#premium rhum
paulpingminho · 2 months
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niaswish · 1 year
Coming Home
This is based on an au I introduced in 2020 for the NyxNoct week (Chapter 7 of the Heroic Start by Shiary on AO3).
Rating: Teen +
Warnings: Slightly graphic violence near the end. Implied character deaths.
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, implied character deaths, Nyx Ulric/ Noctis Lucis Caleum, eventual fluff, no major character deaths, Dark-ish Nyx, Royalty AU.
Chapter Summary: Nyx and his army returns to their home with the first part of Lucis’ repayment in tow. As they approach the coast of Galahd, Ramuh welcomes them back with a Storm. One that freaks out a certain stubborn Prince. (Day 2: Storm)
The waves rolled high above them, rain pounding on the deck of the ships, and the Galahdians laughed as the Storm welcomed them back home. "You're all crazy!" Nyx smirked at the hiss from his prisoner. The boy was soaked through and looked like a scraggly wet kitten, his stubbornness keeping him outside despite Nyx's repeated offers to go inside. "We're going to capsize and drown!"
Nyx laughed in the face of Lucian ignorance. "If you're scared then feel free to go inside, princeling. This is Ramuh's blessing, our blessing. The Storm won't hurt us so long as we respect it." The princeling's glare showed just what he thought of that. Nyx shrugged and turned his attention back to their arrival.
It wasn't just Ramuh welcoming them back home. The quay was filled with people, waving and cheering loud enough for it to reach them. The rain was too intense to make out who was there but Nyx knew that Selena wouldn't miss their arrival for the world. They would have to head straight to the Reunion Hall to formally announce their victory, and present what they had brought back as initial tribute.
He glanced again at the shivering boy beside him and wondered what the Elders would expect from their Royal claim. The price of Ramuh's blessing on the Founding Oath had been a life from the royal lineage, yet Nyx didn't know how that life would be used. As an Ulric and the leader of the expedition to Insomnia, Nyx could claim the princeling as his own. 
For what though? As fun as watching the spitfire was, Nyx had responsibilities to manage at home. And a spoiled prince was unlikely to be of any help. 
No, better to leave his fate to Ramuh.
Nyx tilted his head to the sky, allowing the rain to calm him down and focus. Prince Noctis was Ramuh's to do as he wished. -Even if the thought made Nyx's chest twinge for some reason.-
Nyx was putting away the last of his papers when the door opened with a soft chime. He didn't bother looking up as he called out, "Sorry but we're still closed. Come..."
"Nyx." Nyx jerked around to look at the door.
His father was smiling at him, a bag in one hand as he walked over. "I see the preparations for your reopening are going well. I brought a gift to celebrate." King Gaius Ulric handed it to Nyx and watched as he pulled out a bottle of premium Ostium Mango Rhum. Nyx gaped at the gift, quickly opening it to smell its content. 
Gaius chuckled as Nyx wasted no time in pouring some out for both of them. They enjoyed the drink in silence until Nyx put his drink down with a raised brow. "As much as I enjoy the gift and your company, I have a feeling you're not here just to check in on me."
"It's not the only reason no." Gaius admitted with a shrug. "I just received word from your mother about Prince Noctis' fate."
That got Nyx to straighten up. "Ramuh finally decided what to do?"
Gaius nodded. "He is to serve the community until his father has finished paying the reparations Lucis owed." He raised his glass to point at his son with a smirk. "Specifically, Prince Noctis will serve the community by working here, in your bar."
A/N: I rewrote this 3 times! Because Nyx decided that since he was done with his mission, he didn’t have to be ruthless and pragmatic any more. Prince Noct wasn’t going to be his problem for much longer and he just wants to kick back and relax. There goes my outline...
I don’t mind too much since I’m used to my characters going wild and refusing to work with me. Just don’t expected Dark Nyx to appear too often from this point on.
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barmag · 2 years
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Now on the front page of bartender.com the 2023 BARTENDER® Calendar featuring 365 recipes from LYRE'S Non-Alc, Vermouth Giardino, The Quiet Man Irish Whiskey, Rhum Barbancourt, Partida Tequila, Coco Lopez® Real Cream of Coconut, Tito's Handmade Vodka, Ole Smoky Moonshine, Saint Brendan's Irish Cream, Licor 43, Yellow Rose Premium American Whiskey and Ramazzotti Italian Liqueurs. To view free of charge visit  www.bartender.com - sign up for e-news to unlock content.
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barbadoshappyhours · 2 days
The debate about a Geographic Indicator (GI) for Barbados rum continues: "I believe the road to rum's resurgence lies in the tequila model – go pure and go premium."
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les-degustations-ugo · 6 months
🇫🇷Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, quel est votre dernier whisky Français que vous avez dégusté 🇫🇷
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🍇🍷Whisky Single Malt Français cuvée Beauchamp finition en fûts de Pineau des Charentes de @les.bienheureux🍇🍷:
🍇 :
Médaille d’or au concours World Whiskies Awards 2024
Un Single Malt non filtré, distillé en alambic charentais, vieilli plus de 3 ans en barrique de chêne français, puis affiné en barrique de Pineau des Charentes durant les derniers mois d'élevage.
👁️ :
Une robe de couleur jaune ambrée
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de céréales fraîchement torréfiées, épices.
💋 :
En bouche, on a un whisky généreux, puissant et à la fois fruité. Le passage en fûts de Pineau des Charentes apporte beaucoup de gourmandise. Une belle douceur enrobe les papilles. Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes épicées (réglisse et poivre)
📜En résumé📜 :
Une belle découverte d'un beau whisky made in France. Qui allie puissance, fruitée et douceur en bouche. Un très beau voyage gustatif que je vous recommande.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞
La plupart des vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇫🇷🗣️Description de la maison @les.bienheureux 🇫🇷🗣️
Lancée en 2015, l’entreprise LES BIENHEUREUX secoue le marché des spiritueux par l’innovation pour l’excellence. Concrètement, notre équipe de recherche et développement travaille avec des verres noirs et ne finalise pas un produit tant qu’il ne sort pas à l’aveugle devant les parangons du segment.Cette méthode exigeante a permis de créer le whisky BELLEVOYE devenu depuis le leader des whiskies français en chiffres d’affaires ainsi que le rhum premium EL PASADOR DE ORO, marque la plus médaillée du monde du rhum. Depuis, nous avons lancé une gamme complète de vins et spiritueux qui suivent la même philosophie !
🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹
🇬🇧Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, what is your last French whiskey that you tasted 🇬🇧
🍇🍷French Single Malt Whiskey cuvée Beauchamp finished in Pineau des Charentes barrels from @les.bienheureux🍇🍷:
Gold medal at the World Whiskeys Awards 2024
An unfiltered Single Malt, distilled in a Charentais still, aged for more than 3 years in French oak barrels, then refined in Pineau des Charentes barrels during the last months of aging.
An amber-yellow colored dress
A nose with notes of freshly roasted cereals and spices.
On the palate, we have a generous, powerful and fruity whiskey. The passage in Pineau des Charentes barrels brings a lot of deliciousness. A beautiful sweetness coats the taste buds. Good length in the mouth with a finish of spicy notes (licorice and pepper)
📜In summary📜:
A great discovery of a beautiful whiskey made in France. Which combines power, fruitiness and sweetness on the palate. A very beautiful taste journey that I recommend.
🔞“Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞
Most of the wines have been tasted and spit out. Unpaid tasting.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Description of the house @les.bienheureux 🇬🇧🗣��
Launched in 2015, the company LES BIENHEUREUX is shaking up the spirits market through innovation for excellence. Concretely, our research and development team works with black glasses and does not finalize a product until it is blindly released in front of the paragons of the segment. This demanding method made it possible to create the BELLEVOYE whisky which has since become the leader French whiskeys in sales figures as well as the premium rum EL PASADOR DE ORO, the most awarded brand in the world of rum. Since then, we have launched a full range of wines and spirits that follow the same philosophy!
🇮🇹Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E tu, qual è l'ultimo whisky francese che hai assaggiato🇮🇹
🍇🍷Cuvée Beauchamp di whisky single malt francese finito in botti di Pineau des Charentes di @les.bienheureux🍇🍷:
Medaglia d'oro ai World Whiskeys Awards 2024
Un Single Malt non filtrato, distillato in un alambicco Charentais, invecchiato per più di 3 anni in botti di rovere francese, poi affinato in botti di Pineau des Charentes durante gli ultimi mesi di invecchiamento.
Un abito color giallo ambra
Un naso con note di cereali appena tostati e spezie.
Al palato abbiamo un whisky generoso, potente e fruttato. Il passaggio in botti di Pineau des Charentes apporta molta prelibatezza. Una bella dolcezza ricopre le papille gustative. Buona persistenza in bocca con finale di note speziate (liquirizia e pepe)
📜In sintesi📜:
Una grande scoperta di un bellissimo whisky prodotto in Francia. Che unisce potenza, fruttato e dolcezza al palato. Un viaggio nel gusto molto bello che consiglio.
🔞“L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione”🔞
La maggior parte dei vini sono stati degustati e sputati. Degustazione non retribuita.
🇮🇹🗣️Descrizione della casa @les.bienheureux 🇮🇹🗣️
Lanciata nel 2015, l'azienda LES BIENHEUREUX rivoluziona il mercato degli alcolici attraverso l'innovazione d'eccellenza. Concretamente, il nostro team di ricerca e sviluppo lavora con bicchieri neri e non finalizza un prodotto finché non viene presentato alla cieca davanti ai campioni del segmento. Questo metodo impegnativo ha permesso di creare il whisky BELLEVOYE che da allora è diventato il whisky francese leader. in termini di vendite oltre al rum premium EL PASADOR DE ORO, il marchio più premiato nel mondo del rum. Da allora, abbiamo lanciato una gamma completa di vini e liquori che seguono la stessa filosofia!
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spiritsoffrance · 7 months
Labat Rum Reserve Familiale 42% 700ml
This rhum agricole élevé sous bois from Distillerie Poisson starts with four varieties of local, hand-cut sugarcane. The freshly pressed juice is fermented for 72 hours, after which distillation takes place in a copper creole column still. It is then aged in the tropical climate of Marie-Galante for six years in 200L oak barrels before bottling.
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jackielane · 2 years
Mar 24, today in good spirits: In the Case of Rhum
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Last week I discussed the importance of heritage in product premiumization. Which poses the question: What, then, is the difference between Volcan and Eminente in the Moët Hennessy portfolio?
Eminente, another beautiful brand with a story rooted in Cuban heritage, faces very different market conditions.
The rum market is much more saturated in Europe than tequila, meaning that while a great story and beautiful packaging matter, they will not be enough to stand apart from other rhum brands.
To emphasize its unique features, quality, and exclusivity, Eminente should be focusing on different selling points than Volcan.
Rather than highlighting a strong, biodiversity strategy or highlighting the makers of their product, Eminente has a targeted strategy for existing rum consumers.
Exceptional experiences, is the name of their game. You will find Eminente enlisting the help of bar tenders elevate the versatility and flavor profile of their product, and offering unique installations, such as the Hotel Monte Carlo exhibit and the newly opened Casa Eminente. should do the trick to build buzz and make already-eager rum aficionados rabid.
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liamanders9 · 1 year
What are Pure Cane spirits?
Pure Cane spirits are distilled alcoholic beverages, made from sugarcane juice. People are often confused between cane spirits and their fraternal twin, rum; the distinction lies in the fact that most rums are made from molasses, a by-product of sugarcane whereas cane spirits, though also technically rums, are distilled directly from fermented sugarcane juice. DJ Pure Cane is the one of two Cane spirits produced in India; Pure Cane spirit being more abundant in Brazil with its manifestation there as cachaca.
Travelers passing from one town to another in India often pass through highways embanked on both sides by agricultural fields. Sometimes these are paddy fields, reaching out till the horizon in vibrant green. Sometimes these are mustard fields, with their yellow flowers swaying joyfully in the air. And sometimes, they are lush fields of sugarcane; the thin, sturdy and upright stalks reaching out to the blue sky in happy abandon.
The long and many stretches of sugarcane fields in India is indication about the importance of the nation’s production of the crop in the global agricultural landscape; India is the second largest producer of sugarcane (and sugar), the first in the rank being Brazil.
Because of high production of sugarcane in Brazil, it is not surprising that the nation is known for cachaca, the pure cane spirit. So much so that, cachaca is protected by geographical indication in Brazil, confining its nomenclature and thus its production only to Brazil.
What is surprising is that for a very long time, despite India being such a high sugarcane producing nation, the nation had no equivalent to cachaca; yes, we manufacture rum, but it is manufactured from molasses, a by-product of sugarcane whereas cachaca and all pure cane spirits are distilled from sugarcane juice itself.
It was only after DesmondJi entered the alcobev industry in 2011, that this gap was filled and India got her first Pure Cane spirit in 2013. DesmondJi introduced DJ Pure Cane which is distilled exclusively from the purple sugarcanes flourishing in the Deccan plateau of the nation.
Proudly Made in India, DJ Pure Cane, and its purple label on the bottle are a tribute to the purple sugarcane that have made India its home since centuries. Like Cachaca of Brazil and Rhum Agricole of the Caribbean region of France, DJ Pure Cane also belongs to the international family of sugar cane based spirit and is a premium white spirit made following international standard. Distilled in small batches of artisanal pot-stills in DesmondJi’s craft distillery in Andhra Pradesh, DJ Pure Cane bewitches patrons with its unique profile of a craft sugarcane rum.
Unlike most of its kindred spirits which are imported products in India and thus highly priced, DJ Pure Cane, because of its domestic origin, commands a comparatively affordable price in the market and is thus accessible to a greater section of tipplers.
Cane spirits, including DJ Pure Cane can be enjoyed with soft beverages and juices. The adventurous patrons who love to explore often give a twist to cocktails like mojito, daiquiri, caipirinha, etc. by introducing Pure Cane spirit into the game.
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rumverliebt · 2 years
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(Werbung aufgrund von Markennennung) . 💐💐💐 Old Man Elixir Rum Likör 30% 0,5L 💐💐💐 . Tauche ein in die magische Welt des Old Man Spirits Elixirs und begib dich auf die Spur all jener sensorischen Erlebnisse, die die Sternenfahrer auf den Weltmeeren über die karibischen Elixire gesammelt haben. Das Elixir vereint auf moderne Weise den ausgewogenen Geschmack eines milden Premium Rums mit dem Zauber echter Vanille. Vollendet wird das verführerische Erlebnis durch feine, sinnliche Süße, einer feinen Fruchtigkeit und raffinierte Handwerkskunst 🥰👍🥃 . Der Old Man Spirits Elixir Rum Likör wird von der Oldman Spirits GmbH in Deutschland hergestellt. Hochwertige Destillate aus der Karibik werden nach Deutschland gebracht und mit Sorgfalt verarbeitet. Das genaue Rezept dieser Spirituose auf Rumbasis bleibt bewusst geheim. . Ihr könnt diesen Likör pur genießen oder mit seinen 30% Alkohol einen gehaltvollen Longdrink mixen. . 👃 Duft: Lebkuchen, Spekulatius, gezuckerte Orangenschale, Zimt, Vanille, Marzipan. . 👅 Geschmack: Vordergründig süß. kandierte Orange, Vanille. . 🥃 Finish: Zu erahnen sind außerdem Noten von Zimt, Lebkuchen, Karamell und Ingwerwürze. . Weitere Informationen zu dem Produkt und eine Bestell-Möglichkeit findet Ihr unter folgenden ℹ️ Link: . https://www.rumverliebt.de/old-man-elixir-rum-likoer.html . ⛔️Verkauf nur an Personen über 18 Jahren⛔️ . #oldmanspirits #kirschwhisky #oldmanelixir #oldmanelixirrumlikör #rumlikör #rumliqueur #spicedrum #spiritdrink #rum #rhum #ron #tasting #rumtasting #rumlovers #rumcocktails #drinks #drinkporn #cocktails #cocktail #bar @oldman_spirits @kirsch_whisky (hier: Rumverliebt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTQqVirOvw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iltiramisu · 2 years
Envie de quelque chose de nouveau - Essayez le tiramisu sucré aujourd'hui
Chaque morceau de dessert devrait vous faire vous sentir mieux. De plus, une belle portion de tiramisu sucré ajoute une saveur et un goût distinctifs à votre dîner.
Le tiramisu traditionnel est un dessert de type pudding italien au goût de café qui comprend souvent une génoise ou des doigts de dame trempés dans de l'alcool et recouverts d'une combinaison d'œufs battus, de sucre et de fromage mascarpone aromatisée au cacao ou aux copeaux de chocolat. Il semble que le tiramisu, qui est l'italien pour « me remonter le moral », porte bien son nom. Si vous voulez faire un dessert spécial et décadent pour vos invités et votre famille, essayez cette recette.
De quoi est composé le Tiramisu ?
Ingrédients du dessert Tiramisu-
Les ingrédients standard du tiramisu sont les œufs, le sucre, le fromage à la crème, la génoise ou les biscuits, le café et le chocolat. C'est une combinaison intrigante. Le fromage Mascarpone, un fromage unique de Lombardie, et le Savioardi, les biscuits à la cuillère originaux utilisés dans sa préparation, sont deux composants plus spécifiques qui doivent être obtenus si vous voulez préparer un Tiramisu italien authentique.
Le fromage mascarpone peut également être fait à la maison avec l'utilisation de Crème Tiramisu fraîche, de vinaigre et de citron. Dec plus, dans les recettes de tiramisu, même la génoise peut être utilisée à la place des biscuits à la cuillère.
Comme indiqué dans la recette traditionnelle, l'alcool est parfois également inclus dans la préparation du tiramisu. Pour ce plat, les chefs ajoutent fréquemment du rhum, du vin ou de la liqueur de café pour améliorer la saveur.
Bien que nous favorisions la saveur du rhum brun premium, le brandy est également un choix d'alcool courant dans cet endroit. Cependant, n'hésitez pas à utiliser la quantité que vous désirez. Nous aimons aussi que le dessert soit plus alcoolisé car il coupe à travers la richesse des produits laitiers et des œufs et lui donne une saveur plus intrigante.
480 ml de café à température ambiante, fort ou expresso
120 à 180 ml d'excellent rhum brun (ou brandy, si préféré)
Séparés, à température ambiante, quatre gros œufs
1 kg de sucre
500 g de mascarpone, 1/4 cuillère à café de sel
48 doigts de dame équivalent à 120 ml de crème (savoiardi)
copeaux de chocolat mi-amer comme garniture
Les biscuits ou le gâteau, selon ce qui forme la base du gâteau, doivent être un peu rassis. En réalité, faire du tiramisu est un excellent moyen d'utiliser les restes. Les doigts de dame ou le gâteau rassis absorberont plus efficacement le liquide sans devenir pâteux. Le tiramisu est souvent préparé dans une grande casserole carrée ou rectangulaire, et il a meilleur goût après avoir refroidi au réfrigérateur pendant quelques heures. En conséquence, le gâteau a plus de temps pour ingérer tous ses goûts. Il peut être conseillé de préparer le tiramisu à la crème la veille ou le matin au moment de le servir si vous le préparez pour un souper du soir.
Nul doute que nombre de vos visiteurs apprécieront la recette du tiramisu sucré. Si vous avez trempé le gâteau dans de l'alcool, assurez-vous de le dire à ceux qui pourraient ne pas boire. L'alcool sera toujours présent en force puisque ce plat n'est pas cuit.
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cazemajou · 2 years
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🇫🇷 Actuellement le seul rhum distillé à Bordeaux. 🎋 La matière première du rhum Moon Harbour est le MUSCOVADO, un mélange de sucre de canne non raffiné et de mélasse. 🏝️ Exclusivité de l’Île Maurice, cet assemblage apporte rondeur et vanille au produit. Après distillation, le rhum reste quelques semaines en cuve inox afin d’aérer le produit et ainsi développer ses arômes. 🥃 Moon Harbour est un rhum premium qui bénéficie dune distillerie unique, lente et technique qui exhausse les parfums naturels de cet élexir qui titre 45,8 % vol. Moon Ambré 👉🏻 https://urlz.fr/kvSu Moon Blanc 👉🏻 https://urlz.fr/kvSv L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour votre santé, à consommer avec modération. https://www.instagram.com/p/CnuAnKcqTGj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fundingmains · 2 years
Airparrot 2 promo code
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Full breakfast daily is complimentary to all guests.This beachfront hotel also features a tour desk and can arrange activities like canoeing, fishing, diving, snorkelling and hiking. Enjoy the on-site restaurant called The Rhum Shack which serves International and local cuisine or a drink at the pool bar called The drum opened for happy hour daily.
The bathrooms include bathrobes, free toiletries, hot and cold showers.The restaurants at Hopkins town 3 km away serve local and international food, which is an excellent meal option for the guests at Hopkins Bay Belize.
It features free Wi-Fi, an extensive garden and a furnished terrace with 2 swimming pools.The Beach Houses offer spacious rooms and rustic décor with locally made wooden furniture and high ceilings, air conditioning, futons, a fan, flat-screen TV and balconies with sea views. The hotel has a private beach area in the Hopkins Bay Beach and it is 3 km away from the town centre. Any incidental charges such as parking, phone calls, and room service will be handled directly between you and the property. The total charge includes all room charges and taxes, as well as fees for access and booking. Bed type and smoking preferences are not guaranteed.Your reservation is prepaid and is guaranteed for late arrival. Your credit card is charged at the time you book. A roundtrip airport shuttle is provided for a surcharge (available on request), and free self parking is available onsite.You must present a photo ID when checking in. Full breakfasts are available daily for a fee.Business, Other AmenitiesFeatured amenities include multilingual staff, laundry facilities, and a safe deposit box at the front desk. Thirsty? Quench your thirst at a bar/lounge, a beach bar, or a poolside bar. Additional amenities include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting/childcare (surcharge).DiningGrab a bite to eat at the resort's beachfront restaurant, which features a bar, or stay in and take advantage of room service (during limited hours). If you're looking for recreational opportunities, you'll find an outdoor pool, a spa tub, and bicycles to rent. Conveniences include phones, as well as safes and coffee/tea makers.Rec, Spa, Premium AmenitiesRelax at the full-service spa, where you can enjoy massages, body treatments, and facials. Cable television is provided for your entertainment. This beach resort is within the region of South Water Caye Beach.RoomsMake yourself at home in one of the air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators. Property LocationLocated in Hopkins, Jaguar Reef Lodge & Spa is by the ocean and close to Hopkins Pier and Anderson Lagoon.
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ravensvalley · 4 years
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cocktailpete · 2 years
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Advertisement / reklame Non plus ultra black edition rum (which means ‘not beyond’ in Latin) - it doesn't get much better than this 😎 this special rum is part of a specially developed trinity from A.H. Riise and has given the name Non Plus Ultra to their best and most exceptional Ultra Premium Rums 🏅 a name that carries certain obligations. Only the very best and oldest drops from the most aged barrels are used ⭐ to create this ultimate rum from A.H. Riise Finished in special burnt casks 🔥 which creates the final magic for this masterpiece 🔮 with notes of milk chocolate, hints of almond and orange 🍫🍊 I decided to pair it with aperol, vermouth, a little amaretto and a dash of chocolate bitters 😋 to enhance the notes The phrase "Non plus ultra" is said to have stood on the Pillars of Hercules 🏛 which marked the border between the known and unknown world 🌍 in the Strait of Gibraltar 😉 enjoy The 🥃 Hercules 50 ml non plus ultra black edition rum @a.h.riise.spirits 20 ml aperol 15 ml red vermouth 1 bsp amaretto Dash chocolate bitters Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass over ice 🧊 to perfectly dilluted 💦 strain into a chilled glass with ice 🧊 garnish with chocolate / orange lollipop 🍊 dehydrated orange and a 🍫 orange chocolate Cheers 🥂 Skål #aperol #vermouth #amaretto #chocolate #rum #rom #ronron #rhum #coquetel #coctail #coctel #aperitif #aperitivotime #drinkstagram #liqpic #mixology #bartender #bar #craftcocktails #craftcocktail #cheers #bartenders #liquidgold #ontherocks #drinkswithfriends #drinkspecials (her: Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeloG9UDWEO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fichtfrank · 2 years
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(Werbung aufgrund von Markennennung) . Der dunkle bernsteinfarbene Mount Gay XO Triple Cask Blend begrüßt mich aus dem Noising-Glas mit einer feinen alkoholischen Schärfe und der Geruch von Eichenholz kommt mir entgegen. Zu dem Eichenholz-Aromen kommt noch eine Spur dunkle Schokolade und ein Hauch Vanille hinzu. Vervollständigt wird das Bukett mit den Aromen von Kokosnuss und trockenen Sherry. Gibt dem Rum einige Minuten an den Luft und die alkoholische Schärfe verflüchtigt sich und das Fruchtige stellt sich mehr in den Vordergrund. Der erste Schluck erinnert mich an trockenes Eichenholz und eine angenehme Schärfe wird von einer fruchtigen Süße am Gaumen begleitet. Die fruchtige Süße ist ein Mix aus süßen Weintrauben, Bananen und dunkler Schokolade. Die Konsistenz ist leicht samtig und minimal ölig. Auch die Fasslagerung des Rums hinterlässt seinen Geschmack und ich schmecke leicht rauchige Noten von verkohlten Holz und eine minimale Bitterkeit heraus. Das Finish zieht mich in seinen Bann und eine ganze Zeit lang schmecke ich zum Schluss die Aromen von Tabak, kalten Rauch und eine Spur Frucht in Form von reifen süßen Birnen. Fazit: Der Mount Gay Rum XO Triple Cask Blend besitzt ein reichhaltiges Aromenprofil. Geschmacklich ist er recht ausgewogen und das Fruchtige harmoniert gut mit dem Holzigen und sorgt so für ein unvergessliches Trinkerlebnis. Genießt den Premium-Blend der ältesten Rum-Marke der Welt pur, auf Eis oder in einem Old Fashioned! 😀🥃👍 . ℹ️ Eine ausführliche Besprechung und Wissenswertes sowie Tasting Notizen über den angezeigten Rum bekommt ihr auf meinem Blog: www.frank-ficht.de . #mountgay #mountgayrum #mountgaytriplecaskblend #barbadosrum #rum #rhum #ron #tasting #rumtasting #rumlovers #rumcocktails #drinks #drinkporn #cocktails #cocktail #bar #bartender @reidemeisterundulrichs . Anmerkung: Ich bedanke mich bei der nachfolgenden Firma für die Musterflasche. Es fand keine Beeinflussung oder ähnliches auf das Tasting statt. ➡️➡️ Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH | Speicher 1, Konsul-Smidt-Straße 8 J, 28217 Bremen – Deutschland | www.ruu.de (hier: Hude) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcFDfEtsmes/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toppersrhum-blog · 4 years
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Topper’s Coconut Rhum
has an incredible flavor and aroma that tastes like a day at the beach. Natural fresh coconut and premium Caribbean rhum are expertly blended to achieve a smooth finish. This rhum is delightful on the rocks, with juice or mixed with pineapple for the best piña colada you will ever taste.
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