#precure villains
bunnymajo · 1 year
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I love Sora so much.
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curehanni · 4 months
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dawdlingsleeper · 5 months
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The main villain/boss of the precures
The Evil Queen, the one who’s behind all of this chaos on Earth’s atmosphere. Taking all the creativity and colors from the people of Story World and people of Earth. Why is she doing all of this? Well to be the fairest of all the universe combined. But during the fight, back in Story World, Sister Light turned the Evil Queen into an old hag.
The Evil Queen doesn’t go out of the castle much, she says she doesn’t have enough energy to go attack the new worlds, it’s because she doesn’t want to be seen in such an hideous state.
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precure-screencaps · 2 years
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"No! Hurry and finish it!"
hirogaru sky! precure - ep. 3
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sundove88 · 1 year
The Day The Demon Cat Came to Town (A PreCure Villains Ft. Kyubey Fanfic Based on Wormy + Baby Bottle)
Synopsis: George Kurai tells the villains to not even open a box containing the “Ultimate Weapon” while he’s on vacation. Chaos ensues.
“Sunscreen? Check. Vacation clothes? Check. Looks like I’m all prepared.” George Kurai said as he shoved everything into the suitcase that he was going to use for his vacation, alongside his personalized coffee cup. “Mr. Kurai, don’t forget to say hi to our former ally Gentlu aka Cure Finale for us.” Narcistoru replied as he carried a mixing bowl. “Spaghetti tacos await your return.” He whispered as a tiny Recipepe perched on his shoulder. “I’ll surely look forward to that.” George Kurai replied as he made his way towards the door, but not before passing a box with holes in it and Wolfrun + Akaoni, who were playing a video game. “I’m gonna be going on vacation for a few days. And I have two rules for you all.” He said as everyone immediately shut up.
“Rule number one… don’t even think about opening that box. It contains the ultimate weapon against the Precures and I want nothing to do with it- got it from an interdimensional black market or something like that.” He started, pointing to a box that had holes in it that said “DO NOT TOUCH”. “Rule number two… no fighting!” He said as he made his way out the door. But rule number two was broken in more than just a few seconds, as Wolfrun and Akaoni immediately started a fight cloud; with more of their comrades joining in. Moments into the fight cloud, Wolfrun broke the silence. “HOLD IT! Say, guys, why are we fighting again?” He asked. “Well… because we’re evil!” Akaoni replied. “Good!” The wolf replied and the fight continued.
A few minutes passed, and everyone started feeling… bored, for lack of a better term. That was when they noticed the box had opened up on its own. No one had touched it, and no one had gone near it. What could’ve happened?! “How did that open?!” Wolfrun said as he approached. Suddenly, a white cat like creature popped out of the box, with red eyes, gold rings, and a very suspicious smile. “Awww! It’s a little kitty cat!” Bad End Happy said as she took the creature in her arms. “Wait. Didn’t Mr. Kurai say that was his Ultimate Weapon?!” Kabaton said, pointing to the cat. “You make a good point, porkchop. What is your name?” Battamonda asked as he approached the tiny creature. “Kyubey.” He said.
“Ah, hello Kyubey! How are you-!” Wolfrun began. But his sentence was cut off by the small cat like being saying, “And I have come for your souls.” At those words, everyone screamed and hid behind a table. “What IS that thing?!” Akaoni said as he peeked behind the table. “I don’t know! I thought it would be a cute pet or something like that!” Kabaton said as he began to set up a trap. “Yeah! But one of us has to act as bait so we can get that… that… THING… outta there!” Wolfrun shouted. The other villains hesitated, knowing that they didn’t want to be bait for whatever had arrived before them. “I’ll be the bait!” Akaoni said as he stepped before the demon cat and stood his guard while Wolfrun waited with the biggest butterfly net he could find. “Here, kitty kitty.” The giant Oni said as he coaxed the cat into his hands. But the moment he picked up the incubator, Kyubey bit back. “I’ll burn you into ash without hesitating.” He threatened as Akaoni gave a girly scream and leapt into the same net Wolfrun was going to catch Kyubey in.
At the same time, George Kurai was checking into his hotel room and soon decided to hit the swimming pool, sunscreen in hand. Why are things gonna get really bad back at the base?! Eh, it’s only just your imagination. He thought as he went down the elevator and made his way towards the pool. But back at the base, things weren’t going as well. Kyubey had escaped into another room, and Majorina was photographing Joker holding an Akanbe nose… only for their comrades to interrupt the picture and ruin it. “Why would you ruin this glorious moment?!” the clown snapped. “THAT THING!! THE DEMON CAT!!” Wolfrun pointed to Kyubey as he trotted over. “That?! That’s not a Demon Cat! It’s adorable!” Majorina replied as she picked up the incubator. Both her and Joker laughed until Kyubey spoke yet again. “I will grind your faces into head Cheese.” He threatened as both of them screamed and ran for it.
Both the Oni and the Wolf knew they had to do SOMETHING. So, without hesitation and after seeing their comrades devoured, they decided to warn EVERYONE about the demon cat and the danger he posed. “Ok, Akaoni. We only have ONE SHOT at this. We have to do it, and it’s crazy enough to work.” He said to his comrade. “On it.” Akaoni replied. “RUN, EVERYBODY, RUN! DEMON CAT!!!” They screeched as everyone who heard them ran for their lives. Their plan was working! After that, they started putting up posters of Kyubey, with the titular incubator paying them a visit only seconds later. When that didn’t work, they convinced Yango to go into his powered up form. “ATTENTION EVERYONE THERE’S A DEMON CAT WHO’S GONNA KILL YOU ALL!!” Akaoni announced, causing everyone below on the ground to scatter. Even rallying the other baddies together didn’t work, with Kyubey walking into the middle of the assembly, causing everyone to run away, street lamps to crash down, and everything to be set ablaze unceremoniously; followed by the giant witch Walpurgisnacht floating in the sky above the flames.
At the same time, at Dyspear’s penthouse suite, she was enjoying a cup of tea when suddenly… “ATTENTION! ATTENTION! THIS JUST IN: A DEMON CAT IS ON THE RISE AND CAUSING TERROR EVERYWHERE IT GOES!!” The newscast said, causing Dyspear to scream and fling the porcelain cup and saucer away, later throwing herself out the window; with twins Stop and Freeze failing to catch her in the trampoline below. “MY LEG!” Shouted someone as everyone raced around in terror and fear. Joker, on the other hand, was dialing George Kurai out of desperation. Ring-a-Ling! Went the CEO’s phone. “Yes? What is it?” George Kurai asked as he sipped a Pina colada. “DEMON CAT!!!” Joker yelled as loud as he could. “Oh gosh… I’ve gotta get back, FAST!!” The CEO replied as he rushed around, gathering his things and running out the door of the hotel to find a taxi. “We did it, Akaoni! We saved everyone! Just think what could’ve happened if we didn’t tell everyone about the Demon Cat!” Wolfrun said. “About the What?” Akaoni replied, confused.
At that moment, Kyubey appeared, sending everyone running. During said chase, they ran and screamed through all the towns their worst enemies resided in- from Hope Academy to Marchenland to even Hagukumi City, in hopes that they would be able to lose the pale white hellspawn, but to no avail. Not too long after, George Kurai arrived back. “I’m back. So, why did you call me- Did a hurricane hit this place?!” He said, stunned. Breathless, everyone else pointed to Kyubey, sitting on an armchair that was STILL burning. “You.” George Kurai said as he approached. “Yes, good sir?” Kyubey asked. “YOU!!!” The CEO yelled as he grabbed Kyubey and shoved him into a box, only for him to send the box to another world. “I hope we never see that THING again…!” Kabaton replied before fainting.
At the same time, in another world, Kyubey popped his head out of the box; only to see reds everywhere. At that moment, a trio of demons approached and looked at it. “Where did that thing come from, Blitzo?!” He said. “Don’t you F***ing ask, Moxxie.” Blitzo replied to Moxxie and Millie as they took the box and placed it on the table…
The End?
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nebulastarz · 1 year
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Behold, my favourite genre of precure villain! Wish we had more of this archetype without them getting replaced by their teammates :(
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kotaki · 9 months
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"Isn't it lonely being left all on your own?"
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Villain Protagonists Tournament Top 3
In Third Place We Have Setsuna Higashi/Eas/Cure Passion From Fresh Precure
In Second Place We Have Ballister Blackheart From Nimona
And In First Place We Have Invader Zim From Invader Zim
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smilepre · 23 days
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randomminty · 1 year
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I heard its her birthday and had a sudden urge to draw kirararararararrara
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rizumuj · 2 months
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sheepinthebigcity · 2 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Battamonda: "He tried to kidnap a baby and he's another boyfailure I love him"
Big Jet: Another Dealer's Choice! I feel like I should mention this is just a Russian fighter jet. This is a Russian fighter jet that bullies children. Objectum crowd will love this
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curehanni · 4 months
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asdfghjkl; they had no business being this funny
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dawdlingsleeper · 2 years
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⚙️🔧beta designs
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precure-screencaps · 1 year
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True strength
hirogaru sky! precure - ep. 12
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sekaiichi-happy · 10 months
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Kaoru Kiryuu | "i’m so glad… i met you all."
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