#pretend i said something cooler and hotter
vampy-puppy · 24 days
this hoodie is perfect for playing elden ring and/or fucking a boy in
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sunjaesol · 2 years
"How do you guys even... feel heat?" Julie puffed, her voice warped with her face close to the portable ventilator she placed in the garage. "That doesn't even make sense."
"I wish I knew, Julie," Alex exhaled, flat on the ground with a dazed expression on his face. "I wish I knew..."
"What if we diffuse into nothing?!" Reggie exclaimed, head popping out of the duplex after minutes of a heedless search for "tropical shirts" - as though any of them wore such articles of clothing in 1995. "We're already air!"
"We're not air, guys," Luke cut in, walking into the studio. Without a shirt. An important addition as Julie continuously had to remind herself not to stare and pretend it did not affect her. (What seventeen-year-old, dead or alive, looked like that?) "We're just awesome human-ghost-rockstar... people. Way better than air, at least. Right, Jules?"
"Sure," she dismissed, "I'm just confused about the science of it."
"The science?" he deadpanned. "Of ghosts?"
"We should ask Carlos," Reggie said, fully earnest. It took weeks to convince him ghosts didn't exist and their studio wasn't haunted, which Julie preferred to keep that way. "He'll know."
"He'll go rogue and curse us," Alex said. The, with a sigh, he sat up and wildly gestured at himself. "I am sweating! In weird places! And I hate it!" He stood up and brushed off a thick layer of sweat from his forehead. "I'm gonna find Willie. Dying again in this boiler room is not worth it."
Before the others could say goodbye, he disappeared in a gentle flash of light. Julie wished she had the same powers: then she'd teleport herself to a cooler destination, like Sweden, or something.
Luke plopped down beside her. "What're you up to today, Boss?"
"Not dying," she said. "Figuratively."
Reggie went down the ladder. "I didn't find anything, guys. No Hawaiian shirts."
"I bet Willie has some Hawaiian shirts," Luke said.
"He could definitely pull off the look," agreed the bass player. Then he perked up. "Should we go to Venice and thrift for a shirt?"
Julie propped her head on her hand and closed her eyes. Just like Alex, she was sweating in places she didn't know was possible, even in bikini top and loose shorts. How long could a heat wave go on for? How had she not melted into a puddle already?
"I think we're gonna lay low," Luke replied, a finger tapping her knee. "Jules?"
"Mh-hm," she muttered, cracking one eye open. "Another time, Reggie. Sorry."
It registered then Luke had addressed them as 'we' - a unit. Luke and her: 'we'. We wouldn't go thrifting today. We wanted to hide from the heat today. It made her unreasonably giddy. An inner voice that sounded a lot like Flynn reminded her he was still very much a ghost... even if they could touch now.
An enthusiastic Reggie went off to find his dream Hawaiian shirt anyone, snapping away and leaving Luke and her in the studio to fend off the heat alone.
"I gotta say," he sighed, stretching himself out on the couch to where his hair brushed against her legs and his feet dangled over the other side of the sofa. "The summers are hotter now than in '95."
"Because of global warming," Julie said, matter-of-fact.
"Nah, you can't get existential on me, Jules," he teased, "it's not even noon yet."
Lifting her head from her head, she looked down at him - wondering how his hair would feel if she raked through it - and settled on placing her hand gently on his shoulder. It felt warm under touch. "Why do you think you still feel heat? Honestly"
Luke stared at her for a beat, a bit dazed. Hie doe eyes always lured her close, always got her holding her breath and wishing he just closed them and kissed her. His hand gently covered hers.
"I, uh," he uttered, "I don't question it. I'm just glad I'm alive enough to experience it still... to feel you, still."
Her heart beat in her ears. Warmth rushed to her cheeks, undoubtably making her tanned cheeks a shade more plum. "You... you feel my body heat?"
Luke chuckled, bashful, the sound making her stomach curl up. Their fingers intertwined on their own accord. The magnetism they shared had remained unspoken, but it was there in each of their actions.
"Yeah, Jules... I feel you." And then, in a brave split second: "And I can feel your heart beating in your wrist like crazy right now."
She let go and stood up from the couch with a strained laugh. "Well, duh. You better feel it. It would be weirder if there wasn't a pulse."
Luke sat up straight and her gaze voluntarily dropped to his physique and then she was kind of ruined. The heat was messing with her head!
(But he was watching her as well. Appraising her. Boyish eyes flickering from her face to her body, but too shy to give any reaction.)
"Anyway," she added, too sudden and too loud to be casual. Luke barely noticed though, caught up in his own reverie. She took a step towards the doors. "I'm... going to drink lemonade. In the kitchen. So, I'll be right back. Um. Yeah."
She didn't wait for a reply. Running to the kitchen doors, she prayed a tall glass of ice cold lemonade would rattle her brain back into shape.
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impulsivefanwriter · 3 years
A Tiny Spark Leads to a Roaring Flame (But Flames Can Always be Doused by Water)
Heeyyyyy so y’all know the Reverse Thanos Snap AU for SPBNR? Basically everyone but Smith/S!Kai gets sent to the M!verse. Everyone. The entire population of S!verse Ninjago City & a few surrounding areas. Except poor Smith. Essentially it happens because S!Garmadon tries to send Smith to a place where he can't mess with his plans, and ends up sending everyone away from Smith to take him out of the equation. 
The second part to this AU is that the S!Ninja end up searching for Kai in the chaos and grab the Red Ninja before jetting out of there with the Bounty. Except... they didn’t grab Smith (who’s still home), but rather Red (M!Kai).
Red thinks the S!Ninja are babysitter clones created by Garmadon after he somehow turned Lloyd younger without his memories & is trying to raise him to be his new General #1. With this in mind, he pretends to be S!Kai, and waits for the moment he can rescue Lloyd.
What would happen in the S!Ninja discovered his deception/their mistake of grabbing a wrong Kai and mistake Red for a recreated Aki (aka Bizarro Evil Clone Kai) before he could enact his plan?
Well, this is that idea. (Title inspired by how a crack AU spiralled into a beautiful angst-fest)
Enjoy. :3
Red was going to get Lloyd out of here tonight. 
Away from these Not-Friends made by Garmadon to emulate the Ninjaforce. Away from this flying ship built to emulate Master Wu's ship, so familiar and yet so off. Away from this false reality and back to the real everything where they could hopefully get his memories back and his age back and everything back to the way it was before the city descended into chaos.
He just had to... bide his time. Be patient. 
FSM, he was bad at being patient. 
His hands itched to grab Lloyd and run now, but he was horribly outnumbered and without his mech. No matter how badly he wanted to, he couldn't rush this. If he did, he would make everything worse. Like he always did.
But fate- or rather, Lloyd- had other plans.
The little version of his younger brother- yes, they were roughly the same age normally, shut up, Lloyd was still his younger brother- had been... eying him weird all morning. Not like Not-Jay and Not-Cole and Not-Zane, but like Not-Nya. Like he actually knew instead of suspected. These babysitter clones seemed to think he was the Not-Kai, and if that was the opportunity the universe was going to give him, then by the flames of the departed world was he going to skip this chance to save Lloyd.
Currently he stood on the deck of the ship as they parked in the sky a few meters above the docks on the outskirts of the city. It wasn't the docks with the Bounty warehouse, curse his luck, but it wasn't the endless sky or the empty ocean (though it was still too close to that murky, haunting water for his liking. Water was his sister's domain for a reason). At least he could sneak Lloyd off in the cover of night, maybe find someone in the city who wouldn't recognize the Son of Garmadon this way and would be willing to help them hide until they could make it back to the real ninja.
"Kai," Not-Zane spoke suddenly next to him. 
Red would never get used to the way his voice... lacked the same effect the real Zane's had. The effect that Kai and the rest of his team had assured their friend over and over was unique, special, but in a good way. To embrace it. That it wasn't noticeable, but when it was, that it was so Zane that his friends didn't care that it was different. 
This 'Zane' sounded much too different than his own. He hadn't recognized Kai's tested line of 'road work ahead' when they passed one of the many construction signs littering the city (even more so since the chaos happened a week ago), and instead had responded with 'a great deal of work to fix in the city'. 
Seriously, Garmadon, do better research on your clones.
Not-Zane was also much too... calm. Too 'wise' compared to the wild teen that was Zane. And he walked without heelies or whatever Zane used to slide around like a boss, though he was still silent. And that meant, like now, he snuck up on Red fairly often- and Red was training to be a Ninja, so that took serious talent. 
"Kai," Not-Zane said again, and Red finally broke his gaze from where he'd been staring over the railing, planning tonight's escape route. "Lunch has been made for over an hour. Are you alright?"
Red forced his brightest smile. "Course I'm alright! Just trying to figure out what happened, as usual."
Why Lloyd was suddenly like, 8, and without his memories. Why the Not-Friends were on this Not-Ship and had mistaken him for Not-Kai. Why the city was in a state of disarray and chaos. 
Not-Zane studied him, then turned to give the city a sad look. "I'm not sure myself. My scanners can't seem to figure out what is happening. It is as if... blocked by some force."
Red winced, then expertly disguised the move by leaning against the rail. Zane never would use 'my scanners', despite how often Red and the others assured him it was okay. Yet another reason why this wasn't his friend.
"You know Ninjago City," Red said with a weak laugh. "Always one crisis or another. Always those annoying Garmadon Attacks"
This seemed to satisfy Not-Zane, who nodded thoughtfully. "This event definitely seems to have Garmadon's hand in the mess."
He patted Red on the back. "Well, don't worry yourself ragged, Kai. Come in for lunch soon, alright? We have training for Lloyd later."
Ah, right. Training. AKA what Red assumed was how Garmadon was planning to shape this impressionable version of his friend into his new General #1.  
"I'm ready for training now, Zane!"
Speaking of Lloyd- 
The little gremlin came up from the hull with the rest of the Not-Ninja. Red hated when the entire group was together; it was way more difficult to act as Not-Kai around them, especially around Not-Nya. 
For starters, Not-Jay had a notch in his eyebrow that the real Jay never had. He was missing the iconic freckles, and the scarf, and the fluffy hair, though you could always say it was just a wardrobe change. What you couldn't change was the personality differences. This couldn’t be Jay. Jay was anxious and quiet, his jokes (while plentiful) said more timidly and his newest ideas shared with hesitance that only shrank after years of encouragement. He would never be this loud, ever. 
Not-Cole was the leader, probably because Lloyd was so young. But even then, in Red's team, Nya would probably take second-command. Cole was their sturdy support, yes, but he was chill, laid-back. Ready to follow and support his friends to the ends of the earth with his tunes and occasional sarcastic wit, but not lead. Not like Not-Cole, who was more serious and commanding and didn't. listen. to. music. Red hadn't spotted a single record or boombox in the room in the hull. That was a tragic oversight on Garmadon's part. The members of his research team should be Fired.
And then there was Not-Nya. Who wore a dress with confidence that his sister would love but never publicly wear. Who had short hair- Nya had tried that style once, and decided it itched around her neck too much- and jewelry, and a giant flying Samurai mech suit. His sister had the Water Strider Mech, and Not-Nya had a flying combat suit. Sure. Close enough. Personality-wise they were similar. 
Similar at first glance. Nya was fluid and adaptable to whatever role she needed filling. She was spunky, and as fiery as him when it came to tempers, though she knew how to keep hers in check (she had to, right? No one called her hot-headed and impulsive and reckless and blamed her temper for mistakes or damage or whatever the news comments liked to say about the Fire Mech). Not-Nya was also adaptable and independent-minded, but she seemed more rigid. More doing her own thing. 
Point was, everyone wasn't actually his friends, despite how much they tried to prove they were. And they kept acting like he was this Not-Kai, who was just as hot-headed but apparently more mature and training-oriented and basically the better, cooler (or hotter, perhaps, for the fire theme of the red ninja) him, since his acting never seemed to fully convince them. Trying to impersonate a standard he couldn't seem to reach, some legendary hero he wasn't- er, wasn't yet! Yeah! He just needed to prove himself, be better, and he'd be fine. Just... fine. Yeah.
Mini-Lloyd (Red was tempted to call him L'ilyod in his head, but that felt wrong somehow, like he was infringing on some kind of copyright law) stared at him like a goddamn falcon, and he wasn't talking about the bird that circled the ship. He had this bowl-cut Red would tease him about endlessly after all this was over- seriously, how had Mr. Fabulous Hair started with this mess? Garmadon probably didn't even have hair, so there was no way the guy knew how to style it, and it was very evident based on Mini-Lloyd's hairdo. 
Red noticed that all of them were staring, actually. Despite his relaxed rest against the rails, his fingers behind his back clutched the cool bar with a dull shake. He didn't notice how the metal seemed to glow red under his touch. 
"Training, right, we should get onto that," Red tried. "What do you want to start with, Lloyd?" 
"How about a little game?" Lloyd asked with complete innocence. "What we were playing last week before we got interrupted."
Oh sh!t. 
"I-I don't know, shouldn't we start with stretches? Or how about some sparring, that's always more fun than a game!"
"But I wanted to continue our game..." Mini Lloyd said, and FSM's sake, he couldn't deal with that pouting look.
Okay. Okay, don't panic. Think logically. What kind of game would an 8-year-old Lloyd like to play with him? Something physical, so no board games- he liked to test his mettle against Zane on those, and sometimes he would almost not-lose. Logic puzzles also fell more on Jay's area. Trivia, especially music trivia, was a bubble between the anxious motormouth and Cole. Video games fell on team building, and wouldn't classify as a training warmup.
"Well," Red said, taking a hopeful stab in the dark. "There's not too much space on the deck for... tag..."
Lloyd nodded, looking satisfied. The Not-Ninja looked- well, their expressions were hard to read because of how different it was compared to his friends. But Red was a master of deception (well, fire, but eh, technicalities), and he had them fooled, and he just had to keep it up until nightfall so he could rescue Lloyd and explain in a safe location-
Orrrrr improvise. Okay, yep, he could improvise. 
Red lunged forward and grabbed Mini Lloyd's wrist from where he had his hand extended in an accusatory point. He ducked under Not-Jay's attempts to grab him- fast, but not as fast as his Jay, his Jay who could disappear from an awkward social interaction in the span of a flickering lightbulb- and dragged his younger brother with him as he vaulted over the railing. Not-Zane almost managed to yank him back onto the Not-ship, but his icy grip caught only empty air as Red pulled Lloyd into a tight hold and ducked.
He hit the dock below with a stumble, rolling back onto his feet and taking off with a very stubborn green ninja in tow. It took all his strength to drag Lloyd (kicking and screaming like he was being kidnapped or something when Red was just trying to rescue him, for FSM's sake. Lloyd didn't know that, but he could still try to be at least a little more considerate.)
The wooden docks creaked and shuddered underfoot and Red grimaced; whoever rebuilt them after the latest Garmadon attack had shredded them like newspaper clearly hadn't wasted any unnecessary change. It certainly didn't help that Lloyd packed quite the punch for someone so small. Red definitely would come out of this with bruised shins and arms from where Mini Lloyd tried to push him away, but it would be worth it to keep his teammate, his younger brother, safe.
Then green filled his vision and broke his hold on Lloyd's wrist, sending him skidding across the dock planks as he was sent flying. When he finally rolled to a stop, neck and shoulder stinging from where the blast had caught him (no burns, just jitters like he'd been shocked), he had to take a few seconds to re-orient himself. Did the Not-Ship have cannons or something? What hit him from behind, so close it could have hit Lloyd?
Lloyd. Was Lloyd okay?
Red pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the bleeding scrapes on his hands and legs from where he'd gotten banged up by the splintered docks. His gaze, sharp and frantic, searched for signs of green. The warning of more blasts, the flash of the fabric of a gi, anything.
He spotted his brother in the arms of Not-Cole. No, no, no-
And suddenly Not-Nya was there, given a boost by Not-Jay. Her grip was as if she were wearing the robotic mech suit, harsh and powerful and near in-human. She threw Red back to the dock floor as her face twisted with the fury of a storming ocean. A resounding crack rang out over the harbour.
Red couldn't tell if it came from the planks under him or his own shoulder.
She pinned him to the wood, barking accusations and threats in his face faster than Not-Jay could talk. Red blinked through a haze of pain, trying to focus on her face and words. She was missing the beauty mark on her face, he noticed. Yet another tell she wasn't his sister.
"-scar on the wrong side-" And it was hard to hear again over the ringing in his ears. He tried to throw her off, get back to Lloyd, anything, but he was-
Her hands suddenly got in his face, slamming his left cheek to the wood. She was close- close to his face, close to his eye, close to his scar- pushing and prying as she tried to do something. Red picked up in his struggling, his attempts to free himself turning to desperate shoves and wild clawing like a trapped animal. He wouldn't let this creation of Garmadon's finish the job that teen had started all those years ago. 
"Or better yet, he needs to shut his damn mouth."
The flash of a knife. His vision half-blurry. Blood- so much blood- and a lasting scar.
"-contacts-" "-red-" "-struggling-" "-we know what he- it- is already-" "-not the real Kai-" "-wish-" "-Garmadon-"
He had to get away. Get Lloyd away from them now.
In one surge of strength- and yep, his shoulder definitely wasn't okay after that move, as if he'd ripped it not just from its socket but from its very attachment to his body- he knocked Not-Nya aside. If he could’ve seen through the red haze, he might have noticed red embers dancing around his fingertips as his desperation and fear tapped into something deep in his soul.
He tried to shoot to his feet, tried to run for Lloyd (held so tight in Not-Cole's grip, surely they were hurting him, he couldn't let that happen-). He roared, "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!", but before he could take another step through Not-Jay and Not-Zane in his path, the docks gave one last ominous shudder  before deciding it had finally had enough.
The planks crumbled underfoot like charred firewood in a crackling campfire, and Red was sent tumbling into the frigid ocean water below.
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
💞Lovely Valentine💞
Peter Maximoff x female!reader
Word count: 1735 (way longer than I expected)
Summary: You didn't like this time of year. Until one cheeky speedster changes your mind.
A/N: you're X-Men (congrats!), your mutation isn't mentioned, so it can be anything. Let your imagination go wild!
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And another too cheesy, too love dovey, too dumb movie appiered in TV. You rolled your eyes and turned it off. You felt a light breeze caress your hair.
"Why did you turn it off?" a familiar voice sounded from beside you.
"What? Did you want to watch something discustingly romantic?" you asked with a mocking tone.
Peter only laughed. "Yeah actually. Maybe you never noticed, but I'm hopeless romantic," he leaned into you holding a hand to his heart.
You felt your cheeks getting 2 degrees hotter as you felt his head on your shoulder.
"Yeah, no. You're not. You always gag whenever you hear a cheesy pick up line!"
"But only because they're dumb, mine are much better! Wanna hear?"
As much as you wanted to say yes, you declined. He didn't need to know how you felt about him.
"Alright, whatever," he looked away from you. Your mind must've played a trick on you, because he looked quite dissapointed to you.
In a blink of an eye he was gone. You just shrugged, not the first time somebody left you alone. Especially on a day like this.
'Pull yourself together Maximoff, you're such a lad with women around you and you can't even make your crush go out with you? You're losing your charm man.'
Peter was sitting at the top of Xavier's mansion. His leg was bouncing from pure nervousness. He must come up with something more than just a pick up line. Flowers? Chocolate? Plushie? Jewelry? He can steal all of that, that's not the problem. The problem is making you interested.
He's known you for quite some time, and he knows you don't really like Valentine's. All of those 'happy' couples making heart eyes at eachother the whole day annoy him too, but you are on a whole another level. He doesn't even know the real reason behind your hatred for this holiday. He must find out.
But first...
You decided to go to your room. Kitty Pride, your roomate, went out with someone, like 50% of the school, so you had the whole room just for you (finally). You were building a house from cards listening to some old tapes Peter gave you when the silver haired bastard ran into your room, knocking all cards to the ground.
"Really? Couldn't you just walk in like evrybody else? I suppose not," you started picking up your cards.
"No, I can't. I had to hurry, ya know?" he bent down to pick up those which fell from your table to the ground and gave them to you, making sure your hands brushed each other.
"And why?"
"To spend more time with you, why else?"
You rolled your eyes, but secretely, you were touched. "You could be doing hundred and one things, or stealing hundred and one things. Why spending time with me?"
He shrugged his shoulders. In a blink of an eye he was on your bed, your headphones on his head as he rolled your walkman in his hands.
"Do you ever NOT use the lightning speed for mundane things? How about walking? You may heard of it," you pulled the headphones from his head.
"It's cooler this way. Hey listen, I came here to ask you something. Why do you hate Valentine's so much? I mean, we've known eachother for a long time and you always lock yourself away from everyone."
It suddenly became very hard to look at him. You never told anyone, no one ever asked. Or cared enough to notice how you always disappear when a couple walks into a room, or how you try to desperately avoid any romantic movie on TV. It made your heart flutter that Peter noticed these things about you.
"I don't know. Probably the cheap things people do on Valentine's. Flowers being the stupidiest. They are all cut and binded with a glittery bow, leaving mess behind for mostly a week and then those lovely roses die. Very romantic. Or the fact that everyone suddenly feels the need to show their undying love to a person they met a month ago. Or the cuddling under a warm blanket. Or having someone to trust with your life. Or someone who will stay by your side and hold your hand against all odds. Or someone who doesn't abandon you," you started to trail off. You were touch starved, kiss deprived, lonely.
Many times you hugged a pillow to your chest wishing it was a human being. Many times you filled a glove with rice, heated it and held it as if it was the real deal. You even planned on buying this big pillow in the shape of a human to cuddle to at night.
This soft vulnerable side was only for you. No one else needed to know the big badass Y/N was romantic at heart. So you pretended to hate the holiday while you secretely read all those disgustingly sweet romance novels and watched cheesy romcoms, imagining it would someday happen to you. Find love with somebody.
Such a shame that somebody you wanted it with was in this room with you, probably ready do mock you for revealing your soft side.
Your eyes were still focused on carpet as you felt Peter sit up besides you on the bed and gently put his hand on your knee. "If it makes you happy, I will never abandon such a great girl like you. I can spend this day with you. And I don't accept any 'I feel better alone' bulshit you tell everyone."
A gentle chuckle escaped you. "Okay, alright. You can stay here. But no speeding!"
Peter rolled his eyes. "As you wish. I wanted to take you somewhere far away from here and show you something, but since you said no speeding," he trailed off teasingly.
"What? Where. Okay, speeding ban is down, take me there please!"
"Hold on tight," he said as he held the back of your head.
Few moments later you found yourself on top of a giant copper building. The view consisted of a classical square with not so many people and a long river snaking between houses in a deep canal. You looked over the railing and found out you weren't just on any building. You were on a top of the Eiffel Tower!
A cough from behind you brought you back to reality. You turned around and nearly died. Peter stood there, his usual band t-shirt, silver jacket and jeans were replaced by a white loose dress shirt and black trousers. His silver hair was still a mess but that's what you loved about him the most, so you didn't complain.
"Appreciate while you can, you'll see me like this only at somebody's funeral," he said jokingly.
You chuckled. "Can I at least take a picture? Pwetty pwease?" you did your best baby voice to convince him to say yes.
"Only if it's a selfie."
"Deal," you fished out your phone from your back pocket and srood next to his side. His arm hugged you to him by your shoulders. As you pushed the button you felt a soft preassure on your cheek for a short while. Did he just pecked you on a cheek? In his faster than light speed?
You checked the selfie and sure enough, there it was. You smiling, him leaning down, kissing your cheek in a slight blur. In the reflection of your screen you saw him with an almost soft smile.
"Why would you do that?" you asked gesturing to the selfie.
"Cuz I wanted to do that. A-and I kinda like you. Romantically, I mean," he said sheepishly. He was kinda cute when he was shy.
"Really? You're not kidding right?"
"Nope, I don't joke about serious stuff."
"Well, I kinda like you too."
He turned his head back to you with a giant smile plastered on his face. "Really?"
"Yeah, really."
There was an awkward silence for a full minute, both of you looking either into each others' eyes or just roaming around the other one's face.
"Well, that's cool," you broke the silence.
"We just told eachother we like the other one and you say that's cool?" Peter asked half laughing.
"I panicked and you didn't say anything so I thought-"
"Yeah, you think too much," he cut you off and leaned towards you. His lips fell on yours. After initial shock you gave into the kiss, your hands held the back of his neck. His hair tickled your fingers and the back of your palm.
He broke the kiss. "Damn, I'm moving too fast again," he shook his head, his nose brushed your own.
"Well, I don't mind moving fast, our lifes are way too short anyways."
"Yeah, but if it starts fast it ends fast. I don't want that. Besides, I had a plan to do this properly," he then ran away from you in a white and black blur and returned now in his usual clothes holding a box of chocolate and a giant stuffed bear. "I didn't know which to give you, so I took both. Like it?"
"Yes Peter, the bear is so cute!" you took him from his hand and squeezed him to your chest. "This will do great for middle night cuddling, thank you."
"What do you mean 'this will do'? You have me for cuddling now! Can a bear hug you like this?" he rushed behind you and hugged you from behind. "Or kiss you like this?" he kissed your exposed neck softly and rested his chin on your left shoulder and looked at you as if you were the only one in the world.
You turned your head towards his and pecked his nose. "Nope, he can't," you kissed his lips one more time before turning around in his arms and started heavily making out.
"By the way," you said as he nibbled on your ear, "did you steal these things?"
"Uuuuh what will you do if I say yes?"
"Nothin', still like you. Romantically."
He chuckled into your skin. "Still romantically like you too."
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || Too Hot To Cuddle [Request]
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A/N: Having a heat wave so can relate! I want this heat gone pleaseeeee that being said the temp is being measured in celicious
When Jin came home from tour he'd expected to be welcomed with open arms which had happened at the airport when it was cooled and air-conditioned but the second you got home to your apartment to sleep it all went away. He tried to hold you close to him but you backed off from him, not wanting anyone to touch you when the heat was this bad. You'd never been a fan of the heat so having an extremely hot summer was awful, not to mention having a boyfriend who wanted to hug and hold you through the night,
"I haven't seen you in months," He whined as you told him for the seventh time in the last fifteen minutes that you didn't want to cuddle with him tonight.
"Jin...It's 35 degrees inside and outside forgive me if I don't feel like cuddling." You grumbled at him and he whined out about how much he'd been missing you since he went away and all he wanted to do was come home and spend time with you.
"I love you Jin but please, it's so hot I can't breathe." He grumbled something at you and turned to lay the other direction.
The next morning you woke up and it was cooler in the house, you snuggled up against Jin's back put he pushed you away, claiming it was too hot and how he didn't want to.
"You're such a baby!" You pouted looking at him and then pouting out your bottom lip, you knew he could never resist you being like this.
"No, stop it! I won't give in this easily!" He yelled covering his eyes but you started to whine about how much you'd missed him, doing the same thing he had done to you the night before only louder and more annoying.
"Fine!" He wrapped his arms around you and you giggled in excitement.
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For the fourth night in a row, it was too hot in your apartment to sleep so you made your way to Yoongi's studio, you knew he had air-con and you were going to be able to get a decent night sleep for the first time in a while. Yoongi smiled seeing you walk into the studio but it faded when you got onto the sofa and closed your eyes, he assumed you'd come by to see him so he went to go up and spoon you only to be shocked when you told him not to touch you.
"It's too hot, even with your fancy air-con, don't even think about it." He laughed at how you were acting, as though this was the worst thing in the entire world.
"It might be funny to you Yoongles but I haven't had a decent night sleep in days, I'm tired, hot and want to sleep for a week." He kissed the top of your head and began playing with your hair, trying to be the nice kind of boyfriend to help you drift off but it was having the opposite effect. It only made you want to push him away,
"I just want to cuddle you." He whined and you sighed turning over on the sofa so you were facing him and he couldn't try to spoon you.
"Too hot." You mumbled to him and he started pouting, physically pouting. No one would ever believe he acted this way unless they came in right now and he only ever acted like this with you.
"Yoongi, I can't, I feel like I'm going to melt to death," He tried not to laugh at how dramatic you were being but he left you to it, going over to his desk to silently work while you got some well needed sleep.
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You hadn't slept right in days and if falling asleep in the bathroom was the only way you were going to manage to be able to do it then so be it. It was the coolest room in your apartment that you shared with Hoseok and you didn't care, you put your pillow in and laid down with a small very thin sheet covering your body, it wasn't as though someone could walk in on you. No one except Hoseok who came in to find you sound asleep.
"What the fuck," He chuckled coming into the room and picking you up - it was a struggle considering you were sitting in the bathtub. He laid down beside you in the bed and pulled you close to him, snuggling his head into your neck and smiling.
An hour later you woke up sweating and panting heavily from the new heat that had been added behind you.
"Hobi." You whined moving away from him and wanting to cry, you'd been having one of the best dreams and best nights sleep you'd gotten in a while and it was all ruined now.
"Sorry baby, I can't sleep without you next to me." You scoffed at him and went back to the bathroom,
"Learn to! It's too fucking hot." You snapped at him, he followed you into the bathroom and laid on the floor, if you were going to sleep in there then so was he but he wasn't talking to you, he laid facing the wall with a pout on. He just wanted to cuddle you and didn't see the big deal with the heat, it never bothered him.
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The frozen hot water bottle was moved from the bed and you woke up instantly, wanting to know who had the audacity to move the only thing that was keeping you cool in the disgusting heatwave you were experiencing.
"It's too cold baby, you'll get sick." You glared at Namjoon even though it was pitch black in the bedroom and you couldn't see anything in the room.
"Namjoon, it's the only thing stopping me from dying-"
"Stop being dramatic it's only a little heat." You huffed at him and rolled onto your side ignoring him. He'd come home late from the studio to find the living room fan was missing from the living and in the bedroom, alongside the bedroom fan both of them oscillating around the room to keep you cool but nothing was working. The humidity was too much for you and you already felt like you couldn't breathe, the frozen hot water bottle trick had been sent to you by a friend and you'd lived by it ever since.
"Come here," Namjoon grumbled now stripped of any clothing except a pair of shorts, he pulled you into his arms and you groaned trying to get out of them. Already feeling sweaty from the brief contact you'd had with him.
"Namjoon no, too hot." You mumbled wiggling from his arms and going over to the other side of the bed, he stared at you.
"I want to cuddle my partner," You rolled your eyes at him but didn't bother to turn over and cuddle him. It was far too hot, normally you loved cuddling with him but not tonight, not like this.
"I see how it is, you don't want to cuddle me...I get it." You heard the pout in his voice although he was playing it off as a joke you knew he was upset about not getting to cuddle you.
"Namjoon please, I don't sleep much in this heat as it is...Just let me sleep." He started whining about how you never wanted to cuddle him and you sat up in the bed, switching on the bedside lamp and stared at him. He was actually starting to pout and looked genuinely upset that you wouldn't hug him, you smirked at him before quoting what he had said previously.
"Stop being dramatic Namjoon," You hit the light off but he continued to pout throughout the night when you wouldn't hug him.
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Jimin tried once more to hug you but you pushed him away and put a blanket in the space between you and him so he couldn't get closer to you. He grumbled something at you and you ignored him, wanting nothing more than to be able to just sleep in this uncomfortable heat but it was as if someone was holding a radiator above your apartment and blaring all the heat down directly onto you.
"I just want to hug you," You groaned at Jimin, you didn't mean to snap but the heat and lack of sleep were getting to be too much for you.
"Look! I can't take off my skin to get any colder, I'm naked Jimin and I still can't breathe, just leave me alone." He was taken back by your sudden outburst and you sighed not wanting to be mad at him.
"S-Sorry, I just..The heat Jimin, I can't." You whispered finally feeling defeated enough, it was clear you weren't going to sleep in this heat so you sat up.
"I know a way to cool you down," Jimin got up and walked into the bathroom, you heard the water turn on and he appeared back in the room,
"Cold shower, while you're in there I'll go and get some iced drinks, okay?" You nodded and kissed his lips as you passed him to get into the bathroom.
"Sorry for snapping," He shook his head and kissed you again<
"Just go and shower baby."
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Taehyung hadn't really been bothered by the heatwave, he knew it got hotter but it didn't seem to bother him as much as it was bothering you. You were laid in bed with nothing but a thin sheet covering your naked body, your pillow had been kept in the freezer all day and you even had all of the windows and doors open to try and bring some cold air in but there wasn't any. The air was dry, and gross and too hot for you to be able to breathe,
"Quite glad we didn't go on that holiday to Spain," Taehyung joked as he saw you looking at him, it was 4 am and you hadn't slept at all, you could only sleep if Taehyung was holding you but it was far too hot for that.
"I told you I didn't mind cuddling." He said as he sat up in the bed and laid his head back on the headboard,
"I did, Tae. It's too hot."
"Damn, I can't control the weather." You were starting to regret making him watch 'that 70's show' you rolled your eyes at him and turned over, hoping you could at least get some sleep but nothing was working.
"Just one hug, maybe it'll help you." He whined, he was desperate to hold you. He'd always loved being able to hug you whenever he could and being shut out from it was turning him into a whiney baby desperate for attention from you.
"I can't...I hate everything to do with the heat. It's disgusting, can we move somewhere cold? Like Finland?" He shook his head at you and chuckled, kissing the top of your head as he got up for work, he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with this argument so he left you alone to try and let you get some rest.
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He'd been trying to do everything to get close to you for the last ten minutes, he'd pretended to yawn and reach around you. Pulled you close to him, ''accidentally'' rolled onto you and now he was slowly inching himself closer and closer thinking you were asleep and hadn't even noticed. He was just an inch away from you with his arm stretched out when your voice rang out,
"If you try and cuddle me again I will move out of this apartment." He sighed and moved away from you all over again looking at the ceiling in defeat from his plan not working.
"What if I got another fan-"
"We have four, they're just blowing hot air around, one night of no hugs won't kill you." He pouted out his bottom lip and turned away from you, expecting you to go and hug him right away but when it never happened he got more offended
"You're so mean to me, you never hug me." You hummed at him and rolled your eyes,
"So I never fly out on tour when you need me? I don't cook for you?" You giggled turning over to look at him, he turned over and faced you,
"Nope. Never." You nodded slowly and laughed sarcastically at him,
"Well you're cooking tomorrow and I'm not coming on the next tour then," Instantly he was telling you how much he loved you and how he was going to make sure that you could get some decent sleep even if it meant going without being next to you all night anything as long as you could still go on the next tour and cook…he really couldn’t cook for you both it was always the worst.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @fan-ati--c @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @supresoo​
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wincore · 4 years
summertime | wong kunhang
pairing: hendery x reader, side xiaocas
words: 4.5k
genre: childhood friends to lovers!au, first love, hs reunion, practically idiots to lovers, fluff, angst
warnings: none
a/n: warmup-ish fic. i don’t know why it’s so long either. loosely inspired by this. also hendery sweetest boy so i had to write something cute for him !! 
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When Wong Kunhang had hit you in the face with a volleyball coated in sand, you knew it was one way or the other with him. You were either going to fall in love with him or hate him for the rest of your life, and nothing in between.
It’s a little more complicated than that, you realize at twenty-one.
The neat asphalt is now a cool grey, not as pretty and dark as it used to be when you were in eighth grade but still clean and maintained. The stone walls on either side are certainly better off, marking the houses of the beachside town your school trip led to every goddamn year. Not that you were complaining, shining blue seawater has always been a favourite sight of yours. Kunhang was just the smiling bonus you held on to.
The road slants uphill till you can see the sunlight shimmering against the vast blue of the ocean across the horizon, dotted with the tops of palm trees and pastel buildings. It’s mostly at this point you realize that Kunhang’s been talking the entire way, and that you should nod along to add to the pretence, that you’re listening to him and not the loud drumming of your heart against your chest.
But Kunhang’s not here today. You don’t even know if he’s coming.
“Hey, (name), are you listening?” Yukhei asks, steadying the surfboard in his arms when you stop. “Are you thinking about Kunhang?”
The tone of his voice is teasing, but it’s as if you’re still thirteen, trying to come to terms with the first crush you’d ever had. Your cheeks grow hot and you scoff at him, snatching your tote bag from his arms and striding faster down the road. Kunhang can come, not come—you don’t care. For all you know, he’s enjoying his new life out there, as curious and fun-seeking as he is—was. He might even have found himself a lover, you realize as the bitter taste grows on your tongue.
Kunhang has always been special. Summer after summer, he’s only grown better at that.
Your parallel lines started growing distant somewhere in the first year of college. The daily facetime calls to describe the baffling wonders of adulthood slowly turned into weekly phone calls about the strain of assignments and projects and eventually, into faded texts you still look over on your phone. He’s just a friend, so you shouldn’t be expecting any more, right? It’s only ordinary that friends will grow apart. The city downpour that was slowly erasing his voice made you long for summer even more.
When you were twelve, Wong Kunhang had hit you in the face with a volleyball at the beach you always visited as part of the school trip. Somehow, with his weird sense and cutting enthusiasm, he’d offered the corner of his shirt to rub the sand off your face instead of a towel he’d find lying just about anywhere at the beach. (“The towels were definitely covered in sand! There’s no way beach towels aren’t sandy.”) And somehow, with your poor foresight, you’d felt an audible thump in your ribcage, the kind that only comes once. It was fitting, almost.
When you were thirteen, the thump grew into an entire orchestra. They settled in before you knew, and you realized you could neither accept them nor reject them. You suddenly couldn’t comprehend sitting beside him in class without nervously bouncing your legs, or laughing a little less enthusiastically at his jokes. You felt the turbulence of your pulse every time your hands touched as he passed you an eraser or a pen, or when his face split into a grin at you struggling to unscrew the bottle cap—it’s almost as if it were the end of the world whenever he breathed near you. You were painfully honest, so easy to see through and even Yukhei caught on to the fact that you had a thing for the weird yet lovable kid and his ridiculous smile. Kunhang, however, was probably in need of prescription glasses. 
When you were sixteen, Kunhang learned how to play the drums and if anything, it made the heat bloom in your cheeks even faster. When you saw him play at the summer festival before the school trip, you wanted to stay there forever, just watch him do what he loves. Focused in the way he breathed and looking incredibly handsome for a stupid crush, you’d wanted to tell him then and there. 
You’d made up your mind, or at least part of it, that this summer trip wouldn’t go to waste. Even the short-lived love of a young boy, you wanted to see it reflected in his eyes. That summer, just like every school trip, Kunhang had passed a volleyball to you in the outline of an inside joke that doesn’t get old; and you’d swallowed harshly, choking suddenly only for him to rub his hand over your back in the same gentle manner he did most everything.
When you think about it, you can’t seem to get over how much of an idiot you were back then. Kunhang was almost an even bigger one.
“I wish I’d get better at the drums quickly,” he’d said beside the campfire, tapping his foot impatiently. 
It was only the two of you immersed in the night and if that weren’t reason enough for your incoherent thoughts, his knee was touching yours in a way oblivious to him—and the look of complete serenity over his face made you rethink your confession.
“You’re already good enough,” you huffed in disbelief.
“I can play two, er, three songs!” His voice was enthusiastic in the beginning but it hummed out to a mellow ending. He’d added in a determined whisper, “I need to practise so I don’t embarrass myself.”
Before you knew it, you’d let out a short laugh. Wong Kunhang, afraid of embarrassment? It was almost unheard of. You’d never met anyone so open before, so happy to share even the rougher, less tangible parts of himself.
Kunhang only gazed at you wordlessly, and when you met his eyes, the butterflies were let out of the cage in your stomach again. You wanted to lean in a little, kiss him right then and there, the image itself slowly curling around your head in haunting wisps as if something taboo. It didn’t make sense to you, to feel so immensely submerged in adolescent feelings—yet be comforted by his presence oh so easily. You know you weren’t the only one harbouring clandestine feelings. You’d seen them confess, you’d seen the few perfumed letters in his locker asking to meet after class.
Kunhang had turned down all of them. It didn't take solving quantum physics to realize he’d probably do the same to you. And you’d both end up losing a friend.
You’d swallowed whatever garbled confession that might have come out of your mouth that night. It’s better off this way, you told yourself, and you believed it for quite a while.
You wanted to hate him when you turned eighteen. You were going away to start a new life all on your own, and yet there he was, pretending that everything was going to be the same. Did he have to treat you so special? It wasn’t real, after all, the full wave of attention he gifted you, the adoring laughter and the occasional awkward head pats. 
(And yet, every time you close your eyes, you wish it was.)
You wonder if Kunhang knows summer the way you do—sand against bare feet, having ice cream under a beach umbrella and most importantly, the scent of young love coating you in a thick layer of nervousness. Knowing him, he probably didn’t even notice the way you struggled to keep your wide grin secret every time he offered you the coconut flavoured ice cream. You wonder if he’s forgotten summer by now.
Yukhei catches up to you just before the narrow stone steps that end in the beach sand. You stop for a second, careful of the rock you always trip over (and the memory of Kunhang there to steady you with a laugh, unless he was the one who tripped face first into the sand) as you breathe out heavily. This is your high school reunion. You don’t have to think of your awkward  teenage love right now. You can enjoy the coconut flavoured ice cream all by yourself.
You step onto the sand, taking a sharp breath at the full strength of heat that hits you. The towels and umbrellas are spread across the area, candy blue stripes everywhere your eyes visit, till your name is called by a frantic Dejun trying to get your attention. Summer feels hotter than any year you’ve visited and even sunscreen can’t protect you from the inevitably dazzling view you face.
After all this time, you thought he’d go away but the waves come crashing after all.
Kunhang has grown into a messy sort of handsome. His hair is longer since the last time you saw him, unkempt in the way it falls over his forehead yet still strangely neat. Even under the shade of the giant umbrella, there’s an unmistakable calm over his features—the look he often had on his face and no one would be able to tell what he was thinking, his own respite in broad daylight. The contrast between him and the blue around is crisp, like a sunlit field of pink tulips floating atop blue ocean water. It’s hardly been three years and he looks older, a bit more mature. 
Kunhang beams when he notices you, the effect of it almost crushing as you try not to acknowledge the tidal wave of pent-up emotions.
“(name)!” he grins wide, jogging up to you. “I didn’t know you were coming. You didn’t reply to any of my texts!”
They vanished. Your words vanished again. Fidgeting with your fingers, you abruptly clear your throat before you can respond.
“Yeah. I, uh, I changed my number.” You bite your tongue softly at the lie.
He frowns. “Oh. Well, give me your new one.”
“I- I- I forgot my phone. At the- the hotel.”
You feel yourself cringing at your voice. It’s so...so embarrassing, every rise and fall. Kunhang blinks a few times before shrugging.
“Ah. I’ll get it later then.”
You almost immediately excuse yourself and beeline to Dejun sitting by the cooler, trying hard to hold a coconut larger than his hands as he raises a suspicious eyebrow at you. Of course it’s natural you’d go straight to the guy you see everyday at university instead of visiting the boy of your unrequited affections. It’s completely normal. What’s the point of a reunion anyway?
What you don’t expect is to be sandwiched between Dejun and Kunhang, the latter enthusiastically summing up each and every point of his life at university, the lack of control over facial expressions still prominent and you try not to let your heartstrings pull too hard. Dejun hums in intervals beside you, sipping at the coconut water he so struggled to get as Kunhang skilfully ignores the growing tension. 
God, he really is an idiot. You feel like telling him you’ve been in love with him for eight years just so he’d shut up.
But after all this time, Kunhang has managed to remain himself. You smile. The sand in your hourglasses might not be flowing so differently after all. He’s still talking about most everything he finds fascinating through the smallest of details and you’re still willing to listen to the sound of his voice for hours. The scent of the ocean breeze that made you think of him, so you kept it safe—it’s overwhelming now.
Your vision is suddenly blocked by a pink paper cup, the spotless white ice cream in it already starting to melt. You turn your head to Kunhang trying hard not to make a face at you, biting onto the edge of an empty paper cup.
“You didn’t listen to anything I said, did you?” he asks with a click of tongue, after taking his cup in his hand. 
You can’t help your sheepish laugh. “I lost you when you started talking about the campus cats.”
Kunhang scratches the back of his head, smiling. “I couldn’t get a volleyball today. They increased the rent rates by ten!”
“What, you were planning to rent a volleyball just to hit me in the face with it?”
Kunhangs face breaks into a grin, positively glowing from his eyes to the line of his nose to his lips. Maybe you don’t hate this feeling so much. 
Dejun suddenly clears his throat beside you, springing up. “I’m- I’m going to go help Yukhei,” he declares, discarding his coconut somewhere over the sand.
“Help with what?” you ask, furrowing your brows.
Dejun coughs uncomfortably before shrugging and speeding off to Yukhei trying very hard to plant the wet surfboard in the sand. Somewhere in your mind, you already know the reason why he ran off. 
You turn to Kunhang with a worried look, but there’s no sign of realization over his face. You almost sigh but catch yourself in the moment. Is it pitiful? He probably can’t even imagine you that way, maybe that’s why he hasn’t caught on. 
Is it bad that you hate it? That you’re not satisfied with the friendly touches, the innocent smiles. You don’t want to keep it so pure after all—you want to run your hands through his hair, you want to twine your fingers through his, you want to feel the touch of a kiss with him.
Your gulp nervously once Kunhang’s features come into focus, still talking about something vague and nodding along to it at an uncertain rhythm. The sound of the waves come gently crashing, just as they do to the shore and the buzz of this place reminds you of all the time you spent here. What has been, what could have been.
“Kunhang,” you interrupt and he whips his head to you, eyes curious. You take a deep breath.
What value is there to words that you’re desperately trying to throw away?
“I- I’m going to go to the water,” you say, trying to cover up your nervousness. If it wasn’t any other summer trip, it’s not going to be today. It’s not going to be, at all.
If you can’t put it into words, will you be alone? You’re only chewing over your memories hoping they fade.
Kunhang springs up just as you stand, his sudden movement surprising you. 
“I…” He begins but shakes his head with a subdued smile. His voice comes out softer than you expect. “Yukhei’s that way, if you’re looking for him.”
You blink back your confusion. “Ah, um, thanks!”
The more you try to lie to him, the less you understand yourself. But if you stay any longer, you might just spill the archived secrets, the words you should have burned in the campfire that night. You can fall out of love. It’s easy, it’s easy, you tell yourself—then why couldn’t you have done it earlier? Can you even do it now?
“What are you doing here?!” Yukhei asks, furrowing his brows as he gets up from the sand. “Where’s Kunhang?”
“I- I don’t know! Why would I know everything about him?” you grumble, hugging yourself.
“You are so stupid,” he states in response.
“That’s- That’s not something you should be telling me!”
Yukhei grabs your shoulder, shaking you hurriedly. “You should go back to him! The beach is one of the top ten romantic places, come on.”
“What makes you think I still like him?!” you hiss, trying to get his hands off your shoulders.
Yukhei stops abruptly, tilting his head to greet Dejun, who makes you jump out of your skin. You move apart from Yukhei, facing him with a sigh.
Dejun tries hard not to pull a face, notifying that your other classmates are here, and it’s a lot more likely some of them are still heart-eyed for Yukhei. The two of them seem to share an inside joke as they laugh and you raise an eyebrow, not even bothering to decode the situation. 
The brunch idea was probably Dejun’s, considering how smoothly things run. The whole renting out half a bar idea was probably Yukhei’s, considering how much of a wild mess it is. The place is perfectly snug, warm and just enough for a former high school batch, right by the beach where the sand meets asphalt. The laughter and conversations overpower the low jazz undertones of the music playing through the speakers and you find yourself smiling when someone or the other reminds you of all the high school ventures you’d had under the teachers’ disapproving eyes.
“Remember when Yukhei stole the rabbit from our school garden?”
“That wasn’t even worse than when he accidentally fired the water hose at Mr. Liang!”
“Oh my god, you remember putting on makeup in between classes without getting caught?”
“Or trying to steal lunch from me, you big bully?”
Really, seeing old faces after so long and then the same faces hammered only a few hours later might just be another one of the ‘fun’ things you’ve been missing out on.
There’s Shuhui, Lunmei and Linlin—girls you didn’t get to talk much with during school, but you remember Shuhui’s face from middle school. There’s Yukhei’s friends, Shihao and Taishun, who you think you exchanged a whopping total of sixteen words with throughout high school. Yet now, with everyone gathered here, it feels like some sort of a haven of reminiscence, like you’d known each other all your life (which, to an extent, you did). It’s comfortable and warm, the blanket of old connections.
You take another sip of the punch. It’s not enough to get you drunk but it's enough to shift the gears in your ribs to begin the steam engine you can’t find the brakes on. Your face is hot, Kunhang finally not the reason behind it, and you sigh as you glance around the room slowly.
It would’ve been quieter if Yukhei somehow hadn’t started this chain of confessions. Dejun is still struggling to keep him seated, a warm blush over his face when he has to wrap his arm around Yukhei yet again while the others continue chanting “confess! confess!” to the next unlucky victim guilty of harbouring an unspoken teenage crush.
You shake your head at the whole scene, sighing once again as you lazily swirl the remnants of your drink in the glass. The night will be over soon, and you’ll go back to your own paths. For now, you can pretend it’s all just another summer adventure.
Yukhei clears his throat, everyone’s eyes turning to him instantly. “I’m sure there’s one more confession left!”
There’s a bunch of cheers and you feel your heartbeat quicken when Yukhei shoots you a knowing smile. Your eyes widen, your throat suddenly feeling dry and you turn your head to meet Kunhang’s eyes. He looks at you with no hint or clue about the reality and you look away before it fries your nerves out.
“You’re going to thank me after this, Kunhang,” Yukhei calls, a teasing lilt to his voice and the boy in question simply shakes his head, grinning in polite confusion. 
You look around in panic, from Yukhei to Kunhang and wonder if you should open your mouth. You take a breath before a roar of cheers interrupts you.
Shuhui stands up, rosy-cheeked and wobbling at the knees. You catch Yukhei blinking with furrowed eyebrows but nodding anyway, as if the decisive president in a heated debate. 
“Wong Kunhang!” she calls before coyly confessing. “I like you! I’ve liked you since eighth grade!” 
Is it the alcohol? Or the cruel realization that your mother was right when she said summer makes people fall in love? There’s another round of cheers and applause as you get up discreetly, sneaking out the door a few steps behind you. You don’t think you can stomach the sight of someone else’s arms around Kunhang, his loving attention drawn to them. 
The night air is cool, the bushes lining the sidewalk buzzing with cicadas as you step over onto the soft, warm sand. The campfire has been reduced to blazing embers, no one there to kindle it as the night progressed. You hug yourself as you walk, the calm over you strange, uncharacteristic. 
Even if it’s not you and him after all, you should have said something. You’re only a coward, slow and naive in a world too fast-paced, unable to face a reality that’s your own. You couldn’t even stay in that room a second longer. If only your chest didn’t waver so easily, your heartbeat didn't grow erratic.
You walk closer to the water, waves lapping quietly against the sand, a hush over them as if they do not know what to say to you. What do you say to someone on the verge of heartbreak? Consoling your friends at university taught you next to nothing, your own seeming beyond your help.
You feel your breath hitch, hesitant in turning around. There’s a moment’s pause and when you don’t turn, Kunhang tugs at your wrist, pulling you to him.
It’s getting so that your heart can’t even flutter anymore.
Gentle and kind, and so willing to give, Kunhang could never really leave you alone, could he? He looks at you with wide eyes, almost like a puppy lost on the streets. His pale pink overshirt is hanging loosely over his shoulders, unbuttoned all the way over his white T-shirt, his hair tousled by the wind and words yet resting on his lips. You forget to breathe for a few seconds and when you inhale sharply, the onslaught of your feelings comes toppling over you.
“I hate this,” you choke on the words. “You should be in there.”
“They’re still celebrating. And drunk.” He shifts nervously.
“I hate you,” you say, not finding meaning in the words. “I hate you so much because of how stupid I was- how weak I was.”
Kunhang’s eyes shimmer with something unfamiliar, lips quivering before he steadies himself, drawing nearer.
“That’s not fair,” he whispers, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. 
You purse your lips. It isn't fair—who are you to blame him? He doesn’t deserve the vomit of emotions from your popped balloon of a heart. You bite your tongue before you can spit out the poison-infused words. 
“I’m sorry,” you whimper, voice hoarse and still angry, “I wish I told you earlier. How much I liked you. How much I wanted to be with you.”
Kunhang stays quiet, hand not ready to leave your wrist yet, the part where his thumb rests searing hot.
“I thought I could pretend I never liked you at all,” you say, biting your lip. “I thought that if I faked it then it would go away but Wong Kunhang, I- I’ve liked you for so long that I don’t know what it’s like if I don’t.”
Why are you crying? It’s like the emotions you’ve hoarded all these years have somehow found an opening to burst through, in a stream of colours that paint you in embarrassment. You feel the blood rush to your cheeks and nose, as you vigorously rub at your eyes so the tears don’t escape in so obvious a manner.
“I- I tried going on dates, I tried- I tried all those stupid blind dating apps, I tried to focus on my major and making new friends and- and still…”
Doesn’t the rain fall in times like these? Yet there’s only the hot blanket of summer, with its swaying sea wind and calling cicadas resting in the vibrant bushes.
“I didn’t want to force all of this on you. I’m so—”
It’s only fitting that the stupidest sequence of words would leave his lips.
“I thought you liked Yukhei,” he says quietly.
You pause, uncertain of what to do and breathe out in annoyance. “Kunhang, for the love of god, where did you even come up with that?”
His cheeks colour ever so slightly and he clears his throat. “I don’t kno- I just- I kept giving myself excuses too. I’m sorry.”
The wind makes his hair sway lightly by his eyes, the stars glowing cool blue in them. Whatever the ebb and flow of your feelings were, they’re crashing against the sand, violent and sorrowful at first till the moon tames them into something warmer.
And then it happens again. Kunhang smiles, shoulders relaxing. There’s a moment’s pause.
“I- I’m not good with this.”
When Kunhang presses his hand against your jaw and leans in a little, eyes waiting for confirmation, the drumming in your veins is so loud you can barely comprehend the movement of his actions. You shut your eyes almost instantly but Kunhang accidentally bumps your noses a little too hard. The two of your wince, your hand flying to your nose as a muffled cry of pain escapes your lips and he looks at you worriedly, his fingertips pressing against your cheek softly.
You choke back a laugh but it bubbles up anyway, his own following after an embarrassed pause. 
“I think- I think I was a little nervous,” he admits, looking down and then back up to you.
“We can...we can try that again,” you hum, biting back a smile.
Kunhang’s hair is in fact softer than you’d expected, and when you run your fingers through them, he smiles into the kiss, his hand at the small of your back pulling you closer. Nothing’s like you daydreamed of and yet everything is in place, the shared warmth growing with each passing second. 
It’s blissful for a few moments before you’re interrupted by a drunk Yukhei to “get it” and you jump apart from each other, flushed hot in the cheeks. Dejun apologizes for his boyfriend, waving at you guys to continue whatever the hell you were doing before tugging Yukhei along with him.
You clear your throat awkwardly before plopping down on the sand, face buried in your hands. Kunhang follows slowly, legs outstretched towards the ocean. You peek to see him smiling at the sky, leaning back on his hands and the look you love seeing on him.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t- I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Even if you didn’t like me back then.”
Kunhang turns his head to you, eyes earnest as they trail across your face.
“You don’t have to be brave.”
He reaches out to fix the hair from your eyes, a gentle touch to them as ever, but this time there’s a stronger meaning to it, almost as if he’d kiss you again right then. The two of you smile, twining your fingers somewhere along the night as he tells you to rest your head on his shoulder. The waves sing softly to accompany Kunhang’s chatter, the feeling almost unreal when you feel his pulse against your thumb. 
What has been, what could’ve been—they’re barely a breeze to what really is.
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Earthrealm customs.
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We have a big problem. This isn’t as great as I’ve hyped it up to be I fear! But I loved writing this. I’ve had to base this off the limited exposure we’ve had to Fujin. Starts off cute gets smutty. 
Warnings: Smut, oral, fluff, angst, smut, smut and more smut. 18+ under the cut.  Pairings: Fujin X Female Reader.  Word count: 6814 GIF does not belong to me. 
You stood outside the gallery. Impatiently drumming your fingers against your elbow. You clicked your tongue against your teeth. Shifting from one leg to the other. Eyes roaming around the busy street in front of you. Leaning against the cool glass of the window behind you. The skies above were blue and clear. The sun was beating down on you, making you regret taking a jacket, a that was now wrapped around your waist haphazardly. The day was only to get hotter; it was the warmest spring day of the year. But then again, it was on the cusp of summer, so it did not surprise you. You sighed, removing your phone, pretending to check it for the millionth time. Eyes looking up at the man staring at you, forcing a bittersweet smile, you returned your attention to your empty phone. It was a bad habit. You cared far too much about what people thought of you, he told you that with one of those smiles that made your heart flutter and your knees weak. You locked your phone, once more slipping it back into your short pocket, and folding your arms over your chest. No messages or missed calls, your phone was always on silent for this reason. It gave you an excuse to check your phone in awkward situations. It solidified the fact you were waiting for someone and wasn’t just some weird person stood outside the gallery. You were sure no one actually thought that, but you felt you had to prove your point, had to let people know that you were in fact waiting for your date. He wasn’t late. No late wasn’t his style. You were just early, far too early, again. But you had been excited for your date. It wasn’t often it got to be just the two of you. You’d had your outfit planned for the past week, you’d played it all out in your heard, and you intended to make the most of your time together. You checked your nails, spotless and painted a light shade of grey. Grey always reminded you of him. Grey was the colour of cloudy weather, the colour of those clouds that haunted the skies above the sea, as the wind battered the coast. A cool breeze brushed past you, causing your jacket to dance against the bare skin of your legs, and strands of hair to fly across your face. You closed your eyes. He had arrived. Savouring the moment as the breeze nipped your bare skin, as if trying to entice it to dance. The smell of freshness hitting your nostrils. It was barely a tangible smell. One moment like a fresh meadow, the next it was like fresh laundry that had been dried on the line, and then it was like the smell of the sea, salty and harsh. A small wistful smile playing on your lips. Lost in the moment. It reminded you of him, made your heartache and skip at the same time, in a unique paradox. Once the breeze had died down, once more returning to the warm spring day, you opened your eyes and the smile fades, as there is no sign of him. Your back in the city. The smell of petrol and that usual smell of the city invading your senses. You frown. You weren’t on your balcony waiting for him to appear, nor were you at the top of the Sky Temple, looking over at the beauty and majesty before you, with strong arms wrapped around you. You were in the city. The same, boring, old city. Waiting for the man you loved to return. You sighed, sliding down the window a little, your legs were beginning to tire. You regretted arriving so early. You thought it’d take you a little longer than normal to walk to the gallery from your apartment. But you were wrong. It took you 10 minutes. You did have plans to get a coffee, but the heat of the day made you change your opinion on that. You had wanted to pick up a cooler after, but upon spying the queues you’d opted against that. You had time to kill, but you didn’t want to spend it queuing in a coffee shop. Potentially spilling anything on your outfit. You weren’t vain, but you wanted today to be perfect. It had been months since you had last seen him, and you wanted to commit to memory. Who knew when you’d see him again? As much as it filled your heart with ache and yearning, you knew you had chosen this life, you had accepted this when you fell for him and he for you. Falling in love with a God wasn’t easy nor for the faint of heart. Barely seeing each other, limited time when you did, and any chance of normality slipping through your fingers. But it wasn’t all angst and waiting. Falling in love with a God was an amazing experience, one that filled you with wonder, your meetings became sacred and special. You loved nothing more than hearing the stories and tales he had to tell. His voice made anything sound amazing, he could have read you the phonebook, and you’d have become smitten. You smile to yourself, lulling your heard to the side as you look out over the road. Walking up the stairs towards you is a man. A familiar looking one at that. You narrow your eyes, placing a hand over your eyes to shield them from the light… it looked like him, only, with shorter hair. A lot shorter. You open your mouth and frown a little. It had been a few months, but you were sure you still knew what he looked like. A smile was on his face, warm and with a small hint of a playful smirk. A small, ever so slight one, barely detectable to those that didn’t know him. It was him… Fujin… Your smile returned as he strode towards you. Catching the eye of a few passers-by, who stopped to double take the figure walking past them. You would have done the same if you didn’t know him. He was tall, pushing 6’3 at the least. With hair as white and as pure as virgin snow. Hair that used to be longer than yours, and always tied back in an elegant braid; now swept back and slightly tussled. As he got closer you spied his eyes. No longer the prominent, bold, flash of glimmering silver sclera. No. His eyes were now a deep shade of brown. “Y/N.” He greeted, closing the distance till he’s stood before you in all of his glory. Smiling down at you, he softly and deftly pushes stray strands from your hair. Acting as if he wasn’t the cause for your hair to be so misplaced. “You’ve changed your hair.” You say, smiling widely up, whilst your cross your arms. You like it. As much as you like his long hair, this one did something to him. It almost made him appear more rugged, yet more sophisticated. It was different and it emphasised that sharp jawline more. His hand shot up to the short locks, running a hand through it, trying to smooth down some of strayed messed. “Kung Lao said I would suit it…” He paused, looking you up and down, trying to detect if you liked it or not. “Do you not like it Y/N?” He asked. Worry lacing his tone. You shake your head, leaning in and attempting to plant a small peck on his cheek. Pulling at the collar of the shirt he’s wearing, he leans down slightly, allowing you to finally land the kiss. “It’s different. But I think you suit it.” You whisper before leaning back and clasping your hands in front of you. His smile returns and he shakes his head before placing his hand tentatively over yours. “I am glad you like it. I was worried you would not recognise me for a moment. The unfunny jester had joked that you would not recognise me. I was worried he was right.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck with a spare hand. You feigned shock before shaking your head. Unfunny and a jester, it could only be Johnny. “A world in which Johnny Cage is right is a scary concept.” You tease back. You dip into your satchel, pulling out the guide to the gallery. You’d picked it up before waiting outside. You were eager to check it out. You weren’t sure how Fujin felt about it, but he seemed more than happy to see more of Earthrealm culture. “Are you excited?” You ask eagerly, gripping the glossy guide in your hand. You were hyped beyond belief, so much so, you didn’t even read the guide. You wanted to experience the exhibit with him. Fujin nodded before looking up at the building. “I am. I am very excited to see more of Earthrealms art…” He looked back down at you and smiled. “And you know of my vice for painting.” He gently gripped your hand in his. “You’re going to love this. It’s about Myths, Legends and The Gods of Old. I’m hoping there’s at least one painting of you and Raiden in here.” You tease, rubbing your fingers over his knuckles. His hands aren’t cold, but they are warm either. They are the perfect temperature.  Comfortable and they fil with you content. “Lead the way…” He encourages, leaning back and giving you space to push yourself up from your perch. You grab back a hold of his hand, as you walk towards the entrance, talking about anything and everything. His fingers intertwined with yours in an act of rebellion. Raiden discussed often with his brother about displays of public affection. But no one knew he was a god here. You were just a couple, here to admire some art.
You’re both stood before a painting… well, you think it’s a painting. Fujin is behind you, hands in his pockets, eyes fixated on the painting. Smears of grey, blue and yellow paint are all over the canvas. Swirls of the colour melding into one. Dots and flashes of orange are scattered across the canvas. As if the brush had been dropped. This exhibit hadn’t been what you had expected it to be. “What is it Y/N?” Fujin asked, leaning in to whisper in your ear. As if ashamed to not know what it is. You shrug your shoulder. “Maybe it’s a sunrise?” You suggest. You weren’t one to mock art, you knew it was in the art of the beholder. But you were struggling here. Fujin nodded before opening the guidebook. “It is supposed to be a deconstructed apple of chaos, one which belonged to Eris.” Your eyes widen, you spin on your heel to face him. “The fuck?” You blurt out a little too loudly. Fujin smiles, whilst others around you frown and tsk out your outburst. You look around apologetically, mouthing sorry at the disgusted faces looking at you. Fujin chuckles to himself, his eyes dancing in the gallery lights. “I have missed you Y/N. Your honesty, is next to none.” He whispers, pulling you in to his side, so he can hold you whilst you walk. Public displays of affection are not your forte or something you’re clear on. The thought of making out on a bench or the back of a bus, turns you off majorly. But with Fujin, his displays of affection are so subtle and romantic. He’s unashamed, and mostly unadjusted to the customs of Mortals. Raiden is far more versed than his brother, and from what you can gather, mortal and Earthrealm customs confuse him still. Even after many a year among the mere mortals that call this realm home. You hadn’t expected Fujin to be this way, you imagined him to be more like Raiden… but then you figured there was a reason him and Kung Lao got on. He was more laidback than Raiden. He joked around more. A dry sense of humour if ever there was one, but it was endearing. “Do you believe an apple could cause chaos?” He asked you curiously. You shrug your shoulders before debating it in your head. “Maybe. The myth is that Eris the goddess of discord, essentially Yeeted an apple.” Fujin cut you off. A perplexed look on his face. “Yeeted? This is a word I’m not overly familiar with. I have heard Cassandra Cage and Jacqueline Briggs often speak of this Yeet.” You nod before thinking of the best way to explain it. “Yeeted, it means to throw. But it’s slang. I wouldn’t start using it in everyday conversation. It’s a… it’s an internet thing. I actually can’t remember most of the legend” You admit, watching as he nods and mulls over the word. “Eris threw the apple among the gods at the wedding feast of Peleus and Thetis. Which caused arguments amongst many of the gods and goddesses, which according to legend, sparked the Trojan War.” He looks down at you to see you’re smiling. “So, you know the legend. Do you have apples of chaos?” You ask him, curious to see if there such things. He scoffs before stopping to look at a statue. “I have never heard of them. But there is a realm of Chaos, maybe they have apple trees down there. Shujinko may know, he has visited Chaos realm. I will ask him when I see him next and I will let you know.” His way of speaking always brings a smile to your face. It’s almost poetic and breezy, he’s well-spoken and his voice always makes you feel calm. “I’ve missed you a lot.” You nuzzled into his side. The smell of a fresh breeze flooding your senses once more. He smiles down at you as you continued to walk. “A whole realm dedicated to chaos seems a bit much.” You admit. Fujin scoffs again before shaking his head. “You cannot comprehend the headache it gives me. We have always underestimated one of the Clerics that dwells there. But recently he has become, how would you put it?” He paused, looking down at you, eyes wide as if asking for help.   “A giant pain in the arse?” You say without a skip of a beat. Fujin nods before laughing a little, his strong arms encircling your waist tighter. “Yes. But enough speak of other realms. I desire to know more about this… art. Why does it lack form or content?” He curiously asked, pausing to stare at a huge canvas painted with red. You read the label. The Sea of Blood… You frown. You don’t have an answer for it. “Modern art. It doesn’t have to look like anything, it’s all about meaning and expression. I guess. I’m not too sure. I’m not a huge fan, but if it makes them happy, then it makes them happy.” Fujin shakes his head looking away. “The Sea of Blood is not one continuous shade of red.” He mutters to himself. Attracting the attention of a woman stood near him, who seemingly doesn’t agree with the God of Winds opinion. “I think it’s spot on.” Fujin shrugs his shoulders before continuing to walk with you.
You enter a corridor that is far darker than the rest of them. You were searching for the painting you knew was in the gallery. You needed him to see it. You feel his fingers caress your sides lightly, sending electric sensations up your spine. “Is the Sea of Blood actually real?” You ask him curiously. Fujin who seems to be lost in his own little world is looking around at the more traditional paintings. He hums before nodding. “Oh yes. It is very real. Y/N, what is that woman doing?” He asked, shrugging off the revelation that there is a real Sea of Blood, instead pointing his hand at the painting before you. Letting go of you to examine the scene before you.  Your eyes grow wide, mouth slightly agape and a blush forming on your face. “She’s giving him a blowjob.” You quickly say, coughing and looking away. The burn of mortal shame upon you. Fujin turns back to you, eyes wide, head tilted forward. Your answer clearly not enough. “Please explain what a ‘Blow Job’ is.” He asks, a little too loudly, once more people are looking at you. You quickly shake your head, a small smile on your lips. “Oh, that famous mortal shame.” He teases, swiping a finger over your face to trace your blush. You shake your head and continue walking, Fujin in tow, it doesn’t take him long with his long legs to catch you up. You’re searching for the end of this corridor. You know it’s got to be somewhere. “Y/N…” He asks, whispering now, trying to keep his voice down. You turn to him and shake your head looking around. The corridor is abandoned. You push him back against one of the walls. “It’s a sex act. Basically, you suck someone’s cock, till they ejaculate. I’ll tell you more about it later.” You didn’t give a shit about your explanation. Fujin tilted his head, leaning down to capture your lips. His lips were soft against yours, his arms wrapped around your hips. Fingers dancing over your back. You close your eyes and lean into the kiss. It became more heated as you pressed your body against his. Only to remember where you are. You pull away, coughing and blushing, as you look down the last part of the corridor spying a door. Fujin leans back down to capture your lips once more. “The Gallery will be closing in ten minutes.” The announcement voice echoed. You jerk back, nearly headbutting Fujin in the face. Your eyes wide. “Is something wrong?” He asks you, worry lacing that usual calm tone. You can’t believe it’s closing time already. “I just… why is it closing so early?” You quickly say, looking down at your phone. It was only 3 in the afternoon. The gallery was open till 10 on a weekend. Fujin opened the guide. “It is closing early for a ball that is been held here.” He informs you, holding the guide open for you to see. Shit… You hadn’t got to show him the painting of himself and Raiden. You sigh before looking up at him. “We better get going.” You say, moving back and grabbing his hand to help him up, not that he needed any help. He had grace and poise like you’d never seen before. The sound of late springs rain hitting the ceiling filled your ears. It was going to be an interesting walk home. Your date had been cut short, but was that bad? The two of you could always hang out at your apartment… if he was down for that. You’d been dating for a few months now; intimacy had not gone further than a few heated kisses and stolen touches. You hadn’t wanted to push anything. But everything happens for a reason.                                                                                        
You had run home with Fujin in tow. He had offered you his jacket, but you had shaken your head, all whilst pulling him through the sodden streets back to yours. Till you had arrived, when you had invited him in, he had nodded and followed you into the foyer and the elevator up to your floor. A few soft touches as you unlocked your door, had led to where you both were now. He was sat on your sofa, sodden jacket discarded on a nearby radiator drying. His shirt was now tighter, showing off that finely tuned and muscular body. You emerged from the bathroom, towelling off your soaked hair. The sound of the rain hitting the outside filled you with comfort. You glanced over to see Fujin was on your sofa, looking around your small apartment curiously. You smiled before walking towards him, grabbing a fresh towel from the clean washing pile you had yet to put away. You drop your wet towel after drying your face off. The cup of tea you made him has been drunk, the cup now lays neatly on your coffee table on a coaster. “You’re soaked.” You tease, pushing him back so you can straddle his hips. You bring the towel up and begin to towel dry his now short hair. When you pull the towel away, his eyes are looking up at you, as dark as forest yet burning as if it was on fire. Hair dishevelled and messed up. “I am sorry about that… I could remedy that…” You shake your head, fingers ghosting over his face, cleaning up stray raindrops. Your wondering where this boldness is coming from. His voice barely a whisper. Leaning in, his breath ghosting over your face, making your skin tingle and eliciting a spark reaction up your spine. You shiver, pressing your body closer to his. He had been very forward today. Far more than he’d been in the past. You weren’t complaining. He was an extremely handsome man, you run a finger across his jawline and down onto his shoulders, completely disregarding the towel and letting it fall down the back of your couch. Your, hands tremble slightly as your fingers ghost and dance over the buttons. Fujin doesn’t speak, his eyes instead locked with yours, burning brighter and brighter. As if reading your mind, he sits up, his lips locking with yours. His tongue dances over your lips, as his arms encircle your waist, pulling you in closer to him. You can feel his cock hardening beneath you. You moan into the kiss, opening your mouth enough for his tongue to slip into yours. Your tongues swirl and dance as they meet. The lingering taste of sweet tea fills you with joy. Your hands slip into his hair, tugging and pulling at the strands. Trying to grab onto something to ease your hands that were dying to touch other parts of him. His hands slip up your t-shirt, his finger brush against your bare stomach as they teasingly rub up and down. You grind down a little, to test the waters, only to elicit a groan from the god below you. Pulling away, you push his arms and hands away from you. Before yanking your t-shirt up and over your heard, throwing it to one side of your room. You look down to see his eyes are slowly becoming more cloudy… Interesting… You think to yourself, smirking before looking down at him. His eyes are burning into you, looking you up and down and taking in every inch of your body. “Y/N…” He whispers, hands running up and down your sides. His fingers caress every inch of skin he can touch and feel. Touches so soft, as if you were one of those statues back at the gallery, threatening to crack unless treat with such care. Your fingers start to slowly unbutton his grey shirt. One button at a time. You slowly take your time, whilst he’s taken aback by your body. Upon getting halfway and spying his well-toned abdomen you lose your patience. You quickly undo the rest, parting the shirt as your hands greedily splay out over his abs. Swirls of blue glowing tattoos line his right pectoral. Pulsating with every heartbeat. A few scars are littered here and there over his lower abs. You brush over them and you feel them tense underneath you. You pause in your movements. Looking back at him. His eyes are once again fixated on you. “What is wrong Y/N?” He asks you. You shake your head, a finger ghosting over his smooth lips. “Are you sure you want to do this, I don’t wanna rush you.” You admit sheepishly. Your thirst for the God of Wind had apparently taken over your senses. Fujin chuckles, cupping your cheeks as he kisses your lips softly. “I have never been surer of anything in my life.” He reassures you. “Would now be a good time, for you to explain more about this… sex act you mortals seem to perform?” He teases. A joke probably. But who are you to miss a learning opportunity. A wicked grin spreads across your lips. If he was so sure. You slide back and slowly lower yourself to the floor, nudging his legs apart so you can sit between them. His eyes are blown wide, in a mix of mild arousal and confusion. “Y/N What are you doing?” Intrigue in his voice, as he watches you sink to the floor to sit between his parted legs. You begin to rub his thighs, watching as he shivers, and feeling his body twitch and react. “How about I show you?” You tease, fingers dipping up from his thighs, and wandering towards the belt he wore. “I would… Like that very much.” He whispered, hands brushing stray damp strands of hair from your face. Your hands quickly make short work of his belt, quickly undoing it and fumbling the metal clasp to the side. You deftly pop the button on his pants and deftly undo the zip. You feel his body tense and hitch underneath you as you as you palm the bulge in his pants. “Stand up…” You prompt, one hand circling his thigh with two fingers, whilst the other gently palmed his bulge. Fujin didn’t speak or react, he stood up and you moved back give him space. Your hands travelled up his legs. You toyed with the waistband of both his boxers and pants. Your fingers deftly yanking at his shirt. Indicating you wanted it off. Fujin quickly removed his shirt, tossing it onto the sofa behind him. Your hands ran up and down his lower abdomen, caressing every inch of bare flesh before you, the feel of his powerful muscles twitching below him. Your hands run their way down to his pants, slowly tugging at the bands, before pulling them deftly down. Your soon face to face with his impressive cock. Your cunt clenched at the sight of it. It was on the large side, relatively in proportion to his body, and well suited to his form. Your hands glide down and over his cock. You feel him tense and his breath hitch, as your hands caresses his cock before gently furling your fingers around him. You look up and watch him. His eyes are closed, head lulled back, his hands clenched.
Gently you began to tease his head with your hand. You start slow, watching as his muscle tense and his reactions to your ministrations. His eyes are still closed, and his moans are muffled. He’s holding back and you can tell. You smirk to yourself whilst beginning to pick up your speed and intensity. Your hand tightens around his cock, and you begin to feel him losing control. His body shivers and you hear an escaped moan. One hand of his is digging into his hips whilst the other is still at his side. You can feel precum beading from his head, it feels slick against your fingers and you know you can’t keep up the teasing with your hands. You’d promised to show him a little bit more about Earthrealm and you’re intending to keep that promise. You remove your hand, his eyes briefly opening to look down at you. Wonderment filling them to why you have stopped. His mouth opens to interject, only to be met with shock and awe. Your mouth replaces your hand. You take him in slowly, once more testing the waters. His cock is thick and long, far bigger and thicker than you’re used to. Your tongue slowly began to swirl around his head. You felt him tense up, his body standing straight, whilst he let out a stifled moan. One of his hands shot into his hair, trying to grab and grip at it to keep in control. You watched as his eyes snapped shut and his face contorted into a pure look of pleasure. Sin incarnate, you wondered how one man could look so sinful. Like an Adonis and so much so like a … well a God really. There were no other words for what he was. You eventually took his whole shaft into your mouth, moaning around his cock as you did so. Your tongue wrapped around his base and you gagged slightly. Before your hollowed your cheeks and began to move your way back up his shaft. You paused halfway through before going back down, catching him by surprise, as he let out a loud moan. The noises he was making were sinful and encouraging you to go on. You carried on with your movements, moving and up and down his shaft, all the whilst he was coming undone. Moaning and tensing up with each movement. Your eyes watched as he moaned and stood still, one hand in his own hair, the other hovering over yours. You rolled your eyes, smirking against his cock. Your hands were currently braced against his thighs, helping to give you leverage as you fucked him with your mouth. You slowly moved one of them, finding his hand and forcing it to knot within your hair. His fingers were at first, hasty and unsure, but they eventually began to grip at the hair. Pulling it and gently tugging. You swirled your way to the tip of his cock, teasing the head by sucking and hollowing your cheeks. Before you took him by surprise, taking him deep into your mouth, until his cock is hitting the back of your mouth. Tears are streaming down your face. “By The Elder Gods…” He whispers, a loud moan ripping from his throat as his hands find their way to your hair. Messing it and tugging at the strands, forcing you further onto his cock. You’re unsure if he’s aware but you carry on. “I am… I am not going to last long…” He admits. His voice, barely a whimper. You debate carrying on and finishing him off with your mouth. You can imagine the taste of his cum as it slides down your throat. You moan at the thought, but then you wonder what his cock would be like inside your cunt… and your torn. You pull off his cock with a loud pop, you carry on slowly stroking it with your hand. “What is on your mind?” He asked. As if sensing your internal debate. “I want to sit on your cock…” You admit. Fujin croaks out a scoff before smiling and shaking his head. His eyes are open wide now, no longer the deep shade of brown, once more they are pure silver and glowing. “I would like you to do that… please…” You smile before standing up and releasing his cock from your hand.
You quickly stand and begin to shed the rest of your layers. Toeing off your shoes, shorts and then underwear. Before pulling your bra off and discarding of them. You’re unsure why but you turned around. You slide a hand over your body before turning round to see Fujin has followed suit. Stood before you. You chew your lower lip. He’s impressive beyond words. His legs are well-toned, as he stands tall and bare before you. His abs have a slight sheen to them from earlier. A strong muscular arm is holding his cock, playfully stroking it whilst those glimmering eyes look at you. “You are so beautiful…” He whispers, walking towards you whilst letting go of his cock. His hand caressing your face and pulling you in for a kiss. Your lips met and your tongues danced once more. You could feel him pressing you up against the wall of your apartment. His fingers running up and down your body as your back hit the wall and the kiss intensified. Your hands flew up into his hair, as a leg hooked behind his and you deepened the kiss. When he breaks from the kiss, his legs are nudging yours apart, whilst his fingers travel down from your neck to caress your breasts. Your nipples are hard from the cold nip of the air in the room, the coolness his body seems to emit. You shiver as he presses himself further against you, the cool of his skin melding with the warmth of your own. His fingers gently pinch and roll your pebbled nipple, between his finger and his thumb. You moan, arching your back, once more pressing your body further against his cool one. “Fujin…” You moan. He chuckles, his lips moving to your neck as his hands trail further down towards your cunt. His lips worked at sucking at your neck, before moving down to your shoulders, his lips latching to the nook of your neck before gently sucking and biting at your skin. You knew there would be marks but you didn’t care. His fingers ghost over your clit, with his thumb beginning to rub, there’s some uncertainty with his movements. The confidence seems to be fading as it gets closer to the act. His thumb picks up speed, moving around till he finds your sweet spot, until he hears that moan that elicits a shiver up his spine and an arch of your back. You could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter, your cunt was aching, and you desperately needed something inside you. Godly intuition or maybe it was your pants and muffled words of nonsense that were dripping from your lips that helped him guess. He slid one finger up into your tight cunt, moving away from your neck to give himself a better angle. You moaned, your hips bucking up into his hand as he slowly wiggled his fingers around. Once more trying to hit that sweet spot that would make you moan. You bucked your hips once more, your cunt growing used to his digit, you weren’t normally the one to beg but… “Another… please…” You whined. Fujin chuckled, before trailing peppered kisses down your collarbones and onto your chest. He inserted another finger, sliding it in, it was unexpected, and it made you gasp again. A feeling of fullness taking over you. You adjusted to his cool digits as he began to slide them in and out. Pumping them until he had picked up a steady rhythm, a rhythm that had you moaning and rocking your hips against his hands in wanton lust. You could feel your cunt starting to pulsate and tighten, the band in your abdomen tightening, he was edging you closer and closer. “I need to be inside you…” Fujin whispered into your ear, nipping at your ear as he did so. Your hands found his hair, nodding and moaning, you were becoming impatient and needed his cock. “Fuck me. Show me how a God fucks a mortal.” You begged. Fujin moaned, leaning back and swiftly removing his fingers.
You watched as he pumped his cock a few times. Coating it with your slickness. You wrapped your arms around his neck and parted your leg before raising one up to wrap it around his waist. He lined his cock up with your entrance, rubbing the head against your soaking cunt, before gently pushing it in. It was cool as it slid into you. You couldn’t even moan, your mouth opened, ready to pray to The Elder Gods for sweet release, but all you got, was emptiness as your senses were gripped by wanton lust and pure pleasure. Your eyes were closed as one hand raked against his back, whilst the other flew into his hair, trying to hold on. Fujin moaned as he slid further and further in, before he was in at the hilt. He fell forward, taking a few minutes to compose himself. He nipped at your collarbone.  Before gripping your thigh and hooking his hand under your arse. You felt comfortable and full. Wrapping the over leg around his waist, you allowed him to support all of your weight as your legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. His hand gripped your ass, squeezing and teasing the flesh beneath his greedy hands. You moaned loudly, panting almost at the feel of him inside you. He began to withdraw, your back pressed firmly against the wall, your cunt was already beginning to feel empty. You arched your back, clenching your legs around his waist, not wanting him to leave. Only to have him thrust back in. He repeated this action a few times, before picking up the pace, and rocking into your hips. You began to lose control, your grip on his hair and back losing, as both of them fell flat against the wall. Your tits bounced about as he fucked deep into you, your body bouncing against the coolness of the wall and his cool body. Hard abs pressed into soft flesh. You moaned loudly, praying your neighbours didn’t hear the banging, but also not caring. “Fuck Fujin… Fuck…” You’d lost control over your vocabulary. Only managing to utter a few words at a time. Your hips began to rock back and forth in tandem with his own thrusts. You were edging slowly towards your release but there was just something missing from this position. You needed something… you needed more. “Couch.” You managed to pant out. Fujin moaned into your shoulder before, nibbling as he fucked you deep. The angle had found was sublime. But you wanted to go on top. You needed his fingers against your clit. “I want to ride that godly cock of yours.” You manage to moan out. Fujin pants, slowing his thrusts down. The couch isn’t far from the wall, and he slides out of you. Your cunt aches and you’re left jelly legged. He slowly lets you down before you unwrap your legs and stand on the floor. You feel ready to collapse but you know your work isn’t done. You need to chase your release.
You push him back onto the sofa. Back into the position that started it all. Your arms wrap around his neck, your lips clashing into his, as your hand positions his wet and hard cock up to your entrance once more. You slowly slide down, taking his cock into you before you moan loudly. As you sink down to it, once more feeling deliciously full. Fujin wraps an arm around your waist, whilst you place your hands on his shoulders. You began to lift your hips up and down, quickly fucking his cock and hard and fast. Fujin moves a hand down to your clit and begins to rub with his thumb. You can feel that release building and bubbling. Your hips fuck in time with his fingers, your chasing the release and you don’t care if anyone else can hear you. Fujin’s confidence grows and he begins to match your hips. Pumping into you until you’ve both found a rhythm. “Oh my god… oh my god…” You moan as he fucks up into you and you move your hips in a circular motion. Your hand is digging into his shoulders, all the whilst one of his are working hard to make you cum, the other is supporting your hips and helping him to thrust up. You can feel your release coming. “I’m going to cum…” You moan loudly, leaning forward, trying to get just the right angle. Fujin breathily chuckles. “Do not hold back…” He whispers. “I need you to cum for me.” He states. And with that the band in your abdomen snap. You moan loudly, your hips rocking back and forth as you fuck out your release. Your cunt clenching around his cock tightly. As you rocked back and forth against his cock, you could feel his breathing becoming more and more laboured. His thrusts becoming more and more erratic. With a loud moan you felt him buck up into you before he came. “Y/N.” He whispered over and over again as a mantra, as he came deep inside of you. He fucked up into you a few last times, before you both fell forward. You laughed breathlessly, leaning back to see his hair was more a mess than it had been all day. His eyes still glimmered silver and were still devoid of pupils. “So…” You whisper. Only for Fujin to look up at you and lean up to catch your lips once more. The kiss is soft and tender. “That was… incredible. Tell me Y/N, are there any other Earthrealm customs you would like to show me?” He teases. You plant a kiss on his forehead, you can feel his cock hardening once more inside your sore cunt. You’re in for a long night… but then again, you did say falling in love with a god wasn’t for the faint of heart.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
so turns out these are all very cute.. "54. Against a Locker kiss" with malum perhaps? -fiancee
hiya this is cheesy and stupid and cute i hope you like it
ao3 link!
Michael’s getting his books for class when he feels someone close in on him.
“Hi,” he says, turning to see Calum. Calum, with a mischievous smile on his face. 
“Hi,” Calum says. 
“How was Mali’s birthday?”
Calum shrugs, leaning over Michael with one palm flat against the locker next to Michael’s. “Fine. All her friends were over so I basically just stayed in my room. But they watched some girly movie anyway, so no big loss.”
“You’re full of shit,” Michael informs him, retrieving his last book and closing his locker. “You love girly movies.”
Calum scoffs. “I do not!”
“You made me watch Love, Actually last Christmas.”
“Because it’s a Christmas movie!”
“Full of shit,” Michael repeats. Calum shakes his head.
“Wanna go somewhere?” he asks.
Michael realizes he’s backed against the locker. He could move — could slide to the right and step around Calum — but he likes where he is just fine.
“When? Now?”
Calum nods. “Come on, I don’t feel like doing maths today,” he cajoles. That explains the mischievous smile, at least.
“I never feel like doing maths,” Michael says. “We’d be abandoning Luke, though.”
“Well, that’s Luke’s fault for not being either of our boyfriends,” Calum says. Which is a fair point.
“Speaking of.” Michael folds his arms over his chest. “What’s with the greeting, Hood?”
Calum’s face screws up into a look of confusion. “What?”
“‘Hi,’” Michael parrots. “That’s it? No kiss? What kind of shit boyfriend are you?”
Calum rolls his eyes fondly. “I’m not that easy, mate. You’ve got to earn your kisses.”
“I’ll ditch with you if you kiss me,” Michael barters, and Calum grins.
“I will let you have that,” Calum says. “Because it’s a win-win situation for me.”
It’s a win-win situation for Michael, too, and he’s about to say so when Calum crowds into Michael’s space, closer than he’d been, and kisses him softly. The cold metal of the locker seeps through the back of Michael’s t-shirt, a harsh juxtaposition to the warmth of Calum’s lips on his. When he leans away, Michael smiles.
“Okay. Let me put my books back and then we can go.”
Calum grins.
Neither of them drive, so they walk back to Michael’s house.
“Water,” Calum commands Michael as they enter through the back door. They don’t really need to — Michael’s parents are definitely at work and won’t be home until late afternoon — but it’s always more fun, pretending like there’s a lot at stake when there’s not. The thrill is only really fun when it’s pretend, but when it’s pretend, it’s awfully fun.
“Say please.”
“Water, please.”
Michael grins and pinches Calum’s cheek. “Yes, sir.”
Michael gets water for them both while Calum heads to the living room to set up FIFA. After a moment standing at the tap, he hears the first notes of ‘Jasey Rae’ floating in from the other room, and smiles.
“You’ve got good taste in music,” he says as he enters the living room. Calum graciously accepts his glass.
“I have,” he says. “Very true.” 
The song is playing from Calum’s phone, which is perched precariously on the armrest of the sofa. On the TV, the game is already loaded up, so Michael takes his controller into his lap and, with don’t make this easy, I want you to mean it backing him up, proceeds to destroy Calum in the first round.
His second victory closes out with ‘Feeling This’; his third, ‘Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous,’ at which point Calum tosses his controller aside and collapses dramatically over Michael’s lap. “I surrender. I give up.”
“Fuck yes! Victory,” Michael crows, poking Calum’s cheek. 
“I’ll beat you one of these days,” Calum announces, looking up at Michael with wide, sparkling eyes. “Just have to, like, break your thumb or something.”
“Hey, is that a threat? I’m pretty sure that’s against the rules. Red card.”
“You can’t red card me for that!”
“You just threatened to break my thumb!”
“I wasn’t saying I’d do it. I was saying that it would have to happen to you.”
“Red card, red card,” Michael declares. “This could be terrible for your career, Hood. If you don’t make this right, the FIFA people are going to ban you from FIFA.”
Calum snorts. “How do I make it right?”
Michael pretends to think. “The committee has decided there’s a solution, but it’s a weird one,” he warns Calum. 
Calum shifts and sits up, giving Michael a solemn look. “I’ll do anything. Anything at all. FIFA is my life.”
“Okay, well.” Michael drops his voice conspiratorially. “To start, you have to make out with me for at least ten seconds.”
Calum groans in faux despair. “No! Anything but that.”
“You have to, Cal, or else you’re banned from FIFA.”
“Fine.” The twinkle in Calum’s eye is now in his smile as well, gleaming off his teeth as he wraps a hand around Michael’s neck and pulls him in. “Twist my arm, I’ll do it,” he murmurs, before kissing Michael, and Michael all but melts into it and almost forgets what his second condition for not banning Calum from FIFA was supposed to be. He loves Calum, and though he’s never said it in as many words, he’s pretty sure Calum knows.
It’s probably longer than ten seconds before Calum pulls back, but he doesn’t seem too pressed about the timing. Michael gives him a cheeky smile. “Secondly, you have to call me sir for the rest of the day.”
Calum laughs. “I am not doing that.”
“You have to!”
“One more round,” Calum says instead. “Winner takes all. If you win, I’ll call you whatever you want. If I win, FIFA can't ban me.”
And, like. Michael hadn’t really been married to the sir idea (although he does think it would be pretty funny and kind of hot to have Calum calling him sir for the day), and Calum looks too hopeful to shoot down. “What makes you think you’ll win this round after I just totally crushed you the last three?”
Calum picks up his controller in lieu of responding. “Get ready to die, Cliffo.”
So Michael sighs and starts the game again.
It’s not that Calum’s bad at FIFA. It’s just that Michael’s way better. That’s probably because the game is Michael’s, and Calum’s only real practice is when he comes over to Michael’s, since Mali refuses to play, but whatever. Michael likes being better than Calum at something, when Calum is so much, like, smarter and hotter and cooler and more sociable than Michael. Michael’s not insecure, per se, but it’s nice to be able to annihilate his boyfriend in at least one area. 
Except Calum’s a dirty fucking cheat, apparently. Because the game is tied, they’re down to the last minutes, and just as Michael’s lining up a shot, Calum reaches over and squeezes Michael’s thigh, and Michael jerks, distracted, and misses the goal. “You absolute shit!”
Calum just chuckles and leans towards Michael with a guilty grin. “Not my fault you’re irresistible,” he says in his defense, and kisses Michael. Harder than the last time, enough that Michael has to take a second to recover his senses when they break, and as he’s collecting himself he sees Calum smoothly sink a shot into his goal as the timer runs down to zero.
“Are you kidding me, fuck you!” Michael protests, because, really, that’s so incredibly unfair, but Calum’s cheers basically drown him out.
“Victory is mine!” he chants. “I just absolutely wrecked you, Michael! I just fucking ended your entire football career! See, this is way more true to real life.”
“You’re a cheater,” Michael argues. “You distracted me!”
“That’s called strategy.” His stupid fucking grin-of-questionable-intentions is back. “I beat you. Admit it. If not fair and square, then at least at all.”
It’s not like Michael had really had anything at stake here — look, he’d basically figured Calum would cheat, because even Calum isn’t enough of an idiot to expect to beat Michael on his own merit in a game he’s just lost at three times, especially with the threat of having to concede to some dumb condition Michael had set up if he lost — but still. It’s the principle. “You’re such a cheater,” he says again. “How can I trust you in a relationship if I can’t even trust you in FIFA?”
Calum snickers. “I gain nothing if I cheat on you,” he says. “While cheating at FIFA means I don’t have to call you sir all day.”
Michael shakes his head. “So dishonest.”
“You love it,” Calum wheedles. And yeah, Michael does. Obviously he does. He loves everything about Calum.
“Your mum,” he says, instead of that. 
Because, like. Calum knows. And there’s no point wasting words on something as trivial as admitting to being in love when he could instead crack a dumb joke.
(He’ll say it another day, and frankly it will probably also happen in a FIFA-related situation, because they find themselves in those a lot. He will. They have time.)
“Your mum,” Calum says back, shouldering Michael. He gives him a smile. “Another round? Promise not to cheat.”
Michael would play it anyway, even if Calum swore up and down that he’d be the dirtiest cheater on the planet. Basically, he’d do anything Calum suggested.
“Okay,” he says, quickly kissing Calum on the nose and then the lips. “I’ll wipe that smug look right off your face, mark my words.”
And he does beat Calum. By a lot. 
(But Calum doesn’t look disappointed at all, just kind of happy and warm, and Michael knows, all of a sudden, what Calum hasn’t said either, and knows that they could go the rest of their lives without saying it aloud, and Michael would still be one hundred percent certain that Calum loves him.)
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 30
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairings: Damon x Oc, Tyler x Oc for a hot minute, Elijah x Oc for a hotter minute, Klaus x Oc endgame. Warning: Mental and physical abuse in some chapters.
Over the next week Katie didn’t talk to any of her friends. She simply went to school, came home, did her homework and had a blood bag while getting caught up on one of her favorite tv shows, Supernatural.
Even though she didn’t feel like going, after school Friday Katie went shopping and managed to find a suitable dress for the homecoming dance. With the clear plastic covered dress and a paper shopping bag containing jewelry and shoes in her hands she opened her front door. The things in her hands went flying when her eyes landed on Klaus sitting on her living room couch. “Did I frighten you, love?” he asked as he stood up and picked her dress up off the floor.
“You think?” she asked sarcastically as she kneeled down, and picked up the empty shoe box. “What are you doing here?” she picked up the closed toe black heels by the ankle straps and set them back in the box.
“I’ve come to accompany you to your homecoming dance.” He answered.
She stood up, looking at him like he was crazy. “You run off and leave your sister behind with no explanation then show up out of nowhere and assume that I want anything to do with you?” she asked as she put her things on the back of the couch. “I’ll ask again. What are you doing here?”
Klaus looked at her with suspicious eyes. “Either you are a really good actress or you have no idea what your friends are planning.”
“Both” she answered then let her eyes fall to her hand that rested on the back of the couch. “My friends no longer trust me so if they are plotting against you…I know nothing about it. Since I have nothing to offer…you can see yourself out. I have a dance to get ready for.” She headed toward the stairs against the wall to the right of the entryway, but he sped in front of her stopping her. She heaved out an aggravated breath and put her hands on her hips as she glared up at him.
“You wanted to know how to sway me?” he asked and she gave him a nod. “You know your friends better than I. You will be able to sense if something is off with them. Stefan and Rebekah have both assured me that Mikael has been daggered. I do not believe it. So stand with me tonight, help me insure that my father is dead and his dagger destroyed and I will let you watch me pull the dagger out of Elijah. Yours will be the first face he sees when he opens his eyes.”
She chewed on the inside of her lip and looked at the floor in thought. She knew that if she did this, everyone she was close to would have nothing to do with her, but she’d already lost them. Her mother had told her to make up with them, but she had meant it when she told her mother she didn’t think she could. “Okay.” She looked up at him feeling sick to her stomach with nerves. “I’ll be your date.” She wrinkled her nose at the words that left her mouth.
“Then you should probably start getting dressed.” He told her with a look at the clock in the room. She grabbed her dress and bags and headed up the stairs. “Wait.” She stopped and looked over the hand rail at him. “Cell phone, please. I don’t want you giving your friends a heads up.” He held his hand out for her phone so she took it out of her pocket and dropped it over the rail into his outstretched hand.
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An hour later she walked down the stairs, her blond and red hair pinned in a messy, but pretty updo. A plain black choker was around her neck and paired nicely with the one shoulder white dress. Black lace covered the shoulder strap on her left shoulder, swooped across the bodice, wrapped almost completely around the waist then tapered off along the left side of the short tulle skirt. Classic closed toe back heels with a strap around the ankle finished off the look. “Well don’t you clean up nicely?” Klaus asked from the bottom of the stairs where she met him.
“It’s my last homecoming dance.” She answered and when he held out his suit jacket covered arm she walked past him.
“I’ve commandeered your homecoming dance. The gym randomly flooded so Tyler graciously offered to move the dance to his house. It is now a wake for my father.” He told her with a smirk then opened the front door and jerked his head for her to walk out.
“Is there anything else you want to tell me?” she asked as she walked out then waited for him to close her door.
“Not at the moment, no.” he answered as he pulled the door shut then held his arm out for her again and once again she walked past him and down the steps. Her heels clacked against the cement walkway as she headed to her car.
“You know you can touch me. I won’t bite.” He told her as he walked around to the passenger side and opened the door.
“Yeah,” she scoffed as she slid into the driver’s seat and shut the door, “You’ll understand if I don’t believe you.” Klaus just smirked at her.
When Katie parked outside the Lockwood’s house lights and music were coming from the back yard and when they went inside the house she saw several kegs and coolers sitting around. They passed a beer pong table as they headed to the back yard where the band was practicing. “Should I be worried at how good you are at throwing high school parties?” she asked with a look over at him from where they stood on the back steps that led down to where a dance floor had been set up.
He smirked. “I’m no stranger to throwing lavish parties. I simply modified the age group a bit.” He told her then pulled her phone out of his jacket pocket and looked to see if she had any messages. “I see you finally changed your background and not one of your friends has messaged you. Including my sister whose number I see is in your contacts.”
“We’re on the cheer team together.” Katie replied, deciding that it would be best if he didn’t know she and Rebekah were friends.
“Oh, look, the photo trash folder. Wonder what could be in here?” he asked with a devious look at her.
Her eyes went wide when she remembered she never deleted the naughty photos she had sent to Damon. “Do not look in there!” She jumped and tried to grab the phone from him but he easily dodged her and opened the folder filling the screen with pictures of her in different poses, only wearing lingerie. “Klaus!”
“Bloody hell, love, are you secretly a lingerie model?” he asked with a cheeky smile and wide eyes. Pissed, she knocked him to his knees, taking him off guard enough that she was able to grab her phone from his hand. “You will give me that back.” he told her with a glare.
“Yeah, I will, as soon as I clear out all the pictures I don’t want you to see.” She told him, not looking up from the screen she was tapping on. When she was done she tossed him the phone back.
He turned the screen on to see that it was now password protected. He turned it off and tucked it onto his pocket. “Your classmates are starting to arrive.” As he said this, the band started really playing instead of practicing and random people came out of nowhere and started dancing.
“Who are all these people?” she asked, not recognizing a single one of them.
“My hybrids.” He answered as he turned to her. “When your classmates start showing up do me a favor. Pretend to be enjoying yourself and stick to my side like glue.” He told her so she nodded. “And smile.” He told her with a smile of his own in a voice that was meant to pep her up. “You look like your dog just died.” She pulled her lips back in an awkward smile. “Now you just look constipated.” He complained with an eye roll and she stopped. “Make it believable.”
“I’m at a party with you because I’m stupidly trusting you to stick to your word and not stab me in the back with the dagger you may or may not pull out of Elijah.” She told him with a glare. “I will pep up when the time comes. Until then I’m not going to waste my energy.” She replied.
“You think I will not keep my promise to you?” he asked with a tone that suggested he was hurt, but she didn’t believe it.
“Your reputation isn’t the greatest.” She answered with a cold tone.
He stepped up to her and grabbed her chin gently with his long nimble fingers. “Trust me when I say I will bring you to Elijah as soon as I see my father’s corpse.”
She glared at him, her eyes meeting his blues as she grabbed his wrist and took his hand from her face. “I’ll trust you when you earn it.”
As soon as everyone was at the party Klaus held his arm out to her. So she hooked hers through it and walked up on stage as the band stopped playing and the crowd cheered and clapped. The vanilla scent of the smoke machine that sat on the stage filled her nose as they walked over to the microphone and Klaus dropped his arm and placed his hand on her lower back. “Good evening everyone!” he greeted the crowd that cheered again. “I want to thank you all for being here with me to celebrate. It’s been a long time coming.”
As they walked down off the stage Katie looked over at him then his arm that was still on her lower back. “What the hell am I supposed to tell people if they ask me why I’m here with you?”
“I don’t know.” He told her as they walked through the crowd and when she noticed her classmates looking at her and Klaus she smiled at them as if nothing at all was wrong in her life when in actuality she was screaming on the inside.
“Klaus.” Stefan said as they walked over to him. “Quite the homecoming.” He chose to completely ignore Katie who stood next to Klaus with her arm looped through his and a look on her face that let everyone believe she was enjoying herself.
“I’ve been planning my father’s funeral for 1,000 years.” Klaus replied. “Granted, in no version of it were any of these people invited. But you get the idea.”
“So what now? You just stop running?” Stefan asked.
“Now I reunite my family.” Klaus told him then glanced down at Katie.
Stefan finally looked at her with his usual brooding expression then back at Klaus. “Your family. You mean, the people you cart around in caskets?”
“None of that matters anymore.” Klaus looked away from Katie to Stefan. “Mikael’s gone. Bygones will be bygones and Elijah will be happy I kept his woman happy and safe.” he looked back down at Katie who made herself give him a closed lipped smile.
“So that’s what this is about?” Stefan asked, moving his finger between the two of them. “Taking care of your brother's girl while he lies in a casket with a dagger in his chest that you placed there?”
“It’s really no different than Damon and Elena.” Katie spoke for the first since the party started. “The only difference is there is absolutely zero chance of me falling for him.” Katie said with a jerk of her head at Klaus.
“Really great party.” The homecoming queen said as she walked by them, her pretty crown atop her head. “I really like the band.”
Klaus smiled at her smugly. “Seems the homecoming queen still walks among the living, which leaves me to believe Rebekah isn’t here. Where is she?” he asked Stefan.
“I have no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt.” Stefan answered making Katie look around to see Matt standing with Elena. Katie’s eyes also spotted Caroline chatting with people while getting a refill of beer from the keg.
“Oh, be honest now, Stefan.” Klaus told him knowing Stefan couldn’t lie to him since he had been compelled to tell the truth. “Where’s my sister?”
“I said…I have no idea.” Stefan answered again and a tense second passed between the three of them.
“Well, it wouldn’t be a party without the guest of honor, would it?” Klaus asked with a smug smile. “Bring him to me.”
Stefan looked off in the distance in thought for a second. “Alright. Perhaps there’s something in it for me?” Klaus and Katie both looked at him curiously. “My freedom from your compulsion.”
“Oh, you want your freedom?” Klaus asked with a tilt of his head. “Well once he’s dead and his weapon destroyed, you’ll have your freedom. It would be my pleasure to give it back to you.” Stefan gave them a tight lipped smile as he walked away.
“Klaus.” Katie said, getting his attention. “Stefan was telling the truth, Rebekah was supposed to come with Matt, but he’s here with Elena. Elena should be here with Damon. He never says no to a party so there has to be a reason he’s not here.” Klaus looked at Elena and Matt who were both drinking beer out of glass bottles. “And by the way…you’re keeping me safe and happy?” she asked with raised brows. “You couldn’t come up with a more believable lie?”
“Who said it was a lie?” he asked with a smirk.
Katie gave him a challenging look. “You wanna make me happy?”
“All in due time, Love.” He told the impatient Katie.
“I need more beer.” She sighed so Klaus walked them over to one of the igloo coolers, lifted the lid then motioned for her to pick her poison. She didn’t even look. She just grabbed the cold bottle, popped the cap off and chunked it aside as Tyler walked over to them. Klaus grabbed a beer of his own and shut the lid of the cooler.
“My mom would seriously freak if she saw all these people here.” Tyler said with a look out at the dance floor packed with people like tuna in a can.
Klaus smiled as he looked at his handy work. “You’re mother won’t be a problem. I’ve compelled her to go to church and pray for your friends.”
Tyler laughed. “What are you talking about?”
Klaus let go of Katie’s arm and walked around to stand in front of Tyler. “I want you to look around. There’s Bonnie.” He pointed over Tyler’s shoulder to Bonnie who was talking to a guy. “There’s Elena and Matt.” He pointed to Elena who took a drink from a beer then handed it to Matt. “And there’s your pretty little girlfriend Caroline.” He pointed to Caroline talking to the group of cheerleaders. “Their big dance was wrecked tonight and who came through with a party?” Tyler looked back at Klaus. “You did. What a pal. But who are all these other people?” Klaus asked with a point over his shoulder.
Tyler looked around with creased brows. “I…have no idea. I’ve never seen half these people in my life.”
“Well, that’s because I invited a few dozen friends of my own.” Klaus answered then started pointing out his people in the crowd.
“Hold on, are those people all hybrids?” Tyler asked with a frown.
“Well, they also love a good party.” Klaus said as he took a step closer to Tyler. “And they, like you, are sired by me. They wish to serve their master. So if anyone should so much as make a move against me, they may feel obligated to retaliate.” Klaus’ serious face turned into a smile as he backed away from Tyler. “Feel free to warn your friends.”
“I assumed that he assumed you’d sired more hybrids as soon as you got Elena’s blood donation and skipped town.” Katie said as she watched Tyler go into the house like a man on a mission.
“That is because you are smart.” Klaus said as they started walking around. “And thanks to my brother you probably know me better than anyone else here tonight.” He smiled down at her and she shifted her gaze elsewhere. When they walked past Elena, Klaus stopped. “Where’s your date?”
“Getting me a drink.” Elena answered stiffly.
Klaus held the beer in his hand out to her and she gave him a look that said, ‘seriously?’
“Seems I have you to thank for Mikael’s demise.” Klaus told her.
“He came at me. I didn’t have a choice.” Elena once again answered stiffly.
“Still I’m impressed. It’s not easy for a human to dagger an original.” Klaus said and Katie rolled her eyes and took a big drink of the beer in her hand.
“It wasn’t my first time.” Elena told him with a sneer.
“Right. Elijah. I’m sure that won a lot of points in her book.” He said with a jerk of his head to Katie then looked around at the crowd. As he did Elena looked around as if she was expecting someone to jump out at her. “You seem nervous.”
“I’m not nervous. I just don’t like you.” Elena told him with an attitude.
“Right. I’ll just get straight to the point then shall I love?” he asked then leaned in closer to her. “People have been after me for 1,000 years. And I am always one step ahead. So whatever it is you’re thinking of trying, go for it. Give it your best shot. You won’t succeed.”
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“It won’t be for a lack of trying.” Elena answered with a bit of a head sway and a glare and tried to walk off, but Klaus let go of Katie and stopped her.
“Now, you’d be smart to tell Damon to mind his manners tonight. ‘Cause if I die, I’ve already insured that he’ll die along with me.” Kaite’s heart stopped at his words. “Even in death, my hybrids have their orders. So, you kill me you’re killing him too.”
“What?” Katie asked with wide eyes.
“All the more reason for everyone to cooperate.” He told her with a smirk as her shock turned to a glare.
Elena walked away while she had the chance. “Can we do something more fun than just walking around please?” she asked just wanting to find ways to get the night over with.
“What do you suggest?” he asked.
“We can go kick some stupid jock’s ass at beer pong.” She suggested and he actually took her up on it.
As they were playing the guy she had drank from at the bonfire walked up. “Hey, Katie.” He greeted getting a little too in her personal space.
“Hey…you.” she told him as she took a step away from him.
“Oh, don’t pretend like you don’t know my name. We did make out the other night after all.” He said with a shitty attempt at being flirty, catching Klaus’ attention and he gave her a look that seemed to ask, you and this guy?
She looked at him and whispered, “I really need to work on my compulsion.” Then looked back at the guy. “I’m pretty sure I told you that’s never going to happen again.”
“Yeah but-” he started.
“Is this guy bothering you?” Klaus asked as he stepped up beside her and draped his arm over her shoulders.
“Who the hell are you?” the guy asked with a challenging attitude.
Katie breathed in a hiss between her teeth. “That was not the road you should’ve taken.” She cut her eyes up at Klaus. “Don’t kill him, please.”
“I’m her date.” Klaus answered then grabbed the guy up by his dress shirt and looked him in the eyes. “And it would be wise of you to remember, when a woman says it’s never going to happen again…You should stop pursuing her.” he threw the guy away and he fell to the floor on his butt knocking down a tower of beer empty beer cans that someone had made.
The guy was standing back up when Mindy, one of Klaus’ hybrids, came over to them. “You have a visitor.”
“Well, tell my visitor I’m on the brink of victory here.” He told her with the white ping pong ball in his hand.
“He said his name was Mikael.” She told him with a sway of her head.
Klaus sighed and tossed the ball into the rinse cup. “Then we mustn’t keep him waiting.” He told her as he dropped his hand from Katie’s lower back. “Move everyone out back. I’m going to have a little chat with my dad.”
Mindy started moving everyone out of the house and to the back yard as Katie and Klaus headed to the front door. An older man stood on the other side of the threshold. “Hello, Niklaus.” He greeted him ignoring Katie who stood not far behind and to the side of him.
“Hello, Mikael. Won’t you come in?” He asked. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot. You can’t.”
“Or you can come outside if you want.” Mikael replied.
“Or I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb.” Klaus retorted as his hybrids gathered on the front lawn behind Mikael.
“They can’t kill me.” Mikael pointed out.
“True, but it’ll make a hell of a party game.” Klaus said with a smug smile. “All I have to do is rub these two fingers together,” he held up his right hand, his thumb and middle finger centimeters apart, “and they’ll pounce.” He touched the fingers together.
“The big…bad…wolf.” Mikael said and Klaus dropped his hand. “You haven’t changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward.” Katie frowned at the guy who called himself Klaus’ father. “Though you forget, they may be sired by you, but they’re still part vampire and they can be compelled by me.” As he said this Mindy walked over to stand beside Mikael and pulled Elena into view. Katie looked at Elena with glaring eyes. “Come out and face me, Niklaus, or she dies.” He grabbed Elena from Mindy by her arm.
“Go ahead, kill her.” Klaus told him and Katie looked between him and Mikael then to Elena.
“No, Klaus, he’ll do it.” something about the way Elena was acting didn’t sit well with her, especially when Elena didn’t look at her for help.
“If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations.” Mikael told him with a jerk of his head to the hybrids that still stood in the front yard.
“I don’t need them. I just need to be rid of you.” Klaus told him with his fists clenched at his sides.
“To what end, Niklaus?” Mikael asked. “So you can live forever with no one at your side?” Katie glared at Mikael. She understood what kind of person Klaus could be, but if this hateful man is the one who raised Klaus…Then it’s no wonder Klaus turned out the way he is. Elijah had told her how abusive and hard Mikael was on his children, especially Niklaus. After everything she had been through, two rounds of shitty parents and a shitty grandfather, she had grown a special hatred of men like Mikael. “Nobody cares about you anymore, Boy!”
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The way he called Klaus boy caused something in her to snap. “Not true.” she stepped up to the door to stand beside Klaus. “I do.”
Mikael finally acknowledged her. “He killed you and yet you stand with him.”
“You’re an abusive piece of shit and a pathetic excuse of a father.” Katie answered with a glare, hatred dancing in her eyes. “If standing against men like you puts me on his side then I am perfectly okay with that.”
Klaus put his hand on Katie’s lower back. “I’m calling your bluff father. Kill her.”
Katie noticed that Klaus’ words should have affected Elena more than they did, she had been listening to Elena’s heart and it had remained fast, but steady. “Come outside and face me, you little coward, and I won’t have to.”
“My whole life you’ve underestimated me.” Klaus said and as Katie moved her eyes from Mikael and Elena to Klaus she saw just how much Mikael was affecting him. He looked to be on the verge of tears. “If you kill her, you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on, kill her.” Mikael just looked at Klaus with a slight shake of his head. “Come on, old man. Kill her. Kill her!” Klaus yelled and Katie looked up at him to see a tear slip down his cheek.
Mikael started chuckling. “Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing keeping you from truly being great.” Klaus and Mikael looked at eachother with fixed stares for a second before Mikael stabbed Elena in the back making her let out odd sounding groans of pain before she fell to the ground.
Mikael laughed at Klaus’ look of shock, but Katie trained her ears on Elena to hear her heart still beating strong. “Klaus.” Katie said to get his attention, but at the same time Damon whooshed in from behind them and stabbed Klaus in the gut with an extravagantly carved, old stake. Klaus yelled out in pain. “Klaus!” she yelled as Damon body slammed him on the floor.
She heard Mikael say, “Katherine.” Before Katherine tossed vervain grenades out at the hybrids.
Damon pulled the stake out of Klaus. Katie was making a move to tackle Damon off of Klaus when Stefan came from behind her and beat her to it. Seeing the stake lying on the floor next to Klaus she whooshed over, grabbed it, put it in Klaus’ hand and closed his fingers around it then jerked her head to his distracted dad. Klaus gave her a nod then whooshed at his father as he turned around. He tackled him, stabbing him in the heart as he did. Mikael cried out as Klaus stood up and the stake burst into flames catching Mikael on fire too.
“What the hell did you two do?” Damon asked while Stefan held him down.
“He’s earned his freedom.” Klaus answered then looked at Katie. “She earned my brother.” Stefan stood up and moved to stand across from Klaus. They looked each other in the eyes. “Thank you, my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You’re free.”
Stefan blinked then looked down to see that Damon was gone then whooshed away. Klaus walked out into the yard and told his hybrids to clear everyone out, the party was over. Still processing everything that just happened, Katie walked into the parlor/living room and sat down on the pretty white couch, leaning forward with her chin resting on her hands that were folded into a fist. Soon, Klaus came in and sat down on the couch across from her. “Thank you.”
“For what? I didn’t do anything you asked me to. I figured out too late that Elena was really Katherine and I should have known that if Damon wasn’t here with her and that he would probably be off doing something sneaky like he did. I completely flopped as a wing woman.” She told him, looking down at the fancy area rug.
“Mikael is dead because you put that stake in my hand.” He argued.
She shook her head no. “You still would have picked up that stake and killed him. I just saved you a few seconds.” She shrugged.
“Then I am thanking you for standing with me when you didn’t have to.” He told her and she looked up at him. “Why did you?”
“Because you and I have something in common.” She answered with a solemn face.
“Pathetic, piece of shit fathers.” He told her with a bit of a smirk.
“Yep.” She answered with a nod. “I hate seeing people’s parents bully them, possibly even more than I hate you.”
“You claimed to care about me.” He said with a point at her.
“I do in a really screwed up, roundabout way. Rebekah too. You’re my soul-mate’s family and despite the…many problems you all have with each other, I know how much family means to you all.” she told him with a shrug. “And after tonight…I have no one.”
Klaus stood up and held his hand out for hers. She took it and stood up. When he stepped closer to her and placed his hand on her arm she thought he was going to try to kiss her. Relief spread through her when he placed a soft kiss to her cheek. “Go home. Get some beauty sleep. You’ll want to look pretty when I take you to wake up Elijah in the morning.”
The thought of getting to see Elijah again brought a bright smile to her face. “See you tomorrow.”
The next morning Klaus picked her up and brought her to the lot where the van that held the coffins containing his family was. “Rebekah where are you?” Klaus said to Rebekah’s voice mail as they walked through the parking lot. “Pick up the phone, darling. Daddy’s dead. It’s time for a family reunion.” Klaus hung up then answered an incoming call. “Stefan. Miss me already?”
“I’m just calling to thank you for my freedom.” Stefan said as they walked by truck after truck.
“I like to believe I’m a man of my word. More or less.” Klaus replied cockily.
“The thing is, it came at too high of a price.” Stefan told him and both Katie and Klaus frowned. “You took everything from me, Klaus.”
“Let bygones be bygones. Trust me, resentment gets old.” Klaus told him as he stopped at the back of a truck and grabbed the latch of the back.
“You know what never gets old?” Stefan asked as Klaus unlatched the back and pushed it up. “Revenge.” The back of the truck was empty making Katie’s heart sink to the pit of her stomach.
“No.” Klaus practically growled into the phone as Katie placed her hand on her stomach.
“What’s the matter, Klaus? Missing something?” Stefan asked smugly.
“What are you doing?” Klaus asked, walking away from the truck that Katie was leaning on. “Other than breaking Katie’s heart?”
“I’m just enjoying my freedom. Her broken heart is a small price to pay.” Stefan answered as Katie’s disappointment turned to anger and she felt the blood rush to her eyes and fangs in her mouth.
“I will kill you and everyone you’ve ever met.” Klaus threatened.
“You do that and you’ll never see your family again.” Stefan said as Klaus turned and looked at Katie. “I wonder, Klaus. As someone who’s been one step ahead for 1,000 years. Were you prepared for this?”
Klaus glared at no one in particular as he took the phone from his ear and hung up. After a few seconds he turned to Katie and saw her face. “If you don’t kill him, I will.” She told him as she closed her eyes pushed back the blood and fangs.
“I know, love.” He told her as he slid his hand over her face. Too made to be touched she knocked his hand away. “We will get them back.”
“We aren’t doing a damn thing.” she told him with a fire in her eyes like he had never seen. If he had to guess, Stefan was going to pay dearly for what he had done. She whooshed away.
Katie saw Elena and Damon in the parlor so she whooshed in, grabbed Damon by the neck and pinned him to the wall next to the fireplace. “Where is Stefan?” she asked, more furious than either of them had ever seen her.
“I don’t know.” Damon rasped.
“What is wrong with you, put him down!” Elena yelled at her, worry was clear in her voice.
It didn’t even faze Katie. “Were you in on it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Damon rasped, his hands on her wrist.
“Katie let him go!” Elena yelled at her again.
Katie turned to her showing Elena the blood that had flooded to her eyes. “If you know what is good for you, you will shut your fucking mouth.” She looked back at Damon. “Stefan took him. He took Elijah.” An angry tear slipped down her cheek.
“We had nothing to do with it. I promise. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Damon told her and the honesty in his eyes made her drop him.
As soon as she did he tackled her face down on the ornate rug with her hands held behind her back. Over the few seconds it took Elena to get a syringe of vervain all anger faded and tears silently slipped down her cheeks. Damon stabbed her in the neck with the syringe and she slowly slipped off to sleep.
When she came to she was lying across Damon’s bed, him leaning back against the headboard with his legs draped over hers. “You wanna have a rational conversation or are you going to attack me again?”
“I’m sorry.” She said as she pulled herself up to sit cross legged in the middle of the bed.
“I know you are.” Damon answered. “I of all people know how much Elijah means to you.” Katie pulled her knees up and hugged them. “So what kind of deal did you make with Klaus?”
She rested her chin on her arms. “If I helped him kill Mikael he’d give me Elijah. He was going to…he brought me to the truck that their coffins were stored in. That’s when we learned that Stefan took them to get back at him for everything Klaus had taken from him. According to Stefan my broken heart was a small price to pay for the satisfaction of revenge.” She wiped at her wet face with her hands.
“His humanity is off. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself.” Damon told her with a face that told her she was supposed to already know that. “What did you think would happen when you got him back?” Damon asked.
“I didn’t think that far ahead.” She answered as she slid off the bed. She started for his bedroom door but he zipped over blocking the door. “What are you going to do, keep me prisoner in your room from now on?”
“Nope. I just want you to promise me that you won’t make any more deals with Klaus.” He told her with a determined look.
“I’m done making promises to you that I can keep. So either vervain me again and put me out of my misery or let me go.” Damon stepped out of the way and watched her walk out of the door.
The next day Katie was sitting at the grill having lunch at a far corner table listening to Damon and Elena play darts and talk about how Jeremy was backsliding when Klaus came in. “I’m surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour.” Damon told Klaus while Elena stood safely behind him.
“My sister seems to be missing. I need to sort that out.” Klaus told him.
“Cute, blonde bombshell, psycho?” Damon asked. “Shouldn’t be too hard to find.”
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Klaus took a few steps closer to Damon. “Truth is, I’ve grown to rather like your little town. I’m thinking I might fancy a home here.” Klaus took a dart out of Damon’s hand. “I imagine you’re wondering how this affects you. The answer is not in the slightest.” He turned to the dart board, putting his back to Damon and Elena. “As long as I get what I want and everyone behaves themselves, you can go on living your little lives however you choose.” He turned and looked over his shoulder at Elena and Damon. “You have my word.”
“What more could you possibly want?” Elena asked.
“Well, for starters, you can tell me where I might find Stefan.” Klaus told her as he walked over to her and leaned down at her.
“Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass.” Damon answered.
“Well, you see, that is a shame.” Klaus said as he turned to the dartboard. He threw a dart landing it deep in the bull’s eye. “You’re brother stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what’s mine.”
“That sounds like a Klaus, Stefan and Katie problem.” Elena replied.
Klaus walked over to Elena but Damon stepped in the way. Katie scoffed and shook her head making Klaus’ eyes find her where she sat in the corner of the room, unseen by Damon or Elena. He turned his eyes back to Elena. “Well, this is me broadening the scope, Sweetheart.” He told her, making her frown. Klaus headed over to the bar and grabbed a beer then walked over to Katie, making Damon and Elena realize for the first time that she was even there. “Hello, love.” He slid into the corner booth to sit across from her and she ignored him, keeping her eyes on the book sitting in front of her. “Have you heard from my sister?” he asked.
Instead of answering him with words, knowing that Damon and Elena were listening, she closed her book and pulled out her journal and a pen. He watched her write, “If Damon and Elena have her she’ll most likely be in a cell in their basement.” in the book and turned it to him as she stood from the booth and took a final drink of her lemon water. When he was done reading it he looked up at her with a smirk. She grabbed her journal, book and pen and shoved them into her messenger bag.
She started to walk off but he grabbed her wrist stopping her. “Don’t ignore me, love. Answer the question.”
She understood what he was doing, keeping Damon and Elena from knowing that she had given him a secret message. “The last time I saw her was at school yesterday.” She told him and he let go of her wrist and let her walk away.
She was cleaning the kitchen out of the need to do something to keep her mind off things when she got a message from Klaus asking her to meet him at an old house. Against her best judgment and because she was going insane with boredom she met him. “I see you’re renovating.” Katie said as she walked into the old house seeing Klaus standing in the middle of the entryway waiting for her. “You weren’t kidding when you said you were thinking about getting a home here.”
“Come.” He told her with a jerk of his head. “I want to show you something.” She followed him to a run down and falling apart bedroom that had been cleared of old furniture and he motioned for her to go inside. “I’d be careful on that floor, it's a bit weak in spots.”
“Why are you showing me a bedroom?” she asked as she walked over to the fireplace in the room and kicked at some ashes that had been left behind.
“Because when it’s ready and I have gotten my family back this room will be yours. You can share it with Elijah or make him get a room of his own. The choice is yours.” he told her from where he stood in the doorway with his hands behind his back.
“You want me to come live with you and your family?” she asked with raised brows and he gave her a smirk. “How do you know the rest of your family would even want me living here with all of you?”
“You’ve grown on me. Elijah fancies you and I have the sneaking suspicion that you have even gotten on Rebekah’s good side. I’m sure Kol and Finn will be no problem.” he told her as he walked into the room, being careful with his steps.
Katie carefully walked over to the window in the room and looked at the broken glass panes. “I don’t understand you.”
“What do you mean?” he asked as he walked to stand behind her.
She turned and looked at him. “You’ve had no problem killing Elijah’s lovers in the past, including me. You have the worst reputation out of all of your siblings. You’re ruthless, hateful and from what I can tell angry at the world. So why are you being so nice to me? And don’t give me that bullshit about keeping me safe and happy for Elijah’s sake.”
He smirked at her and looked down at the rotten floor. “You are everything Elijah said you were and more.” He looked up at her with a smirk. “You’re beautiful, strong and full of fire, I admire you.”
“You admire me?” Katie asked with a disbelieving look. “There is nothing admirable about me.”
“I beg to differ.” He told her with a tilt of his head, looking down his nose at her. “You stood up to a 1000 year old vampire because you couldn’t stand knowing that he abused people you care about.”
“Yet I could never stand up to my own abusers.” She said as her eyes dropped to the floor. “I’m not strong and I’m not admirable. I’m a coward.” She told him and walked around him, not watching where she stepped and her foot went through the floor. Rotten wood scraped up her leg and a yelp left her mouth as her left leg went completely through the floor and into the basement below. Klaus walked around her and grabbed her forearms. She grabbed his and he lifted her up, being careful not to scrape her leg even more on its way back through the floor.
She looked down at her leg as the deep scrapes healed leaving behind spots of blood. “Are you alright, Love?” He asked her, making her realize that they were still holding onto each other.
She let go of him and backed away. “Yeah, is there working water in this dump?”
“Yes and it won’t be a dump for long.” He told her as he jerked his head for her to follow him. He led her to the kitchen and motioned to the sink. “The construction crews will return tomorrow. Do you have any requests for your room?” he asked as he leaned his hip against the old island in the kitchen.
Katie tested the structural integrity of the counter near the sink to find it sound. “Antique white furnishings and a canopy bed and a white plush rug.” Katie answered just throwing a theme out at him as she hopped up on the counter and stretched her leg out over the sink, “Seriously though, I like living alone. Living in a house full of vampires that can hear everything each other say even behind closed doors doesn’t sound fun. I like my privacy.”
Klaus watched as she turned the water on and started washing the blood off of her long smooth leg that was scantily covered by her short denim shorts. “Are you afraid we will hear you making love to Elijah?” he asked and she cut her eyes over at him then looked back down at her leg in the sink as she washed the last of the blood off. “Because I can assure you it’s nothing we haven’t heard before.”
Katie turned and dangled her legs off the side of the counter. “So is showing me my room the only reason you invited me over here?” she asked looking over at him, taking in the thin green shirt that he wore a black leather jacket over, a beaded necklace hung around his neck, tucked into the shirt.
“No.” he answered and jerked his head for her to follow him so she hopped down off the bar and followed him to a room that was currently under construction. Rebekah was lying on a table in the middle of the room. “Elena turned Rebekah over to me, you were right. She was in the Salvatore’s basement with a dagger in her back that Elena put there.”
Katie rolled her eyes then noticed that the dagger was now in Rebekah’s chest. “So why is she still daggered?” She asked with a look up at him to watch his face drop. “Elena told you Rebekah knows didn’t she?”
“I’m not sure what you’re referring to.” He told her as he did that thing where he looked down his nose at her.
“That you killed your mother, not Mikael. You’re keeping the dagger in because you know when she comes to she’s not only going to be pissed at Elena, but you too.” She told him and his eyelids fluttered as he nodded. “Just so you know…I’m not judging you. I killed my own grandfather and I try not to be a hypocrite.”
“And you wonder why I fancy you.” he told her with a smirk as he walked away expecting her to follow him. Instead she just kept standing there looking at Rebekah. As she thought about how bad it sucked that Rebekah had been daggered and she didn’t even know about it, her mind turned to her other friends. As she remembered what tomorrow was, a tear slipped down her cheek and she wiped it away. Klaus turned back and saw her wipe her face. “Are you alright, Sweetheart?” he walked back over to stand beside her.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She tried to walk around him, but he touched her upper arm and she stopped and looked at him. He gave her a look that asked her to talk to him. “Tomorrow’s Caroline’s birthday. I’ve never missed one of her parties. Now I’m not even invited. And it’s nobody’s fault but my own.” She walked past him and into the entryway. “Is there anything else you want to show me or can I go home?” she asked, turning back to see that he had followed her.
“You can if you wish.” He told her as he took a few steps closer to her. “Or you could stay for a night cap.”
Katie narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?” she asked. Instead of answering her with words he lifted his hand and slid the backs of his fingers down her cheek, testing her. Just like he anticipated her heart started racing and a smile teased the corners of his nicely shaped lips. “Klaus.” Katie sighed as she pulled her head away from his hand. “I’m in love with Elijah.”
He dropped his hand to rest on her shoulder. “I’m not asking you to fall in love with me, Sweetheart.” She glanced down at his hand on her shoulder that her black and red tank top left bare then back up at him. “How long has it been since you broke up with Damon? Three, four months and you're still a new vampire so it's no wonder you’re practically biting everyone’s heads off.”
Katie busted out laughing. “So you’re saying I need to get laid and you’ll bite the bullet for everyone’s sanity?” she asked, still laughing a bit. “How long has it been since you talked a woman into your bed without the luxury of compulsion?”
“Too long apparently.” He answered as he took a step back and dropped his hand from her shoulder looking disappointed.
“I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh, but you have to know that this…” she motioned between them, “would be a really bad idea.”
“Sometimes it can be fun to be bad.” He told her as he took a step to her and placed his hand on her side.
Deciding that she could use some fun she stepped into him and put her hands on his t-shirt covered chest then sped them over so that he was pressed against the wall next to the double set of stairs that led up to the second floor. “You’re right. It can be fun.” She smiled and bit her lower lip when she saw lust cloud his eyes. In a flash his lips were on hers, but she quickly made her way to his neck then bit his earlobe and whispered, “Keep dreaming, big bad wolf.” While he was caught off guard she sped out the door to her car, leaving him hanging.
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The Guardian’s Oath, Part Fourteen
The plot continues to thicken. Catch up on what you might have missed in the previous parts linked in the Master List. 
Pairing: Feargal Devitt/ Finn Balor x OFC
Word count: 2,288
Content advisory: More smut here and some possibly disturbing bits related to pregnancy
The summer seemed intent on making me suffer. Everyone from the town and the village agreed that it was the hottest weather they’d had in many years and my body felt every bit of it. The more I grew, the hotter it became. I spent nights lying awake in bed, body soaked with sweat, unable to position myself comfortably because I always had this heavy ball attached to my body. I was literally reduced to tears from the discomfort and prayed that I could give birth soon so that I could at least have my own body back. 
I expected that Balor would come to taunt me again, come to threaten to take the child, or to take us both, but he never appeared. I had Feargal, who tended gently to me and comforted me as he could. It was an adjustment for him, being at home much more often, and I could tell that he was a little on edge at the change. When he grew tense, there were moments when I thought I saw flashes of the Demon in him and I hated myself for being unable to rid myself of the thought that they were one and the same. 
Worst of all was that, in the midst of those endless nights, there were times when I longed desperately for Balor’s touch. It seemed like the sensations that he could create in me might distract me if only for a few moments. I could feel that he was close, always, watching me and planning. Thinking about what had happened between us, my sex ached with unsatisfied need. I shuddered to imagine what might happen to the baby if anything were to occur but that didn’t stop my body from wanting it. 
Sometimes, I dreamt that he’d come for me and for my baby. I felt his fingers close around my throat, his breath hot on my neck. Other times, I felt his hand trailing over my stomach, kneading at the stretched skin, that fine membrane that allowed me to protect my child completely. 
But when I would open my eyes, there was nothing to see, just Feargal sleeping next to me, features twitching as if he too were fighting something off in his dreams. Sometimes my stirring would wake him as well and his eyes would alight on me with an irritated expression, only to melt into tenderness as he realized where he was and why I was in the state that I was. When this would happen, he would kiss me over my face and hands and stroke my back until I fell asleep in his arms. 
It was on perhaps the hottest night of the year, or at least what felt like the hottest to me in my state, that Balor finally appeared to me. I had been convinced that I heard noises coming from the children’s room but when I went to check on them, they were sound asleep. When I walked back into our bedroom, however, I was immediately aware that something was different. The air, so heavy and stale in the late summer heat, felt fresher against my skin and it was somehow cooler than it had been, without being uncomfortable. 
I could barely see but it felt like I had stepped outside. Blurred lights hovered in the distance in all directions, even above and the bed in the room seemed enormous. 
“Feargal?” I croaked, seeing that the bed was unoccupied. 
I was so overwhelmed with the desire for sleep that I practically fell onto the bed, crawling towards my customary side and trying not to fall onto my swollen stomach. I wanted to call out for my husband again but I saw a familiar figure moving in the shadows. As he appeared before me, I strained to focus, needing to know once and for all if Finn Balor and Feargal Devitt were the same, but I was so weak and so very sleepy. I collapsed on my back, crying a little as I fought the urge to welcome him to my bed. 
He climbed on the end of the bed, running one rough hand along my calf, which was enough to ignite a fire in me. He cackled softly when he observed how my legs parted a little, inviting him to slide his hand higher. My mind was screaming that I should stand up and do whatever it took to put distance between myself and him but my body refused to cooperate. It had been so long since I felt the dark magic of his touch. 
“How beautiful you are like this,” he purred, running his hand up my thigh and making me gasp. “So ripe and needy.”
“I don’t understand my body anymore,” I whined, as much to myself as to him. 
“But I do,” he growled. 
He dragged one long finger through the folds at my crevice and I could not stop myself from crying out at the sensation. He continued the movement, as light a touch as I could imagine, back and forth, humming in pleasure to himself as he felt the flesh there grow wet and slippery. Finally, satisfied that I was desperate enough, he curled two fingers inside me, moving them slowly until I unconsciously began thrusting against them, feeling the ache of unmet desire that had been building in me for months become unbearable. Smiling, he obliged me by moving faster and harder and then, without missing a beat, he dipped his head between my legs. 
I screamed the instant his mouth connected with the swollen bundle of nerves, unprepared for the intensity of the sensation, for the pleasure as he nipped and sucked while reaching that magical point inside me that only he had been able to find. It was seconds before I felt like I exploded, hot juices pouring from my opening while at the same time tears leaked from my eyes. My vision went black, then white, then black and white again as a stream of mewls and cries escaped my lips. 
The man who rose to look at me seemed to shift between dark and light as well: I could see my beloved and the Demon at once until there was no perceptible difference between them. And in my weakness, all I knew was that this was the man I wanted. 
“I need you,” I rasped, grabbing at his arm. 
He was happy to oblige, lining his rigid member up with my sex and thrusting home with one swift movement. Once again, it seemed that every nerve was awakened, excited at the feeling of him being inside me, and I was quickly reduced to a quivering mass once again. 
His fingers dug into my hips, allowing him to move harder and faster as he cursed and snarled about the way my body had tightened inside, and, over and over again, how he was going to keep me, how he was going to take me and the child. I knew I should resist, that I should refuse him, but I felt heavy and weak and helpless, lost in pleasure and unable to extricate myself. I groaned in ecstasy as I felt him release and the hot mixture of our fluids flooded from my cavity and down to the bedsheets. 
I grasped the bedsheets in both fists as I slowly started to come down, releasing my grip only to swat at something that tapped at my hand from a distance. The tapping continued, despite my attempts to hit back at whatever it was, until I finally opened my eyes and saw Sophia standing next to the bed, the same bed I slept in every night in the familiar bedroom that was filled with the sounds of my gasping for air. 
“You were crying,” she said flatly. 
“I was just having a bad dream,” I gasped, trying desperately to figure out how I had returned to this place, or if I had even left to begin with. 
“Is everything ok?” she asked. 
“Everything is fine. Everything is safe,” I assured her. Her expression was so vacant that I thought for a moment she was sleepwalking again. “Come, I’ll take you back to bed,” I offered. 
She kept her eyes fixed on me as I wriggled ungracefully out of the bed and padded down the hall with her in my bare feet. As she crawled under her covers, she cupped my face in one of her slim hands and kissed my cheek. 
“It’s going to be harder for you,” she whispered sadly. 
I kissed the top of her head and answered, “We’ll be fine.”
I smiled as if I could not possibly have been more confident in what I was saying. I had found ways to hold the monster at bay for so long now, I thought, surely I could negotiate something? Did his wanting to “keep” me not indicate some kind of affection for me? Or at least, would it not mean that he would prefer for me to be happy? I repeated variations of this argument in my head as I headed back to my room and climbed as gently as I could into the bed. 
Feargal’s eyes opened as soon as I sat down and he smiled softly. 
“I was worried when I saw you weren’t here,” he sighed. “I keep thinking you’ll disappear one night.”
“I couldn’t disappear even if I wanted to,” I moaned. “I’m as broad as a barn door and move about as fast.”
“You’re beautiful,” he mumbled, pulling me into his arms. “There’s nothing that could make you less than beautiful.”
I shuddered a little as he ran his hand over my swollen stomach, thinking of all the ugly things I had already done that ate away at my soul and wondering what might still be asked of me. 
Feargal crept quietly from our bed a few hours later, obviously taking every precaution to avoid disturbing me. I was half-awake and aware of his movements but his determination to let me rest was so sweet that I pretended to sleep, smiling just a little when he kissed my cheek before heading downstairs. Left on my own, I did manage to drift off, only to dream of him shifting between man and demon as I tried to demand what he wanted. 
“You have access to me whenever you want. If you want this child I’m going to bear, then leave it in my care since it will need a mortal mother anyway. Why do you need to take us away?”
“I move between worlds,” the awful, familiar voice echoed in my head. “You can’t. Why would I choose to keep you only to leave you in the world where I have to appear as something less than I am?”
“Let me have just a little longer,” I begged. 
I woke with a sharp little cry, suddenly aware of a stabbing pain in my abdomen, which in turn frightened Susan as she entered the bedroom. 
“Oh ma’am I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you!”
I shook my head and smiled at her. “I was having a nightmare. You didn’t disturb me at all.”
She gathered the clothes we had set aside for washing, still looking very apologetic. 
“My mother told me she’d get all sorts of terrible nightmares near her time.”
It was a relief to me to know that what I had experienced might just be a normal side effect of my condition and that everything might be normal after the baby was born. I grabbed my dressing gown and slowly lifted myself up, wincing at another sharp cramp. 
“Please don’t get up, ma’am, you need your rest.”
“I do nothing but rest, Susan. And who knows long that’s going to continue.” I fumbled with the lacing of the robe in my thick, numb fingers. “If I can get around a little then that’s what-”
“You must get back in bed,” she insisted. 
I turned to face her and was immediately confronted with a face of shock and fear. She nodded towards the bed, breathing heavily. 
“Get back in bed right away,” she repeated. “I’ll go for the doctor.”
A bright red patch of blood stained the ivory sheets where I had been laying. I knew that blood meant there was something wrong and Susan’s expression told me just how dangerous it might be. I followed her directive and crawled back onto the bed, shaking off the robe as I did. She stayed only until she was satisfied that I had obeyed her directive and then she was off at a speed I had never seen from her. I heard a flurry of voices downstairs and then more footsteps, followed by the door opening and closing. I tried to focus on all the sounds but as I did, I felt warm liquid seeping from me, down my thighs. I touched my fingers to the skin and, as I feared, when I lifted them, they were smeared with blood. 
Kate entered the room and placed a hand on my forehead. “You’re not feverish,” she reported, trying to smile. 
“I’m bleeding.”
She nodded. “The doctor’ll be here soon and he’ll know what to do.”
I wanted to ask her if this meant there was something wrong with the baby, or if I was going to die in childbirth as my mother had before me but I knew that she did not have those answers. Nor could she tell me what it would mean for the Demon Balor if the child or I died. No one could tell me that, save the Demon himself and for once, I could not feel his presence in the room with me. 
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dyde21 · 5 years
Soul Eater: Height
So @azroazizah made some incredibly cute freaking art for Soul and Maka and that really inspired me to try and write for them again. It’s been years, but they were originally the OTP I wrote for first. This came out kind of short, but they gave me a cute prompt that I wanted to try and fill! I hope you enjoy! It’s based off this drawing by them HERE
Maka let out a huff as she scooted back into the corner of the couch a little more, hiding her face behind her book. She was glaring at her boyfriend Soul as he was currently rummaging in the kitchen for food. He was in just a pair of sweats, freshly out of the shower as he was on his toes slightly, reaching to the back of the top shelf. Now Maka wasn’t complaining about his attire, living together for so long meant she was rather accustomed to the pleasant view. But it was the fact he was reaching the top shelf with relative ease.
Why was he so damn tall? 
They had met when they were both young, they were both about the same height. She had gotten used to that and enjoyed it. She liked feeling equal with Soul. They were partners, and they balanced each other out. 
But then… that happened. Puberty had hit him like a truck eventually and he just kept growing. The change hadn’t been too fast, it had taken her a while to realize just how big of distance there was starting to be between them. Whether it was him complaining that his pants didn’t fit him anymore, or that she kept finding things placed on shelves that she couldn’t easily reach and he wasn’t doing it intentionally. Sure, puberty had hit her too. She was a little curvier, which she was thankful for, and a little taller. But it had apparently only gave her a passing glance. She had stopped growing while she swore Soul was still getting a little taller every once in a while. 
“Hm?” He asked, turning around as he scratched the back of his head, an apple in his mouth. 
Maka’s eyes trailed up and down his annoyingly tall body for a moment before she sighed. “Do you think I’m still growing?” She asked, not really caring that he probably didn’t understand where she was coming from with that question out of the blue. 
He looked at her for a moment. “Maybe? You’ve grown pretty nicely though in my opinion.” He offered, glancing at her. “Didn’t you say you your bra size is bi-” He let out a gasp of pain as her book collided with his head with a dangerous precision. He leaned back against the counter, rubbing his head and cursing her. 
“That’s not what I meant.” She muttered, blushing slightly as she looked away. “Then what?” He asked, patiently walking over to hand her her book back.
She shrugged. “Forget it. It doesn’t matter. It’s stupid.” She countered.
He let out a sigh, muttering something about her being uncool. “I’m hungry and we don’t really have anything. Let’s go out for dinner.” He offered, looking at her patiently.
With a sigh, she nodded and stood up. “Fine. You can buy me dinner tonight.” She said, putting her book away.
“What? Now hold on, I didn’t say…” 
“Shush. We wanna go before the lines get long. Now go get dressed.” She countered, shoving him gently towards his room as he just walked away, muttering about crazy questions and crazy girlfriends. 
While Maka gathered her stuff, she smiled to herself. It wasn’t lost on her that Soul was trying to get her out of the house because he was worried she was upset. She knew all his tricks pretty well by now. Especially when they had gone shopping yesterday and picked up all the snacks he usually loved eating.
Standing in the mirror, she adjusted her hair a little bit. It was just a casual outing, but she did still want to look nice for him. 
When he left his room, she felt her heart flutter a bit. He was looking cool, as usual. He could always clean up so nicely. While others may have thought he was super casual about it, Maka knew he did actually try hard to look nice. His secret was just pretending he didn’t. 
“Ready?” He asked, sliding his wallet into his back pocket.
“Mhmm.” She said happily as they left, climbing on his bike. 
As they rode down the street, Maka had her arms wrapped around his waist. She noticed she could see a lot less now. She used to be able to see around him pretty easily, but his back had gotten so broad. It also felt a little firmer, he had definitely buffed up a bit since his more scrawny days of youth. 
Looking down at herself, she frowned slightly. Had she really changed like he had? Some days it didn’t feel like. Especially when next to girls like Blair or Tsubaki. Hugging him a little tighter as they drove, she forced those thoughts out of her head. Jealousy wasn’t healthy. Soul loved her, he had proved that many times by now. He was just a little bigger now.
They eventually got to their usual pizza place, and she approached the door. Soul’s arm reached out, holding it open when she opened it and noticed his arm was comfortably above her head. She hurried in, standing in line as she tried to figure out what she wanted. Maybe she was just hungry. She didn’t normally how tall he was. 
“So-” She was about to ask him if he had decided what he wanted, going to take a step back when she collided with him. He budged slightly, but when she looked up, she saw him gazing down at her with his crooked smile. “Careful.” He warned, wrapping an arm over her shoulder and kissing the top of her head.
Maka realized two things. One, that she barely reached his shoulders now. The second was that she felt safe. While he always made her feel safe when he was around, even in the midst of combat, something about his height made her want to lean a little closer into him. 
“You’re tall.” She muttered, without really thinking about it too much. 
Soul glanced down at her. “Huh? I guess.” He said, scratching the back of his head nervously. “It’s kinda lame, I know. Nothing fits right, and I’m all lanky now.” He confessed, pouting slightly as he looked away. 
Maka’s mouth just opened slightly as she stared at him. He didn’t like being tall? 
Before she cold refute him, the cashier cleared her throat and Maka realized they had been next for a little while. Blushing, she quickly stepped forward and dragged Soul with her, ordering the first thing she saw. They paid quickly, leaving a tip for good measure before they backed up to go sit at a table. Maka buried her face in her hands, hating how spacy she was today. She should be past this by now. 
Soul was still looking out the window, resting his chin in his hand. He had a slight pout on his features and Maka felt a frown creep on her face. Was he really bothered about what he said earlier.
“I’m jealous that you’re tall, you know?” She said after the food had been delivered and he still hadn’t said anything.
He paused mid-bite looking over at her. “Why?” He asked, before chewing. 
“Cause you look older and mature. You look even cooler now.” She confessed, resting her cheek on her hand for a moment. “You’ve really grown into yourself.”
Soul just stared at her, slowly chewing. “Maybe. But you didn’t get all lanky. You guys got hotter.” He admitted. “You grew up too, just in a more refined way. Trust me.” He admitted, blushing slightly and looking away. 
Maka also felt her cheeks flush at the compliment, not knowing Soul to be that direct that often.
The rest of their pizza date was a little brighter, in Maka’s opinion. They spent more time laughing, and Soul kept nudging her foot under the table, until it turned into an all out kicking war that earned some kicks but had them both laughing. 
Eventually their little mini-date ended and they found themselves back at the apartment as night fell. They were cuddled up, watching a movie on TV. Soul kept dozing off, but she didn’t mind. His arms were wrapped around her, pulling her tight against his chest and she could feel the rise and fall of his chest. It wasn’t the first time they had spooned by any stretch of the imagination, but she realized how well felt felt against him. His presence was like a warm blanket, keeping her safe as she snuggled a little closer. She managed to turn down the volume of the movie, moments before her eyes slid shut and she fell asleep safe in her boyfriend’s arms. Maybe him getting a little taller wasn’t such a bad thing.
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lightanddarklove · 5 years
Connverse Week Day 2: Singing
Singing while Sloshed
Rated: Teen  | Tw: Drinking/ Drunkenness
Connie Maheswaran/Steven Universe | Connie Maheswaran & Steven Universe Read on Archive of Our Own | Day 1 prompt |  Day 3 Prompt | Day 4 prompt  | Day 5 prompt |  Day 6 Prompt | Day 7 prompt | My Writing Masterpost
This is obscenely long for what was supposed to be a drabble so I'm just going to link @susoftjockau, they’re incredibly wholesome and cute.
Edit: I may have gotten a few things wrong because I posted at 3 am, & this is an unbeta’d work. Also, being that I am not affiliated with the SJ AU, I don’t know if Fiona’s personality at all fits within its standard. If there’s another cheerleader character that her actions would make more sense for, I can totally change it. Its Connverse focused after all.
The first song Steven's riffing on is "It's Only Love" (though you may know it as Michelle) by The Beatles. The second song is "Love Like You," Steven Universe's extended credits theme.
I am continuing this for thursday’s prompt, together, as I orginally wanted them to have a conversation in the morning but at 3 am I had to call this done. I wrote over 4k words in one day that I was off from work and I can’t be doing that again, or staying up later, haha.
Lastly, the idea that Steven only likes sweet alcoholic bevs is hardwired into me, as someone who hates beer and wine, I think he wouldn't like them either. I mean he doesn't like energy drinks for stars sake (he makes a face when drinking one in Kevin Party), what about beer would be appealing when he can have wine coolers and ciders?
Anyway, feedback makes me smile, even if you tell me about typos or that I could be doing something better. Please let me know of I neglected any tags I should mention. Thanks for reading!
Edit 2: Tumblr mobile ate this post so when I got back home and tried to fix i the format didn’t have my readmore, so if you reblog it won’t be as much of a wall of text anymore. Sorry!
A night at a party for College-age Steven and Connie results in one too strong drink, a clumsy walk home, and embracing each other through the tears. Hurt-Comfort in the Soft Jock AU. Established relationship, but no significant physical intimacy. Rated T for drinking and one use of mild language. Some depression talk and self esteem issues too. Teen.
Steven had been sitting at a table, enjoying the music and sipping a soda in a red plastic cup until all that was left was ice. He was waiting for Connie to finish her conversation with Natalie across the room. He bobbed his head lightly to the music playing from the speaker by the doorway. He was smiling at Connie until Fiona came to sit down in front of him. He sat up a bit straighter and looked at her.
“Hey Fiona,” he said.
“You sticking around, Universe? Or you itching to get out of here,” asked Fiona.
“I wouldn’t say I’m itching to get out of here,” he replied. “But Connie and I were looking to leave soon.”
“Do you want another drink before you go?”
“Well, I did already have 2 wine coolers earlier, so I think I’m done for the night.”
“Really,” she asked. “I mean, how long ago was that? Like 10?”
“10:30,” he replied. “But I have to get home soon, anyway.”
“That was almost 2 hours ago.” She said. “You can have another drink. I’ll be right back, wait here. You like soda and orange flavor, right?” She began to stand and he tried to wave her back.
“Don’t trouble yourself for me, Fiona.”
“If you like soda and fruit juices, you’ll like it. You can barely taste the alcohol, the way I make it. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll make one for each of us.”
“Well, ok.”
She disappeared into the kitchen, just past the speakers. He tapped his foot and glanced back to Connie, who had leaned into Natalie as their conversation continued. Natalie had on a wry expression as she finished telling Connie something, and Connie threw her head back and laughed. It was nice to see Connie be more comfortable with herself after a few years in college. To see her laughing at a party and not have himself be the cause of it was a good feeling. Steven can’t help but feel his chest swell with pride. He smiled at her but didn’t try to get her attention yet.
With a clink, a glass was set down in front of him, Fiona sliding in from his peripherals. The drink didn’t look bubbly, a brown-orange tone with a few ice cubes and a lemon wedge hung over its rim. The glass looked like a juice glass, not designed to hold over 10 ounces, and it wasn’t full, so he assumed it was about a 6 to 8 oz drink. Fiona had her glass in her hand as she sat next to Steven with smirk.
“Ready to try something new, Steven?” Fiona asked. “Take a sip without the lemon first, then squirt it if you want it more sour.” She raised her glass, waiting to have him give her a cheers with his.
He lifted the drink and clinked hers, quietly saying “Cheers,” before bringing it to his lips. Sweet and sour was the first flavor he noted, and then mostly orange, with some cola blending in and a minor alcoholic tang. He was pretty sure the base of the liquor was tequila, but there were other flavors he couldn’t identify, since he was pretty new to trying drinks. He nodded and smiled after the first sip. “It’s good.”
“You like?” Fiona replied, voice coy.
“Yeah,” he said, and with two gulps his drink was almost gone. She snorted, seeing how quick he had downed the cocktail. He gasped quietly, the burn in his throat stronger than the flavors had made it out to be.
“Careful there, Universe, or you’ll be on the floor,” Fiona remarked. “You aren’t a lightweight, are you?”
“Its fine,” he replied, downing the last sip. His eyes drifted back to Connie who was quickly approaching from across the room, brows knitted in concern, and Natalie behind her. He moved to stand from the stool and stumbled slightly, not expecting to be feeling the alcohol so quickly. Connie moved her arms to steady him.
“You ok?” she asked, eyeing him over. Steven gave a dopey smile and leaned on her slightly.
“Heeeeeyyyy Connieeee,” his voice turning sultry and mellow. His lowered pitch sent a chill up her spine, but she pushed the feeling that thrilled her down and rounded on Fiona, glaring.
“What did you give him?” Connie barked.
“It looked like a Long Island Iced Tea,” Natalie said from behind Connie.
“I call it…” Fiona replied, pausing for effect and waving her half-finished drink in one hand, “a Strong Island Iced Tea. It’s got more tequila and sours than the standard.”
“A Long Island Iced Tea,” Connie half-shouted, exasperated. “Are you kidding me, Fiona? That has 5 kinds of alcohol in it!”
“Whoa,” Steven remarked quietly but with his lowered tone it made Connie feel warm in the pit of her stomach. “I didn’t know that. You’re so smart, Connie.” Her cheeks burned with blush as he said it with such adoration.
“He’s hammered,” Natalie crooned, half-way hiding a chuckle, before straightening up and gesturing her hand out. “Gimmie his keys. He shouldn’t be driving anywhere tonight.”
“I’m not hammered, jus’ a lil’ tipsy.” He slurred. He swayed slightly as Connie fished through his Jacket pocket. “Gimme an hour and I’ll be fiinnneee.”
“Definitely not,” she replied firmly, but not harshly. She handed Natalie Steven’s car keys. “You can stay with me tonight, ok? Sleepover?” He gasped with excitement.
“Sleepover!” he warbled hazily. “With Connie. You’re so sweet.” Her face felt hotter, as she gripped his hand in hers.
“Thanks for this, Fiona,” Connie said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “See you later.” Fiona grinned and waved.
“Don’t dare take advantage of him,” Natalie called, starting to walk back toward the party-goers. “I’ll find out. And make sure he hydrates.” She took out her phone and sent a group text to Steven and Connie, I have your keys, come get them after you’ve slept it off.
“I got this,” Connie replied, exasperation clear in her tone. She looked back in his face at his reddening eyes and put on a plating smile, trying to speak more kindly. “Let’s go get some rest, ok? You look tired.”
“You’re the best, Connie.” He said, glowing with inebriation. She began to lead him out when he started to serenade her, causing her mild blush to spread to her ears, face beet red. The tune was recognizable, a reworked Beatles cover.
“Connie, my sweet
You have made my heart feel joy complete
My Connie.”
“He doesn’t normally do this in front of others,” she called, voice slightly shaken with embarrassment to the partygoers as she led him through the entryway. “Please ignore us and have a good night.” They passed through the main doorway of the off campus housing as he continued his song.
“Connie, my sweet
Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble”
His French pronunciation was faltering. She knew he was at an intermediate Italian level. But in trying to speak French, it sounded like he had tried Duolingo for an hour and was making a fool of himself pretending he had been doing it his whole life. He pitched forward again and she had to nearly dive to keep him upright. She hoisted as much of his broad shoulders and chest over her smaller frame without attempting to carry him outright as he sang sweetly in her ear, legs stumbling behind her.
“I love you, I love you, I love you
That's all I want to say
Until I find a way
I will say the only words I know that you'll understand”
She lead him on sidewalks, trying to take the most direct route to her dorm and avoiding uneven surfaces as best she could. Her blush had died down, mainly because other people weren’t watching them. The way his warm frame leaned against her dragging the thrilling feeling out of her again, making her heart pound firmly against her ribs. Still, she tried to keep focus and lead them out of the chill night air as quick as she could.
“Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble
I need to, I need to, I need to
I need to make you see
Oh, what you mean to me
Until I do, I'm hoping you will know what I mean
I love you”
“You’re so sappy,” Connie replied, voice quiet. “I know that you would do his sober, but I just wish this kind of thing was just for the two of us, you know?”
“I want you, I want you, I want you
I think you know by now
I'll get to you somehow
Until I do, I'm telling you so you'll understand”
She leaned against him as she held his hand outside of her dorm, fumbling with her keys as she kept her left hand gripped tight to his right.
“Connie, my sweet
Sont les mots qui vont tres bien ensemble
Tres bien ensemble
And I will say the only words I know that you'll understand
My Connie.”
He faltered a bit as they came through the doorway, smacking his left arm just above his wrist as she lead him upstairs to her room. Connie winced at the sound. She was grateful her roommate Carly was out of town for the evening. She still probably will hear about it, the rumor mill ran strong on this campus, but at least Connie was spared from more embarrassment this evening.
“You done now?” she asked. She sat him down on the bed and dug through her closet for his spare pair of sweatpants she kept there.
“Uh-huh,” Steven replied, voice thick and alluring. “Thanks for takin’ me back, Strawberry, I know you always lookin’ out for me. I’m lucky I have someone like you. Love you.”
She shivered at the praise, avoiding his eyes as she set the pants down on a clean patch of floor.
“You need to drink some water and take some aspirin before bed.” Connie ordered. “Stay put, I’m going to get both of those things.” She pulled her own pajamas from the corner of the bed and closed the bathroom door behind her. She grabbed the aspirin bottle from the cabinet and set it on the counter. Glancing back to ensure that the door was fully closed, she peeled her outfit off quickly and tugged her PJs on. Grabbing her hairbrush and two pills from the bottle of medicine, she backed outside. Steven still sat on the bed, swaying lazily.
“Hiiii Connnniiieeee.” His voice had drawn back up to its usual tenor as he greeted him. She smiled.
“Hi Steven, stay here for a minute, ok?” She replied. “I’m going to the kitchen, and I want you to wait because I don’t want to risk you falling on the stairs.” She placed the brush on the pants she had set out and kept the pills clutched to her palm by her ring and pinky finger.
“Yooooouuuu got it!” He gave a thumbs up.
She darted out of the room after he confirmed he would stay, and hurried down the stairs. She pulled 2 water bottles from the fridge, both eco-friendly bottles that she and Steven had shared before. After grabbing clean reusable straws from the drying rack to put in the bottles, she marched back upstairs. She left her door open and found Steven had taken his shoes and jacket off in the time she was gone. He laid on his stomach, feet crossed and head propped up on his arms across her bed diagonally.
“You’re cute in your PJs, Connie.” He caught her off guard with that compliment. But she crossed the room anyway and sat next to his head. Despite how lucid he sounded, it was best he got some water in him before going to sleep.
“Thanks, but can you sit up for me? I have some medicine I need to give you and then I’ll brush your hair.”
“Yay! Sleepover activities!” He propped himself up onto his elbows and stuck his tongue out, leaning his head back for the aspirins. She was glad he trusted her this much, but it was a bit worrying that he was so lax. She hoped he would always keep himself safe as he dropped the two pills into his open mouth and pressed the straw of the bottle to his tongue. He leaned on one hand as he took the bottle from her in the other, sipping the water through the straw. If he was always this trusting while drunk, someone could take advantage of him, and that thought scared her. She wanted to think about anything else, so she gently took his curls in her hand and gave them a gentle stroke. A chill went along his back and shoulders and he made a little excited noise.
“I want to brush your hair,” she offered. “Can I take your hair tie out?”
“Mmm-hmm,” his response came around the straw. With a gentle tug the hair tie was out and his curls came loose, framing his maturing face. She stood, watching him as she moved toward the brush on the floor. He finished his sip and let out a contented sigh. “I hope I haven’ been too much trouble, Berry.”
“What?” she asked as she got the brush and came back to sit next to him.
“I’m all loopy, an’ you’ve been takin’ care of me.” His response was quiet but mostly coherent.
“I know you would do the same for me, drunk, sick or whatever, Biscuit,” she replied. “I’m not upset that you need help. It’s ok to ask. Now I’m gonna ask that you sit in front of me so I can brush your hair.”
“Kaaay.” He called, setting the water down on her end table. She gasped as he suddenly rolled off the bed and landed on his left forearm and knees, not reacting quite fast enough to catch himself with his hands. It was still impressive he hadn’t fallen onto his face.
“Steven-“Connie scolded.
“Huh?” he sat up and scooted his back up against her knees.
“Don’t be so careless,” she replied. “You scared me. And drink your water, please.”
“I can do that,” he said. He leaned over to grab the bottle and then rested his head touching her knees. She flipped his hair up onto her thighs, accessing the ends and began brushing. He hummed contentedly. “You’re great, Connie. I’m glad that this all didn’ go badly.” Her brows furrowed with concern as she worked through his tangles. “Was scared, ya know? If you weren’ keeping me calm, I might’ve been the angry drunk type, an’ made a mess of things.”
“I-“ Connie felt her hands shake slightly as she tried to muster a response. “That could happen to anybody, you shouldn’t worry too much…”
“Buh my powers, if ‘m not careful, I could hurt somebody, then I’d get expelled, or arrested, fer sure.” She gripped the brush tightly and accidentally pulled back on a knot. He hissed quietly through his teeth and she dropped the brush. His shoulders trembled slightly and she heard a sniff. She dropped down onto her knees, hugging him from behind.
“No Steven,” she replied, her voice thick with emotion. “I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone.” He sniffed again, putting his water down and scrubbed at his face.
“Turns out… I’m actually a sad drunk,” he joked, and turned to face her. Her eyes were shining with unshed tears and he gasped. “Oh nooooo… now I’ve made you sad. I’m sorry. ‘m so sorry. So so sorry.” He turned around fully, kneeling and held her tight to his chest. Fat tears dripped down his cheeks. She clutched to his shirt, resting her head on his shoulder and let her own tears fall.
“You don’t- you shouldn’t feel like it’s- it isn’t your fault,” she stuttered.
“I made you cr-cry,” He bawled. “I’m always hurting people, even wh-when I don’t meeean to.” She took a steadying breath, trying to defuse his turbulent emotions.
“You’re allowed to forgive yourself, Steven,” she replied, looking up. Her eyes still shone with wetness, staring into his face as he looked away.
“I- I- embar- rrassed you, I made you cryyyy, and- nd I burdened you with my prob-blems,” he hiccupped. “I shouldn’ be here- I need to-“He moved to stand but Connie held tight.
“No.” she ordered. “You should stay. You’re upset and you’re allowed to be. You can talk to me about anything. Please don’t go. I’ll worry if you leave.”
“Please,” she repeated.
That was convincing enough. He wilted into her touch, resting his head on her shoulder. Any sign of resistance melted away into fatigue. A few trace sobs shook his frame before they quieted. She kept one hand on his shoulder and grabbed Steven’s water with the other. She pulled away long enough to press the drink into his hands. He nodded, sitting down fully and drinking quietly. She sat in front of him and ran one hand through his hair, and gave him gentle strokes on his upper arm with her opposite arm.
“You look like you’re stewing.” She remarked gently. “Having a few drinks doesn’t make you a bad person. Asking for help doesn’t either. I’ll gladly have a few embarrassing stories about me if it means you get to go home safe tomorrow. Letting you leave by yourself and get hurt would have been far worse than anything else that could have gone wrong. You deserve to be safe, ok?” He nodded meekly, finishing the drink with a loud slurp. “You aren’t asking too much to be here. You don’t deserve to feel like a burden, and no one I know would ever say that about you.” He quietly leaned forward, dropping the empty bottle to the space between his thighs and went to press his forehead to hers. She obliged him.
“Thank you,” he half-whispered.
“Now, are you steady enough to stand, or will you need help getting changed?” she leaned over to where the sweatpants she had put out for him earlier sat and pulled herself close to him after grabbing them. He opened his palms to her and let her place them in his hands.
“I think I got it.” His face was tinged with blush at the suggestion. He pressed his right palm to the floor, moving to stand. She pulled herself to her feet first and offered him a hand up. He threw his pants over his shoulder and took his hand. She smiled gently at him. He fondly returned the gesture, steadily making his way to the bathroom door.
“Oh wait, I just want to grab something out of there,” she called, hurriedly stepping in front of him. She snatched the aspirin off the counter and put it away, grabbing makeup wipes and a compact mirror from her medicine cabinet. She stepped out, gesturing behind her. “It’s all yours. Please be careful, maybe sit on the toilet to get changed? I don’t want you to fall.”
With a sigh he nodded. He stepped through the doorway and closed it behind him. She leaned against the wall next to the door and took a make-up wipe out, swiping her mascara streaked eyes before opening the compact. As she worked the wipe across her face she herd Steven’s gentle singing come through the door, just over the sounds of him changing.
“If I could begin to be
Half of what you think of me
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love
When I see the way you act
Wondering when I'm coming back
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you”
She recognized the song as being something he had said the gems had sung for him when he was young. It stung that he might think these kind of thoughts about himself. She swallowed hard.
“Love like you
I always thought I might be bad
Now I'm sure that it's true
'cause I think you're so good
And I'm nothing like you”
“Steven, I promise that isn’t true…” She called through the wall. She heard him stand and move toward the door.
“Look at you go
I just adore you
I wish that I knew
What makes you think I'm so special…”
She stood as the door opened and embraced him. He leaned forward into her and sang quietly into her neck. She held him close and rubbed soothing circles into his shoulders. He swayed gently into her touch as he crooned.
“If I could begin to do
Something that does right by you
I would do about anything
I would even learn how to love
When I see the way you look
Shaken by how long it took
I could do about anything
I could even learn how to love like you
Love like you
Love me like you…”
They stood in silence for a moment and just enjoyed being held by each other. After a bit, she lowered her hand and took him by the wrist, leading him to the bed. After he sat, she took her garbage and placed it near the head of the bead and cleared her night stand.
“You’re going to be on the outside of the bed tonight.” She remarked quietly. “I’m the big spoon this time. Just let me know if you start to feel sick. I don’t care if I’m sleeping, I will hold your hair back.” He nodded. “How do you feel right now?”
“Not great, but, better than before,” he muttered.
“Well, I’m going to try and make it better. Lie down, ok?”
“Mmm-hmm.” He obliged without protest. She grabbed the comforter, tucked him in and crossed the room, shutting the light off. She stepped over him and lied down by his left shoulder. She untucked that side of the bed to get herself firmly snuggled into the weighted blanket, and nimbly re-tucked them both in.
“Night, biscuit.” She murmured. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” He replied. “Night.” He turned to face away, pointing his face toward the trash bin in case his stomach lurched in protest while sleeping. She rubbed few more gentle circles into his back and let herself be comforted with his warmth beside him. He heard her breathing even out before long, hoping that sleep would come easier with her beside him. It wasn’t long before the heaviness in his heart was outweighed by heavy eyelids, and drifted into slumber.
Morning came, as it always did, a bit too soon for Connie’s liking. She gave a quiet sigh through her nose and lifted her head to check on Steven, who she could hear was snoring quietly. He had turned in the night to lie on his back, and his calf draped over her lower legs. His expression looked peaceful, but dark circles still showed on the pale skin beneath his eyes. Craning her neck, she could see the bathroom had looked as she had left it, as did the trash bin. It was unlikely seeing these two things in place that he had gotten sick in the night and not woken her.
She laid back down, pressing her face into the soft skin of his upper arm. He smiled contentedly but stayed asleep. It was a Sunday, so no pressing commitments for either of them. She could let him rest and deadlines for Monday be damned. She draped her arm across his torso, and let herself melt into the bed. She told him he deserved to be safe, and she never felt safer than with her next to him. Hopefully, the reverse was true, and she could help him to feel safe and loved. For now, what he needed was sleep, and she wouldn’t deny him that peace. He gave her joy and that was precious to her. So she would help however she could, and that meant staying in bed. She would take it any day.
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bumblebeug · 5 years
Paris, City of Heat.  Felinette November Day 6 and 7
I thought it would be fun to make a combo day out of Day 6: Roadtrip and Day 7: Couple’s Firsts. This piece can be considered a companion piece to Paris, City Of Love (or Felinette November Day 4: Vacation). This takes place during a, August heatwave because I am trying to invoke warm feelings (it’s snowing where I am).
Paris, City Of Heat
Felix groaned and rolled over, it was only 7am and already much too hot to stay in bed. It was only the second day here in France and already Felix wished he were back home though, logically, he was aware that if a heatwave had hit Paris, England probably wasn’t much cooler. Below, he could hear murmurs. Well, he thought swinging his feet to the floor, it can’t be much hotter down there than it is in this room.
Despite his thoughts, his hand hovered over the knob, what if he interrupted their breakfast? While his grandmother seemed happy that Felix was visiting, he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was holding…something back. What, he had no idea- but it was something to do with Mr. Fu. Perhaps her unwillingness to talk about her relationship was a hint that Felix wasn’t as welcome as his grandmother was pretending.  Felix frowned at the door, maybe he should make his excuses and return home – consequences be damned.
Before he could make a decision on what to do a light tap on the door interrupted him.
“Dear, are you up?” Marianne twisted the knob and Felix was forced to step back in order to allow it to open without hitting him, “Good morning darling, bet it was the heat that’s gotten you, hm?”
Mutely, Felix nodded and shuffled slightly away from her reach, not wanting her to ruffle his damp hair.
She smiled, “It’s the humidity’s fault – if it weren’t for that, it wouldn’t feel so hot. You best get dressed though – guests will be arriving soon and you don’t want to get caught out in your jim-jams.”
“Oh yes, every Saturday my Fu leads a group tai-chi session; you’re welcome to join,” Marianne winked, “That girl from yesterday usually attends with her mother.”
Felix felt his face heat up in embarrassment, “Grandmum, please.”
Marianne smirked as she walked away, “Just thought you ought to know.”
Washing up took no time at all, but Felix found himself paying extra attention to how his hair looked in the mirror, pushing it this way and that.
“Stupid, stupid,” he muttered to himself before giving up and pulling it into its usual look, “I mean honestly, what am I expecting? ‘Oh strange-personal-space-invading boy, I love what you’ve done with your hair.’ Bah.”
In the kitchen, he fixed himself a piece of toast and looked out into the courtyard. As his grandmother had said, there she was – the girl from yesterday, flowing through the motions with an unconscious grace that was at odds with her nervous behaviour yesterday. Not wanting to be caught staring, Felix hurriedly ate his breakfast and retired to the living room to wait out the tai-chi session by reading. Or at least look like I’m reading, Felix thought ruefully as he stared blankly at the words on the page. No matter how hard he tried, as soon as he reached the end of one paragraph, he had forgotten what the beginning of the passage said.
“Felix?” A girl’s voice asked him.
He glanced up and nearly through his book to the floor in shock.
“Hi,” she extended a hand toward him, “I’m Marinette; it’s nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” he managed, shaking her hand in return.
“Your grandmother told me that you’re here visiting and that you wanted to find a way to beat the heat.”
Over her shoulder, Felix met his grandmother’s gaze and narrowed his eyes. She hurried off in the direction of the kitchen.
“Do you have a bike?” Marinette continued talking, oblivious, “If you want, we could go to the Paris-Plages and swim. No one will mind – after tai-chi, all the adults stay and drink tea for a while.”
“Are you sure you won’t be missed? You seemed pretty upset that you were late for something yesterday.”
Marinette waved her hand, “Oh that, I had forgotten that my… guided meditation session had been cancelled because Marianne was visiting.”
Felix cocked his head to the side slightly, Marinette had the same hesitation when it came to talking about Mr. Fu. Why? It briefly crossed his mind to ask her, but he pushed that thought aside – if no one told him, it probably wasn’t his business.
“Alright then,” Felix agreed, “But I don’t have a bike, will that be a problem?”
He felt relieved when Marinette shook her head.
“Just ask Master Fu if you can borrow his, I’m sure he won’t mind.”
Marinette was correct, Mr. Fu was more than happy to lend Felix his bicycle, requesting only that he return it in the condition it was in when he borrowed it. So soon they were off, cycling away to the man-made beaches designed to beat the summer heat.
The artificial breeze on Felix’s face felt good. The fact that he was set to spend an afternoon with Marinette felt better. As they pedaled, Felix and Marinette got better acquainted by trading childhood stories and anecdotes about their families.
“…and then my there was my Dad, desperately miming to the barman that he needed to use the toilette – completely forgetting that the German word and the English word are exactly the same.” Felix laughed at the memory and Marinette nearly crashed her bike, she was laughing so hard.
Suddenly, she looked up and cried, “Andre’s ice-cream!”
Felix pedaled after her, wondering what the big deal was – it was just ice-cream after all.
“Welcome to Andre’s famous ice-cream stand!” Andre boomed jovially, “Ah, I have not seen you before, young man.”
“It’s his first time here!” Marinette squealed excitedly and pushed Felix to the front. As an aside to Felix she whispered, “He has the best ice-cream in Paris. Some even say its magic.”
 “Hmm, yes. I know the perfect combination for you!” Andre twirled his scoop, “Spirulina banana blue for her eyes, rhubarb for her lips, and, to garnish, a chocolate-covered cherry for an unexpected surprise.”
“For the lady: coconut ash, a saffron spice with candied lemon like his hair, and a butterfly pea flower just like his ice-blue stare.”
Andre refused all attempts to pay, waving away Felix’s money and proclaiming that new customers never had to pay. With a shrug, Felix turned to see Marinette staring down at her ice-cream with a contemplative look.
“Is something wrong with your ice-cream?” Felix looked at his own dubiously, disliking that not only that he wasn’t allowed to choose his own flavours but that Andre hadn’t even let him pay – not even a tip. He hoped it meant that Andre had profited enough from the hot day to let two sales slid by.
Her head snapped up, “No, nothing is wrong with it. It’s just… not what I expected. Anyways, we’re only a minute or two away so we can walk the rest.”
“Ah, so the road-trip ends,” Felix joked as he licked his cone, surprised at how well the tastes went together.  
“So it does,” Marinette said tilting her head upward pretending to be royalty. Felix smiled.
“Hey. So what is it about Andre’s ice-cream that makes people say its magic?”
“Uh, well...” 
So Paris-Plages are a real thing that offers French people and tourists a neat way to swim in the Seine River in the summer - usually they are created near the Bassin de la Villette. I based the location of Marinette’s house off of the real-life bakery that inspired Tom and Sabine’s. Because Master Fu is within running distance of Marinette’s house that means that she is only a 20ish minute bike ride from the Paris-Plages and I imagine that it is a popular spot for her and her friends in the summer. 
I have no idea why I went through all the trouble looking this up. 
Also, side note, coconut ash gelato is my favourite flavour of ice-cream - it’s very slightly gritty and makes the gelato a light grey but it’s basically vanilla with a hint of coconut. 
Paris, City of Love
Paris, City of Oo(ps)-Long Tea
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kweebtrash · 5 years
forthenight (M)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Johnny x Reader
Genre: stripper!Johnny, pwp, one shot
Summary: I literally just wanted to write cute smut about Johnny and he so happened to be a stripper with a heart of gold and a dick that would leave anyone wanting more.
Features: blowjobs/eating out, making out, grinding, one night stands, cute and kind of slow sex, slamming that headboard against the wall, reader is shy and awkward because lmao same
Word Count: 5.5k+
I sighed as I exited the club, grateful to be rid of the smell of sweat and spilled alcohol. My friend had decided it was a great idea to host her birthday party at a male strip club and she was already wasted. I didn’t like babysitting drunk people especially when they were starting to get obnoxious. I wanted to go home but also didn’t want to be a buzzkill. I decided that a few minutes outside might recharge my social battery and I could proceed to pretend I was having fun. I leaned against the rough brick of the building and let the semi cool night air wash over me. Though the music of the club was still blaring it was much quieter outside and I was able to feel a bit at peace.
My loneliness was interrupted as I heard the metal door open. A man stepped out in nothing but a leather jacket and tight jeans on, his deep chestnut hair slicked back with sweat. I recognized him as one of the dancers who had been grinding on my friend just an hour or so before. He was beautiful to say the least and I think I had shyly tucked a dollar bill into the skimpy underwear he had been wearing. I watched his long fingers snap at a lighter and ignite the end of a cigarette that dangled from his lips. He took a few puffs, exhaling a little at a time and propped himself against the wall similar to how I was. It was awkward being so close to him and not speaking but how did I speak to a stripper? I mean they were humans too and not just entertainers but I was afraid that I wouldn’t have anything interesting to say. Would I flirt with him? Or ask him about the weather? Both options seemed like they would lead me down the road to embarrassment.
“So, are you the bachelorette or the birthday girl?” He seemed to be reading my mind and thankfully started the conversation.
“Oh…neither actually. I’m with a birthday girl but just as support. Mostly being D.D. I guess.” I replied.
“Well that isn’t fun. Though not being a plastered idiot is a rarity here, it is appreciated.”
“I’m sure you get tired of the ones grabbing onto you without permission and getting too rowdy. That’s how my friend is now and I just needed a break from it all.”
He nodded and hummed in agreement. “Yeah once my set was done I needed a break. It’s too hot in the dressing room and I’m sweating my ass off.”
“Shouldn’t you take off your jacket then?”
He smirked and raised an eyebrow. “So you are trying to see me naked.”
“No!No!” I said, my cheeks flushing vehemently. “I mean I have seen you mostly naked already but like… the leather would just make you hotter. It’s cooler out here.”
He chuckled and it was like melted chocolate, absolute music to my ears. “I’ll get there. So what are your plans for tonight?”
My eyes zoomed up to meet his. “W-what?”
“Are you going to stay here or go home? They can like take an uber.”
“Oh…as much as I would love too, I’d feel bad for leaving them. It looks like i’m stuck here for probably another hour or so. I’m hoping to chorale them.”
“And then after you get them home what are you going to do?”
I looked at him a bit confused but also curious. “Why do you want to know? Planning on following me and killing me?”
He flicked his finished cigarette away and stepped a bit closer to me, propping his hand against the wall. “No, of course not.” He shrugged. “Just that…you’re pretty cute.”
I rolled my eyes, believing that he was totally joking. “Yeah, right. I’m sure you’re literally required to say that to all your customers. I’m not special.”
“I think you are. What’s your name?”
I sighed. “Look, to be honest I don’t have that much more money for tips and I know you got a job to do. I don’t blame you at all but you don’t have to fake flatter me. It’s cool. I can ask my friends if they have more.”
“So, you think that all I want is money and to please women I don’t care about?” He said, eyes narrowing a bit.
I realized how poorly worded and offensive it came out. “N-no, i didn’t…i mean like…you’re an entertainer and I figured that’s what you were getting at. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He pushed himself off the wall and grabbed the door handle, ready to head back inside. “Wouldn’t be the first time.” Just as he was about to leave I moved towards him, setting my hand on his arm. 
“Wait,” I introduced myself. “What’s your name?”
“No, like your real name.” I giggled.
“Johnny.” He said again.
“Oh…fuck. Then what’s your stage name?”
“JSuh. It’s nothing extravagant.”
“JSuh? Aren’t you supposed to be like Honey Rumpshaker or something.”
He covered his mouth as soon as he started laughing. “What the fuck?! Who would be named that!!”
“I don’t know! The girl strippers are usually like Cinnamon and like Diamond Sparkle or whatever! I didn’t know if it was the same for guys!” I tried to hide my face as I now felt like a complete idiot.
“You are seriously cute. Not just because I’m paid to say that. I like girls that can make me laugh.”
“Oh…well I’ve proven that I can make a complete fool of myself, so laugh away.”
“Nah, it’s fine. I guess I better get back inside though. We’ve got like a finale set that we do so I’ve gotta get ready.”
I didn’t know if I should really ask but I jumped the gun anyway. “Wait…why were you interested in what I was doing after I dropped my friends off?”
He turned towards me fully and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket, chuckling a bit. “I think you should know that already. And before you ask, no I don’t hook up with clients that often. It’s pretty rare actually but…” He shrugged. “I’m definitely attracted to you.”
“Soooo….you want a one night stand?” I asked. I always needed things spelled out for me when it came to any sort of flirting, relationships, hookups, anything. I was usually in disbelief that someone would give me the time of day thanks to my lack of confidence and I never imagined that a stripper would ever be asking me to hook up with him. But I found myself wondering what his lips felt like, what he tasted like, and how good he would feel inside me. From what I saw earlier while he was dancing everything seemed to create the illusion that he was good in bed, especially with those body rolls and floor grinds. I had never been jealous of a floor in my life but tonight was an exception. I swallowed my nerves and put on my front of confidence, accepting the fact that I was going to do something so brand new and out of my comfort zone. It was daring and exciting and I was definitely going to get my idiot friends home as fast as possible now.
“Yes? I figured you’d turn me down though, You seem like the goody two shoes type.”
“I am not!” I lied. “In fact, I’m down for it.”
His eyes widened in surprise but a sinful smirk crossed his lips. “What’s your number? I can text you whenever you’re done tucking your kids into bed.” Johnny pulled out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and handed it over to me to input my number. I did and handed it back to him and he immediately called me.
“Why are you calling me?” I asked.
“So you have my number too. Just text me if you’re gonna blow me off at least.” He opened the door and held it open for me to walk through first.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure I won’t.” I placed a quick kiss on his cheek, unsure if that was even flirtatious enough. It seemed more childish than anything and I rushed back to my friends to grab them and get them home. There was no way I was going to let them ruin my fun now.
Getting them back to their respective houses was the biggest clusterfuck ever. I had to deal with puking, taking clothes off, screaming, and dragging them into bed so they wouldn’t fall asleep in the middle of the floor. Johnny was right, they were basically children and I was so ready to clock out from my babysitter shift. Once I was sure they weren’t going to choke on their vomit, I finally got home. It was late, almost past 2am and I wondered if Johnny would still want to come over. I was getting tired but my need to fall into lust was enough to send him a message to see if he was still interested. He didn’t answer right away and I didn’t expect him to but the suspense was killing me. I decided to shower to refresh myself. I reapplied some makeup so I could give the impression that I wasn’t half dead and tired. As I came back into my room I saw a few replies from Johnny and my heart thundered against my ribcage. He was ready to come over. He had finished his shift about an hour ago and went home to shower as well. It was a breath of relief and I texted him my address.
The wait seemed forever and I tried to calm myself from feeling too eager. Maybe it was the nerves that were taking over. I hoped I was good enough for him. It had been some time since I was last with someone; work, life, school, everything got in the way. I had no time for any relationship and instead focused on the important things in life. I did deserve at least one night of debauchery since the initial party for my friend was a bust to me. I flopped back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Shit, did I even still have condoms? I shot up and frantically ran to my dresser to see if the box was still there but there was a sudden knock on my door. I froze in panic as my brain shut down for a moment. I thought about continuing to look but I knew I would make a mess for sure. Obviously I still had to answer the door and the second round of raps shook me out of my funk. I sped over to it, fixing myself so I didn’t look frazzled and took a deep breath before opening the door.
His eyes raised up to meet mine and he pushed his hair back, the totally normal motion making my knees weak instantly. He wasn’t even wearing anything special, just a white t shirt and jeans, but for some reason it made him ooze sexiness and confidence. It could have been because I was more desperate than I thought or it could have been that he was actually bound to drive me crazy. “Hey.” He smiled, his perfect teeth shining between those plush lips. That voice got to me again and I wiped the sweat from my palms on my pajamas shorts.
“Hi.” I laughed nervously and stepped aside to let him in. He sauntered through the door frame and looked around at my apartment. He hooked his thumbs through the belt loops of his jeans and turned to face me.
“So….um…” I figured he was going to take the lead being that he offered to do this in the first place. "Where do we start?”
“You’re not a virgin, are you?”
“What? Absolutely not.” Was I giving off that vibe? How did I show that I was a mostly experienced adult?
“Then what do you mean ‘where do we start?’ You know how this goes…” He wasn’t trying to be an asshole per say, but rather just confused and as tentative as I was.
“Aren’t you supposed to be some sex god or something?”
He snorted. “Oh my god, where did you possibly get that idea from? I’m a stripper, not a porn star.”
I wanted to facepalm myself. “I keep saying the wrong thing and I don’t mean to, I swear. I guess I’m just nervous.”
“I am too now that you think I’m supposed to be a sex god. Thanks for that by the way.” He smiled and nudged at me a little. He was trying to make me feel better and didn’t even seem to be judging me which I was thankful for.
“You don’t have to be a sex god, I promise. Just…” I set my hands on his chest and leaned into him, closing the space between us in mere seconds. His hands left his belt loops and instead held onto my waist, keeping me flushed against him. His lips were just as perfect as I imagined they would be- soft, warm, absolutely amazing at turning me on. He took his time too, exploring every inch of my lips in soft pecks and longer presses until he gave my bottom lip a light nip. My fingertips dug into his chest as I parted my lips, letting him carve out pleasures when our tongues collided. Each stroke and small suck against mine made my body ache more and more and I was already wanting to take him to my room. I was edging him back with careful steps, trying to guide him towards my room, but with my eyes closed and being distracted by his heated kisses, his thighs hit the armrest of my couch, sending him into the cushions with me on top of him. “Oh fuck!” I cried out.
He just laughed and adjusted himself, his entire body filling the length of the couch completely. “It’s cool. I’m a klutz too." 
"I’m sorry! I was trying to get you to my room and-”
“It’s fine,” he stopped me. “Let’s just stay here for a bit.”
I fiddled with my hair and nodded, hoping that I didn’t ruin the mood too much. I pushed along, trying to recover, and wiggled between his thighs. The center of his jeans seemed to be a bit more filled out than before. I set my hands on his waist, my fingers dancing around the button of his fly. I could feel him staring, his bottom lip caught between his teeth in an almost innocent way. He was waiting for me to snap out of my stupor and pull away the fabric that separated my mouth from him. I finally unbuttoned his jeans and edged the zipper down. He hooked his thumbs within the waistband and slid them down, moving his legs around me to get them off completely. My heart almost stopped when I saw the dark boxer briefs and what laid beneath them. “Jesus…” I whispered.
He grabbed my hand and guided me back to his lips, making me straddle him. The center of my shorts was flush against him now and I could feel the slight pressure against me. “I’ll only be as rough as you want me to be.” He whispered.
I combed my fingers through his soft hair, pushing it back slightly. “Don’t worry about me, I think I know what I want.”
“Then maybe you should lead and I’ll follow.”
I pressed my lips together and grabbed his hands to settle them back on my hips. I started rolling them, creating more friction between us like misguided teenagers trembling with the prospect of getting off. He kept control of the pace while I zeroed in on his lips again, diving my tongue in to feel his warmth and hunger. He let out a soft groan and pressed his fingers into my ass, increasing our speed ever so slightly. I kept my hold on his hair, curling my fingers and pulling every once in awhile and following it up with sweet scratches and caresses. He would respond to the pulls, bucking his hips and leaving me breathless. I parted from him to gulp down air and he took the opportunity to toss his shirt off. Now that I was able to touch him on my own and take my time I realized I wanted to toss caution to the wind and mark every single inch of him. I crept my kisses from his lips down to his neck, slipping my teeth beside his adam’s apple. He jerked away quickly.
“As much as I would love to, I can’t. No scratches, bites, or hickies.”
I pouted. “Well…that’s no fun.”
“I know, I’m sorry. Part of the job, but I can definitely do it to you. Leave a little calling card for you to remember me by.” He slipped his fingers under my tank top and nudged it up to my chest.
“You have to make it memorable first.”
“Oooohh, really now? That’s how it’s gonna be? I see how it is.” He said as he jerked my top upwards and I moved my arms out of it. “What’s the sudden change of attitude, hmm?” he teased.
I slid off him and started walking towards my bedroom, trying my best to entice him. “You gonna get over here or what?”
Johnny practically jumped off the couch and sprinted towards me, making me giggle. I tossed off my shorts and crawled onto my bed, pulling him to the edge. I placed kisses from his chest, down to his stomach and over the outline of his cock through his underwear. I heard him exhale above me and settle his large hand into my hair to keep me close. I peeled away his briefs and let him free, swallowing hard as I saw him fully. See him in that barely there outfit at the club left little to the imagination but seeing him hard and needy now had my stomach filled with fluttering butterflies. I gripped his base gently, guiding him to my lips. I poked my tongue out and licked around his head, dipping the tip into his slit. 
He let out a soft grunt and relaxed into my touches while I struggled to take down more of him. My mouth was already much too full but I hollowed out my cheeks as best I could, adding firm pulls to what my lips couldn’t reach. I could tell he was trying not to force his hips forward but the tension in his thighs gave away his struggle. With my free hand I traced up the length of his torso, gripping his firm pec and leaving behind the faintest of scratches. I didn’t mark him though I still wanted to. His hand came to rest over mine and I felt his lips against my fingertips. My eyes opened and I looked up at him surprised by the tenderness of his action. He only smirked and wiped the corner of my mouth with his thumb when I released him. “Cute.” Was all he said.
My cheeks flushed at the praise and buried my face against him, concentrating on laying open mouth kisses and soft sucks to his balls. It seemed to elicit a pleased reaction as his hand gripped my hair harder and his breathing quickened. I took one between my lips and tugged against it with my tongue, giving generous licks in between. I paired it with steady massages and gropes, bringing him to rise on his tiptoes just a bit. He folded his fingers into mine while the hand in my hair shifted to grab onto my shoulder. I thought he was trying to support himself but instead I was pushed back flush against my mattress. He crawled between my legs and settled by the center of my thighs. Instead of giving me attention right away, he took his sweet ass time decorating my inner thighs with long kisses and shallow bites.
I noticed his hand was still tangled in mine and he was squeezing every so often, usually when his teeth sunk into me. My heart lurched at the warmth he generated and I could barely hold in the soft moans he was bringing out of me. He hadn’t even touched me where I needed him the most yet and I already was becoming all too greedy for my liking. He swerved around me once again and instead brought his kisses up my hips and to my stomach, laying bites by my ribcage. When he reached my chest there was no end to the attention he gave my nipples, bringing them between his teeth to nibble slightly or suck deeply to make my back arch against him. While I was distracted by the intense kisses his fingers managed to slip between my folds and explore how turned on I truly was.
I pressed my lips to the back of my hand to suppress a gasp when two of his lengthy fingers dove into me. He pumped them slowly at first, curling the tips every so often and exploring sections inside me to see what would give me the most pleasure. My own fingers trembled as they wrapped around my bed sheets. I was desperate to find a way to calm myself; there wasn’t any reason to let go so soon. I wanted to savor every moment I had with him. It felt so good to have someone else touch me after so long that I never wanted it to end. His touches were pure energy and I had forgotten all about my tiredness and instead focused every thought I had on the way the first dip of his tongue rolled over me.
My hips squirmed against him and he settled an arm over my waist to keep me in place. It didn’t phase him at all and he continued coaxing more of my wetness out of me and working soft circles against my clit. He mixed in heated kisses and flicks and I finally moaned out his name, louder than I would’ve ever thought possible. He practically growled into me, yanking the back of my thighs to sit on his shoulders and letting his tongue take over where his fingers were seconds before. My toes curled against the center of his back while he seemed perfectly content having my thighs quiver around his head. He pulled out of me and switched to long licks from my entrance to my clit, hungrily carving out new ungodly tremors of pleasure within me. I rolled myself against his tongue, meeting every lick and silently begging for him to eat me out until my mind went numb.
He set a gentle kiss on my clit and I could feel him trying to edge away. My hand dug deep into his locks and kept him close, pleading for him to continue. He chuckled, the soft puffs of air adding to my sensitivity, and took my hand in his. “I promise I’ll be right back.”
I groaned and tossed my head back onto my pillow, wondering what was so important that he needed to stop just when it was getting to the good part. I realized that he was most likely getting a condom and almost kicked myself. Well, duh, idiot. I adjusted myself in bed, contemplating getting under the covers or not. I pulled them to my chest just as he came back and sat in front of me. “Why are you hiding from me now, hmm?” He teased with a gentle smile on his face.
“I’m not hiding.” I lied. “It’s just a little brisk now, with the window open and all.”
“Mhm, brisk. Sure.” He pulled the blanket away from me and slipped between my legs. “How about you hold onto me instead? I don’t need you trying to cover up anymore.”
I bit my lip and bowed my head towards his chest in an attempt to hide. I settled my arms around his neck while he rolled on the condom and pulled me close. Our eyes caught each other for a moment and we exchanged small smiles before we met again for a slow kiss. As he baited me with his perfect lips, his hand moved between us, guiding him towards my entrance. He pressed in slowly, stopping as he heard me wince a bit. “Are you…okay?”
I nodded and shifted beneath him. “S-sorry.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I’m pretty patient and can go all night.”
He chuckled nervously. “I didn’t mean for that to come out as cocky as it sounded.”
I eased my hips down onto his tip, flexing my walls against his girth. “W-well, if you can live up to that then I’m all for it.”
He set his hands on my hips and pushed in deeper, inch by inch until he disappeared inside me completely. I clutched onto him tighter, curling my legs around his back. He placed kisses across my cheek and towards my ear. “I can live up to it.”
The first few thrusts were slow and steady, getting me used to his girth that seemed to stretch me more than I was prepared for. I guess going for so long without any physical connection with someone made it a bit difficult for him to plow me into oblivion like I wanted. I closed my eyes and let him cover my neck with kisses and bites that trailed to my breasts. His tongue rolled over my nipple again, gathering it between his lips and letting out a soft moan. The sound of his arousal vibrated through me and I clutched at him tighter. “Please,” I begged. “M-more.”
His hips snapped then, a rush of pulling out almost completely and forcing his way back in to make my body arch against his. I rolled my hips in time with his thrusts, burying my moans into his chest. His hands curled around my waist, lifting me slightly to work himself deeper. My legs tensed as he hit where I needed him the most. The slight curve of his cock pressed into my walls, every contour and vein adding onto my impending orgasm. I wanted to hear more of his soft pants and groans that decorated my chest. He bit into the swell of my breast slightly and I grabbed a chunk of his hair, tugging hard and blaring out that he had hit something so beautifully electrifying within me.
I was trying desperately not to mark him, my fingers flexing to stop my reflexes. I tried to keep them in his hair. He seemed to add a particularly hard snap of his hips when I pulled, a delicious and quiet moan coating my ear. He was buried beside my head, not looking at me any further but I wanted to see how perfect those honey brown eyes looked when they were filled with lust for me. I grabbed his chin and forced him to me, pressing our foreheads together and reaching my tongue out to slide into his mouth again. To my surprise he lifted me then, keeping inside me as he trapped me between the wood of my headboard and his body. He gripped the top of it while he plunged rougher than before. My throat was starting to feel just a bit tender from moaning out his name so much but this was driving me wild.
My legs splayed to the side as the wood clattered against my wall with each rock of the frame. My breath was barely able to escape my lungs as my body clenched around him, tight and suffocating as I needed him at that perfect spot. He took the hint and focused on it, working through my clamped walls until one final thrust sent me over the edge. My knees dug into his sides as my body tensed in pleasure and he seemed unfazed by it all. He kissed me hard, digging his free hand into my hair and pulling me close. His blunt nails burrowed into my scalp as my hips felt so utterly tainted with bruises. He was ruining me, all in the name of getting off and I craved to feel his warmth within me.
He let out a harsh curse, shoving the headboard back hard and stilling within me. I felt the throbbing and the flow of him emptying into me. His torso trembled just a little and he went back to his safehaven of my neck, that unexpected shyness returning. It was strange that he could practically ruin my bed yet hide from me. Just like he hadn’t wanted me to cover up before I wanted to see the flushed look on his golden skin. I nudged him towards me for a few gentle kisses that bought out a cute and dorky smile that made my heart fumble to keep a perfect rhythm.
“What do you have against my headboard?” I teased.
“Well currently, you.” He smirked. “Seems like you enjoyed it.”
“Very much so.” He surprisingly kissed my forehead before he pulled out, rolling off the condom and tossing it into the nearest trash can.
“Do you mind if I have a smoke?”
I shook my head as I crumpled down to the mattress, wanting to rest my sore body. “Have at it, hun.”
He smiled and got out of bed while I closed my eyes and fell asleep faster than I had intended.
I rubbed my eyes and yawned deeply, annoyed at the bright sunlight spilling through my blinds. I had forgotten to close them last night as I was letting fresh air in and regretted it. I propped myself onto my elbows and noticed a heaviness beside me. Johnny was face down, buried in a pillow with his limbs splayed everywhere. I didn’t expect him to stay over but it was a little endearing that he did. I gave him a soft kiss between his shoulder blades and got up from bed, pulling on the robe that was hanging on the back of my bedroom door. Coffee was a necessity and I worked to brew a pot as fast as possible. It was only a few minutes into me deciding what I wanted for breakfast that I heard the creaking of my kitchen tiles. Johnny was standing in the door, a sleepy look still on his face and hair an absolute mess.
He had tossed on his jeans carelessly and yawned loudly. “I didn’t mean to stay over, so sorry about that.” His voice was still raspy with sleep.
“Don’t worry about it.” I bite my lip and reintroduced myself, figuring he might have thought I was unmemorable.
He gave me a confused look. “Trust me, I remember. I don’t think I could actually forget.” His attention turned towards the coffee pot. “Mind if I have some before I go?”
I quickly grabbed a mug from my cabinet and poured him a cup. “How do you take it?”
“Black is fine.” He took the cup from me and blew over the liquid a few times before taking a sip.
I scrunched my nose up in disgust. “I don’t know how you do that.”
He shrugged. “Use to it I guess. I have plenty of long nights.”
“Ahh, right the dancing, duh.”
“That’s only on the weekends and a day or two during the week. Mostly I stay up all night grading.”
“Grading?” My interest peaked. “You’re a teacher?” I was definitely surprised.
“Mhm, well student teacher getting my hours in. I teach photography at the art college downtown.”
“Holy shit.” I whispered. “Sorry! I didn’t mean it like that! I just…”
“Yeah not all strippers want to do this for the rest of their lives, you know. I want to quit soon but I just need the money to keep up with bills. It started as a joke but I had a friend at the club and he roped me in. Been doing it for a couple years now.”
“Wow, that’s…that’s really cool actually. The photography thing. I mean the dancing is cool too! I’m sorry. I’m still half asleep but always an idiot.”
He chuckled. “Nah, you’re totally fine. You’re cute when you’re flustered.” I almost turned away to hide my blush like a schoolgirl at the playground. He set the mug down on the counter and sighed. “I should be heading out now.”
“O-oh, right. That.” I didn’t want him to leave but I had to understand that this wasn’t a fairy tale and he wasn’t going to be my prince charming. “It was nice meeting you.”
Johnny bit his lip then chuckled a bit. “Definitely. Don’t lose my number ok?” He left the kitchen then, heading back to the living room to finish getting dressed. Did he want to hook up again? I wanted to ask him directly but the front door opened and shut before my brain could make my body move. I sighed as I rested back against the wall. Maybe for the night he was some sort of prince charming…or at least a sex god.
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marinaaniseed · 4 years
No sleep till Brooklyn
Song: No sleep till Brooklyn from the album License to ill by Beastie Boys.
Summary: Nat finally succeeds in setting Steve up on a blind date.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Neutral reader
Warnings: None that I’m aware of. 
Length: 1,498 words
Square-filled: Blind date
A/N: I’m joining the @star-spangled-bingo 2020 and this is my first entry. Exciting times indeed! I’ll be combining SSB with the songshots. See here for what this is all about.
It had taken Steve losing a bet, but he finally agreed to let Nat set him up on a blind date. He didn’t even know who with - she’d just told him a date, time, and a location.
Sunday 17th, 1:30pm, the Tropics House at the United States Botanic Garden.
He’d made an effort. Not too formal, not too casual. A crisp lemon yellow shirt and a pair of jeans. It wasn’t his usual colour, but Thor had bought him it as a present, and he couldn’t say ‘no’ to the Asgardian when he’d asked if Steve was going to wear it for his date.
Apparently, every Avenger and their aunt knew about his date.
Steve immediately regrets his sartorial choices when he steps into the Tropics House, having not found anyone waiting outside. It’s hotter than a boiling kettle in there and he can feel himself starting to sweat. He hopes he can find you and relocate to somewhere cooler before the stains on his shirt become too noticeable.
Navigating through the clusters of people looking at various palms, Steve looks around, trying to spot someone who might be looking for him. He’s glad most people are trying to take selfies with the interesting plants in the background so that they don’t recognise him and stop him.
Turning a corner, he sees you, sitting on a wooden bench. You’re alone, clearly trying to spot someone, when your eyes land on him. You smile softly, almost in relief, and Steve smiles back, glad to have located you.
Trust a spy not to make a blind date easy.
You take a sip from a bottle of water, before placing it back in your lime green satchel and getting up to greet Steve.
“Hi,” you say when you get close enough. “Was it your idea to meet in this plant sauna?”
“No,” Steve laughs. “Nat must’ve set us both up, in more ways than one.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“Steve,” he says, shaking your outstretched hand.
“I wish Nat would’ve warned me when she said she was setting me up with a colleague,” you say, trying not to be too in awe of Steve.
Steve wishes she’d warned him about how sexy you are. His palms are getting sweaty out of nerves. “Should we go somewhere cooler?” you suggest, stepping out of the way of a group of senior citizens.
“Sounds good to me,” Steve says with a smile, letting you lead the way.
You leave the conservatory altogether and find a bench outside, next to a bed of cherry pink tulips, Steve sitting down on your left.
“Tulips are my favourite flower,” you tell him shyly. “Do you have a favourite flower?”
“I’ve never really thought about it,” Steve says, making a note to send you some tulips if your date goes well. “Um. I like bluebells.”
“Yeah, I like the colour,” you say, wondering if anyone’s ever told Steve his eyes are the same vivid blue-violet.
“Where are you from?” Steve asks, resisting the urge to hold your hand. He barely knows you and he’s already smitten.
“Born and bred Brooklyn,” you reply.
“Same,” Steve says with a smile. “How do you know Nat?”
“I met her in the line at a Beastie Boys concert. We got into a debate about which was their best album and ended up bonding,” you answer.
Steve’s learning a little about you and a little about Nat, it’s fascinating.
“How do you spell Beastie Boys?” Steve asks, getting out his little notebook.
“What’s that?” you ask, amused that Captain America carries around a notebook with him.
“It’s where I list cultural things that have happened since I went in the ice, so I can look them up and learn about them,” he admits a little nervously.
“Oh, that’s really interesting,” you say, rummaging through your satchel to pull out your phone and a pair of headphones. You scroll through until you find what you want. “You can have a little listen now, instead of writing it down, if you like.”
Steve looks down at the device. No sleep till Brooklyn reads the title on the screen. He puts on your headphones and presses play.
It’s heavier than he’s expecting, nothing like the music Sam recommended to him. He finds himself involuntarily bobbing along in his seat and is a little embarrassed when he gets to the end and finds you watching him intently with a smile.
“It’s not what I was expecting, but it’s not bad,” he tells you, making a mental note to ask Nat for a crash course on the Beastie Boys when he gets home.
“What else is on your list?” you ask.
Steve hands you the notebook, letting you have a look.
“I don’t know any Thai restaurants, but I do know a great Mexican place by the river. It’s about a 25-minute walk if you wanted to get lunch. If you haven’t already eaten. Or you know, you have any interest in trying Mexican food. With me.” You didn’t mean to babble but your nerves meant you couldn’t stop the words from rushing out.
“Sure, I’d like that,” Steve says. “Maybe we’ll both be able to relax with some food in us.”
You knock your shoulder against his, glad that he’s feeling nervous too, although you’re not sure why. He’s way out of your league.
It’s a very stylish place, with a big, colourful tree sculpture in the middle. Steve’s glad when you’re shown to a secluded table upstairs, overlooking District Pier at the Wharf.
“So, the menu is going to switch soon,” you say to Steve. “We can order quickly to get brunch or we can wait a bit and order from the dinner menu. What would you prefer?”
“I honestly don’t know what any of these dishes are, but they all sound good. You can decide,” he says, eyes scanning up and down the menu.
“Dinner,” you decide. “I’d like to chat with you some more before I get too engrossed in my food.”
Steve smiles at that. The conversation is easier now you’re not quite so in the public eye, and he’s thankful that you’re sensitive about the questions you ask him. They’re all about him, Steve, and not about Captain America. He has no idea what he’s ordered. Everything you tell the waiter, he asks for the same.
First to appear are bright red cocktails, in little skull-shaped glasses. There are flowers and little pearls of something floating on the top. It’s refreshing, raspberry, and matches the colour of your shirt. Your sense of style is much louder than his own, but Steve likes it. It suits you.
Next come bowls of tortilla chips and salsa. He’s seen these before when Tony hosted a movie night. He’s infinitely thankful for the napkin in his lap when he completely misjudges a bite and drops it in his lap, tomato staining the white cloth.
“I always end up with food down me,” you reassure Steve with a smile.
Steve’s surprised when your mains come out, swimming in a dark, silky sauce, and topped with sesame seeds and cheese.
“Don’t worry, that’s mole negro. It’s supposed to look like that,” you explain, sensing his trepidation.
“I probably should’ve checked what you were ordering,” Steve says. The sauce is sweeter than he’s expecting, and he gives you another surprised look.
“It’s made with chocolate,” you tell him, tearing into your enchiladas eagerly. It had been a long time since breakfast, and the chips and salsa hadn’t sated your hunger.
The braised brisket filling is plentiful, Steve thinks Thor would enjoy it if he ever visited D.C. He’s broken from his thoughts by the sound of a soft, disappointed ‘oh’ from you.
“What’s the matter?” he asks, worried.
“I got some sauce on my trousers. At least they’re dark,” you laugh, and Steve laughs too.
You share cinnamon-sugar dusted churros for dessert, dipping them in a bittersweet chocolate sauce. Steve tries to insist that you have the last one, but you share it with him.
He does manage to insist on paying. It’s all gone so fast, he doesn’t want it to end. It’s still early, but he knows you’re heading out to L.A. in the morning for work.
Steve walks you to the Metro, trying to pretend he’s being a gentleman, but really he just wants to spend more time with you.
“Same time next week?” you ask shyly as you stand at the entrance to the station.
“Yeah, I’d like that. I’d like that a lot,” he says, and he hurriedly scribbles his number down in his notebook, tearing it out and handing it to you.
“Thank you for a pleasant time,” you say, before leaning up on tiptoes to kiss him. He tastes of cinnamon and chocolate, and you probably do too. A warmth spreads through your chest, and you reluctantly part, heading off to catch your train.
Next week can’t come soon enough.
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fallintosanity · 5 years
four dudes on a camping trip with very limited funds, sharing tents, campers, and hotel rooms, is gonna lead to some Awkward(tm) situations
those situations are a lot funnier ten years later when you’re telling the story to someone else
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16
By the time they got to the little metal shed, Prompto was sweating under his borrowed wool mantle, and he was pretty sure he was starting to get a sunburn. Or heatstroke. His head ached from the heat and his throat was painfully dry, and he reached for the door of the shed, hoping to get inside and away from the relentless sun. 
But Future Prompto beat him to it, catching him by the shoulder and pulling him away. “Hang on,” he said, then banged hard on the metal wall beside the door. The sound rang across the desert and Prompto flinched, but his future self leaned in closer, his eyes unfocusing as he listened for something inside. Finally Future Prompto nodded, mostly to himself, and shoved open the door. “C’mon.”
“What was that about?” Prompto asked as he followed his adult self into the shed. The interior was dark after the unforgiving glare of the desert sun; the only light came from the sunlight leaking around the edges of the door and through a single dirt-crusted skylight in the middle of the ceiling. Squinting, he could just make out a hand pump in one corner and a narrow pipe on the wall behind it, capped with a calcium-encrusted showerhead. The floor was hard concrete, slanted unevenly inward to a rusted drain in the center. 
“Voretooths,” Future Prompto said. He pointed up toward the ceiling, to uneven gaps where the metal walls didn’t quite connect with the slanted roof. “I’ve never been sure if those holes are supposed to be for ventilation or if it’s just bad construction, but voretooths can sometimes wiggle through ‘em. They can smell the water in here. But once they’re in, they’re too dumb to get back out. Learned that the hard way the first time I opened the door and got jumped.” 
He grinned, as though getting jumped by freaking wild animals was amusing. Prompto stared at him. His future self’s grin widened and he thumped Prompto lightly on the shoulder. “It’s not as bad as it sounds. Really.” 
Prompto glared at him. “Getting mauled by voretooths isn’t bad?” 
Future Prompto made fingerguns and mimed shooting something in the face, then blew imaginary smoke from his fingertips. “Don’t worry,” he said lightly. “You’ll get used to it.” 
Prompto was still trying to come up with a response to that which wasn’t sputtering indignation or screaming horror - really? Get used to being attacked by monsters? - when his future self squatted beside the hand pump and gave it a cursory once-over. “Good to go,” he pronounced. “I’ll take first shower, unless you want it. First has better water pressure, second’s usually cooler ‘cause the water’s coming up from deeper.” 
“Sure,” Prompto said. Cooler water sounded great. He’d been hoping for some relief from the heat inside the shed, but while they were out of the direct sunlight, it somehow felt even hotter inside. The air was heavy and still, difficult to draw into his lungs, and sweat was pooling in all the hollows of his bones. At least outside there’d been a light breeze to draw the heat away from his skin.
Future Prompto started working the pump, throwing his whole body into the first few motions until water began spurting from the faucet and the handle started to move on its own as the water pressure took over. When the stream had steadied into a constant flow, Future Prompto fiddled with a couple of turn handles on the side, and the flow diverted from the pump faucet up to the showerhead on the wall, spraying the center of the shed with water. Prompto hopped back out of range, while his future self stripped off his Kingsglaive jacket, gloves, and vest, plus the black undershirt beneath. Without bothering to remove his pants or boots, Future Prompto leaned forward into the spray, eyes closed against the water. 
Prompto took the moment to study his adult self. Lean muscle rippled through his shoulders and arms, under skin even more sickly pale than that of his face. Scars marked his torso: a thin line along the top of his right shoulder; four jagged parallel lines that were obviously and horrifyingly claw marks curving around his left hip to vanish beneath the waistband of his pants; and a single round scar, roughly the size of a grape, just under his left shoulder blade. Without the gloves and jacket, his own barcode tattoo was clearly visible on his wrist, the black ink unfading, as vivid as it had been for as long as Prompto could remember. 
“Don’t get me wrong,” Future Prompto remarked as he straightened out of the spray, shaking his head and sending water flying around the shed, “I missed the sun like fuck these last ten years, but boy did I forget how hot it gets in Leide in the daylight.” He turned to face Prompto, absently snagging his vest from where he’d draped it over the pump and using it to wipe his face dry. 
Given how scarred his back was, Prompto had half-expected to see more scars on his chest and stomach, but to his surprise there was only one: a small round rough patch on his left pec, directly opposite the grape-sized scar on his back, right over his… 
Prompto blinked, his stomach plummeting. 
Right over his future self’s heart.
The little round scar on his back wasn’t the size of a grape. It was the size of a bullet. 
“That’s…” he whispered. 
Noticing the direction of his gaze, Future Prompto glanced down at his own chest and flinched, his expression darkening. His left hand rose to wrap around his right wrist, over the barcode. “That’s how I learned never to turn my back on anyone,” he said softly. “Even people I thought were my friends.” 
He’d said earlier that everyone knew about the barcode, what it meant, but he hadn’t said someone had—Prompto’s stomach roiled and he leaned forward, curling his arms around himself as everything from the last twenty-four hours hit him in a sudden awful rush. 
Yesterday he’d been nothing more than the weird kid at school with a passion for photography, a tattoo he couldn’t explain, and the friendship of the Crown Prince. Now he’d been kidnapped by daemons, rescued, and swept outside the safety of the Wall by his future self. He’d learned he was an inhuman freak, a lab experiment meant to be turned into a daemon and harvested to power MTs. Such an empty little thing, Izunia had said last night. Prompto wasn’t a person, but an enemy weapon, something to be exterminated with a bullet to the heart. Someone had tried on his future self. Someone supposedly his friend. I’m surprised you care. There are so many more where it came from.  
The panic attack Prompto had managed to stave off last night roared back in full force and he staggered, would have fallen except his adult self caught him and held him up. He buried his face against Future Prompto’s shoulder, shaking, wanting to scream except he couldn’t get enough air. “I can’t—I’m not—I—” he gasped, and the words snapped something inside him and he wailed, “I want to go home!”    
His adult self didn’t answer, but the arms wrapped around him tightened. He didn’t need his future self to tell him he couldn’t go home, not anymore. Even if Prompto returned to his house, it wouldn’t be the same. Nothing would ever be the same again. 
They stood there for several minutes, until Prompto’s sobs eased and he was able to stand on his own again. He scrubbed an arm over his face, acutely aware of how much of a mess he was and feeling all the worse for it. Noctis would never break down like this. Ignis and Gladio would probably laugh at Prompto if they saw him right now. He’d always been worthless and this just proved it. 
Future Prompto, though, just nudged him toward the still-running shower. “Water’s safe to drink, if you want,” he said gently. 
Prompto hiccupped, nodded. Cupped his hands under the spray and splashed his face with water, then filled his palms for a drink. The water was cold on his skin, soothing to his parched throat, and he stuck his head directly into the spray and drank until he felt slightly less like a disaster.
When he came up for air, his adult self said, “It sucks. Not gonna pretend otherwise. But… there’s still a few good people out there. And Noctis needs you.” 
Prompto shuddered. “I’m not anyone,” he whispered. I’m not even human, apparently, and he didn’t have to say it; saw the thought reflected in his adult self’s eyes. “Why me?” 
Future Prompto gave a soft, strange little laugh, turning away to stare up out through the dirty skylight. “He told me once he doesn’t make time for any old loser. I guess if the Crown Prince - the King - says you’re good enough, you are. No matter what anyone else thinks.” 
Prompto opened his mouth and closed it again, not sure what to say to that. His adult self looked down again, a wry smile tugging at his mouth, and jerked his chin at the shower. “Better take that shower before the well runs dry,” he said. 
“...right,” Prompto whispered. He shivered again, not from cold - it was still baking hot in the little shed - but from all the emotions pounding beneath his skin. Pull yourself together, he thought. “Yeah, okay.” 
Blue crystals sparkled in Future Prompto’s hand, forming into a bar of soap he tossed to Prompto. “I’ll dig up some clothes, too, when you're done.”
“Thanks,” Prompto managed. He started to tug the wool mantle from his shoulders, then stopped, feeling a blush rise to his cheeks. Logically, there was no reason to be embarrassed to strip down in front of his adult self - there was literally nothing about his body Future Prompto hadn't already seen. But while Prompto wasn't fat anymore, he wasn't much happier with his knobby knees and bony elbows, and still had no desire to be naked in front of anyone. He looked back at his adult self - but Future Prompto had already turned around, humming under his breath and bobbing his head as he pulled on his black undershirt. Prompto almost laughed. Of course his future self would know he was uncomfortable. 
Well, Prompto could at least try not to make a bigger inconvenience of himself than he already had. He stripped off the mantle, his borrowed boots, and then his pajama pants, draping them over the pipes as Future Prompto had done earlier, and stepped into the water. The cold felt good on his overheated skin, washing away the tears on his face and easing the puffiness of his eyes. The soap smelled harsh and utilitarian, but worked just fine, and Prompto scrubbed off the dirt and blood from last night. The bruises on his torso were already a spectacular riot of purple, black, and blue; he could clearly see the imprint of the hand of the daemon that had carried him.
He didn't want to know if there was a bruise in the shape of Ardyn Izunia’s hand on his throat.
The water pressure had faded to a trickle by the time he finished. He eyed the pump, trying to guess how to turn it off properly, but his future self saved him. “I got that,” he said. “Gotta refill the water bottles anyway, or Iggy’ll kick my ass.” He crouched beside the pump, fiddling with the dials again until the water came out of the faucet instead of the showerhead, and began filling Kingsglaive-issue bottles he pulled from the armory. 
While he did that, Prompto stepped off to the side and tried to scrape the remaining water from his body with his hands. Without a towel, it didn't work well, and eventually he gave up and just shook himself, then squeezed the water out of his hair. For a couple of seconds he almost felt cool despite the shed’s oppressive heat, as the bone-dry desert air evaporated the last of the moisture from his skin. 
“Here,” Future Prompto said, and Prompto turned to see him holding out a bundle of tan and red cloth, though he was still looking away. “They’ll be a little big, but workable. The underwear’s clean, I promise,” he added. “Trust me, you don't want to go commando in those pants in this desert. I have no idea how Gladio stands it.”
Prompto nearly dropped the clothes into the water pooled on the floor. “You—Ugh!” he sputtered. “That’s more than I ever wanted to know about Gladio. Why do you know that?!”
“We lived in each other's pockets for a few months after the Crown City fell,” his future self said with a shrug. “You learn a lot about each other doing that.”
Prompto yanked on the clothes as fast as he could, trying very hard not to think about the fact that it was someone else's underwear. Was it really someone else if that someone was him in the future? “You guys know about this thing called ‘privacy’, don’t you?” he asked.
His adult self laughed. “Oh, we know. You learn real fucking quick to knock before entering the tent or hotel room if you aren't one hundred percent positive where everyone else is. Even if you think you are one hundred percent positive.”
It took a second for Prompto to realize what he meant. “Titan’s balls, dude!” he swore. “That’s so wrong!”
Future Prompto waggled his eyebrows. “Not Titan’s balls.”
“Ew!” Prompto buried his face in his hands. “That is more than I want to know about any of them.”
“Get used to it,” Future Prompto said loftily. “You make friends with the Crown Prince and his retainers, you get to learn all about the royal… assets.”
“My future self hates me,” Prompto announced dramatically, hauling his borrowed boots back on - though the protest was somewhat weakened by the fact that Future Prompto had included socks with the bundle of clothes so Prompto wasn’t barefoot inside the combat boots anymore. “You’re trying to kill me with embarrassment.” 
“C’mon,” Future Prompto protested. “I can give you all kinds of dirt on the guys. Did you know Ignis shaves his—”
Prompto clapped his hands over his ears. “No, I don’t, and I don’t want to!” 
“You sure? It’s good blackmail material next time you want to get Iggy to go to Kenny Crow’s instead of making stew for the hundredth time—” 
“I'm leaving now,” Prompto announced. He scooped up his pajama pants and the borrowed mantle and stomped out the door without waiting for a response. “You're disgusting.” The brilliant sunlight blinded him and he flinched back before catching his balance. 
Future Prompto followed, eyes sparkling, until the sun hit his face and he actually stumbled against the doorframe. “Ow. Sunlight. Right.” He scrubbed a hand over his eyes and blinked a few times, then set out toward the haven. “Okay, here’s one that’s safer for your tender virgin ears—”
“Did you know Gladio can sing?” Future Prompto said. “And I don’t just mean carry a tune - guy has pipes. If he hadn’t decided to be Noct’s Shield he could’ve been a headliner at the Altissia Opera House.” 
“Seriously?” Prompto asked in surprise. He didn’t know Gladio all that well yet, not nearly as well as his future self clearly did. Gladio had started accompanying Noct everywhere last year, as part of taking on full-time Shield duties when he turned twenty, but stayed in the background and didn’t talk much around Prompto. Prompto’d thought it was because Gladio disapproved of the Crown Prince’s friendship with a nobody. 
“Seriously,” Future Prompto confirmed. “Get a little beer in him and he’ll break your heart with the best rendition of ‘Every Day Gone By’ from Beloved you’ve ever heard. A few years back, he was visiting Hammerhead when this group of hunters passed through. One of ‘em was an ex-opera singer, and someone talked her and Gladio into doing some fancy piece from this two hundred-year-old opera. My Altissian’s not good enough to understand the lyrics, but they sounded fucking incredible.” 
“...Okay, that’s pretty cool actually,” Prompto admitted. 
“Told ya.” His adult self grinned. “There was this other time, shit, way back in Insomnia. Probably would’ve been this summer for you. Me ‘n Noct were out at the arcade, and Gladio was tagging along ‘cause, y’know, Shield, and…” He kept talking, telling stories about first Gladio and then Ignis and Noctis as they made their way across the desert, and by the time they reached the haven, Prompto was laughing. The horrors of his origin and what had happened to his future self still sat like iron weights at the back of his thoughts, but he could face the others now without risking another breakdown.
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