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ellsellmesoull · 1 year ago
Yooo if anyone knows anything abt kerala unexplained shit pls reblig with your story!!!
Imean things that you have experienced that can not be explained
Hopefully its got a connection to your malayalee roots
Like the folklore of the ''vazhipinaki'' that'll make you loose your way forever
Or any unexplainable sht that happens like mysterious phenomenons yada yada anything rly~~~
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hwangism143 · 8 months ago
Do you have any bengali movie recs for me, I want to get into other Indian film industries?
Also what mallu movies have you already watched????
Malayalam movie recs:
-Kumbalangi Nights (you have to watch this!!!!!!! this is sooooooooooo good I think all mallus would recommend this one)
-Pachuvum Athbutha Vilakkum (comedy drama - I love fahad fassil man he's such a good actor)
-Dhrishyam (crime thriller - a classic (she's an icon, a legend and she IS the moment) and like mallu industry did it better because it was the original 👀)
-Lucifer (action thriller, it was so fucking good - I can't wait for the second part of this movie, they were filming in London I heard)
-Memories (crime thriller, I absolutely adore prithviraj he's so amazing)
-Big B (action thriller - I need to rewatch this soon)
-Ohm Shaanti Oshana (comedy/romance movie - nazriya>>>>>>>)
- Oru Cinnemakkaran (thriller/romance)
-Villain (thriller/action)
-Grandmaster (thriller/action)
- Adi Kapayre Kootamani (horror/comedy this is so hilarious man ik it's horror but like there's barely any horror I swear I died laughing from this movie)
- Jacobinte Swargararajyam (drama/comedy - this movie was funny and wholesome totally recommend, I mean I would recommend anything from nivin pauly, except his new stuff that is um.. well let's just say his acting was good and now he chooses weird ass movies 👀 this man used to be my fav but one of his recent movies gave me trauma and like I have lost all my respect for him)
-Bangalore Days (family drama -my favourite movie ever I have rewatched it so many times)
-ustad hotel (romance/comedy - such a good film, dulquar salmaan has my life)
-oppam (crime thriller - so goooddd I need to rewatch this too)
-pretham (comedy/horror - jayasurya>>>)
Also if you're interested in crime/thriller movies you should watch vikram vedha and Ratsasan - they're tamil movies and they're fucking phenomenal, the acting and the storylines >>>>>>
i will lyk after watching these! also, i don't really watch bengali movies but my fav is uma (it will BREAK your heart. just saying.)
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amontech · 2 years ago
Purusha Pretham (2023) [Bollywood]
Mp4 Download Purusha Pretham (2023) – Bollywood Movie 720p 480p , x265 x264 , torrent , HD bluray popcorn, magnet mkv Download Purusha Pretham (2023) – Purusha Pretham, Krishand’s third feature, is a police procedural story that has never been seen before in Malayalam cinema; an investigative thriller with interesting twists and turns. Amontech.com.ng is The Best Website/Platform For Bollywood…
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thefakebourgeois · 2 years ago
#MoviesIWatch - Purusha Pretham (2023)
Such a pleasure to watch an actor from the sidelines in a breakout lead role. And double cheers to Alexander Prashanth for playing the Munchausen-esque Super Sebastian to perfection.
Itsy-bitsy stretched out in places, but who cares. Another winner from Krishand. Great casting, great treatment, lot of fun.
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sanathanadharmasblog · 5 years ago
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🔱 Chamunda Devi 🔱
👉 In portuguese and English
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Dentro do panteão hindu manifesta-se uma feroz, emagrecida e aterrorizante Mãe Negra chamada Chamunda. Ela foi reverenciada entre Shaktas, os crentes na primazia do Feminino Divino.
Chamunda historicamente agraciada em todos níveis da sociedade hindu. A Deusa Mãe também é chamada Chamundi, Chamundeshwari, Chandika e Charchika. Como um aspecto feroz de Devi ela é intimamente associada com Kali, ela é uma das principais Yoginis e também uma das sete Matrikas. Ela também está associada com a Mãe Parvati.
Muitas vezes, ela está ligada ao védico Rudra, a manifestação feroz de Shiva e no tântra é adorada envolvendo rituais de origem animal e com vinho e sangue. Ela também é identificada com Agni, o deus do fogo. Alguém poderia perguntar como ela poderia ser figurado como uma Matrika. Bem, a mãe também é alimentadora e vivificante. Mãe Chamunda sacode nosso interior e atordoa o bhakta (devoto). Pode-se sentir o incrível poder da Mãe e suas esquisitices por compreender sua forma terrível.
Representação : Em sua tez preta ou vermelho escuro, Chamunda é nada menos que aterrorizante com suas guirlandas de crânio chamados "mundamala", enquanto ela fica em uma shava (cadáver) ou pretham. Caso contrário, ela está em pretashanam ou sentada em um cadáver de um demônio. Seu cabelo é empilhado como jata Mukuta e às vezes uma lua crescente está presente.
Mãe tem três olhos ou um rosto assustador com dentes protuberantes. Seus olhos ardem com o fogo. seu corpo é esquelético e ela é mostrada para ter seios caídos e uma barriga afundada como se ela tevesse fome. Este é contrastada seios caídos porém maternais para simbolizar a velhice, morte e destruição. Mãe é representada com quatro, oito, dez ou doze mãos. Mãe mantém : Damaru (tambor), Trishula (tridente), espada, serpente, khatvanga (bastão em forma de crânio), raio, panapatra (copo de vinho) e um copo kapala (crânio cheio de sangue). O sangue é característico nas Matrikas em geral. Sua vahana é dito ser a coruja, o pássaro da sabedoria. Ela tem uma águia em seus estandartes. A carne alimentam os chacais ou bestas que são seus associados temíveis, como também serpentes e escorpiões são mostrados como seus companheiros.
Chamunda e Kali : as mães são iguais em muitos aspectos, são relacionadas com as habilidades transformadoras e suas estatuas são como Clones. Enquanto a Mãe Kali se manifesta como o poder do tempo, a morte e a destruição... Mãe Chamunda detém o infinito e a eternidade. Ambas retratam imagens intensamente assustadoras da morte e do poder feminino. Este conceito pode não ser compreensível para aqueles acostumados a lidar com Deusas das Trevas. Ambas geralmente são mostradas em crematórios, sentadas ou pisando em cima de um cadáver e se engajando em rituais tântricos, às vezes envolvendo Maithuna, sangue e morte. Estas são as características da evolução do interior delas para transformar o mundo exterior.
Durga : Chamunda é a forma mais popular da Deusa Durga. Ela é mencionada no Devi Mahatmya e Markendeya Purana. Enquanto Durga estava envolvido em uma batalha com os demônios Chanda e Munda, Kali é dito ter surgido de sua testa para matar os asuras, Satisfeita, diz-se que Mãe Durga chamou Kali como Chamunda.
Markandeya Purana : Devi Mahatmyam é uma parte desse Purana. Devi Mahatmyam significa literalmente Glória da Deusa. É um texto altamente oculto - Somente aqueles que têm os seus olhos interiores irá perceber as verdades escondidas. Markendeya, o vidente desse mito tinha visto a glória já existente da deusa com o olho interior. Devi Mahatmyam é também conhecida como Sri Durga Saptashati; Sri Chandi ou Saptashati. Ele é mais popularmente conhecido como Chandi , pois descreve a glória da Deusa Chandika, a terrível. Por contas Devi Mahatmya, Chamunda surgiu como Chandika Jayasundara da sobrancelha da deusa Kaushiki, uma deusa criada a partir da "invólucro ou as células" de Durga. Chandika Jayasundra assumiu a tarefa de eliminar os demônios Chanda e Munda, generais dos demônios reis Shumbha - Nishumbha. Deusa Kaushiki ficou satisfeita quando Chandika Jayasundra entrou na batalha e trouxe de volta as cabeças dos demônios. Daí ela foi agraciada com o título Chamunda. No entanto, as versões posteriores do Devi Mahatmya afirma que a Mãe Durga criou as Matrikas para matar o exército de demônios de Shumbha - Nisumha. Matrika Kali é suposta ter sugado todo o sangue do demônio Raktabija, um enredo que mais uma vez liga Mãe Kali e Chamunda.
Varaha Purana : Este Purana dá uma versão diferente sobre o assassinato de Raktabija. Aqui as Matrikas surgiram e dividiram-se a partir de seus próprios corpos. Aparentemente Chamunda apareceu do pé de Narashmi . Este Purana , ao contrário Devi Mahatmya , mostra claramente que Chamunda e Kali aparecem como deusas separadas. Há também uma versão que Chamunda foi uma manifestação da deusa Parvati para o abate de Chanda e Munda. Assim Chamunda é Parvati e não é nem Durga ou Kali.
Matsya Purana: Shiva cria as Matrikas para ajudar no assassinato de
Andhakasura. Como Raktabija, esse demônio também clona-se a sí próprio pelo gotejar de seu sangue. Chamunda e as outras Matrikas impediram esta reprodução .
Chamunda espalha sua língua para fora para lamber o sangue para que ele não escorresse para o chão. Seu corpo depois toma uma tez vermelha da sua tez negra natural. Para comemorar seu sucesso, ela faz uma dança, o thandava da destruição.
Durante este desempenho, Mãe Chamunda usou o eixo do Monte Meru como um instrumento musical. Shesha a serpente cósmica é a primavera. A lua crescente é a cabaça. Este é o momento que se afoga o mundo em dilúvio.
Sapta Matrikas : Chamunda , como Matrika , é mencionada no Mahabaratha, capítulo Vana Parva, o Devi Purana e Vishnudharmottara Purana. Ela é descrita como uma líder das Matrikas. As Matrikas compartilham os atributos de seus consortes masculinos e são suas Shaktis. No entanto, Chamunda representa a Shakti da Deusa Devi, em vez de um consorte masculino. Semelhante a adoração de Kali e Durga, deusa Chamunda goza de culto independente.
As Matrikas também ajudam Ganesha para matar os demônios de acordo com Sevi Purana. Além disso, a Matrapancaka, as cinco mães são adoradas pelo sábio Mandavya que inclui a deusa Chamunda. O Matrapancaka foram estabelecidas pelo Senhor Brahma para salvar o rei Harishchandra de futuros perigos. No Devi Purana, Chanda significa terrível e Munda significa cabeça de Brahma ou marido.
Vishnudhamottara Purana : No Vishnudhamottara Purana, descreve Chamunda representa a depravação. Ela simboliza a morte e a destruição. Cada Matrika é uma guardiã de uma direção da bússola e Chamunda é atribuída a direção do sudoeste.
Charuhsasthi Yogini : Charuhsasthi, Chausanth ou Chausati significa sessenta e quatro referindo-se a 64 Yoginis . Este foi um culto feminino místico do século Nono. É uma crença popular de que as yoginis tiveram suas origens nas tradições animistas dos Adivasis ou aborígenes. Eles adoravam devatis. Elas são mencionadas no Skanda Purana várias vezes como yoginis, dakinis, shaktis ou bhairavis. Dakini é um termo usado para descrever uma " dançarina do céu , fêmea mensageira", ou atendente com habilidades sobrenaturais e que praticam diversas formas de tantras secretas.
Mais tarde, o termo Yogini, como usado no Chandi Purana se refere à forma de Devi, a deusa suprema . Cada uma das Yogini foi visto como uma parte diferente do corpo da Devi. Por volta do século 7, a crença parece ter se misturado com o culto Shaktie e tantrismo. O termo dakini ainda é mantida na tradição budista. Na literatura ainda se refere a feiticeira, bruxa ou até mesmo vampira. Diz-se que eles eram uma organização secreta com uma comunicação secreta chamada sandhya bhasa .
A finalidade do culto era desenvolver poderes sobrenaturais. Consideraram-se como servos de Mãe Divina. Eram devocionais na natureza. Diz-se que eles tinham tremendas habilidades sobrenaturais. Estas yoginis estão ligadas ao tantrismo negro usando as energias destrutivas de Kali e Bhairavi mas isso não os torna bruxas! O saddhaka ou praticante aspira a controlar o corpo e a mente para regular os panchabhutas para ganhos materiais e também para adquirir poderes destrutivos. O foco central do culto foi Bhairavi, Kali, Shiva e Bhairava. Eles usam energias destrutivas de Kali ou Bhairavi como um objetivo positivo. No contexto de um conjunto de sessenta e quatro yoginis, acredita-se que Chamunda criou outras sete yoginis, formando em conjunto ou grupo de oito. No contexto de oitenta e um yoginis, Chamunda dirige um grupo de nove yoginis.
Sessenta e quatro : Existem várias teorias sobre o número 64. Mas eles também são enumerados como 60, 64 ou 65 e até mesmo 81. O número 64 está correlacionado com as correntes do vento ou do corpo humano, tal como tipo de tendência improdutivo. 64 também tem seu uso místico em rituais tântricos e numerologia para obter poderes mágicos. As Matrikas são aspectos de Devi. Ashta Matrikas são as oito mães que chegam com suas oito atendentes. As sapta Matrikas são sete mães . Com uma deusa líder em cada grupo, tornando-se oito todo o grupo contava com 64 yoginis.
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- Chamunda Devi -
Within the Hindu pantheon manifested a fierce, emaciated and terrifying Dark Mother called Chamunda. She was revered among Shaktas, believers in the primacy of Divine Feminine.
Chamunda historically found favour at all levels of Hindu society. Mother is also called Chamundi, Chamundeshwari, Chandika and Charchika. As the fierce aspect of Devi closely associated with Kali, she is one of the chief Yoginis and also one of the seven Matrikas. She is also associated with Mother Parvati.
Often she is linked to Vedic Rudra, the fierce manifestation of Shiva and Tantric worship involving animal rituals and with wine and blood. She is also identified with Agni, the fire god. One would wonder how she could be figured as a Matrika. Well, Mother is also nurturing and life-giving. Mother Chamunda shakes up one deep inside and stuns the bhakta. One is mystified what she has to offer. One can feel Mother’s incredible power and her oddities by understanding her terrible form.
DEPICTION: In her dark black or red complexion, Chamunda is nothing less than terrifying with her skull garlands called ‘mundamala’ while she stands on a shava or pretham. Otherwise she is in pretashanam or seated on a corpse of a demon. Her hair is piled as jata mukuta and sometimes a crescent moon is present.
Mother has three eyes or a terrifying face with protruding teeth. Her socket eyes burn with fire. Her body is skeletal and she is shown to have drooping breasts and a sunken belly as if she has been starving. This is contrasted a full motherly breasts to symbolise old age, death and destruction. Mother is depicted with four, eight, ten or twelve hands. Mother holds: Damaru (drum), Trishula (trident), sword, serpent, khatvanga (skull mace), thunderbolt, panapatra (wine cup) and kapala (skull cup filled with blood). Blood is characteristic of Matrikas in general. Her vahana is said to be the Owl, the wisdom bird. She has an eagle on her banners. Flesh eating jackals or beasts and fearsome associates such as serpents and scorpions are shown as companions.
CHAMUNDA AND KALI: Both Mothers are alike in many respects, related by the or transformative abilities and their stature as Clones. While Mother Kali manifests the power of time, death and destruction, Mother Chamunda holds infinity and eternity. Both depict intensely frightening images of death and feminine power. This concept may not be comprehensible to those unaccustomed to dealing with Dark Goddesses. Both are usually shown in cremation grounds, seated or stepping upon a corpse engaging in Tantric rituals
sometimes involving Maithuna, blood and death. This is the characteristics of the evolution from the inside of them to transform the world outside.
DURGA: Chamunda is the most popular form of Goddess Durga. She is mentioned in the Devi Mahatmya and Markendeya Purana. While Durga was engaged in a battle with demons Chanda and Munda, Kali is said to have emerged from her forehead to kill the asuras, Pleased with, it is said that Mother Durga called Kali as Chamunda.
MARKANDEYA PURANA: Devi Mahatmyam is a portion of this Purana. Devi Mahatmyam literally means Glory of Goddess. It is a highly occult text – Only those who have their inner eyes will perceive the hidden truths; others know not. Markendeya, the seer of this myth had seen the ever-existent glory of the goddess with the inner eye. Devi Mahatmyam is variously known as Sri Durga Saptashati; Sri Chandi or Saptashati. It is more popularly known as Chandi because it describes the glory of Goddess Chandika, the terrible. By Devi Mahatmya accounts, Chamunda emerged as Chandika Jayasundara from the eyebrow of goddess Kaushiki, a goddess created from ‘sheath’ of Durga. Chandika Jayasundra took the task of eliminating the demons Chanda and Munda, generals of demon kings Shumbha-Nishumbha. Goddess Kaushiki was pleased when Chandika Jayasundra entered into battle and brought back the heads of the demons. Hence she was bestowed the title ‘Chamunda.’ However, the later versions of Devi Mahatmya states that Mother Durga created the Matrikas to kill the demon army of Shumbha-Nisumha. Matrika Kali is supposed to have suckled all the blood of Raktabija demon, a plot yet again linking Mother Kali and Chamunda.
VARAHA PURANA: This Purana gives a different version on the killing of Raktabija. Here Matrikas emerged and divided from their own bodies. Apparently Chamunda appeared from Narshmi’s foot. This Purana, unlike Devi Mahatmya, clearly shows that Chamunda and Kali appear as separate Goddesses. There is also a version that Chamunda was a manifestation of Goddess Parvathi to slaughter Chanda and Munda. Thus Chamunda is Parvathi and is neither Durga or Kali.
MATSYA PURANA: Lord Shiva creates the Matrikas to assist in the killing of
Andhakasura. Like Raktabija, this demon also generates himself from his own
dripping blood. Chamunda and the other Matrikas counter this reproduction.
Chamunda spreads her protruding tongue to lick up the blood so that it does not
drip to the ground. Her body thereafter takes a red complexion from her black
nature. To celebrate her success, she does a thandava dance of destruction.
During this performance, Mother Chamunda used the shaft of Mount Meru as the
musical instrument. Shesha the cosmic serpent is the spring. The crescent moon is the gourd. This is the time the world drowns in deluge.
SAPTA MATRIKAS: Chamunda, as Matrika, is mentioned in Mahabaratha, Vana Parva Chapter, the Devi Purana and Vishnudharmottara Purana. She is depicted as a leader of the Matrikas. The Matrikas share the attributes of their male consorts and are their Shaktis. However, Chamunda represents the Shakti of Goddess Devi rather than a male consort. Similar to Kali and Durga worship, Goddess Chamunda enjoys independent worship.
The Matrikas also assist Lord Ganesha to slay the demons according to Sevi Purana. Also the Matrapancaka, the Five Mothers are worshiped by the sage Mandavya which list includes Goddess Chamunda. The Matrapancaka were established by Lord Brahma to save King Harishchandra from upcoming dangers. In the Devi Purana, Chanda means terrible and Munda means Brahma’s head or husband.
VISHNUDHAMOTTARA PURANA: From the Vishnudhamottara Purana, one gleams that Chamunda represents depravity. She symbolises death and destruction. Each Matrika is a guardian of a compass direction and Chamunda is assigned the direction of the south-west.
CHATUHSASTHI YOGINI: Charuhsasthi, Chausanth or Chausati means sixty four referring to 64 Yoginis. This was a mystical female cult of the 9nth century. It is a popular belief that the yoginis had their origins in animistic traditions of Adivasis or aboriginal people. They worshipped grama devatis. They are mentioned in the Skanda Purana variously as yoginis, dakinis, shaktis or bhairavis. Dakini is a term used to describe a ‘sky dancer’, female messenger
or attendant with supernatural abilities practicing various forms of secret tantras.
Later, the term yogini, as used in the Chandi Purana referred to the form of Devi, the Supreme Goddess. Each of the yogini was seen as a different part of Devi’s body. Around the 7th century, the belief seems to have blended with Shakti cult and tantrism. The term dakini is still retained in the Buddhist tradition. In literature it even refers to sorceress, witch or even ghoul. It is said that they were a secret organisation with a secret communication called sandhya bhasa.
The purpose of the cult was to develop supernatural powers. They considered themselves as servants of Mother Divine. They were devotional in nature. It is said that they had tremendous supernatural abilities. These yoginis are linked to black tantrism using the destructive energies of Kali and Bhairavi but that hardly makes them witches! The saddhaka or practioner aspires to control body and mind to regulate the panchabhutas for material gains and also to acquire destructive powers. Their central focus of worship was Bhairavi, Kali and Shiva Bhairava. They used destructive energies of Kali or Bhairavi with a positive goal. In the context of a group of sixty-four yoginis, Chamunda is believed to have created seven other yoginis, together forming a group of eight. In the context of eighty-one yoginis, Chamunda heads a group of nine yoginis.
SIXTY-FOUR: There are various theories as to the number 64. But they are also enumerated as 60, 64 or 65 and even 81. The number 64 correlates to the currents or wind of human body as type of unproductive tendency. 64 also has its mystical use in Tantric rituals and numerology to get magical powers. The Matrikas are aspects of Devi. Ashta Matrikas are the eight mothers who arrive with their eight attendants. The Sapta Matrikas are seven Mothers. With a leading goddess in every group, making it eight the whole group counted to 64 yoginis.
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anoopg24365 · 6 years ago
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sandeepcreations-blog · 7 years ago
zumba pretham movie whatsapp status|sandeep creations
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optimisticprincepainter · 5 years ago
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Saniya Iyappan, who won tremendous attention with her performance in a dance reality show, made her debut with Queen. The movie that was set in an engineering college campus became a surprise hit, last year. Saniya played Chinnu and her role in the movie had to display a variety of emotions and she did that in an impressive way. She was later seen in Pretham 2, a horror-comedy directed by Ranjith…
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centaur4ever · 7 years ago
Goal: I want to be the best I can, lots of character development Relationship: Single and slightly confused Favorite Color: All kinds of blue! Lipstick or Chapstick: I’m not much into makeup, so chapstick Last Song: I think it was Dope by BTS Last Movie: This Malayalam movie called Pretham Top 3 Shows: Riverdale( I love it but unfortunately it’s not available, so I missed a lot of episodes), F.R.I.E.N.D.S, and Masterchef Top 3 Ships: Malec, Percabeth, and Sizzy (or Wessa/Jessa? or Kierarktina? or Solangelo? 🤔) I tag: @ayisha145 @verylostpenguin
Thanks for tagging me @im-reading-shut-up
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myfirstshow · 7 years ago
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The Truth About Raju Gari Gadhi-2
Back then, there are rumours that King Nagarjuna and Ohmkar’s Raju Gari Gadhi-2 is the official remake of Malayalam film, Pretham. The makers are until now tight-lipped about this but finally, the director has clarified that producer PVP has bought rights of Malayalam hit ‘Pretham’ to make...
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wilsonweb · 6 years ago
Pretham 2 New Teaser | Jayasurya | Dreams N Beyond | Punyalan Cinemas
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thouzeefm · 6 years ago
Reacting to upcoming Malayalam horror movie Pretham 2 of Jayasurya | ranjith Sankar | Dreams N Beyond | Punyalan Cinemas | Review by Mob World #pretham2trailerreaction #mobworld Mob Reaction World ☑ ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ SUBSCRIBE to the channel for new videos daily ✔↗ https://www.youtube.com/mobreactionworld Because It's All Day Every Day Brah... If you have any video suggestions for me to watch and react : - Send me personal messages through INSTAGRAM✔ Instagram : https://ift.tt/2rZIvFS ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Hope you guys enjoyed.... See you soon ... Peace out.... 🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝
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bnmedia-blog1 · 6 years ago
Actor Jayasurya plays the lead in 'Pretham 2', has reveals Dain Davis' character poster from the film, on his official Facebook page.
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bookmyshowtickets · 7 years ago
Upcoming Malayalam Movies to look out for in 2018!
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The year 2017 was a phenomenal year for Malayalam cinema as both content-driven and commercial movies entertained the audiences thoroughly. It was a year of both actors as well as directors who amazed us with genuine performances and movies. It gets really difficult for movies to live up to the audiences’ expectations but there were a select few that performed impeccably last year. Movies like Thondimuthalum Driksakhsiyum and S Durga have been acclaimed for their realistic portrayal of the modern society.
At the 65th National Film Awards, the Malayalam Film industry was immensely praised for the socially relevant movies and some stellar performances and also received several accolades.
Will 2018 repeat the cinematic magic that 2017 offered us? Only time could tell. Till then, here’s our list of upcoming movies to look out for:
The poster of Odiyan had gotten everyone in a state of frenzy especially after seeing Mohanlal in a trim avatar. The story of the shape-shifting black magician is definitely the stuff of legends. Manju Warrior and Prakash Raj also stars in this movie which is set in the pre-electrification era. This movie marks the debut of ad-filmmaker VA Shrikumar Menon as director.
Kunjali Marakkar IV:
Mammooty would star as the 16th century Zamorin naval chief in this movie. Kunjali Marakkar IV would be directed by Santosh Sivan under the banner of August Cinemas while the scripting is done by TP Rajeevan and Shankar Ramakrishnan. Previously, Santosh Sivan had directed the 2011 period drama Urumi.
Kayamkulam Kochunni:
Based on the true story of the 19th heroic outlaw who robbed the rich to feed the poor, this movie stars Nivin Pauly in the titular role. Directed by Rosshan Andrrews and written by Bobby-Sanjay duo, Kayamkulam Kochunni  would witness Mohanlal in an extended cameo as Ithikkara Pakki.
Kottayam Kunjachan 2:
‘Ayyo...evanano parishkari? Ithurumathiri...,’ this dialogue, along with many others from Kottayam Kunjahan, have made people laugh for years. The iconic character is back to the big screens with Kottayam Kunjachan 2. Mammooty will reprise the iconic character and the movie would be written and directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas.
Directed by Geethu Mohandas, this movie stars Nivin Pauly, Sobhita Dhulipala and Shashank Arora. Moothon means ‘elder brother’ in Lakshwadeep slang and the movie will be shot in Lakshwadeep and Mumbai. Anurag Kashyap will write the Hindi dialogues in the movie.
Njan Marykutty:
Directed by Ranjith Sankar, this movie will see Jayasurya playing the role of a trans woman. This movie is the fifth collaboration between Jayasurya and Ranjtih Sankar after Punyalan Agarbattis, Su… Su... Sudhi Vathmeekam, Pretham, and Punyalan Private Limited.
Directed by Anwar Rasheed, this movie stars National Award winner Fahadh Faasil. The movie also stars Sreenath Bhasi and Soubin Shahir. Stalwarts like Oscar winner Resul Pookutty, Vincent Vadakkan and acclaimed cinematographer Amal Neerad will unite in this movie.
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telugucriccaptain-blog · 7 years ago
Box-Office - The first movie for Samantha and her Father-in-Law
Box-Office – The first movie for Samantha and her Father-in-Law
Samantha’s first movie after her marriage has seemed to be a dud at the Box-Office. The movie ‘Raju Gari Gadhi 2’ which is an official remake of Malayalam movie ‘Pretham’ has failed to set the cash registers ringing and it has ended with a Below Average verdict.The movie has ended it’s theatrical run with a distributor share of more than 18 Crores. The movie just had a blitzkrieg opening weekend…
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sirisha-pinapati-blog · 7 years ago
WWW Thriller!
“Raju Gaari Gadhi -2”, sequel of “Raju Gaari Gadhi”,  directed by Omkar, expected to be a complete horror tale turns out as a blend of less spooky and a fine comedy film. The opening shot zooms to beach side where three friends Ashwin (Ashwin Babu), Praveen (Praveen) and Vennela Kishore are engaged in their new restaurant business in resort.
As time passes, the invisible activities and torture of an intense grief stricken soul of a girl Amrutha (Samantha Akkineni) is seen inside resort. How trio handles troubles and how each day seems scary to them is next. To solve this puzzle, Rudra (Nagarjuna), a mentalist enters. He will have a spontaneous gift of visualizing people’s past, thoughts by looking into their eyes. Slowly, Rudra discloses facts behind Amrutha’s suicide & catches culprit. It all happens because Amrutha reveals her identity to him in a beautiful painting, holding a dark past. It’s a friendly & humanly face- off between a god and ghost carried in a soft manner. The plot can be more serious and spookiest but nevertheless the comedy elements balanced it. Samantha was assorted in her own performance with good variations while Nagarjuna welcomed a mysterious look. Their lively touch made a worth watch film where Rudra shined. The beach locales are amusing. The comedy part is fun!
Fading effect of painting scene bags a “Best Scene Award”, that is totally attractive and speechless. It symbolizes a story that a “Soul has no body”. The film’s story-line is from Malayalam flick, “Pretham” but molded into Telugu native style. It may be a new experience to Telugu audience, connecting to reality and horror with damn three words Who, Why, What did they gain?
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