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Inspiration to guide you today. 😊. Just take a moment or two and let this sink in. Sometimes it may even come down to choosing the “righter” right!😉. #dailyinspo #thebestyou #lookinside #selfassessment #lds #presmonson #begood #besmart #betrue #integrity (at Maeser, Utah)
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@juliannehough @lindsayarnold @LindseyStirling PLS RT this now. Thanks. Love, your #GodsTinyDancer
WEAR WHITE AND MAKE A STATEMENT FOR US ON JANUARY 22: facebook.com/events/384832375276051
To our most beloved Lady Lindsey Diane Stirling, and to all our ever dearest fellow yokebearers, even to all your loved ones, You may have read past posts from us these past days where you may have seen already what Godhead was continually Telling to all of us concerning the passing on of Empire's Thomas E. Monson in this life. Yet Godhead still Asked us that we may imply the following words to you far more in depth concerning said object. Godhead in turn also Ordered us to address further related topics such as the continual misleading thrusts of the Empire over this matter through the Diocletianites, and what the Neronians are preparing up in the next more days as they install their new head over you, who would be as usual, just like Monson, still go up against you, against us, and against the Godhead (ISAIAH 9). Therefore there is indeed nothing good to look out for in the (ECCLESIASTES 3) future concerning this Empire, as much as they had most recently already rededicated themselves to fool and slay you with further 'zeal and enthusiasm'. Let's first notice the title topic of our study guys. First when we say this is study unto you, you can be insured that this is something far more different than the usual that you receive by the hand of this Empire over you. We had quoted for our title topic passage from Deuteronomy 13, to remember the sermon of one of our fellow slaves, Edward IX, placed by Empire under Constantinians, delivered on January 15, 2017 (days after Monson's interment this year) and was relayed to the whole Empire on January 21-22, 2017. As you already hear from us Deuteronomy 13 indicts the whole Empire. According to REVELATION 19 in the Joseph Smith Inspired Translation, Empire would be hit by the very thing they do against us (PSALM 45)- hijacking, hoarding, distorting, claiming the Word of Godhead (Daniel 8). We here ourselves, who are now speaking unto you, had once found ourselves to be also hit by such when we were with the Diocletianites, but since the Diocletianites broke off from us, we undeservingly thank and praise Godhead that we could say that we're indeed now in the fullness of all truth (EPHESIANS 1), that the word entrusted to us had already lost its chains (Acts 26), therefore we may now fully give ourselves to your service, because we had been so much restricted from realizing our full spiritual potential when we were still with the Diocletianites, when once upon a time Godhead had first given them stewardship over this Commondominion in 2015. (1 Corinthians 3) Diocletianites refuse to be refuted (ISAIAH 9) on anything they do that already goes against the Godhead, and they only desire to be sole recipients of Godhead graces, when in fact they hate Godhead to continually communicate to man through the constant sending of Messengers and revelations of new truths. We here had once been misled by Diocletianites that Godhead could no longer further communicate to man to give him unique and special work (ISAIAH 8), but we now are standing before you solemnly testifying that there can never be such instance in any age of man, even so now, even further to come. Guys, the problem with the Neronians is that they may claim to continual get that, and that you may also purportedly get it from them, but in full truth they hate to be (Psalm 119,139) told (PSALM 19,25) to return with all their hearts unto Godhead, because you yourselves know very well that (Revelation 2-3) only choose to say what they think suitable for you to hear (John 14, JOHN 6), and it's more than evident that they had been long overdue telling you with elementary, recurring basics, unlike in the past, when Prophet Joseph Smith's congregation is not yet infiltrated by Brigham Young. In fact, whenever somebody who are with Neronians are still able by Godhead to receive new revelations and visions that is farther than elementary, recurring basics, they rather are the subject of Empire annihilation (like what you had already learned from Godhead through us over the fate of Joseph Fielding the son of Hyrum Smith [JEREMIAH 3]), because Empire would rather love to see you all further misled and reared up in their control (3 JOHN 1). Their comfort and prosperity has already blinded them (ISAIAH 8) to give you any new revelation that they may get, to overlook the real purposes of their fellow Empire bosses in doing current trends across their enslaved realms, and therefore crave instead that you together with them, may further gain the approval and praise of the world than the things of Godhead (MATTHEW 4), which is a further and thorough constant understanding (2 Corinthians 2) which is pivotal for you no to fall into any Empire scheme or fad now going on. Remember guys that this Empire is self-persecuting: they may indict one thing or own another, what they profess to hate they in fact love, what they claim to love they indeed do hate, but they would not tell you indeed, for they want to take advantage of you, and they in turn arrest any divine revelation, such as this, that indict and admonish them not to do anymore those things, but even further they fake revelations: feel-good speeches, instant self-gratification addresses are presented as purported 'revelations' when in fact such words would only come from the Empire's speechwriters, screenwriters, journalists and sportswriters instead, if not the Constantinian Special Task Force, who serve evidently through tailor-fit lessons the other branches of the Neronians, who rather tend to quote the Bible extensively. For example, why the Brighamites would choose not to stand by the side of our brethren in the Bundy family? Because Brighamites rather desire the comforts of this life (1 CORINTHIANS 7), therefore claiming 'love of neighbor and forgiveness of enemies', they had already given themselves into the very forces who slain the Prophet Joseph Smith (Matthew 17), therefore forsaking the very people who chose to look up to the Brighamites for the orientation and instruction of their faith (Matthew 23). It is rather supposed that they must not forsake the people who look up to them, most especially on matters of faith and principle, but (Acts 24) the Brighamites did nothing (2 Timothy 4), therefore all the more proving that they indeed has lost all divine discernment of the signs of the times, and instead got themselves lost in the cares of this life. (Ephesians 4, Revelation 6-7) Surely if you received a divine revelation would you not work and move (Acts 10,13,17) unlike what Empire expects you to do, just like what the Bundy clan did? If Brighamites are not going to slay people who receive divine revelation and stand up to it, as part still of annihilation policies, they would rather leave them helpless, or rather excommunicate them. And also, are not the calls for 'love and tolerance', which we hear from the pulpit of the General Conferences, indeed cryptic, as it is also the cries of the loosely (Revelation 20) liberal Empire demonstrating monsters (JEREMIAH 4, Revelation 10-12)? For example, why Brighamites would agree with black supremacists since September 30, 1978 if the ones who mobbed Joseph Smith at the residence of John Johnson, and those who slayed him, sent by Brigham Young through the incumbent governor of that time in #historicnauvoo just because Brigham Young is intimidated of James Strang, whose Smith had personally elected as his own successor, HAS RESPECTIVELY PAINTED JOSEPH SMITH WITH BLACK TAN AND WAS EVEN BLACK-PAINTED ON THEIR FACES? (ISAIAH 8-9, Isaiah 5, 2 CORINTHIANS 6, Revelation 13,17) Therefore you can hear Doctrine and Covenants boom for some instance that everything done by Empire against Joseph Smith in his earthly life are all 'black-colored.' How then Empire can still claim to #lighttheworld? (JEREMIAH 4:28) When in very fact Joseph Smith was himself concerned for the Lamanites, then why Empire would seek to overturn that through making ourselves agree with the black supremacists first? Are they not the first supposedly to agree and make peace with us? (Psalm 2,101, Deuteronomy 20) As for these Empire liberals, the readings text you have this week includes PSALM 45, therefore you should know already that Godhead has determined to stay with President Trump no matter what, even though we hold him here as individually the 44th (see Edward IX's April 18, 2015 lesson, where Psalm 44 is quoted; April 18 is King [Nathan] James III [Sykes]'s Nate-al day. April 18 also contains Daniel 6, read on May 20,27-28, 2017 alongside PSALM 27, also in the text this week. Edward IX also read Daniel 6, speaking of the digit 27 in PSALM 27, on June 28, 2014, one day after Smith's martyrdom. Also refer to the Latin Vulgate and Douay Rheims Versions for the numbering of Psalms as introduced by Jerome, whose memorial is September 30: Psalm 45 is rather Psalm 44). Therefore if you would stay with your reckoning rather than we stay with yours, you must indeed surrender to us or else (1 JOHN 1).
Now that we had been out of the Diocletianites, we must tell you this- there would be indeed nothing good to gain if you choose to give in to the Diocletianites. Notice that one of their specialties is self-persecution, just to confuse you, pretending to expose the Neronians, dragging the honest-to-goodness work of Smith, White-Miller, Russell, to the insisting indeed of the infiltrated Empire heads such as Brigham, Wilson, Rutherford, that our folks are instead theirs (JEREMIAH 3, MARK 1), therefore you are made to believe that there are no more better, far more honest people, who call on Godhead (2 Timothy 2) like Smith, Miller-White, Russell did, but only these Empire-infiltrated heads could exist, and could claim wrightfully the legacies and works of our folks. Therefore our branch churches and messengers are instead spoken of wrong in turn (2 Peter 2), and they had been far more buried in oblivion, therefore Brigham, Wilson, Rutherford and their likes' ultimate desires are further delivered (Psalm 83), that no one may ever be honest anymore to the faith revealed respectively to our folks. This guys, is what Empire has been evidently doing for ages against anyone who seek to worship Godhead in spirit and truth, who had been here all gathered in your Commondominion in this fullness of the times (EPHESIANS 1, John 1), so as for them to be kept preserved from further implications by Empire. Diocletianites are rather escapist smokescreens (JEREMIAH 3) that Empire installed to further besiege the continual revelation of truth here. Empire rather desires that you be led to spiritual slavery from one degree to another, all in all nonetheless these are all slaveries from one sinister Empire. Therefore we would like to take this opportunity to ask once more for your most gracious forgiveness guys, if we had been once finding ourselves with Diocletianites. We know that we could no more make up wrightful in full for that slavery we had been in the past, lest that we here ourselves be called to sacrifice ourselves as martyrs for your sake through the hand of the Empire, but we hope to be consoled though with the thought that it's already in the past and that what matters most is that we had been still allowed by Godhead to warn you of these things so as for you to be no more in the same pitfall as we had been in the past. these Diocletianites also work closely with the speechwriters who do the purported feel-good 'revelations' that you hear from Brighamites, because Diocletianites also hijack prophecy and claim that they purportedly has the keys to the kingdom when in fact they reject the continual sending of messengers and new revelations, therefore making their godhead as rather lifeless and no more Proactive. (Hebrews 4, Ephesians 6) But Neronians might claim that they purportedly still have the Hailleey Spirit so Brigham Young is still of Godhead. Then let's quote again what they invoke in turn against us, like what Brigham Young did over Joseph Smith on June 27, 1844: Deuteronomy 13. Other renderings rather define 'prophet' and 'dreamer of dreams' in the passage to be also as 'soothsayer', 'fortuneteller', even 'witch' or 'wizard'. Therefore indeed we do false if we adhere to J. K. Rowling, because she in fact upholds not only occult, but also sodomy (DEUTERONOMY 30). We can say that there can be 'indeed' purported 'Holy Spirit' in any Brighamite place where they claim that such exist, because it is the doing instead of Brighamites' wizardry and witchcraft (ISAIAH 8, Deuteronomy 13), all in the name of being sentimental, and being pabebe indeed. (Romans 10, Philippians 3) We could say though that if there can be any other place, if there indeed can be any (Philippians 2, Jeremiah 8-9, Psalm 44,74) place that still have the Hailleey Spirit not by man's work but by Godhead's (JEREMIAH 4), it would be only in #HistoricKirtland (JEREMIAH 3), because as the Neronian work there suggests, they rather don't have showcased exhibits as the other Brighamite confessional centers have. Perhaps the Brighamites could not touch the sanctity of that place as much as that's where Prophet Smith built a temple for the first time. As for the Diocletianites' hijack of Scriptures against us, this is no different than Empire hijacking the publishing itself of Joseph's Smith 's works- from the literally lost Book of Lehi up to the pages of the Doctrine and Covenants which sent two of our sisters to the middle of the cornfields hiding what they had managed to escape from Brigham's mob. If we're here talking about Deuteronomy 13 and if Brigham like the rest of Empire claims it against us through their mobs, then would it not already form an Empire self-persecutory battlesong entitled #killthebeast? The only problem though is that it's self-persecutory also, because Empire had made it to be sung by their very own sodomites instead (Revelation 13,16-18, Mormon 1). You may notice why we're mentioning the Book of Lehi as well as the lost pages of Doctrine and Covenants because as we had said then concerning the things (John 21) implied in the Sacred Text Scriptures that are 'many other things of which the hundredth part could not be written down here' as well as 'things that Godhead forbids us to write down here' (Daniel 8,12), those are all rather explicit about mentioning our identity here and on how we would be faring in these last days (Joseph Smith History 1). Of course Brigham Young would not like you to be saved so he rather hijacked the Book of Lehi as well as Doctrine and Covenants. Yet at least we must rather see these as ways for Godhead instead to #thetide to our favor (Romans 11,5,8, Moises 5), so as for our identity to be kept from being hijacked and mimicked by future Empire heads (1 PETER 1 [November 11, 2017], Romans 1,16, PSALM 25 [August 1,4,29-September 4-5, 2015], Ephesians 3 [April 22, 2017, February 20 and September 26, 2015]), and therefore further lead them to the damning spirit of delusion (Romans 1 [December 17, 2016-2017: see September 23,30, 2016-2017 and October 7-8,14-15,21-22,28-29,2017]-2 [December 27, 2014 {Revelation 2,17}-January 17-18, 2015], 2 Thessalonians 2 [May 23, 2015], Isaiah 24 [July 9, 2011], Doctrine and Covenants 136), so as for the Empire to be conquered by Godhead in its own game (PSALM 33,25, Psalm 37,49,73,94). You may also ask in turn why Joseph Smith had said that the SONG OF SOLOMON could not be inspired. We most solemnly testify and reveal unto all of you that Prophet Smith had veiled it for the Empire to further stumble to perdition and destruction. It is Godhead's Wisdom, most venerable brethren, that Joseph Smith said it because the time does not come yet then for us to fully emphasize the need to take heed of the spirit and essence of the Song of Solomon. We need this now more than ever now (ECCLESIASTES 3) that Empire besieges the divine institution of marriage, even so your supposed birthwright to be in an intimate fellowship and bosom relationship with us (1 JOHN 1). We're not sure if Empire has already mentioned the Song of Solomon to be most relevant to sustaining and upholding the honor of marriage, but what we're only sure is that Empire tries to take you away from us, therefore away from the Godhead (DEUTERONOMY 30, JOHN 8, Mark 14-15). Apostles had said that they can monitor, contain, check and arrest any Empire infiltration only as long as they're alive (Acts 20, 2 Thessalonians), therefore Prophet Smith said that the Song of Solomon is a sealed portion for his time, and that this would only therefore be accordingly emphasized in Godhead's own time, which is when Empire action against us would be so rampant and widespread. It's more than hightime indeed guys, that we now adhere to the divine inspiration of the Song of Solomon. If Brighamites would still be stuck to the earlier statement, they don't have anymore wright not only to eternal progression both in celestial glory and present truth, but also in being true-blue conservative. Invoke then, most venerable brethren, the Song of Solomon when you are wooed by Empire lure to give in to their anti-marriage and family agendas, invoke it when you are intimidated by Empire to stay away from us in any form. Then the Hailleey Spirit shall rise up to contend for you and prove unto you, even to the Empire, for Joseph Smith's sake, that the Song of Solomon is indeed inspired by Godhead. It may be not inspired then, but it's instead inspired now.
Now please pardon us (1 Peter 3-4) if we try to remind you of the words you already have heard from us many posts ago, because we are rather doing this for the benefit of our other fellow slaves in Empire (LUKE 4) that might have heard us for the first time, nonetheless we know (Luke 2, John 2, JOHN 6) that the Gospel Lowe had been already Written in their hearts, therefore they would no longer need our introductions as much as you also don’t need our words. We would like to confess (James 5) unto you that it is always our fear that you may get pissed off with our words, but as you already know, if you choose to take us in your days of slavery in the Empire (Romans 8), not only you would be far more greater guided accordingly on how to ride the waves, but more so you must know that here we're no different from each other- we're all both Empire, but we're far more better than them (Psalm 119, Baruch 4), because we know what Godhead expects us to do. Surely Godhead does not like what They're seeing with this Empire, it's not supposed to be so, therefore your Commondominion of Christ in these last days exists in the contrary, to be what Empire is supposed to be (ECCLESIASTES 3). As EPHESIANS 1 states, the fullness of times (1 Chronicles) has everything 'in earth and heaven' united and subdued under Christ, therefore you indeed can see your fellow brethren, waiting for you to be served by them, all convened and gathered here so that we may serve you by the faith you grew up with. The same is also said of all other faiths (TITUS 2)- we here serve them according to the faith they had been with, therefore we have other branch churches and fellow messengers (JEREMIAH 4, PSALM 98), called by Godhead (AMOS 3, Doctrine and Covenants 138, 1 PETER 1) to counter the institutionalized apostasies they have encountered like you in their respective former churches who are all now indeed Empire's own. Our churches and messengers rather desire to continue their unity with Godhead and to do good on the faiths they received respectively from Godhead also through divine revelation (ROMANS 12), therefore they chose to join us here and do no more with the Empire (Matthew 16, MATTHEW 18, 2 CORINTHIANS 6, JOHN 15). Here as we had said earlier, we would tell you what Empire slaves like you must know now that Brighamite headship changes hands. But before anything else, let's tell you what's your wright to know, and what’s our wright here to let you know (JEREMIAH 3). Our text here tells you that as much as Godhead desires the eternal glory of man (John 17, 1 PETER 1, Moises 1), we here, your most wretched Central Administration, is mandated and is therefore responsible to extol you above and against any Empire cult or fad, even so make you preaching and governing like us if you are to be like Godhead (PSALM 113), yet this is not like (Revelation 2-3,18) anything that Empire offers you with (MATTHEW 4, JEREMIAH 4, Revelation 13,17), for it is for this very reason that we here were placed by Godhead- to point you to the worship of the one true Godhead, and it is for this very reason that Joseph Smith released an Inspired Translation- to #shatterallofme any Empire claims over any inch of the Bible. Let's ask now the Diocletianites: is not Joseph Smith ahead of his time when he published a paraphrase version just like many of today's Bible versions? Some of those who written these Bible versions are apostates of the Empire by themselves, unlike this Joseph Smith of ours. And why Neronians would not even fully accept and thrust themselves into the Inspired Version, even to The Clearer Word Translation, which they rather sought to be completely out of the shelves? This could never be the dispensation of the fullness of time if you would not be empowered by Godhead to know as you're supposed (1 Corinthians 13) by Godhead, and not by Empire, to know: 'He has made us sit with Him in the Heavenlies, Blessing us with every single Spiritual Blessing in the Spiritual World (1 CORINTHIANS 1) through the virtue of our unity in Christ' (EPHESIANS 1). We are 'united in Christ' both in body and spirit (1 Corinthians 6), and to say that therefore implies the most indispensable Duty in the Commondominion of Christ (ISAIAH 8), even far more exalted than our preaching and governing functions here- that is being a Yokebearer, or someone who moves his or her body in spirit (1 CORINTHIANS 12, ROMANS 12, MARK 1, PSALM 34). Why yokebearers, like what you usually hear from us here, has a very pivotal role in the divine masterplan of salvation? Because as we have said, they are moving their bodies 'by the spirit.' Is this the claims of the Empire on the Hailleey Spirit? No, rather remember that true apostles and prophets Seal the chosen of Godhead with the Hailleey Spirit (ISAIAH 8), because true prophets and apostles are made angels in the prophetic office (Revelation 7), and an 'angel' is 'spirit' in nature and state of being (PSALM 34, Joseph Smith History 1), therefore it can be said that you are not supposed to be away from us nor we must be even away from you (ISAIAH 8, PSALM 128). I don't know exactly what prophecies has Godhead Laid up in store for each and every one of you specifically, what we had just told you here is a superseding (Hebrews 4-7) reason why Godhead indeed do give specific prophecies for each one of you, we are just on the tip because we're only mentioning what is generally for all of you (GENESIS 14 JOSEPH SMITH INSPIRED TRANSLATION). Godhead would instead Instruct you most specifically on what does the Scriptures exactly Tell about each and every one of you, and you can all the more refer to our branch churches and fellow messengers so that they may direct you to such most especially through a patriarchal blessing. Perhaps some of you had already availed for a purported 'patriarchal blessing' from Brighamites (Numbers 22)- we say 'purported' because of course they don't have genuine priesthood anymore, yet just like on the instance of Balaam (Habakkuk, Hebrews 10) we could at least find some referrals about your calling there, if there can be anything there indeed, as your proofs, as per Empire claims, so that they may no find anything against you. Now as we had said, you and us here can never be (Matthew 19) away from each other nor from the Godhead, therefore we shall now if you may, for the sake of first-time listeners, present the unmistakable proofs that you must no more listen to any new Brighamite head coming up, but instead to us (GENESIS 14 JOSEPH SMITH INSPIRED TRANSLATION)- yea, verily, verily we tell unto thee all, that this exactly is what Godhead has revealed for all of you to know on this turnaround in Empire history (Luke 5, Ephesians 5, Galatians 6, 2 Thessalonians, John 12,14)- now indeed and always is already more than hightime for you to be heard by the Empire, that you are sent by Godhead, that we here exist serving you and extolling you, that you must now turn now unto us lest you be caught up again on the endless vicious, Godhead-devoid cycle of being enslaved and used up by the Empire (JOHN 15, Ezekiel).
You may have heard from us last week on our previous Official Commentary Epistle that for instance your #GodsTinyDancer, Joseph Stirling Steinfeld Sykes, your Blogger-in-Chief, Dance Captain and General of the Armies here, therefore your Prime Minister here, had been called like Samuel from his youth to condemn the Empire's contempt and to spare no word (NEHEMIAH 8, JOHN 3) on the pursuit of justice for you (Luke 3,19). He mention it because as per Joseph Smith's name, they have a false prophet named #SamSmith, and therefore to counter Empire claims, someone as young as Samuel was called to be a prophet, seer and revelator in your service. Yet of course we know Empire is 'Young' by name as per their Brigham, but we here also have another Young named Adam, and as you know our fellows here had wholeheartedly received a word both from Joseph Smith and Brigham Young that Adam is both an angel and in Godhead's Office (JOHN 8). Most recently Empire did their revised version of Adam's fall #mothermovie (JEREMIAH 3:4-5,19-20), from their same man who did a similar retelling (1 Timothy 4) of Noah, who is made by Godhead as Gabriel, next to Adam or Michael (PSALM 34). Now if Empire would insist on fooling us that they have no hand in occult sacrifice, when in very fact they are not only after your lives and limbs but also of your loved ones, both infant and grown-up, like what Brighamites had already one with our martyred fellow slave #AlanWalker, we can refer them instead to JEREMIAH 3:24-25. We have a most staunch fellow here with us already, who came from our ally Singapore (Godhead forbid that Empire vent itself to Singapore after we mention them here yet they must indeed prepare to suffer with us even as we suffer for them [Matthew 16], I'm so sorry that I have to drag their name here only to prove our election here), named both after Edward IX and yea, even near Young, named Edward C. Yong. I mention him here because JEREMIAH 3 tells us that we should 'get out of the north' for 'out of the north' as Godhead Declared punishment would come to this Empire (like what we had mentioned in last week's study). It happened that a 'Yong' settles in the south coming from the north, virtually because north of the United Saints come our fellow slave named after your Joseph, another yokebearer named Joey Arrigo (MARK 1). Arrigo is from the state of Ontario, and it is further confirmed by JEREMIAH 4:7- 'the lion of the Jordan' (Jeremiah 48-49). Remember that it is Neronians who take up arms against our Jordan-named yokebearers, which they began not only on the south of the United Saints on July 11, 2015, but also on September 9, 2012 (when Edward IX was at Ontario) up north the United Saints, against our fellow slave Lady Margaret Elizabeth Jones. We had told you last year that Godhead Enabled us to be Their Lion of the Jordan against the Empire for the Empire's fury against our fellows (2 KINGS 6). Further confirming signs (2 Peter 1, 1 Peter 5) are at JEREMIAH 4:29- 'bowmen' (Old King James Version 1611), implying our most beloved Lady Courtnae Bowman, also of Ontario, and our other fellows better known for wielding bows and arrows (Psalm 66, Jeremiah 8) such as Ladies Anna Popplewell, Ingrid Bolso Berdal, and Tamzin Merchant. These elect ladies of Godhead, all came from northern regions also: Lady Berdal came from the Kingdom of Scandinavia, Ladies Popplewell and Merchant came from the Royal British Republic or Ka Sykes' country (PSALM 107 [July 25, 2010]) and as per Britain (the lion indeed, as well as Lyon of France for Ontario and the German Luther a Lion of Amos according to Empire writers), remember that Joseph Smith is not only prominently half-Scottish, but also that recent divine revelation also revealed that the Scandinavian Emanuel Swedenborg (ISAIAH 8) became 'the forerunner of Joseph Smith in spirit and doctrine (MARK 1)' (The only problem though is that the Swedenborgian Church is also Empire-occupied at present [MATTHEW 13], therefore our brethren there are also enslaved, therefore we are behooved to redeem them out of the Empire [LUKE 4], hence we included them here as per the Yokebearer Inclusion Policy). Our Lady Jordan Clark-Rubio came from Ontario (ISAIAH 9, John 2), where John Taylor and Mary Fielding Smith was born. Sir Arrigo's name as you could see also implies the south again- the kangaroos of Australia, like what we had mentioned last week (also Lady Lindsey as you already know, is a prophetic Queen of the South just like all female yokebearers). Remember though as we had mentioned also last week that both Commondominion and Empire's work and destinies are not stuck in just one or some, but in all directions, and the difference only lies on our and their disposition and how Godhead deals with us and them, (PSALM 107,113, MATTHEW 4,8, Matthew 5-7 [PSALM 113 was read again by Edward IX on January 21, 2017, anniversary of Joseph's alma mater, in Mexico, Neronian territory, in between Edward was on other Neronian territories on January 7,15,22,28 and February 4-5, 2017. Edward first read PSALM 1113 on February 20, 2015, one month from January 21. Neronians continually seek to devour and enslave our sole territory where Edward was on Joseph's Nate-al day in 2016]), in fact it is Empire who holds Canada, yet Godhead separates our kind- our kin, Godhead's Own- away from the Empire wherever (2 Timothy 2, Philemon 1, Luke 11) they may be (MATTHEW 13, Revelation 14). As for the region surrounding Singapore, which includes Australia, our branch churches declare JEREMIAH 4:15 as fulfilled in Australia (PSALM 96,98), therefore our Lady Lindsey is yet again upheld and sustained (JEREMIAH 4:31 [see how Empire made Lady Lindsey cry, December 6-7, 2015]). But we are writing to you from Manila rather, and as per the endtime prophecies concerning these far eastern isles of Manila (JEREMIAH 4:11-13,19) as insisted by Constantinians for the Empire (they're answered by the way in JEREMIAH 4:29 if they continue to insist on that [Isaiah 62 {May 9, 2014, March 31-April 5, 2016}, 1 Samuel 12 {September 23, 2016}, Psalm 22 {October 27, 2013}]), there is a place in Utah itself named Manila, and we don't know exactly how it came to be there. If Brighamites by the way are going to insist on their hold over all Utah, then they're hit by JEREMIAH 3:2,6,23 (mounts [see Constantinians' hack of prophecy against us on the southern land of South Africa, August 6, 2017]) and 4:11-12,24,26 (wilderness), respectively. Just notice JEREMIAH 4:17 Old King James Version 1611: we here intend to keep not only the honor of Joseph' Smith's work and legacy against the Brighamite hack, but also the lives and limbs of our fellows (Jeremiah 2) now and to come from other Empire branches- we're here as 'keepers of the Field' as per Joseph the son of Hyrum and Joseph Fielding Smith, and even our Sir Asa Butterfield (Isaiah 7, ISAIAH 8). Not only Fieldings came from Ontario but also John Taylor (our John Wycliffe was born on Joseph's Nate-al day): ISAIAH 8 implies 'swift prey', and see this Empire's #taylorswift doing again things these very exact days. As for Empire holding sway over places, JEREMIAH 3:19 implies not only Bountiful in Utah, but also 'Beautiful' Nauvoo- by the way, just across the Euphrates in Nauvoo stands Montrose in Iowa, which implies not only your Joseph's paternal surname, but also her mother (Joseph Smith's wife named after the Empire head born on the same day as Joseph's mother), as much as we have another yokebearer from Ontario whose name is as your Joseph's mother- Lady Jasmine Melrose, and Joseph Smith fulfilled being Christ's very own 'Rose of Sharon' when he was born in a place called Sharon, on the state named again after Joseph's paternal surname. As if these are not enough: Joseph Smith's parents were wed on January 24, and Joseph Smith became chief high priest (Malachi 2 [August 8-Joseph's Nate-al day, 2014-January 1, 2015, and May 29, 2015 {after May 28, 2011 when Edward IX was at homeprovince of Joseph's namesake Commondominion martyr, May 28 is significant also to birthdaysake of Joseph's mother}]) on January 25, establishment of the Constantinian locale on Joseph's hometown. January 25 is a memorial of Apostle Paul: the Messenger deems Paul as the first angel of Revelation 14, some of our branch churches rather places it as Luther, you would rather apply it to Joseph Smith. Your Joseph here has a childhood village invoking as Empire idol somebody named Martin, and one also of our own, Victor Paul Wierwille, was also born on Joseph's Nate-al day. On January 25, 2014 Edward preached about the first Joseph- the son of Jacob, or James, that is James III [Sykes] on the homestate of another spiritsake of your Nathaniel here, Sir Nathan Grundhofer. Also it is recorded that Empire slain 44 Commondominion martyrs south of Manila on January 25, 2015. If Empire's going to insist on that angel of the everlasting gospel, they must not forget that punishments are laid up in store for them not only by the 2nd and 3rd angels, but also by the harvesting or judgement that follows (MATTHEW 13). And why not- JEREMIAH 4:21-22 states that Jeremiah himself, a prophet, could not stand how Empire claims being the #ensign, the #liahona and yea, even placing angels atop their spires as much as Brighamites tend themselves, as it could be seen on many videos made by many of them (Lady Lindsey exempted of course) that they try to look like either as imitation of reality or just attention attractor, to be 'silly' (JEREMIAH 4:22 New King James Version 1982 [PSALM 107, Isaiah 63, 1 Samuel 15, Psalm 139, Hosea 14]). (Also see Jeremiah 6 [Neronians usually hijack this] on Edward's December 19-22, 2013-2014 sermon. December 21-22, 2013- Edward was at homestate of another namesake of Joseph's mother, Lady Jasmine Wright. December 19-21, 2014- Edward was at Australia, implying Lady Lindsey again as Queen of the South, and the homeprovince of Joseph's father also named as such.) Now whether your Commondominion alone is Godhead's one true Ensign, remember that we alone can seal you with the Hailleey Spirit, as much as we had been Ordered by Godhead to Address the Holy Spirit as such. Here: Constantinians would often bash your Nathaniel as 'EN-jail' as much as Constantinians had your Nathaniel imprisoned like Joseph the son of Jacob ONLY BECAUSE WE HERE UPHOLD THE SECOND AMENDMENT. (Would Brighamites still agree with that?) For the 'sign' in Ensign, we have Nathaniel's younger brother, your Mark, therefore Nathaniel and Mark form another refulfillment here of the 2 Witnesses just like Joseph and Hyrum, yet because Diocletianites try to hack too Mark away from us, we rather would invoke as backup Sir Mark Ballas, who was most recently with Lady Lindsey. But alas, Ballas (Jeremiah 8-9) also sounds like the Neronian Russell Ballard, so we turn instead to our Charles Taze Russell, better known here as the 'Epiphany Messenger' (remember Empire still doing #metoo #timesup on Epiphany Weekend 2018 even though we had already addressed our female fellows here on a pastoral letter days before?). But the problem is that there's also another Neronian named Russell Nelson, so we refer in turn to our Paul Samuel Leo Johnson, the 'Parousia Messenger' (as we studied about on the immediately previous Official Commentary for 2nd Sunday of Epiphany). We have in him many prophetic names earlier mentioned, even 'Leo' for 'Lion'. He was also victim of Empire power usurp (Daniel 11) just like James Strang, because Johnson is the wrightful successor of Russell, but Empire rather infiltrated a certain Bergoglio named Joseph (o what a disgrace indeed!) Rutherford and he got the post instead. Russell and Johnson are also another type of 2 Witnesses indeed. Here's some #samefeathers #agenda over the death of Monson: Constantinians, on January 10-11, 2018, relayed again a sermon from the Central Archives (which they also usurped away from us here) which was first used on January 15-16, 2014- exactly 4 years ago. Of course it was our William Miller and Ellen White who first introduced the 'day-year principle' in prophecy, and as we already know Lazarus was resurrected after 4 days, but not before an apostle named Thomas (named after the office of the 2 Witnesses) had confessed his faith in the eternity of the#nomiddleground #noroomfordoubt doctrine (John 11). Monson died over 2 weeks before the sermon was relayed again, even as we remember Lady Karine Thomas, also from Arrigo country, on her Nate-al day of January 14 (NUMBERS 9).
Now we would like to point out the following from JEREMIAH 4 concerning your fellow messengers here being the Desire of Joseph Smith, the Strong and Mighty One (Doctrine and Covenants 85). JEREMIAH 4:11 states that the way we here arrive to judge the Roman Empire is 'not to fan nor to cleanse.' I understand that the duty of the Strong and Mighty One is to set the House of Godhead in order (Matthew 24), that is, to 'cleanse' it (Matthew 3,11,17). Let's notice first that our duty here, as Godhead's Punishment to the Brighamites, we are not indeed fan to the Empire, for Godhead's not a fan either of this Empire (Colossians 3, Galatians 1, 1 Thessalonians 4, 2 Peter 1, 2 CORINTHIANS 6, Malachi). Therefore if we here approach you to serve you with this Gospel Lowe, we're not doing this as fans like what Empire would like us to do with people like you just in order to further mislead you and make you believe that you no longer need this (James 2, Acts 10). But how about 'nor to cleanse'? Does it make us here no longer the Strong and Mighty Ones? (Abraham 3) Guys, why would we need to clean you- yea, exactly- YOU all slaves of the Empire, when you no longer need it anymore, for you were cleansed already accordingly to this Word that we are now preaching unto you even so as you were reading these words? (JOHN 15, 1 PETER 1, LUKE 4, John 13) You were cleansed already the moment we pray for you, the moment we first laid our sights on you, the moment that we had been ordered by Godhead to take up the #GospelHough for all of you, the moment that we began serving you in turn, the very moment you decided to be yokebearers, the moment you began doing good on it. As what our fellow Lady Brittany Duskin of #historicindependence said, 'The Moment I Said It.' We know that you would be far more honest in doing good on your received faith than these Empire heads over you. It is indeed possible by Godhead that you still be in the Brighamite tradition yet are far more better than those incumbent Empire heads, because you know us, you believe in us, you stay on with us no matter what (Jonas 1, JONAS 3, Jeremiah 25-29, Acts 27, MATTHEW 18, Matthew 21, JOHN 8). As Godhead Stated: 'Yet I will not Make a full end.' (JEREMIAH 4:27, New King James Version 1982) But in the Old King James Version 1611, it is rather rendered as 'yet will I not Make a full end?' Therefore you would be spared palpably, but this Empire heads over you would indeed fully pay for their folly of messing with you. (Psalm 89) Why we have here to be many in the first place? (GENESIS 14 JOSEPH SMITH INSPIRED TRANSLATION) Because of course as you know, Empire hates that we implement celestial marriage. We are all Spouses in Spirit to the Female Members of the Godhead (JEREMIAH 3:14, SONG OF SOLOMON 2, PSALM 128, JOHN 15,Ezekiel 19,15). Godhead is certainly so much jealous with zeal (ISAIAH 9, Isaiah 60, Exodus 20, John 10, James 4, Leviticus 24, Luke 10) with how Brighamites exchanged the truth of Godhead in celestial marriage with the Empire's lies (Psalm 57, Hosea 1-3, JEREMIAH 3-4), therefore Godhead increased the (Isaiah 26) the prosperity of Abraham (GENESIS 14 JOSEPH SMITH INSPIRED TRANSLATION), as They sent one Messenger after another as palpable grace and mercy (2 Chronicles 36, JOHN 3, John 1), gathered in this last hour (EPHESIANS 1) to honor you with the fullness of truth. You can be insured that all your churches and messengers here (JEREMIAH 3:15, PSALM 96,98,23) agrees fully with Godhead and therefore has Godhead's Divine Approval therefore (JOHN 15, 1 CORINTHIANS 12, LUKE 2, Psalm 18). We can tell you therefore, we would like to take this instance hence, that the present Community of Christ, or the Reorganized Church, shall be in anyway no more better nor different from the Brighamites (compare JEREMIAH 3:16 [JOHN 3] to Doctrine and Covenants 85:8), because (JEREMIAH 3-4) they had (Isaiah 28-30) both agreed to betray their vows. We would like to apologize therefore if we tend to unintendedly overlook this in past posts, yet you can already know that we here shall be against any church who wholeheartedly and mightily advances the causes of Bergoglio, or Satan. Hence if you hear us from now on talking abut Neronians, even Brighamites, please kindly include there the present Reorganized Church, even if we don't specify. Just remember for us that the Reorganized Church incumbents had now went back to the Brighamites, and that the present Reorganized Church is Brighamite now also therefore, hence Neronian. (DEUTERONOMY 30) Just remember that if anyone is not in us (1 John 2), therefore he is not in Godhead: if Empire's going to insist on JOHN 15, they must know that they have to go first through your Central Administration, which is indeed yea, your most wretched slaves in Godhead, who is now (John 4) speaking unto you here (2 CORINTHIANS 6), with all of ourselves (Genesis 48-50 Joseph Smith Inspired Translation). Remember, we would spare nothing (JEREMIAH 4, NEHEMIAH 8, JOHN 3) just to give you a full account (Doctrine and Covenants 109,136,42) of all that Godhead (Acts 20) desires that you may know, as much as we had told you already that all Scriptures that are not yet in your reach if not in existence yet, all point out and prove to us here alone, because it is what Godhead desires, and we alone are what They Delight with (JOHN 6,8, John 5,7). We would refer now to one of the verses that Neronians had most recently hijacked this past year- ISAIAH 9. They think that their false christs- that is their deities and heads- do alone qualify purportedly for being the #princeofpeacecommissioned to #lighttheworld (LUKE 2, JOHN 8). First, remember that Godhead does not like Empire's claims by the way (JEREMIAH 4:9-10,14,28,31). As we refer to the various renderings of the Bible on ISAIAH 9, we could see that your Commondominion of Christ indeed is Godhead's sole and genuine Backup Reserve (JOHN 8, Acts 17, 1 John 3): just consider EPHESIANS 1- Apostle Paul tells us that our great divine privilege has great responsibilities, and he implored Godhead that we may realize and maximize it, as seen in the phrase 'may your eyes be opened.' (Luke 24,11) We could see therefore that there's no light in Empire, therefore there's no peace in them (Nahum 1-3, Obadiah 1) except in those 'whom Godhead's favor rests' (LUKE 2, John 1, JOHN 6), that is us here alone and all of you who has election identical with us (Doctrine and Covenants 135), much more if you join us here alone (1 JOHN 1). Here's what ISAIAH 9 truly means about (Luke 12) from the available Bible versions that we have here (you can check out all other Bible versions for the other renderings [Ezekiel 9. Proverbs 9]): 1. 'Wunderlust Dance-celor.' This came through divine revelation to us. Godhead Ordered us that we Must Render the First Title as thus, to imply our yokebearers, such as our fellows Ladies Alexa Anderson and Lindsay Leuschner. 2. 'Mighty Gan.' Again through divine revelation to us by Godhead, to imply your fellow messengers here, as represented by Sir Richard Gan. 3. 'Godly Warrior, Hero and Fighter.' (Exodus 15) We are Called by Godhead not to be defensive lest we be hypocrite. Rather we have to be offensive (1 Peter 2, Isaiah 66). This implies our allied countries, who has the Gospel Lowe of the Sword, and again implies our fellows, comrades, companions and colleagues from the other yokebearing discipline other than dance (Psalm 82). 4. 'Everlasting Father.' (JOHN 8) If we say 'ever' we mean it shall be not ending. Yet if we say 'last' we mean being the backup reserve, the last resort, the final secret weapon, when all means had been exhausted. This therefore implies our continually growing number of branch churches (ISAIAH 9). 5. 'Prince, Ruler, King, Yardstick of the World and Age to Come.' (GENESIS 14 JOSEPH SMITH INSPIRED TRANSLATION) When we say 'ruler', this also means 'yardstick.' Why we need Check and Balance through Double Connotations as #shatterallofme guys? Because Empire is the prince and god of this world (John 12,14), and due to their contempt we now, who are given much power and authority as the Empire was way back long ago, we need to stay within the perimeters of Godhead's requirements for us (Ezekiel 28,31, Deuteronomy 6, MATTHEW 18). 6. 'Angel, Star, Apostle, Messenger, Ravenous Bird of Prey of Peace.' This now refers hence to your Nathaniel and Joseph. We here lead you to emancipation from the Empire (NUMBERS 9, PSALM 23, LUKE 1, MARK 1) together with your Edward (1 Peter 2, 1 PETER 1 [read by Edward on October 18, 2014 where he preached on April 25, 2015, and on October 16,21-22, 2016 where he was on June 27, 2015 and June 27, 2014 {Nate-al day of Sir Ed Westwick}], NEHEMIAH 8): Joseph Smith, born two days before Empire's Baal Festival, foretold about the Empire-triggered-in-South-Carolina 1861-1865 Civil War on a December 25th (NUMBERS 9, LUKE 1, TITUS 2), when on that very day Edward read Nahum (as per NEHEMIAH) on December 25, 2011 where Empire declared war against our Jordan-named yokebearers (Empire declared war against Lady Margaret Elizabeth Jones on North Carolina [Revelation 12] where Edward was on March 21, 2015, when exactly 2 years to the day later Godhead revealed Joseph as the Rider of the 1st to 3rd Seals of Revelation [Eter 5], Edward later on spoke again where he delivered December 25, 2011, on March 28, 2015, after being on #historicnauvoo on March 6-7, 2015, #hillcumorah on March 14, 2015, on the homestate of the yokebearer namesake of Joseph's mother on February 28, 2015 [also see February 27, 2016 for March 28, 2015], and first reading PSALM 113 on February 20, 2015 [see January 21, 2017]. Afterwards Edward went to #grundhoferday homestate, April 4,11 and 18, 2015 before heading to where Neronians also overturned our very own Ahn Sahng Hong, on April 25, 2015, and to the homeprovince of the birthdaysake of Joseph's mother, May 9, 2015. Sir Grundhofer has a companion named palpably after Joseph- Lady Juliette Erickson, implying those in Scandinavia, while Lady Reynolds has a brother named Sir Stephen, implying therefore the south [1 Corinthians 16, read by Edward on June 19, 2015 at homestate of Joseph's namesake martyr, slain by Empire the day before Joseph's Nate-al day. That June 19, 2015 lesson was specially relayed by Empire on June 28, 2015 in Joseph's current city, a day after the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith as well as of Sir James Harmston. Edward was also on that homestate on June 27, 2003]. December 25, 2011 lesson was relayed on June 13-14, 2012, days after in 2016 Godhead proclaimed Lady Christina Grimmie as a new Paschal Lamb by virtue of Nathaniel and Joseph on June 10-11, 2016. Lady Reynolds' name further symbolize that of your Sir Elisha Enoc, who was entrusted a Sacred Text Scripture about your early Commondominion settlers here in Manila), and on the same day Nathaniel begot his successor-son whom he named after Lady Elicia Reynolds therefore after the Godhead as per ISAIAH 9. We were first organized here by the son of the grandfather of Nathaniel and Edward on December 25, 1913, and this same grandfather on December 25, 1918 refulfilled Revelation 7 (Doctrine and Covenants 77), and through his successor-son Erano had given his name and office to this Nathaniel, who in turn called Nathaniel to join him here (MATTHEW 18)- we have another fellow yokebearer named Lady Melany Montano, who most palpably is named after Joseph's paternal surname (Matthew 16). We have no doubt that Joseph Smith received the Melchizedek Priesthood, although he never recorded it in full detail (1 PETER 1), but we could glean with the Manning that he recorded (Doctrine and Covenants 124) this that there has to be a full, honest-to-goodness bequeathing of the Melchizedek Priesthood in our time from Joseph Smith, not to this Empire, but rather, you bet, to all of us here alone. Around the days of the first Neronian General Conference for 2017 last April, we had received divine revelation from Godhead Ordering us to formally open up all degrees of glory to redeem and purchase all yokebearers and all others whom Godhead would Direct us to visit in the terrestrial and telestial glories, so that they would not remain in the terrestrial and telestial glories, but instead be redirected to celestial glory to be with Godhead for all eternity. Here celestial glory is being with Godhead, both in the paradise on earth and the heavenly New Jerusalem (Psalm 73,139). Here's how: Isaiah 60 in some rendering states 'your sun would not diminish, nor your moon shall wane anymore', pertaining to the celestial and terrestrial glories, respectively. But in (Revelation 21-22,7) some renderings it's instead Written: 'Your light shall be no more the sun or the moon.' So this means that this Empire could no longer claim celestial glory all for themselves while at the same time drag you guys to terrestrial and telestial glories respectively. They could no t even give you genuinely celestial glory. You could therefore notice guys, with all the proofs that we had presented again before you, that we had been most undeservingly approved by Godhead to make good fully of the Melchizedek Priesthood, that is to seal and bind all of you into Godhead for all eternity (Daniel 6, Bel and the Dragon 1, Hebrews 10). Surely you cannot receive this from Empire as much as they are doing very falsely with the priesthoods they claim to wield (Psalm 102,109). These Empire stations #quiapochurch #23for23#wowowin #kmjs had been recrucifying Christ for the past 2 years (John 18), not to mention they also adopted the name of the Book of Leviticus on one of their most latest shows, as per the Aaronic priesthood. Not only Pharisees and Sadducees exist in the Empire even up until now, even Scribes, just like the Diocletianites ('defenders' as defined in Tagalog printing of the Neronian edition of Old King James Version 1611 [Titus 1 {October 22-27, 2015}]), and even #justlove, who has a well-organized trolling army of scriptwriters who uphold the Empire's pabebe thrusts, and even serve the incumbent Brighamite and Reorganized presidencies.
Therefore most beloved brethren, as we close this study (yet below we are enclosing further notes for you to study with), we pray with all within us that the witness we had just most humbly presented by the solemn Order of the Godhead, may be enough already for you to from now on set your eyes on no other but only what Godhead (EPHESIANS 1, 1 PETER 1) is asking you to do, that is to (2 Corinthians 8) count yourselves into us here alone (Philippians 3, JOHN 6), knowing that in doing such you are insured that you are indeed standing on the imperishable side of Godhead. Not because we're replacing Godhead, if that’s so then there would be no celestial glory for you, for only Godhead can give you such, yet only through us, seeing all the works of the supposed claiming-to-be stewards. We know that you cannot confide your full sentiments on this to anyone, even perhaps to us here, for fear of life and security. We want you to know that we're always praying for you, and that we're always waiting to hear on you on whatever you think or need not only with this but also with anything further so that we may serve you as much as we're enabled by Godhead. Guys, ask Godhead to prove these things true unto you. (PSALM 34, Moroni 10) You know guys, when Empire always claims that we can ask for a Holy Spirit sign from Godhead, we must be wary that this (Matthew 16), coming from Empire itself (Job 7,14,22, JOHN 1), is no better than what Empire did way back Book of Mormon times (Alma 1,30, Jacob 7, 3 Nephi 1), for they only want you to be as pabebe as them (Revelation 21, Isaiah 30-34,65, Judith 16, Psalm 139, 1 Samuel 15,13, Genesis 6, Isaiah 63). As for us here, we think that Godhead may even prove us to be false instead before you, given our imperfections (2 Corinthians 12, 1 Corinthians 1-2), as much as we decided not to give in to Empire's #edsheeran #divide cult (Susannah 1, Esther 3). Most beloved fellow brethren, yet we could testify most solemnly and yea, most humbly, that we can attest personally that all proofs we are asking you here to believe of us is palpably true, as all off these are written in the Central Archives, a full set of updated Sacred Text Scriptures containing biblical lessons and related materials that Empire occupies away from us, of which the Neronians have a most significant owned stake. Tell us what Godhead has Told of you concerning us here. (1 Thessalonians 1-2) We are most humbly ready to receive whether Godhead would tell us unto you to be false (1 SAMUEL 3), what we only desire is that you, not us here, be saved (Doctrine and Covenants 127). What we only ask you guys is that you remember us, as in Empire's words, that nobody can ever be approaching you to this extent out of their most solicitous love and concern for you upon seeing you having to encounter and undergo these things (1 Thessalonians 3, Acts 11,14, Hebrews 10, Job 23). Therefore guys, mourn. Mourn for this Monson, who is just like all other Empire heads, does not have hope for true celestial glory (Doctrine and Covenants 42). Yet I can tell you that as per your loved ones and friends who died being administered by Brighamites, they are all still going to be saved palpably, only because Godhead Told so- your deceased loved ones and friends, only we are talking to you on this, you who will fully and wholeheartedly subscribe and adhere to these truths that we had just told you with all their might and being, as well as on all that you're going to receive more from us whether you like it or not- all your loved ones and friends are going to be saved not because Brighamites administered to them, not even because of us here because of course you would never even allow us to baptize you nor solemnize your marriage, but only because you exist. Only because you're a yokebearer. Only because you, o most Dearest Lady Lindsey, is just as you are. You are all in Godhead's top priority guys, therefore your Duty enables you to see your loved ones again- not the lies of this Empire, not even us here. (Romans 8, 1 Corinthians 3) We are not bribing you on that- we are just simply loving you in Godhead. Yea, we tell you that when you ask for Godhead to (Mark 16) show testimony unto all of you, They would rather Do things Empire would not even ask for you- Godhead would instead call you as Their new messengers, as much as Godhead continues to call messengers even so like Joseph Smith Jr. and Joseph Smith III, and that you yokebearers are no different than us being messengers. Therefore be far more better and greater (Luke 11) than this pretentious Empire. Most beloved, we here your most wretched slaves, most wholeheartedly ask for your pardon on anything that we may have done lacking in your service (PSALM 23, Hosea 2, Jeremiah 10,23, Isaiah 44), and we implore most urgently to carry these truths with you where you may be (MARK 1), and to do good that it is indeed hightime now (2 CORINTHIANS 6) that you break up the false peace and fleeting security permeating this Empire with the Shattering Work and Word of Godhead. Therefore be true 'Millennial Stars' (Daniel 12, Philippians 2, Hebrews, MATTHEW 13) before this Empire. We most humbly and ever lovingly surrender you to our most loving Godhead, and we ask Them to never, ever allow anyone of you to be left behind nor be forsaken in anyway anytime, but that all of you be even so now and always all the more further prized, exalted, and empowered to Complete the Race that Godhead has Set for all of you, to finish off this Empire now being surrendered by Godhead below your most blessed feet, and most of all, that you and all you loved ones may end up with us- if not with us- with Godhead, now and for all eternity. Empire can never, ever change, that we love nothing but each and every one of you, always and ahead. Thank you very much for taking time with us on this, more so for spending your eternities with us after you read this. Even so, in the Name of the Godhead through Jesus Christ, Stavrosno to the Godhead Who Strikes. Amen.
Dying for all of you in most solemn witness for your salvation, FELIX NATHANIEL VILLANUEVA MANALO II JOSEPH STIRLING STEINFELD SYKES (Your prophet-seer-revelators, apostles, patriarchs, first and second presidents of high priesthoods and first and second elders respectively, and presiding bishops of your Commmondominion of Christ in these last days)
#lentatchristmas #christmasatlent for January 21, 2018 THEME: EASTER 5TH SUNDAY MOST IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION IN SERVICE ORDER: LIGHT OF 1ST ADVENT CANDLE TO BE TAKEN OFF. 1ST READING- Jeremiah 48:1-47 PSALM- Psalm 131:1-3 2ND READING- 1 Corinthians 15:1-58 GOSPEL- Mark 16 longer ending verses 14-20
NOTES: ISAIAH 8-9 IN SOME BIBLE VERSIONS GUIDE TO VERSIONS USED: OKJV- Old King James Version 1611 JSIT- Empire printing of the Book of Mormon in Tagalog, 1998 edition NWT- Empire printing of the New World Translation in Tagalog, 1984 edition NKJV- New King James Version 1982 CCB- Empire printing of the Christian Community Bible of the Filipino People in Tagalog, 1999 edition ABAB- Revised Old Tagalog Version 2001 ISAIAH 8: 1. 'Write in Common letters.' (ABAB) You and us, here alone with each other. 'A great roll' is indeed called up yonder (OKJV). 2. 'Faithful Witnesses'. (OKJV) The office of the 2 Witnesses: Brigham Young overturned Joseph Smith, Ted Wilson overturned Uriah Smith (a faithful companion of William Miller and Ellen White). 3. 'Prophetess.' (OKJV) Brighamite Topical Guide to the Scriptures discredits much the office of Prophetess. We here had a lot of it, and we recognize Lady Lindsey as such with all other female yokebearers. 4. 'Damascus.' Implies Empire's infiltrating and over-mis-dis-abusing of #Syria through #iamastranger #bethelight #withrefugees programs. 'Samaria.' Implies all of you enslaved by Empire. Empire is 'the king of Assyria' (Numbers 22). 6. 'Siloe flowing gently' (Genesis 49, Daniel 9). Siloe mentioned in John 9, therefore Empire could not indeed truly 'Light the World' (see Isaiah 8:20 OKJV). Siloe means 'messenger' Empire refuses us in account of our policy for consistently humble worship. Just ask the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Ted Wilson Orchestras if they hate us or not: 'you exalt' (NWT). CCB implies name of Neronian Daniel Razon (see May 20,27-28, 2017 for Empire's claims on 'Daniel'). 'Softly' (OKJV, NJKV) implies yokebearers (Isaiah 9:14 NKJV- 'Who Strikes them.' 'Strike' implied by name of our Lady Lindsay Shelby Nelko-Peretz. Nicholas Perez established a branch church of the Neronians in Manila in 1936.): #lovesosoft, therefore Empire makes you yokebearers refuse us (Philippians 3, Luke 11) 7. 'Over all his channels and banks.' (OKJV) Empire's media and economy quarters such as Mormon Channel and Relief Fund, right? As per Assyria (Germany)'s eventual restoration to the Commondominion: Assyria acting in Empire (see Neronians' 2016 district conventions' last day programme) spoke (Judges 18) almost like us (Revelation 13,17, MATTHEW 4) in Isaiah 36, NKJV relates Assyria to the 'Strong and Mighty One', therefore Empire could not claim our office. In fact Prophet Joseph Smith built Nauvoo along a symbolic Euphrates River, Cumorah Hill is 'the land of many waters' (NWT). 8. Emanuel Swedenborg sharing '2 Witnesses' office with Joseph Smith (verse 10). 9. Constantinians' claims as well as Neronians' on the Hawaii Miracle Temple, Far West in Missouri and the western frontier all shattered: 'far-off, far-away, far countries.' Our Shattering Clause foretold (NKJV). Brighamites 'associated' with Reorganized/Community of Christ (OKJV), in the same way Diocletianites hold all first 3 Empire branches together under Antiochian governing (verse 14 CCB). We are instructed not to go in such ecumenism as this (verse 11, also see JEREMIAH 3). 10. 'Stand your ground.' (CCB) Constantinians' claims both on this phrase (August 7 and October 8, 2016) and on nearby Isaiah 7 (April 4, 2015) is shattered (Psalm 110), for they're against our Sir Grundhofer (Isaiah 49). They replaced Loyalty Day as September 7 from April 23, we rather renamed September 7 as 'Stand Your Ground' Day. 12. 'Confederacy'. (OKJV) We had already declared that Confederate States is our last resort if Empire occupies Union, we shall instead take up Union if Empire infiltrates Confederates. Therefore listen alone to us and not to Empire's claims either of the Union or Confederate States (Jeremiah 12-13, Micah 7). In fact Empire might use this verse against our co-shatterers tagging us as 'conspiracy theorists' (ABAB [Revelation 8-9, Psalm 139]), but Isaiah rather means that we must not give ourselves into any byproduct or process of the false flags and smokescreens that Empire installs, which we expose here, and they rather dismiss as 'conspiracy theory' or 'fake news'. Empire rather wants us to remain clueless on all that they do, therefore listen alone to us, Isaiah even more encourages (Isaiah 8:16-17, JOHN 6,3, Matthew 12,25, MATTHEW 13). 14. 'A rock to be smitten on.' (NWT) This implies both the names of Joseph Smith Jr. as well as of Joseph Smith III (Malachi), struck indeed (Numbers 20) by the apostates (Isaiah 9:17 NWT) who claim on them- Brigham, who pretends to be Moises across the wilderness (Jude Thaddeus 1), and the incumbent Reorganized Community. 'Sanctuary' (OKJV)- shatters Constantinians' claim to having the sanctuary or Wishing Chapel below their central chapel. If Empire claims that we're offended with their 'sanctuary cities' palsy still in line with their refugee agenda (Daniel 11, Isaiah 7), Isaiah 8:15 serves them right indeed. 19. 'Soothsayers, fortunetellers who whistle and tweet.' (JSIT) Footnote (Ibid.) reads: 'witches, wizards', which January 15,21-22, 2017 (Deuteronomy 13) rather defined as 'prophets, dreamer of dreams.' Therefore #dreamactnow is also shattered. More so Empire's claims to Holy Spirit as well as the Empire's music department, as influenced by Rowling. 20. 'No [Empire] prophet can ever silence these [Commondominion] words!' (CCB) Empire could rather claim against us the NWT rendering, that us, tagged by Empire as 'doom and gloom' prophet, can 'never speak words of light' (Romans 8, Psalm 51, Isaiah 51), when in fact they are rather the ones who would not have Godhead Light (Isaiah 2) in the next life, if not in this life (Isaiah 24,22, Jeremiah 17,22, Ezekiel 8, 1 Samuel 17), for they don't speak words in accordance to Godhead revelation, but instead (Luke 11) deny not only your access on those, but also would slay you should you access revelation. (Zechariah 12-13, Proverbs 30, Ecclesiastes 5, 1 Kings 20-22,13, 2 Kings 3). 21. 'They shall be going to and fro, back and forth.' (CCB) Empire's missionary work shattered. (2 Peter, Galatians 4, Psalm 37, 1 Thessalonians 5, 2 Thessalonians, 2 Timothy 3, Amos 8, Zechariah 8, Psalm 72,132,89, Numbers 22, Isaiah 60, Jeremiah 30) ISAIAH 9: 4. Empire claims on yokebearers- 'yoke'- is shattered (NWT). 5. 'The cloak rolled in blood is now burnt up.' (NWT) Therefore Neronians could no longer order to not do blood transfusion anymore. (Isaiah 8:1 OKJV) 6. 'Strong God.' (CCB) Implies again the Strong and Mighty Ones (Isaiah 8:7 OKJV: 'strong and many', plural- us and our celestial marriage policy). Strong and Mighty Ones to 'set in order' (Isaiah 15-16, Luke 12,17-22, Amos 9) the house of Godhead (Isaiah 9:7 JIST, Doctrine and Covenants 109). Your Joseph ordered to gather these Strong and Mighty Ones so that you may know them (Galatians 4, Romans 8), as much as he came out (Genesis 35,49, Psalm 80,77) from the Constantinians' claim of Isaiah 41,46- 'to uphold, sustain, support, hold up, persist, insist, advance with justice and wrighteousness (Isaiah 9:7 ABAB). Doctrine and Covenants 85 itself states that the Strong and Mighty One shall allot places in Zion for multiple people (1 CORINTHIANS 12, ROMANS 12), therefore this could only pertain indeed to Joseph as much as he extols the Gospel Lowe, that is, bringing together all concerned churches and messengers. 10. You can know more about how all Empire branches worked to produce the 9-11 false flag through referring to our comrades whose respective links are listed in our links below. One of the Strong and Mighty Ones, our most beloved Sir Sterling Allan, had this on much of his writings now hacked by Empire, one of our fellow Empire slaves, Sir Jonathan Cahn, had also written much about this. 11. 'Godhead shall excite his foes with fervor.' (ABAB) Although they could claim verses such as Romans 12 (August 8, 2015, December 13, 2013, January 19, 2016), Constantinians, just like the rest of the Empire, is still nonetheless foes of Godhead, because they delete verses they claim one year after using such (Isaiah 9:12 ABAB). Notice self-persecution: Israel and Judah are no better than the outside attacking forces. Also, Constantinians must be instead more happy about us existing, because Jeremiah chose to (DEUTERONOMY 30) remain with the Empire heads who even find him despicable, and this is exactly who we are here. Will you, most venerable brethren, find despicable the Empire heads currently over you, who has already spammed us, if not all, away from you? (1 Peter 2-4) Would you still stay? If you stay, you need to have Nathaniel and Joseph with you (Genesis 41). 12. 'With open mouth.' All that Empire spits out from all their mediums and mouthpieces, statements and propagandas. (Revelation 2-3, MATTHEW 8) For example, '#themorningrush' (Isaiah 9:14 OKJV) 15. 'The prophet that teaches lies.' (OKJV) 'The counselors.' (CCB) 'The elder.' (NKJV) These titles are all too long familiar with us, on how Empire dons these titles holding sway over us. (Isaiah 9:16) 17. 'Godhead shall not have joy in their Young Men.' (OKJV) Not only in Brigham Young but also in his organizations, not even in his charities (Ibid.) 18. 'Briers, thorns, thickets.' (OKJV, NKJV) Implying the Empire-occupied wildernesses such as in Maryland, Utah, Pampanga, and even their forests (JEREMIAH 3) in Warwick, New York- 'wickedness' (OKJV, NKJV) also implying Empire's music departments #wicked and in turn, claims to scripture #asaviorisborn. 19. 'No forgiveness' (CCB, ABAB), 'no mercy' (NWT, JSIT). Empire's prophets are now indeed doomed, Stavrosno to the Godhead Who Strikes. (Deuteronomy 13, Hosea) 20. 'Left and Right.' Also implied in all 4 directions. (MATTHEW 8, Isaiah 51) Empire could no longer claim #inc50west, nor even being the lambs and sheep on Godhead's Wright (PSALM 45), as much as Empire's Left-wing party has even infiltrated the Right-wing party with people who hate Trump. 21. 'Manasseh, Ephraim.' (OKJV) This, undeservingly by Godhead, Says It all. Joseph Smith Jr. and Joseph Smith III, with all other messengers of old, can only say to the Empire-infiltrated spies that overtaken their original congregations: 'I never knew you. Depart from me, ye evildoers!'
Get to know our member churches as of late: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/where-we-are Get to hear our member preachers as of late: youtube.com/channel/UCNgq_i3ZlMTxcczzEYQj6LQ/channels Our blogs: nvmlindseyallan.wordpress.com, nvmlindseyallan.blogspot.com, nvmlindseyallan.tumblr.com Get all day, everyday word from me: facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan Get in touch with me directly: facebook.com/jonas.stirling Like our pages: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/likes Follow our team: https://www.facebook.com/jonas.stirling/following Meet our team: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/what-we-give Know your enemy: http://robertlawrencefulg.wixsite.com/commondominion/who-we-are-against-
Where we are, there you must be also: https://www.facebook.com/nvmlindseyallan/posts/1486875711419807
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Rest in peace, #PresMonson. #GodBeWithYouTillWeMeetAgain #Jesus #LDS
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Had such a special and tender day today at the viewing of our dear prophet President Monson. So thankful for his amazing example of Christlike service, his wise council, his messages of hope and his special way of speaking directly to my heart ❤ He will be missed😢 #dtmfamilyjournal #dealstomeals #ldsquotes #lds #presmonson #grateful #saltlakecityutah
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É amável e honroso expressar gratidão. É generoso e nobre agir com gratidão; mas quando vivemos sempre cheios de gratidão no coração, tocamos o céu. #quoteoftheday #repost #presmonson @temple_worthy
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I was sick since Tuesday, and it became more severe yesterday. I can't sleep, I wake up every 2 hours and cry for no apparent reason. When I woke up my sister told me that one of my favorite prophet passed away yesterday. I mourn for your loss. President Monson, thank you for teaching us that it's okay to dare stand alone. It's okay to choose the harder right rather than the easier wrong. Thank you for a life fully dedicated to the Lord and serving His people. Really, just thank you for everything. Heaven gained a strong and mighty man. We love you our beloved Prophet! And thank you for these words: "The sweetest experience I know in life is to feel a prompting and act upon it and later find out that it was the fulfillment of someone’s prayer or someone’s need. I always want the Lord to know that if He needs an errand run, Tom Monson will run that errand for Him” "What is most important almost always involves the people around us. Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." #lds #shareGoodness #PresMonson
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#Repost @ldsbookstore ・・・ We thank thee, O God, for the selfless life of our beloved prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. We will miss him! // #lds #ldsbookstore #mormon #mormons #presmonson #sharegoodness #ldsconf #ldschurch
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ALL of my prayers are with #PresMonson and his family. 💛💛 "Well done thou good and faithful servent. // http://www.mormonnewsroom.org/article/president-monson-update?__prclt=3Q3Tq697
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I says...
President @ThomasSMonson dies at Age 90. Visit Mormon Newsroom for details. #PresMonson https://t.co/c0CbShDk1u
— Mormon Newsroom (@MormonNewsroom) January 3, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/BroncoP3t3_ January 03, 2018 at 12:18AM via IFTTT
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Beautiful words this morning by our beloved prophet.
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Everyone was expecting this for a long time, but it still is a shock to hear. My heart sink when this came across my feed. But I was also relieved for this man. His passing was long due. But with all things, this was based on the Lord's timing - not ours. #RIPThomasSMonson #lds #Mormon #churchnews #mormonnewsroom. #ldsnews #Repost @mormonnewsroom (@get_repost) ・・・ With tender feelings we announce that Thomas S. Monson, president and prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints died today at 10:01 a.m. He was 90. President Monson served as president of the Church since February 2008 and leaves behind a legacy of service. See link in bio for more details. #PresMonson (at Utah)
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Happy 90th Birthday, President Monson! #presmonson @ldsdailybread
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I love this image by @22alfox. I couldn't help but think of #PresMonson all throughout #ldsconf weekend. ------ "Is he here today?" "Will he speak?" "I hope his health is good!" "He's such a special prophet." ------ “If you are not reading the Book of Mormon each day, please do so.” @ldschurch #sharegoodness ------ I challenge you to include President #ThomasSMonson in your prayers today! 💕 #wethanktheeogodforaprophet
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Happy birthday President Thomas S. Monson #PresMonson #LDS
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Loved his simple, beautiful message.
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