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u3pxx · 1 year ago
Weird question but! After seeing your genderbent harrykim art i was wondering if you ever did the same for klapollo? I feel like you actually kept the essence of the char design intact for disco ely & it made me curious :0
aw thank you!! such high praise <3 and i actually have lmao, how many characters can i make butch? the world will find out
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and also here's a doodle of fem!klav i haven't posted yet, i was struggling with sketching this so i was kind of iffy on sharing it but oh well, out it goes. i just think that fem!klav's form of gnc is smth like a princely takarazuka revue actor pftt <3
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popatochisssp · 1 year ago
Happy birthday poppy!! I think akejfigkg my phone says its ur bday at least
Your phone is correct, it is! Thank you!
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misooten · 4 months ago
Anti-matsus edit
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This was a joke idea given by one of my friends in a discord server, so now theres another batch of sextuplets that are like a mirrored version of the matsus, (have in count the rest arent mine other than Satomatsu(the Orange one) n Itomatsu(redwine one) theres no anti choro yet but I wanted to show this for the giggles(the rest r from preshtagonist(Brown one) ,ibiisu(yuimatsu, teal/cyan one) n brief(dokumatsu, grey one)
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calware · 1 year ago
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@preshtagonist thank you, and yes ofc!! this goes for all the drawings i make in general, i don't own colors so have fun w it! also if you want to tag me in any drawings i would love to see them :)
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did you guys know that. i like colors
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artsy-theo · 6 years ago
hey theo, have you seen the #pokemonlifestory on twitter? it's super cute and seems like something you'd enjoy to do!
I saw it! I love the idea since it’s something I think about a lot. I’ll have to come up with something fun for it. Thank you for thinking of me!
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vesperafrontier-blog · 6 years ago
hey!! i'd like to reserve homura akemi from puella magi madoka magica! the date is september 6 (9/6) and this is my personal!
Homura Akemi has been reserved for you until September 13th!
✦  mod risoris
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preshtagonist · 1 year ago
Mines preshtagonist ill try to post there more
Are we all cohosting again… finally
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limedotsoda · 8 years ago
name | zach nicknames | zach, really. some people know me as lime nowadays zodiac sign | virgleo (cusp baby) height | 183cm tall (roughly 6 foot) orientation | variable nationality | australian favorite fruit | grapes! favorite season | probably spring? I like mild but warm weather favorite book | danny champion of the world by roald dahl favorite flower | hydrangeas! favorite scent | kind of impossible to pin down for me favorite color | magenta! favorite animal | i have no idea! coffee, tea, or hot cocoa | all three at various times average sleep hours | not enough cat or dog person | cat favorite fictional character | Link from legend of zelda number of blankets you sleep with | one sheet, one blanket, one doona dream trip | next up on my list is japan, but i want to go to a lot of places blog created | sometime towards the end of 2011 number of followers | 250ish
Kinda tagged by @jamagotchi Aaaaand I tag all my new friends @henrycheng @preshtagonist @toonenby @thetaakoshow and some old friends too @katiesigh @applejee @knightlife
And anyone who sees this here feel free to do it from me!
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temari-i-i · 6 years ago
woops sorry ive been away today!! i meant the second one but now i'm curious about the first too!
oh! well uh, 
the first one my program kinda does for me since I use medibang and when you upload a file (like a mangacap) it gives you an option to take out all the white and make it transparent. There are lots of other ways to do that but in my experience it can be very different between programs. 
as for the coloring itself, I don’t really know how to explain it since I don’t do anything special with mangacap colorings as opposed to my normal drawings… just like. color on layers below the lines?? or something??? honestly I don’t know what question to answer here, sorry about that!
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pharawee · 9 years ago
UH ALSO SINCE I saw you use mods i assume you play on pc?? if so what kind? i guess? do you have- i've always been interested in pc gaming but i know literally nothing about computers or what to look for and reddit threads havent helped much l lmao.. sorry if i'm bothering you and thank you in advance
Hi again & you’re not bothering me at all! :)
Yep, I mostly play on the pc. It’s a mid-range pc I build myself a few years ago (it’s kind of a hobby) with an i5-3570 cpu, 8gb of ram and a radeon r9 280 gpu. I make sure to keep the drivers updated and my hard drives tidy and I haven’t yet encountered a game that I couldn’t play on high graphic settings (I mostly go for stuff like The Witcher 3 or Assassin’s Creed games).
Tbh I found that advice on places like reddit can get too detailed/technical p fast because people are just too enthusiastic sometimes and won’t realise that other people might not be interested in overclocking their cpu or getting a steady 60fps in games. What I’ve found is that mid-price pcs will generally last you a couple of years (esp if you decide to upgrade your gpu halfway through and use a standard resolution screen) and that building the pc yourself will be cheaper. There’s even websites that let you choose your pc components, then build the pc for you. Ready-made pcs will often come with a bunch of crap you don’t even need or are overpriced and use cheap/old hardware (but I totally get why people are going for them - you don’t have to spend months reading about hardware and install cpu fans lmao).
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vesperafrontier-blog · 6 years ago
dropping teddie of persona 4 who resided in gwenny... sorry :(
goodbye funky bear...
dropped for you!
✦ mod canicula
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vesperafrontier-blog · 7 years ago
can i bump yellow and teddie down to a semi-hiatus? cani and gwenny respectively!
Sure thing!
Yellow and Teddie have been placed under a Semi Hiatus instead!
✦ mod risoris
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vesperafrontier-blog · 7 years ago
putting teddie (persona 4) of gwenny and yellow (pokemon) of canicula on hiatus. 8/23
noted! teddie and yellow have been placed on a hiatus for you :>
✦ mod canicula
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vesperafrontier-blog · 7 years ago
HEY okay so I got anxious so I'm sending this again, I'm really sorry if you got it... I send an ask on the 22 to reserve Joker from Persona 5 (originally w one for futaba originally that I cancelled)... My personal is this blog and today's date since it might now have sent is the 24th dkjcf
oh same anxiety? we didn’t get a reserve so good thing you sent another ask c:
joker is reserved for you until july 31st!
✦ mod canicula
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temari-i-i · 6 years ago
HEY i'm gonna b the possible? annoying prsn? (i hope not lmao) and ask if u could do a tut / explanation of how you did the panel recolors? I've been trying to learn but can't find any tuts that fit PKSP style kbnf
Nah ur good dont worry!! But do you want an explanation of how to get the caps and edit them so you can color, or do you want to know how i actually colored them? I can explain the first one but as for the second one, I’m not sure how well I can show the process since it’s just what I do when coloring my own drawings. 
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pharawee · 9 years ago
do think you could post your sliders for faolan and jasper... i'm awful at making boys in the cc and they're both so cute, im screaming
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(I’ve screencapped your second ask because it was related. I hope you don’t mind.)
No need to apologise, really. :) I’ve just decided against sharing the sliders. I don’t play DAI much currently but Jasper and Faolan are still kind of... idk they’re my ocs and I do edits and gifsets of them and I have about a thousand headcanons so I’d rather not share their sliders. Did you check the dai nexus yet? I think they also have sliders? Or maybe here on tumblr tagged as ‘dai sliders’ or something similar?
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