#pretty soilder
randomuzerthelozer · 9 months
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The crew take care of a lil kid after their hometown was destroyed by the enemy, those who survived either left or were kiddnapped. They call up for help to take in the lil one to a safer place.
Yet due to the destructive condition, connection becomes a difficulty and even once it gets fixed seems like no one cares where the kid ends up due to "being more important matters"
So the bois take it to their own hands and may or may not accidentaly adopt a 6 year old who they'll kill to anyone whose stupid enough to hurt them
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45780 · 8 months
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So um, fanart? never done this before so ya know. My first ever digital drawing so tips would be appreciated. I know the front cars perspective is bad but eh.
you'll also notice that buckys hair has been tied up this is because my mind likes to torture me and it came up with the idea that the young widows would play with his hair when no one was watching.
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twilightbarnes · 5 months
Imagine being in a polycule with ghoap and all three of you trying to play it off to everyone that you’re just roommates. Two massive, scary military men being roommates with a pretty little thing like you? You’re not fooling anyone, Price thinks as he observes the three of you from across the booth. You’re sandwiched in between your so-called roomates, sipping on something fruity while simon nurses a bourbon and soap enjoys a beer. He even saw Simon offer you a sip of his whiskey, and you accept, swallowing it down with a pinched face and nearly gagging. He swears he sees the Lieutenant’s eyes crinkle behind his balaclava. Simon sharing his whiskey? Price can hardly believe it. You’re so pretty, he thinks. There’s no way his soilders can keep their hands off of you, he can tell by Soap’s antsy-ness, like he doesn’t know what to do with his hands because they’re always full of you. Simon is doing a much better job of keeping things lowkey, Soap, not so much. You’ve definitely got the scot wrapped around your finger with the way he hangs on to your every word.
Price follows Gaz to the bar for another round. “Seen ya looking at her Cap, why don’t you ask her out?” Price chuckles and shakes his head. “I think she’s taken sergeant.” Gaz’s eyebrows furrow. “I doubt she’d be living with two men if she had a boyfriend.”
“Exactly. She’s living with two men because she’s their girl.” Price says. Gaz’s eyes go wide, his head snapping to the three of you from across the room. Simon is saying something to you and you’re blushing. Soap has his arm around the booth and his hand is playing with the ends of your hair, attempting to be discreet but Gaz’s trained eye still sees it. Oh. Oh.
“Bloody hell.” The Sergeant says in disbelief, and Price cracks him a smile in return, patting his shoulder before walking back to the booth. “Told ya so.”
A few weeks later Price is debriefing your boys before they go on leave. “That’s all. You two tell your girl I said hello.” He quips, giving them that signature Price smile before leaving them to look at eachother in realization.
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In Anne’s Room
Atsushi: Is Kunikida okay? I mean he’s not okay but is he…good?
Yosano: Beats me he’s been screaming into a pillow since he got here. It’s kind of impressive to be honest.
Katai: It’s because one of the Hunting Dogs told him he would make a good solider.
Kunikida screams in punk
Atsushi: Wait you can understand him?
Katai: Yup.
Yosano: He shouldn’t get so worked up about it. We all know he would make a terrible soilder
Atsushi: Yeah he follows the President but I can’t imagine him following anyone else. Pretty sure he’d overthrow the government if they took him in.
Yosano: For sure.
Kunikida stood screaming and looks at them all teary eyed.
Kunikida: You mean it?
All: Of course.
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writingoddess1125 · 9 months
Tea Time
Wrote this and didn't proof read. Enjoy!
SUPER SWEET Fluffy McFluff 🍬 🍫 🍭
König 👑 x Reader + OC Daughter
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König- A Colonel of Kortac, A living battering ram and a ruthless killer- A man who scared even the most hardened of soilders.
Now in a hand cast decorated in scratch and sniff stickers and being walked through his home by a little girl in a Ariel night gown. His usual tactical gear replaced by well worn sweatpants and a old Star Wars shirt, and his face bare to the elements.
However here he wasn't just König- he was Hans too, Husband to (Y/N) a simple nurse and father to 4 year old Eden. The little girl currently dragging him to her Disney Princess Bedroom by his uninjured fingers.
He'd been sent on temporary leave due to breaking his hand during his last mission- rolling out of a moving vehicle during an extraction (Lies. In truth he rolled out of bed wrong and crushed his own hand) However he saw it as a blessing non the less. You having gone out to run a few errands which left König to spend the day with his little girl.
"Papa Sit! I made us tea!" Little Eden squealed, König looking over the little pink table set up with stuffed animals and even littler plastic chairs. Smiling as he gingerly lowered himself onto the tiny plastic pink chair, huffing softly as he did so which made Eden bounce impatiently.
"Little small Princess, give papa a second"
Eden, oblivious to her father's predicament, handed him a toy teacup with a proud smile smile the second he could be seated.
"Here Papa!"
König, trying to grasp it with his uninjured hand, which happened to be his non dominant- His large fingers awkwardly able to grasp the tiny plastic cup- this one having Cinderella on the front of it, "Meine Hände sind heute nicht in Topform" (My hands are not in top form today) he joked- often his times home he spoke to Eden in his native tongue, helping her to learn and understand him and pick up the language herself which she had done beautifully.
Despite the challenge, König sipped imaginary tea which to his surprise had liquid in it- water it seemed with all the elegance he could muster. Eden clearly happy giggled, pouring her water tea into cups and declared, "Papa, du bist der beste Teetrinker!" (Dad, you're the best tea drinker!)
König face softened at this- God he missed spending time with her, he knew his job was important but these moments with Eden ment the world to him. Now enjoying these tea party activities, using his injured hand to hold a stuffed bear she had handed him he chuckled, "Danke Princess"
As the tea party continued, König found himself stuck in a tiny chair which was perfect as his little girl put butterfly clips in his short ginger hair and some purple makeup on his powdery eyes, now struggling to maintain a dignified posture- His legs beginning to fall asleep and the chair making it impossible to be comforble as the pink makeup brush batted his poor face.
"Princess- a little more gentle" He said calmly- Winking when some of the cheap kid makeup got into his eye.
"Almost done Papa!" She said, finishing off with a smear of lip gloss over his scared lips.
"Very pretty Papa!"
"Oh? War ich vorher nicht hübsch?"
(Oh? Was I not pretty before?)
"No!" She exclaimed honestly which made König laugh rather loudly. Nothing like the honesty of a child to humble any man.
Eden continued to serve her tea and even bringing up chopped up conversations and random handfuls of snacks she scattered on the table which König pretended to eat. Which was making him shift and damn near fall from his chair-
Eden couldn't help but laugh at her father's predicament "Papa, du bi't so komisch!" (Dad, you're so funny!) She exclaimed while clapping and stomping her little feet, But stopping as her attention went to her open bedroom door immediately as you peaked in having just returned and still dressed for running errands a smile going over your lips.
"Hans?-" You say softly holding back a laugh at the sight of your husband. All nearly 7ft of him crammed on a tiny plastic chair that you could see was bent out of shape from his weight.
"Mama!" Eden cried out, rushing to you quickly with a toothy grin. "We having a tea party!"
"A tea party? Oh that sounds nice" You say with a smile, looking to your husband who batted his poorly painted eyes at you.
"Very nice- Care to join us?" He said with a smile, you walking over and kissing his forehead gently, making sure to avoid the splattering of makeup over his chizzled face.
"Why I'd love to~" You purr, König smiling at this as he helps you sit next to him in a matching plastic chair. Eden excitedly pouring you a tea cup of her water tea and handing it to you.
You looked down at the cup in question, looking to Eden who poured König another cup as well.
"Eden- Honey, where did you get the water from?" You question, knowing she couldn't reach the sink yet- König sipping the tiny bit of water.
"The toilet!"
A snort leaving you in laughter at that moment as König shot out the bit of water from his mouth. You watch König face scrunch up in total horror and disgust as he jumped from the chair like it was on fire spitting and wiping his tongue as he marched away- you now dying of laughter on the floor as he stepped around you, Eden looked at her father confused as he rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
"Verdammt noch mal!"
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evilminji · 11 days
Okay, I've Had Some THOUGHTS on this.
There? Is NO SUCH THING? As a True Clone.
There really, really isn't. Forget Boba. EVERY SINGLE CLONE TROOPER? Unique! It's impossible NOT to be!
Because what is a man?
The sum total of his thoughts and choices. Memories, feelings, and experiences!
Jango "demagolka" Fett DID NOT have that many brothers. Did not live an accelerated youth, stuck in hell, as a child soilder. There were no decommissionings haunting HIS nightmares. No fear of nonconformity.
But! I ask you!
Is the copy of an apple? An apple?
Yeah. It SURE FUCKING IS. Doesn't matter that it didn't come from the tree directly! If the ORIGINAL is a valid life form? Then any COPY of it? Equally valid. And if they're NOT? Then that means their creators DELIBERATELY brain damaged infants..
You can't argue the Clone trooper are NOT equal to Jango Fett with out the question: "Then does that mean you are sending deliberately mentally handicapped copies to go die in a war for you?"
And!!! That's ALL IRRELEVANT BESIDE! Because you know WHAT??
A COPY of Jango Fett? Is NOT his kid. Biologically? That's his FUCKING BROTHER.
He can choose to adopt Boba or not. He's Mandalorian, for all he's turned his back on everything they stood for. For all that ALL his parents would be ashamed. He CAN do that. But you know what he CAN'T do?
Disown the Vode.
Your BROTHER doesn't get SHIT say in if your DEAD PARENTS would have accepted and loved you. Prime can go KARK himself. Every? Single? Clone Trooper?
Has the SAME PARENTS. And THEY died on their farm, helping the Manda'lor. Who then adopted their son. The FETTS? Who have marched on ahead? Of CLAN FETT?
Yeah, THEY are the Clone Trooper's Biological Parents.
It literally doesn't matter that they've been dead for decades. Their blood runs in millions of veins. Their parent's blood. Their parent's parent's. Those Clones are Clan Fett unless they renounce it. Mandalorian culture is pretty damn clear. You can get rid of a bad parent, but you can not abandon your kid.
That is an army of fuckin FARMERS. Proud legacy of Mandalorian FARMING.
Someone should dop them their extended bloodline and heritage. Because their BROTHER? Doesn't get a fucking say. He got adopted by Mereel. Good for him. There aren't asking for THAT name. To be part of THAT clan. They have no right to it.
But Clan Fett?
Is millions strong.
@legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @hypewinter
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boozenboze · 2 years
Seargent Mischief
Tf 141 x Mischievous!Male reader
Summary: M/n had been part of the 141 for a while and nobody has seen his face.The only thing that they now is that he’s a trickster and he teases them all a ton.
Side note: Mischeif is just a nickname you have,Tails is your code name
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
Tails was a strange guy,similar to Ghost he wore a kitsune mask and he also had a tattoo of it as well.When he first joined the 141 they all felt the males misschevious aura lingering around him.They are already assumed that you would be trouble and they we’re correct.A few days afyer your arrival you could be seen circling around around one of the recruits who was also your friend.You’ve been poking his arm and getting really close to his face as if you were about to kiss him.Since he was in a flustered state he closed his eyes thinking it was about to happen but then you pulled away leaving him and others stunned.You began laughing at him, not to embarrass him or anything, you just started to tease him on how puzzled he looked.
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“Ah~,sorry dear I didn’t mean to upset you.”M/n said while placing his hand on the males cheek before patting it.Keep in mind the h/c haired males mask only cover the upper part of his face, and the only hing visible were his his lips.M/n gave him a fake pout before walking away with a smile on his face. He left the recruit a blushing and flustered mess as he hopped away onto his next victim.
Price was unamused by your behavior.You’ve been flirting with so many recruits that pretty much everyone there had a crush on you.Not to mention the way you carry yourself,you were so confident in evey stunt you pulled.Which leads to the current subject.
The captain was sitting in his office m, looking at some reports and files that he had received.That was when his door swung open as a familiar s/c skinned male walked into the room.
“Heya captain~!Whatchu doin’?”The male asked as he looked down at his captain who was seated.
“Do you need some Tails?”Price spoke as he glanced at the male who had a devious smirk on his face.Tails was another nickname that you’ve aquired considering that you personality was close to a kitsune or fox.
“Hey whats this?”M/n said while pointing at a random file the price had besn reading.Price glanced at it before responding.
“Just some files I’ve been going over why....?”Price said eyes widening when he turned his head to look at the soilder who was inches away feom hid face.Piercing e/c eyes stared at him sharply before he tilted his head and leaning closer.Price didn’t move once he felt the males lips on his.They were soft, pillows is how he’d describe them.The mask wearing male rose his hand to scratch the older mans beard and he hummed before the h/c haired male pulled away.
“Later captain~!”The male said while walking out of the room like nothing happened leaving the other man in the room stunned.
That was just an example of the shit you do
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Its been 2 days after your first actions, and you were currently walking to the kitchen to have breakfast.As you made your way in you saw Gaz and Soap sitting togther while eating breakfast.M/n walked into the room and opened the refrigerator which caught their attention.They eyed M/n’s back before averting their sight to his butt.It looked like two perfectly plumped and rounded buns.They heard the male huff before closing the fridge and turning around.The h/c haired male approached Gaz and got up close to his face.Gaz could see the males e/c eyes and long eyelashes through the eye holes.
“Is that my chocolate your eating Kyle?”M/n asked Gaz as he noticed part of his chocolate bar in the males hand.
“Oh um-sorry I didn’t know it was yours.”Gaz said apologetically as he handed the bar back.M/n grabbed it but broke it half before sticking it in the males mouth.Gaz blushed slightly and furrowed his brows in question only to see M/n get extremely closer to his face and biting on the other end of the bar that wasn’t in his mouth.The chocolate broke from the pressure of M/n’s canines, snd M/n pulled away leaving the Brit flustered.M/n chuckled before kissing the male.The e/c eyed male moved his hand onto his cheek to deepen the kiss.
“Ehem I’m still here!”Soap yelled out with a pout on his face.M/n pulled away with the taste of chocolate- still lingering in his mouth.Soap made the first move to kiss the male and M/n reciprocated his actions.Soap slid his tounge into the males mouth.Once they pulled away M/n had a fox like smirk on his face before leaving.
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20 minutes.......20 whole minutes is how long Ghost and M/n had been sparring.They’ve both gotten a decent amount of hits on each other and both hadnt broken a sweat.M/n huffed slightly as he cracked his neck before giggling.
“Come on Ghost I know you fight better than this.....unless your just goin easy on me eh?~”M/n said teasingly as Ghost glared at him through his balaclava.M/n kneeled down before rushing at the taller man.Ghost grabbed the back of his shirt and lifted him in the air.They were face to face now before M/n’s legs wrapped around his neck before slamming him to the ground.Ghosts vision went black for a moment and right when his vision cleared he saw M/n on top of him.His arms were pinned above him and he saw M/n’s mask was close to falling off.It slowly fell off the males face, revealing his features.Every mole or beauty mark could be seen on his face, as well as a few scars that he had received.Ghost was choked and didn’t move after M/n had gotten off of him.
You’re r too handsome for your own good 😗✌🏾
(Do y’all want headcannons?)
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callmissrogers · 7 months
There You Are Sweetheart. | Steve Rogers x Reader One Short.
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Summary: Y/n just wanted to bring her sister a package. What she didn't expect was being picked on by two soldiers or being rescued by a handsome stranger.
Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 1,909
Warnings: fluff and some goofiness. Y/n does get harassed by some jerks, but nothing happens. Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: very minimal editing and gold stars to anyone who catches what this is a reference to.
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It's beginning to feel like spring. The cherry blossoms have sprung into bloom, and Y/n has a date to bring her sister, Felicity, a package that was delivered to her house whilst Felicity was away. On the way there, her horrible sense of direction has her taking a wrong turn and into the pathway of some soilders on their lunch break. Will Y/N end up in some sort of trouble, or will someone dashing come to her rescue? Read to find out.
Hey! I'll be at on a coffee shop today at 3... Could you bring me my package then? It's a little hole in the wall place by all the fancy vintage stores you like.
Of course, Felicity would want to meet at a coffee shop. Y/n was positive her sweet younger sister couldn't survive even a couple of hours without a caffeine kick.
She looked around her office (which was really her apartment) for an excuse to stay in, but couldn't find any. All of the outfits that needed tailoring had already been tailored.
Plus, really, she hadn't seen her sister for a while, and they needed to catch up. Y/n just hated going out in the late afternoon. It meant that she'd likely be heading back during rush hour and would end up eating dinner late. If there was anything that y/n didn't appreciate, was having her routine messed up. . . She was well aware that she lived like a little old lady sometimes.
Closer to time, she got dressed in an outfit that was fit to be seen in. Her baby pink lounge set was incredibly comfortable for working long hours at home, but it was hardly a fashion statement.
The coffee shop in question was about 15 blocks away from her place, so she decided to walk. Admittedly, this probably wasn't the best idea in the world. Y/n has a tendency to get lost in her local grocery store.
So, with an earphone in one ear, she listened to her favorite oldies playlist, as life was better when it had a soundtrack and was on her way.
A few blocks down, she took a left down an alley that was its own hole in the wall. It held a bar favored by military members and directly across from that there was a karaoke pizza joint. Y/n always thought that made an odd coupling.
Tho, a part of her wondered if the college girls who favored the pizza place went there just for the chance of getting with an army man without any understanding of what military life was really like.
She was musing on this when two soldiers stepped out directly in front of her and thereby blocked her pathway.
"Um. Excuse me." She gasped, trying to get around them.
"Looks like this little mouse lost her way," one of them joked, taking a swig from his beer bottle.
She shook her head, "Oh no, I'm not lost."
The second soldier peered down at her with a grin on his face and then said, "This little mouse looks thirsty. We should take her to get a drink."
Y/n was beginning to get nervous, and she had no idea how she was going to get out of this situation. She had never had any issues cutting through here before, but now she was wishing she had taken the route that passed the pet store instead.
All she could think to say was, "No thanks, my sister is waiting for me." Hopping that by knowing she had some place to be that they would just leave her be.
But they just shared a glance, laughing to themselves before the one of the right replied with a "We've heard that excuse before." Then the one on the left winked at her and said, "She's actually pretty cute for a mouse."
His pal chuckled and then reached out to place a hand on her shoulder, "How old are you anyway? Live close by?"
Now they were both getting uncomfortably close, and y/n had a terrible vision about being stuck having to sit in this bar with them until they had gone from just tipsy to black out drunk.
"Leave me alone!" She tried to yell, but it came out as more of a loud statement.
"You see, your personality scares all the girls."So I think she's cuter when she's scared."
She was done for, body stiffening up, hands trembling, trying not to drop the package.
"There you are, sweetheart," someone said behind her. Only when someone tucked their arm around hers and pulled her from the soldiers' grasp did she realize that the stranger was talking to her.
But she certainly didn't know anyone who would call her that. That much she was sure of.
"I'm sorry I'm late." He said, gazing down at her. She had to crane her neck just to look him in the eye. He was a tall, blond headed man with strong features. His bright blue eyes bore into hers with concern.
Did she know this man? No. No, she did not. But all she could manage to do in response to his saving her from these two was to open and close her mouth repeatedly.
"I've been looking for you everywhere." Her rescuer continued acting like they knew each other. Not only knew each other but were in some sort of relationship.
Oh boy, was y/n's head spinning now.
"Hey man, we were just talking to your girl here." One of the soilders tried to explain.
Her rescuer looked at the pair and then said, "Really? It looked to me like you were trying to force a lady into drinks after she said no. Time to learn some boundaries, gentlemen. We'll be going." And then he gently led her up and out of the alleyway, only stopping once they were completely out of sight of the bar.
"Are you ok?" He asked, his head tilting to get a better look at her face. This man had to at least be 6"2, and he made y/n feel positively tiny.
Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "I will. I will never take that street again. That's for sure."I'm sorry that it did. Letting off steam is no excuse to treat a lady that way."
"Thank you. . . I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along like that." She said, pulling the hem of her cardigan sleeve.
"I was just doing what anyone should do in a situation like that,"
"But. Can I ask-- No nevermind." She mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up from embarrassment.
"No, no. Go on, please, " He encouraged, actually seeming eager to hear her out.
"Wh - why'd you pretend to be my boyfriend or something?" She asked, feeling really, really stupid.
Now he was blushing.
"To be honest, ma'am, it was the only thing I could think of on the spur of the moment." He said with a nervous laugh.
When her phone chimed, y/n pulled it out to see a text from Felicity.
where are you?
"Well, I thought it was smart. . . You're very much the gentlemen." She said with a smile, feeling much more relaxed than she had a moment ago.
He looked like he was about to say something when her phone chimed again
Beginning to freak out a bit, sis. Are you ok?
Y/n sighed, looking from the phone screen up to her rescuer. "I should... I should probably get going. My sister's getting worried about me."
"Where is it you're headed? If you don't mind me asking." He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. How was it possible for someone to look so at ease and yet so uncomfortable at the same time?
"She wanted to meet at a coffee shop a few blocks away from here." Y/n replied, adjusting her bag and trying to look anywhere but at him.
They made quite the pair.
After shifting from foot to foot for a moment, he said, "I could walk you."
Y/n didn't know why, but that small gesture made her smile in the biggest way.
"Really? You don't have to."Ah. Well, now I'm invested after all. I've been looking for you all day." He said, matching her smile. If she could read his mind right now, she'd know that he just congratulated himself for coming up with something that was smooth as a response
So he offered her his arm again, and the pair made their way to the coffee shop.
Meandering past store fronts and other businesses as they went.
"This is it." Y/n fianlly said, stopping in her tracks.
It was a coffee shop that looked like it hadn't aged for about 60 years.
"I love this side of town," He said as a response.
"Things feel a little more normal here." "More normal?" Y/n asked, not understanding what he meant by that statement.
"That would be a very long story that we don't have time for at the present moment." He said again, smiling down at her.
"Oh. I see." Y/n giggled at her own confusion. This man saved her, escorted her to meet her sister, and now adds some mystery to the mix.
"I'll let you go. Don't want to worry that sister of yours anymore." He said with a tip of his head and he started to walk away.
"Wait!" Y/n blurted, forgetting herself. He turned to face her again, judging by the expression on his face, he was surprised by her sudden outburst. Then his brows shot up as if to say, "Go on."
"What's -whats your name?" She asked, willing herself to hold onto this bold feeling long enough to get this out.
He smiled and then said, "Steve Rogers."
Y/n's eyes widened, and her boldness melted into total embarrassment. Perhaps she was drugged or something to be out of her mind enough to not realize she had been with not just some kind stranger off the street, but rather CAPTAIN AMERICA. And he had called her "sweetheart", even if he hadn't really meant it, he had still said it.
She would dream about that for the next month while she hemmed dresses.
"Miss. Miss!" Steve said, having come closer again to get her attention. Y/n jumped when she realized he was right in front of her.
"Sorry. I'm y/n y/l/n. "
"Well, y/n y/l/n," He said, reaching into his pocket, pulling out a pocket notebook he scribbled something down and then gave it to her. "If you happen to be free this Friday night. There's a restaurant in this neighborhood. Very old timey, like me. . ." He said nervously, laughing again. "We could have a meal, I could tell you that story and I could learn more about you. I mean, aside from the fact that you have a sister and listen to 'Sh Boom' when you walk around the city."
He had noticed what she had been listening to?
All y/n could do was squeak a "yes." Before running back into the coffee shop and slamming the door in his face.
Felicity looked up in surprise, "What took you so long? Are you ok?"
Y/n sat down and, in one breath, said, "I think Captain America just asked me out on a date, and I said yes."
NOTE: I wrote this in one sitting, and at first, I thought it was sweet. Now, I think I might have actually made it corny. I'm going with it anyways but please let me know what you thought of it. Thanks!
Note 2: Part 3 of 'That's my Girl' will be coming out soonish keep an eye out!
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lying-on-floors · 5 months
How I think the TF2 Mercs (RED) Would Act at a Dollar Store Checkout...
Engineer: Very respectful and patient. He'll go through the whole "southern manners" routine, iykyk, and he'll probably call you "darlin'." He'll probably have some tools or something like that and maybe he'll yap but all in all, it's the standard checkout interaction in the south.
Pyro: They wouldn't say much, but they will use body language to express themselves. They probably bought a bunch of stuffed animals or toys, maybe some coloring books and crayons, and gasoline and lighters. Pretty uneventful all in all.
Heavy: Very respectful and patient, like Engineer. He'll probably speak in broken English, but that's not a big deal. He'll probably have books or sandwich stuff.
Spy: He wouldn't walk into the store, he's pretentious asshole. I have a complicated relationship with Spy tbh.
Scout: Candy and energy drinks. That's it. His mom definitely taught him manners, but they won't be like Engie's or even heavy's. He'll probably be pretty impatient, maybe a bit rude, but he's not aware of it. He won't even have a wallet, he'll pull out crumbled dollar bills from his pockets and toss them on the counter. He'll probably be a bit sheepish about it. He'll probably start out by saying "Hey, hot stuff" if he finds you attractive.
Sniper: He'll be pretty quick and quiet. He'll be respectful and pretty patient. He'll probably smell a little weird and be a little dirty and he'll probably have beef jerky and beer. It'll be a pretty swift transaction.
Medic: Quick and a little weird. I can't explain it exactly. Just that it's an experience. Like, he wouldn't be mean, just strange.
Demo: He would probably call you lass but he'd be pretty respectful. He's probably buying beer or something for his mom.
Soilder: probably gets banned.
I work at a dollar store...
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biboomerangboi · 7 months
This is absolutely nothing to do with the Netflix show I haven’t even watched that thing but I’m once again thinking about Sokka and Sokkas Master again and going insane.
Especially with how Sokka was never supposed to be a warrior. Like fundamentally he’s just not built for that kind of life. He was born into war and has been basically been told and trained to believe that one day he is going to die for his tribe and especially for his sister and that’s his destiny and he’s like okay that’s my job that’s what I do and everyone in the tribe knows this and sees this as my role as I am the only man left. (I sincerely doubt a bunch of woman and old people were actually looking at this kid as the last warrior seriously until he went to fight the fire nation BY HIMSELF but that’s not the point, the point is he was doing it)
But but the thing about Sokka is he’s not a fighter, he’s a scholar to his core. He doesn’t win hand to hand against Zuko but he does get a hit in with his boomerang that takes an insane amount of math to do perfectly and even though he loses the fight we realise already that Sokka is coming at this war from a different angle that anyone else is.
Like Sokka knows when he joins Aang he doesn’t have as much to bring to the team, he basically assigns himself the role of provider and bodyguard and is now willing to die for both of them because they are two of the most important people in the world and he could have been cynical the entire time. He was prepared to be cynical. Until he goes to Kyoshi gets his shit rocked by a girl and is like oh damn there’s different ways to go about fighting and war and I actually don’t know a lot of it can you super pretty warrior lady teach me your ways and from that moment on Sokka becomes a student.
He gets the mark of the wise with Bato, he figures out how to get Katara on that prison ship and that the fortune teller is a hoax and gets the water bending scroll all through thinking things through not fighting them head on. He invents the fricken war ballon and it’s so clear that all his thinking is now coming at things from an angle no one expects which is so perfect for this war in particular considering it’s been basically a slow tug of war between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation for decades. He’s looking at these things and he’s like hey I’m not a bender but I do know how benders think and how a lot of people think because I’m trying to figure out how the world works. Like by the time he gets to North he isn’t as great with the weapons because again HES NOT A FIGHTER AT HEART but he is a thinker and he points out all the holes in the Norths strategy with full confidence.
Like in book 2 all his thoughts are about winning and out thinking the enemy. He learns about the library and gets so genuine excited about it but he can’t be a true nerd cause of his responsibilities but he basically plans a way to win the war, learns haikus, try’s art, gets into wrestling and learns so much about other cultures and skills he’s always thinking and winning and no longer doing things on impulse.
But of course he still feels insecure about that and doesn’t see his brain as his true weapon because he was supposed to be the warrior. That’s his role.
So he goes to Piandao who sees all of that and sees how Sokka is so so smart and eager to learn and think in ways that no one expects and he nurtures that. He teaches him art and calligraphy and gives him a Jian! He gives Sokka a Jian "The Gentleman of Weapons" not Dao even though Dao are made for soilders and Jian are for scholars, nobels and people who have time for proper sword craft. (Not to mention the fact they are primarily used for Tai Chi which is also the base for water bending which is just a detail I love). Like the Jian is a sword for scholars it’s for scholars!!!
Sokkas a thinker not a fighter and that’s so amazing to me.
Like he starts as the boy that took on a fire nation ship by himself then ends the series as the guy who’s strategies won the war, a trusted advisor for basically anyone of importance because they know he’s smart and are willing to listen to his ideas and with such a happy future for him to grow without the weight of having to be a fighter weighing him down cause that’s not who he’s supposed to be.
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nattblacklupin · 6 months
Fierce protector
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Pairing: Lord Devlon x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, illyrian soilders inappropriately touching reader (nothing too intense), fighting? (Not really, but still), kinda suggestive at the end but no smut
Summary: Lord Devlon protects his mate no matter what
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Everyone in Windhaven was scared of Lord Devlon, one wrong move or word, and he will destroy you the next training. He was especially fierce about training the women in the camp, his mate helped him realise they could be good and useful fighters too. Now it takes one bad word about any woman in the camp, and you got it. Training or, in worst case, punishment that will surely teach everyone their place.
Today was one of these days, and Devlon wasn't letting them go easy today. They spoke too openly about his mate. They should be glad he didn't kill them. Just the thought of yesterday events was making him see red.
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He was waiting for his mate to finish her shift in the pub. He told her uncountable times she didn't have to work and that he will take care of her, but she refused every time. Devlon wasn't happy about it, but if his mate wishes to work, he will have it and respect it. His mate matters to him the most and if he has to stay in her pub whole shift just to scare of drunk horny warriors then let it be like that, anything just too see her smile at the end of the day.
Today started as a normal night for both of them. Y/N made sure everyone got their drinks while he was making sure she is alright. The men can get quite handsy, which he totally won't tolerate, not with any woman and totally not with his mate.
"Hello pretty, could you please give us three shots?" One of the soilders yelled at you. He immediately turned to them. It's not something new that men compliment you. He himself does that nearly every day. But he was keeping eye on them. Young warriors often didn't know when to keep their mouth shut. Their table was close to Devlon, so no word that left they shameful mouth didn't miss him. He was still left with a cold mind. Let them fantasise. You would never even get close to them in that way.
You were used to drunk men, their words just pointless part in your night. Their order was quickly done, and you started walking to their table. On your way, you shot Devlon quick smile. You missed him - like it isn't only half an hour since you last kissed him.
Everything was going smoothly, and they didn't do anything stupid till you were leaving them to take care of other orders. One of them whistled and slapped your ass. In a second, his hand was grabbed by your mate, and the soilder was on the ground.
"You wanna try that again?" Devlon growed at him. How dares he touch his mate like that? Only he can do that. The illyrian soldier was nearly peeing his pants while begging for forgiveness. Devlon didn't see through his anger, all his instincts were screaming at him to protect mate and kill any potentional threat to her.
,,Devlon, love, let him go. You can punish him on the training tomorrow. But don't let him destroy the night today. " You knew how to calm down your husband. These little angry scenes were nearly on a daily routine. Devlon could control himself, just not when it came to you, his only weakness.
,,let's go home, love. " you said and took his hand to slowly lead him away from the soilder. He luckily did let go, and his hand went around your waist. ,,talk to my mate like that one more time, and I will literally kill you." He was dead serious when he said that ,,that goes for all of you."
You quickly nodded at your coworker so they knew you were leaving. Everyone was probably happy that you decided to leave sooner, and they didn't have to deal with their angry commander.
The moment you left the pub, you kissed him. The kiss was fast and heated. Nothing sweet about it, but at the moment, you knew that Devlon needed to calm himself somehow, with what you will gladly help him further at home. Your lips left his, and you looked up to smile at him.
,,my fierce protector."
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sulphuric-onyx · 2 months
Okay, bit of a long one that went from headcannon to a fic snippet as I wrote it but whatever.
So, it's a pretty common and cannon supported (from what i recall) take that Tuckington as a pairing can read eachother like picture books, they know eachothers tics, are really good at spotting them, etc.
However, I find it to be best (and very funny mostly) if taken to the hardest extreme, to the point where their weird silent communication but just looks like straight telepathy from the outside.
I like to envison this happening on Chorus because I think it would happen alot at practice and stuff, and the luitenants would be the most weirded out by it, (unlike the other Reds and Blues because honestly they're used to it), usally going something like this:
(Ps, they're all out of armour for the sake of this scenario, just dont worry about it)
Wash is watching over practice, or rather he's supposed to be, his gaze instead catching on Tucker, maybe even tracking a little further down the aqua soilders torso than it really should as he stretches, preparing for his first lap.
Tucker glances over his shoulder mid stretch, barely catching the slight shift in the height of Wash's eyeline.
Tucker's left eye twitches, and his brows pinch slightly, ("Were you just?")
Wash's eyes widen just barely, relaxing away from his usual glare at training, and it's only for a half a second---
Tuckers already grinning, ("oh you so were.")and Wash's expression snaps back, attempting to hide the small panic of being caught as fast as possible. "I was not!"
"Yeah right! My eyes are up here, Wash!" Tucker called back, the rest of the training hall pausing to look between the two like a tennis match.
"I'll make you run laps." Wash threatened in one last ditch effort.
"What? So you can get a better view!?" Tucker mocked, standing up and already making a start on said laps.
Wash restrained a groan down to a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose tightly as he willed his face not to go red.
"Uh, sir?" Palomo questioned, suddenly beside him.
"Yes Palomo?" Wash replied, not looking up.
"What the fuck was that?" He followed up, and Wash finally glanced up to find almost the entire stadium staring at him with a confused look, all except for Tucker, who was happily running his laps around the gym.
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nxvaca1nefa1ry · 7 months
ིྀnova’s intro ིྀ
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ིྀabout me ིྀ
ꕥ haii !! you can call me nova ~ african american ~ seventeen ~ prns are mainly she/her but they/them are okay as well ~leo sun ☼ ♌︎ || sagittarius moon ☾ ♐︎ || taurus rising ⇧ ♉︎ ~ mbti: ISFJ
ꕥ music artists i listen to: jordan ward, erykah badu, smino, JID, lauryn hill, kendrick lamar, chxrry22, the weeknd/abel, ariana grande, frank ocean, xxxtentacion, bryson tiller, jhenè aiko, steve lacy, juice wrld, tame impala, brent faiyaz, childish gambino, tyler the creator, kali uchis, etc (+ 90s-early 2000s rnb artists)
ꕥ my favorite shows/movies: the society, snowfall, bojack horseman, succession, tangled, gravity falls, the pagemaster, tnbc, coraline, disenchantment, ahs, a different world, spiderman: atsv, criminal minds, death note, tvd/to, little fires everywhere, the hate u give, the perks of being a wallflower, etc
ꕥ dni: cat-dislikers (sns), taurus men (tbh any men), and the typical dni (racists, trans/homophobes, etc)
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ིྀextras ིྀ
ꕥ i have a kat named minxx ~ multi aesthetics ~ lana + ariana + abel = my holy trinity ~ coryxkenshin, berleezy & imdontai’s #1 fan ~ in $h recov (this is not a $h blog (not anymore at least) ~ i <3 MGG (me & dr. spencer reid are married btw) ~ (b)eautiful (p)rincess (d)isorder ~ a fallen soilder to the 🛒demic ~ this is pretty much an online diary so you’re able to come across anything ~ i’m (mostly) a sfw blog
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ིྀlinks ིྀ
ꕥ pinterest
ꕥ side blog (that started out as a main blog)
ꕥ airbuds
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Ronin raising a baby left at the door-step| pt.1
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Reader: female - the baby
Notes: i live for this man and father daughter content, and also Part One <3
Warnings: Yelling, Baby Y/n throwin punches bc she dont take no shit 👊
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We're gonna go being left on the door step daughter father content here
Left at the doorstep of the leafmans barracks with a little tag that said "Commander of the Leafman army"
Some rookies found you, all bundled up in a hand woven basket.
So they take you to Ronin, whos probably already on his 40th cup of caffine that day
"This is important."
He looks up at his soilders, and tells them to come in.
There they are. With you. No more than a month or two old asleep in the bundle of blankets.
"What? Sanchez finally had her baby? On Duty no less? That woman has to be strapped down for bed rest."
"No...sir. She was at the barracks entrence."
What? Huh?
Did he hear that right?
"By who?"
The soliders shrugged.
Ronin was quick to get up and the soilders handed him the baby.
"Basket had your title on it sir." One spoke, "Does that help identify the parents at all? You know anyone who was havin a baby sir?"
"Just Sanchez." Ronin answered, he too wanted to get to the bottom of this, "Find her and her wife, make sure there okay. Both of you go together."
And off they went, he sat down with you, a big yawn coming from you.
Truth be told he didn't know who this child was or who's it could be.
But he thought it was cute how you grabbed onto his finger, eyes big and gray, your color hadn't come in yet.
Yet he could assume you had been born with that ashy black color hair. You had a pretty decently full head of it after all.
And that's when he saw it.
A pendant around your neck, tucked away and hidden, in the blankets.
A product of two worlds colliding.
Then and there he knew he had to keep you safe.
You were innocent in this war and in this world.
The soldiers come back; tell him what he already knows; it's not Sanchez's, and Sanchez is standing guard, pregnant as ever.
"Let's bring her to the Orphanage," one recommended, "They'll know what to do,"
"No," Ronin ordered, "She was left here, for a reason,"
"But sir, she's a baby, no offense, sir, but can you handle a baby,"
"I handle you two, don't I?"
Leafmen that see him leaving are in shock; did him and Tara finally get together? Have a kid? Wait had him and Tara been together this whole time?
Yet despite there stares he holds you close and leaves with you home.
Nod's was home, he putting dishes away; he was always home before Ronin.
"Don't tell me you brought home a baby aphid when you told me no," Was the first thing Nod told him when he seen the blankets.
Nod was quiet shocked when he was shown the baby.
"Who's kid?"
"Orphaned, staying with us just for a little bit. Till we figure it out."
Oh what a lie.
You were staying forever.
Lets just say: the first few days? Shit the first day was stressful
What are they suppose to feed you?
You certainly don't eat ration packets- or quiet frankly....anything
For there luck the old lady next store was real tired of hearing it and knocked on the door.
Nod answers the door.
"Why is that child trying like she hasnt eaten in an hour?"
"She won't eat."
"Move aside."
Props to the old lady coming to the rescue and saving Ronin's ass
"Milk Lily's tend to be the norm, especially when my children were growing up, I'll give you a list of needs and some milk lillies from my own garden to start you off with- Where is your wife Ronin? She must be tired from the bundle of joy."
"There's no wife," Ronin informed, "Someone dropped her off at the barracks."
"Then I can call up my sister. She works at the orphanage. Will that help any?"
Ronin was silent, looking up at the old lady rocking the child, "Im keeping her."
"Well..." The old woman started, "she is certainly cute. I dont blame you... You'll need a few things"
Bam Baby list.
It's just the essentials, really, especially for the age.
The first weeks were really hard on Ronin
Like really hard, hes use to no sleep. But...damn...
They can find both of you sleeping when Ronin has downtime in his office
And sometimes the other soilders take you to play with you.
"She can't walk yet idiot!"
"It's called training for a reason!"
Ronin after weeks of having you: has yet to name you
People litterally just call you "baby"
That's until one day he's coming home with you in a sling one of the soldiers had shown him how to wrap, he's coming back from his Milk Lily farmers.
Nod's not home: as he's on night rounds covering Sanchez's shift- finally she had taken bed rest
So the window at the end of the hall being opened confused him
He called for Nod but got no answer.
So he set you in the basket of groceries: you know. For safekeeping as something sounds in the kitchen.
Before he can even round the corner and into the kitchen he's attacked from behind,
Arms wrapped around him to choke him, hoping to kill him easily and cheaply.
Yet Ronin kicks as he's dragged and manages to grab the dagger that sits on his belt besides his sword and stabs backward at anything physically possible
Into the shoulder and let go he turns to face the intruder
A boggin woman, "Where is it!?"
"I have no idea what the hell you're on about!"
Yet the crying in the background catches ear, and it's a race for the baby. The woman gets there first and gets through his front door.
"Fuck!" Ronin shouts quickly following grabbing his spare bow and arrows at the doorside.
With his skill it was a simple shot and down the woman went. He running to grab you as you cried.
"It's okay. It's okay..." Ronin cooed, "shh...my Y/n...shh."
The commotion grabbed neighbor's attentions as they came out to help
"Ronin, are you -"
"Call the gravedigger..."
"Are you alright? The both of you?"
The people only got a nod as he walked back to his home.
And from that day forward you're named Y/n.
No particular reason he claims anyone who asks in the future
Its a lie, he had been thinking about it for a while
He'd be lying if he didn't get even more attached to you, especially as the months came through: you're eyes matched your hair in orgin: that yellow orange that came from Wraithwood with the midnight hair
As you get older too Nod takes a more brotherly role.
And Ronin finally introduces you to Tara closer to your year old mark.
"I have been wanting to meet you for some time." Tara smiled, lifting Y/n into the air with a smile.
Yet you reach back for Ronin
Totally does not hurt Tara's pride- it really hurt
"She's not keen on new people"
"Oh, she's your daughter for sure then." Tara teased.
Tara was right there
No matter what you were pretty attached to your dad.
Though your first words werent Dada, they were idiot and leaf.
He knew exactly who he had to make run laps because of that
You were an early bloomer, walked early, started babbling one or two words early
He was pretty proud of you.
There was no "big 1st birthday" party for you.
It was just you and Ronin, and Nod, Uncle Finn coming to watch you destroy a pie as you tried to eat it.
Pie is just about your third word.
Finally something more normal.
Besides that, you don't talk very much, even as you grow, and as you grow, Ronin, kinda not by his desires, gets pushed into a Mommy group.
Judgmental mommys are ass mommys
"Well, she doesn't talk yet. That's concerning." A mother commented.
"Y/n can talk when she wants. Isn't that right? Y/n?"
He only gets you hugging him tighter in response.
1000% daddys girl
You come to enjoy playing with his gear.
All of it
Weapons included.
And as your old enough to play on your own with kids your age, you don't
You prefer Older people to younger people: find friendship in the old man that sits on the corner with his coffee in the moring rather than people your age.
100% as you become older and able to play by yourself with no one watching over you (which isnt full true ronins always there somewhere in the background) you can be sure you'd come home with a pet aphid
"His names Charly! But with a Y! I don't like it spelled with ie!"
"Y/n let the Aphid go."
"No way! Charly needs me!"
Charly infact does need you.
And even grows up with you: as he was pretty young when you found him
The Adventures of Charly and Y/n have began
Ronin's the dad that says "were not keeping the aphid" and then becomes bestfriends with said aphid
Honestly? Really proud of himself for once when it comes to you, he's been really critical of himself in the past, seeing you be so loving and caring towards people you love really warms his heart.
Will let you sleep in his bed if you have a bad dream.
Yes Charly can come too
Shit Nods squeezing himself in there too
First day of schooling?
Ooo...he's worried about that one
No Charly to be with you, no one to keep that sass held back a little
Turns out you didn't want to go.
You cried- alot
"I don't want you to go!"
"I'll be back in a few hours. I promise -"
Holding onto him, she cried harder, "No! I don't want you to go!"
Only got you to stop crying with removing the creast from his helmet he had in hand
"See. I'll always be in here." He spoke tapping the metal.
"Really?" She asked, he wipping the big drew drop sized tears.
Ronin nodded, "It'll keep you safe. Like I do."
Y/n nodded as he kissed her head.
"No leafman-" he started
"Is truly alone." She finished as he smiled at her.
"Now. Go. I don't believe in anyone more than I do you."
Turns out school wasn't bad, and you were excited to do it again.
Bad idea on giving you the crest: you simply haven't let go of it
During school hours especially, holding it while your eating: while your at playtime standing alone. Its in your pocket if you have to use both hands
During anytime your at home your more leniate with it: sits at the table by your spot at the table, or under your pillow if you want a good dream, or on your dresser if your drying it from being freshly cleaned and polished.
Alot of kids repeat stuff from there parents. So alot of people ask if your moms Queen Tara
"I don't know Queen Tara." Y/n answered.
"Sure you do! You're her daughter!"
Y/n shook her head no, "she's not! My Dad's My mom and dad!"
"My mama says you're a half breed." A girl spoke up
"I am not!
"Yeah, you have that werid colored eyes because you're from Wraithwood!" A boy added.
"I am not!"
"My Momma said your momma got attacked by your daddy from Wraithwood, and that's why you're a half breed!" A third.
"I am not!"
"Yeah, you are! Momma says that the only reason Commander Ronin takes care of you is because they didn't wanna spread rumors!" The girl again, "the same thing with your brother! Your daddy probably killed his daddy!"
"That's not true! My Dad's My dad! My dad wouldn't abandoned me!" Y/n shouted, "My dad wouldnt hurt anyone!"
"He's not even your dad!-"
Then all the sudden your in trouble.
Like big trouble.
Punched someone in the face trouble.
And Nod's there to get you instead of Ronin
He gets the silent treatment as he walks the two of you home
You can sure Ronin's PISSED when he gets home
He's let you hang around "soilders" for too long
He's actually never yelled at you before.
Then again you've never gone to school before
Watching you physically flinch as he's yelled at you trying to get an answer out of you stopped him in his tracks
He's absolutely floored
What the fuck did you flinch for? Did you think he was gonna hit you? He's never hit you before?! Why would he do it now-
His response is shutting down: nothing like this has ever happened before and his shutting down is building up walls.
Seems you've latched onto that idea after the first time he yelled at you.
You stay away from him: you didn't show up to dinner so Nod brought you some.
Your hiding under the bed.
And he sits against the bed, a plate close enough for you to grab on the floor.
"Whats wrong baby bean?" Nod asked, yet she was quick to grab the food.
"Dad hates me...I'm not even his...." She responded, looking down at her favorite meal made, it only upset her more and she pushed it back out from under the bed.
"Ronin could never hate you." Nod answered, "He loves you, in his own way...sure-"
"Yeah? And I'm not even his."
"Y/n your his everything."
"Then why is everyone saying he hurt someone. And I'm not his."
It takes Nod a solid few mintues to figure out whats actually going on
He's realizing kids are most likely repeating there parents gossip
Which is lies anyways.
But it looks like you need more time than anything
So when he leaves and you're left in your room by yourself with Charly
You end up eating dinner with your hands, your aphid eating off the plate with you
Ronin's surpised to find a plate washing and air dried in the bathroom the next morning.
"Where'd this come from?"
Nod leaned against the doorframe rubbing the tired our his eyes: "Mhm? Y/n's probably."
"On the sink top?"
"Look, be glad she's okay, alright?" Nod argued, "She had a rough day yesterday."
"She had a rough day?" Ronin asked sarcastically, "Nod she floored a kid-"
"Alright. Yeah, whatever." Nod answered, rubbing his face as he slipped away for caffine.
So...with the thought now in his mind he went to go see how your doing.
Sleeping most likeky
Yet he finds an empty bed, and an open window.
"Y/n?" Ronin asked, no answer: and his worry spiked, "y/n-"
Yet the chirp of an aphid caught his attention as it slipped from under the bed to stretch, and Ronin was quick to kneel down and look under the bed.
There you were asleep and hiding, as far back as you could against the wall
So he does what ever dad does.
Moves the bed to get to you.
You're still sleeping when he picks you up
Your head on his shoulder and little legs wrapped around him.
Okay, maybe he wants to hold you like a baby again: it makes him sad almost, how fast you grew up.
You wake up but stay silent: After all your father hadn't held you in quiet a while.
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starlightshadowsworld · 4 months
One thing in bsd I was always a bit confused about is languages. If characters are from all different countries what are they speaking. It can't be English because not every one would have had the education to learn it. Possibly Japanese but it doesn't make sense how characters like Lucy would know Japanese. I don't know if I have just missed the very obvious explanation but do you have any thoughts
Considering this is a world where Atsushi is a weretiger and Dazai can control his heart beat at will, everyone for some reason knowing Japanese isn't too far fetched.
It's something that's occurred in multiple anime and other media at this point.
Like why would every character in Yuri on Ice be speaking Japanese when only one of the contestants is Japanese? It's just a thing that happens that's not really addressed in universe.
Personally, I love toying with the idea that not everyone knows Japanese in Bsd.
I can see the Guild Google translating their monologues, especially Fitzgerald.
I can see Lucy learning Japanese when she joins the cafe. But prior to that the only member that does speak Japanese is Poe.
Because that man dedicated 6 years of his life to making a novel for Ranpo. He's gonna write it in the man's native language and ensure he can speak to him.
I like to hc that Atsushi knows a bunch of languages because (headcannon) a lot of the orphanage staff were ex soilders, people fleeing war etc who ended up settling here.
And thus may have spoken languages other than Japanese. The kids were still taught it but ended up learning others just by being exposed to them.
Same could be said for Yosano, we know countries like England, Germany and France were also involved, makes sense to have soilders of different countries present she'd be interacting with.
Something that could be also be said for characters like Chuuya and Akutugawa, surrounded by kids who may have been orphaned by the war who weren't originally from here.
I dunno I think it's a fun idea to toy with but as far as addressing it in universe, it's a pretty common thing so I doubt it would be.
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