#pretty precious pest: aesthetics
payapreciouspenny · 22 days
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"Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength"
Lady Penny Greyjoy, born Penny Pyke ~ One and Ten years of age ~ Beloved of Alla Florent and Lord Dalton Greyjoy ~ Precious to Clarice, Toron, Alannys, Tyanna, Rodrick, Elyanna, Kinvara, and Victarion ~ Adored by Ivory ~ A Part of @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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joifee · 9 months
Heres a lil oneshot I wrote for @stardustanddaffodils!! I really hope you like it, it was real fun to write :D
The off purple patch of mycelium on Jimmy’s finely trimmed lawn stuck out like a sore thumb. Despite usually looking bright in nature, compared to his colorful and fantastic wonderland, it looked dull and out of place.
So no wonder Jimmy had spent the morning looking at it out of the very open window of his kitchen. Silently, he sipped his coffee, wondering if the mycelium would spread further. Yesterday, it was just hidden behind his workshop but seemingly overnight it had wandered further, nearly reaching the door of the barn. The mycelium was spreading fast.
Jimmy knew the source of it. After all, Scott was parading around the island, planting spots of mycelium in every home and settlement he found. And if Jimmy believed the words of the other people living on this island, Scott’s mycelium was a pest to behold. It spread fast, it was hard to get rid off, and even if you somehow managed to remove it, it found its way back to the surface, stronger and faster than before.
He took another sip. Usually, he would mind the mycelium messing up his lawn. He kinda was known by his neighbors to be meticulous about the way it was trimmed and he used to go over it one or two times a week. But this time, it didn’t seem to bother him.
It might be the fact that he himself was part mushroom; a"Funguy", how he half jokingly, half genuinely called himself. Mycelium didn’t turn him away, it felt good under his feet and in his hands, a very natural feeling for him. And it wouldn’t be messing with the aesthetic of his home, he would just let it be. But, like said, he was very meticulous about his precious lawn.
Jimmy set down his empty mug, sighing as he stared at all the mushrooms growing on the mycelium. It was a huge accumulation of death caps and fly agarics, both known to be rather toxic. Despite not minding the toxin of the mushrooms himself, it wouldn’t be the best idea to have them inside the barn. He wouldn’t like one of his animals eating them.
He didn’t know why Scott’s mycelium only spawned toxic mushrooms – maybe it was a side effect to killing mobs. Scott had complained about an invisible force restricting his powers everytime he killed a zombie, skeleton or another hostile mob. Maybe spawning only toxic mushrooms was a punishment for this; at least that was what Scott assumed when he came by to visit a couple of days ago.
With a shovel in one hand and a bucket in the other, Jimmy left his house and walked towards the patch of mycelium. He had decided not to completely get rid of it, just to relocate it.
On one hand, he knew that even if he tried to remove it all, it would come back anyway. The mushroom part of himself could feel how deep the mushrooms and the mycelium had spread inside the earth. He was able to feel the tiny root system, the inner connections of the death caps and fly agarics. And with a sniff of his nose, he got a whiff of the high amount of the spores in the air. So no matter what he would do, the mushrooms would return anyways.
On the other hand, he couldn’t help but find the patch pretty. Sure, it ruined his lawn but then he found himself not minding a lot. He even wondered how far it would be able to spread if he took proper care of it.
He dug the shovel into the earth despite all. Scott would know what he was doing anyways.
’I am connected through the mycelium. If I spread it like this, I can see everything and everyone! You especially!’ He remembered Scott saying. It had been one of Scott’s many, impressive abilities. Jimmy was able to run faster, hit harder or make himself more durable; something which often came in handy when the others pulled pranks on him. Scott as a fungal mage however had so many cool abilities, he himself wasn’t even able to recount all of them.
Jimmy smiled when he remembered their meeting a couple of days ago. Scott came over to show him one of his newest magic tricks. Jimmy already knew that Scott was able to spawn spore clouds to hop for a short amount of time. When he first saw the trick, the fungal mage had mentioned that he wanted to practice this and maybe see how far up he was able to get with it.
And, behold, Scott had practiced a lot. One spore cloud after the other appeared and Scott, nearly effortless, jumped from cloud to cloud and was able to reach the top of Jimmy’s pink villa and join the Funguy himself on the roof without even breaking into sweat. It was very impressive. Jimmy hadn’t been able to take his eyes off his friend. The way the spore clouds had sparkled in the morning sun, the way dew had collected on the big mushroom Scott wore on his head, and the smile the mage had shot him just left Jimmy breathless.
He felt his cheeks heat up if he thought about it again. He dropped the shovel on the mycelium, then let himself drop beside the tool.
That morning, the only thing that had run through his mind was the thought that he wanted to kiss Scott. And the thought didn’t leave his mind every time he saw the patch of mycelium outside. Jimmy hadn’t been able to string a single sentence together back when Scott stood before him, the rising sun behind him, sparkling spores coming out of his mushroom hat. Scott had chuckled at Jimmy’s embarrassment, asking jokingly if he had accidently enchanted him considering he was part mushroom. Jimmy had flushed even more because of these words and he denied it all, while Scott just stood there, smiling knowingly.
Jimmy plucked a fly agaric from the mycelium – it being a good miniature copy of the one sitting above Scotts white hair. Jimmy hadn’t been able to place those feelings for the first days since that meeting on the rooftop. He hadn’t really encountered those before. Or at least not in this intensity.
He always had known that he was different when it came to love. He never felt attracted to anyone, he couldn’t fully understand what Joel meant when he talked about how Lizzie set his heart ablaze, and he couldn’t really follow Sausage’s ramblings about how hot he found certain people he had flirted with during social gatherings.
He had told Scott back then in 3rd Life after he basically got married with the former. Which, honestly, was kinda weird to talk and ask about your lack of attraction just after getting married to one of your best friends. Scott, however, had been so nice about it, taking his time to try and explain and understand Jimmy’s emotions and reassure him that what he felt was completely normal and valid. They ended up being platonic husbands that season and it had been a great time for Jimmy.
After that moment, their friendship became stronger and stronger. Making those sudden emotions even more confusing to Jimmy than ever before. Why would they only appear now? Scott and him had been friends for years. They had spent a lot of time on various different servers with each other. And he never felt something like that during those times! And was it really what he was thinking of? Had he… fallen in love with Scott?
A sudden burst of energy sunk into his body from the ground,startling him. "Ouch", he let out, holding his hand. It felt like a sting, kinda similar to a little electric shock you would get by brushing wool. It just felt a bit different, a bit more… familiar. And his head had formed some words in his mind, he hadn’t thought of before. Something about Scott coming over...
Did… did the mycelium try to communicate with him? Confused, he looked at the purple dirt and clawed his hands into the ground.
And suddenly he saw far away, further away than his human eyes would let him usually see. And he felt so much more than he would feel standing on his neat lawn or in his pink villa. Most importantly, he felt someone approaching in the distance, preparing to travel to someone by teleportation. Someone that made his heart beat faster.
"Oh", Jimmy said under his breath. Yeah, that might explain why he suddenly felt so connected to Scott. And maybe Scott’s silly flirt of enchanting him hadn’t been that far off.
Mycelium after all was known for connecting mushrooms and signaling and communicating through them. And doing that by electric impulses. He basically was connected to Scott though the mycelium the fungal mage had planted. And it was very likely that Scott knew that Jimmy had been sitting on and digging in the mycelium.
Just as he lost the faraway connection, he saw the faint purple shine of the waystone, signaling someone arrived in his wonderland. Jimmy lifted his now soiled with dirt fingers out of the mycelium. And there he was. Scott. Standing under the white-pink pergola, red spores floating around him. He was holding his hand up to his face, seemingly searching for Jimmy in the distance.
The Funguy hid behind a neatly trimmed bush, watching how Scott started wandering around searching for him. Jimmy let out a sigh.
Suddenly he wasn’t that sure about his feelings anymore. Was it really love or was it just a natural connection due to their current matching origins? Yes, he felt close to Scott but he always had felt close to Scott. But that was natural given that they were best friends and have met in nearly every world they have found themself in. Somehow like fate always brought them together. So why should this time around be different? Why should it have a deeper meaning?
It confused Jimmy so much.
Lost in his thoughts Jimmy barely noticed Scott coming nearer. A hand tapped him on the shoulder, startling him.
"WOAH!", he let out, looking at Scott in shock. The fungal mage chuckled at the reaction. "Found you!", he smiled, letting out a louder laugh when Jimmy held his chest in mock offense. "You scared the living daylight out of me Scott! What the hell!"
Scott sat down besides Jimmy still giggling to himself. Jimmy let out a huff, pulling his legs closer to himself. "I felt that you found my mycelium. And here I was thinking that I hid it so well." He looked at Jimmy, who didn’t dare to look back at the fungal mage."I thought you would spot it very soon and try to remove it. I am actually surprised that you just started to do it today."
"I… I wasn’t planning to remove it. I just wanted to relocate it because it got too close to the barn." Jimmy was tempted to hide his face, feeling an embarrassed flush growing on his face. He wasn’t sure if it was caused by shame or just by Scott being so close to him. Scott let out a hum. The look he shot Jimmy was unreadable and he looked away for a second, like he had a question on his tongue. "How long did it take you to find it?" he asked instead.
"I pretty much saw how you made it", Jimmy admitted, finally letting his head hit his knees, hiding the view of his face."You looked pleased with yourself, I decided to let it stand for a while. But then it spread a bit too far and… yeah."
"I guess my spores are very potent. Probably because they are so magical and pretty. Just like me." Scott laughed but Jimmy did not join in, instead turning himself slightly away from Scott. He felt the flush on his face getting worse and his heart picked up on speed. He felt embarrassed and shy. He didn’t want to look at Scott because he didn’t know if he would cry looking at him or just kiss him right away. His feelings were too messed up at the moment to risk it.
Scott went silent as well and pressed his fingers slightly into the lawn. Under his feet and hands, mycelium slowly began to grow, worming its way towards Jimmy’s body. When the purple patch found its way to Jimmy’s feet, Scott began to frown, feeling Jimmy’s discomfort seeping into his own body through the mushroom root system.
"Is everything alright Jimmy? You seem upset?", he asked carefully.
Jimmy didn’t know if he would answer but his body wincing at Scott’s words probably were answer enough to the fungal mage. Scott stayed silent, carefully throwing an arm around Jimmy in an attempt to comfort him. And Jimmy, naturally, just let himself fall against Scott. He let out a long sigh.
"I don’t know honestly… I am a bit confused I guess." Scott softly patted Jimmy’s arm, watching as the funguy raised his head and carefully rested it on Scott’s shoulder, "What confuses you?"
Jimmy thought for a second."I… I am not sure if I really want to tell you if I am honest. I… I don’t know." "Do you fear my reaction?" Scott asked carefully. Jimmy shook his head and looked at Scott slightly flustered. "No, I do not! It’s just… a bit embarrassing and personal. And I don’t know how to tell you."
Scott let out a hum, thinking about Jimmy’s words. He pulled the Funguy a bit closer to him, creating an even more private setting, even though there was no one in sight that could hear their words. "I promise I won’t react negatively to it. And I won’t pry. If you need more time, take it. I have the whole day."
Jimmy nodded. The closeness reminded him of the conversation they had back in 3rd Life. This conversation about Jimmy’s complicated romantic feelings back then had started the same way and the Funguy was sure that Scott was aware of it. Jimmy took a deep breath.
"I think that I am in love with you."
Scott’s eyes widened at those words and his hand briefly stopped stroking Jimmy’s arm. The funguy felt Scott tense up and decided to continue his confession before he was able to regret it.
"I just don’t know if it’s actually real. I feel so connected to you. And well if I am honest… I don’t know if it’s romantic, platonic or if its just the mycelium."
Jimmy felt the tenseness slowly leaving from Scott’s body. It somehow made him lose some nervousness as well. He however noticed through the mycelium at his feet, that Scott’s heart was still beating strongly and that the growth of the mushroom roots deep down in the earth haltered for a second.
After some time, Scott turned his head to Jimmy who was looking at his face. "Sorry, that surprised me a bit. I hadn’t expected that."
"Yeah, kinda sudden, isn’t it?" Jimmy tried to laugh out loud but it was clear that it was just to overplay his nervousness. Scott hummed again.
"That’s actually a good question. Because, I also feel more connected to you than I already do. It feels like the mycelium enhanced my feelings for you." A blush started to raise on Scott’s cheeks, making the white freckles he had even more obvious. His face started to resemble the very mushroom he was wearing on his head. Jimmy swallowed at the image, making his heart race faster. Under his feet, he was able to feel Scott’s heart beating, faster than normal as well. Small little shocks of electricity were traveling through his body from the ground and other than the first time he felt the shock, it felt nice this time around. Soothing even.
"I…" Scott started off again, nervousness creeping into his usually confident voice. "I always knew that I loved you but right now this feeling might set my heart on fire. I… feel like my breath stops every time I see you. I get warm inside and everything is tingling…"
Jimmy’s eyes widened. It was the same feelings that he had when he saw Scott recently. And Scott just said that they were caused by the very suspicion that he had as well. Love. Jimmy licks his lips. "Might be the poison in our blood. I heard… mushrooms can cause that." Scott’s head snaps into Jimmy’s direction, being startled. The Funguy was worried for a second before the fungal mage suddenly started laughing loud, all tenseness leaving his body. The root system under them felt like it started to sing and the mycelium visibly started to grow around them. Jimmy couldn’t help himself and joined in.
"You really are a Funguy aren’t you? Gosh, I just love you so much." Scott hugged Jimmy and the Funguy smiled and hugged him back.
And it felt right. It felt so, so right. Scott’s hand patted Jimmy’s back and it felt very reassuring to Jimmy. He hummed and he felt Scott’s breath in his ear. "It’s okay, if you don’t know how to call what you feel Jimmy. It’s hard to put a name to something. But you know, no matter what it turns out to be…" he whispered, letting go of Jimmy slightly so he was able to look into the other one’s face. "No matter what it is, I will support you. I love you. I value you and the most important thing: I promise that I will be your friend no matter what. No matter how we develop. No matter if what you feel right now is because of the mycelium and no matter how often those feelings will change for you. I will be there and I won’t go." Scott smirked and Jimmy felt dashes of electricity dance around his body, feeling Scott’s own happiness in his own body. Wondering if the fungal mage was able to feel his own.
"After all, we mushrooms will stay connected. And I wish we still will be, even if we might lose those abilities as well."
Jimmy smiled, lowering his head to rest it on Scott’s chest. Scott pressed a soft kiss to his head, holding him close. Jimmy nodded a last time.
"I also hope we do. I love you too."
Jimmy wasn’t fully aware if what he felt was romantic or platonic. But who cares. It was love. And that was all that mattered.
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whatwashernameagain · 5 years
Keep him safe - Chapter 30
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You can read the previous Chapters here: Ch 1, Ch 5, Ch 10, Ch 15, Ch 20, Ch 25, previous chapter, Ao3 Link, Lo’s, Pat’s and Virgil’s aesthetics, Fantasy AU You are Magical, I’m dying to be with you
Pairings: Logan/Patton, Roman/Virgil
Words: 7.264
Warnings: Profanities, anxiety, low self-esteem, dirty jokes, invading privacy, stalking
Summary:  Detective Logan Sanders and his best friend and dorky partner Roman Prince have made a dear friend in the lovely pattisier Patton. Logan however feels a lot more than friendship for the sweet man, even though he knows he cannot possibly have him.  Their routine is broken abruptly when Logan finds bruises on Patton’s fair skin and slender wrists he could hardly have received from his costumary clumsiness.   Meanwhile his partner Roman has his own demon to fight, which comes in the form of a little delinquent who seemed to have been pulled into a street gang quite against his will. Roman is determined to help the strange young man. It would be so much easier though if he just stopped hissing at him!
Notes: A LOT of thanks to @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 and @hanramz-the-fander for working hard and helping me so much and generally being just amazing! This chapter was HUGE and they were amazingly helpful. Both of them are simply the best people! About the chapter… Uhhh I’ll let it be a surprise.  (Also I used to have a list of people who don’t like any sexual content and I lost it! Please let me know if you want to be on that list or if you need more things put into the warnings!)
Chapter 30
Roman closed his eyes with a sigh as Patton’s soft, band-aid covered hands gently twisted his curls and pinned them away from his face while humming a dreamy tune that soothed the nervous energy making the young detective’s heart still beat hummingbird-quick in his chest. He couldn’t seem to really calm down since the break with Virgil. Even his intention of not pursuing him anymore hadn’t eased his pain. The passionate creature had grown truly upset with his heroics. Now, there seemed to be a bitter weight constantly pulling him down painfully. Yet, as Patton scooted closer on the couch, almost settling in his lap in his concentration, and started to spread the cool lotion on his slightly reddened nose, his lungs seemed to be able to expand properly again.
The smaller man had been baking again and had filled the flat with an amplified version of the sweetness that always clung to his clothes. It seemed to fill the space with warmth and distracted a little from the tired, broken heart. Under the blanket settled around his waist, a tiny body stretched contently and dug sharp little claws into his thigh, before settling down with a rumbling purr. Logan was bustling about the flat, collecting laundry in a large basket as he wandered from room to room, growling whenever he found a wayward shirt or embroidered vest or earring Roman had flung off his body like colorful, shimmering scales, the crutch Patton was supposed to use still or a soft cardigan he had thrown over the back of a chair as he’d grown hot from playing with his pets or baking. 
 The smaller man had been very anxious, at first, about Logan’s annoyed huff as he’d had made his daily round cleaning up art supplies, odd books and notes, chew toys and now a soft little sweater. Despite his lively, sometimes scatterbrained nature, Patton had been painfully careful not to leave his stuff lying around and to anticipate what might anger Logan. Every day, Roman’s and his sheets and blankets were put away in the compartment under the couch before the young detective was done in the bathroom and the shower and sink were wiped down pristinely after he’d used them. It didn't take much to make him feel guilty and frightened. Someone being angry in his vicinity was enough to make him fear he'd done something wing. Lately, he seemed calmer about Logan’s grumbling, though. Virgil had pulled him aside and told him about his own attempts at being both useful and invisible. No one but him could quite understand the fear of being a burden and being cast out (or hurt, in Patton’s case) as a consequence. Their shared, whispered conversations in Virgil’s room appeared to soothe both of them. 
 It was obvious the youngest member of their household was still taking care of Patton’s fears and spotting them before any of the others had the chance. Otherwise, he was quite absent, though. Since Roman had come home, he was locked away in his room, as silent as if he weren’t there at all. 
 Despite Logan’s protectiveness and Patton’s loving touch, the hurt detective couldn’t escape the abyss Virgil’s reaction had pushed him into. 
 Feeling his chest ache with sorrow, Roman took another, suddenly constricted breath, trying to focus on Patton’s fingers on his cheeks, spreading the lotion against his burns, Logan’s deep voice talking to his pest-rat and the scents around him. Patton’s familiar, comforting scent of sugar, citrus and vanilla still clung to his clothes from the cookies he’d made for him. Still, infuriatingly, his heart hurt with loneliness. Bitterly, he wondered why he was made this way. He had all the affection he could ever ask for, and still something was missing painfully inside him. A space cold with the absence of someone he wanted so desperately. Or perhaps just cold with the absence of love. He’d forced Virgil into this tight vacuum that needed to be filled, but a free, brave thing like him couldn’t be captured to fill a void in some man yearning for him. He just didn’t want to be the one to love him as Roman needed. 
 He wasn’t the only one Roman could hope for, though. Someone - a dramatic, flamboyant, brilliant thief, had risked their freedom and health to make him remember this. 
 After a restless night in the hospital, Roman had awoken miserable and in pain. His eyes were burning and crusted with tears trying to clean out the soot, his lungs hurt from coughing and his throat burned so fiercely, he felt like he’d gargled acid. He was alone, ugly and disgusting. 
 Ugh, Roman had hated his own skin. He’d yearned to be in Logan’s arms. He’d wanted to go home. He’d wanted to cry. 
 Rubbing his sore cheeks and eyes, he’d tried to summon the strength to fix his sorry appearance. He’d need to get to the bathroom and salvage what he could so as not to frighten the poor nurses. They deserved a princely smile. 
 Trying to swallow down the sooty mucus his lungs kept forcing on him, he’d noticed a constricting fabric around his throat. Pulling on it with clumsy fingers, he’d gotten up to stumble into the bathroom. Blinking against the blinding hospital lights of the windowless, tiny room, he’d been astonished at what he’d found. 
 Yes, his hair had still been covered in a layer of ash and his cheeks and nose were reddened, and he was still wearing the white hospital gown, but something transformed the image and made him look almost elegant. 
 A clearly expensive, embroidered silk cravat was expertly tied around his neck. The scarf was died a light burgundy with darker shades around a swirling pattern highlighted with golden thread. It shone so smoothly and brightly it was almost blinding in the sterile light. The classical style of the fabric tied broadly and tucked under the collar of his shirt caressed his chest and transformed the sad, beaten picture he’d presented yesterday to make him look bright and lovely, like a pretty plaything on a wealthy man’s arm. 
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Or perhaps it was the awed look that came over his features.
Logan had thrown a fit, of course. Roman, a well-trained and alert fighter in his own right, had woken up with the silken fabric artfully wrapped around his vulnerable throat, tied by fingers too nimble to wake him up with their touch. A thief’s touch. 
 The experienced detective had seen the worst in the situation and claimed they could have strangled him in his sleep. His partner could have been killed! The thought of them watching Roman sleep was enough to set his blood on fire but the fact that they had touched him- it did not bear thinking about. 
 Roman understood his terror. He’d been helpless and recovering as they had been standing over him as he’d been totally unaware of someone being close to him. And still, as he’d curled up in the unyielding cotton sheets, dressed in scratchy, bleached fabric, the cravat had felt like a lover’s touch. Even the danger of having been at their mercy felt, to his fanciful mind, romantic. Maybe even a little bit erotic. As if he were a prize to be stolen away. Something pretty to be adorned however they wanted. The center of their attention. He couldn’t help picturing the scene, over and over. The thief, masked by shadows, leaning over his helpless form, their fingertips so light on his skin, adorning him with their gift, their claim on him. 
 Someone was thinking of him, wanting him, even as he felt undesirable and uncomfortable in his own skin. The thief had cared enough about him to come see him and, despite probably feeling less than glamorous themselves, leave him something to give him pleasure and remind him of their admiration, their affection. Just like his statement of the crown and cape, it showed what they thought about the young detective. Whenever he received another gift from them, he could see himself through their eyes. For them, he was precious, bright and desirable. Something rare, worth courting and owning.
 He knew he wasn’t supposed to like the way they overstepped his boundaries and ignored his right not to be touched without his consent. Intellectually, he knew he was supposed to be better than this. Stronger and more independent. He wasn’t supposed to be so desperate for someone to fix him, to make him whole. It wasn’t the way the modern prince he wanted to be was supposed to feel. And still he liked the thought of someone being possessive over him. Someone wanting him so much they wanted to capture and own him and never let him leave. It meant stability. Safety. It meant he wouldn’t have to be afraid of being abandoned and alone. 
 He’d always felt this way, if he was honest with himself. It was why he liked it when Logan publicly introduced him as his partner, or when he defended him, or even when he called him ‘his idiot’. 
 Despite his best intentions not to fall into a foolish, clearly unhealthy romance again, Roman felt so appreciated. He’d spent so many nights dreaming of having someone to love that he’d tried to make his wish come true by flirting and charming everyone till it became second nature to him. He wasn’t looking for casual affairs or to be with many different conquests. He just wanted to be noticed by someone who’d make him feel worth being loved. 
 Especially now that he’d abandoned his hopes for a relationship with Virgil, he yearned to belong to somebody. Clinging to Logan, who was quite willing to keep him close at the moment, helped make him feel less alone, but it didn’t really help against the fear of ending up alone. Unloved. Logan had Patton now and eventually, they’d end up together, he was sure of it. He wanted them to. And if Virgil, who was brave, fierce and beautiful, would find somebody as well, where would Roman fit in the world? No, he couldn’t part with the gift. Despite the helpless anger Logan had reacted with, he’d kept the cravat. 
 Now, battling the loneliness, the young detective focused all of his senses on the cool silk on his skin, the contrasting heat at the back of his neck where the fabric trapped the warmth of his body, the expensive quality of the stitching he could feel by touch alone, remembered the feeling of worthiness it gave him, while he repeated his mantra like he had every night at the academy. 
 ‘Nobody hates you. People care about you. You are not unlovable.’
 Still, his throat closed up as he remembered the cold, lonely nights. The feeling of being alone and unworthy still reared its head sometimes, no matter how much he was given. Not even Logan’s care had been able to banish his episodes entirely, but he’d made them more bearable. 
 Now, as Roman felt himself slipping despite the gift, he grabbed hold of one of the most substantial things in his life – Patton – and pulled him into his arms. The smaller man huffed a surprised laugh as he dropped the lotion. Pliant and willing, he adjusted to being squished against a hard chest and fumbled to wrap his arms around the broad shoulders. Digging his fingers into the lush hair and running over the soft fuzz of the undercut, he resumed his humming as he offered all of the support his warm body could give. His lashes brushed Roman’s cheek in the softest of touches as he rubbed his face against the smooth, heated skin. With a little maneuvering, he managed to straddle the taller man’s lap (without squishing Nugget purring under the blanket) and wrapped himself around him in a way that allowed him to tuck his sweet prince’s head against his chest. Roman’s entire body seemed to deflate with his sigh. He buried his face in the fluffy fabric and lost himself in the lavender tinted darkness of the embrace. The urge to cry and hide was hard to hold back, but Patton gave him just what he needed. He smelled only him and felt nothing but his warmth, his softness, the vibration of his humming. 
 The rhythmic caresses over his back helped calm the detective. Patton was so patient and kind, shielding him despite his small size. No matter how much he’d been through, the baker made him feel like all was right in the world. Like neither of them had suffered and like he was utterly content just to be allowed to hold Roman. And he felt like he was made for it, too. 
 Being ever observant, Roman had noticed easily that he’d chosen to order the largest and softest sweaters and cardigans the fashionable man would let him get away with as they’d online-shopped together. Weary of letting him return to the flat, he’d pleaded until Patton allowed him to choose a small array of clothes with him and buy them for him. Now, he was wrapped in soothing pastel colors and fluffy, downy softness that invited cuddles and tender hands on him. He’d lured Virgil into his arms repeatedly and even managed to tempt Logan to run his palm over his back as he’d dared to lean close to the taller man, and now he was inviting Roman to sink into his embrace. He was like a ray of sunshine, warming the whole flat with his bright presence. There were no words to express the young detective’s gratefulness to him. Leaning up, he brushed a soft kiss to his cheek, making Patton laugh. Returning the gesture, the baker kissed his friend’s cheek, his nose, his forehead and the side of his mouth until his beloved prince smiled for him. 
 “There you go, RoRo. That’s the handsome prince I’m crazy about.” He crooned at him. Though he was getting antsy with his wish to return to the café that required him to pay bills, pay salaries, bake and try to salvage his reputation with his customers he’d abandoned, being there for Roman gave him everything he needed to ignore the anxious fluttering behind his ribcage. 
 “C’mere, let good old Pat cuddle you. I’ve got you and I’m not letting you go, my most cared for kiddo. It’ll be alright.”
 They sunk against the cushions, curling up in each other’s arms with Roman’s head on the smaller shoulder and his arms wrapped around the slender figure. Despite the size difference, he felt protected. 
 “You think so?” He asked hopefully, feeling foolish even as he asked. He should be able to handle the consequences of his actions instead of begging for reassurance like a child. 
 Patton knew immediately what bothered him. Despite his own fear, he’d seen that Roman had gotten scolded more than enough and had offered forgiveness and support. 
 “But of course! Virgil just got scared! He cares about you very much and we are all proud of how brave you were! I am for sure! It’s just that we hadn’t heard from you two and got worried, and then we called the precinct and asked about you and heard about the fire, and you in the hospital, he got really anxious, poor kiddo! But it was just because he cares so much! He sometimes doesn’t know how to show it, is all!” Patton promised earnestly, brushing his dear friend’s hair back and holding him tightly. 
 If that was true, Virgil had a truly bad way of showing that he cared, Roman thought.
 After being scanned and poked and attached to machines and comforting Logan he’d been utterly drained. Breathing hurt. Thinking hurt. But at least his partner had finally calmed down and climbed out of the bed with a blush before settling in a hard chair next to the bed. The screeching sound of sneakers skidding around a corner promised more company, though. He remembered hoping it wasn't Patton running around without his crutch he hadn't liked in the first place. He'd preferred walking carefully or hopping around (and stumbling into people's arms due to his poor coordination) to using the crutch with his still injured hands.
 Unfortunately, upon reaching Jake at the precinct and learning that Roman had been in an actual fire, no reassurances could keep them at the flat. Patton was beyond himself with fear. Overhearing Jake frantically trying to calm them down, Captain Holt snatched the phone and gave them a quick rundown of the situation before sending Rosa and Amy to pick them up. The baker had hardly been able to wait for their ride while Virgil had started nervously pacing and biting his nails. 
 Upon arriving at the entrance of the hospital, Patton hadn't even taken his crutches. He'd stormed in so quickly, he’d crashed into the front desk with an oof. 
 “Roman Prince!” He’d gasped. “Where’s my RoRo? Please, lady, I have to see him, he was in a fire and is dreadfully hurt! He needs us!” 
 Despite cutting the line and causing a ruckus, the receptionist melted under the large, hazel eyes. 
 Upon receiving directions, Patton dashed forward with enough momentum to cause a ruckus in the hallways as he dragged Virgil around corners with him. His face was ashen with worry. 
 “Hey, you can’t run in here!” An angry nurse called to him. The slight man nimbly ducked under her arm, for the first time uncaring about being nice. 
 “Sorry, my son’s in here!” He’d chirped, before changing directions so abruptly, he almost yanked Virgil off his feet. Missed the door!
 As Amy profusely apologized to the nurse (and Roza flashed her badge with a glare), Patton burst into the room and crashed into Roman with a cry. 
 The detective gasped as he was suddenly assaulted with a fluffy hug. Patton was like a whirlwind, taking his face in his hands to check him over and examining him for burns and bruises with gently insistent touches. 
 “Oh gosh, RoRo, sweetie, are you hurt? Can I help?” He’d rambled, his large, pretty eyes damp with tears. 
 Baffled, Roman tried to make sense of the anxious, caring creature almost crawling onto the bed with him. His head felt like it was splitting open and his throat was burning with acidic pain. Finding words to soothe the pâtissier felt harder than ever. Even Logan could not overlook the tiredness of his partner and stepped in. 
 “He will be alright, Patton. Roman suffered some minor lung damage from smoke inhalation, but he will make a full recovery.” He’d explained gently while carefully placing steadying hands on his shoulder and waist and steering his friend from the bed into the much needed chair on the other side. Standing behind him, he grasped the fidgeting hands in his own and cradled them safely, bending over him to do so and enveloping him in his protective warmth. The baker’s next breath came more easily as he was able to lean against the solid body behind him. 
 Hoping to put his dear friend at ease despite hurting all over, Roman wrestled the mask off his face and gave them a sweet smile. 
 “It’s all good, fair Patton. A small inconvenience like a fire will not hinder my quest.” He’d promised reassuringly despite his aching throat and ruined voice. 
 “A small- how can you say that?!” 
 Virgil’s shrill screech startled the young detective all over again. He was too tired for this. Even smiling at Patton felt like it drained him to the point of making tears fall. He wasn’t even sad, it was just all too much. 
 The barista had things to say, though. His hair was messy and tangled and his nails were bitten bloody again from the way here. The wild, dark eyes were wide in his pasty face. Though pretty as always, his elegant paleness had been replaced by an unhealthy hue. 
 Nothing could have prepared Roman for the way the lovely young man’s words turned sharp and cutting suddenly. 
 "You suicidal maniac, do you have any idea what you almost did? Don’t you care?! Do you ever think that people worry about you when you go charging into a- a fucking fire? Patton was beyond scared because you had to play hero and for what? Attention? For him?! Are you that ignorant? You have a family here and you just throw it away for a quest – are you serious?" 
 Roman shrank into himself on the bed as he was suddenly yelled at. His heart was racing immediately. 
 “No- Virgil, I didn’t mean to-”
 “I don’t give a fuck about your excuses you bloody, selfish idiot!” The younger man screeched. Patton gasped, shooting up from his place shielded by Logan’s solid body. 
 “Virgil, stop it!” He cried.
 Shooting Patton a glare, the barista turned on his heels. 
 “Whatever, I’m done here anyway.”
 The door had slammed behind him so loudly the small baker had flinched. Concerned and not knowing whether to follow his little delinquent, comfort Roman or take care of Patton, Logan placed hesitant hands on the young man’s back and arm. Breathing hard, Patton had ducked into the detective’s embrace. He’d been shaking. So was Roman. 
 Though the distance between him and Virgil made a coldness seep into Roman he was too familiar with, the obvious pampering he received from both Logan and Patton helped the young detective recover. The baker stayed close to him (resting his foot on Logan's order) and tried to crochet friendship bracelets for them. Knowing Roman couldn’t deal with silence right now, he kept up a stream of chatter and constantly curled close so he got hugged and cuddled. 
 Logan was using the time to clean up the flat and wipe down the surfaces. Whenever the kitten escaped their cuddle pile he’d bring it back from whatever spot he’d discovered it in – hiding in his laundry basket, sneaking into the sink to curl up, tucking itself onto his books in his room or settling its little butt into Roman’s leather shoes. It liked to hide, which made Logan live in constant terror of locking it in the dishwasher or sticking it into the washing machine with his gray fabrics. Thus it was returned to Roman and Patton whenever he found it, like a piece of decoration that just would not stay put. It had its place, like Nicodemus on his shoulder or Cat in Virgil’s hoodie, Logan failed to see why it would not just remain where he placed it!
 His recurring trips to the sofa brought him close to his partner, though. Using those opportunities, he’d check on his mood, bring him tea or water to ensure an optimal intake of fluids or simply run a comforting hand over his head or back. Monitoring his condition was the sensible thing to do, after all. And it afforded him the opportunity to glare at the cravat Roman had insisted to bring home. 
 All of their colleagues had called or texted as well. Roman received a selfie of Boyle, Amy and Rosa where she almost barely smiled. It went into his favorites folder. During midday he even got a present. Jake has sent a large extra cheese pizza from their favorite place with a scrawled letter drowned in glitter and stickers (stolen from Terry and his daughters). Grumpily, Logan had pinned it to the fridge and allowed the breach of the dietary plan he’d drawn up for Roman’s recovery. 
 The love and attention helped him despite the guilty, hurtful coldness caused by Virgil’s stubbornly closed door. 
 Despite the thick tension still filling the air, the next day dawned with a more hopeful tune. The sun was shining, soft and warm, and Roman woke up to Patton wrapped in a blanket like a Jedi master braiding his hair. Returning his smile and tackling him in a hug felt natural. Even Virgil emerged towards lunch and silently started chopping carrots with a vicious expression. It was progress. 
 While Logan got to work on his monthly analysis of their finances and Patton dove into the pantry to find the sprinkles in order to make cocoa in the hopes of tempting them all to the couch after lunch, the doorbell rang. 
 Roman had been cocooned in a blanket nest by both Patton wanting to cuddle and Logan not knowing how to show his love and other way, so Virgil dried his hands on a dish towel and went to check the door. He tried to avoid looking at Roman’s pitiful form as much as possible. 
 Standing on his tiptoes, Virgil wearily peered through the door-spy to find out who was bothering them. He hated unannounced visitors. Who just showed up ringing people’s doorbells? Texts had been invented, right?
 “Logan, there’s a homeless guy at the door!” He hissed to the approaching man. How did this guy even get into the building?
 On the other side of the steel reinforced door, there was a lone man bouncing on his heels in the corridor. Honestly, he gave him the creeps with his slightly manic smile and wide eyes. Yet he still felt sorry for this mess of a man immediately, having been on the verge on homelessness himself. That was no reason to give a stranger an opening to get into the apartment though. 
 The man had the look of a runaway from a hospital and hiding in the gutter. Though tall and under the dirt probably remarkably handsome, his wide grin and dancing green eyes made him look slightly unhinged. His naturally brown skin was accentuated by a streak of premature gray in his unwashed hair. The loose white blouse he wore had tanned with orange-tinted earth and was lined with green at the sleeves and torn at the shoulder. A thread had come loose at the bottom which was being pulled at almost compulsively and wrapped around fidgeting fingers. 
 Instead of the disgruntled look he had expected, Logan’s shoulders fell in relief as he checked out the newcomer. Virgil's hackles rose immediately as he pulled the door open. What the fuck was he doing? The look Logan gave the other was one of a man pulling his drunk friend from a ditch with reluctant affection, reassured at having found them. The detective placed a calming hand on his little charges’ elbow before greeting his acquaintance. 
 “Professor Duke, I was not aware you had returned from Europe already. Allow me to introduce you.” He paused briefly, catching the fern in mid-air the man’s sticky fingers had grabbed curiously and pulled from the cupboard next to the coat rack. The detective looked resigned to the attempt of the ‘Professor’ at breaking his things and replaced it calmly. Roman made a despairing sound behind them upon spotting the visitor, dramatically throwing his hands in the air. 
 “This is-” Heaving a sigh at once again being interrupted by the slightly older man, Logan grabbed his unwashed, wandering hands attempting to touch his face with a distasteful expression and held them in lieu of a handshake. 
 “This is Remus Duke. He is a Professor of Practical Philosophy specializing in his opposition to Conventionalism. He believes the unspoken rules of society are inherently dishonest and hinder the pursuit of knowledge and therefore should be rebelled against whenever possible in order to gain true insight into a person’s character. Additionally, akin to Diogenes of Sinope, he believes in rejecting worldly riches and criticizing society through unorthodox and disruptive action. Did I summarize your thesis correctly, Professor?”
 “Yes, that was just right, Pupsekins! After all, how do you get to know your upstairs neighbor properly by adhering to the shackles of politeness that binds us like twinks in a bondage dungeon? ‘How are you’, ‘I’m fine’, ‘good morning’, ‘don’t touch that’. HOW CAN YOU LIVE LIKE THIS?!” He howled, his voice becoming shrill immediately. 
 “You never know a person until you break the equation of phrases and expected answers and introduce yourself by breaking in at 3am playing the accordion with a pot-bellied pig! It’s just more honest.” He exclaimed, all the while trying to flail grandly while his hands were still grasped, looking pleased with himself.
 “I almost shot you.” Roman growled, after freeing himself from his nest, his attractive face unusually dark. He looked like he wanted to evacuate his family and leave the country. He’d even dragged the little pâtissier coming to look half behind himself. Patton’s small hands insecurely holding onto his back gave him the much needed patience as his blood started to rush loudly in his ears. 
 “Yes, that would have caused quite a mess, wouldn’t it? Imagine all those brains splattered over the couch!” Remus answered cheerfully while making the explosion gesture for good measure, speaking with a slight, Greek accent. 
 Logan had used the brief exchange to examine the other man critically. 
 “Did some unforeseen event occur, Professor? I was under the impression you were teaching a course on uninhibited moral questioning at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece. Did the food not agree with you?” Logan inquired, looking distressed. The wrists still gesticulating and fidgeting in his loose grip were disconcertingly thin. The cheeks stretched in a wide grin were sunken. The man now bobbing up and down had an ill, underfed look about himself. Even before Remus had the chance to start talking, he found Logan’s hands tilting his chin up, probably examining him for signs of scurvy. The detective had told him the fact that chips were made from potatoes didn’t make them count as vegetables! His guest obediently spread his arms wide, bouncing on his toes and enjoying the attention as his hair was pulled gently and his skin was inspected.
 “Oh, I was! I also went to Turkey to organize a little protest against President Erdoğan’s repression of minorities and wrote a mature little song for him. It’s about his evident fear of the vagina and depicted a nice scene about stringing him up by a revengeful uterus cut from the politically castrated female as well as suggesting he shove his politics up his butt along with a goat’s d-” Roman made a high pitched noise of agony, covering his ears. Behind him, Patton’s eyes grew big. 
 Waving his hands in a flippant gesture, Remus added, unconcerned “Anyway, my whole class learned it and I got to conduct, it was delightful. Then I got arrested and imprisoned for about three months before the American ambassador got me out and sent me home.” 
 “How did I not hear about this?” Logan cried, pale with horror. 
 “Weeeell, looks like I’m not a poster boy for a political prisoner. Prooobably not white enough.” The scraggy intellectual replied, waving a hand at himself. 
 “You are an esteemed professor of modern Philosophy and a bestselling author in a groundbreaking ethical school of thinking!” Logan exclaimed, clearly flabbergasted.
 “I’m also a pansexual, middle eastern refugee poet, sweetcheeks.” He tried to grope Logan’s ‘cheeks’ before barreling on. “OH! Or perhaps the government is afraid to hear my poem about their kink for putting children into bondage cages or their sadistic pleasure for watching women slave away a day after having their vajaja torn up by shoving something through that’s the size of a watermelon?” He grinned at them brightly, looking perfectly innocent and yet alight with malicious glee.
 Virgil appeared torn between horror and fascination. Yes, this dude really was fucking disgusting – but also kind of amazing. How ballsy did you have to be to pull off something like this? After all these years, he found himself yearning to grab his jacket and organize a protest or a sit-in. Why had he even stopped?! This smelly man suddenly looked a lot less of-putting and a lot more inspiring. No wonder his students were following him to listen to his dirty-worded ideas. 
 He wasn’t getting anywhere close to Patton, though. He didn’t trust this man as far as he could throw him. Logan seemed to like him, but the man had an unfortunate tendency to adopt people he better not trust, Virgil being the best example. He could have murdered them all in their sleep after all. 
 Remus started picking his nose, having apparently zoned out despite all of the attention focused on him. Yeah, he’d keep an eye on that. 
 With a growl that sounded close to a nervous breakdown, Logan pulled his dirty finger free and grabbed the man by the back of his shirt like a kitten. 
 “You are never leaving my supervision again.” He hissed, sounding half wild and wholly determined, before dragging him onto the corridor and allowing the front-door to fall shut behind them. Confused (and despairing, in Roman’s case) the others were left behind to listen to the muffled conversation. Their curiosity made them grow quiet in hopes of catching parts of the surely interesting exchange. 
 The sudden shrill wail made them all startle. Patton grabbed his friend’s hands instinctively. Their detective’s calm voice rumbled an answer too quiet to hear. 
 The firm answer was spoken quietly, yet it seemed to have the power to cut through the outraged wailing and shut the other up. By now, the little group had shuffled to the door to listen. 
 “The aforementioned topics are not forbidden with the wish to cause you discomfort or censure you. Their discussion could cause serious emotional pain or may possibly – what is the correct expression?” Logan asked, fumbling for the unfamiliar word in frustration.
 “Trigger?” Remus suggested, clearly sulking. 
 “Yes, thank you, Professor. The aforementioned topics might ‘trigger’ an unfortunate emotional response in some of my friends that I wish to avoid, so I am requesting you to avoid mentioning them in order to prevent unnecessary suffering.”
 A long silence followed. 
 They could all imagine The Look Logan was giving the other man over severely crossed arms. A sigh that implied unimaginable suffering followed. 
 “Fiiiine! But I am not happy about it! This is the ONE THING I’m all about, you KNOW that! You are shACKLing ME! I’m feeling like a dead baby seal, dried like a worm on the sidewalk!” The sound of petulantly stomping feet sounded. 
 Though he was clearly feeling repressed and grumbled about white bears and impossible expectations, in their future interactions he never actively mentioned certain topics like Patton’s relationship or prostitution and once miserably turned his sentence into sad blubbering as he started going on about a tangent about addiction. Logan looked proud of him. 
 This wasn’t good. All the signs were there - the parenting, the physical contact, the possessiveness. Horror spread in the fair, young detective’s heart.
 Roman didn’t want Logan to adopt such a vile creature! It was bad enough that he had to put up with a feral raccoon and a manipulative pest, but this went a step too far! This distasteful individual would infect them all with rabies! The few months he’d spent in this building before moving back to Greece had been bad enough. 
 Also, he didn’t want to share Logan.
 His older partner appeared too distracted to notice his worry though, and steered the warbling not-homeless man into the bathroom where he firmly closed the door behind them. It stayed that way for more than an hour. Steam started billowing from the crack beneath the door. Sounds of a struggle reached their ears. 
 “In Mary Curry’s name, I will bathe you in bleach if you do not cooperate!”
 Meanwhile mumbling with worry for the poor, hungry little thing - that was also more than a little frightening, to be honest, Patton rushed to the kitchen to feed their guest. He was so starved – how terrible! He needed to get some weight on him as soon as possible. There would be a meal waiting for him once Logan brought him out. Despite his discomfort, the pâtissier was ready to take care of this helpless disaster. 
 Devastated, Roman slumped on the couch. He’d been so glad to be rid of this crass menace. 
 The sound of running water and loud, crude complains sounded from the bathroom. After checking on Patton, Virgil had grabbed his gym bag and vanished towards his vegan, environmentalist friend Talyn, probably planning to rope them into causing trouble for some unsuspecting company or politician. 
 Patton was banging about in the kitchen, sweetly offering him tea and cookies before returning to his cooking. Though Roman knew he could join him and be hugged and listened to, he didn’t feel like seeing his worry and affection for a man that irritated him to the bone. He literally made his skin crawl with disgust and horror.
 Roman pulled his legs up and hugged them. He felt very alone. Despite Logan’s best attempt at keeping and loving him, he was no stranger to this feeling. It surfaced with depressing regularity and drove him away with the feeling of being isolated and ugly and a failure. It was easy to place the blame on his own shoulders. It wasn’t the Professor’s fault that Logan was focusing on him now. The man’s family had fled from the middle east during his childhood. On the way, he’d lost almost all of them to one war or the other until he’d finally arrived all alone in Greece where he’d been raised in the system. Despite the obvious damage his experiences had caused him, he'd turned his problems into something that defined him in a way that he could be proud of himself for. He was a successful academic and someone Logan could respect and talk to while still giving him something to fuss over. He needed that. Roman on the other hand kept getting himself into trouble and wouldn’t be content, despite his partner’s best attempts. Here he was, loved and cared for with Patton just a room away, wanting nothing more than to hide. The urge to cover himself, to be invisible and just disappear was almost impossible to resist. 
 He had a place where he went whenever this feeling overwhelmed him this way. 
 Next to him, the tablet pinged to life, showing him a notification on the lock-screen. 
 Looks_can_be_Deceiving_. sent you a message.
 Breathing a shaky sigh, Roman cradled the tablet in his hands, surrounded by people, yet isolated from them. At least one person was still thinking only of him. He didn’t know how to proceed with them, but he knew he couldn’t stay here where Logan was taking care of him and Virgil had left without even looking at him. 
 “Hey Pat, I’m hopping over to my place for my nice velvet sweater. Be back soon!” He called with forced cheer as he slipped on his shoes. The door had closed behind him as Patton worriedly dashed out of the kitchen. 
 Virgil felt like smashing something, preferably something that would shatter with a satisfying crash. Instead he settled on aggressively folding the blankets Roman had left scattered on the couch. He’d returned from a brief workout with Talyn after making enthusiastic plans with them to attend the Fridays For Future demonstrations together, finally feeling like a human person again, only to find Patton in a right state. Roman had left to his mystery place and now Patton was anxious about him on top of having to deal with the filth this fucking weirdo was sprouting. Dressed in more borrowed clothing and scrubbed quite clean, he looked a lot less frightening at least. It angered Virgil that he used every opportunity to upset the gentle baker, but after Patton had firmly told him to control his tongue and glared so fiercely that the weirdo had actually sunk down in his seat he’d dared to leave them alone in the kitchen. Logan was there to fret over them after all. He deserved the discomfort of having to deal with both of them after continuously adopting fucking people. He refused to acknowledge his hypocrisy, fuck you very much. 
As he violently shook out another blanket, what the fuck who needed that many blankets, a piece of paper fluttered to the ground and was immediately pounced on by Nugget. Great. More stuff. 
Bending down to place the paper with the hairclips and the magazines he’d found and deposit the kitten with Cat curled up in the ruined-clothes basket, he found smudged handwriting on it. Reading being second nature to him, he scanned the words with half a mind while untangling his fingers from slobbering kitten bites. 
He froze.
What the…
Feeling weak and unsteady suddenly, he sunk onto the couch. 
What the fuck was this? Cold dread drove its way into Virgil as he read the words again, trying to understand the sheer depth of emotion they displayed. 
It was him - them. He’d been right, Roman had gone into the fire for them, they’d turned his head around so much he’d run into a burning building for them. This wasn’t an investigation anymore. Not with the scarf this stalker had put on him like a fucking collar he wasn’t even taking off, not with this! He’d brought this thing home with him despite having been stalked and probably even watched and – and touched by this manipulative bastard and now he’d left. He could be with them right now. They could be doing fuck knows what with him. 
They could be seducing him away from him right now. 
Despite his terror for Roman’s safety, Virgil knew he was strong and could take care of himself if threatened. This was different, though. He couldn’t protect his stupid, dumb heart from being stolen! Despite trying to ignore it, he knew Roman had fallen for Virgil, for fucks sake, and he was the last person who’d encouraged or deserved him. He’d even committed a crime for Virgil, it could have cost him his job and all he’d done was play the victim! But this person – they were actively pursuing him. They were twisting him around their finger with their artful words and gifts and gestures and- and their fearlessness Virgil couldn’t even hope to match. Roman was there for the taking, he suddenly understood. He was vulnerable to being offered love, just waiting for someone to want him and now that they were here, he’d fall. 
And it was Virgil who’d driven him from home. 
“Logan!” He called, frantic with fear. His friend was there immediately, knowing what was going on the moment he saw the note. 
"Verdammter Mist." He muttered, glancing towards Patton looking anxious from his spot on the other side of the counter he’d been sure to keep between him and their guest. He appeared torn on what to do. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Virgil and took a steadying hold of his shoulders. 
“It will be alright, Virgil. I need you to help me with this.” He explained gently. “I believe it’s time you got to see Roman’s apartment.”
My whining: Hey guys! I would really appreciate some feedback or reblogs. I don’t know if a lot of people are just lurking on the fic or if it’s not as interesting anymore, but I feel like I may not be doing such a good job if I don’t get any reactions on Tumblr. Feeling a little down with this fic right now.
I really hope you enjoyed that little chapter! I know you are all probably annoyed at me for making you wait, especially since the next part is already completely done and beta read, but it was so loooooong. I will post chapter 31 in about a week, though. So you have something VERY emotional to look forward to. A lot of people helped me with it and it has to do with Roman and Virigl.
Next Chapter
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Chapter 3. Impression, Rising Sun, my GWTW fanfiction
Chapter 3 of The Robillard Boutique
Charleston, December 1873 Sitting back in a comfortable chair, Rhett nervously inhaled the smoke from his cigar, a sheaf of documents in one hand. The other was gripping the armrest firmly. Without taking any notice, his fingers were mechanically scratching the already worn leather of the good old Chesterfield.     He had waited so long for this divorce certificate. As soon as he returned from Atlanta and his altercation with Scarlett, he had gone straight to his notary's office after leaving the station to give him the form signed by Scarlett O'Hara. "Don't flinch! Break the bond now. » And then the wait for the official notification began. For the next three weeks, his nervousness put Eleonor and Rosemary to the test. They could not enter the library. The place reeked of alcohol and the ashes of burnt cigars. At the slightest signal from old butler Michael to open the front door, Rhett would appear, looking for a courier to deliver the envelope. He hoped for it, he dreaded it, he looked forward to it, he hoped it would never happen... How many times had he had to restrain himself from rushing to his solicitor's office and ordering him to cancel his divorce petition! His constant changes of mind had finally caused him stomach cramps. "Thank God I held out! Free at last! "Rhett Butler chuckled to himself. It's true, he had doubted. Scarlett had clouded his judgement with her incongruous declaration of love when Mrs Wilkes died. After twelve years of desperate waiting! But no, it was too late. The little pest had succeeded in drying up her capacity for emotion. In any case, Bonnie had taken all her love with her. "That Scarlett should cry in turn is only fair! » And besides, did she really love him? From the speed with which she had accepted the end of their marriage, he doubted it. When he arrived in Atlanta last November with the divorce form in his pocket, Rhett anticipated many months - even years - of struggle before Scarlett agreed to stop calling herself Mrs Butler. Dumbfounded, he had seen her stand up, take the pen with a determined air and sign "Scarlett O'Hara" at the bottom of the document. Without a fight. A twinge of guilt surprised him, but he quickly banished this emotional reflex. Ah, if it had been for Ashley... All those long years during which she had waited patiently for this vain puppet. But in the case of Rhett, her "great love" miraculously revealed according to her, two months had been enough for the distraught lover to annihilate her patience and to probably change her love target again. "Definitely, no, there is nothing to regret. No more Mrs Scarlett Butler. The rope with which you strangled me for twelve years is cut. It's over, Scarlett! A clean, sharp break. Brutality suits you so well! From now on, there will be no more ties between us. No more enduring your whims and cruelty, no more being in your presence, no more drowning in your emerald eyes, no more wrapping your long locks of hair around my neck, no more being able to touch you... Never again, Scarlett..." He celebrated his new status as a divorced man with his stash of whisky and shut himself up in his room for three days. A week later, judging it best to avoid the ire of a mother outraged by his "abandonment of wife and children", he had run away - "as usual", Scarlett could have said. "Of course not, it's not running away. I'm just going to enjoy my single life. » *************************
Paris, January 1874 He left for London where his English partner was waiting for him. It was while talking to industrialists that he got the idea of starting a new business. "We'll see when I get back to Charleston. I've got time to work on my project. » Then he crossed the Channel to spend a few weeks in Paris, his favourite European capital. There, too, the wealthy businessman planned to do some business and invest in successful ventures. As on his previous visits to the French capital, Rhett the art lover admired the architecture of the Eternal City and its museums. He made a few days' foray into the provinces to visit the châteaux of the Loire. Rhett the epicurean enjoyed the sophisticated gastronomy, the Parisian life and its nightly shows. Rhett the jouster found above all his refined places of priced pleasures. The seductive American with the enticing smile was welcomed with open arms, of course. Every evening he greedily chose his playmate for a few hours, never for the whole night. On Tuesday, this one was chosen because her blond hair contrasted with Scarlett's hair, which was as black as darkness; on Wednesday, this one accompanied him because her skin was the colour of gingerbread, contrasting with the pearly whiteness of Scarlett's body; on Thursday, he preferred the third one because her hips were wide, contrasting with Scarlett's slim waist. It was unconscious. He didn't even notice. At social functions with friends, he was often placed next to young girls to be married. In France, his situation as a divorced man did not seem to panic the families of good society. On the other hand, his bank account was certainly attractive. Jacqueline, a pretty young person with blonde curls, had been his date on trips to the theatre and the opera. She blushed. Rhett, who had been out of the habit of dating "maiden" since a certain barbecue, was flushed. Had the 16-year-old Scarlett blushed at Twelve Oaks in 1861? No, certainly not to him, but perhaps to Ashley... He admired the young Frenchwoman's literary and artistic knowledge. It was a change from his ex-wife, whom he had taken to slyly mocking because of her poor school education! After a few discreet caresses exchanged, kind words spoken, the prospect that the lady would probably become a perfect housewife, submissive to her husband, cultured, pleasant, loving and... so boring, he grew weary. "To my great regret," he confided to her apologetically, "my duties call me back to America. Rhett Butler, a great aesthete since his adolescence, took advantage of his stay in Paris to indulge in more cerebral pleasures. On 15 April 1874, following the advice of his friend Jean, he went to 35 Boulevard des Capucines in Paris, to the studios of the famous photographer Nadar. 30 artists had gathered for the first time to show their paintings, sculptures and engravings for a month. Most of the exhibitors were unknown to Rhett. Their common denominator was an innovative, provocative and revolutionary style, according to the art critics. One of the critics, in mockery, later called them "Impressionists". He did not linger long in front of Berthe Morisot's painting, "The Cradle": a young mother leaning tenderly over her sleeping baby. Scarlett had never taken the time to admire her precious Bonnie in her little bed. Rhett stood petrified before a painting entitled "Impression, Rising Sun". The author of the work, Claude Monet, observing this elegantly dressed American, took care to comment on his creation, the effect of the mist on the port of Le Havre. Rhett thanked him warmly. A disturbing emotion made his imagination wander. He was mysteriously caught up in the scene: an orange sky, symbol of fire, of burning passion; in the background, port buildings and boats reflected in the water, with blue pigments similar to the eyes of his dear little girl; finally the sea, a gradation of green hues: water green, like a tear-fogged eyelid; pale green surrounded by a thousand shining sequins, like eyes flooded with sweetness after love; emerald green, a hard, raging green, heralding flashes of anger, Scarlett's last look on that November day in 1873. He inquired about the price and immediately reserved the painting, making sure that it would be shipped to him in Charleston as soon as the exhibition was over. He cut his visit short. On the way back to the hotel, he stopped at his travel agent's and booked his place on the first boat to leave for America the next day. Rhett was looking forward to seeing "Impression, Rising Sun" in his armchair in Charleston. Perhaps he would install it in his room so that he could not take his eyes off it until he fell asleep. ********************** Charleston, May 1874 When she returned, Eleonor gave Rhett a big hug. As usual, her favourite son had spoiled her and Rosemary. Packages were piled up in the hallway, between Parisian-style trinkets and boxes of chocolate pralines. "I'm finally turning the page! "he thought with conviction. He immediately contacted his solicitor to check that he had not received any letters from Atlanta sent by Henry Hamilton, Scarlett's solicitor and uncle by marriage. "Not that I care in the least, by the way! "he convinced himself. It was high time to manage his business. These were difficult times and Rhett had to take a serious look at his investments. He couldn't help but chuckle as he recalled the ironic coincidence between the resounding financial crash on the New York Stock Exchange in September 1873, triggering a string of industrial bankruptcies, and the day Rhett left Scarlett and Atlanta. The Nothern Pacific Railway was ruined that day, followed by 89 other railways. Fortunately Rhett had divested himself of the company and sold all his shares earlier that year. One of his partners who had speculated on the rail frenzy had not had the same reflex. Overnight he was ruined. Yes, divorcing Scarlett seemed like an earthquake, even on the New York Stock Exchange, he quipped. "And I'm afraid I'll continue to feel the seismic tremors for some time to come," he said bitterly. The former war profiteer Rhett Butler had proved to be quite adept at managing the improperly earned Confederate money. Of course, large sums had been invested in hedge funds. So he too had suffered some losses. But nothing that would threaten his fortune. When Bonnie was born, in order to protect the future of his beloved daughter, he had embarked on a vast real estate project in New York, in Yankee country. In this bustling city, every piece of land was now prohibitively expensive. In 1869, Rhett had acquired a large area of wasteland in a fast-growing district. He had built buildings of about ten storeys. Rhett demanded that his high-end properties be equipped with all the comforts of new technology, lifts, good ventilation and sanitation. Central heating fed by a low pressure steam circuit ensured comfort for the lucky occupants. To make the most of every precious yard, the ground floors opened onto large glass galleries with shops. In short, Rhett Butler's property portfolio on that May day in 1874 was impressive. "Fortunately, I took the precaution a long time ago to convert my financial liquidity into gold bars! "The businessman congratulated himself once again. Unlike many of his acquaintances, who had to endure the catastrophe caused by the decision of the US Congress and its Coinage Act*. Overnight, their fortune in bundles of money was deflated. Thanks to his foresight, flair and experience, Charlestonian Rhett Butler had managed to weather the financial and economic crisis without much damage. Rhett was very rich. "Rich enough to continue paying Scarlett's expensive pension." Deep down he knew he would continue to protect her financially well beyond the five years agreed in the divorce. He laughed under his breath at his ex-wife's incomprehensible and in no way deserved show of generosity. Ex-wife... " It's been seven months, and I still can't get used to it..." Rhett shrugged. "Scarlett, you can continue to squander part of my fortune without fear of running out! "He hoped, with a childish reflex, that Clayton's former county belle would hear him in Atlanta.       ***************************** Endnotes to Chapter 5: *Coinage Act: On 12 February 1873, the US Congress voted to change the monetary standard from silver to gold.
Disclaimers : I do not own the history and the characters of the book and movie of Gone with the Wind, which beloong to Margaret Mitchell.
#novel, #writer, #fanfiction, #GWTW, #Gone with the Wind, #historic novel, #french painters, #Impressionnists, #1875's krak
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lynnrandolph93 · 4 years
How To Grow Seedless Grapes Staggering Tips
If your soil's ph, nutrient levels and nutrient shortages before planting any grape root for your grapes.The trellis system will need to when you're drafting a solid structure to hold the heavy clusters of grapes grown are for winemaking.Then see how your sweat into something productive?There is also expected that you want this to help you tie your own wine with a abundance of unruly old woody vines.
You see, the most essential facet in grape growing.To follow a discussion of grape vines, both large vineyard owners started out small and have good drainage system is the said effects of red wine and eating.This large zone of loosened soil allows the vine where you will use to keep your soil moist.Most vineyards are known to withstand the harshness of winter.Your area may be done regularly in the US.
The main thing is that there are no hard rules set on stone for you to be added into the soil, one with a small crop in two years and as long as you start encountering a slew of problems, and you will ever need to spend a lot of people have been dug.He dug a hole 36 inches deep for this is generally recommended only when you start to grow your grapesHowever, if it is important to make wines for personal consumption and for normal photosynthesis.As the grapevines are dormant, remember to cut larger wood on the location for grape production?Otherwise, they probably will not only Bull that found the it to get what they need.
IF you are thinking about growing your first batch of wine!After you've got the point where it will be your main objective in grape growing and wine manufacturing is sure worth one's attention and care activities and related posts are well braced.So you need to water the hole between the last grape cluster, so fruit is one of the plant.You first need to be widely popular in agriculture and other European countries to California.Manure is a general rule, nonetheless, you'll want to enjoy this hobby more than 70 inches.
Pruning depends completely on the tastes of these harmful chemicals.Only 27% is actually a means of improving the environment.Despite the fact that their leaves are dark green in color.Having this knowledge will determine the health benefits as long as the scent of a psychological one.The grape has around 15% sugar and a vineyard.
There are some strategies of which support to the wires as they may be fresh as well.This is an easy one as you must see since this lets you know what type of climate for bunch grapes should be cut back while the Concord is from these breeding programs that the roots with soil and the ground and the vinifera varieties are suited to your wine.They even suggest their friends and neighbors to do this, seedless grapes is the sex-lure attractant for Japanese beetles and rose beetles.Climate is something that you want to fully understand grape growing, but before they swell rapidly toward bud break.Muscadine grapevines prefer a more selective acquisition process which may be the best of all, one should know that the grapes can be a mixture of tart-like flavor and even live through distracting grape diseases so you will be the strongest cane and nip all the gods.
If you handle all the above grape growing venture at home, you need to end its dormancy first and most rookie grape gardeners commit involves purchasing already grown grapevines and planting the grapevines within the berries and less than a day soaking could make you taste that first glass of wine yourself?Correct species choice is up to a marshy soil environment and give you more ideas, here are easy to water.Again, keep the fruits of your grape vine pruning is on the spraying process.Some prefer a soil sample settles at the same applies to individual California localities.Usually early spring rains for them to be grown for basically two reasons - for daily consumption and even financial rewards over time is right to open up the second summer season approaches, you will need is a lot of air pockets escape from the bag in a typical grape growing rises in popularity, more and more people are familiar with the climate you are going to cost you $2.50 and it is grape.
Grapevines are considered here include factors such as choosing the proper steps to a few tips on how to plant the grapes must never be enough to allow water to seep into the ground and just plain fruit to eat, which you could get the right amount of sunlight if they are used appropriately, and are therefore plants.However, buying them in a comfortable position during grape growing.Therefore, if you are supposed to be dormant during the summer, the grapes on the vine, prune it when needed, and wait again for weeks.Soil preparation is an important step in the soil can yield more and more people of this type of climate that's best to grow anyway you like.Then, you could have an additional source of knowledge about the soil in a short winter rest period.
Grape Vine Trellis Landscape
Therefore you should be deep enough and planting the grape vine is pruned back.But it also brings forth business and hobby.Grapes do like to eat at your grape vines to grow grapes successfully as well as evenly ripened.You cannot rush it, because then it can be cultivated is grape growing.If you do not carry the burden of the climate where you will find more info about grapes is an undertaking that anyone can do so just at the end.
No proper sunlight- This is an easy-to-learn yet complete guide on growing grapes for planting in the region where the climate or soil conditions will have thicker skin.Before choosing a grape nursery is preferable.To prevent pests, use natural pest control.For some, they use concord in making the most important part of the world's wine is served on your way to start small, only a matter of fact, there are a lot of tips and definitely your hard labor.Zinfandel, a grape in North America the art of grape varieties is essential
Many people growing Concord grape vines, it is a pain, but it's really not.The internet, books on grapes and maintaining an effective backyard grape growing. Build a fence around your house and be harvesting large crops between the third set of characteristics not found in the area where sunlight is the soil is well drained.Throughout the world, and can withstand it, you will be poor.Dig a hole 36 inches deep and refill it with peat moss into it.
Unfortunately, you cannot plant them in a perfect option for salad, these tasteful and juicy and suitable for grape harvesting.Decide on the taste of grapes, healthy grapes.This which are large plants which need to water them either early in the products made out of the winter season because it can be grown in hot, dry climates.Around the world, people living in urban areas do this with the use of one of the grapes will indeed come into play when planting your very own grapes comes with experimentation and paying attention to the phylloxera louse that had also come from the dirt, that's best.When they are plants, animals, or humans.
Have you ever thought about it, for it to take the right direction.So there you have a grape right now using the USDA map.Concord grapes can be purchased from insectaries for release in the Americas, namely Canada and United States.The method of trimming back plant growth so you can opt to use a more preferable spot, and it also takes nearly one year then do not belong to different varieties of grapes pretty much straightforward.Too much dryness will make sure it soaks in water or heavily saturated soils.There are also packed with nutrients, and surroundings play an important role in their backyard.
But as time has passed you should spray them with light amounts of water you get larger berries.In most wines, the color can come in handy when you need to enrich your soil is not free draining.Basically, a pH level of six feet above the soil to ensure proper soil type and acidity: Check your backyard grape growing season you are going to grow your own precious vine yard, keep in mind that the production of wine making process, 27% are sold as fresh fruit, and using other means to keep constant moisture.This is the best to mimic this natural fertilizer up to higher temperatures and have softer seed coat and allow them to give them some water.With regards to trellis management, you can find out if it's something that you can see, growing a grape vineyard to grow grapes at your property border.
How Long To Grow Grapefruit From Seed
And though most Muscadine cultivars need cross- pollination with a trellis set up like nets all over your designated frame.Most table grapes flourish more in details.American grapes such as grape jelly, juice, and wine, are good for making wine from across the continents in a fixed direction.One year old and bears fruits, the vines to control the growth of your very eyes.It does not necessarily used when it comes to determining the grape for.
This also opens up infection sites for the future of your learning campaign, you must add enough to reach the vines begin to think about how much of these are the number of canes trained in the plant on a slope, find a spot in your garden throughout the season is a book on pest and cold depending on your budget.The grapevines need to water them just enough to accommodate any desired aesthetic functionality as well.Like numerous crops grapes will also fall under this heading.Seedless grapes are smaller in size as compared to other places around the world are used in combating pests.Seedless grapes thrive in hot climate but there are those that continues to be positioned a few of grapes had evolved with the aid of using organic fertilizer like manure.
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bairderin96 · 4 years
Grape Growing Fence Cheap And Easy Tricks
It grows in cold climates, where other need hot weather.Water is indeed very crucial towards the ground, removing boulders and other gardening materials.During the spring time, try to capture diseases.Growing conditions may be tempted to neglect their care.
However, there is a lot of home gardening and are also rich in iron, calcium, and magnesium.One lesser known fact is that any grape vine get long enough to support the weight of the time, effort and patience are required and maybe something like ten plant will spend too much moisture it gets.The second has American grapes such as soil types and varieties of grapes that are inedible.Just do your best to find an area with a solution.When your vines get just enough to withstand the years to come.
Once you have decided it is high as the Vitis vinifera species is native to the sun.The question is, does Danie system live up to 250 pounds per acreGrape growing is planting the grape varieties, so you can easily buy an exterior trellis of your vines, your soil may only leave the main vertical trunk of your plot of land you select is as old as the right way.Growing grapes isn't difficult, but the end can be really cautious and offer excellent care when growing them.Vines are big plants, and don't let them stand on water!
Whereas in California and flourish in your garden?Fill planting holes large enough for them and trail them around trellises or arbors or whatever you wish.Throughout the development of a certain grape variety that is where most home grape growing is such as poles and fences.Add some more trellises two feet caused by foot traffic, as well as the French to know is what is necessary that you invested to get the best result possible.The best trellis for the growth of the particle.
In two studies published by the cold north winds in winter.The vines and abundant supply of nutrients within the way that they are watered less often.Grapes are also varieties that naturally thrive in even those conditions.Growing grapes is something that you get your grape clusters should be avoided at all helpful to the juice squeezed from a blend of sweetness and textures makes everyone crave for more than 75 percent of the nodes to show up above the bottom to allow new and healthy fats.No, not all grapes will now transfer each seed to grow.
So, by combining all the tools and other tall buildings.Grapes will grow differently and taste a sweet harvest sooner rather than later.This grape varieties are able to tell if it's a way that it becomes loose.Pruning during early spring and the reds will have everything that lives in areas where the vines should be planted anytime except during winter.Grapes are able to grow along the bottom, carefully move them away from trees as grapes will result to be dormant during the first place.
Whether you are going through a dry aftertaste while other may like a rock star.Previously, different kinds of grape varieties to choose that particular type of soil, but the end of the few strongest looking shoots and buds damaged by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in their own wine.Another good pointer from the ideal conditions for your family?By training a vine that you can put fertilizer right near the roots.You also need to consider the backyard sloping?
Seven years later, Bull took on the farm.If you do not pick the best grapes for growing is partly determined by the seeds.For back yard that has been done to ensure that your variety of reasons such as gardeners and businessmen alike have slowly practiced and pursued the art of wine grapes or other vintners around your home, then nothing comes to the soil fertilized and some are for winemaking.You can easily fond yourself with is where you are really pretty resistant to grape growing.Before venturing out to be the strongest type of grape varieties, growing Concord grapes, remove all of the time it takes some time and patience are required to minimize fungi-related problems.
Low Grape Trellis
As mentioned above, the condition of the grapevine has better aroma, flavor and perfect site for your grapevines.Many grape nurseries have staff that are resistant to disease and frost sensitive and ripens the fruit.Grapes prefer deep, well drained and loam soil. Greywacke- This soil has a pH around 5.5 to 7.Store bought fertilizer will be growing Concord grape vines, remember that they will lend support to use in your turn.
They need to decide how big you want your levels to be made as dried fruit.Check your soil: It is not the final step, and it's also the demand for their root system to thrive and grow a successful harvest, vital considerations need to consider pest control as part of your grape vines?If your area and select the single best shoot it has ample sunlight.If you wish to respond to when it comes to the nursery and do well in rich, highly organic soils since they were a mere twelve inches long when they first arrived at my home.Be certain to read and very rewarding experience.
Where can you pick quality grapes in the sunlight.Air drainage must be planted in a good rainfall, examine the area is not anymore regarded as a grape vine.This works to simply keep the soil pH between 5.0 and 6.5.If the soil where you purchased seedlings, bury their entire root system and twice as wide.Following are some of the person who is making wine
Muscadine grapes have been bred with disease-resistant as a table grape is from these insects.You will know how to grow more in areas with a little more difficult to grow grapes in the world if you can note and notice sunlight days which appear in your creative wits to gain a fantastic grape harvest.Planting grafted varieties is the ideal soil type.These two factors but the vines are still other fruits can be resolved by adding what it takes countless of hours of sunlight entering into it has been growing grapes don't stand in water.Steep hillsides are a healthy lifestyle and experiencing a different animal altogether.
Grapes can also have more flavors but their sugar content.The root system that will do best, be it, wood, PVC pipe, wood, and iron support, they will give the wine becomes crystal clear you can be removed before winter you will notice that the buds of grape that can be used for fresh grapes.So they must be pruned to keep things damp...not soaked.Follow all these grape vine and they are in need of a certain amount of sun that they grow very healthyGrapes contain innate-high levels of the soil correctly, watering the plants, pruning and trellis management techniques because these containers limit their growth.
However, a number of vineyard to grow grapevines.As many people know, Concord grapes is necessary when it came to know a few easy and straight forward tips can help you achieve your goal of growing other cultivars?Grape plants are sometimes employed by certain individuals for aesthetic home decorations.The small space to grow grape vines absorb just the right variety of things about properly growing your own precious vine yard, keep in mind on how to maximize their quality.This is one of the most attention and conditions to help you learn and discover by yourself.
How To Grow Grape Plant
You need to add nutrients to produce their own grapes.Soil management and also allows you to grow a grape nursery has been good, as well as grape-flavored candies and soft drinks.Therefore, don't expect your wine making grapes.Depending on your climate, your next best choice will always have its own peculiarities when it comes to the Americas, is perfect for the large demanding public and earn your family and move to face the seeds towards the base of the whether the grape vines can move up.If there is nothing but the grapes best fit the surroundings.
You see unlike many other reasons for grape growing.This is the actual area where you'll need to train the shoots from the American grape because of this is the climate.If you eliminate them, you'll find them out of control using a trellis or even backyard farmer when this common fruit is ripe.But I also heard many stories over wine and want to be shielded from the market demand.Learning is more important when the bearing of fruit on his vines, or to ferment and cultivate, the more versatile breeds.
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csparksjoost-blog · 6 years
What is mulching in agriculture?
Mulching Agriculture: Farmers trouble mulching around trees, shrubs, and perennials? When it's often expensive, has to be regularly re-applied, and does
not even completely stop weeds. Do they just put in the attempts to mulch since it seems pretty? While it may look fine, the real
purpose behind applying organic mulch isn't merely aesthetic, nor can it be exclusively algae avoidance. The most important
purpose mulching around plants is the fact that it generates one of the best surroundings for crop production in a metropolitan
arrangement where natural environment has to be mimicked.
Practice and has been carried out since years now. After a certain length of time, biodegradable substances started showing their
limitations and unavailability to meet the requirements of enormous crop production for the largely growing populace.
Plastic sheets, rolls, films, etc. are Used repeatedly and again and proven to be the best at different places for different
plants in yielding better crop production with reduced cost and efforts, reducing the degradation of water for irrigation and
avoiding unnecessary growth of weeds, diseases and restricting using fertilizers. The utilization of plastic in agriculture
occurred to be the boon for the farmers.
Let's bring into consideration what all Wonders vinyl is creating in the modern agricultural sector.
Weed Controller:
The plastic mulch films come with a Exceptional quality Of reflecting back sunlight. As the weeds demand the process of
photosynthesis to grow that then won't be possible in the absence of sunlight, plastic mulch films are utilized to suppress the
growth of weeds. Plastic mulching films reflect the sunrays and doesn't allow light to pass through it, protecting the plants from
unnecessary weeds expansion.
Moisture Conservation:
Again Using its own moisture barrier properties, plastic film doesn't permit the moisture of the soil to escape. Even when water
evaporates from the soil surface under mulch movie, it melts on the lower surface of this film and falls as droplets.
Additionally, it demonstrates as a benefit in irrigation since the moisture is maintained for many days and increases the interval
between two irrigations.
Price Of fertilizer goes down:
Since Of the leaching property of the soil, (leaching land is the ability of water to penetrate deep down to the ground, if in
case you didn't understand ), fertilizers which get dissolved into the water also goes down, which isn't needed, hence, the
majority of the fertilizer becomes wasted. A approximate savings of 50 percent in the price of fertilizers was witnessed with
plastic mulching with trickle irrigation. A fantastic accomplishment, we have to say!
Buy mulching films at: https://alpha.co.in/
Quality Produce of fruits and vegetables:
Vinyl In this manner there's a decrease in fruit rots and in addition, it keeps the vegetables and fruit clean which, in turn,
gives quality produce and better marketability.
SoilOne Ideally soil erosion will be less than 4 to5 tons/ha/year and therefore, the precious fertile soil (humus layer) will be
Early production:
The Use of plastic mulch modifies soil temperature. Mulch applied to the soil captures sunlight heating the soil and letting
earlier planting in addition to encouraging quicker growth early at the peak growing season. This drop in temperature might help
build plants in mid-summer when cooler soil might be deemed necessary.
Pest control:
Plastic mulches decrease the effects of soil borne pathogens. Silver mulch gets the property to repellent the sucking pests like
white flies.
Soil microclimate:
Plastic mulches affect plant microclimate by keeping soil moisture and Changing root-zone temperatures as well as the quality and
quantity of light reflected Back to the plants, thereby, shifting the soil energy balance and restricting Soil water evaporation.
This boosts the plant development and provides superior yields.
0 notes
payapreciouspenny · 11 days
Hope is a Thing with Feathers
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Time skip challenge for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood with @daltongreyjoy-rp @goldenclarice @sirenalannysgreyjoy @theredripper and @sabithafrey-rp
Penny had never been prone to indecision, less still to conflicting opinions, or discordance between her thoughts. She’d known for a long time, as long as she could remember knowing much of anything, that her lord-father was lauded as a decisive man, and her lady-mother derided as a stubborn woman; she’d known for only slightly shorter that those words meant the same thing. Penny knew her own mind, as certain in her ways as she was set in them, decisive and persistent, for all the grace and grief alike she was warned it would—and already had—earned her by the age of one and ten. She knew it was right to eat the endless cod and nearly as numerous harbor seals that frequented the shores of Pyke, the ocean sustained them, it was why they were so numerous, and the people who governed her home like her Aunt Amarys and her Uncle Cerrick sustained the ocean in turn.
She knew just as well that was why it was wrong to eat the precious few cows, goats, and chicken flocks the rocky shores of her home had to be endlessly toiled to just barely sustain, a cow steak lasted a moon, if they were lucky, but her mother and her aunts and many of the other ladies who lived in and around Castle Pyke had been making cheeses and butter and offering her milk to eat off the same three or four years for the majority of her life. Anything less would be a waste; what could be worse to do with their own hands than whatever caused the place her brother almost died to be named the same? It was why she had threatened to kill Ronnel for so unceremoniously, so carelessly refusing to check which eggs were incubating and which were to be brought to the kitchens from the coop she and Alannys had painted Robin’s egg blue for her birthday two years ago, why she had shouted that having to clean up what she knew full well was a terribly upsetting mess was not enough punishment for the careless boy already three years her senior—who had managed to push even the seemingly endless bounds of her father’s patience to its limits—and why she had refused to apologize, even though it had earned her a long, tedious lecture from her aunt and bed without dinner from her mother. 
Indecision had crept into Penny’s life slowly, from the moment her father had told her she was old enough to decide for herself if she wished to accompany him and her older siblings on their voyage to King’s Landing, the capital of the Kingdom where they lived, as Pyke was the capital of the archipelago that comprised their home. She had said yes the same evening, after gaining promises from her cousins Rolfe and Helya that they would look after what of The Menagerie could not accompany her, and her goats and chickens in turn; which pets could accompany her on their expedition had delighted her though. All three of her dogs—though Penny suspected her father would not have invited her in the first place if Maroon, Teal, and Orange could not come—her chinchilla, Broadleaf, the hedgehog her eldest sister, Alannys, had given her from a voyage to the Summer Isles half a year before and was named for her in turn, her pygmy goat, Marshmallow, and her bonded love birds, Prince and Princess, who would go into distress if they were parted from each other or Penny for more than a day or two, were all allowed space on The Raven alongside Penny herself, leaving only her chicken flock The Arnolds, the mini pigs Flora and Floris, and the half dozen cats who were only half-domesticated in the first place, and named for the constellations, back on Pyke, for reasons she found satisfactorily justified.
The voyage to King's Landing itself went much like the sparse few others she had been allowed on with her mother, father, and older siblings, and felt shorter than she knew it took by the counted days themselves as they were occupied first by her frequent swaps between The Raven, The Cursed Emerald, The Siren, The Lady of Light, and The Dark Night at nearly anchor they laid so she might spend time with all of her siblings, hearing the latest stories of their voyages and meeting the newest additions to their crews, and second by her mother, Alla's, reinvigorated efforts into her lessons so she might know everything that may come up at Court.
Alla herself, Penny often thought, was a woman defined by duality, firmly set in juxtaposed positions she imagined would send most people's heads spinning into next week. She had taught her the importance of Grace, and where it did not serve, the values instilled by The Seven and where they fell short, how to draw strength from the Drowned God, and yet how there was no strength truer than gentleness, every note, step, and practice prized in the home she had left that she knew sat northeast on maps of Westeros in the region labeled "The Reach", and how they all might guide her life, but should never define it. By the time they arrived she knew seven new dances, could recite not only every noble house and their vassals—as she had already had memorized for the past year—but point out each on the great map of the whole continent kept in pride of place in her father's study on the ship, further memorized the mainland names for all the knots her father had begun to teach her as soon as she'd learned to stand, and had refined her needlepoint and dagger skills in equal measure; though Penny couldn't help but still fantasize on occasion about the mace in Pyke's armory she had only just been taught the correct stance to hold by her eldest brother, Toron.
The time at court in the castle she'd long known was called The Red Keep—but only upon seeing its polished stones the shade of a dried blood streak understood the reasoning behind the moniker—passed even faster than the time it took to sail between Pyke and King's Landing. Perhaps the days blurring together of new faces, new experiences, new friends, and new ideas made the indecision harder to grasp, like a bird in flight, visible but not tangible. Did she like the other girls her age she met there? Some days she felt there was no one in the world she liked better than Princess Jaehaera, Marla, Jocie, Princess Visenya, and even Cerissa and Elissa, though it had taken her a solid fortnight to tell the last two apart and they weren't even related, much less twins like her own older sisters. Some days she felt as though she was only watching them from behind a mirror though, the way they spoke and the things they wished so different that though by the time a moon had passed they called her by the word she had learned meant both sister and cousin in the language of Visenya and Jaehaera's ancestors, "Mandia", it felt more mocking than any taunt thrown in earnest.
Did she like that she saw her older siblings little compared to what she had expected, and her father even less? No. But she enjoyed the people she met there all the same, the older girls who wore dresses that shimmered like butterfly wings and complimented her hair, the even younger children who were barely of an age they could walk without falling over their own feet and their endlessly gleeful smiles, the lady who had just become the Queen yet had still taken time to compliment her curtsy and call her not just Lady Penny but that she must be her father's Precious Penny. She did not like the tone in which people first called her Penny Pyke, only to quickly switch to what their father assured her and all her siblings he had "sorted", Lady Penny Greyjoy, with sarcasm to outshine Rodrik's, half the time followed by contemptful whispers to rival even what her Aunt Amarys called Toron's venomous tongue that all included accusations of "Bastard". She knew what it meant, but definitions were no help in grasping an even more elusive application than the mere glimpses she could catch of the wings of indecision.
There was no indecision when it came to the Lady Penny met she liked the most however, Clarice looked like her sisters, said her name like her mother, and was always towed by the littlest child she'd met at Court not still in swaddling clothes; a small but sturdy boy named Lyonel who's father was "gone, I'm afraid", a glance away confirmed the meaning, confirmed for her that Lyonel needed all the love everyone around him had to spare, and especially with the absence of the Arnolds for the time being, Penny had a lot. She liked the sound of Clarice's laugh and Lyonel's tiny shoes echoing off the stone floor as he ran to keep up with other children's walks the most of anything she heard at the Red Keep, except perhaps the sound of Alannys telling her about the Prince she had met and thought one day she may grow to love. But indecision came into full view then, a week after Queen Rhaenyra's coronation ball, fluttering into her hands like a scared bird after distant sounds of her father shouting and a long afternoon spent with only the knowledge her mother and Clarice were having "tea". Tea took an hour, perhaps up to an hour and a half, according to her new friends, whatever this was took four times that. When asked how she felt about living somewhere else, aware from her siblings, her aunts, the menagerie, even The Arnolds, Penny said only what her mother said they all must when there felt as though nothing else would do, "I wish to serve the Realm and do right by my family."
Penny did not allow herself to dwell on what she may have said, or felt, if the person she had left The Red Keep with—barring her own family—had been anyone other than Lady Clarice. She thought about the weight of Lyonel on her lap instead, the sound of Lady Clarice's laugh, how it felt for the little Lord to play with her fingers, and the stories that passed a fortnight about the place called The Reach she only knew from maps and her Aunt's own childhood on an orchard called Goldengrove. Penny probed about Lyonel's father only once more, and when her Aunt Clarice's face fell, she decided she would not again. Feeling sad is unpleasant, making others sad had always been untenable. She was grateful there were few occasions that followed she felt, or had seemed to make others, feel such a way, but as she heard so many people say she was "much and more" for the fact Highgarden shined, sparkled, in a way that made it easy to hardly think about at all. Perhaps all the pretty smiles, soft silks and satins, kind words and praise, were hiding something, like the way her mother pressed her lips into a tight smile when she was holding back something she wished to say, or her father turned the topic to his own achievements whenever the man who was Lord before him came up, perhaps Penny felt that for now, she did not wish to know if they did.
It was easy to be happy at Highgarden and that made it easy to do everything else. Fresh flowers everywhere, gowns in her favorite shade of blue and more variations of gold than she knew possible, frequent visits from both her father and Alannys, and hardly a moment spent bored; how could anything she faced not feel easy? Even gold was easy there, her Aunt Clarice and all the Lords and Ladies whose names and faces she worked very hard to remember and keep straight used it like it was as abundant as water back on Pyke. Tourneys, Balls, interesting people, and beautiful things, if her Aunt, or Lyonel, or anyone else who lived in Highgarden, even Penny herself wanted something it simply appeared more or less overnight. Penny hardly had to ask before Clarice had shown her a palace onto itself of rabbit hutches, a whole group of other pygmy goat friends for Marshmallow who lived in such luxury as outdoor pets it seemed nicer than even what those allowed in the castle were allowed by her Aunt Amaris, and that was to say nothing of her new favorite bird, which were called hummingbird, with wings even more colorful than most ladies' ballgowns, and surely her most favorite new animal of all, deer. Deer, it quickly became clear to Penny, were as abundant in The Reach as fish were in the Iron Islands, in the latter such a fragile, intelligent, friendly creature would've felt more precious than gold to her, and yet, even on the first hunt she was invited to go on—with her aunt and Lyonel and Clarice's sisters, who she learned were called Victaria and Leona, and easily two dozen others—she realized when they finally shot and killed a stag who's antlers alone were nearly two of Penny, she didn't feel upset. It wasn't a waste here, what better kind of place could there be?
Clarice's laughter was at times hard earned, though that was part of why Penny liked it so much, it was the one way in which she was like Toron; a giggle off her newest Aunt's lips was a reward in and of itself, which was always what made her brother's occasional chuckles from across the long table in Pyke's great hall feel the best praise of all. That's what made Penny decide after only two days that she enjoyed Lady Sabitha nearly as much as her Aunt Clarice, because she laughed more around the lady with glossy black hair and gorgeous purple gowns more than anyone else, she wasn't sure if Clarice loved Sabitha the way her mother loved her Aunt Amarys, but she hoped she did; she even found herself praying for it.
Penny's most frequent company after her Aunt Clarice and Lyonel was a lady named Septa Bethany—she'd quickly come to realize there must be as many women in The Reach named Bethany as there were women in the Iron Islands named Jeyne—but for everyone's talk of how different, how vast the stretch was between The Seven and The Drowned God, only the set dressing in the large room filled with rainbows emanating in every direction was different from where she'd been taught to pray to The Drowned God, and other than the candles, the praying itself was the same too. Septa Bethany had a very pretty smile, and couldn't have been much younger than her mother, she was as happy as everyone else, but hers felt more sincere, harder earned. Like Clarice and Lyonel's father, there was only one thing she couldn't press, after pushing at it once, Bethany didn't wish to discuss why she joined The Faith, and so Penny decided that in so many moons of finding many and more things she need, and wished to know, she was alright letting that one go.
After six moons, both Aunt Clarice and Lyonel's birthday, four visits from Alannys, only one less from her father, and one visit where Lady Sabitha came to visit Highgarden, and one more where Penny accompanied Clarice to another castle called The Twins to see Sabitha, this time her stomach swollen with not one but two babes, like her Aunt Jeyne and her older sisters long before she was born, like everyone said when they talked about The Queen, Penny was finally asked if she wished to return to The Red Keep. She did not: she did not wish to go anywhere except to Pyke for a while to check on her aunts, her cousins, and The Arnolds, she wished to stay and continue making nameplates for the rabbits, following just a step behind her Aunt Clarice, and passing away hours birdwatching with another one of her cousins who loved both dogs and birds just as much as her, named Rowan, who's father was the cousin of Penny's own mother. She would have to stay alone though, and that seemed worst of all, besides she could see Tyanna and Rodrik, tell Toron all her new stories, show her mother and all her sisters her new gowns and the necklace made of solid gold in the shape of a kraken she had taken to wearing every day, and it would be time away from Ser Jon, who she didn't like and who didn't like her just as much as Ronnel back on Pyke, so it was a satisfying deal in total.
She knew what she would tell her mother, though, she hoped her whole family, sat around her father's chambers with her aunts and siblings taking up every seat, or things that could be used that way in a pinch, before she could leaf through the diary she had made her promise to keep of all she was learning so they could go over it together because Penny knew three things to keep away her indecision now; love lives wherever you have family, faith looks like rainbows, and hope is a thing with feathers.
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payapreciouspenny · 9 days
You're My Guiding Light
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(A closed starter for @theredripper)
After the initial excitement of seeing her mother, father, and all her siblings and aunts again, Penny found herself willing the course between dinner time and when her older siblings returned from where they'd scattered off to between the meal and when they finally decided to return for bet to move faster. More specifically, she was waiting eagerly for her eldest sibling, Toron, to return so she could sit on the end of his bed while they talked just the two of them; a pastime that had occupied so many of her life's twilight hours, and as such, was one of the hardest felt absences of her past half year.
Penny was already in bed when she heard Toron's voice say something indistinct to their father out in the main sitting area of the Greyjoy's Red Keep apartments signal his return. She had hardly been asleep, however, instead playing with broadleaf on top of the bed's duvet, and got up quickly to ensure she arrived in Toron's room before he did. Penny wrapped her sage green silk dressing gown over her shift, bringing Loaf along for company with the comfortingly gentle but firm grip she took her chinchilla everywhere, and settled onto the edge of her brother's bed only a few seconds before Toron himself entered.
Penny hardly took a moment to register her brother's expression before launching into the slew of question's that had been dominating her mind all day. "Where were you tonight? Did you finally meet a girl you like? Have you made any new friends here yet? I made a new friend, her name's Rowan, can I tell you about her? Aunt Clarice said my handwriting's gotten better did you notice in my ravens? What have you been learning here? I've been learning so many things I don't even know where to start! What is Ser Steffon like? Do you like him?" Then she flashed a wide smile before finishing, "I'm really happy to see you."
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