#epic nod
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Will you do romantic headcanons about Nod?
Romantic Nod Headcannons pt 1
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Reader: Female Reader
Notes: I got you, homie.
Warnings: swearing, mad dadd finn, crazy bullshit
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I feel like Childhood Friends to Lovers is very Nod.
You know he sees you as "one of the bros" first, not...kissable.
Thats on the surface at least, deep down though: and even barely pass the surface he's always known he's liked you.
He's very much been in love with you since he was young.
He's literally been through it all with you and you been through it all with him.
He knows no matter which direction either of you go; you'll always have his back.
So, it worried him: maybe he was wrong, yet it was too late, he was already waiting for you outside of work.
And when he seen you: he's never froze in front of you, and he was as stiff as a log.
Didn't help that Finn was behind you either.
*cough* your father *cough*
He just ends up quickly leaving, leaving you confused.
For sure screaming fuck in his head as he runs away.
His emotions kind of just blurted out at you.
after all you had been chasing him for three days and wasn't ready to give up on him just yet.
So, when you actually finally caught him by climbing through his room's window and managing to block all exits, he has nowhere to run.
He'll try and throw you off calling you "a creep" but that shit doesn't work; he's always climbing through your window calls it his "Special personal door to annoy you."
Basically, have to fight the answer out of him.
"You're avoiding me!"
"I am not! I'm. I'm just busy!" He argued, trying to get pass her.
"You are too!" Y/n snapped
"Am not!"
"Just tell me why!
"Why does it matter anyways!"
"Because it's hurting my feelings, Nod! What did I do!? Did I say something!? Do something!?"
He could only stare at you.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you-"
"no, No don't apologize-"
He had to cough it up now; he couldn't hurt you.
God it was so hard for him to get out; which was weird; Nod was usually pretty open to you.
Through every long pause and hard too seek out word he watched you listen with intent.
Finally, annoyed with himself he coughed it up, fully confident in his words.
"I'm in love with you," Nod told; "I've been in love with you."
It was a sigh of relief, his shoulders finally able to slack, and the air held in his chest released with his sigh.
"Just, " He interrupted; causing Y/n to pause, "Just. Please- I can't help it, you do this thing! With your hair! and then it's with the eyes, and then it's- it's the way you just- It's you! you can't blame me!"
"Nod-" Y/n stopped him; hand coming to hold his bicep in a comforting notion, "Nod look at me,"
From his hand, Y/n's hand going from his bicep to his hand, "I have always loved you."
Worry slipped from the world, watching you hold his hand tightly, with a smile on your face.
He was quick to pick you up, and swing you around, you could only laugh happily as he gave you a long hard kiss on the cheek, holding your face firmly within his hands.
"You've gotta be mine," He said with excitement, she could only laugh, "Well- please be mine."
"I would love to,"
Now, as much as he knew, he wanted to just kiss you straight up on the lips he didn't.
But you did and he swears he's on cloud-nine.
He is on cloud nine actually- all day, every time he sees you.
And when you have to leave because you told your dad you'd be back before dark he's determined to take you home; but as much as we all love Finn; he's a bit more protective of you in the dating world.
Nod respects you wanting to please your dad, and he'll let you ease your dad into the idea of you dating.
"I'll see you tomorrow,"
"I don't train tomorrow,"
"Me neither, I wanna take you somewhere, I know you'll like it,"
Nod certainly never changed; he loved you, partners or not,
You agreed and he said he'd get you as soon as he could in the morning.
You rushed home quickly, you're late for dinner.
It was your father who was standing waiting for you at the door.
Y/n was silent, "I told you to be back before dark, and it's been dark."
"I'm sorry, I rushed home as quick as I could," she apologized.
Finn could only sigh, "Where were you,"
"With Nod..."
"Well stop it,"
"What!?" Y/n asked as Finn started to walk away, "Wait that's not fair!"
She chased him into the kitchen; "Stop chasing after a boy that you can do better than." Finn ordered.
"That's not what's happening-"
"No? So, he just runs from you!? Once best friends reduced to avoidance?" Finn defended, "Bees don't explain to flies why honey is better than shit,"
"That's unfair! -"
"Enough!" Finn ordered, stopping her from speaking any further; "Clean up for dinner. Your grandmother and aunts are here,"
You only ran; Finn couldn't help but look back and hear the running of the steps up the stairs and then the slamming door above.
From then on, your relationship with your father becomes strained.
Nod realizes somethings wrong when he comes in through your window and you're lying on top your bed.
Just the way you respond, you sound upset.
He knows you'll talk about it when you want; and carefully climbs over you to lay besides you, wiping what he thought were fresh tears away from your cheek but to realize they've been dried to your face.
He has to cheer you up; he's trying to pull you out of bed despite your protest; he sits you up and looking through your clothes to find you something comfortable.
"Come on, let's get out of here,"
"Nod, I don't want to,"
He kneeled between your legs, his hand in yours; looking up at you and asking what's wrong as he kisses your hand.
You leave it at a bad argument with your father, and he listens to ask much as you'll give him.
Luckily, he gets you out the room; hummingbird waiting.
And just like that he took off with you in front of him, his arms around you and guiding the bird along.
"Just what you'll need I promise."
he took you as high as he could into the trees, the highest tree he knew about, and landed his bird.
"Come on this way-"
Holding his hand he led you through a hole: once a home to a bird, and threw to the other side.
"And its suppose to rain today," Nod commented, "your favorite."
The branch was balding at the end, yet had leaves up top for some protection, leaving a nice view.
And he even set a little picnic out for the both of you.
Second kiss? Scored.
He's litterally planned out the whole thing.
He'll play little card games he brought up, eat with you, kiss you + a little making out
But thing that really reels you in, makes you fall so deep in love is the dancing.
He'll dance with you up on that tree branch, spin you, and dip you. Twirl you for as long as you want.
Sure, you lose track of time, but you could care less as you sit with him snuggled up.
Eventually, he'll take you home, dropping you off at your window.
He'll wanna say goodbye with a kiss, which turns into two, two to three.
He just rather not leave. And lay with you some more.
But you rather not have Finn take his head off.
Finally he truly says goodbye and leaves, you making your way back inside.
Sneaking around your father is routine now. The "Im going to bed early" and "Oh well they asked me in early" works for a while.
And in those hours, you're with Nod: dancing and kissing the hours away
He likes to train with you when you guys can
Strong = Hot in his mind
And damn are you strong
Sure at some point it goes from actually training to rolling around and laughing with one another
Always split before Finn shows up
Would really like to be public about the relationship you know go like: "Oh, this is the love of my life. Let me tell you all about her-"
But tbh he's even nervous; he sees how Finn glares at him
Tbh you hurt my child I hurt you is very Finn, especially when its someone so close
For your month anniversary, Nod surpised you with a handmade card and lunch left on your desk.
Finn had walked you in that day...ouch.
"Who's it from?" Finn questioned.
"Ooh. Didn't leave a name.." Y/n laughed nervously, "Admirers, cookoo am I right? haha..."
Admirer? Admirer his ass
Hes gonna track that bitch so hard.
Oh nods fucked.
Luckily you and Nod sneak around it: quite a bit at that too.
Finn's first suspicion is when you come back from felid work; a run in with boggins to collect medicinal herbs for your healer mentor.
Nod was pushing past crowded medics and helping soliders to get to you before Finn could.
Just the way he looked at you, and you looked at him, the way Nod checked over you, and was quick to take over as your crutch.
He was surpised when he over heard Nod instructing younger healers what to do with you, Finn couldn't help but get it more and more
"Where's my dad!"
"It's okay. It's okay, he's coming. he's coming - just take a deep breath -"
A needle going through flesh with no numbing of any kind after adrenaline wore off was....wow.
"I can't! I can't no! No no! Nod! Please!-"
"Hey! Look at me! Look at me!" Nod called, his upper body hunched over and across Y/n's, blocking what was happening below and holding her down, "I've got you! Alright? Look at me. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you, okay?"
They were able to seal the wound
Unlike Nod they wouldn't let Finn in, and only when Y/n was brought out to make room for the next soilder was he allowed to see her.
"Baby girl!" He was quick to hug her, holding her head to his chest and holding her tight, "I was so worried."
Finn pulled away, stroking her hair down and looking over her face: "you're, okay? What happened!? Are you okay?"
You didn't even bother to answer before hugging him tightly, he hugging back.
He only took you home quickly; glancing back at Nod fairly quickly before returning to you
and your father babied you, even though mostly all you wanted from him was his lap to lay your head on.
Which he was glad to provide, fingers brushing through your baby hairs.
Family comes to visit you.
And with them is Ronin after all he's your fathers best friend, and because Nod lives with him he came too
"I was so worried." Finn told Ronin.
"I know." He answered.
The two stood in the kitchen, "I don't want her going on the field again."
Ronin was silent as a cup of tea was handed to him.
"You'll hurt her." Ronin answered, "Not allowing her back on the feild."
"Hurt her or the Leafman army?" Finn snapped, "She almost lost her life, Ronin!"
"Her life, Ronin! This is my daughter!"
Y/n stayed curled up in the blanket, hearing the argueing from the other room.
"You okay?" Nod asked, he sat on the floor beside the couch, chin resting on the cushion.
"Yeah..." y/n answered.
"You'll look pretty badass with that scar." Nod commented, causing her to smile softly, but it soon faded.
"I guess we're not dancing for a while now..."
"We can do other things." Nod told.
"Like what?"
Nod chuckled, "Like what? Well... we can still talk to each other. We can still joke and tickle each other... we can kiss each other still..."
Y/n was silent.
"I know you liked the dancing a lot." Nod commented, "I did too. We'll do it again. Dont worry."
"You know... my dad used to dance with me." Y/n commented.
"Who's a better partner? Me or him?" Nod asked, causing her to laugh.
"Im not answering that." Y/n commented.
"Oh, it must be me then." Nod spoke.
Y/n chuckled softly, Nod rubbing a thumb over her cheek; "i know I couldn't ever have a better dance partner.
"I love you." Y/n told him, he smiling softly.
"I love you too."
She leaned over, kissing him softly, and he kissed her back. He raised from his bottom to his knees, allowing her to lay back as they kissed. He only pulled away for a moment to repeat the three words; I love you, before returning to kissing her softly.
Nod usually liked it when hands ran through his hair, especially hers. But the hand that raked through his hair quickly pulled him off Y/n.
"What the hell is your problem!"
"Finn!-" Ronin tried to argued.
"Dad stop!-"
"You think you can just play with my daughters feelings and then take advantage of her!" Finn snapped.
Nod was stuck on the floor on his side.
"Get out of my house!"
"I said get out of my house!"
"Dad!" Y/n argued getting up, catching the couch corner to keep her up.
"Nod get up." Ronin ordered pulling him to his feet, "Come on-"
"Daddy please! Just stop!" Y/n pleaded hand on his arm, "Please he's not hurting me!"
"I said get out!" Finn shouted: "I'll fucking kill you if you touch her again!"
"Daddy Please!" Y/n begged.
Ronin pulled Nod out the living room and house. Finn and Y/n arguing in the background.
"Whats your problem!" Y/n shouted.
"Problem?! My problem!?" Finn argued, "He's kissing on you after he's played with your feelings!"
"He loves me!"
"He doesn't love you!" Finn argued, "Playing with your feelings and then hes all the sudden ontop of you?!"
"How do you know!-"
"I'm your father! I know better and you listen to me! Do you understand that!" Finn shouted back.
"And what!? End up sad and alone like you?! Chasing after a man that'll never love me!" Y/n argued, tears streaming down her face, "You are not Me, and Nod is not Ronin!"
It grew quiet between the two, and Y/n, despite her injury, was quick to move, leaving the living room and up into her room.
Finn well...he was in complete shock.
Mouth ran dry and all
It took him a moment to even get his brain working again.
He leaved you alone for the night. Its the best choice.
And despite it all.
Nod still comes to see you.
Knocked on your windowseal and everything and kinda lets himself in.
"Look Im sure your the last person you wanna see right now-"
But your hugging him quicker than you should be able to with your knee.
"I don't wanna be here, Nod..."
"I know. It'll get better." Nod told her, kissing her head and rubbing her back, "But with your leg, you're safe here. Just for now, okay?"
Y/n nodded, Nod smiled, "That's a brave girl." He wipped her tears away.
"Im sorry for the way he treated you."
"He's scared to lose you, is all."
"Hey really its okay." Nod reassured her, "and hey, look at the bright side. We don't have to hide anything. And when those injuries are healed, we can go screw around again. On the tree tops. Just us."
Y/n hugged him tighter, "Thank you Nod."
He stays with you for a while longer
Relaxing with you laying on your bed. He just wanted to make sure you were sleeping.
And when you did fall asleep, he personally pulled the covers over you and kissed your temple.
Little did you know Nod had gotten up early the next moring and knocked on your door.
Your dad answered: exhausted, and dry of tears.
Caffine couldnt save him today.
"I told you not to come back-"
"Just. Hear me out -"
"No -" Finn argued, closing the door.
"Just!" Nod stopped him with a foot between the door and the frame, "Look I really. Really love your daughter. Like. Really... love her."
Finn stopped: "okay and?"
"She's everything to me. Like she's everything to you - so I thought we should get along."
"You played with her. You just dont seem to get that -"
"I never meant to hurt her she knows that -"
"You did, though- why is it so hard for you to understand-ignoring her then touching her - please class a act -"
"I didn't understand! She went from being my best friend to being in love with her! I didn't get it!"
"And if you don't love her? You have an empty hole, You're filling with her - get it straight Nod- Your using her!-"
"I want to marry her!" Nod snapped.
Finn was in a silent shock, "How... how long?"
"A long time now..." Nod commented: "Just please! I want-"
"How long!"
"Almost three seasons now."
"Leave my house."
"Finn, please -"
"I said Leave."
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aliettali · 2 months ago
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happy ithaca saga for those celebrating
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doesephs · 7 months ago
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odysseus has the raw energy of an elderly coworker trynna converse with the summer staff
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anxi04 · 1 month ago
Hear me out. HEAR ME OUT.
DC X Epic:TheMusical
Tim Drake who is the descent of the last line of Odysseus (so a descendent of Hermes) through Jack and a daughter of Athena (Janet)
Athena who misses her friend Odysseus and sees so much of him in Tim, who is technically her grandchild and she's so excited about it.
Hermes who also considered Odysseus his friend in a way also seeing so much of him in Tim and being more loudly giddy about it.
Athena and Hermes who absolutely adore Tim and are so proud of him because their kid is so smart and brave and strong and witty.
first of all tim’s hero costume 100% has attributes to both athena and hermes. tim is so insanely offended about the court of owls he decides to make his costume vaguely owl themed to spite them and pay tribute to athena. his shoes also have little feathers on them for hermes (hermes maybe possibly made them flying shoes but no one needs to know that. that is a secret between tim, hermes, athena, and young justice)
of course he doesn’t tell any of the batfam. wonder woman knows cause she can feel the divinity in tim and respects his decision not to tell the batfam so she says nothing outside of a causal “would you like a spar one day?” and that’s the end of that.
he does learn the greek style of sword fighting and also archery. he makes a collapsible bow in the style of odysseus’ bow and even if he doesn’t use it much he always has it on him, both as another tool just in case and a way to honor his long ago relative. and he sees the look in athena and hermes’ eyes when he uses it and wants them to know he’s keeping his legacy alive, even if he never explicitly states it.
his morals are probably a bit less strict. he doesn’t want to kill but he was raised by a demigod and two gods and they definitely have a different view on killing. he sees killing as more of a last resort, if he needs to kill he will but he’ll also do his best not to get there.
during his early stalking the bats days either athena or hermes was always with him. he was nine and while yes he was definitely well trained he was NINE.
bruce quest definitely goes differently. he’s still at like the lowest point of his life, his mom and dad are dead, steph is ‘dead’, bart is dead, kon is dead, cassie is in a cult, the hero community thinks he’s insane, he’s not robin anymore, and bruce is *gone*. but he has athena and hermes (who by the way is very proud of tim being such a good thief. he trained him for sure) and that helps his mental state so much.
the league of assassins and the council still happen, tim still loses his spleen but when he attacks the league he doesn’t worry much about the consequences of blowing the bases up. he doesn’t need to know the exact number of deaths, he hopes a couple of assassins got out but he knows there’s a substantial amount dead.
he’s nowhere near ra’s level, but he does fight him to a closer standstill which only endears him to ra’s more and tim is very much not cool with that. neither are either of the gods. he does Not need ra’s as a father figure thank you very much. hermes takes out any annoyance out on ra’s and really shows he’s the god of mischief
tim also somehow acquires a winion. no one but him knows how. hermes and athena looked away for ten seconds when he was 11 and suddenly he has a winion who is Very against leaving. none of the batfam are sure what it is just that it never leaves tim alone for more than 2 seconds. you know how some animatics just have a random winion with the crew? it’s that winion.
tim also definitely doesn’t just go with red robin as a name once he realizes he can actually choose his own and names himself something honoring both athena and hermes. at this point he also starts using his bow more much to the annoyance of bruce and that’s purely cause tim said he was inspired by oliver just to fuck with bruce.
oliver also sees how good of a shot tim is and is trying to get custody. little does he know bruce doesn’t even have custody athena and hermes got custody of him through a fake identity. bruce has no idea who his guardians are and it drives him crazy cause hes found out they’re not fake and very present in tim’s life BUT HE CANT FIND THEM
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amethystoceandespiser · 1 year ago
Strange magic, i love that movie
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dawn (strange magic) x nod (epic) tumblr header
requested by: anon
- Mod Merida
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aksiris · 3 months ago
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luvendiary · 1 year ago
a/n: hello! long time no see. i´m in college now! life´s been crazy latelly, but i tried to clear my mind from the stress of it by writing for a while. i had such a hard time with this request. i have a draft of it that might never see the light that i worked on for months. eventually i just decided to start from scratch and wrote this in three hours. hope you enjoy!
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Queen Of The Pod
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Your muscles were aching and begging at you to give them a break. But you couldn't, not yet. You groaned as you tried to crawl back with whatever energy remained in your body. 
Your leafman uniform was plagued with burn marks from Mandrake´s rot. Some of it had managed to singe your body, but it had been stopped from doing any major damage by your protective pieces.
You lifted your head up just to see Ronin struggling on the floor, being held down by Mandrake´s staff. 
“Don´t touch him, you decaying shit!” you groaned out as you reached for your blade -or attempted to.
“Lie down princess”, Mandrake said, barely sparing a glance at your weak figure. “I'll be with you in a second”. 
He then refocused his attention on the General and with an evil grin pushed the rot towards his face.
Ronin´s eyes went wide as he attempted to put as much distance as he could between him and the black gooey substance. You knew he wouldn't be able to hold for much longer. His face was covered in bruises, and he had been through hell and back just to be able to protect the pod.
At the very last moment, Mandrake rerouted his staff, and brought it down on Ronin´s chest, burning deeply into his chestplate. As the General winced, he took advantage of his weak position and pinned him down to the floor with his foot.
“What is that saying you leafmen have?” Mandrake mused as he nonchalantly threw his staff over his shoulder. “Lots of leaves…something, something. Very inspiring”. He then raised the staff over his head, and his smirk turned into a look of rage and anger. “But in the end, every leaf falls and  dies alone…”
Ronin´s eyes went wide as the staff came down towards his face with sudden speed. However the blow never landed, and when he opened his eyes two blades were protecting his face from being completely consumed by the rot.
“No one is alone”, Nod said as he pushed the staff away from Ronin.
As if on cue, an army of leafmen dropped from the sky in perfect formation. You came to the sudden realization that moonlight was now filtering through the chamber, meaning that the pod would be able to bloom after all.
“Not even him”, you added as you pointed your blade menacingly towards Mandrake. 
The arrival of your boyfriend had been timed perfectly. You had the urge to jump into his arms and make sure he was alright, but you limited yourself to a discreet smile.
‘I'm glad you´re okay’.
Mandrake seemed to come to the same conclusion as you had. The leafmen´s presence meant that they were not occupied with his soldiers; the darkness was not a threat anymore. Frantically he tried to break through the soldiers and get back to the pod, however you and Nod intertwined your blades once again, blocking his way to the center of the chamber.
Mandrake let out a growl of frustration as he pushed and fought harder, but the blooming pod seemed to give you newly renewed energy. You felt Tara with you. It was because of her that you were doing this, you would make her proud. 
With your fuelled energy, you both thrusted your blades forward at the same time that the pod bursted with energy, throwing Mandrake backwards. You hurriedly ran towards the entryway ready to fight him in case he wasn't ready to give up yet, however his drowning screams caught your attention as he was swallowed into the trunk of a tree by his own rot.
You allowed yourself to sigh out in relief, exhaustion washing over your body once again. You saw Nod already helping Ronin up from the floor, and offering him his shoulder as support. 
“You alright old man?” you asked as you sheath your sword. 
“I´m fine. A little bruised is all”, he replied. “How's your leg doing? He burned you pretty badly”. 
Nod approached you, after making sure Ronin was in fact okay, and made you place your arm around his shoulder as he held you securely by your waist. 
The sudden weight of the situation dawned on you. It was over. He was gone, and so was she. You missed her. From the moment Tara died, you had not been able to process her death but rather had been focused on fixing the disaster it had caused. Now that you weren't on this quest anymore, her absence was palpable.
“I wish she could be here”, you blurted out. You felt Nod hold on tighter to your waist as he rubbed comforting circles with his thumb on it. 
“She is,” Ronin said breathlessly, as his gaze landed upon the blooming pod. Now that the battle was over, the people of Moonhaven had come out of their hiding places and were staring in awe at the light emanating from the pod. 
The light particles hovered over the flower before gently flying out. They traveled along the chamber, as if greeting everyone there. As if Tara was happy to see them safe. It slowed down as they reached your small group, stopping ever so slightly in front of Ronin and shimmering a little bit brighter, before making its way over to you and Nod. You expected the same greeting as Ronin had had. A final goodbye from your sister. However, the light did not leave your side, and instead it started to shine brighter and bigger. 
Nod carefully  removed his arm from around your waist, and gave you your space.
The light suddenly took the shape of Tara. You tried your best to remember your training and straightened up with your arms by your side. However, you couldn´t stop the few tears that had formed in your eyes from escaping.
“You did alright kid,” she said with the kindest of smiles. “You're in great hands”.
She glanced back at Ronin, prompting the General to smile.
“There's that smile…” Tara said as she returned her loving gaze back to you. “Take care of them for me”.
“I can´t. I´m not fit for being a queen”, you whispered as your voice broke slightly. “It should be you. You should be here…with me”.
Tara held on to your shaking hands, “I'll alway be with you”.  With a final smile, she placed a tender kiss on your forehead. A bright light suddenly surrounded you and before you knew it, Tara was gone. Well, not really. That deep sadness you had been holding on to was gone. You could feel her. She lived within you. And you would make her proud, her legacy would live on through you.
A soft calling of your name broke you out of your trance. Your head snapped towards your awestruck boyfriend who was looking at you as if you were a star. You came to the sudden realization that the pain in your leg was gone, and as you glanced down to check on your wound you were surprised to see your runiform replaced with a stunning green and white dress. The queen's dress.
“You look stunning…” he breathed out. A smile crept onto his face as he approached you and wrapped his arms around you. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and let out a small laugh as he lifted you up from the ground and spun you. 
“Nod!” you laughed out. “Put me down”. 
“As you wish, your majesty”, he said as he set you down once again and playfully bowed. 
The people cheered, in celebration of their new queen. To which you offered them graceful smiles.
“You know what this means…” Ronin said as he stood next to you, his helmet held firmly on his right arm.
“What?¨ you asked.
“Nod better shape up”. 
You laughed at that, and glanced back at your boyfriend who was staring at you with a lovesick smile.
“I guess he does”.
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fangirlingatstuff · 7 months ago
I’m genuinely so happy to find more people who still remember epic, and more importantly mandrake. I’m here to request a fic, a list of headcanons, just anything about this man being a devoted husband. This man is just bug Gomez Addams and I’m so here for it.
Please *shakes my little tin can at you* just a crumb of bug dilf
Absolutely!! I need more bug dilf as well 😔😔😔
There’s not as much of him in here as I intended, I need to write more fluff with him.
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Mandrake x Reader
Tentative Truce
Voices. Thats what you heard past the deafening sound of ringing in your ears. Hushed voices whispered to each other in panic. It was hard to breathe, like something was pressing tight against your chest and ribs, resisting every time you inhaled.
Your eyelids felt heavy as you forced them open, however they didn’t stay open. Regardless, everything was blurry, fading in and out of focus, and unbearably bright. So bright, it made you flinch and groan.
The voices quieted for a moment, then shuffling.
“Why did bring you here?!” A voice hissed.
“She was hurt! What was I supposed to do? Leave her to die in the mud?!” Another voice whisper-yelled.
“Not bring her to Moonhaven, are you insane?!”
Two voices, both male, arguing. At first, your brain could only register “two voices” and immediately thought of your loving husband and son. But…no, that wasnt right. Mandrake wouldn’t be bickering with Dagda, he would be at your side the moment he heard you stir, holding your hand, fussing over you.
In your exhausted and bleary state, you felt a hand against your forehead, soft and gentle and warm.
“Easy now,” a voice as smooth as the river spring said as the hand brushed the matted hair from your face. “You need your strength.”
“Ugh,” you let out another groan and tossed your head, eyes squeezing shut. “What—where-…where am I?”
“Nod you just put the entire forest at risk!” One of the voices snapped. “What do you think Mandrake will do when he finds out she is here? Hm?”
“Relax, Ronin! I was just trying to help—“
“Oh yeah, and Im sure he’ll understand. Here! Why don’t we just tell him exactly how you KIDNAPPED HIS WIFE—!”
“Both of you! Enough,” the woman cradling your head spoke.
With another groan, your eyes peeled open for the last time. The room was spinning, but over time it stilled.
The blinding light you were seeing was the sun, shining through tall green leaves and reflecting off of polished stone walls. There was never this much color in Wrathwood.
Another brush of hand against your side made you wince. Looking down, you see a slim dark hand against your side, pressing against a blood stained bandage that was wrapped around your chest. So thats why it was so hard to breathe in.
As you lay amongst soft white petals, you furrowed your brows in confusion. Then you looked up.
“Oh.” You blinked in surprise.
The woman gave you a friendly smile like you had been friends your whole life. She had a simple beauty to her, like how a breath of fresh air or the sight of blooming flowers felt beautiful. Natural, grounding and familiar.
“Sorry,” Queen Tara chuckled, raising a hand off of your body as you lay in her lap, “we couldn’t get you to the healers in time. This was our next best option.”
You swallowed and looked at her strangely. “It’s…okay?”
You sat up, the bandages pulling tight on your body as you held your head and tried to get rid of the airy feeling behind your eyes. “What happened?” You groaned, shaking your head.
“I think you got knocked off your bird by a hawk or something—“ a boy with brown hair said, before getting hit by a man in green armor. “Ow, hey!”
Ronin sneered and looked at you cautiously. The feeling was mutual as you bore your teeth in a hiss, although, it wasn’t nearly as effective when you weren’t a boggan yourself.
“Nod here found you on the forest floor bleeding,” he said, gesturing his head to Nod. “And stupidly,” he glared at him, “brought you here.”
“I didn’t know who she was!” Nod said, trying to defend himself. “I’ve never seen her without her helmet before!”
“That doesn’t matter!” Ronin said back.
“Boys, boys!” Tara spoke up, and instantly they both quieted. “Ronin, Nod did a good thing,” she smiled. “If he had left her there, who knows what would’ve happened. And then we’d have to deal with the consequences.”
You only looked back and forth between them with a raised brow.
“Uh, I’m sorry,” you interjected, eyes darting between them before looking at Tara sheepishly, “your majesty? Uh—“
“Please,” she snorted and waved you off, “you’re as much of a queen as I am! Call me Tara.”
“…your majesty,” you repeated, making clear the extent of your relation. “You…know who I am,” she nodded with a smile, “…so why in the seven hells did you allow me to be brought into your inner sanctum?!”
You looked at her in bewilderment. You were her enemy, the partner to the man who threatened her entire realm. So why on god’s green earth did she just so nonchalantly bring you in, heal you, and just idly keep you at her side?!
“You were hurt,” Tara answered bluntly. “Despite Ronin’s insistence,” said general crossed his arms with a glare towards you, “I would’ve have done the same for anyone.”
The irritation in you subsided. You blinked in surprise, looking at her with astonishment.
“Huh,” was all you could say.
“We should really send her away,” Ronin stepped forward, his hand never leaving the hilt of his katana. “Her being here is a threat, your majesty. We can’t risk her bringing the rest of the Boggans here.”
“She is our guest, Ronin,” Tara said firmly. “And besides, I can only heal so much!” You looked down at your torso, at the blood stained bandages that wrapped around and under your unclothed chest. It still hurt. “She still needs to rest.”
“If Mandrake figures out she’s here—“
You all stopped in place as a sudden boom rattled the ground beneath you, followed by the sound of screeching birds.
“Too late,” Nod said.
You sighed and shook your head. Always one for the dramatics, your husband.
You pushed off of your knees, grunting and wincing and pain as you tried to stand. Nod and Ronin rushed to your side, arms under your armpits and helping you stand.
“That’s my cue,” you grunted, the sound of clashing metal and shouts echoing down the stone halls.
“Come on,” Ronin scoffed. “Let’s get you back before your husband tears through my entire guard.”
“Wouldn’t be the worst thing,” you retorted, limping beside him.
You barely went out into the open without your weasel cloak, or the shrew skull you wore as a helmet. Ronin had been the only one in all those years to have seen you without your armor, at least when alongside your husband. So to the rest of the leafmen you were nothing more than an injured leafwoman or jinn, an associate, a peer, collateral damage that had been ushered in to be healed or a fellow soldier. They didn’t bat an eye as Ronin and Nod ushered you through the halls, your eyes squinting against the bright light of day outside the stone stronghold as the sound of battle grew closer.
You threw up your hand and winced at the bright sun light, glaring at it until the loud growl of your husband turned your head.
Looking left and right, you almost pushed Ronin away before your eyes fell onto the towering frame ahead among the many bodies of boggan soldiers versus leafmen. And damn it if you couldn’t stop the smirk on your face seeing Mandrake’s cloak swirl around him as he threw leafmen off the stone awning and slammed his cudgel against the ground. Damn it all if he wasn’t hot as hell when he fought with that sneer on his face.
“Mandrake!” You yelled, holding your side.
He didn’t even have to stop fighting to look up and spot you immediately, standing at his full height while kicking a leafman in the chest.
“Y/n!” He turned back to the leafman he was holding up in the air by the collar and growled. He slammed his head against the soldier’s, dropping him before stomping forwards.
Ronin gripped your arm tightly as you tried to pull away, glaring ahead as you tugged and cursed at him.
The moment he laid his hands on you once more, your carefully tuned ears picked up the sound of many many arrows being drawn.
You looked around, spying the dozen boggan archers hidden in the rocks now aiming their weapons towards Ronin and the leafmen who came to your side with shields raised. Your eyes fell on one particular archer, the familiar rat-pelt donned figure of your son Dagda.
“Weapons down,” your voice gave Mandrake pause as you yanked your arm once again to no avail. Ronin’s grip did loosen, however. He looked at you in surprise.
You looked up and made eye contact with your son, giving him a stern look.
Dagda glanced at Mandrake, then back at you, as if to say “are you sure?”
You nodded curtly.
He frowned and lifted his hand in a closed fist, telling the archers to hold as he lowered his bow.
With a huff, you got your arm out of Ronin’s grip, shooting him a glare and a well placed huff in his direction before running a hand over your head and sighing.
“Mandrake,” you said in relief and pushed past the leafmen who watched in shock and bewilderment.
Mandrake’s look softened and he let out a huff, shoulders relaxing. “Oh thank the gods,” he grumbled under his breath while rolling his eyes, his large hands settling on your shoulders as you stopped in front of him and he immediately began to fuss over you. “Are you ok? What happened—?”
“I fell off my bird,” you assured him and cupped his face with two hands, mostly to keep him from looking at your bandaged sides. “I’m fine, really.”
You stopped, sighing and looking back at where the leafmen were now parting, standing at attention as Tara made her way out of the palace walls. “She fixed me up,” you said, brows knitted together as you looked up at her with your arms crossed.
Mandrake looked up, his gaze immediately narrowing as he stood at full height once more, looking down at her.
“Tara,” he said with disdain.
“Mandrake,” she stopped and held her hands in front of her. That was one thing you respected about her, she wasn’t afraid to look her enemy in the eye. And she did it with grace too, even as her general behind her was biting his tongue until she returned to the safety of Moonhaven’s stoney walls.
“I apologize for the trouble,” Tara said with a smile. “Someone had found your wife badly injured on the forest floor without knowing who she was and brought her here.”
She raised her hands and looked at them. You noticed she still had some blood on her fingers.
“I healed as much as I could,” she added, looking back up and clasping her hands together and looked at you with a warm, friendly smile. “But you’ll have to figure out the rest. Personally, I’d recommend staying in bed for a bit, some good ole TLC never hurts.” With that, she winked at you, and it made you feel…strange. Tara was…a lot friendlier and more casual than you expected her to be.
Mandrake made a noise deep in his throat, moving his cudgel from one hand to the other.
“She’ll be fine,” he said bluntly, his hand itching to be somewhere on your body or to pull you closer. “Our healers will take care of everything.”
“Of course,” Tara bowed her head.
He let out a sharp exhale from his nose, putting a hand on your shoulder and pulling you back towards him, wrapping part of his cloak around you as he turned around and began walking away.
The other boggans cleared out, snarling and chittering both with each other and at the leafmen, mounting their birds as Mandrake’s grackle soared down and landed, ducking her head.
He was just about help you up onto his bird, Nightshade, when he stopped and turned his head slightly to look over his shoulder at Tara.
To your surprise, he gave her a slight nod, before heaving you up onto his bird and settling right behind you.
As he nudged his bird to take off, he pulled you into his lap, arm wrapped around your waist possessively as you took into the skies, leaving Moonhaven behind.
He was being unusually quiet. You almost said something, but he beat you to it.
“You’re not going to be leaving the nest for a while.”
You groaned and threw your head back as he didn’t even bother looking at you. “It wasn’t even my fault!”
“We need to find your bird as well,” he added.
“Hah! Good luck! I don’t know where those mockingbirds chased him!”
He looked down at you with a smirk and held you closer, nudging you and teasing, “Mockingbirds?”
“Oh don’t get me started,” you huffed and looked away, cheeks turning red as he chuckled and led the way back to your home.
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blue-sadie · 1 year ago
Bird Racing
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Being a bird racer like nod and having one of the fastest birds and during one of your guy's races one of the other racers played dirty knocking you off of your bird and nod loses his place as he goes to save you.
"You know I kinda like this me saving you and all we should do it more often, it's nice to see you flustered when you thank me"
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twentythousandvolts · 1 year ago
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Ronin raising a baby left at the door-step| pt.1
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Reader: female - the baby
Notes: i live for this man and father daughter content, and also Part One <3
Warnings: Yelling, Baby Y/n throwin punches bc she dont take no shit 👊
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We're gonna go being left on the door step daughter father content here
Left at the doorstep of the leafmans barracks with a little tag that said "Commander of the Leafman army"
Some rookies found you, all bundled up in a hand woven basket.
So they take you to Ronin, whos probably already on his 40th cup of caffine that day
"This is important."
He looks up at his soilders, and tells them to come in.
There they are. With you. No more than a month or two old asleep in the bundle of blankets.
"What? Sanchez finally had her baby? On Duty no less? That woman has to be strapped down for bed rest."
"No...sir. She was at the barracks entrence."
What? Huh?
Did he hear that right?
"By who?"
The soliders shrugged.
Ronin was quick to get up and the soilders handed him the baby.
"Basket had your title on it sir." One spoke, "Does that help identify the parents at all? You know anyone who was havin a baby sir?"
"Just Sanchez." Ronin answered, he too wanted to get to the bottom of this, "Find her and her wife, make sure there okay. Both of you go together."
And off they went, he sat down with you, a big yawn coming from you.
Truth be told he didn't know who this child was or who's it could be.
But he thought it was cute how you grabbed onto his finger, eyes big and gray, your color hadn't come in yet.
Yet he could assume you had been born with that ashy black color hair. You had a pretty decently full head of it after all.
And that's when he saw it.
A pendant around your neck, tucked away and hidden, in the blankets.
A product of two worlds colliding.
Then and there he knew he had to keep you safe.
You were innocent in this war and in this world.
The soldiers come back; tell him what he already knows; it's not Sanchez's, and Sanchez is standing guard, pregnant as ever.
"Let's bring her to the Orphanage," one recommended, "They'll know what to do,"
"No," Ronin ordered, "She was left here, for a reason,"
"But sir, she's a baby, no offense, sir, but can you handle a baby,"
"I handle you two, don't I?"
Leafmen that see him leaving are in shock; did him and Tara finally get together? Have a kid? Wait had him and Tara been together this whole time?
Yet despite there stares he holds you close and leaves with you home.
Nod's was home, he putting dishes away; he was always home before Ronin.
"Don't tell me you brought home a baby aphid when you told me no," Was the first thing Nod told him when he seen the blankets.
Nod was quiet shocked when he was shown the baby.
"Who's kid?"
"Orphaned, staying with us just for a little bit. Till we figure it out."
Oh what a lie.
You were staying forever.
Lets just say: the first few days? Shit the first day was stressful
What are they suppose to feed you?
You certainly don't eat ration packets- or quiet frankly....anything
For there luck the old lady next store was real tired of hearing it and knocked on the door.
Nod answers the door.
"Why is that child trying like she hasnt eaten in an hour?"
"She won't eat."
"Move aside."
Props to the old lady coming to the rescue and saving Ronin's ass
"Milk Lily's tend to be the norm, especially when my children were growing up, I'll give you a list of needs and some milk lillies from my own garden to start you off with- Where is your wife Ronin? She must be tired from the bundle of joy."
"There's no wife," Ronin informed, "Someone dropped her off at the barracks."
"Then I can call up my sister. She works at the orphanage. Will that help any?"
Ronin was silent, looking up at the old lady rocking the child, "Im keeping her."
"Well..." The old woman started, "she is certainly cute. I dont blame you... You'll need a few things"
Bam Baby list.
It's just the essentials, really, especially for the age.
The first weeks were really hard on Ronin
Like really hard, hes use to no sleep. But...damn...
They can find both of you sleeping when Ronin has downtime in his office
And sometimes the other soilders take you to play with you.
"She can't walk yet idiot!"
"It's called training for a reason!"
Ronin after weeks of having you: has yet to name you
People litterally just call you "baby"
That's until one day he's coming home with you in a sling one of the soldiers had shown him how to wrap, he's coming back from his Milk Lily farmers.
Nod's not home: as he's on night rounds covering Sanchez's shift- finally she had taken bed rest
So the window at the end of the hall being opened confused him
He called for Nod but got no answer.
So he set you in the basket of groceries: you know. For safekeeping as something sounds in the kitchen.
Before he can even round the corner and into the kitchen he's attacked from behind,
Arms wrapped around him to choke him, hoping to kill him easily and cheaply.
Yet Ronin kicks as he's dragged and manages to grab the dagger that sits on his belt besides his sword and stabs backward at anything physically possible
Into the shoulder and let go he turns to face the intruder
A boggin woman, "Where is it!?"
"I have no idea what the hell you're on about!"
Yet the crying in the background catches ear, and it's a race for the baby. The woman gets there first and gets through his front door.
"Fuck!" Ronin shouts quickly following grabbing his spare bow and arrows at the doorside.
With his skill it was a simple shot and down the woman went. He running to grab you as you cried.
"It's okay. It's okay..." Ronin cooed, "shh...my Y/n...shh."
The commotion grabbed neighbor's attentions as they came out to help
"Ronin, are you -"
"Call the gravedigger..."
"Are you alright? The both of you?"
The people only got a nod as he walked back to his home.
And from that day forward you're named Y/n.
No particular reason he claims anyone who asks in the future
Its a lie, he had been thinking about it for a while
He'd be lying if he didn't get even more attached to you, especially as the months came through: you're eyes matched your hair in orgin: that yellow orange that came from Wraithwood with the midnight hair
As you get older too Nod takes a more brotherly role.
And Ronin finally introduces you to Tara closer to your year old mark.
"I have been wanting to meet you for some time." Tara smiled, lifting Y/n into the air with a smile.
Yet you reach back for Ronin
Totally does not hurt Tara's pride- it really hurt
"She's not keen on new people"
"Oh, she's your daughter for sure then." Tara teased.
Tara was right there
No matter what you were pretty attached to your dad.
Though your first words werent Dada, they were idiot and leaf.
He knew exactly who he had to make run laps because of that
You were an early bloomer, walked early, started babbling one or two words early
He was pretty proud of you.
There was no "big 1st birthday" party for you.
It was just you and Ronin, and Nod, Uncle Finn coming to watch you destroy a pie as you tried to eat it.
Pie is just about your third word.
Finally something more normal.
Besides that, you don't talk very much, even as you grow, and as you grow, Ronin, kinda not by his desires, gets pushed into a Mommy group.
Judgmental mommys are ass mommys
"Well, she doesn't talk yet. That's concerning." A mother commented.
"Y/n can talk when she wants. Isn't that right? Y/n?"
He only gets you hugging him tighter in response.
1000% daddys girl
You come to enjoy playing with his gear.
All of it
Weapons included.
And as your old enough to play on your own with kids your age, you don't
You prefer Older people to younger people: find friendship in the old man that sits on the corner with his coffee in the moring rather than people your age.
100% as you become older and able to play by yourself with no one watching over you (which isnt full true ronins always there somewhere in the background) you can be sure you'd come home with a pet aphid
"His names Charly! But with a Y! I don't like it spelled with ie!"
"Y/n let the Aphid go."
"No way! Charly needs me!"
Charly infact does need you.
And even grows up with you: as he was pretty young when you found him
The Adventures of Charly and Y/n have began
Ronin's the dad that says "were not keeping the aphid" and then becomes bestfriends with said aphid
Honestly? Really proud of himself for once when it comes to you, he's been really critical of himself in the past, seeing you be so loving and caring towards people you love really warms his heart.
Will let you sleep in his bed if you have a bad dream.
Yes Charly can come too
Shit Nods squeezing himself in there too
First day of schooling?
Ooo...he's worried about that one
No Charly to be with you, no one to keep that sass held back a little
Turns out you didn't want to go.
You cried- alot
"I don't want you to go!"
"I'll be back in a few hours. I promise -"
Holding onto him, she cried harder, "No! I don't want you to go!"
Only got you to stop crying with removing the creast from his helmet he had in hand
"See. I'll always be in here." He spoke tapping the metal.
"Really?" She asked, he wipping the big drew drop sized tears.
Ronin nodded, "It'll keep you safe. Like I do."
Y/n nodded as he kissed her head.
"No leafman-" he started
"Is truly alone." She finished as he smiled at her.
"Now. Go. I don't believe in anyone more than I do you."
Turns out school wasn't bad, and you were excited to do it again.
Bad idea on giving you the crest: you simply haven't let go of it
During school hours especially, holding it while your eating: while your at playtime standing alone. Its in your pocket if you have to use both hands
During anytime your at home your more leniate with it: sits at the table by your spot at the table, or under your pillow if you want a good dream, or on your dresser if your drying it from being freshly cleaned and polished.
Alot of kids repeat stuff from there parents. So alot of people ask if your moms Queen Tara
"I don't know Queen Tara." Y/n answered.
"Sure you do! You're her daughter!"
Y/n shook her head no, "she's not! My Dad's My mom and dad!"
"My mama says you're a half breed." A girl spoke up
"I am not!
"Yeah, you have that werid colored eyes because you're from Wraithwood!" A boy added.
"I am not!"
"My Momma said your momma got attacked by your daddy from Wraithwood, and that's why you're a half breed!" A third.
"I am not!"
"Yeah, you are! Momma says that the only reason Commander Ronin takes care of you is because they didn't wanna spread rumors!" The girl again, "the same thing with your brother! Your daddy probably killed his daddy!"
"That's not true! My Dad's My dad! My dad wouldn't abandoned me!" Y/n shouted, "My dad wouldnt hurt anyone!"
"He's not even your dad!-"
Then all the sudden your in trouble.
Like big trouble.
Punched someone in the face trouble.
And Nod's there to get you instead of Ronin
He gets the silent treatment as he walks the two of you home
You can sure Ronin's PISSED when he gets home
He's let you hang around "soilders" for too long
He's actually never yelled at you before.
Then again you've never gone to school before
Watching you physically flinch as he's yelled at you trying to get an answer out of you stopped him in his tracks
He's absolutely floored
What the fuck did you flinch for? Did you think he was gonna hit you? He's never hit you before?! Why would he do it now-
His response is shutting down: nothing like this has ever happened before and his shutting down is building up walls.
Seems you've latched onto that idea after the first time he yelled at you.
You stay away from him: you didn't show up to dinner so Nod brought you some.
Your hiding under the bed.
And he sits against the bed, a plate close enough for you to grab on the floor.
"Whats wrong baby bean?" Nod asked, yet she was quick to grab the food.
"Dad hates me...I'm not even his...." She responded, looking down at her favorite meal made, it only upset her more and she pushed it back out from under the bed.
"Ronin could never hate you." Nod answered, "He loves you, in his own way...sure-"
"Yeah? And I'm not even his."
"Y/n your his everything."
"Then why is everyone saying he hurt someone. And I'm not his."
It takes Nod a solid few mintues to figure out whats actually going on
He's realizing kids are most likely repeating there parents gossip
Which is lies anyways.
But it looks like you need more time than anything
So when he leaves and you're left in your room by yourself with Charly
You end up eating dinner with your hands, your aphid eating off the plate with you
Ronin's surpised to find a plate washing and air dried in the bathroom the next morning.
"Where'd this come from?"
Nod leaned against the doorframe rubbing the tired our his eyes: "Mhm? Y/n's probably."
"On the sink top?"
"Look, be glad she's okay, alright?" Nod argued, "She had a rough day yesterday."
"She had a rough day?" Ronin asked sarcastically, "Nod she floored a kid-"
"Alright. Yeah, whatever." Nod answered, rubbing his face as he slipped away for caffine.
So...with the thought now in his mind he went to go see how your doing.
Sleeping most likeky
Yet he finds an empty bed, and an open window.
"Y/n?" Ronin asked, no answer: and his worry spiked, "y/n-"
Yet the chirp of an aphid caught his attention as it slipped from under the bed to stretch, and Ronin was quick to kneel down and look under the bed.
There you were asleep and hiding, as far back as you could against the wall
So he does what ever dad does.
Moves the bed to get to you.
You're still sleeping when he picks you up
Your head on his shoulder and little legs wrapped around him.
Okay, maybe he wants to hold you like a baby again: it makes him sad almost, how fast you grew up.
You wake up but stay silent: After all your father hadn't held you in quiet a while.
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p3achii-was-h3r3 · 2 months ago
Even more Poseidon for y'all
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(this is me still coping after Ithaca saga)
(no, I'm still not over it)
(give me twenty years)
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mahoganyrust · 9 months ago
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gabriels-golden-kazoo · 2 months ago
Odysseus running around telling everyone about his wife while all of them are convinced that Penelope is a figment of his imagination because how the fuck did he get a woman like that
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alexthecutiepie · 10 months ago
Not me joining the Epic fandom 11 years later and scraping for content in forums from 2013 😭😭 where the people at
Desperately need friends and moots willing to take my yapping about this movie
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kaa-oo · 3 months ago
i think... i miss my wife.
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