joifee · 9 months
Heres a lil oneshot I wrote for @stardustanddaffodils!! I really hope you like it, it was real fun to write :D
The off purple patch of mycelium on Jimmy’s finely trimmed lawn stuck out like a sore thumb. Despite usually looking bright in nature, compared to his colorful and fantastic wonderland, it looked dull and out of place.
So no wonder Jimmy had spent the morning looking at it out of the very open window of his kitchen. Silently, he sipped his coffee, wondering if the mycelium would spread further. Yesterday, it was just hidden behind his workshop but seemingly overnight it had wandered further, nearly reaching the door of the barn. The mycelium was spreading fast.
Jimmy knew the source of it. After all, Scott was parading around the island, planting spots of mycelium in every home and settlement he found. And if Jimmy believed the words of the other people living on this island, Scott’s mycelium was a pest to behold. It spread fast, it was hard to get rid off, and even if you somehow managed to remove it, it found its way back to the surface, stronger and faster than before.
He took another sip. Usually, he would mind the mycelium messing up his lawn. He kinda was known by his neighbors to be meticulous about the way it was trimmed and he used to go over it one or two times a week. But this time, it didn’t seem to bother him.
It might be the fact that he himself was part mushroom; a"Funguy", how he half jokingly, half genuinely called himself. Mycelium didn’t turn him away, it felt good under his feet and in his hands, a very natural feeling for him. And it wouldn’t be messing with the aesthetic of his home, he would just let it be. But, like said, he was very meticulous about his precious lawn.
Jimmy set down his empty mug, sighing as he stared at all the mushrooms growing on the mycelium. It was a huge accumulation of death caps and fly agarics, both known to be rather toxic. Despite not minding the toxin of the mushrooms himself, it wouldn’t be the best idea to have them inside the barn. He wouldn’t like one of his animals eating them.
He didn’t know why Scott’s mycelium only spawned toxic mushrooms – maybe it was a side effect to killing mobs. Scott had complained about an invisible force restricting his powers everytime he killed a zombie, skeleton or another hostile mob. Maybe spawning only toxic mushrooms was a punishment for this; at least that was what Scott assumed when he came by to visit a couple of days ago.
With a shovel in one hand and a bucket in the other, Jimmy left his house and walked towards the patch of mycelium. He had decided not to completely get rid of it, just to relocate it.
On one hand, he knew that even if he tried to remove it all, it would come back anyway. The mushroom part of himself could feel how deep the mushrooms and the mycelium had spread inside the earth. He was able to feel the tiny root system, the inner connections of the death caps and fly agarics. And with a sniff of his nose, he got a whiff of the high amount of the spores in the air. So no matter what he would do, the mushrooms would return anyways.
On the other hand, he couldn’t help but find the patch pretty. Sure, it ruined his lawn but then he found himself not minding a lot. He even wondered how far it would be able to spread if he took proper care of it.
He dug the shovel into the earth despite all. Scott would know what he was doing anyways.
’I am connected through the mycelium. If I spread it like this, I can see everything and everyone! You especially!’ He remembered Scott saying. It had been one of Scott’s many, impressive abilities. Jimmy was able to run faster, hit harder or make himself more durable; something which often came in handy when the others pulled pranks on him. Scott as a fungal mage however had so many cool abilities, he himself wasn’t even able to recount all of them.
Jimmy smiled when he remembered their meeting a couple of days ago. Scott came over to show him one of his newest magic tricks. Jimmy already knew that Scott was able to spawn spore clouds to hop for a short amount of time. When he first saw the trick, the fungal mage had mentioned that he wanted to practice this and maybe see how far up he was able to get with it.
And, behold, Scott had practiced a lot. One spore cloud after the other appeared and Scott, nearly effortless, jumped from cloud to cloud and was able to reach the top of Jimmy’s pink villa and join the Funguy himself on the roof without even breaking into sweat. It was very impressive. Jimmy hadn’t been able to take his eyes off his friend. The way the spore clouds had sparkled in the morning sun, the way dew had collected on the big mushroom Scott wore on his head, and the smile the mage had shot him just left Jimmy breathless.
He felt his cheeks heat up if he thought about it again. He dropped the shovel on the mycelium, then let himself drop beside the tool.
That morning, the only thing that had run through his mind was the thought that he wanted to kiss Scott. And the thought didn’t leave his mind every time he saw the patch of mycelium outside. Jimmy hadn’t been able to string a single sentence together back when Scott stood before him, the rising sun behind him, sparkling spores coming out of his mushroom hat. Scott had chuckled at Jimmy’s embarrassment, asking jokingly if he had accidently enchanted him considering he was part mushroom. Jimmy had flushed even more because of these words and he denied it all, while Scott just stood there, smiling knowingly.
Jimmy plucked a fly agaric from the mycelium – it being a good miniature copy of the one sitting above Scotts white hair. Jimmy hadn’t been able to place those feelings for the first days since that meeting on the rooftop. He hadn’t really encountered those before. Or at least not in this intensity.
He always had known that he was different when it came to love. He never felt attracted to anyone, he couldn’t fully understand what Joel meant when he talked about how Lizzie set his heart ablaze, and he couldn’t really follow Sausage’s ramblings about how hot he found certain people he had flirted with during social gatherings.
He had told Scott back then in 3rd Life after he basically got married with the former. Which, honestly, was kinda weird to talk and ask about your lack of attraction just after getting married to one of your best friends. Scott, however, had been so nice about it, taking his time to try and explain and understand Jimmy’s emotions and reassure him that what he felt was completely normal and valid. They ended up being platonic husbands that season and it had been a great time for Jimmy.
After that moment, their friendship became stronger and stronger. Making those sudden emotions even more confusing to Jimmy than ever before. Why would they only appear now? Scott and him had been friends for years. They had spent a lot of time on various different servers with each other. And he never felt something like that during those times! And was it really what he was thinking of? Had he… fallen in love with Scott?
A sudden burst of energy sunk into his body from the ground,startling him. "Ouch", he let out, holding his hand. It felt like a sting, kinda similar to a little electric shock you would get by brushing wool. It just felt a bit different, a bit more… familiar. And his head had formed some words in his mind, he hadn’t thought of before. Something about Scott coming over...
Did… did the mycelium try to communicate with him? Confused, he looked at the purple dirt and clawed his hands into the ground.
And suddenly he saw far away, further away than his human eyes would let him usually see. And he felt so much more than he would feel standing on his neat lawn or in his pink villa. Most importantly, he felt someone approaching in the distance, preparing to travel to someone by teleportation. Someone that made his heart beat faster.
"Oh", Jimmy said under his breath. Yeah, that might explain why he suddenly felt so connected to Scott. And maybe Scott’s silly flirt of enchanting him hadn’t been that far off.
Mycelium after all was known for connecting mushrooms and signaling and communicating through them. And doing that by electric impulses. He basically was connected to Scott though the mycelium the fungal mage had planted. And it was very likely that Scott knew that Jimmy had been sitting on and digging in the mycelium.
Just as he lost the faraway connection, he saw the faint purple shine of the waystone, signaling someone arrived in his wonderland. Jimmy lifted his now soiled with dirt fingers out of the mycelium. And there he was. Scott. Standing under the white-pink pergola, red spores floating around him. He was holding his hand up to his face, seemingly searching for Jimmy in the distance.
The Funguy hid behind a neatly trimmed bush, watching how Scott started wandering around searching for him. Jimmy let out a sigh.
Suddenly he wasn’t that sure about his feelings anymore. Was it really love or was it just a natural connection due to their current matching origins? Yes, he felt close to Scott but he always had felt close to Scott. But that was natural given that they were best friends and have met in nearly every world they have found themself in. Somehow like fate always brought them together. So why should this time around be different? Why should it have a deeper meaning?
It confused Jimmy so much.
Lost in his thoughts Jimmy barely noticed Scott coming nearer. A hand tapped him on the shoulder, startling him.
"WOAH!", he let out, looking at Scott in shock. The fungal mage chuckled at the reaction. "Found you!", he smiled, letting out a louder laugh when Jimmy held his chest in mock offense. "You scared the living daylight out of me Scott! What the hell!"
Scott sat down besides Jimmy still giggling to himself. Jimmy let out a huff, pulling his legs closer to himself. "I felt that you found my mycelium. And here I was thinking that I hid it so well." He looked at Jimmy, who didn’t dare to look back at the fungal mage."I thought you would spot it very soon and try to remove it. I am actually surprised that you just started to do it today."
"I… I wasn’t planning to remove it. I just wanted to relocate it because it got too close to the barn." Jimmy was tempted to hide his face, feeling an embarrassed flush growing on his face. He wasn’t sure if it was caused by shame or just by Scott being so close to him. Scott let out a hum. The look he shot Jimmy was unreadable and he looked away for a second, like he had a question on his tongue. "How long did it take you to find it?" he asked instead.
"I pretty much saw how you made it", Jimmy admitted, finally letting his head hit his knees, hiding the view of his face."You looked pleased with yourself, I decided to let it stand for a while. But then it spread a bit too far and… yeah."
"I guess my spores are very potent. Probably because they are so magical and pretty. Just like me." Scott laughed but Jimmy did not join in, instead turning himself slightly away from Scott. He felt the flush on his face getting worse and his heart picked up on speed. He felt embarrassed and shy. He didn’t want to look at Scott because he didn’t know if he would cry looking at him or just kiss him right away. His feelings were too messed up at the moment to risk it.
Scott went silent as well and pressed his fingers slightly into the lawn. Under his feet and hands, mycelium slowly began to grow, worming its way towards Jimmy’s body. When the purple patch found its way to Jimmy’s feet, Scott began to frown, feeling Jimmy’s discomfort seeping into his own body through the mushroom root system.
"Is everything alright Jimmy? You seem upset?", he asked carefully.
Jimmy didn’t know if he would answer but his body wincing at Scott’s words probably were answer enough to the fungal mage. Scott stayed silent, carefully throwing an arm around Jimmy in an attempt to comfort him. And Jimmy, naturally, just let himself fall against Scott. He let out a long sigh.
"I don’t know honestly… I am a bit confused I guess." Scott softly patted Jimmy’s arm, watching as the funguy raised his head and carefully rested it on Scott’s shoulder, "What confuses you?"
Jimmy thought for a second."I… I am not sure if I really want to tell you if I am honest. I… I don’t know." "Do you fear my reaction?" Scott asked carefully. Jimmy shook his head and looked at Scott slightly flustered. "No, I do not! It’s just… a bit embarrassing and personal. And I don’t know how to tell you."
Scott let out a hum, thinking about Jimmy’s words. He pulled the Funguy a bit closer to him, creating an even more private setting, even though there was no one in sight that could hear their words. "I promise I won’t react negatively to it. And I won’t pry. If you need more time, take it. I have the whole day."
Jimmy nodded. The closeness reminded him of the conversation they had back in 3rd Life. This conversation about Jimmy’s complicated romantic feelings back then had started the same way and the Funguy was sure that Scott was aware of it. Jimmy took a deep breath.
"I think that I am in love with you."
Scott’s eyes widened at those words and his hand briefly stopped stroking Jimmy’s arm. The funguy felt Scott tense up and decided to continue his confession before he was able to regret it.
"I just don’t know if it’s actually real. I feel so connected to you. And well if I am honest… I don’t know if it’s romantic, platonic or if its just the mycelium."
Jimmy felt the tenseness slowly leaving from Scott’s body. It somehow made him lose some nervousness as well. He however noticed through the mycelium at his feet, that Scott’s heart was still beating strongly and that the growth of the mushroom roots deep down in the earth haltered for a second.
After some time, Scott turned his head to Jimmy who was looking at his face. "Sorry, that surprised me a bit. I hadn’t expected that."
"Yeah, kinda sudden, isn’t it?" Jimmy tried to laugh out loud but it was clear that it was just to overplay his nervousness. Scott hummed again.
"That’s actually a good question. Because, I also feel more connected to you than I already do. It feels like the mycelium enhanced my feelings for you." A blush started to raise on Scott’s cheeks, making the white freckles he had even more obvious. His face started to resemble the very mushroom he was wearing on his head. Jimmy swallowed at the image, making his heart race faster. Under his feet, he was able to feel Scott’s heart beating, faster than normal as well. Small little shocks of electricity were traveling through his body from the ground and other than the first time he felt the shock, it felt nice this time around. Soothing even.
"I…" Scott started off again, nervousness creeping into his usually confident voice. "I always knew that I loved you but right now this feeling might set my heart on fire. I… feel like my breath stops every time I see you. I get warm inside and everything is tingling…"
Jimmy’s eyes widened. It was the same feelings that he had when he saw Scott recently. And Scott just said that they were caused by the very suspicion that he had as well. Love. Jimmy licks his lips. "Might be the poison in our blood. I heard… mushrooms can cause that." Scott’s head snaps into Jimmy’s direction, being startled. The Funguy was worried for a second before the fungal mage suddenly started laughing loud, all tenseness leaving his body. The root system under them felt like it started to sing and the mycelium visibly started to grow around them. Jimmy couldn’t help himself and joined in.
"You really are a Funguy aren’t you? Gosh, I just love you so much." Scott hugged Jimmy and the Funguy smiled and hugged him back.
And it felt right. It felt so, so right. Scott’s hand patted Jimmy’s back and it felt very reassuring to Jimmy. He hummed and he felt Scott’s breath in his ear. "It’s okay, if you don’t know how to call what you feel Jimmy. It’s hard to put a name to something. But you know, no matter what it turns out to be…" he whispered, letting go of Jimmy slightly so he was able to look into the other one’s face. "No matter what it is, I will support you. I love you. I value you and the most important thing: I promise that I will be your friend no matter what. No matter how we develop. No matter if what you feel right now is because of the mycelium and no matter how often those feelings will change for you. I will be there and I won’t go." Scott smirked and Jimmy felt dashes of electricity dance around his body, feeling Scott’s own happiness in his own body. Wondering if the fungal mage was able to feel his own.
"After all, we mushrooms will stay connected. And I wish we still will be, even if we might lose those abilities as well."
Jimmy smiled, lowering his head to rest it on Scott’s chest. Scott pressed a soft kiss to his head, holding him close. Jimmy nodded a last time.
"I also hope we do. I love you too."
Jimmy wasn’t fully aware if what he felt was romantic or platonic. But who cares. It was love. And that was all that mattered.
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Not Another Conquest - Colin Shea x Reader
A/N: This is my contribution to @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ birthday gif exchange challenge. This was such a fun challenge and I loved the idea of it! The gif prompt will be inserted into the fic for reference.
Warnings: Angst, pining, language!
Word Count: 1.6k
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When you first moved into apartment 6C, the first time you met your neighbour was when he awkwardly said goodbye the last nights conquest.
You were walking up to your apartment, box in hand when the door opened and a woman stepped out. You listened in as he promised to call her, you could tell it was bare faced lie. When the woman left you glanced over at him, dressed in only boxers, snorting with laughter.
“Well, this isn’t the first impression I was hoping to make” he said scratching the back of his neck.
“I’m Colin by the way” he says holding out his hand.
“(Y/N)” you say putting the box down and shaking his hand.
“Do you need a hand carrying boxes up?” Colin offered.
“No this is the last one, plus you have a girl to call don’t you” you smirk making him laugh.
“Maybe later don’t wanna seem too eager, but if you want a hand unpacking I can bring the beer and Chinese?” Colin suggested.
“Sure, but get dressed first” you say nodding down to his boxers.
“What you not impressed?” He smirked holding his arms out.
“Not even slightly” you state shaking your head as you step inside your apartment leaving Colin laughing in the corridor.
Like promised an hour later Colin appears with a case of beer and ready to help unpack. You initially asked him to help unpack your clothes but when he started giggling when he found your underwear you sent him to the kitchen.
From that day you and Colin became quick friends. You allowing him to hide in your apartment whenever needed. Him bringing you take out and beer in return.
While you could admit that Colin was a very attractive man, and a cool guy to hang out with. You swore to yourself that you would never become one of his conquests.
Your heart didn’t seem to agree with your brain though. As after over a year of knowing him you found yourself falling for the guy. You’d get excited whenever you saw him, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, heart skipping a beat.
You hated it.
Because there was no way that he would feel the same way. He would only see you as another conquest, nothing more. Especially since there was still a steady stream of female companions leaving his apartment. And in the time that you’d known him he was always joking around about getting you into his bed.
You had just gotten back from a long shift at work, all you wanted to do when you got in was collapse in bed. Something that was robbed from you since when you walked into your apartment you found Colin passed out in your bed.
“Hey what are you doing” you say hitting his leg waking him up with a snort.
“What time is it?” He asks as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.
“7pm, now back to my original question what are you doing in my bed” you say moving round to the side of the bed he wasn’t occupying.
“Well, I came here to hide but wanted a nap and your bed looked comfy and here I am” he explains not getting up.
“Come join me” he says patting the space next to him.
“Don’t you have another girl to chase down” you scoff as you sit down.
“Not tonight, but hey how about I order some Chinese and we stick on a movie we’ve never watched, put it on mute and try to guess the plot and dialogue” Colin suggests.
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“I dunno I had a long shift and I’m kinda tired” you sigh shaking your head.
“All the more reason! C’mon” he said flashing you a winning smile.
He didn’t even wait for your answer before jumping up from your bed and ordering some food. You sigh to yourself dropping back onto the bed. You glanced over at Colin as he walked around your apartment listing off your usual order. Smiling to yourself at the fact that he knew exactly what you wanted.
“Right food is ordered, and I’ve found us a movie, now c’mon” Colin said appearing in front of you, grabbing your hands and pulling you up off of the bed.
Despite how hard you tried to focus on having fun with Colin you couldn’t. You kept finding yourself distracted either looking at him, or scolding yourself for looking at him. You realised that if you didn’t sort yourself out your heart would end up breaking even if you never actually dated.
You had to get over your feelings towards him, and the only way you could do that was going cold turkey. You had to give yourself time away from him to get yourself in check.
So that’s what you did, or at least tried to. You found excuses not to hang out. If you knew he’d been out the night before you’d wait as long as possible to go home so he’d have gone back to his apartment before you arrived. What really didn’t help was knowing he was still finding conquests, feeling jealousy towards all these women.
You were stood making yourself some coffee when you heard the noise of Colin walking into your locked front door.
“Ow what the fuck?” You heard colin curse followed by him knocking on the door “hey (Y/N) it’s Colin I need your help”
“(Y/N)” you heard him call out when you didn’t respond.
You then heard some rusting followed by the sound of the door unlocking. You cursed to yourself, wishing you’d remembered to remove the spare key you kept hidden.
When Colin walked in his brows were furrowed when he found you in the kitchen.
“Hey how come your door was locked?” He asked putting his hands on his hips.
You just shrugged your shoulders taking a sip of your coffee to avoid having to say anything.
“What’s wrong?” He asked stepping closer to you.
“Nothing” you state stepping around him and putting distance between you and him.
He frowns turning around to face you “have I done something?” He asks.
“No” you tell him avoiding his gaze.
“Well, you’re clearly pissed about something so what’s wrong?” He presses.
“Just leave me along Colin” you tell him, patience running thin.
Colin looked back at you shocked for a moment before frowning again “no not until you tell me what’s wrong” he argues.
“You! You’re the problem!” You snap suddenly.
“Why what have I done?” He demands.
“Nothing, absolutely nothing” you groan running your hand down your face.
“You’re not making any sense” Colin says shaking his head at you.
“I just- just-“ you say struggling to find the right words.
“Just what!” Colin pushes.
“I like you! Like more than a friend okay!” You shout before you could stop yourself.
“I’ve fallen for you which I hate because you’re such a nice, funny, attractive and sweet guy” you continue taking a deep breath.
“And it kills me because I don’t want to be just a conquest, someone you hide from the next day just like every other girl, like the girl you’re currently hiding from” you say you breathing ragged as you felt yourself welling up.
“I’m not hiding from someone” he says simply.
“What?” You breath out confused.
“I’m not hiding from a conquest, there’s no one in my apartment, there hasn’t all night” he explains shrugging his shoulders.
“Then why are you here?” You ask him.
“Because I wanted to see you, because I like you too, I have for a few months now” he smiles.
You shake your head confused, unable to make sense of it all.
“But- but you’ve had girls over” you say pointing toward his apartment.
“No, I haven’t” he says shaking his head.
“Yes, you have, you’ve been here hiding from them!” You argue not believing him.
“Have you ever actually seen any of them?” He points out making you pause.
You tried to think back to when you last saw one of his conquests and realised it has been months.
“You haven’t because there hasn’t been any, I’ve been lying about that because I wanted an excuse to see you” he explains.
“That’s a really shitty way to do it” you say shaking your head at him.
“I know and I’m sorry, I should have just come clean months ago, I didn’t mean to hurt you because I do really like you” Colin says walking over and putting his hands on your shoulders.
“Really?” You ask not believing him.
“Really, and I don’t want you to be another conquest, I want to do this properly, dates and everything the works” Colin tells you smiling down at you.
“Colin taking a girl out on a date? I never thought I’d see the day” you smirk making him laugh.
“What can I say, you make me want to be better” he smiles shrugging his shoulders “I won’t even sleep with you until the 3rd date”
You laugh shaking your head at him “wow you sure you can handle that?” You ask raises a brow.
“Sweetheart, I haven’t gotten laid in months, I can wait a little longer” he smirks.
“I don’t have to wait to kiss you though, right?” He asks after a moment.
“Why don’t you try and find out?” You smirk biting your lip slightly.
Colin grins before cupping your cheek and guiding your lips up to his. You instantly melt into the kiss, a kiss that was better than you could ever have imagined. When you begrudgingly pulled away you smiled to yourself when Colin’s lips chased after yours.
“Okay maybe waiting for the 3rd date might be harder than I thought” Colin sighs shaking his head slightly as he rests his forehead against yours.
You laughed pressing your lips to his once more “I’ll make the wait worth it” you tell him making him laugh and kiss you again.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
What The Stark Spangled F**k
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A Stark Spangled Forever One Shot: Code Red
Summary- Three Kids, The Winter Soldier, Captain America and a Museum. What could possibly go wrong?
Warnings- None, maybe some language!
A/N:  so this was written for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ ‘s gif exchange challenge. Happy birthday babes, I love you!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 Bucky’s sharp eyes scanned the room for his target, but to no avail.
Oh, this was bad! A fuck up of monumental proportions.
“Any sign?” Sam drew up alongside him and Bucky sighed.
“Dude, how did you lose him in the first place?”
“I didn’t lose him, he just…left my line of sight.”
“Fuck...” Sam groaned, “where are the others?”
“Same place they were last time we checked,” Bucky jerked his head to the right indicating the two other bodies who were stood examining something in the Museum Display Case.
“Okay, well he can’t have gone far.” Sam glanced around, “he’s only got little legs.”
“What the hell does that have to do with anything?” Bucky looked at Sam, “he’s quick, you seen the little bastard move?”
“We are in so much trouble.” Sam bit his lip. “Steve is gonna flip his shit when he finds out. He trusted us with this…”
“It’s not Steve I’m worried about.” Bucky grumbled, and Sam grimaced.
“Ever seen Katie when she goes full Stark?”
Bucky paled a little, “nope, not yet.”
“Yeah, well trust me, ain’t pretty.”
“Uncle Bucky?” Rori tugged on his trouser leg and Bucky glanced down.
“Hey, Diva.”
“Where’s Harry?”
“That’s what we’re trying to find out.” Bucky sighed.
“You lost him?” Jamie shot an accusatory glance at the two men and Sam groaned.
“No, we’ve temporarily misplaced him.”
“Yeah, that’s what Dad says when he’s lost something,” Jamie folded his arms, “mom is so gonna kill you.”
Bucky and Sam looked at each other, both taking a deep breath.
“Right, let’s split up and see if we can find him. He has to be round here somewhere.” Bucky glanced around.
“But I wanna see the-“ Rori started but one look from Bucky stopped her straight away. “Okay, fine.” She rolled her eyes, “this is so unfair.”
“Once we find him, you can spend all the time in here you want.” Sam placated, “but right now we need to look. Jamie, you come with me.”
Bucky glanced down at Rori as she slipped her hand into his. “Looks like it’s you and me, sweetie. You ready for a mission?”
“Yup!” She grinned.
“Okay, we’ll take the left.” Sam instructed. Bucky nodded, and the four of them split up to search the Smithsonian for the missing Rogers kid.
This had seemed like a good idea this morning. Katie was in DC on business and Steve had suggested they take a little trip as a family. Then Sam and Bucky had ended up in town post a mission and had met up with them. Steve had slyly asked if the two men fancied taking the three kids out for the afternoon, so he could in turn take Katie for lunch. Flossie, who was little over eighteen months old, had stayed with her parents, something which at that moment, pleased Bucky a great deal.
“You know, this has to be the biggest mess your dad has ever gotten me into.” Bucky grumbled as they wandered around the exhibits and Rori shook her head.
“This is your own doing. You lost him.”
“Yeah, thanks for that..really helping.”
“You’re welcome.” She grinned, the sarcasm completely passing her by.
Bucky paused for a moment, scanning the large room before his eyes fell on the sign for the Captain America exhibit and he suddenly felt a glimmer of hope wash over him. “I wonder…come on.”
The two of them made their way inside, and lo and behold, there was Harry. He was stood right in front of a huge photo of Steve in his uniform, peering up at it, his little face struck with awe.
“Harry!” Bucky exclaimed, relief evident in his tone as the small, dark haired boy turned to face him. “Buddy, you can’t just run off like that.”
“That’s Daddy.” Harry simply replied, pointing to the photo.
“Daddy was Captain America?”
“He was.” Bucky crouched down by his side as Rori stepped forward to examine another photo on the wall. “Did you not know?”
Harry shook his head. “Uncle Sammy is Cap.” He replied, pointing to the large photo of Sam in his suit, shield on his arm which stood a little further round the exhibit.
“He is now,” Bucky nodded, “but your daddy had the shield first.”
“Why doesn’t he have it now?”
Bucky hesitated, “erm, well, he had enough of fighting. Wanted to stop and live his life with your mom and you guys.”
Harry’s eyes flicked back up to the photo, and then he turned to wander a little further in, pausing at another lit up screen. This part of the display detailed Steve’s personal life and there was a section all about how he and Katie had met and fallen in love. The photo from their wedding, which had been released to the public was settled in the middle of the biography.
“And there’s Momma!” Harry grinned.
“Yeah,” Bucky nodded.
“I like this bit.” Harry looked around. “Can we stay here for a while?”
“Sure.” Bucky stood up and pulled out his phone. After one ring Sam answered. “Panic over, target located. He’s in the Cap display.”
There was a pause and Sam let out a chuckle. “Shoulda guessed, huh?”
***** Three hours later the five of them left the museum, Bucky and Sam’s wallets considerably lighter after the kids had stung them for a fuck tonne of stuff in the gift shop after Bucky had basically bribed them to keep quiet about the missing Harry incident.
They wandered down through DC a little more, taking them to the Memorials. Sam explained to them all about how he had first met Steve doing laps around the reflecting pool before setting off on a race with Jamie, playfully calling out ‘on your left’ as he over took the kid. Eventually, he might add, as Jamie had speed on his side thanks to an element of the super serum running through his DNA too.
At just before five, they headed back to the hotel and into the bar area, where Katie and Steve were sat round a table. Steve had Flossie on his knee, a beer in his hand and he said something to Katie, whose head tipped back in laughter.
Rori and Harry ran over, and both parents turned to them, their faces cracking into adoring smiled as Rori jumped up on Steve’s other knee and Harry climbed up besides his momma.
“Hey!” Katie kissed his head, “did you have a good time?”
“Yip.” Harry nodded, the looked at Steve, his face accusatory. “Daddy, you were Captain America.”
Steve paused, and frowned. “Yeah, did you not know that, pal?”
“Nope.” Harry shook his head and Steve looked at Katie, before he turned back to his youngest son.
“Sorry buddy, I thought you did.”
“I seed your photo.” He grinned. “And yours, momma.”
Jamie flopped down into a spare seat as Bucky reached the table, dumping the two carrier bags in the middle.
“You buy the whole gift store?” Steve glanced in one, and then looked at Rori accusingly. “I told you not to ask for stuff, Aurora!”
“But I didn’t ask!” She scoffed, “Uncle Bucky offered.”
“Yes but you don’t need any more stuffed animals.”
“I know but I wanted them!” she shrugged and Steve looked at Katie.
“Don’t say it.” She warned him and he grinned, giving her a wink before he looked at Bucky.
“How much do we owe you?”
“Nothing.” Bucky shook his head, “our treat.”
“And we got ice cream.” Harry grinned.
“You did?” Katie looked at him, before she glanced at Jamie. “You have a good time, Jay?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “It was really cool. And I got load of stuff sketched for my art project,”
“So, no trouble?” Steve asked and Bucky and Sam both quickly answered.
“Nope, none at all.”
“Good as gold.”
“Even her?” Steve nodded to Rori who had hopped off his knee and was now reaching over for one of the bags.
“Hey!” She said indignantly, “I’m not the one who-“  Bucky shot her a look and she clamped her hand over her mouth. “oops.”
“Oops, what do you mean, oops?” Katie frowned, looking at Sam and Bucky, the latter now backing away from the table a little.
“I’m just gonna get a drink-“
“James Buchanan Barnes you stay right there.” She instructed.
“What did you do?” Steve looked at him.
“I didn’t do anything.” Bucky shrugged, “Harry might have taken advantage of us being distracted for a moment but-“
“Us?” Sam scoffed, “you were the one that lost him!”
“You lost him?” Katie’s voice rose, “seriously?”
“No, that’s…we didn’t lose him…because he’s there.”  Bucky gestured at the kid who was now looking at his brother’s sketch book as Jamie flicked through it. “It was more of a…”
“Temporary misplacement.” Jamie added for him and Bucky clicked his fingers, pointing to the kid.
“Yes, that.”
“How temporary?” Steve demanded.
“Five minutes tops.” Sam replied, “he’d taken himself off to the Captain America exhibit.”
Katie’s hands steeped in front of her nose and she let out a groan. “Seriously?!”
“You should consider putting tracking devices on them,” Bucky joked, instantly paling as Katie’s eyes fixed on him, a furious look on her face.
“Yeah, maybe you should consider shutting up.” Steve raised his eyebrows, knowing full well his wife was winding up for an absolute hell cat fit.
“Roger, shutting up now, understood.” Bucky saluted before he groaned, “Look, I’m sorry okay? If it’s any consolation, it scared the crap out of me, worst feeling I’ve ever had in the world. And that’s saying something.”
Katie’s face softened a little and she glanced at Steve who shrugged, “Look, sweetheart, we lost Jamie in the supermarket when he was two, remember? He climbed out of the trolley and made his way down to the cookie aisle.”
“Suppose there’s no harm done.” Katie sighed after a moment or two deliberation on what Steve had just said.
Bucky let out a sigh of relief, “right, I’m gonna get a drink, everyone want one?”
Nods and noises of affirmation rang around the table, and Steve stood up, passing Flossie to Sam. “I’ll give you a hand.”
The two best friends walked towards the bar, and as they did, Steve’s large hand moved up to between Bucky’s shoulder blades, giving it a friendly pat. But then his fingers curled round the back of Bucky’s neck and he gripped, hard.
“Shit, Steve, what the fuck?”
“You ever lose one of my kids again, and you’ll be missing your right arm as well as your left, you get me?”
“Yes, Jesus, point taken, get off me, punk…” Bucky wrenched out of his grasp and straightened his collar. “I didn’t do it on purpose.”
“I know you didn’t, jerk,” Steve leaned on the bar, a smirk on his face, “mind you, if it had been Rori, I might be suspicious.”
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“Don’t Worry About It”
Summary: Dean has a confession for you - one that you know takes a lot of effort on his part.
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 345
A/N: Another contribution to Amber’s birthday month celebration. @sweater-daddiesdumbdork - some Dean Winchester for you.  Happy birthday xx
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"Hey sweetheart? I wanted to say I'm sorry."
You turn to look at the man behind you, confusion written plainly across your face. "What on earth are you apologising for?"
He pauses for a few seconds, trying to gather the words he needs to articulate how he feels.
"For spilling my guts last night. You have enough on your plate without me dumping all of my crap on you. So I'm sorry about that."
There are a handful of things that Dean Winchester should probably apologise for: his terrible jokes, the borderline obsession he has with his car, his absolute inability to hang a wet towel up properly. The one thing he doesn't need to be sorry about though is opening up and sharing his feelings. You're a little taken aback at the fact that he thinks this is something he needs to do but then you remember that this is Dean - talking about emotional stuff isn't exactly in his wheelhouse.
You can practically see the heartbreak in his eyes. He's exhausted, completely emotionally drained, and yet he still goes on - gets up every single day and puts on a brave face for those around him.
Putting down the pile of books you'd been about to start re-shelving, you step closer to Dean, dragging him in for a hug.
"Don't worry about it. We all need to let it out sometimes and I'd much rather you unburdened yourself to me than tried to drink away your pain."
Letting go, you walk back to the table, pick up the books and immediately dump them straight into Dean's arms.
"You don't have to apologise to me ever, Dean. But if you're that determined to make amends, you can take these to the library for me."
He smiles at your request, always happy to oblige. Luckily he leaves before the tears start to escape from your eyes. You can't help but think that that man is too good for this earth, too willing to help out anyone and everyone....and you know that one day, it'll be his downfall.
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Hello Everyone! 
July is my birthday month and I loved celebrating with everyone last year with Sweaters Birthday Celebration. So here we are again, a year later, a year wiser and maybe a year smuttier. 
The idea of this is real simple. If you want to participate- 
Requesting a gif of my choice, send me an ask requesting one and I will respond with a gif. I will also include a theme, trope, line or song lyric I would like included in the piece you work on. (can be anything you want to make. Doesn’t have to just be a fic. I love seeing all different creations people can do.) 
Send me a gif and/or theme, trope, line, or song lyric and I will type you out a drabble. Gifs sent to me don’t have to be strictly Marvel and I am open to writing for others. 
Some more info under the cut if you are interested- 
Some basic rules for participating. 
Can be anything you want to submit- writing, artwork, etc.
Non Con and Dub Con is allowed.
Underage, Messing with animals, toilet play is a hard NO for me. 
All that being said, Properly label your work for anything that’s needed.
OC’s are welcomed. I will happily read any OC and you wanna share your love for your OC, please do! 
Can be any length. Only request I have is only submit one story for me to personally write. 
There will be no date to have it submitted by, I know people have lives and cant always get to stuff ASAP. Or the muse has stepped out. No worries, I got you. Submit when you can.
Anything that’s over 500 words, please use a ‘KEEP READING’ Lets not clutter our friends blogs up. (if your on mobile, I understand its not easy to use, no worries.)
Please Reblog this for people to see, I appreciate it.
You dont have to follow me, although be cool if you did
When you tag this, please use #gifexchange and tag me in the fic
Also probably send me a message if I don’t respond in a timely manner. I’m around most the time, so if that’s the case, I didn’t get the notification.
HAVE FUN with this.
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fullscreeninc · 9 years
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"Say That Again"
Summary: Fed up of Negan's demands, you decide that it's time to stand up to him.
Characters: Negan x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 376
A/N: My little contribution to Amber's birthday month celebration. @sweater-daddiesdumbdork - hope you enjoy a little bit of Negan and thank you for letting me participate. Oh and happy birthday as well xx
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"Say that one more time, I didn't hear you."
You know he heard every single word you said. You know he's testing you, seeing how many buttons he has to press before you finally snap. But at this point you just don't care. You've had enough of his cocksure attitude; watching him strut around the damn place likes he's God's gift to women is driving you insane.
Taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh, you turn back to face him, the displeasure evident on your face.
"Look, I know you're old Negan but surely your hearing isn't going already. But fine, once again for those in the back......I am not here to give in to your little whims. I don't owe you a damn thing!"
He stands quickly at the point, shoving the desk out of his way and sending that stupid bat of his clattering to the floor. There's anger flashing through his eyes and he's beyond surprised that anyone would dare speak to him in such a way. But there's something else there too. Something more primal, something altogether more interesting than his usual brand of arrogance. If you were right, and you just might be, you could swear that he liked your defiance.
Negan continued to make his way across the room towards you, getting closer with every passing second. Before you know it, he's stood mere inches away from your face. He's got that smirk on his face which tells you that he's enjoying this strange little game you seem to be playing with him. But he's not letting go of his tough man demeanor, can't be seen to be giving in to someone who until a few days ago was an enemy of his. He draws himself up to his full height and looks down at you.
"You will do exactly what I say when I say it."
A few seconds go by, although it seems like hours, where all you can hear in your heartbeat pounding in your ears. You're not going to back down now though. So twisting your features into a smirk which parodies his own, you lean close to the man you've been arguing with and whisper two small words into his ear.
"Make me...."
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fullscreeninc · 9 years
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