#press | ask memes
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blackquill-inchains · 1 year ago
tbh need to see your take on an ishimondo kid
not a problem! love ishi, love mondo, love ishimondo
absolute loudmouth of a child, shes precious to me
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Send me 🍼 + a ship and I’ll draw/make a fan-child
additionally tagging @danganronpa-reloaded-kids
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 years ago
Friday: Peter, 'guys' is a gendered pronoun, I would recommend an alternative term like 'folks', 'team', 'crew' or 'everyone' as to not offend or cause discomfort to members of the team
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red-dyed-sarumane · 2 months ago
if ur "hear me out"s include human characters i'm assuming u have absolutely no idea what ur doing and have misunderstood the assignment completely
#personally i do not have any which is why i havent taken part#u put a human in front of me & im like. this is just Some Guy. this is not a Statement let alone a risky one#people into mlp in that way are making a bigger statement than u. & theyre barely making one either#its just some guy u can just say u think theyre hot its okay ur the only one judging urself#i just saw someone use a bug a literal pixel insect as their hear me out & im like FINALLY someone who understands the assignment#unfortunately im a normie so i dont get to participate :/#that angels a human shes literally just some guy thats not a statement#the closest to a nonhuman chara i can even think of is like. teacher from totsukuni#but 1) i have zero interest in fucking him and 2) he's basically human save for his head. i wouldnt count him#an eo monster maybe but im not really a monster fucker. i'll sit this out myself but i will judge others for saying humans#its a hear me out bc its something u wouldnt want to say to most people#u pulling up a character that u could feasibly pass by in a convenience store & not think twice about is not it#im not really pressed about this this is so nothing to me but its like. some of u dont Understand#like the people who make the 'im not calling u good girl that [thing] was shit" memes without realizing the og was praise kink#apparently that wasnt clear to everyone. but it does make those a bit funnier to me when they clearly didnt know#u can play hear me out with me in my ask box if u want but know im terminally demisexual#so my response will be based more so on if i think u understood the assignment than actually agreeing with u
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snobgoblin · 6 months ago
I didn't know you were 30, your sense of humor seems so Gen Z
??? where did you hear I was 30? maybe you misread my bio, that says 20 (twenty <- I know dyslexia is a bitch BDNSNSNSN) i am gen z! so it makes sense that my sense of humor would show that I guess. but I'm curious about what that means
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c00kietin · 4 months ago
Because I'm dumb and I don't understand the difference between a reblog and a repost, but I read the rules… I'll just send here the art (or rather a gif.) in gratitude for subscribing to my blog, as I have already done to others.
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oopsie daisies
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artsynoova · 9 months ago
🌹 For Ben and Cassy please?~
🌹 - Who initiated the first kiss?
Would you believe our dear nutcracker was the one who started their first kiss~?
Cassy is a lot more open about physical affection, she hugs and gives kiss on the check a looot more than Ben, who, is not really used to that (culture differences babyyy)
So by that point, Cassy had already gave Ben quite a few platonic kisses before.
But then their relationship started to change. And one day, after a nice moment between the two, Ben tenderly caress her cheek, and with a spark of bravery, he gently pressed his wooden face against her lips. He knew he wouldn't feel it, but something inside him told him he at least had to try. The bravery was quickly replaced by embarrassment when he saw Cassy's surprise face. He started to apologize but he was interrupted by Cassy, smiling from ear to ear, took his face with both hand, enthusiastically brought him closer to her and returned the kiss
It was a precious moment for them, even after they realized later that Cassy got a splinter in her lip. Ben got worried for a moment but Cassy laughed it off.
Thank you so much for this ask Kat! I had a lot of fun writing this
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red-man-of-mustache · 1 year ago
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ℳ ➙
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blackquill-inchains · 1 year ago
you got it!
shes not as grouchy as she looks, shes just going through her teen angst phase
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Send me 🍼 + a ship and I’ll draw/make a fan-child
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forjustice · 1 year ago
The Overly Detailed Pokéarts Meme
Slightly updated from when I last posted it 6 years ago. This meme covers any form of art involving Pokémon, namely Contests, Showcases, Musicals and any headcanoned performance form that you might be able to think of. Shoutout to my Discord bestie Seniichi for helping me with this!
🌟What is your muse’s overall opinion of Pokéarts? ✨  What does your muse think about forms of Pokéarts other than Contests? Like Showcases, Musicals, etc. 👪  Does your muse have family or friends that participate in Pokéarts? How does this affect their view and/or participation in Pokéarts? 👍🏿  What are some Pokémon that your muse likes to use and/or see in Pokéarts? 👎🏾  What are some Pokémon that your muse does not like to use and/or see in Pokéarts? 👌🏼 Is there anything in particular (performance style, moves, typings, etc.) that makes them go ‘mmmmm yessssss this is one A++ performance’? 😍  Who are your muse’s favorite Coordinators and why? 🐸  What about their least favorites, and why? 😘  Any stars they’ve got a crush on? 🤔  What are some things that your muse would change about Pokéarts? 😬  A stronger version of the above: is there anything they think just shouldn’t be allowed? 😮  Performance-wise, what’s the most shocking thing your muse has ever seen/experienced? 🛍️  Does your muse collect Pokéarts-related merchandise? 🎤  What does your muse think about the culture surrounding Pokéarts they are familiar with? Doesn't have to just be Contests! 📈  Give your muse’s opinion on current trends. 👿  If your muse hates any form of Pokéarts, why? If they hate one form and not the others, why? Would there be anything that might change their mind? 😰  Is your muse one of those people who wants to perform, but doesn’t? What holds them back? 🥚 Pokéblocks vs. Poffins. Discuss. 🔥 Unpopular art opinion time. Go off! 👯 What does your muse think of Trainer participation in Pokéarts? 🎁 What does your muse think of the way Pokémon are groomed and dressed in performances? 💌 Does your muse think competitive breeding is the way to go? 👥 Most competitions feature performances by one person and their team, but what about two or more Trainers collaborating? 👀 How picky are they when evaluating the work of a Pokéartist? Do they have exacting and/or specific standards, or will they accept anything that is well done? 👊🏼🕊️ Contests with battles vs. Contests without battles: have your muse weigh in. 🌆 What are Pokéarts really about to your muse–the art or the fame? 🌌 What is their opinion on the avant-garde? 🔏 And now for a moral kicker: It’s been said that celebrities MUST make a Faustian bargain: their privacy in exchange for their fame, and so they are less justified in complaining when their privacy is invaded. What does your muse believe?
💖 What made your muse decide to try Pokéarts, either as a hobby or a career? #️⃣  How long have they been doing it, and how has their progress been over the years? ⚜ What are your muse’s ambitions in the Pokéarts? How realistic are their goals, and how close are they to achieving them? If they have achieved their dreams, are they happy/satisfied? 💎 What is their performance style? 😈 An alternative to one of the questions above: What is the most shocking thing your muse has ever personally done in a performance? >:333333 💬 Do they like to put messages or meanings in their performances, or are they more of an “art for art’s sake” kind of person? 👩🏻 What is your muse’s reputation in their field? Is this reputation deserved, and if so, how much? 💃🏽 As the Trainer, what sort of talents (natural or supernatural) do they like to display in performances, and how good are they at those talents? If they don’t, why? ⚡ Who is/are your muse’s Pokéartistic rival(s)? How did the rivalry begin, and what kind is it (friendly, unfriendly, filled with sexual tension, etc.)? 💥 How do they deal with the haters? 🐉 How do their Pokémon feel about being performers? ⚖️ Has your muse ever judged? How did it go? If they do it regularly, what is their judging style? 🎀 Describe the first time your muse won a competition. 😳 Describe your muse’s most embarrassing performance experience. 💭 How much difference is there between your muse’s public persona and private self? How do they feel about this? 🛃 Has identity ever played a role in how your muse was perceived as a performer? Does it affect how they perform? (This could mean identifiers like race, gender, sexuality, etc. or being a Psychic or Aura user.) 😏 Honesty hour: Has your muse ever cheated to win? 💢 Any trends on the scene that your muse wishes would just die? 🚃 How about trends that your muse likes or even has started? 👱🏻 If your muse is experienced, what is some advice that your muse would give to newbies? If they’re inexperienced, what is the advice that they really need to hear? 🙋🏾 If your muse is experienced, what would they go back and tell their beginner self? 😂 Share some gossip from the Pokéarts scene. Because the person who wrote this meme is a petty ass bitch. [2024 edit: A recovering one, but still. LMFAO] 😢 Has your muse considered quitting, actually quit, or chosen to take/considered taking a break? What made them stop/want to stop?
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dooxliss · 1 year ago
how about mareach, romantic headcanon?
ask meme
i’ll give you 2.5!
in my own writings, peach always calls mario ‘love’ :]
in paper mario 64, one of the toads asks mario if he knows how to cook and then goes on to say that it’s an important life skill etc
so i think that 1. until after this game occurs, mario did not know how to cook and 2. mario went to peach for help in this!
cooking is not peach’s specialty either but she probably showed him what she knows in both cooking and baking as they make a cake together, so this is what they sometimes reflect back on as their first ‘date’
(he later enlists tayce t. and luigi for cooking as his skill increases)
additionally, peach has a habit of making cakes and other desserts on a very regular basis—following a rescue as a way to thank him and restore stamina, and simply to satisfy mario’s insane sweet tooth (and to see him again)
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celestial-sphere-press · 2 years ago
1-20, any of the questions you haven't answered yet >:)
I haven't answered any questions yet, so I'm picking something I've been wanting to talk about - this answer is somewhat a combination for 1 & 16.
1 - What are you excited about binding right now? & 16 - What texts do you usually bind?
So the easy answer is fanfic for both, but statistically speaking, of my 75 binds to date, 42% have been Star Wars fanfic. This isn't likely to change anytime soon.
And I am both excited and determined to bind a lot more Star Wars fanfic, because I love it and I love the authors - and sadly at least three authors that I know of have been harassed so badly in the past year that they deleted their entire accounts. These authors were prolific, well-written, adored authors in the community, and there was some conversation about things that could be done to prevent this (tho it was too late), and in some cases a plea to focus on the community culture at large and not just on the individuals who had deleted.
So with a combination of a preservationist mindset and a goal for showing authors what they mean to us, I asked @finalfrontierpublishing and @aetherseer if they wanted to start a project with me.
The goal is pretty simple: typeset & bind at least one fic by each of the Star Wars authors that we love and have adored reading from. And then you send the author a gift copy too.
I already had a to-bind list with 50+ SW fics on it, but it seemed kind of daunting by myself and I knew my timeline would be slower. So now it's a team effort! Which I am very excited about. We have already reached out and sent copies to several authors, and I am so excited to do more.
So hey, Star Wars authors, if you get contacted out of the blue by one of us, we would really love to send you a hand-bound copy of your work. Your creativity and your writing was gift to us, and we'd like to give you a gift in return.
thank you @szynkaaa for the opportunity to get on a soapbox a little bit lol
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endawn · 10 months ago
gnawing at my arm on how pax constantly saved and saved and saved but the one time he truly needed saving nobody came
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lulue-xie · 1 year ago
Artist ask: 2 & 9
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
For no reasons it's more easy for me to draw stuffs facing left, often I have to revers the canvas to draw the other way
9. What are your file name conventions
Before I just named my files with one or two words but now it's : date+keyword (exemple 28092023kiss)
To be true it don't help me much to find back my art later, expecially when I deleted the png of it 😅
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thedreamparadox · 2 years ago
👻 and ✨️?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I think like the collective of my Balan Wonderworld headcanons considering they are so far removed from the original source material. Probably the whole 'being able to control the Negati gives you supernatural chronic pain and it sucks a lot' thing.
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
From my Mad Rat Twist fic because there are some great ones in here (I will never not be amused that I dragged some folks into either TWEWY or Mad Rat Dead with this fic~)
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And special shoutout to the person who went out of the way to DRAW THE MAESTRO PERSONA DESIGN I made for my JoD Fic like. Screaming about that STILL
Here have the link to that: https://lizardines.tumblr.com/post/648581544285437952/been-reading-this-really-good-fic-thats-a
Extra shoutout to everyone who has doodled or arted for my silly silly fics y'all are so amazing ;u;
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red-man-of-mustache · 9 months ago
Do me! Do me! for the url meme! <3
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Send me a URL and I’ll share some positivity about them (Still Accepting!)
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Buongiorno Principessa~
Everything's fancy here, I love it! Also, I'm actually interested in what shades of pink you used because it's never overbearing to look at, plus, I must once again refer to the carrd. I don't know how you pulled it off but having to click into it after an image of Peach presents itself is fucking amazing, excuse the french.
Then we get to your Peach!! I've seen a lot of-a them in my time and yours is among the sweetest! Reading your threads gives that authentic tenderness to her while also showing that when she snaps you better fucking r u n because there'll be no mercy when she catches you. Peach, I feel, is inherently pacifist but when you corner her or anyone she loves then the ensuing carnage is immeasurably. Once again, you capture that perfectly and kudos to you. I look forward to our current and future threads with you if you're so interested.
Keep doing what you're doing!
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