thegentlemancollects · 7 months
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wh40kartwork · 1 year
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Do Not Be Afraid
by Anatoly Prel
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lottiefilestore · 17 days
Girl organizing business Lottie JSON animation
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terrortree · 2 years
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A man and his ten-foot shapeshifting dire wolf.
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scav-gifs-daily · 10 months
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ID : 9879
scavengers with big, defined eatlers are always the best
i usually call this guy strawberry, but they ended up being named prel, after the other prel who used them as a sona of sorts. don't blame them.
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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day 17/100 ~ 100 days of productivity
notes: ♡ stayed home today,, i needed to take some time to smash out my huge to-do list (and i did, thank goodness). ♡ work today: finished physics centripetal force notes and homework questions, sehs joint types notes finished, preL’s - finished (AND GOT MY LEARNERS PERMIT!), spanish workbook chapter five (actividad dos y tres y cuatro), daily spanish learning ♡ went for a sunset walk around the block with my sister, it was nice and relaxing ♡ my birthday is tomorrow!
habit tracking:
physical activity deep work reading time spanish study
image source: pinterest
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adiodont · 10 months
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a prel and a meena and a both of them scribbles
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I want to lick your art style and prel off a layer of its skin with my tongue it's so good, like I want to make out sloppy style with every drawing you've ever maid because your art style is so wonderful and kissable, i want to give it such a wonderful make-up session that I suck the life out of it and it's left as a dead rotting corpse, I want to peel away at your art as I suck it like an ice pop. I want your art style nailed above my head like Jesus so I can kiss ots little forehead each night, and I want to beat it to death because it makes me so happy I become aggressive, I want to worship your art like a cultists and when you die I will resurrect you from the dead so you can make more art so I can hive that art a sloppy joe because I want to shove my tongue in it and fucking absorb it into my body and soul because it is the best thing in media I've ever seen
thanks 👍
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macwantspeace · 4 months
My vague memory is that the Dali was getting some repairs before it sailed. Now the reports are that they had electrical power fails the day before sailing, and on the day it hit the bridge. "The ship’s Singaporean owner, Grace Ocean Private Limited, and manager, Synergy Marine PTE LTD, filed a petition in federal court last month asking for a $43.6 million limit on potential liability payouts.
The city of Baltimore has asked the court to deny that request. It also filed a legal claim against Grace Ocean and Synergy Marine, accusing both companies of having an “incompetent crew” aboard the Dali that lacked proper skill and training," - CNN
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First Mother’s Fang (Cavalier Archetype)
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(art by Anatoly Prel on Artstation)
 Have you ever wanted to be a warrior snake person who rides on the back of a giant serpent the way some mammals ride equines?
Most of you probably were very confused by that question, but a few of you likely said yes. And that’s exactly what you can play as with today’s entry!
Nalinivati, daughter of the naga goddess Ravithra, was born from her mother when she was decapitated by someone she thought of as a friend (Don’t worry, she got better, but was forever changed), springing forth from the stump of her neck.
However, while she did inherit some of her mother’s patronage of naga-kind, Nalinivati was a fertility goddess, and as such, longed to create new life, which she did, in the form of the nagaji, a species born from the combination of naga and human stock, creating all sorts of snake people whose appearance can vary quite a lot.
Many outsiders assume that the nagaji in their original home of Nagajor are a servitor race to the nagas that rule it, but as has been proven time and again with revolts and demonstrations of independence, the nagaji are more akin to a partner species to those nagas that embrace civilization, the two helping each other and making up for what the other lacks.
Perhaps no truer expression of this is that when Nalinivati first created them, she selected an exceptional one among her creations to become her “Fang”, an elevated warrior servant whom she invested skill in battle but also knowledge and wordcraft, so that this being would be able to serve as her champion and emissary.
While some may claim a blood connection to the first, these so-called First Mother’s Fangs have expanded greatly from that original champion. So much so that they no longer necessarily claim to be champions of the First Mother directly, but more accurately champions of their people. The tradition has even expanded beyond the nagaji as well in some places. Wherever there is a desire to defend the people and an appreciation for giant serpents, this archetype may find root, even outside the Lost Omens setting.
 These warriors are educated on a wide variety of topics, and also learn to master at least one rare and exotic melee and ranged weapon as well, giving them a relatively unique fighting style.
They also have a serpent companion that serves as their mount. Unlike other giant constrictors, this is a particularly robust specimen of great size so that their master can ride them, and is especially speedy on land.
While they are indeed warriors, the Fangs are also civil servants. As such, they learn defensive combat and a variety of techniques that use it as the basis, but also a handful of abilities for more social occasions, particularly in regards to how their well-known and respected status affects how people in their homeland react to them and aid them.
Essentially, this archetype gets a mount that is more suited for direct combat, and a combination of defensive and debilitating martial feats alongside a handful of the social talents of a vigilante, though specifically those tied to them being upstanding members of the community that people are willing to aid. Of course, having such talents comes with some of the limitations as well, namely the fact that this archetype works best in campaigns where you don’t travel too far from a single city or nation. If that appeals to you, this is a fun way to simulate being a beloved champion of the people.
 Now obviously, a lot of mammalian cultures have an aversion to snakes for some reason, so you might not see this archetype a lot outside of the nagaji, but it’s interesting to think about cultures of other species that would utilize the archetype. Perhaps a snake deity is a part of their cultural identity and being trained as a rider of serpents is seen as a great honor?
It is important, however, to remember that this was a nagaji way first, and for them, and likely your character, it is a legacy to be upheld, even without an order to latch onto.
  The warriors of the Sacred Scale are all too aware of how many folk fear serpents and those that resemble them, including themselves. As such, one of their missions is to oppose fiends that wear a serpentine mien. As such, a group of them have been tracking a marai rakshasa for weeks, but the wily spellbinder continues to elude them. This is perhaps where the party’s diverse expertise may come in handy.
 Though not wicked, the Rougarou of the Ghost Fens are notoriously suspicious of travellers, to the point where they accost any traveller they find. Such was the case when they confronted a strange traveller riding a massive boa. The traveller insisted that they were in the sovereign lands of her people, and called them bandits, leading to a bloody fight and preparations for war on both sides.
 According to legend, the nagaji of Bia Ma Shan were the creations of the nagas. However, a strange ruin has surfaced, one with carvings that suggest that it was serpentfolk who were responsible, teaching their fledgeling servitors how to fight in their honor.
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wh40kartwork · 1 year
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Cavalry Attack
by Anatoly Prel
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pressedink · 8 months
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Prelude to Ecstasy | love craved, found, and lost, 1/12
1. an action or event serving as an introduction to something more important.
Similar: preliminary | overture | opening | preparation | introduction | start | beginning
1. an overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.
Similar: rapture | bliss | elation | euphoria | cloud nine | seventh heaven | rhapsodies
for this story, we will be using the second option –
2. an emotional or religious frenzy or trance-like state, originally one involving an experience of mystic self-transcendence.
angsty angst angst angst wrapped up in a lovely little package addressed to a church with a red-headed wife who smokes in the back garden and a priest whose round glasses help him see well-enough through the grates of the confessional.
multiple POVs, a set of interconnected love stories, based on every song in The Last Dinner Party's Prelude to Ecstasy album, a whole 11 chapters of smut or nearly-there-if-you-squint smut, mind the MCD.....
i'm excited to get angsty!!
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444names · 1 year
jewish and gaelic names BUT excluding "c"
Abber Abisters Addew Adelint Ahaly Airson Airvin Aligan Aloolliar Ammozevan Amory Aperger Apman Arbir Arosky Artle Ashkohmey Aumey Avers Axmanthit Azimey Baiddienry Bainnah Bakol Balkingan Baunni Bauro Bedny Begelar Behmazin Beirap Beirsh Beissley Beldie Beldron Beney Bergena Bergernfis Bergolly Berner Berzara Bigneustel Binabar Blann Bluff Blughy Boavert Bolter Borazziva Borsh Bowel Brams Bramshnes Brena Brenbau Brizenstey Broby Brofeis Broim Brosgrut Brour Bunswenher Daude Davinan Dekeatt Dilow Dolfaliger Doner Donerraw Donkin Dorayd Dorey Dovit Doweing Dreimkin Drenferk Dreshlap Dritt Droff Droyann Dufmangton Dugillin Dunek Dunkman Duren Duryess Dweller Dwitwise Ebbinster Ebhul Einneth Elben Elffe Elver Ennissi Ephaw Epsteig Ewarenan Farben Farman Farrionsky Fatell Fathubie Feibinon Felds Feliersky Felleval Felly Fiell Files Finey Finnd Fisenish Fishkey Fithbigind Flavit Fluie Fogger Forabill Forkin Fougher Frairon Freinker Frest Frohaeber Fronnedan Frosleyes Ganlig Gassa Gelsoneall Geren Gerksmand Geser Giber Gilds Gilinn Glarlossle Golaw Goldek Goldeld Golds Golpman Gontirazar Gorbenur Gornern Gosseatal Gover Govin Gozan Gozerzh Grain Grairstess Grassyak Grehrawry Grunthuv Guinaddiv Haffe Haiskirkne Halerg Hally Hamier Hanniedon Hanny Haradoweim Haraton Harpethn Harstein Hatird Hauzzan Havitz Hazantie Heann Heatona Heiffian Heiwensky Hesslathit Hetzadiney Hieden Holah Holdis Honror Identan Isharma Itzefkie Ivakorth Ivnerg Jesoldin Jessmas Jezney Joseliv Kallorn Kasaple Kathain Kathaini Katin Kaymo Keagal Keann Kenow Kilverdy Kiney Kinge Kinieber Kinorff Kirst Klisty Klivey Kofsky Kosey Kostein Kriston Krols Kropler Krott Kwairenin Laidender Laidhall Lanahy Laoine Lasdatz Latkeld Laugh Leivkam Lemmoon Lenger Lesht Linna Lishein Lissirke Loffn Loream Lotenber Lourrin Luigeenkie Magiddel Mairen Malle Manapper Manatheal Mandree Maner Manerg Mannieberg Mannone Mantz Matigaimbi Mauer Maxman Meann Mehrain Meldhard Melefs Meler Mergetzkel Mergs Midenst Mielmalk Mimsley Mineraguir Minnoreell Mitenstert Mitsman Moldb Money Moodesonn Moramson Moraylan Moretz Morson Movim Moyrnan Muderne Mukey Mulavashan Mullina Mulzeen Munven Myfelinir Myter Nagnaheatt Nahanden Namenih Navaldkie Nelds Neyer Nitzen Nolann Notinber Novinsky Ofmaneatle Opfhe Orandman Ordne Ormong Ornan Otlenbl Ovivan Ovskel Paddel Padhegmal Patteld Pidevel Pindevina Plerg Poloper Poranzer Porney Pornis Prels Prissi Pully Purreud Quiggid Raharkey Rakkay Ramaldhles Ratlis Raugh Rayyaum Reberson Reill Reldson Renled Reudna Ridrosky Ristrie River Rodorwit Rodrann Rohmah Rollan Rolnahaff Rolstelfa Ronst Ronther Rontran Rosalles Rosetz Roskva Roterry Rupessowie Saftan Sakerg Sakneum Samix Sapies Sarker Saulatti Segallman Sellier Senfein Senfel Serresh Seyerbal Shaddim Shaid Shamehan Shbetz Sheag Sheinly Shergen Shesson Shirk Shmagar Shmana Sidelds Sigarahull Sigarlin Sigersky Simande Siustelner Siwein Sleal Slerg Slivey Sonatt Soneen Spatas Speoghan Spoar Sprett Sprovitz Steinn Steinsky Stougg Stril Surry Swereff Swiserfarg Tahan Taley Tamolein Tarin Teimm Teitkinek Tergfelman Teron Tragnan Tremmeliss Tronah Trumsert Tulvan Turrin Twarowitz Tzbag Tzballis Tzidensben Valey Vorezri Walowill Warings Weifka Weilevinn Whart Wiley Wisseben Witbash Withar Witsni Wolli Wolsber Wooldstal Yabranas Yaharby Yamon Yarenhon Yarie Yarken Yehamaneag Yoenkel Yombenmann Yovsky Yuden Zadin Zalin Zamia Zfenonar Ziart Zilike Ziona Zloer Zukey Zurnavit Zwitzke
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open-hearth-rpg · 1 year
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Open Hearth Video Roundup - October 6, 2023
Capitalites, Eotenward, Girl By Moonlight. and more.
Welcome to the weekly Open Hearth Gaming video roundup!
These recorded sessions represent only a portion of the games we play every week, and anyone is welcome to join the fun! If you'd like to play in games like these, join our Playabl community and click on the "Calendar" tab to sign up for upcoming games. To browse our library of videos of past sessions, please visit our YouTube Playlists page.
Open Hearth Gaming Calendar
Capitalites (Session 5 of 5) Donogh runs for Madelancholy and Thomas Manuel Opening night is fast approaching and things are threatening to spiral out of control. Can Camilla hold the production together? Can Salman grow to be a worthy member of the company? Can Ami make a professional breakthrough and keep her relationships?
Free from the Shadow: Samurai Fantasy (Session Zero) Lowell Francis runs for Elle, Mike Minutillo, and Sherri We work through World and Clan creation in the session zero for this adaptation of Free from the Yoke for samurai fantasy play. We learn of the history of the conspiracy and fallen Kami who nearly destroyed the Empire and about our three PC Clans who hope to bring order to the land.
Fate of the Quadrant (Session 3) Alun R. runs for Lowell Francis, Paul Rivers, and Will H Acting First Officer's Personal Log - Stardate 48157.9 - Lieutenant V'Sal Reporting: Captain Prel hasn't explained why we have been diverted from Starbase 310 to Deep Space 9 but we should be dropping out of warp there any time now. What I will say is that the announcement of the change is the first time I've ever seen him show even a glimmer of genuine interest in our mission. Meanwhile, the presence of Princess T'ren & Ambassador Dijenn remains...trying. Mixing Federation and family affairs is rarely straightforward but I had hoped that this would be a logical opportunity for a reconciliation. Still, as I have come to understand in my time in Starfleet, logic has its limits and so, it appears, do my parents. Then...shore leave on DS9, a prototype installed and through the wormhole, before an unfamiliar foe must be confronted and tunnels beneath the ruins of New Bajor explored...
Eotenweard: Northumbria (Session 1) Alun R. runs for José Feito, Paul Rivers, Sabine V., and Will H We meet Black Jell, the Loon, with a single wandering eye who was brought to the others by a vision of blood; Solinus, the Rogue, who sees his Gift as evidence that he may matter to God; Cadog of the Order of St Adrian, the Sword of God who was told those he met at a cross-roads were worthy; and Fynn, a Skinchanger who recognized the others having previously dreamed of them. Together they have been drawn to the once thriving settlement of Thrydingas beside a river now clogged by rotting fish, something Cadog's Order says is 'demon-sign'. The villagers mark their huts with protective wards but they clearly desire the opportunity to return to fishing, while their naive Lord prefers to listen to stories... There's more rotting fish, projectile vomiting, and a slave girl's fear...and then...a lurking threat in a sinister fen...
Star Wars Saturday
OSR 5 in 1 - Spacers Rich Rogers runs for Anders, Keith Stetson, and Steven Watkins We end the series with a favorite Star Wars trope - a prison break!
MCU Sunday
Demigods (Session 1) Rich Rogers runs for Alex, Cody Eastlick, and Steven Watkins The new Warriors Three fight the Followers of Set from Egypt-World and have a drink with Adam Mann before learning his truth!
Off-Calendar Highlights
Hearts of Camelot: Once and Forever (Session 3) Madelancholy runs for Chris Greenbriar, David Miessler-Kubanek, and Rod Santos Exploring the manor finds our heroes in varying levels of trouble: Sir Granit is stuck in a wall, Sir Elio talks to a parrot, and Ydelles gets a hint of their host's intentions.
Heroes of the Hearth: Fresh Faces (Session 1 of 2) Madelancholy runs for Paul D. and Rob Fletcher "Today we do not sing of adventurers, but the people behind the adventurers...we sing of how they themselves deal with the threat that holds their lands in thrall..." Supposedly this story game can be done in 2-3 hours...the first time we played this, it was a time crunch in 4 hours. This time, we breathe life into different characters and make this two-shot of village life with a world threat looming - check out Part 1!
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How to Use Typography in Web Design for Maximum Impact
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Typography is a fundamental aspect of web design that goes beyond just choosing a font. It's about creating a visual language that enhances user experience and engagement. By mastering typography, you can make your Web Design Services not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and accessible. In this guide, we will delve deep into how to use typography effectively in web design, supported by relevant statistics and best practices.
Why Typography Matters in Web Design
Typography is more than just letters on a screen; it's a critical component of web design that can influence how users perceive and interact with your website. According to a study by the Nielsen Norman Group, users stay on a webpage for an average of 10-20 seconds unless the content captures their interest. Effective typography can make your content more readable and engaging, thus increasing the time users spend on your site.
For professional assistance in creating a visually appealing and functional website, consider exploring Web Design Services from experts who understand the nuances of typography.
Key Elements of Typography in Web Design
Font Choice and Pairing
Choosing the right font is crucial as it sets the tone for your website. Serif fonts like Times New Roman convey a sense of tradition and reliability, while sans-serif fonts like Arial or Helvetica give a modern and clean look.
Pairing fonts is an art. A common practice is to pair a serif font for headings with a sans-serif font for body text to create a balanced and readable layout.
Readability and Legibility
Readability refers to how easily text can be read in context, while legibility is about distinguishing individual characters. Both are essential for a good user experience.
The optimal line length for body text is around 50-75 characters per line. Lines that are too long or too short can make reading uncomfortable.
Hierarchy and Scale
Establishing a clear typographic hierarchy helps guide users through your content. Use different font sizes, weights, and styles to differentiate headings, subheadings, and body text.
A good practice is to use larger font sizes for headings and smaller sizes for body text, creating a visual distinction that aids navigation.
Contrast and Color
Contrast between text and background is crucial for readability. Black text on a white background is the most readable combination, but you can use other combinations as long as there is sufficient contrast.
Color can also convey meaning and evoke emotions. For example, red can indicate urgency or importance, while blue can create a sense of trust and calm.
Whitespace and Alignment
Whitespace, or negative space, refers to the empty areas around text and images. Proper use of whitespace can make your content more readable and visually appealing.
Alignment affects the readability and overall look of your text. Left-aligned text is the most common and easiest to read, while centered text can be used for shorter passages or headings.
Best Practices for Using Typography in Web Design
Consistency is Key
Consistent use of typography helps create a cohesive and professional look. Stick to a limited number of fonts and use them consistently across your website.
Responsive Design
Ensure your typography is responsive, meaning it adjusts appropriately on different screen sizes and devices. This includes using relative units like ems or percentages for font sizes.
Typography should be accessible to all users, including those with visual impairments. Use a readable font size (at least 16px for body text) and ensure sufficient contrast between text and background.
Consider using tools like the WebAIM contrast checker to verify that your color choices meet accessibility standards.
Performance Optimization
Custom fonts can enhance your design but may impact page load times. Optimize performance by using web-safe fonts or implementing font loading strategies like preloading or asynchronous loading.
Testing and Iteration
Regularly test your typography choices with real users and be open to making adjustments based on feedback. A/B testing different font combinations and layouts can provide valuable insights into what works best for your audience.
The Impact of Typography on User Experience
According to a study by Google, websites with visually appealing design, including well-executed typography, are perceived as more trustworthy. Additionally, Adobe's survey on the State of Content found that 38% of users will stop engaging with a website if the content layout is unattractive. These statistics highlight the importance of typography in not only attracting but retaining visitors on your site.
For those looking to enhance their website's visual appeal and functionality, consider partnering with professionals. Check out Web Design Services to ensure your typography and overall design are executed flawlessly.
Typography is a powerful tool in web design that significantly affects user experience and engagement. By understanding and implementing the principles of font choice, readability, hierarchy, contrast, and alignment, you can create a website that is both visually appealing and functional. Remember to prioritize consistency, accessibility, and performance in your typographic choices, and don't hesitate to test and iterate based on user feedback.
For expert guidance and implementation, explore Web Design Services that can help you achieve a professional and effective web design. By mastering typography, you can elevate your web design to new heights and provide a better experience for your users.
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moniquestreb · 2 months
Podologa Vila Prel
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