#precedent study
egophiliac · 11 days
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doylist explanation for why Gidel is only in Fellow's non-idle lesson animations: probably something about space constraints and making sure two sprites in one seat aren't covering anyone else when they're not in focus
watsonian explanation for why Gidel is only in Fellow's non-idle lesson animations: he snuck in and is hiding from the teachers, don't give him away 🤫
(I've reached my limit of unsuccessful attempts at pulling them before I need to save keys for Halloween, so I've been living vicariously through youtube videos...but the fact that Gidel just pops up from under the desk to wave his arms around happily is really testing my resolve. D: I'm gonna die when they finally get to do alchemy...)
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justjude99 · 2 years
A Study of The Meri House
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The Meri House was designed by architects Pezo von Ellrichshausen in 2014 for a family in La Floridia, Chile. Initially, the project was a much bigger, more permanent home. However, changes were made at the client’s request. The biggest change was the size, as it is about 1/3rd the size of the initial design. The grid-like structure of the house, having ten rooms and no corridors, is similar to a “shotgun house”, or, for those in New York City, a railway-style apartment, meaning that all rooms open up into one another, every room becomes an enfilade, in a sort of way.
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The materiality of the house is mainly pine, and since the structure in itself is a large rectangle, my approach to the model building for the sake of keeping it interesting was to make it more transparent–quite literally. Acrylic sheets were used for the majority of the model, while aluminum dowels imply the four edge corners of the house. All this was done in an attempt to remain as fluid and relatively simplistic as the original architects intended, while still steering away from building a true, hyper-realistic scaled model.
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la-pheacienne · 5 months
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George Martin, 2013: "In a very basic level winter is coming for all of us. I think that’s one of the things that art is concerned with: the awareness of our own mortality. “Valar morghulis” – “All men must die”. That shadow lies over our world and will until medical science gives us all immortality… but I don’t think it makes it necessarily a pessimistic world. Not any more pessimistic than the real world we live in. We’re here for a short time and we should be conscious of our own mortality, but the important thing is that love, compassion and empathy with other human beings is still possible. Laughter is still possible! Even laughter in the face of death… The struggle to make the world a better place… We have things like war, murder and rape… horrible things that still exist, but we don’t have to accept them, we can fight the good fight. The fight to eliminate those things.There is darkness in the world, but I don’t think we necessarily need to give way to despair. One of the great things that Tolkien says in Lord of The Rings is “despair is the ultimate crime”. That’s the ultimate failing of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, that he despairs of ever being able to defeat Sauron. We should not despair. We should not go gentle into that good night".
JRR Tolkien, 1962 : "One reviewer once said, this is a jolly jolly book, all the right boys come home [...]- this isn't true of course, he can't have read the story. [...] Human stories are practically always about one thing, really, aren't they? Death. The inevitability of death. . . . . . (He quotes Simone de Beauvoir) 'There is no such thing as a natural death. Nothing that ever happens to man is natural, since his presence calls the whole world into question. All men must die, but for every man his death is an accident, and even if he knows it he would sense to it an unjustifiable violation.' Well, you may agree with the words or not, but those are the key spring of The Lord Of The Rings".
"Lotr is all rainbows and unicorns and Asoiaf is nihilistic and grimdark". Wrong, and wrong. In all its hope and radiance, lotr often gets very dark, and despite all the death and suffering, the hopeful moments in asoiaf shine bright. The meeting point of these two is this: having hope while in despair, and even better, refusing to give up because you have to go on despite not having any hope left.
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neversetyoufree · 7 months
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The funniest thing about the Marquis Machina identity reveal is that it recontextualizes the shoes in her current outfit from "quirky Mochijun design choice" to "Francis Varney is a Japanophile."
Ye olde weeabeau.
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widowshill · 5 months
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roger collins & victoria winters / mr. & mrs. maxim de winter
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staraxiaa · 2 months
lena. tell me ur kiribaku-in-a-different-font, violent-mc-who’s-a-hero-or-a-drummer fic idea. now. ♥️
ur actually the best. thanks for validating my need for yapping LMAOO ill drip market it in tags,,,
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chicago-geniza · 5 months
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Holy shit it's her. Żydówka z pomarańczami (1881)
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dutyworn · 5 months
wren in every verse ever will have at least a smol crush on aria. in general, she's starstruck ever since, "don't fuck with aria". it's a little embarrassing for her if her squad notices.
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aurore-dupin · 9 months
There is something so Klavier and Ema about the fucking uh “You don’t know me, but I know you” bit
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jaarijani · 9 months
one of these days i will finish a birthday art on the actual birthday itself
today is not that day
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bw1tched · 5 months
xoxo thank u @zemnarihah for tagging me to do this picrew and post the last song i listened to! sorry it’s taken me three days LOL but this was fun!!
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i tag @allvanishingmemories @tapirtrash @katydidcomplex @butch-garfield @strawberryamanita and anyone else interested!!
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I was just watching a video on men playing women in Shakespeare performances and it said "remember, Ophelia was written to be played by a man" and my IMMEDIATE FIRST THOUGHT WAS
"Oh, so like, Dean Winchester"
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theygender · 2 years
Mine and my girlfriend's special interests are so funny to me bc I'm just like "hi I'm autistic and my special interest is dinosaurs uwu" and then you ask what her special interests are and it's like
The wreck of the Titanic
The Russian Revolution
The assassination of JFK
Unsolved murder cases from the 1800s
Stage magic
#my special interest is way more than just dinosaurs im oversimplifying ahdjska#dinosaurs are actually one of the least interesting parts of deep time to me#but theyre easier for me to talk about bc its the part everyone is already familiar with#my FAVORITE part of deep time is the animals that came before the dinosaurs#ESPECIALLY all the funky little dudes in the cambrian period#but also the beginning of life itself and all the animals that preceded and evolved into the classifications we know today#(the first vertebrates! the first land animals! the ancestors to amphibians and reptiles and mammals and dinosaurs!)#and also the things that came after them? like megafauna are really cool#and i love learning about the evolution of human ancestors too#and maybe even a bit of archaeology instead of paleontology if im feeling spicy (which would be humans less than 10000 years ago)#and theres other cool fields too like paleogeography?? like the study of ancient supercontinents and how they formed??#anyways im rambling. my point is that i think its funny that i have a somewhat stereotypical special interest with facets that all connect#while she has a lot of seemingly more random ones#a while back i picked up my qpp while i had some of trixies books in my car that she had asked me to return to the library#and as i moved the 6-7 books about the russian revolution out of my passenger seat i was just like#well. you probably can tell which special interest trixie is hyperfixating on right now 😂#other times she'll check out a bunch of jfk books or titanic books or magic books at once and go through them like crazy#and shes done a lot of personal research into different unsolved murder cases from the 1800s. even wanted to write a book at one point#i know im poking fun here but my gf is one of the coolest people in the world and has really cool special interests#it is my honor and privilege to listen to a goth girl infodump about historical murders and tragic accidents and magic o7#rambling
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stlispenard · 8 months
He admired his opposite by instinct. His soft, yielding, dislocated, sickly, shapeless ideas attached themselves to Enjolras as to a spinal column. His moral backbone leaned on that firmness. Grantaire in the presence of Enjolras became some one once more.
There are men who seem to be born to be the reverse, the obverse, the wrong side. They are Pollux, Patrocles, Nisus, Eudamidas, Ephestion, Pechmeja. They only exist on condition that they are backed up with another man; their name is a sequel, and is only written preceded by the conjunction and; and their existence is not their own; it is the other side of an existence which is not theirs. Grantaire was one of these men. He was the obverse of Enjolras.
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widowshill · 1 year
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honestly this is tricky because roger has the more Cultivated and Pretentious taste, and genres that would typically get classified as Better –– older jazz, classical, some opera –– but V's taste is just more fun –– pop, folk, soundtracks. Roger absolutely thinks V has bad taste in music ( at least at the beginning ) and in return she thinks he has, if not bad, then weird taste ( an opinion not limited to just music ). ultimately i think V's is better because she's less limited by like ... Class and Canon ideas of what's good music, she's drawn to what moves her and her record collection is fairly diverse for its size. and most importantly, her music gets them dancing <3
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ava-of-shenanigans · 11 months
I’m more than halfway through my Middle Egyptian textbook, which means I know know more than one and a half languages, and now I can understand one of clauses in the Kahun fragment completely (unless I learn about constructions later that would look like exactly like the constructions I think these are and also work, in which case egg on my face for getting too confident).
(This isn’t one of the parts where Set says horny things. I’m pretty sure it’s one of the parts where Isis gives Horus advice. Sorry. I am aware that figuring out if Set is a bisexual icon or not is the only we’re all here /joke.)
Anyway so there’s this part, right here in the fragment:
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And (nerd words incoming, you don’t really need to care about this part, the point is that I can explain how all the pieces of it fit together without being confused about anything and I’m very proud of that): nn (those shrugging arms and the jagged line beneath them) and rdit (the mouth, the arm, and that semicircle) are a negated infinite verb construction (“without [verb]ing”), and mA (the sickle, the eye, and the vulture) is probably a prospective form that’s acting as the direct object of rdit, since there’s only one vulture it in instead of two and the word after it, st (that folded linen glyph and that other semicircle) doesn’t make sense as the next word if it’s an infinitive and Ra (other mouth above arm, as well as the sun, the vertical stroke, and that bird perched on a stick) is also part of the sentence.
ANYWAY it should mean “without causing that Ra should see it,” or in a way that makes more sense to say in English “without letting Ra see it.” (The Latin translation just uses the word “sun” instead of Ra’s name, but capitalized, which makes sense because “Ra” and “sun” are literally the same word in Egyptian. I’m not sure which word is better here. Maybe the English connotations of just “sun” are better, the Contendings version of this myth makes a big deal about whether there’s daylight out or not when everything happens.)
Anyway, I feel pretty confident about this one part now, hoorayyyyyy progress! and hopefully I’ll be clearer on the rest of it soon.
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