#Connverse Week
screwpinecaprice · 6 months
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Just a silly guy, with silly silly thoughts.
@glowweek Day 2
Casual | Surprise
A casual surprise?😬😬😬
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ceiwiart2 · 6 months
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They still have karaoke night weekly.
@glowweek Day #5 Family | Friends
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imaplatypus-art · 6 months
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Fifth entry for @glowweek
By far, my fave piece I made for the event. They're such a cute, happy family 🥹.
While drawing this made me realize just how long it's been since I've drawn any of these characters. I am very out of practice. I used to not need refs for them.😳
Anyways, this is my last finished piece 😅 I am sick and couldn't continue the last 2 but I'll share the sketches 👍🫠
You can see my art before everyone and get a platypus sticker by supporting me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Imaplatypus 👉👈🥺
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wendystarseed · 6 months
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Glow week day 4: nature
Steven and Connie love just sitting outside and relaxing sometimes.
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jagsdoodloos · 6 months
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@glowweek Day 3: Snow
"Beh - BLEEHHH!"
Nothing like the taste of the first snow flakes of the season. Maybe sharing the fun with your Jam Bud.
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gracekraft · 5 months
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May Shop Update
Hello friends!
I have a bright and massive May shop update today! I have added leftover Kickstarter pins and stickers, new Steven Universe prints, as well as charms and stickers up for preorder!
Please check it out if anything strikes your fancy!
Etsy Shop
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fl0werp0wer-insanity · 6 months
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Glow Week Day 6 - Ceremony or Vacation.
Good ol’ beach city.
my entry for @glowweek blah blah inlvoe yhrm
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meaniezuchinni · 6 months
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Glow Week Day 3 - Snow
Cuties sitting in the snow.
Steven is leaning into Connie. Steven looks up at her in amazement as Connie sticks her tongue out to catch snowflakes.
(I think I like the uncoloured one best so I included it. I spent more time on Connie in this drawing, but I’m pleased with how Steven’s hair squish turned out)
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archivehub · 6 months
Title: Our Kids
Summary: Steven wonders whether or not he and Connie can be considered parents anymore.
Word Count: 547
For some reason, this one was extremely damn difficult for me to write. For the final day of Glow Week, day 7, I used the prompt "Journey's End."
The short is also beneath the cut:
Two colossal red dwarfs hung high overhead, painting the landscape an eerie shade of scarlet. An abundance of alien flora desperately wriggled and outstretched toward the suns in an uncanny, almost sentient manner.
“Not often we’re all in one place these days, huh?” Connie smirked, head resting tenderly against her husband’s shoulder. She twirled a lock of pink hair around her finger as she raised a wine glass to her lips.
Steven’s eyebrows knitted; he offered a solemn nod in agreement. Truthfully, he only paid partial focus to his wife’s words. The true centers of his attention were their four pink-skinned kids, all of whom were congregated around a nearby picnic table, cackling in between recounting tales and gossiping. Just a few minutes prior, he and Connie had been seated among them, though something… existential(?) had invaded his thoughts; he needed some space to think.
“So…” his wife spoke once more; she bounced a knee, “what was that all about back there?” She swirled her wine, breathing in its heavenly aroma, before remarking, “I haven’t seen you that spaced out in centuries.”
Steven crossed his arms with a guttural sigh. “It’s… about the kids,” he confessed timidly. He pressed his golden band against his inner arm. “Tell me—and be honest, Connie…” he inhaled, “do you… think we’re really even parents anymore?”
The aged woman quirked a brow. “What… do you mean?” she probed gingerly, genuinely perplexed. She stared off into the distance, taking note of her and Steven’s cozy, wooden home.
“Well…” the man cleared his throat, “just… think about how old the kids are, how old we are.” He felt Cat Steven rub up against his ankles; he paid her no mind. “They’re only twenty-something years younger than us, right? So, after all this time, after all these centuries… what’s the real difference between them and us?”
Connie’s eyes narrowed as she pondered her husband’s words. She took a prolonged sip from her glass, practically emptying it in the process—thank the stars her zombie-like state possessed an increased alcohol tolerance.
“They’re just as smart as us, just as mature as us; they’re practically just as old as us,” Steven diligently listed. “So… what does that leave us with?” he interrogated. Tears pricked at his eyes. “Their baby pictures?”
“Our kids, honey…” Connie retorted. She set her wine glass atop Lion’s back; the feline appeared unperturbed. “That leaves us with our kids,” she reiterated, interlacing her fingers with her husband’s. She tenderly met his damp, chocolatey eyes. “Being a parent isn’t about intellect or maturity or… even age,” she sighed. “It’s about raising your kids: teaching them how to trust, how to love; how to distinguish right from wrong.” She brushed aside Steven’s curls before pressing her cold, pink forehead against his. “Most importantly, though: it’s about just… being there for them, even after they’re all grown up.”
The hulking man half-smiled momentarily. Wiping at his eyes, he exhaled, “O-okay, but…”—he glanced at their children: they were taking turns scratching Cat Steven’s primordial pouch—”what if they don’t see it that way?”
Connie opened her mouth. Before a single word could escape her lips, however, Lisa’s hoarse, gravelly voice cried out, “Mom, dad, get your butts back over here! Gregory’s busting out his goddamn guitar again!”
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glowweek · 6 months
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Day six of Glow Week has arrived! Today's prompts were "Ceremony" or "Vacation"! Remember to tag your submissions with #GlowWeek and/or #Connverse so everyone can see your work.
If you missed yesterday's (or any previous day's) prompts, don't worry; I will still reblog any late submissions!
Glow bracelet art by @imaplatypus-art.
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screwpinecaprice · 6 months
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He knows that she knows all his tickle spots but that doesn't stop him.
@glowweek day 4 Nature | Nurture
Okay this was supposedly be about how Connie was raised to be prim and proper but she's just naturally a feral child, while Steven was frequently surrounded by acts of violence but still keep being more inclined to chose the peaceful method.
Then I realized I made Connie look like Steve Irwin. 😭 And, like, what the hell. I'm just going to run with that. Lol The first idea was probably better but, like, this is much easier to make dialogue for.
Headcanon: Connie would just throw in together whatever clothes that felt comfortable or practical at the moment. The reason why she had the pretty dresses when she was younger was because her mom picked them out for her. She still does like to look nice, pretty, or handsome. She's just not one to be that much bothered in making a lot of effort to be. Lol That day, she unintentionally don the Steve Irwin look.
Meanwhile Steven is the better dressed one (probably influenced by Pearl?)  He almost always consider the colors, the type of fabric, the shape, how the garment looks together with the ones he already has before buying it. He'll know which jacket will look good with the pants, the accessories that matches your attire, the make up that looks good with the weather, etc. (Just imagine I drew Steven in better looking clothing tho. 😅)
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ceiwiart2 · 6 months
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@glowweek Day #4 - Nature | Nurture
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weedle-testaburger · 6 months
Glow Week Day 7 fic: Journey's End
So I've been thinking of doing a fic for Glow Week (I didn't in advance bc I didn’t know they took fics for it as well as art!), and I saw the prompt 'Journey's End' and had an idea for a little drabble.
"If she remembers, even for a second, she will burn up. You can never tell her."
Connie had seen this scene countless times since she was a kid, and it still made her emotional even practically quoting it as she watched it.
She slowly noticed, though, that the faint glow of the TV in one direction was matched by an equally faint glow in the other. She instantly recognised the pink aura, and turned to see her boyfriend on the bed, his face burning and tears streaming down his cheeks. The crying part wasn't surprising, but the glow...
"Steven, should I pause it?"
The boy shook his head. "Cmon, there's only like a minute left." So they watched to the start of the credits, a little shaken, and the moment they started Connie crawled onto the bed, coming face to face with Steven, and lightly kissing the bridge of his nose.
The glowing softened a bit with that- it still glowered against Connie’s eyes, but it wasn't as harsh as it had been. "I'm okay, seriously," Steven protested.
"You will be when I'm done with you," Connie replied, as much to shore herself up as because she believed it in that moment. "I'm sorry if that kinda hit a nerve. We don't have to watch it agai-"
"No, I really liked it! You know me, I just get like this when I watch anything really sad," Steven smiled through his tears. Connie held hid hands and he tried to ward off his glowing, but it wouldn't stop. He felt a lump in his throat, and a part of his brain nagged at him. Tell her the truth.
Changing track, Connie offered, "It's OK if you don't wanna talk about it yet. We can maybe talk about it later, or another time, and just cuddle or watch something else right now."
Ironically, that worked as reverse psychology on Steven. "Actually, I do wanna talk about it now." Connie smiled and hugged him tighter. He looked for the words to describe what he felt, and realised the best way might be to link it to what they were just watching. "You know that thing with the memory wipe?"
"Yeah?" Connie tried to hold back her frustration at herself, of course she shouldn't have picked this to show Steven-
"It was really good, it was really sad!" Steven reassured her, stroking her cheeks back. "It just, it got me thinking. I'm scared I'm not gonna get to share my stories from this trip, you know?"
Connie nodded. "I mean, I can hop on Lion or just call you whenever you want to chat!" Haven't I proven that already, she thought to herself.
"Well, yeah, but... I guess sometimes I worry my powers are gonna be out of control again." His eyes darted away from Connie and his glowing seemed to intensify. "What if something happens that hurts me so bad I end up, like, making all of you forget me- or worse?"
He almost vanished into that void of anxiety and self-loathing- and then he felt Connie kiss the bridge of his nose again. "Steven," she said, softly but firmly. "I think we know every side of you by now. And even if we didn't, do you really think you can go through anything worse than you've been through before?"
Steven thought for a moment, and a part of him wanted to protest. But the look in the eyes of his girlfriend, his best friend, his jam bud, told him she was right. "I guess not," he said quietly, and he saw the room dim slowly as his glow faded.
Connie's hands held onto his tightly. "If you wanna go home to check in on Beach City and Little Homeworld tomorrow, I can take you."
"That sounds nice," Steven smiled. Yawning, he added, "but I wanna sleep first. You wanna join me?"
"You know it," Connie smirked, kissing him. She considered one last point, and decided to say it. "Does it help if I tell you she gets her memories back later on?"
"Spoilers!" Steven laughed.
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imaplatypus-art · 6 months
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First entry for Glow week! @glowweek
It's been forever since I've drawn any SU, bare with me 🫠
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wendystarseed · 6 months
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Glow week
Day 6 - Vacation
Steven and Connie took the day off to just relax at the beach. 🏖️
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jagsdoodloos · 6 months
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@glowweek Day 4: Nature / Nurture
"Gems in Bloom"
It's a real pain lugging Mom's algae up the hilltop every year. Yet the pay off is worth it. And getting to share the view with your special someone is doubly worth it.
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