#predictable for you xD
raycatz · 3 months
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Some dungeon predictions (and things I'd just like to see xD ) for the upcoming arc!
(inspired by boards I've seen in the past. like this! Art from @/linkeduniverse!)
I love Zelda dungeons and LU dungeon crawling fics are some of my favorites! I'm so excited to see what puzzles Jojo's come up with! Nine person puzzles? Let's goOOO!!! There's so many possible interesting things to do with the chain's items and abilities.
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aparticularbandit · 6 months
Kyoko and Junko are two sides of the same coin, in terms of their Ultimate abilities.
Junko is the Ultimate Analyst, which lets her analyze and learn Talents, sure, but most importantly lets her predict what's going to happen in the future based on the data she has. Trends, people, interactions, relationships - all of that is something she can mentally and easily comb through to accurately guess at what will happen in the next step, two steps, three steps.
Junko's Talent lets her predict the future. Accurately.
Kyoko is the Ultimate Detective, which lets her analyze the past and figure out what happened to get people where they are now. She can look at people and determine their current everything and accurately determine how that grew out of their past everything. She observes to find motives to explain a current murder by gathering details that show what previously happened.
Kyoko's Talent lets her retrace the past. Accurately.
Between the two of them, they can see everything.
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len-wither · 1 year
People be like "OmG tHiS sEaSoN iT's GonNa Be A jOeL wIn/ ClEo WiN/ etc etc"
no <3
no bestie. This looks like the second win for either Scott or G! like have you seen these kills this session XD
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partywithoutsmiling · 1 month
I know I will probably disappoint lot of Creek fans, but honestly I prefer him canonically gone XD;
(This is by no means a post made to pour critique on Creek fans; I am simply explaining why he won't make any appearances in my AU past the necessary plot device in the first movie events)
I said in my previous ask that Creek is unempathetic to needs of any other creature but himself. He looks upon others- most likely subconsciously- in ways that would make them useful to him, not as someone whose life has an equal value to his own.
This calousness is shown in his remorseless acceptance of sending his whole Tribe to his death- even shrugging like 'what can you do' when he lures them out.
I called him chilling and that still checks, and I go as far as call him unnerving.
However, ultimately, he is a wimp XD;
I know there are plenty of writers out there who likes to paint him as a sinister villain, who'd go as far as to try and cause deliberate harm- and maybe if he was pushed enough, he'd do so, like a cornered rat
But really, similar to Branch, he wants to avoid physical conflicts, and especially wants to avoid any harm to himself. His greatest strenght was always his cunning, and being more aware of how to spin situation to his favour-
And yet, he is also so stupid and activelly sabotaging himself XD
(Srs, my guy, peacocking around under Chef's hand, confident he saved his own life, while not even trying to leave himself an escape plan- or leave a small thread of oppoturnity to allow him to be accepted back into his tribe)
He's the Peter Petigrew of the Trolls franchise, a Wormtongue level of villain. Confindent, self-assured and arrogant- but only when he is absolutely sure he has a backing of a bigger bully, unless he is the 'biggest' himself.
As soon as things get too hot, he bails; and while he maybe would have entertained going back to his Tribe after his betrayal, he would be on the bottom of the totem pole now; no power and no oppoturnity to get it back- and he certainly doesn't have the drive to try and redeem himself.
From story telling perspective, it would make him a rather poor antagonist. Annoyance at best, not even similar to Team Rocket who can be funny and heartfelt; just pathetic level of a villain really. He served his purpose and there is no need to drag his character on after that.
I just cant honestly imagine him being that interesting, in my AUs- because, since they are mostly from Branch's or Poppy's view, they wouldn't even notice that he's there.
He would avoid them like a plague; use the miracle oppoturnity of having a clean slate with other tribes to worm his way among them; in fact, he'd consider it a hindrance if any Pop Trolls showed up and recognized him.
But as I said, he's stupid.
In Wanderer AU, the Strings in Branch's hair would call to his powerhungry nature; he wouldn't even consider that Branch might have more connections among the other tribes than he'd even imagine; if an oppoturnity arrives where Branch shows up in a place where Creek lives (as he wouldnt have been caught dead roughing it up on the road), he'd see Branch alone, without the backing of the Pop Tribe or Poppy.
He'd try to steal the Strings while Branch is asleep. Eyes on the goal, not even considering the consequences. He just knows Strings equals power, and he wants power.
He'd be caught- and that would bring Branch's attention to him even being alive in the first place. Truth of the Traitor comes out- and since the alliance, the rumours would spread like wildfire and Creek would have activelly burned any bridges of goodwill he had managed to build, or that he could have build.
in Rock Beast AU, much the same- he'd try to find safety under the wings of a bigger bully, and alienate everyone because of it- no matter what tribe it is.
A wimp, and a fool.
This is why I said he never consciously used his friends- he doesn't have the capacity to do it consciously XD;; everything is instinctual, a learned habit, inability to function any other way.
Truthfully, he is not even a villain; antagonist to our protagonist, sure, but active villain? Ehhhhhh
He is just a hardcore oppoturnist, to the extreme; there is no real malice beside the consequences of his actions; he just doesn't care that deeply about these things; I don't believe he would ever even consider Branch his enemy, or a rival, not like Branch would have considered him back; Creek just really doesnt care about anyone but himself- and that certainly means he would never care hard enough to even muster the hatred necessary to plan someone's demise or harm
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wait. wait hold on. @diallup do you remember when in like Feb 2021 I said the server would end with them killing the ender dragon. holy f'cking god.
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katyspersonal · 5 months
Maria x Rom x Adeline? Hell yeah
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destinationtoast · 2 years
Statistically speaking, most teams who get promoted are relegated the very next year... It's just statistics, man.
-- Jan Maas, after my own heart
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mitamicah · 5 months
Another random Micah post but I love that the tattoo artist that did my bee immediately wrote to me asking in a joking matter what I am thinking about getting this when I answered in a story of hers that if a client cancels i would be interested in filling in 🤣 (you had to click an emoji if you wanted to get on the waiting list basically xD)
Help 🤣
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 years
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Sorey celebrates quite the Shepmas this year-- complete with soft-serve ice-cream in -4c weather, questionably made cookies, and soon to be violence ✨✨✨ --- @hungrydolphin91 HAPPY HOLIDAYS MY DEAR FRIEND *mwah* this year has been so blessed if only for the fact that I've gotten to know you!! Thank you for all the streams, all the hilarious moments, and the time we've spent chatting together and with V when they started joining us~ So I hope you enjoy this art that I made for you, and I also hope that you'll know that you'll always be a special person in my heart 💖❄️
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pmdlittlelapses · 1 year
So the girls have to stop the rescue team now? What a expected turn of events.
What do you mean by "expected turn of events"? I can't tell if this is a weird dig or if you like made a typo or something. XD
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
I had a dream last night that the existence of werewolves was proven and it was all over the news. And somehow I knew from the photos of the werewolves they kept showing on the tv that one of them was YOU. And I was like!!!! I know that person!! What!!!
Am I secretly a werewolf or 2 jackals in a trenchcoat? The world may never know.
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miss-stereo · 2 years
Since illumination won't make teasers for DM 4, then I'll do it myself
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bluepallilworld · 2 years
Your writing is so great I want to eat it even tho I cant
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Ryufopkjcxwwszzryuol''llmmmmm youuuuuu
Well I'd have to print it and ship it to you and I doubt eating 37 pages would be very healthy so...
You sure you don't wanna a pizza instead?
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has anyone here seen inkheart btw?
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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Kisses under the mistletoe || No longer accepting
@mcltiples sent: 💏 : my muse kisses your muse under a mistletoe without a warning { To Evil Rick from Weird Rick~ }
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This time, when the wintry holidays rolled around, Rick was ready. The previous year had showed him what he had to prepare and what sort of traditions he was expected to engage in. Decorating the bunker, Christmas meal, presents exchanging, and all the little things all those entailed.
His partner was, once again, the one to choose how to adorn their shared place, while he merely followed him around, handing him everything he needed and wanted to get the job done. The task, however, was anything but tedious. Not only he got the chance to study which sort of decorations his alternate seemed to enjoy the most, but also where each of them was placed. Including the mistletoes.
That latter detail had come in handy for one of the actions he had planned for the season. His owner had seemed to enjoy kissing under the mistletoe, so Rick had decided that he would show some initiative and be the one to start it this year. He didn't understand why someone would see exchanging spit under a poisonous plant as something so meaningful, but by now he had learnt to go along with what the oher liked and preferred. No matter if he couldn't make sense of them.
So, he waited for the right opportunity.
Instead of sticking to his lab, as he knew his alternate was expecting him to, Rick stalked him around the bunker, silent as a shadow, always out of sight. He even stood still and quiet for over an hour at one point, when his partner decided to sit down and watch some confusing, at least in his eyes, Christmas movie.
Eventually, his patient persistence finally paid off. The other got up to get a drink and lingered, most likely unknowingly, underneath one of the mistletoes and Rick took his chance to strike.
In the matter of a few seconds, he had reached his partner, snatched the glass out of his hand so it wouldn't get in the way and wrapped his free arm around the other's waist. He allowed a moment to tick away, just to make sure that his owner knew for certain who had grabbed him, and then closed the distance between them.
He wasn't used to take control, not without being told to do it and how, so the kiss wasn't as deep and heated as the ones his alternate initiated. It wasn't fully chaste, because Rick's too sharp teeth sank in that bottom lip, easily drawing blood, but he made no attempt to push his tongue inside the other's mouth. Instead, he merely alternated bites and licks, allowing the coppery taste to linger between them.
When he broke away, his owner's wounds were already healed, but both their mouths bore a few blood stains. Gray blue eyes darkened at the sight of that liquid redness and he swiftly reached out, cleaning it off those lips with his thumb before licking it away from his own skin.
The shadow of a smirk parted his lips, very much like a usually expressionless cat who had got the cream behind everyone's back.
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"M-Merry Christmas, beloved," he said in a quiet tone and, while the first two words came out a little forced and awkward, the last one was unwavering and heartfelt.
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cuteteacakes · 11 months
229 words today! Apollo decided to give me a wee burst of inspiration I guess.
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