for him to just let you go. You decided just to roll your eyes and finish setting out the ingredients on his desk. Just as you were about to start working your magic, the door bursts open. You don’t even have to look up to know who it is. Who else is brave enough to slam the doors open and yell, 
You cursed under your breath. You’d tried your best to teach her proper manners, but they never really took. At least, if they did, she never bothered to use them. “Jinx how many–” Your eyes widened as you took in the state of her. “Jinx!” You rushed over, immediately grabbing her arm and wiping the soot off to try and see if there was still skin underneath all the ash that seemed to cover her entirely. 
“What happened?!” You exclaimed, scrambling through your pockets for a rag that wasn’t covered in blood or dirt. 
“Oh, this ol’ boo boo? It was actually exactly like Silky-boy here predicted!” She bounded over to his desk, glancing at all the bottles you had laid on on the surface before moving to the other side and sitting down, kicking her feet. “Firelights were tagging our stuff. Turns out, they also had an enforcer on their payroll. Which! Doesn’t make sense cause uh- yknow. Bugs don’t have jobs. They don’t get paid too well.” She giggled. “Well, unless they’re a butt-kicking slug wrestler!” 
She promptly frowned. “Mm…” 
You let out a worried sound and walked over, having finally found a clean rag and started cleaning off the blood and ash. “So, explain what happened on the flight.” 
“Thought I saw her.” Jinx muttered, a distant look in her eyes. She seemed frazzled. 
‘Saw who?’ you almost asked, but you knew almost immediately who she was talking about. 
“She’s gone, Jinx.” Silco spoke up from his chair. You had almost forgotten he was there, the man’s presence so silent that he could sneak up on a fly. “Whoever you saw–”
“Wasn’t her. I know.” Jinx furrowed her brow. “Whoever she was, she ran. Like a coward.” 
“Was? What did you–”
“Gave her a taste of underground lead!” Jinx grinned. “Oh you should’ve been there! Pew pew pew! God the firelights really should get better at dodging. Anyways~! I think we’d make a whole bunch more cash if we made fireworks. Did you know shimmer is like- super explosive? The whole airship nearly went BOOM!” The blue haired girl threw her hands in the air, making an exaggerated explosion sound before plopping down onto the desk. 
“Cmon plant lady! Work your magic so I can get to hopping!” Jinx complained. 
You sighed and rummaged through your bag, trying your best to apply the antiseptic onto the squirming girl.  After struggling to put some bandages on, you sent her on her way, and she bounded merrily off to do God knows what, God knows where. Probably figure out that shimmer firework idea of hers down in her lair. 
You pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“I know that look. I’ve made it many times when raising that strange creature.” Silco chuckled, patting the stool next to his chair. You grumbled and sat down, grabbing your vials and beginning to grab the final ingredients. “She’s more troublesome than finding mold in my Burdock root.” You grumbled, shoving the plants into the small machine and pressing a button. The muted whirring of the machine started off. 
“Yet, you seem to care for her regardless.” 
“Just because it's troublesome doesn’t mean it’s something to give up on.” 
You glanced at the door Jinx left through, mind flashing through the two years you’ve known her now. You were only there for two years, but it felt like you’d known them for much longer. The machine on the desk beeped and you sighed, pouring the powder into the previously prepared mixture and stirred it for a few moments. 
“Alright, c’mere. And you better hold still.” 
Silco obliged, turning his large chair to face you. You pulled on a rubber glove from one of the little pockets on her belt and dipped two fingers in, gently reaching out to apply the new salve to his scars. 
“It surprises me that it still hurts after all these years.” You commented as you tried to smooth out the mix on his face. “I’m no doctor, hardly anyone down here is, but I’m starting to think it’s phantom pains.” 
“What makes you think that?” 
“Chemical burns like this would’ve damaged the nerve endings. Most of the time it causes numbness. I mean, the damage it’s left on your face, I’m pretty convinced your nerve endings have just been fried.” 
“For someone who isn’t a doctor, you seem to know a few things.” The man in front of you spoke, doing his best to remain still while you worked. 
“Being the main healer here– other than Singed of course, but I don’t exactly trust his work ethic, I’ve picked up on a few things.” You finish applying the salve and check your watch. “Three minutes.” You murmured to yourself. 
“Singed is the best thing we have to a doctor.” 
“Yeah, I know.” I sighed. “I just… wish there were better options, y’know?”
Silco crossed his arms. “We’ve been trying to get better options for a while. Right now, we have to make do with Singed.”
“Yeah, yeah. Your whole, ‘make them fear us’ agenda.” You groaned. “Look, I just think there’s a better way–”
“And do, pray tell, share the secret to utopia. Because I and many others have been working towards this for years now, and we’d love for you to come and spout some naivety on our hard work.” 
You glared at him. “Okay what is with the sudden hostility? I’m just trying to have a conversation here and you want to be an asshole about it.” 
“Hostility? Darling I am being realistic. You are a good healer. A good Toxicant. But there’s a reason I’m the one running things and you remain in a clean room fixing up injuries.” 
“You little–”
The beeping from your watch saved you from potentially losing your job. You bit your lip and reached for a wet cloth, wiping off the cream. “There. If it still hurts, apply this and let it sit for three minutes before wiping it off.” You said through gritted teeth, grabbing your things and shoving them into your bag before storming off. If you were in here any longer, you were going to make sure he could only see through one eye. 
Sadly, there was no rest for you seeing as you returned to work the following Monday. There was a meeting Silco had asked you to be at. The moment you saw the familiar briefcase with money you knew he wasn’t just asking you to attend. He wanted your services. 
“What’s the job? Based on the stacks, I’m assuming its a group. Pretty big one.” You commented, running your fingers along the dollar bills. 
“Are you familiar with the coal mines?”
You paused and looked up, searching his face for any sign that he was joking or pulling your leg. But as always, his face remained unchanging. 
“Yeah, I’m kinda familiar. My Dad worked there. Sometimes when he’d forget his lunch I’d take it to him. I could barely breathe down there. It felt like my lungs were full of some thick smog.” You grimaced, recalling the air quality down there. It was hard to breathe, and it felt like you were being weighed down. You remember having to go down there and work every now and then when your father came down with an illness or injury. Every time you left, your lungs felt like they’d smoked an entire pack of cigars in just one hour. 
“Could you recreate a version of that very fog?” 
“You want me to do what?” 
“I doubt the people we’ll be meeting today have ever had to work down there in those mines. I can tell just by the way they breathe, even the way they smoke. The way they act so carefree and unburdened, never weighed down by the carts of coal.” Silco’s voice had a slight edge to it. 
“So… an altered version of that? Altered how?” 
“A little easier to breathe through. Perhaps you could rig your machine to release the smoke a little slower. I don’t want them to immediately notice what’s happening until it’s far too late. A little symbolic, don’t you think?”
“Very.” You muttered. Yeah, you could make the humidifier a little more subtle. But making sure they didn’t catch the smell of it? Those mines had a distinct smell. Blood, sweat, and a purely earthy smell. You’d have to cover it up with an even more potent smell. Perhaps plants? 
“What room will you be meeting in?” 
“We, will be meeting in the old observatory in the abandoned astrology building. Do you know the one?” 
“Yeah. I need a few guys to help me set the place up if I’m to do this.” 
Silco raised an eyebrow. “Interesting request, but I’ll grant it. I don’t want to know what you do, the less I know the better. So whatever it is you need, you have it. You need not ask.”  With that, he tapped the briefcase and went back to whatever he was writing on those papers of his. You swear, some days it seemed like Silco did more paperwork than he did crime. 
‘Alright. Take a few guys, handful of plants, and just get the place ready. Nothing too hard.’ All you needed to do was take them to your shop and load up the plants. You wanted them to feel relaxed, so a few lilac’s would do the trick. Maybe some Jasmine? You groaned. You never bothered learning about proper flower placement, focusing more on keeping your plants healthy and alive for your customers. Maybe you should’ve bought that book about weddings and flowers, but you thought it would be stupid to buy a book about weddings if no one ever properly got married down here. 
Regardless, you had taken a few men and brought them to the shop, having them carry the heavier plants that couldn’t be removed from their pots until you got to the observatory, otherwise they might die of shock.They loaded up all the plants into the two trucks and drove over to the observatory. 
It was a mess, Overrun by nature and obviously raided by bandits and such, it was a mess. You groaned and gave the order to start cleaning. It could’ve been a one and done thing, but of course, things were never that simple. 
It took about an hour and a half to get everything cleaned up before you could finally start the careful process of giving the plants a new, temporary home. You pulled out your notebook and dotted down the date you were replanting them. You could come back for them in a few weeks after the plants weren’t so stressed from the first move. 
You glanced around at the observatory. It actually looked really pretty. With time and money, this place could be turned into a pretty good plant nursery. You glanced down at your pocket where you kept emergency cash.
 You didn’t like dipping into your savings. Ever since the Enforcers had burned down your flower shop the first time, you felt the need to always have money in case it ever happened again. Plus, with your Dad’s need for shimmer because of his lung cancer, money wasn’t something you could easily throw around. Somehow the destructive product had healing properties, but in order to actually be able to help your father, it required a professional to apply it in order for it to stabilize his lungs. The product had to be applied to the inside of his lungs. At first, you didn’t hire anyone. If it needed to be in his lungs, then maybe the humidifier you used for work would be better. So a few days later you’d manage to vaporize the shimmer and distribute it using your humidifier. But when you tried it on your father, whatever was inside his lungs acted like a filter, keeping both fresh air and the shimmer out. This forced you to hire that professional, and was the main reason there was a huge dent in your paycheck every month. Your mother had tried to get a job, but she was already far too worn out to properly do anything in the underground. At least, anything that would’ve helped to pay for the medical treatments. You absentmindedly reached into your pocket to trace the lucky dollar coin you’d found a long time ago. If you truly wanted this, you’d have to figure out a smarter way to do it. 
You glanced over at the men that Silco had sent over your way. Anything you needed, he had said, was available to you. Obviously, you couldn’t just ask for the lease to the observatory. The only reason you were here was to make some huge statement in the middle of the meeting. Silco had a thing for making symbolic statements. You swear, he probably had some secret library full of books that had so much symbolism that you couldn’t get past the title without having to decipher its hidden meanings. Maybe you could convince him that it was necessary for you to have an observatory because it was symbolic of the mines or something? 
Or, you could convince him it was beneficial to his business. Silco was always looking for new investments, always looking to better his empire. It’s what made him such a good crime boss, never stagnant, always evolving. If you could convince him to give you a bigger place to house your plants– somewhere that would allow you to get him better, more diverse ingredients, maybe he would be willing to give you the observatory. 
Filled with a new determination, you finished the final touches and hopped into the truck, excited to get back. 
“...you just want it for your plants, don’t you?” 
He saw right through it. Fuck. 
“What? No. If I wanted it for my plants I would’ve just gone and bought it or something.” You huffed, crossing your arms stubbornly. 
“So you went to the observatory, saw the large space and the windows and thought that I could benefit?” He raised an eyebrow. “Sorry if I don’t exactly see how I, a drug dealer who deals in a chemically enginerered drug, could benefit from a plant house.” 
“It’s not a plant house it’s-!” You sighed and rubbed your face. You put your hands together. “Silco, sir. Look, I’ve got an entirely good reason why it’s good for the both of us.” 
Silco pinched the bridge of his nose and leaned back. 
There was a knock at the door. “Not now.” 
Sevika entered. “Silco, you have a meeting in–”
“Not. Now.” He said firmly. “Whatever it is, push it back.”
Sevika narrowed her eyes. “Push it back? We’ve been struggling to get this meeting for–”
“And to teach them a lesson in how valuable my time is, you will have them wait. Are we clear?” He looked up at her. Sevika growled but nodded. “Understood, sir.” She closed the door with a little too much force. 
You were suddenly anxious, feeling like you had just forced him to make some probably important people wait so that you could finish your barely thought out idea. 
“I can go. It’s no biggie, we don’t have to…” You trailed off as you saw his pointed look. The damage had been done. Now you need to see it through. 
You reached into your pocket and rubbed the coin again before speaking up. 
“Look I’m the best healer you have. Along with that, I’m the best toxicant you have. Albeit I’m the only toxicant you have, but compared to any old apothecary out there you know I can outdo them. I’ve done a lot around here, you know that. I’ve killed the people you wanted dead. I poisoned the people you wanted threatened. And I’ve healed you and the people you’ve asked me to heal. I even take care of Jinx when she’s having a manic episode and you’re not around to help ease her out of it! So on top of all that, I’ve also somehow become like a mother to that girl. God knows how much she needed one, but apparently decided she wouldn’t get one.”
You took a deep breath before continuing. 
“Yeah, I want that observatory for selfish reasons. But frankly what botanist wouldn’t? The windows would’ve been perfect if we had sun, but I can put lamps around that’ll act like the sun. Yeah if I crack open a window the air will damage some of the more sensitive plants, but I can repurpose some of the rooms into specific and climate controlled spaces for those kinds of plants. I mean, think of it like this. How many more poisonous and venomous and alleviating plants would you have access to if I could just get my hands on that building?”
You stared at his stoic face. “It would be a good investment.” You finished weakly. 
Silco let out a sigh and your heart sunk, feeling like you were about to get brutally denied. 
“And when would the renovations on this place be completed?” 
“The renovations. You said that you could make specific rooms for plants that need special care. I assume you’ll be needing a lot of materials in order to do that. If I supply you with the building and the tools to spruce it up, I expect great things of you. Do you understand?” 
You stared at the man for a moment, feeling blindsided by his sudden offer. He’d never done anything that wasn’t absolutely necessary. Where in the world was this coming from? 
“Do you understand?” He repeated himself. 
“Yeah! Yeah. I- I understand. I can get started on that as soon as I get the lease.” 
“I suggest you get started after the meeting is done. Getting the lease won’t be a problem.” 
Right. The meeting, you’d nearly forgotten about that. That was tomorrow. He would get you the lease by tomorrow? Wow. Perks of being a crime lord, meant that you had a much easier time getting things. Especially when you were the crime lord. 
For now, it was time for you to go home and finish making the smog for tomorrow, and then plan out what you were going to do in your new nursery.
Time couldn’t go by any faster. You’d sat through the boring meeting. Well, boring until it's gotten interesting. You smelled the familiar fog, tensing slightly. You were standing behind Silco. You quietly cleared your throat to let him know that the smoke was already becoming noticeable. Sevika took notice and turned around, subtly putting on her gas mask. 
“We should cut a deal and give back the Gemstone.” 
“Better to have some trade than none at all.” Finn added. 
Silco waved his hand. “The border issue is temporary. Jinx will deal with it.” He was about to go on to change the conversation when Finn interrupted him with a laugh, the clicking of his gold jaw sharp. 
“Rumor is, your dog’s off her leash.” He grinned, peering down at Silco, as if trying to make him feel small. You could see the irritation in Silco’s tense frame. He tapped his finger on the desk and you reached into your pocket and pressed the red button in your hand, increasing the intensity of the humidifiers surrounding the room. 
“How can you bring Piltover to heel if you can’t even handle your own people? Huh? Much less that crazed mess you call your–” 
Fin was cut off by a cough. He cleared his throat. “That crazed–” This time, he was subdued by an even worse cough. The others at the table seemed confused before they were all suddenly overwhelmed by their own coughing fits. “What is that?!” “What’s going on?!” 
Silco tapped the table again before standing up. The red smoke began to fill up the room even more. If you raised the intensity any higher, you’d have to put on a mask yourself. 
“You don’t recognize it? Truly, you haven’t the slightest idea what it is?” Silco asked, as he walked around the table, looking at each of the victims with a gleam in his eyes. 
“Oh come now, we were born of this. We came, from this.” He let out a disappointed sigh, as if they were children who couldn’t answer a question in class. “The mines they had us in. Air so thick it clogged your throat. If you stayed in there too long, you’d feel it. Clumps of that sludge slowly making it’s way into your lungs.” 
You winced, mind falling back to your father at home, probably struggling to breathe through it.
“Stuck in your eyes. Blinking the dust out that would get in no matter what.But I pulled you all up from the depths.” He leaned down into the face of another one of the leaders who was clutching at their throat. He gently tilted their chair backwards until he let go and let them fall to the floor. 
“Offered you a taste of topside. The bottle at the bar you could only ever dream of being able to afford a glass of. I gave you fresh air to fill your dirty lungs. I gave you life. A purpose.”
Silco stopped as he reached the other end of the table where Finn sat. “But you’ve grown fat and complacent. Too much time in the sun.” 
Silco was always one for dramatics. But you couldn’t help but admit, he knew how to send a message. You  watched him toy with the other leaders for a while before eventually giving you the signal to shut off the humidifiers. You reached into your pocket and shut it off before collecting the four you had hidden around the room and following him out. 
“Flair for the dramatics much?” You asked, following close behind him. 
“Some lessons are best learnt the hard way. They won’t be doing this again.” 
“What was it they did?” 
“They don’t want to fight for the cause anymore.” Silco sighed. “I’ve spoiled them rotten. I wanted to show them what they could have if they fought, so I showed them what it would be like to live a life like topside. But instead they drank themselves drunk and stupidly believed the world was theirs.” He narrowed his eyes. “Now, they won’t make that mistake again. If I have to instill the fear back into them myself, I will.” He growled. 
You stared at him for a while. Was he always this… no. No. That would be crazy. You shook your head and continued to follow. He seemed tense, too tense. Almost like Jinx before she had one of her episodes. You took a deep breath. 
“So I was thinking about giving you an elephant plant for your office. It gets real stuffy in there.” 
“You want to give me a plant for my office? I think I’d kill it.” He mused. 
“Obviously. You’d probably overwater it or something. Or let Jinx put some spray paint on it.” You scoffed, remembering the time you left a plant out in the open and jinx painted a smiley face on it’s leaf. You had then gone and swiped out all her paints for empty cans in retaliation. The little ‘prank’ war had continued for a while until you’d nearly gotten her to dye her hair yellow, and she surrendered. Now she only painted on the flower pots instead of the actual plant. Progress. 
“Mm. I suppose a plant would be alright to keep in the office. You’d give it to me? I don’t have to buy you some old, run down building or bribe you with a suitcase of money?” 
“Nope. Entirely free. Think of it like an expression of my gratitude.” You grinned. 
“Does this gift come with you?” 
You froze and coughed, as if you had accidentally set off the humidifier and breathed in the smoke. He stopped walking, looking at you as if you were the one saying something absolutely insane. 
“I- I- what???” You quickly ran to catch up to him. 
“I said, does it come with you? If I’m to receive a plant, I’d like my professional botanist to be the one taking care of it. As you said, I’d probably overwater it.” He said, as if he hadn’t said anything out of pocket at all. 
Your face burned red, trying to come up with a response. Sarcasm? Truth? Insult? Silence? All three? 
“Yeah well, the only reason you keep me around is for me to sell you plants and heal people so…”
“That’s not the only reason I keep you around.” 
“Lemme guess, cause I take care of Jinx?” 
“Because I like having you around. You… brighten the place up a bit. Like a plant I suppose.” 
You froze once again, but this time he didn’t wait for you. 
‘He likes having you around? You were  a headache. It didn’t make sense. Silco  kept you around yeah, but that was because you were the best toxicant in Zaun. You’d often have him tell you that the moment he found someone who was half as good as you and half the headache, he’d trade you in a moment's notice. You had only scoffed and finished applying the salve to his face, knowing he was only saying that because he had a distaste for having the thick medicinal cream on his face. 
Other times he had gotten complaints about you and had gone to see what the fuss was about, and walked in on you yelling at his men about being stupid. You had turned to him, turned back to the men, and continued yelling at them. Silco had sighed, muttered about how he was going to inject nothing but pure shimmer into his veins, and left. You swear, you would probably be the reason he got a shimmer addiction. 
At least, you would’ve been. Had he not dropped this sudden bomb on you. 
“I mean seriously. What kind of guy just drops that on a girl??? Huh??? Honestly!” You grumbled, roughly grabbing the watering can and spilling water all over the floor. You cursed and reached for a rag, throwing it down onto the puddle before moving back to the plants. “Y’know what he said? I’ll tell you what he said. He likes having me around. Me. Me! What the actual–” 
“Uhm. Excuse me, are you.. Talking to the plants?” 
You whirled around to see someone standing a few feet away. You were about to tear into them about minding their own business when you realized that was probably a customer. You quickly slapped on a smile. “Hello hello hello! Welcome to Zaun’s highest rated apothecary where our thumbs are as green as our plants.” You winced at the corny slogan your Dad had come up with. You never bothered to figure out a better one. “What kind of plant are you in the market for today?” 
“Not really looking for anything specific. Just something nice. I  saw this purple one in the front. Looked kinda like a dandelion.”
“Oh the Allium? Very good plant, especially for down here. Those girls are tough. They can grow in most soil as long as you drain it well, they’re rodent resistant, which is good for the pests that people like to keep, and they really like the sun. So if you have a lamp anywhere, I’d make sure to put her around there.” 
The person nodded. “So.. easy to take care of?” 
“Yep. For the most part, you just have to water it. They’re tough plants. If you ever have any issues you can always bring her back and I’ll take a look at it.” 
“I’ll take one.”
“The plant or just the flower?” 
“The plant please.” 
“Okay, wait by the register, I’ll bring one out from the back.” You went to the back, going through the array of flower beds before picking up a white Allium from its potted home and bringing it out to the register. “Name?” 
“Okay Diana,” You wrote it down on the list. “You want the basic care package?” 
“Uhm. How much extra will that be?” 
“Three silver cogs and seven bronze washers.” 
“Oh, then yeah I’ll take it.” 
You nodded and reached under the counter for the small tote bag, setting it up on the counter. “Your total will be ten silver cogs, or one gold hexes if you have one.” Diana set the money on the counter and slung the tote bag over her shoulder before carefully lifting the potted plant. “Have a good one.” You called as she left. You turned back to the plants. “Where was I..? Oh. Right. Watering the burdock root.” You sighed and walked back into the front of the shop, picking up the watering can where you left it. 
“He’s gone mad, I swear. Jinx’ madness has finally gotten to him.” You muttered. “And he think’s he can just get away with it! No. Not on my watch.” You said firmly. 
“Tch. Thinking he can get away with messing with me. Not in this life.” 
“What was I thinking?” Silco groaned, rubbing his face. Sevika let out a chuckle, sharpening her arm blade. “I don’t believe you were thinking.” She replied. Silco gave her a half hearted glare. “Thanks for that astute observation. I never would’ve come to the conclusion.”
“You can be pretty thickheaded.” She snickered. 
“I am not thickheaded.” 
“You are.” 
“Name one time.” 
“Last valentines day you got her flowers.” 
“It’s not strange to give flowers on Valentines.” 
“She’s a florist. She could’ve grown herself a garden of those.”
“...that was a momentary lapse in judgement. I learned, and the year after I got her some exotic seeds from some distant land.” He waved his hand.
“Uh huh. And then that time she nearly got stabbed on a mission and you bought her an entirely new mission wardrobe?” 
“I expect my workers to be properly dressed based on the needs of the mission. Having her get stabbed again would only hinder the mission.” 
“And it just so happened to fit her, and not be some kind of eyesore?” 
“If I were going to get her something to wear I was going to make sure she didn’t look like it was purchased in Zinny’s Zappy Outfits.” Silco scoffed, opening his desk to look for a paper. He set it down on his desk and started writing. 
“Face it. You like having her around more than you’d like to admit. Way, more than you’d like to admit.” 
“She’s an annoyance.” 
“Yet where is she the majority of the time she’s here? Glued to your side, by your orders.” Sevika grinned. “Just be grateful that Jinx hasn’t caught on. You two would be set up on a date faster than you could even say tea party.” 
Silco groaned. “Do not remind me of the tea party incident.” 
“Hey, you’ve gotta admit, the girls got a knack for kidnapping. She hasn’t been caught ever since.” 
“Because she stopped.” 
“Because she stopped.” Silco said again, narrowing his eyes. 
“Sure. If that’ll help you sleep at night.” 
“Get out.” 
Sevika raised her hand in surrender, walking over to the door. “Oh and by the way, tomorrow you have a meeting with the construction workers for that observatory you bought her.” 
“What time?” 
“Alright, thank you Sevila. Dismissed.”
“I cannot believe you bought her a whole–”
Your mother always told you that you had beautiful eyes. She said they were one of your prettiest attributes.  Silco also seemed to think so. 
The man made eye contact often. Today, you’d make sure he couldn’t hold eye contact with you for longer than a few seconds. 
Today as you walked into work, you’d already gotten a few looks. The shirt you wore underneath the soft leather jacket was low cut. Showing just enough to be eye catching, but not enough to give away everything. That red little piece was a contrast to the usual earthy tones you’d wear. 
Instead of heading for your office in the medbay like you usually would, you went straight to Silcos office. You had a few things you wanted to run by him for the plant nursery. He was the one footing the bill after all, he had some kind of say in what went down. 
You walked in, making sure the files covered your chest. “I’ve got a few ideas for the nursery but I couldn’t decide which ones I should use. Think you can help me?” You asked innocently. 
Silco looked up at you before looking back down at his desk. “I can spare a few moments.” He gestured to the desk. You walked over and dropped the files on the desk. 
Silco looked up and you had to bite back a grin as you watched his eyes drift down before snapping up to meet your eyes. Step one, complete. What was step two? You had no fucking clue. 
“So I was thinking about different kinds of air conditioners.” You flipped open to the first page. “But then I dripped into the humidifiers and of course once you do that there’s the dehumidifiers and I mean seriously, how many  ‘fiers’ are there?” You sighed, and put your hands down on the desk, leaning over to look at the pictures. 
Silco rubbed his face, faking annoyance. “I regret saying I’ll help you. I’m no architect or home designer.”
“Yet here we are.” 
You started to prattle off about the different things you wanted. You knew you had him hooked when he didn’t even catch you repeating yourself. You adjusted your collar and he looked away, grabbing a photo and feigning interest in it. You weren’t about to let him get away with it that quickly. 
“Ah, looking at the air cubes? What do you think of those?” 
“What? Oh. These… colorful things.” Silco glanced at the pile of papers. “Uh, quite expensive. Are they worth it?”
“I think so. They have reservoirs for nutrient rich water, brain buckets that send water to each bucket so I don’t have to, and it’s self draining. Personally I like doing it myself, keeps me busy.” 
You watched him start to tune you out.
“And then there’s a super charger that sends plant food and makes the plants basically invincible for like four seconds. The sunflowers produce more sun for the other plants, the peashooters shoot a lot more peas. About a hundred or so.” 
“Mhm. Sounds like a good investment.” 
“Yeah but the zombies are always banging on my door trying to eat my brains and all.”
Yeah. You were shameless. 
Fiddling with the button on your shirt and ‘accidentally’ letting it slip. Instantly, whatever part of him was paying attention was gone.Were all men like this? Flash them a little bit of skin and they were drooling dogs? You didn’t entirely mind. Not when this glass of fine wine was the one on the other end of the leash. Just how much more could you take this? Your eyes drifted down to his belt, and you decided you wanted all of it. You looked outside to the barely cracked open door and made a motion for the man stationed outside to lock it and leave. The moment the door shut you looked back at Silco. “Your face is red. Are you feeling warm?” You reached a hand over and pressed it to his forehead. “Is it the eye?” You were so obvious with how you were faking innocence. But he didn’t seem to notice. 
“Ah- no. I believe it’s quite warm in here.”
“Yeah, yeah. I noticed that too.” You let your hand linger before subtly letting it glide down his face before you took your jacket off and set it down on the chair behind you. You slowly walked over to his side of the desk. “So, give me your thoughts so far.” 
“I’m not sure I have any at the moment.” He watched as you sat down on his chest, finally looking up to meet your eyes. 
“Try.” You slowly moved your left leg up onto his chair, placing it on his lap. His hand slowly moved, wrapping around your ankle. “I’m thinking about… you.” His hand slowly moved underneath the dark, flared jeans you wore. His rough hand trailed up your soft skin, feeling the rough patches of your scars. 
“Yeah? What about me are you thinking about?” You tilted your head, a small smile on your face. “I can’t imagine its about anything I came to talk to you about. You were far too distracted for that.” 
Silco chuckled, moving his hand out of your jeans and holding onto your knee. “You’ve got that right.” He slowly moved up your thigh, squeezing the flesh there before rubbing up and down the sides. “I was thinking about that damn red of yours.” 
“You noticed the red top?” You teased. 
“How could I not notice that damn red top?” He let a bated breath slip out of his mouth, reaching up his hand for your belt. He paused and looked up at you. 
“Eager, are we?” 
“If you knew how long I’ve been waiting for an opportunity such as this,” His fingers unclasped your belt with a practiced motion. “You’d realize just how patient I truly am.” You lifted yourself up so that he could pull your jeans down. He discarded them onto the floor next to his chair. You’d find them later. 
Rather than continue from where he was at, Silco seemed content to start over from the beginning. He scooted his chair back and grabbed your right leg by the ankle. “I’ve ignored you for so long. I won’t be neglecting any part of you, any longer.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your foot. His hands slowly began to massage your foot, working their way up to your ankle. He leaned down to kiss you again, this time moving up above your ankle. His hands would trail up and down your skin while he kissed you over and over again. His lips were soft, not rough like you’d expected them to be. You’ve seen him put on foundation on his scars, it wasn’t too far off for him to wear chapstick as well. 
Momentarily distracted, you hadn’t noticed that Silco had made it all the way up to your thigh until you felt teeth on your inner thigh. The feeling sent a sudden shock up your spine and you shuddered, leaning back on your hands for a moment. Silco didn’t stop, continuing to press kisses on your inner thigh. Occasionally he’d nip at the flesh there, as if taunting the idea of leaving a mark on you. He nuzzled his face into your thigh before slowly looking up at you. You couldn’t help but try and memorize the sight. This man. A feared, and respected man. Had suddenly become so pliant with you. As if you had somehow quelled the beast that drove him on this vendetta against Piltover. 
He moved his chair closer. His hands rested on your thighs, slowly trailing up and finding the lacy waistband of your underwear. He slowly dragged it down, but rather than just throw it elsewhere, he took the time to actually set it down atop the pile where your jeans were. 
You, suddenly self conscious, had tried to close your legs. Silco’s hands grabbed onto your knees. “Don’t hide from me, darling. I want to see every part of you. No matter how much you’d rather hide these…” He traced one of your scars. “Imperfections of yours.” 
He leaned down and kissed your thigh again. “Don’t be embarrassed.” He whispered. “I would never judge you.” 
He slowly pulled your legs apart, and you felt exposed. More exposed than you’d ever been in your life. The air in the office, despite its warmth, still sent shivers down your spine when it met the heat that had coiled in your lower regions. His hands rested on your hips as he leaned in. The moment you felt his mouth on you, you had to shut your eyes and collect the thoughts that instantly scattered. A guttural moan left your mouth, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of pleasure. His hands moved down to spread your legs further apart before he started to really get a taste of you. His tongue set out to trace every dip and fold, finding your sensitive spot and then feeling the area around it as if to map you out. He would occasionally switch up his technique, switching from merely lapping at you to drawing out little patterns with the tip of his tongue. Try as you might, you couldn’t keep yourself quiet. His fingers, the sneaky little bastards, had already joined in on the torment without you realizing. While his tongue worked to gently circle around, but never touch your clit, his fingers had already started to test out how tight you were. He let out a hum, seemingly pleased with what he was learning. You barely registered the vibrations, already teetering over the edge of an orgasm. Your legs trembled. You could feel it building as you twitched on his desk. When you felt a second finger– or was that a third? You couldn’t tell. It was hard to focus on both his fingers and his tongue when both were doing so much to keep you from forming a singular, coherent thought. 
You let out a moan, legs instinctively shutting, regardless of the man you had just trapped between them. If he was saying something, you couldn’t hear it over the sound of your heart pounding in your ears. You kept your legs shut, starting to regulate your breathing when he suddenly started moving again. Regardless of the lack of oxygen, it seemed like Silco had taken it upon himself to finish what he had started. Which left you squirming around as all the sudden pleasure reached its peak, and you came crashing down. Your grip on him trembled and you finally released him. He had the mind to stand and move a few things off his desk so that he could lay you down. 
It was then that you saw the mess left on his face. Silco looked down at you before reaching up to feel his cheek. He chuckled and drew his fingers to his mouth. “You’re lucky I don’t mind the mess you’ve just made of my office.” He had started to wipe the remnants off his face as he spoke. “If this continues to happen, I’ll have to get the carpet replaced. At one point, even the desk. All of these, small prices to pay.” He pushed your shirt up to feel your stomach. His hands moved to squeeze and grab at your flesh, almost like a cat kneading a blanket. 
“I’d like you to wear things like this more often.” He reached up and pulled the shirt up to expose your bra. “Of course, if you did, I wouldn’t be able to get any work done.” He reached up and toyed with the fabric, feeling you up through the padding. “I’m not entirely complaining. You are the welcomed distraction in my chaotic world.” 
He looked down at you from where you had remained sprawled out on his desk. “You’ve been oddly quiet. Well, aside from your moaning and all.” 
You stared up at him. You didn’t really have much to say. What were you supposed to say? ‘Thanks for eating me out?’ ‘Hey, you’re surprisingly good with your tongue?’ Every retort that came to your mind was either sarcastic, or some version of a joke. But what ended up coming out of your mouth, turned out to be the very thing that had been on your mind for a while. 
“Do you like me?” 
Silco blinked, having expected some kind of dirty retort instead. 
“Do I like you?” 
“Yes. Do you like me romantically?” You emphasized the word romantically, not wanting him to escape this one. “And don’t use some kind of metaphorical bullshit on me. I want the honest truth. Not some philosophy quote, not your vague little one liners. I want the cold, hard truth.” 
“Nothing about the way I feel about you is cold.” He reached up to run his fingers through your hair. “I do, in fact, like you. I’ve liked you for quite some time now. I like you, romantically. I like you in the sense that I’d like to be with you, as your partner. I like you in the sense that I’d like you to be by my side. I like you in the sense that, God willing, I’d like to grow old with you.” 
“You mean older than you already are.” You said before you could stop yourself. 
He sighed. “Yes, older than I already am. Cheeky brat.” 
You giggled, pulling him down for a quick kiss. You’d rather he brushed his teeth before trying to kiss you after what he’s just done. 
“And you? Do you like me?” Silco asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Well I thought that was obvious by now. You think I’d wear something like this for anyone? Work the hours I do?”
“I thought I paid you well.” 
“You do.”  
“Yet you complain about the hours?” 
“Shush you. I’m trying to have a little romantic moment here and you’re kinda ruining it.” 
“My apologies. Continue.” 
“As I was saying,” You huffed. “I’ve done a lot of things I wouldn’t normally do. Just to get your attention. It’s kinda stupid of me. I told myself I’d never do anything stupid for a man. Yet here I am.”
“I don’t–” 
“Let me finish.” You gave him a pointed look and he nodded, falling silent. 
“I like you, Silco. Romantically.” You paused and took a breath. “I want to be your partner. I want to be by your side. And I want to be there with you when you’ve achieved this dream of yours, and we get to live somewhere that doesn’t have break ins on a regular basis, or steal or kill or have to do anything like that to survive.” 
It was a quiet few moments before you finally asked the question. “So, will you be my partner?” 
“I’d be honored.” 
Hello, authors note here. I capped this at 8,409 words. Decided to keep the smut focused on you because it felt in character for Silco to prioritize you over himself. But trust, if anonymous requests a part two or smth I will make sure that he gets taken care of. I took my time with this one cause I wanted to do some plant research. Didn't research it too intently because this is just a drabble, but enough to get a few details. Anyways hope you enjoyed. Requests are still open. Here's my feeble attempt at tagging before I pass the hell out, feel free to add any tags you think should be added.
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digenerate-trash · 1 year ago
So like one day while you're around the city, you catch the hook that Kylar uses to take your clothes and confront him about it, you might even offer to strip for them instead
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"You should have just told me you wanted my shirt-" you say pulling your little boyfriend into an alley next to the shopping center.
You could feel their body start to shake when you cornnered them there. Imeaditly you start to pull of your shirt and kylar looks like a deer in the headlights. Once your shirt is off you hand it to kylar but they just start to hyperventilate a bit.
Their eyes never leave your chest as you stand over them. They're a little pathetic but you love them anyway-
You start to pull off kylars sweater from their shoulders but they're too stiff to take it off smoothly.
You kiss kylar gently to ease their nerves a bit. They kiss you back and suddenly they're alive again as the eagerly push their tongue into your mouth they lick and suck at your tongue a bit until you pull away holding their oversized sweater in your hand.
you pull it on quickly giving kylar one more kiss before leaving.
"Next time just ask if you wanna trade"
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bitchy-peachy · 2 months ago
Got free books at the hospital! We chose these.
Currently reading The Hollow Kind by Andy Davidson. So far it's a pretty good monster horror with psychological elements and family secrets.
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Blurry ass picture. I'm finally home and kinda irritated cos I woke up at 4am and despite it all I still finished at 4 pm.
I can walk now without assistance occasionally unlike before. My main issue is my stamina but my physical strength is good and my pain is perfectly controlled now. (Although I want weed 🥹)
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But they only give medicinal (in extracts of all things 🙄)
If I don't answer dms I'm just resting my stupid back or trying to relax playing my many games or reading these awesome books.
I will get back to you even if it's a sentence.
My son wants to check out the folklore book so I'm sending that over to his room (before I forget😩).
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seldomscilence16 · 1 year ago
Whumptober day 26:
"Sometimes I get so tired, I don't even know myself."
Seeing double | working to exhaustion | "You look awful."
Fandom: Voltron (Carmen Sandiego au)
Prompts used: all
It's so short I'm sorry. Explanation at the end. But my brain wants to do long fics despite never letting me finish them. This was a shower thought AU, literally wrote the characters on my mirror as I panned them out. This one and day 28 are both probably gonna get some lore someday cause they excite me.
C thinks about the Isle a lot. It had been all he'd known, for the first 10 years of his life. Then he'd been failed. And he'd snuck out. And he learned what VILE really was. He'd met Player 1 and 2. He'd worked his way through another year of schooling, until he was able to escape, and with the Players' help, he found his new calling.
But the Isle had been his home. His family. And now… now he looked over his shoulder at every turn. Now he wondered if allowing Keith and Hunk to join him was a good idea. Now he had to keep four people safe, the world from being taken over, to steal things before they could be stolen, to keep his head on his shoulders and his mind his own andandand-
"You look awful." Keith's voice breaks him from his thoughts.
"Your eloquent thoughts always make my heart sing Mullet." He returns in deadpan.
"I think he meant," Hunk cuts in, elbowing the pale boy, "that you look like you could use some rest."
Keith looks both chagrined and annoyed, a true talent really, but nods anyway.
"Hey Blue, we got something from the VILE drive, you up for it?"
"Go ahead Player 1." C turns towards the nearest screen, the two siblings' faces pop on either side as the middle displays what they need.
"Alright so,"
Carmen Sandiego completes another successful mission, Carmen Sandiego outruns the Inspectors, Carmen Sandiego foils VILE's plans once again, Carmen Sandiego-
C runs along the rooftops, fleeing another mission- successful, but when the Inspectors were involved, there were flashing lights and headaches ugh, he didn't need that right now- his foot falters on his next landing. He could have sworn the building had been closer, but it was fine- oh… now there were two Keiths… that, that can't be good. His health cant take two Keiths.
"Uh you good Blue?" Oh gods they speak in unison. "You don't seem your usual self…"
"What am I usually like? I have so much to do, I can't… stop now." C holds a hand to his head as the two Keith's seem to spin, a gentle hand on his elbow steadies him, but he can't stop the flinch that comes with the action, "Ya know…Sometimes… I get so tired, I don't even know myself. I… don't know if I even… have a thing."
"Hey! Shit, you're not, UGH!" Keith has taken most of C's weight, face flushed as frustration burns in his eyes, he looks around the roof briefly, pulls them to the shadows before continuing. "Look. I'm so not the one who should be having this conversation right now, and you're probably not going to remember anyway, but,
"You've given four people who had nothing, something. You took your upbringing, and you're using it to save people. But you're holding the world on your shoulders, just… I don't know, rely on us or something…" he trails off in mumbles towards the end, burning from his roots to his toes.
C looks up at him with awe, it had taken them awhile to get along, past the weird competition they had going on. The Players and Hunk had been exasperated to say the least, but if they could see them now, he's sure they'd be just as surprised as him.
"How long have you been going Blue?"
"Since that night… when they almost killed the archeologist… they raised me, they're gonna outsmart me eventually… I have to be prepared-"
"You literally couldn't tell me how many fingers I have if I asked right now."
"I'd just need to know which one is askin'!"
"Not helping your point here. If you work yourself into exhaustion-" Keith pauses, seemingly remembering something, "You'll have no work left to give. Patience… yields focus… just let us help you."
"...wanna know my favorite… weapon…?" C's eyes are heavy, too long without motion and his body has decided it likes this new position and warmth.
"The lance…"
"Very stabby. 10/10. And it can double as a name."
"....'ts pretty cool. 'Etter than 'black sheep'." C's face twists up in disgust at the name he'd gone by for so long.
"Black sheep who? You're Lance Carmen Sandiego."
C- no, Lance's- eyes widened, staring at the pale face above him framed by dark locks with even darker eyes locked on his own- three of them, but they weren't spinning anymore so he'll take it.
"I like that…" His eyes slip closed, snuggles further into his blue trench coat and towards the warmth emitted from the race car driver.
VILE was always around the corner. But with Red, Yellow, Green and Grey lights shading his Blue, he could get some sleep.
[ I had like a whole plan, but it would have been so long. So here's a fragment of a maybe bigger fic someday if anyones interested. And yes I know, Keith would be a perfect Carmen! But Lance is my baby. Characters below for your pleasure.
Zack/Ivy: Keith and Hunk
Players: Pidge and Matt
Shadowsan: Kolivan
Inspector/Julia: shiro and adam
Director: Allura and Coran ]]]
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confessxgossip4tcc · 2 months ago
it’s kinda awful but I lowk have a crush on dylann roof
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the-meme-monarch · 1 month ago
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sorry for having favorite characters that aren’t even actually in the game. they make me insane. this next one’s set way in the past they’re like older teens here⬇️
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i’m thinking about their Past. chat is it fucking over for me. aromantic arthur and aromantic aplatonic delilah upon ye
also can you believe. that i had characters kiss and i’m asking you to not call it ship art. like i think it makes sense in context but it’s a little funny to me
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i-reblog-castiel · 1 month ago
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"Angels have very colorful wings" factoid actually statistical error. Castiel Supernatural, whose wings glitter in every shade of the rainbow both visible and inconceivable, is an outlier adn should not have been counted.
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saudrag · 8 months ago
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homelander almost crying because a bunch of random politicians called him dumb is top-1 scene of the episode. y’all, he was not created to be the smartest person alive. he’s just a pretty boy and that should be enough
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itseghost · 11 months ago
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collection of some molly sketches :] im obsessed with drawing him smiling hugely looking mischievous
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aclockworkreader · 4 days ago
i finally watched nosferatu (2024) and i’ve come to the conclusion that many people either don’t like or just don’t understand gothic horror as a genre. everyone was acting like it’s the most disturbing, depraved movie they’ve ever seen and quite frankly, i think it could have been much weirder. it’s a near perfect vampire movie. appropriately dark, erotic, and horrific with classic elements of the gothic genre. and a masterful (and surprisingly feminist) exploration of trauma and the dichotomy of shame and desire. it’s a story about being repulsed by your own desire and feeling unlovable because of it, but feeling it nonetheless. and overall i think the film does a fantastic job at working through these themes.
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 14 days ago
"Heaven is gay porn on the internet" - God, making my gay sites.
Audio source
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melonthesprigatito · 5 months ago
I feel like everybody who's freaking out over the Typhlosion folklore story from the Teraleaks needs to be introduced to this video
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spooky-activity · 4 months ago
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Finally warping outta there
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joifee · 8 months ago
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A moment alone
sunset in the codlands
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w98pops · 26 days ago
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pariah dog... they dont love you like I love you
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hotluncheddie · 4 months ago
For the @steddie-spooktober day 30 prompt : ‘Where in the hell did you find that costume?’
rated: M | cw: none | tags: vampire!Steve Harrington, chubby Eddie Munson, blood drinking, established relationship, d/s undertones, hand feeding
Inspired by @scoops-aboy86 ‘s little AU that u can read here !!! :3c
‘Where in the hell did you find that costume?’ Eddie asks, stepping out of the green room bathroom with his eyeliner smudged just the way he likes.
‘What? It’s funny.’ Steve says from the doorway, having just finished a final perimeter check of the venue. He does a little 180, showing off his yellow and navy letterman and blue jeans, dressed just like Michael J Fox in Teen Wolf.
‘Yeah it’s funny, but when did you even have the time to shop?’ Eddie asks, picking at the table of snacks, popping a mini muffin in his mouth.
Steve tracks the movement. ‘Oh you know, I just called around a couple stores, had them put it aside for me and then sent someone to get it as part of your rider. Rockstar boyfriend perks.’ He shrugs, closing a locking the door. He can hear the stage hands in the distance setting up, they have time.
He hears Eddie’s heartbeat increase slightly too. ‘What are you dressed as?’ He asks, stalking slowly closer, setting his sunglasses on the coffee table.
‘A vampires latest victim.’ Eddie wiggles his eyebrows, finishing a donut. He’s in a sleeveless black mesh shirt, tattoos and round pink nipples on display, and wide leg, high waisted slacks that hug his thick waist in way that makes Steve’s mouth water. Every so often a tabloid will get a shot of Eddie and say something about his weight, the industry not used to a rockstar that isn’t heroin thin. After something like that Eddie always makes a point of showing more skin on stage, letting the people know how proud he is of his body.
After all, it keeps Steve alive. Perfect and plump as it is. Eddie needs to keep his strength up, to be able to handle Steve’s appetite.
Eddie’s sucking strawberry juice from his fingers and Steve can’t take it anymore. In an instant he’s across the room and crowding Eddie against the wall, having picked up a brownie on the way.
‘Vampires victim? So you need me to help complete your costume right? Give the kids a real show out there.’ Steve says, holding the treat just out of reach.
‘Stevie.’ Eddie slurs, opening his mouth, pupils growing. Steve feels his own flower shaped ones unfurl slightly at the soft pink of Eddie’s tongue, at the rushing of his blood.
‘Open up baby.’ He says, one hand wrapped possessively around Eddie’s chubby hip. ‘I know you want the adrenaline rush for the stage, little junky, but you know the rules, food first.’ Steve whispers, lips on Eddie’s cheek as he feeds the brownie into his panting mouth.
Eddie whines, chewing and writhing under Steve’s hands, baring his neck.
‘You’re more than just a victim though aren’t you?’ Steve murmurs, picking Eddie up easily and walking them over to the couch. Laying Eddie down beneath him.
‘Victim.’ Steve kisses Eddie’s temple, his cheek and over his sweet sugar coated lips. ‘Slave.’ Down his soft jaw. ‘Pet.’ Over the tense muscle of his neck. ‘Dearest love.’ Steve breaths deep feeling his fangs grow. ‘Soulmate.’ He bites; sweet molten blood flooding his tongue. They moan in unison, Steve drinking and laving and sucking. Eddie whining and thrusting below him, into Steve’s strong thigh, pinned and used and panting with pleasure.
Steve drinks his fill, licking over the wound to close it but keeping two little red puncture wounds and kissing the red mess around to really finish Eddie’s costume.
‘Fuck. I need, uh, well.’ Eddie babbles, still blissed out and Steve giggles at the faint blush across his cheeks. Even after all these years Eddie’s still gets shy about how much he likes Steve doing that.
‘I have clean underwater in my bag baby, like always.’ Steve says, kissing Eddie’s lips and rising off him.
Eddie hums and closes his eyes. Steve listens to Eddie’s heartbeat slowly descend as he rummages around for tissues and boxers. Coming back to the couch to help Eddie sit and undoing his pants for him. Any part of aftercare has always been Steve’s favourite, all of it just made easier with his powers. More easily in tune, stronger, faster.
‘Want another treat before you go out there?’ Steve asks.
Eddie blinks slowly at him, dopey little smile on his face. He nods and Steve laughs as he brings another brownie to Eddie’s lips, rubbing his palm in gentle circles over his stomach.
‘Showtime baby.’ Steve says, hearing the stagehand calling for the other members at the end of the hallway, on their way to Eddie’s changing room. ‘Ready to melt their faces?’
Eddie giggles. Blinking hard and holding his hand out for Steve to help him to his feet. He kisses Steve long and filthy until the door opens and he’s called to stage.
‘You better still have your costume on when I’m done. It’s hot.’ Eddie says. waltzing out the door.
Steve listens to the steady thrum of his loves heartbeat all through the show. Counting down the minutes until he can get Eddie under him again.
Tag list : @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @marvel-ous-m @thecatkingsthrone @pearynice @wheneverfeasible
@cheesedoctor @chickensinrainboots @chameleonhair @hbyrde36 @bookworm0690
This is my last post for the steddie spooktober!! Ty so much to everyone who has read and interacted!!!!
It’s been a feat and I can’t believe it’s over, but it really gave me something fun to focus on this month! which has helped me deal with the stresses in my life immensely. Ty so much @steddie-spooktober for hosting! Mwah!
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