#pregnant schwanger
franky4dirtyfun · 6 months
ein mädel aktuell schwanger und lust sich mit mir darüber auszutauschen?????
schreib mir gerne ......
auch tele,..... stichwort
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pregination · 1 year
Natalia Ivana „Ich habe meine erste Tochter kurz nach meinem 19. Geburtstag geboren. Sie kam ganz pünktlich an ihrem errechnet Geburtstermin am 14.11. auf die Welt.
Ich hatte bereits die ganze Woche vorher immer mal wieder leichte Wehen, ein leichtes Ziehen im Unterleib und extreme Rückenschmerzen, meinen Geburtstag konnte ich auf Grund dessen nur vom Sofa aus mitfeiern. In der Nacht von Donnerstag auf Freitag vor ihrer Geburt wurde ich von einem immensen Druck geweckt, ich konnte das ganze überhaupt nicht zuordnen und dachte zu allererst ich müsse nur mal zur Toilette. Als stand ich auf und ging ins Badezimmer, mir fiel auf, wie schwer es mir plötzlich fiel zu laufen. Wieder im Bett ging es mir besser und ich konnte gut weiterschlafen. Freitags morgens war von einer bevorstehenden Geburt gar nichts zu spüren. Ich fühlte mich sogar richtig gut und fit. Also beschloss ich, mit meiner Mutter und meiner Schwester zum Mittagessen in die Stadt zu fahren. Wir bummelten noch ein wenig, ehe ich am frühen Abend wieder zurück nachhause fuhr. Im Auto begannen dann die ersten wirklich schmerzhaften Wehen, zum Glück war der Weg nicht besonders weit. Ich erinnere mich noch, dass ich nicht aussteigen konnte, weil ich das Gefühl hatte, sie plumpst sonst einfach aus mir heraus. Wir haben damals im zweiten Stock eines Mehrfamilienhauses gewohnt und mir graute es davor hochlaufen zu müssen. Die Wehen kamen gut alle zehn Minuten, also wartete ich die nächste ab, um dann hoch zu gehen, im Hausflur platze dann ganz dramatisch, wie im Film meine Fruchtblase.
Völlig erschrocken rief ich meine Mutter an, die wenige Minuten später auch schon bei mir war und mit mir in die Klinik fuhr. Diese Autofahrt war die absolute Hölle, sie dauerte knappe 15 Minuten, fühlte sich aber an wie Stunden. Die Wehen wurden natürlich immer und immer intensiver, ich musste sie richtig veratmen und dachte wirklich, ich schaffe es nicht mehr bis ins Krankenhaus. Laut der Erzählung meiner Mutter waren die Abstände ab hier bei knapp sieben Minuten, weshalb sie auch recht entspannt blieb.
Um 20:23 Uhr kamen wir in der Klinik an, meine Mutter holte einen Rollstuhl um mich in den Kreißsaal zu fahren, dort wurde ich untersucht, mein Muttermund war tatsächlich schon bei acht Zentimetern. Ich spürte immer immenseren Druck und hatte ein starkes Verlangen zu pressen, die Schmerzen waren wirklich kaum auszuhalten. Eine gute Stunde später mussten wir leider feststellen, dass sich mein Muttermund noch nicht weiter geöffnet hatte, also versuchten wir mit Hilfe der Schwerkraft nachzuhelfen. Ich stand nun mit zitternden Knien in diesem Kreißsaal, links hielt mich meine Mutter und rechts mein Partner, der es mittlerweile auch ins Krankenhaus geschafft hatte. Jede Wehe fühlte sich an, als würde mein Körper zerreißen. Ich war der festen Überzeugung, ich werde das nicht überleben.
Doch es zeigte Wirkung, ich durfte endlich mitpressen. Ich lag nun wieder auf dem großen Bett und presste was das Zeug hielt. Immer wieder motivierten mich alle um mich herum, doch meine Kraft war am Ende. Ich tat mein bestes, aber wir kamen einfach nicht voran. Ein Positionswechsel sollte helfen: vierfüßlerstand. Und siehe da, nach einer weiteren halben Stunde, in der ich mit aller Kraft versucht hatte meine Tochter zu gebären, hieß es: noch einmal feste schieben! Und da war sie, um 00.02 Uhr war sie nach fünf Stunden kämpfen endlich da.“
Amalia Weronika
„Meine zweite Tochter kam am 03.07., drei Jahre später zur Welt. Sie fühlte sich in Mamas Bauch einfach zu wohl und wollte, anders als ihre große Schwester nicht von alleine zu uns kommen.
Anderthalb Wochen nach dem errechneten Termin wurde ich daher stationär aufgenommen um die Geburt einzuleiten. Wir begannen mit Tabletten und Wehentropf, mit mäßigem Erfolg. Die Wehen waren um einiges schmerzhafter als die meiner ersten Geburt. Und trotzdem tat sich leider nichts. Mein Körper reagierte nicht wie gewünscht. Drei Tage lang passierte nichts, außer, dass ich unter schmerzen litt. Wir entschieden uns dann für einen Tag Pause, auch in der Hoffnung, dass es vielleicht doch noch von allein losgeht. Also verbrachte ich diesen Tag damit im Krankenhauspark spazieren zu gehen, die Treppen rauf und runter zu laufen und zu beten. Aber auch das alles war leider vergeblich. Am 01.07. besprachen wir also die Alternative: Kaiserschnitt. Mir graute davor, ich wollte unbedingt eine natürliche Geburt. Also beschlossen wir, es noch einmal mit Medikamenten zu probieren, diesmal zusätzlich mit vaginalen Zäpfchen. Die Wehen kamen darunter tatsächlich auch sehr regelmäßig, aber sie waren leider weiterhin nicht geburtsfördernd. Also entschied ich mich dazu, noch einigen Runden spazieren zu gehen. Die ganze Nacht kamen die Wehen weiter in regelmäßigen Abständen. Die Untersuchung am Vormittag zeigte dann auch endlich Resultate, mein Muttermund öffnete sich. Ich war so erleichtert. Als wir endlich bei guten sechs Zentimetern waren, entschieden wir die Fruchtblase manuell zu öffnen, da dies die Geburt vorantreiben sollte. Gesagt, getan. Die Hebamme öffnete die Fruchtblase und ich schrie die ganze Klinik zusammen, dieser Schmerz war wirklich unerträglich. Aber es half. Die Wehen kamen deutlich schmerzhafter, und die kleine machte sich auf den Weg, zwei Stunden später, nach einer kurzen, sehr heftigen Austreibungsphase war sie dann um 14.14 Uhr bei uns.“
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pregination · 1 year
Hallo pregination,
wie stellst du dir deine perfekte Geburt vor? Gern ausführlich von der ersten Wehe bis zum Moment wo die das Baby auf den Bauch gelegt wird. Danke und schöne Grüße aus NRW
Hallo, danke für Deine Frage! Wir gehen nachmittags spazieren, unser errechneter Geburtstermin ist in zwei Wochen, wir freuen uns riesig. Es ist das erste Kind für uns. Hand in Hand gehen wir am Bach entlang, es ist sonnig und warm. Nach einer guten halben Stunde spüre ich ein leichtes Ziehen in meinem unteren Rücken, ich denke mir nichts weiter und wir gehen den Weg wieder zurück. Abends bestellen wir bei unserem lieblingsitaliener, beim Essen spüre ich erneut ein Ziehen, dies mal deutlich mehr spürbar. Nach dem Essen kuscheln wir uns auf unser Sofa, wir schauen einen Film, du streichelst über meinen Bauch und bemerkst wie hart er ist. In diesem Moment habe ich meine erste Wehe, so dass ich diese auch zuordnen kann. Freudig lächle ich dich an, denn nun geht es los. Die Wehen kommen die ganze Nacht regelmäßig, die Abstände verkürzen sich zunehmend, die Schmerzen sind auszuhalten, aber deutlich unangenehm. Du unterstützt mich wo du kannst. Wir duschen zusammen, du hältst mich zum veratmen, massierst mich, wir sind uns die ganze Zeit nah. Gegen Mittag am nächsten Tag, werden die Wehen immer stärker und ich habe große Mühe sie durchzustehen. Die Abstände betragen nun vier bis fünf Minuten. Ich lehne über unserem Küchentisch, mein Kopf auf meine Arme gelegt, du stehst hinter mir und massierst meinen unteren Rücken, als meine fruchtblase platzt. Mit einem Mal. Eine Riesen Pfütze unter meinen Füßen. In dem Moment kann ich deutlichen Druck nach unten spüren. Das Köpfchen drückt sich tief ins Becken, ich kann mich keinen Millimeter rühren. Die nächste Wehe übermannt mich und ich rufe dir zu, dass ich jetzt pressen muss. Und das tue ich. Du hältst mich, während ich zu pressen beginne. Langsam gehe ich in die Knie, immer noch von dir gehalten. Unser Baby hat es plötzlich ziemlich eilig. Ich presse und presse, das Köpfchen erscheint und die Schmerzen werden unerträglich. Wimmernd liege ich in deinen Armen, ich flehe dich an das Baby einfach rauszuholen, als ich von einer heftigen Wehe unterbrochen werde, ich presse mit aller Kraft, doch nichts passiert. Es steckt fest rufe ich dir zu, du reagierst sofort. Du legst mich auf den Boden und kniest dich zwischen meine gespreizten Beine, ich Presse erneut so stark ich kann, du versuchst mit deinen Fingern den Ausgang zu weiten. Mit Erfolg. Mit der nächsten Wehe kommen die Schultern, damit der darauffolgenden unser Baby.
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itsagrimm · 2 years
*moans in german*
Sex and Sex-related vocabulary for writing smut with german phrases
I had an anon ask me about useful sexy vocabulary in german to write smut with. Let's see what König might moan. *kicks up feet in the air and twirls hair*
note - for many, german and german dialects are not really considered sexy so this was a wild but fun Doktor Sommer-esk ride. the categories are not meant as any judgment, i just had to sort it in some way. feel free to add, fellow german-speakers.
Safe word - safe word, it's the same as in english. rot, gelb, grün - red, yellow, green Darf ich dich küssen? - May I kiss you? Darf ich dich anfassen? - May or can I touch you? Gefällt dir das? - Do you like this? Jungfrau - virgin, gender-non-specific Ich bin Jungfrau. Ich bin noch Jungfrau. Das ist neu für mich. - I am a virgin. I am still a virgin. I am new to this. Ich vertraue dir. - I trust you. heiß, heißer, am heißesten - hot, hotter, the hottest 🔥 Der ist aber groß. - Oh, he is big. (you are so welcome for this one) Ich komme. Ich komme gleich. - I'm cumming. I'm about to cum. Penis, Schwanz, Glied,... - Penis, cock, member, ... Vagina, Fotze, Spalte, Scheide,... - vagina, cunt, slit (derogatory), slit (technically sheath but kind old-fashioned yet not derogatory),... So eng. - So tight. So feucht. - so wet. Du fühlst dich so feucht an. - You feel so wet. Darf ich in dir kommen? Ich will in dir kommen. - Can I cum inside you? I want to cum inside you. Darf ich dir einen blasen? Willst du mir einen blasen? - Can I give you a blow job? Do you want to give me a blow job?
Contraception & pregnancy
Ich nehme die Pille. Nimmst du die Pille? - I am on the contraceptive pill. Do you take a contraceptive pill? Ich hab Kondome dabei. / Bitte benutz ein Kondom. - I have condoms. / Please use a condom. Ich bin schwanger. Ich bin nicht schwanger. Bist du schwanger?- I am pregnant. I am not pregnant. Are you pregnant?
Praises & Compliments
Das gefällt mir. - I like this. Du bist schön. - You are beautiful. Du siehst gut aus. - You look great. Mir gefällt was du da tust. Das machst du gut. - I like what you do (there). You are doing well. guter Junger - good boy Mehr! Weiter! Tiefer! Härter!- more! Keep going! Deeper! Harder! Oh Gott - Oh god.
Degradation & Kinks
Zieh mir an den Haaren. - Pull my hair. Halt still. - Don't move. Nimm ihn in den Mund. - Take it into your mouth. Lass mich dein Maul stopfen. - Let me make you shut up. / Let me fill your mouth. Schlampe - slut Hure - whore Ich wollte nur mal so ne Uniform anprobieren. - I just wanted to try out a uniform.
Post-sex talk
Wollen wir reden? Können wir reden? - Do you want to talk? Can we talk? Hab ich dir weh getan? - Did I hurt you? Bist du okay? Geht es dir gut? - Are you okay? Are you alright? Wollen wir kuscheln? - Do you want to cuddle? Schlaf gut - sleep tight.
I want to be tagged every time some uses this to write smut just to see how people use this.
In need of less bedroom focused vocabulary? here.
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psikonauti · 2 years
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Otto Dix (German, 1891-1969)
Schwangeres Weib (Pregnant Woman), 1919
oil on canvas
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„Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl schwanger zu sein.“ Seit seiner Krönung vor drei Monaten, sagte ihm niemand mehr, er müsse jetzt zum Fechttraining gehen oder sich sonst wie bewegen.
‘Somehow I feel like I'm pregnant.’ Since his coronation three months ago, no one has told him to go to fencing training or exercise in any other way.
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spirit-of-art · 2 months
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Egon Schiele, Schwangere und Tod (Pregnant Woman and Death), 1911
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Betrayal Never Felt So Good (König/Fem!Reader) Chapter 5
You can find Chapter 1 here, Chapter 2 here, Chapter 3 here, Chapter 4 here, and Chapter 6 here!
Word count: ~9.5k
Rating: Mature
A/N: Lots of slice-of-life fluff, and of course, some lovely smut to level out that sweetness as well. In the next chapter or two, we will be confronting some more serious topics so let’s enjoy these fun times for now! Also, I’m sorry this turned out so long but I hope it makes up for the lack of posting this week!
Fun fact, there’s a little scene in here where the reader reminisces on discovering that König liked that she was plus-sized. You CANNOT convince me that the giant that is König wouldn’t love a woman he knows he can throw around without hurting, someone with a little extra curve for his massive hands to hold onto. If you disagree, shhhh. It’s my HC and let me be delulu lol. 
Also also, if you’re interested in hearing the song referenced on the car ride, I’ll link it here! Any of my mask/obsessive/stalker kink lovers will get a kick outta the video I think. 🤭 The lyrics match obsessive König to a fucking T babes!
Discussions of weight and being chubby - both in a positive and negative light. Reader has to confront anxiety and bad feelings. Reader’s sexuality has never been talked about but in this chapter, it alludes to her being -at the very least- slightly attracted to a woman. Lots of emotions. THE L BOMB! Smut, oral, rough sex, face sitting, multiple orgasms, size kink, praise kink, unprotected sex, dom/sub, creampie, BREEDING KINK AND BREATH PLAY! I promise those two trigger warnings will not be used often, so if those aren’t your cup of tea you can easily skip over the end of the smut in this one! Pet names (in English and German), bad German translations bc I’m STILL a lame monolingual American, and STILL no beta because we die like jackass Graves.
Crappy Translations:
Arschloch - Asshole
Dummköpfe - Fools/Idiots
Maus - Mouse
Schatz - Darling
Liebling - Love
Süßes mädchen- Sweet girl
Scheiße - Shit
Du hast keine verdammte Ahnung, wie sexy du bist - You have no fucking idea how sexy you are
Ich würde die Welt für dich niederbrennen - I would burn down the world for you
Weißt du, wie sehr ich dich füllen möchte? - Do you know how much I want to fill you?
Du würdest so schön aussehen, wenn du mit meinem Baby schwanger wärst - You would look so beautiful pregnant with my baby
Oh, verdammt, ich komme! - Oh, fuck, I’m coming
“What are the chances we are together again, hmm?” Amy asked, grinning as she bumped her elbow against yours then whispered, all conspiratorial, “Not that I’m complaining. It’s good to have another woman around these meatheads.”
“Right?!” you groaned back to the redhead, eyes darting to said men loading up the SUV, “They must have noticed what a badass team we make when it comes to paperwork.” 
“Alright, chatty Kathy, let’s get it goin’.”
Max hooked an arm around your neck as he walked by and dragged you to the vehicle with him, not releasing his hold no matter how hard you fought until right at the doors. 
“I can fucking walk by myself you know?” you bit out with red cheeks.
He snickered and retorted, “I’ve seen you walk into glass doors before, kid, I don’t trust a single thing you do.”��
There was a sense of satisfaction at the guttural groan he released when your elbow landed perfectly in his gut and you took the chance to jerk the front door open, hopping in and locking it before he could do anything about it. 
“I call shotgun,” you sang gleefully. 
When the driver-side door opened, you couldn’t bite back the smile that grew on your lips, trying to hide it with a little cough instead as König slid his massive frame into the too-small spot. You’d never seen him in a “small” vehicle before, much less the driver seat. It was amusing to watch him mutter little German curses under his breath as he adjusted the seat back until his long legs were comfortable and his head wasn’t crammed against the ceiling.
“Coulda let me drive,” Horangi called from the very back row, seated next to Luke, your other teammate.
You grinned as König simply tossed the operator a scathing glare before finally starting up the SUV.
“Alright, let’s get this road trip on the way!” Amy cheered from her seat behind König.
“You know this isn’t actually a road trip, right?” Max teased her.
“You know you’re annoying, right?”
Eyes brows lifting in surprise, you watched as the two began playfully arguing. Soulless Ginger, Meathead, and other tasteful nicknames were tossed back and forth as they bit into each other verbally. They’d been like this since your teams had met up this morning and you were almost one hundred percent certain it was instant sexual tension that caused it. 
Your gaze traveled to König and you subtly tilted your head back to the duo, silently asking if he was thinking the same thing as you. The only answer you got was a slight shrug before he handed his phone your way. 
“Put some music on to drown out those dummköpfe,” he instructed you quietly. 
A wave of something sweet and longing warmed your chest as you unlocked his screen to open YouTube. It was domestic, really. This was the most normal thing you’d done with him in the entirety of your relationship. Sure, it was all a guise to cover up the mission your teams were on, but you were going to soak up every last drop of normality. 
When you were first approached with the mission details, you were worried about being in such close proximity to König around others for so long, but then Graves had made it clear that you all were going undercover, as a group of friends camping out in the woods for a few drunken nights of fun while in reality, you would be gathering intel on an Ultranationalists’ base deep in the valley. That meant you were free to do whatever it took to sell your cover from the time you left base until you all made it safely back home. This afforded you two some leeway. Friends could talk. Friends could hug, lean against one another, and enjoy each other's company. Sure, you couldn’t just kiss him in front of everyone, but being able to spend time with him was honestly just as good. 
Max’s cry of pain tore you from your inner thoughts and you quickly brought up one of your new favorite artists, a German rapper you had rediscovered while deep-diving to learn more of the language in hopes of impressing König. As the first heavy notes of Devilish Polo’s Bei Dir hit, you locked the phone screen and set it down on the console, letting your gaze turn out the window as the music filled the vehicle. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like it had interrupted Amy and Max’s little lover’s quarrel but at least it covered the noise for the most part. As the first hook ended, you could practically feel König’s eyes on you, as heavy as ever when you started singing along with the first- and your personal favorite- lyrics of the main verse.
“Du weißt, du kannst nicht entkommen, Bin für immer in dei'm Kopf.” &lt;em>(You know you can't escape, I'm in your head forever.)</em>
Your German wasn’t anywhere near perfect but it was passable enough after practicing, enough that he would understand that you knew what you were saying. You turned to face him when his gaze got to be suffocating but you couldn’t hide the satisfied little grin curling up the edges of your lips.
“Problem?” you asked sweetly.
It’s clear he was itching to say something, his sharp blue eyes dark and heavy as they flicked from the road back to you, and you watched contentedly as his big hands tightened around the steering wheel. 
“Interesting song choice,” is all he muttered after a moment. 
You gave a little hum of agreement and replied, “Yeah, I found it a couple weeks ago. I <em>really</em> like the lyrics.” 
You know you were laying it on thick but the way his hips subtly shifted in his seat and the little “Scheiße” let you know you’d hit your intended target. It had been a guess, albeit an educated one, but something told you he would enjoy a song about possession and obsession as much as you did, especially considering it was in his native tongue. From the moment you had heard it and translated the lyrics, you’d been dying to share it with him, mind filled with images of your bodies coming together to the beat. 
A hand over yours dragged you out of the deep dirty recesses of your mind and your eyes widened slightly before you schooled your expression. The way you were angled with your hand resting down against the cupholders, there was no way any of them could see your hands together unless Max or Amy leaned forward really far. Your heart thumped heavily in your ears as you carefully turned your hand so your fingers could intertwine with his, breath catching when he squeezed a little too tight before releasing back to a comfortable hold. 
“Warte nur, bis ich dich später erwische,” he rumbled lowly, eyes narrowing as he watched the road. 
You weren’t sure what he said but god did it ever make you wanna say fuck the mission and drag him to the nearest hotel. Unfortunately, reality struck with the loud laughter of the four in back, as Amy screeched about throwing Max out of the car if he didn’t stop and he retaliated with a threat of cutting her hair in her sleep. As annoying as the random outbursts were, you were still on cloud nine. König at your side, friends and acquaintances having a good time in back, it just felt… right. As you rubbed your thumb along his, you couldn't help but question if maybe one day he’d actually want to leave the military life so things like this could become more common. 
“You’re sure this is okay?” you questioned for the fifth time, cradling the bottles of vodka close to your chest for safekeeping. 
“For the last time, yes!” Max groaned, “This first night is practically R&R before the real shit starts. We might as well live it up while we can, brat.”
It felt wrong to be allowed to drink while on a mission but he did have a point, as insufferable as it was to admit that. Admitting defeat with a small nod, you waved him off and continued to the other drinks, set on grabbing a couple chasers and waters to last you through the night. 
Your intense studying of the sodas was broken by a sudden grunt as your hand came into contact with something soft when you swung the door open. Lips parting in shock, you looked over and found the something soft to be a man. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you-”
He chuckled deeply as he made a show of rubbing his stomach but muttered, “It’s fine.” 
“No, it’s not, really!” you groaned, shutting the door and stepping in closer, “Did I actually hurt you? I don’t think I could cause any lasting damage but I <em>am</em> a nurse so I could check it out?” 
Concern for his well-being shifted suddenly into concern for yourself when he grabbed the hand reaching out for him and placed it on his stomach, now firmer than before as if flexing to show off. Heh. If only he knew that your boyfriend could break his spine in one fell swoop.
“See, no harm done,” he said brightly, “Besides, it’s not every day I can say that I got literally hit on by a woman as hot as yourself.” 
You instinctively jerked your hand away into your chest and forced on a weak smile. 
“Uh, thanks. I’m- I’m glad you’re not hurt,” you sighed, “If I can pay for your drinks or something to make up for it…?” 
Brows burrowing over his dark green eyes, he took a step closer, a pensive expression crossing his face. 
“Now that you mention it, you could make it up to me by letting me take you out for a drink.”
Of course. Fucking hell. You tried to politely decline him, explained that you weren’t from the area when he pushed even harder, and even offered to just throw cash his way, but none of it was working. 
“Look, I have a boyfriend and-”
“Where’s he at then, because I don’t see him?” he asked, voice deepening with something dangerous as your eyes fluttered shut. 
“He’s outside, he’s-”
Before you could finish your sentence, the man let out a shriek much higher pitched than you’d ever imagine coming out of him. As soon as your eyes opened, you found König pinning him to the cooler door. 
“H-Hey man, we- we don’t gotta do this,” the creep tried weakly. 
König’s eyes softened as they looked over you and he asked, “You okay?”
“Better now,” you replied, sliding over to rest your palm against his lower back, “He’s not worth it.” 
The noise he let out was a clear indicator that he completely disagreed with your statement but you could feel the way some of the tension seeped out of his muscles as you started to rub his back. 
“Come on, let’s just get back on the road,” you urged.
When he finally released the guy, the smaller man nearly tripped over himself as he tucked tail and ran for the door. It was hilarious, honestly, but the amusement drained once you caught the worried look in his eyes. 
“He didn’t hurt me,” you promised him. 
König snorted but didn’t reply, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you along to the back where he practically threw you into the women’s single restroom. 
“König, we can’t bring this in here! I haven’t paid-”
You barely registered the sound of the door lock clicking before your back slammed against the metal,  eager hands taking the bottles out of your grasp. He put them aside, god knows where, only to grab your hips and lift you onto his waist. You barely caught the sight of his gaiter being drawn down before his mouth was on yours. 
“I can’t fucking take you anywhere without men tripping over themselves to talk to you,” he snarled, “Do you know how fucking frustrating that is?!” 
He silenced you by shoving his tongue into your mouth, welcoming each eager moan you let out like it were better than oxygen itself. His hands slipped down to cup your ass and a shiver ran down your spine as he massaged your globes gently. 
“König,” you whined, “We- We can’t- we don’t have- time to-”
 Despite your objections, you wrapped your arms around his neck and tugged him in closer. It’d been almost a month since you’d properly touched him and you couldn’t lie and say you hadn’t been thinking about this since you were given the mission brief from Graves. 
“Then we will <em> make time</em>, maus, because I am not leaving this room without hearing you moan my name, do you understand?” 
Eyes rolling back in your head, you gave in with a weak whimper when his hips ground against your cunt, the hard seam of your jeans being pushed perfectly against your clit by his growing erection. His nose brushed against yours, his mouth so close you could feel his breath panting across your wet lips yet just far enough to deny you the kiss. Digging your hands into his shaggy blonde locks, you tried to pull him forward to no avail.
“Say you understand, Süßes mädchen,” he demanded gruffly. 
“F-Fuck, König, I- I understand, just- please!”
Your words were silenced by a sudden pounding on the door, your heart clenching in pain at the sudden shock. Neither of you moved, eyes locked as your face burned hot. And then they knocked again. 
“If you two are done fuckin’ in there, we’re ready to go!” Max sang quietly. 
“Jesus fucking- Just give me a second,” you shot back, unable to keep the frustration out of your tone. 
Well, fuck. The cat was out of the bag, at least to Max. Hopefully, you could get him alone and talk to him about it before he said something. You trusted him, a lot, so if you could just get him to <em>agree</em> to keep it quiet, you believed he’d keep the secret. You could hear him cackling to himself as he walked away and instantly slumped against König with a whine. It wasn’t even half a minute later before his hand was on your face, fingers and thumb pressing into your chubby cheeks as he lifted your head and stared into your eyes keenly. 
“Tonight, keep your tent opened for me,” he breathed.
“U-Uh, okay,” you murmured in shock. 
Another soft kiss and you were set down on the floor, left to watch in awe as he pulled the black gaiter back up. 
“Oh, hey, lean down,” you murmured, crooking your finger at him.
Lifting a brow in confusion, he did as asked and you giddily fixed his out-of-place hairs from your actions. 
“Didn’t wanna leave you with almost-sex hair,” you teased. 
His chuckle ran shudders down your spine, straight to your cunt, and you silently cursed out Max for ruining your first alone time with König in weeks. Letting out a sigh, you collected the vodka bottles and followed the big man out to the register, snagging a two-liter of Sprite from one of the aisles you walked through on the way. It would have to be good enough. You didn’t want to hold up the group any more than you already had. 
König took the drinks and set them up with his other stuff as the cashier started to talk to him, drawing your attention from him to her. She was pretty, like, really pretty; Could be a model pretty with her long blonde curls, bright green eyes, and petite figure. For a moment, you couldn't figure out if you wanted to look like her or date her more. 
“Did you find everything okay?” she asked, her voice warm and soft.
“Ja, thank you,” König replied simply.
Aaaaannnd she instantly melted. No one was immune to him it seemed, not that you could blame her. Without his sniper hood and kit, he looked much more approachable, his beautiful blue eyes unmarred by the usual eye black and his tousled blonde locks basically begging to be touched. Add in the fact that he was six foot eight, about two hundred and eight pounds of pure muscle in a tight black shirt and khakis, and the Austrian accent to boot, no male-attracted person <em>wouldn’t</em> want him. 
“I’m glad to hear it! Haven’t seen you around these parts before. You new to town?” she pushed on, a cute pink now decorating her cheeks. 
König made a non-commital noise and muttered, “Passing through.”
The cashier began rambling on about all the things to do in the small town but you tuned her out when you noticed König tapping his fingers rapidly against his thigh. He was quite good at guarding his expressions but apparently not his body, his movements screaming anxious or annoyed. He’d talked with you a little on the subject when you mentioned getting anxious over meeting your trainer for the first time, but you’d never really been in a situation where you saw his. 
Hesitantly, you reached out and brushed your fingers against his, waiting for a reaction before you fully committed to the action. You wanted to help but you weren’t sure if a public display of affection would just make it worse. When he grabbed your hand, his gaze met yours and you saw that familiar little crinkle appear by his eyes, his lips quirking up under the fabric. 
“Danke, meine liebling,” he said softly, squeezing your hand.
“So your total is twenty-eight thirty.”
The cashier speaking broke the comfortable little bubble around the two of you. Flushing softly as you saw the annoyance in her glare, you apologized to her for getting distracted and let go of König to grab your wallet from your purse only for your hand to be smacked away. Confusion brought your head up when you heard the beep of the card reader and watched him take the bag from her. 
“I was going to pay for that,” you mumbled, arms across your chest as you pouted. 
König chuckled and leaned down, resting a hand on the dip in your back to lead you out as he murmured lowly, “I know, but you will not pay for a single thing while I am here.”
“You don’t have to do that, you know? I do have my own money.” 
“Ja, but you are mine, and I always take care of what’s precious to me,” he replied smoothly.
Butterflies stormed your belly and you found it impossible to hold his gaze as he opened the glass door for you, urging you through first. What was this man doing to you? Treating you like a princess in bed was one thing, but to have him doting on you like this the rest of the time too? It was going to take some getting used to.  
“Have a good night! Don’t forget to stop by on your way back through!” 
You had to give it to her, she didn’t give up easily. If only you had the same gumption. You couldn’t have even imagined talking to König, let alone hitting on him, if he hadn’t been the one to initiate the conversation. 
“Thanks, have a good one,” you called back as König gave a half-assed little wave, letting the door shut behind you.
The warmth of his hand left your back as you approached the SUV, Amy and Max smoking at the back while Horangi and Luke yelled about something to do with cake from the back seat. 
“All good?” Amy asked.
You saw the mischievous look in Max’s eyes as he took a drag off his cigarette and lifted a single brow. 
“Yeah, everything good?” he parroted, a much more suggestive tone to his voice. 
Barely containing the urge to strangle him, you forced on a smile and nodded in reply. 
“Peachy, König had to rescue me from a douche bag but otherwise-”
“What?!” “What!”
Both were instantly at attention, Amy practically clucking around you like a mother hen while Max mumbled about figuring out who it was so he could “just talk to him”. It was adorable honestly. 
“He’s gone,” König interrupted, a tinge of amusement in his tone as he walked by to get to his door, “Practically pissed himself on the way out.” 
Once they were certain you weren’t hurt, they finished their cigarettes and you all climbed back into the SUV. König instantly passed you his phone again, a silent understanding that you’d control the music, and you were on the road once more. 
“Oh, shit, did you see that cashier though?!” Luke cried suddenly, as if having a revelation. 
Horangi and Max instantly leaped on the topic. 
“Dude, right?! What a smoke show!” Max jeered eagerly, “She knew it too because there was no denyin’ the way she was tryin’ to show us her ass to get that pack of Marlboros.”
Amy let out a groan that matched the way you felt about the subject matter. At least they weren’t being too gross about it. You could imagine Amy, like you, had heard too much from the guys you worked with. 
“And what an ass it was,” Horangi groaned then raised his voice, “I bet the big man had an even better view down her top too, ain’t that right, König?”  
König went stiff beside you and you did your best to not react as you spotted the slight flush peeking over his gaiter. You could practically feel the nerves rolling off of him in waves, or were you projecting your own onto him? Did he usually talk about that kind of thing with Horangi? Not like you could really be upset with him if he did. Nobody knew about your secret relationship, and it wasn’t like looking at other people was illegal anyway. You could only imagine the beautiful women he worked with at KorTac. Fuck, take Amy as an example. She was gorgeous, and you had no doubt his fellow military members were attractive as well, especially since they all had to keep up a certain fitness level. No, you couldn’t- wouldn’t- be mad if he did the usual guy talk with his friends, but it didn’t make the knot of jealousy and insecurity in your chest any less painful. 
He made a non-commital noise in reply and Horangi burst into laughter. 
“I knew it! She try to pick you up too?” Horangi snickered.
Max slapped his leg and added, “She practically begged Horangi and me for a threesome.” 
“Think she’d be down to run a train if we-”
“Okay, enough!” Amy snapped.
When you looked back in surprise, you felt your heart tug in empathy at the deep red patches across her face. Yeah, she definitely felt the same way you did. 
“You have two women in the car with you assholes! Can you not be disgusting for five minutes?” she added on, “God, we don’t want to hear the way you talk about women as if we’re just pieces of meat for you to fuck.” 
The guys quieted down, a clear look of embarrassment or discomfort on their faces. 
“She’s not wrong,” you added quietly, “It’s just… it’s weird to hear.” 
Max was the first to break the silence, nudging Amy gently as he said, “Hey, I’m sorry. Don’t worry though. You’re fitter than her by a long shot.” 
It was clear he said it to ease the tension and thankfully it worked, Amy’s face darkening again but with a little smirk curling up the ends of her lips. 
“Shut up, you… man,” she shot back with a groan. 
As everyone seemed to relax back into normal conversations, you busied yourself on your phone for a distraction. Scrolling Instagram for a while helped somewhat calm your thoughts, but they came back instantly when you felt König’s fingers touch yours. 
Fuck. As you slid your fingers between his, you did your best to calm the emotions brewing in your belly. It wasn’t like you were mad, or even jealous really, you just felt… inferior, mentally comparing yourself to her. 
“Schatz?” he asked quietly, drawing your attention up.
The concern in his eyes made your heart ache. He knew you so well that it was honestly scary sometimes; a subtle reminder of how much effort he put into understanding you because he liked you <em>that</em> much. Despite being able to have anyone he could want, he chose <em>you</em>. Tapping your thumb against his, you flashed him a little smile. 
“I’m okay,” you assured him.
He seemed unsure of your response but, thankfully, dropped the subject. However, you did notice him holding your hand a little tighter and looking over at you even more until you made it to the drop-off point.
“Alright, remember to take everything. We are not coming back here until the camping trip is over,” König instructed as he slammed his door shut, “If you forget anything, that is on you.” 
“Copy, sir,” Luke replied.
The process of unloading the car took even longer than loading it had, and you really started to feel the fatigue of the day hit during the trek to the camping spot. They had determined that approximately five miles in from the usual campgrounds would be far enough out to avoid strangers dropping in but close enough to claim they got lost if they <em>were</em> discovered by anyone. It also left them about three miles from the supposed Ultranationalist’s base. Smart, but tiring nonetheless. You were suddenly quite happy for all the cardio and training you’d been doing with Max because, before that? You would have never been able to make the hike. 
“We’re here, sir,” Max said suddenly, lifting his GPS toward the colonel.
Thankfully the chosen spot was in a little clearing, not perfectly flat but better than sleeping directly on tree roots and rocks. A silence fell over the group as you all worked on assembling your tents. You and Amy were the only ones with a separate tent all on your own. Horangi and König shared a big one while Luke and Max did the same. By the time the last tent was up and ready, it was already starting to get dark. 
“Okay, fire time, anyone here a pyromaniac?” Horangi asked.
“Okay, okay! Never have I ever… slept with someone the same day I met them!” Amy said with a grin, eyes gleaming with the flames before her.
Max cried something about “unfair” while Horangi and Luke just took their shots with a sigh. Immediately your eyes went to König, blushing when you realized he was already staring at you. You subtly lifted your glass to him before downing the shot, grinning when he did the same.  
“Luke, your go!” 
The blonde leaned back and stared up at the sky for a second before a wide grin crossed his face. 
“Never have I ever received anal, and by that, I mean actually taken a dick or dildo up the ass. Fingers don’t count,” he finally said. 
You barely caught your mouth from dropping open in shock when Horangi, Max, and Amy all took shots. 
“Really?” you asked curiously.
“Yeah, you haven’t?” Max shot back with a snicker.
Cheeks heating up, you shrugged in reply, suddenly feeling a little out of place. 
“Hey, not everyone likes it, it’s not a big deal,” Amy assured you, “I don’t even really, I just did it for a guy a few times.” 
“I just haven’t really trusted anyone enough,” you explained.
“Oh, yeah, trust is definitely a big thing,” she agreed. 
Max popped open his last beer and took a long drink, eyes surveying the group as he made a show of thinking over his question. 
“Ah, got it! Never have I ever faked an orgasm!” he cried.
Both you and Amy immediately groan, taking the shot like good little troopers. You were surprised to see Luke take a drink as well. 
“Damn, both of you? Really?” Horangi hissed, “That’s harsh. Like, with a one-night stand or-”
“I don’t really do that so… no,” you replied with a shrug, “Been left high and dry by friends with benefits and relationships.”
Amy grimaced and said, “Yeesh, mine was at least with a guy who didn’t know me well. Fuck, if I’m gonna have sex with him more than once, he’d better know what he’s doing or there won’t be a third time.”
A laugh bubbled out of your throat, nearly spraying Sprite from your mouth like a fountain until you clapped a hand over your mouth and groaned. 
“Annyywaaayyy, on that note, I’m gonna turn into a pumpkin,” Max sighed, dropping his now empty beer bottle in the growing pile between him and Horangi. 
“Already?” Luke groaned. 
“Yeah, man, this has been fun but I don’t wanna be hungover tomorrow,” Max explained. 
As he got to his feet, you followed suit, telling the group you were headed to bed as well. Really you just wanted the chance to talk to Max about König and you. On the way over to the tents, you pulled him to a stop. 
“Hey, about earlier-”
“I’m not goin’ to say anythin’,” he cut in, smirking down at you, “Big guy deserves happiness and so do you.”
Blinking in shock, you stammered through questions until you finally asked, “What?”
“König; I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy,” he explained as he pushed his hands into his pockets, “He’s a good guy once you get passed the happily-murderin’-people thin’, and I know that he’s not goin’ to hurt you, so I’ve no reason to say anythin’.”
At that, your brows furrowed. 
“You knew König before today?” you asked. 
Max stared at you as if you were stupid for a second before he groaned and said, “Shit, he hasn’t told you yet? I thought you knew there were some of us keeping an eye on the Shadows?”
“No, no, he told me that, I just didn’t know that <em>you</em> were one of them.”
“Why else do you think Declan’s shit got aired when it did? Not only was the guy a creep, but König didn’t want someone he couldn’t trust bein’ alone with you that often,” he explained, “Thus, voila, me!” 
Things slowly began to shift into place; The reason he was so insistent on training you properly, always keeping an eye out for you, and treating you like a sister. You weren’t sure how you felt about it. You knew König had spies inside the Shadows, and had admitted to using them to get to know you, but he was still manipulating your life even now? Why didn’t he just tell you? 
“Don’t be upset with him, aye? He’s just lookin’ out for you,” Max said suddenly, clapping a hand down on your shoulder.
“Yeah, no, I’m not mad,” you replied instantly, “Just… confused.” 
“That’s fair. Anywho, good night, oh and if <em>you</em> hear anything comin’ from Amy’s or mine, no ya didn’t,” he snickered, throwing a wink your way when you made a face. 
“Yeah, uh, okay then. Good night.” 
The two of you parted ways and you crawled into your tent with a sigh, thoughts rushing a mile a minute. You were honest when you said you weren’t upset at him, but you definitely wanted an explanation as to why. Turning on your little lamp, you used the light to dig through your bag until you found the black nightie you’d thrown in last minute. It was the only remotely sexy thing you had to sleep in and you wanted to be wearing something other than ratty old pajamas if König stuck to his word and actually joined you. Thankfully, it was pretty warm despite the time of year, so you were only slightly cold before you buried yourself in your sleeping bag and blanket. As you got comfortable, you listened to the sounds of the others talking and laughing, and despite your best efforts, you found your eyes fluttering closed. 
The next thing you knew, you were woken by the sound of a zipper and the tent rustling. At first, you thought about screaming until you heard a soft German curse by your feet. You sat up quickly to find his shadow struggling outside the tent. 
“H-Hold on,” you whispered, crawling forward to open it from your side, “I’m sorry, I thought I’d left enough room to get it open.” 
“It’s fine,” he replied.
Watching his giant form crawl through the tiny ass entry to the tent was probably the funniest thing you’d ever seen. He zipped it back before turning to face you, the lack of space in the tent making his proximity seem even closer. 
“Hey you,” you murmured softly, putting a hand out his way. 
He pulled your hand forward and placed a little kiss on your palm as he rumbled, “Hello, meine schatz. I would have been here sooner but Horangi wouldn’t stop talking about some football game- Ah, it does not matter, I’m just glad to be with you now.” 
You agreed quietly as he crawled to close the distance between your bodies, pushing you back onto the blanket as he did so until he was hovering over you with his hips firmly against yours. 
“I am sorry for earlier,” he said suddenly. 
“Hmm, earlier?” you asked, caught off guard by the statement. 
He gestured behind him and said, “Them, their talk about that woman. I could tell it upset you.” 
Well, shit. You weren’t sure how to respond to that. 
“And for the record, no, I did not look down her shirt,” he added, leaning down until his lips were barely brushing yours.
You couldn’t help but giggle at that. 
“I wasn’t upset about that, König,” you assured him softly, “Though I wouldn’t blame you if you did. She <em>was</em> very pretty. It was mostly just how they talked about her that bothered me.” 
He made a noise low in his throat that made your skin tingle. When his mouth finally met yours, it was rough, teeth clacking and tongues battling. One hand planted itself by your head while the other wrapped around your throat, tilting your head up to give him better access to the furthest back parts of your mouth. You couldn’t resist rolling your hips up in search of friction and were rewarded with the delicious pressure of his hardening cock. When he finally broke the kiss, you were both panting for air.
“Scheiße, why would I ever look at her when I have everything I’ve ever wanted right here?” he groaned, fingers giving your throat a little squeeze before trailing down your chest, “Nobody could compare to you, kleine maus.”
“F-Fuck!” you gasped out as he pinched your nipple through the nightie. 
Your chest was heaving with both lust and emotion as he slowly slid the strap down, revealing your breast to his hungry gaze. 
“Look at this, I barely touch you and your body reacts so perfectly to me,” he groaned softly. 
As his fingers slid over your tit and squeezed, you pulled him into another eager kiss, your nails scraping down his shoulders to his back as your legs wrapped around his hips. As sweet as his words were, you’d gone too fucking long without him and you needed him badly.
“Have you seen <em>you</em>?” you teased breathlessly between kisses, “You could just be sitting there and I’d be wet for you, meine lieb.” 
The noise he let out sent chills down your spine, the animalistic growl doing nothing to help the need growing between your legs. He suddenly pulled back, dodging as you tried to follow him for more and you couldn’t help but pout.
“That reminds me. You played a very naughty game earlier,” he said sternly, “That song? Where ever did you find that?” 
Grinning proudly, you replied, “I was looking up tips on learning and speaking German and I got distracted by German music and then I found that one. It just… It was kind of ironic, you know? Also, ya know, pretty hot.” 
“How did it go? Du weißt du kannst nicht entkommen, bin für immer in dei’m kopf, du beugst dich über ziehst am spiegel, während dessen zieh ich zopf” &lt;em>(You know you can't escape. I'm in your head forever. You bend over pulling at the mirror while I pull on your braid).</em> 
Blinking in shock, you quietly reply, “Uh, yeah. How’d you remember that?” 
A devilish smirk crossed his face as he finally leaned back down, but he changed his directory quickly to bring his lips to your ear instead.
“I may have listened to it a few times while Horangi was rambling,” he whispered, breath teasing your ear lightly, “Ich will, dass du weißt. Ich bleib bei dir. Ich bleib bei dir, baby, ich bleib bei dir.” &lt;em>(I want you to know. I’ll stay with you. I'll stay with you, baby, I'll stay with you.)</em>
“Oh <em>fuck me</em>,” you hissed, reflexively coiled back to stare up at him in awe. 
Not only had he paid attention to the song, but he had learned it in less than an hour. And he could fucking <em>sing<em> like <em>that</em>?! While his voice was beautiful normally, his gravelly tone fit the song so well that it almost sounded like it was made for him. Your eyes fluttered shut in bliss when he started kissing down your neck and humming bits of the song in between. 
“König, please,” you whimpered, fingers threading into his hair as he bit into the side of your breast and sucked. 
“Yes?” he asked, voice dripping with amusement. 
“I need you, please, now.”
Your efforts to pull him closer were thwarted when he pulled back once more, leaving you to glare up at him in frustration. 
“Not yet, scoot over,” he instructed, patting your hip until you begrudgingly moved to give him room. 
Tugging off his shirt, he tossed it aside before laying down on his back, unbuttoning his pants as he motioned you closer once more. You wasted no time climbing over his hips, a grin tilting up your lips at the way your thighs burned with the stretch to fit over his. 
“Ah-ah, nein, come here,” he grunted, taking hold of your waist.
Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, you let him lead you up his body until you were hovering over his chest but when he tried to get you to move farther, you stopped. Unease settled in your chest when he tried again.
“What are you doing?” you asked blankly.
“I want you on my face, now,” he retorted sharply.
Hands sliding down and around, he cupped your ass at the same time as he arched his back, using the momentum to practically throw you forward until you were on hands and knees at his shoulders. 
“Are you fucking serious?”
He let out a huff of a laugh and retorted, “Yes? Why do you seem so surprised?” 
Your eyes widened in shock and you gestured to your body emphatically. 
“I’m not a tiny woman, König, I could hurt you… fuck, I could <em>kill</em> you!” you snapped, face burning hot as his eyes traveled over your form. 
A heavy sigh escaped his lips when he finally rolled his gaze up to meet yours, irritation clear in his eyes slowly melting away as his hands began kneading at your ass. 
“Schatz, you are not going to kill me, nor will you hurt me,” he muttered, “I am more than capable of moving you off if I had to, but I will not need to. Now, come.” 
He made it seem to be cut and dried; Like you wouldn’t be literally restricting his ability to breathe, like you wouldn’t have <em>all</em> of your weight on such a delicate part of the body. 
“I- I can’t,” you whispered with a shake of your head. 
“Why are you resist-”
“I have big thighs, König, and I know you’re fucking muscle man but what if you lose too much air and you aren’t coherent enough to move me away in time and–”
A sharp slap against your ass had you crying out before you could stop it, the stinging pain radiating through your cheek something fierce as he started to rub the area. Tears welled up in your eyes as he did it again but on the other side. You slapped a hand over your mouth in preparation for more, not wanting to be too loud. As he massaged that too, the pain slowly settled into a low ache that made your pussy throb. König speaking tore you from your inner turmoil and you listened intently. 
“I need you to trust me, meine liebling,”  König demanded, tone leaving little room for argument, “Now, get up here or I will continue to reprimand you until you are unable to even sit tomorrow.”
“You wouldn’t!” you hissed, earning a blank look from the big man, “Fuck! For the record, I don’t feel comfortable doing this.”
Despite your words, you let him guide you the rest of the way until your bare cunt was level with his mouth. Fingers squeezed and rubbed at your soft cheeks as he hummed in reply and pulled the nightgown up to rest above your hips. 
“Good thing I don’t care what you want right now.”
Your brain short-circuited in response. Sure, König had always been the dominant and controlling one, but it was always with you in mind. To hear him blatantly state that he was ignoring your concerns was startling… and yet somehow hot as hell. 
He rumbled happily as he pulled you down just shy of sitting on him.
“I’ve been kept well informed about your daily activities and those little boys who think they can win you over.”
The first stroke of his tongue startled a little yelp out of you and you were quick to cover your mouth again, afraid of waking up the fellow campers nearby. His chuckle vibrated your clit in a way that had you almost falling completely against him but you managed to strengthen your legs at the last second and braced one hand on the ground. 
“They- They weren’t-” 
“Nein, do not lie to me. I know about the flowers and the invitations,” he snapped. 
With a little huff, you retorted, “Then you know I threw them away and rejected them, yeah?” 
“That is not enough. They deserve to be <em>flayed alive</em> for even daring to ask you out. The same goes for that arschloch who tried to hit on you today. As if a single one of them is worthy of you, or capable enough to worship this pussy like I do. I am going to remind you just why you belong to me, and why you are only one for me.”   
A little voice in the back of your head dared you to speak up, to tell him it wasn’t their fault they didn’t know you were taken because you had to hide your relationship, but that thought was thrown out the window when he suckled tight on your clit. 
You muffled your little moans again as your other hand found his resting on your hip. Sliding your fingers between his, you slowly let your body relax and allowed him to draw you down even closer, earning a hungry growl from the beast below you. Bit by bit, he coaxed you into rocking your hips. Every movement was met with praising noises from the colonel and it made your anxiety slowly drift away. 
That familiar coil began to tighten in your core as he lapped at your clit faster, broad tongue deft and strong in its motions. It had been way too long since you’d felt his touch and the situation wasn’t making it any easier, the thought of being caught by either of your teammates one that invoked panic and lust. 
You tried to swat away his other hand from where it came to rest on your lower belly, pressing at the extra plush you weren’t comfortable with, but he was too stubborn. He did this the last time you were together too, seemingly understanding how uncomfortable you were with your weight and rolls but refusing to stop touching them. He said he liked how soft you were, that while you were tiny and breakable, he felt better knowing you had that added layer of protection from him and his… excitable tendencies. It kind of hurt, at first, to hear him admit that he noticed that you were indeed chubby but he took his time to <em>prove</em> without a doubt that he saw it as a good thing, something he actually enjoyed on you. The fact that he’d gotten hard while kissing each part of your body that you found imperfect made believing him somewhat easier. 
“O-Oh, oh fuck, König, ju-just- mmh!” 
Biting hard into the meat of your palm, you couldn’t resist giving in completely to your desires, hips moving of their own accord as you chased that growing high. Unfortunately, he tried to say something and, although muffled, his noises instantly broke the spell. 
“Oh god, what? Are you okay?!” you squeaked in shock.
When you tried to move to give him room, his hands clamped down so hard on your hips that you actually cried out and smacked him reflexively. He loosened his grip just enough but didn’t bother letting you go, urging you into moving again. It took a second to calm your heart but once you were certain he hadn’t been calling out for air, you let him pull you back into the waves of bliss. Every stroke of his tongue had your toes curling, little needy mewls of pleasure panting against your palm as your nails dug into the back of his hand. Without really thinking, you reached down and snagged a handful of his hair, pulling him closer as those familiar pulses steadily pushed you toward the edge. 
“König, god, fuck, please baby, I- I-”
Once still, his hands jerked you down until your pussy was flush with his face and his tongue thrust into your core, grinding your clit against his nose with each rut of your hips. It was almost unbearable. Embarrassment tried to rear its ugly head as your thighs clenched around his face but the sudden aggressive moans König let out were enough to fuel you on. 
When it finally hit, it hit hard. Your hand did nothing to stifle the pure, unadulterated ecstasy pouring from your lips, nor the heated mantra of his name as you rode his face. He pushed you through wave after wave of pleasure until you clawed at his hands to release you, escaping from his clutches and falling to the ground beside him in a messy pile of sweat and whimpers. 
König didn’t sound to be in much better shape, his breaths as heavy as yours, but within a minute he was over you, shoving your knees to his chest with one arm while the other tore down his pants and pulled himself free of his boxers. A peek of guilt flashed in your chest as you took in his red, disheveled appearance, but it was as if he sensed it, eyes immediately locking onto yours as he lined up his cock. 
“Du hast keine verdammte Ahnung, wie sexy du bist. Ich würde die Welt für dich niederbrennen,” he panted, “I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how beautiful you are, how much I love you.”
Before you even had the chance to react, he thrust forward and buried himself in your cunt with a heady groan. Your hand once again found its place over your mouth as you nearly screamed his name. Sobs broke through your fingers and your other hand found the silky fabric of your sleeping bag, nails scratching and embedding themselves in the fabric in some last-ditch effort to keep yourself grounded.
“Look at me, Süßes mädchen,” he growled, a slight tremor vibrating through his form, “Let me see those beautiful eyes while I wreck you.” 
You tried to listen but the moment he drew out and slammed back in, your eyes instinctively shut against the pain and pleasure. It felt like he was breeching your cervix but the pressure against your g-spot felt so good it nearly canceled it out into something pleasurable. Fabric was no longer enough. You needed more, your hand coming to grab at his wrist and digging your nails into his flesh with a whine. 
“Eyes, Y/N.”
Though hazy and tear-filled, you managed to force them open and found him watching you closely, lip bitten his lips as he groaned softly and started fucking you slowly. The slow pace didn’t continue long, much to your simultaneous relief and downfall. When he shifted and pushed your legs further back, it tore a moan from you both. His cock hit that same sweet spot over and over as you clenched around him and the tears finally broke through. 
“F-Fuck, yeessss, there!” you keened weakly, arching into him with the help of his hold, “So- so good. Ohmygod. König, please don’t- don’t stop, Jesus, don’t ever stop!” 
A devastating snarl filled the air as his thrusts grew violent, fingers squeezing your soft thighs so hard you’d certainly have unexplainable bruising in the morning. That thought alone squeezed your walls tighter around him in need. 
“Scheiße!” he hissed suddenly, jerking his hand away from yours. 
Startled, your eyes popped open only to find him staring at his wrist in awe, fresh drops of dark blood running down his arm. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I-!”
In the next breath, your legs were down around his waist and he was leaning over you, one hand on the ground and the other on your throat so hard you could barely think over the pounding of blood in your ears. 
His voice sounded inhuman as he growled your name and bit out, “Don’t apologize, ever. It is an honor to drive you so mad that you wound me. Mark me all you want, maus, I will wear them with pride.” 
Oh. Oh, that was new. You managed a weak little nod before you lost yourself in his touch, rolling your hips up to meet his as the sounds of bodies slapping muddied the air. 
“I feel you tightening again, schatz, do you want to come for me again? Hmm? Going to be my good girl and come so I can fill this pretty little cunt?”
A little positive squeak was all you could make out under the pressure of his hand but it was enough. Every point of his body against yours felt like pure molten lava. Every thrust of his hips rubbed perfectly against your clit. It was heaven and hell in the best of ways. 
“Pl-Please!” you gasped out as you felt that spark flickering to life. 
“Ja, that’s it, taking me so well,” he grunted. 
It was obvious how close he was, the waver in his voice and the way his pace faltered, and his grip tightened just enough to cut off your air supply. Fear became reality for a moment, but when he cried your name, it was over. Your head slammed back into the ground as you silently screamed for him. The world felt upside down when he suddenly released your throat and the blood rushed back into your head, your lungs panting for much-needed oxygen only to whimper his name with reverence. 
“Weißt du, wie sehr ich dich füllen möchte? Du würdest so schön aussehen, wenn du mit meinem Baby schwanger wärst,” he groaned, voice taking on a high pitched whine, “Need to fill you, breed you, bitte, bitte, can I?” 
The moment your brain registered what he had said, a third orgasm hit and you jerked him into a frantic kiss, ignoring the need for breath. Hearing König say that he wanted to breed you? Instantly, logic was gone. It didn’t matter that you were on birth control and couldn’t get pregnant. At that moment, you wanted nothing more than for him to come in you so deep that you’d never be completely rid of him. 
“Bitte,” you whimpered back, “König, bitte, yes!” 
 His reaction was instant, voracious moans pouring into your mouth as he started pounding you so hard it actually hurt.
“I love you so much,” he growled darkly, “You’re mine forever, you know that, ja? Mine to love, and protect, and fuck, and breed. Gott, you’ll look so fucking beautiful, all round and soft and pregnant… fuck, with <em>my</em> baby. Mine- Oh, verdammt, ich komme!”  
A sob broke through your lips as he buried himself with one last thrust and your walls clung tight to him as he throbbed deep in your cunt. His whines filled your ears like the sweetest symphony, hips twitching and breaths shaky as he rode out his orgasm. 
Pressing a much softer kiss to his mouth, you bumped your nose into his and pushed your forehead to his. If asked later, you would swear that it was at that moment you knew that you were one hundred percent irrevocably and undeniably in love with König. You wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with him, to act on his wishes, and to have him as the father of your children and as your life partner. You would do anything and everything to keep him, to make him as happy as he made you.
Fingers coming to thread into his hair and massage his scalp softly, you whispered against his lips, “I love you too, König, so much.”
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seuvasy3r2 · 6 months
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Bill Kaulitz was fucking BabyCakes the entire day until
They've reached almost the entire week fucking, All aswell Bill not showing any signs of giving BabyCakes a break as he kept on fucking BabyCakes after their climax together of
5 - 20 times (?), and yet Bill ain't tired yet until he had filled BabyCakes hole with his seed inside of them just to make them pregnant.
He doesn't care if you're a girl or a guy as long as he fills you up with his seed COMPLETELY
As he whispers sweet nothings to you while he fucks your sweet hole as he had his thoughts of 'All mine, You're mine, Liebling!'
"Ich mache dich zum ersten Mann, der jemals schwanger ist, Liebling~" (Guy ver.)
"Ich werde deine Gebärmutter mit meinem Samen anschwellen lassen, Liebling~ (Girl ver.)
{{Gumamit shak ti Google Translate, Madik ammo ti German kaya ag google translate shak haha. Patawad nu madi nyo maintindi ah}}
((Sorry if the german thing is bad, I just used Google translate 😭))
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tillthereweretangents · 3 months
Paul and Icke (part 7 of N)
There are a couple more bonus moments coming soon, but, as far as the timeline goes, this is the end of the Paul and Icke saga.
As you'll read below, Icke and Paul saw each other one more time. Though, they're both still alive, so maybe that will change at some point in the near future.
It was almost twice, or more, but Icke was self conscious that Paul wouldn't remember him.
I myself had two more opportunities to meet Paul McCartney. The first time was in Scotland in 1988. I had long been married to Uta and she was pregnant with our first child. The car we had brought along was a Renault, a fairly long car, where we were transporting a canoe which wouldn’t fold, so it didn’t look very elegant. We had came to a town called Campbelltown, to meet our friend Mary who we had worked with at Amnesty international in Jagerberg . Mary remembered visiting us and seeing a picture of Paul, and told us that her mother had worked for him, at his estate which was not far from here. I said to Uta; ‘come on, let’s go and drive to see him’. But she did not want to go, so therefore I drove there alone. On the way, I had a rethink about what I was actually doing. The estate was guaranteed to be a tourist attraction for journalists and fans, so Paul would likely always have bodyguards on duty. If I were to arrive in my completely filthy Renault with a monster of a canoe on the roof, I wouldn’t stand a chance to get past the bodyguards. They would think that a lousy jerk was coming, who has no reason to be here. That I was once a friend of the famous Paul McCartney, they simply wouldn’t believe. The estate was quite a way away, but I stopped the car and really thought this through - should I carry on with this adventure, or would it be best to simply turn around and just go home. The humiliation that I could be turned around and sent away… I would never get over . For a while I fought with this, backward and forward, then I turned the car around and drove back at a snails pace. So the last opportunity where I met Paul was in 1991 at the world premiere of Get Back*, directed by Richard Lester. After the press conference, I met him and his wife Linda in a room at the back of the cinema. In the room with me was Astrid Kircherr, Ulf Kruger and Achim Reichel and his wife, who had won a place at this meeting in a competition. During our chat, I mentioned my adventure in Scotland. Even though it was embarrassing to talk about this in front of people, I told Paul that I had planned to visit him, and that I was fearful of the consequences, didn’t trust my courage enough and therefore turned around. He said, “Oh for Gods sake Icke, that’s such a shame. I would have found it amazing if you had actually visited me”. It sounded like he really meant it. I’m still angry at myself over this, sometimes I’m too much of a doofus for this world.
* Get Back (1991) is a concert film documenting Paul's world tour in 1989/1990
Original german
Ich selbst hatte noch zwei Gelegenheiten, Paul McCartney zu treffen. Das erste Mal in Schottland, im Jahr 1988. Ich war schon lange mit Jutta verheiratet und sie war schwanger mit Lena. Unser Auto war ein Renault R 18, ein ziemlich langes Auto, auf dem wir ein Faltboot transportierten, das sich nicht mehr falten ließ. Das sah nicht sehr elegant aus, aber in der Beziehung waren wir uneitel. Wir kamen in eine Stadt namens Campbelltown, wo wir Mary besuchen wollten. Mit ihr hatten wir in Lütjenburg bei Amnestie International zusammengearbeitet. Mary sagte, wir hatten mal eine Sitzung bei euch in Jägerberg, wo ich ein Foto von Paul McCartney gesehen habe. Meine Mutter arbeitet bei ihm, er wohnt nicht weit von hier auf einer riesigen Gutshof. - Ich sagte zu Jutta, komm, da fahren wir mal hin. - Aber sie hatte keine Lust, und deshalb setzte ich mich allein ins Auto. Unterwegs machte ich mir erst richtig klar, was ich da eigentlich vorhatte. Der Gutshof wurde unter Garantie von vielen Touristen, Journalisten und Fans heimgesucht, deshalb war zu erwarten, dass Paul einige Bodygards aufgestellt hatte. Wenn ich da in meinem total verdreckten Renault mit diesem Monstrum auf dem Dach auftauchen würde, hätte ich doch keine Chance, an den Bodygards vorbeizukommen. Die würden denken, da kommt ein verlauster Penner, der hat hier überhaupt nichts zu suchen. Dass ich mit dem berühmten Paul McCartney mal befreundet war, würden die mir niemals abnehmen. Der Gutshof war noch gar nicht zu sehen, da hielt ich schon an und überlegte, ob ich mich tatsächlich auf die Geschichte einlassen sollte. Oder ob es nicht besser war, einfach umzukehren. Die Demütigung, abgewiesen und wegge. schickt zu werden, würde ich nicht überleben. Eine Weile kämpfte ich noch mit mir, war ich hin- und hergerissen, dann wendete ich den Wagen und fuhr im Schneckentempo wieder zurück. Die letzte Gelegenheit, bei der ich Paul traf, war 1991 die erwähnte Weltpremiere des Films Get back von Richard Leister. Nach der Pressekonferenz traf ich mich mit ihm und seiner Frau Linda in einem Hinterzimmer des Hamburger Passage-Kinos. Mit dabei waren außerdem Astrid Kirchherr, Ulf Krüger, Achim Reichel sowie eine Frau, die das Treffen in einem Preisausschreiben gewonnen hatte. In unserem Gespräch kamen wir irgendwann auch auf das Erlebnis in Schottland zu sprechen. Obwohl es mir vor dieser Gesellschaft etwas peinlich war, erzählte ich Paul, wie ich geplant hatte, ihn auf seinem schottischen Gutshof zu besuchen, und dann aus Angst vor der eigenen Courage wieder umgekehrt war. Er sagte, Mensch Icke, das finde ich richtig schade, ich hätte es doch absolut toll gefunden, wenn du mich besucht hättest. Das klang so, als ob er es ehrlich meinte. Deshalb ärgerte ich mich jetzt nochmal über mich selbst. Manchmal bin ich einfach zu doof für die Welt.
Thanks as always to the wonderful @didwemeetsomewherebefore and her mum for the translation of Icke's autobiography.
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thinkingimages · 1 year
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Renate Bertlmnn; Schwangere Braut im Rollstuhl (Pregnant bride in wheelchair), 1978; Black and white photograph on Baryt paper. Vintage and unique; 40 x 30 cm © The Artist; Courtesy Richard Saltoun Gallery London
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thevaleriaperez · 2 years
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𝑆𝒉𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑠
Valeria Perez • Vale oder auch Prinzeschen • 22 • 02-07-2000 • Spanien-Fozz • Auto-sexuell • Single • Pregnant-5.Month
Val ist ein junges Prinzeschen, sie liebt Sport, vorallem Bauch-Beine-Po zugegebenermaßen. Es gibt nichts übers joggen im Park oder das Schwimmen, naja oder eher die Bikinis sind toll daran. Keine verurteulende Blicke weil sie ihren Körper zeigt. Perfekt! Auch wenn sich ein kleiner Tikk angeeigt hat, ständig hat sie das Bedürfnis ihren BH hoch und gerade zu ziehen. Naja blicke auf sich ziehen ist val's liebstes Hobby.
Valeria ist ein junges Mädchen das ohne Familie aufwuchs, ihren Vater kannte man nicht und ihre Mutter gab sie im Alter von Drei Jahren in ein Heim, Nähe Fozz. Valeria erlebte in diesem Heim schreckliches über das sie bis heute mit niemandem gesprochen hat. Das fehlen von Liebe und zugehörigkeit, spürte Valeria deutlich. So fing an sich im Jungen alter von 9 an zu Schminken und sich aufreizend anzuziehen. Alles nur um die Aufmerksamkeit anderer zu bekommen. Und naja das hatte sie vorallem in der Pubertät deutlich bekommen. Nun verkaufte sie Bilder als Abo online um noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu bekommen. Nach der Uni möchte sie jedoch ein normales Leben führen. Fernab vom saufen, Drogen und der Erotik. Eine Familie gründen und glücklich mit ihnen in einem Haus leben.
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮
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-@xholyxwaterx and I miss you I miss you I miss you right now...
Valeria traf in ihrem Leben viele schlechte Entscheidung was Liebe, Beziehung und Gefühle anging. Sie war jung und naiv zu glauben das Beziehungen sich auf körperlichem aufbauen, naiv genug schwanger von einem Mann zu werden der sie betrug. Doch Valeria hatte gelernt, sie war gewachsen und bereit für eine reife und glückliche Beziehung.. Naja das bildete sie sich aufjedefall ein. Und just in diesem Moment kam da dieser Mann. Dieser eine Mann der ihr leben auf den Kopf stellen sollte. Hals über Kopf. Kopf über Bein und einfach mit Herz. Ich hab mich verliebt und ich war so glücklich als er das auch war. Der Antrag an Silvester war wunderschön. Ich darf glücklich sterben. Ich weiß ich bin eine schreckliche Verlobte, und du hättest jedes Recht dieser Welt mir zusagen das du mich nicht mehr willst. Ich genieße jeden momen den ich mit dir, meinem Verlobten, verbringen darf. Du machst mich glücklich und du machst unser Baby glücklich. Danke dir my Love. Für diese liebe würde ich alles geben.
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valti-thin · 19 days
Nun, meine Familie hat gerade mein 2-tägiges Fasten begonnen. (Well, my family has just started my 2-day fast)
Translation at bottom
Ich muss sagen, ich bin so angewidert von mir selbst, dass es unwirklich ist.
Ich hatte in letzter Zeit ein paar Saufgelage, für die ich mich gehasst habe. Vor einem Monat (ungefähr) hatte mein Vater meine Mutter gefragt, ob ich schwanger sei! Das war es, was mich ursprünglich zu meinem Blog zurückgebracht hat. Nun, gestern war ich ein Schwein und als ich nach Hause kam und mit meiner Mutter sprach, erwähnte sie, dass mein Vater sie das gefragt hatte. Und sie saß da und sagte: "Ich kann es verstehen."
Ich hasse mich selbst. Ich kann nicht mehr essen. Ich esse nur noch an Arbeitstagen (da ich in einer Fabrik arbeite und nicht riskieren kann, ohnmächtig zu werden) und faste oder mache OMAD an allen anderen Tagen.
Ich will nur noch schreien....
(I have to say, I'm so disgusted with myself it's unreal.
I've had a few binges lately that I've hated myself for. A month ago (roughly) my dad had asked my mom if I was pregnant! That was what originally brought me back to my blog. Well, yesterday I was a pig and when I got home and talked to my mom, she mentioned that my dad had asked her that. And she sat there and said, "I can understand."
I hate myself. I can't eat anymore. I’ll only eat on work days now (since I work in a factory and can't risk passing out) and fast or do OMAD on all other days.
I just want to scream....)
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sahnejungsliebhaber · 2 months
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„Oh mein Gott Junge, du bist während unserer Abwesenheit schwanger geworden!“ „Nein, ich platze nur gleich. Ich habe in den Wochen eurer Abwesenheit das Essensgeld falsch angelegt.“
“Oh my God boy, you got pregnant while we were away!” “No, I'm only going to burst. I invested the lunch money wrongly during the weeks of your absence.”
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deutschelernende · 7 months
Wort des Tages
schwanger: pregnant Part of speech: adjective Example sentence: Ich glaube, sie ist schwanger. Sentence meaning: I think she is pregnant. https://ift.tt/X1PCQap
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franky4dirtyfun · 9 months
schwanger/ pregnant
suche aktuell schwangere Frauen für Austausch und mehr…
ab ca 3. Monat willkommen…
Pregnant Girl WANTED
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